import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET from ij import IJ, CompositeImage import os import re import sys import shutil import argparse import time from itertools import islice from datetime import datetime from ij.macro import Interpreter from ij.plugin import ImagesToStack, ZProjector, RGBStackMerge, ImageCalculator, Concatenator, MontageMaker from ij.process import ImageConverter from ij.measure import ResultsTable import unittest import math DEBUG = False IO_DEBUG = False _CUSTOM_OUTPUT_PATH = "" _USING_CUSTOM_OUTPUT_PATH = False _Z_STACK_FOLDER = "/stack/" _PROJECTION_FOLDER = "/projection/" _Z_STACK_MOSAIC_FOLDER = "/stackMosaic/" _PROJECTION_MOSAIC_FOLDER = "/projectionMosaic/" _PROJECTION_MOSAIC_RGB_FOLDER = "/projectionMosaicRGB/" _PROJECTION_MOSAIC_CHANNEL_FOLDER = "/projectionMosaicChannel/" _WORK_FOLDER = "/work/" _OUT_FOLDER = "/out/" _FLATFIELD_FOLDER = "/flatfield/" _REGEX_IMAGE_URL = re.compile("(r[0-9]{2,8})?(c[0-9]{2,8})?(f[0-9]{2,8})?(p[0-9]{2,8})?(-)?(ch[0-9]{1,8})?(sk[0-9]{1,8})?(fk[0-9]{1,8})?(fl[0-9]{1,8})?(\..+)?") def main(args): if DEBUG: print("Entering main") exporter = OperaExporter(args) if DEBUG: print("Launching procedure") exporter.launch() def getArgumentParser(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Create a mosaic from the opera images using the index file and fiji-stitching." ) parser.add_argument( "--wells", "-w", default="all", help='either "all" or a string of the form "01010102" defining the wells to be exported', ) populateParserBase(parser) populateParserExport(parser) populateParserFusion(parser) populateParserCorrection(parser) populateParserDisplay(parser) parser.add_argument("index_file", help="path to the Index.idx.xml file") return parser def coords(s): s = s.replace(" ", "") l = s.split(",") if len(l) % 2 != 0: raise Exception( "Parameter --min-max-display needs two values for each channel!" ) coords = [float(x) for x in l] it = iter(coords) return list(iter(lambda: tuple(islice(it, 2)), ())) def splitIntoChunksOfSize(aString, chunkLength): """ Split a string into chunks of a given length. Parameters ---------- aString : str The string that will be splitted into chunks chunkLength : int The length of the chunks Returns ------- title : list A list of the chunks """ res = [ aString[y - chunkLength : y] for y in range(chunkLength, len(aString) + chunkLength, chunkLength) ] return res def prefix(name): only_alpha = "" for c in name: if ord(c) >= 97 and ord(c) <= 122: only_alpha += c else: return only_alpha def removeComponentFromName(name, compos): """ The name of an image is composed of several elements (channel, time, field, slice, ...) This functions takes a name and removes some of the components from the name 'compos' is an array that can contain the values: ['r', 'c', 'f', 'p', 'ch', 'sk', 'fk', 'fl'] All elements contained will be removed. 'name' is the original name """ global _REGEX_IMAGE_URL res = _REGEX_IMAGE_URL.match(name) compos = set(compos) if res is None: print("Pattern not found in name") return "untitled.tiff" groups = res.groups() buffer = "" for i, g in enumerate(groups): if g is None: continue p = prefix(g) if p in compos: continue buffer += g return "untitled.tiff" if buffer == "" else buffer def transformCoordinates(xPos, yPos): """ Change the origin from (0, 0) to (min(xPos), max(yPos)) and inverse the y axis. Answer the coordinates in the new system. Parameters ---------- xPos : list A list of the x-values of the coordinates yPos : list A list of the y-values of the coordinates Returns ------- title : (list, list) a tupel of two lists, the first list contains the transformed x-values and the second list the transformed y-values """ leftmost = min(xPos) top = max(yPos) if leftmost < 0: xPos = [i + abs(leftmost) for i in xPos] else: xPos = [i - leftmost for i in xPos] if top < 0: yPos = [abs(i) - abs(top) for i in yPos] else: yPos = [top - i for i in yPos] return xPos, yPos def populateParserBase(parser): parser.add_argument( "--slice", "-s", default=0, type=int, help="the slice used to calculate the stitching, 0 for the middle slice", ) parser.add_argument( "--channel", "-c", default=1, type=int, help="the channel used to calculate the stitching", ) parser.add_argument( "--stitchOnMIP", default=False, action="store_true", help="use the z-projection to calculate the stitching", ) parser.add_argument( "--montage", default=False, action="store_true", help="make a montage of images instead of stitching", ) parser.add_argument( "--padding", default=0, type=int, help="the gap left between two images on the final montage", ) return parser def populateParserExport(parser): parser.add_argument( "--zStackFields", default=False, action="store_true", help="export the z-stacks of fields", ) parser.add_argument( "--zStackFieldsComposite", default=False, action="store_true", help="export the z-stacks of fields composite", ) parser.add_argument( "--projectionFields", default=False, action="store_true", help="export the projection of fields", ) parser.add_argument( "--projectionFieldsComposite", default=False, action="store_true", help="export the projection of fields composite", ) parser.add_argument( "--zStackMosaic", default=False, action="store_true", help="export the z-stacks of mosaics", ) parser.add_argument( "--zStackMosaicComposite", default=False, action="store_true", help="export the z-stacks of mosaics composite", ) parser.add_argument( "--projectionMosaic", default=False, action="store_true", help="export the projection of mosaics", ) parser.add_argument( "--projectionMosaicComposite", default=False, action="store_true", help="export the projection of mosaics composite", ) parser.add_argument( "--projectionMosaicRGB", default=False, action="store_true", help="export the projection of mosaics RGB", ) parser.add_argument( "--channelRGB", default="0000", help="Each character is a flag to export a channel, from left to right (1,2,3,4)", ) parser.add_argument( "--customOutput", default="", help="If specified, output will be written in that folder", ) return parser def populateParserFusion(parser): parser.add_argument( "--computeOverlap", default=False, action="store_true", help="Compute the overlap or use approximate grid coordinates", ) parser.add_argument( "--fusion-method", default="Linear_Blending", help='the fusion method, "Linear_Blending", "Average", "Median" ,"Max_Intensity", "Min_Intensity" or "random"', ) parser.add_argument( "--regression-threshold", "-r", default=0.3, type=float, help="if the regression threshold between two images after the individual stitching are below that number they are assumed to be non-overlapping", ) parser.add_argument( "--displacement-threshold", "-d", default=2.5, type=float, help="max/avg displacement threshold", ) parser.add_argument( "--abs-displacement-threshold", "-a", default=3.5, type=float, help="removes links between images if the absolute displacement is higher than this value", ) return parser def populateParserCorrection(parser): parser.add_argument( "--normalize", default=False, action="store_true", help="normalize the intensities of the images in a mosaic", ) parser.add_argument( "--index-flatfield", default=False, action="store_true", help="background removal using the flatfield profile found in the index file", ) parser.add_argument( "--pseudoflatfield", "-p", default=0, type=float, help="blurring radius for the pseudo flatfield correction (no correction if 0)", ) parser.add_argument( "--rollingball", "-b", default=0, type=float, help="rolling ball radius for the background correction (no correction if 0)", ) parser.add_argument( "--subtract-background-radius", "-g", default=3, type=int, help="radius for the find and subtract background operation", ) parser.add_argument( "--subtract-background-offset", "-o", default=3, type=int, help="offset for the find and subtract background operation", ) parser.add_argument( "--subtract-background-iterations", "-i", default=1, type=int, help="nr of iterations for the find and subtract background operation", ) parser.add_argument( "--subtract-background-skip", "-k", default=0.3, type=float, help="skip limit for the find and subtract background operation", ) return parser def populateParserDisplay(parser): parser.add_argument( "--colours", "-C", type=lambda s: re.split(" |,", s), default=["Blue", "Green", "Red"], help="colors of the channels", ) parser.add_argument( "--min-max-display", "-M", type=coords, default=[(0, 255), (0, 255), (0, 255), (0, 255)], help="pairs of min. and max. display values per channel", ) return parser class OperaExporter(object): """ Export the images from the Phenix Opera as a mosaic, by using the information from the index file and refining the mosaic by stitching. """ experiment = None sourcePath = None options = None dims = None def __init__(self, args=None): if args: parser = getArgumentParser() IJ.log("Argument parser Loaded") self.options = parser.parse_args(args) IJ.log("Arguments parsed") self.configureFromOptions() def configureFromOptions(self): if not self.options: return self.experiment = PhenixHCSExperiment.fromIndexFile(self.options.index_file) self.experiment.setExporter(self) self.sourcePath = self.experiment.getPath() self.wellsOnPlate = self.experiment.getPlates()[0].getWells() self.wellsToExport = self.wellsOnPlate if self.options.wells != "all": wellIDs = splitIntoChunksOfSize(self.options.wells, 4) self.wellsToExport = [ well for well in self.wellsOnPlate if well.getID() in wellIDs ] self.dims = self.wellsToExport[0].getDimensions() self.zSize = self.dims[2] self.sliceForStitching = self.options.slice if self.sliceForStitching == 0: self.sliceForStitching = max(self.zSize / 2, 1) self.stitchOnMIP = self.options.stitchOnMIP if self.stitchOnMIP: self.sliceForStitching = 1 self.zStackFields = self.options.zStackFields self.projectionFields = self.options.projectionFields self.zStackMosaic = self.options.zStackMosaic self.projectionMosaic = self.options.projectionMosaic self.projectionMosaicRGB = self.options.projectionMosaicRGB = self.channelRGB = self.options.channelRGB self.customOutput = self.options.customOutput self.padding = self.options.padding # padding between randomly sampled images self.montage = self.options.montage print( "Custom Output Status : " + str(_USING_CUSTOM_OUTPUT_PATH) + " >>> " + _CUSTOM_OUTPUT_PATH ) def getWells(self): return self.wellsToExport def prepareCalculationOfStitching(self, well): images, self.names, self.newNames = well.createTileConfig( self.sliceForStitching, 0, ) if self.stitchOnMIP: IJ.log("Create MIP to calculate Stitching") well.createMIPFromInputImages( self.dims,, self.experiment.getWorkFolder() ) else: IJ.log("Copy fields to calculate Stitching") well.copyImages( self.sourcePath, self.experiment.getWorkFolder(), self.names, self.newNames, images ) def calculateStitching(self, well): IJ.log("Calculate Stitching") well.calculateStitching() well.deleteFile(self.experiment.getWorkFolder(), self.newNames) def createStack(self, well): IJ.log("Create zStacks Fields") well.createStack(self.dims, self.experiment.getZStackFolder()) def createMIP(self, well): IJ.log("Create projection Fields") well.createMIP(self.dims, self.experiment.getProjectionsFolder()) def makeMontage(self, well, size, statusTable): well.makeMontage( size, self.experiment.getZStackMosaicFolder(), self.experiment.getProjectionMosaicFolder(), self.options.zStackMosaicComposite, self.options.projectionMosaicComposite, self.dims, self.padding, self.zStackMosaic, self.projectionMosaic, self.projectionMosaicRGB, statusTable ) def applyStitching(self, well): if self.zStackMosaic: IJ.log("Applying Stitching on each Z") well.applyStitching( self.experiment.getZStackMosaicFolder(), self.options.zStackMosaicComposite ) if self.projectionMosaic: IJ.log("Projecting Mosaic") well.projectMosaic( self.experiment.getZStackMosaicFolder(), self.experiment.getProjectionMosaicFolder() ) else: if self.projectionMosaic: IJ.log("Applying Stitching on projection") well.applyStitchingProjection( self.experiment.getProjectionMosaicFolder() ) def createRGBOverlaySnapshot(self, well): """ Create an overlay of the channels of the projection of the stack as an RGB image, in order to be able to quickly assess the images using the os-thumbnails. The colors and display settings provided by the user are applied. """ IJ.log("Create channel overlay snapshot") if self.projectionMosaic: well.convertToRGB( self.experiment.getProjectionMosaicFolder(), self.experiment.getProjectionMosaicRGBFolder(), ) else: if self.zStackMosaic: well.projectMosaic( self.experiment.getZStackMosaicFolder(), self.experiment.getWorkFolder(), ) else: well.applyStitchingProjection(self.experiment.getWorkFolder()) well.convertToRGB( self.experiment.getWorkFolder(), self.getProjectionMosaicRGBFolder() ) def createRGBChannelSnapshots(self, well): channelList = list(self.channelRGB) for index, channelFlag in enumerate(channelList, start=0): IJ.log("Create channel snapshot for channel " + str(index + 1)) if channelFlag == "1": if self.projectionMosaic: well.convertToRGB( self.experiment.getProjectionMosaicFolder(), self.experiment.getProjectionMosaicChannelFolder(), channelExport=str(index), ) else: if self.zStackMosaic: well.projectMosaic( self.experiment.getZStackMosaicFolder(), self.experiment.getOutFolder(), channelExport=str(index), ) else: well.applyStitchingProjection(self.experiment.getWorkFolder()) well.convertToRGB( self.experiment.getWorkFolder(), self.experiment.getProjectionMosaicChannelFolder(), channelExport=str(index), ) def renameOutputs(self, well): IJ.log("Rename output files") well.renameAllOutputs() def getOptions(self): return self.options def stitchingProcedure(self, i, well, statusTable): self.prepareCalculationOfStitching(well) self.calculateStitching(well) statusTable.setValue("Stitching Calculated", i, "V")"Execution Status") if self.zStackFields: self.createStack(well) statusTable.setValue("Z-Stack Created", i, "V")"Execution Status") if self.projectionFields: self.createMIP(well) statusTable.setValue("MIPs Created", i, "V")"Execution Status") self.applyStitching(well) statusTable.setValue("Stitching Applied", i, "V")"Execution Status") if self.projectionMosaicRGB: self.createRGBOverlaySnapshot(well) statusTable.setValue("RGB Mosaic Created", i, "V")"Execution Status") self.createRGBChannelSnapshots(well) self.renameOutputs(well) statusTable.setValue("Images Renamed", i, "V")"Execution Status") def estimateGridSize(self, well): """ Inspects the number of fields available in the well, and tries to place them as close as possible from a square. Some slots of the grid may remain empty. """ N = len(well.getFields()) srn = math.sqrt(N) height = math.floor(srn) width = math.ceil(srn) if height * width < N: height += 1 return (height, width) def montageProcedure(self, i, well, statusTable): height, width = self.estimateGridSize(well) statusTable.setValue("Montage Size Calculated", i, "V")"Execution Status") if self.zStackFields: self.createStack(well) statusTable.setValue("Z-Stack Created", i, "V")"Execution Status") if self.projectionFields: self.createMIP(well) statusTable.setValue("MIPs Created", i, "V")"Execution Status") self.makeMontage(well, (height, width), statusTable) statusTable.setValue("Z-Stack Montage", i, "V")"Execution Status") statusTable.setValue("Projection Montage", i, "V")"Execution Status") def launch(self): IJ.log("Starting Treatment") statusTable = ResultsTable() # self.createStatusTable() for i, well in enumerate(self.wellsToExport): statusTable.setValue("Wells", i, str(well)) try: if self.montage: self.montageProcedure(i, well, statusTable) else: self.stitchingProcedure(i, well, statusTable) except FileNotFoundException: print("FILE ACCESS PROBLEM: at " + str(well))"Close All", "")"Collect Garbage", "") def createStatusTable(self): table = ResultsTable() class Plate(object): """ A plate is part of an experiment and contains a number of wells. """ def __init__(self, plateData, experiment): """ Create a plate. Parameters ---------- plateData : string The string of the plate xml-element. experiment : PhenixHCSExperiment The experiment of which the plate is a part. """ = plateData self.experiment = experiment def __str__(self): plateType =[4].text rows =[5].text columns =[6].text name = self.getName() return "Plate (" + name + ", " + plateType + ", " + rows + "x" + columns + ")" def getWells(self): wells = [] for wellID in[7:]: wells.append(self.experiment.getWell(wellID.attrib["id"], self)) return wells def getName(self): return[3].text class Well(object): def __init__(self, anID, row, col, imageData, experiment, plate): = anID self.row = row self.column = col self.imageData = imageData self.experiment = experiment self.plate = plate self.images = [self.experiment.getImage(data.attrib["id"]) for data in self.imageData] dims = self.getDimensions() # Images are sorted according to their stack in the XML self.calibration = { 'x': self.images[0].getPixelWidth()*1000000, 'y': self.images[0].getPixelHeight()*1000000, 'z': abs(self.images[0].getZ() - self.images[1].getZ())*1000000 if dims[2] > 1 else self.images[0].getPixelWidth()*1000000, 'unit': "um" } def printUsedSlices(self, fieldsOfSlice): print("The following tiles are detected for as a slice:") for i in fieldsOfSlice: print(" - " + i.getURL()) def makeMontage(self, size, targetFolderStack, targetFolderProjection, makeCompositeStack, makeCompositeProj, dims, padding, zstackmosaic, projectionmosaic, projectionMosaicRGB, statusTable): if DEBUG: print("ENTERING makeMontage (from Well)") slices = dims[2] timePoints = dims[3] channels = dims[4] path = self.experiment.getPath() # Path to the folder containing raw images fields = self.getFields() for t in range(timePoints): channelImps = [] # Container for stacks of montages (one per channel) channelProjs = [] # Container for projections of montages (one per channel) for c in range(1, channels + 1): imps = [] # Container for the slices we will build the a stack from. for z in range(1, slices + 1): # All the fields for one time point, one height and one channel. fieldsOfSlice = self.getImagesForZPosTimeAndChannel(z, t, c) self.printUsedSlices(fieldsOfSlice) imagesPath = [os.path.join(path, img.getURL()) for img in fieldsOfSlice] imagesObjs = [self.openImage(imPath) for imPath in imagesPath] for imp in imagesObjs: self.applyCalibration(imp) # The plugin building montages only accepts stacks as input, so we have to go through this extra step: result = for imp in imagesObjs: imp.close() # Montage of all the fields for one time point, one height and one channel. montage = MontageMaker().makeMontage2(result, int(size[0]), int(size[1]), 1.0, 1, len(imagesObjs), 1, padding, False) result.close() imps.append(montage) stacked = for img in imps: img.close(), self.getOptions().colours[c - 1], "") # Applying LUT according to settings name = removeComponentFromName(fieldsOfSlice[0].getURL(), ['p']) IJ.log("Creating Z-Stack of image : " + name) minDisplay, maxDisplay = ( self.getOptions().min_max_display[c - 1][0], self.getOptions().min_max_display[c - 1][1], ) stacked.getProcessor().setMinAndMax(minDisplay, maxDisplay) channelImps.append(stacked) if zstackmosaic: # If we have to export the z-stack of the mosaic print("Created z-stack of montage for: " + name) self.saveImage(stacked, os.path.join(targetFolderStack, name)) projected =, "max") calibration = stacked.getCalibration() stacked.close() channelProjs.append(projected) if projectionmosaic: projName = removeComponentFromName(name, ['p']) print("Created projection of montage for: " + projName) self.saveImage(projected, os.path.join(targetFolderProjection, projName)) if projectionMosaicRGB:, "RGB Color", "") self.saveImage(projected, os.path.join(targetFolderProjection, "rgb-"+projName)) projected.close() if makeCompositeStack: newName = removeComponentFromName(name, ['ch', 'p']) self.createComposite( channelImps, newName, calibration, targetFolderStack ) else: for im in channelImps: im.close() if makeCompositeProj: newName = removeComponentFromName(name, ['ch', 'p']) self.createComposite( channelProjs, newName, calibration, targetFolderProjection ) else: for im in channelProjs: im.close()"Collect Garbage", "") def applyCalibration(self, imp): calib = imp.getCalibration() calib.setXUnit(self.calibration['unit']) calib.setYUnit(self.calibration['unit']) calib.setZUnit(self.calibration['unit']), "Properties...", "pixel_width={0} pixel_height={1} voxel_depth={2}".format( str(self.calibration['x']), str(self.calibration['y']), str(self.calibration['z']) )) def getID(self): return def getRow(self): return self.row def getColumn(self): return self.column def getImageData(self): return self.imageData def getOptions(self): return self.experiment.getOptions() def getImages(self): return self.images def getFields(self): images = self.getImages() fieldSet = set() for image in images: fieldSet.add(image.getField()) fields = sorted(fieldSet, key=int) return fields def getPixelWidth(self): return self.getImages()[0].getPixelWidth() def getDimensions(self): images = self.getImages() slices = set() frames = set() channels = set() width = 0 height = 0 pixelWidth = self.getPixelWidth() xCoords = [int(round(image.getX() / pixelWidth)) for image in images] yCoords = [int(round(image.getY() / pixelWidth)) for image in images] xCoords, yCoords = transformCoordinates(xCoords, yCoords) for image in images: slices.add(image.getPlane()) frames.add(image.getTime()) channels.add(image.getChannel()) if image.getWidth() > width: width = image.getWidth() # Define the image coordinates if image.getHeight() > height: height = image.getHeight() res = ( max(xCoords) + width, max(yCoords) + height, len(slices), len(frames), len(channels), ) return res def openImage(self, filePath): if IO_DEBUG: print("Opening image file " + filePath) if not self.checkIfPathExists(filePath): raise FileNotFoundException("OpenImage > File " + filePath + " not found !") return IJ.getImage() def saveImage(self, image, filePath): if IO_DEBUG: print("Saving image to " + filePath) directoryPath = os.path.dirname(filePath) if not self.checkIfPathExists(directoryPath): raise FileNotFoundException( "SaveImage > Directory " + directoryPath + " not found !" ) self.applyCalibration(image), filePath) def copyImages(self, srcPath, dstPath, srcNames, dstNames, instances=None): failed = False if instances is None: references = [None for i in range(len(dstPath))] else: references = instances for srcName, dstName, ref in zip(srcNames, dstNames, references): if IO_DEBUG: print("Copying image file" + srcPath + os.sep + srcName) if not self.checkIfPathExists(srcPath + os.sep + srcName): raise FileNotFoundException( "CopyImages > File " + srcPath + os.sep + srcName + " not found !" ) fullPath = os.path.join(dstPath, dstName) shutil.copy(srcPath + os.sep + srcName, fullPath) if (ref is None) or (not os.path.isfile(fullPath)): continue img = IJ.openImage(fullPath) self.applyCalibration(img), fullPath) img.close() def moveFile(self, srcPath, dstPath, srcName, dstName): if IO_DEBUG: print("Moving/Renaming image to " + dstPath) if not self.checkIfPathExists(dstPath): raise FileNotFoundException( "MoveFile > Directory " + dstPath + " not found !" ) if not self.checkIfPathExists(srcPath + srcName): raise FileNotFoundException( "MoveFile > File " + srcPath + srcName + " not found !" ) shutil.move(srcPath + srcName, dstPath + dstName) def deleteFile(self, path, fileList=None): if IO_DEBUG: print("Deleting files in " + path) if not self.checkIfPathExists(path): raise FileNotFoundException( "DeleteFile > Directory " + path + " not found !" ) if fileList is None: os.remove(path) else: for file in fileList: if self.checkIfPathExists(path + file): os.remove(path + file) def checkIfPathExists(self, path): numberOfTries = 0 while not os.path.exists(path) and numberOfTries < 5: time.sleep(1) numberOfTries += 1 print("Looking for path ...") if numberOfTries >= 5: return False return True def createTileConfig(self, zPosition, timePoint, channel): if DEBUG: print("Entering createTileConfig") tileConfPath = self.experiment.getWorkFolder() + "/TileConfiguration.txt" images = self.getImagesForZPosTimeAndChannel(zPosition, timePoint, channel) xCoords = [ int(round(image.getX() / float(image.getPixelWidth()))) for image in images ] yCoords = [ int(round(image.getY() / float(image.getPixelHeight()))) for image in images ] names = [image.getURL() for image in images] newNames = [str(names.index(name) + 1).zfill(8) + ".tif" for name in names] xCoords, yCoords = transformCoordinates(xCoords, yCoords) with open(tileConfPath, "w") as f: f.write("# Define the number of dimensions we are working on\n") f.write("dim = 2\n") f.write("\n") f.write("# Define the image coordinates\n") for name, x, y in zip(newNames, xCoords, yCoords): f.write(name + ";" + " ; (" + str(x) + "," + str(y) + ")" + "\n") return images, names, newNames def getFusionMethod(self): fusionMethod = self.getOptions().fusion_method if "Max_" in fusionMethod: fusionMethod = fusionMethod.replace("Max_", "Max. ") if "Min_" in fusionMethod: fusionMethod = fusionMethod.replace("Min_", "Min. ") if "Linear_" in fusionMethod: fusionMethod = fusionMethod.replace("_", " ") if "random" in fusionMethod: fusionMethod = "Intensity of random input tile" return fusionMethod def getStitchingOptions(self): options = self.getOptions() computeString = "" if options.computeOverlap: computeString = "compute_overlap " fusionMethod = self.getFusionMethod() options = ( "type=[Positions from file] " + "order=[Defined by TileConfiguration] " + "tile_overlap=10 " + "directory=[" + self.experiment.getWorkFolder() + "] " + "layout_file=TileConfiguration.txt " + "fusion_method=[" + fusionMethod + "] " + "regression_threshold=" + str(options.regression_threshold) + " " + "max/avg_displacement_threshold=" + str(options.displacement_threshold) + " " + "absolute_displacement_threshold=" + str(options.abs_displacement_threshold) + " " + computeString + "subpixel_accuracy " + "computation_parameters=[Save computation time (but use more RAM)] " + "image_output=[Write to disk] " "output_directory=[" + self.experiment.getOutFolder() + "] " ) return options def calculateStitching(self): """ Create an initial TileConfiguration from the meta-data in the work-folder and use it for the stitching. Replace the TileConfiguration by the one created by the stitching. """ if DEBUG: print("ENTERING calculateStitching") now = print(now)"Grid/Collection stitching", self.getStitchingOptions()) now = print(now) if self.getOptions().computeOverlap: print("Writing new Tile Configuration") workFolder = self.experiment.getWorkFolder() self.deleteFile(workFolder + "TileConfiguration.txt") self.moveFile( workFolder, workFolder, "TileConfiguration.registered.txt", "TileConfiguration.txt", ) self.deleteFile(self.experiment.getOutFolder() + "img_t1_z1_c1") if DEBUG: print("LEAVING calculateStitching") def runCorrection(self, channel, newNames): if self.getOptions().index_flatfield: self.doIndexFlatFieldCorrection(newNames, channel) if self.getOptions().pseudoflatfield > 0: self.doPseudoFlatFieldCorrection(newNames) if self.getOptions().normalize: self.doNormalize(newNames) if self.getOptions().rollingball > 0: self.doBackgroundCorrection(newNames) if self.getOptions().subtract_background_radius > 0: self.doSubtractBackground(newNames) def executeStitching(self, channel=1, newNames=None): if DEBUG: print("ENTERING executeStitching") print(newNames) path = self.experiment.getWorkFolder() if newNames is None: nbFiles = len(os.listdir(path)) newNames = [str(i + 1).zfill(8) + ".tif" for i in range(nbFiles - 1)] self.runCorrection(channel, newNames) self.runGridCollectionStitching() if DEBUG: print("LEAVING executeStitching") def applyStichingOnEachZ(self, nSlices, t, c): imps = [] for z in range(1, nSlices + 1): images = self.getImagesForZPosTimeAndChannel(z, t, c) names, newNames = self.copyImagesToWorkFolder(images) imp = self.openImage(self.experiment.getWorkFolder() + newNames[0]) # imp = IJ.getImage() calibration = imp.getCalibration() imp.close() self.executeStitching(c, newNames) imp = IJ.getImage() imps.append(imp) title = images[0].getURLWithoutField() self.deleteFile(self.experiment.getWorkFolder(), newNames) name = removeComponentFromName(title, ['p']) # title[:6] + title[9:] IJ.log("Creating Z-Stack of mosaic : " + name) imp = imp.setCalibration(calibration) return imp, name, calibration def applyStitching(self, outputPath, exportComposite=False): if DEBUG: print("ENTERING applyStitching") dims = self.getDimensions() slices = dims[2] timePoints = dims[3] channels = dims[4] rgbStackMerge = RGBStackMerge() for t in range(0, timePoints): channelImps = [] for c in range(1, channels + 1): imp, name, calibration = self.applyStichingOnEachZ(slices, t, c), self.getOptions().colours[c - 1], "") minDisplay, maxDisplay = ( self.getOptions().min_max_display[c - 1][0], self.getOptions().min_max_display[c - 1][1], ) imp.getProcessor().setMinAndMax(minDisplay, maxDisplay) channelImps.append(imp) self.saveImage(imp, outputPath + name) if exportComposite: self.createComposite( channelImps, name+"-compo", calibration, outputPath ) else: for im in channelImps: im.close() if DEBUG: print("LEAVING applyStitching") def applyStitchingProjection(self, outputPath): if DEBUG: print("Entering applyStitchingProjection") dims = self.getDimensions() timePoints = dims[3] channels = dims[4] if DEBUG: print("outputPath: " + outputPath) rgbStackMerge = RGBStackMerge() for t in range(0, timePoints): channelImps = [] for c in range(1, channels + 1): title = self.createMIPFromInputImages( dims, c, self.experiment.getWorkFolder() ) # self.openImage(self.experiment.getWorkFolder() + "00000001.tif") # imp = IJ.getImage() # calibration = imp.getCalibration() # imp.close() self.executeStitching(channel=c) imp = IJ.getImage() self.applyCalibration(imp), self.getOptions().colours[c - 1], "") name = removeComponentFromName(title, ['f', 'p']) # title[:6] + "-" + title[13:] minDisplay, maxDisplay = ( self.getOptions().min_max_display[c - 1][0], self.getOptions().min_max_display[c - 1][1], ) imp.getProcessor().setMinAndMax(minDisplay, maxDisplay) channelImps.append(imp) # self.applyCalibration(imp) self.saveImage(imp, outputPath + name) if self.getOptions().projectionMosaicComposite: newName = removeComponentFromName(title, ['f', 'p', 'ch']) self.createComposite( channelImps, newName, calibration, outputPath ) else: for im in channelImps: im.close() if DEBUG: print("LEAVING applyStitchingProjection") def createComposite(self, channels, name, calibration, targetPath): composite = RGBStackMerge().mergeHyperstacks(channels, False) if (len(channels) > 1) else channels[0] composite.setCalibration(calibration) IJ.log("+ Composite: " + name) # self.applyCalibration(composite) self.saveImage(composite, targetPath + name) composite.close() def doSubtractBackground(self, names): path = self.experiment.getWorkFolder() for name in names: imp = self.openImage(path + "/" + name) # imp = IJ.getImage() self.findAndSubtractBackground( self.getOptions().subtract_background_radius, self.getOptions().subtract_background_offset, self.getOptions().subtract_background_iterations, self.getOptions().subtract_background_skip, ) # self.applyCalibration() self.saveImage(imp, path + "/" + name) imp.close() def findAndSubtractBackground(self, radius, offset, iterations, skipLimit): """ Find the background intensity value and subtract it from the current image. Search for the maximum intensity value around pixels that are below or equal to the minimum intensity plus an offset in the image. @param radius The radius in which the maximum around the small values is searched @param offset The intensity offset above the minimum intensity of the image @param iterations The number of times the procedure is repeated @param skipLimit The ratio of pixels with value zero above which the procedure is skipped @return Nothing """ imp = IJ.getImage() ip = imp.getProcessor() width = imp.getWidth() height = imp.getHeight() stats = imp.getStatistics() histogram = stats.histogram() ratio = histogram[0] / ((width * height) * 1.0) if ratio > skipLimit:"HiLo")"Enhance Contrast", "saturated=0.35") print( "find and subtract background - skipped, ratio of 0-pixel is: " + str(ratio) ) return for i in range(0, iterations): stats = imp.getStatistics() minPlusOffset = stats.min + offset currentMax = 0 for x in range(0, width): for y in range(0, height): intensity = imp.getProcessor().getPixel(x, y) if intensity <= minPlusOffset: value = self.getMaxIntensityAround( ip, x, y, stats.mean, radius, width, height ) if value > currentMax: currentMax = value result = currentMax / ((i + 1) * 1.0) print( "find and subtract background - iteration " + str(i + 1) + ", value = " + str(result) )"Subtract...", "value=" + str(result))"HiLo")"Enhance Contrast", "saturated=0.35") def getMaxIntensityAround(self, ip, x, y, mean, radius, width, height): """ Find the maximal intensity value below mean in the radius around x,y @param x (x,y) are the coordinates around which the maximum is searched @param y (x,y) are the coordinates around which the maximum is searched @param mean The mean value of the image, only values below mean are considered @radius The radius around (x,y) in which the maximum is searched @width The width of the image @height The height of the image @return The maximum value below mean around (x,y) or zero """ maxInt = 0 for i in range(x - radius, x + radius + 1): if i >= 0 and i < width: for j in range(y - radius, y + radius + 1): if j >= 0 and j < height: value = ip.getPixel(i, j) if value < mean and value > maxInt: maxInt = value return maxInt def doBackgroundCorrection(self, names): radius = self.getOptions().rollingball path = self.experiment.getWorkFolder() for name in names: imp = self.openImage(path + "/" + name) # imp = IJ.getImage(), "Subtract Background...", "rolling=" + str(radius)) self.saveImage(imp, path + "/" + name) imp.close() def doNormalize(self, names): if DEBUG: print("Entering doNormalize") path = self.experiment.getWorkFolder() mins = [] maxs = [] means = [] for name in names: imp = self.openImage(path + "/" + name) # imp = IJ.getImage() mins.append(imp.getStatistics().min) maxs.append(imp.getStatistics().max) means.append(imp.getStatistics().mean) imp.close() globalMean = max(means) i = 0 for name in names: imp = self.openImage(path + "/" + name) # imp = IJ.getImage(), "Subtract...", "value=" + str(mins[i])), "32-bit", ""), "Divide...", "value=" + str(maxs[i] - mins[i])), "Multiply...", "value=" + str(globalMean)) ImageConverter.setDoScaling(False), "16-bit", "") ImageConverter.setDoScaling(True) self.saveImage(imp, path + "/" + name) imp.close() i = i + 1 if DEBUG: print("Leaving doNormalize") def doIndexFlatFieldCorrection(self, names, chan): path = this.experiment.getWorkFolder() for name in names: imp1 = self.openImage(path + "/" + name) # imp1 = IJ.getImage() imp2 = self.openImage(self.experiment.getFlatfieldFolder() + str(chan) + ".tiff") # imp2 = IJ.getImage() imp3 =, imp2, "Subtract create") self.saveImage(imp3, path + "/" + name) imp1.close() imp2.close() imp3.close() def doPseudoFlatFieldCorrection(self, names): path = this.experiment.getWorkFolder() radius = self.experiment.getOptions().pseudoflatfield for name in names: imp = self.openImage(path + "/" + name) # imp = IJ.getImage()"Pseudo flat field correction", "blurring=" + str(radius) + " hide") self.saveImage(imp, path + "/" + name) imp.close() def createStack(self, dims, outputPath): if DEBUG: print("ENTERING createStack") slices = dims[2] timePoints = dims[3] channels = dims[4] path = self.experiment.getPath() rgbStackMerge = RGBStackMerge() # Never used !?!? fields = self.getFields() for t in range(0, timePoints): for f in range(0, len(fields)): channelImps = [] for c in range(1, channels + 1): imps = [] for z in range(1, slices + 1): images = self.getImagesForZPosTimeAndChannel(z, t, c) image = images[f].getURL() imp = self.openImage(path + "/" + image) # imp = IJ.getImage() self.applyCalibration(imp) imps.append(imp) imp =, self.getOptions().colours[c - 1], "") name = removeComponentFromName(image, ['p']) # image[:9] + image[12:] print("Name: "+name) IJ.log("Creating Z-Stack of image : " + name) minDisplay, maxDisplay = ( self.getOptions().min_max_display[c - 1][0], self.getOptions().min_max_display[c - 1][1], ) imp.getProcessor().setMinAndMax(minDisplay, maxDisplay) channelImps.append(imp) # self.applyCalibration(imp) self.saveImage(imp, outputPath + name) if self.getOptions().zStackFieldsComposite: newName = removeComponentFromName(name, ['ch']) calibration = imp.getCalibration() self.createComposite( channelImps, newName, calibration, outputPath # name[:10] + name[13:] ) else: for im in channelImps: im.close() def createMIP(self, dims, outputPath): if DEBUG: print("ENTERING createMIP") timePoints = dims[3] channels = dims[4] path = self.experiment.getPath() rgbStackMerge = RGBStackMerge() fields = self.getFields() for t in range(0, timePoints): index = 0 for f in fields: channelImps = [] for c in range(1, channels + 1): images = self.getImagesForTimeFieldAndChannel(t, f, c) imps = [] title = "" for image in images: imp = self.openImage(path + "/" + image.getURL()) title = image.getURL() # imp = IJ.getImage() self.applyCalibration(imp), self.getOptions().colours[c - 1], "") imps.append(imp) if title: imp = self.applyCalibration(imp) calibration = imp.getCalibration() name = removeComponentFromName(title, ['p']) # title[:9] + title[12:] IJ.log("Creating Projection of image : " + name) projImp =, "max") url = outputPath + name minDisplay, maxDisplay = ( self.getOptions().min_max_display[c - 1][0], self.getOptions().min_max_display[c - 1][1], ) projImp.getProcessor().setMinAndMax(minDisplay, maxDisplay) channelImps.append(projImp) projImp.setCalibration(calibration) # self.applyCalibration(projImp) self.saveImage(projImp, url) imp.close() projImp.close() if self.getOptions().projectionFieldsComposite: newName = removeComponentFromName(title, ['p', 'ch']) self.createComposite( channelImps, newName, calibration, outputPath, ) else: for im in channelImps: im.close() index = index + 1 def createMIPFromInputImages(self, dims, channel, outputPath): if DEBUG: print("ENTERING createMIPFromInputImages") timePoints = dims[3] path = self.experiment.getPath() if DEBUG: print("path: " + path) if DEBUG: print("outputPath: " + outputPath) fields = self.getFields() for t in range(0, timePoints): index = 0 for f in fields: images = self.getImagesForTimeFieldAndChannel(t, f, channel) imps = [] title = "" for image in images: imp = self.openImage(path + "/" + image.getURL()) title = image.getURL() # imp = IJ.getImage() calibration = imp.getCalibration() imps.append(imp) if title: imp = imp.setCalibration(calibration) self.applyCalibration(imp) projImp =, "max") self.applyCalibration(projImp) IJ.log("--") IJ.log("In URL = " + title) url = outputPath + str(index + 1).zfill(8) + ".tif" IJ.log("Out URL = " + url) minDisplay, maxDisplay = ( self.getOptions().min_max_display[channel - 1][0], self.getOptions().min_max_display[channel - 1][1], ) projImp.getProcessor().setMinAndMax(minDisplay, maxDisplay) self.saveImage(projImp, url) imp.close() projImp.close() index = index + 1 if DEBUG: print("LEAVING createMIPFromInputImages") return title def getImagesInFolder(self, inputPath, getFullPath=False, contains=""): coordName = ( "r" + str(self.getRow()).zfill(2) + "c" + str(self.getColumn()).zfill(2) ) if getFullPath: imagesURL = [ os.path.join(inputPath, f) for f in os.listdir(inputPath) if ( os.path.isfile(os.path.join(inputPath, f)) and coordName in f and contains in f ) ] else: imagesURL = [ f for f in os.listdir(inputPath) if ( os.path.isfile(os.path.join(inputPath, f)) and coordName in f and contains in f ) ] return imagesURL def projectMosaic(self, stackPath, outputFolder, channelExport="All"): if DEBUG: print("ENTERING projectMosaic") containsString = "ch" if channelExport != "All": channelNumber = str(int(channelExport) + 1) containsString = containsString + channelNumber imagesURL = self.getImagesInFolder(stackPath, getFullPath=True, contains="ch") self.mipImages(imagesURL, outputFolder) def convertToRGB(self, inputPath, outputPath, channelExport="All", invert=False): if DEBUG: print("ENTERING convertToRGB") containsString = "ch" if channelExport != "All": channelNumber = int(channelExport) + 1 containsString = containsString + str(channelNumber) imagesURL = self.getImagesInFolder( inputPath, getFullPath=False, contains=containsString ) imagesURL.sort() options = "" for index, url in enumerate(imagesURL, start=0): if channelExport == "All": channelMin = self.getOptions().min_max_display[index][0] channelMax = self.getOptions().min_max_display[index][1] else: channelMin = self.getOptions().min_max_display[channelNumber - 1][0] channelMax = self.getOptions().min_max_display[channelNumber - 1][1] IJ.log(url + " - Min=" + str(channelMin) + ", Max=" + str(channelMax)) imp = self.openImage(inputPath + url) # imp = IJ.getImage() imp.getProcessor().setMinAndMax(channelMin, channelMax) options = options + "c" + str(index + 1) + "=" + url + " " if channelExport == "All":"Merge Channels...", options + " create") composite = IJ.getImage()"RGB Color", "") imp = IJ.getImage() aFile = os.path.join(outputPath, removeComponentFromName(imagesURL[0], ['ch'])) # + imagesURL[0][:7] + imagesURL[0][10:] composite.close() else: imp = IJ.getImage()"Grays"), "Invert LUT", "") if imp.isStack():, "8-bit", "stack") else:"RGB Color", "") aFile = outputPath + imagesURL[0] if DEBUG: print("convertToRGB: saving file: " + aFile) self.saveImage(imp, aFile) imp.close() def mergeChannels(self, dims): channels = dims[4] if channels == 1: return path = self.experiment.getPath() images = self.getImages() urlsChannel1 = [ image.getURLWithoutField() for image in images if image.getChannel() == 1 ] if self.getOptions().stack: urlsChannel1 = [removeComponentFromName(url, ['p']) for url in urlsChannel1] # url[:6] + url[9:] urlsChannel1 = set(urlsChannel1) toBeDeleted = [] for url in urlsChannel1: # images = [] imp = self.openImage(self.experiment.getOutFolder() + url) # imp = IJ.getImage() toBeDeleted.append(self.experiment.getOutFolder() + url) # images.append(url) images = [url] for c in range(2, channels + 1): newURL = url.replace("ch1", "ch" + str(c)) # + newURL) self.openImage(self.experiment.getOutFolder() + newURL) toBeDeleted.append(self.experiment.getOutFolder() + newURL) images.append(newURL) options = "" for c in range(1, channels + 1): options = options + "c" + str(c) + "=" + images[c - 1] + " " options = options + "create", "Merge Channels...", options) imp = IJ.getImage() aFile = self.experiment.getOutFolder() + url.replace("ch1", "") self.saveImage(imp, aFile) imp.close() self.deleteFile("", toBeDeleted) def mipImages(self, images, outputPath): imps = [] for url in images: channel = int(os.path.basename(url).split("ch")[1].split("sk")[0]) title = url.split("/")[-1] imp = self.openImage(url) print("Step A") # imp = IJ.getImage() print("Step B") calibration = imp.getCalibration() print("Step C") projImp =, "max") print("Step D") minDisplay, maxDisplay = ( self.getOptions().min_max_display[channel - 1][0], self.getOptions().min_max_display[channel - 1][1], ) print("Step E") projImp.getProcessor().setMinAndMax(minDisplay, maxDisplay) print("Step F") self.saveImage(projImp, outputPath + title) imps.append(projImp) imp.close() # projImp.close() if self.getOptions().projectionMosaicComposite: # title[:6] + "-" + title[11:] newTitle = removeComponentFromName(title, ['ch']) self.createComposite( imps, newTitle, calibration, outputPath ) else: for im in imps: im.close() def getImagesForTimeFieldAndChannel(self, timePoint, field, channel): allImages = self.getImages() images = [ image for image in allImages if image.getTime() == timePoint and image.getChannel() == channel and image.getField() == field ] return images def getMergedImageName(self): allImages = self.getImages() image1 = allImages[0] url = image1.getURL() strippedURL = removeComponentFromName(url, ['f', 'p', 'ch']) # url[:6] + url[9:] # strippedURL = strippedURL[:6] + strippedURL[9:] # ['p'] # strippedURL = strippedURL[:7] + strippedURL[10:] return strippedURL def getImagesForZPosTimeAndChannel(self, zPosition, timePoint, channel): allImages = self.getImages() images = [ image for image in allImages if image.getPlane() == zPosition and image.getChannel() == channel and image.getTime() == timePoint ] return images def copyImagesToWorkFolder(self, images): srcPath = self.experiment.getPath() path = self.experiment.getWorkFolder() names = [image.getURL() for image in images] newNames = [str(names.index(name) + 1).zfill(8) + ".tif" for name in names] self.copyImages(srcPath, path, names, newNames, images) # for idx, dest in enumerate(newNames): # fullPath = os.path.join(path, dest) # if not os.path.isfile(fullPath): # continue # img = IJ.openImage(fullPath) # dim = str(self.images[idx].getPixelWidth()*1000000) #, "Properties...", "pixel_width={0} pixel_height={0} voxel_depth=1.0000".format(dim)) # calib = img.getCalibration() # calib.setXUnit("um") # calib.setYUnit("um") # calib.setZUnit("pixel") #, fullPath) # img.close() return names, newNames def emptyWorkFolder(self): shutil.rmtree(self.experiment.getWorkFolder()) def runGridCollectionStitching(self): options = self.getOptions() parameters = ( "type=[Positions from file] " + "order=[Defined by TileConfiguration] " + "directory=[" + self.experiment.getWorkFolder() + "] " + "layout_file=TileConfiguration.txt " + "fusion_method=[Linear Blending] " + "regression_threshold=" + str(options.regression_threshold) + " max/avg_displacement_threshold=" + str(options.displacement_threshold) + " absolute_displacement_threshold=" + str(options.abs_displacement_threshold) + " " ) # parameters = ( # "type=[Positions from file] " # + "order=[Defined by TileConfiguration] " # + "directory=[" # + self.experiment.getWorkFolder() # + "] " # + "layout_file=TileConfiguration.txt " # + "fusion_method=[Linear Blending] " # + "regression_threshold=0.30 " # + "max/avg_displacement_threshold=2.50 " # + "absolute_displacement_threshold=3.50 " # ) # if self.getOptions().computeOverlap: # parameters = parameters + "compute_overlap " parameters = ( parameters + "subpixel_accuracy " + "computation_parameters=[Save computation time (but use more RAM)] " + "image_output=[Fuse and display] " )"Grid/Collection stitching", parameters) def createHyperstack(self): Interpreter.batchMode = True name = self.plate.getName() + "_" + self.getID() dims = self.getDimensions() print(dims) mosaic = IJ.createImage( name, "16-bit composite-mode", dims[0], dims[1], dims[4], dims[2], dims[3] ) if not mosaic: raise Exception("Image too big!") pixelWidth = self.getPixelWidth() mosaic, "Set Scale...", "distance=1 known=" + str(pixelWidth) + " unit=m" ) images = self.getImages() xCoords = [int(round(image.getX() / float(pixelWidth))) for image in images] yCoords = [int(round(image.getY() / float(pixelWidth))) for image in images] xCoords, yCoords = transformCoordinates(xCoords, yCoords) for image, x, y in zip(images, xCoords, yCoords): imp = self.openImage(image.getFolder() + os.path.sep + image.getURL()) # imp = IJ.getImage(), "Copy", "") mosaic.setPosition(image.getChannel(), image.getPlane(), image.getTime()) mosaic.paste(x, y, "Copy") imp.close() Interpreter.batchMode = False for c in range(1, dims[4]): mosaic.setPosition(c, 1, 1)"Enhance Contrast", "saturated=0.35") mosaic.repaintWindow() def renameAllOutputs(self): wellName = self.getName() if self.getOptions().zStackFields: self.addWellAndChannelNameToImages( self.experiment.getZStackFolder(), self.experiment.getZStackFolder() + "/" + wellName + "/", ) if self.getOptions().projectionFields: self.addWellAndChannelNameToImages( self.experiment.getProjectionsFolder(), self.experiment.getProjectionsFolder() + "/" + wellName + "/", ) if self.getOptions().zStackMosaic: self.addWellAndChannelNameToImages(self.experiment.getZStackMosaicFolder()) if self.getOptions().projectionMosaic: self.addWellAndChannelNameToImages( self.experiment.getProjectionMosaicFolder() ) if self.getOptions().projectionMosaicRGB: self.addWellAndChannelNameToImages( self.experiment.getProjectionMosaicRGBFolder() ) channelList = list(self.getOptions().channelRGB) for i in range(len(channelList)): if channelList[i] == "1": self.addWellAndChannelNameToImages( self.experiment.getProjectionMosaicChannelFolder() ) def getChannelNames(self): dims = self.getDimensions() channels = dims[4] channelNames = [] for c in range(1, channels + 1): images = self.getImagesForZPosTimeAndChannel(1, 0, c) channelNames.append(images[0].getChannelName()) return channelNames def addWellAndChannelNameToImages(self, inputPath, outputPath=None): if outputPath: if not os.path.exists(outputPath): os.mkdir(outputPath) else: outputPath = inputPath imagesURL = self.getImagesInFolder(inputPath, getFullPath=False, contains="") wellName = self.getName() IJ.log( "Renaming images of well " + wellName + ": From [" + inputPath + "] To [" + outputPath + "]" ) for image in imagesURL: newImage = image for channelNumber, channelName in enumerate( self.getChannelNames(), start=1 ): newImage = newImage.replace( "ch" + str(channelNumber), channelName + "-" ) self.moveFile(inputPath, outputPath, image, wellName + newImage[6:]) def getName(self): """ Get the name of the well from the file wellNames.txt Returns the coordinates of the well in the plate followed by the name if specified """ path = self.experiment.getPath() namesFile = "/wellNames.txt" row = self.getRow() column = self.getColumn() checkString = str(row).zfill(2) + str(column).zfill(2) + ":" resultName = "r" + str(row).zfill(2) + "c" + str(column).zfill(2) with open(os.path.join(path + namesFile), "r") as file: wellLine = [line for line in file if line.startswith(checkString)] if len(wellLine) > 0: resultName = resultName + "-" + wellLine[0].split(":")[-1][:-1] return resultName def __str__(self): anID = self.getID() row = self.getRow() column = self.getColumn() nrOfImages = len(self.getImages()) imagesString = "image" if nrOfImages == 1 else "images" res = ( "Well (" + anID + ", r=" + str(row) + ", c=" + str(column) + ", " + str(nrOfImages) + " " + imagesString + ")" ) return res class Image(object): def __init__(self, anID): = anID def getID(self): return def setState(self, state): self.state = state def getState(self): return self.state def setURL(self, url): self.url = url def getURL(self): return self.url def setRow(self, row): self.row = row def getRow(self): return self.row def setColumn(self, column): self.column = column def getColumn(self): return self.column def getField(self): return self.field def setField(self, field): self.field = field def getPlane(self): return self.plane def setPlane(self, plane): self.plane = plane def getTime(self): return self.time def setTime(self, time): self.time = time def getChannel(self): return def setChannel(self, channel): = channel def getChannelName(self): return self.channelName def setChannelName(self, name): self.channelName = name def getWidth(self): return self.width def setWidth(self, width): self.width = width def getHeight(self): return self.height def setHeight(self, height): self.height = height def getX(self): return self.x def getY(self): return self.y def getZ(self): return self.z def setX(self, x): self.x = x def setY(self, y): self.y = y def setZ(self, z): self.z = z def setPixelWidth(self, pixelWidth): self.pixelWidth = pixelWidth def getPixelWidth(self): return self.pixelWidth def setPixelHeight(self, pixelHeight): self.pixelHeight = pixelHeight def getPixelHeight(self): return self.pixelHeight def setFolder(self, folder): self.folder = folder def getFolder(self): return self.folder def getURLWithoutField(self): url = self.getURL() res = removeComponentFromName(url, ['f']) # url[:6] + url[9:] return res def __str__(self): res = ( "Image (" + self.getID() + ", state=" + self.getState() + ", " + self.getURL() + ", r" + self.getRow() + ", c=" + self.getColumn() + ", f=" + self.getField() + ")" ) return res class PhenixHCSExperiment(object): """ PhenixHCSExperiment represents a high-content streaming experiment done with the Opera Phenix HCS. An experiment contains usually one plate with a number of wells. Each well contains a number of fields. The fields of one well form a mosaic of images. Each image can have multiple frames, z-slices and channels. """ @classmethod def fromIndexFile(cls, path): """ Create the experiment from the index-xml-file (Index.idx.xml). The xml-file is parsed and different xml-elements are stored in the attributes of the experiment. Parameters ---------- path : str The path to the file Index.idx.xml """ root = ET.parse(path).getroot() children = root.getchildren() experiment = PhenixHCSExperiment() experiment.setUser(children[0].text) experiment.setInstrumentType(children[1].text) experiment.setPlates(children[2]) experiment.setWells(children[3]) experiment.setMaps(children[4]) experiment.setImages(children[5]) experiment.setPath(os.path.dirname(path)) return experiment def setExporter(self, anExporter): self.exporter = anExporter def getOptions(self): if not self.exporter: return None else: return self.exporter.getOptions() def setPath(self, path): self.path = path def getPath(self): return self.path def getParentPath(self): return os.path.dirname(self.getPath()) def getOutputPath(self): return self.getOptions().customOutput def getPathForDir(self, aDirectory): if len(self.getOptions().customOutput) > 1: path = self.getOutputPath() else: path = self.getParentPath() path = path + aDirectory if not os.path.isdir(path): os.mkdir(path) return path def getZStackFolder(self): return self.getPathForDir(_Z_STACK_FOLDER) def getProjectionsFolder(self): return self.getPathForDir(_PROJECTION_FOLDER) def getZStackMosaicFolder(self): return self.getPathForDir(_Z_STACK_MOSAIC_FOLDER) def getProjectionMosaicFolder(self): return self.getPathForDir(_PROJECTION_MOSAIC_FOLDER) def getProjectionMosaicRGBFolder(self): return self.getPathForDir(_PROJECTION_MOSAIC_RGB_FOLDER) def getProjectionMosaicChannelFolder(self): return self.getPathForDir(_PROJECTION_MOSAIC_CHANNEL_FOLDER) def getWorkFolder(self): return self.getPathForDir(_WORK_FOLDER) def getFlatfieldFolder(self): return self.getPathForDir(_FLATFIELD_FOLDER) def getOutFolder(self): return self.getPathForDir(_OUT_FOLDER) def setUser(self, user): self.user = user def getUser(self): return self.user def setInstrumentType(self, instrumentType): self.instrumentTYpe = instrumentType def getInstrumentType(self): return self.instrumentTYpe def getNrOfPlates(self): return len(self.getPlates()) def getNrOfColumns(self): return 0 def getNrOfRows(self): return 0 def getNrOfWells(self): return len(self.getWells()) def getPlates(self): """ Answers the plates of the experiment. Returns ------- plates : list A list of plate objects. """ return self.plates def setPlates(self, plates): """ Takes a plates xml-string and sets the plates of the experiment as a list of plate-objects. Parameters ---------- plates : str The string of the plates xml-element. """ self.plates = [] plates = plates.getchildren() for plate in plates: self.plates.append(Plate(plate, self)) def getWells(self): return self.wells def setWells(self, wells): self.wells = wells def getMaps(self): return self.maps def setMaps(self, maps): self.maps = maps def getImages(self): return self.images def setImages(self, images): self.images = images def getNrOfImages(self): """ Answers the number of images in the well. Each frame, channel and z-slice counts as one image. Returns ------- nrOfImages : int """ return len(self.getImages()) def getWell(self, anID, aPlate): """ Answers the well with the id anID as a well-object. Parameters ---------- anID : str The id of the well aPlate : Plate The plate on which the well is situated will be set in the well-object Returns ------- wellObject : Well The well-object for the well with the id anID """ for well in self.wells: if well[0].text == anID: imageData = [well[i] for i in range(3, len(well))] wellObject = Well( anID, well[1].text, well[2].text, imageData, self, aPlate ) return wellObject return None def getImage(self, anID): """ Answers the image with the id anID as an image-object. Parameters ---------- anID : str The id of the image Returns ------- result : Image The image-object for the image with the id anID """ for image in self.images: if image[0].text == anID: result = Image(anID) result.setFolder(self.getPath()) result.setState(image[1].text) result.setURL(image[2].text) result.setRow(image[3].text) result.setColumn(image[4].text) result.setField(image[5].text) result.setPlane(int(image[6].text)) result.setTime(int(image[7].text)) result.setChannel(int(image[8].text)) result.setChannelName(image[10].text) result.setPixelWidth(float(image[15].text)) result.setPixelHeight(float(image[16].text)) result.setWidth(int(image[17].text)) result.setHeight(int(image[18].text)) result.setX(float(image[23].text)) result.setY(float(image[24].text)) result.setZ(float(image[25].text)) return result return None def __str__(self): nrOfPlates = self.getNrOfPlates() nrOfWells = self.getNrOfWells() nrOfImages = self.getNrOfImages() platesString = "plate" if nrOfPlates == 1 else "plates" wellsString = "well" if nrOfWells == 1 else "wells" imagesString = "image" if nrOfImages == 1 else "images" res = ( "PhenixHCSExperiment (" + self.getUser() + ", " + self.getInstrumentType() + ", " + str(self.getNrOfPlates()) + " " + platesString + ", " + str(self.getNrOfWells()) + " " + wellsString + ", " + str(self.getNrOfImages()) + " " + imagesString + ")" ) return res if "getArgument" in globals(): if not hasattr(zip, "__call__"): del zip # the python function zip got overriden by, so it must be deleted to get the zip-function to work. args = getArgument() args = " ".join(args.split()) print(args.split()) main(args.split()) sys.exit(0) class SplitIntoChunksOfSizeTest(unittest.TestCase): def testSplitIntoChunksOfSize(self): chunks = splitIntoChunksOfSize("1234567890", 2) self.assertEqual(len(chunks[0]), 2) self.assertEqual(chunks[0], "12") self.assertEqual(chunks[-1], "90") self.assertEqual(len(chunks), 5) chunks = splitIntoChunksOfSize("123456789", 2) self.assertEqual(len(chunks[0]), 2) self.assertEqual(len(chunks), 5) self.assertEqual(chunks[-1], "9") class TransformCoordinatesTest(unittest.TestCase): def testTransformCoordinates(self): xCoords, yCoords = transformCoordinates( [-10, -5, -1, 0, 1, 5, 10], [-10, -5, -1, 0, 1, 5, 10] ) expectedXCoords = [0, 5, 9, 10, 11, 15, 20] expectedYCoords = [20, 15, 11, 10, 9, 5, 0] for actual, expected in zip(xCoords, expectedXCoords): self.assertEqual(actual, expected) for actual, expected in zip(yCoords, expectedYCoords): self.assertEqual(actual, expected) xCoords, yCoords = transformCoordinates( [10, 11, 15, 19, 20], [10, 11, 15, 19, 20] ) expectedXCoords = [0, 1, 5, 9, 10] expectedYCoords = [10, 9, 5, 1, 0] for actual, expected in zip(xCoords, expectedXCoords): self.assertEqual(actual, expected) for actual, expected in zip(yCoords, expectedYCoords): self.assertEqual(actual, expected) class PhenixHCSExperimentTest(unittest.TestCase): folder = None path = None exp = None def setUp(self): unittest.TestCase.setUp(self) self.folder = IJ.getDir("macros") + "toolsets/opera_export_tools_test" self.path = self.folder + "/Index.idx.xml" self.exp = PhenixHCSExperiment.fromIndexFile(self.path) def testFromIndexFile(self): exp = PhenixHCSExperiment.fromIndexFile(self.path) self.assertEquals(exp.getPath(), self.folder) self.assertEquals(exp.getUser(), "PKI") self.assertEquals(exp.getInstrumentType(), "Phenix") self.assertEquals(exp.getNrOfPlates(), 1) self.assertEquals(exp.getNrOfColumns(), 0) self.assertEquals(exp.getNrOfRows(), 0) self.assertEquals(exp.getNrOfWells(), 2) self.assertEquals(exp.getPlates()[0].getName(), "Duc_plaque1_20210922") self.assertEquals(len(exp.getPlates()), 1) self.assertEquals(len(exp.getWells()), 2) self.assertEquals(exp.getWells()[0][0].text, "0202") self.assertEquals(exp.getWells()[1][0].text, "0203") self.assertEquals(("Map" in str(exp.getMaps()[0])), True) self.assertEquals(len(exp.getImages()), 24) self.assertEquals(exp.getNrOfImages(), 24) def testGetWell(self): exp = self.exp well = exp.getWell("0202", exp.getPlates()[0]) self.assertEquals(isinstance(well, Well), True) self.assertEquals(len(well.getImageData()), 12) self.assertEquals(well.getRow(), "2") self.assertEquals(well.getColumn(), "2") self.assertEquals(well.getID(), "0202") well = exp.getWell("0203", exp.getPlates()[0]) self.assertEquals(isinstance(well, Well), True) self.assertEquals(len(well.getImageData()), 12) self.assertEquals(well.getRow(), "2") self.assertEquals(well.getColumn(), "3") self.assertEquals(well.getID(), "0203") def testGetImage(self): exp = self.exp image = exp.getImage("0203K1F2P1R1") self.assertEquals(isinstance(image, Image), True) self.assertEquals(image.getID(), "0203K1F2P1R1") self.assertEquals(image.getState(), "Ok") self.assertEquals(image.getURL(), "r02c03f02p01-ch1sk1fk1fl1.tiff") self.assertEquals(image.getRow(), "2") self.assertEquals(image.getColumn(), "3") self.assertEquals(image.getField(), "2") self.assertEquals(image.getPlane(), 1) self.assertEquals(image.getTime(), 0) self.assertEquals(image.getChannel(), 1) self.assertEquals(image.getWidth(), 108) self.assertEquals(image.getHeight(), 108) self.assertEquals(image.getX(), 0.0001025102) self.assertEquals(image.getY(), -0.0000615061) self.assertEquals(image.getZ(), -2e-06) self.assertEquals(image.getPixelWidth(), 1.8983367649421008e-07) self.assertEquals(image.getPixelHeight(), 1.8983367649421008e-07) self.assertEquals(image.getFolder(), self.folder) self.assertEquals(image.getURLWithoutField(), "r02c03p01-ch1sk1fk1fl1.tiff") class PlateTest(unittest.TestCase): plateXML = None experiment = None def setUp(self): unittest.TestCase.setUp(self) folder = IJ.getDir("macros") + "toolsets/opera_export_tools_test" path = folder + "/Index.idx.xml" root = ET.parse(path).getroot() children = root.getchildren() self.plateXML = children[2][0] self.experiment = PhenixHCSExperiment.fromIndexFile(path) def testConstructor(self): plate = Plate(self.plateXML, self.experiment) self.assertEquals(plate.getName(), "Duc_plaque1_20210922") wells = plate.getWells() self.assertEquals(len(wells), 2) self.assertEquals(wells[0].plate, plate) def testStr(self): plate = Plate(self.plateXML, self.experiment) self.assertEquals( str(plate), "Plate (Duc_plaque1_20210922, 96 PerkinElmer CellCarrier Ultra, 8x12)", ) def testGetWells(self): plate = Plate(self.plateXML, self.experiment) wells = plate.getWells() self.assertEquals(len(wells), 2) self.assertEquals(wells[0].getID(), "0202") self.assertEquals(wells[1].getID(), "0203") def testGetName(self): plate = Plate(self.plateXML, self.experiment) self.assertEquals(plate.getName(), "Duc_plaque1_20210922") class OperaExporterTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): unittest.TestCase.setUp(self) folder = IJ.getDir("macros") + "toolsets/opera_export_tools_test" path = folder + "/Index.idx.xml" self.params = [ "--wells=0202", "--slice=0", "--channel=1", "--stitchOnMIP", "--projectionMosaic", "--projectionMosaicComposite", "--projectionMosaicRGB", "--channelRGB=100", "--fusion-method=Linear_Blending", "--regression-threshold=0.3", "--displacement-threshold=2.5", "--abs-displacement-threshold=3.5", "--pseudoflatfield=0", "--rollingball=0", "--subtract-background-radius=0", "--subtract-background-offset=3", "--subtract-background-iterations=1", "--subtract-background-skip=0.3", "--colours=Green,Blue,Red,Cyan,Magenta,Yellow,Grays", path, ] def testConstructor(self): exporter = OperaExporter(self.params) self.assertEquals(len(exporter.getWells()), 1) class RemoveComponentsFromNameTest(unittest.TestCase): baseName = None def setUp(self): unittest.TestCase.setUp(self) self.baseName = "r01c02f103p25-ch1sk1fk1fl2.tiff" def testBadNaming(self): res = removeComponentFromName("azertyuiop", ['f']) self.assertEquals(res, "untitled.tiff") res = removeComponentFromName("", ['f']) self.assertEquals(res, "untitled.tiff") def testRemove(self): f = removeComponentFromName(self.baseName, ['f']) self.assertEquals(f, "r01c02p25-ch1sk1fk1fl2.tiff") p = removeComponentFromName(self.baseName, ['p']) self.assertEquals(p, "r01c02f103-ch1sk1fk1fl2.tiff") n = removeComponentFromName(self.baseName, ['f', 'p', 'r', 'c', 'ch', 'sk', 'fk', 'fl']) self.assertEquals(n, "-.tiff") def testInvalidRequest(self): res = removeComponentFromName(self.baseName, 'd') self.assertEquals(res, self.baseName) def suite(): suite = unittest.TestSuite() suite.addTest(RemoveComponentsFromNameTest("testInvalidRequest")) suite.addTest(RemoveComponentsFromNameTest("testRemove")) suite.addTest(RemoveComponentsFromNameTest("testBadNaming")) suite.addTest(SplitIntoChunksOfSizeTest("testSplitIntoChunksOfSize")) suite.addTest(TransformCoordinatesTest("testTransformCoordinates")) suite.addTest(PhenixHCSExperimentTest("testFromIndexFile")) suite.addTest(PhenixHCSExperimentTest("testGetWell")) suite.addTest(PhenixHCSExperimentTest("testGetImage")) suite.addTest(PlateTest("testConstructor")) suite.addTest(PlateTest("testStr")) suite.addTest(PlateTest("testGetWells")) suite.addTest(PlateTest("testGetName")) suite.addTest(OperaExporterTest("testConstructor")) return suite folder = IJ.getDir("macros") + "toolsets/opera_export_tools_test" if not os.path.isdir(folder): os.mkdir(folder) if not os.path.isfile(folder + "/Index.idx.xml"): URLS = [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ] print("Starting download of the test-dataset...") for url in URLS: os.popen("wget -P " + folder + "/ " + url).read() print(" of the test-dataset finished.") runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(sys.stdout, verbosity=2)