Game Backup Monitor v0.96 Readme March 24, 2016 Disclaimer: This is beta release software. You may still encounter some bugs. New in 0.96 For more information regarding Linux support read the FAQ at - (All) Modified backup and restore logic for better usability when doing batch operations and to fix Mono related issues. - (All) Overhauled the Search screen for better usability and to fix Mono related issues. - (All) Overhauled the Import screen for better usability. Added game tags, simple filtering, sorting and general fixes. - (Linux) Fixed some bad code causing the "Official Import" connection to time out when making multiple connections in the same session. - (Linux) Fixed cross-platform issues with opening backup files and restore locations from the Game Manager. - (All) Backup files opened from the Game Manager will now open directly in the app they are associated with, like 7-Zip GUI or File Roller. - (Linux) Fixed cross-platform issues with automatic file/folder searching. It's now enabled on Linux. - (All) GBM now restores saved games to the currently configured saved game path by default. The stored manfiest location is only used when there's no configuration for the game. - (Linux) Added Linux support via Mono! - (All) Replaced System.Data.SQLite with the Mono.Data.Sqlite for cross-platform support. - (Windows) Updated GBM's version of 7-Zip to 15.14 (2015-12-31) - (All) Added the ability to set the 7-Zip compression level on the Settings screen. - (Windows) GBM now deletes all user files to the Windows recycle bin by default. - (All) Added the ability to clear and save the session log from the Tools menu. - (All) GBM now auto-saves and clears the session log to %localappdata%\gbm if it reaches it's limit (2 MB). - (All) The file size will be displayed in the session log after each backup. The entire version history of GBM releases is available at Important Upgrade Information: If you've used a pre-release of v0.96, you may experience the following error message after installing this version. Column 'CompressionLevel' does not belong to table Table. If you get this error follow these steps: 1. Start GBM and click "Yes" to continue past the error. 2. Press CTRL and ~ (Tilde) to open the Developer Console. 3. Enter the command exactly as follows (or copy & paste it) then click OK. SQL Local PRAGMA user_version=95 4. You'll receive confirmation that the command was executed. Click OK and immediately close GBM via the File menu. 5. Restart GBM and the error will no longer appear!