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      <p style="margin-bottom:25px; text-transform:none">A Digital Infrastructure for exploring urban quality of life indicators </p>
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        <h2>About Urban Analytics Infrastructure</h2>
        <p>This project is a collaboration of six Australian universities to develop an urban analytics data infrastructure that builds on the Australian Urban Research Infrastructure Network and the UADI website gives full details. This digital data infrastructure intends to enable the integration, harmonisation, connectivity and scalability of multi-source urban datasets. This infrastructure is required to underpin the next generation of data-driven modelling and decision-support tools to enable the design of smart, productive and resilient cities. These capabilities are predicated on the adoption of ISO standards, development of new ontological frameworks and an urban data dictionary to enable semantic inferencing of datasets and the development of data structures and services. This framework would then be applied to data on people, land and urban infrastructure to support comparative and multi-dimensional analytics. </p>
        <p align="center"><img src="images/uadi-structure.jpg" width="505" height="535" alt=""/></p>
        <p>This portal provides an interface for the UADI digital infrastructure required to underpin the next generation of data driven modelling and decision-support tools to enable smart, productive and resilient cities. This project will capitalise and add value to the AURIN platform, create a positive impact on the fragmented data landscape that persists in Australia, and empower new capabilities in urban analytics. This project will not only advance the emerging area of urban science and provide new opportunities for urban researchers to engage with national or international cooperative initiatives, it will also crucially support evidence-based planning to enable societal transformation to realise sustainability and well-being in Australian cities. </p>
        <p><strong>Chief Investigators: </strong></p>
          <li>Prof Abbas Rajabifard (The University of Melbourne) </li>
          <li>Prof Robert Stimson (The University of Melbourne) </li>
          <li>Prof Bill Randolph (The University of New South Wales)</li>
          <li> Prof Christopher Pettit (The University of New South Wales)</li>
          <li> Prof Jane Hunter (The University of Queensland)</li>
          <li> Associate Prof Jonathan Corcoran (The University of Queensland)</li>
          <li>Prof Robert Tanton (The University of Canberra)</li>
          <li>Prof Barbara Norman (The University of Canberra) </li>
          <li> Prof Sharon Biermann (The University of Western Australia)</li>
          <li> Prof Pascal Perez (University of Wollongong)          </li>
          <li> Dr Saeid Mohsen Kalantari Soltanieh (The University of Melbourne)          </li>
        <p>For further information about the project, please visit the project's <a href="http://csdila.unimelb.edu.au/projects/UADI/index.html">website</a>. </p>
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