void function() { var _ = (a => new ArrayWrapper(a)); _.mapInline = mapInline; _.map = map; /*.......*/ map.bind = (()=>map); _.filter = filter; /*.*/ filter.bind = (()=>filter); _.reduce = reduce; /*.*/ reduce.bind = (()=>reduce); window.CSSUsageLodash = _; // test case: // 35 = CSSUsageLodash([1,2,3,4,5]).map(v => v*v).filter(v => v%2).reduce(0, (a,b)=>(a+b)).value() function ArrayWrapper(array) { this.source = array; this.mapInline = function(f) { mapInline(this.source, f); return this; }; this.map = function(f) { this.source = map(this.source, f); return this; }; this.filter = function(f) { this.source = filter(this.source, f); return this; }; this.reduce = function(v,f) { this.source = reduce(this.source, f, v); return this; }; this.value = function() { return this.source }; } function map(source, transform) { var clone = new Array(source.length); for(var i = source.length; i--;) { clone[i] = transform(source[i]); } return clone; } function mapInline(source, transform) { for(var i = source.length; i--;) { source[i] = transform(source[i]); } return source; } function filter(source, shouldValueBeIncluded) { var clone = new Array(source.length), i=0; for(var s = 0; s <= source.length; s++) { var value = source[s]; if(shouldValueBeIncluded(value)) { clone[i++] = value } } clone.length = i; return clone; } function reduce(source, computeReduction, reduction) { for(var s = 0; s <= source.length; s++) { var value = source[s]; reduction = computeReduction(reduction, value); } return reduction; } }(); /*! * Based on: * https://github.com/gilmoreorless/css-shorthand-properties * MIT Licensed: http://gilmoreorless.mit-license.org/ */ void function () { /** * Data collated from multiple W3C specs: http://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/current-work */ var shorthands = this.shorthandProperties = { // CSS 2.1: http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/propidx.html 'list-style': ['-type', '-position', '-image'], 'margin': ['-top', '-right', '-bottom', '-left'], 'outline': ['-width', '-style', '-color'], 'padding': ['-top', '-right', '-bottom', '-left'], // CSS Backgrounds and Borders Module Level 3: http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-background/ 'background': ['-image', '-position', '-size', '-repeat', '-origin', '-clip', '-attachment', '-color'], 'background-repeat': ['-x','-y'], 'background-position': ['-x','-y'], 'border': ['-width', '-style', '-color'], 'border-color': ['border-top-color', 'border-right-color', 'border-bottom-color', 'border-left-color'], 'border-style': ['border-top-style', 'border-right-style', 'border-bottom-style', 'border-left-style'], 'border-width': ['border-top-width', 'border-right-width', 'border-bottom-width', 'border-left-width'], 'border-top': ['-width', '-style', '-color'], 'border-right': ['-width', '-style', '-color'], 'border-bottom': ['-width', '-style', '-color'], 'border-left': ['-width', '-style', '-color'], 'border-radius': ['border-top-left-radius', 'border-top-right-radius', 'border-bottom-right-radius', 'border-bottom-left-radius'], 'border-image': ['-source', '-slice', '-width', '-outset', '-repeat'], // CSS Fonts Module Level 3: http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-fonts/ 'font': ['-style', '-variant', '-weight', '-stretch', '-size', 'line-height', '-family'], 'font-variant': ['-ligatures', '-alternates', '-caps', '-numeric', '-east-asian'], // CSS Masking Module Level 1: http://www.w3.org/TR/css-masking/ 'mask': ['-image', '-mode', '-position', '-size', '-repeat', '-origin', '-clip'], 'mask-border': ['-source', '-slice', '-width', '-outset', '-repeat', '-mode'], // CSS Multi-column Layout Module: http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-multicol/ 'columns': ['column-width', 'column-count'], 'column-rule': ['-width', '-style', '-color'], // CSS Speech Module: http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-speech/ 'cue': ['-before', '-after'], 'pause': ['-before', '-after'], 'rest': ['-before', '-after'], // CSS Text Decoration Module Level 3: http://www.w3.org/TR/css-text-decor-3/ 'text-decoration': ['-line', '-style', '-color'], 'text-emphasis': ['-style', '-color'], // CSS Animations (WD): http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-animations 'animation': ['-name', '-duration', '-timing-function', '-delay', '-iteration-count', '-direction', '-fill-mode', '-play-state'], // CSS Transitions (WD): http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-transitions/ 'transition': ['-property', '-duration', '-timing-function', '-delay'], // CSS Flexible Box Layout Module Level 1 (WD): http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-flexbox/ 'flex': ['-grow', '-shrink', '-basis'], // CSS Grid: https://drafts.csswg.org/css-grid/#grid-shorthand 'grid': ['-template', '-auto-flow', '-auto-rows','-auto-columns'], 'grid-template': ['-rows', '-columns', '-areas'], // Others: 'overflow': ['-x','-y','-style'], // https://drafts.csswg.org/css-overflow-3/ }; var expandCache = Object.create(null); var unexpandCache = Object.create(null); /** * Expand a shorthand property into an array of longhand properties which are set by it * @param {string} property CSS property name * @return {array} List of longhand properties, or an empty array if it's not a shorthand */ this.expand = function (property) { var result = expandCache[property]; if(result) { return result; } var prefixData = property.match(/^(-[a-zA-Z]+-)?(.*)$/); var prefix = prefixData[1]||'', prefixFreeProperty = prefixData[2]||''; if (!shorthands.hasOwnProperty(prefixFreeProperty)) { return []; } result = []; shorthands[prefixFreeProperty].forEach((p) => { var longhand = p[0] === '-' ? property + p : prefix + p; result.push(longhand); result.push.apply(result, this.expand(longhand)); }); return expandCache[property] = result; }; /** * Expand a longhand property into an array of shorthand which may set the value * @param {string} property CSS property name * @return {array} List of shorthand properties, or the original property if it's not a shorthand */ this.unexpand = function unexpand(property) { var result = unexpandCache[property]; if(result) { return result; } var prefixData = property.match(/^(-[a-zA-Z]+-)?(.*)$/); var prefix = prefixData[1]||'', prefixFreeProperty = prefixData[2]||''; result = []; for(var sh = 0; sh <= shorthands.length; sh++) { var shorthand = shorthands[sh]; if(this.expand(shorthand).indexOf(prefixFreeProperty) >= 0) { result.push(prefix+shorthand); result.push.apply(result,this.unexpand(prefix+shorthand)); } } return unexpandCache[property] = result; } }.call(window.CSSShorthands={}); // http://blueprintcss.org/tests/parts/grid.html var hasBluePrintUsage = function() { if(!document.querySelector(".container")) { return false; } for(var i = 24+1; --i;) { if(document.querySelector(".container > .span-"+i)) { return true; } } return false; } // // report how many times the classes in the following arrays have been used in the dom // (bootstrap stats) // var detectedBootstrapGridUsages = function(domClasses) { var _ = window.CSSUsageLodash; var reduce = _.reduce.bind(_); var trackedClasses = []; var sizes = ['xs','sm','md','lg']; for(var i = sizes.length; i--;) { var size = sizes[i]; for(var j = 12+1; --j;) { trackedClasses.push('col-'+size+'-'+j); for(var k = 12+1; --k;) { trackedClasses.push('col-'+size+'-'+j+'-offset-'+k); trackedClasses.push('col-'+size+'-'+j+'-push-'+k); trackedClasses.push('col-'+size+'-'+j+'-pull-'+k); } } } return reduce(trackedClasses, (a,b) => a+(domClasses[b]|0), 0); }; var detectedBootstrapFormUsages = function(domClasses) { var _ = window.CSSUsageLodash; var reduce = _.reduce.bind(_); var trackedClasses = [ 'form-group', 'form-group-xs', 'form-group-sm', 'form-group-md', 'form-group-lg', 'form-control', 'form-horizontal', 'form-inline', 'btn','btn-primary','btn-secondary','btn-success','btn-warning','btn-danger','btn-error' ]; return reduce(trackedClasses, (a,b) => a+(domClasses[b]|0), 0); }; var detectedBootstrapAlertUsages = function(domClasses) { var _ = window.CSSUsageLodash; var reduce = _.reduce.bind(_); var trackedClasses = [ 'alert','alert-primary','alert-secondary','alert-success','alert-warning','alert-danger','alert-error' ]; return reduce(trackedClasses, (a,b) => a+(domClasses[b]|0), 0); }; var detectedBootstrapFloatUsages = function(domClasses) { var _ = window.CSSUsageLodash; var reduce = _.reduce.bind(_); var trackedClasses = [ 'pull-left','pull-right', ]; return reduce(trackedClasses, (a,b) => a+(domClasses[b]|0), 0); }; // https://github.com/Dogfalo/materialize/blob/master/sass/components/_grid.scss var hasDogfaloMaterializeUsage = function() { if(!document.querySelector(".container > .row > .col")) { return false; } for(var i = 12+1; --i;) { var classesToLookUp = ['s','m','l']; for(var d = 0; d < classesToLookUp.length; d++) { var s = classesToLookUp[d]; if(document.querySelector(".container > .row > .col."+s+""+i)) { return true; } } } return false; } // http://www.gumbyframework.com/docs/grid/#!/basic-grid var hasGrumbyUsage = function() { if(!document.querySelector(".row .columns")) { return false; } var classesToLookUp = ["one","two","three","four","five","six","seven","eight","nine","ten","eleven","twelve"]; for(var cl = 0; cl < classesToLookUp.length; cl++ ) { var fraction = classesToLookUp[cl]; if(document.querySelector(".row > .columns."+fraction)) { return true; } } return false; } // https://raw.githubusercontent.com/csswizardry/inuit.css/master/generic/_widths.scss var hasInuitUsage = function() { if(!document.querySelector(".grid .grid__item")) { return false; } var classesToLookUp = ["one-whole","one-half","one-third","two-thirds","one-quarter","two-quarters","one-half","three-quarters","one-fifth","two-fifths","three-fifths","four-fifths","one-sixth","two-sixths","one-third","three-sixths","one-half","four-sixths","two-thirds","five-sixths","one-eighth","two-eighths","one-quarter","three-eighths","four-eighths","one-half","five-eighths","six-eighths","three-quarters","seven-eighths","one-tenth","two-tenths","one-fifth","three-tenths","four-tenths","two-fifths","five-tenths","one-half","six-tenths","three-fifths","seven-tenths","eight-tenths","four-fifths","nine-tenths","one-twelfth","two-twelfths","one-sixth","three-twelfths","one-quarter","four-twelfths","one-third","five-twelfths","six-twelfths","one-half","seven-twelfths","eight-twelfths","two-thirds","nine-twelfths","three-quarters","ten-twelfths","five-sixths","eleven-twelfths"]; for(var cu = 0; cu < classesToLookUp.length; cu++ ) { var fraction = classesToLookUp[cu]; var subClassesToLookUp = ["","palm-","lap-","portable-","desk-"]; for(var sc = 0; sc < subClassesToLookUp.length; sc++) { var ns = subClassesToLookUp[sc]; if(document.querySelector(".grid > .grid__item."+ns+fraction)) { return true; } } } return false; } var getLonelyGatesUsage = function (cssLonelyClassGates, domClasses, domIds, cssLonelyIdGates) { var _ = window.CSSUsageLodash; if((cssLonelyClassGates || domClasses || domIds || cssLonelyIdGates) == undefined) return; // get arrays of the .class gates used ({"hover":5} => ["hover"]), filter irrelevant entries var cssUniqueLonelyClassGatesArray = Object.keys(cssLonelyClassGates); var cssUniqueLonelyClassGatesUsedArray = _(cssUniqueLonelyClassGatesArray).filter((c) => domClasses[c]).value(); var cssUniqueLonelyClassGatesUsedWorthArray = _(cssUniqueLonelyClassGatesUsedArray).filter((c)=>(cssLonelyClassGates[c]>9)).value(); if(window.debugCSSUsage) if(window.debugCSSUsage) console.log(cssLonelyClassGates); if(window.debugCSSUsage) if(window.debugCSSUsage) console.log(cssUniqueLonelyClassGatesUsedWorthArray); // get arrays of the #id gates used ({"hover":5} => ["hover"]), filter irrelevant entries var cssUniqueLonelyIdGatesArray = Object.keys(cssLonelyIdGates); var cssUniqueLonelyIdGatesUsedArray = _(cssUniqueLonelyIdGatesArray).filter((c) => domIds[c]).value(); var cssUniqueLonelyIdGatesUsedWorthArray = _(cssUniqueLonelyIdGatesUsedArray).filter((c)=>(cssLonelyIdGates[c]>9)).value(); if(window.debugCSSUsage) if(window.debugCSSUsage) console.log(cssLonelyIdGates); if(window.debugCSSUsage) if(window.debugCSSUsage) console.log(cssUniqueLonelyIdGatesUsedWorthArray); } // // report how many times the classes in the following arrays have been used as css gate // (modernizer stats) // // https://modernizr.com/docs#features var detectedModernizerUsages = function(cssLonelyClassGates) { if((cssLonelyClassGates) == undefined) return; var ModernizerUsages = {count:0,values:{/* "js":1, "no-js":2 */}}; var trackedClasses = ["js","ambientlight","applicationcache","audio","batteryapi","blobconstructor","canvas","canvastext","contenteditable","contextmenu","cookies","cors","cryptography","customprotocolhandler","customevent","dart","dataview","emoji","eventlistener","exiforientation","flash","fullscreen","gamepads","geolocation","hashchange","hiddenscroll","history","htmlimports","ie8compat","indexeddb","indexeddbblob","input","search","inputtypes","intl","json","olreversed","mathml","notification","pagevisibility","performance","pointerevents","pointerlock","postmessage","proximity","queryselector","quotamanagement","requestanimationframe","serviceworker","svg","templatestrings","touchevents","typedarrays","unicoderange","unicode","userdata","vibrate","video","vml","webintents","animation","webgl","websockets","xdomainrequest","adownload","audioloop","audiopreload","webaudio","lowbattery","canvasblending","todataurljpeg,todataurlpng,todataurlwebp","canvaswinding","getrandomvalues","cssall","cssanimations","appearance","backdropfilter","backgroundblendmode","backgroundcliptext","bgpositionshorthand","bgpositionxy","bgrepeatspace,bgrepeatround","backgroundsize","bgsizecover","borderimage","borderradius","boxshadow","boxsizing","csscalc","checked","csschunit","csscolumns","cubicbezierrange","display-runin","displaytable","ellipsis","cssescape","cssexunit","cssfilters","flexbox","flexboxlegacy","flexboxtweener","flexwrap","fontface","generatedcontent","cssgradients","hsla","csshyphens,softhyphens,softhyphensfind","cssinvalid","lastchild","cssmask","mediaqueries","multiplebgs","nthchild","objectfit","opacity","overflowscrolling","csspointerevents","csspositionsticky","csspseudoanimations","csspseudotransitions","cssreflections","regions","cssremunit","cssresize","rgba","cssscrollbar","shapes","siblinggeneral","subpixelfont","supports","target","textalignlast","textshadow","csstransforms","csstransforms3d","preserve3d","csstransitions","userselect","cssvalid","cssvhunit","cssvmaxunit","cssvminunit","cssvwunit","willchange","wrapflow","classlist","createelementattrs,createelement-attrs","dataset","documentfragment","hidden","microdata","mutationobserver","bdi","datalistelem","details","outputelem","picture","progressbar,meter","ruby","template","time","texttrackapi,track","unknownelements","es5array","es5date","es5function","es5object","es5","strictmode","es5string","es5syntax","es5undefined","es6array","contains","generators","es6math","es6number","es6object","promises","es6string","devicemotion,deviceorientation","oninput","filereader","filesystem","capture","fileinput","directory","formattribute","localizednumber","placeholder","requestautocomplete","formvalidation","sandbox","seamless","srcdoc","apng","jpeg2000","jpegxr","sizes","srcset","webpalpha","webpanimation","webplossless,webp-lossless","webp","inputformaction","inputformenctype","inputformmethod","inputformtarget","beacon","lowbandwidth","eventsource","fetch","xhrresponsetypearraybuffer","xhrresponsetypeblob","xhrresponsetypedocument","xhrresponsetypejson","xhrresponsetypetext","xhrresponsetype","xhr2","scriptasync","scriptdefer","speechrecognition","speechsynthesis","localstorage","sessionstorage","websqldatabase","stylescoped","svgasimg","svgclippaths","svgfilters","svgforeignobject","inlinesvg","smil","textareamaxlength","bloburls","datauri","urlparser","videoautoplay","videoloop","videopreload","webglextensions","datachannel","getusermedia","peerconnection","websocketsbinary","atob-btoa","framed","matchmedia","blobworkers","dataworkers","sharedworkers","transferables","webworkers"]; for(var tc = 0; tc < trackedClasses.length; tc++) { var c = trackedClasses[tc]; countInstancesOfTheClass(c); countInstancesOfTheClass('no-'+c); } return ModernizerUsages; function countInstancesOfTheClass(c) { var count = cssLonelyClassGates[c]; if(!count) return; ModernizerUsages.count += count; ModernizerUsages.values[c]=count; } } function getFwkUsage(results, cssLonelyClassGates, domClasses, domIds, cssLonelyIdGates, cssClasses) { // Modernizer getLonelyGatesUsage(cssLonelyClassGates, domClasses, domIds, cssLonelyIdGates); detectedModernizerUsages(cssLonelyClassGates); results.FwkModernizer = !!window.Modernizer; results.FwkModernizerDOMUsages = detectedModernizerUsages(domClasses); results.FwkModernizerCSSUsages = detectedModernizerUsages(cssLonelyClassGates); // Bootstrap results.FwkBootstrap = !!((window.jQuery||window.$) && (window.jQuery||window.$).fn && (window.jQuery||window.$).fn.modal)|0; results.FwkBootstrapGridUsage = detectedBootstrapGridUsages(domClasses); results.FwkBootstrapFormUsage = detectedBootstrapFormUsages(domClasses); results.FwkBootstrapFloatUsage = detectedBootstrapFloatUsages(domClasses); results.FwkBootstrapAlertUsage = detectedBootstrapAlertUsages(domClasses); results.FwkBootstrapGridRecognized = detectedBootstrapGridUsages(cssClasses); results.FwkBootstrapFormRecognized = detectedBootstrapFormUsages(cssClasses); results.FwkBootstrapFloatRecognized = detectedBootstrapFloatUsages(cssClasses); results.FwkBootstrapAlertRecognized = detectedBootstrapAlertUsages(cssClasses); // Grumby results.FwkGrumby = hasGrumbyUsage()|0; // Inuit results.FwkInuit = hasInuitUsage()|0; // Blueprint results.FwkBluePrint = hasBluePrintUsage()|0; // Dog Falo results.FwkDogfaloMaterialize = hasDogfaloMaterializeUsage()|0; return results; } // // report how many times the classes in the following arrays have been used in the dom // (general stats) // /** count how many times the usual clearfix classes are used */ var detectedClearfixUsages = function(domClasses) { var _ = window.CSSUsageLodash; var reduce = _.reduce.bind(_); var trackedClasses = [ 'clearfix','clear', ]; return reduce(trackedClasses, (a,b) => a+(domClasses[b]|0), 0); }; /** count how many times the usual hide/show classes are used */ var detectedVisibilityUsages = function(domClasses) { var _ = window.CSSUsageLodash; var reduce = _.reduce.bind(_); var trackedClasses = [ 'show', 'hide', 'visible', 'hidden', ]; return reduce(trackedClasses, (a,b) => a+(domClasses[b]|0), 0); }; function getPatternUsage(results, domClasses, cssClasses) { results.PatClearfixUsage = detectedClearfixUsages(domClasses); results.PatVisibilityUsage = detectedVisibilityUsages(domClasses); results.PatClearfixRecognized = detectedClearfixUsages(cssClasses); results.PatVisibilityRecognized = detectedVisibilityUsages(cssClasses); return results; } void function() { window.HtmlUsage = {}; // This function has been added to the elementAnalyzers in // CSSUsage.js under onready() // is an HTMLElement passed in by elementAnalyzers window.HtmlUsage.GetNodeName = function (element) { // If the browser doesn't recognize the element - throw it away if(element instanceof HTMLUnknownElement) { return; } var node = element.nodeName; var tags = HtmlUsageResults.tags || (HtmlUsageResults.tags = {}); var tag = tags[node] || (tags[node] = 0); tags[node]++; GetAttributes(element, node); } function GetAttributes(element, node) { for(var i = 0; i < element.attributes.length; i++) { var att = element.attributes[i]; if(IsValidAttribute(element, att.nodeName)) { var attributes = HtmlUsageResults.attributes || (HtmlUsageResults.attributes = {}); var attribute = attributes[att.nodeName] || (attributes[att.nodeName] = {}); var attributeTag = attribute[node] || (attribute[node] = {count: 0}); attributeTag.count++; } } } function IsValidAttribute(element, attname) { // We need to convert className if(attname == "class") { attname = "className"; } if(attname == "classname") { return false; } // Only keep attributes that are not data if(attname.indexOf('data-') != -1) { return false; } if(typeof(element[attname]) == "undefined") { return false; } return true; } }(); void function() { try { var _ = window.CSSUsageLodash; var map = _.map.bind(_); var mapInline = _.mapInline ? _.mapInline : map; var reduce = _.reduce.bind(_); var filter = _.filter.bind(_); var browserIsEdge = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Edge')>=0; var browserIsFirefox = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Firefox')>=0; // // Guards execution against invalid conditions // void function() { // Don't run in subframes for now if (top.location.href !== location.href) throw new Error("CSSUsage: the script doesn't run in frames for now"); // Don't run if already ran if (window.CSSUsage) throw new Error("CSSUsage: second execution attempted; only one run can be executed; if you specified parameters, check the right ones were chosen"); // Don't run if we don't have lodash if (!window.CSSUsageLodash) throw new Error("CSSUsage: missing CSSUsageLodash dependency"); if (!window.HtmlUsage) throw new Error("APIUsage: missing HtmlUsage dependancy"); // Do not allow buggy trim() to bother usage if((''+String.prototype.trim).indexOf("[native code]") == -1) { console.warn('Replaced custom trim function with something known to work. Might break website.'); String.prototype.trim = function() { return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); } } }(); // // Prepare our global namespace // void function() { if(window.debugCSSUsage) console.log("STAGE: Building up namespace"); window.HtmlUsageResults = { // this will contain all of the HTML tags used on a page tags: {}, /* tags ~= [nodeName] */ // this will contain all of the attributes used on an HTML tag // and their values if they are in the whitelist attributes: {} /* attributes ~= { name: , // The name of the attribute tag: , // The tag that the attr was used on value: // The value of the attr } */ }; window.RecipeResults = {}; window.Recipes = { recipes: [] }; window.CSSUsage = {}; window.CSSUsageResults = { // this will contain the usage stats of various at-rules and rules types: [ 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0, ], /* types ~= { "unknown":0, //0 "style":0, //1 "charset": 0, //2 "import":0, //3 "media":0, //4 "font-face":0, //5 "page":0, //6 "keyframes":0, //7 This is the @keyframe at rule "keyframe":0, //8 This is the individual 0%, or from/to "reserved9":0, //9 "namespace":0, //10 "reserved11":0,//11 "supports":0, //12 "reserved13":0,//13 "reserved14":0,//14 "viewport":0, //15 }*/ // this will contain the usage stats of various css properties and values props: Object.create(null), /* props ~= { "background-color": { count: 10, values: { "": 9, "inherit": 1 } } }*/ // this will contains the various datapoints we measure on css selector usage usages: {"SuccessfulCrawls":1}, // this will contain selectors and the properties they refer to rules: {"@stylerule":0,"@atrule":0,"@inline":0}, /* rules ~= { "#id:hover .class": { count: 10, props: { "background-color": 5, "color": 4, "opacity": 3, "transform": 3 } } }*/ atrules: {}/* atrules ~= { "@atrule:4": { count: 3, props: { "background-color": 1, "color": 4, "opacity": 3, "transform": 3 }, nested: { "h3": 1 }, conditions: { "screen": 1 } } }*/ } }(); // // The StyleWalker API cover the extraction of style in the browser // void function() { "use strict"; CSSUsage.StyleWalker = { // This array contains the list of functions being run on each CSSStyleDeclaration // [ function(style, selectorText, matchedElements, ruleType) { ... }, ... ] ruleAnalyzers: [], // This array contains the list of functions being run on each DOM element of the page // [ function(element) { ...} ] elementAnalyzers: [], recipesToRun: [], runRecipes: false, // walkOverCssStyles: walkOverCssStyles, walkOverDomElements: walkOverDomElements, // Those stats are being collected while walking over the css style rules amountOfInlineStyles: 0, amountOfSelectorsUnused: 0, amountOfSelectors: 0, } var hasWalkedDomElementsOnce = false; // holds @keyframes temporarily while we wait to know how much they are used var keyframes = Object.create(null); /** * For all stylesheets of the document, * walk through the stylerules and run analyzers */ function walkOverCssStyles() { if(window.debugCSSUsage) console.log("STAGE: Walking over styles"); var styleSheets = document.styleSheets; // Loop through StyeSheets for (var ssIndex = styleSheets.length; ssIndex--;) { var styleSheet = styleSheets[ssIndex]; try { if(styleSheet.cssRules) { walkOverCssRules(styleSheet.cssRules, styleSheet); } else { console.warn("No content loaded for stylesheet: ", styleSheet.href||styleSheet); } } catch (e) { if(window.debugCSSUsage) console.log(e, e.stack); } } // Hack: rely on the results to find out which // animations actually run, and parse their keyframes var animations = (CSSUsageResults.props['animation-name']||{}).values||{}; for(var animation in keyframes) { var keyframe = keyframes[animation]; var matchCount = animations[animation]|0; var fakeElements = initArray(matchCount, (i)=>({tagName:'@keyframes '+animation+' ['+i+']'})); processRule(keyframe, fakeElements); } } /** * This is the css work horse, this will will loop over the * rules and then call the rule analyzers currently registered */ function walkOverCssRules(/*CSSRuleList*/ cssRules, styleSheet, parentMatchedElements) { if(window.debugCSSUsage) console.log("STAGE: Walking over rules"); for (var ruleIndex = cssRules.length; ruleIndex--;) { // Loop through the rules var rule = cssRules[ruleIndex]; // Until we can correlate animation usage // to keyframes do not parse @keyframe rules if(rule.type == 7) { keyframes[rule.name] = rule; continue; } // Filter "@supports" which the current browser doesn't support if(rule.type == 12 && (!CSS.supports || !CSS.supports(rule.conditionText))) { continue; } // Other rules should be processed immediately processRule(rule,parentMatchedElements); } } /** * This function takes a css rule and: * [1] walk over its child rules if needed * [2] call rule analyzers for that rule if it has style data */ function processRule(rule, parentMatchedElements) { // Increment the rule type's counter CSSUsageResults.types[rule.type|0]++; // Some CssRules have nested rules to walk through: if (rule.cssRules && rule.cssRules.length>0) { walkOverCssRules(rule.cssRules, rule.parentStyleSheet, parentMatchedElements); } // Some CssRules have style we can analyze if(rule.style) { // find what the rule applies to var selectorText; var matchedElements; if(rule.selectorText) { selectorText = CSSUsage.PropertyValuesAnalyzer.cleanSelectorText(rule.selectorText); try { if(parentMatchedElements) { matchedElements = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll(selectorText)); matchedElements.parentMatchedElements = parentMatchedElements; } else { matchedElements = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll(selectorText)); } } catch(ex) { matchedElements = []; console.warn(ex.stack||("Invalid selector: "+selectorText+" -- via "+rule.selectorText)); } } else { selectorText = '@atrule:'+rule.type; if(parentMatchedElements) { matchedElements = parentMatchedElements; } else { matchedElements = []; } } // run an analysis on it runRuleAnalyzers(rule.style, selectorText, matchedElements, rule.type); } // run analysis on at rules to populate CSSUsageResults.atrules if(isRuleAnAtRule(rule)) { if(rule.conditionText) { processConditionalAtRules(rule); } else { processGeneralAtRules(rule); } } } /** * Checks whether an rule is an @atrule. */ function isRuleAnAtRule(rule) { /** * @atrules types ~= { "charset": 0, //2 "import":0, //3 "media":0, //4 "font-face":0, //5 "page":0, //6 "keyframes":0, //7 This is the @keyframe at rule "keyframe":0, //8 This is the individual 0%, or from/to "namespace":0, //10 "supports":0, //12 "viewport":0, //15 */ let type = rule.type; return (type >= 2 && type <= 8) || (type == 10) || (type == 12) || (type == 15); } /** * This process @atrules with conditional statements such as @supports. * [1] It will process any props and values used within the body of the rule. * [2] It will count the occurence of usage of nested atrules. * [3] It will process condition statements to conform to a standardized version. */ function processConditionalAtRules(rule) { var selectorText = '@atrule:' + rule.type; var atrulesUsage = CSSUsageResults.atrules; if(!atrulesUsage[selectorText]) { atrulesUsage[selectorText] = Object.create(null); atrulesUsage[selectorText] = {"count": 1, "props": {}, "conditions": {}} } else { var count = atrulesUsage[selectorText].count; atrulesUsage[selectorText].count = count + 1; } var selectedAtruleUsage = atrulesUsage[selectorText]; if(rule.cssRules) { CSSUsage.PropertyValuesAnalyzer.anaylzeStyleOfRulePropCount(rule, selectedAtruleUsage); } processConditionText(rule.conditionText, selectedAtruleUsage.conditions); } /** * This processes the usage of conditions of conditional @atrules like @media. * Requires the condition of the rule to process and the current recorded usage * of the @atrule in question. */ function processConditionText(conditionText, selectedAtruleConditionalUsage) { // replace numeric specific information from condition statements conditionText = CSSUsage.CSSValues.parseValues(conditionText); if(!selectedAtruleConditionalUsage[conditionText]) { selectedAtruleConditionalUsage[conditionText] = Object.create(null); selectedAtruleConditionalUsage[conditionText] = {"count": 1} } else { var count = selectedAtruleConditionalUsage[conditionText].count; selectedAtruleConditionalUsage[conditionText].count = count + 1; } } /** * This will process all other @atrules that don't have conditions or styles. * [1] It will process any props and values used within the body of the rule. * [2] It will count the occurence of usage of nested atrules. */ function processGeneralAtRules(rule) { var selectorText = '@atrule:' + rule.type; var atrulesUsage = CSSUsageResults.atrules; if(!atrulesUsage[selectorText]) { atrulesUsage[selectorText] = Object.create(null); atrulesUsage[selectorText] = {"count": 1, "props": {}} } else { var count = atrulesUsage[selectorText].count; atrulesUsage[selectorText].count = count + 1; } // @keyframes rule type is 7 if(rule.type == 7) { processKeyframeAtRules(rule); } else if(CSSUsageResults.rules[selectorText].props) { atrulesUsage[selectorText].props = CSSUsageResults.rules[selectorText].props; delete atrulesUsage[selectorText].props.values; } } /** * Processes on @keyframe to add the appropriate props from the frame and a counter of which * frames are used throughout the document. */ function processKeyframeAtRules(rule) { var selectorText = '@atrule:' + rule.type; var atrulesUsageForSelector = CSSUsageResults.atrules[selectorText]; if(!atrulesUsageForSelector["keyframes"]) { atrulesUsageForSelector["keyframes"] = Object.create(null); } /** * grab the props from the individual keyframe props that was already populated * under CSSUsageResults.rules. Note: @atrule:8 is the individual frames. * WARN: tightly coupled with previous processing of rules. */ atrulesUsageForSelector.props = CSSUsageResults.rules["@atrule:8"].props; delete atrulesUsageForSelector.props.values; for(let index in rule.cssRules) { let keyframe = rule.cssRules[index]; var atrulesUsageForKeyframeOfSelector = atrulesUsageForSelector.keyframes; if(!keyframe.keyText) { continue; } var frame = keyframe.keyText; // replace extra whitespaces frame = frame.replace(/\s/g, ''); if(!atrulesUsageForKeyframeOfSelector[frame]) { atrulesUsageForKeyframeOfSelector[frame] = { "count" : 1 }; } else { var keyframeCount = atrulesUsageForKeyframeOfSelector[frame].count; atrulesUsageForKeyframeOfSelector[frame].count = keyframeCount + 1; } } } /** * This is the dom work horse, this will will loop over the * dom elements and then call the element analyzers currently registered, * as well as rule analyzers for inline styles */ function walkOverDomElements(obj, index) { if(window.debugCSSUsage) console.log("STAGE: Walking over DOM elements"); var recipesToRun = CSSUsage.StyleWalker.recipesToRun; obj = obj || document.documentElement; index = index|0; // Loop through the elements var elements = [].slice.call(document.all,0); for(var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { var element=elements[i]; // Analyze its style, if any if(!CSSUsage.StyleWalker.runRecipes) { // Analyze the element runElementAnalyzers(element, index); if (element.hasAttribute('style')) { // Inline styles count like a style rule with no selector but one matched element var ruleType = 1; var isInline = true; var selectorText = '@inline:'+element.tagName; var matchedElements = [element]; runRuleAnalyzers(element.style, selectorText, matchedElements, ruleType, isInline); } } else { // We've already walked the DOM crawler and need to run the recipes for(var r = 0; r < recipesToRun.length ; r++) { var recipeToRun = recipesToRun[r]; var results = RecipeResults[recipeToRun.name] || (RecipeResults[recipeToRun.name]={}); recipeToRun(element, results, true); } } } } /** * Given a rule and its data, send it to all rule analyzers */ function runRuleAnalyzers(style, selectorText, matchedElements, type, isInline) { // Keep track of the counters if(isInline) { CSSUsage.StyleWalker.amountOfInlineStyles++; } else { CSSUsage.StyleWalker.amountOfSelectors++; } // Run all rule analyzers for(var i = 0; i < CSSUsage.StyleWalker.ruleAnalyzers.length; i++) { var runAnalyzer = CSSUsage.StyleWalker.ruleAnalyzers[i]; runAnalyzer(style, selectorText, matchedElements, type, isInline); } } /** * Given an element and its data, send it to all element analyzers */ function runElementAnalyzers(element, index, depth) { for(var i = 0; i < CSSUsage.StyleWalker.elementAnalyzers.length; i++) { var runAnalyzer = CSSUsage.StyleWalker.elementAnalyzers[i]; runAnalyzer(element, index, depth); } } /** * Creates an array of "length" elements, by calling initializer for each cell */ function initArray(length, initializer) { var array = Array(length); for(var i = length; i--;) { array[i] = initializer(i); } return array; } }(); // // helper to work with css values // void function() { CSSUsage.CSSValues = { createValueArray: createValueArray, parseValues: parseValues, normalizeValue: createValueArray }; /** * This will take a string value and reduce it down * to only the aspects of the value we wish to keep */ function parseValues(value,propertyName) { // Trim value on the edges value = value.trim(); // Normalize letter-casing value = value.toLowerCase(); // Map colors to a standard value (eg: white, blue, yellow) if (isKeywordColor(value)) { return ""; } value = value.replace(/[#][0-9a-fA-F]+/g, '#xxyyzz'); // Escapce identifiers containing numbers var numbers = ['ZERO','ONE','TWO','THREE','FOUR','FIVE','SIX','SEVEN','EIGHT','NINE']; value = value.replace( /([_a-z][-_a-z]|[_a-df-z])[0-9]+[-_a-z0-9]*/g, s=>numbers.reduce( (m,nstr,nint)=>m.replace(RegExp(nint,'g'),nstr), s ) ); // Remove any digits eg: 55px -> px, 1.5 -> 0.0, 1 -> 0 value = value.replace(/(?:[+]|[-]|)(?:(?:[0-9]+)(?:[.][0-9]+|)|(?:[.][0-9]+))(?:[e](?:[+]|[-]|)(?:[0-9]+))?(%|e[a-z]+|[a-df-z][a-z]*)/g, "$1"); value = value.replace(/(?:[+]|[-]|)(?:[0-9]+)(?:[.][0-9]+)(?:[e](?:[+]|[-]|)(?:[0-9]+))?/g, " "); value = value.replace(/(?:[+]|[-]|)(?:[.][0-9]+)(?:[e](?:[+]|[-]|)(?:[0-9]+))?/g, " "); value = value.replace(/(?:[+]|[-]|)(?:[0-9]+)(?:[e](?:[+]|[-]|)(?:[0-9]+))/g, " "); value = value.replace(/(?:[+]|[-]|)(?:[0-9]+)/g, " "); // Unescapce identifiers containing numbers value = numbers.reduce( (m,nstr,nint)=>m.replace(RegExp(nstr,'g'),nint), value ) // Remove quotes value = value.replace(/('|‘|’|")/g, ""); // switch(propertyName) { case 'counter-increment': case 'counter-reset': // Anonymize the user identifier value = value.replace(/[-_a-zA-Z0-9]+/g,' '); break; case 'grid': case 'grid-template': case 'grid-template-rows': case 'grid-template-columns': case 'grid-template-areas': // Anonymize line names value = value.replace(/\[[-_a-zA-Z0-9 ]+\]/g,' '); break; case '--var': // Replace (...), {...} and [...] value = value.replace(/[(](?:[^()]+|[(](?:[^()]+|[(](?:[^()]+|[(](?:[^()]+|[(](?:[^()]*)[)])*[)])*[)])*[)])*[)]/g, " "); value = value.replace(/[(](?:[^()]+|[(](?:[^()]+|[(](?:[^()]+|[(](?:[^()]+|[(](?:[^()]*)[)])*[)])*[)])*[)])*[)]/g, " "); value = value.replace(/\[(?:[^()]+|\[(?:[^()]+|\[(?:[^()]+|\[(?:[^()]+|\[(?:[^()]*)\])*\])*\])*\])*\]/g, " "); value = value.replace(/\[(?:[^()]+|\[(?:[^()]+|\[(?:[^()]+|\[(?:[^()]+|\[(?:[^()]*)\])*\])*\])*\])*\]/g, " "); value = value.replace(/\{(?:[^()]+|\{(?:[^()]+|\{(?:[^()]+|\{(?:[^()]+|\{(?:[^()]*)\})*\})*\})*\})*\}/g, " "); value = value.replace(/\{(?:[^()]+|\{(?:[^()]+|\{(?:[^()]+|\{(?:[^()]+|\{(?:[^()]*)\})*\})*\})*\})*\}/g, " "); break; } return value.trim(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * This will transform a value into an array of value identifiers */ function createValueArray(value, propertyName, dontNormalize = false) { // Trim value on the edges value = value.trim(); // Normalize letter-casing value = value.toLowerCase(); // Do the right thing in function of the property if (!dontNormalize) { // Remove comments and !important value = value.replace(/([/][*](?:.|\r|\n)*[*][/]|[!]important.*)/g,''); switch (propertyName) { case 'font-family': // Remove various quotes if (value.indexOf("'") != -1 || value.indexOf("‘") != -1 || value.indexOf('"')) { value = value.replace(/('|‘|’|")/g, ""); } // Divide at commas to separate different font names value = value.split(/\s*,\s*/g); return value; case '--var': // Replace strings by dummies value = value.replace(/"([^"\\]|\\[^"\\]|\\\\|\\")*"/g,' ') value = value.replace(/'([^'\\]|\\[^'\\]|\\\\|\\')*'/g,' '); // Replace url(...) functions by dummies value = value.replace(/([a-z]?)[(](?:[^()]+|[(](?:[^()]+|[(](?:[^()]+|[(](?:[^()]+|[(](?:[^()]*)[)])*[)])*[)])*[)])*[)]/g, "$1()"); value = value.replace(/([a-z]?)[(](?:[^()]+|[(](?:[^()]+|[(](?:[^()]+|[(](?:[^()]+|[(](?:[^()]*)[)])*[)])*[)])*[)])*[)]/g, "$1()"); // Remove group contents (...), {...} and [...] value = value.replace(/[(](?:[^()]+|[(](?:[^()]+|[(](?:[^()]+|[(](?:[^()]+|[(](?:[^()]*)[)])*[)])*[)])*[)])*[)]/g, " "); value = value.replace(/[(](?:[^()]+|[(](?:[^()]+|[(](?:[^()]+|[(](?:[^()]+|[(](?:[^()]*)[)])*[)])*[)])*[)])*[)]/g, " "); value = value.replace(/[{](?:[^{}]+|[{](?:[^{}]+|[{](?:[^{}]+|[{](?:[^{}]+|[{](?:[^{}]*)[}])*[}])*[}])*[}])*[}]/g, " "); value = value.replace(/[{](?:[^{}]+|[{](?:[^{}]+|[{](?:[^{}]+|[{](?:[^{}]+|[{](?:[^{}]*)[}])*[}])*[}])*[}])*[}]/g, " "); value = value.replace(/[\[](?:[^\[\]]+|[\[](?:[^\[\]]+|[\[](?:[^\[\]]+|[\[](?:[^\[\]]+|[\[](?:[^\[\]]*)[\]])*[\]])*[\]])*[\]])*[\]]/g, " "); value = value.replace(/[\[](?:[^\[\]]+|[\[](?:[^\[\]]+|[\[](?:[^\[\]]+|[\[](?:[^\[\]]+|[\[](?:[^\[\]]*)[\]])*[\]])*[\]])*[\]])*[\]]/g, " "); break; default: // Replace strings by dummies value = value.replace(/"([^"\\]|\\[^"\\]|\\\\|\\")*"/g,' ') .replace(/'([^'\\]|\\[^'\\]|\\\\|\\')*'/g,' '); // Replace url(...) functions by dummies if (value.indexOf("(") != -1) { value = value.replace(/([a-z]?)[(](?:[^()]+|[(](?:[^()]+|[(](?:[^()]+|[(](?:[^()]+|[(](?:[^()]*)[)])*[)])*[)])*[)])*[)]/g, "$1() "); value = value.replace(/([a-z]?)[(](?:[^()]+|[(](?:[^()]+|[(](?:[^()]+|[(](?:[^()]+|[(](?:[^()]*)[)])*[)])*[)])*[)])*[)]/g, "$1() "); } } } else { switch (propertyName) { // If a URL value is given for the cursor property, then we want to remove all the speech marks put in around the url links // to prevent inconsistencies in results (in some running cases they are put in, others not) and split on the fallback values supplied. case 'cursor': // Remove various quotes - Crawler has some issue relating to speech marks, where sometimes they are put around url links (local test page run) and sometimes not (crawler run). if (value.indexOf("'") != -1 || value.indexOf("‘") != -1 || value.indexOf('"')) { value = value.replace(/('|‘|’|")/g, ""); } // Divide at commas to separate cursor url value and supplied fallback values. value = value.split(/\s*,\s*/g); return value; } } // Collapse whitespace value = value.trim().replace(/\s+/g, " "); // Divide at commas and spaces to separate different values value = value.split(/\s*(?:,|[/])\s*|\s+/g); return value; } /** * So that we don't end up with a ton of color * values, this will determine if the color is a * keyword color value */ function isKeywordColor(candidateColor) { // Keyword colors from the W3C specs var isColorKeyword = /^(aliceblue|antiquewhite|aqua|aquamarine|azure|beige|bisque|black|blanchedalmond|blue|blueviolet|brown|burlywood|cadetblue|chartreuse|chocolate|coral|cornflowerblue|cornsilk|crimson|cyan|darkblue|darkcyan|darkgoldenrod|darkgray|darkgrey|darkgreen|darkkhaki|darkmagenta|darkolivegreen|darkorange|darkorchid|darkred|darksalmon|darkseagreen|darkslateblue|darkslategray|darkslategrey|darkturquoise|darkviolet|deeppink|deepskyblue|dimgray|dimgrey|dodgerblue|firebrick|floralwhite|forestgreen|fuchsia|gainsboro|ghostwhite|gold|goldenrod|gray|grey|green|greenyellow|honeydew|hotpink|indianred|indigo|ivory|khaki|lavender|lavenderblush|lawngreen|lemonchiffon|lightblue|lightcoral|lightcyan|lightgoldenrodyellow|lightgreen|lightgray|lightgrey|lightpink|lightsalmon|lightseagreen|lightskyblue|lightslategray|lighslategrey|lightsteelblue|lightyellow|lime|limegreen|linen|magenta|maroon|mediumaquamarine|mediumblue|mediumorchid|mediumpurple|mediumseagreen|mediumslateblue|mediumspringgreen|mediumturquoise|mediumvioletred|midnightblue|mintcream|mistyrose|moccasin|navajowhite|navy|navyblue|oldlace|olive|olivedrab|orange|orangered|orchid|palegoldenrod|palegreen|paleturquoise|palevioletred|papayawhip|peachpuff|peru|pink|plum|powderblue|purple|rebeccapurple|red|rosybrown|royalblue|saddlebrown|salmon|sandybrown|seagreen|seashell|sienna|silver|skyblue|slateblue|slategray|slategrey|snow|springgreen|steelblue|tan|teal|thistle|tomato|turquoise|violet|wheat|white|whitesmoke|yellow|yellowgreen)$/; return isColorKeyword.test(candidateColor); } }(); // // computes various css stats (PropertyValuesAnalyzer) // void function() { CSSUsage.PropertyValuesAnalyzer = analyzeStyleOfRule; CSSUsage.PropertyValuesAnalyzer.cleanSelectorText = cleanSelectorText; CSSUsage.PropertyValuesAnalyzer.generalizedSelectorsOf = generalizedSelectorsOf; CSSUsage.PropertyValuesAnalyzer.finalize = finalize; CSSUsage.PropertyValuesAnalyzer.anaylzeStyleOfRulePropCount = anaylzeStyleOfRulePropCount; // We put a computed style in cache for filtering purposes var defaultStyle = getComputedStyle(document.createElement('div')); // As well as some basic lies var getBuggyValuesForThisBrowser = function() { var buggyValues = getBuggyValuesForThisBrowser.cache; if(buggyValues) { return buggyValues; } else { buggyValues = Object.create(null); } // Edge reports initial value instead of "initial", we have to be cautious if(browserIsEdge) { buggyValues['*'] = 1; // make 0 values automatic for longhand properties //buggyValues['list-style-position:outside'] = 0; buggyValues['list-style-image:none'] = 1; //buggyValues['outline-color:invert'] = 0; //buggyValues['outline-style:none'] = 0; //buggyValues['outline-width:medium'] = 0; //buggyValues['background-image:none'] = 0; //buggyValues['background-attachment:scroll'] = 0; //buggyValues['background-repeat:repeat'] = 0; //buggyValues['background-repeat-x:repeat'] = 0; //buggyValues['background-repeat-y:repeat'] = 0; //buggyValues['background-position-x:0%'] = 0; //buggyValues['background-position-y:0%'] = 0; //buggyValues['background-size:auto'] = 0; //buggyValues['background-origin:padding-box'] = 0; //buggyValues['background-clip:border-box'] = 0; //buggyValues['background-color:transparent'] = 0; buggyValues['border-top-color:currentcolor'] = 1; buggyValues['border-right-color:currentcolor'] = 1; buggyValues['border-bottom-color:currentcolor'] = 1; buggyValues['border-left-color:currentcolor'] = 1; //buggyValues['border-top-style:solid'] = 0; //buggyValues['border-right-style:solid'] = 0; //buggyValues['border-bottom-style:solid'] = 0; //buggyValues['border-left-style:solid'] = 0; buggyValues['border-top-width:medium'] = 1; buggyValues['border-right-width:medium'] = 1; buggyValues['border-bottom-width:medium'] = 1; buggyValues['border-left-width:medium'] = 1; buggyValues['border-image-source:none'] = 1; buggyValues['border-image-outset:0'] = 1; buggyValues['border-image-width:1'] = 1; buggyValues['border-image-repeat:repeat'] = 1; buggyValues['border-image-repeat-x:repeat'] = 1; buggyValues['border-image-repeat-y:repeat'] = 1; buggyValues['line-height:normal'] = 1; //buggyValues['font-size-adjust:none'] = 0; buggyValues['font-stretch:normal'] = 1; } // Firefox reports initial values instead of "initial", we have to be cautious if(browserIsFirefox) { buggyValues['*'] = 1; // make 0 values automatic for longhand properties } // Attempt to force to optimize the object somehow Object.create(buggyValues); return getBuggyValuesForThisBrowser.cache = buggyValues; }; var valueExistsInRootProperty = (cssText,key,rootKey,value) => { value = value.trim().toLowerCase(); // detect suspicious values var buggyValues = getBuggyValuesForThisBrowser(); // apply common sense to the given value, per browser var buggyState = buggyValues[key+':'+value]; if(buggyState === 1) { return false; } if(buggyState !== 0 && (!buggyValues['*'] || CSSShorthands.unexpand(key).length == 0)) { return true; } // root properties are unlikely to lie if(key==rootKey) return false; // ask the browser is the best we can do right now var values = value.split(/\s+|\s*,\s*/g); var validValues = ' '; var validValuesExtractor = new RegExp(' '+rootKey+'(?:[-][-_a-zA-Z0-9]+)?[:]([^;]*)','gi'); var match; while(match = validValuesExtractor.exec(cssText)) { validValues += match[1] + ' '; } for(var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { var value = values[i]; if(validValues.indexOf(' '+value+' ')==-1) return false; } return true; }; /** This will loop over the styles declarations */ function analyzeStyleOfRule(style, selectorText, matchedElements, type, isInline) { isInline=!!isInline; // We want to filter rules that are not actually used var count = matchedElements.length; var selector = selectorText; var selectorCat = {'1:true':'@inline','1:false':'@stylerule'}[''+type+':'+isInline]||'@atrule'; // Keep track of unused rules var isRuleUnused = (count == 0); if(isRuleUnused) { CSSUsage.StyleWalker.amountOfSelectorsUnused++; } // We need a generalized selector to collect some stats var generalizedSelectors = ( (selectorCat=='@stylerule') ? [selectorCat].concat(generalizedSelectorsOf(selector)) : [selectorCat, selector] ); // Get the datastores of the generalized selectors var generalizedSelectorsData = map(generalizedSelectors, (generalizedSelector) => ( CSSUsageResults.rules[generalizedSelector] || (CSSUsageResults.rules[generalizedSelector] = {count:0,props:Object.create(null)}) )); // Increment the occurence counter of found generalized selectors for(var i = 0; i < generalizedSelectorsData.length; i++) { var generalizedSelectorData = generalizedSelectorsData[i]; generalizedSelectorData.count++ } // avoid most common browser lies var cssText = ' ' + style.cssText.toLowerCase(); if(browserIsEdge) { cssText = cssText.replace(/border: medium; border-image: none;/,'border: none;'); cssText = cssText.replace(/ border-image: none;/,' '); } // For each property declaration in this rule, we collect some stats for (var i = style.length; i--;) { var key = style[i], rootKeyIndex=key.indexOf('-'), rootKey = rootKeyIndex==-1 ? key : key.substr(0,rootKeyIndex); var normalizedKey = rootKeyIndex==0&&key.indexOf('-',1)==1 ? '--var' : key; var styleValue = style.getPropertyValue(key); // Only keep styles that were declared by the author // We need to make sure we're only checking string props var isValueInvalid = typeof styleValue !== 'string' && styleValue != "" && styleValue != undefined; if (isValueInvalid) { continue; } var isPropertyUndefined = (cssText.indexOf(' '+key+':') == -1) && (styleValue=='initial' || !valueExistsInRootProperty(cssText, key, rootKey, styleValue)); if (isPropertyUndefined) { continue; } // divide the value into simplified components var specifiedValuesArray = CSSUsage.CSSValues.createValueArray(styleValue,normalizedKey); var specifiedValuesUnnormalized = CSSUsage.CSSValues.createValueArray(styleValue,normalizedKey,true); var values = new Array(); for (var j = 0; j < specifiedValuesArray.length; ++j) { values.push(CSSUsage.CSSValues.parseValues(specifiedValuesArray[j],normalizedKey)); } // log the property usage per selector for(var gs = 0; gs < generalizedSelectorsData.length; gs++) { var generalizedSelectorData = generalizedSelectorsData[gs]; // get the datastore for current property var propStats = generalizedSelectorData.props[normalizedKey] || (generalizedSelectorData.props[normalizedKey] = {count:0,values:Object.create(null)}); // we saw the property one time propStats.count++; // we also saw a bunch of values for(var v = 0; v < values.length; v++) { var value = values[v]; // increment the counts for those by one, too if(value.length>0) { propStats.values[value] = (propStats.values[value]|0) + 1 } } } // if we may increment some counts due to this declaration if(count > 0) { // instanciate or fetch the property metadata var propObject = CSSUsageResults.props[normalizedKey]; if (!propObject) { propObject = CSSUsageResults.props[normalizedKey] = { count: 0, values: Object.create(null) }; } // update the occurence counts of the property and value for(var e = 0; e < matchedElements.length; e++) { var element = matchedElements[e]; // check what the elements already contributed for this property var cssUsageMeta = element.CSSUsage || (element.CSSUsage=Object.create(null)); var knownValues = cssUsageMeta[normalizedKey] || (cssUsageMeta[normalizedKey] = []); // For recipes, at times we want to look at the specified values as well so hang // these on the element so we don't have to recompute them knownValues.valuesArray = knownValues.valuesArray || (knownValues.valuesArray = []); for(var sv = 0; sv < specifiedValuesUnnormalized.length; sv++) { var currentSV = specifiedValuesUnnormalized[sv]; if(knownValues.valuesArray.indexOf(currentSV) == -1) { knownValues.valuesArray.push(currentSV) } } // increment the amount of affected elements which we didn't count yet if(knownValues.length == 0) { propObject.count += 1; } // add newly found values too for(var v = 0; v < values.length; v++) { var value = values[v]; // Just want to keep the first of each distinct value for the CSS property. if (knownValues.indexOf(value) == -1) { propObject.values[value] = (propObject.values[value] | 0) + 1; knownValues.push(value); } } } } } } function anaylzeStyleOfRulePropCount(rule, selectedAtrulesUsage) { for(let index in rule.cssRules) { let ruleBody = rule.cssRules[index]; let style = ruleBody.style; // guard for non css objects if(!style) { continue; } if(ruleBody.selector) { try { var selectorText = CssPropertyValuesAnalyzer.cleanSelectorText(ruleBody.selectorText); var matchedElements = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll(selectorText)); if (matchedElements.length == 0) { continue; } } catch (ex) { console.warn(ex.stack||("Invalid selector: "+selectorText+" -- via "+ruleBody.selectorText)); continue; } } let cssText = ' ' + style.cssText.toLowerCase(); for (var i = style.length; i--;) { // processes out normalized prop name for style var key = style[i], rootKeyIndex=key.indexOf('-'), rootKey = rootKeyIndex==-1 ? key : key.substr(0,rootKeyIndex); var normalizedKey = rootKeyIndex==0&&key.indexOf('-',1)==1 ? '--var' : key; var styleValue = style.getPropertyValue(key); // Only keep styles that were declared by the author // We need to make sure we're only checking string props var isValueInvalid = typeof styleValue !== 'string' && styleValue != "" && styleValue != undefined; if (isValueInvalid) { continue; } var isPropertyUndefined = (cssText.indexOf(' '+key+':') == -1) && (styleValue=='initial' || !valueExistsInRootProperty(cssText, key, rootKey, styleValue)); if (isPropertyUndefined) { continue; } var propsForSelectedAtrule = selectedAtrulesUsage.props; if(!propsForSelectedAtrule[normalizedKey]) { propsForSelectedAtrule[normalizedKey] = Object.create(null); propsForSelectedAtrule[normalizedKey] = {"count": 1}; } else { var propCount = propsForSelectedAtrule[normalizedKey].count; propsForSelectedAtrule[normalizedKey].count = propCount + 1; } } } } function finalize() { // anonymize identifiers used for animation-name function removeAnimationNames() { // anonymize identifiers used for animation-name globally if(CSSUsageResults.props["animation-name"]) { CSSUsageResults.props["animation-name"].values = {"":CSSUsageResults.props["animation-name"].count}; } // anonymize identifiers used for animation-name per selector for(var selector in CSSUsageResults.rules) { var rule = CSSUsageResults.rules[selector]; if(rule && rule.props && rule.props["animation-name"]) { rule.props["animation-name"].values = {"":rule.props["animation-name"].count}; } } } removeAnimationNames(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * If you try to do querySelectorAll on pseudo selectors * it returns 0 because you are not actually doing the action the pseudo is stating those things, * but we will honor those declarations and we don't want them to be missed, * so we remove the pseudo selector from the selector text */ function cleanSelectorText(text) { if(text.indexOf(':') == -1) { return text; } else { return text.replace(/([-_a-zA-Z0-9*\[\]]?):(?:hover|active|focus|before|after|not\(:(hover|active|focus)\))|::(?:before|after)/gi, '>>$1<<').replace(/(^| |>|\+|~)>><><<\)/g,'(*)').replace(/>>([-_a-zA-Z0-9*\[\]]?)<a.submenu" => "#id.class:hover > a.class" */ function generalizedSelectorsOf(value) { // Trim value = value.trim(); // Collapse whitespace if (value) { value = value.replace(/\s+/g, " "); } // Remove (...) if (value.indexOf("(") != -1) { value = value.replace(/[(](?:[^()]+|[(](?:[^()]+|[(](?:[^()]+|[(](?:[^()]+|[(](?:[^()]*)[)])*[)])*[)])*[)])*[)]/g, ""); value = value.replace(/[(](?:[^()]+|[(](?:[^()]+|[(](?:[^()]+|[(](?:[^()]+|[(](?:[^()]*)[)])*[)])*[)])*[)])*[)]/g, ""); } // Simplify "..." and '...' value = value.replace(/"([^"\\]|\\[^"\\]|\\\\|\\")*"/g,'""') value = value.replace(/'([^'\\]|\\[^'\\]|\\\\|\\')*'/g,"''"); // Simplify [att] if (value.indexOf("[") != -1) { value = value.replace(/\[[^=\[\]]+="([^"\\]|\\[^"\\]|\\\\|\\")*"\]/g, "[a]"); value = value.replace(/\[[^=\[\]]+='([^'\\]|\\[^'\\]|\\\\|\\')*'\]/g, "[a]"); value = value.replace(/\[[^\[\]]+\]/g, "[a]"); } // Simplify .class if (value.indexOf(".") != -1) { value = value.replace(/[.][-_a-zA-Z][-_a-zA-Z0-9]*/g, ".c"); } // Simplify #id if (value.indexOf("#") != -1) { value = value.replace(/[#][-_a-zA-Z][-_a-zA-Z0-9]*/g, "#i"); } // Normalize combinators value = value.replace(/[ ]*([>|+|~])[ ]*/g,' $1 '); // Trim whitespace value = value.trim(); // Remove unnecessary * to match Chrome value = value.replace(/[*]([#.\x5B:])/g,'$1'); // Now we can sort components so that all browsers give results similar to Chrome value = sortSelectorComponents(value) // Split multiple selectors value = value.split(/\s*,\s*/g); return value; } var ID_REGEXP = "[#]i"; // #id var CLASS_REGEXP = "[.]c"; // .class var ATTR_REGEXP = "\\[a\\]"; // [att] var PSEUDO_REGEXP = "[:][:]?[-_a-zA-Z][-_a-zA-Z0-9]*"; // :pseudo var SORT_REGEXPS = [ // #id first new RegExp("("+CLASS_REGEXP+")("+ID_REGEXP+")",'g'), new RegExp("("+ATTR_REGEXP+")("+ID_REGEXP+")",'g'), new RegExp("("+PSEUDO_REGEXP+")("+ID_REGEXP+")",'g'), // .class second new RegExp("("+ATTR_REGEXP+")("+CLASS_REGEXP+")",'g'), new RegExp("("+PSEUDO_REGEXP+")("+CLASS_REGEXP+")",'g'), // [attr] third new RegExp("("+PSEUDO_REGEXP+")("+ATTR_REGEXP+")",'g'), // :pseudo last ]; function sortSelectorComponents(value) { var oldValue; do { // Yeah this is a very inefficient bubble sort. I know. oldValue = value; for(var i = 0; i < SORT_REGEXPS.length; i++) { var wrongPair = SORT_REGEXPS[i]; value = value.replace(wrongPair,'$2$1'); } } while(oldValue != value); return value; } }(); // // extracts valuable informations about selectors in use // void function() { // // To understand framework and general css usage, we collect stats about classes, ids and pseudos. // Those objects have the following shape: // {"hover":5,"active":1,"focus":2} // var cssPseudos = Object.create(null); // collect stats about which pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements are used in the css var domClasses = Object.create(null); // collect stats about which css classes are found in the <... class> attributes of the dom var cssClasses = Object.create(null); // collect stats about which css classes are used in the css var domIds = Object.create(null); // collect stats about which ids are found in the <... id> attributes of the dom var cssIds = Object.create(null); // collect stats about which ids are used in the css // // To understand Modernizer usage, we need to know how often some classes are used at the front of a selector // While we're at it, the code also collect the state for ids // var cssLonelyIdGates = Object.create(null); // .class something-else ==> {"class":1} var cssLonelyClassGates = Object.create(null); // #id something-else ==> {"id":1} var cssLonelyClassGatesMatches = []; // .class something-else ==> [".class something-else"] var cssLonelyIdGatesMatches = []; // #id something-else ==> ["#id something-else"] // // These regular expressions catch patterns we want to track (see before) // var ID_REGEXP = /[#][-_a-zA-Z][-_a-zA-Z0-9]*/g; // #id var ID_REGEXP1 = /[#][-_a-zA-Z][-_a-zA-Z0-9]*/; // #id (only the first one) var CLASS_REGEXP = /[.][-_a-zA-Z][-_a-zA-Z0-9]*/g; // .class var CLASS_REGEXP1 = /[.][-_a-zA-Z][-_a-zA-Z0-9]*/; // .class (only the first one) var PSEUDO_REGEXP = /[:][-_a-zA-Z][-_a-zA-Z0-9]*/g; // :pseudo (only the ) var GATEID_REGEXP = /^\s*[#][-_a-zA-Z][-_a-zA-Z0-9]*([.][-_a-zA-Z][-_a-zA-Z0-9]*|[:][-_a-zA-Z][-_a-zA-Z0-9]*)*\s+[^>+{, ][^{,]+$/; // #id ... var GATECLASS_REGEXP = /^\s*[.][-_a-zA-Z][-_a-zA-Z0-9]*([:][-_a-zA-Z][-_a-zA-Z0-9]*)*\s+[^>+{, ][^{,]+$/; // .class ... /** * From a css selector text and a set of counters, * increment the counters for the matches in the selector of the 'feature' regular expression */ function extractFeature(feature, selector, counters) { var instances = selector.match(feature)||[]; for(var i = 0; i < instances.length; i++) { var instance = instances[i]; instance = instance.substr(1); counters[instance] = (counters[instance]|0) + 1; } } /** * This analyzer will collect over the selectors the stats defined before */ CSSUsage.SelectorAnalyzer = function parseSelector(style, selectorsText) { if(typeof selectorsText != 'string') return; var selectors = selectorsText.split(','); for(var i = selectors.length; i--;) { var selector = selectors[i]; // extract all features from the selectors extractFeature(ID_REGEXP, selector, cssIds); extractFeature(CLASS_REGEXP, selector, cssClasses); extractFeature(PSEUDO_REGEXP, selector, cssPseudos); // detect specific selector patterns we're interested in if(GATEID_REGEXP.test(selector)) { cssLonelyIdGatesMatches.push(selector); extractFeature(ID_REGEXP1, selector, cssLonelyIdGates); } if(GATECLASS_REGEXP.test(selector)) { cssLonelyClassGatesMatches.push(selector); extractFeature(CLASS_REGEXP1, selector, cssLonelyClassGates); } } } /** * This analyzer will collect over the dom elements the stats defined before */ CSSUsage.DOMClassAnalyzer = function(element) { // collect classes used in the wild if(element.className) { var elementClasses = element.classList; for(var cl = 0; cl < elementClasses.length; cl++) { var c = elementClasses[cl]; domClasses[c] = (domClasses[c]|0) + 1; } } // collect ids used in the wild if(element.id) { domIds[element.id] = (domIds[element.id]|0) + 1; } } /** * This function will be called when all stats have been collected * at which point we will agregate some of them in useful values like Bootstrap usages, etc... */ CSSUsage.SelectorAnalyzer.finalize = function() { // get arrays of the classes/ids used ({"hover":5} => ["hover"])) var domClassesArray = Object.keys(domClasses); var cssClassesArray = Object.keys(cssClasses); var domIdsArray = Object.keys(domIds); var cssIdsArray = Object.keys(cssIds); var results = { // how many crawls are aggregated in this file (one of course in this case) SuccessfulCrawls: 1, // how many elements on the page (used to compute percentages for css.props) DOMElements: document.all.length, // how many selectors vs inline style, and other usage stats SelectorsFound: CSSUsage.StyleWalker.amountOfSelectors, InlineStylesFound: CSSUsage.StyleWalker.amountOfInlineStyles, SelectorsUnused: CSSUsage.StyleWalker.amountOfSelectorsUnused, // ids stats IdsUsed: domIdsArray.length, IdsRecognized: Object.keys(cssIds).length, IdsUsedRecognized: filter(domIdsArray, i => cssIds[i]).length, // classes stats ClassesUsed: domClassesArray.length, ClassesRecognized: Object.keys(cssClasses).length, ClassesUsedRecognized: filter(domClassesArray, c => cssClasses[c]).length, }; results = getFwkUsage(results, cssLonelyClassGates, domClasses, domIds, cssLonelyIdGates, cssClasses); results = getPatternUsage(results, domClasses, cssClasses); CSSUsageResults.usages = results; deleteDuplicatedAtRules(); // TODO: issue #52 if(window.debugCSSUsage) if(window.debugCSSUsage) console.log(CSSUsageResults.usages); } /** * Removes duplicated at rules data that was generated under CSSUsageResults.rules * TODO: should not be using such a function, refer to issue #52 */ function deleteDuplicatedAtRules() { var cssUsageRules = CSSUsageResults.rules; var keys = Object.keys(cssUsageRules); for(let key of keys) { // only remove specific atrules if (key.includes("atrule:")) { delete cssUsageRules[key]; } } delete CSSUsageResults.atrules["@atrule:8"]; // delete duplicated data from atrule:7, keyframe } }(); } catch (ex) { /* do something maybe */ throw ex; } }(); /* RECIPE: File Input Usage ------------------------------------------------------------- Author: Greg Whitworth */ void function() { window.CSSUsage.StyleWalker.recipesToRun.push( function fileInputUsage(/*HTML DOM Element*/ element, results) { if(element.nodeName == "INPUT") { if (element.attributes.length > 0) { for(var n = 0; n < element.attributes.length; n++) { if(element.attributes[n].name == "type") { if (element.attributes[n].value.toLowerCase() === "file") { results["file"] = results["file"] || { count: 0 }; results["file"].count++; } } } } } return results; }); }(); // // This file is only here to create the TSV // necessary to collect the data from the crawler // void function() { /* String hash function /* credits goes to http://erlycoder.com/49/javascript-hash-functions-to-convert-string-into-integer-hash- */ const hashCodeOf = (str) => { var hash = 5381; var char = 0; for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { char = str.charCodeAt(i); hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + char; } return hash; } var ua = navigator.userAgent; var uaName = ua.indexOf('Edge')>=0 ? 'EDGE' :ua.indexOf('Chrome')>=0 ? 'CHROME' : 'FIREFOX'; window.INSTRUMENTATION_RESULTS = { UA: uaName, UASTRING: ua, UASTRING_HASH: hashCodeOf(ua), URL: location.href, TIMESTAMP: Date.now(), css: {/* see CSSUsageResults */}, html: {/* see HtmlUsageResults */}, dom: {}, scripts: {/* "bootstrap.js": 1 */}, }; window.INSTRUMENTATION_RESULTS_TSV = []; /* make the script work in the context of a webview */ try { var console = window.console || (window.console={log:function(){},warn:function(){},error:function(){}}); console.unsafeLog = console.log; console.log = function() { try { this.unsafeLog.apply(this,arguments); } catch(ex) { // ignore } }; } catch (ex) { // we tried... } }(); window.onCSSUsageResults = function onCSSUsageResults(CSSUsageResults) { // Collect the results (css) INSTRUMENTATION_RESULTS.css = CSSUsageResults; INSTRUMENTATION_RESULTS.html = HtmlUsageResults; INSTRUMENTATION_RESULTS.recipe = RecipeResults; // Convert it to a more efficient format INSTRUMENTATION_RESULTS_TSV = convertToTSV(INSTRUMENTATION_RESULTS); // Remove tabs and new lines from the data for(var i = INSTRUMENTATION_RESULTS_TSV.length; i--;) { var row = INSTRUMENTATION_RESULTS_TSV[i]; for(var j = row.length; j--;) { row[j] = (''+row[j]).replace(/(\s|\r|\n)+/g, ' '); } } // Convert into one signle tsv file var tsvString = INSTRUMENTATION_RESULTS_TSV.map((row) => (row.join('\t'))).join('\n'); appendTSV(tsvString); // Add it to the document dom function appendTSV(content) { if(window.debugCSSUsage) console.log("Trying to append"); var output = document.createElement('script'); output.id = "css-usage-tsv-results"; output.textContent = tsvString; output.type = 'text/plain'; document.querySelector('head').appendChild(output); var successfulAppend = checkAppend(); } function checkAppend() { if(window.debugCSSUsage) if(window.debugCSSUsage) console.log("Checking append"); var elem = document.getElementById('css-usage-tsv-results'); if(elem === null) { if(window.debugCSSUsage) console.log("Element not appended"); if(window.debugCSSUsage) console.log("Trying to append again"); appendTSV(); } else { if(window.debugCSSUsage) console.log("Element successfully found"); } } /** convert the instrumentation results to a spreadsheet for analysis */ function convertToTSV(INSTRUMENTATION_RESULTS) { if(window.debugCSSUsage) console.log("Converting to TSV"); var VALUE_COLUMN = 4; var finishedRows = []; var currentRowTemplate = [ INSTRUMENTATION_RESULTS.UA, INSTRUMENTATION_RESULTS.UASTRING_HASH, INSTRUMENTATION_RESULTS.URL, INSTRUMENTATION_RESULTS.TIMESTAMP, 0 ]; currentRowTemplate.push('ua'); convertToTSV({identifier: INSTRUMENTATION_RESULTS.UASTRING}); currentRowTemplate.pop(); currentRowTemplate.push('css'); convertToTSV(INSTRUMENTATION_RESULTS['css']); currentRowTemplate.pop(); currentRowTemplate.push('dom'); convertToTSV(INSTRUMENTATION_RESULTS['dom']); currentRowTemplate.pop(); currentRowTemplate.push('html'); convertToTSV(INSTRUMENTATION_RESULTS['html']); currentRowTemplate.pop(); currentRowTemplate.push('recipe'); convertToTSV(INSTRUMENTATION_RESULTS['recipe']); currentRowTemplate.pop(); var l = finishedRows[0].length; finishedRows.sort((a,b) => { for(var i = VALUE_COLUMN+1; ib[i]) return +1; } return 0; }); return finishedRows; /** helper function doing the actual conversion */ function convertToTSV(object) { if(object==null || object==undefined || typeof object == 'number' || typeof object == 'string') { finishedRows.push(new Row(currentRowTemplate, ''+object)); } else { for(var key in object) { if({}.hasOwnProperty.call(object,key)) { currentRowTemplate.push(key); convertToTSV(object[key]); currentRowTemplate.pop(); } } } } /** constructor for a row of our table */ function Row(currentRowTemplate, value) { // Initialize an empty row with enough columns var row = [ /*UANAME: edge */'', /*UASTRING: mozilla/5.0 (...) */'', /*URL: http://.../... */'', /*TIMESTAMP: 1445622257303 */'', /*VALUE: 0|1|... */'', /*DATATYPE: css|dom|html... */'', /*SUBTYPE: props|types|api|... */'', /*NAME: font-size|querySelector|... */'', /*CONTEXT: count|values|... */'', /*SUBCONTEXT: px|em|... */'', /*... */'', /*... */'', ]; // Copy the column values from the template for(var i = currentRowTemplate.length; i--;) { row[i] = currentRowTemplate[i]; } // Add the value to the row row[VALUE_COLUMN] = value; return row; } } }; // // Execution scheduler: // This is where we decide what to run, and when // void function() { var browserIsEdge = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Edge')>=0; var browserIsFirefox = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Firefox')>=0; if(document.readyState !== 'complete') { // if the document is loading, run when it loads or in 10s, whichever is less window.addEventListener('load', onready); setTimeout(onready, 10000); } else { // if the document is ready, run now onready(); } /** * This is the main entrypoint of our script */ function onready() { // Uncomment if you want to set breakpoints when running in the console //debugger; // Prevent this code from running multiple times var firstTime = !onready.hasAlreadyRun; onready.hasAlreadyRun = true; if(!firstTime) { return; /* for now... */ } // Prevent this code from running when the page has no stylesheet (probably a redirect page) if(document.styleSheets.length == 0) { return; } // Check to see if you're on a Firefox failure page if(document.styleSheets.length == 1 && browserIsFirefox) { if(document.styleSheets[0].href !== null && document.styleSheets[0].href.indexOf('aboutNetError') != -1) { return; } } // Keep track of duration var startTime = performance.now(); // register tools CSSUsage.StyleWalker.ruleAnalyzers.push(CSSUsage.PropertyValuesAnalyzer); CSSUsage.StyleWalker.ruleAnalyzers.push(CSSUsage.SelectorAnalyzer); CSSUsage.StyleWalker.elementAnalyzers.push(CSSUsage.DOMClassAnalyzer); CSSUsage.StyleWalker.elementAnalyzers.push(HtmlUsage.GetNodeName); // perform analysis CSSUsage.StyleWalker.walkOverDomElements(); CSSUsage.StyleWalker.walkOverCssStyles(); CSSUsage.PropertyValuesAnalyzer.finalize(); CSSUsage.SelectorAnalyzer.finalize(); // Walk over the dom elements again for Recipes CSSUsage.StyleWalker.runRecipes = true; CSSUsage.StyleWalker.walkOverDomElements(); // Update duration CSSUsageResults.duration = (performance.now() - startTime)|0; // DO SOMETHING WITH THE CSS OBJECT HERE window.debugCSSUsage = false; if(window.onCSSUsageResults) { window.onCSSUsageResults(CSSUsageResults); } } }();