import requests import datetime # ATP_HOST = "" # ATP_AUTH_TOKEN = "" # DID = "" # leave blank # TODO prob makes sense to have username here too, and then always assume username + did are populated # two use cases: library calls login() (swap to a class later) and cli user uses a shell variable. # in either case login() should populate these globals within this file. # maybe PASSWORD shouldn't hang around, but you have bigger problems if you're relying on python encapsulation for security. # TODO annotate all requests.get/post with auth header class Session(): def __init__(self, username, password, pds = None): if pds: # check if pds is not empty self.ATP_HOST = pds # use the given value else: self.ATP_HOST = "" # use by default self.ATP_AUTH_TOKEN = "" self.DID = "" self.USERNAME = username data = {"identifier": username, "password": password} resp = self.ATP_HOST + "/xrpc/com.atproto.server.createSession", json=data ) self.ATP_AUTH_TOKEN = resp.json().get('accessJwt') if self.ATP_AUTH_TOKEN == None: raise ValueError("No access token, is your password wrong? Do export BSKY_PASSWORD='yourpassword'") self.DID = resp.json().get("did") # TODO DIDs expire shortly and need to be refreshed for any long-lived sessions def reinit(self): """Check if the session needs to be refreshed, and refresh if so.""" # TODO # if a request failed, use refreshJWT resp = self.get_profile("") if resp.status_code == 200: # yay! # do nothing lol pass else: # re-init # what is the endpoint pass def rebloot(self, url): """Rebloot a bloot given the URL.""" # sample url from desktop # POST # ''' { "collection":"app.bsky.feed.repost", "repo":"did:plc:n5ddwqolbjpv2czaronz6q3d", "record":{ "subject":{ "uri":"at://did:plc:scx5mrfxxrqlfzkjcpbt3xfr/", "cid":"bafyreiad336s3honwubedn4ww7m2iosefk5wqgkiity2ofc3ts4ii3ffkq" }, "createdAt":"2023-04-10T17:38:10.516Z", "$type":"app.bsky.feed.repost" } } ''' person_youre_reblooting = self.resolveHandle(url.split('/')[-3]).json().get('did') # its a DID url_identifier = url.split('/')[-1] # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() bloot_cid = self.getBlootByUrl(url).json().get('thread').get('post').get('cid') # subject -> uri is the maia one (thing rt'ing, scx) timestamp = timestamp = timestamp.isoformat().replace('+00:00', 'Z') headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer " + self.ATP_AUTH_TOKEN} data = { "collection": "app.bsky.feed.repost", "repo": "{}".format(self.DID), "record": { "subject": { "uri":"at://{}/{}".format(person_youre_reblooting, url_identifier), "cid":"{}".format(bloot_cid) # cid of the bloot to rebloot }, "createdAt": timestamp, "$type": "app.bsky.feed.repost" } } resp = self.ATP_HOST + "/xrpc/com.atproto.repo.createRecord", json=data, headers=headers ) return resp def resolveHandle(self, username): """Get the DID given a username, aka getDid.""" headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer " + self.ATP_AUTH_TOKEN} resp = requests.get( self.ATP_HOST + "/xrpc/com.atproto.identity.resolveHandle?handle={}".format(username), headers=headers ) return resp def getSkyline(self,n = 10): """Fetch the logged in account's following timeline ("skyline").""" headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer " + self.ATP_AUTH_TOKEN} resp = requests.get( self.ATP_HOST + "/xrpc/app.bsky.feed.getTimeline?limit={}".format(n), headers=headers ) return resp def getBlootByUrl(self, url): """Get a bloot's HTTP response data when given the URL.""" # "" "at://did:plc:scx5mrfxxrqlfzkjcpbt3xfr/" "" # getPosts # headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer " + self.ATP_AUTH_TOKEN} username_of_person_in_link = url.split('/')[-3] if not "did:plc" in username_of_person_in_link: did_of_person_in_link = self.resolveHandle(username_of_person_in_link).json().get('did') else: did_of_person_in_link = username_of_person_in_link url_identifier = url.split('/')[-1] # the random stuff at the end, better hope there's no query params uri = "at://{}/{}".format(did_of_person_in_link, url_identifier) resp = requests.get( self.ATP_HOST + "/xrpc/app.bsky.feed.getPosts?uris={}".format(uri), headers=headers ) return resp def uploadBlob(self, blob_path, content_type): """Upload bytes data (a "blob") with the given content type.""" headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer " + self.ATP_AUTH_TOKEN, "Content-Type": content_type} with open(blob_path, 'rb') as f: image_bytes = resp = self.ATP_HOST + "/xrpc/com.atproto.repo.uploadBlob", data=image_bytes, headers=headers ) return resp def postBloot(self, postcontent, image_path = None, timestamp=None, reply_to=None): """Post a bloot.""" #reply_to expects a dict like the following # { # #root is the main original post # "root": { # "cid": "bafyreig7ox2h5kmcmjukbxfpopy65ggd2ymhbnldcu3fx72ij3c22ods3i", #CID of root post # "uri": "at://did:plc:nx3kofpg4oxmkonqr6su5lw4/" #URI of root post # }, # #parent is the comment you want to reply to, if you want to reply to the main post directly this should be same as root # "parent": { # "cid": "bafyreie7eyj4upwzjdl2vmzqq4gin3qnuttpb6nzi6xybgdpesfrtcuguu", # "uri": "at://did:plc:mguf3p2ana5qzs7wu3ss4ghk/" # } #} if not timestamp: timestamp = timestamp = timestamp.isoformat().replace('+00:00', 'Z') headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer " + self.ATP_AUTH_TOKEN} data = { "collection": "", "$type": "", "repo": "{}".format(self.DID), "record": { "$type": "", "createdAt": timestamp, "text": postcontent } } if image_path: data['record']['embed'] = {} image_resp = self.uploadBlob(image_path, "image/jpeg") x = image_resp.json().get('blob') image_resp = self.uploadBlob(image_path, "image/jpeg") data["record"]["embed"]["$type"] = "app.bsky.embed.images" data['record']["embed"]['images'] = [{ "alt": "", "image": image_resp.json().get('blob') }] if reply_to: data['record']['reply'] = reply_to resp = self.ATP_HOST + "/xrpc/com.atproto.repo.createRecord", json=data, headers=headers ) return resp def deleteBloot(self, did,rkey): # rkey: post slug # i.e. /profile/ # rkey is AAAA data = {"collection":"","repo":"did:plc:{}".format(did),"rkey":"{}".format(rkey)} headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer " + self.ATP_AUTH_TOKEN} resp = self.ATP_HOST + "/xrpc/com.atproto.repo.deleteRecord", json = data, headers=headers ) return resp def getArchive(self, did_of_car_to_fetch=None, save_to_disk_path=None): """Get a .car file containing all bloots. TODO is there a putRepo? TODO save to file TODO specify user """ if did_of_car_to_fetch == None: did_of_car_to_fetch = self.DID headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer " + self.ATP_AUTH_TOKEN} resp = requests.get( self.ATP_HOST + "/xrpc/com.atproto.sync.getRepo?did={}".format(did_of_car_to_fetch), headers = headers ) if save_to_disk_path: pass return resp def getLatestBloot(self, accountname): """Return the most recent bloot from the specified account.""" return self.getLatestNBloots(accountname, 1) def getLatestNBloots(self, username, n=5): """Return the most recent n bloots from the specified account.""" headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer " + self.ATP_AUTH_TOKEN} resp = requests.get( self.ATP_HOST + "/xrpc/app.bsky.feed.getAuthorFeed?actor={}&limit={}".format(username, n), headers = headers ) return resp # [[API Design]] TODO one implementation should be highly ergonomic (comfy 2 use) and the other should just closely mirror the API's exact behavior? # idk if im super happy about returning requests, either, i kinda want tuples where the primary object u get back is whatever ergonomic thing you expect # and then you can dive into that and ask for the request. probably this means writing a class to encapsulate each of the # API actions, populating the class in the implementations, and making the top-level api as pretty as possible # ideally atproto lib contains meaty close-to-the-api and atprototools is a layer on top that focuses on ergonomics? def follow(self, username=None, did_of_person_you_wanna_follow=None): """Follow the user with the given username or DID.""" if username: did_of_person_you_wanna_follow = self.resolveHandle(username).json().get("did") if not did_of_person_you_wanna_follow: # TODO better error in resolveHandle raise ValueError("Failed; please pass a username or did of the person you want to follow (maybe the account doesn't exist?)") timestamp = timestamp = timestamp.isoformat().replace('+00:00', 'Z') headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer " + self.ATP_AUTH_TOKEN} data = { "collection": "app.bsky.graph.follow", "repo": "{}".format(self.DID), "record": { "subject": did_of_person_you_wanna_follow, "createdAt": timestamp, "$type": "app.bsky.graph.follow" } } resp = self.ATP_HOST + "/xrpc/com.atproto.repo.createRecord", json=data, headers=headers ) return resp def unfollow(self): # TODO lots of code re-use. package everything into a API_ACTION class. raise NotImplementedError def get_profile(self, username): headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer " + self.ATP_AUTH_TOKEN} # TODO did / username check, it should just work regardless of which it is resp = requests.get( self.ATP_HOST + "/xrpc/{}".format(username), headers=headers ) return resp def register(user, password, invcode, email): data = { "email": email, "handle": user + "", "inviteCode": invcode, "password": password, } resp = # don't use self.ATP_HOST here because you can't instantiate a session if you haven't registered an account yet "", json = data, ) return resp