@prefix rdf: . @prefix dc: . @prefix dct: . @prefix foaf: . @prefix owl: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix shv: . @prefix shva: . @prefix sioc: . @prefix skos: . @prefix vs: . @prefix wgs84: . @prefix xsd: . sioc:link ; rdfs:label "illustration of the spatial hierarchy" . dc:creator "Michael Martin" ; a owl:Ontology ; rdfs:comment "This vocabulary is used for structuring spatial areas hierarchically. Additionally it is possible to add a temporal dimension to the desired spatial hierarchy." ; rdfs:label "Hierarchie ortsbezogener Ressourcen"@de, "Spatial Hierarchy"@en ; owl:versionInfo "v0.3 2010/03/10 10:37:00 mdean" ; foaf:depiction . shv:AdministrativeDistrict a owl:Class ; rdfs:comment "This Area can be used or country-specific concretised. (For instance as District or province)"@en ; rdfs:label "Administrative District"@en, "Administrativer Bereich"@de ; rdfs:subClassOf shv:SpatialArea . shv:City a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "City"@en, "Stad"@nl, "Stadt"@de ; rdfs:subClassOf shv:SpatialArea . shv:Continent a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Continent"@en, "Continent"@nl, "Kontinent"@de ; rdfs:subClassOf shv:SpatialArea . shv:Country a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Country"@en, "Land"@de, "Land"@nl ; rdfs:subClassOf shv:SpatialArea . shv:Planet a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Planet"@de, "Planet"@en ; rdfs:subClassOf shv:SpatialArea . shv:SpatialArea a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Räumliches Gebiet"@de, "Spatial Area"@en ; rdfs:subClassOf wgs84:SpatialThing . shva:Africa shv:isLocatedIn shva:Earth ; a shv:Continent ; rdfs:label "Africa"@en, "Afrika"@de . shva:Antarctica shv:isLocatedIn shva:Earth ; a shv:Continent ; rdfs:label "Antarctica"@en, "Antarktis"@de . shva:Asia shv:isLocatedIn shva:Earth ; a shv:Continent ; rdfs:label "Asia"@en, "Asien"@de . shva:Australia shv:isLocatedIn shva:Earth ; a shv:Continent ; rdfs:label "Australia"@en, "Australien"@de . shva:Earth shv:contains shva:Africa, shva:Asia, shva:Australia, shva:Europe, shva:NorthAmerica, shva:SouthAmerica ; a shv:Planet ; rdfs:label "Earth"@en, "Erde"@de . shva:Europe shv:isLocatedIn shva:Earth ; a shv:Continent ; rdfs:label "Europa"@de, "Europe"@en . shva:NorthAmerica shv:isLocatedIn shva:Earth ; a shv:Continent ; rdfs:label "Noord Amerika"@nl, "Nordamerika"@de, "North America"@en . shva:Oceania shv:contains shva:Australia ; shv:isLocatedIn shva:Earth ; a shv:SpatialArea ; rdfs:label "Oceania"@en, "Ozeanien"@de . shva:SouthAmerica shv:isLocatedIn shva:Earth ; a shv:Continent ; rdfs:label "South America"@en, "Südamerika"@de . shv:contains a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:comment "Object property to define which geospatial areas contained in the referencing geospatial area." ; rdfs:domain shv:SpatialArea ; rdfs:inverseOf shv:isLocatedIn ; rdfs:label "contains"@en, "enthält"@de, "omvatten"@nl ; rdfs:range shv:SpatialArea . shv:dissolutionDate a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:comment "To encode temporal dependencies of a spatial area, it is necessary to define its dissoltion date." ; rdfs:domain shv:SpatialArea ; rdfs:label "has dissolution date"@en, "hat Auflösungssdatum"@de ; rdfs:range xsd:date . shv:formationDate a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:comment "To encode temporal dependencies of a spatial area, it is necessary to define its formation date." ; rdfs:domain shv:SpatialArea ; rdfs:label "has formation date"@en, "hat Gründungsdatum"@de ; rdfs:range xsd:date . shv:hasCenter a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:comment "This Relation aggregates a Spatial Area with it centerpoint-resource" ; rdfs:domain shv:SpatialArea ; rdfs:label "has Center"@en, "hat Zentrum"@de ; rdfs:range wgs84:Point . shv:isLocatedIn a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:comment "Object property to define in which geospatial area the referenced geospatial area is located in." ; rdfs:domain shv:SpatialArea ; rdfs:inverseOf shv:contains ; rdfs:label "is located in"@en, "liegt in"@de ; rdfs:range shv:SpatialArea . shv:priorTo a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:comment "To encode temporal dependencies of a spatial area, it is necessary to aggregate its successor." ; rdfs:domain shv:SpatialArea ; rdfs:inverseOf shv:subsequentTo ; rdfs:label "Vorgänger von"@de, "prior to"@en ; rdfs:range shv:SpatialArea . shv:subsequentTo a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:comment "To encode temporal dependencies of a spatial area, it is necessary to aggregate its predecessor." ; rdfs:domain shv:SpatialArea ; rdfs:inverseOf shv:priorTo ; rdfs:label "Nachfolger von"@de, "subsequent to"@en ; rdfs:range shv:SpatialArea . dc:creator dct:description "Examples of a Creator include a person, an organization, or a service. Typically, the name of a Creator should be used to indicate the entity."@en-US ; dct:hasVersion ; dct:issued "1999-07-02" ; dct:modified "2008-01-14" ; a rdf:Property ; rdfs:comment "An entity primarily responsible for making the resource."@en-US ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; rdfs:label "Creator"@en-US ; skos:note "A second property with the same name as this property has been declared in the dcterms: namespace (http://purl.org/dc/terms/). See the Introduction to the document \"DCMI Metadata Terms\" (http://dublincore.org/documents/dcmi-terms/) for an explanation."@en-US . wgs84:SpatialThing a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:comment """Anything with spatial extent, i.e. size, shape, or position. e.g. people, places, bowling balls, as well as abstract areas like cubes.""" ; rdfs:label "SpatialThing" .