state("Stray-Win64-Shipping"){} startup { vars.startTimeOffset = 0.567f; vars.endTimeStopwatch = new Stopwatch(); vars.chaptersVisited = new List() { "None" }; // Asks user to change to game time if LiveSplit is currently set to Real Time. if (timer.CurrentTimingMethod == TimingMethod.RealTime) { var timingMessage = MessageBox.Show ( "This game uses Time without Loads (Game Time) as the main timing method.\n"+ "LiveSplit is currently set to show Real Time (RTA).\n"+ "Would you like to set the timing method to Game Time?", "LiveSplit | Stray", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo,MessageBoxIcon.Question ); if (timingMessage == DialogResult.Yes) { timer.CurrentTimingMethod = TimingMethod.GameTime; } } vars.SetTextComponent = (Action)((id, text) => { var textSettings = timer.Layout.Components.Where(x => x.GetType().Name == "TextComponent").Select(x => x.GetType().GetProperty("Settings").GetValue(x, null)); var textSetting = textSettings.FirstOrDefault(x => (x.GetType().GetProperty("Text1").GetValue(x, null) as string) == id); if (textSetting == null) { var textComponentAssembly = Assembly.LoadFrom("Components\\LiveSplit.Text.dll"); var textComponent = Activator.CreateInstance(textComponentAssembly.GetType("LiveSplit.UI.Components.TextComponent"), timer); timer.Layout.LayoutComponents.Add(new LiveSplit.UI.Components.LayoutComponent("LiveSplit.Text.dll", textComponent as LiveSplit.UI.Components.IComponent)); textSetting = textComponent.GetType().GetProperty("Settings", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public).GetValue(textComponent, null); textSetting.GetType().GetProperty("Text1").SetValue(textSetting, id); } if (textSetting != null) textSetting.GetType().GetProperty("Text2").SetValue(textSetting, text); }); settings.Add("Splits", true, "Splits"); settings.Add("chapterSplit", true, "Split on completing a chapter", "Splits"); settings.Add("endSplit", true, "Split on completing the game", "Splits"); settings.Add("prologueSplit", false, "Split on completing Prologue", "Splits"); settings.Add("autoReset", false, "Reset on making a new save","Splits"); settings.Add("100", false, "[100%] Optional Splits", "Splits"); settings.Add("100Sewer", true, "Split on loading back into sewers", "100"); settings.Add("ILMode", false, "[IL] Functions", "Splits"); settings.Add("ILStart", true, "Start timer upon loading any chapter", "ILMode"); settings.Add("ILReset", false, "Reset on main menu", "ILMode"); settings.Add("debugTextComponents", false, "[DEBUG] Show tracked values in layout"); } init { //Version detection is not strictly needed as long as the sig scans work //But keeping a list of known versions can be useful later in case a new patch does break stuff int moduleSize = modules.First().ModuleMemorySize; switch (moduleSize) { case 89993216: version = "rev. 26237"; break; case 91013120: version = "rev. 26195"; break; case 91009024: version = "rev. 26176"; break; case 91234304: version = "rev. 26161"; break; default: version = "Unknown " + moduleSize.ToString(); break; } vars.setStartTime = false; #region sigscanning vars.GetStaticPointerFromSig = (Func) ( (signature, instructionOffset) => { var scanner = new SignatureScanner(game, modules.First().BaseAddress, (int)modules.First().ModuleMemorySize); var pattern = new SigScanTarget(signature); var location = scanner.Scan(pattern); if (location == IntPtr.Zero) return IntPtr.Zero; int offset = game.ReadValue((IntPtr)location + instructionOffset); return (IntPtr)location + offset + instructionOffset + 0x4; }); vars.GetNameFromFName = (Func) ( longKey => { int key = (int)(longKey & uint.MaxValue); int partial = (int)(longKey >> 32); int chunkOffset = key >> 16; int nameOffset = (ushort)key; IntPtr namePoolChunk = memory.ReadValue((IntPtr)vars.FNamePool + (chunkOffset+2) * 0x8); Int16 nameEntry = game.ReadValue((IntPtr)namePoolChunk + 2 * nameOffset); int nameLength = nameEntry >> 6; string output = game.ReadString((IntPtr)namePoolChunk + 2 * nameOffset + 2, nameLength); return (partial == 0) ? output : output + "_" + partial.ToString(); }); vars.FNamePool = vars.GetStaticPointerFromSig("74 09 48 8D 15 ?? ?? ?? ?? EB 16", 0x5); vars.UWorld = vars.GetStaticPointerFromSig("0F 2E ?? 74 ?? 48 8B 1D ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 85 DB 74", 0x8); vars.GameEngine = vars.GetStaticPointerFromSig("48 89 05 ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 85 C9 74 05 E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 8D 4D F0 E8", 0x3); if(vars.FNamePool == IntPtr.Zero || vars.UWorld == IntPtr.Zero || vars.GameEngine == IntPtr.Zero) { throw new Exception("FNamePool/UWorld/GameEngine not initialized - trying again"); } #endregion vars.watchers = new MemoryWatcherList { new MemoryWatcher(new DeepPointer(vars.GameEngine, 0xD28, 0x38, 0x0, 0x30, 0x2B8, 0x3F0)) { Name = "hudFlag"}, new MemoryWatcher(new DeepPointer(vars.GameEngine, 0xD28, 0xF0, 0xE0, 0x68)) { Name = "loadingAudioPtr" }, new MemoryWatcher(new DeepPointer(vars.GameEngine, 0xD28, 0x348, 0x90, 0x110)) { Name = "saveDataChapterFName" }, new MemoryWatcher(new DeepPointer(vars.GameEngine, 0xD28, 0x38, 0x0, 0x30, 0x608, 0xEA0, 0x18)) { Name = "camViewTargetFName"}, new MemoryWatcher(new DeepPointer(vars.UWorld, 0x18)) { Name = "worldFName"} }; } update { #region Updates vars.watchers.UpdateAll(game); current.hudFlag = vars.watchers["hudFlag"].Current; current.loading = vars.watchers["loadingAudioPtr"].Current != IntPtr.Zero; current.chapter = vars.GetNameFromFName(vars.watchers["saveDataChapterFName"].Current); current.camTarget = vars.GetNameFromFName(vars.watchers["camViewTargetFName"].Current); var map = vars.GetNameFromFName(vars.watchers["worldFName"].Current); if(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(map) && map != "None") { = map; } #endregion if(settings["debugTextComponents"]) { vars.SetTextComponent("Map",; vars.SetTextComponent("Chapter", current.chapter); vars.SetTextComponent("IsLoading", current.loading.ToString()); vars.SetTextComponent("Cam Target", current.camTarget); vars.SetTextComponent("Hud Flag", current.hudFlag.ToString("X8")); vars.SetTextComponent("Chapters Visited", vars.chaptersVisited.Count.ToString()); } } start { if (current.camTarget == "cam1" || settings["ILStart"]) { return ( == "BaseMap" && current.loading != old.loading && !current.loading); } } onStart { vars.setStartTime = true; vars.chaptersVisited = new List() { "None" }; if(!settings["prologueSplit"]) { vars.chaptersVisited.Add("InsideTheWall"); } timer.IsGameTimePaused = true; vars.endTimeStopwatch.Reset(); } reset { if(settings["autoReset"] || settings["ILReset"]) { return (current.loading != old.loading && current.camTarget == "cam1") || (settings["ILReset"] && == "HK_Project_MainStart"); } } split { if(settings["chapterSplit"] || settings["ILMode"]) { if(current.chapter != old.chapter && !vars.chaptersVisited.Contains(current.chapter)) { vars.chaptersVisited.Add(current.chapter); if(old.chapter != "None" || current.chapter == "InsideTheWall") { return true; } } } if(settings["100Sewer"]) { if(current.chapter == "None" && current.camTarget != old.camTarget && current.camTarget == "BP_SplineCamera_Cine_3") { return true; } } if(settings["endSplit"] || settings["ILMode"]) { if(current.chapter == "ControlRoom" && current.camTarget == "BP_SplineCamera_4" && current.hudFlag != old.hudFlag && current.hudFlag == 0) { vars.endTimeOffset = 0.817f; vars.endTimeStopwatch.Restart(); } } if(vars.endTimeStopwatch.IsRunning && vars.endTimeStopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds >= vars.endTimeOffset) { vars.endTimeStopwatch.Reset(); return true; } } isLoading { return current.loading; } gameTime { if(vars.setStartTime) { vars.setStartTime = false; return TimeSpan.FromSeconds(vars.startTimeOffset); } } exit { timer.IsGameTimePaused = true; }