# Roadmap - Add an option for what folder to add the test class to. # Changelog ## 2.5.0 **2020-08-20** - Added support for Telerik JustMock framework. ## 2.4.5 **2020-05-25** - Enhanced framework detection logic to work when pulling references in with .props files. ## 2.4.0 **2020-04-04** - Added ability to load settings from a user-specified file, thanks to Jess McAnally. ## 2.3.0 **2020-02-23** - Added ability to generate tests for structs. - Added support for custom mock implementations. These can be automatically used for specified interfaces. ## 2.2.0 **2020-01-24** - Added ability to store extension settings in a .utbg.json config file that applies for all users of the solution. This allows sharing templates and settings with team members through source control. - Moved the Moq VerifyAll() call to the end of each test method. It can hide errors if it throws an exception from within the cleanup method. ## 2.1.0 **2019-08-21** - Added ability to specify extra "using" namespaces to add to the test class. - Fixed options dialog closing when pressing Enter on the test method format fields. ## 2.0.1 **2019-08-13** - Fixed null reference error on classes that have attributes on method parameters. ## 2.0.0 **2019-07-13** - Added ability to customize the test method via a template. See the [Custom Format Tokens documentation](https://github.com/Microsoft/UnitTestBoilerplateGenerator/wiki/Custom-Format-Tokens) for available tokens in this new template. - Removed "Test object creation" and "Test object reference" formats as they are now incorporated into the test method format. - Changed generated test methods to initialize arguments with defaults rather than "TODO", to allow it to compile right away. If you prefer "TODO", you can use the `$ParameterSetupTodo$` token in place of `$ParameterSetupDefaults$`. - Added link to token reference from template options page. - Added "NewLineIfPopulated" token modifier that inserts a new line after the token if it's populated. ## 1.10.5 **2019-06-01** - Added ability to choose no mock framework. - Fixed crash when trying to revert a template to default. ## 1.10.0 **2019-04-25** - Added support for FakeItEasy mock framework. ## 1.9.20 **2019-02-05** - Fixed error with SQL Database projects. ## 1.9.17 **2019-02-05** - Fixed installation issues with some versions of Visual Studio. ## 1.9.15 **2018-12-18** - Added support for Visual Studio 2019. ## 1.9.13 **2018-12-06** - Generated tests in xUnit now use Assert.True(false) instead of the non-existent Assert.Fail() . - Removed extra newline after placeholder test. ## 1.9.12 **2018-11-18** - Fixed xUnit detection on .NET Framework projects. ## 1.9.11 **2018-11-16** - Fixed "Not implemented" error on solutions with unloaded projects on VS 2017 15.9.0. ## 1.9.10 **2018-07-11** - Updated to use async background loading ## 1.9.8 **2018-07-08** - Fixed crash issue on VS 2015. ## 1.9.6 **2018-07-05** - Fixed crash on nullable or fully qualified parameters (Thanks to rCartoux) ## 1.9.0 **2018-07-01** - Added stub tests for all public method (Thanks to rCartoux) ## 1.8.0 **2018-04-01** - Added ability to set a preferred test and mock framework to be used when either multiple frameworks are detected or no frameworks are detected. - Added detected framework information to the "create" dialog. - Fixed issue with detecting frameworks added as PackageReference in .csproj files with an msbuild namespace. ## 1.7.1 **2018-02-11** - Fixed crash issue on Visual Studio 2015 due to missing DLL. ## 1.7.0 **2018-01-24** - Added ability to set the test file name format in settings. ## 1.6.9 **2018-01-14** - Interface template fields now support tokens that formerly only worked in the main template. ## 1.6.6 **2017-11-07** - Fixed issue where leading comments in template were dropped. ## 1.6.4 **2017-10-22** - Added support for the "CamelCase" token modifier. For instance $ClassName.CamelCase$ will give a camelCased version of the tested class name. ## 1.6.2 **2017-10-21** - Added support for Rhino Mocks ## 1.6.1 **2017-10-20** - Added support for the xUnit test framework - Changed templates to be test framework specific as well as mock framework specific. Default templates are now generated dynamically. ## 1.5.12 **2017-09-24** - Fixed framework detection for .NET Core projects - Added ability to change the test and mock frameworks before generating the test ## 1.5.10 **2017-04-25** - Added support for Ninject and Grace property injection - We no longer try to make mock objects for unmockable structs like DateTime - Fixed an issue where we would mis-identify an NUnit project as a Visual Studio Test project - Fixed an issue where tests were being created with some non-CLRF lines ## 1.5.2 **2017-02-26** - Added support for mocking generic interfaces. ## 1.5.0 **2017-01-30** - Switched to a template-based system, allowing users to change the generated code from the settings screen. - Added support for NSubstitute ## 1.4.5 **2016-10-23** - Fixed issue with detecting test and mock frameworks on UWP projects with project.json. - Fixed issue with classes with simple type constructor parameters; those are now filled in with "TODO". - Test project list is now alphabetically sorted. ## 1.4 **2016-09-25** - Added support for NUnit - Added support for SimpleStubs mocking framework - Added settings storage to remember last picked project ## 1.3 **2016-09-13** - Updated to run mockRepository.VerifyAll() in a cleanup method ## 1.2 **2016-09-01** - Appropriate using statements are now brought in automatically ## 1.1 **2016-08-25** - Fixed mixed \r\n and \n on generated code, now only generates \r\n. ## 1.0 **2016-08-25** - Initial release - Support for Moq, constructor injection and Unity dependency injection