#!/usr/bin/env node // Meta Miner: adding algo switching support to *any* stratum miner // Algo switching is supported by https://moneroocean.stream mining pool // Copyright 2018 MoneroOcean , // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . "use strict"; // ***************************************************************************** // *** DEPENDECIES *** // ***************************************************************************** const fs = require('fs'); const net = require('net'); const tls = require('tls'); const path = require('path'); const child_process = require('child_process'); // ***************************************************************************** // *** CONSTS *** // ***************************************************************************** const VERSION = "v4.5"; const DEFAULT_ALGO = "rx/0"; // this is algo that is assumed to be sent by pool if its job does not contain algo stratum extension const AGENT = "Meta Miner " + VERSION; // [multiplier, nr benchmark prints, regex] // the multiplier is for supporting hashrate prints in different units // the nr benchmark prints is to make sure hashrate has stabilized before snapping the benchmark value const hashrate_regexes = [ [1, 1, /\[[^\]]+\] speed 2.5s\/60s\/15m [\d\.]+ ([\d\.]+)\s/], // for old xmrig [1, 1, /\[[^\]]+\] speed 10s\/60s\/15m [\d\.n/a]+ ([\d\.]+)\s/], // for new xmrig [1, 1, /\s+miner\s+speed 10s\/60s\/15m [\d\.n/a]+ ([\d\.]+)\s/], // for xmrig v6+ [1, 1, /Totals \(ALL\):\s+[\d\.]+\s+([1-9]\d*\.\d+|0\.[1-9]\d*)\s/], // xmr-stak [1, 1, /Total Speed: ([\d\.]+) H\/s,/], // claymore [1, 1, /\(Avr ([\d\.]+)H\/s\)/], // CryptoDredge [1e3, 3, /Total[^:]+:\s*([\d\.]+)\s*kh\/s/], // TeamRedMiner variant 1 (kh/s) [1, 3, /Total[^:]+:\s*([\d\.]+)\s*h\/s/], // TeamRedMiner variant 2 (h/s) [1, 1, /Mining at\s+([\d\.]+) gps/], // tube4referenceMiner (use mode=rolling command line option) [1, 1, /mining at\s+([\d\.]+) gps/], // SwapReferenceMiner (use mode=rolling command line option) [1, 2, /Total\s+:\s+([\d\.]+) gps/], // MoneroVMiner [1, 2, /([\d\.]+) G\/s/], // gminer [1000000, 2, /([\d\.]+) MH\/s/], // gminer ]; function algo_hashrate_factor(algo) { switch (algo) { case "kawpow": return 1 / 0x100000000; case "c29s": return 1 / 32; case "c29b": return 1 / 40; case "c29v": return 1 / 16; default: return 1; } } // main algos we bench for const bench_algos = [ "cn/r", "cn-lite/1", "cn-heavy/xhv", "cn-pico/trtl", "cn/ccx", "cn/gpu", "argon2/chukwa", "kawpow", "ghostrider", "astrobwt", "rx/0", "rx/graft", "rx/arq", "panthera", "autolykos2", "c29b", "c29s", "c29v", "ethash", "etchash", "k12", ]; // algo and their perf that can be derived from thier main algo perf function bench_algo_deps(bench_algo, perf) { switch (bench_algo) { case "cn/ccx": return { "cn/ccx": perf, "cn/0": perf / 2 }; case "cn/r": return { "cn/1": perf, "cn/2": perf, "cn/r": perf, "cn/rto": perf, "cn/xao": perf, "cn/fast": perf * 2, "cn/half": perf * 2, "cn/rwz": perf / 3 * 4, "cn/zls": perf / 3 * 4, "cn/double": perf / 2, }; case "cn-lite/1": return { "cn-lite/0": perf, "cn-lite/1": perf, }; case "cn-heavy/xhv": return { "cn-heavy/xhv": perf, }; case "cn-pico/trtl": return { "cn-pico/trtl": perf, }; case "cn/gpu": return { "cn/gpu": perf, }; case "argon2/chukwa": return { "argon2/chukwa": perf, }; case "astrobwt": return { "astrobwt": perf, }; case "kawpow": return { "kawpow": perf, }; case "rx/0": return { "rx/0": perf, "rx/sfx": perf, }; case "rx/graft": return { "rx/graft": perf, }; case "rx/arq": return { "rx/arq": perf, }; case "panthera": return { "panthera": perf, }; case "autolykos2": return { "autolykos2": perf, }; case "c29b": return { "c29b": perf, }; case "c29s": return { "c29s": perf, }; case "c29v": return { "c29v": perf, }; case "ethash": return { "ethash": perf, }; case "etchash": return { "etchash": perf, }; case "k12": return { "k12": perf, }; case "ghostrider": return { "ghostrider": perf, }; default: return {}; } } // ***************************************************************************** // *** CONFIG *** // ***************************************************************************** let console_file = process.cwd() + "/mm.json"; let c = { proc_title: "meta-miner", miner_host: "", miner_port: 3333, pools: [], algos: {}, algo_perf: {}, algo_min_time: 0, user: null, pass: null, log_file: null, watchdog: 600, hashrate_watchdog: 0, }; let is_quiet_mode = false; let is_verbose_mode = false; let is_no_config_save = false; let is_debug = false; let is_miner_stdin = false; // ***************************************************************************** // *** WORKING STATE *** // ***************************************************************************** let curr_miner_socket = null; let curr_miner_protocol = "default"; // curr_miner_socket communication protocol that can be "default", "grin" or "eth" let curr_pool_socket = null; let curr_pool_last_job = null; let curr_pool_miner_id = null; let curr_pool_last_target = null; let curr_miner = null; let next_miner_to_run = null; // here we store miner command line that will be run after current miner is stopped or null if no miner is being stopped now let curr_pool_num = 0; let last_miner_hashrate = null; let is_want_miner_kill = false; // true if we want to kill miner (otherwise it is restart if closed without a reason) let curr_algo = null; let last_algo_change_time = null; let main_pool_check_timer = null; let miner_proc = null; let miner_login_cb = null; let miner_get_first_job_cb = null; let miner_subscribe_cb = null; let miner_last_submit_time = null; // ***************************************************************************** // *** FUNCTIONS *** // ***************************************************************************** // *** inlined from tree_kill module function tree_kill(pid, signal, callback) { var tree = {}; var pidsToProcess = {}; tree[pid] = []; pidsToProcess[pid] = 1; if (typeof signal === 'function' && callback === undefined) { callback = signal; signal = undefined; } switch (process.platform) { case 'win32': child_process.exec('taskkill /pid ' + pid + ' /T /F', {}, callback); break; case 'darwin': buildProcessTree(pid, tree, pidsToProcess, function (parentPid) { return child_process.spawn('pgrep', ['-P', parentPid]); }, function () { killAll(tree, signal, callback); }); break; default: // Linux buildProcessTree(pid, tree, pidsToProcess, function (parentPid) { return child_process.spawn('ps', ['-o', 'pid', '--no-headers', '--ppid', parentPid]); }, function () { killAll(tree, signal, callback); }); break; } }; function killAll (tree, signal, callback) { var killed = {}; try { Object.keys(tree).forEach(function (pid) { tree[pid].forEach(function (pidpid) { if (!killed[pidpid]) { killPid(pidpid, signal); killed[pidpid] = 1; } }); if (!killed[pid]) { killPid(pid, signal); killed[pid] = 1; } }); } catch (err) { if (callback) { return callback(err); } else { throw err; } } if (callback) { return callback(); } } function killPid(pid, signal) { try { process.kill(parseInt(pid, 10), signal); } catch (err) { if (err.code !== 'ESRCH') throw err; } } function buildProcessTree(parentPid, tree, pidsToProcess, spawnChildProcessesList, cb) { var ps = spawnChildProcessesList(parentPid); var allData = ''; ps.stdout.on('data', function (data) { var data = data.toString('ascii'); allData += data; }); var onClose = function (code) { delete pidsToProcess[parentPid]; if (code != 0) { // no more parent processes if (Object.keys(pidsToProcess).length == 0) { cb(); } return; } allData.match(/\d+/g).forEach(function (pid) { pid = parseInt(pid, 10); tree[parentPid].push(pid); tree[pid] = []; pidsToProcess[pid] = 1; buildProcessTree(pid, tree, pidsToProcess, spawnChildProcessesList, cb); }); }; ps.on('close', onClose); } // *** Console/log output function log(msg) { console.log(">>> " + msg); if (c.log_file) fs.appendFileSync(c.log_file, ">>> " + msg + "\n"); } function err(msg) { console.error("!!! " + msg); if (c.log_file) fs.appendFileSync(c.log_file, "!!! " + msg + "\n"); } function print_all_messages(str) { process.stdout.write(str); if (c.log_file) fs.appendFileSync(c.log_file, str); if (c.hashrate_watchdog) { const str2 = str.replace(/\x1b\[[0-9;]*m/g, ""); // remove all colors for (let i in hashrate_regexes) { const hashrate_regex = hashrate_regexes[i]; const m = str2.match(hashrate_regex[2]); if (m) last_miner_hashrate = parseFloat(m[1]) * hashrate_regex[0] * algo_hashrate_factor(curr_algo); } } } function print_messages(str) { if (!is_quiet_mode) print_all_messages(str); } // *** Miner socket processing function set_curr_miner(socket, protocol) { curr_miner_socket = socket; curr_miner_protocol = protocol ? protocol : "default"; } function grin_json_reply(method, result) { return JSON.stringify({jsonrpc: "2.0", method: method, result: result}) + "\n"; } function json_reply(json, result) { return JSON.stringify({jsonrpc: "2.0", id: json.id, error: null, result: result}) + "\n"; } function miner_socket_write(miner_socket, message) { if (is_debug) log("Meta-Miner message to miner: " + message); miner_socket.write(message); } function pool_socket_write(pool_socket, message) { if (is_debug) log("Meta-Miner message to pool: " + message); pool_socket.write(message); } let miner_server = net.createServer(function (miner_socket) { if (curr_miner_socket) { err("Miner server on " + c.miner_host + ":" + c.miner_port + " port is already connected (please make sure you do not have other miner running)"); miner_socket.end(); return; } if (is_verbose_mode) log("Miner server on " + c.miner_host + ":" + c.miner_port + " port connected from " + miner_socket.remoteAddress); let miner_data_buff = ""; miner_socket.on('data', function (msg) { miner_data_buff += msg; if (miner_data_buff.indexOf('\n') === -1) return; let messages = miner_data_buff.split('\n'); let incomplete_line = miner_data_buff.slice(-1) === '\n' ? '' : messages.pop(); for (let i = 0; i < messages.length; i++) { let message = messages[i]; if (message.trim() === '') continue; let json; try { json = JSON.parse(message); } catch (e) { err("Can't parse message from the miner: " + message); continue; } if (is_debug) log("Miner message: " + JSON.stringify(json)); if (json.method === "login") { if (curr_miner_socket) { // need to restart miner in case of second login attempt to clean its internal state replace_miner(curr_miner); } else { miner_login_cb(json, miner_socket); if (curr_miner_protocol !== "grin") miner_get_first_job_cb(json, miner_socket); } } else if (json.method === "mining.authorize") { miner_login_cb(json, miner_socket); miner_get_first_job_cb(json, miner_socket); } else if (json.method === "getjobtemplate") { // only for grin miner_get_first_job_cb(json, miner_socket); } else if (json.method === "mining.subscribe") { // only for eth/raven miner_subscribe_cb(json, miner_socket); } else if (json.method === "mining.extranonce.subscribe") { // only for eth/raven miner_socket_write(miner_socket, json_reply(json, true)); } else if (curr_pool_socket) { pool_socket_write(curr_pool_socket, JSON.stringify(json) + "\n"); if (json.method === "submit" || json.method === "mining.submit") miner_last_submit_time = Date.now(); } else if (json.method !== "keepalived") { err("Can't write miner reply to the pool since its socket is closed"); } } miner_data_buff = incomplete_line; }); miner_socket.on('end', function() { if (is_verbose_mode) log("Miner socket was closed"); if (curr_pool_socket && curr_miner_socket) err("Pool (" + c.pools[curr_pool_num] + ") <-> miner link was broken due to closed miner socket"); set_curr_miner(null); }); miner_socket.on('error', function() { err("Miner socket error"); if (curr_pool_socket && curr_miner_socket) err("Pool (" + c.pools[curr_pool_num] + ") <-> miner link was broken due to miner socket error"); miner_socket.destroy(); set_curr_miner(null); }); }); // *** Miner start helpers function start_miner_raw(exe, args, out_cb) { const cmd = exe + " " + args.join(" "); if (is_verbose_mode) log("Starting miner: " + cmd); last_miner_hashrate = null; last_algo_change_time = null; is_want_miner_kill = false; let proc = child_process.spawn(exe, args, is_miner_stdin ? {stdio: ['inherit', 'pipe', 'pipe']} : {}); proc.stdout.on('data', (data) => { if (out_cb) out_cb(`${data}`); }); proc.stderr.on('data', (data) => { if (out_cb) out_cb(`${data}`); }); proc.on('close', (code) => { if (is_verbose_mode) { if (code) err("Miner '" + cmd + "' exited with nonzero code " + code); else log("Miner '" + cmd + "' exited with zero code"); } if (curr_pool_socket && !is_want_miner_kill) { log("Restarting '" + cmd + "' miner that was closed unexpectedly"); miner_proc = start_miner_raw(exe, args, out_cb); } }); proc.on('error', (error) => { err("Failed to start '" + cmd + "' miner: " + error); }); return proc; } function start_miner(cmd, out_cb) { let args = cmd.match(/"[^"]+"|'[^']+'|\S+/g); let exe = args.shift(); return start_miner_raw(exe, args, out_cb); } // *** Pool socket processing function connect_pool(pool_num, pool_ok_cb, pool_new_msg_cb, pool_err_cb) { let pool_address_parts = c.pools[pool_num].split(/:/); const host = pool_address_parts[0]; let port = pool_address_parts[1]; let m = port.match(/^(?:ssl|tls)(\d+)$/); let is_tls = false; if (m) { is_tls = true; port = m[1]; } let pool_socket = is_tls ? tls.connect(port, host, { rejectUnauthorized: false }) : net.connect(port, host); pool_socket.on('connect', function () { pool_socket_write(pool_socket, JSON.stringify({ id: 1, jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "login", params: { login: c.user, pass: c.pass, agent: AGENT, algo: Object.keys(c.algos), "algo-perf": c.algo_perf, "algo-min-time": c.algo_min_time } }) + "\n"); }); let is_pool_ok = false; let pool_data_buff = ""; pool_socket.on('data', function (msg) { pool_data_buff += msg; if (pool_data_buff.indexOf('\n') === -1) return; let messages = pool_data_buff.split('\n'); let incomplete_line = pool_data_buff.slice(-1) === '\n' ? '' : messages.pop(); for (let i = 0; i < messages.length; i++) { let message = messages[i]; if (message.trim() === '') continue; let json; try { json = JSON.parse(message); } catch (e) { err("Can't parse message from the pool (" + c.pools[pool_num] + "): " + message); continue; } if (is_debug) log("Pool message: " + JSON.stringify(json)); if (!is_pool_ok && json.error === null) { pool_ok_cb(pool_num, pool_socket); is_pool_ok = true; } if (is_pool_ok) { if (json.id === "mm" && json.error === null && json.result instanceof Object && json.result.status === "KEEPALIVED") { if (is_verbose_mode) log("Keepalive reply recieved from the pool"); } else { pool_new_msg_cb(json); } } else err("Ignoring pool (" + c.pools[pool_num] + ") message since pool not reported no errors yet: " + JSON.stringify(json)); } pool_data_buff = incomplete_line; }); pool_socket.on('end', function() { pool_socket.destroy(); if (!is_pool_ok) { err("Pool (" + c.pools[pool_num] + ") socket closed before sending first job"); pool_err_cb(pool_num); } else if (is_verbose_mode) log("Pool (" + c.pools[pool_num] + ") socket closed"); }); pool_socket.on('error', function() { err("Pool (" + c.pools[pool_num] + ") socket error"); pool_socket.destroy(); pool_err_cb(pool_num); }); } // *** connect_pool function callbacks function set_main_pool_check_timer() { if (is_verbose_mode) log("Will retry connection attempt to the main pool in 90 seconds"); main_pool_check_timer = setTimeout(connect_pool, 90*1000, 0, pool_ok, pool_new_msg, pool_err); } function pool_ok(pool_num, pool_socket) { if (pool_num) { if (!main_pool_check_timer) set_main_pool_check_timer(); } else { if (main_pool_check_timer) { if (is_verbose_mode) log("Stopped main pool connection attempts since its connection was established"); clearTimeout(main_pool_check_timer); main_pool_check_timer = null; } } if (curr_pool_socket) { if (is_verbose_mode) log("Closing " + c.pools[curr_pool_num] + " pool socket"); curr_pool_socket.destroy(); } if (!is_quiet_mode) log("Connected to " + c.pools[pool_num] + " pool"); if (!curr_pool_socket && curr_miner_socket) log("Pool (" + c.pools[pool_num] + ") <-> miner link was established due to new pool connection"); curr_pool_num = pool_num; curr_pool_socket = pool_socket; } function replace_miner(next_miner) { if (miner_proc) { if (next_miner_to_run === null) { next_miner_to_run = next_miner; if (is_verbose_mode) log("Stopping '" + curr_miner + "' miner"); miner_proc.on('close', (code) => { miner_proc = start_miner(next_miner_to_run, print_all_messages); next_miner_to_run = null; }); is_want_miner_kill = true; tree_kill(miner_proc.pid); } else { next_miner_to_run = next_miner; } } else { miner_proc = start_miner(next_miner, print_all_messages); } } function pool_new_msg(json) { let next_job_algo = null; // record job updates and diff changes initiated by the pool if ("method" in json) switch (json.method) { case "job": next_job_algo = "params" in json && "algo" in json.params ? json.params.algo : DEFAULT_ALGO; // for usual jobs curr_pool_last_job = json.params; break; case "mining.notify": next_job_algo = "algo" in json ? json.algo : DEFAULT_ALGO; // for Raven/Eth jobs curr_pool_last_job = json.params; break; case "mining.set_target": case "mining.set_difficulty": curr_pool_last_target = json; } else if ("result" in json && json.result instanceof Object && "id" in json.result) { // record miner id in login pool reply and job if any curr_pool_miner_id = json.result.id; if ("job" in json.result) { next_job_algo = "algo" in json.result.job ? json.result.job.algo : DEFAULT_ALGO; // for the first job curr_pool_last_job = json.result.job; } } if (next_job_algo !== null) { if (!(next_job_algo in c.algos)) { err("Ignoring job with unknown algo " + next_job_algo + " sent by the pool (" + c.pools[curr_pool_num] + ")"); return; } if (curr_algo != next_job_algo) last_algo_change_time = Date.now(); curr_algo = next_job_algo; const next_miner = c.algos[next_job_algo]; if (!curr_miner || curr_miner != next_miner) { set_curr_miner(null); if (!is_quiet_mode) log("Starting miner '" + next_miner + "' to process new " + next_job_algo + " algo"); curr_miner = next_miner; replace_miner(next_miner); } } if (curr_miner_socket) switch (curr_miner_protocol) { case "grin": if (next_job_algo !== null) miner_socket_write(curr_miner_socket, grin_json_reply("getjobtemplate", curr_pool_last_job)); else { let grin_json = json; if ("result" in grin_json && "status" in grin_json.result && grin_json.result.status === "OK") { grin_json.method = "submit"; grin_json.result = "ok"; } miner_socket_write(curr_miner_socket, JSON.stringify(grin_json) + "\n"); } break; default: miner_socket_write(curr_miner_socket, JSON.stringify(json) + "\n"); } } function pool_err(pool_num) { if (pool_num === 0 && curr_pool_num) { // this is main pool attempt error while we are on backup pool if (!main_pool_check_timer) err("[INTERNAL ERROR] Unexpected main_pool_check_timer state in pool_err"); set_main_pool_check_timer(); return; } if (curr_pool_num != pool_num) err("[INTERNAL ERROR] Unexpected pool_num in pool_err"); if (curr_pool_socket && curr_miner_socket) err("Pool (" + c.pools[pool_num] + ") <-> miner link was broken due to pool socket error"); curr_pool_socket = null; curr_pool_last_job = null; curr_pool_miner_id = null; curr_pool_last_target = null; if (++ curr_pool_num >= c.pools.length) { if (is_verbose_mode) log("Waiting 60 seconds before trying to connect to the same pools once again"); setTimeout(connect_pool, 60*1000, curr_pool_num = 0, pool_ok, pool_new_msg, pool_err); } else { connect_pool(curr_pool_num, pool_ok, pool_new_msg, pool_err); } } // *** Miner execution checks function set_first_miner_user_pass(json) { if ("method" in json && "params" in json) { if (c.user === null) { if (json.method === "login" && (json.params instanceof Object) && "login" in json.params) { c.user = json.params.login; } else if (json.method === "mining.authorize" && Array.isArray(json.params) && json.params.length >= 1) { c.user = json.params[0]; } if (is_verbose_mode) log("Setting pool user to '" + c.user + "'"); } if (c.pass === null) { if (json.method === "login" && (json.params instanceof Object) && "pass" in json.params) { c.pass = json.params.pass; } else if (json.method === "mining.authorize" && Array.isArray(json.params) && json.params.length >= 2) { c.pass = json.params[1]; } if (is_verbose_mode) log("Setting pool pass to '" + c.pass + "'"); } } } function check_miners(smart_miners, miners, cb) { let check_miners = []; smart_miners.forEach(function (cmd) { check_miners.push(function(resolve) { let miner_proc = null; let timeout = setTimeout(function () { err("Miner '" + cmd + "' was not connected and will be ignored"); miner_proc.on('close', (code) => { resolve(); }); tree_kill(miner_proc.pid); }, 60*1000); miner_login_cb = function(json) { clearTimeout(timeout); set_first_miner_user_pass(json); if ("params" in json && (json.params instanceof Object) && "algo" in json.params && (json.params.algo instanceof Array)) { json.params.algo.forEach(function (algo) { if (is_verbose_mode) { if (c.algos[algo]) log("Setting " + algo + " algo from '" + c.algos[algo] + "' to '" + cmd + "' miner"); else log("Setting " + algo + " algo to '" + cmd + "' miner"); } c.algos[algo] = cmd; c.algos[algo.replace('cryptonight', 'cn')] = cmd; c.algos[algo.replace('randomx', 'rx')] = cmd; }); } else { err("Miner '" + cmd + "' does not report any algo and will be ignored"); } miner_proc.on('close', (code) => { resolve(); }); tree_kill(miner_proc.pid); }; miner_get_first_job_cb = function() {}; miner_subscribe_cb = function(json, miner_socket) { miner_socket_write(miner_socket, json_reply(json, [ [ "mining.notify", "check", "EthereumStratum/1.0.0" ], "00", 7 ] )); }; miner_proc = start_miner(cmd, print_messages); }); }); for (let algo in miners) { check_miners.push(function(resolve) { const cmd = miners[algo]; let miner_proc = null; let timeout = setTimeout(function () { err("Miner '" + cmd + "' was not connected and will be ignored"); miner_proc.on('close', (code) => { resolve(); }); tree_kill(miner_proc.pid); }, 60*1000); miner_login_cb = function(json) { clearTimeout(timeout); set_first_miner_user_pass(json); if (is_verbose_mode) { if (c.algos[algo]) log("Setting " + algo + " algo from '" + c.algos[algo] + "' to '" + cmd + "' miner"); else log("Setting " + algo + " algo to '" + cmd + "' miner"); } c.algos[algo] = cmd; c.algos[algo.replace('cryptonight', 'cn')] = cmd; c.algos[algo.replace('randomx', 'rx')] = cmd; miner_proc.on('close', (code) => { resolve(); }); tree_kill(miner_proc.pid); }; miner_get_first_job_cb = function() {}; miner_subscribe_cb = function(json, miner_socket) { miner_socket_write(miner_socket, json_reply(json, [ [ "mining.notify", "check", "EthereumStratum/1.0.0" ], "00", 7 ] )); }; miner_proc = start_miner(cmd, print_messages); }); } if (!is_quiet_mode && check_miners.length) log("Checking miner configurations (make sure they all configured to connect to " + c.miner_host + ":" + c.miner_port + " pool)"); function next_miner_check() { if (check_miners.length === 0) return cb(); const check_miner = check_miners.shift(); check_miner(next_miner_check); } next_miner_check(); } // *** Miner performance runs function do_miner_perf_runs(cb) { let miner_perf_runs = []; for (let algo of bench_algos) { if (c.algo_perf[algo] || !(algo in c.algos)) continue; miner_perf_runs.push(function(resolve) { log("Checking miner performance for " + algo + " algo"); const cmd = c.algos[algo]; let miner_proc = null; let timeout = setTimeout(function () { err("Can't find performance data in '" + cmd + "' miner output"); miner_proc.on('close', (code) => { resolve(); }); tree_kill(miner_proc.pid); }, 5*60*1000); miner_login_cb = function(json, miner_socket) { curr_miner_protocol = json.method === "mining.authorize" ? "eth" : (json.id === "Stratum" || json.params.algorithm === "cuckarood29v" ? "grin" : "default"); switch (curr_miner_protocol) { case "grin": miner_socket_write(miner_socket, grin_json_reply("login", "ok")); break; case "eth": miner_socket_write(miner_socket, json_reply(json, true)); break; } }; miner_get_first_job_cb = function(json, miner_socket) { switch (curr_miner_protocol) { case "grin": miner_socket_write(miner_socket, JSON.stringify({ jsonrpc: "2.0", id: "Stratum", error: null, method: "getjobtemplate", result: { difficulty: 99999999, pre_pow: "0c0ccbc9035e0000000026c1674f64401b00e6c50b681f21bb5d5bb07be6d4a9d12a8cb2b493c9c039fee90877199a9dc04dccd734cf9b4b30eae84d06b94da19614536f3a87b0fe65f201", algo: "cuckaroo", edgebits: 29, proofsize: algo === "c29s" ? 32 : (algo === "c29b" ? 40 : 48), noncebytes: 4, height: 0, job_id: "100000000000000", id: "100000000000000", status: "OK", } }) + "\n"); break; case "eth": switch (algo) { case "kawpow": miner_socket_write(miner_socket, JSON.stringify({ jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "mining.notify", params: [ "benchmark1", // job_id "4c38e8a5f7b2944d1e4274635d828519b97bc64a1f1c7896ecdbb139988aa0e8", // blob "accf7d1311da015b8dd41569c845c0ac739f0637707b8a117119fe1b5aeaa011", // seed hash "000000000002bd75000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", // target true, 1500000, "1b0290a7", ] }) + "\n"); break; case "ethash": case "etchash": miner_socket_write(miner_socket, JSON.stringify({ jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "mining.set_difficulty", params: [ 1000000 ], }) + "\n" + JSON.stringify({ jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "mining.notify", params: [ "benchmark1", // job_id "e79f0f63030bf691445c2b9d0266b24a9619e355194067f2ad2c73a8e0a26c65", // seed hash "feb4243b885cd1af5337979f5d81849335cab197b4993e5c61ea4b43b43dbbc6", // hash true, ] }) + "\n"); break; case "autolykos2": miner_socket_write(miner_socket, JSON.stringify({ jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "mining.notify", params: [ "benchmark1", // job_id 539302, // height "920b5e8ed76f90e760469f04391ffaef3b5ecf1e1cb9363c449f490bc1564663", // hash "", "", 2, // block version "82463468449557216163199121184281840485288878744226428810224501", // target "", true ] }) + "\n"); break; } break; default: miner_socket_write(miner_socket, JSON.stringify({ jsonrpc: "2.0", id: "id" in json ? json.id : 1, error: null, result: { id: "benchmark", status: "OK", job: { target: "01000000", blob: "7f7ffeeaa0db054f15eca39c843cb82c15e5c5a7743e06536cb541d4e96e90ffd31120b7703aa90000000076a6f6e34a9977c982629d8fe6c8b45024cafca109eef92198784891e0df41bc03", seed_hash: "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001", algo: algo, height: 0, job_id: "benchmark1", id: "benchmark", } } }) + "\n"); } }; miner_subscribe_cb = function(json, miner_socket) { miner_socket_write(miner_socket, json_reply(json, [ [ "mining.notify", "benchmark", "EthereumStratum/1.0.0" ], "00", 7 ] )); }; let nr_prints_needed = -1; let nr_prints_found = 0; miner_proc = start_miner(cmd, function(str) { print_messages(str); str = str.replace(/\x1b\[[0-9;]*m/g, ""); // remove all colors for (let i in hashrate_regexes) { const hashrate_regex = hashrate_regexes[i]; const m = str.match(hashrate_regex[2]); if (m) { if (nr_prints_needed < 0) nr_prints_needed = hashrate_regex[1]; const hashrate = parseFloat(m[1]) * hashrate_regex[0] * algo_hashrate_factor(algo); if (++nr_prints_found >= nr_prints_needed) { const algo_deps = bench_algo_deps(algo, hashrate); for (let algo_dep in algo_deps) { log("Setting performance for " + algo_dep + " algo to " + algo_deps[algo_dep]); c.algo_perf[algo_dep] = algo_deps[algo_dep]; } miner_proc.on('close', (code) => { clearTimeout(timeout); resolve(); }); tree_kill(miner_proc.pid); break; } else { log("Read performance for " + algo + " algo to " + hashrate + ", waiting for " + (nr_prints_needed - nr_prints_found) + " more print(s)."); } } } }); }); } function next_miner_perf_run() { if (miner_perf_runs.length === 0) return cb(); const miner_perf_run = miner_perf_runs.shift(); miner_perf_run(next_miner_perf_run); } next_miner_perf_run(); } // *** Command line option handling function print_help() { console.log("Usage: mm.js [] [options]"); console.log("Adding algo switching support to *any* stratum miner"); console.log(" is file name of config file to load before parsing options (mm.json by default)"); console.log("Config file and options should define at least one pool and miner:"); console.log("Options:"); console.log("\t--proc_title= (-t): \t<title> to use as the process.title (default: meta-miner)"); console.log("\t--pool=<pool> (-p): \t<pool> is in pool_address:pool_port format, where pool_port can be <port_number> or ssl<port_number>"); console.log("\t--host=<hostname>: \tdefines host that will be used for miner connections (localhost by default)"); console.log("\t--port=<number>: \tdefines port that will be used for miner connections (3333 by default)"); console.log("\t--user=<wallet> (-u): \t<wallet> to use as pool user login (will be taken from the first miner otherwise)"); console.log("\t--pass=<miner_id>: \t<miner_id> to use as pool pass login (will be taken from the first miner otherwise)"); console.log("\t--perf_<algo>=<hashrate> \tSets hashrate for algo that is: " + bench_algos.join(", ")); console.log("\t--algo_min_time=<seconds> \tSets <seconds> minimum time pool should keep our miner on one algo (0 default, set higher for starting miners)"); console.log("\t--miner=<command_line> (-m): \t<command_line> to start smart miner that can report algo itself"); console.log("\t--<algo>=<command_line>: \t<command_line> to start miner for <algo> that can not report it itself"); console.log("\t--watchdog=<seconds> (-w): \trestart miner if is does not submit work for <seconds> (600 by default, 0 to disable)"); console.log("\t--hashrate_watchdog=<percent>: \trestart miner if is hashrate dropped below <percent> value of of its expected hashrate (0 by default to disable)"); console.log("\t--miner_stdin: \tenables stdin (input) in miner"); console.log("\t--quiet (-q): \tdo not show miner output during configuration and also less messages"); console.log("\t--verbose (-v): \tshow more messages"); console.log("\t--debug: \tshow pool and miner messages"); console.log("\t--log=<file_name>: \t<file_name> of output log"); console.log("\t--no-config-save: \tDo not save config file"); console.log("\t--help (-help,-h,-?): \tPrints this help text"); } function parse_argv(cb) { let smart_miners = []; let miners = {}; if (process.argv.length === 2) { if (!load_config_file()) { print_help(); cb(); return; } } process.argv.slice(2).forEach(function (val, index) { let m; if (index === 0) { if ((m = val.match(/^(.+\.json)$/)) && fs.existsSync(path.resolve(m[1]))) { console_file = m[1]; load_config_file(); return; } else { load_config_file(); } } if (m = val.match(/^(?:--?help|-h|-\?)$/)) { print_help(); process.exit(0); } else if (m = val.match(/^(?:--proc_title|-t)=(.+)$/)) { c.proc_title = m[1]; } else if (m = val.match(/^(?:--quiet|-q)$/)) { is_quiet_mode = true; } else if (m = val.match(/^(?:--verbose|-v)$/)) { is_verbose_mode = true; } else if (m = val.match(/^--debug$/)) { is_debug = true; } else if (m = val.match(/^--no-config-save$/)) { is_no_config_save = true; } else if (m = val.match(/^--log=(.+)$/)) { if (is_verbose_mode) log("Setting log file name to " + m[1]); c.log_file = m[1]; } else if (m = val.match(/^(?:--watchdog|w)=(.+)$/)) { const number = parseInt(m[1]); if (is_verbose_mode) log("Setting watchdog timeout to " + (number ? number : "disabled")); c.watchdog = number; } else if (m = val.match(/^--hashrate_watchdog=(.+)$/)) { const number = parseInt(m[1]); const percent = number > 100 ? 100 : number; if (is_verbose_mode) log("Setting hashrate watchdog timeout to " + (percent ? percent + "%" : "disabled")); c.hashrate_watchdog = percent; } else if (m = val.match(/^(?:--miner_stdin)$/)) { is_miner_stdin = true; } else if (m = val.match(/^(?:--pool|-p)=(.+)$/)) { if (m[1].split(/:/).length == 2) { if (is_verbose_mode) log("Added pool '" + m[1] + "' to the list of pools"); if (c.pools.indexOf(m[1]) == -1) c.pools.push(m[1]); } else { err("Pool in invalid format '" + m[1] + "' is ignored, use <pool_address>:<pool_port> (or <pool_address>:ssl<pool_port>) format"); } } else if (m = val.match(/^--host=(.+)$/)) { if (is_verbose_mode) log("Setting miner host to " + m[1]); c.miner_host = m[1]; } else if (m = val.match(/^--port=([\d\.]+)$/)) { const number = parseInt(m[1]); if (is_verbose_mode) log("Setting miner port to " + number); c.miner_port = number; } else if (m = val.match(/^(?:--user|-u)=(.+)$/)) { if (is_verbose_mode) log("Setting pool user to " + m[1]); c.user = m[1]; } else if (m = val.match(/^--algo_min_time=([\d\.]+)$/)) { const number = parseInt(m[1]); if (is_verbose_mode) log("Setting algo min time to " + number); c.algo_min_time = number; } else if (m = val.match(/^(?:--perf_([^=]+))=([\d\.]+)$/)) { if (m[1] in c.algo_perf) { const hashrate = parseFloat(m[2]); if (is_verbose_mode) log("Setting performance for " + m[1] + " algo to " + hashrate); c.algo_perf[m[1]] = hashrate; } else { err("Ignoring unknown algo " + m[1] + ". Please use one of these: " + bench_algos.join(", ")); } } else if (m = val.match(/^(?:--pass)=(.+)$/)) { if (is_verbose_mode) log("Setting pool pass to '" + m[1] + "'"); c.pass = m[1]; } else if (m = val.match(/^(?:--miner|-m)=(.+)$/)) { if (is_verbose_mode) log("Adding smart miner: '" + m[1] + "'"); smart_miners.push(m[1]); } else if (m = val.match(/^(?:--([^=]+))=(.+)$/)) { if (is_verbose_mode) log("Adding " + m[1] + " algo miner: " + m[2]); miners[m[1]] = m[2]; } else { err("Ignoring unknown option '" + val + "'"); } }); miner_server.listen(c.miner_port, c.miner_host, function() { if (is_verbose_mode) log("Local miner server on " + c.miner_host + ":" + c.miner_port + " port started"); check_miners(smart_miners, miners, cb); }); } // *** Load/save config file function load_config_file() { const config_file_abs = path.resolve(console_file); if (fs.existsSync(config_file_abs)) { if (is_verbose_mode) log("Loading " + config_file_abs + " config file"); const c2 = require(config_file_abs); for (let x in c2) c[x] = c2[x]; return true; } else { err("Config file " + config_file_abs + " does not exists"); return false; } } function print_params() { let str = JSON.stringify(c, null, " "); if (is_verbose_mode) { log(""); log("SETUP COMPLETE"); log(str); log(""); log("Saving " + console_file + " config file"); } if (!is_no_config_save) fs.writeFile(console_file, str, function(error) { if (error) err("Error saving " + console_file + " file"); }); } // ***************************************************************************** // *** MAIN PROGRAM *** // ***************************************************************************** function main() { print_params(); log("POOL USER: '" + c.user + "', PASS: '" + c.pass + "'"); miner_login_cb = function(json, miner_socket) { if (curr_pool_socket && !curr_miner_socket) log("Pool (" + c.pools[curr_pool_num] + ") <-> miner link was established due to new miner connection"); set_curr_miner(miner_socket, json.method === "mining.authorize" ? "eth" : (json.id === "Stratum" || json.params.algorithm === "cuckarood29v" ? "grin" : "default")); switch (curr_miner_protocol) { case "grin": miner_socket_write(miner_socket, grin_json_reply("login", "ok")); break; case "eth": miner_socket_write(miner_socket, json_reply(json, true)); break; } }; miner_get_first_job_cb = function(json, miner_socket) { if (curr_pool_last_job) { switch (curr_miner_protocol) { case "grin": miner_socket_write(miner_socket, grin_json_reply("getjobtemplate", curr_pool_last_job)); break; case "eth": if (curr_pool_last_target && curr_algo != "autolykos2") { miner_socket_write(miner_socket, JSON.stringify(curr_pool_last_target) + "\n"); } miner_socket_write(miner_socket, JSON.stringify({ jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "mining.notify", params: curr_pool_last_job }) + "\n"); break; default: let reply = { jsonrpc: "2.0", error: null, result: { id: curr_pool_miner_id, job: curr_pool_last_job, status: "OK" } }; if ("id" in json) reply.id = json.id; miner_socket_write(miner_socket, JSON.stringify(reply) + "\n"); } } else { err("No pool (" + c.pools[curr_pool_num] + ") job to send to the miner!"); } }; miner_subscribe_cb = function(json, miner_socket) { if (curr_miner_socket) { // need to restart miner in case of second login attempt to clean its internal state replace_miner(curr_miner); } else if (curr_pool_socket) { set_curr_miner(miner_socket, "eth"); pool_socket_write(curr_pool_socket, JSON.stringify(json) + "\n"); } else { err("No active pool (" + c.pools[curr_pool_num] + ") to send subscribe job to the miner!"); miner_socket_write(miner_socket, JSON.stringify({ jsonrpc: "2.0", id: json.id, error: "No active meta-miner pool", }) + "\n"); } }; if (c.watchdog) { if (is_verbose_mode) log("Starting miner watchdog timer (with " + c.watchdog + " seconds max since last miner result)"); setInterval(function () { if (curr_pool_socket) { if (is_verbose_mode) log("Sending keepalive message to the pool"); pool_socket_write(curr_pool_socket, JSON.stringify({jsonrpc: "2.0", id: "mm", method: "keepalived", params: {}}) + "\n"); } if (!curr_pool_socket || !curr_miner_socket || miner_last_submit_time === null) return; const miner_idle_time = (Date.now() - miner_last_submit_time) / 1000; if (miner_idle_time > c.watchdog) { err("No results from miner for more than " + c.watchdog + " seconds. Restarting it..."); miner_last_submit_time = Date.now(); replace_miner(curr_miner); } }, 60*1000); } if (c.hashrate_watchdog) { if (is_verbose_mode) log("Starting miner hashrate watchdog timer (with " + c.hashrate_watchdog + "% min hashrate threshold)"); setInterval(function () { if (!curr_pool_socket || !curr_miner_socket || last_miner_hashrate === null) return; // there was perf change without miner restart so we need to wait for at least 15 minutes for hashrate to be correct if (last_algo_change_time && Date.now() - last_algo_change_time < 15*60*1000) return; const min_hashrate = c.algo_perf[curr_algo] * c.hashrate_watchdog / 100; if (last_miner_hashrate < min_hashrate) { err("Current miner hashrate " + last_miner_hashrate + " is below minimum " + min_hashrate + " hashrate threshold. Restarting it..."); replace_miner(curr_miner); } }, 60*1000); } connect_pool(curr_pool_num = 0, pool_ok, pool_new_msg, pool_err); }; process.title = 'meta-miner'; log("Meta Miner " + VERSION); parse_argv(function() { if (c.pools.length == 0) { err("[FATAL] You must specify at least one pool"); process.exit(1); } if (Object.keys(c.algos).length == 0) { err("[FATAL] You must specify at least one working miner"); process.exit(1); } if(process.title !== c.proc_title) process.title = c.proc_title; do_miner_perf_runs(main); });