var _WIDTH_OF_ROI = 12.26; var _HEIGHT_OF_ROI = 6.72; var _Y_MAX_DIST = _HEIGHT_OF_ROI/2; var _X_MAX_DIST = _WIDTH_OF_ROI/2; var _FIRST_TIME_POINT = 25; var _CHANNEL = 1; var _SIGMA = 1.4; var _THRESHOLDING_METHOD = "Minimum"; var _THRESHOLDING_METHODS = getList("threshold.methods"); var _MIN_SPOT_SIZE = 5; var _MEASURE_REGION = true; var _MEASURE_SPOTS = true; var _DISPLAY_PLOTS = false; var _TABLE_TITLE = "Calcium Signal Measurements"; var _FILE_EXTENSION = "czi"; var _OUT_FOLDER = "control-images"; var _REGIONS_FOLDER = "regions"; var helpURL = ""; exit(); macro "Analyze Calcium Signals in Spines Action Tool (f1) - 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" { run('URL...', 'url='+helpURL); } macro "help [f1]" { run('URL...', 'url='+helpURL); } macro "Find Region Action Tool (f2) - C000T4b12f" { placeRegion(); } macro "Find Region Action Tool (f2) Options" { Dialog.create("Find Region Options"); Dialog.addNumber("width of region: ", _WIDTH_OF_ROI); Dialog.addNumber("height of region: ", _HEIGHT_OF_ROI);; _WIDTH_OF_ROI = Dialog.getNumber(); _HEIGHT_OF_ROI = Dialog.getNumber(); } macro 'find region [f2]' { placeRegion(); } macro 'analyze calcium spots [f3]' { runAnalysis(); } macro "Analyze Calcium Spots Action Tool (f3) - C000T4b12a" { runAnalysis(); } macro "Analyze Calcium Spots Action Tool (f3) Options" { Dialog.create("Analyze Calcium Spots Options"); Dialog.addNumber("first timepoint: ", _FIRST_TIME_POINT); Dialog.addNumber("channel: ", _CHANNEL); Dialog.addNumber("sigma Gaussian blur: ", _SIGMA); Dialog.addChoice("thresholding method: ", _THRESHOLDING_METHODS, _THRESHOLDING_METHOD); Dialog.addNumber("min. spot size: ", _MIN_SPOT_SIZE); Dialog.addCheckbox("measure whole region", _MEASURE_REGION); Dialog.addCheckbox("measure spots", _MEASURE_SPOTS); Dialog.addCheckbox("display plots", _DISPLAY_PLOTS); Dialog.addString("file extension: ", _FILE_EXTENSION);; _FIRST_TIME_POINT = Dialog.getNumber(); _CHANNEL = Dialog.getNumber(); _SIGMA = Dialog.getNumber(); _THRESHOLDING_METHOD = Dialog.getChoice(); _MIN_SPOT_SIZE = Dialog.getNumber(); _MEASURE_REGION = Dialog.getCheckbox(); _MEASURE_SPOTS = Dialog.getCheckbox(); _DISPLAY_PLOTS = Dialog.getCheckbox(); _FILE_EXTENSION = Dialog.getString(); } macro 'batch process images [f4]' { batchProcessImages(); } macro "Batch Process Images Action Tool (f4) - C000T4b12b" { batchProcessImages(); } macro 'batch find regions [f5]' { batchFindRegions(); } macro "Batch Find Regions Action Tool (f5) - C000T4b12r" { batchFindRegions(); } function runAnalysis() { if (selectionType() == -1) rect = placeRegion(); else { getBoundingRect(posX, posY, widthRegion, heightRegion); rect = newArray(posX, posY, widthRegion, heightRegion); Overlay.addSelection;; } imageID = getImageID(); title = getTitle(); if (_MEASURE_REGION) { values = measure(); reportData(values, "ROI-"+title); if (_DISPLAY_PLOTS) plot("mean int. complete zone", values); } selectImage(imageID); if (_MEASURE_SPOTS) { detectSpots(); roiImageID = getImageID(); values = measureSpots(); reportData(values, "spots-"+title); if (_DISPLAY_PLOTS) plot("mean int. spots", values); selectImage(imageID); run("Restore Selection"); getBoundingRect(x, y, width, height); Roi.move(rect[0]+x, rect[1]+y); Overlay.addSelection; selectImage(roiImageID); close(); } } function placeRegion() { Stack.getDimensions(width, height, channels, slices, frames); widthRegion = _WIDTH_OF_ROI; heightRegion = _HEIGHT_OF_ROI; toUnscaled(widthRegion); toUnscaled(heightRegion); xMaxDist = _X_MAX_DIST; yMaxDist = _Y_MAX_DIST; toUnscaled(xMaxDist); toUnscaled(yMaxDist); roiManager("select", 0); getBoundingRect(x, y, width, height); run("From ROI Manager"); xStart = x-widthRegion+width; yStart = y-heightRegion+height; xEnd = x; yEnd = y; currentMean = 0; posX = 0; posY = 0; Stack.setFrame(frames); for(x=xStart; x<=xEnd; x++) { for(y=yStart; y<=yEnd; y++) { makeRectangle(x, y, widthRegion, heightRegion); getStatistics(area, mean); if (mean>currentMean) { currentMean=mean; posX = x; posY = y; } } } makeRectangle(posX, posY, widthRegion, heightRegion); Overlay.addSelection;; rect = newArray(posX, posY, widthRegion, heightRegion); return rect; } function measure() { Stack.getDimensions(width, height, channels, slices, frames); values = newArray(frames); Stack.setFrame(_FIRST_TIME_POINT-1); getStatistics(area, meanT0); for(t=1; t<=frames; t++) { Stack.setFrame(t); getStatistics(area, mean); values[t-1] = mean / meanT0; } Stack.setFrame(1); return values; } function plot(title, values) { timePoints = getTimePoints(); Stack.getUnits(X, Y, Z, Time, Value); Plot.create(title, "t ["+Time+"]", "int.", timePoints, values);; } function detectSpots() { roiManager("Reset"); inputImageID = getImageID(); run("Duplicate...", "duplicate channels="+_CHANNEL+"-"+_CHANNEL); roiImageID = getImageID(); run("Duplicate...", "duplicate channels="+_CHANNEL+"-"+_CHANNEL); maskID = getImageID(); run("32-bit"); max = 0; for(t=1; t<_FIRST_TIME_POINT; t++) { Stack.setFrame(t); getStatistics(area, mean); if (mean>max) max = mean; } run("Divide...", "value="+max+" stack"); run("Enhance Contrast", "saturated=0.35"); run("Gaussian Blur...", "sigma="+_SIGMA+" stack"); setAutoThreshold(_THRESHOLDING_METHOD +" dark"); run("Analyze Particles...", "size="+_MIN_SPOT_SIZE+"-Infinity pixel add stack"); run("8-bit"); roiManager("Fill"); run("Macro...", "code=v=(v==255)*255 stack"); count = roiManager("count"); toBeRemoved = newArray(); Stack.getDimensions(width, height, channels, slices, frames); for(i=0; i0) roiHasSuccessor=true; } if (frame>1) { Stack.setFrame(frame+1); getStatistics(area, mean); if (mean>0) roiHasPredecessor=true; } if (!(roiHasSuccessor || roiHasPredecessor)) toBeRemoved = Array.concat(toBeRemoved, i); } roiManager("select", toBeRemoved); roiManager("Delete"); Stack.setFrame(1); run("Select None"); selectImage(maskID); close(); selectImage(roiImageID); } function measureSpots() { roiImageID = getImageID(); roiManager("combine"); values = measure(); return values; } function getTimePoints() { frameInterval = Stack.getFrameInterval(); Stack.getDimensions(width, height, channels, slices, frames); timePoints = newArray(frames); for(i=0; i1) close(); Stack.getDimensions(width, height, channels, slices, frames); count = roiManager("count"); if (frames<2 || count<1) { print("skipped image " + file); if (nImages>0) close(); continue; } } else { open(dir+"/"+file); } if (i==0) resetTable(); runAnalysis(); selectWindow("Log"); outFile = replace(file, "."+_FILE_EXTENSION, ".tif"); saveAs("tif", dir+"/"+_OUT_FOLDER+"/"+outFile); close(); } _DISPLAY_PLOTS = displayPlots; selectWindow(_TABLE_TITLE);"/"+_TABLE_TITLE+".xls"); getDateAndTime(year, month, dayOfWeek, dayOfMonth, hour, minute, second, msec); print("Analyze Calcium Signal finished at: " + dayOfMonth + "." + (month+1) + "." + year + " " + hour + ":" + minute + ":" + second + "." + msec); setBatchMode(false); } function filterFiles(dir, files) { filteredFiles = newArray(0); for(i=0; i1) close(); Stack.getDimensions(width, height, channels, slices, frames); count = roiManager("count"); if (frames<2 || count<1) { print("skipped image " + file); if (nImages>0) close(); continue; } rect = placeRegion(); makeRectangle(rect[0], rect[1], rect[2], rect[3]); selectWindow("Log"); outFile = replace(file, "."+_FILE_EXTENSION, ".tif"); saveAs("tif", dir+"/"+_REGIONS_FOLDER+"/"+outFile); close(); } getDateAndTime(year, month, dayOfWeek, dayOfMonth, hour, minute, second, msec); print("Analyze Calcium Signal finished at: " + dayOfMonth + "." + (month+1) + "." + year + " " + hour + ":" + minute + ":" + second + "." + msec); setBatchMode(false); }