import { ActFn, array, boolean, lesan, MongoClient, number, object, ObjectId, objectIdValidation, optional, RelationDataType, RelationSortOrderType, string, } from ""; // Please replace `x.x.x` with the latest version in [releases]( const coreApp = lesan(); const client = await new MongoClient("mongodb://").connect(); const db = client.db("dbName"); // change dbName to the appropriate name for your project. coreApp.odm.setDb(db); const countryCityPure = { name: string(), population: number(), abb: string(), }; const countryRelations = {}; const countries = coreApp.odm.newModel( "country", countryCityPure, countryRelations, ); const cityRelations = { country: { optional: false, schemaName: "country", type: "single" as RelationDataType, relatedRelations: { cities: { type: "multiple" as RelationDataType, limit: 50, sort: { field: "_id", order: "desc" as RelationSortOrderType, }, }, citiesByPopulation: { type: "multiple" as RelationDataType, limit: 50, sort: { field: "population", order: "desc" as RelationSortOrderType, }, }, capital: { type: "single" as RelationDataType, }, }, }, }; const cities = coreApp.odm.newModel( "city", countryCityPure, cityRelations, ); const userPure = { name: string(), age: number(), }; const users = coreApp.odm.newModel("user", userPure, { livedCities: { optional: false, schemaName: "city", type: "multiple", sort: { field: "_id", order: "desc", }, relatedRelations: { users: { type: "multiple", limit: 5, sort: { field: "_id", order: "desc", }, }, }, }, mostLovedCity: { optional: true, schemaName: "city", type: "single", relatedRelations: { lovedByUser: { type: "multiple", limit: 5, sort: { field: "_id", order: "desc", }, }, }, }, country: { optional: false, schemaName: "country", type: "single", relatedRelations: { users: { type: "multiple", limit: 5, sort: { field: "_id", order: "desc", }, }, }, }, }); const addCountryValidator = () => { return object({ set: object(countryCityPure), get: coreApp.schemas.selectStruct("country", 1), }); }; const addCountry: ActFn = async (body) => { const { name, population, abb } = body.details.set; return await countries.insertOne({ doc: { name, population, abb, }, projection: body.details.get, }); }; coreApp.acts.setAct({ schema: "country", actName: "addCountry", validator: addCountryValidator(), fn: addCountry, }); const getCountryValidator = () => { return object({ set: object({ countryId: objectIdValidation, }), get: coreApp.schemas.selectStruct("country", { citiesByPopulation: 1, users: 1, capital: 1, }), }); }; const getCountry: ActFn = async (body) => { const { set: { countryId }, get, } = body.details; return await countries .findOne({ filters: { _id: new ObjectId(countryId) }, projection: get, }); }; coreApp.acts.setAct({ schema: "country", actName: "getCountry", validator: getCountryValidator(), fn: getCountry, }); const getCountriesValidator = () => { return object({ set: object({ page: number(), limit: number(), }), get: coreApp.schemas.selectStruct("country", { citiesByPopulation: 1, users: 1, capital: 1, }), }); }; const getCountries: ActFn = async (body) => { let { set: { page, limit }, get, } = body.details; page = page || 1; limit = limit || 50; const skip = limit * (page - 1); return await countries .find({ projection: get, filters: {} }) .skip(skip) .limit(limit) .toArray(); }; coreApp.acts.setAct({ schema: "country", actName: "getCountries", validator: getCountriesValidator(), fn: getCountries, }); const addCityValidator = () => { return object({ set: object({ ...countryCityPure, country: objectIdValidation, isCapital: boolean(), }), get: coreApp.schemas.selectStruct("city", 1), }); }; const addCity: ActFn = async (body) => { const { country, name, population, abb, isCapital } = body.details.set; return await cities.insertOne({ doc: { name, population, abb }, projection: body.details.get, relations: { country: { _ids: new ObjectId(country), relatedRelations: { cities: true, citiesByPopulation: true, capital: isCapital, }, }, }, }); }; coreApp.acts.setAct({ schema: "city", actName: "addCity", validator: addCityValidator(), fn: addCity, }); const getCitiesValidator = () => { return object({ set: object({ page: number(), limit: number(), }), get: coreApp.schemas.selectStruct("city", { country: 1, lovedByUser: 1 }), }); }; const getCities: ActFn = async (body) => { let { set: { page, limit }, get, } = body.details; page = page || 1; limit = limit || 50; const skip = limit * (page - 1); return await cities .find({ projection: get, filters: {} }) .skip(skip) .limit(limit) .toArray(); }; coreApp.acts.setAct({ schema: "city", actName: "getCities", validator: getCitiesValidator(), fn: getCities, }); const getCitiesAggregationValidator = () => { return object({ set: object({ page: number(), take: number(), countryId: optional(objectIdValidation), }), get: coreApp.schemas.selectStruct("city", 3), }); }; const getCitiesAggregation: ActFn = async (body) => { const { set: { page, take, countryId }, get, } = body.details; const pipeline = []; pipeline.push({ $skip: (page - 1) * take }); pipeline.push({ $limit: take }); countryId && pipeline.push({ $match: { "country._id": new ObjectId(countryId) } }); return await cities .aggregation({ pipeline, projection: get, }) .toArray(); }; coreApp.acts.setAct({ schema: "city", actName: "getCitiesAggregation", validator: getCitiesAggregationValidator(), fn: getCitiesAggregation, }); const getCityValidator = () => { return object({ set: object({ cityId: objectIdValidation, }), get: coreApp.schemas.selectStruct("city", { country: 1, lovedByUser: 1 }), }); }; const getCity: ActFn = async (body) => { const { set: { cityId }, get, } = body.details; return await cities .findOne({ filters: { _id: new ObjectId(cityId) }, projection: get, }); }; coreApp.acts.setAct({ schema: "city", actName: "getCity", validator: getCityValidator(), fn: getCity, }); const addUserValidator = () => { return object({ set: object({ ...userPure, country: objectIdValidation, livedCities: array(objectIdValidation), }), get: coreApp.schemas.selectStruct("user", 1), }); }; const addUser: ActFn = async (body) => { const { country, livedCities, name, age } = body.details.set; const obIdLivedCities = (lc: string) => new ObjectId(lc), ); return await users.insertOne({ doc: { name, age }, projection: body.details.get, relations: { country: { _ids: new ObjectId(country), relatedRelations: { users: true, }, }, livedCities: { _ids: obIdLivedCities, relatedRelations: { users: true, }, }, }, }); }; coreApp.acts.setAct({ schema: "user", actName: "addUser", validator: addUserValidator(), fn: addUser, }); const addUserLivedCityValidator = () => { return object({ set: object({ _id: objectIdValidation, livedCities: array(objectIdValidation), }), get: coreApp.schemas.selectStruct("user", 1), }); }; const addUserLivedCity: ActFn = async (body) => { const { livedCities, _id } = body.details.set; const obIdLivedCities = (lc: string) => new ObjectId(lc), ); return await users.addRelation({ filters: { _id: new ObjectId(_id) }, projection: body.details.get, relations: { livedCities: { _ids: obIdLivedCities, relatedRelations: { users: true, }, }, }, }); }; coreApp.acts.setAct({ schema: "user", actName: "addUserLivedCities", validator: addUserLivedCityValidator(), fn: addUserLivedCity, }); const addUserCountryValidator = () => { return object({ set: object({ _id: objectIdValidation, country: objectIdValidation, }), get: coreApp.schemas.selectStruct("user", 1), }); }; const addUserCountry: ActFn = async (body) => { const { country, _id } = body.details.set; return await users.addRelation({ filters: { _id: new ObjectId(_id) }, projection: body.details.get, relations: { country: { _ids: new ObjectId(country), relatedRelations: { users: true, }, }, }, replace: true, }); }; coreApp.acts.setAct({ schema: "user", actName: "addUserCountry", validator: addUserCountryValidator(), fn: addUserCountry, }); const removeLivedCitiesValidator = () => { return object({ set: object({ _id: objectIdValidation, livedCities: array(objectIdValidation), }), get: coreApp.schemas.selectStruct("user", 1), }); }; const removeLivedCities: ActFn = async (body) => { const { livedCities, _id } = body.details.set; const obIdLivedCities = (lc: string) => new ObjectId(lc), ); return await users.removeRelation({ filters: { _id: new ObjectId(_id) }, projection: body.details.get, relations: { livedCities: { _ids: obIdLivedCities, relatedRelations: { users: true, }, }, }, }); }; coreApp.acts.setAct({ schema: "user", actName: "removeLivedCities", validator: removeLivedCitiesValidator(), fn: removeLivedCities, }); const addMostLovedCityValidator = () => { return object({ set: object({ _id: objectIdValidation, lovedCity: objectIdValidation, }), get: coreApp.schemas.selectStruct("user", 1), }); }; const addMostLovedCity: ActFn = async (body) => { const { lovedCity, _id } = body.details.set; return await users.addRelation({ filters: { _id: new ObjectId(_id) }, projection: body.details.get, relations: { mostLovedCity: { _ids: new ObjectId(lovedCity), relatedRelations: { lovedByUser: true, }, }, }, replace: true, }); }; coreApp.acts.setAct({ schema: "user", actName: "addMostLovedCity", validator: addMostLovedCityValidator(), fn: addMostLovedCity, }); const removeMostLovedCityValidator = () => { return object({ set: object({ _id: objectIdValidation, lovedCity: objectIdValidation, }), get: coreApp.schemas.selectStruct("user", 1), }); }; const removeMostLovedCity: ActFn = async (body) => { const { lovedCity, _id } = body.details.set; return await users.removeRelation({ filters: { _id: new ObjectId(_id) }, projection: body.details.get, relations: { mostLovedCity: { _ids: new ObjectId(lovedCity), relatedRelations: { lovedByUser: true, }, }, }, }); }; coreApp.acts.setAct({ schema: "user", actName: "removeMostLovedCity", validator: removeMostLovedCityValidator(), fn: removeMostLovedCity, }); const getUserValidator = () => { return object({ set: object({ userId: objectIdValidation, }), get: coreApp.schemas.selectStruct("user", 1), }); }; const getUser: ActFn = async (body) => { const { set: { userId }, get, } = body.details; return await users .findOne({ filters: { _id: new ObjectId(userId) }, projection: get, }); }; coreApp.acts.setAct({ schema: "user", actName: "getUser", validator: getUserValidator(), fn: getUser, }); const getUsersValidator = () => { return object({ set: object({ page: number(), limit: number(), }), get: coreApp.schemas.selectStruct("user", 1), }); }; const getUsers: ActFn = async (body) => { let { set: { page, limit }, get, } = body.details; page = page || 1; limit = limit || 50; const skip = limit * (page - 1); return await users .find({ projection: get, filters: {} }) .skip(skip) .limit(limit) .toArray(); }; coreApp.acts.setAct({ schema: "user", actName: "getUsers", validator: getUsersValidator(), fn: getUsers, }); const getUserAggregationValidator = () => { return object({ set: object({ userId: objectIdValidation, }), get: coreApp.schemas.selectStruct("user", 2), }); }; const getUserAggregation: ActFn = async (body) => { const { set: { userId }, get, } = body.details; const pipeline = []; pipeline.push({ $match: { _id: new ObjectId(userId) } }); return await users .aggregation({ pipeline, projection: get, }) .toArray(); }; coreApp.acts.setAct({ schema: "user", actName: "getUserAggregation", validator: getUserAggregationValidator(), fn: getUserAggregation, }); const updateUserValidator = () => { return object({ set: object({ _id: objectIdValidation, name: optional(string()), age: optional(number()), }), get: coreApp.schemas.selectStruct("user", 1), }); }; const updateUser: ActFn = async (body) => { const { name, age, _id } = body.details.set; const setObj: { name?: string; age?: number } = {}; name && ( = name); age && (setObj.age = age); return await users.findOneAndUpdate({ filter: { _id: new ObjectId(_id) }, projection: body.details.get, update: { $set: setObj }, }); }; coreApp.acts.setAct({ schema: "user", actName: "updateUser", validator: updateUserValidator(), fn: updateUser, }); coreApp.runServer({ port: 1366, typeGeneration: true, playground: true });