function saveOGs() local ogTbl = { term.getBackgroundColor(), term.getTextColor(), term.getCursorPos(), } return ogTbl end function restoreOGs(ogTbl) term.setBackgroundColor(ogTbl[1]) term.setTextColor(ogTbl[2]) term.setCursorPos(ogTbl[3], ogTbl[4]) end function label(x, y, text, w, c1, c2) local ogTbl = saveOGs() paintutils.drawLine(x, y, x+w, y, c2) local mX, mY = term.getCursorPos() term.setCursorPos(mX-(math.floor(w/2+0.5))-(math.floor(#text/2+0.5)), mY) term.setTextColor(c1) write(text) restoreOGs(ogTbl) end function safe(x, y, w, c1, c2, def, c3) return field(x, y, w, c1, c2, def, c3, true) end function field(x, y, w, c1, c2, def, c3, prot) regionTbl = { ["x"] = x, ["y"] = y, ["xw"] = x+w, ["ctbl"] = { c1, c2, c3, }, ["input"] = "", ["def"] = def, ["prot"] = prot, ["label"] = function() label(x, y, " ", w, c1, c2) end, } return regionTbl end function build(formTbl, submitFunc, x, y, w, c1, c2, text) if not text then text = " " end label(x, y, text, w, c1, c2) local ogTbl = saveOGs() local form = { ["sel"] = 1, ["total"] = 0, ["x"] = x, ["y"] = y, ["xw"] = x+w, } for key, val in pairs(formTbl) do = + 1 val.label() update(formTbl, {["sel"] = key}) end update(formTbl, {["sel"] = 1}) os.sleep(0.15) handle(formTbl, form) restoreOGs(ogTbl) submitFunc(formTbl) end function handle(formTbl, form) local pause = false local active = true local event, button, mX, mY = os.pullEvent() for key, val in pairs(formTbl) do if event == "mouse_click" and mX >= val.x and mX <= val.xw and mY == val.y and form.sel ~= key then form.sel = key elseif event == "char" and key == form.sel then val.input = val.input..button elseif button == keys.backspace and key == form.sel then val.input = string.sub(val.input, 1, #val.input-1) os.sleep(0.15) elseif not pause and button == then if ~= form.sel then form.sel = form.sel+1 else form.sel = 1 end os.sleep(0.2) pause = true elseif not pause and button == keys.leftCtrl and form.sel ~= 1 then form.sel = form.sel-1 os.sleep(0.2) pause = true elseif button == keys.enter and == form.sel then active = false elseif event == "mouse_click" and mX >= form.x and mX <= form.xw and mY == form.y then active = false end update(formTbl, form) end if active then handle(formTbl, form) else term.setCursorBlink(false) end end function update(formTbl, form) local val = formTbl[form.sel] formTbl[form.sel].label() term.setCursorBlink(false) term.setCursorPos(val.x, val.y) term.setBackgroundColor(val.ctbl[2]) if val.def and val.input == "" then term.setTextColor(val.ctbl[3]) write(val.def) term.setCursorBlink(true) elseif val.input then term.setTextColor(val.ctbl[1]) local w = val.xw-val.x if #val.input > w then if not val.prot then write(string.sub(val.input, -w-1)) else write(string.sub(string.rep("*", #val.input), -w-1)) end else if not val.prot then write(val.input) else write(string.rep("*", #val.input)) end end term.setCursorBlink(true) end end return { build = build, label = label, field = field, safe = safe}