#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2015-2016 Mirantis, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import json import logging import os import subprocess import sys import time import urllib2 import yaml LOG = logging.getLogger("updater") LOG.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) ch = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) ch.setFormatter(logging.Formatter("%(message)s")) ch.setLevel(logging.INFO) LOG.addHandler(ch) fh = logging.FileHandler("mos_apply_mu.log") fh.setFormatter(logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s")) LOG.addHandler(fh) class Config(object): def __init__(self): """ :rtype: Config """ self.cfg = { "username": "admin", "password": "admin", "tenant": "admin", "keystone": "", "nailgun": "", "mos_version": None, "mos_repos_to_install": set(["updates"]), "env_id": 0, "all_envs": False, "try_offline": False, "really": False, "check": False, "roles": None, "nodes": None, "interval": 0, "no_rsync": False, "use_latest": False, "ubuntu_pool": None, "apache_user": { 'ubuntu': 'horizon', 'centos': 'apache' }, "apache_restart": { 'ubuntu': 'service apache2 restart', 'centos': 'service httpd restart' }, "master_ip": None, "repo_install_text": 'echo "{REPO_TEXT}" > {REPO_FILE};\n', "repo_use_text": { 'ubuntu': 'apt-get -o Dir::etc::sourcelist="-"' ' -o Dir::Etc::sourceparts="/root/mos_update_repo/"' ' -o APT::Get::List-Cleanup="0" update\n' 'DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive' ' apt-get -o Dir::etc::sourcelist="-"' ' -o Dir::Etc::sourceparts="/root/mos_update_repo/"' ' -o APT::Get::List-Cleanup="0"' ' -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confdef"' ' -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confold" -y' ' --force-yes upgrade\n', 'centos': 'yum --disablerepo="*" {REPOS_ACTIVATE} update' ' --skip-broken -y --nogpgcheck\n' }, "repo_activate": { "ubuntu": ' -o Dir::Etc::sourcelist="{REPO_FILE}" ', "centos": ' --enablerepo="mos-{REPO_NAME}" ' } } for cmd in sys.argv[1:]: if '--env-id' in cmd: self.cfg['env_id'] = int(cmd.split('=')[1]) if '--user' in cmd: self.cfg['username'] = cmd.split('=')[1] if '--pass' in cmd: self.cfg['password'] = cmd.split('=')[1] if '--tenant' in cmd: self.cfg['tenant'] = cmd.split('=')[1] if '--all-envs' in cmd: self.cfg['all_envs'] = True if '--offline' in cmd: self.cfg['try_offline'] = True if '--check' in cmd: self.cfg['check'] = True if '--update' in cmd: self.cfg['really'] = True if '--interval' in cmd: self.cfg['interval'] = int(cmd.split('=')[1]) if '--roles' in cmd: t = cmd.split('=')[1] self.cfg['roles'] = [r.strip() for r in t.split(',')] if '--nodes' in cmd: t = cmd.split('=')[1] self.cfg['nodes'] = [r.strip() for r in t.split(',')] self.cfg['all_envs'] = True if '--fuel-ip' in cmd: fuel_ip = cmd.split('=')[1] self.cfg['keystone'] = 'http://' + fuel_ip + ':5000/v2.0' self.cfg['nailgun'] = 'http://' + fuel_ip + ':8000/' if '--master-ip' in cmd: self.cfg['master_ip'] = cmd.split('=')[1] if '--mos-version' in cmd: self.cfg['mos_version'] = cmd.split('=')[1] if '--mos-proposed' in cmd: self.cfg['mos_repos_to_install'].add("proposed") if '--mos-security' in cmd: self.cfg['mos_repos_to_install'].add("security") if '--use-latest' in cmd: self.cfg['use_latest'] = True if '--no-rsync' in cmd: self.cfg['no_rsync'] = True if '--version' in cmd: self.errexit(msg="VER_ID: 29042016", code=19) # validate all the data to find out incompatibles if (self.cfg['env_id'] > 0) and (self.cfg['all_envs']): self.errexit( msg="ERROR: You should only select either --env-id or --all-envs.", code=5 ) if (self.cfg['env_id'] == 0) and (not self.cfg['all_envs']): self.errexit( msg="ERROR: At least one option (env-id or all-envs) must be set.", code=6 ) if self.cfg['really'] and self.cfg['check']: self.errexit( msg="ERROR: You should use either --check or --update. Not both.", code=7 ) if not self.cfg['really'] and not self.cfg['check']: self.errexit( msg="ERROR: Either --check or --update must be set.", code=8 ) if self.cfg['master_ip'] is None: try: self.cfg['master_ip'] = self.guess_master_ip() LOG.info("\tMASTER_IP: {0}".format(self.cfg['master_ip'])) except: self.errexit( msg="ERROR: --master-ip is required! Set with --master-ip=X.X.X.X", code=110 ) if self.cfg['mos_version'] is None: try: self.cfg['mos_version'] = self.guess_mos_version() LOG.info("\tMOS_VERSION: {0}".format(self.cfg['mos_version'])) except: self.errexit( msg="ERROR: MOS version is not determined, please set it with --mos-version", code=111 ) def guess_mos_version(self): try: with open('/etc/fuel/version.yaml', 'r') as fp: return yaml.load(fp)['VERSION']['release'] except: raise def guess_master_ip(self): try: with open('/etc/fuel/astute.yaml', 'r') as fp: return yaml.load(fp)['ADMIN_NETWORK']['ipaddress'] except: raise def errexit(self, msg=None, code=1): usage = """ Tool to install maintenance updates to the nodes. Usage: python mos_apply_mu.py {--env-id=N | --all-envs} {--check | --update} [user=X] [--pass=Y] [--tenant=Z] [--offline] [--master-ip=A.B.C.D] [--mos-version=E.F] Required arguments: --env-id=N ID of operational environment which needs to be updated --all-envs Update all operational environments --update Make real update (without this nothing will be updated) --check Check status of selected nodes Optional arguments: --offline Add to update nodes which are currently offline in fuel (may cause significant timeouts) --user Username used in Fuel-Keystone authentication, default: admin --pass Password suitable to username, default: admin --tenant Suitable tenant, default: admin --mos-version Version of MOS ('5.1.1', '6.1', '7.0', etc.) default: taken from /etc/fuel/version.yaml --master-ip IP-Address of Fuel-master node default: taken from /etc/fuel/astute.yaml --roles Comma-separated list of roles to update or check. default: all roles are selected --nodes Comma-separated list of nodes to update or check. default: all nodes are selected --interval Time gap in seconds between two consecutive nodes update. Might be useful in big environments, to update an environment more gently. default: 0 Fuel 6.1 and higher options: By default only 'mos-updates' repository will be installed into an environment. --mos-proposed Enable proposed updates repository --mos-security Enable security updates repository --no-rsync Don't download chosen repositories Examples: python mos_apply_mu.py --env-id=11 --user=op --pass=V3ryS3Cur3 \ --update --master-ip="" Runs update process on nodes in the environment #11 python mos_apply_mu.py --env-id=11 --user=op --pass=V3ryS3Cur3 --check Checks the state of update process on the nodes in the environment #11 States may be the following (separate for each node): * STARTED - script has been started and it's still working * REPO_UPD=OK - execution is over, maintenance update has been successfully installed. To get detailed log examine /var/log/mos_apply_mu.log on remote nodes. Questions: dmeltsaykin@mirantis.com Mirantis, 2015 """ print(usage) if msg: LOG.info(msg) sys.exit(code) def getcfg(self): return dict(self.cfg) class BasicUpdater(object): def __init__(self, cfg): self.cfg = cfg def run(self): """ main entry point for each subclass, returns nothing :return: None """ # download repos if allowed if not self.cfg['no_rsync'] and self.cfg['really']: self.rsync() # get full list of nodes and envs from nailgun self.cfg['nodes_list'] = self.get_node_list() # decide either to update or to check if self.cfg['check']: self.check() else: self.update() def get_node_list(self): """ Function to get list of nodes to update or to check if the update process was successful :return: set """ def get_operational_envs(nodes): envs = set() for node in nodes: if self.cfg['try_offline'] and node['status'] == 'ready': envs.add(node['cluster']) elif node['online'] and node['status'] == 'ready': envs.add(node['cluster']) return envs def keystone_get_token(): try: jrequest = """ {{ "auth": {{ "tenantName": "{tenant}", "passwordCredentials": {{ "username": "{username}", "password": "{password}" }} }} }} """.format( tenant=self.cfg['tenant'], username=self.cfg['username'], password=self.cfg['password'] ) req = urllib2.Request(self.cfg['keystone'] + '/tokens/') req.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/json') req.add_data(jrequest) out = json.load(urllib2.urlopen(req)) return out['access']['token']['id'] except: self.errexit( msg="Cannot obtain token from keystone!", code=95 ) req = urllib2.Request(self.cfg['nailgun'] + '/api/v1/nodes/') req.add_header('X-Auth-Token', keystone_get_token()) nodes = json.load(urllib2.urlopen(req)) # we fetched all the nodes from nailgun, here we must filter them out if self.cfg['env_id'] != 0: self.cfg['envs_list'] = set([self.cfg['env_id']]) else: self.cfg['envs_list'] = get_operational_envs(nodes) return nodes def errexit(self, msg=None, code=1): LOG.info("Error occurred!") if msg: LOG.info(msg) sys.exit(code) def _run_helper(self, cmd, send_text=None, nostderr=True): """ run command :param cmd: set[] :param nostderr: if True stderr redirected to /dev/null :return: tuple """ devnull = open(os.devnull, 'w') if nostderr: STDERR = devnull else: STDERR = subprocess.PIPE STDOUT = subprocess.PIPE if send_text: STDIN = subprocess.PIPE else: STDIN = None LOG.debug("Started _run_helper() with: {0}".format(" ".join(cmd))) try: proc = subprocess.Popen( cmd, stdin=STDIN, stderr=STDERR, stdout=STDOUT ) result = "" if send_text: proc.communicate(input=send_text) proc.wait() while not send_text: out = proc.stdout.readline() if out == '' and proc.poll() is not None: break result += out devnull.close() LOG.debug(result) return proc.returncode, result except Exception as e: LOG.debug("Exception in _run_helper()", exc_info=True) return 254, "Exception in _run_helper(): {0}".format(e.message) def _affected_nodes(self): """ Returns a set of tuples(ip, os) of the selected nodes :return: set """ def _is_selected(node): # These values are boolean e = node['cluster'] in self.cfg['envs_list'] r = True if not self.cfg['roles'] else any( set(self.cfg['roles']).intersection( set(node['roles']))) o = node['online'] or self.cfg['try_offline'] n = True if not self.cfg['nodes'] else \ node['ip'] in self.cfg['nodes'] # Returns True if all conditions are met, # otherwise False is returned return all((e, r, o, n)) return set((n['ip'], n['os_platform']) for n in self.cfg['nodes_list'] if _is_selected(n)) def check(self): """ Checks what is the current state of nodes :return: """ for ip, os in self._affected_nodes(): cmd = ["ssh", ip, "tail -n1 /var/log/mos_apply_mu.status"] (state, msg) = self._run_helper(cmd=cmd) if state == 0: LOG.info("Node {0} state: {1}".format(ip, msg)) else: LOG.info("Node {0}: no updates information found.".format(ip)) def update(self): """ does the real update of the selected nodes :return: None """ update_script = """#!/bin/bash exec > >(logger -tmos_apply_mu) 2>&1 set -x STATUS="/var/log/mos_apply_mu.status" echo "STARTED" > $STATUS mkdir /root/mos_update_repo || rm /root/mos_update_repo/* %%repo_install%% retval=$? if [ $retval != 0 ]; then REPO_STATE="FAIL" else REPO_STATE="OK" fi if [ -a /usr/bin/modify-horizon-config.sh ] then /usr/bin/modify-horizon-config.sh uninstall export HORIZON_CONFIG=/usr/share/openstack-dashboard/openstack_dashboard/settings.py export MURANO_SSL_ENABLED=False export USE_KEYSTONE_ENDPOINT=True export USE_SQLITE_BACKEND=False export APACHE_USER="%%apache_user%%" export APACHE_GROUP="%%apache_user%%" /usr/bin/modify-horizon-config.sh install /usr/share/openstack-dashboard/manage.py collectstatic --noinput %%apache_restart%% else echo "Murano is not installed. Fix skipped." fi echo "UPDATE=$REPO_STATE" >> $STATUS """ def _get_repo_install(os_version): """ generates the text of repository installation :return: string """ _result = "" _repos_activate = "" # making header per each repo for repo in self.cfg['mos_repos_to_install']: REPO_TEXT = self.cfg['repo_template'][os_version]['repo_text'].format( MOS_VERSION=self.cfg['mos_version'], MASTER_IP=self.cfg['master_ip'], REPO_NAME=repo ) REPO_FILE = self.cfg['repo_template'][os_version]['repo_file'].format( REPO_NAME=repo ) _result += self.cfg['repo_install_text'].format( REPO_TEXT=REPO_TEXT, REPO_FILE=REPO_FILE ) _repos_activate += self.cfg['repo_activate'][os_version].format( REPO_FILE=REPO_FILE, REPO_NAME=repo ) # this part adds yum update/apt-get upgrade _result += self.cfg['repo_use_text'][os_version].format( REPOS_ACTIVATE=_repos_activate ) return _result for ip, distro in self._affected_nodes(): script_text = update_script.replace( "%%repo_install%%", _get_repo_install(distro) ).replace( "%%apache_user%%", self.cfg['apache_user'][distro] ).replace( "%%apache_restart%%", self.cfg['apache_restart'][distro] ) cmd = [ "ssh", ip, "cat - > /root/mos_update.sh;chmod +x /root/mos_update.sh;" "(nohup /root/mos_update.sh > /dev/null 2>&1) &" ] state, out = self._run_helper(cmd=cmd, send_text=script_text) if state != 0: LOG.info("Node {0}: failure! [{1}:{2}]" "Examine log at /var/log/remote/{0}/" "mos_apply_mu.log".format(ip, state, out)) else: LOG.info("Node {0}: started update. " "Log at /var/log/remote/{0}/" "mos_apply_mu.log".format(ip)) LOG.info("Waiting {0} seconds.".format(self.cfg['interval'])) time.sleep(self.cfg['interval']) def rsync(self): """ downloads repositories to the fuel node :return: """ def _dir_check_or_create(directory): """ check whether dir exists, if not create it with all the subdirs :param directory: :return: None """ try: os.makedirs(directory) except: pass for distro in ['ubuntu', 'centos']: for repo in self.cfg['mos_repos_to_install']: dest_dir = self.cfg['repo_template'][distro]["local_path"].format( MOS_VERSION=self.cfg['mos_version'], REPO_NAME=repo ) rsync_url = self.cfg['repo_template'][distro]["rsync"].format( MOS_VERSION=self.cfg['mos_version'], REPO_NAME=repo ) _dir_check_or_create(dest_dir) cmd = ["rsync", "-vap", "--chmod=Dugo+x", rsync_url, dest_dir] LOG.info("RSYNC: Downloading {0} repository for {1}".format( repo, distro)) retval, text = self._run_helper(cmd=cmd) if retval != 0: self.errexit("RSYNC: Error downloading repository! [{0}:{1}]".format( retval, text)) if self.cfg['ubuntu_pool']: LOG.info("RSYNC: Additional pool is downloading.") _dir_check_or_create(self.cfg['ubuntu_pool']['local_path']) cmd = ["rsync", "-vap", "--chmod=Dugo+x", self.cfg['ubuntu_pool']['rsync'], self.cfg['ubuntu_pool']['local_path']] retval, text = self._run_helper(cmd=cmd) if retval != 0: self.errexit("RSYNC: Error downloading pool! [{0}:{1}]".format( retval, text)) def rsync_pool_if_needed(self): pass class Updater511(BasicUpdater): def __init__(self, cfg): super(self.__class__, self).__init__(cfg) # we have only updates repository for 5.1.1 # regardless what was selected by the user self.cfg['mos_repos_to_install'] = set(['updates']) self.cfg['repo_template'] = { "ubuntu": { "rsync": "rsync://mirror.fuel-infra.org/" "mirror/fwm/{MOS_VERSION}/{REPO_NAME}/ubuntu/", "local_path": "/var/www/nailgun/{REPO_NAME}/ubuntu/", "repo_file": "/root/mos_update_repo/mos-{REPO_NAME}.list", "repo_text": "deb http://{MASTER_IP}:8080/updates/ubuntu " "precise main restricted", "prio": "1150" }, "centos": { "rsync": "rsync://mirror.fuel-infra.org/" "mirror/fwm/{MOS_VERSION}/{REPO_NAME}/centos/", "local_path": "/var/www/nailgun/{REPO_NAME}/centos/", "repo_text": "[mos-{REPO_NAME}]\n" "name=mos-{REPO_NAME}\n" "baseurl=http://{MASTER_IP}:8080/updates/centos/" "os/x86_64/\ngpgcheck=0\n", "repo_file": "/etc/yum.repos.d/mos-{REPO_NAME}.repo", "prio": "100" } } self.cfg["repo_use_text"] = { 'ubuntu': 'apt-get -o Dir::etc::sourcelist="-"' ' -o Dir::Etc::sourceparts="/root/mos_update_repo/"' ' -o APT::Get::List-Cleanup="0" update\n' 'apt-get -o Dir::etc::sourcelist="-"' ' -o Dir::Etc::sourceparts="/root/mos_update_repo/"' ' -o APT::Get::List-Cleanup="0"' ' -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confdef"' ' -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confold" -y' ' --force-yes dist-upgrade\n', 'centos': 'yum --disablerepo="*" {REPOS_ACTIVATE} update' ' --skip-broken -y --nogpgcheck\n' } class Updater60(BasicUpdater): def __init__(self, cfg): super(self.__class__, self).__init__(cfg) # we have only updates repository for 6.0 # regardless what was selected by the user self.cfg['mos_repos_to_install'] = set(['updates']) self.cfg['repo_template'] = { "ubuntu": { "rsync": "rsync://mirror.fuel-infra.org/" "mirror/fwm/{MOS_VERSION}/{REPO_NAME}/ubuntu/", "local_path": "/var/www/nailgun/{REPO_NAME}/ubuntu/", "repo_file": "/root/mos_update_repo/mos-{REPO_NAME}.list", "repo_text": "deb http://{MASTER_IP}:8080/updates/ubuntu " "precise main restricted", "prio": "1150" }, "centos": { "rsync": "rsync://mirror.fuel-infra.org/" "mirror/fwm/{MOS_VERSION}/{REPO_NAME}/centos/", "local_path": "/var/www/nailgun/{REPO_NAME}/centos/", "repo_text": "[mos-{REPO_NAME}]\n" "name=mos-{REPO_NAME}\n" "baseurl=http://{MASTER_IP}:8080/updates/centos/" "os/x86_64/\ngpgcheck=0\n", "repo_file": "/etc/yum.repos.d/mos-{REPO_NAME}.repo", "prio": "100" } } class Updater61(BasicUpdater): def __init__(self, cfg): super(self.__class__, self).__init__(cfg) self.cfg['repo_template'] = { "ubuntu": { "rsync": "rsync://mirror.fuel-infra.org/" "mirror/mos/ubuntu/dists/mos{MOS_VERSION}-{REPO_NAME}/", "local_path": "/var/www/nailgun/mos-ubuntu/dists/mos{MOS_VERSION}-{REPO_NAME}/", "repo_file": "/root/mos_update_repo/mos-{REPO_NAME}.list", "repo_text": "deb http://{MASTER_IP}:8080/mos-ubuntu " "mos{MOS_VERSION}-{REPO_NAME} main restricted", "prio": "1150" }, "centos": { "rsync": "rsync://mirror.fuel-infra.org/mirror/" "mos/centos-6/mos{MOS_VERSION}/{REPO_NAME}/", "local_path": "/var/www/nailgun/mos-centos/mos{MOS_VERSION}/{REPO_NAME}", "repo_text": "[mos-{REPO_NAME}]\n" "name=mos-{REPO_NAME}\n" "baseurl=http://{MASTER_IP}:8080/mos-centos/mos{MOS_VERSION}/" "{REPO_NAME}/\ngpgcheck=0\n", "repo_file": "/etc/yum.repos.d/mos-{REPO_NAME}.repo", "prio": "100" } } self.cfg['ubuntu_pool'] = { 'rsync': "rsync://mirror.fuel-infra.org" "/mirror/mos/ubuntu/pool/", 'local_path': "/var/www/nailgun/mos-ubuntu/pool/" } class Updater70(BasicUpdater): def __init__(self, cfg): super(self.__class__, self).__init__(cfg) self.cfg['repo_template'] = { "ubuntu": { "rsync": "rsync://mirror.fuel-infra.org/" "mirror/mos-repos/ubuntu/{MOS_VERSION}/dists/mos{MOS_VERSION}-{REPO_NAME}/", "local_path": "/var/www/nailgun/mos-ubuntu/dists/mos{MOS_VERSION}-{REPO_NAME}/", "repo_file": "/root/mos_update_repo/mos-{REPO_NAME}.list", "repo_text": "deb http://{MASTER_IP}:8080/mos-ubuntu " "mos{MOS_VERSION}-{REPO_NAME} main restricted", "prio": "1150" }, "centos": { "rsync": "rsync://mirror.fuel-infra.org/mirror/" "mos-repos/centos/mos{MOS_VERSION}-centos6-fuel/{REPO_NAME}/", "local_path": "/var/www/nailgun/mos-centos/mos{MOS_VERSION}/{REPO_NAME}", "repo_text": "[mos-{REPO_NAME}]\n" "name=mos-{REPO_NAME}\n" "baseurl=http://{MASTER_IP}:8080/mos-centos/mos{MOS_VERSION}/" "{REPO_NAME}/\ngpgcheck=0\n", "repo_file": "/etc/yum.repos.d/mos-{REPO_NAME}.repo", "prio": "100" } } self.cfg['ubuntu_pool'] = { 'rsync': "rsync://mirror.fuel-infra.org" "/mirror/mos-repos/ubuntu/7.0/pool/", 'local_path': "/var/www/nailgun/mos-ubuntu/pool/" } class Updater80(BasicUpdater): def __init__(self, cfg): super(self.__class__, self).__init__(cfg) self.cfg['repo_template'] = { "ubuntu": { "rsync": "rsync://mirror.fuel-infra.org/" "mirror/mos-repos/ubuntu/{MOS_VERSION}/dists/mos{MOS_VERSION}-{REPO_NAME}/", "local_path": "/var/www/nailgun/mos-ubuntu/dists/mos{MOS_VERSION}-{REPO_NAME}/", "repo_file": "/root/mos_update_repo/mos-{REPO_NAME}.list", "repo_text": "deb http://{MASTER_IP}:8080/mos-ubuntu " "mos{MOS_VERSION}-{REPO_NAME} main restricted", "prio": "1150" }, "centos": { "rsync": "rsync://mirror.fuel-infra.org/mirror/" "mos-repos/centos/mos{MOS_VERSION}-centos7-fuel/{REPO_NAME}/", "local_path": "/var/www/nailgun/mos-centos/mos{MOS_VERSION}/{REPO_NAME}", "repo_text": "[mos-{REPO_NAME}]\n" "name=mos-{REPO_NAME}\n" "baseurl=http://{MASTER_IP}:8080/mos-centos/mos{MOS_VERSION}/" "{REPO_NAME}/\ngpgcheck=0\n", "repo_file": "/etc/yum.repos.d/mos-{REPO_NAME}.repo", "prio": "100" } } self.cfg['ubuntu_pool'] = { 'rsync': "rsync://mirror.fuel-infra.org" "/mirror/mos-repos/ubuntu/8.0/pool/", 'local_path': "/var/www/nailgun/mos-ubuntu/pool/" } if __name__ == "__main__": v = { "5.1.1": Updater511, "6.0": Updater60, "6.1": Updater61, "7.0": Updater70, "8.0": Updater80 } config = Config() ver = v.get(config.cfg['mos_version'], None) if ver: inst = ver(config.getcfg()) inst.run() else: LOG.info("This script is not designed to update Fuel {0}".format( config.cfg['mos_version']))