/** * Ask Alexa * * Version 2.3.9gh - 3/16/18 Copyright © 2018 Michael Struck * Special thanks for Keith DeLong for overall code and assistance; jhamstead for Ecobee climate modes, Yves Racine for My Ecobee thermostat tips * * Version information prior to 2.3.8 listed here: https://github.com/MichaelStruck/SmartThingsPublic/blob/master/smartapps/michaelstruck/ask-alexa.src/Ask%20Alexa%20Version%20History.md * * Version 2.3.8 (2/8/18) Added occupancy sensors to main devices and macros, updated code for new ST actions and restrictions for playback, setup data now sends POST data * Version 2.3.9h (3/16/18) Added Alexa speaker idenification to many aspects of the applications, extensions and restrictions * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * */ definition( name: "Ask Alexa${parent ? " - Macro " : ""}", namespace: "MichaelStruck", //Change line below to 'false' to allow for multi app install (Advanced...see instructions) singleInstance: true, //----------------------------------------------------------- author: "Michael Struck", parent: parent ? "MichaelStruck.Ask Alexa" : null, description: "Provide interfacing to control and report on SmartThings devices with the Amazon Echo ('Alexa').", category: "My Apps", iconUrl: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MichaelStruck/SmartThingsPublic/master/smartapps/michaelstruck/ask-alexa.src/AskAlexa.png", iconX2Url: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MichaelStruck/SmartThingsPublic/master/smartapps/michaelstruck/ask-alexa.src/AskAlexa@2x.png", iconX3Url: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MichaelStruck/SmartThingsPublic/master/smartapps/michaelstruck/ask-alexa.src/AskAlexa@2x.png", oauth: true) preferences { page name:"pageMain" //Parent Pages page name:"mainPageParent" page name:"pageMQGUI" page name:"pageMsgDelete" page name:"pageSwitches" page name:"pageDoors" page name:"pageEnviro" page name:"pageSpeakers" page name:"pageSensors" page name:"pageHomeControl" page name:"pageAliasMain" page name:"pageAliasAdd" page name: "pageAliasAddFinal" page name:"pageAliasDel" page name: "pageAliasDelFinal" page name:"pageExtensions" page name:"pageMacros" page name:"pageMsgQue" page name:"pagePriQueue" page name:"pageWeather" page name:"pageVoiceRPT" page name:"pageSchdr" page name:"pageRooms" page name: "pageSchdList" page name:"pageSettings" page name:"pageDeviceVoice" page name: "pagePINRestrictions" page name:"pageReset" page name:"pageConfirmation" page name:"pageContCommands" page name:"pageSetup" page name:"pageGlobalOptions" page name:"pageDefaultValue" page name:"pageCustomColor" page name:"pageLimitValue" page name:"pageGlobalVariables" page name:"pageWebCoREVar" page name:"pagexParamAdd" page name: "pagexParamAddFinal" page name:"pagexParamDel" page name: "pagexParamDelFinal" page name:"pageAbout" //Child Pages page name:"mainPageChild" page name:"pageCoRE" page name:"pageGroupM" page name:"pageMQExt" page name:"pageControl" page name:"pageSTDevices" page name:"pageMQ" page name:"pageHTTP" page name:"pageOccupy" } def pageMain() { if (!parent) mainPageParent() else mainPageChild() } def mainPageParent() { dynamicPage(name: "mainPageParent", install: true, uninstall: false) { def duplicates = deviceList.name.findAll{deviceList.name.count(it)>1}.unique() def aliasDups = deviceAlias && state.aliasList ? deviceList.name.intersect(state.aliasList.aliasNameLC) : null def macChildren = getAskAlexa(), macroCount = macChildren.size(), mqChildren = getAAMQ(), mqCount = mqChildren.size() if (duplicates || findNullDevices() || (aliasDups && deviceAlias) || findDeviceReserverd()){ section ("**WARNING**"){ if (findDeviceReserverd()) paragraph "You have used the reserved words 'echo', 'room', 'this room', 'group', 'this group', 'here' or 'in here' in your device names or aliases. Please rename these devices to ensure Ask Alexa functions properly.", image: imgURL() + "caution.png" if (duplicates) paragraph "You have the following device(s) used multiple times within Ask Alexa:\n\n${getList(duplicates)}\n\nA device should be uniquely named and appear only once in the categories below.", image: imgURL() + "caution.png" if (aliasDups && deviceAlias) paragraph "The following alias(es) conflict with a device name already set up:\n\n${getList(aliasDups)}\n\nAliases should be uniquely named and appear only once within the Ask Alexa SmartApp.", image: imgURL() + "caution.png" if (findNullDevices()) paragraph findNullDevices(), image: imgURL() + "caution.png" } } if (msgQueueGUI && mqCounts(msgQueueGUI)) section ("Message Queues"){ href "pageMQGUI", title: "Message Queue", description: mqCounts(msgQueueGUI) + " - Tap to read", state: "complete", image:imgURL() + "mailbox.png" } section("Items to interface to Alexa") { href "pageSwitches", title: "Lighting/Switches", description:getDesc(switchesSel() || dimmersSel() || cLightsSel() || cLightsKSel()), state: switchesSel() || dimmersSel() || cLightsSel() || cLightsKSel() ? "complete" : null, image:imgURL() + "power.png" href "pageDoors", title: "Doors/Windows/Locks", description: getDesc(doorsSel() || locksSel() || ocSensorsSel() || shadesSel()), state: doorsSel() || locksSel() || ocSensorsSel() || shadesSel() ? "complete" : null, image: imgURL() + "lock.png" href "pageEnviro", title: "Environmentals", description:getDesc(tstatsSel() || tempsSel() || humidSel() || fooBotSel() || uvSel()), state: tstatsSel() || tempsSel() || humidSel() || fooBotSel() || uvSel()? "complete" : null, image: imgURL() + "temp.png" href "pageSpeakers", title: "Connected Speakers", description: getDesc(speakersSel()), state: speakersSel() ? "complete" : null, image:imgURL() + "speaker.png" href "pageSensors", title: "Other Sensors", description:getDesc(waterSel() || presenceSel() || motionSel() || accelerationSel() || occSel()), state: waterSel() || presenceSel() || motionSel() || accelerationSel() || occSel() ? "complete" : null, image: imgURL() + "sensor.png" href "pageHomeControl", title: "Modes/SHM/Routines", description:getDesc(listModes || listRoutines || listSHM), state: (listModes|| listRoutines|| listSHM ? "complete" : null), image: imgURL() + "modes.png" if (deviceAlias && mapDevices(true)) href "pageAliasMain", title: "Device Aliases", description:getDesc(state.aliasList), state: (state.aliasList ?"complete":null), image: imgURL() + "alias.png" } section("Ask Alexa extensions") {href "pageExtensions", title: "Ask Alexa Extensions", description: "Tap to add/edit Ask Alexa extensions", state: (macroCount || mqCount ? "complete" : null), image: imgURL() + "exadd.png" } section("Options") { href "pageSettings", title: "Settings", description: "Tap to configure application settings or to setup Ask Alexa", image: imgURL() + "settings.png" href "pageAbout", title: "About ${textAppName()}", description: "Tap to get version information, license, instructions or to remove the application", image: imgURL() + "info.png" } } } def pageExtensions(){ dynamicPage(name: "pageExtensions", install: false, uninstall: false) { def macroCount = getAskAlexa().size(), mqCount = getAAMQ().size(), vrCount=getVR().size, schCount =getSCHD().size(), rmCount=getRM().size, wrCount =getWR().size section { paragraph "Ask Alexa Extensions", image: imgURL() + "exadd.png" } section("Installed extensions"){ def macResCount = findMacroReserved() + findMQReserved() def duplicates =getAskAlexa().label.findAll{getAskAlexa().label.count(it)>1}.unique() duplicates +=getWR().label.findAll{getWR().label.count(it)>1}.unique() duplicates +=getVR().label.findAll{getVR().label.count(it)>1}.unique() duplicates +=getAAMQ().label.findAll{getAAMQ().label.count(it)>1}.unique() duplicates +=getSCHD().label.findAll{getSCHD().label.count(it)>1}.unique() duplicates +=getRM().label.findAll{getRM().label.count(it)>1}.unique() if (duplicates) paragraph "You have two or more extensions that have the same name. Please ensure each extension has a unique name and also does not conflict with device or other extension names.", image: imgURL() + "caution.png" if (macResCount) paragraph "You have used the reserved words 'echo', 'room', 'group' or 'here' in your extension names or aliases. Please change these extensions to ensure Ask Alexa functions properly.", image: imgURL() + "caution.png" href "pageMacros", title: "Macros", description: macroDesc(macroCount), state: (macroCount ? "complete" : null), image: imgURL() + "speak.png" href "pageMsgQue", title: "Message Queues", description: mqDesc(mqCount), state: "complete", image: imgURL() + "mailbox.png" href "pageRooms", title: "Rooms/Groups", description: rmDesc(rmCount), state: (rmCount ? "complete" : null), image: imgURL() + "room.png" href "pageSchdr", title: "Schedules", description: schDesc(schCount), state: (schCount ? "complete" : null), image: imgURL() + "schedule.png" href "pageVoiceRPT", title: "Voice Reports", description:voiceDesc(vrCount), state: (vrCount ? "complete" : null), image: imgURL() + "voice.png" href "pageWeather", title: "Weather Reports", description:weathDesc(wrCount), state: (wrCount ? "complete" : null), image: imgURL() + "weather.png" } } } def pageMQGUI(){ dynamicPage(name: "pageMQGUI", install: false, uninstall: false) { def msgRpt = "" section { paragraph "Message Queues", image: imgURL() + "mailbox.png"} if(msgQueueGUI.contains("Primary Message Queue") && state.msgQueue.size()){ state.msgQueue.sort({it.date}) if(msgQueueOrder) state.msgQueue.reverse(msgQueueOrder as int? true : false) state.msgQueue.each{ def msgData= timeDate(it.date) msgRpt += "● ${msgData.msgDay} at ${msgData.msgTime} From: '${it.appName}' : '${it.msg}'\n" } section ("Primary Message Queue") { paragraph msgRpt } } msgQueueGUI.each{qID-> def qNameRun = getAAMQ().find{it.id == qID}, msgCount = 0 if (qNameRun) { msgCount += qNameRun.qSize() if (msgCount) { msgRpt = qNameRun.MQGUI() section ("${qNameRun.label} message queue"){ paragraph msgRpt } } } } section ("Options"){ href "pageMsgQue", title: "Tap To Go To Messaging Queue Options", description: none href "pageMsgDelete", title: "Tap To Delete All Messages In The Message Queues Above", description: none } } } def pageMsgDelete(){ dynamicPage(name: "pageMsgDelete", install: false, uninstall: false) { if(msgQueueGUI.contains("Primary Message Queue")) qDelete() childQDelete(msgQueueGUI) section { paragraph "All Message Successfully Deleted", image: imgURL() + "check.png" } section (" "){ href "pageMsgQue", title: "Tap To Go To Message Queue Options", description: none href "mainPageParent", title: "Tap Here To Return To The Main Menu", description:none } } } def pageSchdr() { dynamicPage(name: "pageSchdr", install: false, uninstall: false) { section{ paragraph "Schedules", image: imgURL() + "schedule.png" } def children = getSCHD(), schCount=children.size(), duplicates = children.label.findAll{children.label.count(it)>1}.unique(), aaSCVer="" if (schCount){ children.each { aaSCVer=it.versionInt()} section ("Schedule option"){ href "pageSchdList", title: "Tap For Schedule Status List", description: "" input "schDeleteTime", "number", title: "Minutes After Schedule Expires/Delete Command To Override", range:"1..10", description: "If blank, will default to 2 minutes", required: false, defaultValue: 2 } } if (duplicates || (schCount && (aaSCVer < schReq()))){ section ("**Warning**"){ if (duplicates) paragraph "You have two or more schedules with the same name. Please ensure each schedule has a unique name and also does not conflict with device or other extension names as well. ", image: imgURL() + "caution.png" if (schCount && (aaSCVer < schReq())) paragraph "You are using an outdated version of the schedules extension. Please update the software and try again.", image: imgURL() + "caution.png" } } if (schCount) section(schCount==1 ? "One schedule configured" : schCount + " schedules configured" ){} section(" "){ app(name: "childSCHD", appName: "Ask Alexa Schedule", namespace: "MichaelStruck", title: "Create A New Schedule...", description: "Tap to create a new schedule", multiple: true, image: imgURL() + "add.png") } } } def pageSchdList() { dynamicPage(name: "pageSchdList", install: false, uninstall: false) { section{ paragraph "Schedule List", image: imgURL() + "schedule.png" } section(" "){ getSCHD().each{ def status = it.getStatus(), result, imageFile= status =="On" ? imgURL() + "on.png" : imgURL() + "off.png" if (status =~/Expired|Invalid|Incomplete/) imageFile=imgURL() +"warning.png" if (status==~/On|Off/) result = "${it.label}: Runs ${it.getShortDesc()}" else if (status =="Expired") result ="${it.label}: ${status} ${it.getShortDesc()}" else result ="${it.label}: ${status}" paragraph result, image: imageFile } } section ("Help"){ paragraph "To change the on/off status of a schedule, either edit the schedule on the previous screen, or simple say: \"Alexa, tell ${invocationName} to turn {on/off} the {schedule name}\".\n\nIf you have "+ "an expired or invalid schedule you will need to edit that schedule via the mobile app.", image: imgURL()+"info.png" } } } def pageSwitches(){ dynamicPage(name: "pageSwitches", install: false, uninstall: false) { section { paragraph "Lighting/Switches", image: imgURL() + "power.png"} section("Choose the devices to interface", hideWhenEmpty: true) { input "switches", "capability.switch", title: "Choose Switches (On/Off/Toggle/Status)", multiple: true, required: false input "dimmers", "capability.switchLevel", title: "Choose Dimmers (On/Off/Toggle/Level/Status)", multiple: true, required: false input "cLights", "capability.colorControl", title: "Choose Colored Lights (On/Off/Toggle/Level/Color/Status)", multiple: true, required: false, submitOnChange: true input "cLightsK", "capability.colorTemperature", title: "Choose Temperature (Kelvin) Lights (On/Off/Toggle/Level/Temperature/Status)", multiple: true, required: false, submitOnChange: true } if (deviceAlias){ section("Devices that can have aliases", hideWhenEmpty: true) { input "switchesAlias", "capability.switch", title: "Choose Switches", multiple: true, required: false input "dimmersAlias", "capability.switchLevel", title: "Choose Dimmers", multiple: true, required: false input "cLightsAlias", "capability.colorControl", title: "Choose Colored Lights", multiple: true, required: false, submitOnChange: true input "cLightsKAlias", "capability.colorTemperature", title: "Choose Temperature (Kelvin) Lights", multiple: true, required: false, submitOnChange: true } } if (cLightsKSel()){ section ("Notes on Temperature (Kelvin) Lights"){ paragraph "The following color temperatures are valid:\nSoft White, Warm White, Cool White, Daylight White", image: imgURL() + "info.png" } } if (cLightsSel()){ section ("Colored Light model specific commands"){ input "osramCMD", "bool", title: "OSRAM Specialized Device Handeler (Loop/Pulse)", defaultValue: false } } } } def pageDoors() { dynamicPage(name: "pageDoors", install: false, uninstall: false) { section { paragraph "Doors/Windows/Locks", image: imgURL() + "lock.png" } section("Choose the devices to interface", hideWhenEmpty: true) { input "doors", "capability.doorControl", title: "Choose Door Controls (Open/Close/Status)" , multiple: true, required: false, submitOnChange: true input "shades", "capability.windowShade", title: "Choose Window Shade Controls (Open/Close/Status)", multiple: true, required: false input "ocSensors", "capability.contactSensor", title: "Choose Open/Close Sensors (Status)", multiple: true, required: false input "locks", "capability.lock", title: "Choose Locks (Lock/Unlock/Status)", multiple: true, required: false, submitOnChange: true } if (deviceAlias){ section("Devices that can have aliases", hideWhenEmpty: true) { input "doorsAlias", "capability.doorControl", title: "Choose Door Controls" , multiple: true, required: false, submitOnChange: true input "shadesAlias", "capability.windowShade", title: "Choose Window Shade Controls", multiple: true, required: false input "ocSensorsAlias", "capability.contactSensor", title: "Choose Open/Close Sensors", multiple: true, required: false input "locksAlias", "capability.lock", title: "Choose Locks", multiple: true, required: false, submitOnChange: true } } if ((doorsSel() || locksSel())){ section("Security"){ if (doorsSel()){ if (pwNeeded) input "doorPW", "bool", title: "Require PIN For Door Actions", defaultValue: false if (!doorCloseDisable) input "doorOpenDisable", "bool", title: "Disable Door 'Open' Command", defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true if (!doorOpenDisable) input "doorCloseDisable", "bool", title: "Disable Door 'Close' Command", defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true } if (locksSel()){ if (pwNeeded) input "lockPW", "bool", title: "Require PIN For Lock Actions", defaultValue: false if (!lockUnLockDisable) input "lockLockDisable", "bool", title: "Disable Lock 'Lock' Command", defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true if (!lockLockDisable) input "lockUnLockDisable", "bool", title: "Disable Lock 'Unlock' Command", defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true } } } } } def pageEnviro(){ dynamicPage(name: "pageEnviro", install: false, uninstall: false) { section {paragraph "Environmentals", image: imgURL() + "temp.png"} section("Choose the devices to interface", hideWhenEmpty: true) { input "tstats", "capability.thermostat", title: "Choose Thermostats (Temperature Setpoint/Status)", multiple: true, required: false, submitOnChange:true input "temps", "capability.temperatureMeasurement", title: "Choose Temperature Devices (Status)", multiple: true, required: false input "humid", "capability.relativeHumidityMeasurement", title: "Choose Humidity Devices (Status)", multiple: true, required: false input "fooBot", "capability.carbonDioxideMeasurement", title: "Choose Foobot Air Quality Monitor (Status)", multiple: true, required: false, submitOnChange:true input "UV", "capability.ultravioletIndex", title: "Choose UV Index Devices (Status)", multiple: true, required: false, submitOnChange:true } if (deviceAlias){ section("Devices that can have aliases", hideWhenEmpty: true) { input "tstatsAlias", "capability.thermostat", title: "Choose Thermostats", multiple: true, required: false, submitOnChange:true input "tempsAlias", "capability.temperatureMeasurement", title: "Choose Temperature Devices", multiple: true, required: false input "humidAlias", "capability.relativeHumidityMeasurement", title: "Choose Humidity Devices", multiple: true, required: false input "fooBotAlias", "capability.carbonDioxideMeasurement", title: "Choose Foobot Air Quality Monitor", multiple: true, required: false, submitOnChange: true input "UVAlias", "capability.ultravioletIndex", title: "Choose UV Index Devices (Status)", multiple: true, required: false, submitOnChange:true } } if (tstatsSel()){ section("Default Thermostat Commands"){ if (!tstatCool) input "tstatHeat", "bool", title: "Set Heating Setpoint By Default", defaultValue:false, submitOnChange:true if (!tstatHeat) input "tstatCool", "bool", title: "Set Cooling Setpoint By Default", defaultValue:false, submitOnChange:true } section("Thermostat model specific commands"){ input "ecobeeCMD", "bool", title: "Ecobee Specific Thermostat Modes\n(Home/Away/Sleep/Resume Program)", defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true if (ecobeeCMD) input "MyEcobeeCMD", "bool", title: "MyEcobee Specific Tips\n(Get Tips/Play Tips/Erase Tips)", defaultValue: false input "nestCMD", "bool", title: "Nest-Specific Thermostat Presence Commands (Home/Away)", defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true if (nestCMD) input "nestMGRCMD", "bool", title: "NST Manager Specific Reports (Report)", defaultValue: false input "stelproCMD", "bool", title: "Stelpro Baseboard\nThermostat Modes (Eco/Comfort)", defaultValue:false if (nestCMD) input "MyNestCMD", "bool", title: "MyNextTstat Specific Tips\n(Get Tips/Play Tips/Erase Tips)", defaultValue: false } } if (fooBotSel()) section("Foobot Refresh"){ input "fooBotPoll", "bool", title: "Refresh Foobot Data Before Speaking Status", defaultValue: false } } } def pageSpeakers(){ dynamicPage(name: "pageSpeakers", install: false, uninstall: false) { section {paragraph "Connected Speakers", image: imgURL() + "speaker.png"} section("Choose the devices to interface", hideWhenEmpty: true) { input "speakers", "capability.musicPlayer", title: "Choose Speakers (Speaker Control, Status)", multiple: true, required: false, submitOnChange: true } if (deviceAlias) section("Devices that can have aliases", hideWhenEmpty: true) { input "speakersAlias", "capability.musicPlayer", title: "Choose Speakers", multiple: true, required: false, submitOnChange: true } } } def pageSensors(){ dynamicPage(name: "pageSensors", install: false, uninstall: false) { section {paragraph "Other Sensors", image: imgURL() + "sensor.png"} section("Choose the devices to interface", hideWhenEmpty: true) { input "acceleration", "capability.accelerationSensor", title: "Choose Acceleration Sensors (Status)", multiple: true, required: false input "motion", "capability.motionSensor", title: "Choose Motion Sensors (Status)", multiple: true, required: false input "presence", "capability.presenceSensor", title: vPresenceCMD ? "Choose Presence Sensors (Status/Home/Away)" : "Choose Presence Sensors (Status)", multiple: true, required: false, submitOnChange: true input "occupancy", "capability.beacon", title: "Occupancy Sensors (Status/State)", multiple: true, required: false input "water", "capability.waterSensor", title: "Choose Water Sensors (Status)", multiple: true, required: false } if (deviceAlias){ section("Devices that can have aliases", hideWhenEmpty: true) { input "accelerationAlias", "capability.accelerationSensor", title: "Choose Acceleration Sensors", multiple: true, required: false input "motionAlias", "capability.motionSensor", title: "Choose Motion Sensors", multiple: true, required: false input "presenceAlias", "capability.presenceSensor", title: "Choose Presence Sensors", multiple: true, required: false, submitOnChange: true input "occupancyAlias", "capability.beacon", title: "Occupancy Sensors (Status/State)", multiple: true, required: false input "waterAlias", "capability.waterSensor", title: "Choose Water Sensors", multiple: true, required: false } } if (presenceSel()){ section("Presence sensor specific commands"){ input "vPresenceCMD", "bool", title: "Virtual Presence (Home/Away)", defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true } } } } def pageHomeControl(){ dynamicPage(name: "pageHomeControl", uninstall: false) { def phrases =location.helloHome?.getPhrases()*.label.sort(), findNull=0, phrasesList=[],missingRtn=[],missingMode=[] def modeList= location.modes?.name.sort() if (phrases) phrases.each{if (!it) findNull++} if (findNull) phrases.each{if (it) phrasesList< if (!(phrasesList.find{it==rtnName})) { phrasesList<<["${rtnName}":"**${rtnName}** - REMOVE"] missingRtn< log.debug (modeList.find{it==modeName}) if (!(modeList.find{it==modeName})) { modeList<<["${modeName}":"**${modeName}** - REMOVE"] missingMode<1 ? state.aliasList.size() + " device aliases configured" : "") { paragraph state.aliasList && state.aliasList.size()>0 ? getAliasDisplayList(): "There are no device aliases set up yet" } } } def pageAliasAdd(){ dynamicPage(name: "pageAliasAdd", uninstall: false) { def getList = [] mapDevices(true).each {getList<1 ? "Delete Device Aliases" : "Delete Device Alias" def descTxt = aliasDelete.size()>1 ? "Tap to delete the device aliases" : "Tap to delete the device alias" section(" "){ href "pageAliasDelFinal", title: titleTxt, description: descTxt, image: imgURL() + "delete.png" } section("Please note") { paragraph "Do not use the \"<\", \"Done\" or \"Save\" buttons on this page except to go back without deleting the alias.", image: imgURL() + "caution.png" } } } } def pageAliasDelFinal(){ dynamicPage(name: "pageAliasDelFinal", uninstall: false) { def text = "Successfully Deleted " if (aliasDelete.size()){ aliasDelete.each{name-> state.aliasList.removeAll{it.aliasName==name} } text += aliasDelete.size()==1 ? "One Alias" : "${aliasDelete.size()} Aliases" } section { paragraph text, image: imgURL() + "check.png" } section (" "){ href "pageAliasMain", title: "Tap Here To Add/Delete Another Alias", description:none href "mainPageParent", title: "Tap Here To Return To The Main Menu", description:none } section("Please note") { paragraph "Do not use the \"<\", \"Done\" or \"Save\" buttons on this page to go back in the interface. You may encounter undesired results. Please use the two buttons above to return to the alias area or main menu.", image: imgURL() + "caution.png" } } } def pageVoiceRPT() { dynamicPage(name: "pageVoiceRPT", install: false, uninstall: false) { section{ paragraph "Voice Reports", image: imgURL() + "voice.png" } def children = getVR(), vrCount = children.size(), duplicates = children.label.findAll{children.label.count(it)>1}.unique(), aaVRVer if (vrCount) children.each { aaVRVer=it.versionInt()} if (duplicates || (vrCount && (aaVRVer < vrReq()))){ section ("**Warning**"){ if (duplicates) paragraph "You have two or more voice reports with the same name. Please ensure each report has a unique name and also does not conflict with device names or other extensions.", image: imgURL() + "caution.png" if (vrCount && (aaVRVer < vrReq())) paragraph "You are using an outdated version of the voice report extension. Please update the software and try again.", image: imgURL() + "caution.png" } } if (vrCount) section(vrCount==1 ? "One voice report configured" : vrCount + " voice reports configured" ){} section(" "){ app(name: "childVR", appName: "Ask Alexa Voice Report", namespace: "MichaelStruck", title: "Create A New Voice Report...", description: "Tap to create a new report", multiple: true, image: imgURL() + "add.png") } } } def pageWeather() { dynamicPage(name: "pageWeather", install: false, uninstall: false) { section{ paragraph "Weather Reports", image: imgURL() + "weather.png" } def children = getWR(), wrCount = children.size(), duplicates = children.label.findAll{children.label.count(it)>1}.unique(), aaWRVer if (wrCount) children.each { aaWRVer=it.versionInt() } if (duplicates || (wrCount && (aaWRVer < wrReq()))){ section ("**Warning**"){ if (duplicates) paragraph "You have two or more weather reports with the same name. Please ensure each report has a unique name and also does not conflict with device names or other extensions.", image: imgURL() + "caution.png" if (wrCount && (aaWRVer < wrReq())) paragraph "You are using an outdated version of the weather report extension. Please update the software and try again.", image: imgURL() + "caution.png" } } if (wrCount) section(wrCount==1 ? "One weather report configured" : wrCount + " weather reports configured" ){} section(" "){ app(name: "childWR", appName: "Ask Alexa Weather Report", namespace: "MichaelStruck", title: "Create A New Weather Report...", description: "Tap to create a new report", multiple: true, image: imgURL() + "add.png") } } } def pageMacros() { dynamicPage(name: "pageMacros", install: false, uninstall: false) { section{ paragraph "Macros", image: imgURL() + "speak.png" } def children = getAskAlexa(), macroCount = children.size(), duplicates = children.label.findAll{children.label.count(it)>1}.unique() if (duplicates){ section ("**Warning**"){ paragraph "You have two or more macros with the same name. Please ensure each macro has a unique name and also does not conflict with device names or other extensions.", image: imgURL() + "caution.png" } } if (macroCount) section(macroCount==1 ? "One macro configured" : macroCount + " macros configured" ){} section(" "){ app(name: "childMacros", appName: "Ask Alexa", namespace: "MichaelStruck", title: "Create A New Macro...", description: "Tap to create a new macro", multiple: true, image: imgURL() + "add.png") } } } def pageRooms() { dynamicPage(name: "pageRooms", install: false, uninstall: false) { section{ paragraph "Rooms/Groups", image: imgURL() + "room.png" } def children = getRM(), rmCount = children.size(), duplicates = children.label.findAll{children.label.count(it)>1}.unique() if (duplicates || findRoomReserved()){ section ("**Warning**") { if (duplicates) paragraph "You have two or more rooms/groups with the same name. Please ensure each room/group has a unique name and also does not conflict with device names or other extensions.", image: imgURL() + "caution.png" if (findRoomReserved()) paragraph "You have used the reserved words 'echo', 'room', 'this room', 'group', 'this group', 'here' or 'in here' as a room/group alias or name. Please rename these to ensure Ask Alexa functions properly.", image: imgURL() + "caution.png" } } if (rmCount) section(rmCount==1 ? "One room / group configured" : rmCount + " rooms / groups configured" ){} section(" "){ app(name: "childRooms", appName: "Ask Alexa Rooms/Groups", namespace: "MichaelStruck", title: "Create A New Room/Group...", description: "Tap to create a room/group", multiple: true, image: imgURL() + "add.png") } } } def pageAbout(){ dynamicPage(name: "pageAbout", uninstall: true) { section { paragraph "${textAppName()}\n${textCopyright()}", image: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MichaelStruck/SmartThingsPublic/master/smartapps/michaelstruck/ask-alexa.src/AskAlexa@2x.png" } section ("Version numbers") { paragraph "${textVersion()}" } section (title: "Access token / Application ID", hideable: true, hidden: true){ if (!state.accessToken) OAuthToken() def msg = state.accessToken != null ? state.accessToken : "Could not create Access Token. OAuth may not be enabled. Go to the IDE settings to enable OAuth for Ask Alexa." paragraph "Access token:\n${msg}\n\nApplication ID:\n${app.id}" } if (getRmLists().size()){ section (title: "Echo / Room Associations", hideable: true, hidden: true){ def roomList="", rmCount = 0 if (getRM().size()) getRM().each {roomName-> def nameList=roomName.getEchoAliasList() nameList.each { roomList += "${roomName.label} (${it[-10..-1]})" rmCount ++ roomList += rmCount < getRmLists().size()? "\n" :"" } } paragraph roomList } } section ("Apache license"){ paragraph textLicense() } section("Instructions") { paragraph textHelp() } section("Tap below to remove the application and all extensions"){} remove ("Completely Remove ${textAppName()}","Warning","This will remove the entire application, including all of your macros, extensions and settings.\n\nYou will be unable to undo this action!") } } def pageSettings(){ dynamicPage(name: "pageSettings", uninstall: false){ section { paragraph "Settings", image: imgURL() + "settings.png" } section ("Setup") { href "pageSetup", title: "Setup Ask Alexa", description: "Tap to setup Ask Alexa", image: imgURL() + "setup.png" } section ("Additional voice settings"){ input "compoundCmd", "bool", title: "Accept Compound Commands", defaultValue: false href "pageDeviceVoice", title: "Device/Event Voice Settings", description: "Tap to configure your device or event voice settings", image: imgURL() + "smartthings.png" input "flash", "bool", title: "Enable Flash Briefing", defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true if (flash) input "flashRPT", "enum", title: "Choose Flash Briefing Output", options: getMacroList("flash",""), required: false, multiple: false,image:imgURL() + "flash.png" href "pageContCommands", title: "Personalization", description: "Tap to personalize your overall voice experience", image: imgURL() + "personality.png" } section ("Other values / variables"){ href "pageDefaultValue", title: "Default Lighting Command Values", description: "", state: "complete" if (speakersSel() || tstatsSel()) href "pageLimitValue", title: "Device Minimum/Maximum Values", description: "", state: "complete" if (!state.accessToken) OAuthToken() href "pageGlobalVariables", title: "Text Field Variables", description: none, state: getGlobalVarState() ? "complete" : null if (cLightsSel()) href "pageCustomColor", title: "Custom Color Setup", description: customName && customHue && customSat ? customName +" (Hue: "+customHue+", Saturation: "+ customSat+")":"Tap to enter custom color name and values", state: (customName && customHue && customSat ? "complete" : null), image: imgURL() + "colors.png" href "pageWebCoREVar", title: "xParams For WebCoRE Macros", description: (state.wcp && state.wcp.size()>1) ? "${state.wcp.size()} xParams created" : (state.wcp && state.wcp.size()==1) ? "One xParam created" : "No xParams", state: state.wcp ? "complete" :null, image: "https://cdn.rawgit.com/ady624/${webCoRE_handle()}/master/resources/icons/app-CoRE@2x.png" } section("Security"){ href "pageConfirmation", title: "Revoke/Reset Access Token", description: "Tap to confirm this action", image: imgURL() + "warning.png" input "pwNeeded", "bool", title: "Password (PIN) Option Enabled", defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true if (pwNeeded) { input "password", "num", title: "Numeric Password (PIN)", description: "Enter short numeric PIN (i.e. 1234)", required: false href "pagePINRestrictions", title: "PIN Restrictions", description: (pinDay || pinMode ||pinPeople || pinEcho || pinSwitchActive || pinSwitchNotActive || timeStartPIN || timeEndPIN) ? "Restrictions applied - Tap to edit" : "Tap to add/edit PIN restrictions", image: imgURL()+"restrict.png", state: (pinDay || pinMode ||pinPeople || pinEcho || pinSwitchActive || pinSwitchNotActive || timeStartPIN || timeEndPIN) ? "complete" : null } } section ("Advanced") { input "deviceAlias", "bool", title: "Allow Device Aliases", defaultValue: false label title:"SmartApp Name", required:false, defaultValue: "Ask Alexa" } } } def pagePINRestrictions(){ dynamicPage(name: "pagePINRestrictions", install: false, uninstall: false) { section { paragraph "PIN Restriction", image: imgURL()+"restrict.png" } section (" "){ input "pinDay", "enum", options: dayOfWeek(), title: "Only Certain Days Of The Week...", multiple: true, required: false, image: imgURL() + "calendar.png" href "timePIN", title: "Only During Certain Times...", description: getTimeLabel(timeStartPIN, timeEndPIN), state: (timeStartPIN || timeEndPIN ? "complete":null), image: imgURL() + "clock.png" input "pinMode", "mode", title: "Only In The Following Modes...", multiple: true, required: false, image: imgURL() + "modes.png" input "pinPeople", "capability.presenceSensor", title: "Only When Present...", multiple: true, required: false, submitOnChange: true, image: imgURL() + "people.png" if (pinPeople && pinPeople.size()>1) input "pinPresAll", "bool", title: "Off=Any Present; On=All Present", defaultValue: false input "pinEcho", "enum", title:"Only From These Echo Devices...", options: rmCheck(runEchoMute), multiple: true, required: false, image: imgURL() + "echo.png" input "pinSwitchActive", "capability.switch", title: "Only When Switches Are On...", multiple: true, required: false, image: imgURL() + "on.png" input "pinSwitchNotActive", "capability.switch", title: "Only When Switches Are Off...", multiple: true, required: false, image: imgURL() + "off.png" } } } page(name: "timePIN", title: "PIN Required Only During These Times...") { section { input "timeStartPIN", "time", title: "Starting", required: false input "timeEndPIN", "time", title: "Ending", required: false } } def pageSetup(){ dynamicPage(name: "pageSetup", install: false, uninstall: false) { section { paragraph "Setup Ask Alexa", image: imgURL() + "setup.png"} section("Setup parameters") { //input "azRegion", "enum", title: "Select Amazon Region/Datacenter Location", description: "Choose the Amazon datecenter closest to you", options:["US-E":"US East","US-W":"US West","EU":"EU"], required: false, multiple: false, defaultValue:"US-E", submitOnChange: true input "invocationName", title: "Skill Invocation Name", defaultValue: "Smart Things", required: false, submitOnChange: true } section("Manual Amazon Lambda and skill installation"){ if (!state.accessToken) paragraph "**You must enable OAuth via the IDE to setup this app**" else href url:"${getApiServerUrl()}/api/smartapps/installations/${app.id}/setupLink?access_token=${state.accessToken}", style:"embedded", required:false, title:"Setup Variables Link", description: "Use Live Logging in the SmartThings IDE to obtain the URL for use on your computer browser.", image: imgURL() + "amazon.png" } /*if (azRegion && invocationName){ section("Automated Amazon Lambda and skill installation"){ input "createRoomSkills", "enum", title:"Create Secondary Room Skills", description: "Choose additional shortcut skills for rooms", options:["here":"Here", "room":"Room", "group":"Group"], required: false, multiple: true href url: "xxx", title:"Auto-Deploy Lambda/Skills", description:"Coming soon", image: imgURL() + "deploy.png" } }*/ section("Help") { if (!state.accessToken) paragraph "**You must enable OAuth via the IDE to produce the command cheat sheet**" else href url:"${getApiServerUrl()}/api/smartapps/installations/${app.id}/cheatLink?access_token=${state.accessToken}", style:"embedded", required:false, title:"Display Ask Alexa Cheat Sheet", description: "Use Live Logging in the SmartThings IDE to obtain the URL for use on your computer browser.", image: imgURL() + "list.png" } } } def pageWebCoREVar(){ dynamicPage(name: "pageWebCoREVar", install: false, uninstall: false) { section { paragraph "xParams For WebCoRE Macros", image: "https://cdn.rawgit.com/ady624/${webCoRE_handle()}/master/resources/icons/app-CoRE@2x.png"} section("Add / Remove xParams") { href "pagexParamAdd", title: "Add xParam", description: "Tap to add a xParam", image: imgURL() + "add.png" if (state.wcp) href "pagexParamDel", title: "Delete xParams", description: "Tap to delete xParams", image: imgURL() + "delete.png" } section(state.wcp && state.wcp.size()==1 ? "One xParam created" : state.wcp && state.wcp.size()>1 ? state.wcp.size() + " xParams created" : "") { paragraph state.wcp && state.wcp.size()>0 ? getxParamList(): "There are no xParams created yet" } } } def pagexParamAdd(){ dynamicPage(name: "pagexParamAdd", uninstall: false) { section ("xParam information"){ input "xParamName", "text", title: "xParam Name" } section(" "){ href "pagexParamAddFinal", title: "Add xParam", description: "Tap to add the above xParam to the list", image: imgURL() + "add.png" } section("Please note") { paragraph "Do not use the \"<\", \"Done\" or \"Save\" buttons on this page except to go back without adding the xParam.", image: imgURL() + "caution.png" } } } def pagexParamAddFinal(){ dynamicPage(name: "pagexParamAddFinal", uninstall: false) { if (!state.wcp && state.wcp!=[]) state.wcp=[] def success=false, result = "" if (xParamName && state.wcp.find {it.toLowerCase()==xParamName.toLowerCase()} ) result ="'${xParamName}' is already in the list. Please choose another name." else if (!xParamName) result="You did not enter a xParam. Go back and ensure all fields are filled in." else { state.wcp<1 ? "Tap to delete the xParams" : "Tap to delete the xParam" def titleTxt = xParamDelete.size()>1 ? "Delete xParams" : "Delete xParam" section(" "){ href "pagexParamDelFinal", title: titleTxt, description: descTxt , image: imgURL() + "delete.png" } section("Please note") { paragraph "Do not use the \"<\", \"Done\" or \"Save\" buttons on this page except to go back without deleting the xParam.", image: imgURL() + "caution.png" } } } } def pagexParamDelFinal(){ dynamicPage(name: "pagexParamDelFinal", uninstall: false) { def text ="Successfully Deleted " if (xParamDelete.size()){ xParamDelete.each{name-> state.wcp.removeAll{it==name} } text += xParamDelete.size()==1 ? "One xParam" : "${xParamDelete.size()} xParams" } section { paragraph text, image: imgURL() + "check.png" } section (" "){ href "pageWebCoREVar", title: "Tap Here To Add/Delete Another xParam", description:none href "mainPageParent", title: "Tap Here To Return To The Main Menu", description:none } section("Please note") { paragraph "Do not use the \"<\", \"Done\" or \"Save\" buttons on this page to go back in the interface. You may encounter undesired results. Please use the two buttons above to return to the xParam area or main menu.", image: imgURL() + "caution.png" } } } def pageDeviceVoice(){ dynamicPage(name: "pageDeviceVoice", install: false, uninstall: false) { section { paragraph "Device/Event Voice Settings", image: imgURL() + "smartthings.png" } section ("Device Settings") { input "briefReply", "bool", title: "Give 'Brief' Device Action Reply", defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true if (briefReply) input "briefReplyTxt", "enum", title: "Brief Reply", options: ["No reply spoken", "Ok", "Done", "User-defined"], required:false, multiple:false, defaultValue: "Ok", submitOnChange: true if (briefReply && briefReplyTxt=="User-defined") input "briefReplyCustom", "text", title:"User-defined Brief Reply", description:"Enter your brief reply", required: false, capitalization: "sentences" input "otherStatus", "bool", title: "Speak Additional Device Status Attributes", defaultValue: false input "healthWarn", "bool", title: "Speak Device Health When Offline", defaultValue: false input "batteryWarn", "bool", title: "Speak Battery Level When Below Threshold", defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true if (batteryWarn) input "batteryThres", "enum", title: "Battery Status Threshold", required: false, defaultValue: 20, options: battOptions() } section ("Event Settings"){ input "eventCt", "enum", title: "Default Number Of Past Events to Report", options: optionCount(1,9), required: false, defaultValue: 1 } } } def pagePriQueue(){ dynamicPage(name: "pagePriQueue", uninstall: false){ def children = getAAMQ(), mqCount = children.size() section{ paragraph "Primary Message Queue", image: imgURL() + "mailbox.png" } section ("Primary message queue options"){ input "msgQueueOrder", "enum", title: "Message Play Back Order (Alexa)", options:[0:"Oldest to newest", 1:"Newest to oldest"], defaultValue: 0 input "msgQueueDateSuppress", "bool", title: "Remove Time/Date From Message Review", defaultValue: false } section ("Message notification - Alexa", hideable: true, hidden: !(mqEcho)){ input "mqEcho", "enum", title:"Choose Echo Devices", options: rmCheck(mqEcho), multiple: true, required: false paragraph "This ability is not yet available - Coming soon!", image: imgURL() + "info.png" } section ("Message notification - audio", hideable: true, hidden: !(mqSpeaker||mqSynth)){ input "mqSpeaker", "capability.musicPlayer", title: "Choose Speakers", multiple: true, required: false, submitOnChange: true if (mqSpeaker) input "mqVolume", "number", title: "Speaker Volume", description: "0-100%", range:"0..100", required: false input "mqSynth", "capability.speechSynthesis", title: "Choose Voice Synthesis Devices", multiple: true, required: false, hideWhenEmpty: true if (mqSpeaker) input "mqAlertType", "enum", title:"Notification Type...",options:[0: "Verbal Notification and Message", 1: "Verbal Notification Only", 2: "Message Only", 3:"Notification Sound Effect"], defaultValue:0 , submitOnChange: true if (mqSpeaker && mqAlertType !="3") input "mqVoice", "enum", title: "Choose Voice", options: voiceList(), defaultValue: "Salli", required: false if (mqSpeaker && mqAlertType != "3") input "mqAppendSound", "bool", title: "Prepend Sound To Verbal Notification", defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true if (mqSpeaker && (mqAlertType == "3" || mqAppendSound)) input "mqAlertSound", "enum", title: "Sound Effect", required: mqAlertType == "3" ? true : false, options: soundFXList(), submitOnChange: true if (mqSpeaker && (mqAlertType == "3" || mqAppendSound) && mqAlertSound=="custom") input "mqAlertCustom", "text", title:"URL/Location Of Custom Sound (Less Than 10 Seconds)...", required: false if (mqSpeaker || mqSynth) input "restrictAudio", "bool", title: "Apply Restrictions To Audio Notification", defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true } section ("Message Notification - visual", hideable: true, hidden:!(msgQueueNotifyLightsOn || msgQueueNotifycLightsOn)){ input "msgQueueNotifyLightsOn", "capability.switch", title: "Turn On Lights When Messages Present", required:false, multiple:true, submitOnChange: true input "msgQueueNotifycLightsOn", "capability.colorControl", title: "Turn On/Set Colored Lights When Messages Present", required:false, multiple:true, submitOnChange: true if (msgQueueNotifycLightsOn) { input "msgQueueNotifyColor", "enum", title: "Set Color of Message Notification", options: STColors().name, multiple:false, required:false input "msgQueueNotifyLevel", "number", title: "Set Level of Message Notification", defaultValue:50, range:"1..100", required:false } if (msgQueueNotifyLightsOn || msgQueueNotifycLightsOn) { input "msgQueueNotifyLightsOff", "bool", title: "Turn Off Lights When Message Queue Empty", defaultValue: false input "restrictVisual", "bool", title: "Apply Restrictions To Visual Notification", defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true } } section ("Message notification - mobile", hideable: true, hidden:!(mqContacts||mqSMS||mqPush||mqFeed)){ input ("mqContacts", "contact", title: "Send Notifications To...", required: false, submitOnChange: true) { input "mqSMS", "phone", title: "Send SMS Message To (Phone Number)...", required: false, submitOnChange: true input "mqPush", "bool", title: "Send Push Message", defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true } input "mqFeed", "bool", title: "Post To Notification Feed", defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true if (mqFeed || mqSMS || mqPush || mqContacts) input "restrictMobile", "bool", title: "Apply Restrictions To Mobile Notification", defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true } if (restrictMobile || restrictVisual || restrictAudio){ section("Message notification restrictions", hideable: true, hidden: !(runDay || timeStart || timeEnd || runMode || runPeople || runSwitchActive || runSwitchNotActive )) { input "runDay", "enum", options:dayOfWeek(), title: "Only Certain Days Of The Week...", multiple: true, required: false, image: imgURL() + "calendar.png" href "timeIntervalInput", title: "Only During Certain Times...", description: getTimeLabel(timeStart, timeEnd), state: (timeStart || timeEnd ? "complete":null), image: imgURL() + "clock.png" input "runMode", "mode", title: "Only In The Following Modes...", multiple: true, required: false, image: imgURL() + "modes.png" input "runPeople", "capability.presenceSensor", title: "Only When Present...", multiple: true, required: false, submitOnChange: true, image: imgURL() + "people.png" if (runPeople && runPeople.size()>1) input "runPresAll", "bool", title: "Off=Any Present; On=All Present", defaultValue: false input "runSwitchActive", "capability.switch", title: "Only When Switches Are On...", multiple: true, required: false, image: imgURL() + "on.png" input "runSwitchNotActive", "capability.switch", title: "Only When Switches Are Off...", multiple: true, required: false, image: imgURL() + "off.png" } } section ("REST URL for this message queue", hideable: true, hidden:true){ href url:"${getApiServerUrl()}/api/smartapps/installations/${app.id}/u?qName=Primary Message Queue&access_token=${state.accessToken}", style:"embedded", required:false, title:"REST URL", description: "Tap to display the REST URL / send it to Live Logging", image: imgURL() + "network.png" } } } def pageMsgQue() { dynamicPage(name: "pageMsgQue", install: false, uninstall: false) { section{ paragraph "Message Queues", image: imgURL() + "mailbox.png" } section ("Global message queue options"){ input "msgQueueGUI", "enum", title: "Message Queues Displayed On Main Menu (When Messages Are Present)" , options: getMQListID(true), multiple:true, required:false input "msgQueueDelete", "enum", title: "Allow External SmartApps To Delete Messages From These Queues", options: getMQListID(true), multiple:true, required:false input "msgQueueNotify", "enum", title: "Append Alexa Output With Message Notification From These Queues", options: getMQListID(true), multiple:true, required:false if (getMQListID(false).size()) input "msgQueueForward", "enum", title: "Forward Messages From Primary Message Queue To", options: getMQListID(false), multiple:true, required:false, submitOnChange: true } def children = getAAMQ(), duplicates = children.label.findAll{children.label.count(it)>1}.unique(), aaMQVer="" if (children.size()) children.each { aaMQVer=it.versionInt()} def mqCount = children.size() ? children.size() + 1 + " messsage queues configured" : "One message queue configured" if (findMQReserved() || duplicates || children.size() && (aaMQVer < mqReq())){ section ("**Warning**"){ if (findMQReserved()) paragraph "You have used the reserved words 'echo', 'room', 'this room', 'group', 'this group', 'here' or 'in here' as a message queue name. Please rename these queues to ensure Ask Alexa functions properly.", image: imgURL() + "caution.png" if (duplicates) paragraph "You have two or more message queues with the same name. Please ensure each queue has a unique name and also does not conflict with device names or other extensions.", image: imgURL() + "caution.png" if (children.size() && (aaMQVer < mqReq())) paragraph "You are using an outdated version of the message queue extension. Please update the software and try again.", image: imgURL() + "caution.png" } } section ("${mqCount}"){ href "pagePriQueue", title: "Primary Message Queue", description: "", state:"complete" } section(" "){ app(name: "childMQ", appName: "Ask Alexa Message Queue", namespace: "MichaelStruck", title: "Create A New Message Queue...", description: "Tap to create a new message queue", multiple: true, image: imgURL() + "add.png") } } } def pageDefaultValue(){ dynamicPage(name: "pageDefaultValue", uninstall: false){ section("Increase / Brighten / Decrease / Dim values\n(When no values are requested)"){ input "lightAmt", "number", title: "Dimmer/Colored Lights", range:"1..100", defaultValue: 20, required: false input "tstatAmt", "number", title: "Thermostat Temperature", range:"1..100",defaultValue: 5, required: false input "speakerAmt", "number", title: "Speaker Volume", range:"1..100",defaultValue: 5, required: false } section("Low / Medium / High values (For dimmers or colored lights)") { input "dimmerLow", "number", title: "\"Low\" Value",range:"1..100", defaultValue: 10, required: false input "dimmerMed", "number", title: "\"Medium\" Value", range:"1..100", defaultValue: 50, required: false input "dimmerHigh", "number", title: "\"High\" Value", range:"1..100", defaultValue: 100, required: false } section("Default temperature (Kelvin) values"){ input "kSoftWhite", "number", title: "\"Soft White\" Value", range:"2700..6500",defaultValue: 2700, required: false input "kWarmWhite", "number", title:"\"Warm White\" Value", range:"2700..6500", defaultValue: 3500, required: false input "kCoolWhite" ,"number", title:"\"Cool White\" Value", range:"2700..6500", defaultValue: 4500, required: false input "kDayWhite" ,"number", title:"\"Daylight White\" Value", range:"2700..6500", defaultValue: 6500, required: false } } } def pageContCommands(){ dynamicPage(name: "pageContCommands", uninstall: false){ section{ paragraph "Personalization", image: imgURL() + "personality.png" } section ("Continuation of commands..."){ input "contError", "bool", title: "After Error", defaultValue: false input "contStatus", "bool", title: "After Status/List", defaultValue: false input "contAction", "bool", title: "After Action/Event History", defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true if (contAction && briefReply) paragraph "Please note that 'Brief Device Action Reply' is turned on. "+ "There will be no prompt for continuation commands, but Alexa will still be active waiting "+ "for these additional commands with this option enabled.", image: imgURL()+"info.png" input "contMacro", "bool", title: "After Macro/Extension Execution", defaultValue: false } section ("Personality"){ input "Personality", "enum", title: "Response Personality Style", options: ["Normal","Courtesy","Snarky"], defaultValue: "Normal", submitOnChange: true input "personalName", "text", title: "Name To Address You By (Optional)", description: "%people% variable is available if set up", required: false if (Personality=="Snarky") input "randomSnarkName", "bool", title: "Randomize Snarky Response Name", defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true if (Personality=="Snarky" && randomSnarkName){ input "snarkName1", "text", title: "Random Snarky Name 1", description: "Knucklehead", required: false input "snarkName2", "text", title: "Random Snarky Name 2", description: "Silly", required: false } } section("Global Options"){ href "pageGlobalOptions", title: "Playback Options/Restrictions", description: playbackDesc(), state: (playbackDesc() !="Tap to set playback options/restrictions" ? "complete":null),image: imgURL() + "echoReact.png" } } } def pageGlobalOptions(){ dynamicPage(name: "pageGlobalOptions", uninstall: false){ section{ paragraph "Playback Options/Restrictions", image: imgURL() + "echoReact.png" } section ("Command mute options"){ if (!muteAll) input "cmdMute", "bool", title: "Perform Command With No Alexa Output", defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true if (!cmdMute) input "muteAll", "bool", title: "Disable All Commands With No Alexa Output", defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true } if (!muteAll && !cmdMute) { section ("Playback options"){ input "speakSpeed", "enum", title: "Alexa Speaking Speed", options: ["x-slow":"Extra Slow", "slow":"Slow", "medium":"Default", "fast":"Fast", "x-fast":"Extra Fast"], defaultValue: "medium", required: false input "speakPitch", "enum", title: "Alexa Speaking Pitch", options: ["x-low":"Extra Low", "low":"Low", "medium":"Default", "high":"High", "x-high":"Extra High"], defaultValue: "medium", submitOnChange: true, required: false if (speakPitch=="medium" || !speakPitch) input "whisperMode", "bool", title: "Enable Whisper Mode", defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true } if ((speakPitch=="medium" || !speakPitch) && whisperMode) { section ("Whisper restrictions"){ href "timeIntervalInputWhisper", title: "Whisper Only During These Times...", description: getTimeLabel(timeStartWhisper, timeEndWhisper), state: (timeStartWhisper || timeEndWhisper? "complete":null), image: imgURL() + "clock.png" input "runModeWhisper", "mode", title: "Whisper Only In The Following Modes...", multiple: true, required: false, image: imgURL() + "modes.png" } } } if (muteAll || cmdMute){ section("Command restrictions"){ input "runDayMute", "enum", options: dayOfWeek(), title: "Only Certain Days Of The Week...", multiple: true, required: false, image: imgURL() + "calendar.png" href "timeMuteCmd", title: "Only During Certain Times...", description: getTimeLabel(timeStartMute, timeEndMute), state: (timeStartMute || timeEndMute ? "complete":null), image: imgURL() + "clock.png" input "runModeMute", "mode", title: "Only In The Following Modes...", multiple: true, required: false, image: imgURL() + "modes.png" input "runPeopleMute", "capability.presenceSensor", title: "Only When Present...", multiple: true, required: false, submitOnChange: true, image: imgURL() + "people.png" if (runPeopleMute && runPeopleMute.size()>1) input "runPresAllMute", "bool", title: "Off=Any Present; On=All Present", defaultValue: false input "runEchoMute", "enum", title:"Only From These Echo Devices...", options: rmCheck(runEchoMute), multiple: true, required: false, image: imgURL() + "echo.png" input "runSwitchActiveMute", "capability.switch", title: "Only When Switches Are On...", multiple: true, required: false, image: imgURL() + "on.png" input "runSwitchNotActiveMute", "capability.switch", title: "Only When Switches Are Off...", multiple: true, required: false, image: imgURL() + "off.png" } } } } page(name: "timeIntervalInputWhisper", title: "Whisper Only During These Times...") { section { input "timeStartWhisper", "time", title: "Starting", required: false input "timeEndWhisper", "time", title: "Ending", required: false } } page(name: "timeMuteCmd", title: "Restrict Only During These Times...") { section { input "timeStartMute", "time", title: "Starting", required: false input "timeEndMute", "time", title: "Ending", required: false } } def pageLimitValue(){ dynamicPage(name: "pageLimitValue", uninstall: false){ if (speakersSel()){ section("Speaker volume limits"){ input "speakerHighLimit", "number", title: "Speaker Maximum Volume", range:"0..100", defaultValue:20, required: false } } if (tstatsSel()){ section("Thermostat setpoint limits"){ input "tstatLowLimit", "number", title: "Thermostat Minimum Value", range:"0..100", defaultValue: 55, required: false input "tstatHighLimit", "number", title: "Thermostat Maximum Value", range:"0..100", defaultValue: 85, required: false } } } } def pageGlobalVariables(){ dynamicPage(name: "pageGlobalVariables", uninstall: false){ section { paragraph "Text Field Variables", image: imgURL() + "variable.png" } section ("Environmental") { input "voiceTempVar", "capability.temperatureMeasurement", title: "Temperature Device Variable (%temp%)",multiple: true, required: false, submitOnChange: true input "voiceHumidVar", "capability.relativeHumidityMeasurement", title:"Humidity Device Variable (%humid%)",multiple: true, required: false, submitOnChange: true if ((voiceTempVar && voiceTempVar.size()>1) || (voiceHumidVar && voiceHumidVar.size()>1)) paragraph "Please note: When multiple temperature/humidity devices are selected above, the variable output will be an average of the device readings", image: imgURL() + "info.png" } section ("People"){ input "voicePresenceVar", "capability.presenceSensor", title: "Presence Sensor Variable (%people%)", multiple: true, required: false } section ("Random responses"){ href "pageRandom1", title: "Random Responses 1 (%random1%)", description: getRandDesc(1), state: random1A || random1B|| random1C? "complete" : null href "pageRandom2", title: "Random Responses 2 (%random2%)", description: getRandDesc(2), state: random2A || random2B|| random2C? "complete" : null href "pageRandom3", title: "Random Responses 3 (%random3%)", description: getRandDesc(3), state: random3A || random3B|| random3C? "complete" : null } section ("Built-in variables"){ paragraph "The following variables are built in:\n\n%time% - Time the variable is called\n%day% - Day of the week\n%date% - Full date\n" + "%macro% - Macro/Extension name\n%mtype% - Macro/Extension type\n%delay% - Control/WebCoRE macro delay\n%age% - Schedules age number\n%xParam% - Extra parameter" } if (getWR().size()){ section ("Weather Report"){ def list= "The following variables can be used to add weather reporting to any text field:\n\n", itemCount=getWR().size() as int getWR().each{ list += "%${it.label.toLowerCase().replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]", "")}%"; itemCount -- list += itemCount>1 ? ", " : itemCount==1 ? " and " : "" } paragraph list } } } } page(name: "pageRandom1", title: "Random Responses 1"){ section{ input "random1A", "text", title: "Random Response", required: false, capitalization: "sentences" input "random1B", "text", title: "Random Response", required: false, capitalization: "sentences" input "random1C", "text", title: "Random Response", required: false, capitalization: "sentences" } } page(name: "pageRandom2", title: "Random Responses 2"){ section{ input "random2A", "text", title: "Random Response", required: false, capitalization: "sentences" input "random2B", "text", title: "Random Response", required: false, capitalization: "sentences" input "random2C", "text", title: "Random Response", required: false, capitalization: "sentences" } } page(name: "pageRandom3", title: "Random Responses 3"){ section{ input "random3A", "text", title: "Random Response", required: false, capitalization: "sentences" input "random3B", "text", title: "Random Response", required: false, capitalization: "sentences" input "random3C", "text", title: "Random Response", required: false, capitalization: "sentences" } } def pageCustomColor(){ dynamicPage(name: "pageCustomColor", uninstall: false){ section{ paragraph "Custom Color Setup", image: imgURL() + "colors.png" } section("Custom Color") { input "customName", "text", title: "Custom Color Name", required: false input "customHue", "number", title: "Custom Color Hue",range:"0..100",required: false input "customSat", "number", title: "Custom Color Saturation",range:"0..100", required: false } section("Notes about custom colors") { paragraph "Remember to update your Amazon Developer Slots to ensure this custom name is available to use.", image: imgURL() + "info.png" } } } def pageConfirmation(){ dynamicPage(name: "pageConfirmation", title: "Revoke/Reset Access Token Confirmation", uninstall: false){ section { href "pageReset", title: "Revoke/Reset Access Token", description: "Tap to take action - READ WARNING BELOW", image: imgURL() + "warning.png" paragraph "PLEASE CONFIRM! By resetting the access token you will disable the ability to interface Ask Alexa with your Amazon Echo. You will need to copy the new access token to your Amazon Lambda code to re-enable access." + "Tap below to go back to the main menu with out resetting the token. You may also tap \"Done\" or \"Save\" in the upper left corner." } section(" "){ href "mainPageParent", title: "Cancel And Go Back To Main Menu", description: none } } } def pageReset(){ dynamicPage(name: "pageReset", title: "Access Token Reset", uninstall: false){ section{ revokeAccessToken() state.accessToken = null OAuthToken() def msg = state.accessToken != null ? "New access token:\n${state.accessToken}\n\nClick , \"Done\" or \"Save\" above to return to the previous menu." : "Could not reset Access Token. OAuth may not be enabled. Go to the IDE settings to enable OAuth for Ask Alexa." paragraph "${msg}" href "mainPageParent", title: "Tap Here To Return To The Main Menu", description: " " } } } //Child Pages---------------------------------------------------- def mainPageChild(){ dynamicPage(name: "mainPageChild", title: "Macro Options", install: true, uninstall: true) { section { label title:"Macro Name (Required)", required: true, image: imgURL() + "speak.png" href "pageMacroAliases", title: "Macro Aliases", description: macroAliasDesc(), state: macroAliasState() input "macroType", "enum", title: "Macro Type...", options: [["Control":"Control (Run/Execute)"],["CoRE":"WebCoRE Trigger (Run/Execute)"],["GroupM":"Extension Group (Run/Execute)"]], required: false, multiple: false, submitOnChange:true def fullMacroName=[GroupM: "Extension Group",CoRE:"WebCoRE Trigger", Control:"Control"][macroType] ?: macroType if (macroType) { href "page${macroType}", title: "${fullMacroName} Settings", description: macroTypeDesc(), state: greyOutMacro() if (parent.contMacro) { input "overRideMsg", "bool", title: "Override Continuation Commands (Except Errors)", defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true if (!overRideMsg) input "suppressCont", "bool", title:"Suppress Continuation Messages (But Still Allow Continuation Commands)", defaultValue: false } } } if (macroType && macroType==~/Control|GroupM/ && macroTypeDesc() !="Status: UNCONFIGURED - Tap to configure macro" && app.label !="Ask Alexa") { def secTxt = macroType=="Control" ? "Control Macro" : "Extension Group" section ("REST URL for this ${secTxt}", hideable: true, hidden:true){ href url:"${getApiServerUrl()}/api/smartapps/installations/${parent.app.id}/u?mName=${app.label}&access_token=${parent.state.accessToken}", style:"embedded", required:false, title:"REST URL", description: "Tap to display the REST URL / send it to Live Logging", image: parent.imgURL() + "network.png" } } if (macroType) { section ("Switch trigger for this macro", hideable: true, hidden: !(macroTriggerSwitch)){ input "macroTriggerSwitch", "capability.switch", title: "Trigger Switch", multiple: false, required: false, submitOnChange:true if (macroType=="CoRE" && macroTriggerSwitch){ input "triggerXParam", "text", title: "xParam To Send When Switch Triggered (optional)", description: "Use lower case for the xParam", required: false, capitalization: "none" input "triggermNum", "number", title: "mNum To Send When Switch Triggered (optional)", description: "Enter a number ", required: false } paragraph "A momentary switch is recommended (but not required) to trigger a macro. You may associate the switch with other automations (including native Alexa Routines) to execute this macro when the switch state change. "+ "Please note: No passwords are passed to this macro and no output from this macro will be heard unless you output it via a Message Queue.", image: imgURL()+"info.png" } } if (macroType && macroType ==~/Control|CoRE/){ section("Restrictions", hideable: true, hidden: !(runDay || timeStart || timeEnd || runMode || runEcho || runPeople || runSwitchActive || runSwitchNotActive)) { input "runDay", "enum", options: dayOfWeek(), title: "Only Certain Days Of The Week...", multiple: true, required: false, image: imgURL() + "calendar.png" href "timeIntervalInput", title: "Only During Certain Times...", description: getTimeLabel(timeStart, timeEnd), state: (timeStart || timeEnd ? "complete":null), image: imgURL() + "clock.png" input "runMode", "mode", title: "Only In The Following Modes...", multiple: true, required: false, image: imgURL() + "modes.png" input "runPeople", "capability.presenceSensor", title: "Only When Present...", multiple: true, required: false, submitOnChange: true, image: imgURL() + "people.png" if (runPeople && runPeople.size()>1) input "runPresAll", "bool", title: "Off=Any Present; On=All Present", defaultValue: false input "runEcho", "enum", title:"Only From These Echo Devices...", options: parent.rmCheck(runEcho), multiple: true, required: false, image: imgURL() + "echo.png" input "runSwitchActive", "capability.switch", title: "Only When Switches Are On...", multiple: true, required: false, image: imgURL() + "on.png" input "runSwitchNotActive", "capability.switch", title: "Only When Switches Are Off...", multiple: true, required: false, image: imgURL() + "off.png" input "muteRestrictions", "bool", title: "Mute Restriction Messages In Extension Group", defaultValue: false } } section("Tap below to remove this macro"){} remove("Remove Macro" + (app.label ? ": ${app.label}" : ""),"PLEASE NOTE","This action will only remove this macro. Ask Alexa, other macros and extensions will remain.") } } page(name: "timeIntervalInput", title: "Only during a certain time") { section { input "timeStart", "time", title: "Starting", required: false input "timeEnd", "time", title: "Ending", required: false } } page(name: "pageMacroAliases", title: "Enter alias names for this macro"){ section { for (int i = 1; i 1) outputTxt ="The name, '${dev}', is used multiple times in your Ask Alexa SmartApp. Please rename or remove duplicate items so I may properly utlize them. " else if (op=="status" && dev=~/echo|alexa|device/ && !count){ count=1 def room="" if (getRM().size()) getRM().each {roomName-> roomName.getEchoAliasList().each { if (echoID == it) room = "${roomName.label}" } } if (room) outputTxt = "This echo device is associated with the group named: '${room}'. %2%" else outputTxt = "This echo device is not yet setup with any room or group. To do that, simply say, 'associate', and then the group name. %1%" } else if (deviceList || aliasDeviceList) { def proceed = true def deviceObj=deviceList ? deviceList.devices.find{it.label.replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]", "").toLowerCase() == dev} : aliasDeviceObj def devType=deviceList ? deviceList.type : aliasDeviceType devIcon=deviceList ? deviceList.type : aliasDeviceType if (devType =~/door|lock/ && (lockVoc().find{it==op} || doorVoc().find{it==op})) { def currentState = deviceObj.currentValue(devType) if ((devType == "door" && (currentState==op) || (currentState == "closed" && op=="close"))||(devType=="lock" && currentState == op + "ed")) outputTxt="The ${dev} is already ${currentState}. %3%" else if (getOkPIN() && pwNeeded && password && num != password as int && ((devType =="door" && doorPW) || (devType =="lock" && lockPW))) { if (num != password as int && num != 0) outputTxt = "I heard a password that is not valid. %P%" if (num==0) outputTxt = "A valid password is needed to ${op} the ${dev}. %P%" state.cmdFollowup = [return: "deviceAction", dev: dev, op: op, numVal: numVal, param: param, icon:devIcon] } else if ((op=="lock" && lockLockDisable) || (op=="unlock" && lockUnLockDisable) || (op=="open" && doorOpenDisable) || (op=="close" && doorCloseDisable)) outputTxt = "There are restrictions set up preventing the '${op}' command from being used on this ${devType}. %1%" proceed = outputTxt ? false : true } if (proceed) outputTxt = getReply (deviceObj, devType, dev, op, num, param, echoID) } if (!count) { outputTxt = "I had some problems finding the device you specified. %1%" } if (followup) return outputTxt else sendJSON(outputTxt,devIcon) } def processObjectsAction(obj1, obj2, op1, op2, numVal1, numVal2, param1, param2, echoID){ log.debug "-Compound command received-" if (!(obj1 ==~/undefined|null|\?/)) log.debug "Obj1: " + obj1 if (!(obj2 ==~/undefined|null|\?/)) log.debug "Obj2: " + obj2 if (!(op1 ==~/undefined|null|\?/)) log.debug "Op1: " + op1 if (!(op2 ==~/undefined|null|\?/)) log.debug "Op2: " + op2 if (!(numVal1 ==~/undefined|null|\?/)) log.debug "Num1: " + numVal1 if (!(numVal2 ==~/undefined|null|\?/)) log.debug "Num2: " + numVal2 if (!(param1 ==~/undefined|null|\?/)) log.debug "Param1: " + param1 if (!(param2 ==~/undefined|null|\?/)) log.debug "Param2: " + param2 log.debug "Echo ID: " + (echoID !="undefined"? "..."+echoID[-10..-1] : "Simulator or unknown device") def num1 = numVal1 ==~/undefined|null|\?/ || !numVal1 ? 0 : numVal1 as int def num2 = numVal2 ==~/undefined|null|\?/ || !numVal2 ? num1 as int : numVal2 as int if (!(op2==~/undefined|null|\?/)) num2=0 if (param2==~/undefined|null/) param2 = param1 String outputTxt = "" def deviceList1=[], count1 = 0, aliasDeviceType1, aliasDeviceObj1, aliasDeviceList1, aliasDeviceName1, deviceList2=[], count2 = 0, aliasDeviceType2, aliasDeviceObj2, aliasDeviceList2, aliasDeviceName2 def extList1, extList2, extType1, extType2 getDeviceList().each{if (it.name==obj1) {deviceList1=it; count1++}} getDeviceList().each{if (it.name==obj2) {deviceList2=it; count2++}} if (mapDevices(true) && deviceAlias && !count1 && !deviceList1){ aliasDeviceList1 = state.aliasList.each { if (it.aliasNameLC==obj1) { aliasDeviceType1 = it.aliasType; aliasDeviceName1 = it.aliasDevice; count1++ } } if (aliasDeviceType1) { aliasDeviceList1=mapDevices(true).find {it.type==aliasDeviceType1} if (aliasDeviceList1) aliasDeviceObj1=aliasDeviceList1.devices.find{it.label==aliasDeviceName1} else outputTxt = "I had a problem finding the alias device you specified. Please check your Ask Alexa SmartApp settings to ensure you have a device associated with the alias name. %1%" } } if (mapDevices(true) && deviceAlias && !count2 && !deviceList2){ aliasDeviceList2 = state.aliasList.each { if (it.aliasNameLC==obj2) { aliasDeviceType2 = it.aliasType; aliasDeviceName2 = it.aliasDevice; count2++ } } if (aliasDeviceType2) { aliasDeviceList2=mapDevices(true).find {it.type==aliasDeviceType2} if (aliasDeviceList2) aliasDeviceObj2=aliasDeviceList2.devices.find{it.label==aliasDeviceName2} else outputTxt = "I had a problem finding the alias device you specified. Please check your Ask Alexa SmartApp settings to ensure you have a device associated with the alias name. %1%" } } if (extObj("room", obj1).count) { extList1=extObj("room", obj1).list; count1 =count1 + extObj("room", obj1).count; extType1="room" } if (extObj("room", obj2).count) { extList2=extObj("room", obj2).list; count2 =count2 + extObj("room", obj2).count; extType2="room" } if (extObj("vr", obj1).count) { extList1=extObj("vr", obj1).list; count1 =count1 + extObj("vr", obj1).count; extType1="vr" } if (extObj("vr", obj2).count) { extList2=extObj("vr", obj2).list; count2 =count2 + extObj("vr", obj2).count; extType2="vr" } if (extObj("wr", obj1).count) { extList1=extObj("wr", obj1).list; count1 =count1 + extObj("wr", obj1).count; extType1="wr" } if (extObj("wr", obj2).count) { extList2=extObj("wr", obj2).list; count2 =count2 + extObj("wr", obj2).count; extType2="wr" } if (extObj("macro", obj1).count) { extList1=extObj("macro", obj1).list; count1 =count1 + extObj("macro", obj1).count; extType1="macro" } if (extObj("macro", obj2).count) { extList2=extObj("macro", obj2).list; count2 =count2 + extObj("macro", obj2).count; extType2="macro" } if (count1 > 1 && count2 ==1) outputTxt ="The name, '${obj1}', is used multiple times in your Ask Alexa SmartApp. Please rename or remove duplicate items so I may properly utlize them. " else if (count2 > 1 && count1 ==1) outputTxt ="The name, '${obj2}', is used multiple times in your Ask Alexa SmartApp. Please rename or remove duplicate items so I may properly utlize them. " else if (count2 > 1 && count1 > 1) outputTxt ="The names, '${obj1}' and '${obj2}', are used multiple times in your Ask Alexa SmartApp. Please rename or remove duplicate items so I may properly utlize them. " else if (!count1 || !count2) { if (!count1 && count2 && !(obj1==~/undefined|null|\?/)) outputTxt = "I had some problems finding, '${obj1}'. I did not take any action on this compound command. %1%" else if (!count1 && count2 && obj1==~/undefined|null|\?/) outputTxt = "I had some problems finding one of the devices you specified. I did not take any action on this compound command. %1%" else if (count1 && !count2) outputTxt = "I had some problems finding, '${obj2}'. I did not take any action on this compound command. %1%" else if (!count1 && !count2) outputTxt = "I had some problems finding both '${obj1}' and '${obj2}'. I did not take any action on this compound command. %1%" } else if (deviceList1 || aliasDeviceList1 || deviceList2 || aliasDeviceList2 || extList1 || extList2) { def proceed = true, actionObj1, actionObj2, objType1, objType2 if (deviceList1 || aliasDeviceList1){ actionObj1=deviceList1 ? deviceList1.devices.find{it.label.replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]", "").toLowerCase() == obj1} : aliasDeviceObj1 objType1=deviceList1 ? deviceList1.type : aliasDeviceType1 } if (deviceList2 || aliasDeviceList2){ actionObj2=deviceList2 ? deviceList2.devices.find{it.label.replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]", "").toLowerCase() == obj2} : aliasDeviceObj2 objType2=deviceList2 ? deviceList2.type : aliasDeviceType2 } if (extList1) {actionObj1 = extList1; objType1=extType1} if (extList2) {actionObj2 = extList2; objType2=extType2} if ((objType1 =~/door|lock/ || (objType2 =~/door|lock/))) { if ((objType1 =="door" || objType2 =="door") && doorPW && pwNeeded && getOkPIN()) outputTxt = "Doors are set up to require a password to operate and can not be used in a compound command. Restate your action with only the device you want to control and its password. I did not take any action for your current request. %1%" if ((objType1 =="lock" || objType2 =="lock") && lockPW && pwNeeded && getOkPIN()) outputTxt = "Locks are set up to require a password to operate and can not be used in a compound command. Restate your action with only the device you want to control and its password. I did not take any action for your current request. %1%" } if (extList1 || extList2 && (op1==~/open|close/ || op1==~/lock|unlock/ || op2==~/open|close/ || op2==~/lock|unlock/)){ def rm1 = getRM().find {it.label.toLowerCase().replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]", "") == extList1} def rm2 = getRM().find {it.label.toLowerCase().replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]", "") == extList2} if (getOkPIN() && pwNeeded && ((rm1 && op1==~/open|close/ && rm1.usePWDoor && rm1.doors) || (rm1 && op1==~/lock|unlock/ && rm1.usePWLock && rm1.locks) || (rm2 && op2==~/open|close/ && rm2.usePWDoor && rm2.doors) || (rm2 && op2==~/lock|unlock/ && rm2.usePWLock && rm2.locks)) && mPW !=password){ outputTxt = "Commands that require passwords can not be used in compound commands. Restate your action with only the device or group you want to control and its password. I did not take any action for your current request. %1%" } } if (extList1 || extList2){ def child1 = getAskAlexa().find {it.label.toLowerCase().replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]", "") == extList1} def child2 = getAskAlexa().find {it.label.toLowerCase().replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]", "") == extList2} if (((child1 && child1.usePW) || (child2 && child2.usePW)) && pwNeeded && password && getOkPIN()){ outputTxt = "Macros that require passwords can not be used in compound commands. Restate your command with only the macro you want to run and its password. I did not take any action for your current request. %1%" } } proceed = outputTxt ? false : true if (proceed) { def intOutput1, intOutput2 if ((op1=="lock" && lockLockDisable) || (op1=="unlock" && lockUnLockDisable) || (op1=="open" && doorOpenDisable) || (op1=="open" && doorOpenDisable)) intOutput1 = "There are restrictions set up preventing the '${op1}' command from being used on this ${objType1}. %1%" else if (objType1 =~/door|lock/){ def currentState = actionObj1.currentValue(objType1) if ((objType1 == "door" && (currentState==op1) || (currentState == "closed" && op1=="close"))||(objType1=="lock" && currentState == op1 + "ed")) intOutput1="The ${obj1} is already ${currentState}. %1%" } else if (deviceList1 || aliasDeviceList1) intOutput1 = getReply (actionObj1, objType1, obj1, op1, num1, param1, echoID) else if (objType1=="room") intOutput1 = processRoom(actionObj1, num1, op1, param1 ,"", echoID) else if (objType1=="vr") intOutput1 = processVoiceReport(actionObj1,echoID) else if (objType1=="wr") intOutput1 = processWeatherReport(actionObj1,echoID) else if (objType1=="macro") intOutput1 = processMacroAction(actionObj1, num1, "", true, "",echoID) if ((op2=="lock" && lockLockDisable) || (op2=="unlock" && lockUnLockDisable) || (op2=="open" && doorOpenDisable) || (op2=="open" && doorOpenDisable)) intOutput2 = "There are restrictions set up preventing the '${op2}' command from being used on this ${objType2}. %1%" else if (objType2 =~/door|lock/){ def currentState = actionObj2.currentValue(objType2) if ((objType2 == "door" && (currentState==op2) || (currentState == "closed" && op2=="close"))||(objType2=="lock" && currentState == op2 + "ed")) intOutput2="The ${obj2} is already ${currentState}. %1%" } else if (deviceList2 || aliasDeviceList2) intOutput2 = getReply (actionObj2, objType2, obj2, op2, num2, param2, echoID) else if (objType2=="room") intOutput2 = processRoom(actionObj2, num2, op2 ,param2 ,"", echoID) else if (objType2=="vr") intOutput2 = processVoiceReport(actionObj2,echoID) else if (objType2=="wr") intOutput2 = processWeatherReport(actionObj2,echoID) else if (objType2=="macro") intOutput2 = processMacroAction(actionObj2, num2, "", true, "",echoID) if (intOutput1.endsWith("%1%") && intOutput2.endsWith("%1%")) outputTxt = "Both of the commands failed: " + intOutput1.replaceAll("%1%"," Also, ") + intOutput2.toLowerCase() else if (intOutput1.endsWith("%1%") && !intOutput2.endsWith("%1%")) outputTxt = intOutput1.replaceAll(". %1%","; however, ") + intOutput2[0..-4]+" %1%" else if (!intOutput1.endsWith("%1%") && intOutput2.endsWith("%1%")) outputTxt = intOutput2.replaceAll(". %1%","; however, ") + intOutput1[0..-4]+" %1%" else if (intOutput1.endsWith("%2%") || intOutput2.endsWith("%2%")) outputTxt = intOutput1[0..-4] + intOutput2[0..-4] + "%3%" else if (intOutput1.endsWith("%3%") && intOutput2.endsWith("%3%") && op1==op2 && !(op1 ==~/undefined|null|\?/)) { if (op1==~/on|off/) outputTxt ="I am turning ${op1} the ${obj1} and the ${obj2}. %3%" if (op1==~/close|open|toggle|lock|unlock/){ def verb = op1=="close" ? "clos" : op1=="toggle" ? "toggl" : op1 outputTxt ="I am ${verb}ing both the ${obj1} and the ${obj2}. %3%" } if (op1==~/undefined|null|\?/) outputTxt = intOutput1.replaceAll(". %3%"," ") + "and " + intOutput2.replaceAll("I "," ") } else if (intOutput1.endsWith("%3%") && intOutput2.endsWith("%3%") && param1==param2 && !(param1 ==~/undefined|null|\?/)) outputTxt ="I am setting the color of both ${obj1} and ${obj2} to ${param1}. %3%" else if (intOutput1.endsWith("%3%") && intOutput2.endsWith("%3%") && num1>0 && num1==num2) outputTxt ="I am setting both the ${obj1} and the ${obj2} to ${num1}%. %3%" else if (intOutput1.endsWith("%4%") || intOutput2.endsWith("%4%")) outputTxt = intOutput1[0..-4] + "In addition, " + intOutput2[0..-4]+" %3%" else outputTxt = intOutput1[0..-6] + " and " + intOutput2[0..-4] + "%3%" } } sendJSON (outputTxt,"compound") } def extObj(type, object){ def count=0, extList, extType = (type==~/vr|wr|room/) ? "extAlias" : "macAlias" def objType = type=="room" ? getRM() : (type=="vr") ? getVR() : (type=="wr") ? getWR() : getAskAlexa() if (objType.size()) { objType.each { if (it.label.toLowerCase().replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]", "") ==object) { count ++; extList=object } def extCount = (type==~/vr|wr|room/) ? it.extAliasCount() : it.macAliasCount() for (int i = 1; i1 ? "The available modes include the following: " + getList(listModes) + ". " : listModes && listModes.size()==1 ? "You have one mode enabled for control named: " + getList(listModes) + ". " : "There are no modes defined within your Ask Alexa SmartApp. " if (listType=~/security|smart home monitor|SHM/) {outputTxt= listSHM && listSHM.size() > 1? "#Smart Home Monitor commands#" : listSHM && listSHM.size() == 1 ? "@Smart Home Monitor command@":"%Smart Home Monitor commands%"; devices=listSHM } if (listType=~/temperature/){ if (temps) { outputTxt = "The devices you can get temperature readings from include the following: " + getList(temps) + ". "; aliasType="temperature" } if (tstats && temps) { outputTxt +="In addition, the following thermostats can also give you temperature readings: " + getList(tstats) + ". "; aliasType="thermostat" } if (tstats && tstats.size()>1 && !temps) { outputTxt ="The only devices you have selected for temperature readings are the following thermostats: " + getList(tstats) + ". " ;aliasType="thermostat" } if (tstats && tstats.size()==1 && !temps) { outputTxt ="The only device you have selected for temperature readings is the " + getList(tstats) + ". " ; aliasType="thermostat" } if (!tstats && !temps) outputTxt="You don't have any devices selected that will provide temperature readings. " } if (listType=~/thermostat/) { outputTxt = tstats && tstats.size()>1 ? "#thermostats#" : tstats && tstats.size()==1 ? "@thermostat@":"%thermostats%"; devices=tstats; aliasType="thermostat"} if (listType=~/humidity/) { outputTxt = humid && humid.size()>1 ? "#humidity sensors#" : humid && humid.size()==1 ? "@humidity sensor@" : "%humidity sensors%"; devices=humid; aliasType="humidity" } if (listType=~/presence/) { outputTxt = presence && presence.size()>1 ? "#presence sensors#" : presence && presence.size()==1 ? "@presence sensor available@" : "%presence sensors%"; devices=presence; aliasType="presence" } if (listType=~/acceleration/) { outputTxt = acceleration && acceleration.size()>1 ? "#acceleration sensors#" : acceleration && acceleration.size()==1 ? "@acceleration sensor@" : "%acceleration sensors%"; devices = acceleration; aliasType="acceleration"} if (listType=~/motion/) { outputTxt = motion && motion.size()>1 ? "#motion sensors#" : motion && motion.size()==1 ? "@motion sensor@" : "%motion sensors%" ; devices=motion; aliasType="motion" } if (listType=~/open|close/) { outputTxt = ocSensors && ocSensors.size()>1 ? "#open close sensors#" : ocSensors && ocSensors.size()==1 ? "@open close sensor@" : "%open close sensors%"; devices = ocSensors; aliasType="contact" } if (listType=~/dimmer/) { outputTxt = dimmers && dimmers.size()>1 ? "#dimmers#" : dimmers && dimmers.size()==1 ? "@dimmer@" : "%dimmmers%"; devices=dimmers; aliasType="level" } if (listType=~/speaker/) { outputTxt = speakers && speakers.size()>1 ? "#speakers#" : speakers && speakers.size()==1 ? "@speaker@" : "%speakers%" ; devices=speakers; aliasType="music" } if (listType=~/door/) { outputTxt = doors && doors.size()>1 ? "You have the following doors you can open or close: " + getList(doors) + ". " : doors && doors.size()==1 ? "You have one door, " + getList(doors)+ ", selected that you can open or close. " : "%doors%"; aliasType="door" } if (listType=~/shade|window/) { outputTxt = shades && shades.size()>1 ? "#window shades#" : shades && shades.size()==1 ? "@window shade@" :"%window shades%"; devices = shades; aliasType="shade" } if (listType=~/lock/) { outputTxt = locks && locks.size()>1 ? "#locks#" : locks && locks.size()==1 ? "@lock@" :"%locks%"; devices=locks; aliasType="lock" } if (listType=~/colored light/) { outputTxt = cLights && cLights.size()>1 ? "#colored lights#": cLights && cLights.size()==1 ? "@colored light@" : "%colored lights%"; devices=cLights; aliasType="color" } if (listType=~/temperature light|kelvin/) { outputTxt = cLightsK && cLightsK.size()>1 ? "#temperature lights#": cLightsK && cLightsK.size()==1 ? "@temperature light@" : "%temperature lights%"; devices=cLightsK; aliasType="kTemp" } if (listType=~/switch/) { outputTxt = switches? "You can turn on, off or toggle the following switches: " + getList(switches) + ". " : "%switches%" ; aliasType="switch" } if (listType=~/routine/) { outputTxt= listRoutines && listRoutines.size()>1 ? "#routines#":listRoutines && listRoutines.size()==1 ? "@routine@" : "%routines%"; devices=listRoutines } if (listType=~/water/) { outputTxt= water && water.size()>1 ? "#water sensors#" : water && water.size()==1 ? "@water sensor@" : "%water sensors%" ; devices=water; aliasType="water" } if (listType =~/report|voice/) outputTxt = parseMacroLists("Voice","voice report","play") if (listType =~/schedule/) outputTxt = parseMacroLists("Schedule","schedule","") if (listType =~/control/) outputTxt = parseMacroLists("Control","control macro","run") if (listType =~/pollution|air|quality/) { outputTxt = fooBot && fooBot.size()>1 ? "#Foobot air quality monitors#" : fooBot && fooBot.size()==1 ? "@Foobot air quality monitor@" : "%Foobot air quality monitors%"; devices=fooBot; aliasType="pollution" } if (listType =~/uv|index/) { outputTxt = UV && UV.size()>1 ? "#UV Index Devices#" : UV && UV.size()==1 ? "@UV Index Device@" : "%UV Index Devices%"; devices=UV; aliasType="uvIndex" } if (listType =~/occupancy/) { outputTxt = occupancy && occupancy.size()>1 ? "#occupancy sensors#" : occupancy && occupancy.size()==1 ? "@occupancy sensor@" : "%occupancy sensors%"; devices=occupancy; aliasType="beacon" } if (listType =~/core|webcore|trigger/) outputTxt = parseMacroLists("CoRE","WEBCORE trigger","run") if (listType =~/extension group|group extention/) outputTxt = parseMacroLists("GroupM","extension group","run") if (listType =~/weather/) outputTxt = parseMacroLists("Weather","weather report","play") if (listType =~/message|queue/) outputTxt = parseMacroLists("MQ","message queue","play") if (listType =~/event/) { outputTxt = "To list events for a device, you must give me the name of that device. " if (Math.abs(new Random().nextInt() % 2)==1) outputTxt += "For example, you could say, 'tell ${invocationName} to give me the last events for the Bedroom'. " + "You may also include the number of events you would like to hear. An example would be, 'tell ${invocationName} to give me the last 4 events for the Bedroom'. " } if (listType =~/alias/) outputTxt = "You can not list aliases directly. To hear the aliases that are available, choose a specific device catagory to list. For example, if you list the available switch devices, any switch aliases you created will be listed as well. " if (listType ==~/colors|color/) outputTxt = cLights ? "There are too many colors to list. Basic colors like red, blue, and green are availabe. For a full list of colors, it is recommended you print the Ask Alexa cheat sheet. " : "%colored lights%" if (listType ==~/macro|macros/) outputTxt ="Please be a bit more specific about which macros you want me to list. You can ask me about 'webcore triggers', 'extension groups' and 'control macros'. %1%" if (listType ==~/group|groups|room|rooms/) outputTxt = parseMacroLists("Rooms/Groups","group","take action") if (listType ==~/extension|extensions/) outputTxt ="Please be a bit more specific about which extensions you want me to list. You can ask me about 'voice reports', 'weather reports', 'schedules', and 'message queues'. %1%" if (listType ==~/sensor|sensors/) outputTxt ="Please be a bit more specific about what kind of sensors you want me to list. You can ask me to list items like 'water', 'occupancy', 'open close', 'presence', 'acceleration, or 'motion sensors'. %1%" if (listType ==~/light|lights/) outputTxt ="Please be a bit more specific about what kind of lighting devices you want me to list. You can ask me to list devices like 'switches', 'dimmers' or 'colored lights'. %1%" if (listType =~/echo|alexa|device/) { def rmList=[] if (getRM().size()) getRM().each {roomName-> def nameList=roomName.getEchoAliasList() nameList.each { rmList<1 ? "You have the following groups that have Echo devices associated with them: ${getList(rmList.unique())}. " : rmList && rmList.unique().size()==1 ? "The only group with an Echo device associated with it is: '${getList(rmList.unique())}'. " : "You have no groups associated with any Echo devices. " } if (outputTxt.startsWith("%") && outputTxt.endsWith("%")) outputTxt = "There are no" + outputTxt.replaceAll("%", " ") + "set up within your Ask Alexa SmartApp. " if (outputTxt.startsWith("@") && outputTxt.endsWith("@")){ if (Math.abs(new Random().nextInt() % 2)==1) outputTxt = "The only available" + outputTxt.replaceAll("@", " ")+ "is named: '" + getList(devices) + "'. " else outputTxt = "You only have one" + outputTxt.replaceAll("@", " ")+ "set up in your app named: '" + getList(devices) + "'. " } if (outputTxt.startsWith("#") && outputTxt.endsWith("#")) outputTxt = "The available" + outputTxt.replaceAll("#", " ") + "include the following: "+ getList(devices) + ". " if (deviceAlias && aliasType){ def aliases =state.aliasList.findAll{it.aliasType==aliasType} def ss = aliases && aliases.size()>1 ? "s" : "" def preText = outputTxt.startsWith("There are no") || outputTxt.startsWith("You don't") ? "However" : "In addition" if (aliases) outputTxt += "${preText}, you have the following alias name${ss} set up for this device catagory: " + getList(aliases.aliasName) + ". " } if (outputTxt == "") { outputTxt = "I didn't understand what you wanted information about. " if (Math.abs(new Random().nextInt() % 3)==1) outputTxt += "Be sure you have populated the developer section with the device names. " outputTxt += "%1%" } else if (!outputTxt.endsWith("%")) outputTxt += "%2%" sendJSON(outputTxt,"list") } def parseMacroLists(type, noun, action){ def macName = "", children = getAskAlexa(), count = children.count{it.macroType==type} if (type == "MQ") count = getAAMQ().size() + 1 else if (type == "Weather") count = getWR().size() else if (type == "Voice") count = getVR().size() else if (type =="Schedule") count = getSCHD().size() else if (type =="Rooms/Groups") count = getRM().size() def extraTxt = (type ==~/Control|CoRE/) && count ? "Please note: You can also delay the execution of ${noun}s by adding the number of minutes after the name. For example, you could say, 'tell ${invocationName} to run the Macro in 5 minutes'. " : "" if (type!="Schedule") macName = count==1 ? "You only have one ${noun} called: " : count> 1 ? "You can ask me to ${action} the following ${noun}s: " : "You don't have any ${noun}s for me to ${action}" else macName = count==1 ? "You only have one ${noun} called: " : count> 1 ? "You can ask me for detail about the following ${noun}s: " : "You don't have any ${noun}s created" if (count && type !="MQ"){ children.each{if (it.macroType==type){ macName += "'" + it.label + "'" ; count -- macName += count>1 ? ", " : count==1 ? " and " : "" } } } if (count && type == "MQ") macName += count ==2 ? "Primary Message Queue and " + getList(getAAMQ().label) : count ==1 ? "Primary Message Queue" : "Primary Message Queue, " + getList(getAAMQ().label) if (count && type == "Weather") macName += getList(getWR().label) if (count && type == "Voice") macName += getList(getVR().label) if (count && type == "Schedule") macName += getList(getSCHD().label) if (count && type == "Rooms/Groups") macName += getList(getRM().label) return macName + ". " + extraTxt } //Extension Group def processMacroGroup(macroList, msg, append, noMsg, macLabel, echoID){ String result = "" def runCount=0 if (macroList){ macroList.each{ getAskAlexa().each{child-> if (child.label.toLowerCase().replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]", "") == (it.toLowerCase().replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]", ""))){ result += child.getOkToRun() ? child.macroResults(0,"","","","","",echoID) : child.muteRestrictions ? "" : "You have restrictions on '${child.label}' that prevented it from running. %1%" runCount++ if (result.endsWith("%")) result = result[0..-4] } } getWR().each{report-> if (report.label.toLowerCase().replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]", "") == (it.toLowerCase().replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]", ""))){ result += processWeatherReport(it.toLowerCase().replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]", ""),echoID) runCount++ if (result.endsWith("%")) result = result[0..-4] } } getVR().each{report-> if (report.label.toLowerCase().replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]", "") == (it.toLowerCase().replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]", ""))){ result += processVoiceReport(it.toLowerCase().replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]", ""),echoID) runCount++ if (result.endsWith("%")) result = result[0..-4] } } } def extraTxt = runCount > 1 ? "extensions" : "extension" if (runCount == macroList.size()) { if (!noMsg) { msg = replaceVoiceVar(msg,"","",macroType,app.label,0,"") if (msg && append) result += msg if (msg && !append) result = msg if (append && !msg) result += "I ran ${runCount} ${extraTxt} in this extension group. " if (!append && !msg) result = "I ran ${runCount} ${extraTxt} in this extension group. " } else result = " " } else result = "There was a problem running one or more of the extensions in the extension group. %1%" } else result="There were no extensions present within this extension group. Please check your Ask Alexa SmartApp and try again. %1%" def data = result ? result.endsWith("%") ? [alexaOutput: result[0..-4]] : [alexaOutput: result] : [alexaOutput: "No Output"] sendLocationEvent(name: "askAlexa", value: app.id, data: data, displayed: true, isStateChange: true, descriptionText: "Ask Alexa ran '${macLabel}' extension group.") return result } def processOtherRpt(list,echoID){ String result ="" list.each{ getWR().each{report-> if (report.label.toLowerCase().replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]", "") == (it.toLowerCase().replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]", ""))){ result += processWeatherReport(it.toLowerCase().replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]", ""),echoID) if (result.endsWith("%")) result = result[0..-4] } } getVR().each{report-> if (report.label.toLowerCase().replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]", "") == (it.toLowerCase().replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]", ""))){ result += processVoiceReport(it.toLowerCase().replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]", ""),echoID) if (result.endsWith("%")) result = result[0..-4] } } getAAMQ().each{report-> if (report.label.toLowerCase().replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]", "") == (it.toLowerCase().replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]", ""))){ result += msgQueueReply("play",it.toLowerCase().replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]", "undefined")) if (result.endsWith("%")) result = result[0..-4] } } } return result } //Message Queue Process def processMQ() { def queue = params.Queue.toLowerCase().replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]", "") //Queue name def cmd = params.MQCmd //Command def echoID = params.echoID //Echo device being addressed String outputTxt = "" def children = getAAMQ(), count = children.count {it.label.toLowerCase().replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]", "") == queue} if (count==0 && queue=~/primary/) count = 1 if (count==0 && !(queue ==~/undefined|null/)) outputTxt="I could not find a message queue named '${queue}'. Please check the message queue name in your Ask Alexa SmartApp. %1%" else if (queue ==~/undefined|null/ && cmd ==~/undefined|null/) outputTxt= "I could not understand what you are attempting to do. Be sure you have populated the developer section with the device and extension names. %1%" else if (count<2) outputTxt = msgQueueReply(cmd, queue, echoID) else outputTxt ="You have multiple message queues named '${queue}'. Please check your Ask Alexa SmartApp to fix this conflict. %1%" sendJSON(outputTxt, "mailbox") } //External Message Queue Input def extMQ(){ def queue = params.queue //Queue name def msg = params.msg //Message to send def source = params.source //Sending source if (queue && msg && source){ if (queue == "Primary Message Queue") msgPMQ (new Date(now()), msg, "", source, false, 0, false, false, false) else if (getAAMQ().find{it.label == queue}){ def qNameRun = getAAMQ().find{it.label == queue} if (qNameRun) qNameRun.msgHandler(new Date(now()), msg, "", source, false, 0, false, false, false) } else log.debug "An external source, '${source}', attempted to send a message to an invalid message queue name." } else log.debug "An external source attempted to send a message but did not have the correct parameters." } //Message Queue Reply def msgQueueReply(cmd, queue, echoID){ log.debug "-Message Queue Response-" log.debug "Message Queue: " + queue log.debug "Message Queue Command: " + cmd log.debug "Echo ID: " + (echoID !="undefined"? "..."+echoID[-10..-1] : "Simulator or unknown device") String result = "" def validQueue = getAAMQ().find{it.label.toLowerCase().replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]", "") == queue} if (validQueue) result=validQueue.msgQueueReply(cmd, echoID) else { def msgCount = state.msgQueue ? state.msgQueue.size() : 0, msgS= msgCount==0 || msgCount>1 ? " messages" : " message" if (cmd =~/play|open|undefined|null/){ if (msgCount==0) result = "You don't have any messages in the primary message queue. %M%" else { result = "You have " + msgCount + msgS + " in your primary message queue: " state.msgQueue.sort({it.date}) if (msgQueueOrder) state.msgQueue.reverse(msgQueueOrder as int? true : false) state.msgQueue.each{ def msgData= timeDate(it.date), msgTimeDate = msgQueueDateSuppress || it.suppressTimeDate ? "" : "${msgData.msgDay} at ${msgData.msgTime}, " result += "${msgTimeDate}'${it.appName}' posted the message: '${it.msg}'. " } result +="%M%" } } else if (cmd =~ /clear|delete|erase/) { qDelete() result="I have deleted all of the messages from the primary message queue. %M%" } else result="For the primary message queue, be sure to give a 'play' or 'delete' command. %1%" } return result } //Weather Report Reply def processWeatherReport(rpt,echoID){ log.debug "Weather Report Name: " + rpt log.debug "Echo ID: " + (echoID !="undefined"? "..."+echoID[-10..-1] : "Simulator or unknown device") def wr = getWR().find {it.label.toLowerCase().replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]", "") == rpt}, outputTxt if (wr.getOkToRun(echoID)){ outputTxt = wr.getOutput() def data = outputTxt ? [alexaOutput: outputTxt[0..-4]] : [alexaOutput: "No Output"] sendLocationEvent(name: "askAlexa", value: wr.id, data: data, displayed: true, isStateChange: true, descriptionText: "Ask Alexa activated '${wr.label}' weather report.") } else outputTxt = wr.muteRestrictions ? "" : "You have restrictions on '${wr.label}' that prevent it from running. %1%" return outputTxt } //Voice Report Reply def processVoiceReport(rpt,echoID){ log.debug "Voice Report Name: " + rpt log.debug "Echo ID: " + (echoID !="undefined"? "..."+echoID[-10..-1] : "Simulator or unknown device") def vr = getVR().find {it.label.toLowerCase().replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]", "") == rpt}, outputTxt if (vr.getOkToRun(echoID)){ outputTxt = vr.getOutput(echoID) def data = outputTxt ? [alexaOutput: outputTxt[0..-4]] : [alexaOutput: "No Output"] sendLocationEvent(name: "askAlexa", value: vr.id, data: data, displayed: true, isStateChange: true, descriptionText: "Ask Alexa activated '${vr.label}' voice report.") } else outputTxt = vr.muteRestrictions ? "" : "You have restrictions on '${vr.label}' that prevent it from running. %1%" return outputTxt } //Schedule Reply def processSchedule(schedule,cmd, cancel){ log.debug "Schedule Name: " + schedule log.debug "Schedule Command: " + cmd log.debug "Schedule Cancel Delete: ${cancel=="9999" ? "True" : "False"}" def sd = getSCHD().find {it.label.toLowerCase().replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]", "") == schedule}, outputTxt if (cmd==~/status|list|undefined|null/ && cancel != "9999" ) outputTxt = sd.getSchdDesc() else if (cmd==~/toggle/) outputTxt = sd.toggle() else if (cmd==~/on|off/) outputTxt = sd.onOff(cmd) else if (cmd=="delete") outputTxt = sd.deleteSch() else if (cmd==~/undefined|null/ && cancel == "9999") outputTxt = sd.notDeleteSch() else outputTxt="I did not understand what you wanted to do the the schedule, '${schedule}'. You may query this schedule, delete it, or toggle its 'on' and 'off' state. %1%" return outputTxt } //Room Reply def processRoom(room, mNum, op, param, mPW, echoID){ log.debug "Room/Group Name: " + room log.debug "Room/Group Number Command: " + mNum log.debug "Room/Group Command: " + op log.debug "Room/Group Parameter: " + param log.debug "Room/Group Password: " + mPW log.debug "Echo ID: " + (echoID !="undefined"? "..."+echoID[-10..-1] : "Simulator or unknown device") def rm = getRM().find {it.label.toLowerCase().replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]", "") == room}, outputTxt if (getOkPIN() && pwNeeded && ((op==~/open|close/ && rm.usePWDoor && rm.doors) || (op==~/lock|unlock/ && rm.usePWLock && rm.locks) && mPW !=password)){ def pwExtra = mPW==~/undefined|null/ ? "A" : "The proper" outputTxt = "${pwExtra} password is required to use the ${op} action in this group. %P%" state.cmdFollowup=[return: "processRoom", room:room, mNum:mNum, op:op, param:param, mPW:0] } else { outputTxt = rm.getOutput (room, mNum, op, param, mPW, echoID) def data = outputTxt ? [alexaOutput: outputTxt[0..-4]] : [alexaOutput: "No Output"] sendLocationEvent(name: "askAlexa", value: rm.id, data: data, displayed: true, isStateChange: true, descriptionText: "Ask Alexa triggered '${rm.label}' room/group extension.") } return outputTxt } //Macro Processing def processMacro() { log.debug "-Macro/extension command received-" def mac = params.Macro.toLowerCase().replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]", "") //Macro/extension name def mNum = params.Num //Number variable-Typically delay to run def cmd = params.Cmd //Room/Group Command def mType =params.Type //For room/group: coming soon def param = params.Param //Parameter def mPW = params.MPW //Macro Password def xParam = params.xParam //Additional parameters def echoID = params.echoID //Echo device being addressed String outputTxt = "" def count = 0, macCount=0, wrCount=0, vrCount=0, rmCount=0, sdCount=0, macAlias if (cmd ==~/associate|setup|link|sync/ && mac =="undefined") outputTxt="I did not hear the group you want to associate with this Echo device. Valid group names are: ${getList(getRM().label)}. %1%" if (mac==~/room|here|group|this room|in here|this group/ && echoID !="undefined" && doRmCheck(echoID)) mac=doRmCheck(echoID).toLowerCase().replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]", "") else if (mac==~/room|here|group|this room|in here|this group/ && echoID =="undefined") outputTxt="I could not identify the Echo device you are speaking to. %1%" else if (mac==~/room|here|group|this room|in here|this group/ && echoID !="undefined" && !doRmCheck(echoID)) outputTxt ="You have not set up this Echo device with a room or group yet. To do that, simply say, 'associate', and the group name. %1%" if (outputTxt) sendJSON(outputTxt,"caution") else { macCount = getAskAlexa().count {it.label.toLowerCase().replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]", "") == mac} wrCount = getWR().count {it.label.toLowerCase().replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]", "") == mac} vrCount = getVR().count {it.label.toLowerCase().replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]", "") == mac} sdCount = getSCHD().count{it.label.toLowerCase().replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]", "") == mac} rmCount = getRM().count{it.label.toLowerCase().replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]", "") == mac} count = macCount + wrCount + vrCount + sdCount + rmCount if (!count) { getAskAlexa().each{ for (int i = 1; i 1) outputTxt ="You have duplicate macros, aliases, or extensions named '${mac}'. Please check your Ask Alexa SmartApp to fix this conflict. %1%" if (!count && mac && !(mac==~/null|undefined|\?/)) outputTxt = "I could not find a macro, alias or any extension named '${mac}'. %1%" else if (!count && (mac==~/undefined|null|\?/ || !mac)) outputTxt = "I could not understand what you are attempting to do. Be sure you have populated the developer section with the device and extension names. %1%" if (outputTxt) sendJSON(outputTxt,"caution") else { if (macCount) processMacroAction(mac, mNum, mPW, false, xParam, echoID) else if (wrCount) sendJSON(processWeatherReport(mac,echoID),"weather") else if (vrCount) sendJSON(processVoiceReport(mac,echoID),"voice") else if (sdCount) sendJSON(processSchedule(mac,cmd,mNum),"schedule") else if (rmCount) sendJSON(processRoom(mac, mNum, cmd, param, mPW, echoID), "room") } } } def processMacroAction(mac, mNum, mPW, followup, xParam, echoID){ log.debug "Macro Name: " + mac log.debug "mNum: " + mNum log.debug "mPW: " + mPW log.debug "xParam: " + xParam log.debug "Echo ID: " + (echoID !="undefined"? "..."+echoID[-10..-1] : "Simulator or unknown device") def num = mNum ==~/undefined|null|\?/ || !mNum ? 0 : mNum as int String outputTxt = "" def macroType="", playContMsg, suppressContMsg def macProceed= true, children = getAskAlexa(), child = children.find {it.label.toLowerCase().replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]", "") == mac} if (child.usePW && pwNeeded && getOkPIN() && password && mPW != password ){ macProceed = false def pwExtra = mPW==~/undefined|null/ ? "a" : "the proper" if (child.macroType == "CoRE") outputTxt = "To activate this WebCore Trigger, you must use ${pwExtra} password. %P%" if (child.macroType == "Control") outputTxt = "To activate this Control Macro, you must use ${pwExtra} password. %P%" if (child.macroType == "GroupM") outputTxt = "To activate this Group Macro, you must use ${pwExtra} password. %P%" state.cmdFollowup=[return: "macroAction", mac:mac, mNum:mNum,mPW:0,xParam:xParam] } if (child.macroType != "GroupM" && cmd=="list" && macProceed) { outputTxt = "You can not use the list command with this type of macro. %1%"; macProceed = false } else if (child.macroType == "GroupM" && cmd=="list" && macProceed) { def gMacros= child.groupMacros.size()==1 ? "extension" : "extensions" outputTxt="You have the following ${gMacros} within the '${child.label}' extension group: " + getList(child.groupMacros) +". " macProceed = false } if (macProceed){ playContMsg = child.overRideMsg ? false : true suppressContMsg = child.suppressCont && !child.overRideMsg && contMacro def fullMacroName = [GroupM: "Extension Group",CoRE: "WebCoRE Trigger", Control:"Control Macro"][child.macroType] ?: child.macroType if (child.macroType != "GroupM") outputTxt = child.getOkToRun() && child.getOkEcho(echoID)? child.macroResults(num, cmd, colorData, param, mNum,xParam,echoID) : "You have restrictions within the ${fullMacroName} named, '${child.label}', that prevent it from running. Check your settings and try again. %1%" else { outputTxt = processMacroGroup(child.groupMacros, child.voicePost, child.addPost, child.noAck, child.label,echoID) if (child.ctlMsgQue && !child.noAck){ def expireMin=child.ctlMQExpire ? child.ctlMQExpire as int : 0, expireSec=expireMin*60 def overWrite =!child.ctlMQNotify && !child.ctlMQExpire && child.ctlMQOverwrite def msgTxt = outputTxt ? outputTxt.endsWith("%") ? outputTxt[0..-4] : outputTxt : "No Output" sendLocationEvent( name: "AskAlexaMsgQueue", value: "Ask Alexa Extension Group, '${child.label}'", unit: "${app.id}", isStateChange: true, descriptionText: msgTxt, data:[ queues:child.ctlMsgQue, overwrite: overWrite, notifyOnly: child.ctlMQNotify, expires: expireSec, suppressTimeDate:child.ctlSuppressTD ] ) } } } if (outputTxt && !outputTxt.endsWith("%") && !outputTxt.endsWith(" ")) outputTxt += " " if (outputTxt && !outputTxt.endsWith("%") && playContMsg && !suppressContMsg ) outputTxt += "%4%" else if (outputTxt && !outputTxt.endsWith("%") && suppressContMsg ) outputTxt += "%X%" if (followup) return outputTxt else sendJSON(outputTxt,"macro") } //Smart Home Commands def processSmartHome() { log.debug "-Smart home command received-" def cmd = params.SHCmd //Smart Home Command def param = params.SHParam.toLowerCase() //Smart Home Parameter def num = params.SHNum //Smart Home Password def echoID = params.echoID //Echo device being addressed log.debug "Cmd: " + cmd log.debug "Param: " + param log.debug "Num: " + num log.debug "Echo ID: " + (echoID !="undefined"? "..."+echoID[-10..-1] : "Simulator or unknown device") String outputTxt = "" if (cmd ==~/undefined|null/) { if (param=="off") outputTxt="Be sure to specify a device, or the word 'security', when using the 'off' command. %1%" if (listModes?.find{it.toLowerCase()==param} && param != currMode) cmd = "mode" if (param==~/list|arm|undefined|null/) cmd = "security" def phrases = location.helloHome?.getPhrases()*.label if (phrases.find{it.replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]", "").toLowerCase()==param}) cmd = "routine" } if (cmd == "mode") outputTxt=changeMode(num, param) if (cmd==~/security|smart home|smart home monitor|SHM/) outputTxt=changeSHM(num, param) if (cmd=="routine" && listRoutines) outputTxt=runRoutine(num, param) if (!outputTxt) outputTxt = "I didn't understand what you wanted me to do. %1%" if (outputTxt && !outputTxt.endsWith("%") && !outputTxt.endsWith(" ")) outputTxt += " " if (outputTxt && !outputTxt.endsWith("%")) outputTxt +="%2%" sendJSON(outputTxt,"smarthome") } private changeMode(num, param){ String outputTxt = "" def currMode = location.mode.toLowerCase() if (param ==~/undefined|null/) outputTxt ="The current SmartThings mode is set to: '${currMode}'. %2%" if (listModes && param !="undefined" && param !="null"){ if (getOkPIN() && modesPW && pwNeeded && password && num ==~/undefined|null/) { outputTxt = "You must use a password to change your SmartThings mode. %P%" state.cmdFollowup=[return: "changeMode", num: num, param: param] } if (getOkPIN() && modesPW && pwNeeded && password && num!="undefined" && num!="null" && num != password) outputTxt="I did not hear the correct password to change your SmartThings mode. %1%" if (!getOkPIN() || !modesPW || !pwNeeded || (getOkPIN() && modesPW && pwNeeded && num == password)){ if (listModes?.find{it.toLowerCase()==param} && param != currMode) { def newMode=listModes.find{it.toLowerCase()==param} outputTxt ="I am setting the SmartThings mode to: '${newMode}'. %3%" setLocationMode(newMode) } else if (param == currMode) outputTxt ="The current SmartThings mode is already set to: '${currMode}'. No changes are being made. %2%" if (!outputTxt) outputTxt = "I did not understand the mode you wanted to set. For a list of available modes, simply say, 'ask ${invocationName} for mode list'. %1%" } } else if (!outputTxt) outputTxt = "You can not change your mode to, '${param}', because you do not have this mode selected within your Ask Alexa SmartApp. Please enable this mode for control. %1%" return outputTxt } private changeSHM(num, param){ String outputTxt = "" def SHMstatus = location.currentState("alarmSystemStatus")?.value def SHMFullStat = [off : "disarmed", away: "armed away", stay: "armed home"][SHMstatus] ?: SHMstatus def newSHM = "", SHMNewStat = "" if (param==~/undefined|null/) outputTxt ="The Smart Home Monitor is currently set to, '${SHMFullStat}'. %2%" if (listSHM && !(param ==~/undefined|null/)){ if (getOkPIN() && shmPW && pwNeeded && password && num ==~ /undefined|null/) { outputTxt = "You must use a password to change the Smart Home Monitor. %P%" state.cmdFollowup=[return: "changeSHM", num:num, param: param] } if (getOkPIN() && shmPW && pwNeeded && password && !(num ==~ /undefined|null/) && num != password) outputTxt="I did not hear the correct password to change the Smart Home Monitor. %1%" if (!getOkPIN() || !shmPW || !pwNeeded || (getOkPIN() && shmPW && pwNeeded && num == password)){ if (param==~/arm|armed/ && (listSHM.find{it =="Armed (Away)"} || listSHM.find{it =="Armed (Home)"})) outputTxt ="I did not understand how you want me to arm the Smart Home Monitor. Be sure to say, 'armed home' or 'armed away', to properly change the setting. %1%" if ((param ==~/off|disarm/) && listSHM.find{it =="Disarmed" }) newSHM="off" if ((param ==~/away|armed away|arm away/) && listSHM.find{it =="Armed (Away)"}) newSHM="away" if ((param ==~/home|armed home|arm home|stay|armed stay|arm stay/) && listSHM.find{it =="Armed (Home)"}) newSHM="stay" if (newSHM && SHMstatus!=newSHM) { sendLocationEvent(name: "alarmSystemStatus", value: newSHM) SHMNewStat = [off : "disarmed", away: "armed away", stay: "armed home"][newSHM] ?: newSHM outputTxt ="I am setting the Smart Home monitor to, '${SHMNewStat}'. %3%" } else if (SHMstatus==newSHM) outputTxt ="The Smart Home Monitor is already set to '${SHMFullStat}'. No changes are being made. %2%" } } if (!outputTxt) outputTxt = "I was unable to change your Smart Home Monitor. Ensure you have the proper settings enabled within your Ask Alexa SmartApp. %1%" return outputTxt } private runRoutine(num, param){ String outputTxt = "" if (param != "undefined" && param != "null") { def whichRoutine = listRoutines.find{it.replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]", "").toLowerCase()==param} if (whichRoutine) { if (getOkPIN() && routinesPW && pwNeeded && password && num ==~ /undefined|null/) { outputTxt = "You must use a password to run SmartThings routines. %P%" state.cmdFollowup=[return: "runRoutine", num:num, param: param] } if (getOkPIN() && routinesPW && pwNeeded && password && num!="undefined" && num!="null" && num != password) outputTxt="I did not hear the correct password to run the SmartThings routines. %1%" if (!getOkPIN() || !routinesPW || !pwNeeded || (getOkPIN() && routinesPW && pwNeeded && num == password)){ location.helloHome?.execute(whichRoutine) outputTxt="I am executing the '${param}' routine. %3%" } } else outputTxt = "You can not run the SmartThings routine named, '${param}', because you do not have this routine enabled in the Ask Alexa SmartApp. %1%" } else outputTxt ="To run SmartThings' routines, ask me to run the routine by its full name. For a list of available routines, simply say: 'ask ${invocationName} to list routines'. %1%" return outputTxt } def getReply(devices, type, STdeviceName, op, num, param, echoID){ String result = "", batteryWarnTxt="" try { def STdevice = devices def supportedCaps = STdevice.capabilities def supportedCMDs = STdevice.getSupportedCommands() if (op=="status") { if (type == "beacon"){ def occ = STdevice.currentValue("occupancy") if (occ) result = "The '${STdeviceName}' occupancy sensor is reading: '${occ}'. " } else if (type == "temperature"){ if (STdevice.currentValue(type)) { def temp = roundValue(STdevice.currentValue(type)) result = "The temperature of the ${STdeviceName} is ${temp} degrees" if (otherStatus) { def humidity = STdevice.currentValue("humidity"), wet=STdevice.currentValue("water"), contact=STdevice.currentValue("contact"), pollution = STdevice.currentValue("pollution") result += humidity ? ", and the relative humidity is ${humidity}%. " : ". " result += wet ? "Also, this device is a water sensor, and it is currently ${wet}. " : "" result += contact ? "This device is also a contact sensor sensor, and it is currently reading ${contact}. " : "" result += pollution ? "This device is also an air quality monitor that is currently reading: '${STdevice.currentValue("GPIstate")}', with a Global Pollution Index of ${pollution}%. " : "" } else result += ". " } else result ="The temperature of the ${STdeviceName} is reading null, which may indicate an issue with the device. %1%" } else if (type == "pollution") { if (fooBotPoll) STdevice.poll() if (STdevice.currentValue("GPIstate") || STdevice.currentValue(type)){ result = "The Foobot air quality monitor, '${STdeviceName}', is reading: '${STdevice.currentValue("GPIstate")}', with a Global Pollution Index of ${STdevice.currentValue(type)}" if (otherStatus){ result += ". The carbon dioxide level is ${STdevice.currentValue("carbonDioxide")} parts per million, the volatile organic compounds reading is ${STdevice.currentVoc} parts per billion" result += ", the particulate matter level reading is ${STdevice.currentParticle} µg/m³" result += STdevice.currentValue("humidity") ? ", and the relative humidity is ${STdevice.currentValue("humidity")}%" : ". " } result += ". " } else result ="The Foobot air quality monitor, '${STdeviceName}', is reading null, which may indicate an issue with the device. %1%" } else if (type == "presence") result = "The presence sensor, ${STdeviceName}, is showing ${STdevice.currentValue(type)}. " else if (type ==~/acceleration|motion/){ def currVal =STdevice.currentValue(type), motionStat=[active : "movement", inactive: "no movement"][currVal] ?: currVal result = "The ${type} sensor, ${STdeviceName}, is currently reading '${motionStat}'. " } else if (type =="lock") { def currVal =STdevice.currentValue(type) if (currVal ==~/locked|unlocked/) result = "The ${STdeviceName} is currently ${currVal}. " else result = "The lock named, '${STdeviceName}', is currently in an unknown state. It may require manual intervention to resolve. %1%" } else if (type == "humidity"){ if (STdevice.currentValue(type)) { result = "The relative humidity at the ${STdeviceName} is ${STdevice.currentValue(type)}%" if (otherStatus) { def temp if (STdevice.currentValue("temperature")) { temp = roundValue(STdevice.currentValue("temperature")) result += temp ? ", and the temperature is ${temp} degrees. " : ". " } else result = "The temperature of the ${STdeviceName} is reading null, which may indicate an issue with the device. %1%" } else result += ". " } else result ="The humidity reading of the '${STdeviceName}' is null, which may indicate an issue with the device. %1%" } else if (type ==~ /level|color|switch|kTemp/) { def onOffStatus = STdevice.currentValue("switch") result = "The ${STdeviceName} is ${onOffStatus}" if (otherStatus) { def level = STdevice.currentValue("level"), power = STdevice.currentValue("power") result += onOffStatus == "on" && level ? ", and it's set to ${level}%" : "" result += onOffStatus=="on" && power > 0 ? ", and is currently drawing ${power} watts of power. " : ". " result += onOffStatus=="on" && type == "kTemp" ? "This light is set to " + STdevice.currentValue("colorTemperature") + " degrees Kelvin. " : "" } else result += ". " } else if (type == "thermostat"){ def temp = roundValue(STdevice.currentValue("temperature")) result = "The ${STdeviceName} temperature reading is currently ${temp} degrees" if (otherStatus){ def humidity = STdevice.currentValue("humidity"), opMode = STdevice.currentValue("thermostatMode") def heat = opMode==~/heat|auto/ || stelproCMD ? STdevice.currentValue("heatingSetpoint") : "" if (heat) heat = roundValue(heat) def cool = opMode==~/cool|auto/ ? STdevice.currentValue("coolingSetpoint") : "" if (cool) cool = roundValue(cool) result += opMode ? ", and the thermostat's mode is: '${opMode}'. " : ". " result += humidity ? " The relative humidity reading is ${humidity}%. " : "" if (nestCMD && supportedCaps.name.contains("Presence Sensor")){ result += " This thermostat's presence sensor is reading: " result += STdevice.currentValue("presence")=="present" ? "'Home'. " : "'Away'. " } if ((ecobeeCMD && !MyEcobeeCMD) && STdevice.currentValue('currentProgramId') =~ /home|away|sleep/ ) result += " This thermostat's comfort setting is set to ${STdevice.currentValue('currentProgramId')}. " if (MyEcobeeCMD && STdevice.currentValue('setClimate')) { def climatename = STdevice.currentValue('setClimate'), climateList = STdevice.currentValue('climateList') if (climateList.contains(climatename)) result += " This thermostat's comfort setting is set to ${climatename}. " } def opState = STdevice.currentValue("thermostatOperatingState") if (opState) { if ((opState=='fan only') || (opState=='vent economizer')) opState = 'running the ${opState}' // idle, heating, cooling, fan only, pending heat, pending cool or vent economizer result += " The thermostat is currently ${opState}. " } result += heat ? " The heating setpoint is set to ${heat} degrees. " : "" result += heat && cool ? "And finally, " : "" result += cool ? " The cooling setpoint is set to ${cool} degrees. " : "" } else result += ". " } else if (type == "contact") result = "The ${STdeviceName} is currently ${STdevice.currentValue(type)}. " else if (type == "music"){ def onOffStatus = STdevice.currentValue("status"), track = STdevice.currentValue("trackDescription"), level = STdevice.currentValue("level"), mute = STdevice.currentValue("mute") result = "The ${STdeviceName} is currently ${onOffStatus}" result += onOffStatus =="stopped" ? ". " : onOffStatus=="playing" && track ? ": '${track}'" : "" result += onOffStatus == "playing" && level && mute =="unmuted" ? ", and it's volume is set to ${level}%. " : mute =="muted" ? ", and it's currently muted. " :"" } else if (type == "water") result = "The water sensor, '${STdeviceName}', is currently ${STdevice.currentValue(type)}. " else if (type == "shade") result = "The window shade, '${STdeviceName}', is currently " + STdevice.currentValue('windowShade') +". " else if (type == "uvIndex") { def uvIndex = currValue<3 ? "low" : currValue < 6 && currValue > 2.9 ? "moderate" : currValue < 8 && currValue > 5.9 ? "high" : currValue < 11 && currValue > 7.9 ? "very high" : "extreme" result = "The ${STdeviceName} is reading '${uvIndex}', with a UV index of ${STdevice.currentValue("ultravioletIndex")}. " } else result = "The ${STdeviceName} is currently ${STdevice.currentValue(type)}. " } else if (op =~/event/) { def finalCount = num != 0 ? num as int : eventCt ? eventCt as int : 0 if (finalCount>0 && finalCount < 10) result = getLastEvent(STdevice, finalCount, STdeviceName) + "%3%" else if (!finalCount) { result = "You do not have the number of events you wish to hear specified in your Ask Alexa SmartApp, and you didn't specify a number in your request. %1%" } else if (finalCount > 9) { result = "The maximum number of past events to list is nine. %1%" } } else { if (type == "thermostat"){ if (param =~/tip/ || op=~/tip/) { if (MyEcobeeCMD && ecobeeCMD || (MyNextCMD)) { if (op ==~/repeat|replay/) { def currentTipNum= state.tipCount>0 ? state.tipCount : 1 def previousTipNum= currentTipNum - 1 def tipNum = previousTipNum>0 && previousTipNum <6 ? (previousTipNum) as int : 1 def attribute="tip${tipNum}Text" if (STdevice.currentValue(attribute)) result = "My Ecobee's current tip number ${tipNum} is '" + STdevice.currentValue(attribute) + "'. %2%" else result ="Tip number is unavailable at this time for the ${STdeviceName}. Try erasing the tips, then issue the 'GET TIPS' command and try again. %1%" } else if (op==~/play|give/ || (op=="tip" && param==~/undefined|null/)) { def tipNum= state.tipCount>0 ? state.tipCount : 1 def attribute="tip${tipNum}Text" if (!(STdevice.currentValue(attribute))) { STdevice.getTips(1) state.tipCount=1 tipNum= 1 attribute="tip${tipNum}Text" } if (STdevice.currentValue(attribute)) { result = "My Ecobee's current tip number ${tipNum} is '" + STdevice.currentValue(attribute) + "'. %2%" state.tipCount=state.tipCount+1 } else result ="Tip number is unavailable at this time for the ${STdeviceName}. Try erasing the tips, then issue the 'GET TIPS' command and try again. %1%" } else if (op ==~/get|load|reload/) { def tipLevel = num>0 && num<5 ? num :1 result = "I am loading level ${tipLevel} tips to ${STdeviceName}. %2%" STdevice.getTips(tipLevel) state.tipCount=1 } else if (op ==~/restart|erase|delete|clear|reset/) { result = "I am resetting the tips from ${STdeviceName}. Be sure to ask for the 'GET TIP' command to reload your thermostat advice. %2%" STdevice.resetTips() state.tipCount=1 } else result = "I did not understand what you wanted me to do with the Ecobee tips. Valid commands are 'get', 'give', 'repeat' or 'erase' tips. %1%" } else result = "You do not have the Ecobee tips functionality enabled in your Ask Alexa SmartApp. %1%" } else { if (param ==~/undefined|null/) param = tstatCool ? "cool" : tstatHeat ? "heat" : param if ((op ==~/increase|raise|up|decrease|down|lower/)){ def newValues = upDown(STdevice, type, op, num, STdeviceName) num = newValues.newLevel } if (num>0) { if (tstatHighLimit) num = num <= (tstatHighLimit as int) ? num : tstatHighLimit as int if (tstatLowLimit) num = num >= (tstatLowLimit as int) ? num : tstatLowLimit as int } if (op =="maximum" && tstatHighLimit) num = tstatHighLimit as int if (op =="minimum" && tstatLowLimit) num = tstatLowLimit as int def ecobeeCustomRegEx = MyEcobeeCMD && ecobeeCMD ? getEcobeeCustomRegEx(STdevice) : null if ((param==~/heat|heating|cool|cooling|auto|automatic|eco|AC|comfort|home|away|sleep|resume program/ || (ecobeeCustomRegEx && param =~ /${ecobeeCustomRegEx}/)) && num == 0 && op==~/undefined|null/) op="on" if (op ==~/on|off/) { if (param ==~/undefined|null/ && op == "on") result="You must designate 'heating mode' or 'cooling mode' when turning the ${STdeviceName} on. %1%" if (param =~/heat/) {result="I am setting the ${STdeviceName} to 'heating' mode. "; STdevice.heat()} if (param =~/cool|AC/) {result="I am setting the ${STdeviceName} to 'cooling' mode. "; STdevice.cool()} if (param =~/auto/) {result="I am setting the ${STdeviceName} to 'auto' mode. Please note, to properly set the temperature in 'auto' mode, you must specify the heating or cooling setpoints separately. " ; STdevice.auto()} if (param ==~/home|present/ && nestCMD) {result = "I am setting the ${STdeviceName} to 'home'. "; STdevice.present()} if (param =="away" && nestCMD) {result = "I am setting the ${STdeviceName} to 'away'. Please note that Nest thermostats will not respond to temperature changes while in 'away' status. "; STdevice.away()} if ((param ==~/home|away|sleep/ || (ecobeeCustomRegEx && param =~ /${ecobeeCustomRegEx}/)) && ecobeeCMD) { result = "I am setting the ${STdeviceName} to '" + param + "'. " if (STdevice.hasCommand("setThermostatProgram")) STdevice.setThermostatProgram("${param.capitalize()}") else if (STdevice.hasCommand("setClimate")) STdevice.setThisTstatClimate("${param.capitalize()}") else result ="There was an error setting your climate. %1%" } if (param =="resume program" && ecobeeCMD && !MyEcobeeCMD) {result = "I am resuming the climate program of the ${STdeviceName}. "; STdevice.resumeProgram()} if (param =="resume program" && ecobeeCMD && MyEcobeeCMD) {result = "I am resuming the climate program of the ${STdeviceName}. "; STdevice.resumeThisTstat()} if (op =="off") { result = "I am turning the ${STdeviceName} ${op}. "; STdevice.off() } if (stelproCMD && param==~/eco|comfort/) { result="I am setting the ${STdeviceName} to '${param}' mode. "; STdevice.setThermostatMode("${param}") } } else if (op=~"report") { if (nestCMD && nestMGRCMD) { STdevice.updateNestReportData(); result = STdevice.currentValue("nestReportData").toString() +" %2%" } if (!nestCMD || (nestCMD && !nestMGRCMD) ) result ="The 'report' command is reserved for Nest Thermostats using the NST Manager SmartApp. " + "You do not have the options enabled to use this command. Please check your settings within your smartapp. %1%" if (result=="null") result = "The NST Manager returned no results for the ${STdeviceName}. Please check your settings within your smartapp. %1%" } else { if (param ==~/undefined|null/ ){ if (STdevice.currentValue("thermostatMode")=="heat") param = "heat" else if (STdevice.currentValue("thermostatMode")=="cool") param = "cool" else result = "You must designate a 'heating' or 'cooling' parameter when setting the temperature. The thermostat will not accept a generic setpoint in its current mode. "+ "For example, you could simply say, 'ask ${invocationName} to set the ${STdeviceName} heating to 65 degrees'. %1%" } if ((op =="maximum" && !tstatHighLimit) || (op =="minimum" && !tstatLowLimit)) { result = "You do not have a ${op} thermostat setpoint defined within your Ask Alexa SmartApp. %1%" param = "undefined" } if ((param =~/heat/) && num > 0) { result="I am setting the heating setpoint of the ${STdeviceName} to ${num} degrees. " STdevice.setHeatingSetpoint(num) try { if (stelproCMD) STdevice.applyNow() } catch (e){ log.warn "An error was encountered when attempting to send the 'applyNow()' command to the '${STdeviceName}'. If you don't have any stelPro devices please disable this feature in the thermostat selection area."} } if ((param =~/cool|AC/) && num > 0) { result="I am setting the cooling setpoint of the ${STdeviceName} to ${num} degrees. " STdevice.setCoolingSetpoint(num) } if (param != "undefined" && param != "null" && tstatHighLimit && num >= (tstatHighLimit as int)) result += "This is the maximum temperature I can set for this device. %1%" if (param != "undefined" && param != "null" && tstatLowLimit && num <= (tstatLowLimit as int)) result += "This is the minimum temperature I can set for this device. %1%" } } } if (type ==~ /color|level|switch|kTemp/){ num = num < 0 ? 0 : num >99 ? 100 : num def overRideMsg = "" if (op == "maximum") num = 100 if ((op ==~/increase|raise|up|decrease|down|lower|brighten|dim/) && (type ==~ /color|level|kTemp/)){ def newValues = upDown(STdevice, type, op, num, STdeviceName) num = newValues.newLevel op= num > 0 ? "on" : "off" overRideMsg = newValues.msg } if (op ==~/low|medium|high/ && type ==~ /color|level|kTemp/){ if (op=="low" && dimmerLow) num = dimmerLow else if (op=="low" && dimmerLow=="") num =0 if (op=="medium" && dimmerMed) num = dimmerMed else if (op=="medium" && !dimmerMed) num = 0 if (op=="high" && dimmerHigh) num = dimmerHigh else if (op=="high" && !dimmerhigh) num = 0 if (num>0) overRideMsg = "I am turning the ${STdeviceName} to ${op}, or a value of ${num}%. " if (num==0) overRideMsg = "You don't have a default value set up for the '${op}' level. I am not making any changes to the ${STdeviceName}. %1%" } if ((type == "switch") || (type ==~ /color|level|kTemp/ && num==0 )){ if (type ==~ /color|level|kTemp/ && num==0 && op==~/undefined|null/ && param==~/undefined|null/ ) op="off" if (op==~/on|off/){ STdevice."$op"() result = overRideMsg ? overRideMsg: "I am turning the ${STdeviceName} ${op}. " } if (op=="toggle") { def oldstate = STdevice.currentValue("switch"), newstate = oldstate == "off" ? "on" : "off" STdevice."$newstate"() result = "I am toggling the ${STdeviceName} from '${oldstate}' to '${newstate}'. " } } if (type ==~ /color|level|kTemp/ && num > 0) { STdevice.setLevel(num) result = overRideMsg ? overRideMsg : num==100 ? "I am setting the ${STdeviceName} to its maximum value. " : "I am setting the ${STdeviceName} to ${num}%. " } if (type == "color" && param !="undefined" && param !="null" && supportedCaps.name.contains("Color Control")){ def getColorData = STColors().find {it.name.toLowerCase()==param} if (getColorData){ def hueColor = Math.round (getColorData.h / 3.6), satLevel = getColorData.s,newLevel = num > 0 ? num : STdevice.currentValue("level") def newValue = [hue: hueColor as int, saturation: satLevel as int] STdevice?.setColor(newValue) STdevice?.setLevel(newLevel) result = "I am setting the color of the ${STdeviceName} to ${param}" result += num>0 ? ", at a brightness level of ${num}%. " : ". " } } if (type == "kTemp" && param !="undefined" && param !="null" && supportedCaps.name.contains("Color Temperature")){ def sWhite = kSoftWhite ? kSoftWhite as int : 2700, wWhite= kWarmWhite ? kWarmWhite as int: 3500, cWhite= kCoolWhite ? kCoolWhite as int: 4500, dWhite= kDayWhite ? kDayWhite as int: 6500 def kelvin = param=="soft white" ? sWhite : param=="warm white" ? wWhite : param=="cool white" ? cWhite : param=="daylight white" ? dWhite : 9999 if (kelvin <9999){ STdevice?.setColorTemperature(kelvin) result = "I am setting the temperature of the ${STdeviceName} to ${param}, or ${kelvin} degrees Kelvin" result += num>0 ? ", at a brightness level of ${num}%. " : ". " } else result = "I didn't understand the temperature you wanted to set the ${STdeviceName}. Valid temperatures are soft white, warm white, cool white and daylight white. %1%" } if (!result){ if (type=="switch") result = "For the ${STdeviceName} switch, be sure to give an 'on', 'off' or 'toggle' command. %1%" if (type=="level") result = overRideMsg ? overRideMsg: "For the ${STdeviceName} dimmer, the valid commands are: " + getList(vocab) + " or brightness a level setting. %1%" if (type=="color") result = overRideMsg ? overRideMsg: "For the ${STdeviceName} color controller, remember it can be operated like a switch. You can ask me to turn it on, off, toggle "+ "the on and off states, or set a brightness level. You can also set it to a variety of colors. For a listing of these colors, simply print out the Ask Alexa cheat sheet. %1%" } } if (type == "music"){ if ((op ==~/increase|raise|up|decrease|down|lower/)){ def newValues = upDown(STdevice, type, op, num,STdeviceName) num = newValues.newLevel if (num==0) op= "off" } if ((num != 0 && speakerHighLimit && num > speakerHighLimit)|| (op=="maximum" && speakerHighLimit)) num = speakerHighLimit if (op==~/off|stop/) { STdevice.stop(); result = "I am turning off the ${STdeviceName}. " } else if (op ==~/play|on/ && param==~/undefined|null/) { STdevice.play() result = "I am playing the ${STdeviceName}. " } else if (op==~/mute|unmute|pause/) {STdevice."$op"(); result = "I am ${op[0..-2]}ing the ${STdeviceName}. " } else if (op=="next track") { STdevice.nextTrack(); result = "I am playing the next track on the ${STdeviceName}. " } else if (op=="previous track") { STdevice.previousTrack(); result = "I am playing the previous track on the ${STdeviceName}. " } else result = "For the ${STdeviceName}, valid commands include 'play','pause','mute'. %1%" if (num > 0) { STdevice.setLevel(num); result = "I am setting the volume of the ${STdeviceName} to ${num}%. " } if (speakerHighLimit && num == speakerHighLimit) result += "This is the maximum volume level you have set up. %1%" if (op=="maximum" && !speakerHighLimit) result = "You have not set a maximum volume level in the Ask Alexa SmartApp. %1%" } if (type=~/door|lock|shade/){ if ((type == "door" && !doorVoc().find{it==op}) || (type == "shade" && !shadeVoc().find{it==op})) result= "For the ${STdeviceName}, you must give an 'open' or 'close' command. %1%" else if (type == "lock" && !lockVoc().find{it==op}) result= "For the ${STdeviceName}, you must give a 'lock' or 'unlock' command. %1%" else if (type == "shade" && STdevice.currentValue("windowShade")==op || STdevice.currentValue("windowShade")=="closed" && op=="close"){ result = "The ${STdeviceName} is already ${currentShadeState}. %1%" } else { STdevice."$op"() def verb = op=="close" && type==~/shade|door/ ? "clos" : op result = "I am ${verb}ing the ${STdeviceName}. " } } if (type == "presence" && vPresenceCMD){ def currentState = STdevice.currentValue(type) if (((op=="on" || param=~/home|present|check in|checkin|arrive/) && currentState=="present") || ((op=="off" || param=~/away|not present|check out|checkout|depart|gone/) && currentState=="not present")) result = "The '${STdeviceName}' presence sensor is already set to '${currentState}'. %1%" else if ((op=="on" || param=~/home|present|check in|arrive/) && (currentState=="not present" || !currentState)) { if (supportedCMDs.name.contains("present")) STdevice.present() if (supportedCMDs.name.contains("arrived")) STdevice.arrived() result = (supportedCMDs.find{it.name==~/present|arrived/}) ? "I am setting the presence of, '${STdeviceName}, to 'present'. ":"" } else if ((op=="off" || param=~/away|not present|check out|checkout|depart|gone/) && (currentState=="present" || !currentState)) { if (supportedCMDs.name.contains("away")) STdevice.away() if (supportedCMDs.name.contains("departed")) STdevice.departed() result = (supportedCMDs.find{it.name==~/away|departed/}) ? "I am setting the presence of, '${STdeviceName}, to 'away'. " :"" } } if (type == "beacon"){ if (op==~/asleep|vacant|locked|engaged|occupied/) { STdevice."${op}"() result = "I am setting the occupancy sensor, '${STdeviceName}', to '${op}'. " } else result ="I don't understand what you want me to do with the occupancy sensor, '${STdeviceName}'. Valid commands are: status, asleep, vacant, locked, engaged and occupied. %1%" } } if (otherStatus && op=="status"){ def temp = STdevice.currentValue("temperature"), accel=STdevice.currentValue("acceleration"), motion=STdevice.currentValue("motion"), lux =STdevice.currentValue("illuminance"), uv=STdevice.currentValue("ultravioletIndex"), pressure=STdevice.currentPressure, humidity=STdevice.currentValue("humidity"), tamper=STdevice.currentValue("tamper") result += lux != null ? "The illuminance at this device's location is ${lux} lux. " : "" if (uv !=null && type !="uvIndex") result += "The UV Index at this device's location is '${uvIndexReading(uv)}', with a reading of ${uv}. " if (pressure) result += "This device is also reading a barometric pressure of ${pressure}. " if (humidity != null && !(type ==~/humidity|temperature|thermostat|pollution/)) result +="And the relative humidity at this location is ${humidity}%. " result += temp && type != "thermostat" && type != "humidity" && type != "temperature" ? "In addition, the temperature reading from this device is ${roundValue(temp)} degrees. " : "" result += motion == "active" && type != "motion" ? "This device is also a motion sensor, and it is currently reading movement. " : "" result += accel == "active" ? "This device has a vibration sensor, and it is currently reading movement. " : "" result += tamper == "detected" ? "This device is also a tamper detector and it is reading active. " : "" } if (healthWarn && STdevice.status=="OFFLINE") result +="This device's status is reporting offline. " if (supportedCaps.name.contains("Battery") && batteryWarn){ def battery = STdevice.currentValue("battery"), battThresLevel = batteryThres as int if (battery && battery < battThresLevel) batteryWarnTxt += "Please note, the battery in this device is at ${battery}%. " else if (battery !=0 && battery == null) batteryWarnTxt += "Please note, the battery in this device is reading null, which may indicate an issue with the device. " else if (battery < 1) batteryWarnTxt += "Please note, the battery in this device is reading ${battery}%; time to change the battery. " } if (op !="status" && !result && type==~/motion|presence|humidity|water|contact|temperature/) result = "You attempted to take action on a device that can only give a status reading. %1%" } catch (e){ result = "I could not process your request for the '${STdeviceName}'. Ensure you are using the correct commands with the device. %1%" } if (op=="status" && result && !result.endsWith("%")) result += batteryWarnTxt + "%2%" else if (op!="status" && result && !result.endsWith("%")) result += batteryWarnTxt + "%3%" if (result.endsWith("%3%") && briefReply) { def reply = briefReplyTxt && briefReplyTxt !="No reply spoken" ? briefReplyTxt : "" if (briefReplyTxt=="User-defined") reply = briefReplyCustom?:"No custom response entered in the Ask Alexa SmartApp. " result = reply ? reply + ". " + batteryWarnTxt + "%7%" : batteryWarnTxt + "%7%" } if (!result) result = "I had a problem understanding your request. %1%" return result } def displayData(display){ render contentType: "text/html", data: """${display}""" } def displayRaw(display){ render contentType: "text/html", data: "${display}" } def displayMiniHTML(display){ render contentType: "text/html", data: "${display}" } //Child code pieces here---Macro Handler------------------------------------- def macroResults(num, cmd, colorData, param, mNum,xParam,echoID){ String result="" if (macroType == "Control") result = controlResults(num) if (macroType == "CoRE") result = WebCoREResults(num, xParam) def data = result ? result.endsWith("%") ? [alexaOutput: result[0..-4]] : [alexaOutput: result] : [alexaOutput: "No Output"] sendLocationEvent(name: "askAlexa", value: app.id, data: data, displayed: true, isStateChange: true, descriptionText: "Ask Alexa activated '${app.label}' macro.") return result } def macroSwitchHandler(evt){ def xParam= triggerXParam && macroType=="CoRE" ? triggerXParam.toLowerCase() : "" def mNum = triggermNum && macroType=="CoRE" ? triggermNum as int : 0 parent.processMacroAction(app.label.toLowerCase().replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]", ""), mNum, 0, false, xParam,"undefined") } //WebCoRE Handler----------------------------------------------------------- def WebCoREResults(sDelay,xParam){ String result = "" if (sendmNum && sDelay > 0){ state.mNum=sDelay if (xferMNum) xParam=sDelay sDelay=0 } def delay state.xParam = !(xParam==~/undefined|\?|null/) ? xParam : "" def logOutput = state.xParam || state.mNum ? " with the extra parameter" : "" logOutput += state.xParam && !state.mNum ? ": ${state.xParam}" : !state.xParam && state.mNum ? ": a number value of ${state.mNum}" : state.xParam && state.mNum ? "s: ${state.xParam} and a number value of ${state.mNum}" :"" if (cDelay>0 || sDelay>0) delay = sDelay==0 ? cDelay as int : sDelay as int if (!advWebCore || (advWebCore && (state.xParam || state.mNum))){ result = (!delay || delay == 0) ? "I am triggering the WEBCORE macro named '${app.label}'${logOutput}. " : delay==1 ? "I'll trigger the '${app.label}' WEBCORE macro in ${delay} minute. " : "I'll trigger the '${app.label}' WEBCORE macro in ${delay} minutes. " if (sDelay == 9999) { result = "I am cancelling all scheduled executions of the WEBCORE macro, '${app.label}'. " state.scheduled = false unschedule() } if (!state.scheduled) { def xParamVar = state.xParam if (!delay || delay == 0) WebCoREHandler() else if (delay < 9999) { runIn(delay*60, WebCoREHandler, [overwrite: true]) ; state.scheduled=true } if (delay < 9999) result = voicePost && !noAck ? parent.replaceVoiceVar(voicePost, delay,"",macroType,app.label, 0, xParamVar) : noAck ? " " : result } else result = "The WEBCORE macro, '${app.label}', is already scheduled to run. You must cancel the execution or wait until it runs before you can run it again. %1%" } else { if (advWebCore && voicePostAdv) result = parent.replaceVoiceVar(voicePostAdv, delay,"",macroType,app.label, 0, xParamVar) else result = "I did not hear the required additional parameters required to execute the macro, '${app.label}'. The execution was aborted. %1%" } return result } def WebCoREHandler(){ state.scheduled = false def mNum = state.mNum ? state.mNum as int : 0 def data = state.xParam ? [mName: app.label, mNum: mNum, xParam : state.xParam] : [mName: app.label, mNum: mNum, xParam : null] parent.webCoRE_execute(CoREName,data) state.xParam="" state.mNum="" } //Control Handler----------------------------------------------------------- def controlResults(sDelay){ String result = "" def delay if (cDelay>0 || sDelay>0) delay = sDelay==0 ? cDelay as int : sDelay as int if (macroTypeDesc() !="Status: UNCONFIGURED - Tap to configure macro"){ result = (!delay || delay == 0) ? "I am running the '${app.label}' control macro. " : delay==1 ? "I'll run the '${app.label}' control macro in ${delay} minute. " : "I'll run the '${app.label}' control macro in ${delay} minutes. " if (sDelay == 9999) { result = "I am cancelling all scheduled executions of the control macro, '${app.label}'. " state.scheduled = false unschedule() } if (!state.scheduled) { if (!delay || delay == 0) controlHandler() else if (delay < 9999) { runIn(delay*60, controlHandler, [overwrite: true]) ; state.scheduled=true } if (delay < 9999) result = voicePost && !noAck ? parent.replaceVoiceVar(voicePost, delay,"",macroType,app.label,0,"") : noAck ? "" : result } else result = "The control macro, '${app.label}', is already scheduled to run. You must cancel the execution or wait until it runs before you can run it again. %1%" } else result="The control macro, '${app.label}', is not properly configured. Use your Ask Alexa SmartApp to configure the macro. %1%" return result } def controlHandler(){ state.scheduled = false def cmd = [switch: switchesCMD, dimmer: dimmersCMD, cLight: cLightsCMD, cLightK: cLightsKCMD, tstat: tstatsCMD, lock: locksCMD, garage: garagesCMD, shade: shadesCMD] if (phrase) location.helloHome.execute(phrase) if (setMode && location.mode != setMode) { if (location.modes?.find{it.name == setMode}) setLocationMode(setMode) else log.warn "Unable to change to undefined mode '${setMode}'" } if (switches && cmd.switch) cmd.switch == "toggle" ? toggleState(switches) : switches?."${cmd.switch}"() if (dimmers && cmd.dimmer){ if (cmd.dimmer == "set"){ def level = dimmersLVL < 0 || !dimmersLVL ? 0 : dimmersLVL >100 ? 100 : dimmersLVL as int dimmers?.setLevel(level) } else if (cmd.dimmer ==~/increase|decrease/) dimmers.each {upDownChild(it, cmd.dimmer, dimmersUpDown as int, "level")} else cmd.dimmer == "toggle" ? toggleState(dimmers) : dimmers?."${cmd.dimmer}"() } if (cLights && cmd.cLight){ if (cmd.cLight == "set"){ if (cLightsCLR || cLightsLVL) { def level = !cLightsLVL || cLightsLVL < 0 ? 0 : cLightsLVL >100 ? 100 : cLightsLVL as int cLightsCLR ? parent.setColoredLights(cLights, cLightsCLR, level) : cLights?.setLevel(level) } } else if (cmd.cLight ==~/increase|decrease/) cLights.each {upDownChild(it, cmd.cLight, cLightsUpDown as int, "level")} else if (cmd.cLight == "toggle") toggleState(cLights) else cLights?."${cmd.cLight}"() } if (cLightsK && cmd.cLightK){ if (cmd.cLightK == "set"){ if (cLightsKEL || cLightsKLVL) { def level = !cLightsKLVL || cLightsKLVL < 0 ? 0 : cLightsKLVL >100 ? 100 : cLightsKLVL as int if (cLightsKEL) cLightsK?.setColorTemperature(cLightsKEL as int) if (level>0) cLightsK?.setLevel(level) } } else if (cmd.cLightK ==~/increase|decrease/) cLightsK.each {upDownChild(it, cmd.cLightK, cLightsKUpDown as int, "level")} else if (cmd.cLightK == "toggle") toggleState(cLightsK) else cLightsK?."${cmd.cLightK}"() } if (locks && cmd.lock) locks?."${cmd.lock}"() if (tstats && cmd.tstat){ if ((cmd.tstat == "heat" || cmd.tstat == "cool") && tstatLVL) { def tLevel = tstatLVL < 0 ? 0 : tstatLVL > 100 ? 100 : tstatLVL as int cmd.tstat == "heat" ? tstats?.setHeatingSetpoint(tLevel) : tstats?.setCoolingSetpoint(tLevel) } else if (cmd.tstat=~/increase|decrease/) tstats.each {upDownChild(it, cmd.tstat, tstatUpDown as int, "temperature")} def ecobeeCustomRegEx = parent.MyEcobeeCMD && parent.ecobeeCMD ? getEcobeeCustomRegEx(tstats) : null if (cmd.tstat =~ /present|away|sleep|resumeProgram/ || (ecobeeCustomRegEx && cmd.tstat =~ /${ecobeeCustomRegEx}/)) tstats?."${cmd.tstat}"() } if (garages && cmd.garage) garages?."${cmd.garage}"() if (shades && cmd.shade) shades?."${cmd.shade}"() if (occupancyMacro && occupancyCMD) occupancyMacro.each{it."${occupancyCMD}"()} if (extInt == "0" && http) httpGet(http) if (extInt == "1" && ip && port && command){ String hexIP = ip.tokenize( '.' ).collect { String.format( '%02x', it.toInteger() ) }.join() String hexPort = port.toString().format( '%04x', port.toInteger() ) def deviceHexID = hexIP +":"+ hexPort log.info "Device Network Id set to ${deviceHexID}" sendHubCommand(new physicalgraph.device.HubAction("""GET /${command} HTTP/1.1\r\nHOST: ${ip}:${port}\r\n\r\n""", physicalgraph.device.Protocol.LAN, "${deviceHexID}")) } if (SHM) sendLocationEvent(name: "alarmSystemStatus", value: SHM) def data = [args: "I am activating the Control Macro: '${app.label}'."] sendLocationEvent(name: "askAlexa", value: app.id, data: data, displayed: true, isStateChange: true, descriptionText: "Ask Alexa activated '${app.label}' macro.") if (ctlMsgQue){ def expireMin=ctlMQExpire ? ctlMQExpire as int : 0, expireSec=expireMin*60 def overWrite =!ctlMQNotify && !ctlMQExpire && ctlMQOverwrite def msgTxt = ttsMsg?: "Ask Alexa activated Control Macro: '${app.label}'." sendLocationEvent( name: "AskAlexaMsgQueue", value: "Ask Alexa Control Macro, '${app.label}'", unit: "${app.id}", isStateChange: true, descriptionText: msgTxt, data:[ queues:ctlMsgQue, overwrite: overWrite, notifyOnly: ctlMQNotify, expires: expireSec, suppressTimeDate:ctlSuppressTD ] ) } } private getEcobeeCustomRegEx(myEcobeeGroup){ def myCustomClimate = "" try { getEcobeeCustomList(myEcobeeGroup).each { myCustomClimate += "|${it}" } myCustomClimate = myCustomClimate[1..myCustomClimate.length() - 1] } catch (e){ log.warn "An error was encountered when attempting to send commands to the '${myEcobeeGroup}'. If you don't have any Ecobee devices please disable these features in the thermostat selection area."} return myCustomClimate } //Parent Code Access (from Child)----------------------------------------------------------- def cLightsKCTLOptions(){ return ["on":"Turn on","off":"Turn off","set":"Set temperature and level", "toggle":"Toggle the lights' on/off state","decrease": "Decrease current brightness","increase": "Increase current brightness"] } def cLightsCTLOptions(){ def options=["on":"Turn on","off":"Turn off","set":"Set color and level", "toggle":"Toggle the lights' on/off state","decrease": "Decrease current brightness","increase": "Increase current brightness"] if (osramCMD) options +=["loopOn":"Turn on color loop","loopOff":"Turn off color loop","pulseOn":"Turn on pulse","pulseOff":"Turn off pulse" ] return options } def tStatCTLOptions(){ def tstatOptions=["heat":"Set heating temperature","cool":"Set cooling temperature","increaseHeat":"Increase current heating setpoint","decreaseHeat":"Decrease current heating setpoint","increaseCool":"Increase current cooling setpoint", "decreaseCool":"Decrease current cooling setpoint"] if (nestCMD) tstatOptions += ["away":"Nest 'Away' Presence","present":"Nest 'Home' Presence"] if (ecobeeCMD) tstatOptions += ["away":"Ecobee 'Away' Climate","home":"Ecobee 'Home' Climate","sleep":"Ecobee 'Sleep' Climate","resumeProgram":"Ecobee 'Resume Program'"] if (MyEcobeeCMD) getEcobeeCustomList(tstats).each { tstatOptions += ["${it}":"Ecobee '${it}' Climate"] } return tstatOptions } //Common Code (Child and Parent) private dayOfWeek(){ return ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"] } def getRmLists(Map rmList=[:]){ if (getRM().size()) getRM().each {roomName-> def nameList=roomName.getEchoAliasList() nameList.each { rmList[it]="${roomName.label} (${it[-10..-1]})"} } return rmList } def rmCheck(curList){ def rmList=getRmLists() if (curList) curList.each{echoID-> def findRoom = 0 rmList.each{if (it.key==echoID) findRoom++ } if (!findRoom) rmList<<["${echoID}":"**Invalid Room** - REMOVE"] } return rmList } def doRmCheck(echoID){ def rmName="" if (getRM().size()) getRM().each {roomName-> def nameList=roomName.getEchoAliasList() nameList.each {if (echoID==it) rmName=roomName.label } } return rmName ?: false } def uvIndexReading(uvValue){ def uv = uvValue as int return uv<3 ? "low" : uv < 6 && uv > 2.9 ? "moderate" : uv < 8 && uv > 5.9 ? "high" : uv < 11 && uv > 7.9 ? "very high" : "extreme" } def mqRefresh(evt){ sendLocationEvent(name: "askAlexaMQ", value: "refresh", data: [queues: getMQListID(false)] , isStateChange: true, descriptionText: "Ask Alexa message queue list refresh") } def childQDelete(qList){ qList.each{qID-> def qNameRun = getAAMQ().find{it.id == qID} if (qNameRun) { qNameRun.qDelete() } } } def qDelete(){ def deleteList = state.msgQueue.findAll{it.trackDelete} state.msgQueue=[] if (deleteList){ deleteList.each{ sendLocationEvent(name:"askAlexaMQ", value: "${it.appName}.${it.id}",isStateChange: true, data:[[deleteType: "delete all"],[queue:"Primary message queue"]], descriptionText:"Ask Alexa deleted all messages from the Primary message queue") } } if (msgQueueNotifyLightsOn && msgQueueNotifyLightsOff) msgQueueNotifyLightsOn?.off() if (msgQueueNotifycLightsOn && msgQueueNotifyLightsOff) msgQueueNotifycLightsOn?.off() } def getOkToRun(){ def result = (!runMode || runMode.contains(location.mode)) && getDayOk(runDay) && getTimeOk(timeStart,timeEnd) && getPeopleOk(runPeople,runPresAll) && switchesOnStatus(runSwitchActive) && switchesOffStatus(runSwitchNotActive) } def getOkEcho(echoID) { return !runEcho || runEcho.contains(echoID) } def getOkPIN(){ def result = (!pinMode || pinMode.contains(location.mode)) && getDayOk(pinDay) && getTimeOk(timeStartPIN,timeEndPIN) && getPeopleOk(pinPeople,pinPresAll) && switchesOnStatus(pinSwitchActive) && switchesOffStatus(pinSwitchNotActive) } def getOkEchoPIN(echoID) { return !pinEcho || pinEcho.contains(echoID) } def getOkToRunMute(echoID){ def result = (!runModeMute || runModeMute.contains(location.mode)) && getDayOk(runDayMute) && (!runEchoMute || runEchoMute.contains(echoID)) && getTimeOk(timeStartMute,timeEndMute) && getPeopleOk(runPeopleMute,runPresAllMute) && switchesOnStatus(runSwitchActiveMute) && switchesOffStatus(runSwitchNotActiveMute) } private switchesOnStatus(swGroup){ return swGroup && swGroup.find{it.currentValue("switch") == "off"} ? false : true } private switchesOffStatus(swGroup){ return swGroup && swGroup.find{it.currentValue("switch") == "on"} ? false : true } def battOptions() { return [5:"<5%",10:"<10%",20:"<20%",30:"<30%",40:"<40%",50:"<50%",60:"<60%",70:"<70%",80:"<80%",90:"<90%",101:"Always play battery level"] } def kelvinOptions(){ return ["${parent.kSoftWhite}" : "Soft White (${parent.kSoftWhite}K)", "${parent.kWarmWhite}" : "Warm White (${parent.kWarmWhite}K)", "${parent.kCoolWhite}": "Cool White (${parent.kCoolWhite}K)", "${parent.kDayWhite}" : "Daylight White (${parent.kDayWhite}K)"] } def imgURL() { return "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MichaelStruck/SmartThingsPublic/master/img/" } def getAskAlexa(){ return findAllChildAppsByNamespaceAndName("MichaelStruck", "Ask Alexa") } def getAAMQ() { return findAllChildAppsByNamespaceAndName("MichaelStruck", "Ask Alexa Message Queue") } def getSCHD() { return findAllChildAppsByNamespaceAndName("MichaelStruck", "Ask Alexa Schedule") } def getWR() { return findAllChildAppsByNamespaceAndName("MichaelStruck", "Ask Alexa Weather Report") } def getVR() { return findAllChildAppsByNamespaceAndName("MichaelStruck", "Ask Alexa Voice Report") } def getRM() { return findAllChildAppsByNamespaceAndName("MichaelStruck", "Ask Alexa Rooms/Groups") } def macAliasCount() { return 3 } def getList(items){ def result = "", itemCount=items.size() as int items.each{ result += it; itemCount -- result += itemCount>1 ? ", " : itemCount==1 ? " and " : "" } return result } void nestCmdPrep(dev) { try { if(dev.currentValue("devTypeVer") != null) { return } else { dev.poll() } } catch(e) { log.error "nestCmdPrep Exception: $e" } } private roundValue(num){ def result if (location.temperatureScale == "C") { String n = num as String if (n.endsWith(".0")) n = n - ".0" result=n } else result = Math.round(num) return result } private formatURL(url){ return url.replaceAll(/\s/,"%20") } private getEcobeeCustomList(myEcobeeGroup){ def myEcobeeList = [] myEcobeeGroup.each {myTstat -> if (myTstat.currentValue("climateList")) { def myCustomClimateList = myTstat.currentValue("climateList").toString().minus('[').minus(']').minus('Away').minus('Home').minus('Sleep').tokenize(',').unique() myCustomClimateList.each { myEcobeeList += [ it.toLowerCase() ].unique() } } } return myEcobeeList } def sendMSG(num, msg, push, recipients){ if (location.contactBookEnabled && recipients) sendNotificationToContacts(msg, recipients) else { if (num) {sendSmsMessage(num,"${msg}")} if (push) {sendPushMessage("${msg}")} } } def timeDate(dateNum){ def today = new Date(now()).format("EEEE, MMMM d, yyyy", location.timeZone) def msgDay = new Date(dateNum).format("EEEE, MMMM d, yyyy", location.timeZone) def voiceDay = today == msgDay ? "Today" : msgDay def msgTime = new Date(dateNum).format("h:mm aa", location.timeZone) return ["msgTime": msgTime, "msgDay": voiceDay] } def soundFXList(){ return [1:"Radio Announcer", 2:"Dr. Evil", 3:"George Carlin", 4:"Hal", 5:"Worf",6:"Pac Man",7:"R2-D2",8:"Yoda",9:"AOL",10:"Message Tone 1",11:"Message Tone 2",12:"Message Tone 3",13:"Message Tone 4","custom":"Custom-User Defined"] } def sfxLookup(sfx){ def result if (sfx=="1") result = [uri: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MichaelStruck/SmartThingsPublic/master/media/checkyourmailbox.mp3", duration:"6"] else if (sfx=="2") result = [uri: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MichaelStruck/SmartThingsPublic/master/media/dr-evil-youve-got-freakin-mail.mp3", duration:"2"] else if (sfx=="3") result = [uri: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MichaelStruck/SmartThingsPublic/master/media/georgecarlin.mp3", duration:"3"] else if (sfx=="4") result = [uri: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MichaelStruck/SmartThingsPublic/master/media/hal2001.mp3", duration:"2"] else if (sfx=="5") result = [uri: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MichaelStruck/SmartThingsPublic/master/media/MAILWORF.mp3", duration:"4"] else if (sfx=="6") result = [uri: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MichaelStruck/SmartThingsPublic/master/media/pacman.mp3", duration:"5"] else if (sfx=="7") result = [uri: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MichaelStruck/SmartThingsPublic/master/media/R2D2-yeah.mp3", duration:"2"] else if (sfx=="8") result = [uri: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MichaelStruck/SmartThingsPublic/master/media/yoda-message-from-the-darkside.mp3", duration:"4"] else if (sfx=="9") result = [uri: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MichaelStruck/SmartThingsPublic/master/media/youve-got-mail-sound.mp3", duration:"2"] else if (sfx=="10") result = [uri: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MichaelStruck/SmartThingsPublic/master/media/Tone1.mp3", duration:"2"] else if (sfx=="11") result = [uri: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MichaelStruck/SmartThingsPublic/master/media/Tone2.mp3", duration:"4"] else if (sfx=="12") result = [uri: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MichaelStruck/SmartThingsPublic/master/media/Tone4.mp3", duration:"2"] else if (sfx=="13") result = [uri: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MichaelStruck/SmartThingsPublic/master/media/Tone4.mp3", duration:"3"] else if (sfx=="custom") result = [uri:"${mqAlertCustom}",duration:"10"] return result } def voiceList(){ return ["Amy":"Amy (British)", "Brian":"Brian (British)", "Emma":"Emma (British)","Geraint":"Geraint (Welsh)","Ivy":"Ivy (American)","Justin":"Justin (American)", "Kimberly":"Kimberly (American)", "Nicole":"Nicole (Australian)", "Raveena":"Raveena (Indian)", "Russell": "Russell(Australian)", "Salli": "Salli (American)"] } //Common Code(Child)----------------------------------------------------------- def ctlMQDesc(){ def result = "Tap to add/edit the message queue options" if (ctlMsgQue){ result = "Send to: ${translateMQid(ctlMsgQue)}" result += ctlMQNotify ? "\nNotification Mode Only" : "" result += ctlMQExpire ? "\nExpires in ${ctlMQExpire} minutes" : "" result += ctlMQOverwrite ? "\nOverwrite all previous voice report messages" : "" result += ctlSuppressTDRemind ? "\nSuppress Time and Date from Alexa Playback" : "" } return result } def translateMQid(mqIDList){ def result=mqIDList.contains("Primary Message Queue")?["Primary Message Queue"]:[], qName mqIDList.each{qID-> qName = parent.getAAMQ().find{it.id == qID} if (qName) result += qName.label } return parent.getList(result) } def deleteChild(id){ def child = getChildApps().find{ it.id == id } if (child) {log.info "Deleting schedule, '${child.label}'"; app.deleteChildApp(child) } } def upDownChild(device, op, num, type){ def numChange, newLevel, currLevel, defMove if (type=="level") defMove = parent.lightAmt as int ?: 0 ; currLevel = device.currentValue("switch")=="on" ? device.currentValue("level") as int : 0 if (type=="temperature"){ defMove = parent.tstatAmt as int ?: 5 try{ if (parent.nestCMD) nestCmdPrep(device) if (op=~/Cool/ && (device.currentValue("thermostatMode")=="auto" || device.currentValue("thermostatMode")=="cool")) currLevel = device.currentValue("coolingSetpoint") if (op=~/Heat/ && (device.currentValue("thermostatMode")=="auto" || device.currentValue("thermostatMode")=="heat")) currLevel = device.currentValue("heatingSetpoint") } catch (e) { log.warn "There was an error reading the thermostat. Ensure you have the proper mode set on the thermostat for the setpoint you are attempting to set." } } if (op =~/increase|raise|up|brighten/) numChange = num == 0 ? defMove : num > 0 ? num : 0 if (op =~/decrease|down|lower|dim/) numChange = num == 0 ? -defMove : num > 0 ? -num : 0 newLevel = currLevel + numChange; newLevel = newLevel > 100 ? 100 : newLevel < 0 ? 0 : newLevel if (type=="level"){ if (defMove>0) device.setLevel(newLevel) if (newLevel==0) device.off() } if (type=="temperature"){ if (op=~/Cool/) device.setCoolingSetpoint(newLevel) else if (op=~/Heat/) device.setHeatingSetpoint(newLevel) } } private getDayOk(dayList) { def result = true if (dayList) { def df = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("EEEE") location.timeZone ? df.setTimeZone(location.timeZone) : df.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("America/New_York")) def day = df.format(new Date()) result = dayList.contains(day) } return result } private getTimeOk(startTime, endTime) { def result = true, currTime = now(), start = startTime ? timeToday(startTime).time : null, stop = endTime ? timeToday(endTime).time : null if (startTime && endTime) result = start < stop ? currTime >= start && currTime <= stop : currTime <= stop || currTime >= start else if (startTime) result = currTime >= start else if (endTime) result = currTime <= stop return result } private getPeopleOk(peopleList,presType){ def result = true if (presType && peopleList) result = peopleList.find {it.currentPresence == "not present"} ? false : true else if (!presType && peopleList) result = peopleList.find {it.currentPresence == "present"} ? true : false result } def getTimeLabel(start, end){ def timeLabel = "Tap to set" if(start && end) timeLabel = "Between " + timeParse("${start}", "h:mm a") + " and " + timeParse("${end}", "h:mm a") else if (start) timeLabel = "Start at " + timeParse("${start}", "h:mm a") else if (end) timeLabel = "End at " + timeParse("${end}", "h:mm a") return timeLabel } def macroAliasDesc(result =""){ for (int i= 1; i1 ? "; activates ${cDelay} minutes after triggered" : cDelay==1 ? "; activates one minute after triggered" : "" if (macroType == "Control" && (phrase || setMode || SHM || getDeviceDesc() != "Status: UNCONFIGURED${PIN} - Tap to configure" || getOccupyDesc() !="Status: UNCONFIGURED - Tap to configure" || getHTTPDesc() !="Status: UNCONFIGURED - Tap to configure" || ctlMsgQue)) desc= "Control Macro CONFIGURED${customAck}${PIN} - Tap to edit" if (macroType =="GroupM" && groupMacros) { customAck += addPost && !noAck ? " appended to the child macro messages" : noAck ? "" : " replacing the child macro messages" def countDesc = groupMacros.size() == 1 ? "one macro" : groupMacros.size() + " macros" desc = "Extension Group CONFIGURED with ${countDesc}${customAck}${PIN} - Tap to edit" } def webCoreName = parent.webCoRE_list().find{it.id==CoREName} if (macroType =="CoRE" && CoREName && webCoreName) desc = "Trigger '${webCoreName.name}' piston${customAck}${PIN} - Tap to edit" else if (macroType =="CoRE" && CoREName && !webCoreName) desc = "WebCoRE piston has changed or deleted; Macro will not operate - Tap to reselect the proper piston" return desc ? desc : "Status: UNCONFIGURED - Tap to configure macro" } def playbackDesc() {return (cmdMute || muteAll || speakSpeed !="medium" || speakPitch !="medium" || whisperMode) ? "Tap to edit playback options/restrictions": "Tap to set playback options/restrictions"} def greyOutMacro(){ return macroTypeDesc() == "Status: UNCONFIGURED - Tap to configure macro" ? "" : "complete" } def greyOutStateHTTP(){ return getHTTPDesc() == "Status: UNCONFIGURED - Tap to configure" ? "" : "complete" } def occupyGreyOut(){ return getOccupyDesc() == "Status: UNCONFIGURED - Tap to configure" ? "" : "complete" } def deviceGreyOut(){ return getDeviceDesc() == "Status: UNCONFIGURED - Tap to configure" ? "" : "complete" } def getDeviceDesc(){ def result, cmd = [switch: switchesCMD, dimmer: dimmersCMD, cLight: cLightsCMD, cLightK: cLightsKCMD, tstat: tstatsCMD, lock: locksCMD, garage: garagesCMD, shade: shadesCMD] def lvl = cmd.dimmer == "set" && dimmersLVL ? dimmersLVL as int : 0 def cLvl = cmd.cLight == "set" && cLightsLVL ? cLightsLVL as int : 0 def kLvl = cmd.cLightK == "set" && cLightsKLVL ? cLightsKLVL as int : 0 def clr = cmd.cLight == "set" && cLightsCLR ? cLightsCLR : "" def kTemp = cmd.cLightK == "set" && cLightsKEL ? cLightsKEL: "" def tLvl = tstats ? tstatLVL : 0 def dimUpDn = cmd.dimmer==~/increase|decrease/ && dimmersUpDown ? dimmersUpDown as int : 0 def clUpDn = cmd.cLight ==~/increase|decrease/ && cLightsUpDown? cLightsUpDown as int : 0 def klUpDn = cmd.cLightK ==~/increase|decrease/ && cLightsKUpDown? cLightsKUpDown as int : 0 def tUpDn = cmd.tstat =~/increase|decrease/ && tstatUpDown ? tstatUpDown as int : 0 lvl = lvl < 0 ? lvl = 0 : lvl >100 ? 100 : lvl tLvl = tLvl < 0 ? 0 : tLvl >100 ? 100 : tLvl cLvl = cLvl < 0 ? 0 : cLvl >100 ? 100 : cLvl kLvl = kLvl < 0 ? 0 : kLvl >100 ? 100 : kLvl dimUpDn = dimUpDn <0 ? 0 : dimUpDn>100 ? 100: dimUpDn clUpDn == clUpDn <0 ? 0 : clUpDn>100 ? 100: clUpDn klUpDn == klUpDn <0 ? 0 : klUpDn>100 ? 100: klUpDn tUpDn == tUpDn <0 ? 0 : tUpDn>100 ? 100: tUpDn if (switches || dimmers || cLights || cLightsK || tstats || locks || garages || shades) { result = switches && cmd.switch ? "${switches} set to ${cmd.switch}" : "" result += result && dimmers && cmd.dimmer ? "\n" : "" result += dimmers && cmd.dimmer && cmd.dimmer != "set" && cmd.dimmer !="increase" && cmd.dimmer !="decrease" ? "${dimmers} set to ${cmd.dimmer}" : "" result += dimmers && cmd.dimmer && cmd.dimmer == "set" ? "${dimmers} set to ${lvl}%" : "" result += dimmers && cmd.dimmer && cmd.dimmer ==~/increase|decrease/ && dimUpDn>0 ? "${dimmers} ${cmd.dimmer} brightness by ${dimUpDn}%" : "" result += result && cLights && cmd.cLight ? "\n" : "" result += cLights && cmd.cLight && cmd.cLight != "set" && cmd.cLight !="increase" && cmd.cLight !="decrease" && cmd.cLight && cmd.cLight != "loopOn" && cmd.cLight != "loopOff" && cmd.cLight !="pulseOn" && cmd.cLight !="pulseOff"? "${cLights} set to ${cmd.cLight}": "" result += cLights && cmd.cLight && cmd.cLight == "set" && (clr || cLvl) ? "${cLights} set to " : "" result += cLights && cmd.cLight && cmd.cLight == "set" && clr ? "${clr} and " : "" result += cLights && cmd.cLight && cmd.cLight == "set" && cLvl >0 ? "${cLvl}%" : "" result += cLights && cmd.cLight && cmd.cLight == "set" && clr && (cLvl == 0 || !cLvl) ? "Color Default Brightness" : "" result += cLights && cmd.cLight && cmd.cLight ==~/increase|decrease/ && clUpDn>0 ? "${cLights} ${cmd.cLight} brightness by ${clUpDn}%" : "" result += cLights && cmd.cLight == "loopOn" ? "${cLights} turn on color loop" : "" result += cLights && cmd.cLight == "loopOff" ? "${cLights} turn off color loop" : "" result += cLights && cmd.cLight == "pulseOn" ? "${cLights} turn on pulse" : "" result += cLights && cmd.cLight == "pulseOff" ? "${cLights} turn off pulse" : "" result += result && cLightsK && cmd.cLightK ? "\n" : "" result += cLightsK && cmd.cLightK && cmd.cLightK != "set" && cmd.cLightK !="increase" && cmd.cLightK !="decrease" ? "${cLightsK} set to ${cmd.cLightK}": "" result += cLightsK && cmd.cLightK && cmd.cLightK == "set" ? "${cLightsK} set to " : "" result += cLightsK && cmd.cLightK && cmd.cLightK == "set" && kTemp ? "${kTemp}K and " : "" result += cLightsK && cmd.cLightK && cmd.cLightK == "set" && kLvl >0 ? "${kLvl}%" : "" result += cLightsK && cmd.cLightK && cmd.cLightK == "set" && kTemp && (kLvl == 0 || !kLvl)? "Current Brightness" : "" result += cLightsK && cmd.cLightK && cmd.cLightK ==~/increase|decrease/ && klUpDn>0 ? "${cLightsK} ${cmd.cLightK} brightness by ${klUpDn}%" : "" result += result && tstats && (tLvl || tUpDn) ? "\n" : "" result += tstats && cmd.tstat ==~/heat|cool/ && tLvl ? "${tstats} set to ${cmd.tstat}: ${tLvl} degrees" : "" result += tstats && cmd.tstat =="increaseCool" && tUpDn ? "${tstats} increase cooling setpoint: ${tUpDn} degrees" : "" result += tstats && cmd.tstat =="decreaseCool" && tUpDn ? "${tstats} decrease cooling setpoint: ${tUpDn} degrees" : "" result += tstats && cmd.tstat =="increaseHeat" && tUpDn ? "${tstats} increase heating setpoint: ${tUpDn} degrees" : "" result += tstats && cmd.tstat =="decreaseHeat" && tUpDn ? "${tstats} decrease heating setpoint: ${tUpDn} degrees" : "" if (tstats && (parent.nestCMD || parent.ecobeeCMD || (parent.ecobeeCMD && parent.MyEcobeeCMD))) result += cmd.tstat && cmd.tstat =~/heat|cool|increase|decrease/ ? "": "${tstats} set to: ${cmd.tstat}" result += result && locks && cmd.lock ? "\n":"" result += locks && cmd.lock ? "${locks} set to ${cmd.lock}" : "" result += result && garages && cmd.garage ? "\n" : "" result += garages && cmd.garage ? "${garages} set to ${cmd.garage}" : "" result += result && shades && cmd.shade ? "\n" : "" result += shades && cmd.shade ? "${shades} set to ${cmd.shade}" : "" } return result ? result : "Status: UNCONFIGURED - Tap to configure" } def getHTTPDesc(){ def result = "", param = [http:http, ip:ip, port:port, cmd:command] if (extInt == "0" && param.http) result += param.http else if (extInt == "1" && param.ip && param.port && param.cmd) result += "http://${param.ip}:${param.port}/${param.cmd}" return result ? result : "Status: UNCONFIGURED - Tap to configure" } def getOccupyDesc(result = ""){ if (occupancyMacro && occupancyCMD) result = "${occupancyMacro} set to ${occupancyCMD}" return result ? result : "Status: UNCONFIGURED - Tap to configure" } private replaceVoiceVar(msg, delay, filter, type, name, age, xParam) { def df = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("EEEE") location.timeZone ? df.setTimeZone(location.timeZone) : df.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("America/New_York")) def day = df.format(new Date()), time = parseDate("","h:mm a"), month = parseDate("","MMMM"), year = parseDate("","yyyy"), dayNum = parseDate("","d") def varList = getVariableList(), temp = varList.temp != "undefined device" ? roundValue(varList.temp) + " degrees" : varList.temp def humid = varList.humid, people = varList.people def fullMacroType=[GroupM: "Extension Group", Control:"Control Macro", Voice:"Voice Report", Room: "Rooms and Groups"][type] ?: type def delayMin = delay ? delay + " minutes" : "No delay specified" msg = msg.replace('%mtype%', "${fullMacroType}") msg = msg.replace('%macro%', "${name}") msg = msg.replace('%day%', day) msg = msg.replace('%date%', "${month} ${dayNum}, ${year}") msg = msg.replace('%time%', "${time}") msg = msg.replace('%temp%', "${temp}") msg = msg.replace('%humid%', "${humid}") msg = msg.replace('%people%', "${people}") msg = msg.replace('%delay%',"${delayMin}") msg = msg.replace('%age%',"${age}") msg = msg.replace('%xParam%',"${xParam}") if (msg.contains("%random")){ def randomList = [], selectRand if ((random1A || random1B || random1C) && msg.contains("%random1%")){ if (random1A) randomList << random1A if (random1B) randomList << random1B if (random1C) randomList << random1C selectRand = randomList[Math.abs(new Random().nextInt() % randomList.size() as int)] msg = msg.replace('%random1%',"${selectRand}") } if ((random2A || random2B || random2C) && msg.contains("%random2%")){ if (random2A) randomList << random2A if (random2B) randomList << random2B if (random2C) randomList << random2C selectRand = randomList[Math.abs(new Random().nextInt() % randomList.size() as int)] msg = msg.replace('%random2%',"${selectRand}") } if ((random3A || random3B || random3C) && msg.contains("%random3%")){ if (random3A) randomList << random3A if (random3B) randomList << random3B if (random3C) randomList << random3C selectRand = randomList[Math.abs(new Random().nextInt() % randomList.size() as int)] msg = msg.replace('%random3%',"${selectRand}") } } if (getWR().size()){ getWR().each{ def wrName = "%" + it.label.toLowerCase().replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]", "") + "%" if (msg.contains(wrName)) msg = msg.replace(wrName,processWeatherReport(it.label.toLowerCase().replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]", ""))[0..-4]) } } if (filter) { def textFilter=filter.toLowerCase().tokenize(",") textFilter.each{ msg = msg.toLowerCase().replace("${it}","") } } return msg } private timeParse(time, type) { return new Date().parse("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ", time).format("${type}", location.timeZone)} private parseDate(time, type){ long longDate = time ? Long.valueOf(time).longValue() : now() def formattedDate = new Date(longDate).format("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ", location.timeZone) return new Date().parse("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ", formattedDate).format("${type}", timeZone(formattedDate)) } //Various Functions----------------------------------------------------------- def toggleState(swDevices){ swDevices.each{ it.currentValue("switch")=="off" ? it.on() : it.off() } } private setColoredLights(switches, color, level){ def getColorData = parent ? parent.STColors().find {it.name==color} : STColors().find {it.name==color} def hueColor = getColorData ? Math.round(getColorData.h / 3.6) : 0, satLevel = getColorData ? getColorData.s:0, newLevel = level>0 ? level : getColorData.l if (color == "Custom-User Defined"){ hueColor = hueUserDefined ? hueUserDefined : 0 satLevel = satUserDefined ? satUserDefined : 0 hueColor = hueColor > 100 ? 100 : hueColor < 0 ? 0 : hueColor satLevel = satLevel > 100 ? 100 : satLevel < 0 ? 0 : satLevel } def newValue = [hue: hueColor as int, saturation: satLevel as int] def isOsram = parent ? parent.osramCMD : osramCMD if (isOsram){ try { switches?.loopOff() } catch (e) { log.warn "You have attempted a command that is not compatible with the the device handler you are using. Try to turn off the Osram functions in the colored lights selection area." } } switches?.setColor(newValue) switches?.setLevel(newLevel as int) } //Common Code (Parent)--------------------------------- private webCoRE_init(pistonExecutedCbk){ state.webCoRE=(state.webCoRE instanceof Map?state.webCoRE:[:])+(pistonExecutedCbk?[cbk:pistonExecutedCbk]:[:]) subscribe(location,"${webCoRE_handle()}.pistonList",webCoRE_handler) if(pistonExecutedCbk)subscribe(location,"${webCoRE_handle()}.pistonExecuted",webCoRE_handler) webCoRE_poll() } private webCoRE_poll(){ sendLocationEvent([name: webCoRE_handle(),value:'poll',isStateChange:true,displayed:false]) } public webCoRE_execute(pistonIdOrName,Map data=[:]){ def i=(state.webCoRE?.pistons?:[]).find{(it.name==pistonIdOrName)||(it.id==pistonIdOrName)}?.id if (i) sendLocationEvent([name:i,value:app.label,isStateChange:true,displayed:false,data:data]) } public webCoRE_list(mode){ def p=state.webCoRE?.pistons if (p) p.collect{ mode=='id' ? it.id :(mode=='name' ? it.name : mode=='enum' ? ["${it.id}":"${it.name}"] :[id:it.id,name:it.name]) } } public webCoRE_handler(evt){switch(evt.value){case 'pistonList':List p=state.webCoRE?.pistons?:[];Map d=evt.jsonData?:[:];if(d.id&&d.pistons&&(d.pistons instanceof List)){p.removeAll{it.iid==d.id};p+=d.pistons.collect{[iid:d.id]+it}.sort{it.name};state.webCoRE = [updated:now(),pistons:p];};break;case 'pistonExecuted':def cbk=state.webCoRE?.cbk;if(cbk&&evt.jsonData)"$cbk"(evt.jsonData);break;}} def getRandDesc(num){ def result = "Tap to add responses to %random${num}%" if (settings."random${num}A" || settings."random${num}B"|| settings."random${num}C"){ result = "" if (settings."random${num}A") result += "1: ${settings."random${num}A"}" if (settings."random${num}A" && (settings."random${num}B" || settings."random${num}C")) result +="\n" if (settings."random${num}B") result += "2: ${settings."random${num}B"}" if ((settings."random${num}A" || settings."random${num}B") && settings."random${num}C") result +="\n" if (settings."random${num}C") result += "3: ${settings."random${num}C"}" } return result } def getGlobalVarState(){ return voiceTempVar || voiceHumidVar || voicePresenceVar || getWR().size() || random1A || random2A || random3A || random1B || random2B || random3B || random1C || random2C || random3C } private switchesSel() { return switches || (deviceAlias && switchesAlias) } private dimmersSel() { return dimmers || (deviceAlias && dimmersAlias) } private cLightsSel() { return cLights || (deviceAlias && cLightsAlias) } private cLightsKSel() { return cLightsK || (deviceAlias && cLightsKAlias) } private doorsSel() { return doors || (deviceAlias && doorsAlias) } private locksSel() { return locks || (deviceAlias && locksAlias) } private ocSensorsSel() { return ocSensors || (deviceAlias && ocSensorsAlias) } private shadesSel() { return shades || (deviceAlias && shadesAlias) } private tstatsSel() { return tstats || (deviceAlias && tstatsAlias) } private tempsSel() { return temps || (deviceAlias && tempsAlias) } private humidSel() { return humid || (deviceAlias && humidAlias) } private fooBotSel() { return fooBot || (deviceAlias && fooBotAlias) } private uvSel() { return UV || (deviceAlias && UVAlias) } private speakersSel() { return speakers || (deviceAlias && speakersAlias) } private waterSel() { return water || (deviceAlias && waterAlias) } private presenceSel() { return presence || (deviceAlias && presenceAlias) } private motionSel() { return motion || (deviceAlias && motionAlias) } private accelerationSel() { return acceleration || (deviceAlias && accelerationAlias) } private occSel() { return occupancy || (deviceAlias && occupancyAlias)} def getMacroList(type,exclude){ def result=[] if (type ==~/all|other/) { if (type =="all") getAskAlexa().each{ if (it.label && it.macroType !="GroupM") result << ["${it.label}": "${it.label} (${it.macroType} Macro)"] } getVR().each{ if (it.label && it.label != exclude) result << ["${it.label}": "${it.label} (Voice Report)"]} getWR().each{ if (it.label) result << ["${it.label}": "${it.label} (Weather Report)"]} if (type=="other") getAAMQ().each{ if (it.label) result << ["${it.label}": "${it.label} (Message Queue)"]} } else if (type =~/sched/){ if (type =="schedV") getVR().each{ if (it.label) result << "${it.label}"} else if (type =="schedW") getWR().each{ if (it.label) result << "${it.label}"} else if (type=="schedM") getAskAlexa().each{ if (it.label) result << ["${it.label}": "${it.label} (${it.macroType=="GroupM"?"Extension Group":it.macroType} Macro)"] } } else if (type == "flash"){ getAskAlexa().each{ if (it.macroType =="GroupM") result << ["${it.label.toLowerCase().replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]", "")}%M%":"${it.label} (Extension Group)"] } result<<["undefined%Q%": "Primary Message Queue"] getAAMQ().each{ if (it.label) result<< ["${it.label.toLowerCase().replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]", "")}%Q%": it.label +" (Message Queue)"]} getVR().each{ if (it.label) result<< ["${it.label.toLowerCase().replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]", "")}%V%": it.label +" (Voice Report)"]} getWR().each{ if (it.label) result<< ["${it.label.toLowerCase().replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]", "")}%W%": it.label +" (Weather Report)"]} } return result } def msgHandler(evt) { def selQueues = evt.jsonData && evt.jsonData?.queues ? evt.jsonData.queues : [] def overwrite = evt.jsonData && evt.jsonData?.overwrite ? true : false def expires = evt.jsonData && evt.jsonData?.expires ? evt.jsonData.expires as int : 0 def notifyOnly = evt.jsonData && evt.jsonData?.notifyOnly ? true : false def suppressTimeDate = evt.jsonData && evt.jsonData?.suppressTimeDate ? true : false def trackDelete = evt.jsonData && evt.jsonData?.trackDelete ? true : false def expiration = expires && expires !=0 ? now() + (expires*1000) : 0 if (selQueues.size()) { selQueues.each{qID-> def qNameRun = getAAMQ().find{it.id == qID} if (qNameRun) qNameRun.msgHandler(evt.date, evt.descriptionText, evt.unit, evt.value, overwrite, expiration, notifyOnly, suppressTimeDate,trackDelete) else if (qID=="Primary Message Queue") msgPMQ (evt.date, evt.descriptionText, evt.unit, evt.value, overwrite, expiration, notifyOnly, suppressTimeDate,trackDelete) } } else msgPMQ (evt.date, evt.descriptionText, evt.unit, evt.value, overwrite, expiration, notifyOnly, suppressTimeDate,trackDelete) } def msgDeleteHandler(evt){ def selQueues = evt.jsonData && evt.jsonData?.queues ? evt.jsonData.queues : [] if (selQueues.size()) { selQueues.each{qID-> def qNameRun = getAAMQ().find{it.id == qID} def qName = qNameRun ? qNameRun.label : "Primary Message Queue" if (qNameRun && msgQueueDelete.contains(qID)) qNameRun.msgDeleteHandler(evt.unit, evt.value) else if (qID=="Primary Message Queue" && msgQueueDelete.contains("Primary Message Queue")) msgDeletePMQ(evt.unit, evt.value) else log.debug "The '${qName}' message queue does not have External SmartApp deletion turned on. No messages were deleted." } } else msgDeletePMQ(evt.unit, evt.value) } def msgPMQ(date,descriptionText,unit,value,overwrite, expires, notifyOnly, suppressTimeDate,trackDelete){ if (!state.msgQueue) state.msgQueue=[] if (msgQueueForward){ msgQueueForward.each{qID-> def qNameRun = getAAMQ().find{it.id == qID} if (qNameRun) qNameRun.msgHandler(date, descriptionText + " - This message was forwarded from the primary message queue.", unit, value, overwrite, expires, notifyOnly, suppressTimeDate,trackDelete); } } else { def msgTxt if (overwrite && msgQueueDelete && msgQueueDelete.contains("Primary Message Queue")) msgDeletePMQ(unit, value) else if (overwrite && (!msgQueueDelete || !msgQueueDelete.contains("Primary Message Queue"))) log.debug "An overwrite command was issued from '${value}', however, the option to allow deletions was not enabled for the Primary Message Queue." if (!notifyOnly) log.debug "New message added to primary message queue from: " + value if (!notifyOnly) state.msgQueue<<["date":date.getTime(),"appName":value,"msg":descriptionText,"id":unit, "expires": expires, "suppressTimeDate": suppressTimeDate,"trackDelete":trackDelete] if (mqAlertType ==~/0|1|2/) { msgTxt= !mqAlertType ||mqAlertType as int ==0 || mqAlertType as int ==1 ? "New message received in ${app.label} message queue from : " + value : "" if (!mqAlertType || mqAlertType ==~/0|2/) msgTxt += msgTxt ? ": "+ descriptionText : descriptionText } if (mqSpeaker && mqVolume && ((restrictAudio && getOkToRun())||!restrictAudio)) { def msgSFX, outputVoice = mqVoice ?: "Salli", msgVoice = msgTxt ? textToSpeech (msgTxt, outputVoice) : msgTxt if (mqAlertType == "3" || mqAppendSound) msgSFX = sfxLookup(mqAlertSound) mqSpeaker?.setLevel(mqVolume as int) if (mqAlertType != "3" && !mqAppendSound) mqSpeaker?.playTrack (msgVoice.uri) if (mqAlertType == "3") mqSpeaker?.playTrack (msgSFX.uri) if (mqAlertType != "3" && mqAppendSound) mqSpeaker?.playSoundAndTrack(msgSFX.uri,msgSFX.duration,msgVoice.uri) } if (mqSynth && ((restrictAudio && getOkToRun())||!restrictAudio)) mqSynth?.speak(msgTxt) if (mqPush || mqSMS || mqContacts && ((restrictMobile && getOkToRun())||!restrictMobile)){ def mqMsg = "New message received by Ask Alexa in primary message queue from : " + value + ": "+ descriptionText sendMSG(mqSMS, mqMsg , mqPush, mqContacts) } if (mqFeed && ((restrictMobile && getOkToRun())||!restrictMobile)) sendNotificationEvent("New message received by Ask Alexa in primary message queue from : " + value + ": "+ descriptionText) if (msgQueueNotifyLightsOn && ((restrictVisual && getOkToRun())||!restrictVisual)) msgQueueNotifyLightsOn?.on() if (msgQueueNotifycLightsOn && (msgQueueNotifyColor || msgQueueNotifyLevel) && ((restrictVisual && getOkToRun())||!restrictVisual)) { def level = !msgQueueNotifyLevel || msgQueueNotifyLevel < 0 ? 50 : msgQueueNotifyLevel >100 ? 100 : msgQueueNotifyLevel as int msgQueueNotifyColor ? setColoredLights(msgQueueNotifycLightsOn, msgQueueNotifyColor, msgQueueNotifyLevel) : msgQueueNotifycLightsOn?.setLevel(level) } } } def msgDeletePMQ(unit,value){ if (state.msgQueue && state.msgQueue.size()>0){ if (unit && value){ log.debug value + " is requesting to delete messages from the primary message queue." def deleteList = state.msgQueue.findAll{it.appName==value && it.id==unit && it.trackDelete} state.msgQueue.removeAll{it.appName==value && it.id==unit} if (deleteList){ deleteList.each{ sendLocationEvent(name:"askAlexaMQ", value: "${it.appName}.${it.id}",isStateChange: true, data:[[deleteType: "delete"],[queue:"Primary message queue"]], descriptionText:"Ask Alexa deleted messages from the Primary message queue") } } if (msgQueueNotifyLightsOn && msgQueueNotifyLightsOff && !state.msgQueue) msgQueueNotifyLightsOn?.off() if (msgQueueNotifycLightsOn && msgQueueNotifyLightsOff && !state.msgQueue) msgQueueNotifycLightsOn?.off() } else log.debug "Incorrect delete parameters sent to the primary message queue. Nothing was deleted." } else log.debug "The primary message queue is empty. No messages were deleted." } def mqCounts(list){ def msgList=[], msgCountTxt="",queS="" purgeMQ() if (list){ if (list.contains("Primary Message Queue") && state.msgQueue && state.msgQueue.size()) msgList<<"Primary Message Queue" list.each{qID-> def qNameRun = getAAMQ().find{it.id == qID} def qName = qNameRun ? qNameRun.label : "Primary Message Queue" if (qNameRun && qName !="Primary Message Queue" && qNameRun.qSize()) msgList<1 ? "queues" : "" } msgCountTxt = msgList ? "You have messages present in the following message ${queS}: " + getList(msgList):"" } return msgCountTxt } def purgeMQ(){ if (!state.msgQueue) state.msgQueue=[] def deleteList = state.msgQueue.findAll{it.expires !=0 && now() > it.expires && it.trackDelete} state.msgQueue.removeAll{it.expires !=0 && now() > it.expires} if (deleteList){ deleteList.each{ sendLocationEvent(name:"askAlexaMQ", value: "${it.appName}.${it.id}",isStateChange: true, data:[[deleteType: "expire"],[queue:"Primary message queue"]], descriptionText:"Ask Alexa expired messages from the Primary message queue") } log.debug "Ask Alexa is purging expired messages from the Primary Message Queue." } if (!state.msgQueue.size()){ if (msgQueueNotifyLightsOn && msgQueueNotifyLightsOff && !state.msgQueue) msgQueueNotifyLightsOn?.off() if (msgQueueNotifycLightsOn && msgQueueNotifyLightsOff && !state.msgQueue) msgQueueNotifycLightsOn?.off() } } def getExtList(extList =[]){ getWR().each {extList +=["${it.id}":"${it.label}"]} getVR().each {extList +=["${it.id}":"${it.label}"]} getSCHD().each {extList +=["${it.id}":"${it.label}"]} getRM().each {extList +=["${it.id}":"${it.label}"]} getAskAlexa().each {if (it.macroType !='CoRE') extList +=["${it.id}":"${it.label}"]} return extList } def getMQListID(withPMQ){ def outputMQlist = withPMQ ? ["Primary Message Queue":"Primary Message Queue"]:[] getAAMQ().each{ outputMQlist +=["${it.id}":"${it.label}"] } return outputMQlist } def getVariableList(){ def temp = voiceTempVar ? getAverage(voiceTempVar, "temperature") : "undefined device" def humid = voiceHumidVar ? getAverage(voiceHumidVar, "humidity") + " percent relative humidity" : "undefined device" def present = voicePresenceVar.findAll{it.currentValue("presence")=="present"} def people = present ? getList(present) : "No people present" return [temp: temp, humid: humid, people: people] } private getAverage(device,type){ def total = 0 device.each { if (it.latestValue(type)) total += it.latestValue(type) } return Math.round(total/device.size()) } def getTstatLimits() { return [hi:tstatHighLimit, lo: tstatLowLimit] } def OAuthToken(){ try { createAccessToken() log.debug "Creating new Access Token" } catch (e) { log.error "Access Token not defined. OAuth may not be enabled. Go to the IDE settings to enable OAuth within Ask Alexa." } } def macroDesc(count){def results = count ? count==1 ? "One Macro Configured" : count + " Macros Configured" : "No Macros Configured\nTap to create a new macro"} def mqDesc(count){def results = count ? count==1 ? "Primary + One Addition Message Queue Configured" : "Primary + " + count + " Message Queues Configured" : "Primary Messsage Queue"} def schDesc(count) {def results = count ? count==1 ? "One Schedule Configured" : count + " Schedules Configured" : "No Schedules Configured\nTap to create a new schedule"} def voiceDesc(count) {def results = count ? count==1 ? "One Voice Report Configured" : count + " Voice Reports Configured" : "No Voice Reports Configured\nTap to create a new report"} def weathDesc(count) {def results = count ? count==1 ? "One Weather Report Configured" : count + " Weather Reports Configured" : "No Weather Reports Configured\nTap to create a new report"} def rmDesc(count) {def results = count ? count==1 ? "One Room/Group Configured" : count + " Rooms/Groups Configured" : "No Rooms/Groups Configured\nTap to create a new report"} def getDesc(param){ return param ? "Status: CONFIGURED - Tap to edit/view" : "Status: UNCONFIGURED - Tap to configure" } def getAliasList(result =[]){ state.aliasList.each{ result << ["${it.aliasName}":"${it.aliasName} (${it.aliasTypeFull})"] } return result } def getAliasDisplayList(){ def count = state.aliasList.size(), result="" for (int i=0; i < count; i++) { def deviceType = mapDevices(true).find{it.fullListName==state.aliasList.aliasTypeFull[i]}, deviceName, displayName if (deviceType) deviceName = deviceType.devices.find {it=state.aliasList.aliasDevice[i]} displayName= deviceType && deviceName ? state.aliasList.aliasDevice[i] : state.aliasList.aliasDevice[i]+" (missing)" result += state.aliasList.aliasName[i] + " (" + state.aliasList.aliasTypeFull[i] + ") = "+ displayName if (i < count-1) result +="\n" } return result } def getxParamList(){ def count = state.wcp.size(), result="" for (int i=0; i < count; i++) { result += state.wcp[i] if (i < count-1) result +="\n" } return result } def listxParam(result =[]){ state.wcp.each{result << it } return result } def getDeviceAliasList(aliasType){ def result = mapDevices(true).find{it.fullListName==aliasType}, resultList =[] if (result) result.devices.each{ resultList <<"${it}" } return resultList } private List STColors() { if (customName) return [customColor(), *colorUtil.ALL] else return [*colorUtil.ALL] } private Map customColor(){ if (customName && (customHue > -1 && customerHue < 101) && (customSat > -1 && customerSat < 101)) return [name: customName, rgb: "#000000", h: customHue * 3.6, s: customSat, l:100] } def getDeviceList(result = []){ try { mapDevices(false).each{ def devicesGroup = it.devices, devicesType = it.type devicesGroup.collect{ result << [name: it.label.replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]", "").toLowerCase(), type: devicesType, devices: devicesGroup] } } } catch (e) { log.warn "There was an issue parsing the device labels. Be sure all of the devices are uniquely named/labeled and that none of them are blank (null). " } return result } def findNullDevices(result=""){ mapDevices(false).each{devicesGroup-> devicesGroup.devices.each { result += !it.label ? it.name + "\n" : "" } } if (result) result = "You have the following device(s) with a blank (null) label:\n\n" + result + "\nBe sure all of the devices are uniquely labeled and that none of them are blank(null)." return result } def optionCount(start, end){ def result =[] for (int i=start; i < end+1; i++){ result << i } return result } def mapDevices(isAlias){ def result =[], ext= isAlias ? "Alias": "" if (settings."switches${ext}") result << [devices: settings."switches${ext}", type : "switch",fullListName:"Switch", cmd:switchVoc()] if (settings."dimmers${ext}") result << [devices: settings."dimmers${ext}", type : "level",fullListName:"Dimmer", cmd:levelVoc()] if (settings."cLights${ext}") result << [devices: settings."cLights${ext}", type : "color",fullListName:"Colored Light", cmd:colorVoc()] if (settings."cLightsK${ext}") result << [devices: settings."cLightsK${ext}", type : "kTemp", fullListName:"Temperature (Kelvin) Light", cmd:kTempVoc()] if (settings."doors${ext}") result << [devices: settings."doors${ext}", type : "door",fullListName:"Door Control", cmd:doorVoc()] if (settings."shades${ext}") result << [devices: settings."shades${ext}", type : "shade",fullListName:"Window Shade", cmd:shadeVoc()] if (settings."locks${ext}") result << [devices: settings."locks${ext}", type : "lock",fullListName:"Lock", cmd:lockVoc()] if (settings."tstats${ext}") result << [devices: settings."tstats${ext}", type : "thermostat",fullListName:"Thermostat",cmd:tstatVoc()] if (settings."speakers${ext}") result << [devices: settings."speakers${ext}", type : "music",fullListName:"Speaker", cmd:speakerVoc()] if (settings."temps${ext}") result << [devices: settings."temps${ext}", type : "temperature",fullListName:"Temperature Sensor", cmd: tempVoc()] if (settings."humid${ext}") result << [devices: settings."humid${ext}", type : "humidity",fullListName:"Humidity Sensor", cmd: humidVoc()] if (settings."ocSensors${ext}") result << [devices: settings."ocSensors${ext}", type : "contact",fullListName:"Open/Close Sensor", cmd: contactVoc()] if (settings."water${ext}") result << [devices: settings."water${ext}", type : "water",fullListName:"Water Sensor", cmd: waterVoc()] if (settings."motion${ext}") result << [devices: settings."motion${ext}", type : "motion",fullListName:"Motion Sensor", cmd: motionVoc()] if (settings."presence${ext}") result << [devices: settings."presence${ext}", type : "presence",fullListName:"Presence Sensor", cmd: presenceVoc()] if (settings."acceleration${ext}") result << [devices: settings."acceleration${ext}", type : "acceleration",fullListName:"Acceleration Sensor", cmd: accelVoc()] if (settings."fooBot${ext}") result << [devices: settings."fooBot${ext}", type : "pollution", fullListName:"Foobot Air Quality Monitor", cmd: fooBotVoc()] if (settings."UV${ext}") result << [devices: settings."UV${ext}", type : "uvIndex", fullListName:"UV Index Device", cmd: uvVoc()] if (settings."occupancy${ext}") result << [devices: settings."occupancy${ext}", type : "beacon", fullListName:"Occupancy Sensor", cmd: occVoc()+basicVoc()] return result } def basicVoc(){return ["status","event","events"]} def switchVoc(){return ["on", "off", "toggle"]} def levelVoc(){return switchVoc()+["low","medium","high","maximum","minimum","increase","raise","up","decrease","down","lower","brighten","dim"]} def colorVoc(){return levelVoc()} def kTempVoc(){return levelVoc()} def doorVoc(){return ["open","close"]} def lockVoc(){return ["lock","unlock"]} def shadeVoc(){return ["open","close"]} def presenceVoc(){return basicVoc()} def waterVoc(){return basicVoc()} def accelVoc(){return basicVoc()} def motionVoc(){return basicVoc()} def tempVoc(){return basicVoc()} def humidVoc(){return basicVoc()} def contactVoc(){return basicVoc()} def fooBotVoc(){return basicVoc()} def uvVoc(){return basicVoc()} def occVoc(){return ["asleep","vacant", "locked","engaged","occupied"]} def speakerVoc(){return basicVoc()+["play","pause","stop","next track","previous track","off","mute","on","unmute","status","low","medium","high","maximum","increase","raise","up","decrease","down","lower"]} def tstatVoc(){ def result =["increase","raise","up","decrease","down","lower","maximum","minimum","off"] if (ecobeeCMD && MyEcobeeCMD) result+=ecobeeVOC() if (nestCMD && nestMGRCMD) result +=["report"] return result } def ecobeeVOC(){return ["erase","delete","clear","reset","get","restart","repeat","replay","play","give","load","reload"]} def msgVoc(){ return ["play","open","erase","delete","clear"]} def rmVoc(){ return["setup","link","associate","sync"]} def upDown(device, type, op, num, deviceName){ def numChange, newLevel, currLevel, defMove, txtRsp = "" if (type==~/color|level|kTemp/) { defMove = lightAmt as int ?: 0 ; currLevel = device.currentValue("switch")=="on" ? device.currentValue("level") as int : 0 } if (type=="music") { defMove = speakerAmt as int ?: 5 ;currLevel = device.currentValue("level") as int } if (type=="thermostat") { defMove=tstatAmt as int ?: 5 ; currLevel =device.currentValue("temperature") as int } if (op ==~/increase|raise|up|brighten/) numChange = num == 0 ? defMove : num > 0 ? num : 0 if (op ==~/decrease|down|lower|dim/) numChange = num == 0 ? -defMove : num > 0 ? -num : 0 newLevel = currLevel + numChange; newLevel = newLevel > 100 ? 100 : newLevel < 0 ? 0 : newLevel if (type ==~/level|color/ && defMove > 0 ){ if (device.currentValue("switch")=="on") { if (newLevel < 100 && newLevel > 0 ) txtRsp="I am setting the ${deviceName} to a new value of ${newLevel}%. " if (newLevel == 0) txtRsp= "The new value would be zero or below, so I am turning the ${device} off. " } if (device.currentValue("switch")=="off") { if (newLevel == 0) txtRsp= "The ${deviceName} is off. I am taking no action. " if (newLevel < 100 && newLevel > 0 ) txtRsp="I am turning the ${deviceName} on and setting it to a level of ${newLevel}%. " } if (newLevel == 100) txtRsp= currLevel < 99 ? "I am increasing the level of the ${deviceName} to its maximum level. " : "The ${deviceName} is at its maximum level. " } else if (defMove == 0) txtRsp = "The default increase or decrease value is set to zero within the Ask Alexa SmartApp. I am taking no action. " return [newLevel: newLevel, msg:txtRsp] } def getLastEvent(device, count, deviceName) { def lastEvt= device.events(), eDate, eDesc, today, eventDay, voiceDay, i , evtCount = 0, result = "" for(i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++ ) { eDate = lastEvt.date[i].getTime() eDesc = lastEvt.descriptionText[i] if (eDesc) { def msgData= timeDate(eDate) voiceDay = msgData.msgDay == "Today" ? msgData.msgDay : "On " + msgData.msgDay result += "${voiceDay} at ${msgData.msgTime} the event was: ${eDesc}. " evtCount ++ if (evtCount == count) break } } def diff = count - evtCount result = evtCount>1 ? "The following are the last ${evtCount} events for the ${deviceName}: " + result : "The last event for the ${deviceName} was: " + result result += diff > 1 ? "There were ${diff} items that were skipped due to the description being empty. " : diff==1 ? "There was one item that was skipped due to the description being a null value. " : "" if (evtCount==0) result="There were no past events in the device log. " return result } def flash(){ String outputTxt = "" try { if (flash && flashRPT && flashRPT.endsWith("%Q%")) outputTxt=msgQueueReply("play", flashRPT[0..-4], "undefined") else if (flash && flashRPT && flashRPT.endsWith("%W%")) outputTxt=processWeatherReport(flashRPT[0..-4],"undefined") else if (flash && flashRPT && flashRPT.endsWith("%V%")) outputTxt=processVoiceReport(flashRPT[0..-4],"undefined") else if (flash && flashRPT && flashRPT.endsWith("%M%")){ def child = getAskAlexa().find {it.label.toLowerCase().replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]", "") == flashRPT[0..-4]} if (child.macroType != "GroupM") outputTxt = child.getOkToRun() ? child.macroResults("", "", "", "", "", "", "undefined") : "You have restrictions within the ${fullMacroName} named, '${child.label}', that prevent it from running. Check your settings and try again. %1%" else outputTxt = processMacroGroup(child.groupMacros, child.voicePost, child.addPost, child.noAck, child.label,"undefined") } else outputTxt = "You do not have the flash briefing option enabled in your Ask Alexa Smart App, or you don't have any output selected for the briefing output. Go to Settings in your Ask Alexa SmartApp to fix this. " } catch (e) { outputTxt ="There was an error producing the flash briefing report. Check your settings and try again." } if (outputTxt.endsWith("%")) outputTxt=outputTxt[0..-4] log.debug "Sending Flash Briefing Output: " + outputTxt return ["uid": "1", "updateDate": new Date().format("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'.0Z'"), "titleText": "Ask Alexa Flash Briefing Report", "mainText": outputTxt, "redirectionUrl": "https://graph.api.smartthings.com/", "description": "Ask Alexa Flash Briefing Report"] } def fillDevJSON(slotName, listData){ def result = " {
\"name\": \"${slotName}\",
" result += " \"values\": [
" def count = listData.unique().size() listData.unique().each { result += " {
\"id\": null,
"+ " \"name\": {
"+ " \"value\": \"${it}\",
"+ " \"synonyms\": []
}" count -- result += count ? ",
" : "
" } result+=" ]
}" return result } def devSetup(){ def result = fillDevJSON("CANCEL_CMDS", fillCancelList()) +",
" result += fillDevJSON("DEVICE_TYPE_LIST", fillTypeList()) +",
" result += fillDevJSON("LIST_OF_DEVICES", fillDeviceList()) +",
" result += fillDevJSON("LIST_OF_FOLLOWUPS",fillFollowupList()) +",
" result += fillDevJSON("LIST_OF_MACROS",fillMacroList()) +",
" result += fillDevJSON("LIST_OF_MQ",fillMQList()) +",
" result += fillDevJSON("LIST_OF_MQCMD",msgVoc()) +",
" result += fillDevJSON("LIST_OF_OPERATORS",fillOperatorsList()) +",
" result += fillDevJSON("LIST_OF_PARAMS",fillParamsList()) +",
" result += fillDevJSON("LIST_OF_SHPARAM",fillSHParamList()) +",
" result += fillDevJSON("LIST_OF_SHCMD",fillSHCMDList()) +",
" result += fillDevJSON("LIST_OF_WCP",fillWCPList()) displayRaw(result) } def devRoomSetup(){ def result = fillDevJSON("LIST_OF_OPERATORS",fillOperatorsList()) +",
" result += fillDevJSON("LIST_OF_PARAMS",fillParamsList())+",
" result += fillDevJSON("LIST_OF_ROOMS",fillRoomList())+",
" result += fillDevJSON("LIST_OF_FOLLOWUPS",fillFollowupList()) displayRaw(result) } def cancelList(result=""){ fillCancelList().each {result +="${it}
"} displayMiniHTML(result) } def typeList(result=""){ fillTypeList().each{result += it + "
"} displayMiniHTML(result) } def deviceList(result=""){ fillDeviceList().unique().each { result += it + "
" } displayMiniHTML(result) } def followupList(result=""){ fillFollowupList().each { result += it + "
" } displayMiniHTML(result) } def operatorsList(result=""){ fillOperatorsList().unique().each{result += it+"
"} displayMiniHTML(result) } def paramsList(result=""){ fillParamsList().unique().each{result += it+"
"} displayMiniHTML(result) } def shparamList(result=""){ fillSHParamList().unique().each{result += it + "
"} displayMiniHTML(result) } def shcmdList(result=""){ fillSHCMDList().each{ result += it + "
"} displayMiniHTML(result) } def macrosList(result=""){ fillMacroList().unique().each{ result += it + "
"} displayMiniHTML(result) } def mqList(result=""){ fillMQList().unique().each{ result += it + "
"} displayMiniHTML(result) } def mqcmdList(result=""){ msgVoc().each{result +=it + "
" } displayMiniHTML(result) } def wcpList(result=""){ fillWCPList().each{result+=it+"
"} displayMiniHTML(result) } def roomsList(result=""){ fillRoomList().unique().each{result+=it+"
"} displayMiniHTML(result) } def setupLink() { showLink("setup") } def cheatLink() { showLink("cheat") } def showLink(type){ def siteLink = "${getApiServerUrl()}/api/smartapps/installations/${app.id}/${type}?access_token=${state.accessToken}" def siteType = type =="setup" ? "Setup web page" : "Cheat sheet web page" log.info "${siteType} located at : ${siteLink}" def result ="""

See your SmartThings IDE Live Logging for the URL of the ${siteType} so you may display it on your computer browser

${siteType} URL:

Click '<' above to return to the Ask Alexa SmartApp.
""" displayData(result) } def setupData(){ def iName = invocationName ? invocationName.toLowerCase() : "smart things" def httpPOSTAWS ="
" + "
" def httpPOSTAWSDL ="
"+ "
" def httpPOSTDev ="
"+ "
" def httpPOSTDevDL ="
"+ "
" def dupCounter=0, devCodeTxt = "Click the button below, copy the JSON code on the page, then paste to the Interaction Model Builder on the Amazon Developer page
${httpPOSTDev}" def devDLTxt = "Or, click the botton below to download a text copy of the JSON code, then load into to the Interaction Model Builder on the Amazon Developer page
${httpPOSTDevDL}" def result ="
One-step Personalized Code (Main Ask Alexa Skill):
" result += "
Lambda Full Code:
Click button below, copy the code on the page, then paste to AWS Lambda
${httpPOSTAWS}" result += "You can also download a text copy of the code for backup or to use your text editor to copy/paste to AWS Lambda. To download, click the button below
${httpPOSTAWSDL}" result += "

Developer Code:
" result += "--DevCodeWarn--" result += "
Privacy Policy:
Click here to view the privacy policy regarding obtaining your personalized code.

" result += "Lambda code variables:

var STappID = '${app.id}';
var STtoken = '${state.accessToken}';
" result += "var url='${getApiServerUrl()}/api/smartapps/installations/' + STappID + '/' ;

" result += flash ? "Amazon ASK Developer Flash Briefing Skill URL:


":"" result += "Amazon ASK Developer Custom Slot Information (Main Ask Alexa Skill):

" def DEVICES=fillDeviceList() def duplicates = DEVICES.findAll{DEVICES.count(it)>1}.unique() if (findDeviceReserverd()){ dupCounter ++ result += """**NOTICE: Some of your devices use the following reserved words:

echo, room, group, here, this room, this group, in here

Be sure not use these words when naming macros, extensions, aliases or devices.**

""" } else if (DEVICES && duplicates.size()){ dupCounter ++ result += "**NOTICE: The following duplicate(s) are only listed once below in LIST_OF_DEVICES:

" duplicates.each{result +="* " + it +" *

"} result += "Be sure to have unique names for each device/alias and only use each name once within the parent app.**

" } result +="""

""" def PARAMS=fillParamsList() duplicates = PARAMS.findAll{PARAMS.count(it)>1}.unique() if (duplicates.size()){ dupCounter ++ result += "**NOTICE: The following duplicate(s) are only listed once below in LIST_OF_PARAMS:

" duplicates.each{result +="* " + it +" *

"} def objectName = [] if (ecobeeCMD) objectName<<"Ecobee custom climates" objectName <<"custom colors" result += "Be sure to have unique names for your ${getList(objectName)}.**

" } def SHPARAM = fillSHParamList() duplicates = SHPARAM.findAll{SHPARAM.count(it)>1}.unique() if (duplicates.size()){ dupCounter ++ result += "**NOTICE: The following duplicate(s) are only listed once below in LIST_OF_SHPARAM:

" duplicates.each{result +="* " + it +" *

"} result += "Be sure to have unique names for your SmartThings modes and routines and that they don't interfer with the Smart Home Monitor commands.**

" } result +="""

""" def MACROS=fillMacroList() duplicates = MACROS.findAll{MACROS.count(it)>1}.unique() if (findMacroReserved()){ dupCounter ++ result += """**NOTICE: Some of your macros or extensions use the following reserved words:

echo, room, group, here, this room, this group, in here

Be sure not use these words when naming macros, extensions, aliases or devices.**

""" } else if (duplicates.size()){ dupCounter ++ result += "**NOTICE: The following duplicate(s) are only listed once below in LIST_OF_MACROS:

" duplicates.each{result +="* " + it +" *

"} result += "Be sure to have unique names for each macro, macro alias, and weather report and only use each name once within the app.**

" } def MQ=fillMQList() duplicates = MQ.findAll{MQ.count(it)>1}.unique() if (findMQReserved()){ dupCounter ++ result += """**NOTICE: Some of your message queues use the following reserved words:

" echo, room, group, here, this room, this group, in here

Be sure not use these words when naming macros, extensions, aliases or devices.**

""" } else if (duplicates.size()){ dupCounter ++ result += "**NOTICE: The following duplicate(s) are only listed once below in LIST_OF_MQ:

" duplicates.each{result +="* " + it +" *

"} result += "Be sure to have unique names for each message queue and only use each name once within the parent app.**

" } result +="""

""" def echoCount = 0 if (getRM().size()) getRM().each {echoCount += it.getEchoAliasList().size() } /*if (echoCount){ httpPOSTDev ="
"+ "
" httpPOSTDevDL ="
"+ "
" devCodeTxt = "Click the button below, copy the JSON code on the page, then paste to the Interaction Model Builder on the Amazon Developer page
${httpPOSTDev}" devDLTxt = "Or, click the botton below to download a text copy of the JSON code, then load into to the Interaction Model Builder on the Amazon Developer page
${httpPOSTDevDL}" result +="

One-step Personalized Code (Secondary Ask Alexa Room Skills):
" result += "
Developer Code:
" result += "
Amazon ASK Developer Custom Slot Information (Secondary Ask Alexa Room Skills):

" PARAMS=fillParamsList() duplicates = PARAMS.findAll{PARAMS.count(it)>1}.unique() if (duplicates.size()){ dupCounter ++ result += "**NOTICE: The following duplicate(s) are only listed once below in LIST_OF_PARAMS:

" duplicates.each{result +="* " + it +" *

"} def objectName = [] if (ecobeeCMD) objectName<<"Ecobee custom climates" objectName <<"custom colors" result += "Be sure to have unique names for your ${getList(objectName)}.**

" } def ROOMS=[] if (getRM().size()){ ROOMS=fillRoomList() } else ROOM=["none"] duplicates = ROOMS.findAll{ROOMS.count(it)>1}.unique() if (findRoomReserved()){ result += """**NOTICE: Some of your rooms/groups use the following reserved words:

echo, room, group, here, this room, this group, in here

Be sure not use these words when naming macros, extensions, aliases or devices.**

""" dupCounter ++ } else if (duplicates.size()){ dupCounter ++ result += "**NOTICE: The following duplicate(s) are only listed once below in LIST_OF_ROOMS:

" duplicates.each{result +="* " + it +" *

"} result += "Be sure to have unique names for each room and only use each name once within the parent app.**

" } result +="""


""" }*/ result += "

URL of this setup page:


" result += "
Lastest version of the Lambda code:


" result += "
Lastest version of the Sample Utterances:


" result += "
Lastest version of the Intent Schema:


" def warning = dupCounter ? "
* There were errors in your Ask Alexa setup. See the red items below to resolve
" : "" if (!invocationName) warning="
* You are missing the invocation name within your Ask Alexa SmartApp. The code above will use 'smart things' as default.
" result = result.replaceAll("--DevCodeWarn--", warning) displayData(result) } def fillTypeList(){ return ["reports","report","switches","switch","dimmers","dimmer","colored lights","color","colors","speakers","speaker","water sensor","water sensors","water","lock","locks","thermostats","thermostat", "temperature sensors","modes","routines","smart home monitor","SHM","security","temperature","door","doors", "humidity", "humidity sensor", "humidity sensors","presence", "presence sensors", "motion", "motion sensor", "motion sensors", "door sensor", "door sensors", "window sensor", "window sensors", "open close sensors","colored light", "events","macro", "macros", "group", "groups", "voice reports", "voice report","control macro", "control macros","control", "controls","extension group","extension groups","core","core trigger","core macro","core macros","core triggers","sensor", "sensors","shades", "window shades","shade", "window shade","acceleration", "acceleration sensor", "acceleration sensors", "alias","aliases","temperature light","temperature lights","kelvin light","kelvin lights","message queue", "queue","message queues","queues","weather", "weather report", "weather reports","schedule","schedules","webcore","webcore trigger", "webcore macro","webcore macros","webcore triggers","pollution","air quality", "room", "rooms","uv","uv index","occupancy","occupancy sensor", "occupancy sensors","lights","light","echo","echoes","alexa","alexas"] } def fillDeviceList(){ def deviceList = getDeviceList(), DEVICES=["echo","alexa","echo device","alexa speakers", "alexa device"] if (deviceList) deviceList.name.each{DEVICES << it } if (deviceAlias && state.aliasList) state.aliasList.each{DEVICES << it.aliasNameLC} return DEVICES } def fillFollowupList(){ return ["password","pin"] } def fillCancelList(){ return ["cancel","stop","unschedule"] } def fillMQList(){ def MQ=["primary message queue","primary"] if (getAAMQ().size()){ getAAMQ().each { MQ << it.label.replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]", "").toLowerCase() } } //if (!MQ.size()) MQ<<"none" //Reenable when primary message queue is deprecated return MQ } def fillOperatorsList(){ def getDevList=mapDevices(false), deviceCMDlist=[] if (deviceAlias) getDevList+=mapDevices(true) basicVoc().each{deviceCMDlist<list.each{deviceCMDlist<" } return result } def findMacroReserved(macResCount=0){ if (getAskAlexa().size()) getAskAlexa().each{ if (it.label.toLowerCase()==~resList()) macResCount++ for (int i = 1; i)"; switches.each{ result += it.label +"
" } } if (getCheatDisplayList("switch") && deviceAlias) { result += "
"; result += getCheatDisplayList("switch") +"
" } if (dimmersSel()) { result += "

Dimmers (Valid Commands: {brightness number}, " + getList(levelVoc()+basicVoc()) + ")

"; dimmers.each{ result += it.label +"
" } } if (getCheatDisplayList("level") && deviceAlias) { result += "
"; result += getCheatDisplayList("level") +"
" } if (cLightsSel()) { result += "

Colored Lights (Valid Commands: {brightness number}, " + getList(colorVoc()+basicVoc()) + ")

"; cLights.each{ result += it.label +"
" } result +="
Available Colors {color name}
" + getList(STColors().name) + "
" } if (getCheatDisplayList("color") && deviceAlias) { result += "
"; result += getCheatDisplayList("color") +"
" } if (cLightsKSel()) { result += "

Temperature (Kelvin) Lights (Valid Commands: {brightness number}, " + getList(kTempVoc()+basicVoc()) + ")

"; cLightsK.each{ result += it.label +"

" } result +="Available Temperatures {name}
Soft White, Warm White, Cool White, Daylight White
" } if (getCheatDisplayList("kTemp") && deviceAlias) { result += "
"; result += getCheatDisplayList("kTemp") +"
" } if (doorsSel()) { result += "

Doors (Valid Commands: "+ getList(doorVoc()+basicVoc()) +")

"; doors.each{ result += it.label +"
" } } if (doorsSel() && pwNeeded && doorPW) {result += "
* Append 'Password ${password}' to activate your doors
" } if (getCheatDisplayList("door") && deviceAlias) { result += "
"; result += getCheatDisplayList("door") +"
" } if (locksSel()) { result += "

Locks (Valid Commands: "+ getList(lockVoc()+basicVoc()) +")

"; locks.each{ result += it.label +"
" } } if (locksSel() && pwNeeded && lockPW) {result += "
* Append 'Password ${password}' to activate your locks
" } if (getCheatDisplayList("lock") && deviceAlias) { result += "
"; result += getCheatDisplayList("lock") +"
" } if (ocSensorsSel()) { result += "

Open/Close Sensors (Valid Command: "+ getList(contactVoc()) +")

"; ocSensors.each{ result += it.label +"
" } } if (getCheatDisplayList("contact") && deviceAlias) { result += "
"; result += getCheatDisplayList("contact") +"
" } if (shadesSel()) { result += "

Shades (Valid Commands: "+ getList(shadeVoc()+basicVoc()) +")

"; shades.each{ result += it.label +"
" } } if (getCheatDisplayList("shade") && deviceAlias) { result += "
"; result += getCheatDisplayList("shade") +"
" } if (tstatsSel()) { result += "

Thermostats (Valid Commands: {temperature setpoint}, "+ getList(tstatVoc()+basicVoc()) +")

"; tstats.each{ result += it.label +"
" } if ((ecobeeCMD && MyEcobeeCMD) || (MyNextCMD)) result +="
* Please Note: Some commands are MyEcobee specific such as Get Tips {level}, Play Tips and Erase Tips
" } if (getCheatDisplayList("thermostat") && deviceAlias) { result += "
"; result += getCheatDisplayList("thermostat") +"
" } if (tempsSel()) { result += "

Temperature Sensors (Valid Commands: "+ getList(tempVoc()) +")

"; temps.each{ result += it.label +"
" } } if (getCheatDisplayList("temperature") && deviceAlias) { result += "
"; result += getCheatDisplayList("temperature") +"
" } if (humidSel()) { result += "

Humidity Sensors (Valid Commands: "+ getList(humidVoc()) +")

"; humid.each{ result += it.label +"
" } } if (getCheatDisplayList("humidity") && deviceAlias) { result += "
"; result += getCheatDisplayList("humidity") +"
" } if (fooBotSel()) { result += "

Foobot Air Quality Monitor (Valid Commands: "+ getList(fooBotVoc()) +")

"; fooBot.each{ result += it.label +"
" } } if (getCheatDisplayList("pollution") && deviceAlias) { result += "
"; result += getCheatDisplayList("pollution") +"
" } if (uvSel()) { result += "

UV index devices (Valid Commands: "+ getList(uvVoc()) +")

"; UV.each{ result += it.label +"
" } } if (getCheatDisplayList("uvIndex") && deviceAlias) { result += "
"; result += getCheatDisplayList("uvIndex") +"
" } if (speakersSel()) { result += "

Speakers (Valid Commands: {volume level}, "+ getList(speakerVoc()+basicVoc()) +")

"; speakers.each{ result += it.label +"
" } } if (getCheatDisplayList("music") && deviceAlias) { result += "
"; result += getCheatDisplayList("music") +"
" } if (waterSel()) { result += "

Water Sensors (Valid Command: "+ getList(waterVoc()) +")

"; water.each{ result += it.label +"
" } } if (getCheatDisplayList("water") && deviceAlias) { result += "
"; result += getCheatDisplayList("water") +"
" } if (presenceSel()) { result += "

Presence Sensors (Valid Commands: "+ getList(presenceVoc()) if (vPresenceCMD) result += ", check in, check out, arrive, depart, present, away, not present, gone" result +=")

"; presence.each{ result += it.label +"
" } if (vPresenceCMD) result +="
* Please Note: Not all presence sensor may respond to the check in/check out commands
" } if (getCheatDisplayList("presence") && deviceAlias) { result += "
"; result += getCheatDisplayList("presence") +"
" } if (accelerationSel()) { result += "

Acceleration Sensors (Valid Command: "+ getList(accelVoc()) +")

"; acceleration.each{ result += it.label +"
" } } if (getCheatDisplayList("acceleration") && deviceAlias) { result += "
"; result += getCheatDisplayList("acceleration") +"
" } if (motionSel()) { result += "

Motion Sensors (Valid Command: "+ getList(motionVoc()) +")

"; motion.each{ result += it.label +"
" } } if (getCheatDisplayList("motion") && deviceAlias) { result += "
"; result += getCheatDisplayList("motion") +"
" } if (listModes) { result += "

Modes (Valid Command: change/status)

"; listModes.each{ result += it +"
" } } if (listModes && pwNeeded && modePW) {result += "
* Append 'password ${password}' to activate your modes
" } if (occSel()){ result += "

Occupancy Sensors (Valid Commands: "+ getList(occVoc()+basicVoc()) +")

"; occupancy.each{ result += it.label +"
" } } if (getCheatDisplayList("beacon") && deviceAlias) { result += "
"; result += getCheatDisplayList("beacon") +"
" } if (listSHM) { result += "

Smart Home Monitor (Valid Command: change/status)

"; listSHM.each{ result += it +"
" } } if (listSHM && pwNeeded && shmPW) {result += "
* Append 'password ${password}' to change your Smart Home Monitor status
" } if (listRoutines) { result += "

SmartThings Routines (Valid Command: run {routine name})

"; listRoutines.each{ result += it +"
" } } if (listRoutines && pwNeeded && routinesPW) {result += "
* Append 'password ${password}' to activate your routines
" } if (getAskAlexa().size() ) { result += "

Ask Alexa Macros (Valid Command: run {macro name})

" getAskAlexa().each { result += it.label if (getAliasCheatList(it,'macro')) result += " (Aliases: ${getAliasCheatList(it,'macro')}}" result += "
" } if (pwNeeded) {result += "
* Append 'password ${password}' if a macro is set up to use a password
" } } if (getVR().size()) { result += "

Voice Reports (Valid Command: run {report name})

" getVR().each {result += it.label if (getAliasCheatList(it,"")) result += " (Aliases: ${getAliasCheatList(it,'')}}" result += "
" } } if (getRM().size()) { def echoCount = 0 result += "

Rooms/Groups (Valid Command: (Depending on the setup) on, off, set {brightness level}, lock, unlock, close, etc {room/group name})

" getRM().each { result += it.label if (it.getEchoAliasCount()) result +="*"; echoCount ++ if (getAliasCheatList(it,"")) result += " (Aliases: ${getAliasCheatList(it,'')})" result += "
" } if (echoCount) result +="
*=Rooms that have Echo devices associated with them
" if (pwNeeded) result += "
** Append 'password ${password}' if a room/group has locks/doors that are set up to use a password
" result += "
Please note:
You may use 'associate', 'sync', 'setup' or 'link' and the room name to associate the Echo device you are speaking to with the room. "+ "
You can then replace the room name with 'in here', 'this group' or 'this room' such as 'Alexa, tell ${invocationName} to turn off the lights in here'.
" } if (getSCHD().size()) { result += "

Schedules (Valid Command: on, off, list and status {schedule name})

" getSCHD().each { result +="${it.label}
" } } if (getWR().size()) { result += "

Weather Reports (Valid Command: run {report name})

" getWR().each { result += it.label if (getAliasCheatList(it,"")) result += " (Aliases: ${getAliasCheatList(it,'')}}" result += "
" } } result += "

Message Queues (Valid Commands: "+getList(msgVoc())+")

Primary Message Queue
" if (getAAMQ().size()) getAAMQ().each { result += it.label+"
" } result += "
'Alexa, ask ${invocationName} to play messages in the {queue name}'
'Alexa, ask ${invocationName} to delete messages'
'Alexa, ask ${invocationName} to play {queue name} messages'
" displayData(result) } private getAliasCheatList(obj, type){ def aliases = "", aliasType = type =="macro" ? "macAlias" : "extAlias", count = type =="macro" ? macAliasCount() :obj.extAliasCount() for (int i = 1; i