######################################################################## ############ Mon Aug 28 00:49:44 2023 +0200 1.10.0 RELEASE ############ ######################################################################## 1.10.10 Feature: Added {OpenAllInBrowser} action && group online-refs in menubars 1.10.10 Bugfix: Fix PreviewMovieLayout with long score-comment 1.10.10 Task: Added tests for missing/empty/incomplete translations 1.10.10 Task: Added FSPath (recursive) iterators 1.10.10 Task: Upgrade gradle to 8.3 1.10.10 Feature: Find (recursively) empty directories in CheckDatabaseFrame 1.10.10 Feature: Use `dolphin --select $1` when run under KDE 1.10.10 Bugfix: Fix initially grayed-out ClipCharSelector buttons under windows 1.10.10 Feature: Add per-season online-ref button to PreviewSeriesFrame 1.10.10 Task: Improve ProgressCallbackProgressMonitorHelper performance (for e.g. backups) 1.10.10 Bugfix: Fix supportedTypes of StatisticsMediaInfoFramerateChart 1.10.10 Bugfix: Fix tests 1.10.10 Feature: Added searchfield to keystroke-settings tab 1.10.10 Feature: Show episode/season user-rating in StatisticsFrame 1.10.10 Task: [FORMDEV_MIG] Migrate StatisticsFrame to FormDev 1.10.10 Bugfix: Fix guessNextSeasonTitle not working for single-season series 1.10.10 Feature: Added BatchEdit method: `METADATA_READALL` 1.10.10 Bugfix: Fix ClipCharSelector not resetting when clearing filter from other component 1.10.10 Bugfix: Fix out-of-bounds drawing of longer group names on cover 1.10.10 Bugfix: Fix backup progressbar 1.10.10 Task: Remove CCLog printout deduplication code 1.10.10 Feature: Limit amount of displayed subtitles in table 1.10.10 Feature: Dynamically de-emphasize CharSelector buttons 1.10.10 Feature: Autofill season title in AddSeasonFrame 1.10.10 Feature: Reset sort-order when clicking [All] in ClipSidebar or ClipCharSelector 1.10.10 Task: Add nicer dialog at success/failure of CSFSFrame 1.10.10 Task: Prevent opening move-player for non-existant filepaths 1.10.10 Task: Add cleanup gitea test workflow 1.10.10 Bugfix: Fix gitea test workflow 1.10.10 Task: Set EditScoreFrame to lineWrap=true 1.10.10 Feature: Added filter in UpdateMetadataFrma 1.10.10 Bugfix: Fix MAL parser (HTML has changed) 1.10.10 Task: [FORMDEV_MIG] Migrate InputErrorDialog to FormDev 1.10.10 Task: Disable `ignore` button if InputError cannot be ignore 1.10.10 Bugfix: Fix languagefile encoding (encode as UTF-8) 1.10.10 Bugfix: Fix sort-order of CCUserScore 1.10.10 Task: Remove unused classes (TableSorter) 1.10.10 Bugfix: Fix duplicate tooltip in language display 1.10.10 Bugfix: Fix `testDatabaseValidator` test 1.10.10 Bugfix: Fix MetadataRunner tests 1.10.10 Bugfix: Fix serialization roundtrip of mediainfo 1.10.10 Other: Added gitea workflow for tests 1.10.10 Other: Add _data folder to source control 1.10.10 Bugfix: Fix PROP_CHECKDATABASE_OPT_SEASONS not being saved 1.10.10 Task: Hide Tags column in PrevSeriesFrame if its empty 1.10.10 Feature: Get IMDB ID for series in TMDB parser 1.10.10 Feature: Implement wordwrap for language displays in PreviewSeriesFrame 1.10.10 Feature: Save UserScore and ScoreComment per Movie/Series/Season/Episode 1.10.10 Task: Delete (unused) table renderer 1.10.10 Task: [FORMDEV_MIG] Migrate ParseWatchDataFrame to FormDev 1.10.10 Task: Improve sqlite pragma validation messages 1.10.10 Bugfix: Fix limited CCDatabaseHistory returning old data 1.10.10 Task: Improve CCDatabaseHistory performance 1.10.10 Feature: Change default action in DatabaseHistoryFrame to limt<1024> 1.10.10 Feature: Warn when OmniParser returns too few/many entries 1.10.10 Task: [FORMDEV_MIG] Migrate OmniParserFrame to FormDev 1.10.10 Task Replace CCMediaInfo with PartialMediaInfo 1.10.10 Bugfix: Fix wrong error ins CSFSFrame 1.10.10 Bugfix: Fix CCUserScore texts 1.10.10 Task refactor jClipCorn.features.metadata (MediaQueryRunner & co) 1.10.10 Task Added tests for MetadataSource.query 1.10.10 Task: [FORMDEV_MIG] Migrate EditMediaInfoDialog to FormDev 1.10.10 Bugfix: Fix PreviewSeriesFrame->setTag setting tag on episode instead of series 1.10.10 Task: [FORMDEV_MIG] Migrate CreateSeriesFolderStructureFrame to FormDev 1.10.10 Feature: Show ordinal counter in WatchHistoryFrame 1.10.10 Bugfix: Fix empty language being used in series folder 1.10.10 Bugfix: Fix ShowInFolder under linux (for single files) 1.10.10 Bugfix: Fix splitArguments of vlcpath 1.10.10 Bugfix: Fix ShowInFolder under linux 1.10.10 Bugfix: Fix languages like 'de-de' not being recognized 1.10.10 Bugfix: Fix placeholder in AddSeasonFrame title 1.10.10 Feature: Make various tool-path settings configurable per-host: - PROP_PLAY_VLC_PATH - PROP_PLAY_MEDIAINFO_PATH - PROP_PLAY_FFMPEG_PATH - PROP_PLAY_FFPROBE_PATH - PROP_PLAY_MP4BOX_PATH 1.10.10 Bugfix: Fix exception when calculating [avg|median|...] length of season without episodes 1.10.10 Task: Improve speed of DatabaseHistoryFrame (a bit) 1.10.10 Bugfix: Improve general performance while LogFrame is open (with active CCLogListener) 1.10.10 Feature: Add setting: SKIP_DEFAULT_LANG_IN_FILENAMES 1.10.10 Task: [FORMDEV_MIG] Migrate MassMoveSeriesDialog to FormDev 1.10.10 Task: [FORMDEV_MIG] Migrate MassMoveMoviesDialog to FormDev 1.10.10 Task: [FORMDEV_MIG] Migrate MoveSeriesFrame to FormDev 1.10.10 Task: Improve JCCSimpleTable configureColumn interface (use builder pattern) 1.10.10 Task: Added new Validations: SUBTITLE_MUTED && INVALID_ONLINESCORE 1.10.10 Task: Add new 'TOOLS' tab in Settingsframe 1.10.10 Feature: Autom. determine number of digits in episode filename 1.10.10 Feature: Added option to quickly choose common paths in ScanFolderFrame 1.10.10 Task: [FORMDEV_MIG] Migrate ScanFolderFrame to FormDev 1.10.10 Feature: Added config option SeriesViewCountMode 1.10.10 Task: Rename UserRatings to no longer include "movie" 1.10.10 Task: Show a messagebox if DB-write fails 1.10.10 Feature: do not delete movie/episode files in patch if cbNoVideoCopy is set 1.10.10 Bugfix: Fix ApplyPatch error messages 1.10.10 Bugfix: Fix unhandled exception under linux in DriveMap 1.10.10 Task: upgrade flatlaf (and other dependencies) 1.10.10 Task: change CCPathVar settings layout 1.10.10 Feature: Added QuickFilter to LanguageSetChooser and LanguaeChooser 1.10.10 Feature: Added new language `Basque` 1.10.10 Bugfix: Fix padding of ClipStatusbar 1.10.10 Feature: Extend CustomCharFilter via Filterbar 1.10.10 Bugfix: Fix layout of AddMovieFrame 1.10.10 Bugfix: Fix padding in JCCTimeSpinner, JCCDateSpinner, JCCDateTimeSpinner 1.10.10 Bugfix: Fix ConcurrentModificationException in CalcCache (on startup) 1.10.10 Bugfix: Fix number display (year) in ParseOnlineDialog 1.10.10 Bugfix: Fix padding in YearSpinner 1.10.10 Bugfix: Fix manually insert in JYearSpinner 1.10.10 Feature: Show more cache info in LogFrame 1.10.10 Bugfix: Fix live display in LogFrame 1.10.10 Bugfix: Fix `Elements` view in statusbar 1.10.10 Feature: Colors for +1/-1 score icons 1.10.10 Bugfix: Fix score display in PreviewMovieFrame 1.10.10 Task: [FORMDEV_MIG] Migrate ShowUpdateFrame to FormDev 1.10.10 Bugfix: Fix button size in QuickAddMoviesDialog 1.10.10 Feature: Namespace PathVars by Hostname 1.10.10 Feature: Add languages [Welsh], [Catalan], [Galician], [Ukrainian] 1.10.10 Other: Commit commit-msg hook 1.10.10 Bugfix: Fixed getCommonPath returning broke paths 1.10.10 Feature: Added more options to Database-patch-generation (no-update-cover, no-update-files, no-mediainfo-recalc) 1.10.10 Task: Improve window-size of AddMultiEpisodeFrame 1.10.10 Task: Improve window-size of AddMovieFrame 1.10.10 Task: More logs when testWritePermissions fails 1.10.10 Bugfix: Fixed Exception in getCommonPathStart 1.10.10 Task: Add ISO Date parsing to WatchDataParser 1.10.10 Task: trying to make it build under Linux/Intellij 1.10.10 Bugfix: Fixed Onlinescore not being applied from ParseOnlineDialog 1.10.10 Bugfix: Fixed PreviewSeriesFrame with really long titles 1.10.10 Feature: Added Sorted-Add-option for AddMultipleEpisodesFrame 1.10.10 Task: Do not use mangled windows paths 1.10.10 Task: Do not use mangled windows paths 1.10.10 Feature: Added ScoreComment field and Score to Episode+Season (No UI for now) 1.10.10 Bugfix: Fixed OnlineScoreControl not being updated 1.10.10 Feature: Changed Onlinescore from simple number to X/Y value 1.10.10 Bugfix: Fix sorting by Zyklus 1.10.10 Bugfix: Fixed dirty events for some components 1.10.10 Task: Improve MediaQuery language detection 1.10.10 Feature: Added more methods to BatchEditFrame (for lang+subs) 1.10.10 Task: Refactor SerTable (with JCCPrimaryTable) 1.10.10 Task: Refactor ClipTable 1.10.10 Bugfix: Fix some corner cases when reading subtitle languages 1.10.10 Bugfix: Fix CCMediaInfo::isEqual 1.10.10 Bugfix: Fix CCDBLanguageList::isEqual 1.10.10 Feature: Save Subtitle Languages in DB (2: UI) 1.10.10 Feature: Save Subtitle Languages in DB (1: Schema) 1.10.10 Task: Rename LanguageList to LanguageSet 1.10.10 Task: Small changes in CCDatabaseValidator 1.10.10 Task: [FORMDEV_MIG] Migrate CheckDatabaseFrame to FormDev 1.10.10 Task: [FORMDEV_MIG] Migrate BackupsManagerFrame to FormDev 1.10.10 Task: Remove beanutils-custombuild hack 1.10.10 Feature: Option to create backup before applying patch 1.10.10 Bugfix: Fix unittests 1.10.10 Task: Remove (very old) gradle hack to fix transitive dependencies resolution 1.10.10 Task: Update dependencies 1.10.10 Task: Other (intellig project analysis) 1.10.10 Task: Refactor WebConnectionLayer from singelton to CCMovielist instance field 1.10.10 Task: Added Tests for CompareDatabase & PatchDatabase 1.10.10 Task: New FastVideoHash Version (v2) - support for multiple (up to 9) files in one hash 1.10.10 Task: Refactor CCProperties away from global-static singleton 1.10.10 Task: Make (DB)Statements class field of CCDatabase (so UnitTests can load multiple db's in parallel) 1.10.10 Task: Added Metadata to DBValidator errors (for better display of cause) 1.10.10 Task: [Integration Test] testDatabaseCheck() 1.10.10 Task: (integration) tests ... continue [WIP] 1.10.10 Task: Add (integration) test, by creating actual db with actual data in junit [WIP] 1.10.10 Task: Refactoring CCMediaInfo. CCMI is now always either fully-empty or fully-set. For everything else there is PartialMediaInfo 1.10.10 Task: Some more UnitTests 1.10.10 Feature: Live update HistoryFrame (needed better CCDBUpdateListener impl) 1.10.10 Task: [FORMDEV_MIG] Migrate PreviewMovieFrame to FormDev 1.10.10 Task: [FORMDEV_MIG] Migrate PreviewSeriesFrame to FormDev 1.10.10 Feature: Highlight active Tag/Score in menubar 1.10.10 Feature: Highlight active Tag/Score in popup menu 1.10.10 Bugfix: Fixed unittests and bugs from last commit 1.10.10 Task: Split Elements table into Series+Movies, also refactor DB code 1.10.10 Task: Remove code for ApacheDerby (-> no longer supported) 1.10.10 Bugfix: Revert accidentally deleted locale entries in 6fe0f796 1.10.10 Task: [FORMDEV_MIG] Migrate AboutFrame to FormDev 1.10.10 Task: Use CCPath and FSPath everywhere [FIN] 1.10.10 Task: Use CCFileSize everywhere 1.10.10 Task: Use CCPath and FSPath everywhere [WIP] 1.10.10 Task: Use CCPath and FSPath everywhere [WIP] 1.10.10 Task: Use CCPath and FSPath everywhere [WIP] 1.10.10 Task: Use CCPath and FSPath everywhere [WIP] 1.10.10 Bugfix: Fix exception in ApplyPatchFrame 1.10.10 Task: [FORMDEV_MIG] Migrate EditSeriesFrame to FormDev 1.10.10 Feature: Option to put existing series in ApplyPatchFrame into the existing dir 1.10.10 Task: [FORMDEV_MIG] Migrate EditMovieFrame to FormDev 1.10.10 Task: [FORMDEV_MIG] Migrate AddMovieFrame to FormDev 1.10.10 Bugfix: Allow pasting of non-trimmed strings to JYearSpinner 1.10.10 Task: [FORMDEV_MIG] Migrate AddSeasonFrame to FormDev 1.10.10 Feature: Added Genre: 'Seinen' 1.10.10 Task: [FORMDEV_MIG] Migrate CoverCropDialog to FormDev (+ a few features) 1.10.10 Bugfix: Change Sidebar from "IMDB-Score" to "Online-Score" 1.10.10 Bugfix: Fixed error in build gradle 1.10.10 Bugfix: Fixed UnitTest 1.10.10 Bugfix: Fixed Exception in setDefaultValues() 1.10.10 Bugfix: Fixed Bug in CompareDatabaseFrame (NeedUpdateCover was inverted) 1.10.10 Feature: New CompareDatabaseFrame [FIN] 1.10.10 Feature: New CompareDatabaseFrame [WIP] 1.10.10 Feature: New CompareDatabaseFrame [WIP] 1.10.10 Feature: New CompareDatabaseFrame [WIP] 1.10.10 Feature: Added DatabaseError: ERROR_DB_TOO_LARGE_COVERID 1.10.10 Task: Moved all properties into EProp fields (even localid, coverid, groups, ...) 1.10.10 Feature: New CompareDatabaseFrame [WIP] 1.10.10 Feature: ZipStream 1.10.10 Feature: Update MainFrame Toolbar (after settings changed) without full program restart 1.10.10 Feature: New CompareDatabaseFrame [WIP] 1.10.10 Task: Cleaned up some deprecated method calls 1.10.10 Bugfix: Fixed CoverLabel async loading animation not showing 1.10.10 Task: CCMovieList is no longer a singleton, can be instantiated multiple times 1.10.10 Feature: New CompareDatabaseFrame [WIP] 1.10.10 Bugfix: Fixed two errors from previous refactoring 1.10.10 Task: Refactor codebase to use custom property fields in central model classes 1.10.10 Task: Auto-select first row in CustomFilterEditDialog 1.10.10 Task: Specify viewed-times-x colors in code 1.10.10 Bugfix: Fix slow group re-ordering in GroupManageFrame 1.10.10 Task: [FORMDEV_MIG] Migrate GroupManageFrame to FormDev 1.10.10 Bugfix: Select entries in EditCustomFilter Combobox via keypresses 1.10.10 Task: [FORMDEV_MIG] Migrate CustomFilterEditDialog to FormDev 1.10.10 Task: [FORMDEV_MIG] Migrate MainFrame to FormDev ####################################################################### ############ Tue Mar 9 14:31:57 2021 +0100 1.10.9 RELEASE ############ ####################################################################### 1.10.9 Task: Update to FlatLaf 1.0 (and a few LnF fixes for FlatLaf) 1.10.9 Feature: Prevent playing an episode/movie too fast again 1.10.9 Bugfix: Fix exception in DatabaseHistoryFrame 1.10.9 Feature: Option to re-collapse filter tree categories by clicking them again 1.10.9 Feature: Show [Watch Later] on Series in MainTable 1.10.9 Task: Display empty series as NOT_VIEWED 1.10.9 Task: Cache CCSeries.isEmpty() 1.10.9 Bugfix: Fixed unspecified last-viewed being shown as 1900-01-01 in table column 1.10.9 Task: More tests for datetime functions 1.10.9 Bugfix: Fixed bug in CCDateTime.add method (and generalize timestamp math into its own class) 1.10.9 Task: Update anime_planet icon and proxer.me URL 1.10.9 Bugfix: Fixed Substance themes no longer working (Replace dep with radiance) 1.10.9 Feature: Remember MainTable initial column sizes for next startup 1.10.9 Feature: Show [Last viewed] in MainTable 1.10.9 Feature: Preemptively add files to vlc playlist from VLCRobot 1.10.9 Task: [FORMDEV_MIG] Migrate VLCRobotFrame to FormDev 1.10.9 Task: [FORMDEV_MIG] Migrate WatchHistoryFrame to FormDev 1.10.9 Task: Support new Proxer.me (Proxer.net) domain 1.10.9 Bugfix: Fix cache get[Bool|Int|Double] ignoring extra params 1.10.9 Bugfix: Fix Statusbar not being updated on startup (cache-invalidation) 1.10.9 Bugfix: Fix Buttons in AddMutipleEpisodesFrame not being updated when clicking [Ignore problems] 1.10.9 Feature: Set the starting episode number in AddMultipleEpisodesFrame 1.10.9 Task: [FORMDEV_MIG] Migrate AddMultiEpisodeFrame to FormDev 1.10.9 Bugfix: Fixed failing testcase (2) 1.10.9 Bugfix: Fixed failing testcase 1.10.9 Feature: Directly apply themes from SettingsFrame (only hacky preview) 1.10.9 Feature: FlatLaf Themes and better Theme/Look'n'Feel handling 1.10.9 Feature: Allow searching for complete char strings in EnumComboBox 1.10.9 Feature: Better handling for combined Genres 1.10.9 Task: Do not show weird IMDB Genres in ComboBox 1.10.9 Task: Delete TestForm.jfd from project 1.10.9 Bugfix: Fixed missing merges in DatabaseHistoryFrame 1.10.9 Task: *Drastically* improve performance of CCDate.getDayDifferenceTo algorithm 1.10.9 Task: QuickAddEpisodeDialog is no longer modal 1.10.9 Task: DatabaseHistoryFrame no longer disables whole program while loading 1.10.9 Task: [FORMDEV_MIG] Migrate DatabaseHistoryFrame to FormDev 1.10.9 Task: Properly check for designmode in CCProperties FormDev hack 1.10.9 Task: Copy JSplitButton directly into wokingtree ( downloaded from github.com/rhwood/jsplitbutton ) 1.10.9 Task: Show cache distribution in LogFrame 1.10.9 Feature: Show cache statistics in LogFrame 1.10.9 Task: [FORMDEV_MIG] Migrate LogFrame to FormDev 1.10.9 Feature: Added caches to MovieList/Series/Seasons to improve UI performance 1.10.9 Feature: Better sorting behaviour in SearchFrame 1.10.9 Task: [FORMDEV_MIG] Migrate SearchFrame to FormDev 1.10.9 Task: Empty series are sorted to the top when sorting by AddDate 1.10.9 Feature: Add new DatabaseErrors: ERROR_INVALID_HASH & ERROR_IMPOSSIBLE_HASH 1.10.9 Task: Refactor UserDataProblems 1.10.9 Feature: Edit Episode Tags in BatchEditFrame 1.10.9 Task: [FORMDEV_MIG] Migrate BatchEditFrame to FormDev 1.10.9 Task: [FORMDEV_MIG] Pack works in AddSeriesFrame & ExtendedSettingsFrame 1.10.9 Task: [FORMDEV_MIG] Standalone JFormDesigner project 1.10.9 Task: [FORMDEV_MIG] Migrate AddSeriesFrame to FormDev 1.10.9 Feature: Added Filter to ExtendedSettingsFrame (+ more show more infos) 1.10.9 Task: [FORMDEV_MIG] Migrate ExtendedSettingsFrame to jGoodies FormDesigner 1.10.9 Feature: Warn if UndoLastViewed of entry > 3hours 1.10.9 Bugfix: Ignore Extension Case in UserDataProblem_13 1.10.9 Feature: Option to disable immediate display of Errors in BatchEditFrame 1.10.9 Bugfix: Fixed [Next] Button in BatchEditFrame not working if UserDataErrors occure 1.10.9 Feature: Progressbar in BatchEditFrame 1.10.9 Feature: More actions in BatchEditFrame: - FORMAT_FROM_PATH - PATHS_FROM_DIALOG - CLEAR_MEDIAINFO 1.10.9 Feature: Added actions to reset fields in BatchEditFrame to their original values 1.10.9 Task: Refactoring methods in BatchEditFrame 1.10.9 Task: Fix UnitTests 1.10.9 Bugfix: Fixed Series Language (Table+Folder) not always being calculated correctly 1.10.9 Feature: Action to recalc hash in BatchEditFrame 1.10.9 Bugfix: Fixed missing ERROR_MEDIAINFO_INVALID error for episodes 1.10.9 Feature: function for mediainfo & improve ERROR_DUPLICATE_FILE 1.10.9 Feature: Add new DatabaseError: ERROR_DUPLICATE_FILE 1.10.9 Task: Show problem source in BatchEditFrame final check 1.10.9 Feature: BatchEdit multiple seasons (by selection) 1.10.9 Task: Split mdate and cdate errors into two different categories 1.10.9 Bugfix: Fixed wrong language handling in TMDB Parser/Linkgenerator 1.10.9 Feature: Edit series path in BatchEditFrame 1.10.9 Feature: Support for alternative Mediaplayers 1.10.9 Feature: Improved QuickSearch (Ctrl+F) Dialog 1.10.9 Feature: Better DatabaseHistoryFrame Layout 1.10.9 Task: Improved History merge for newly added episode (show original filename in [Insert]) 1.10.9 Task: Better History handling in QuickAddEpisodeFrame (remember original filename) 1.10.9 Task: Better History handling in AddMultipleEpisodeFrame (remember original filename) 1.10.9 Feature: Option to ignore MediaInfo-Problems in AddMultipleEpisodesFrame 1.10.9 Feature: Fast search with Ctrl+F (open search + close window with ENTER) 1.10.9 Task: Auo fix wrong cdate/mdate in mediainfo (CCDatabaseValidator) 1.10.9 Task: Improved AutoPlay skip heuristic (HTML entities) 1.10.9 Task: Improved AutoPlay skip heuristic 1.10.9 Task: Better ManualSkip detection in VLCRobot (also better logging) 1.10.9 Bugfix: Fixed paths-variable replacement in ccpaths under windows not being case-insensitive 1.10.9 Task: Use [getSemiCommonOrAllLanguages] algo for langage display in table 1.10.9 Bugfix: Fixed MediaQuery parser for strange 'BitRate_Nominal' values ######################################################################## ############ Mon Mar 30 18:22:44 2020 +0200 1.10.8 RELEASE ############ ######################################################################## 1.10.8 Bugfix: Fixed net use parser for empty result 1.10.8 Bugfix: Fixed vlc connection with other localizations 1.10.8 Feature: Added help text to vlc robot 1.10.8 Bugfix: Fixed updateSeasonInDatabase and UniTests 1.10.8 Feature: Add new DatabaseError: ERROR_INVALID_CHARACTERS 1.10.8 Feature: Load History data async 1.10.8 Task: Remove redundant [SERIESID] <> [LOCALID] columns 1.10.8 Feature: Remove (now-redundant) viewed field from database and models 1.10.8 Feature: Allow shortcuts in series frame 1.10.8 Bugfix: Fix vlc autoPlay with files containing special characters 1.10.8 Bugfix: Fix selection-by-key in EnumComboBox 1.10.8 Task: autoResize AddMultipleEpisodes Table on change 1.10.8 Task: Use [getSemiCommonLanguages] also for MainTable 1.10.8 Feature: Show and Change update frequency in VLCRobotFrame 1.10.8 Feature: Logtab for VLCRobotFrame 1.10.8 Bugfix: Fixed clicking on whitespace in MainTable triggering event 1.10.8 Task: Ignore very short (percentual) parts of series in folder lang 1.10.8 Task: Log errors from SingUtilities.[invokeLater|invokeAndWait] 1.10.8 Bugfix: Fix over-sensitive change detection in DateTimeListEditor 1.10.8 Feature: Show Dialog if SetViewed fails 1.10.8 Feature: Edit Episode ViewedHistory in BatchEditFrame 1.10.8 Task: (TravisCI) update CI to JDK-12 1.10.8 Feature: VLCRobot [FIN] 1.10.8 Feature: VLCRobot [WIP] 1.10.8 Task: Upgrade to JDK-14 - update gradle - update gradle wrapper - remove PROP_DISABLE_SSL setting - remove deprecated ShellFolder UNC path query method - remove other deprecated methods 1.10.8 Feature: VLCRobot [WIP] 1.10.8 Feature: VLCRobot [WIP] 1.10.8 Task: Set VLC Path from InitialConfigFrame 1.10.8 Task: New (and improved) TableColumnAdjuster 1.10.8 Feature: VLCRobot [WIP] 1.10.8 Feature: VLCRobot [WIP] 1.10.8 Feature: VLCRobot [WIP] 1.10.8 Feature: VLCRobot [WIP] 1.10.8 Bugfix: Fix layout of Extended Settings Frame 1.10.8 Task: Make copy-error in AddMultiEpisodesFrame non-fatal 1.10.8 Bugfix: Fix exception in Statistics[UserScore] 1.10.8 Feature: Sort elements in FilterTree 1.10.8 Feature: Add language 20:Korean 1.10.8 Feature: Show DB history of Series/Seasons/Episodes 1.10.8 Bugfix: Fixed display of genres in ParseOnlineDialog 1.10.8 Task: Made EnumComboBoxes typesafe and allowed ordering+filtering in them 1.10.8 Feature: New UserScore value: [RMID] 1.10.8 Bugfix: Fixed Genre parser for MAL remote 1.10.8 Task: Smaller default height for AddMovieFrame in Win design 1.10.8 Bugfix: Fixed Genre parser for MAL remote 1.10.8 Bugfix: Fixed AddEpisode with unchanged path 1.10.8 Bugfix: Fixed NPE in TMDB parser 1.10.8 Task: Remove Eclipse localization warnings 1.10.8 Bugfix: Fixed LAST_ID filter not woking without aggressive history merge ######################################################################## ############ Sat Oct 12 20:58:11 2019 +0200 1.10.7 RELEASE ############ ######################################################################## 1.10.7 Bugfix: Fixed exception in SFixTable 1.10.7 Bugfix: Fixed error in FFProbeRunner 1.10.7 Feature: Query online data from Edit[Movie|Series]Frame 1.10.7 Bugfix: Fixed non-sorted values in framerate statistic 1.10.7 Task: Auto trim title in QuickAddEpisodeFrame 1.10.7 Feature: (Optionally) disable aggressive merges in HistoryFrame 1.10.7 Feature: Show ImageViewer on History doubleclick (if possible) 1.10.7 Task: Get more metadata from ffmpeg 1.10.7 Feature: More Metadata sources (ffprobe_fast & mp4box) 1.10.7 Feature: Auto convert UTC timestamps in db history 1.10.7 Feature: Added Progressbar to HistoryFrame 1.10.7 Feature: Better compression in CCDatabaseHistory 1.10.7 Feature: Added ID display to HistoryFrame 1.10.7 Feature: Added option to ignore Group-order changes to HistoryFrame 1.10.7 Feature: Added option to ignore LAST_ID/LAST_COVERID changes to HistoryFrame 1.10.7 Feature: Added option to filter HistoryFrame by time 1.10.7 Bugfix: Fixed possible NPE in OmniParserFrame 1.10.7 Bugfix: Fixed disabling history not being logged in history 1.10.7 Task: Moved some errors to warnings 1.10.7 Feature: Query MediaInfo via FFProbe 1.10.7 Task: Better initial directories in various FileChoosers 1.10.7 Task: Validator improvements 1.10.7 Task: Better initial directory heuristic in ScanFrame 1.10.7 Feature: Setting to show/hide specific columns in MainWindow 1.10.7 Feature: Added new OnlineRefTypes: OFDB + Wikipedia 1.10.7 Task: Show actual numbers in statistic bar charts 1.10.7 Task: Use logarithmic scale for bitrate statistic 1.10.7 Task: Various fixes/changes to the MediaInfo feature 1.10.7 Bugfix: Fixed maxValueOrDefault and minValueOrDefault 1.10.7 Task: Deprecate ApacheDerby backend 1.10.7 Feature: Show History in PreviewMovieFrame 1.10.7 Task: Fixed unit tests 1.10.7 Task: Added validations for history trigger 1.10.7 Feature: Added DatabaseHistoryFrame 1.10.7 Task: Fix unit tests (3) 1.10.7 Task: Fix unit tests (2) 1.10.7 Task: Save LAST_COVERID in [INFO] table 1.10.7 Feature: Prevent dropping non-movie files into Mainframe/SeriesFrame 1.10.7 Feature: Added validations for ID uniqueness and database consistency 1.10.7 Task: Made all database ID's unique across all tables 1.10.7 Task: Fix/Update/Add UnitTests 1.10.7 Bugfix: Fixed Backup import (jxmlbkp) with covers 1.10.7 Feature: Add MediaInfo data (22/22) - Add MediaInfo columns to movies and episodes - Remove old quality column/controls/etc - Add controls in Add & Edit dialogs - Add display in Preview windows - Add handling in various advanced dialogs - Update filter - Update serialization - Update statistic charts - Update Validations - Update MediaInfo query frame 1.10.7 Task: Fix travis.yml 1.10.7 Task: BatchEdit and MutiAdd Improvements 1.10.7 Bugfix: Fixed layout in BatchEditFrame 1.10.7 Task: Added [Okay+Rename] button to AddMultiEpisodeFrame 1.10.7 Bugfix: Fixed OpenInExplorer for paths containing special characters 1.10.7 Task: Set recursive_triggers=true pragma in sqlite (prep for history) 1.10.7 Feature: Better BatchEditFrame (that now only does editing - no adding) 1.10.7 Bugfix: Various fixes in AMEFrame 1.10.7 Feature: AddMultiEpisodesFrame (FIN) 1.10.7 Feature: AddMultiEpisodesFrame (WIP) 1.10.7 Feature: Ask before loosing data in EditSeriesFrame 1.10.7 Task: Change default value of PROP_IMAGESEARCH_IMPL 1.10.7 Task: Dependency chaos 1.10.7 Task: Update anidb.net regex 1.10.7 Feature: Auto query language in AddMovieFrame 1.10.7 Feature: Warn when closing EditSeriesFrame with pending data 1.10.7 Feature: Warn when closing EditMovieFrame with pending data 1.10.7 Task: Check title checkbox in parse dialog when title equals original 1.10.7 Bugfix: Fixed subgroups in sidebar not being sorted 1.10.7 Feature: New OnlineRefTypes: TheTVDB & TVMaze 1.10.7 Feature: group online references in context menu 1.10.7 Bugfix: Fixed unit tests 1.10.7 Task: Update dependencies 1.10.7 Bugfix: Fixed month component in CCDateTime.createFromFileTimestamp 1.10.7 Feature: Added new quantization algorithm: MedianCut 1.10.7 Feature: Show quantization result in CoverPreviewWindow 1.10.7 Feature: Added more database validations 1.10.7 Bugfix: Fixed progress display in CheckDatabaseFrame 1.10.7 Feature: Added options to CheckDatabaseFrame 1.10.7 Task: Added more unit tests 1.10.7 Bugfix: Fixed OctreeQuantizer implementation 1.10.7 Bugfix: Fixed SkipStream implementation 1.10.7 Feature: Added in-database cover table (id, metadata, preview) [[FIN]] 1.10.7 Feature: Added in-database cover table (id, metadata, preview) [[WIP]] 1.10.7 Task: Rewrote SQL query builder from scratch 1.10.7 Feature: Re-do EditSeriesFrame (resizable) 1.10.7 Bugfix: Fixed scrollbox in CreateSeriesFolderStructureFrame 1.10.7 Feature: Improved URL regexes for online references 1.10.7 Bugfix: Fixed cover image search no longer running 1.10.7 Feature: Custom language icons for [DE+EN+JP] and [DE+EN+ES] 1.10.7 Feature: New Statistic [WatchTime] 1.10.7 Feature: Allow max 1 open window per Series/Movie 1.10.7 Bugfix: Fixed seasons being displayed unordered in PreviewSeriesFrame 1.10.7 Feature: Colored view-counter numbers 1.10.7 Bugfix: Fixed HistoryCountFilter not working for episodes 1.10.7 Feature: Warning when opening (too) big file 1.10.7 Bugfix: Fixed NPE when creating a new database (missing cover cache) 1.10.7 Bugfix: Fixed Texts 1.10.7 Bugfix: Fixed Series Export (always exporting E1) 1.10.7 Bugfix: Fixed CoverPopout in ParseOnlineFrame (modality) 1.10.7 Bugfix: Fixed OpenInFolder for paths with multiple consecutive spaces ######################################################################## ############ Mon Apr 15 13:30:29 2019 +0200 1.10.6 RELEASE ############ ######################################################################## 1.10.6 Feature: Edit OnlineRef dialog 1.10.6 Task: Made CCTagList immutable 1.10.6 Feature: Call MediaInfo from QuickAddEpisodesFrame 1.10.6 Feature: Call MediaInfo from AddEpisodesFrame 1.10.6 Feature: Call MediaInfo from EditSeriesFrame 1.10.6 Feature: Call MediaInfo from EditMovieFrame 1.10.6 Feature: Call MediaInfo from AddMovieFrame 1.10.6 Task: Show warnings in UpdateCodecFrame 1.10.6 Bugfix: Fixed unordered episodes keep being unordered 1.10.6 Task: Minor MediaInfo fixes 1.10.6 Task: New XML Serialization version (v2) 1.10.6 Task: Use ActionTree commands in PreviewSeriesFrame popup 1.10.6 Task: Use ActionTree commands in PreviewSeriesFrame menu 1.10.6 Task: Refactoring of CCActionTree (+ more elements in PreviewMovieFrame menu) 1.10.6 Bugfix: Fixed unit tests 1.10.6 Task: Refactor DB XML Serialization (Part 2 - Import) 1.10.6 Task: Refactor DB XML Serialization (Part 1 - Export) 1.10.6 Feature: Warn when exiting with unread errors 1.10.6 Task: Explicitly throw error on wrong values in Movies/Series/Season/Episodes 1.10.6 Feature: Update metadata via MediaQuery (language + length) 1.10.6 Feature: Multiple languages per element & Different Language per episode (db schema changes) 1.10.6 Task: Eclipse cleanup 1.10.6 Feature: Try to auto mount missing network drives (windows) 1.10.6 Task: Less left padding in only-icon columns in the main table 1.10.6 Feature: Show view count in table(s) (left side of icon) 1.10.6 Task: Major refactoring of Resources.java 1.10.6 Task: Switch back to java-1.8 1.10.6 Task: Upgrade to java-11 1.10.6 Feature: Statistics Timeline: Only show consecutive episodes 1.10.6 Task: java package restructuring 1.10.6 Feature: Added validation 'ERROR_NON_NORMALIZED_PATH' 1.10.6 Task: Better UI for CreateSeriesFolderStructureFrame 1.10.6 Bugfix: Fixed ERROR_TAG_NOT_VALID_ON_SERIE 1.10.6 Bugfix: Fixed writing Settings in readonly mode 1.10.6 Task: Added Tag->Type associations (Movie|Series|Episode) and validations 1.10.6 Feature: New OnlineRefType: ANIDB 1.10.6 Feature: Add genre: Isekai 1.10.6 Task: Support for combined genres in CCGenre parsing from online metadata 1.10.6 Feature: Async operation of InitBackupmanager 1.10.6 Feature: Async operation of PreloadResources 1.10.6 Task: Code cleanup (Eclipse Oxygen) 1.10.6 Task: Faster startup time (reduced initial db queries) 1.10.6 Bugfix: Fixed PreviewSeries action being labeled as read-only-restricted 1.10.6 Feature: Show Progressbars in QuickAdd dialogs 1.10.6 Task: Visual improvements of combined timeline statistic 1.10.6 Feature: New statistic: [[Combined series timeline]] 1.10.6 Task: Gradle cleanup stuff 1.10.6 Feature: Added new AddDate Algorithm (Newest_Season_by_oldest_Episode) 1.10.6 Task: A bit more tooltip infos in Statusbar 1.10.6 Task: Add new statusbar item: DriveMapStatus 1.10.6 Task: Better Globals.Timer Output 1.10.6 Feature: New statistics: Groups 1.10.6 Feature: Rescan drive after 30sec if unreferenced drives are used 1.10.6 Bugfix: Fixed ConcurrentModificationException in CCLog 1.10.6 Bugfix: Fixed exception when creating backup on remote drive (windows) 1.10.6 Bugfix: Fixed async cover loading sometimes not updating JLabel 1.10.6 Feature: New CCPath syntax for variables: 1.10.6 Bugfix: Fixed illegal characters in syntax 1.10.6 Bugfix: Fixed loading of test resources under non-UTF8 environments (win cmd) 1.10.6 Feature: New CCPath syntax: 1.10.6 Bugfix: Missing icon in QuickAddMoviesDialog 1.10.6 Feature: QuickAdd (+copy) movies by drag'n'dropping them into the MainWindow 1.10.6 Feature: QuickAdd Episode by drag'n'dropping it into the PreviewSeriesFrame 1.10.6 Bugfix: Fixed CCDate.sub across year boundaries 1.10.6 Task: Fixed unit tests (2) 1.10.6 Task: Fixed unit tests 1.10.6 Feature: OpenDirectory (via menu & right-click) on series 1.10.6 Feature: Tags in Series 1.10.6 Feature: Cancelled Tag 1.10.6 Feature: Relative Viewed-History Filter 1.10.6 Bugfix: Fixed Comparable interface of CCDateTime 1.10.6 Bugfix: Fixed Exception when [OpenInBrowser] with new RefTypes 1.10.6 Task: Ignore spaces in CustomFilterSyntax 1.10.6 Bugfix: Fixed Import-Filter not working if SearchText is currently set 1.10.6 Feature: AniList OnlineParser (GraphQL API) 1.10.6 Task: Use IntelliJ IDEA as (second) IDE 1.10.6 Task: Filter serialization schema v2 1.10.6 Feature: Added CounterAggregator filter 1.10.6 Feature: Added OnlineRefType [Kitsu] 1.10.6 Feature: Added OnlineRefType [AnimePlanet] 1.10.6 Task: OnlineRefType refactoring 1.10.6 Feature: Added OnlineRefType [AniList] 1.10.6 Feature: Open Subreferences via popupmenu 1.10.6 Task: Fix travis builds 1.10.6 Task: Re-add ability to do local grade beta builds 1.10.6 Bugfix: Fixed VLC not starting until jCC is closed 1.10.6 Task: Enable gradle builds on jenkins ######################################################################## ############ Thu Oct 25 22:42:10 2018 +0200 1.10.5 RELEASE ############ ######################################################################## 1.10.5 Feature: Ability to add descriptions to OnlineRefs 1.10.5 Bugfix: Improved OnlineRef Paste Regexes 1.10.5 Bugfix: TryAddGenres did not save data to db 1.10.5 Bugfix: Fixed Exception in CoverLabel when calling setCoverDirect(null) 1.10.5 Feature: Open OnlineRef in Browser when double-clicking on StatePanel 1.10.5 Bugfix: Disallow adding duplicate AdditonalOnlineRefs 1.10.5 Task: Improved CCOnlineReferenceList.isValid() 1.10.5 Feature: Get additional OnlineRefs from UpdateMetadataDialog 1.10.5 Bugfix: Fixed layout in ParseOnlineDialog 1.10.5 Feature: Add additional onlinereferences to elements 1.10.5 Bugfix: Fixed NullpointerException in CoverPreview 1.10.5 Task: Immutable CCGenreList 1.10.5 Bugfix: EpisodeAggregator did not work with Seasons 1.10.5 Feature: Asynchronous cover loading in PreviewSeriesFrame 1.10.5 Task: Faster movement of groups in GroupManagmentFrame 1.10.5 Feature: Added new tags CamRip + MicDubbed 1.10.5 Bugfix: Fixed wrong cover on first hover 1.10.5 Bugfix: Fixed fatal error in initBackupsList 1.10.5 Feature: Async loading of covers (fixes freeze on hdd spinup time) 1.10.5 Task: Unification of FunctionalInterface's 1.10.5 Bugfix: Fixed sidebar selection on expand 1.10.5 Feature: Better scaling algorithm in JCoverChooser (multi-step scaling) 1.10.5 Bugfix: Fixed covername padded with space instead of zeroes 1.10.5 Bugfix: Do not allow backup restore without covers 1.10.5 Task: CCDate.createFromSQL should also work with extended Date strings (can happen when someone else edits db) 1.10.5 Task: Save covercache ordered 1.10.5 Bugfix: Fixed SQLite problems in schema 1.10.5 Bugfix: Fixed Serialization error for filters with empty operators 1.10.5 Feature: Better scaling algorithm in JCoverChooser (bicubic interpolation, antialising) 1.10.5 Bugfix: CoverMetaCache hash too long 1.10.5 Bugfix: Deleted cover were not removed from CoverMetaCache 1.10.5 Bugfix: Selection via Keys in FilterTree was not registered 1.10.5 Bugfix: CustomCoverDimensionFilter did not use CoverMetaCache 1.10.5 Feature: CustomGroupFilter also matches subgroups (filter setting) 1.10.5 Feature: Remember cover informations (dimensions, size, hash) in cachefile 1.10.5 Bugfix: Fixed OOM Exception in DatabaseValidator (with too many/big covers) 1.10.5 Task: No alpha for groups on hover 1.10.5 Bugfix: Fixed CoverPreviewFrame not closing on [Esc] 1.10.5 Bugfix: Fixed CoverPreviewFrame opening on single-click in JCoverChooser 1.10.5 Feature: Show groups in MainFrame only on hover (setting) 1.10.5 Feature: Show groups in PreviewSeriesFrame 1.10.5 Task: Do not render [[WATCH_LATER]] + [[WATCH_NEVER]] on cover 1.10.5 Feature: Show CoverPreview on double-click 1.10.5 Bugfix: cover overlay got permanent for cover that didnt need down-scaling 1.10.5 Feature: Show groups in PreviewMoviesFrame 1.10.5 Bugfix: removed groups were not removed from db 1.10.5 Bugfix: bool filter properties were inverted serialized 1.10.5 Bugfix: Renaming groups didn't update parents of children 1.10.5 Bugfix: CoverTooSmall Error triggered too early 1.10.5 Feature: Groups are now permanent and _need_ to be managed with the ManageGroupFrame 1.10.5 Feature: Improvements for groups ( -> database v11 ) - Groups can have subgroups - Groups can be non-visible (= not drawn on cover) - better group managment dialog ######################################################################## ############ Fri Nov 24 19:08:07 2017 +0100 1.10.4 RELEASE ############ ######################################################################## 1.10.4 Bugfix: Fixed non synchronized access to jClipCorn.properties 1.10.4 Bugfix: SQLite initial database creation failed 1.10.4 Feature: [WatchLater] on viewed element = [WatchAgain] 1.10.4 Feature: When setting user rating via shortcut toggle value instead of directly writing 1.10.4 Task: Big refactoring of CustomFilter serialization 1.10.4 Task: Automatically adjust size of CoverPreviewFrame 1.10.4 Feature: Setting to exclude covers from automatic backup ######################################################################## ############ Sun Nov 19 13:01:42 2017 +0100 1.10.3 RELEASE ############ ######################################################################## 1.10.3 Bugfix: Fixed wrong values for CoverImageSize 1.10.3 Bugfix: Fixed IllegalArgumentException when cropping the same image twice 1.10.3 Feature: CropDialog: auto adjust single side 1.10.3 Feature: Big preview in FindCoverDialog 1.10.3 Feature: CoverEdit Improvements - how warning icon when non-acceptable ratio - show resolution on hover 1.10.3 Feature: New CustomFilter: CoverDimension 1.10.3 Feature: New DatabaseErrors: 'Cover too big' & 'Cover too small' 1.10.3 Feature: Show full size image on CoverLabel doubleclick 1.10.3 Feature: Bigger Cover size (setting), up to 1820x2540 (x10) 1.10.3 Task: Better default values for InitialConfigFrame 1.10.3 Task: fallback language dictionary should equal [en-US] 1.10.3 Bugfix: Fixed (many) english translations - fixed space before punctuation - changed 'series' to 'tv show' - fixed wrong language (de-DE instead of en-US) - fixed wrong capitalization 1.10.3 Bugfix: Fixed clicking on [temporary filter] directly after closing dialog not working 1.10.3 Feature: New single-dialog custom filter editor [[WIP]] - Use tree view for AST representation - easier filter creation (no longer special window for each one) - edit temporary filters - make temporary filters permanent - do not change filters before pressing [OK] - ctrl+click to interactively add to current filter 1.10.3 Bugfix: Fixed regression in CustomViewedFilter (wrong serialization) 1.10.3 Feature: Setting to control 'next episode' heuristic (+ better smart heuristic) 1.10.3 Bugfix: Wrong Episodenumbers in WatchHistoryFrame 1.10.3 Feature: Get FSK from TMDB API (for tv shows) 1.10.3 Feature: New custom filter: 'episode count' 1.10.3 Feature: New custom filter aggregators (any season + all seasons) 1.10.3 Task: Versioncheck from Github API 1.10.3 Feature: Get FSK from TMDB API 1.10.3 Task: Faster Debug-HTTP-Cache 1.10.3 Bugfix: Fixed CustomAggregatorFilterDialog showing wrong data on init 1.10.3 Feature: New custom filters: Aggregators (Any & All) 1.10.3 Feature: New custom filter: Viewcount 1.10.3 Other: Improved filter interface for later additions of episodes+seasons 1.10.3 Feature: New custom filter: AddDate 1.10.3 Feature: New Sidebar filter options: viewed:partial, viewed:never, viewed:later 1.10.3 Task: Don't show group filter with no groups 1.10.3 Task: Unified MainTable filter into AbstractCustomFilter system 1.10.3 Feature: Delete Genres with UpdateMetadataDialog 1.10.3 Feature: Update Genres with UpdateMetadataDialog 1.10.3 Feature: New Metadataparser _MAL_ (FIN) 1.10.3 Feature: New Metadataparser _MAL_ (WIP) 1.10.3 Feature: Added Update Metadata (OnlineScore) from OnlineRef Dialog (Finished) 1.10.3 Bugfix: Fixed getGlobalEpisodeNumber() for continoous numbered series 1.10.3 Bugfix: Fixed TMDB parser sometimes returning runtime=0 (api returns runtime only for en-US) 1.10.3 Feature: Set initial PreviewSeriesFrame height by setting 1.10.3 Task: Added CachedWebConnection (for API debugging) 1.10.3 Feature: Added Update Metadata (OnlineScore) from OnlineRef Dialog (WIP) 1.10.3 Task: Refactoring OnlineCoverParser and OnlineMetadataParser 1.10.3 Task: Added JCCSimpleTable and used it in HistoryFrame ####################################################################### ############ Fri Dec 9 22:19:18 2016 +0100 1.10.2 RELEASE ############ ####################################################################### 1.10.2 Other: Moved WindowsWrapper creation (launch4j) to gradle task 1.10.2 Bugfix: Work around some stupid OpenJDK compiler bug by returning Integer from lambda methods instead of int 1.10.2 Feature: CCStream performance improvement (sort and reverse) 1.10.2 Task: Implement database iterators with CCSimpleStream (performance wise better) 1.10.2 Feature: New (and better) icon for 'open last played series' 1.10.2 Task: Better class names for columnTypes classes 1.10.2 Task: Various improvements in CCStream class 1.10.2 Task: Implemented MemoryCoverCache and StubCoverCache 1.10.2 Bugfix: Fixed unit test testJSCCRoundtrip 1.10.2 Feature: Added QualityOverTimeChart 1.10.2 Task: Made CCMovieSize immutable 1.10.2 Feature: Added WatchCountChart 1.10.2 Bugfix: Fixed FormatOverTimeStatistic missing legend 1.10.2 Task: Updated unit tests to work with new statistics 1.10.2 Feature: Restructure StatisticsFrame, added Movie/Season/Episode filter to all plots 1.10.2 Bugfix: Fixed exception in TimelineStatistics (+ add unit tests for statistics) 1.10.2 Task: Update changelog script: Better indentation 1.10.2 Task: Show more detailed load time in tooltip 1.10.2 Task: Refactor debug messages (stdout only) 1.10.2 Bugfix: Fixed warning when creating new backup 1.10.2 Task: Include backup info inside of backup file instead of in extra file 1.10.2 Feature: Configurable Datetime format in UI (DE-de | En-US | ISO-8601) 1.10.2 Feature: Option to sort genres in main table 1.10.2 Feature: try to automatically insert correct base path in CreateSeriesFolderStructureFrame 1.10.2 Feature: Added tooltip for zyklus in maintable 1.10.2 Task: Better episode formatting in history window 1.10.2 Bugfix: Fixed main table tag renderer glitches 1.10.2 Bugfix: Fixed main table sort-by-viewed 1.10.2 Bugfix: Fixed main table movies-popup containing duplicate entries 1.10.2 Task: Unit tests for GenerateMoveFilename and GenerateSeriesFolderStructure 1.10.2 Feature: Support for batch delete of Episodes in EditSeriesFrame 1.10.2 Feature: Automatically try to parse pasted URL in OnlineRefenceChooser 1.10.2 Feature: Added file name normalization for MULTIPLICATION_SIGN, EM_DASH and EN_DASH 1.10.2 Feature: DatabaseError "Missing history" can be automatically resolved (by adding unspecified to history) 1.10.2 Bugfix: Fixed column-width not adjustable in tables 1.10.2 Feature: Added WatchHistoryFrame (History of watched episodes/movies) 1.10.2 Task: Big refactoring of CachedResourceLoader 1.10.2 Task: Added old database migrations to DatabaseUpgradeAssistant (mostly for future reference) 1.10.2 Other: New (gradle) task to generate changelog 1.10.2 Feature: New DatabaseError: Non-continoous season 1.10.2 Task: CCActionTree and Properties refactoring 1.10.2 Feature: Better DateTimeList editor (better UI, support for date only and unspecified date) 1.10.2 Bugfix: Fixed DateTimeListEditor being too small for full representation 1.10.2 Task: improved gradle buildscript - automatically get version number from Main.java - automatically get BETA attribute from Main.java - added task 'releaseJar' to build releases (or beta-releases) ######################################################################## ############ Wed Oct 12 21:20:42 2016 +0200 1.10.1 RELEASE ############ ######################################################################## 1.10.1 Task: added unspecified datetime for datetime values before the introduction of the history 1.10.1 Bugfix: Show full year component in history tooltip 1.10.1 Task: added unspecified time for datetime values without time component 1.10.1 Task: fixed unit tests 1.10.1 Task: Ignore dots in search 1.10.1 Task: Added Unit Tests - Database Add/remove/update - Load full db backup - load single movie export - parse WatchData - parse Filenames 1.10.1 Task: Automatically create backup on database migration 1.10.1 Task: Order Tags in cover display by length 1.10.1 Feature: Added VLC option "start with --one-instance" 1.10.1 Bugfix: Fixed deleting movie not updating group-cache 1.10.1 Task: Added groups.xml and info.xml to jxmlbkp-backups 1.10.1 Task: Don't show table tooltip for CCMovieScore.RATING_NO 1.10.1 Bugfix: Fixed wrong aligned label in AddEpisodesFrame 1.10.1 Bugfix: Fixed Tooltips in ClipTable 1.10.1 Bugfix: Fixed ShowIncompleteFilmSeries not finding all missing movies 1.10.1 Feature: Manage group metadata via ManageGroupsFrame 1.10.1 Feature: Timelinestatistic: No gravity for series re-viewing 1.10.1 Feature: Added Group Metadata - Added new table [GROUPS] and updated DB version o 1.9 - Added database auto upgrading - Added group metadata: Color - Added group metadata: Order - Added group metadata: DoSerialize (of not set file/foldernames will be unaffected by group) - Added SQLDeleteHelper for better PreparedStatement creation 1.10.1 Bugfix: Fixed exception when setting caret position in CCDateTimeEditor 1.10.1 Bugfix: Fixed setting movie to unviewed not resetting ViewedHistory 1.10.1 Bugfix: Fixed showing wrong dialog for CustomTagFilter and CustomYearFilter 1.10.1 Feature: Added datetime and moviescore support to ParseWatchDataFrame 1.10.1 Bugfix: Fixed NullpointerException in SFixTable 1.10.1 Bugfix: Fixed AddSeriesFrame not using OnlineRef from Parser 1.10.1 Task: Fixed default mainframe height to show all filter in sidebar 1.10.1 Task: Fixed gradle build error (java generics WTF) ######################################################################## ############ Sat Jul 30 15:47:04 2016 +0200 1.10.0 RELEASE ############ ######################################################################## 1.10.0 Feature: Added Group-Manage frame (delete, rename, merge, update) 1.10.0 Feature: Added Idiot-mode ;D - with hidden extended settings button - and hidden Maintenance menu - can only be deactivated by manually editing config file 1.10.0 Task: Use EnumWrapper for all multi-value properties (better than magic numbers) 1.10.0 Features: More Parser options: - Optionally open TMDB-URL with language suffix - Get localized TMDB title and other metadata - Choose which image search implementations are active 1.10.0 Bugfixes: Using apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.stripAccents to normalize FilePaths (instead of hand-crafted shit) 1.10.0 Bugfixes: Fixed ERROR_DUPLICATE_REF triggering for the same movie in two different languages 1.10.0 Bugfixes: Fixed Searchfield sometimes not resetting when gaining focus 1.10.0 Task: Organize usings 1.10.0 Task: Added in-memory database (for unit tests) 1.10.0 Task: Refactored enums into common interface and added CCEnumProperty<> 1.10.0 Feature: Search through OnlineRef 1.10.0 Feature: Added DatabaseError: ERROR_DUPLICATE_REF 1.10.0 Task: Automatically set RefType on JReferenceChooser paste event 1.10.0 Task: OpenLastPlayedSeries now laso respects the time component of the ViewedHistory 1.10.0 Task: Timeline statistic supports all dates from viewed history 1.10.0 Bugfixes: Fixed a few small AutoRefFinder bugs 1.10.0 Feature: Added OpenInBrowser button to PreviewSeriesFrame 1.10.0 Feature: Added two new online reference sources: Proxer.me and MyAnimeList 1.10.0 Feature: AutoFindReferenceFrame also searches through IMDB 1.10.0 Bugfix: Fixed 429 (TOO_MANY_REQUESTS) Http error when searching for _alot_ of TMDB references 1.10.0 Bugfix: Fixed series table not showing correct viewed history 1.10.0 Bugfix: Various small fixes 1.10.0 Bugfix: Fixed load&edit with jxml-backup not working with new properties 1.10.0 Task: Normalize characters in filename generation (eg é -> e) 1.10.0 Feature: Added groups to searchable database fields 1.10.0 Feature: Added new filters to custom filter dialog: - CustomGroupFilter - CustomReferenceFilter (only reference type) - CustomHistoryFilter (Viewed-history) 1.10.0 Feature: Added Groups to filename grammar (double square brackets) 1.10.0 Task: CCGroup, CCOnlineReference and ViewedHistory Serialization + Deserialization (XML) 1.10.0 Feature: Show groups rendered on top of the cover 1.10.0 Feature: "Undo Episode Viewed" and "Play movie without changing history" 1.10.0 Feature: Finished CCGroup Implementation - Added DatabaseErrors for invalid groups/grouplists - Added GroupEditor to AddSeriesFrame, EditSeriesFrame, AddMovieFrame, EditMovieFrame 1.10.0 Feature: Basic CCGroup Implementation - write and read Groups from database - global group cache - GroupListEditor component - Sidebar Group listing and filter 1.10.0 Task: Added Database Errors: - ERROR_SERIES_HAS_HISTORY - ERROR_HISTORY_BUT_UNVIEWED - ERROR_INVALID_HISTORY 1.10.0 Feature: Added UndoViewed to MainFrame popup 1.10.0 Feature: Finished OnlineReference intagration - Search TMDB for metadata - Added options to search TMDB and IMDB - Search TMDB for images - Added Maintenance-dialog to mass find OnlineRef ID's - Automatically include RefID in AddMovie/AddEpisode frame - ShowInBrowser now uses URL from CCOnlineReference - Added DatabaseError ERROR_INVALID_ONLINEREF 1.10.0 Feature: Added TheMovieDB.org online-search provider 1.10.0 Bugfix: Fixed Exception when trying to add a movie/series/season without cover 1.10.0 Task: Added basic implementation of OnlineReference 1.10.0 Bugfix: Fixed jUnit tests 1.10.0 Task: Finished ViewedHistory for Movies and Episodes 1.10.0 Task: Finished DateTimeListEditor for EditSeriesFrame 1.10.0 Task: Working on 1.8 features - added Unit Tests - added CCTimeSpinner - added CCDateTimeSpinner - added DateTimeListEditor 1.10.0 Task: Changed database schema to 1.8 - added Groups to Movies & Series - added ViewedHistory to Movies - added ViewedHistory to Episodes - removed Last/First-Viewed from Episodes - added OnlineReference URI to Movies & Series - added foreign keys to Episodes and Season Table 1.10.0 Task: Parse Schema XML with Custom Turbine parser 1.10.0 Task: Added .~lock file to prevent parallel db access 1.10.0 Feature: Added first-start wizard to choose language, database, theme etc 1.10.0 Bugfix: Fixed SQLite Date type not loading back from db 1.10.0 Bugfix: Fixed Error when using non-SQLite DB 1.9.10 Bugfix: Fixed Error when using non-SQLite DB ####################################################################### ############ Tue Jul 5 22:31:21 2016 +0200 1.9.10 RELEASE ############ ####################################################################### 1.9.10 Feature: Added "Calculate Size" button to AddSeriesFrame 1.10.0 Feature: Rudimentary support for SQLite databases 1.9.10 Bugfix: Fixed ImdbParser no longer getting length (IMDb yay) 1.9.10 Bugfix: Fixed ImdbParser no longer getting poster image (2x) (IMDb keeps changing their url schema -.-) 1.9.10 Task: Sort Genres in sidebar by name 1.9.10 Bugfix: Fixed ImdbParser no longer getting poster image (IMDb keeps changing their url schema -.-) 1.9.10 Task: Show first season in series preview even if there is a season zero 1.9.10 Task: Started support for multiple DB types 1.9.10 Bugfix: Fixed RegexList control in SettingsFrame 1.9.10 Other: Converted all files to UTF-8 1.9.10 Other: Fixed travis.yml script (2) 1.9.10 Other: Fixed travis.yml script 1.9.10 Other: Added build status to README 1.9.10 Task: Added travis config script 1.9.10 Task: Restore sort order after shuffle 1.9.10 Feature: Added mouse selection to statistic "series timeline" 1.9.10 Feature: Added series filter to statistic "series timeline" 1.9.10 Feature: Added new statistics: "series timeline" 1.9.10 Feature: Added shuffle button to table 1.9.10 Bugfix: Fixed series addDate calculation 1.9.10 Feature: Added unique Identifier (DUUID) to database (for later) 1.9.10 Task: Better filename for movies with seperated titles (':') 1.9.10 Feature: Added Language "Japanese" 1.9.10 Feature: Added RegexList-settings to autom. extract season-indizies from season-titles (for folder structure) 1.9.10 Bugfix: Fixed too many newly opened windows in ScanFolderFrame (for too many found elements) 1.9.10 Other: Updated mikescher.de reference in README 1.9.10 Bugfix: Fixed wrong aligned searchfield in PreviewSeriesframe ###################################################################### ############ Sun Jan 3 02:26:20 2016 +0100 1.9.9 RELEASE ############ ###################################################################### 1.9.9 Feature: Improved Usability of ExtendedSettingsFrame 1.9.9 Task: Made "partial viewed" icon with less contrast 1.9.9 Task: Moved Maintenance Tasks in own category 1.9.9 Feature: MassMoveMovies dialog (like massMoveSeries, but for movies) 1.9.9 Bugfix: Fixed getCommonFolderPath() for case-insensitive filesystems (windows) 1.9.9 Task: Unified translations for 'OK' and 'Cancel' 1.9.9 Feature: MassMoveSeries dialog (like moveSeries, but in batch) 1.9.9 Feature: Find dialog for film series with missing movies 1.9.9 Task: Changed Update API URL to mikescher.com 1.9.9 Feature: Better EmptyEpisode Preset and more intelligent editEpisode/editMovie dialog 1.9.9 Bugfix: Fixed imdb parsing for new layout (year in title) 1.9.9 Bugfix: Fixed wildcard under linux (only valid in windows os) 1.9.9 Bugfix: Fixed a few editable tables that should be readonly 1.9.9 Bugfix: Fixed table rendering in moveSeriesDialog 1.9.9 Bugfix: Fixed jpg encoding error (linux) when importing series/movie covers 1.9.9 Bugfix: Fixed false-positive error "ERROR_INVALID_SERIES_STRUCTURE" 1.9.9 Bugfix: Fixed errors in getCCPath, caused by the new path serialization format 1.9.9 Bugfix: Fixed focus issues in PreviewSeriesFrame Bugfix: Fixed Dateformat in DatabaseConverter(1.6 -> 1.7) ####################################################################### ############ Tue Dec 22 16:12:05 2015 +0100 1.9.8 RELEASE ############ ####################################################################### 1.9.8 Bugfix: Fixed exception in statistics with movies in only one year 1.9.8 Task: Fixed mmissing libs in build.gradle (now with manual dependency managmet) 1.9.8 Task: Moved to gradle as build system 1.9.8 Feature: Moved MainFrame Width and Height to Settings 1.9.8 Feature: Show Series sorted in StatisticsFrame 1.9.8 Feature: Ability to navigate PreviewSeriesFrame with arrow-keys 1.9.8 Feature: Show (optionally) icons for partially viewed series 1.9.8 Task: Properties re-organized (UI and code) 1.9.8 Feature: Added new Property PROP_SERIES_KEEP_LASTVIEWED_PERSISTANT 1.9.8 Task: CCProperty.getDefault() and CCProperty.getStandard() are redundant methods -.- 1.9.8 Bugfix: Progressmonitor (create backup) can no longer be closed by [X] 1.9.8 Task: Better default value for statusbar under Metal L'n'F 1.9.8 Bugfix: Fixed YearRange visibility in StatisticsFrame 1.9.8 Feature: Fixed a few problems with the Metal LnF 1.9.8 Feature: Better theme for char selector buttons (Metal) 1.9.8 Feature: Added version number to database [DB-Version 1.8] ####################################################################### ############ Sun Dec 13 17:17:37 2015 +0100 1.9.7 RELEASE ############ ####################################################################### 1.9.7 Feature: Automatic UI LnF selection on first start 1.9.7 Feature: Automatic parse google image results for cover (manual jsoup-ing) 1.9.7 Task: IMDB Parsing works again (new IMDB website layout) 1.9.7 Feature: Better Dialog InitialPath in addEpisodeFrame on empty series 1.9.7 Task: Don't show duplicate file error if file not found (absPath = empty) 1.9.7 Bugfix: Fixed VLC Parameter under Linux 1.9.7 Feature: Added Restart ActionTree entry 1.9.7 Bugfix: Fixed Write permission prblems on linux 1.9.7 Feature: Added defaul VLC Path for Unix 1.9.7 Feature: Check for invalid file names (and added auto-fixer for DatabaseError) 1.9.7 Feature: Save paths filesystem independent (always forward-slash) 1.9.7 Bugfix: Fixed AV on add cover-less movie (you can still shoot yourself in the foot by clicking ignore - but a missing cover was quite fatal) 1.9.7 Task: Updated a vene more frames to look better with [[Metal]]-design 1.9.7 Task: Updated a few frames to look better with [[Metal]]-design 1.9.7 Bugfix: Fixed line endings (r/w) on unixoid systems ###################################################################### ############ Sat Dec 5 14:46:40 2015 +0100 1.9.6 RELEASE ############ ###################################################################### 1.9.6 Other: Updated README imagees 1.9.6 Feature: Filter (some) statistics by year 1.9.6 Task: Show disclaimer on first startup 1.9.6 Task: Use systemlanguage if no properties found 1.9.6 Bugfix: AV on AddCustomFilter -> Abort 1.9.6 Other: Added TODO's 1.9.6 Task: Changed "Zyklus" to "Film series" in en-US 1.9.6 Other: Moved Images to wiki git-repo 1.9.6 Other: Updated README - links to wiki 1.9.6 Other: Removed wiki submodule (2) 1.9.6 Other: Removed wiki submodule 1.9.6 Other: Added wiki as nested root (submodule) 1.9.6 Other: Added wiki as nested root 1.9.6 Other: Fixed links in README 1.9.6 Other: Removed cursor from README images 1.9.6 Other: Complete overhaul README.md (Road to public release) 1.9.6 Bugfix: AV in CheckUserProblem 1.9.6 Task: Support for cross-plattform paths (step 1) 1.9.6 Bugfix: Fixed false-positive in Database-Error "Wrong AddDate" 1.9.6 Task: Added massIncNumbers() to AddEpisodesFrame 1.9.6 Task: Added new DatabaseError [ERROR_DUPLICATE_GENRE] 1.9.6 Task: Added new UserProblem [PROBLEM_DUPLICATE_GENRE] 1.9.6 Bugfix: Fixed Memoryleak in CCProperties.load() ###################################################################### ############ Wed May 6 16:18:29 2015 +0200 1.9.5 RELEASE ############ ###################################################################### 1.9.5 Task: Added used libraries view 1.9.5 Task: Fixed 50 MB thumbs.db files in backup (~ 30% backup side reduction) 1.9.5 Feature: Added new statistics: "formate per time" 1.9.5 Feature: Added Series filtering to Statstistics frame 1.9.5 Bugfix: Upgraded jGoodies-common version from 1.2.1 to 1.8.1 (Exception with old version) 1.9.5 Bugfix: Fixed Colors in statisticsFrame 1.9.5 Feature: Added new statistic "Series (total viewed)" ####################################################################### ############ Thu Feb 26 02:16:03 2015 +0100 1.9.4 RELEASE ############ ####################################################################### 1.9.4 Feature: Added new statistic "Series (viewed)" 1.9.4 Bugfix: Fixed Exception when Previewing an empty series 1.9.4 Task: Added DatabaseError "Impossible_Watch_Never" && moved Settings around 1.9.4 Bugfix: Fixed Selection and preview issues when editing/watching an episode in PreviewSeriesFrame 1.9.4 Feature: Added new tag "Watch never" ###################################################################### ############ Sun Feb 8 21:46:31 2015 +0100 1.9.3 RELEASE ############ ###################################################################### 1.9.3 Bugfix: Fixed AV in CCDate.isValidate() 1.9.3 Bugfix: Fixed jCoverChooser reset when viewing Episode ####################################################################### ############ Sat Sep 13 21:06:40 2014 +0200 1.9.2 RELEASE ############ ####################################################################### 1.9.2 Task: Reverted CharChooser to old behaviour of non-substance LnF's 1.9.2 Feature: Added (PLAIN | JSON | XML) export function 1.9.2 Feature: Added One-Click metadata calculation to "AddEpisodesFrame" 1.9.2 Task: Added a minimum scrollbar height on the windows L'n'F 1.9.2 Task: Improved Performance when throwing a massive amount of exceptions (collecting them together) 1.9.2 Feature: Added ResetTags Option to ImportDialog(s) 1.9.2 Task: Changed IMDB-Parse Method to [jSoup-Library] (source of a few bugs & better Maintenance) 1.9.2 Task: Only allow CreateFolderStructure after successful tests 1.9.2 Bugfix: Fixed AV when selecting Theme "Autumn" 1.9.2 Bugfix: Fixed List-UI with "Windows"-Theme 1.9.2 Bugfix: Fixed ValidateDatabase->CheckFolderStructure for Folder with different Lowercase/Uppercase 1.9.2 Bugfix: Fixed Filename-creation for Elements ending with a dot (caused various other bugs) 1.9.2 Bugfix: Wrong Movie-Filesize when having more than 2 Parts (+ TODO's) 1.9.2 Task: Live update PreviewSeriesFrame (while open) 1.9.2 Bugfix: ParseWatchDataFrame: Update Date even when no change in viewed 1.9.2 Feature: Added new Syntax to ParseWatchDataFrame (Episode ranges) 1.9.2 Feature: Added new Database Error: "INVALID_SERIESSTRUCTURE" 1.9.2 Feature: Added clickable Score to ClipTable 1.9.2 Bugfix: Fixed TextEncoding when loading Filter from File 1.9.2 Feature: Added 'pasteURL' && 'pasteImage' to EditCoverComponent 1.9.2 Feature: Only show SeriesOverlay when optin selected (do not modify files) 1.9.2 Feature: Added proper EditCoverControl -> AddMovieFrame -> AddSeasonFrame -> AddSeriesFrame -> EditMovieFrame -> EditSeriesFrame 1.9.2 Bugfix: Fixed Zyklus-Click not working 1.9.2 Bugfix: Fixed various Exceptions when MovieList is empty 1.9.2 Bugfix: Fixed Creating new Database (Schema was too old) 1.9.2 Bugfix: Fixed Exception when sorting by ViewState 1.9.2 Task: Disabled Column Dragging in Table (caused weird things) 1.9.2 Bugfix: Fixed Exception in AddEpisodesFrame when ignoring Warnings 1.9.2 Bugfix: Fixed Column-Resizing when deleting whole Series 1.9.2 Bugfix: Fixed missing locale: "ExportHelper.dialogs.resetScore_caption" 1.9.2 Bugfix: Fixed Format==null when Extension is not recognized 1.9.2 Bugfix: Fixed Onlinescore can't be 10 1.9.2 Bugfixes - Fixed OpenLastPlöayedSeries not really selecting last played Episode - Fixed ImDB-Parsing not recognizing images - Fixed CustomOnlineSCoreFilter interpreting No-Score as valid score ####################################################################### ############ Sun Jan 26 00:57:13 2014 +0100 1.9.1 RELEASE ############ ####################################################################### 1.9.1 Feature Improved loadTime: Added Cache for Substance-Look'n'Feels ( ~200ms ) Removed unnecessary InvokeAndWait on busy Dispatcher ( ~3000ms ) 1.9.1 Feature Added Action: "Open Last played Series" 1.9.1 Feature Added progressive Viewed-Icon on PreviewSeriesFrame 1.9.1 Feature & Bugfixes Added Way to save Filter Fixed FilterTree Bug when it wouldn't update Fixed FilterTree Bug when it wouldn't collapse Added OrganizeFilterDialog Fixed Bug where no Errors are shwon when they happen before Mainframe creation Fixed DisplayString of OnlinescoreFilter Fixed CustomViewedFilter AV (was not using new Tribool viewed-state) Fixed Bug where DIalog-FInish-Listener was called more than one time => cause of many strange behaviours Updated .gitignore for *.flst files 1.9.1 Feature Added Option to reset Score when Importing Movies/Series 1.9.1 Feature Added new Statistics: "Viewed (Episodes)" 1.9.1 Feature Added new DatabaseError: LastViewed is before 1.6.1900 (practically impossible) Added "Fix Multiple DatabaseErrors At Once"-Feature (You can now multi select) 1.9.1 Feature & Bugfixes Added Display for WatchLater in "Viewed"-Column Added OPtion to automatically update "WatchLater"-Tag Added DatabaseError "IMPOSSIBLE_WATCHLATER" Fixed Dispatch-Thread Error in CheckDatabaseFrame 1.9.1 Feature Added better ClickArea for Zyklus-Clicking Added Hover-Cursor for Zyklus-Clicking 1.9.1 Feature Added parseWatchDataFrame -> Parses Watched Series/Movies from plainText 1.9.1 Big Feature (and Bugfixes) Added CoverCropDialog(crop & edit covers) Added ImageCropper to AddMovieFrame Added ImageCropper to AddSasonFrame Added ImageCropper to AddSeriesFrame Added ImageCropper to EditMovieFrame Added ImageCropper to EditSeriesFrame Fixed Bug when accessing a halfsize version of the standard cover Fixed Wrong Border Dimensions around partial tranparent cover in FindCoverDialog Fixed rendering Tags on actual DB-Cover when "RenderTagsOnCover" is set to true 1.9.1 Bugfixes Fixed AV when removing the last Element in Table (that is also selected) Fixed PreviewSeriesFrame VertScrollbar staying bottom when switching Season Improved internal handling of readonly-prohibited operations Fixed CoverChooser Border on partially transparent covers 1.9.1 Bugfixes Fixed too late Backup deletion (1 day late) Fixed Omniparer not recognizing Counter with variable lengths ##################################################################### ############ Sun Aug 25 17:18:18 2013 +0200 1.9 RELEASE ############ ##################################################################### 1.9 Features Added Tag-Display to Cover on MainFrame Added Big (blinking) Error Warning when Error occurs 1.9 Features Added Icons for CustomFilter & BackupManager Database shuts now correctly down onClose Added Option for Quick (and dirty) closing Finished BackupManager (You can restore from old Backups) Added Info-Panel to Backupmanager (Shows Backup-Settings) Fixed JClipCorn not correctly shutting down on Fatal Error 1.9 Features Added a functionality to a few Buttons in BackupsManagerFrame Fixed unclosed Filehandle in CCProperties Fixed unclosed Filehandle in BackupManager 1.9 Features Semi-Finished BackupManager (the visuas work, no Button-Functionality) Fixed Auto-Delete Bug in new Backup-System 1.9 Features Implemented new Backup Functionality STarted BackupManagerFrame (unfinished) 1.9 Features Added More Info on FATAL-ERROR Message Addedd initial check for Write-Permissions (-> FATAL ERROR) 1.9 Bugfixes Fixed Bug with wrong Filechooser-direction in EditSeriesFrame Fixed Bug where you can close an ProgressMonitor 1.9 Bugfixes Fixed Load-AV when Season has 0 Episodes Fixed getCommonPathStart()-Bug when there is an empty series/ empty season / uninitialized episode 1.9 Feature Added additional integrity Check when finally closing AddEpisodesFrame 1.9 Bugfix Fixed Omniparser-Bug where the Lines are not trimmed 1.9 Features Added "Play without changing Episode-State"-Feature Added Debug-Feature to print TranslationTree 1.9 Tasks Immproved Information-Output in CouldNotParseFSK Warning Added USA:"approved" to AgeRatingParser Updated ToDo List 1.9 Bugfixes Fixed Problem when re-importing Movies with NON-ASCII Chars (Encoding ...) 1.9 Bugfixes Fixed CompareDatabase Bug wehre the selection was not correct registered 1.9 Features Finished Custom Filter Added Import / Export to Filter Fixed Bug in Genre / Year Filter 1.9 Features Started Exporting / Importing of Custom Filter (unfinished) 1.9 Features Added Custom-Table Filter Added CustomFilter for every TableField Added AND / OR / NAND / NOR Operators for CustomFilter 1.9 Features Finished Omniparser Added VerticalScrollBarSynchronizer Helper Class 1.9 Features Added Big OmniParser Feature Reorganized Util-Classses (Changes in the imports in many classes [!] ) Fixed Null-Pointer when displaying an empty series ###################################################################### ############ Sun Jul 7 14:10:03 2013 +0200 1.8.3 RELEASE ############ ###################################################################### 1.8.3 Bugfixes and Features Added Error Handling for broken Coverfiles Added Error Handling in Large MD5 Calculator Added Possibility to fix single Databaseerror Added Information Monitor when backuping Fixed wrong Seasonnumber for unsorted Seasons in CreateFolderStructure 1.8.3 Bugfixes Hopefully finally fixed CCDateSpinner -.- 1.8.3 Features Added possibility for public (or private) beta builds 1.8.3 Bugfixes Fixed Overriding in CCDateSpinner Added Big "Continue Watching" Button to PreviewSeriesFRame CCDate is now an immutable Object (possible root for new bugs) ####################################################################### ############ Sat Jun 15 22:58:33 2013 +0200 1.8.2 RELEASE ############ ####################################################################### 1.8.2 Bugfixes Fixed getRelativePath for non absolute Paths Improved Error Managment in CreateSeriesFolderStructure 1.8.2 Bugfixes + Features Added Read Only Mode Added additional VLC Paths Fixed unused ACtionELements in SHortcut Settings Improved ActionELement Naming in Shortcut Settings 1.8.2 Bugfixes Fixed Series->openInFoder: Opening wrong path Fixed CCDate Spinner not regitering manually inserted CCDates Added Recognizing of short years ('95) to CCDate Parser Fixed getCommonFolderPath resulting in an endless loop for empty input values Added CheckForUpdates CCAction Added Case for No Update found in UpdateFrame 1.8.2 Bugfixes AddEpisodesFrame: Fixed Wrong Spinner for Sidebarbutton EditSeriesFrame: Update List after Changing Episodetitle ###################################################################### ############ Sat Jun 1 21:25:08 2013 +0200 1.8.1 RELEASE ############ ###################################################################### 1.8.1 RELEASE Fixed AV when Autofixing wrong Quality of an Episode createSTructureFrame closes after successful operation #################################################################### ############ Sat Jun 1 17:54:27 2013 +0200 1.8 RELEASE ############ #################################################################### 1.8 RELEASE Updated Version to 1.8 1.8 Features Fixed various AV's when doing Action with an unfinished DriveMap Showing the Translationcount as Debugmessage Added Statistics-Icon 1.8 Features (StatisticsFrame completed) Finished StatisticsFrame: Added Userscore-Chart Added Genre-Chart Added FSK-Chart Added Language-Chart Added Tags-Chart Added Hours/Date-Chart (Movies, Series, both) Added Size/Date-Chart Added Hidden Option for Interactive Charts (Default-off) Fixed Sort-per-Year AV 1.8 Features (StatisticsFrame) Added StatisticsFrame Added Statistics Sidebar Added Add-Date Chart Added Format-Chart Added Length-Chart Added Score-Chart Added Quality-Chart Added Viewed-Chart Added Year-Chart 1.8 Features (PreviewSeriesFrame) JCoverChooser only reacts to left MouseButton Added RightClickMenu to Cover Added all the Options to SeriesMenu, SeasonMenu, ExtrasMenu and PopupMenu in PreviewSeriesFrame Added getInstance to MainFrame (IntermediateBlocking without direct access) 1.8 Bugfixes Added CalcQuality-Button to EditSeriesFrame Added forceDBUpdate Funktion to MovieList 1.8 Features (createSeriesFolderStructure) Finished cSFS-Functionality Added ActionElement for this 1.8 Features (createSeriesFolderStructure) started Series-cFS-Dialog createdGUI for Series-cFS-Frame 1.8 Features (MoveSeriesDialog) Resizable MoveSeriesDialog Visual Feedback if Operation is possible in MoveSeriesDialog Preview before executing in MoveSeriesDialog 1.8 Features (CheckDatabaseFrame) Added CategoryList to CheckDatabaseFrame Added ErrorType to DatabaseError Added visualization of Autofixable to List in CheckDatabaseFrame Added Translations to Error-Categories 1.8 Features (Tag System completed) New and better Tag-Icons (but not perfect ...) No duplicate Icons in Resources Better Tag Display in Table 1.8 Features Updated the DB-Version, for real this time 1.8 Features (Tag-System) Added, Removed and changed Ions Removed MagicNumbers in PreviewSeriesTable Removed the Field "Status" (moved to Tags) Added Tags to Movies and Episodes Added TagPanel to Display Tags of an Element Updated Database structure to 1.6 Updated Locales (Removed a few Inconsistencies) Fatal Error on wrong Database structure ####################################################################### ############ Sat May 25 15:23:41 2013 +0200 1.7.3 RELEASE ############ ####################################################################### 1.7.3 Fixes and Tasks New empty Seasons now have the name New empty Episodes now have the name SeasonList gets updated in EditSeriesFrame when updating a Seasontitle Changed Quality to be dependent on Length Added CalcQuality Button to Add/Edit -MovieFrame ####################################################################### ############ Sat May 18 14:58:24 2013 +0200 1.7.2 RELEASE ############ ####################################################################### 1.7.2 RELEASE Bugfix Release 1.7.2 Other Removed "Magic Numbers" for Column-Indizies 1.7.2 Bugfix Fixed Wrong renaming for English/France or Muted Movies ###################################################################### ############ Thu May 9 19:17:04 2013 +0200 1.7.1 RELEASE ############ ###################################################################### 1.7.1 RELEASE Bugfix Release 1.7.1 Bugfixes Fixed Null-Cover Bug Fixed Element-Changed-Listener resetting TableSelection Fixed jCoverChooser drawing an null-Image (i hope so ...) 1.7.1 Bugfixes Fixed Translations Fixed Button Enablation in CheckDatabaseFrame 1.7 Other Updated Other for 1.7 ##################################################################### ############ Mon Apr 29 18:54:17 2013 +0200 1.7 RELEASE ############ ##################################################################### 1.7 RELEASE Updated Version to "1.7" 1.7 Fixes Fixed Translation Fixed a few Bugs Oragnized ToDos 1.7 Features Added Option for Clickable Zyklus 1.7 Features Improved the Search in PreviewSeriesFrame Added Settings for displaying Columns in Statusbar Added the RabdomMovieFrame ("Filmtrommel") 1.7 Features+Bugfix Fixed Zero-Height Lines in JList (on empty elements) Fixed Layout (Wrong Widths) of Lists in editToolbarFrame Added Non-Linked-Cover DatabaseError 1.7 Features Added Option for Add-Date Calculation-Method in Settings Added Missing Icons Added 16x16 Icons (now there should no Icons get down-sized in runtime) 1.7 Bugfixes Fixed too small seperator in editToolbarFrame Fixed Nullpointer when adding/previewing/deleting season Fixed MassSetLength in addMultipleEpisodesFrame Fixed NonSelection TitleEdit in addMultipleEpisodesFrame Fixed non setting LastViewed when man. changing Viewed of an Episode Added UserDataProblem "Untrimmed" to CCSeries Added UserDataProblem "Untrimmed" to CCSeason Added UserDataProblem "Untrimmed" to CCEpisode Fixed Color of CaptionedPanel in addMultipleEpisodesFrame Fixed Backgroundcolor of PathEdit in addMultipleEpisodesFrame 1.7 Bugfix Fixed BeanUtils Library (again) - Removed duplicate files in jar 1.7 Bugfix Removed Test-Ressource-File (*_16x16.png) Fixed Fatal AV when Searching for Directory Fixed the possibility to open Windows while in an blocking call (through Screenshots) 1.7 Features Fixed Missing BeanUtils-Exception Bug (now using custom compiled beanutils.jar) Added support for prerenderered 16x16 Icons Fixed Border around Seperator in EditToolbarFrame Updated ToDos 1.7 Features Added PropertyCheckbox Added Option to change the Toolbar added ToolbarConfigPanel to show ToolbarConfig Added EditToolbarFrame to change the Toolbar visual 1.7 Bugfix Fixed missing jGoodies-Commons Library 1.7 Possible Bugfixes Fixed new Warnnings due to new Eclipse Settings - Fixed a few ressourceleaks 1.7 Features Add Cache-Function to Movieplayer (it remembers the VLC-Path) Removed the Cancel-Button from ParseImDBDialog (Noone noticed it had no functionality ^^) 1.7 Features Added Episodeguide-Export to Series 1.7 Bugfix Rewrite of the SFixTable, should now work ("nearly") always 1.7 Features Improved ExtendedSettingsframe (now uses the Component Methods from the Properties) 1.7 Features Added Shortcuts for ExportList Added Option to export Movies in CompareDatabaseDialog Added (hidden) option for ImDB-Parser-Language Added automatic sorter to extendedSettingsFrame Added general openFile-Dialog Cleaned up the open File Methods (moved all openFile-Things to extra methods) 1.7 Features Finished Single-Import Finished Single-Export Finished Multiple-Import Finished Multiple-Export 1.7 Features Added Option to export Cover in XML Added LocalID to searched Fields in SearchFrame Adedd Export-Single-Movie Function Added (incomplete) Import-Movie-from-jccsexport-File Function Added ImportElementsFrame to Import One or Multiple Elements from a File Small Bugfixes Updated Locale-Files Updated ToDOs 1.7 Big Other Massive CodeCleanup with >>Google CodePro AnalytiX<< Fixed a lot of bad code, possible errors and ugly programming style 1.7 Other Fixed "unclean" Code (CodePro AnalytiX): - Added Names to Threads - Added hashcode() Methods - Replaced "startsWith" with "charAt(0)" - Removed obsolete semikolons - Made LocalizedVector Methods synchronized - Various other improvements 1.7 Other Removed unused Localizations 1.7 Features Forced Extension in SaveDialogs Removed strange empty lines in Coverlabel (dafuq ?) Fixed Bug when deleting Series (not deleting all cover / deleting some 2 times) Fixed ConcurrentModification in getGenreList (yay, finally) Added OnRefresh Event (after the Blocking of the App) 1.7 Features Removed the unnecessary Frame ExportJXMLBKPDialog (Functionality is now frameless) 1.7 Features Added Option to load previously exported (jxmlbkp) Databases Moved the zip / export / import Functionality to ExportHelper.java Added parseXML Functions to CCMovie, CCSeries, CCSeason and CCEpisode It now needs a doubleclick to open the Log Fixed Bug in Settingsframe with empty Descriptions (captionIdent == "") 1.7 Features Added DatabaseError for Wrong Filename Added Autofix for Wrong Filename 1.7 Features Added TestCase to CCDate Fixed WeekdayCalculation in CCDate 1.6 Other Updated Other ##################################################################### ############ Sat Apr 13 22:42:28 2013 +0200 1.6 RELEASE ############ ##################################################################### 1.6 RELEASE Changed the Versionnumber 1.6 Features Finished Shortcut System: - Automatic Shortcuts for all Elements in the ActionTree - Change Shortcuts in SettingsFrame - ShortcutEdit (KeyStrokeEdit) for changing Shortcuts in the GUI - Fixed Visual Bugs when displaying Shortcuts Better Width and Height-Managment in Settingsframe: - Automatic calc the Height (use Scrollbar if too much) - Automatic calc the Amount of Tabs Updated ToDos 1.6 Features Cleaned up the CCProperties code: - getValue is now abstract - setValue is now abstract - No more ugly hard casts in CCProperties - easier to add new Property Formats Added CCKeyStrokeProperty 1.6 Features Added Keyboard Shortcuts 1.6 Bugfix and Features Fixed Focus Bugs in MassChangeScoreFrame Fixed Focus Bugs in MassChangeViewedFrame Added Numpad Keys to MassChangeScoreFrame Added Numpad Keys to MassChangeViewedFrame Added "Only Viewed" Option to MassChangeScoreFrame Added "Only Not-Viewed" Option to MassChangeViewedFrame Fixed AV in ScanFolderFrame 1.6 Features Added TabOrder for AddMovieFrame Added TabOrder for AddEpisodesFrame Added TabOrder for AddSeriesFrame Added TabOrder for CompareDatabaseFrame Added TabOrder for EditMovieFrame Added TabOrder for EditSeriesFrame Added TabOrder for ExportJxmlBKBFrame Added TabOrder for FindCoverDialog Added TabOrder for ParseImDBDialog Added TabOrder for ScanFolderFrame Added TabOrder for AutomaticSettingsFrame 1.6 Features Added TabOrder for AddMovieFrame Added TabOrder for AddEpisodesFrame 1.6 Bugfix Fixed trim bug 1.6 Features Added "Show in Browser" to Movies/Series Popup Updated .gitignore Updated Other (now finally not binary) 1.6 Features Better Sort of Genres in Table Throw UserDataProblem/DatabaseError when Tabs at start/end of strings Auto set Quality of Mass-added-Episodes Added contextmenu->"save as" to Coverlabels Fixed AV when adding a season Added findCover to AddSeason Added ErrorCount to InputErrorDialog 1.5 Bugfix Fixed Bug when editing a Movie 1.5 Other Added Other 1.5 UPDATE Completely redone the findCoverFrame (everything is better now) #################################################################### ############ Fri Apr 5 17:11:11 2013 +0200 1.5 RELEASE ############ #################################################################### 1.5 RELEASE Fixed CharSelctor (Less Buttons, but now all are visible) Fixed IMDB-Background-Color not working with sorted Table Added Lbl with Amount of Errors in CheckDatabaseFrame Fixed Autofix-Filesize for Episodes Added Display cover and ID to DebugMode (PreviewMovie and PreviewSeries) Better delete Icon Better Validate Icon Added new Search Frame that also searches Paths, Seasons and Episodes Renamed CheckDatabaseDialog to CheckDatabaseFrame Added 2D Mode to CoverChooser Added Option for 2D Mode Added Borders to CoverChooser Added Option for Border in CoverChooser Changed Settings-Cateory from DIALOGS to OTHERFRAMES Added Option to skip already rated Movies in MassChangeFrame Added Border around Selected Cover in findCoverFrame 1.5 FEATURES AND BUGFIXES - Added UserDataError: Zyklus/Title is not trimmed - Changed Errors from Bad-JSON to Warnings - Removed Iterator Test Code - Fixed Deadlock in parseIMDBFrame - Improved Thread-Managment in parseIMDBFrame - Removed Rawtype Warnings from a bunch of Frames (added Generic-Parameters) - Fixed Color Reset Bug in EditMovie(with empty Path-Edits) - Added Language as Field to CompareDatabase - Fixed NullpointerException in DatabaseComparator - Added Path Info to CompareDatabase Dialog - Fixed Wrong UserDataError when changing path of a Movie with an Zyklus - Added UserDataError: Zyklus ends with Roman - Added UserDataError: Wrong Quality - Added DatabaseError: Zyklus ends with Roman - Added DatabaseError: Wrong Quality - Moved getMovieQualityForFilesize to CCMovieQuality.java - Improved IntelliSort with larger roman Numbers (should now always work correctly) - Removed Unhelpful LocalID's from CheckDatabaseFrame - Added Open Edit Window Action to CheckDatabaseErrorDialog - Update Button with Count whenn Adding Movie in ScanFolderFrame - Fixed Deadlock in findCoverDialog - Fixed OK-Button in parseIMDB-Frame always being enabled - Added "Edit Movie on DblClick" Setting - Removed ChangeScore-Button from PreviewMovieFrame - Improved Filename Parser: is parsed as "Men in Black III - Men in Black" - Improved Filename Parser: is parsed as "Men in Black: The Subtitle" - Improved FilenameRenderer: Use complete Filesize (Of all Parts) to calculate Quality - Changed Label in Statusbar from "Movies" to "Elements" - Added a Autofix-Button to Autofix Database Errors - Added Autofix for Error: Incontinous Genrelist - Added Autofix for Error: Wrong Filesize - Added Autofix for Error: Incontinous Partlist - Added Autofix for Error: Wrong Format - Added Autofix for Error: Non Trimmed Title/Zyklus - Added Autofix for Error: Wrong Quality - Improved Multithread-Handling of ProgressCallbackListener (more Methods) - Added ProgressCallbackHelper (Easy Progress Display in Multithreading) - Added DatabaseError: Duplicate Movietitle - Added UserDataError: Duplicate Movietitle - Made UserDataErrors in LanguageFiles better readable by forcing a two-digit-number - Removed old and unused Code from DatabaseCoverElement - Fixed English Caption in German Language (SettingsFrame) - Added DatabaseError: Duplicate File - Added UserDataError: Duplicate File 1.4 Update Changed Launch4j config to 1.4 #################################################################### ############ Tue Apr 2 14:57:44 2013 +0200 1.4 RELEASE ############ #################################################################### 1.4 RELEASE Added Compare Frame Changed Delete Icon Fixed Language Problems in Filenameparser Updated .gitignore to include libraries 1.4 WIP-Feature Started Implementing Comparing DB's 1.4 Bugfix Added Better (non-Glitching) CoverCache-ID Mechanism 1.4 Feature Added TimeKeeper for Simple Methode Performance Testing Added MD5 Calculation for Movie-File Updated ToDos 1.4 Other Added better comments to the FindCoverThreads 1.4 Features Made disabled Spinner, Textfields and Comboboxes better readable 1.4 Features - Moved Util (Database) Classes to util package - Added iterator(), iteratorMovies() and iteratorSeries() - Replaced Loops with iterators 1.4 Features Implementes Serialization (XML) for CCDatabaseElement CCMovie CCSeries CCSeason CCEpisode Added Export as *.jxmlbkp Option (XML in Zip with Cover) Fixed a Situation where you edit Swing Objects in an non-Event-Thread 1.4 Features Added Hidden DebugMode Option (only in extended Settings Dialog) Added Option to change the FilesizeDrift 1.3 Bugfix Fixed the non-displaying the duplicate Cover Error Message Added proper Debug Mode 1.3 Bugfix Fixed a Bug where you cant see which Elements have Bugs ##################################################################### ############ Fri Mar 29 20:55:32 2013 +0100 1.3 RELEASE ############ ##################################################################### 1.3 RELEASE - Added Score to AddMovieFrame 1.3 REALEASE - Added Score to AddMovieFrame 1.3 Features - Moved alle CheckUserDataMethods to the CheckUserData Class - Added ToDos - Do not Autoselect title in ParseImDB-Frame - Use Progressbar when opening Page in ParseImDB-Frame - Added (bannned) to AgeRatingParser - Do not throw Warnings when parsing a Movie with minimal Infos - Added UserDataWarning: Zyklus (or Title) has Leading or trailing Spaces - Added UserDataWarning: Zyklus already exists - Fixed confusing Messages (and wrong algorithms) with the ZyklusNumbers (-1 | 0 | Number) - Added new Checks to CheckDatabaseDialogs : Leading / Trailing Spaces - Added new Checks to CheckDatabaseDialogs : Wrong AddDate - Added new Checks to CheckDatabaseDialogs : Wrong LastViewed - Added new Checks to CheckDatabaseDialogs : Inconsistent AddDate and isViewed - Added new Checks to CheckDatabaseDialogs : Duplicate CoverFiles - Changed JTextArea in CheckDatabaseFrame to JList - Fixed Progressbar in CheckDatabaseFrame - Exported CheckDatabase Code in to several extra Classes - Changed DatabaseError Strings to Default :== German 1.3 Features Fixed Title in Preview Movie hides Viewed-Eye Added Are-you-sure Dialog to delete Episode Updated ToDo's 1.3 Features Added Filenamerules Added EBNF for Filenames Added CCDateSpinner Bug Updates ToDo List Updated UserData to German Texts 1.3 Features Added Initial Sort Property Improved CCRInt Property (Constructors) 1.2 Bugfix IV Bug vo BF III auch in CCSeason gefixt Moar ToDo's 1.2 Bugfix III - Fixed Bug on Adding new Movie (deleting nonexistent cover) - Fixed Auto-Calc Filesize when adding Movie - Added ":" Syntax to Filenameparser 1.2 Bugfix II -Fixed Text Glitch in editMovieFrame -Fixed Filesize fixing itself when open editFrame -Fixed non-auto-relative Path in editSeriesFrame -Fixed wrong calculation of FileExists and Filesize in PreviewSeriesFrame -Fixed TableTypFilter not working -Made MoveSeriesFrame modal 1.2 Bugfix Fixed 2 massive Bugs in Covercache (Deleting and Adding) 1.2 Update Modality sucks ##################################################################### ############ Sat Mar 16 17:29:38 2013 +0100 1.2 Release ############ ##################################################################### 1.2 Release Fixed a load of Bugs Added Context Menu to PreviewSeriesFrame Added Search To PreviewSeriesFrame 1.1 Bugfixes Fixed AV when using StatusFilter Fixed Checkbox in ScanFrame not correct disabled ###################################################################### ############ Fri Mar 15 23:56:34 2013 +0100 1.1 Realease ############ ###################################################################### 1.1 Realease -Added Change Score Frame -Added Change Viewed Frame -Added Move Series Frame -Improved Quality Filter / Renderer -Added Status-Filter to Sidebar -Fixed Scan Folder Dialog -Fixed multiple Layout Issues -Fixed CheckDB Dialog Issues -Added Series to CheckDB Dialog