var _HEIGHT_IN_CM = 29.7; var _ENHANCE_CONTRAST = true; var _DIST_BORDER = 5; var _THRESHOLDING_METHOD = "MaxEntropy"; var _THRESHOLDING_METHODS = getList("threshold.methods"); var _MIN_AREA = "50000"; var _CIRCLE_ORIGIN_X = 3226; var _CIRCLE_ORIGIN_Y = 7; var _CIRCLE_INITIAL_RADIUS = 50; var _DELTA_RADIUS = 200; var _FACTOR = 1.1; var _CREATE_DISTANCE_MAP = true; var _IMAGE_ORIGIN_X = 3226; var _IMAGE_ORIGIN_Y = 7; var _LINE_ORIGIN_X = 3226; var _LINE_ORIGIN_Y = 7; var _LINE_DELTA_DISTANCE = 200; var _LINE_DISTANCE_FACTOR = 1; var _MAXIMA_TOLERANCE = 2; var _EDGE_MODE = 2; var _PLOT_AREA_PER_DISTANCE = true; var _PLOT_BORDER_PIXEL_PER_DISTANCE = false; var _PLOT_MAX_RADIUS = false; var _PLOT_MAXIMA_PER_DISTANCE = false; var _PLOT_HORIZONTAL_DISTANCES = false; var _FILE_EXTENSION = "tif"; var helpURL = ""; doPlotFeatures(); exit(); macro "analyze complex roots tools help [f1]" { run('URL...', 'url='+helpURL); } macro "analyze complex roots help Action Tool (f1) - C0ffD07D0cD18D1dD20D21D22D23D29D2eD34D3aD3eD45D4aD4eD56D5aD5fD60D61D62D67D6bD6fD73D77D7bD7fD83D87D8bD8fD93D97D9bD9fDa0Da1Da2Da7DabDafDb6DbaDbfDc5DcaDcfDd4DdaDdeDe0De1De2De3De9DeeDf7Df8Dfd"{ run('URL...', 'url='+helpURL); } macro "create mask [f2]" { segmentRoot(); } macro "create mask Action Tool (f2) - C000T4b12m" { segmentRoot(); } macro "create mask Action Tool (f2) Options" { Dialog.create("create mask options"); Dialog.addNumber("height of the image in cm: ", _HEIGHT_IN_CM); Dialog.addCheckbox("enhance contrast", _ENHANCE_CONTRAST); Dialog.addNumber("distance to border: ", _DIST_BORDER); Dialog.addChoice("thresholding method: ", _THRESHOLDING_METHODS, _THRESHOLDING_METHOD); Dialog.addNumber("min area: ", _MIN_AREA);; _HEIGHT_IN_CM = Dialog.getNumber(); _ENHANCE_CONTRAST = Dialog.getCheckbox(); _DIST_BORDER = Dialog.getNumber(); _THRESHOLDING_METHOD = Dialog.getChoice(); _MIN_AREA = Dialog.getNumber(); } macro "make circles [f3]" { doMakeCircles(_CIRCLE_ORIGIN_X, _CIRCLE_ORIGIN_Y); } macro "make circles Tool (f3) - C000T4b12c" { getCursorLoc(x, y, z, modifiers); doMakeCircles(x,y); } macro "make circles Tool (f3) Options" { Dialog.create("make circles options"); Dialog.addNumber("initial radius: ", _CIRCLE_INITIAL_RADIUS); Dialog.addNumber("initial delta: ", _DELTA_RADIUS); Dialog.addNumber("factor: ", _FACTOR);; _CIRCLE_INITIAL_RADIUS = Dialog.getNumber(); _DELTA_RADIUS = Dialog.getNumber(); _FACTOR = Dialog.getNumber(); } macro "make lines [f4]" { doMakeLines(_LINE_ORIGIN_X, _LINE_ORIGIN_Y, _LINE_ORIGIN_X, _LINE_ORIGIN_Y); } macro "make lines Tool (f4) - C000T4b12l" { getCursorLoc(x, y, z, modifiers); doMakeLines(x,y, x, y); } macro "make lines Tool (f4) Options" { Dialog.create("make lines options"); Dialog.addNumber("initial y: ", _LINE_ORIGIN_Y); Dialog.addNumber("initial distance: ", _LINE_DELTA_DISTANCE); Dialog.addNumber("factor: ", _LINE_DISTANCE_FACTOR);; _LINE_ORIGIN_Y = Dialog.getNumber(); _LINE_DELTA_DISTANCE = Dialog.getNumber(); _LINE_DISTANCE_FACTOR = Dialog.getNumber(); } macro 'circles to lines [f5]' { circlesToLines(); } macro "circles to lines Action Tool (f5) - C000T4b122" { circlesToLines(); } macro "plot features [f6]" { doPlotFeatures(); } macro "plot features Action Tool (f6) - C000T4b12p" { doPlotFeatures(); } macro "plot features Action Tool (f6) Options" { Dialog.create("plot features options"); Dialog.addCheckbox("plot area per distance", _PLOT_AREA_PER_DISTANCE); Dialog.addCheckbox("plot nr. of border-pixel per distance", _PLOT_BORDER_PIXEL_PER_DISTANCE); Dialog.addCheckbox("plot max. radius per distance", _PLOT_MAX_RADIUS); Dialog.addCheckbox("plot nr. of max. per distance", _PLOT_MAXIMA_PER_DISTANCE); Dialog.addCheckbox("plot horizontal distances", _PLOT_HORIZONTAL_DISTANCES); Dialog.addNumber("tolerance: ", _MAXIMA_TOLERANCE);; _PLOT_AREA_PER_DISTANCE = Dialog.getCheckbox(); _PLOT_BORDER_PIXEL_PER_DISTANCE = Dialog.getCheckbox(); _PLOT_MAX_RADIUS = Dialog.getCheckbox(); _PLOT_MAXIMA_PER_DISTANCE = Dialog.getCheckbox(); _PLOT_HORIZONTAL_DISTANCES = Dialog.getCheckbox(); _MAXIMA_TOLERANCE = Dialog.getNumber(); } macro "batch measure roots Action Tool (f7) - C000T4b12b" { batchMeasureRoots(); } macro "batch measure roots [f7]" { batchMeasureRoots(); } macro "batch measure roots Action Tool (f7) Options" { Dialog.create("batch measure options"); Dialog.addString("file extension", _FILE_EXTENSION);; _FILE_EXTENSION = Dialog.getString(); } macro "delete column Action Tool (f8) - C000T4b12d" { removeColumn(); } macro "delete column [f8]" { removeColumn(); } macro "calculate statistics Action Tool (f9) - C000T4b12s" { calculateStatistics(); } macro "calculate statistics [f9]" { calculateStatistics(); } function removeColumn() { headings = Table.headings; headings = split(headings, "\t"); Dialog.createNonBlocking("Delete Column"); Dialog.addChoice("column: ", headings, headings[1]);; selectedColumn = Dialog.getChoice(); showMessageWithCancel("Confirm delete column","Are you sure you want to delete the column\n" + selectedColumn); Table.deleteColumn(selectedColumn); Table.update; } function batchMeasureRoots() { createDistanceMapOption = _CREATE_DISTANCE_MAP; _CREATE_DISTANCE_MAP = false; inputDir = getDirectory("Choose the directory containing the input images!"); fileList = getFileList(inputDir); fileList = filterImages(fileList); xAxis = "distance"; for (i = 0; i < fileList.length; i++) { file = fileList[i]; open(inputDir+"/"+file); print(inputDir+"/"+file); retrieveMetadata(); doCirclesOrLines(); inputImageID = getImageID(); segmentRoot(); maskID = getImageID(); run("Create Selection"); createDistanceMap(); edtID = getImageID(); selectImage(maskID); run("Select None"); if (i==0) { Overlay.activateSelection(0); if (selectionType()==5) xAxis = "depth"; run("Select None"); distances = getDistances(); if (_PLOT_AREA_PER_DISTANCE) { Table.create("root area per "+xAxis); Table.setColumn(xAxis, distances); Table.create("root rel. area per "+xAxis); Table.setColumn(xAxis, distances); } if (_PLOT_BORDER_PIXEL_PER_DISTANCE) { Table.create("nr. pixel in touch with earth "+xAxis); Table.setColumn(xAxis, distances); Table.create("rel. number of pixel in touch with earth "+xAxis); Table.setColumn(xAxis, distances); } if (_PLOT_MAX_RADIUS) { Table.create("max. radius per "+xAxis); Table.setColumn(xAxis, distances); } if (_PLOT_MAXIMA_PER_DISTANCE) { Table.create("nr. of maxima per "+xAxis); Table.setColumn(xAxis, distances); } if (_PLOT_HORIZONTAL_DISTANCES) { Table.create("horiz. distance left per "+xAxis); Table.setColumn(xAxis, distances); Table.create("horiz. distance right per "+xAxis); Table.setColumn(xAxis, distances); } } if (_PLOT_AREA_PER_DISTANCE) { sumOfAreas = getSumOfAreas(); areaPerDistance = getAreaPerDistance(sumOfAreas); relativeAreaPerDistance = getRelativeAreas(areaPerDistance, sumOfAreas[sumOfAreas.length-1]); selectWindow("root area per "+xAxis); Table.setColumn(file, areaPerDistance); selectWindow("root rel. area per "+xAxis); Table.setColumn(file, relativeAreaPerDistance); } if (_PLOT_BORDER_PIXEL_PER_DISTANCE) { run("Points from Mask"); getSelectionCoordinates(x, y); run("Select None"); totalNrOfPixel = x.length; nrOfBorderPixel = getNrOfBorderPixelPerDistance(); relNrOfBorderPixel = newArray(nrOfBorderPixel.length); for (j = 0; j < relNrOfBorderPixel.length; j++) { relNrOfBorderPixel[j] = nrOfBorderPixel[j] / totalNrOfPixel; } selectWindow("nr. pixel in touch with earth "+xAxis); Table.setColumn(file, nrOfBorderPixel); selectWindow("rel. number of pixel in touch with earth "+xAxis); Table.setColumn(file, relNrOfBorderPixel); } if (_PLOT_MAX_RADIUS) { selectImage(maskID); run("To ROI Manager"); run("From ROI Manager"); selectImage(edtID); run("From ROI Manager"); roiManager("Delete"); selectImage(edtID); maxValues = getMaxPerDistance(); selectWindow("max. radius per "+xAxis); Table.setColumn(file, maxValues); selectImage(maskID); } if (_PLOT_MAXIMA_PER_DISTANCE) { maximaCount = getMaximaPerDistance(); selectWindow("nr. of maxima per "+xAxis); Table.setColumn(file, maximaCount); } if (_PLOT_HORIZONTAL_DISTANCES) { hDist = getHorizontalDistances(); length = hDist.length; leftDist = Array.slice(hDist, 0, (length/2)-1); rightDist = Array.slice(hDist, length/2, (length-1)); selectWindow("horiz. distance left per "+xAxis); Table.setColumn(file, leftDist); selectWindow("horiz. distance right per "+xAxis); Table.setColumn(file, rightDist); } close(); close(); if (nImages>0) close(); } _CREATE_DISTANCE_MAP = createDistanceMapOption; if (_PLOT_AREA_PER_DISTANCE) { selectWindow("root area per "+xAxis); calculateStatistics(); selectWindow("root rel. area per "+xAxis); calculateStatistics(); } if (_PLOT_BORDER_PIXEL_PER_DISTANCE) { selectWindow("nr. pixel in touch with earth "+xAxis); calculateStatistics(); Table.create("rel. number of pixel in touch with earth "+xAxis); calculateStatistics(); } if (_PLOT_MAX_RADIUS) { selectWindow("max. radius per "+xAxis); calculateStatistics(); } if (_PLOT_MAXIMA_PER_DISTANCE) { selectWindow("nr. of maxima per "+xAxis); calculateStatistics(); } if (_PLOT_HORIZONTAL_DISTANCES) { selectWindow("horiz. distance left per "+xAxis); calculateStatistics(); selectWindow("horiz. distance right per "+xAxis); calculateStatistics(); } } function doCirclesOrLines() { Overlay.activateSelection(0); if (selectionType()==5) { doMakeLines(_LINE_ORIGIN_X, _LINE_ORIGIN_Y, _LINE_ORIGIN_X, _LINE_ORIGIN_Y); } else { doMakeCircles(_CIRCLE_ORIGIN_X, _CIRCLE_ORIGIN_Y); } run("Select None"); } function circlesToLines() { if (Overlay.size<1) return; Overlay.activateSelection(0); type = Roi.getType; run("Select None"); if (type=="oval") convertCirclesToLines(); } function convertCirclesToLines() { _IMAGE_ORIGIN_X = _CIRCLE_ORIGIN_X; _IMAGE_ORIGIN_Y = _CIRCLE_ORIGIN_Y; _LINE_ORIGIN_X = _CIRCLE_ORIGIN_X; _LINE_ORIGIN_Y = _CIRCLE_ORIGIN_Y + _CIRCLE_INITIAL_RADIUS; _LINE_DELTA_DISTANCE = _DELTA_RADIUS; _LINE_DISTANCE_FACTOR = _FACTOR; Overlay.remove; doMakeLines(_IMAGE_ORIGIN_X, _IMAGE_ORIGIN_Y, _LINE_ORIGIN_X, _LINE_ORIGIN_Y); } function convertLinesToCircles() { } function retrieveMetadata() { metadataString = getMetadata("Info"); metadata = split(metadataString, ";"); data = split(metadata[0], "="); if (data[0]=="origin_x") { _CIRCLE_ORIGIN_X=parseFloat(data[1]); data=split(metadata[1], "="); _CIRCLE_ORIGIN_Y=parseFloat(data[1]); data=split(metadata[2], "="); _CIRCLE_INITIAL_RADIUS=parseFloat(data[1]); data=split(metadata[3], "="); _DELTA_RADIUS=parseFloat(data[1]); data=split(metadata[4], "="); _FACTOR=parseFloat(data[1]); } else { data=split(metadata[0], "="); _LINE_ORIGIN_Y = parseFloat(data[1]); data=split(metadata[1], "="); _LINE_DELTA_DISTANCE = parseFloat(data[1]); data=split(metadata[2], "="); _LINE_DISTANCE_FACTOR = parseFloat(data[1]); } } function doPlotFeatures() { imageID = getImageID(); if (_PLOT_AREA_PER_DISTANCE) plotAreaPerDistance(); selectImage(imageID); if (_PLOT_BORDER_PIXEL_PER_DISTANCE) plotNrOfBorderPixel(); selectImage(imageID); if (_PLOT_MAX_RADIUS) plotMaxRadius(); selectImage(imageID); if (_PLOT_MAXIMA_PER_DISTANCE) plotMaximaPerDistance(); selectImage(imageID); if (_PLOT_HORIZONTAL_DISTANCES) plotHorizontalDistances(); selectImage(imageID); roiManager("Show None"); roiManager("Show All"); } function plotNrOfBorderPixel() { run("Points from Mask"); getSelectionCoordinates(x, y); run("Select None"); totalNrOfPixel = x.length; nrOfBorderPixel = getNrOfBorderPixelPerDistance(); relNrOfBorderPixel = newArray(nrOfBorderPixel.length); for (i = 0; i < relNrOfBorderPixel.length; i++) { relNrOfBorderPixel[i] = nrOfBorderPixel[i] / totalNrOfPixel; } distances = getDistances(); Overlay.activateSelection(0); xAxis = "distance"; if (selectionType()==5) xAxis = "depth"; run("Select None"); Plot.create("nr. of pixels in touch with earth per"+xAxis, ""+xAxis+" [cm]", "numer of pixel [1]", distances, nrOfBorderPixel);; Plot.create("relative nr. of pixels in touch with earth per "+xAxis, ""+xAxis+" [cm]", "relative numer of pixel [1]", distances, relNrOfBorderPixel);; } function plotMaximaPerDistance() { maximaCount = getMaximaPerDistance(); distances = getDistances(); Plot.create("nr. of maxima per dist.", "distance [cm]", "nr.[1]", distances, maximaCount);; } function getMaximaPerDistance() { roiManager("Reset"); count = Overlay.size; maximaCount = newArray(count); origonX = 0; origonY = 0; toUnscaled(origonX, origonY); makePoint(origonX, origonY); roiManager("Add"); run("Select None"); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { Overlay.activateSelection(i); getSelectionCoordinates(xpoints, ypoints); if (selectionType() == 5) { xpoints = Array.getSequence(xpoints[1]); y = ypoints[0]; ypoints = newArray(xpoints.length); Array.fill(ypoints, y); } values = getValuesInSelection(xpoints, ypoints); maxima = Array.findMaxima(values, _MAXIMA_TOLERANCE, _EDGE_MODE); maximaCount[i] = maxima.length; for (j = 0; j < maxima.length; j++) { x = xpoints[maxima[j]]; y = ypoints[maxima[j]]; toScaled(x, y); if (y>=0) { makePoint(xpoints[maxima[j]], ypoints[maxima[j]]); roiManager("Add"); run("Select None"); } } } return maximaCount; } function getDistances() { count = Overlay.size; distances = newArray(count); zero = 0; zeroX = 0; zeroY = 0; toScaled(zeroX, zeroY); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { Overlay.activateSelection(i); getSelectionBounds(x, y, width, height); if (selectionType() == 5) { if (i==0) { distances[i] = 0; originY = y; } else { distances[i] = y-originY; toScaled(distances[i]); distances[i] = distances[i]; } } else { distances[i] = width / 2.0; toScaled(distances[i]); } run("Select None"); } return distances; } function plotMaxRadius() { maxValues = getMaxPerDistance(); distances = getDistances(); Plot.create("max radius per dist.", "distance [cm]", "radius [cm]", distances, maxValues);; } function doMakeCircles(x,y) { _CIRCLE_ORIGIN_X = x; _CIRCLE_ORIGIN_Y = y; makeCircles(_CIRCLE_ORIGIN_X, _CIRCLE_ORIGIN_Y, _CIRCLE_INITIAL_RADIUS, _DELTA_RADIUS, _FACTOR); metadata = "origin_x="+_CIRCLE_ORIGIN_X + ";" + "origin_y="+_CIRCLE_ORIGIN_Y + ";" + "initial_radius=" + _CIRCLE_INITIAL_RADIUS + ";" + "delta_radius="+_DELTA_RADIUS + ";" + "factor="+ _FACTOR; setMetadata("Info", metadata); run("Properties...", "origin="+_CIRCLE_ORIGIN_X+","+_CIRCLE_ORIGIN_Y); } function doMakeLines(originX, originY, lineOriginX, lineOriginY) { _LINE_ORIGIN_X = lineOriginX; _LINE_ORIGIN_Y = lineOriginY; makeLines(_LINE_ORIGIN_Y, _LINE_DELTA_DISTANCE, _LINE_DISTANCE_FACTOR); metadata = "line_origin_y="+_LINE_ORIGIN_Y + ";" + "delta_line="+_LINE_DELTA_DISTANCE + ";" + "line_factor="+ _LINE_DISTANCE_FACTOR; setMetadata("Info", metadata); run("Properties...", "origin="+originX+","+originX); } function getMaxPerDistance() { count = Overlay.size; maxValues = newArray(count); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { values = getValuesInCircleNr(i); Array.getStatistics(values, min, max); toScaled(max); maxValues[i] = max; } run("Select None"); return maxValues; } function getValuesInCircleNr(i) { Overlay.activateSelection(i); run("Area to Line"); getSelectionCoordinates(xpoints, ypoints); if (selectionType() == 5) { xpoints = Array.getSequence(xpoints[1]); y = ypoints[0]; ypoints = newArray(xpoints.length); Array.fill(ypoints, y); } values = getValuesInSelection(xpoints, ypoints); return values; } function makeCircles(centerX, centerY, initialRadius, deltaRadius, factor) { Overlay.remove; height = getHeight(); currentRadius = initialRadius; while(currentRadius1) { setSlice(2); run("Enhance Contrast...", "saturated=0.3 equalize"); } if (nSlices>2) { setSlice(3); run("Enhance Contrast...", "saturated=0.3 equalize"); } setSlice(1); } function makeLines(initialY, deltaDistance, factor) { Overlay.remove; height = getHeight(); width = getWidth(); currentY = initialY; while(currentY0) { Overlay.activateSelection(i-1); run("Clear", "slice"); } Overlay.activateSelection(i); getSelectionBounds(x0, y0, width0, height0); radius = width0/2.0; run("Clear Outside"); nrOfPixels = countBorderPixels(); nrOfBorderPixel[i] = nrOfPixels; close(); } close(); return nrOfBorderPixel; } function getAreaPerDistance(sumOfAreas) { areaPerDistance = newArray(sumOfAreas.length); areaPerDistance[0] = sumOfAreas[0]; for (i = 1; i < sumOfAreas.length; i++) { areaPerDistance[i] = sumOfAreas[i]-sumOfAreas[i-1]; } return areaPerDistance; } function getRelativeAreas(areas, total) { relativeAreaPerDistance = newArray(areas.length); relativeAreaPerDistance[0] = areas[0]/total; for (i = 1; i < sumOfAreas.length; i++) { relativeAreaPerDistance[i] = areaPerDistance[i]/total; } return relativeAreaPerDistance; } function getHorizontalDistances() { Overlay.activateSelection(0); selType = selectionType(); run("Select None"); if (selType == 5) hDist = getHorizontalDistacesLines(); else hDist = getHorizontalDistancesCircles(); return hDist; } function getHorizontalDistacesLines() { imageWidth = getWidth(); imageHeight = getHeight(); roiManager("reset"); setBackgroundColor(255,255,255); size = Overlay.size; leftDistance = newArray(size); rightDistance = newArray(size); leftDistance[0] = 0; rightDistance[0] = 0; for (i = 0; i < size-1; i++) { run("Duplicate...", " "); Overlay.activateSelection(i); getSelectionBounds(x1, y1, width1, height1); makeRectangle(0, 0, imageWidth, y1); run("Clear", "slice"); if (i0) { Overlay.activateSelection(i-1); run("Clear", "slice"); } Overlay.activateSelection(i); getSelectionBounds(x0, y0, width0, height0); radius = width0/2.0; run("Clear Outside"); run("Create Selection"); getSelectionBounds(x, y, width, height); x1 = x+width; toScaled(x,y); toScaled(x1,y1); toScaled(radius); leftDistance[i] = x; rightDistance[i] = x1; y = sqrt(pow(radius,2)-pow(x,2)); y1 = sqrt(pow(radius,2)-pow(x1,2)); toUnscaled(x, y); toUnscaled(x1, y1); makePoint(x, y, "hybrid magenta"); roiManager("add"); makePoint(x1, y1, "hybrid red"); roiManager("add"); close(); } hDist = Array.concat(leftDistance, rightDistance); return hDist; } function countBorderPixels() { roiManager("reset"); run("Points from Mask"); roiManager("add"); getSelectionCoordinates(x, y); run("Select None"); counter = x.length; return counter; } function createOutlineImage() { run("Duplicate...", " "); run("Points from Mask"); getSelectionCoordinates(x, y); run("Select None"); for(i=0; i0) + (getPixel(xp-1, yp)>0) + (getPixel(xp+1, yp)>0) + (getPixel(xp, yp+1)>0); if (sum<4) { setPixel(xp, yp, 128); } } setThreshold(10, 254); setOption("BlackBackground", false); run("Convert to Mask"); } function filterImages(files) { images = newArray(); for (i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { file = files[i]; if (endsWith(file, "."+_FILE_EXTENSION)) { images = Array.concat(images, file); } } return images; } function calculateStatistics() { headings = Table.headings; if (indexOf(headings, "Average")>0) { Table.deleteColumn("Average"); } if (indexOf(headings, "SD")>0) { Table.deleteColumn("SD"); } if (indexOf(headings, "SE")>0) { Table.deleteColumn("SE"); } headings = split(Table.headings,"\t"); images = headings.length-1; size = Table.size; for (row = 0; row < size; row++) { values = newArray(0); for(column = 1; column<=images; column++) { value = Table.get(headings[column], row); values = Array.concat(values, value); } Array.getStatistics(values, min, max, mean, stdDev); Table.set("Average", row, mean); Table.set("SD", row, stdDev); se = stdDev / sqrt(images); Table.set("SE", row, se); } Table.update; }