/* Hubitat-TeslaMate MQTT Integration Copyright 2022 Mike Bishop, All Rights Reserved Based on: - MQTT Link Driver by jeubanks, https://github.com/mydevbox/hubitat-mqtt-link - Hubitat Parent/Child Examples by MikeMaxwell, https://github.com/hubitat/HubitatPublic/ */ import groovy.transform.Field metadata { definition ( name: "TeslaMate", namespace: "evequefou", author: "Mike Bishop", importUrl: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MikeBishop/hubitat-teslamate/main/hubitat-teslamate.groovy" ) { capability "Initialize" capability "Configuration" // Provided for broker setup and troubleshooting command "connect" command "disconnect" attribute "connectionState", "STRING" } preferences { section("MQTT Configuration") { input( name: "brokerIp", type: "string", title: "MQTT Broker IP Address", description: "e.g.", required: true, displayDuringSetup: true ) input( name: "brokerPort", type: "string", title: "MQTT Broker Port", description: "e.g. 1883", required: true, displayDuringSetup: true ) input( name: "brokerUser", type: "string", title: "MQTT Broker Username", description: "e.g. mqtt_user", required: false, displayDuringSetup: true ) input( name: "brokerPassword", type: "password", title: "MQTT Broker Password", description: "e.g. ^L85er1Z7g&%2En!", required: false, displayDuringSetup: true ) input( name: "namespace", type: "string", title: "TeslaMate custom namespace", description: "Typically used for multiple TeslaMate instances", required: false, displayDuringSetup: true ) } section("Data Processing") { input( name: "homeGeofence", type: "string", title: "Geofence for Presence", required: false, defaultValue: "Home" ) input( name: "showPower", type: "bool", title: "Expose power and charging details", required: false, default: false ) input( name: "showClimate", type: "bool", title: "Expose climate and tire details", required: false, default: false ) input( name: "showSecurity", type: "bool", title: "Expose security and door state", required: false, default: false ) input( name: "showCoarseDriving", type: "bool", title: "Expose low-frequency driving details", required: false, default: false ) if( showCoarseDriving ) { input( name: "showDetailedDriving", type: "bool", title: "Expose all driving details and precise location", description: "This is a really bad idea", required: false, default: false ) } if( showClimate ) { input( name: "temperatureIndoor", type: "enum", title: "Temperature sensor reflects Indoor or Outdoor", required: false, defaultValue: "Outdoor", options: ["Indoor", "Outdoor"] ) input( name: "tempFormat", type: "enum", required: true, defaultValue: "Fahrenheit (°F)", title: "Display Unit - Temperature: Fahrenheit (°F) or Celsius (°C)", options: ["Fahrenheit (°F)", "Celsius (°C)"] ) input( name: "pressureFormat", type: "enum", required: true, defaultValue: "psi", title: "Display Unit - Pressure: psi or bar", options: ["psi", "bar"] ) } if( showCoarseDriving || showDetailedDriving ) { input( name: "rangeFormat", type: "enum", required: true, defaultValue: "miles (mi)", title: "Display Unit - Range: miles or kilometers", options: ["miles (mi)", "kilometers (ki)"] ) } } input( name: "areaPresence", type: "bool", title: "Create presence device for larger area", required: false, default: false ) if( areaPresence ) { input( name: "areaPresenceRadius", type: "number", title: "Radius for area presence device (in km)", required: false, default: "130" ) } input( name: "debugLogging", type: "bool", title: "Enable debug logging", required: false, default: false ) } } void initialize() { info("Initializing TeslaMate connection...") try { interfaces.mqtt.connect(getBrokerUri(), getTopicPrefix(), settings?.brokerUser, settings?.brokerPassword) // delay for connection pauseExecution(1000) def subscriptions = AlwaysAvailable [ showPower: PowerDetails, showClimate: ClimateDetails, showSecurity: SecurityDetails, showCoarseDriving: CoarseDriving, showDetailedDriving: BadIdeas ].each { setting, topics -> if( settings[setting] ) { subscriptions += topics } } for( topic in subscriptions ) { def fullTopic = "${getTopicPrefix()}+/${topic}" debug("[d:initialize] full topic: ${fullTopic}") interfaces.mqtt.subscribe(fullTopic) } if( areaPresence ) { // Need to identify all known vehicles and start the check def thisId = device.deviceNetworkId def childIds = getChildDevices().collect { it.deviceNetworkId.minus("${thisId}-") } debug("[d:initialize] childIds: ${childIds}") def vehicles = childIds.findAll { it.split("-").size() == 1 } debug("[d:initialize] Schedule proximity check for children ${vehicles.inspect()}") for( vehicle in vehicles ) { startProximityCheck([vehicleId: vehicle]) } getChildDevices().collect{ it.deviceNetworkId }. // Keep known vehicles minus(vehicles.collect {[thisId, it].join("-")}). // Keep area presence sensors for known vehicles minus(vehicles.collect {[thisId, it, "areaPresence"].join("-")}). // Delete everything else each { debug("Removing unknown child device ${it}}") deleteChildDevice(it) }; } else { // Remove all area presence sensors getChildDevices().findAll { it.deviceNetworkId.endsWith("-areaPresence") }. each { debug("Removing area presence sensor ${it.deviceNetworkId}}") deleteChildDevice(it.deviceNetworkId) }; } connected() } catch(Exception e) { error("[d:initialize] ${e}") reconnect() } } void updated() { disconnect() if( !areaPresenceRadius ) { device.updateSetting("areaPresenceRadius", [value: 130, type: "number"]) } initialize() } void configure() { updated() } // ======================================================== // MQTT COMMANDS // ======================================================== def connect() { initialize() } def disconnect() { try { interfaces.mqtt.disconnect() disconnected() } catch(e) { warn("Disconnection from broker failed, ${e.message}") if (interfaces.mqtt.isConnected()) connected() } } def reconnect() { disconnect() if( !state.reconnectDelay ) state.reconnectDelay = 1 runIn(state.reconnectDelay, "connect") state.reconnectDelay *= 2 } // ======================================================== // MQTT METHODS // ======================================================== // Parse incoming message from the MQTT broker def parse(String event) { def message = interfaces.mqtt.parseMessage(event) debug("[d:parse] Received MQTT message: ${message}") def (id, property) = message.topic.minus(getTopicPrefix()).tokenize('/') def value = message.payload def thisId = device.deviceNetworkId def childId = "${thisId}-${id}" def cd = getChildDevice(childId) if (!cd) { // Child device doesn't exist; need to create it. cd = addChildDevice("evequefou", "TeslaMate Vehicle", childId, [name: "TeslaMate Vehicle ${id}", isComponent: false]) } // Display name must be set from the parent device, not the child if( property == "display_name" ) { cd.setLabel(message.payload) } else { if( Transforms[property] ) { property = Transforms[property] } def toProcess = [] switch(property) { case "latitude": case "longitude": if( areaPresence ) { runIn(1, "handleLocationEvent", [ overwrite: true, data: [ vehicleId: id ] ]) } break case "geofence": def newPresence = value == settings?.homeGeofence ? "present" : "not present" if( areaPresence && cd.currentValue("presence") == "present" && newPresence == "not present" ) { schedule_next_check(0, id); } toProcess.add([ "name": "presence", "value": newPresence ]) break case "inside_temp": case "outside_temp": value = Float.parseFloat(value) if( settings?.tempFormat == "Fahrenheit (°F)" ) { // Convert temperature formats value = celsiusToFahrenheit(value).floatValue(); } value = value.round(1) if( (settings?.temperatureIndoor == "Indoor") ^ (property == "outside_temp") ) { toProcess.add([ "name": "temperature", "value": value ]) } break case "tpms_pressure_fl": case "tpms_pressure_fr": case "tpms_pressure_rl": case "tpms_pressure_rr": value = Float.parseFloat(value) if( !settings?.pressureFormat || settings?.pressureFormat == "psi" ) { // Convert pressure formats value = value * 14.503773773 value = value.round(1) } break case "lock": value = value == "true" ? "locked" : "unlocked" break case "est_battery_range": case "rated_battery_range": case "ideal_battery_range": case "odometer": value = Float.parseFloat(value) if( settings?.rangeFormat == "miles (mi)" ) { value = value / 1.609344 } value = value.round() break } toProcess.add([name: property, value: value]) debug "Sending ${toProcess.inspect()} to child device ${cd.getLabel()}}" cd.parse(toProcess) } } def mqttClientStatus(status) { info("MQTT ${status}") if( status.startsWith("Error") ) { reconnect() } } // ======================================================== // ANNOUNCEMENTS // ======================================================== def connected() { debug("[d:connected] Connected to broker") state.connectionState = "connected" state.reconnectDelay = 1 sendEvent (name: "connectionState", value: "connected") runIn(24 * 60 * 60, "reconnect") } def disconnected() { debug("[d:disconnected] Disconnected from broker") state.connectionState = "disconnected" sendEvent (name: "connectionState", value: "disconnected") } // ======================================================== // HELPERS // ======================================================== def getBrokerUri() { return "tcp://${settings?.brokerIp}:${settings?.brokerPort}" } def getTopicPrefix() { if( settings?.namespace ) return "teslamate/${settings?.namespace}/cars/" return "teslamate/cars/" } def mqttConnected() { return interfaces.mqtt.isConnected() } def notMqttConnected() { return !mqttConnected() } // ======================================================== // Area Presence // ======================================================== def startProximityCheck(data) { def vehicleId = data.vehicleId // Subscribe to lat/long events ["latitude", "longitude"].each { def fullTopic = "${getTopicPrefix()}${vehicleId}/${it}" debug("[d:startProximityCheck] full topic: ${fullTopic}") interfaces.mqtt.subscribe(fullTopic) } } def handleLocationEvent(data) { def thisId = device.deviceNetworkId def vehicleId = data.vehicleId def cd = getChildDevice("${thisId}-${vehicleId}") def carLat = cd.currentValue("latitude") def carLon = cd.currentValue("longitude") def homeLat = location.latitude.doubleValue() def homeLon = location.longitude.doubleValue() if( !carLat || !carLon ) { debug("[d:handleLocationEvent] Don't know car location yet!"); return } debug("[d:handleLocationEvent] carLat: ${carLat}, carLon: ${carLon}, homeLat: ${homeLat}, homeLon: ${homeLon}") if( !showDetailedDriving ) { // Unsubscribe from lat/long events ["latitude", "longitude"].each { interfaces.mqtt.unsubscribe("${getTopicPrefix()}${vehicleId}/${it}") } } // Determine the distance from home final int R = 6371; // Radius of the earth def latDistance = Math.toRadians(homeLat - carLat); def lonDistance = Math.toRadians(homeLon - carLon); def a = (Math.sin(latDistance / 2) * Math.sin(latDistance / 2) + Math.cos(Math.toRadians(carLat)) * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(homeLat)) * Math.sin(lonDistance / 2) * Math.sin(lonDistance / 2)) def c = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1 - a)); def distance = R * c; // distance in km // If the car is within the specified radius, set the area presence sensor to true def areaPresenceId = [thisId, data.vehicleId, "areaPresence"].join("-") def areaPresence = getChildDevice(areaPresenceId) if( !areaPresence ) { // Child device doesn't exist; need to create it. areaPresence = addChildDevice( "hubitat", "Generic Component Presence Sensor", areaPresenceId, [name: "${cd.getLabel()} Nearby", isComponent: false] ) } areaPresence.setLabel("${cd.getLabel()} Nearby") areaPresence.parse([ [name: "presence", value: distance < areaPresenceRadius ? "present" : "not present"] ]) // Determine the update period, unless car is at home. // (If it's at home, we'll next check an hour after it departs.) if( cd.currentValue("geofence") != settings?.homeGeofence ) { schedule_next_check(distance, vehicleId) } else { debug("[d:handleLocationEvent] No check scheduled; car is at home") } } def schedule_next_check(distance, vehicleId) { def travelDistance = Math.abs(distance - areaPresenceRadius) def timeToNextCheck = Math.max(travelDistance / 130, 0.1 ) debug("[d:schedule_next_check] distance: ${(int) distance} km, check in ${(int) (60 * timeToNextCheck)} minutes") runIn((long) (60 * 60 * timeToNextCheck), "startProximityCheck", [ data: [ vehicleId: vehicleId ] ]) } def componentRefresh(child) { if( child.deviceNetworkId.endsWith("-areaPresence") ) { // Area presence sensor; refresh startProximityCheck([ vehicleId: child.deviceNetworkId. minus("${device.deviceNetworkId}-"). minus("-areaPresence") ]); } } // ======================================================== // LOGGING // ======================================================== def debug(msg) { if (debugLogging) { log.debug msg } } def info(msg) { log.info msg } def warn(msg) { log.warn msg } def error(msg) { log.error msg } @Field static final List AlwaysAvailable = [ "display_name", "geofence", "battery_level", "plugged_in", "state", "healthy", "version", "update_available", "update_version", "scheduled_charging_start_time", "time_to_full_charge" ] // Power and Charging Details @Field static final List PowerDetails = [ "charger_voltage", "charger_actual_current", "charger_phases", "est_battery_range", "rated_battery_range", "ideal_battery_range", "usable_battery_level", "charge_limit_soc", "charge_port_door_open", "charge_current_request", "charge_current_request_max" ] // Temperature @Field static final List ClimateDetails = [ "is_climate_on", "inside_temp", "outside_temp", "is_preconditioning", "tpms_pressure_fl", "tpms_pressure_fr", "tpms_pressure_rl", "tpms_pressure_rr" ] // Security @Field static final List SecurityDetails = [ "windows_open", "doors_open", "frunk_open", "trunk_open", "locked", "sentry_mode" ] // Coarse Location & Driving @Field static final List CoarseDriving = [ "shift_state", "odometer" ] // Detailed Location & Driving // WARNING: These are exceptionally chatty; // do not enable unless critical! // What you want to do can probably be done // by defining a geofence in TeslaMate instead. @Field static final List BadIdeas = [ "latitude", "longitude", "speed", "heading", "elevation" ] @Field final Map Transforms = [ battery_level: "battery", charger_voltage: "voltage", charger_actual_current: "amperage", charger_phases: "phases", locked: "lock", est_battery_range_km: "est_battery_range", rated_battery_range_km: "rated_battery_range", ideal_battery_range_km: "ideal_battery_range" ]