# Moesif Docusaurus Plugin A Docusaurus plugin for [Moesif API Analytics](https://www.moesif.com/) built using `moesif-browser-js`. For full documentation and configuration, see [moesif-browser-js docs](https://www.moesif.com/docs/client-integration/browser-js/) The SDK automatically collects useful context from a user's device including any marketing attribution, device type, and location information and stores in the user and/or company profile in Moesif. You can add additional customer properties such as user email and company domain via the [identifyUser()](https://www.moesif.com/docs/client-integration/browser-js/#identifying-users) and [identifyCompany()](https://www.moesif.com/docs/client-integration/browser-js/#identifying-companies) methods. > The below Diagram shows how both `docusaurus-plugin-moesif` and a Moesif [server integration](https://www.moesif.com/docs/server-integration/) to track both web and API traffic made by a customer. ![Diagram of Moesif API monitoring and Docusaurus architecture](https://www.moesif.com/docs/images/docs/client-integration/moesif-arch-docusaurus.png) ## How to install 1. Install `docusaurus-plugin-moesif` `npm install --save docusaurus-plugin-moesif` 2. Add plugin to `docusaurus.config.js` ```javascript module.exports = { plugins: ['docusaurus-plugin-moesif'], themeConfig: { moesif: { applicationId: 'Your Moesif Application Id', // Add other Moesif options here. }, }, }; ``` 3. Test it works Because the plugin is disabled when `NODE_ENV` is set to development, you'll want to create a production build: ```bash npm run build npm run serve ``` ## How to use Any of the Moesif browser APIs are accessible via `window.moesif`. The plugin tracks page views automatically but we also recommend [identifying the user](https://www.moesif.com/docs/client-integration/browser-js/#identifying-users) like so: ```javascript window.moesif.identifyUser("12345", { email: "john@acmeinc.com", firstName: "John", lastName: "Doe", title: "Software Engineer", salesInfo: { stage: "Customer", lifetimeValue: 24000, accountOwner: "mary@contoso.com", }, }); ``` ## Configuration Options For full list of configuration options, [see this page](https://www.moesif.com/docs/client-integration/browser-js/#configuration-options).