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function createMostVisitedIndicatorContent()
	var mostVisitedBox = document.getElementById("mostVisitedBox");
	mostVisitedBox.innerHTML += "<h2>Most visited indicators</h2>";
	var configs = new configurationSettings();
	createXMLHttpRequest(configs.portal_list_top5_most_visited_indicators, function(response) 
		var indicators = response.indicators_list;
		var mainUL = document.createElement("ul");
		mainUL.className  = "popular";
		for (var i=0; i< indicators.length; i++)
			var tmp_indicator = indicators[i];
			var tmp_li = document.createElement("li");
			var tmp_a = document.createElement("a");
			tmp_a.title = tmp_indicator.jobname;
			tmp_a.href = configs.indicatordetailsPage + "?uuid=" + tmp_indicator.uuid;
			var tmp_p = document.createElement("p");
			tmp_p.appendChild(document.createTextNode("by " + 
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function showListOfThemes()
	var container = document.getElementById("bbithemes");
	container.innerHTML = "";
	container.innerHTML += "<h2>BROWSE INDICATORS BY THEMES</h2>";
	var configs = new configurationSettings();
	+ "?onturi=" + "http://csdila.unimelb.edu.au/ontologies/f/ThematicClasses.owl" + 		"&conuri=Theme&ontformat=RDF/XML&namespace=http://csdila.unimelb.edu.au/ontologies/indicatortheme%23" + 
	"&includeSubClasses=1&withreasoning=1" , function(response) 
	//do your things here if the request was successful!
		var outputs = response.outputs;
		var top_themes = Object.keys(outputs);
		if (top_themes.length > 0)
			for (var i = 0; i< top_themes.length; i++)
				var topThemeString = top_themes[i].toString().split('#')[1];
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				li_a_tmp.href = href;
				li_theme_tmp.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" (" + current_top_theme_array[j].indicator_count + ")")); 
			var p = document.createElement("p");
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	}, function(status) {
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function generateRecentIndicators()
	var container = document.getElementById("mostRecentIndicators");
	var containerFeatured = document.getElementById("featured");
	container.innerHTML = "";
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	var configs = new configurationSettings();
	createXMLHttpRequest(configs.portal_list_indicators_topN + "?num=15" , function(response) 
		var indicators = response.data;
		if (indicators.length > 0)
			var featureHTML = "";
			for (var i = 0; i< indicators.length; i++)
				var uuid = indicators[i].uuid;
				var title = indicators[i].jobname;
				var date = indicators[i].ctime.split(' ')[0];
				var publisherid = indicators[i].userid;
				var publisher = indicators[i].organisation_name;
				var geoBoundary = indicators[i].geoclass;
				var themes = indicators[i].themeclass;
				var thumbnail = indicators[i].imgurl;
				var abstract = indicators[i].jobdesc;
				var keyword = indicators[i].keywords;
				if (i < 1)
					// create the features ones - the last 5 published indicators	
					featureHTML += "<div class=\"post\">";
					featureHTML += "<h2><a href=\"" + configs.indicatordetailsPage + "?uuid=" + uuid + "\">" +  title + "</a></h2>";
					featureHTML += "<p class=\"details\"> " + getHumanReadableDateFromYYMMDD(date) + " | by <a href=\"" + configs.browseByPublisherPage + "?publisherid=" + publisherid + "&publishername=" + publisher + "\">" + publisher + "</a> </p>";
					featureHTML += "<div class=\"thumb\"><a href=\"" + configs.indicatordetailsPage + "?uuid=" + uuid + "\">";
					if (thumbnail != '')
							featureHTML += "<img src=\"" + thumbnail + "\" width=\"250\" alt=\"\"/>";
							featureHTML += "<img src=\"images/feature-images/urban-analytics-feature1.PNG\" width=\"250\" alt=\"\"/>";
					featureHTML += "</a></div>";
					featureHTML += "<p>"  + abstract + "</p>";
					featureHTML += "<p class=\"readmore\">[ <a href=\"" + configs.indicatordetailsPage + "?uuid=" + uuid + "\">read more</a> ]</p>";					
					if (themes != null)
						if (themes.length > 0)
							featureHTML += "<p class=\"tags\">Themes: ";
							for (var j = 0; j < themes.length; j++)
								featureHTML += "<a href=\"" + configs.browseByThemeDetails + "?n=" + themes[j].label + "&themeOntId=" + themes[j].ontid + "&themeclassuri=" + encodeURIComponent(themes[j].instanceuri) + "\">" + themes[j].label + "</a>";
								if (j < themes.length - 1)
									featureHTML += ", ";
							featureHTML += "</p>";
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							var imageArray = ["images/feature-images/urban-analytics-feature1.PNG", "images/feature-images/urban-analytics-feature2-perth.PNG", "images/feature-images/Chrysanthemum.jpg", "images/feature-images/Desert.jpg", "images/feature-images/Hydrangeas.jpg", "images/feature-images/Jellyfish.jpg", "images/feature-images/Koala.jpg", "images/feature-images/Lighthouse.jpg", "images/feature-images/Tulips.jpg"];
							var randomNumber = randomIntFromInterval(0, imageArray.length -1);
							inHTML += "<img src=\"" + imageArray[randomNumber] + "\" width=\"250\" alt=\"\"/>";
						inHTML += "<h2><a href=\"" + configs.indicatordetailsPage + "?uuid=" + uuid + "\">" +  title + "</a></h2>";
						inHTML += "<p><span class=\"details\">" + getHumanReadableDateFromYYMMDD(date) + " | by <a href=\"" + configs.browseByPublisherPage + "?publisherid=" + publisherid + "&publishername=" + publisher + "\">" + publisher + "</a></span></p>";
						inHTML += "<p>" + abstract + " <span class=\"readmore\">[ <a href=\"" + configs.indicatordetailsPage + "?uuid=" + uuid + "\">read more</a> ]</span></p>";
			   inHTML += "<p class=\"readmore\">&nbsp;</p>";
			   if (themes != null)
						if (themes.length > 0)
							inHTML += "<span class=\"tags\">Themes: ";
							for (var j = 0; j < themes.length; j++)
								inHTML += "<a href=\"" + configs.browseByThemeDetails + "?n=" + themes[j].label + "&themeOntId=" + themes[j].ontid + "&themeclassuri=" + encodeURIComponent(themes[j].instanceuri) + "\">" + themes[j].label + "</a>";
								if (j < themes.length - 1)
									inHTML += ", ";
					} // end if themes != null
			  inHTML += "</span></div> ";
			  container.innerHTML += inHTML;
				} // end else
			} // end for
		} // end if indicator count is more than zero
	}, function(status) {
	//do something here if the request was un-successful!

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