var helpURL = ""; var _WELLNAMES_FILE = "wellNames.txt"; var _ROW_OFFSET = 1; var _COLUMN_OFFSET = 1; macro "wellNames from CSV help (f4) Action Tool - C000T4b12?"{ run('URL...', 'url='+helpURL); } macro "Export to wellNames Action Tool - C000T4b12E"{ exportWellNamesAction(); } macro "Export to wellNames Action Tool Options"{ exportWellNamesOption(); } function exportWellNamesAction(){ Dialog.create("Enter Input output"); Dialog.addFile("CSV input file",""); Dialog.addDirectory("Folder to output "+_WELLNAMES_FILE,"");; inputCSV = Dialog.getString(); outputFolder = Dialog.getString(); //exportWellNames(inputCSV,outputFolder+_WELLNAMES_FILE); new_exportWellNames(inputCSV,outputFolder+_WELLNAMES_FILE); } function exportWellNamesOption(){ Dialog.create("Export Well Names Options"); Dialog.addMessage("Enter the offset between the top left of the sheet and the top left of the plate layout"); Dialog.addNumber("Row Offset", _ROW_OFFSET, 0, 4, "cell"); Dialog.addNumber("Column Offset", _COLUMN_OFFSET, 0, 4, "cell");; _ROW_OFFSET = Dialog.getNumber(); _COLUMN_OFFSET = Dialog.getNumber(); } function exportWellNames(inputCSV,outputFile){ print(inputCSV);; tableHeadings = split(Table.headings,"\t"); nbTableRow = Table.size; nbTableColumn = tableHeadings.length; wellNamesContent = ""; rowOffset = _ROW_OFFSET -1; columnOffset = _COLUMN_OFFSET -1; for (row = rowOffset; row < nbTableRow-rowOffset; row++) { for(column = columnOffset;column < nbTableColumn-columnOffset;column++){ currentValue = Table.getString(tableHeadings[column], row); if(isNotNull(currentValue)){ stringToAdd = IJ.pad(row-rowOffset+1,2)+IJ.pad(column-columnOffset+1,2)+":"+currentValue+"\n"; //stringToAdd = String.pad(row-rowOffset+1,2)+String.pad(column-columnOffset+1,2)+":"+currentValue+"\n"; wellNamesContent = wellNamesContent + stringToAdd; } } } File.saveString(wellNamesContent, outputFile); } function new_exportWellNames(inputCSV,outputFile){ print(inputCSV); stringCSV = File.openAsString(inputCSV); stringCSV = replace(stringCSV, ";", ",") lines = split(stringCSV,"\n"); nbRow = lines.length; wellNamesContent = ""; rowOffset = _ROW_OFFSET -1; columnOffset = _COLUMN_OFFSET -1; fileEnded = false; for (row = rowOffset; row < nbRow; row++){ values = split(lines[row],","); nbColumn = values.length; for(column = columnOffset; column < nbColumn; column++){ currentValue = values[column]; if(isNotNull(currentValue)){ stringToAdd = IJ.pad(row-rowOffset+1,2)+IJ.pad(column-columnOffset+1,2)+":"+currentValue+"\n"; //stringToAdd = String.pad(row-rowOffset+1,2)+String.pad(column-columnOffset+1,2)+":"+currentValue+"\n"; wellNamesContent = wellNamesContent + stringToAdd; } } } File.saveString(wellNamesContent, outputFile); } function isNotNull(value){ if(value == "#N/A"){return false;} if(value == "NaN"){ return false;} if(value == ""){ return false;} return true; } exportWellNamesAction();