typedef enum bit[4:0] { BANK00, BANKF8, BANKF6, BANKFE, BANKE0, BANK3F, BANKF4, BANKP2, BANKFA, BANKCV, BANK2K, BANKUA, BANKE7, BANKF0, BANK32, BANKAR, BANK3E, BANKSB, BANKWD, BANKEF, BANKDPCP, BANKCTY, BANKCDF, BANKEND } bss_type ; module detect2600 ( input clk, input reset, input [15:0] addr, input enable, input [31:0] cart_size, input [7:0] data, output reg [4:0] force_bs, output reg sc ); wire hasMatch3F; always @(posedge clk) begin sc<=0; if (hasMatchFE) force_bs<=BANKFE; else if (hasMatchE0 && cart_size=='d8192) force_bs<=BANKE0; else if (hasMatch3E && cart_size>'d4096) force_bs<=BANK3E; else if (hasMatch3F && cart_size>'d4096) force_bs<=BANK3F; else if (hasMatchSB && cart_size>='d131072) force_bs<=BANKSB; else if (hasMatchEF && cart_size=='d65536 ) begin force_bs<=BANKEF; sc <= has_sc; end else if (hasMatchDPCP && cart_size=='d32768) force_bs<=BANKDPCP; else if (hasMatchCTY && cart_size=='d32768) force_bs<=BANKCTY; else if (hasMatchCTY && cart_size=='d61440) force_bs<=BANKCTY; // F4 banking works for the one game that uses this else if (hasMatchCDF && cart_size>='d32768) force_bs<=BANKCDF; else if (hasMatchCV) force_bs<=BANKCV; else if (hasMatchE7) force_bs<=BANKE7; else if (cart_size == 'h2000 && hasMatchWD ) force_bs<=BANKWD; // 8k else if (cart_size == 'h2000 && hasMatchUA ) force_bs<=BANKUA; // 8k and less else if (cart_size == 'h1800) force_bs<=BANKAR; // multiple of 8448 is cassette AR else if (cart_size == 'h2100) force_bs<=BANKAR; // multiple of 8448 is cassette AR else if (cart_size == 'h4200) force_bs<=BANKAR; // multiple of 8448 is cassette AR else if (cart_size == 'h6300) force_bs<=BANKAR; // multiple of 8448 is cassette AR else if (cart_size == 'h8400) force_bs<=BANKAR; // multiple of 8448 is cassette AR else if (cart_size <= 'h0800) force_bs<=BANK2K; // 2k and less else if (cart_size <= 'h1000) force_bs<=BANK00; // 4k and less else if (cart_size <= 'h2000) begin force_bs<=BANKF8; // 8k and less sc <= has_sc; end else if (cart_size >= 'h2800 && cart_size <= 'h2900) force_bs<=BANKP2; // 10k+256 and less, should be > 10k < 10k+256? else if (cart_size <= 'h3000) force_bs<=BANKFA; // 12k and less else if (cart_size <= 'h4000) begin force_bs<=BANKF6; // 16k and less sc <= has_sc; end else if (cart_size <= 'h8000) begin force_bs<=BANKF4; // 32k and less sc <= has_sc; end else if (cart_size < 'h10000) force_bs<=BANK32; // 64k and less else if (cart_size == 'h10000) force_bs<=BANKF0; // 64k - there are a few checks here else force_bs<=0; //wire hasMatchFE = (~hasMatchF8) && (hasMatchFE_0 | hasMatchFE_1 | hasMatchFE_2 | hasMatchFE_3 ); //$display(" hasMatchF8 %x hasMatchFE_0 %x hasMatchFE_1 %x hasMatcHFE_2 %x hasMatchFE_3 %x",hasMatchF8,hasMatchFE_0,hasMatchFE_1,hasMatchFE_2,hasMatchFE_3); //$display(" hasMatchFE %x ",hasMatchFE); end //---------------------------- // EF detector //---------------------------- wire hasMatchEF_0 , hasMatchEF_1, hasMatchEF_2,hasMatchEF_3; wire hasMatchEF = hasMatchEF_0 | hasMatchEF_1| hasMatchEF_2 | hasMatchEF_3; /* uInt8 signature[4][3] = { { 0x0C, 0xE0, 0xFF }, // NOP $FFE0 { 0xAD, 0xE0, 0xFF }, // LDA $FFE0 { 0x0C, 0xE0, 0x1F }, // NOP $1FE0 { 0xAD, 0xE0, 0x1F } // LDA $1FE0 }; */ match_bytes #( .num_bytes(8'd3), .pattern({ 8'h0C, 8'hE0 , 8'hFF }), .needmatches(8'd1) ) match_bytes_EF_0( .addr(addr), .enable(enable), .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .data(data), .hasMatch(hasMatchEF_0) ); match_bytes #( .num_bytes(8'd3), .pattern({ 8'hAD, 8'hE0 , 8'hFF }), .needmatches(8'd1) ) match_bytes_EF_1( .addr(addr), .enable(enable), .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .data(data), .hasMatch(hasMatchEF_1) ); match_bytes #( .num_bytes(8'd3), .pattern({ 8'h0C, 8'hE0 , 8'h1F }), .needmatches(8'd1) ) match_bytes_EF_2( .addr(addr), .enable(enable), .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .data(data), .hasMatch(hasMatchEF_2) ); match_bytes #( .num_bytes(8'd3), .pattern({ 8'hAD, 8'hE0 , 8'h1F }), .needmatches(8'd1) ) match_bytes_EF_3( .addr(addr), .enable(enable), .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .data(data), .hasMatch(hasMatchEF_3) ); //---------------------------- // DPC+ detector //---------------------------- wire hasMatchDPCP; match_bytes #( .num_bytes(8'd4), .pattern({ 8'h44, 8'h50 , 8'h43, 8'h2B }), .needmatches(8'd2) ) match_bytes_DPCP( .addr(addr), .enable(enable), .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .data(data), .hasMatch(hasMatchDPCP) ); //---------------------------- // CTY detector //---------------------------- wire hasMatchCTY; match_bytes #( .num_bytes(8'd5), .pattern({ 8'h4C, 8'h45 , 8'h4E, 8'h49, 8'h4E }), .needmatches(8'd1) ) match_bytes_CTY( .addr(addr), .enable(enable), .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .data(data), .hasMatch(hasMatchCTY) ); wire hasMatchCDF = hasMatchCDF_1 | hasMatchCDF_2; wire hasMatchCDF_1,hasMatchCDF_2; match_bytes #( .num_bytes(8'd3), .pattern({ 8'h43, 8'h44 , 8'h46 }), .needmatches(8'd3) ) match_bytes_CDF_1( .addr(addr), .enable(enable), .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .data(data), .hasMatch(hasMatchCDF_1) ); match_bytes #( .num_bytes(8'd8), .pattern({ 8'h50, 8'h4C , 8'h55, 8'h53, 8'h43, 8'h44, 8'h46, 8'h4A }), .needmatches(8'd1) ) match_bytes_CDF_2( .addr(addr), .enable(enable), .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .data(data), .hasMatch(hasMatchCDF_2) ); /* wire hasMatchEF = hasMatchEF_1 & hasMatchEF_2 & hasMatchEF_3 & hasMatchEF_4 ; reg hasMatchEF_1; reg hasMatchEF_2; reg hasMatchEF_3; reg hasMatchEF_4; always @(posedge clk) begin $display("hasMatchEF_1 %x %x %x %x %x",hasMatchEF_1,hasMatchEF_2,hasMatchEF_3,hasMatchEF_4,hasMatchEF); if (addr=='hFFF8) begin hasMatchEF_1<=1'b0; if (data=='h45) hasMatchEF_1 <= 1'b1; end if (addr=='hFFF9) begin hasMatchEF_2<=1'b0; if (data=='h46) hasMatchEF_2 <= 1'b1; end if (addr=='hFFF0) begin $display("data %x",data); hasMatchEF_3<=1'b0; if (data=='h45) hasMatchEF_3 <= 1'b1; end if (addr=='hFFFA) begin hasMatchEF_4<=1'b0; if (data=='h46) hasMatchEF_4 <= 1'b1; end end */ //---------------------------- // 3F detector //---------------------------- match_bytes #( .num_bytes(8'd2), .pattern({ 8'h85, 8'h3F }), .needmatches(8'd2) ) match_bytes_3F( .addr(addr), .enable(enable), .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .data(data), .hasMatch(hasMatch3F) ); //---------------------------- // 3E detector //---------------------------- /* bool CartDetector::isProbably3E(const ByteBuffer& image, size_t size) { // 3E cart RAM bankswitching is triggered by storing the bank number // in address 3E using 'STA $3E', ROM bankswitching is triggered by // storing the bank number in address 3F using 'STA $3F'. // We expect the latter will be present at least 2 times, since there // are at least two banks uInt8 signature1[] = { 0x85, 0x3E }; // STA $3E uInt8 signature2[] = { 0x85, 0x3F }; // STA $3F return searchForBytes(image, size, signature1, 2) && searchForBytes(image, size, signature2, 2, 2); } */ wire hasMatch3E = hasMatch3E_1 & hasMatch3F; wire hasMatch3E_1; match_bytes #( .num_bytes(8'd2), .pattern({ 8'h85, 8'h3E }), .needmatches(8'd1) ) match_bytes_3E_1( .addr(addr), .enable(enable), .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .data(data), .hasMatch(hasMatch3E_1) ); //------------------------------ // WD detector //------------------------------- /* bool CartDetector::isProbablyWD(const ByteBuffer& image, size_t size) { // WD cart bankswitching switches banks by accessing address 0x30..0x3f uInt8 signature[1][3] = { { 0xA5, 0x39, 0x4C } // LDA $39, JMP }; return searchForBytes(image, size, signature[0], 3); } */ wire hasMatchWD; match_bytes #( .num_bytes(8'd3), .pattern({ 8'hA5,8'h39, 8'h4C }), .needmatches(8'd1) ) match_bytes_WD_1( .addr(addr), .enable(enable), .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .data(data), .hasMatch(hasMatchWD) ); //------------------------------ // SB detector //------------------------------- /* bool CartDetector::isProbablySB(const ByteBuffer& image, size_t size) { // SB cart bankswitching switches banks by accessing address 0x0800 uInt8 signature[2][3] = { { 0xBD, 0x00, 0x08 }, // LDA $0800,x { 0xAD, 0x00, 0x08 } // LDA $0800 }; if(searchForBytes(image, size, signature[0], 3)) return true; else return searchForBytes(image, size, signature[1], 3); } */ wire hasMatchSB = hasMatchSB_1 | hasMatchSB_2; wire hasMatchSB_1,hasMatchSB_2; match_bytes #( .num_bytes(8'd3), .pattern({ 8'hBD,8'h00, 8'h08 }), .needmatches(8'd1) ) match_bytes_SB_1( .addr(addr), .enable(enable), .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .data(data), .hasMatch(hasMatchSB_1) ); match_bytes #( .num_bytes(8'd3), .pattern({ 8'hAD,8'h00, 8'h08 }), .needmatches(8'd1) ) match_bytes_SB_2( .addr(addr), .enable(enable), .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .data(data), .hasMatch(hasMatchSB_2) ); //------------------------------ // E7 detector //------------------------------- /* bool CartDetector::isProbablyE7(const ByteBuffer& image, size_t size) { // E7 cart bankswitching is triggered by accessing addresses // $FE0 to $FE6 using absolute non-indexed addressing // To eliminate false positives (and speed up processing), we // search for only certain known signatures // Thanks to "stella@casperkitty.com" for this advice // These signatures are attributed to the MESS project uInt8 signature[7][3] = { { 0xAD, 0xE2, 0xFF }, // LDA $FFE2 { 0xAD, 0xE5, 0xFF }, // LDA $FFE5 { 0xAD, 0xE5, 0x1F }, // LDA $1FE5 { 0xAD, 0xE7, 0x1F }, // LDA $1FE7 { 0x0C, 0xE7, 0x1F }, // NOP $1FE7 { 0x8D, 0xE7, 0xFF }, // STA $FFE7 { 0x8D, 0xE7, 0x1F } // STA $1FE7 }; for(uInt32 i = 0; i < 7; ++i) if(searchForBytes(image, size, signature[i], 3)) return true; return false; } */ wire hasMatchE7_0 , hasMatchE7_1 , hasMatchE7_2 , hasMatchE7_3 , hasMatchE7_4 , hasMatchE7_5 , hasMatchE7_6; wire hasMatchE7 = hasMatchE7_0 | hasMatchE7_1 | hasMatchE7_2 | hasMatchE7_3 | hasMatchE7_4 | hasMatchE7_5 | hasMatchE7_6; match_bytes #( .num_bytes(8'd3), .pattern({ 8'hAD, 8'hE2 , 8'hFF }), .needmatches(8'd1) ) match_bytes_E7_0( .addr(addr), .enable(enable), .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .data(data), .hasMatch(hasMatchE7_0) ); match_bytes #( .num_bytes(8'd3), .pattern({ 8'hAD, 8'hE5 , 8'hFF }), .needmatches(8'd1) ) match_bytes_E7_1( .addr(addr), .enable(enable), .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .data(data), .hasMatch(hasMatchE7_1) ); match_bytes #( .num_bytes(8'd3), .pattern({ 8'hAD, 8'hE5 , 8'h1F }), .needmatches(8'd1) ) match_bytes_E7_2( .addr(addr), .enable(enable), .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .data(data), .hasMatch(hasMatchE7_2) ); match_bytes #( .num_bytes(8'd3), .pattern({ 8'hAD, 8'hE7 , 8'h1F }), .needmatches(8'd1) ) match_bytes_E7_3( .addr(addr), .enable(enable), .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .data(data), .hasMatch(hasMatchE7_3) ); match_bytes #( .num_bytes(8'd3), .pattern({ 8'h0C, 8'hE7 , 8'h1F }), .needmatches(8'd1) ) match_bytes_E7_4( .addr(addr), .enable(enable), .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .data(data), .hasMatch(hasMatchE7_4) ); match_bytes #( .num_bytes(8'd3), .pattern({ 8'h8D, 8'hE7 , 8'hFF }), .needmatches(8'd1) ) match_bytes_E7_5( .addr(addr), .enable(enable), .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .data(data), .hasMatch(hasMatchE7_5) ); match_bytes #( .num_bytes(8'd3), .pattern({ 8'hAD, 8'hE7 , 8'h1F }), .needmatches(8'd1) ) match_bytes_E7_6( .addr(addr), .enable(enable), .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .data(data), .hasMatch(hasMatchE7_6) ); //------------------------------ // E0 detector //------------------------------- /* bool CartDetector::isProbablyE0(const ByteBuffer& image, size_t size) { // E0 cart bankswitching is triggered by accessing addresses // $FE0 to $FF9 using absolute non-indexed addressing // To eliminate false positives (and speed up processing), we // search for only certain known signatures // Thanks to "stella@casperkitty.com" for this advice // These signatures are attributed to the MESS project uInt8 signature[8][3] = { { 0x8D, 0xE0, 0x1F }, // STA $1FE0 { 0x8D, 0xE0, 0x5F }, // STA $5FE0 { 0x8D, 0xE9, 0xFF }, // STA $FFE9 { 0x0C, 0xE0, 0x1F }, // NOP $1FE0 { 0xAD, 0xE0, 0x1F }, // LDA $1FE0 { 0xAD, 0xE9, 0xFF }, // LDA $FFE9 { 0xAD, 0xED, 0xFF }, // LDA $FFED { 0xAD, 0xF3, 0xBF } // LDA $BFF3 }; for(uInt32 i = 0; i < 8; ++i) if(searchForBytes(image, size, signature[i], 3)) return true; return false; } */ wire hasMatchE0_0 , hasMatchE0_1 , hasMatchE0_2 , hasMatchE0_3 , hasMatchE0_4 , hasMatchE0_5 , hasMatchE0_6 , hasMatchE0_7; wire hasMatchE0 = hasMatchE0_0 | hasMatchE0_1 | hasMatchE0_2 | hasMatchE0_3 | hasMatchE0_4 | hasMatchE0_5 | hasMatchE0_6 | hasMatchE0_7; match_bytes #( .num_bytes(8'd3), .pattern({ 8'h8D, 8'hE0 , 8'h1F }), .needmatches(8'd1) ) match_bytes_E0_0( .addr(addr), .enable(enable), .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .data(data), .hasMatch(hasMatchE0_0) ); match_bytes #( .num_bytes(8'd3), .pattern({ 8'h8D, 8'hE0 , 8'h5F }), .needmatches(8'd1) ) match_bytes_E0_1( .addr(addr), .enable(enable), .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .data(data), .hasMatch(hasMatchE0_1) ); match_bytes #( .num_bytes(8'd3), .pattern({ 8'h8D, 8'hE9 , 8'hFF }), .needmatches(8'd1) ) match_bytes_E0_2( .addr(addr), .enable(enable), .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .data(data), .hasMatch(hasMatchE0_2) ); match_bytes #( .num_bytes(8'd3), .pattern({ 8'h0C, 8'hE0 , 8'h1F }), .needmatches(8'd1) ) match_bytes_E0_3( .addr(addr), .enable(enable), .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .data(data), .hasMatch(hasMatchE0_3) ); match_bytes #( .num_bytes(8'd3), .pattern({ 8'hAD, 8'hE0 , 8'h1F }), .needmatches(8'd1) ) match_bytes_E0_4( .addr(addr), .enable(enable), .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .data(data), .hasMatch(hasMatchE0_4) ); match_bytes #( .num_bytes(8'd3), .pattern({ 8'hAD, 8'hE9 , 8'hFF }), .needmatches(8'd1) ) match_bytes_E0_5( .addr(addr), .enable(enable), .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .data(data), .hasMatch(hasMatchE0_5) ); match_bytes #( .num_bytes(8'd3), .pattern({ 8'hAD, 8'hED , 8'hFF }), .needmatches(8'd1) ) match_bytes_E0_6( .addr(addr), .enable(enable), .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .data(data), .hasMatch(hasMatchE0_6) ); match_bytes #( .num_bytes(8'd3), .pattern({ 8'hAD, 8'hF3 , 8'hBF }), .needmatches(8'd1) ) match_bytes_E0_7( .addr(addr), .enable(enable), .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .data(data), .hasMatch(hasMatchE0_7) ); //------------------------------ // FE detector //------------------------------- // we need to check is FE and not F8 wire hasMatchF8_0 , hasMatchF8_1; wire hasMatchF8 = hasMatchF8_0 | hasMatchF8_1; wire hasMatchFE_0 , hasMatchFE_1 , hasMatchFE_2 , hasMatchFE_3; wire hasMatchFE = (~hasMatchF8) && (hasMatchFE_0 | hasMatchFE_1 | hasMatchFE_2 | hasMatchFE_3 ); match_bytes #( .num_bytes(8'd3), .pattern({ 8'h8D, 8'hF9 , 8'h1F }), .needmatches(8'd2) ) match_bytes_F8_0( .addr(addr), .enable(enable), .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .data(data), .hasMatch(hasMatchF8_0) ); match_bytes #( .num_bytes(8'd3), .pattern({ 8'h8D, 8'hF9 , 8'hFF }), .needmatches(8'd2) ) match_bytes_F8_1( .addr(addr), .enable(enable), .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .data(data), .hasMatch(hasMatchF8_1) ); match_bytes #( .num_bytes(8'd5), .pattern({ 8'h20, 8'h00 , 8'hD0, 8'hC6 , 8'hC5 }), .needmatches(8'd1) ) match_bytes_FE_0( .addr(addr), .enable(enable), .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .data(data), .hasMatch(hasMatchFE_0) ); match_bytes #( .num_bytes(8'd5), .pattern({ 8'h20, 8'hC3 , 8'hF8, 8'hA5 , 8'h82 }), .needmatches(8'd1) ) match_bytes_FE_1( .addr(addr), .enable(enable), .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .data(data), .hasMatch(hasMatchFE_1) ); match_bytes #( .num_bytes(8'd5), .pattern({ 8'hD0, 8'hFB , 8'h20, 8'h73 , 8'hFE }), .needmatches(8'd1) ) match_bytes_FE_2( .addr(addr), .enable(enable), .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .data(data), .hasMatch(hasMatchFE_2) ); match_bytes #( .num_bytes(8'd5), .pattern({ 8'h20, 8'h00 , 8'hF0, 8'h84 , 8'hD6 }), .needmatches(8'd1) ) match_bytes_FE_3( .addr(addr), .enable(enable), .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .data(data), .hasMatch(hasMatchFE_3) ); /* // First check for *potential* F8 uInt8 signature[2][3] = { { 0x8D, 0xF9, 0x1F }, // STA $1FF9 { 0x8D, 0xF9, 0xFF } // STA $FFF9 }; bool f8 = searchForBytes(image, size, signature[0], 3, 2) || searchForBytes(image, size, signature[1], 3, 2); else if(isProbablyFE(image, size) && !f8) type = Bankswitch::Type::_FE; bool CartDetector::isProbablyFE(const ByteBuffer& image, size_t size) { // FE bankswitching is very weird, but always seems to include a // 'JSR $xxxx' // These signatures are attributed to the MESS project uInt8 signature[4][5] = { { 0x20, 0x00, 0xD0, 0xC6, 0xC5 }, // JSR $D000; DEC $C5 { 0x20, 0xC3, 0xF8, 0xA5, 0x82 }, // JSR $F8C3; LDA $82 { 0xD0, 0xFB, 0x20, 0x73, 0xFE }, // BNE $FB; JSR $FE73 { 0x20, 0x00, 0xF0, 0x84, 0xD6 } // JSR $F000; $84, $D6 }; for(uInt32 i = 0; i < 4; ++i) if(searchForBytes(image, size, signature[i], 5)) return true; return false; } */ //------------------------------ // CV detector //------------------------------- wire hasMatchCV_0 , hasMatchCV_1; wire hasMatchCV = hasMatchCV_0 | hasMatchCV_1; match_bytes #( .num_bytes(8'd3), .pattern({ 8'h9D, 8'hFF , 8'hF3 }), .needmatches(8'd1) ) match_bytes_CV_0( .addr(addr), .enable(enable), .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .data(data), .hasMatch(hasMatchCV_0) ); match_bytes #( .num_bytes(8'd3), .pattern({ 8'h99, 8'h00 , 8'hF4 }), .needmatches(8'd1) ) match_bytes_CV_1( .addr(addr), .enable(enable), .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .data(data), .hasMatch(hasMatchCV_1) ); /* bool CartDetector::isProbablyCV(const ByteBuffer& image, size_t size) { // CV RAM access occurs at addresses $f3ff and $f400 // These signatures are attributed to the MESS project uInt8 signature[2][3] = { { 0x9D, 0xFF, 0xF3 }, // STA $F3FF.X { 0x99, 0x00, 0xF4 } // STA $F400.Y }; if(searchForBytes(image, size, signature[0], 3)) return true; else return searchForBytes(image, size, signature[1], 3); } */ //------------------------------ // UA detector //------------------------------- wire hasMatchUA_0 , hasMatchUA_1 , hasMatchUA_2 , hasMatchUA_3 , hasMatchUA_4 , hasMatchUA_5 , hasMatchUA_6; wire hasMatchUA = hasMatchUA_0 | hasMatchUA_1 | hasMatchUA_2 | hasMatchUA_3 | hasMatchUA_4 | hasMatchUA_5 | hasMatchUA_6; match_bytes #( .num_bytes(8'd3), .pattern({ 8'h8D, 8'h40 , 8'h02 }), .needmatches(8'd1) ) match_bytes_UA_0( .addr(addr), .enable(enable), .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .data(data), .hasMatch(hasMatchUA_0) ); match_bytes #( .num_bytes(8'd3), .pattern({ 8'hAD, 8'h40 , 8'h02 }), .needmatches(8'd1) ) match_bytes_UA_1( .addr(addr), .enable(enable), .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .data(data), .hasMatch(hasMatchUA_1) ); match_bytes #( .num_bytes(8'd3), .pattern({ 8'hBD, 8'h1F , 8'h02 }), .needmatches(8'd1) ) match_bytes_UA_2( .addr(addr), .enable(enable), .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .data(data), .hasMatch(hasMatchUA_2) ); match_bytes #( .num_bytes(8'd3), .pattern({ 8'h2C, 8'hC0 , 8'h02 }), .needmatches(8'd1) ) match_bytes_UA_3( .addr(addr), .enable(enable), .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .data(data), .hasMatch(hasMatchUA_3) ); match_bytes #( .num_bytes(8'd3), .pattern({ 8'h8D, 8'hC0 , 8'h02 }), .needmatches(8'd1) ) match_bytes_UA_4( .addr(addr), .enable(enable), .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .data(data), .hasMatch(hasMatchUA_4) ); match_bytes #( .num_bytes(8'd3), .pattern({ 8'hAD, 8'hC0 , 8'h02 }), .needmatches(8'd1) ) match_bytes_UA_5( .addr(addr), .enable(enable), .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .data(data), .hasMatch(hasMatchUA_5) ); match_bytes #( .num_bytes(8'd3), .pattern({ 8'h2C, 8'hC0 , 8'h0F }), .needmatches(8'd1) ) match_bytes_UA_6( .addr(addr), .enable(enable), .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .data(data), .hasMatch(hasMatchUA_6) ); /* bool CartDetector::isProbablyUA(const ByteBuffer& image, size_t size) { // UA cart bankswitching switches to bank 1 by accessing address 0x240 // using 'STA $240' or 'LDA $240' // Similar Brazilian (Digivison) cart bankswitching switches to bank 1 by accessing address 0x2C0 // using 'BIT $2C0', 'STA $2C0' or 'LDA $2C0' // Other Brazilian (Atari Mania) ROM's bankswitching switches to bank 1 by accessing address 0xFC0 // using 'BIT $FA0', 'BIT $FC0' or 'STA $FA0' uInt8 signature[7][3] = { { 0x8D, 0x40, 0x02 }, // STA $240 (Funky Fish, Pleiades) { 0xAD, 0x40, 0x02 }, // LDA $240 (???) { 0xBD, 0x1F, 0x02 }, // LDA $21F,X (Gingerbread Man) { 0x2C, 0xC0, 0x02 }, // BIT $2C0 (Time Pilot) { 0x8D, 0xC0, 0x02 }, // STA $2C0 (Fathom, Vanguard) { 0xAD, 0xC0, 0x02 }, // LDA $2C0 (Mickey) { 0x2C, 0xC0, 0x0F } // BIT $FC0 (H.E.R.O., Kung-Fu Master) }; for(uInt32 i = 0; i < 7; ++i) if(searchForBytes(image, size, signature[i], 3)) return true; return false; } */ //------------------------------ // SC detector //------------------------------- // /* bool CartDetector::isProbablySC(const ByteBuffer& image, size_t size) { // We assume a Superchip cart repeats the first 128 bytes for the second // 128 bytes in the RAM area, which is the first 256 bytes of each 4K bank const uInt8* ptr = image.get(); while(size) { if(std::memcmp(ptr, ptr + 128, 128) != 0) return false; ptr += 4_KB; size -= 4_KB; } return true; } */ // grab and save the CRC for the first 128 bytes // each 4k check 128 bytes, and fail if CRC doesn't match reg [31:0] sc_crc0,sc_crc1,sc_crc2; reg has_sc; // 80 - 100 always @(posedge clk) begin if (enable) begin if (addr < 16'h80) begin if (addr==0) begin sc_crc1<=0; has_sc<=0; sc_crc0<=nextCRC32_D8(data,32'b0); end else sc_crc0<=nextCRC32_D8(data,sc_crc0); end else if (addr >= 16'h80 && addr < 16'h100) begin sc_crc1<=nextCRC32_D8(data,sc_crc1); end else if (addr==16'h100) begin has_sc<= (sc_crc0==sc_crc1); sc_crc0<=0; sc_crc1<=0; end if (addr >= 16'h1000 && addr < 16'h1080) begin sc_crc0<=nextCRC32_D8(data,sc_crc0); end else if (addr >= 16'h1080 && addr < 16'h1100) begin sc_crc1<=nextCRC32_D8(data,sc_crc1); end else if (addr==16'h1100) begin if (has_sc) has_sc<= (sc_crc0==sc_crc1); end end end //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copyright (C) 1999-2008 Easics NV. // This source file may be used and distributed without restriction // provided that this copyright statement is not removed from the file // and that any derivative work contains the original copyright notice // and the associated disclaimer. // // THIS SOURCE FILE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS // OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED // WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // Purpose : synthesizable CRC function // * polynomial: x^32 + x^26 + x^23 + x^22 + x^16 + x^12 + x^11 + x^10 + x^8 + x^7 + x^5 + x^4 + x^2 + x^1 + 1 // * data width: 8 // // Info : tools@easics.be // http://www.easics.com //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // polynomial: x^32 + x^26 + x^23 + x^22 + x^16 + x^12 + x^11 + x^10 + x^8 + x^7 + x^5 + x^4 + x^2 + x^1 + 1 // data width: 8 // convention: the first serial bit is D[7] function [31:0] nextCRC32_D8; input [7:0] Data; input [31:0] crc; reg [7:0] d; reg [31:0] c; reg [31:0] newcrc; begin d = Data; c = crc; newcrc[0] = d[6] ^ d[0] ^ c[24] ^ c[30]; newcrc[1] = d[7] ^ d[6] ^ d[1] ^ d[0] ^ c[24] ^ c[25] ^ c[30] ^ c[31]; newcrc[2] = d[7] ^ d[6] ^ d[2] ^ d[1] ^ d[0] ^ c[24] ^ c[25] ^ c[26] ^ c[30] ^ c[31]; newcrc[3] = d[7] ^ d[3] ^ d[2] ^ d[1] ^ c[25] ^ c[26] ^ c[27] ^ c[31]; newcrc[4] = d[6] ^ d[4] ^ d[3] ^ d[2] ^ d[0] ^ c[24] ^ c[26] ^ c[27] ^ c[28] ^ c[30]; newcrc[5] = d[7] ^ d[6] ^ d[5] ^ d[4] ^ d[3] ^ d[1] ^ d[0] ^ c[24] ^ c[25] ^ c[27] ^ c[28] ^ c[29] ^ c[30] ^ c[31]; newcrc[6] = d[7] ^ d[6] ^ d[5] ^ d[4] ^ d[2] ^ d[1] ^ c[25] ^ c[26] ^ c[28] ^ c[29] ^ c[30] ^ c[31]; newcrc[7] = d[7] ^ d[5] ^ d[3] ^ d[2] ^ d[0] ^ c[24] ^ c[26] ^ c[27] ^ c[29] ^ c[31]; newcrc[8] = d[4] ^ d[3] ^ d[1] ^ d[0] ^ c[0] ^ c[24] ^ c[25] ^ c[27] ^ c[28]; newcrc[9] = d[5] ^ d[4] ^ d[2] ^ d[1] ^ c[1] ^ c[25] ^ c[26] ^ c[28] ^ c[29]; newcrc[10] = d[5] ^ d[3] ^ d[2] ^ d[0] ^ c[2] ^ c[24] ^ c[26] ^ c[27] ^ c[29]; newcrc[11] = d[4] ^ d[3] ^ d[1] ^ d[0] ^ c[3] ^ c[24] ^ c[25] ^ c[27] ^ c[28]; newcrc[12] = d[6] ^ d[5] ^ d[4] ^ d[2] ^ d[1] ^ d[0] ^ c[4] ^ c[24] ^ c[25] ^ c[26] ^ c[28] ^ c[29] ^ c[30]; newcrc[13] = d[7] ^ d[6] ^ d[5] ^ d[3] ^ d[2] ^ d[1] ^ c[5] ^ c[25] ^ c[26] ^ c[27] ^ c[29] ^ c[30] ^ c[31]; newcrc[14] = d[7] ^ d[6] ^ d[4] ^ d[3] ^ d[2] ^ c[6] ^ c[26] ^ c[27] ^ c[28] ^ c[30] ^ c[31]; newcrc[15] = d[7] ^ d[5] ^ d[4] ^ d[3] ^ c[7] ^ c[27] ^ c[28] ^ c[29] ^ c[31]; newcrc[16] = d[5] ^ d[4] ^ d[0] ^ c[8] ^ c[24] ^ c[28] ^ c[29]; newcrc[17] = d[6] ^ d[5] ^ d[1] ^ c[9] ^ c[25] ^ c[29] ^ c[30]; newcrc[18] = d[7] ^ d[6] ^ d[2] ^ c[10] ^ c[26] ^ c[30] ^ c[31]; newcrc[19] = d[7] ^ d[3] ^ c[11] ^ c[27] ^ c[31]; newcrc[20] = d[4] ^ c[12] ^ c[28]; newcrc[21] = d[5] ^ c[13] ^ c[29]; newcrc[22] = d[0] ^ c[14] ^ c[24]; newcrc[23] = d[6] ^ d[1] ^ d[0] ^ c[15] ^ c[24] ^ c[25] ^ c[30]; newcrc[24] = d[7] ^ d[2] ^ d[1] ^ c[16] ^ c[25] ^ c[26] ^ c[31]; newcrc[25] = d[3] ^ d[2] ^ c[17] ^ c[26] ^ c[27]; newcrc[26] = d[6] ^ d[4] ^ d[3] ^ d[0] ^ c[18] ^ c[24] ^ c[27] ^ c[28] ^ c[30]; newcrc[27] = d[7] ^ d[5] ^ d[4] ^ d[1] ^ c[19] ^ c[25] ^ c[28] ^ c[29] ^ c[31]; newcrc[28] = d[6] ^ d[5] ^ d[2] ^ c[20] ^ c[26] ^ c[29] ^ c[30]; newcrc[29] = d[7] ^ d[6] ^ d[3] ^ c[21] ^ c[27] ^ c[30] ^ c[31]; newcrc[30] = d[7] ^ d[4] ^ c[22] ^ c[28] ^ c[31]; newcrc[31] = d[5] ^ c[23] ^ c[29]; nextCRC32_D8 = newcrc; end endfunction endmodule: detect2600 module match_bytes ( input clk, input reset, input [15:0] addr, input enable, input [7:0] data, // data in, output reg hasMatch ); parameter [7:0] num_bytes; parameter [(num_bytes*8)-1:0] pattern; parameter [7:0] needmatches=8'b1; reg [(num_bytes*8)-1:0] lastPattern; reg [7:0] curMatch; always @(posedge clk) begin if (enable) begin // use address 0 as reset since reset is high during cart loads if (addr==16'b0) begin curMatch<=8'b0; hasMatch<=0; lastPattern<= {lastPattern[(num_bytes*8)-9:0],data}; end else begin lastPattern<= {lastPattern[(num_bytes*8)-9:0],data}; if (lastPattern == pattern) begin curMatch<=curMatch+8'b1; if (curMatch==(needmatches-8'b1)) hasMatch<=1; end end end if (reset) begin curMatch <= 0; hasMatch <= 0; lastPattern <= '0; end end endmodule: match_bytes