#Requires -RunAsAdministrator Param( [parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string] $Network = "L2Bridge", [parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateSet(1,2)] [int] $HnsSchemaVersion = 2, [parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string] $outDir ) $GithubSDNRepository = 'Microsoft/SDN' if ((Test-Path env:GITHUB_SDN_REPOSITORY) -and ($env:GITHUB_SDN_REPOSITORY -ne '')) { $GithubSDNRepository = $env:GITHUB_SDN_REPOSITORY } $BaseDir = "c:\k\debug" md $BaseDir -ErrorAction Ignore $helper = "$BaseDir\helper.psm1" if (!(Test-Path $helper)) { Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/$GithubSDNRepository/master/Kubernetes/windows/helper.psm1" -OutFile $BaseDir\helper.psm1 } ipmo $helper -Function DownloadFile DownloadFile -Url "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/$GithubSDNRepository/master/Kubernetes/windows/debug/dumpVfpPolicies.ps1" -Destination $BaseDir\dumpVfpPolicies.ps1 DownloadFile -Url "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/$GithubSDNRepository/master/Kubernetes/windows/hns.v2.psm1" -Destination $BaseDir\hns.v2.psm1 DownloadFile -Url "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/$GithubSDNRepository/master/Kubernetes/windows/debug/starthnstrace.cmd" -Destination $BaseDir\starthnstrace.cmd DownloadFile -Url "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/$GithubSDNRepository/master/Kubernetes/windows/debug/starthnstrace.ps1" -Destination $BaseDir\starthnstrace.ps1 DownloadFile -Url "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/$GithubSDNRepository/master/Kubernetes/windows/debug/startpacketcapture.cmd" -Destination $BaseDir\startpacketcapture.cmd DownloadFile -Url "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/$GithubSDNRepository/master/Kubernetes/windows/debug/startpacketcapture.ps1" -Destination $BaseDir\startpacketcapture.ps1 DownloadFile -Url "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/$GithubSDNRepository/master/Kubernetes/windows/debug/stoppacketcapture.cmd" -Destination $BaseDir\stoppacketcapture.cmd DownloadFile -Url "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/$GithubSDNRepository/master/Kubernetes/windows/debug/portReservationTest.ps1" -Destination $BaseDir\portReservationTest.ps1 ipmo $BaseDir\hns.v2.psm1 -Force if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($outDir)) { $ScriptPath = Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path $outDir = [io.Path]::Combine($ScriptPath, [io.Path]::GetRandomFileName()) } md $outDir pushd cd $outDir # V1 if($HnsSchemaVersion -eq 1) { # V1 Networks Get-HnsNetwork -Version 1 | Select Name, Type, Id, @{Name="AddressPrefix"; Expression={$_.Subnets.AddressPrefix}} > network.txt # V1 Endpoints Get-HnsEndpoint -Version 1 | Select IpAddress, MacAddress, IsRemoteEndpoint, State > endpoint.txt # V1 Namespaces Get-HnsNamespace -Version 1 ` | Select ID, ` CompartmentId, ` CompartmentGuid, ` IsDefault, @{Name="EndpointID"; Expression={$_.ResourceList.Data.Id}} > namespaces.txt } # V2 else { # V2 Networks Get-HnsNetwork -Version 2 ` | Select Name, Type, Id,` @{Name="AddressPrefix"; Expression={$_.Ipams.Subnets.IpAddressPrefix}}` > network.txt # V2 Endpoints Get-HnsEndpoint -Version 2 ` | Select @{Name="IpAddress"; Expression={$_.IpConfigurations.IpAddress}}, ` MacAddress, ` @{Name="IsRemoteEndpoint"; Expression={(Get-HNSEndpoint -Version 1 -Id $_.ID).IsRemoteEndpoint}}, ` @{Name="State"; Expression={(Get-HNSEndpoint -Version 1 -Id $_.ID).State}} > endpoint.txt # V2 Namespaces Get-HnsNamespace -Version 2 ` | Select ID, ` @{Name="CompartmentID"; Expression={$_.NamespaceId}}, ` @{Name="CompartmentGuid"; Expression={$_.NamespaceGuid}}, ` Type, @{Name="EndpointID"; Expression={$_.Resources.Data.Id}} > namespaces.txt } # Networks Get-hnsnetwork -Version $HnsSchemaVersion | Convertto-json -Depth 20 >> network.txt Get-hnsnetwork -Version $HnsSchemaVersion | % { Get-HnsNetwork -Id $_.ID -Detailed } | Convertto-json -Depth 20 >> networkdetailed.txt # Endpoints Get-hnsendpoint -Version $HnsSchemaVersion | Convertto-json -Depth 20 >> endpoint.txt # Load Balancers Get-HnsLoadBalancer -Version $HnsSchemaVersion | Convertto-json -Depth 20 > policy.txt # Namespaces Get-HnsNamespace -Version $HnsSchemaVersion | Convertto-json -Depth 20 >> namespaces.txt vfpctrl.exe /list-vmswitch-port > ports.txt powershell $BaseDir\dumpVfpPolicies.ps1 -switchName $Network -outfile vfpOutput.txt # Loop through ports.txt file $ports = @() foreach($line in (Get-Content ports.txt)){ $nline = $line.Split(":") if ($nline[0].contains('Port name')) { $ports += $nline[1] } } # For each port, we want to call get-port-counter foreach($port in $ports) { "Get-port-counter for port: $port" >> ports.txt vfpctrl /port $port.trim() /get-port-counter >> ports.txt } ipconfig /allcompartments /all > ip.txt Get-NetIPAddress -IncludeAllCompartments >> ip.txt Get-NetIPInterface -IncludeAllCompartments >> ip.txt route print > routes.txt Get-NetRoute -IncludeAllCompartments >> routes.txt netsh int ipv4 sh int > mtu.txt nvspinfo -a -i -h -D -p -d -m -q > nvspinfo.txt nmscrub -a -n -t > nmscrub.txt nmbind > nmbind.txt arp -a > arp.txt sc.exe queryex > scqueryex.txt sc.exe qc hns >> scqueryex.txt sc.exe qc vfpext >> scqueryex.txt sc.exe qc dnscache >> scqueryex.txt sc.exe qc iphlpsvc >> scqueryex.txt sc.exe qc BFE >> scqueryex.txt sc.exe qc Dhcp >> scqueryex.txt sc.exe qc hvsics >> scqueryex.txt sc.exe qc NetSetupSvc >> scqueryex.txt sc.exe qc mpssvc >> scqueryex.txt sc.exe qc nvagent >> scqueryex.txt sc.exe qc nsi >> scqueryex.txt sc.exe qc vmcompute >> scqueryex.txt sc.exe qc SharedAccess >> scqueryex.txt sc.exe qc CmService >> scqueryex.txt sc.exe qc vmms >> scqueryex.txt Get-NetNeighbor -IncludeAllCompartments >> arp.txt Get-NetAdapter -IncludeHidden >> netadapter.txt New-Item -Path adapters -ItemType Directory $arrInvalidChars = [System.IO.Path]::GetInvalidFileNameChars() $invalidChars = [RegEx]::Escape(-join $arrInvalidChars) Get-NetAdapter -IncludeHidden | foreach { $ifindex=$_.IfIndex; $ifName=$_.Name; $fileName="${ifName}_int.txt"; $fileName=[RegEx]::Replace($fileName, "[$invalidChars]", ' '); netsh int ipv4 sh int $ifindex | Out-File -FilePath "adapters\$fileName" -Encoding ascii; $_ | FL * | Out-File -Append -FilePath "adapters\$fileName" -Encoding ascii } Get-NetFirewallRule -PolicyStore ActiveStore >> firewall.txt New-Item -Path wfp -ItemType Directory cd wfp netsh wfp show netevents netsh wfp show state netsh wfp show filters cd $outDir $res = Get-Command hnsdiag.exe -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($res) { hnsdiag list all -d > hnsdiag.txt } hcsdiag list > hcsdiag.txt $res = Get-Command ctr.exe -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($res) { ctr -n "k8s.io" c ls > containers.txt } function CountAvailableEphemeralPorts([string]$protocol = "TCP", [uint32]$portRangeSize = 64) { # First, remove all the text bells and whistle (plain text, table headers, dashes, empty lines, ...) from netsh output $tcpRanges = (netsh int ipv4 sh excludedportrange $protocol) -replace "[^0-9,\ ]",'' | ? {$_.trim() -ne "" } # Then, remove any extra space characters. Only capture the numbers representing the beginning and end of range $tcpRangesArray = $tcpRanges -replace "\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+",'$1,$2' | ConvertFrom-String -Delimiter "," # Extract the ephemeral ports ranges $EphemeralPortRange = (netsh int ipv4 sh dynamicportrange $protocol) -replace "[^0-9]",'' | ? {$_.trim() -ne "" } $EphemeralPortStart = [Convert]::ToUInt32($EphemeralPortRange[0]) $EphemeralPortEnd = $EphemeralPortStart + [Convert]::ToUInt32($EphemeralPortRange[1]) - 1 # Find the external interface $externalInterfaceIdx = (Get-NetRoute -DestinationPrefix "")[0].InterfaceIndex $hostIP = (Get-NetIPConfiguration -ifIndex $externalInterfaceIdx).IPv4Address.IPAddress # Extract the used TCP ports from the external interface $usedTcpPorts = (Get-NetTCPConnection -LocalAddress $hostIP -ErrorAction Ignore).LocalPort $usedTcpPorts | % { $tcpRangesArray += [pscustomobject]@{P1 = $_; P2 = $_} } # Extract the used TCP ports from the interface $usedTcpGlobalPorts = (Get-NetTCPConnection -LocalAddress "" -ErrorAction Ignore).LocalPort $usedTcpGlobalPorts | % { $tcpRangesArray += [pscustomobject]@{P1 = $_; P2 = $_} } # Sort the list and remove duplicates $tcpRangesArray = ($tcpRangesArray | Sort-Object { $_.P1 } -Unique) $tcpRangesList = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList($null) $tcpRangesList.AddRange($tcpRangesArray) # Remove overlapping ranges for ($i = $tcpRangesList.P1.Length - 2; $i -gt 0 ; $i--) { if ($tcpRangesList[$i].P2 -gt $tcpRangesList[$i+1].P1 ) { Write-Host "Removing $($tcpRangesList[$i+1])" $tcpRangesList.Remove($tcpRangesList[$i+1]) $i++ } } # Remove the non-ephemeral port reservations from the list $filteredTcpRangeArray = $tcpRangesList | ? { $_.P1 -ge $EphemeralPortStart } $filteredTcpRangeArray = $filteredTcpRangeArray | ? { $_.P2 -le $EphemeralPortEnd } if ($filteredTcpRangeArray -eq $null) { $freeRanges = @($EphemeralPortRange[1]) } else { $freeRanges = @() # The first free range goes from $EphemeralPortStart to the beginning of the first reserved range $freeRanges += ([Convert]::ToUInt32($filteredTcpRangeArray[0].P1) - $EphemeralPortStart) for ($i = 1; $i -lt $filteredTcpRangeArray.length; $i++) { # Subsequent free ranges go from the end of the previous reserved range to the beginning of the current reserved range $freeRanges += ([Convert]::ToUInt32($filteredTcpRangeArray[$i].P1) - [Convert]::ToUInt32($filteredTcpRangeArray[$i-1].P2) - 1) } # The last free range goes from the end of the last reserved range to $EphemeralPortEnd $freeRanges += ($EphemeralPortEnd - [Convert]::ToUInt32($filteredTcpRangeArray[$filteredTcpRangeArray.length - 1].P2)) } # Count the number of available free ranges [uint32]$freeRangesCount = 0 ($freeRanges | % { $freeRangesCount += [Math]::Floor($_ / $portRangeSize) } ) return $freeRangesCount } $availableRangesFor64PortChunks = CountAvailableEphemeralPorts if ($availableRangesFor64PortChunks -le 0) { echo "ERROR: Running out of ephemeral ports. The ephemeral ports range doesn't have enough resources to allow allocating 64 contiguous TCP ports." > reservedports.txt } else { # There is unfortunately no exact way to calculate the ephemeral port ranges availability. # The calculation done in this script gives a very coarse estimate that may yield overly optimistic reasults on some systems. # Use this data with caution. echo "Rough estimation of the ephemeral port availability: up to $availableRangesFor64PortChunks allocations of 64 contiguous TCP ports may be possible" > reservedports.txt } # The following scripts attempts to reserve a few ranges of 64 ephemeral ports. # Results produced by this test can accurately tell whether a system has room for reserving 64 contiguous port pools or not. & "$BaseDir\PortReservationTest.ps1" >> reservedports.txt netsh int ipv4 sh excludedportrange TCP > excludedportrange.txt netsh int ipv4 sh excludedportrange UDP >> excludedportrange.txt netsh int ipv4 sh dynamicportrange TCP > dynamicportrange.txt netsh int ipv4 sh dynamicportrange UDP >> dynamicportrange.txt netsh int ipv4 sh tcpconnections > tcpconnections.txt $ver = [System.Environment]::OSVersion $hotFix = Get-HotFix $ver.ToString() > winver.txt "`n`n" >> winver.txt if ($hotFix -ne $null) { $hotFix >> winver.txt } else { "" >> winver.txt } # Copy the Windows event logs New-Item -Path winevt -ItemType Directory Copy-Item "$env:SystemDrive\Windows\System32\Winevt\Logs\Application.evtx" -Destination winevt Copy-Item "$env:SystemDrive\Windows\System32\Winevt\Logs\System.evtx" -Destination winevt Copy-Item "$env:SystemDrive\Windows\System32\Winevt\Logs\\Microsoft-Windows-Hyper-V*.evtx" -Destination winevt Copy-Item "$env:SystemDrive\Windows\System32\Winevt\Logs\\Microsoft-Windows-Host-Network-Service*.evtx" -Destination winevt Copy-Item "$env:SystemDrive\Windows\System32\Winevt\Logs\\Microsoft-Windows-Hyper-V-Compute-Admin*.evtx" -Destination winevt Copy-Item "$env:SystemDrive\Windows\System32\Winevt\Logs\\Microsoft-Windows-Hyper-V-Compute-Operational*.evtx" -Destination winevt Copy-Item "$env:SystemDrive\Windows\System32\Winevt\Logs\\Microsoft-Windows-Hyper-V-Worker-Admin*.evtx" -Destination winevt Copy-Item "$env:SystemDrive\Windows\System32\Winevt\Logs\Microsoft-Windows-Hyper-V-Worker-Operational*.evtx" -Destination winevt New-Item -Path logs -ItemType Directory Copy-Item "$env:SystemDrive\Windows\logs\NetSetup" -Destination logs -Recurse Copy-Item "$env:SystemDrive\Windows\logs\dism" -Destination logs -Recurse Copy-Item "$env:SystemDrive\Windows\logs\cbs" -Destination logs -Recurse popd Write-Host "Logs are available at $outDir"