# Welcome to jQueryDocs [![Downloads](https://img.shields.io/packagecontrol/dt/jQueryDocs.svg)](https://packagecontrol.io/packages/jQueryDocs) [![Buy me a beer!](https://img.shields.io/badge/Buy%20me%20a%20beer!-%F0%9F%8D%BA-yellow.svg)](https://www.paypal.me/Miw0) jQueryDocs is a Sublime Text 3 Package which shows a selected jQuery Function on [api.jquery.com](http://api.jquery.com/). *** ### How to Install #### Via Package Control The easiest way to install is using [Sublime Package Control](https://packagecontrol.io/), where you can find this package by searching for `jQueryDocs`. 1. Open Command Palette using menu item `Tools -> Command Palette...` 2. Choose `Package Control: Install Package` 3. Find `jQueryDocs` and hit Enter #### Manual You can also install the package manually: 1. [Download the .zip](https://github.com/Miw0/jQueryDocs/archive/master.zip) 2. Unzip and rename the folder to `jQueryDocs` 3. Copy the folder into `Packages` directory, which you can find using the menu item `Sublime Text -> Preferences -> Browse Packages...` *** ### How to use Just click on a jQuery Function while holding down ALT key or select a jQuery Function and press ALT+J. A new window will be created in your default browser loading [api.jquery.com](http://api.jquery.com/)/`SELECTION` #### Change default click binding You can change the default click combination by including this in your user mouse binding settings: ```json { "button": "button1", "count": 1, "modifiers": ["alt"], "press_command": "drag_select", "press_args": {"by": "words"}, "command": "jquery_docs" } ``` #### Change default key binding You can change the default key combination by including this in your user key binding settings: ```json { "keys": ["alt+j"], "command": "jquery_docs" } ``` *** ### Thanks jQueryDocs was created and is maintained by [Michael Worm](https://github.com/Miw0).