#!/bin/bash BLOCKS_BUCKET="${BLOCKS_BUCKET:=https://storage.googleapis.com/mina_network_block_data}" set -u MINA_NETWORK=${1} # Postgres database connection string and related variables POSTGRES_DBNAME=${2} POSTGRES_USERNAME=${3} PG_CONN=postgres://${POSTGRES_USERNAME}:${POSTGRES_USERNAME}@${POSTGRES_DBNAME} function jq_parent_json() { jq -rs 'map(select(.metadata.parent_hash != null and .metadata.parent_height != null)) | "\(.[0].metadata.parent_height)-\(.[0].metadata.parent_hash).json"' } function jq_parent_hash() { jq -rs 'map(select(.metadata.parent_hash != null and .metadata.parent_height != null)) | .[0].metadata.parent_hash' } function populate_db() { mina-archive-blocks --precomputed --archive-uri "$1" "$2" | jq -rs '"[BOOTSTRAP] Populated database with block: \(.[-1].message)"' rm "$2" } function download_block() { echo "Downloading $1 block" curl -sO "${BLOCKS_BUCKET}/${1}" } HASH='map(select(.metadata.parent_hash != null and .metadata.parent_height != null)) | .[0].metadata.parent_hash' # Bootstrap finds every missing state hash in the database and imports them from the o1labs bucket of .json blocks function bootstrap() { echo "[BOOTSTRAP] Top 10 blocks before bootstrapping the archiveDB:" psql "${PG_CONN}" -c "SELECT state_hash,height FROM blocks ORDER BY height DESC LIMIT 10" echo "[BOOTSTRAP] Restoring blocks individually from ${BLOCKS_BUCKET}..." until [[ "$PARENT" == "null" ]] ; do PARENT_FILE="${MINA_NETWORK}-$(mina-missing-blocks-auditor --archive-uri $PG_CONN | jq_parent_json)" download_block "${PARENT_FILE}" populate_db "$PG_CONN" "$PARENT_FILE" PARENT="$(mina-missing-blocks-auditor --archive-uri $PG_CONN | jq_parent_hash)" done echo "[BOOTSTRAP] Top 10 blocks in bootstrapped archiveDB:" psql "${PG_CONN}" -c "SELECT state_hash,height FROM blocks ORDER BY height DESC LIMIT 10" echo "[BOOTSTRAP] This rosetta node is synced with no missing blocks back to genesis!" echo "[BOOTSTRAP] Checking again in 60 minutes..." sleep 3000 } # Wait until there is a block missing PARENT=null while true; do # Test once every 10 minutes forever, take an hour off when bootstrap completes PARENT="$(mina-missing-blocks-auditor --archive-uri $PG_CONN | jq_parent_hash)" echo "[BOOTSTRAP] $(mina-missing-blocks-auditor --archive-uri $PG_CONN | jq -rs .[].message)" [[ "$PARENT" != "null" ]] && echo "[BOOSTRAP] Some blocks are missing, moving to recovery logic..." && bootstrap sleep 600 # Wait for the daemon to catchup and start downloading new blocks done echo "[BOOTSTRAP] This rosetta node is synced with no missing blocks back to genesis!"