EchoEvaluator ============= Evaluates the python code and replaces it with the echoed result just like ``. **Installation :** - **_Recommended_** - Using [Sublime Package Control]( "Sublime Package Control") - `ctrl+shft+p` then select `Package Control: Install Package` - install `EchoEvaluator` - Alternatively, download the package from [GitHub]( "EchoEvaluator") into your `Packages` folder **Usage :** Select a piece of python code and press `ctrl+shift+e`, the code will be replaced with echoed result. You can use multiple selections, than all code pieces will be evaluated esparatly. The plugin can evaluate native ST python: 2.x for ST2, 3.x for ST3. If an exception occured during evaluation, it will be printed into a ST console. **Examples :** Evaluating ``` for x in [1, 3, 5]: echo(x) ``` will replace it with "135". Evaluating ``` for x in [1, 3, 5]: echo("result[%d] = 2*%d\n" % (x, x + 1)) ``` will replace it with: ``` result[1] = 2*2 result[3] = 2*4 result[5] = 2*6 ```