    "URL": "msk8s.api.cdp.microsoft.com",
    "Port": "443 ",
    "Notes": "Used when downloading the AKS on Azure Stack HCI product catalog, product bits, and OS images from SFS.Occurs when running `Set-AksHciConfig` and at any time you download from SFS."
}, {
    "URL": "msk8s.b.tlu.dl.delivery.mp.microsoft.com",
    "Port": "80",
    "Notes": "Used when downloading the AKS on Azure Stack HCI product catalog, product bits, and OS images from SFS. Occurs when running `Set-AksHciConfig` and at any time you download from SFS."
}, {
    "URL": "msk8s.f.tlu.dl.delivery.mp.microsoft.com",
    "Port": "80",
    "Notes": "Used when downloading the AKS on Azure Stack HCI product catalog, product bits, and OS images from SFS. Occurs when running `Set-AksHciConfig` and at any time you download from SFS."
}, {
    "URL": "login.microsoftonline.com",
    "Port": "443",
    "Notes": "Used for logging into Azure when running `Set-AksHciRegistration`."
}, {
    "URL": "login.windows.net",
    "Port": "443",
    "Notes": "Used for logging into Azure when running `Set-AksHciRegistration`."
}, {
    "URL": "management.azure.com",
    "Port": "443",
    "Notes": "Used for logging into Azure when running `Set-AksHciRegistration`."
}, {
    "URL": "www.microsoft.com",
    "Port": "443",
    "Notes": "Used for logging into Azure when running `Set-AksHciRegistration`."
}, {
    "URL": "msft.sts.microsoft.com",
    "Port": "443",
    "Notes": "Used for logging into Azure when running `Set-AksHciRegistration`."
}, {
    "URL": "graph.windows.net",
    "Port": "443",
    "Notes": "Used for logging into Azure when running `Set-AksHciRegistration`."
}, {
    "URL": "ecpacr.azurecr.io",
    "Port": "443",
    "Notes": "Required to pull container images when running `Install-AksHci`."
}, {
    "URL": "*.blob.core.windows.net  US endpoint: wus2replica*.blob.core.windows.net",
    "Port": "443",
    "Notes": "Required to pull container images when running `Install-AksHci`."
}, {
    "URL": "mcr.microsoft.com, *.mcr.microsoft.com",
    "Port": "443",
    "Notes": "Required to pull container images when running `Install-AksHci`."
}, {
    "URL": "akshci.azurefd.net",
    "Port": "443",
    "Notes": "Required for AKS on Azure Stack HCI billing when running `Install-AksHci`."
}, {
    "URL": "v20.events.data.microsoft.com",
    "Port": "443",
    "Notes": "Used periodically to send Microsoft required diagnostic data from the Azure Stack HCI or Windows Server host."
}, {
    "URL": "gcs.prod.monitoring.core.windows.net",
    "Port": "443",
    "Notes": "Used periodically to send Microsoft required diagnostic data from control plane nodes."