/** * @name Animations * @description This plugin is designed to animate different objects (lists, buttons, panels, etc.) with the ability to set delays, durations, types and sequences of these animations. * @version 1.3.12 * @author Mops * @authorLink https://github.com/Mopsgamer/ * @authorId 538010208023347200 * @website https://github.com/Mopsgamer/BetterDiscord-codes/blob/main/plugins/Animations * @source https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Mopsgamer/BetterDiscord-codes/main/plugins/Animations/Animations.plugin.js * @invite PWtAHjBXtG */ /** * @typedef {object} ChangelogStruct * @property {string[]} items * @property {'added' | 'improved' | 'removed' | 'progress' | 'fixed'} type */ const config = { /**@type {ChangelogStruct[]}*/ changelog: [ { type: 'fixed', items: [ 'A few fixes.', ] }, ], info: { authors: [ { discord_id: "538010208023347200", github_username: "Mopsgamer", name: "Mops" } ], invite: "PWtAHjBXtG", name: "Animations", version: "1.3.12" }, }; let BdApi = window.BdApi; /**@type {import("@types/react")}*/ const React = BdApi.React; /**@type {import("@types/react-dom")}*/ const ReactDOM = BdApi.ReactDOM; const { Patcher, Webpack, Data } = BdApi; const Utilities = { loadSettings: (pluginName, defaultSettings) => Data.load(pluginName, 'settings') ?? defaultSettings, saveSettings: (pluginName, data) => Data.save(pluginName, 'settings', data), /** * Deep merge two objects. * @param target * @param ...sources */ mergeDeep(target, ...sources) { function isObject(item) { return (item && typeof item === 'object' && !Array.isArray(item)); } if (!sources.length) return target; const source = sources.shift(); if (isObject(target) && isObject(source)) { for (const key in source) { if (isObject(source[key])) { if (!target[key]) Object.assign(target, { [key]: {} }); this.mergeDeep(target[key], source[key]); } else { Object.assign(target, { [key]: source[key] }); } } } return this.mergeDeep(target, ...sources); } } const ModulesPack = { find: (comparefn) => BdApi.findModule(comparefn), byProps: (...props) => BdApi.findModule(Webpack.Filters.byProps(...props)), allByProps: (...props) => BdApi.findAllModules(Webpack.Filters.byProps(...props)), waitByProps: (...props) => Webpack.waitForModule(Webpack.Filters.byProps(...props)) } const Logger = class Logger { static stacktrace(module, message, error) { console.error(`%c[${module}]%c ${message}\n\n%c`, "color: #3a71c1; font-weight: 700;", "color: red; font-weight: 700;", "color: red;", error); } static error(module, ...message) { Logger.fastlogfn(module, message, "error"); } static warning(module, ...message) { Logger.fastlogfn(module, message, "warn"); } static info(module, ...message) { Logger.fastlogfn(module, message, "info"); } static debug(module, ...message) { Logger.fastlogfn(module, message, "debug"); } static log(module, ...message) { Logger.fastlogfn(module, message); } static fastlogfn(module, message, type = "log") { if (!Array.isArray(message)) message = [message]; console[type](`%c[${config.info.name}]%c %c[${module}]%c`, "color: #3a71c1; font-weight: 700;", "", "color: #3a71c1; font-weight: 500;", "", ...message); } } /** * @typedef { 'da' | 'de' | 'en-GB' | 'en-US' | 'es-ES' | 'fr' | 'hr' | 'it' | 'lt' | 'hu' | 'nl' | 'no' | 'pl' | 'pt-BR' | 'ro' | 'fi' | 'sv-SE' | 'vi' | 'tr' | 'cs' | 'el' | 'bg' | 'ru' | 'uk' | 'hi' | 'th' | 'zh-CN' | 'ja' | 'zh-TW' | 'ko' } locale * @typedef { 'brick-down' | 'brick-left' | 'brick-right' | 'brick-up' | 'circle' | 'in' | 'opacity' | 'out' | 'polygon' | 'skew-left' | 'skew-right' | 'slide-down' | 'slide-left' | 'slide-right' | 'slide-up' | 'slime' | 'wide-skew-left' | 'wide-skew-right' } name * @typedef { 'onsent' | 'disabled' } sendingPerformance */ let FoundModules = { ButtonContents: ModulesPack.byProps('button', 'contents'), ButtonIcon: ModulesPack.byProps('button', 'sizeIcon'), ButtonText: ModulesPack.byProps('buttonText', 'giftIcon')?.buttonText, Card: ModulesPack.byProps('cardBrand')?.card, CodeRedemptionRedirect: new String(''), ContainerDefault: ModulesPack.byProps('containerDefault')?.containerDefault, ContainerDefaultSpaceBeforeCategory: ModulesPack.byProps('containerDefault', 'spaceBeforeCategory')?.containerDefault, ContainerSpine: ModulesPack.byProps('container', 'spine')?.container, ContentThin: ModulesPack.byProps('content', 'thin')?.content, ChangelogTypeClasses: ModulesPack.find(m => m?.improved), DividerReplying: ModulesPack.byProps('divider', 'replying')?.divider, InputDefault: ModulesPack.byProps('inputDefault', 'focused')?.inputDefault, LocaleGetter: ModulesPack.byProps('locale', 'addChangeListener'), Markdown: ModulesPack.byProps('parseBlock', 'parseInline', 'defaultOutput'), Member: ModulesPack.byProps('botTag', 'member')?.member, MembersGroup: ModulesPack.byProps('membersGroup')?.membersGroup, Message: ModulesPack.byProps('message')?.message, MessageListItem: ModulesPack.byProps('messageListItem')?.messageListItem, RoundButton: ModulesPack.byProps('roundButton')?.roundButton, ScrollbarDefault: ModulesPack.byProps('scrollbarDefault')?.scrollbarDefault, TextArea: ModulesPack.byProps('textArea')?.textArea, VideoLead: ModulesPack.byProps('video', 'lead')?.video, WrapperTypeThread: ModulesPack.byProps('wrapper', 'typeThread')?.wrapper, } ModulesPack.waitByProps('codeRedemptionRedirect').then(m => FoundModules.CodeRedemptionRedirect = m?.codeRedemptionRedirect) ModulesPack.waitByProps('codeRedemptionRedirect').then(m => FoundModules.CodeRedemptionRedirect = m?.codeRedemptionRedirect) let WarnModules = {}; Object.keys(FoundModules).filter(k => FoundModules[k] == null || FoundModules[k] == undefined).forEach(k => WarnModules[k] = FoundModules[k]) module.exports = class AnimationsPlugin { constructor(meta) { this.patchedMessagesIds = [] this.defaultFrames = { clear: { anim: '', start: '' }, template: { anim: '0% {\ntransform: translate(0, 100%);\n}\n\n100% {\ntransform: translate(0, 0) scale(1);\n}', start: 'transform: scale(0);' } } let defaultSettings = { buttons: { custom: { enabled: false, frames: [{ anim: '', start: '' }, { anim: '', start: '' }, { anim: '', start: '' }], page: 0 }, delay: 0.1, duration: 0.3, enabled: true, /**@type {name}*/ name: 'brick-left', page: 0, selectors: '', sequence: 'fromLast', timing: 'linear' }, lists: { custom: { enabled: false, frames: [{ anim: '', start: '' }, { anim: '', start: '' }, { anim: '', start: '' }], page: 0 }, delay: 0.055, duration: 0.3, enabled: true, /**@type {name}*/ name: 'brick-up', page: 0, selectors: '', sequence: 'fromFirst', timing: 'linear' }, messages: { custom: { enabled: false, frames: [{ anim: '', start: '' }, { anim: '', start: '' }, { anim: '', start: '' }], page: 0 }, delay: 0.055, duration: 0.3, enabled: true, limit: 30, /**@type {name}*/ name: 'brick-down', page: 0, sending: { custom: { enabled: false, frames: [{ anim: '', start: '' }, { anim: '', start: '' }, { anim: '', start: '' }], page: 0 }, /**@type {sendingPerformance}*/ enabled: 'onsent', /**@type {name}*/ name: 'brick-up', page: 0 }, timing: 'linear' }, } /**@type defaultSettings */ this.defaultSettings = defaultSettings /**@type defaultSettings */ this.settings = Utilities.loadSettings(config.info.name, this.defaultSettings); this.settings = Utilities.mergeDeep(Object.assign({}, this.defaultSettings), this.settings) } static strings = { "edit": { "clear": "Clear", "default": "Default", "load": "Load", "save": "Save", "template": "Template" }, "name": { "brick_down": "Brick down", "brick_left": "Brick left", "brick_right": "Brick right", "brick_up": "Brick up", "circle": "Circle", "in": "In", "opacity": "Opacity", "out": "Out", "polygon": "Polygon", "skew_left": "Skew left", "skew_right": "Skew right", "slide_down": "Slide down", "slide_down_left": "Slide down (left)", "slide_down_right": "Slide down (right)", "slide_left": "Slide left", "slide_right": "Slide right", "slide_up": "Slide up", "slide_up_left": "Slide up (left)", "slide_up_right": "Slide up (right)", "slime": "Slime", "wide_skew_left": "Wide skew left", "wide_skew_right": "Wide skew right" }, "pop": { "no": "No", "will_downdated": "The plugin will be downdated.", "will_restored": "The plugin will be restored.", "will_updated": "The plugin will be updated.", "yes": "Let's do this", "you_can_say_no": "You can say no." }, "seq": { "from_first": "From first", "from_last": "From last" }, "stng": { "behavior": "Behavior", "behavior_note_messages_sending": "Animation behavior for the message to be sent.", "delay": "Delay", "delay_note_buttons": "Delay before appearing for each button in seconds.", "delay_note_lists": "Delay before appearing for each list item in seconds.", "delay_note_messages": "Delay before appearing for each message in seconds.", "duration": "Duration", "duration_note_buttons": "Animation playback speed in seconds for each button after the delay.", "duration_note_lists": "Animation playback speed in seconds for each list item after the delay.", "duration_note_messages": "Animation playback speed in seconds for each message after the delay.", "limit": "Limit", "limit_note_messages": "The maximum number of messages in the list for which the animation will be played.", "name": "Animation", "name_mode_editing": "Editing", "name_mode_selecting": "Selecting", "name_note_buttons": "Animation of the buttons.", "name_note_lists": "Animation of the lists items.", "name_note_messages": "Animation of the messages.", "name_note_messages_sending": "Animation of the message to be sent.", "sequence": "Sequence", "sequence_note_buttons": "The sequence in which the buttons are built.", "sequence_note_lists": "The sequence in which the list items are built.", "timing": "Timing function", "timing_note_buttons": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for buttons.", "timing_note_lists": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for lists.", "timing_note_messages": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for messages.", }, "view": { "advanced": "Advanced", "behaivor_animate_on_sent": "Animate on sent", "behavior_do_not_animate": "Do not animate", "buttons": "Buttons", "changelog": "Changelog", "link_cd": "Help translate", "link_gh_discussions": "Discussions", "link_gh_issues": "Issues", "lists": "Lists", "messages": "Messages", "messages_received": "Receiving", "messages_sending": "Sending", "rebuild_animations": "Rebuild animations", "reset_all_settings": "Reset all", "reset_buttons": "Reset buttons settings", "reset_lists": "Reset lists settings", "reset_messages": "Reset messages settings", "resetting": "Resetting...", "selectors_buttons": "Selectors of buttons", "selectors_lists": "Selectors of lists", "selectors_note_all": "If you leave this field empty, the default selectors will appear here on reload. Changes to the selectors are saved when typing (if the code is valid). The separator is a comma (,).", "upd_translation": "Update the translation file", "update_check": "Check for updates", "update_err_timeout": "Timeout exceeded", "update_err_unknown": "An error occurred", "update_latest": "Latest version", "update_newer": "Your own version", "update_older": "Update", "update_searching": "Searching for updates..." } } static easings = [ 'linear', 'ease-in', 'ease-out', 'ease-in-out' ] static names = [ 'brick-down', 'brick-left', 'brick-right', 'brick-up', 'circle', 'in', 'opacity', 'out', 'polygon', 'skew-left', 'skew-right', 'slide-down-left', 'slide-down-right', 'slide-down', 'slide-left', 'slide-right', 'slide-up-left', 'slide-up-right', 'slide-up', 'slime', 'wide-skew-left', 'wide-skew-right', ] static sequences = [ 'fromFirst', 'fromLast', ] static selectorsLists = [ /*active threads button*/ `.${ModulesPack.byProps('channelName', 'icon')?.wrapper}`, /*threads button > list*/ `.${ModulesPack.byProps('container', 'bullet')?.container}`, /*search*/ `.${ModulesPack.byProps('searchResultGroup')?.searchResultGroup}`, /*members*/ //`.${WebpackModules.getByProps('botTag', 'member').member}:not([class*=placeholder])`, /*member-groups*/ //`h2.${WebpackModules.getByProps('membersGroup').membersGroup}` /*friends*/ `.${ModulesPack.byProps('peopleListItem')?.peopleListItem}`, /*discovery categories*/ `.${ModulesPack.byProps('categoryItem')?.categoryItem}`, /*discord settings list*/ `.${ModulesPack.byProps('side')?.side} *`, /*bd addons*/ `.bd-addon-card`, /*modal elements*/ `.${ModulesPack.byProps('focusLock')?.focusLock} .${ModulesPack.byProps('scrollerBase', 'thin')?.scrollerBase}:not(.bd-addon-modal-settings) > div`, /*public servers*/ `.${ModulesPack.allByProps('guildList', 'subtitle')?.[1]?.guildList} > .${ModulesPack.byProps('loaded', 'card')?.loaded}`, /*forum*/ //`.${ModulesPack.find(m=>m?.row && m?.tagList)?.row}`,// a strange module that loads after a forum appears ] static selectorsButtons = [ /*chat input buttons*/ `.${ModulesPack.byProps('actionButtons', 'wrapper')?.actionButtons} button`, /*voice opened buttons*/ `.${ModulesPack.byProps('buttons', 'focusRing')?.buttons} > *`, /*toolbar*/ `.${ModulesPack.byProps('toolbar', 'container')?.toolbar} > *`, `.${ModulesPack.byProps('toolbar', 'children')?.children} > *`, `.${ModulesPack.byProps('tabBar', 'peopleColumn')?.tabBar} > .${ModulesPack.byProps('item', 'peopleColumn')?.item}` ] openChangelog(/**@type {AnimationsPlugin.strings}*/trn) { if (!FoundModules.ChangelogTypeClasses) return Logger.error("ChangelogModal", "Unable to show. One of modules is missing: ", WarnModules); const changelogItems = []; for (let i = 0; i < config.changelog.length; i++) { const entry = config.changelog[i] let type = FoundModules.ChangelogTypeClasses[entry.type] ? FoundModules.ChangelogTypeClasses[entry.type] : FoundModules.ChangelogTypeClasses.added; entry.type == 'removed' ? type = FoundModules.ChangelogTypeClasses.progress : 0; if (entry.items.length) { changelogItems.push(React.createElement("h1", { className: `${type}`, style: { margin: i == 0 ? '0' : '' } }, entry.type[0].toUpperCase() + entry.type.slice(1))); changelogItems.push( React.createElement("ul", { style: { padding: '10px 0 0 20px' } }, entry.items.map( i => React.createElement( "li", { style: { color: 'var(--header-secondary)', listStyle: 'disc', marginTop: '5px' } }, FoundModules.Markdown.markdownToReact(i) ) ) ) ); } } BdApi.UI.alert( [ config.info.name + ' - ' + trn.view.changelog, React.createElement('div', { style: { color: 'var(--header-secondary)', fontSize: '12px', fontWeight: 'normal' } }, 'v' + config.info.version) ], changelogItems ); } animateChannels = () => { if (!this.settings.lists.enabled) return; var channelsListElements = document.querySelectorAll(`#channels .${FoundModules.ContentThin} > [class]`); var count = channelsListElements?.length ?? 40; if (channelsListElements?.length == 1) return setTimeout(() => this.animateChannels(), 100); BdApi.injectCSS(`${config.info.name}-channelslist`, `/*channels*/ .${FoundModules.ContainerDefaultSpaceBeforeCategory}, .${FoundModules.ContainerDefault} { ${this.settings.lists.custom.frames[this.settings.lists.custom.page]?.start ? this.settings.lists.custom.frames[this.settings.lists.custom.page]?.start : `transform: scale(0);`} animation-fill-mode: forwards; animation-duration: ${this.settings.lists.duration}s; animation-timing-function: ${this.settings.lists.timing}; } `) for (var i = 0, threadsCount = 0; i < count; i++) { let children = channelsListElements[(this.settings.lists.sequence == "fromFirst" ? i : count - i - 1)]; if (!children) return; if (children.classList.contains(FoundModules.ContainerDefault) || children.classList.contains(FoundModules.ContainerDefaultSpaceBeforeCategory) || children.classList.contains(FoundModules.WrapperTypeThread) ) { children.style.animationDelay = `${((i + threadsCount) * this.settings.lists.delay).toFixed(2)}s`; children.style.animationFillMode = 'forwards'; children.style.animationName = this.settings.lists.custom.enabled && (this.settings.lists.custom.page >= 0 ? this.settings.lists.custom.frames[this.settings.lists.custom.page]?.anim?.trim?.() != '' && this.isValidKeyframe(this.settings.lists.custom.frames[this.settings.lists.custom.page]?.anim) : 0) ? 'custom-lists' : this.settings.lists.name; } else if (children.classList.contains(FoundModules.ContainerSpine)) { var threadsForkElement = children.querySelector(`.${FoundModules.ContainerSpine} > svg`); var threadsListElements = children.querySelectorAll(`.${FoundModules.ContainerDefault}`); if (threadsForkElement) { threadsForkElement.style.animationDelay = `${((i + threadsCount) * this.settings.lists.delay).toFixed(2)}s`; threadsForkElement.style.animationName = 'slide-right'; } for (var j = 0; j < threadsListElements.length; j++) { threadsCount += (j ? 1 : 0); let thread = threadsListElements[(this.settings.lists.sequence == "fromFirst" ? j : threadsListElements.length - j - 1)]; thread.style.animationDelay = `${((i + threadsCount) * this.settings.lists.delay).toFixed(2)}s`; children.style.animationFillMode = 'forwards'; thread.style.animationName = this.settings.lists.custom.enabled && (this.settings.lists.custom.page >= 0 ? this.settings.lists.custom.frames[this.settings.lists.custom.page]?.anim?.trim?.() : 0) != '' ? 'custom-lists' : this.settings.lists.name; } } } setTimeout(() => BdApi.clearCSS(`${config.info.name}-channelslist`), ((count * this.settings.lists.delay) + this.settings.lists.duration) * 1000) } animateMembers = () => { if (!this.settings.lists.enabled) return; var membersListElements = document.querySelectorAll(`.${FoundModules.Member}:not([class*=placeholder]), h2.${FoundModules.MembersGroup}`); var count = membersListElements?.length ?? 40; if (membersListElements?.length == 1) return setTimeout(() => this.animateMembers(), 100); BdApi.injectCSS(`${config.info.name}-memberslist`, `/*members*/ .${FoundModules.Member}:not([class*=placeholder]), /*member-groups*/ h2.${FoundModules.MembersGroup} { ${this.settings.lists.custom.frames[this.settings.lists.custom.page]?.start && this.settings.lists.custom.enabled ? this.settings.lists.custom.frames[this.settings.lists.custom.page]?.start : `transform: scale(0);`} animation-fill-mode: forwards; animation-duration: ${this.settings.lists.duration}s; animation-timing-function: ${this.settings.lists.timing}; } `) for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { let children = membersListElements[(this.settings.lists.sequence == "fromFirst" ? i : count - i - 1)]; if (!children) return; children.style.animationDelay = `${(i * this.settings.lists.delay).toFixed(2)}s`; children.style.animationFillMode = 'forwards'; children.style.animationName = this.settings.lists.custom.enabled && (this.settings.lists.custom.page >= 0 ? this.settings.lists.custom.frames[this.settings.lists.custom.page]?.anim?.trim?.() != '' && this.isValidKeyframe(this.settings.lists.custom.frames[this.settings.lists.custom.page]?.anim) : 0) ? 'custom-lists' : this.settings.lists.name + (children.getAttribute('class').includes('offline') ? '_offline' : ''); let member_observer = new MutationObserver((mutations, observer) => { if (!BdApi.Plugins.isEnabled(config.info.name)) observer.disconnect(); children.style.animationName = this.settings.lists.custom.enabled && (this.settings.lists.custom.page >= 0 ? this.settings.lists.custom.frames[this.settings.lists.custom.page]?.anim?.trim?.() != '' && this.isValidKeyframe(this.settings.lists.custom.frames[this.settings.lists.custom.page]?.anim) : 0) ? 'custom-lists' : this.settings.lists.name + (children.getAttribute('class').includes('offline') ? '_offline' : ''); }) member_observer.observe(children, { attributes: true }) } setTimeout(() => BdApi.clearCSS(`${config.info.name}-memberslist`), ((count * this.settings.lists.delay) + this.settings.lists.duration) * 1000) } async resetAnimations(pause = 100) { var createKeyFrame = function (/** @type {string} */ name, /** @type {string} */ originalName, rotate = 0, opacity = 1) { var keyframes = { "in": `@keyframes ${name} { 0% { transform-origin: 50%; transform: scale(1.3) rotate(${rotate}deg); opacity: 0; } 100% { transform-origin: 50%; transform: scale(1) rotate(${rotate}deg); opacity: ${opacity}; } }`, "out": `@keyframes ${name} { 0% { transform-origin: 50%; transform: scale(0.7) rotate(${rotate}deg); opacity: 0; } 100% { transform-origin: 50%; transform: scale(1) rotate(${rotate}deg); opacity: ${opacity}; } }`, "opacity": `@keyframes ${name} { 0% { transform-origin: 50%; transform: scale(1) rotate(${rotate}deg); opacity: 0; } 100% { transform-origin: 50%; transform: scale(1) rotate(${rotate}deg); opacity: ${opacity}; } }`, "slime": `@keyframes ${name} { 0% { transform-origin: 50%; transform: scale(1) rotate(${rotate}deg); opacity: 0; } 25% { transform-origin: 50%; transform: scale(1.3, 0.7) rotate(${rotate}deg); opacity: ${opacity}; } 50% { transform-origin: 50%; transform: scale(0.8, 1.2) rotate(${rotate}deg); opacity: ${opacity}; } 75% { transform-origin: 50%; transform: scale(1.1, 0.9) rotate(${rotate}deg); opacity: ${opacity}; } 100% { transform-origin: 50%; transform: scale(1) rotate(${rotate}deg); opacity: ${opacity}; } }`, "polygon": `@keyframes ${name} { 0% { clip-path: polygon(40% 40%, 50% 25%, 60% 40%, 75% 50%, 60% 60%, 50% 75%, 40% 60%, 25% 50%); transform: rotate(${rotate}deg); } 99% { clip-path: polygon(0 0, 50% 0, 100% 0, 100% 50%, 100% 100%, 50% 100%, 0 100%, 0 50%); transform: rotate(${rotate}deg); } 100% { transform: rotate(${rotate}deg); } }`, "circle": `@keyframes ${name} { 0% { clip-path: circle(25%); transform: rotate(${rotate}deg); } 99% { clip-path: circle(100%); transform: rotate(${rotate}deg); } 100% { transform: rotate(${rotate}deg); } }`, "brick-up": `@keyframes ${name} { 0% { transform-origin: 50%; transform: scale(1) translate(0, 200%) rotate(${rotate}deg); opacity: 0; } 60% { transform-origin: 50%; transform: scale(1) translate(0, 0) rotate(${rotate}deg); opacity: ${opacity}; } 80% { transform-origin: 50%; transform: scale(1) translate(0, 20%) rotate(${rotate}deg); opacity: ${opacity}; } 100% { transform-origin: 50%; transform: scale(1) translate(0, 0) rotate(${rotate}deg); opacity: ${opacity}; } }`, "brick-right": `@keyframes ${name} { 0% { transform-origin: 50%; transform: scale(1) translate(-200%, 0) rotate(${rotate}deg); opacity: 0; } 60% { transform-origin: 50%; transform: scale(1) translate(0, 0) rotate(${rotate}deg); opacity: ${opacity}; } 80% { transform-origin: 50%; transform: scale(1) translate(-20%, 0) rotate(${rotate}deg); opacity: ${opacity}; } 100% { transform-origin: 50%; transform: scale(1) translate(0, 0) rotate(${rotate}deg); opacity: ${opacity}; } }`, "brick-left": `@keyframes ${name} { 0% { transform-origin: 50%; transform: scale(1) translate(200%, 0) rotate(${rotate}deg); opacity: 0; } 60% { transform-origin: 50%; transform: scale(1) translate(0, 0) rotate(${rotate}deg); opacity: ${opacity}; } 80% { transform-origin: 50%; transform: scale(1) translate(20%, 0) rotate(${rotate}deg); opacity: ${opacity}; } 100% { transform-origin: 50%; transform: scale(1) translate(0, 0) rotate(${rotate}deg); opacity: ${opacity}; } }`, "brick-down": `@keyframes ${name} { 0% { transform-origin: 50%; transform: scale(1) translate(0, -200%) rotate(${rotate}deg); opacity: 0; } 60% { transform-origin: 50%; transform: scale(1) translate(0, 0) rotate(${rotate}deg); opacity: ${opacity}; } 80% { transform-origin: 50%; transform: scale(1) translate(0, -20%) rotate(${rotate}deg); opacity: ${opacity}; } 100% { transform-origin: 50%; transform: scale(1) translate(0, 0) rotate(${rotate}deg); opacity: ${opacity}; } }`, "slide-right": `@keyframes ${name} { 0% { transform-origin: 0% 50%; transform: scaleX(0) rotate(${rotate}deg); } 100% { transform-origin: ${rotate != 90 ? '0% 50%' : '50%'}; transform: scale(1) translate(0) rotate(${rotate}deg); } }`, "slide-left": `@keyframes ${name} { 0% { transform-origin: 100% 50%; transform: scaleX(0) rotate(${rotate}deg); } 100% { transform-origin: ${rotate != 90 ? '100% 50%' : '50%'}; transform: scale(1) translate(0) rotate(${rotate}deg); } }`, "slide-up": `@keyframes ${name} { 0% { transform-origin: 50% 100%; transform: scaleY(0) rotate(${rotate}deg); } 100% { transform-origin: ${rotate != 90 ? '50% 100%' : '50%'}; transform: scale(1) translate(0) rotate(${rotate}deg); } }`, "slide-down": `@keyframes ${name} { 0% { transform-origin: 50% 0%; transform: scaleY(0) rotate(${rotate}deg); } 100% { transform-origin: ${rotate != 90 ? '50% 0%' : '50%'}; transform: scale(1) translate(0) rotate(${rotate}deg); } }`, "slide-up-right": `@keyframes ${name} { 0% { transform-origin: 0% 100%; transform: scale(0) rotate(${rotate}deg); } 100% { transform-origin: ${rotate != 90 ? '0% 100%' : '50%'}; transform: scale(1) rotate(${rotate}deg) translate(0); } }`, "slide-up-left": `@keyframes ${name} { 0% { transform-origin: 100% 100%; transform: scale(0) rotate(${rotate}deg); } 100% { transform-origin: ${rotate != 90 ? '100% 100%' : '50%'}; transform: scale(1) rotate(${rotate}deg) translate(0); } }`, "slide-down-right": `@keyframes ${name} { 0% { transform-origin: 0% 0%; transform: scale(0) rotate(${rotate}deg); } 100% { transform-origin: ${rotate != 90 ? '0% 0%' : '50%'}; transform: scale(1) rotate(${rotate}deg) translate(0); } }`, "slide-down-left": `@keyframes ${name} { 0% { transform-origin: 100% 0%; transform: scale(0) rotate(${rotate}deg); } 100% { transform-origin: ${rotate != 90 ? '100% 0%' : '50%'}; transform: scale(1) rotate(${rotate}deg) translate(0); } }`, "skew-right": `@keyframes ${name} { 0% { transform-origin: 50%; transform: skewX(-30deg) scale(1) rotate(${rotate}deg); opacity: 0; } 100% { transform-origin: 50%; transform: skewX(0) scale(1) rotate(${rotate}deg); opacity: ${opacity}; } }`, "skew-left": `@keyframes ${name} { 0% { transform-origin: 50%; transform: skewX(30deg) scale(1) rotate(${rotate}deg); opacity: 0; } 100% { transform-origin: 50%; transform: skewX(0) scale(1) rotate(${rotate}deg); opacity: ${opacity}; } }`, "wide-skew-right": `@keyframes ${name} { 0% { transform-origin: 50%; transform: skewY(15deg) scale(1) rotate(${rotate}deg); opacity: 0; } 100% { transform-origin: 50%; transform: skew(0) scale(1) rotate(${rotate}deg); opacity: ${opacity}; } }`, "wide-skew-left": `@keyframes ${name} { 0% { transform-origin: 50%; transform: skewY(-15deg) scale(1) rotate(${rotate}deg); opacity: 0; } 100% { transform-origin: 50%; transform: skew(0) scale(1) rotate(${rotate}deg); opacity: ${opacity}; } }` } return keyframes[originalName] } let keyframes = () => { var result = ''; AnimationsPlugin.names.forEach( animName => { result += ` ${createKeyFrame(animName, animName, 0)}\n ${createKeyFrame(`${animName}_offline`, animName, 0, 0.3)}\n ${createKeyFrame(`${animName}_90`, animName, 90)}\n ` } ) return result } let animPrevStyles = () => { let result = ''; ; (["lists", "buttons", "messages"]).forEach(type => { if (!AnimationsPlugin.names.includes(this.settings[type].name)) { this.settings[type].name = this.defaultSettings[type].name; Utilities.saveSettings(config.info.name, this.settings); } if (this.settings[type].custom.frames.some((frame) => typeof frame == 'string')) { this.settings[type].custom.frames.forEach( (frame, index) => { if (typeof frame == 'string') this.settings[type].custom.frames[index] = { start: 'transform: scale(0);', anim: frame } } ) Utilities.saveSettings(config.info.name, this.settings); } }); ; (["lists", "buttons"]).forEach(type => { if (!AnimationsPlugin.sequences.includes(this.settings[type].sequence)) { this.settings[type].sequence = this.defaultSettings[type].sequence; Utilities.saveSettings(config.info.name, this.settings); } }); AnimationsPlugin.names.forEach( animName => { ['lists', 'messages', 'buttons'].forEach( typeName => { for (var i = 1; i < 5; i++) { result += `.animPreview[pdata="${animName},${typeName}"]:hover > .animPreviewTempsContainer > .animTempBlock:nth-child(${i})` + ` { transform: scale(0); animation-name: ${animName}; animation-fill-mode: forwards; animation-duration: 0.3s; animation-delay: ${i * 0.2}s; }\n` } } ) } ) AnimationsPlugin.sequences.forEach( seqName => { ['lists', 'messages', 'buttons'].forEach( typeName => { for (var i = 1; i < 5; i++) { result += `.animPreview[pdata="${seqName},${typeName}"]:hover > .animPreviewTempsContainer > .animTempBlock:${seqName == 'fromLast' ? 'nth-last-child' : 'nth-child'}(${i})` + ` { transform: scale(0); animation-name: opacity; animation-fill-mode: forwards; animation-duration: 0; animation-delay: ${i * 0.2}s; }\n` } } ) } ) return result; } let nthStyles = () => { let result = ''; for (var i = 1; i < 4 + 1 + 1; i++) { result += `.animPreview[sequence="fromFirst"] .animTempBlock:nth-child(${i}) {animation-delay:${((i - 1) * 0.06).toFixed(2)}s}\n\n` } for (var i = 1; i < 4 + 1 + 1; i++) { result += `.animPreview[sequence="fromLast"] .animTempBlock:nth-last-child(${i}) {animation-delay:${((i - 1) * 0.06).toFixed(2)}s}\n\n` } for (var i = 1; i < this.settings.messages.limit; i++) { result += `.${FoundModules.MessageListItem}:nth-last-child(${i}) > .${FoundModules.Message} {animation-delay:${((i - 1) * this.settings.messages.delay).toFixed(2)}s}\n` } return result; } let countStyles = () => { let result = ''; ; ((this.isValidSelector(this.settings.lists.selectors) && this.settings.lists.selectors.trim() != '') ? this.settings.lists.selectors.split(",").map(item => item.trim()) : AnimationsPlugin.selectorsLists) .forEach((selector, i) => { if (!this.settings.lists.enabled) return; let count = 65; if (this.settings.lists.sequence == 'fromFirst') for (var i = 1; i < count + 1; i++) { result += `${selector}:nth-child(${i}) ` + `{animation-delay: ${(i * this.settings.lists.delay).toFixed(2)}s}\n\n` } if (this.settings.lists.sequence == 'fromLast') for (var i = 1; i < count + 1; i++) { result += `${selector}:nth-last-child(${i}) ` + `{animation-delay: ${(i * this.settings.lists.delay).toFixed(2)}s}\n\n` } }) ; ((this.isValidSelector(this.settings.buttons.selectors) && this.settings.buttons.selectors.trim() != '') ? this.settings.buttons.selectors.split(",").map(item => item.trim()) : AnimationsPlugin.selectorsButtons) .forEach(selector => { if (!this.settings.buttons.enabled) return; let count = 20; if (this.settings.buttons.sequence == 'fromFirst') for (var i = 1; i < count + 1; i++) { result += `${selector}:nth-child(${i}) ` + `{animation-delay: ${(i * this.settings.buttons.delay).toFixed(2)}s}\n\n` } if (this.settings.buttons.sequence == 'fromLast') for (var i = 1; i < count + 1; i++) { result += `${selector}:nth-last-child(${i}) ` + `{animation-delay: ${(i * this.settings.buttons.delay).toFixed(2)}s}\n\n` } }) return result; } this.styles = ` ${!this.settings.lists.enabled ? '' : ` ${this.settings.lists.selectors ? this.settings.lists.selectors : AnimationsPlugin.selectorsLists.join(', ')} { ${this.settings.lists.custom.frames[this.settings.lists.custom.page]?.start ? this.settings.lists.custom.frames[this.settings.lists.custom.page]?.start : `transform: scale(0);`} animation-name: ${this.settings.lists.custom.enabled && (this.settings.lists.custom.page >= 0 ? this.settings.lists.custom.frames[this.settings.lists.custom.page]?.anim?.trim?.() != '' && this.isValidKeyframe(this.settings.lists.custom.frames[this.settings.lists.custom.page]?.anim) : 0) ? 'custom-lists' : this.settings.lists.name}; animation-fill-mode: forwards; animation-duration: ${this.settings.lists.duration}s; animation-timing-function: ${this.settings.lists.timing}; } `} ${!this.settings.buttons.enabled ? '' : ` ${this.settings.buttons.selectors ? this.settings.buttons.selectors : AnimationsPlugin.selectorsButtons.join(', ')} { ${this.settings.buttons.custom.frames[this.settings.buttons.custom.page]?.start ? this.settings.buttons.custom.frames[this.settings.buttons.custom.page]?.start : `transform: scale(0);`} animation-name: ${this.settings.buttons.custom.enabled && (this.settings.buttons.custom.page >= 0 ? this.settings.buttons.custom.frames[this.settings.buttons.custom.page].anim.trim() != '' && this.isValidKeyframe(this.settings.buttons.custom.frames[this.settings.buttons.custom.page].anim) : 0) ? 'custom-buttons' : this.settings.buttons.name}; animation-fill-mode: forwards; animation-duration: ${this.settings.buttons.duration}s; animation-timing-function: ${this.settings.buttons.timing}; } `} ${!this.settings.messages.enabled ? '' : ` /* messages */ .${FoundModules.MessageListItem} > .${FoundModules.Message} { ${this.settings.messages.custom.frames[this.settings.messages.custom.page]?.start ? this.settings.messages.custom.frames[this.settings.messages.custom.page]?.start : `transform: scale(0);`} animation-fill-mode: forwards; animation-name: ${this.settings.messages.custom.enabled && (this.settings.messages.custom.page >= 0 ? this.settings.messages.custom.frames[this.settings.messages.custom.page].anim.trim() != '' && this.isValidKeyframe(this.settings.messages.custom.frames[this.settings.messages.custom.page].anim) : 0) ? 'custom-messages' : this.settings.messages.name}; animation-duration: ${this.settings.messages.duration}s; animation-timing-function: ${this.settings.messages.timing}; } /*lines-forward-messages fix*/ .${FoundModules.DividerReplying} {z-index: 0} `} /**Non-custom**/ /*threads fork*/ .${FoundModules.ContainerSpine} > svg { transform: scale(0); transform-oringin: 100% 50%; animation-timing-function: linear; animation-duration: ${this.settings.lists.duration}s; animation-fill-mode: forwards; } /*discord changelog video*/ .${FoundModules.VideoLead} { animation-name: out !important; } /**Keyframes**/ ${keyframes()} \n${animPrevStyles()} \n${nthStyles()} \n${countStyles()} /*Custom keyframes*/ @keyframes custom-lists { ${this.settings.lists.custom.page >= 0 ? this.settings.lists.custom.frames[this.settings.lists.custom.page]?.anim : ''} } @keyframes custom-buttons { ${this.settings.buttons.custom.page >= 0 ? this.settings.buttons.custom.frames[this.settings.buttons.custom.page]?.anim : ''} } @keyframes custom-messages { ${this.settings.messages.custom.page >= 0 ? this.settings.messages.custom.frames[this.settings.messages.custom.page]?.anim : ''} } @keyframes custom-messages+sending { ${this.settings.messages.sending.custom.page >= 0 ? this.settings.messages.sending.custom.frames[this.settings.messages.sending.custom.page]?.anim : ''} } `; BdApi.clearCSS(`${config.info.name}-main`); await this.wait(pause > 100 ? pause : 100) BdApi.injectCSS(`${config.info.name}-main`, this.styles); this.animateChannels(); this.animateMembers(); } closeSettings() { let modalSettings = document.getElementById(config.info.name + ' ' + 'settings')?.closest?.('.bd-addon-modal') if(modalSettings) modalSettings.querySelector('.bd-addon-modal-footer > .bd-button')?.click?.() } /** * @param {number} ms */ wait(ms) { return new Promise((rs, rj) => setTimeout(rs, ms)) } requestGhFile(ghApiUrl) { return new Promise( (rs, rj) => { const request = new XMLHttpRequest(); request.open("GET", ghApiUrl); request.send(); request.onreadystatechange = (e) => { if (e.currentTarget.readyState != 4) return let resp = request?.responseText var responseCode = (resp ? JSON.parse(resp) : undefined); if (!responseCode) { rj(request.status, request.statusText) return } var decoded = this.fromBinary(responseCode.content); rs(decoded) return } } ) } /** * Reads file * @param {locale} [key] * @returns {object | null} translation */ stringsGet(key = undefined) { try { let fs = require('fs') let path = require('path') let p = path.join(BdApi.Plugins.folder, config.info.name + '.translation.json') let tr = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(p).toString()) let result = tr?.[key] || tr return result } catch (err) { return null } } /** * @returns ` new == old ` */ stringsLoad() { return new Promise( async (rs, rj) => { try { let fs = require('fs') let path = require('path') let p = path.join(BdApi.Plugins.folder, config.info.name + '.translation.json') let url = 'https://api.github.com/repos/Mopsgamer/BetterDiscord-codes/contents/plugins/Animations/Animations.translation.json' + '?ref=main' this.requestGhFile(url).then( async (text_new) => { let text_old = '' try { text_old = fs.readFileSync(p) } catch { } fs.writeFileSync(p, text_new) rs(text_new == text_old) } ).catch(rj) } catch (err) { rj() Logger.error("StringsLoader", err) } } ) } fromBinary = (encoded) => { return decodeURIComponent(atob(encoded).split('').map(function (c) { return '%' + ('00' + c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-2); }).join('')); } /** * @param {string} text */ isValidKeyframeStruct(text) { if (text?.trim() == '') return false; return (/\s*((from|to|\d+%)\s*{\s*(\s*[a-z-]+:\s*[(\d*\.)*\w\(\)\,\s*]*[(\d*\.)*\w\(\)\,];?\s*)*}\s*)+\s*/g).test(text) } /** * @param {string} text */ isValidKeyframe(text) { if (text?.trim() == '') return false; var id = 'keyframe_validator_animations_plugin'; var css = `@keyframes KEYFRAME_VALIDATOR {\n${text}\n}` BdApi.injectCSS(id, css) var isValid = document.querySelector("head > bd-head > bd-styles > #" + id).sheet.rules[0]?.cssText.replace(/;| |\n/g, "") === css.replace(/;| |\n/g, "") BdApi.clearCSS(id) return isValid } /** * @param {string} text */ isValidCSSStruct(text) { if (text?.trim() == '') return false; return (/(\s*[a-z-]+:\s*[(\d*\.)*\w\(\)\,\s*]*[(\d*\.)*\w\(\)\,];?\s*)*/g).test(text) } /** * @param {string} text */ isValidCSS(text) { if (text?.trim() == '') return false; var id = 'css_validator_animations_plugin'; var css = `CSS_VALIDATOR {\n${text}\n}` BdApi.injectCSS(id, css) var isValid = document.querySelector(`head #${id}`).sheet.rules[0]?.cssText.replace(/;| |\n/g, "") === css.replace(/;| |\n/g, "") BdApi.clearCSS(id) return isValid } /** * @param {string} text */ isValidSelector(text) { try { document.querySelector(text) } catch { return false } return true } eqObjects(object1, object2) { var isObject = function (object) { return object != null && typeof object === 'object'; } const keys1 = Object.keys(object1); const keys2 = Object.keys(object2); if (keys1.length !== keys2.length) { return false; } for (const key of keys1) { const val1 = object1[key]; const val2 = object2[key]; const areObjects = isObject(val1) && isObject(val2); if ( areObjects && !deepEqual(val1, val2) || !areObjects && val1 !== val2 ) { return false; } } return true; } getSettingsPanel() { /** * @type {locale} */ let locale = FoundModules.LocaleGetter?.locale; /**@type {AnimationsPlugin.strings}*/ let trn = this.stringsGet(locale); let src = AnimationsPlugin.strings if (trn == null) { trn = src } else for (let key in src) { if (!trn[key]) trn[key] = src[key] else for (let sub in src[key]) if (!trn[key][sub]) trn[key][sub] = src[key][sub] } /** * @typedef {object} SvgState * @property {string} [id=''] * @property {string} [class=''] * @property {string} [color='#fff'] * @property {'right' | 'left'} [align] * @property {string} [width='16px'] * @property {string} [height='16px'] * @property {string} [margin-right='16px'] * @property {string} [viewBox='0 0 24 24'] * @property {string[]} [paths=[]] */ class Svg extends React.Component { constructor(/**@type {SvgState}*/svg) { super(svg) /**@type {SvgState}*/ this.state = { paths: [], color: 'var(--header-primary)', width: '16px', height: '16px', 'margin-right': 0, align: undefined, viewBox: '0 0 24 24', ...svg } } render() { return React.createElement('svg', { viewBox: this.state.viewBox, fill: this.state.color, id: this.state.id ?? '', class: this.state.class ?? '', style: { width: this.state.width, height: this.state.height, position: (['right', 'left']).includes(this.state.align) ? 'absolute' : 'relative', right: (this.state.align == 'right') ? '12px' : 'none', left: (this.state.align == 'left') ? '12px' : 'none', 'margin-right': this.state['margin-right'] ?? 0 } }, this.state.paths.map(path => { if (typeof path == 'string') return React.createElement('path', { d: path }) else if (typeof path == 'object') return React.createElement(path?.tag ?? 'path', path) else return null }) ) } } /** * @typedef {object} ButtonState * @property {string} [width='fit-content'] * @property {string} [height='fit-content'] * @property {string} [padding='8px'] * @property {string} [margin='8px'] * @property {string} [id=''] * @property {string} [class=''] * @property {string} [label=''] * @property {SvgState[]} [svgs=[]] * @property {boolean} [disabled=false] * @property {string} [link=null] * @property { 'filled' | 'inverted' | 'underline'} [fill='filled'] ` filled ` | ` inverted ` | ` underline ` * @property { 'blurple' | 'grey' | 'green' | 'red' } [color='blurple'] ` blurple ` | ` grey ` | ` green ` | ` red ` * @property { (e:MouseEvent, c:Button)=>void } [onclick=null] */ class Button extends React.Component { constructor(/**@type {ButtonState}*/button) { super(button) /**@type {ButtonState}*/ this.state = button } render() { var button = this.state; return React.createElement('button', { style: { display: 'inline-flex', 'align-items': 'center', 'justify-content': 'center', width: button.width ?? 'fit-content', height: button.height ?? 'fit-content', padding: button.padding ?? '8px', margin: button.margin ?? '8px', 'transition': 'background-color .17s ease, color .17s ease, opacity 250ms ease', }, id: button.id ?? '', 'data-link': button.link, class: `animButton ${FoundModules.ButtonIcon?.button} ${FoundModules.ButtonIcon?.sizeSmall} ${button.disabled ? 'disabled' : ''} ${(['filled', 'inverted', 'underline']).includes(button.fill) ? button.fill : 'filled'} ${button.color ?? 'blurple'} ${button.class ?? ''}`, onClick: (e) => { if (e.currentTarget.classList.contains('disabled')) return if (typeof button.onclick == 'function') button.onclick(e, this) if (typeof button.link == 'string') window.open(button.link) } }, [ Array.isArray(button.svgs) ? button.svgs.map((svgTemp) => React.createElement(Svg, { ...svgTemp, 'margin-right': this.state.label ? '4px' : 0 })) : null, React.createElement('span', { style: { 'max-width': 'none' }, class: `${FoundModules.ButtonText} ${FoundModules.ButtonContents?.contents}`, }, button.label ), typeof button.link == 'string' ? React.createElement(Svg, { ...SvgTemps.linkArrow, align: 'right' }) : null ] ) } } /** * @typedef {object} InputState * @property {string} [width='100%'] * @property {string} [height='fit-content'] * @property {string} [padding='8px'] * @property {string} [margin='8px'] * @property {string} [id=''] * @property {string} [class=''] * @property {boolean} [disabled=false] * @property {string} [placeholder=''] * @property {number | ''} [maxlength=''] * @property {number | ''} [max=''] * @property {number | ''} [min=''] * @property {number | ''} [size=''] * @property {number | ''} [step=0.01] * @property {string} [value=''] * @property {string | 'filled' | 'inverted' | 'underline'} [type='filled'] ` filled ` | ` inverted ` | ` underline ` * @property {(e:MouseEvent)=>void} [onclick=null] */ class Input extends React.Component { constructor(/**@type {InputState}*/input) { super(input) /**@type {InputState}*/input this.state = input } render() { var input = this.state; return React.createElement('input', { style: { display: 'inline-block', width: input.width ?? '100%', height: input.height ?? 'fit-content', padding: input.padding ?? '8px', margin: input.margin ?? '8px', }, placeholder: input.placeholder ?? '', maxlength: input.maxlength ?? '', max: input.max ?? '', min: input.min ?? '0', size: input.size ?? '', step: input.step ?? 0.01, value: input.value ?? '', type: (['text', 'password', 'email', 'number', 'integer']).includes(input.type) ? (input.type == 'integer' ? 'number' : input.type) : 'text', id: input.id ?? '', class: `animInput ${FoundModules.InputDefault} ${input.disabled ? 'disabled' : ''} ${input.class ?? ''}`, onClick: input.onclick ?? null, onChange: (e) => { var value = e.currentTarget.value var valueNum = e.currentTarget.valueAsNumber if ((['number', 'integer']).includes(input.type) && !(/(\d*,)/).test(value) && value != '') { valueNum = (valueNum <= (input.max ?? Infinity) ? valueNum : input.max) valueNum = (valueNum >= (input.min ?? 0) ? valueNum : input.min ?? 0) valueNum = (input.type == 'integer' ? Math.floor(valueNum) : valueNum) } var newValue = String(value) this.setState({ ...input, value: newValue }) input?.onchange(e, value) } } ) } } /** * @typedef { {component: 'divider'} } ElementTempDivider * @typedef { {component: 'svg'} & SvgState } ElementTempSvg * @typedef { {component: 'button'} & ButtonState } ElementTempButton * @typedef { {component: 'input'} & InputState } ElementTempInput * @typedef { ElementTempDivider | ElementTempSvg | ElementTempButton | ElementTempInput } ElementTemp */ /** * @typedef {ElementsPanelOptions} * @property {string} [widthAll] The width of each button, if the template does not specify a different width. * @property {string} [heightAll] The height of each button, if the template does not specify a different height. * @property {string} [align="flex-start"] `justify-content` css value for each button container. * @property {boolean} [nosidemargin=true] Zeroing the left and right margins for the first and last button respectively. */ /** * Returns object - `class`, `render`. * @param {{elements: ElementTemp[]}[]} containersTemp Array with button container templates. * @param {ElementsPanelOptions} options Panel optinons. */ var ElementsPanel = (containersTemp = [], options = {}) => { var result = React.createElement('div', { style: { display: 'flex', width: '100%', 'flex-direction': 'column', 'justify-content': options.align ?? 'inline-flex' }, class: `elementsPanel` }, containersTemp?.map( containerTemp => React.createElement('div', { style: { display: 'inline-flex', width: '100%', 'justify-content': options.align ?? containerTemp.options?.align ?? 'flex-start' }, class: `elementsContainer ${options.nosidemargin ?? containerTemp.options?.nosidemargin ?? true ? 'nosidemargin' : ''}` }, containerTemp.elements?.map( elementTemp => { switch (elementTemp.component) { case 'divider': return ( React.createElement('div', { class: 'animFieldDivider' }) ) //break; case 'svg': return ( React.createElement(Svg, { ...elementTemp }) ) //break; case 'button': return ( React.createElement(Button, { width: options.widthAll ?? containerTemp.options?.widthAll, height: options.heightAll ?? containerTemp.options?.heightAll, margin: options.marginAll ?? containerTemp.options?.marginAll, padding: options.paddingAll ?? containerTemp.options?.paddingAll, ...elementTemp }) ) //break; case 'input': return ( React.createElement(Input, { width: options.widthAll ?? containerTemp.options?.widthAll, height: options.heightAll ?? containerTemp.options?.heightAll, margin: options.marginAll ?? containerTemp.options?.marginAll, padding: options.paddingAll ?? containerTemp.options?.paddingAll, ...elementTemp }) ) //break; } } ) ) ) ) class Panel extends React.Component { render() { return result } } return { class: Panel, render: result }; } /** * @typedef {object} TextareaOptions * @property {string} [class=''] * @property {string} [width='100%'] * @property {string} [height='270px'] * @property {string} [placeholder=''] * @property {bool} [disabled=false] * @property {bool} [invalid=false] * @property {(e:InputEvent)=>void} [onchange] * @property {(e:MouseEvent)=>void} [onclick] */ /** * Returns object - `class`, `render`. * @param {object} options TextareasPanel options. * @param {string} [options.margin] * @param {string} [options.padding] * @param {string} [options.class] * @param {object} [options.elementsPanel] ElementsPanel. * @param {{elements: Array}[]} [options.elementsPanel.containersTemp] Array with element container templates. * @param {object} [options.elementsPanel.options] ElementsPanel options. * @param {string} [options.elementsPanel.options.widthAll] The width of each element, if the template does not specify a different width. * @param {string} [options.elementsPanel.options.heightAll] The height of each element, if the template does not specify a different height. * @param {string} [options.elementsPanel.options.marginAll] The margin of each element, if the template does not specify a different height. * @param {string} [options.elementsPanel.options.paddingAll] The padding of each element, if the template does not specify a different height. * @param {string} [options.elementsPanel.options.align="inline-flex"] `justify-content` css value for each element container. Default - `flex-start`. * @param {TextareaOptions[]} [options.textareas] Textareas temps. * @param {(e:InputEvent)=>void} [options.onchange] The event at each change of any of the textareas. * @param {(e:MouseEvent)=>void} [options.onclick] The event at each click of any point. */ var TextareasPanel = (options = {}) => { var result = React.createElement('div', { style: { margin: options.margin ?? null, padding: options.padding ?? null }, class: `animTextareasPanel ${options.class}`, onClick: (e) => { options.onclick?.(e) } }, [ options.elementsPanel ? (ElementsPanel(options.elementsPanel.containersTemp, options.elementsPanel.options ?? {}).render) : null, ...options.textareas?.map( textarea => React.createElement('textarea', { style: { height: textarea?.height ?? '270px', width: textarea?.width ?? '100%' }, spellcheck: 'false', type: textarea?.type ?? 'text', placeholder: textarea?.placeholder ?? '', class: `animTextarea ${textarea?.disabled ? 'disabled' : ''} ${textarea?.invalid ? 'invalid' : ''} ${textarea?.class ?? ''} ${FoundModules.InputDefault} ${FoundModules.TextArea} ${FoundModules.ScrollbarDefault}`, onChange: (e) => { textarea.onchange?.(e) options.onchange?.(e) }, onClick: (e) => { textarea.onclick?.(e) } }, textarea.value ) ) ] ) class Panel extends React.Component { render() { return result } } return { class: Panel, render: result } } /** * Returns object - `class`, `render`. * @param {Array<{label: string, value: string}>} previewsTemp Array with previews templates. * @param {object} options Panel optinons. * @param {boolean} horizontal Preview positioning. * @param {string} [options.type] `*class*-name`, `*class*-sequence`, ... * @param {string} [options.class] `lists`, `messages`, `buttons` * @param {object} [options.custom] Editor options. * @param {boolean} [options.custom.enabled] Editor availability. * @param {Array} [options.custom.frames] Editor frames default. * @param {number} [options.custom.page] Editor page default. * @param {number} [options.custom.data] Editor data `this.settings.*type*.custom`. * @param {object} [options.tempBlocks] TempBlocks options. * @param {string} [options.tempBlocks.count=4] TempBlocks count. * @param {string} [options.tempBlocks.margin='4px'] TempBlocks margin. * @param {string} [options.tempBlocks.height] TempBlock height. * @param {string} [options.tempBlocks.width] TempBlock width. * @param {(e:MouseEvent)=>void} [onclick] * @param {string} value One of the values of `previevsTemp` */ var PreviewsPanel = (previewsTemp = [], options = {}, value, onclick) => { var swipeButtonsDefault = []; var swipeButtonsCustom = []; var previews = []; var containers = []; var textareas = []; var openedPage = 0; var containersCount = 0; var previewsCountOnPage = (options?.horizontal ? 6 : 8); if (options?.custom) if (this.settings[options.class].custom.enabled) if (!(this.settings[options.class].custom.page >= 0 ? this.isValidKeyframe(this.settings[options.class].custom.frames[this.settings[options.class].custom.page]?.anim) : 0)) { this.settings[options.class].custom.enabled = false; Utilities.saveSettings(config.info.name, this.settings); } previewsTemp.forEach((template, index) => { class Preview extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props) this.enabled = props.enabled this.template = props.template this.page = props.page } render() { var tempBlocks = [] var tempCount = ((typeof options?.tempBlocks?.count == 'number') ? options.tempBlocks.count : 4) for (var i = 0; i < tempCount; i++) { tempBlocks[i] = React.createElement('div', { class: 'animTempBlock', style: { width: options?.tempBlocks?.width ?? (options?.horizontal ? '100%' : 'auto'), height: options?.tempBlocks?.height ?? (options?.horizontal ? '26px' : '18%'), margin: options?.tempBlocks?.margin ?? (options?.horizontal ? '0 4px' : '4px') } }) } return React.createElement('div', { 'pdata': this.template.value + ',' + options.class, class: `animPreview ${FoundModules.CodeRedemptionRedirect} ${FoundModules.Card} ${this.enabled ? 'enabled' : ''}`, onClick: (e) => { onclick({ value: this.template.value, page: this.page }); var sections = document.querySelectorAll(`[data-type="${options.type}"] .animPreview`); for (i = 0; i < sections.length; i++) sections[i].classList.remove('enabled'); e.currentTarget.classList.add('enabled'); } }, [ React.createElement('div', { class: 'animPreviewTempsContainer' }, tempBlocks ), React.createElement('div', { class: 'animPreviewLabel' }, this.template.label ) ] ) } } if (value == template.value) openedPage = Math.ceil((index + 1) / previewsCountOnPage) - 1; previews.push( React.createElement(Preview, { enabled: value == template.value, template: template, page: openedPage }, ) ) }) class CircleButtonPage extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props) this.index = props.index this.text = props.text this.enabled = props.enabled this.closest = props.closest this.selector = props.selector this.tabSelector = props.tabSelector this.onclick = props.onclick } render() { return React.createElement('div', { class: `animPageCircleButton ${FoundModules.RoundButton} ${this.enabled ? 'enabled' : ''}`, 'data-page': this.index, onClick: (e) => { var selectorNodes = e.currentTarget.closest(this.closest).querySelectorAll(this.selector); var dataPage = e.currentTarget.getAttribute('data-page'); for (var containerElem of selectorNodes) containerElem.classList.remove('show'); selectorNodes[dataPage].classList.add('show'); var sections = document.querySelectorAll(`[data-type="${options.type}"] ${this.tabSelector} .animPageCircleButton`); for (i = 0; i < sections.length; i++) sections[i].classList.remove('enabled'); e.currentTarget.classList.add('enabled'); this.onclick?.(e) } }, this.text ) } } class CircleButton extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props) this.text = props.text this.enabled = props.enabled this.onclick = props.onclick } render() { return React.createElement('div', { class: `animPageCircleButton ${FoundModules.CodeRedemptionRedirect} ${FoundModules.Card} ${this.enabled ? 'enabled' : ''}`, onClick: (e) => { this.onclick?.(e) } }, this.text ) } } for (containersCount = 0; containersCount + 1 <= Math.ceil(previewsTemp.length / previewsCountOnPage); containersCount++) { swipeButtonsDefault.push( React.createElement(CircleButtonPage, { index: containersCount, text: containersCount + 1, enabled: openedPage == containersCount, closest: '.animPreviewsPanel', selector: '.animPreviewsContainer', tabSelector: '.default', onclick: (e) => { var dataPage = e.currentTarget.getAttribute('data-page'); this.settings[options.class].page = Number(dataPage); } } ) ); var pages = []; var i = 0; while (i < previewsCountOnPage) { pages.push(previews[(containersCount) * previewsCountOnPage + i]) i++ } containers.push( React.createElement('div', { class: `animPreviewsContainer ${(options.custom) ? (!this.settings[options.class].custom.enabled && openedPage == containersCount ? 'show' : '') : (openedPage == containersCount ? 'show' : '')} ${previewsTemp.length < previewsCountOnPage + 1 ? 'compact' : ''}`, }, pages ) ); } if (options.custom) { for (var i = 0; i < this.settings[options.class].custom.frames.length; i++) { textareas.push( TextareasPanel( { elementsPanel: { containersTemp: [ { elements: [ { component: 'button', color: 'grey', label: trn.edit.template, disabled: this.eqObjects({ start: options.custom.data.frames[i].start, anim: options.custom.data.frames[i].anim }, this.defaultFrames.template), onclick: (e) => { var textareaStart = e.currentTarget.closest('.animTextareasPanel').querySelector('.animTextarea.start') var textareaAnim = e.currentTarget.closest('.animTextareasPanel').querySelector('.animTextarea.anim') textareaStart.value = this.defaultFrames.template.start; textareaAnim.value = this.defaultFrames.template.anim; } }, { component: 'button', color: 'grey', label: trn.edit.clear, disabled: this.eqObjects({ start: options.custom.data.frames[i].start, anim: options.custom.data.frames[i].anim }, this.defaultFrames.clear), onclick: (e) => { var textareaStart = e.currentTarget.closest('.animTextareasPanel').querySelector('.animTextarea.start') var textareaAnim = e.currentTarget.closest('.animTextareasPanel').querySelector('.animTextarea.anim') textareaStart.value = ''; textareaAnim.value = ''; } }, { component: 'button', color: 'blurple', label: trn.edit.load, disabled: this.eqObjects(this.settings[options.class].custom.frames[this.settings[options.class].custom.page], { start: options.custom.data.frames[i].start, anim: options.custom.data.frames[i].anim }), onclick: (e) => { var textareaStart = e.currentTarget.closest('.animTextareasPanel').querySelector('.animTextarea.start') var textareaAnim = e.currentTarget.closest('.animTextareasPanel').querySelector('.animTextarea.anim') textareaStart.value = this.settings[options.class].custom.frames[this.settings[options.class].custom.page].start textareaAnim.value = this.settings[options.class].custom.frames[this.settings[options.class].custom.page].anim } }, { component: 'button', color: 'blurple', label: trn.edit.save, disabled: this.eqObjects(this.settings[options.class].custom.frames[this.settings[options.class].custom.page], { start: options.custom.data.frames[i].start, anim: options.custom.data.frames[i].anim }), onclick: (e) => { var textareaStart = e.currentTarget.closest('.animTextareasPanel').querySelector('.animTextarea.start') var textareaAnim = e.currentTarget.closest('.animTextareasPanel').querySelector('.animTextarea.anim') this.settings[options.class].custom.frames[this.settings[options.class].custom.page] = { start: textareaStart.value, anim: textareaAnim.value } Utilities.saveSettings(config.info.name, this.settings); if ( this.isValidCSS(this.settings[options.class].custom.frames[this.settings[options.class].custom.page].start) && this.isValidKeyframe(this.settings[options.class].custom.frames[this.settings[options.class].custom.page].anim) ) this.resetAnimations(); } }, ] } ], options: { widthAll: '100%', marginAll: '0 8px' } }, textareas: [ { height: '72px', class: 'start', invalid: !('invalid keyframe', this.isValidCSS(options.custom.data.frames[i].start) || options.custom.data.frames[i].start == ""), value: options.custom.data.frames[i].start, placeholder: `transform: scale(0);`, onchange: (e) => { var textareaStart = e.currentTarget var textareaAnim = e.currentTarget.closest('.animTextareasPanel').querySelector('.animTextarea.anim') if (this.isValidCSS(textareaStart.value) || textareaStart.value == "") { textareaStart.classList.add('valid'); textareaStart.classList.remove('invalid'); } else { textareaStart.classList.add('invalid'); textareaStart.classList.remove('valid'); } options.custom?.onchange?.(e) } }, { height: '250px', class: 'anim', invalid: !(this.isValidKeyframe(options.custom.data.frames[i].anim) || options.custom.data.frames[i].anim == ""), value: options.custom.data.frames[i].anim, placeholder: `0% {\n\ttransform: translate(0, 100%);\n}\n\n100% {\n\ttransform: transform(0, 0) scale(1);\n}`, onchange: (e) => { var textareaStart = e.currentTarget.closest('.animTextareasPanel').querySelector('.animTextarea.start') var textareaAnim = e.currentTarget if (this.isValidKeyframe(textareaAnim.value) || textareaAnim.value == "") { textareaAnim.classList.add('valid'); textareaAnim.classList.remove('invalid'); } else { textareaAnim.classList.add('invalid'); textareaAnim.classList.remove('valid'); } options.custom?.onchange?.(e) } } ], class: `${this.settings[options.class].custom.enabled && i == this.settings[options.class].custom.page ? 'show' : ''}`, onchange: (e) => { var textareaStart = e.currentTarget.closest('.animTextareasPanel.show').querySelector('.animTextarea.start') var textareaAnim = e.currentTarget.closest('.animTextareasPanel.show').querySelector('.animTextarea.anim') this.defaultFrames.values = { start: textareaStart.value, anim: textareaAnim.value } var buttons = e.currentTarget.closest('.animTextareasPanel.show').querySelectorAll('.elementsContainer > .animButton') buttons[0].classList.toggle('disabled', this.eqObjects(this.defaultFrames.values, this.defaultFrames.template)) buttons[1].classList.toggle('disabled', this.eqObjects(this.defaultFrames.values, this.defaultFrames.clear)) buttons[2].classList.toggle('disabled', this.eqObjects(this.settings[options.class].custom.frames[this.settings[options.class].custom.page], this.defaultFrames.values)) buttons[3].classList.toggle('disabled', this.eqObjects(this.settings[options.class].custom.frames[this.settings[options.class].custom.page], this.defaultFrames.values)) }, onclick: (e) => { var textareaStart = e.currentTarget.closest('.animTextareasPanel.show').querySelector('.animTextarea.start') var textareaAnim = e.currentTarget.closest('.animTextareasPanel.show').querySelector('.animTextarea.anim') this.defaultFrames.values = { start: textareaStart.value, anim: textareaAnim.value } var buttons = e.currentTarget.closest('.animTextareasPanel.show').querySelectorAll('.elementsContainer > .animButton') buttons[0].classList.toggle('disabled', this.eqObjects(this.defaultFrames.values, this.defaultFrames.template)) buttons[1].classList.toggle('disabled', this.eqObjects(this.defaultFrames.values, this.defaultFrames.clear)) buttons[2].classList.toggle('disabled', this.eqObjects(this.settings[options.class].custom.frames[this.settings[options.class].custom.page], this.defaultFrames.values)) buttons[3].classList.toggle('disabled', this.eqObjects(this.settings[options.class].custom.frames[this.settings[options.class].custom.page], this.defaultFrames.values)) } }, ).render ); swipeButtonsCustom.push( React.createElement(CircleButtonPage, { index: i, text: i + 1, enabled: this.settings[options.class].custom.page == i, closest: '.animPreviewsPanel', selector: '.animTextareasPanel', tabSelector: '.custom', onclick: (e) => { var dataPage = e.currentTarget.getAttribute('data-page'); this.settings[options.class].custom.page = Number(dataPage); } } ) ); } } class ActionButton extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props) this.isEditing = props.isEditing this.onclick = props.onclick } render() { return React.createElement('div', { class: `animPreviewActionButton ${FoundModules.CodeRedemptionRedirect} ${FoundModules.Card} ${this.isEditing ? 'editing' : 'selecting'}`, onClick: this.onclick }, React.createElement('div', { class: `switchActionButton` }, [ React.createElement('div', { class: 'switchActionButtonLabel' }, trn.stng.name_mode_selecting ), React.createElement("svg", { width: "24", height: "24", viewBox: "3 2 19 19" }, React.createElement("path", { style: { fill: "none" }, d: "M0 0h24v24H0z" }), React.createElement("path", { d: options.horizontal ? "M 4 18 h 17 v -3 H 4 v 3 z M 4 10 v 3 h 17 v -3 h -17 M 4 5 v 3 h 17 V 5 H 4 z" : "M4 11h5V5H4v6zm0 7h5v-6H4v6zm6 0h5v-6h-5v6zm6 0h5v-6h-5v6zm-6-7h5V5h-5v6zm6-6v6h5V5h-5z" }) ) ] ), React.createElement('div', { class: `switchActionButton` }, [ React.createElement('div', { class: 'switchActionButtonLabel' }, trn.stng.name_mode_editing ), React.createElement("svg", { width: "24", height: "24", viewBox: "0 1 22 22" }, React.createElement("path", { d: "M19.2929 9.8299L19.9409 9.18278C21.353 7.77064 21.353 5.47197 19.9409 4.05892C18.5287 2.64678 16.2292 2.64678 14.817 4.05892L14.1699 4.70694L19.2929 9.8299ZM12.8962 5.97688L5.18469 13.6906L10.3085 18.813L18.0201 11.0992L12.8962 5.97688ZM4.11851 20.9704L8.75906 19.8112L4.18692 15.239L3.02678 19.8796C2.95028 20.1856 3.04028 20.5105 3.26349 20.7337C3.48669 20.9569 3.8116 21.046 4.11851 20.9704Z", }) ) ] ) ) } } var result = React.createElement('div', { class: `animPreviewsPanel ${options.horizontal ? 'horizontal' : 'vertical'}`, 'data-type': options.type }, [ options.custom ? React.createElement('div', { class: 'animPreviewsActions' }, React.createElement(ActionButton, { isEditing: this.settings[options.class].custom.enabled, onclick: async (e) => { this.settings[options.class].custom.enabled = !this.settings[options.class].custom.enabled; Utilities.saveSettings(config.info.name, this.settings); if ( this.isValidCSS(this.settings[options.class].custom.frames[this.settings[options.class].custom.page].start) && this.isValidKeyframe(this.settings[options.class].custom.frames[this.settings[options.class].custom.page].anim) ) this.resetAnimations(); var switcher = e.currentTarget; var panel = switcher.closest('.animPreviewsPanel'); var all = panel.querySelectorAll(`.animPreviewsContainer, .animTextareasPanel`); all.forEach(elem => elem.classList.remove('show')); if (this.settings[options.class].custom.enabled) { switcher.classList.add('editing') switcher.classList.remove('selecting') if (this.settings[options.class].custom.page >= 0) panel.getElementsByClassName(`animTextareasPanel`)[this.settings[options.class].custom.page].classList.add('show'); panel.getElementsByClassName('animPageButtons default')[0].classList.remove('show'); panel.getElementsByClassName('animPageButtons custom')[0].classList.add('show'); } else { switcher.classList.remove('editing') switcher.classList.add('selecting') if (this.settings[options.class].page >= 0) panel.getElementsByClassName(`animPreviewsContainer`)[this.settings[options.class].page].classList.add('show'); panel.getElementsByClassName('animPageButtons default')[0].classList.add('show'); panel.getElementsByClassName('animPageButtons custom')[0].classList.remove('show'); } } }) ) : null, ...containers, ...textareas, containers.length > 1 ? React.createElement('div', { class: `animPageButtons default ${options.custom ? (!this.settings[options.class].custom.enabled ? 'show' : '') : 'show'}`, }, swipeButtonsDefault ) : null, React.createElement('div', { class: `animPageButtons custom ${options.custom ? (this.settings[options.class].custom.enabled ? 'show' : '') : 'show'}`, }, swipeButtonsCustom ), ] ) class Panel extends React.Component { render() { return result } } return { class: Panel, render: result }; } /** * @typedef { object } TabTemp * @property {bool} disabled * @property {string} id * @property {string} class * @property {string} name * @property {(string | React.Component)[]} content */ /** * Returns object - `class`, `render`. * @param {(TabTemp | ElementTempDivider)[]} [tabsTemp=[]] * @param {object} [options={}] * @param {number} [options.active=''] * @param {string} [options.class=''] * @param {string} [options.margin=null] * @param {string} [options.padding=null] */ var TabsPanel = (tabsTemp = [], options = {}) => { var tabsNodes = []; var contentNodes = []; var index = 0; tabsTemp.forEach((tabTemp) => { if (tabTemp?.component == 'divider') { tabsNodes.push(React.createElement('div', { class: `animTabDivider` })) return; } tabsNodes.push( React.createElement('div', { 'data-index': index, id: tabTemp?.id ?? '', class: `animTab ${options?.active == index ? 'selected' : ''} ${tabTemp?.disabled ? 'disabled' : ''} ${tabTemp?.class}`, onClick: (e) => { if (tabTemp?.disabled) return; var tab = e.currentTarget; var index = Number(tab.getAttribute('data-index')); var panel = tab.closest('.animTabsPanel'); panel.querySelectorAll(`.animTab:not([data-index="${index}"])`).forEach( (content) => { content.classList.remove('selected') } ); panel.querySelectorAll(`.animContent:not([data-index="${index}"])`).forEach( (content) => { content.classList.remove('show') } ); panel.querySelector(`.animTab[data-index="${index}"]`).classList.toggle('selected') panel.querySelector(`.animContent[data-index="${index}"]`).classList.toggle('show') } }, tabTemp.name ) ) contentNodes.push( React.createElement('div', { 'data-index': index, class: `animContent ${options?.active == index ? 'show' : ''}` }, Array.isArray(tabTemp.content) ? tabTemp.content : [] ) ) index++ }) var result = React.createElement('div', { style: { margin: options.margin ?? null, padding: options.padding ?? null }, class: `animTabsPanel ${options.class ?? ''}` }, [ React.createElement('div', { class: 'animTabsContainer' }, tabsNodes ), React.createElement('div', { class: 'animContentsContainer' }, contentNodes ), ] ) class Panel extends React.Component { render() { return result } } return { class: Panel, render: result } } /** * Field. * @param {string} title * @param {string} note * @param {string} content */ var Field = (title, note, content) => { var result = React.createElement('div', { class: 'animField' }, [ React.createElement('div', { class: 'animFieldDivider' }), React.createElement('div', { class: 'animFieldTitle' }, title), React.createElement('div', { class: 'animFieldNote' }, note), React.createElement('div', { class: 'animFieldContent' }, content) ] ) class Field extends React.Component { render() { return result } } return { class: Field, render: result } } let Textcolors = { gray: '#36393f', green: '#3ba55d', red: '#ed4245', yellow: '#faa81a' } let SvgTemps = { circleArrow: { paths: ['M12 2C6.485 2 2 6.485 2 12H5.33333C5.33333 8.32333 8.32333 5.33333 12 5.33333C15.6767 5.33333 18.6667 8.32333 18.6667 12C18.6667 15.6767 15.6767 18.6667 12 18.6667C10.2033 18.6667 8.55833 17.9333 7.315 16.6867L10.3333 13.6667H2V22L4.935 19.065C6.79833 20.94 9.30167 22 12 22C17.515 22 22 17.515 22 12C22 6.48667 17.515 2 12 2Z'], viewBox: '0 0 24 24' }, checked: { paths: ['M5.37499 3H18.625C19.9197 3 21.0056 4.08803 21 5.375V18.625C21 19.936 19.9359 21 18.625 21H5.37499C4.06518 21 3 19.936 3 18.625V5.375C3 4.06519 4.06518 3 5.37499 3Z M9.58473 14.8636L6.04944 11.4051L4.50003 12.9978L9.58473 18L19.5 8.26174L17.9656 6.64795L9.58473 14.8636Z'], viewBox: '0 0 24 24' }, closeCross: { paths: ["M18.4 4L12 10.4L5.6 4L4 5.6L10.4 12L4 18.4L5.6 20L12 13.6L18.4 20L20 18.4L13.6 12L20 5.6L18.4 4Z"], viewBox: '3 2 19 19' }, message: { paths: ["M4.79805 3C3.80445 3 2.99805 3.8055 2.99805 4.8V15.6C2.99805 16.5936 3.80445 17.4 4.79805 17.4H7.49805V21L11.098 17.4H19.198C20.1925 17.4 20.998 16.5936 20.998 15.6V4.8C20.998 3.8055 20.1925 3 19.198 3H4.79805Z"], viewBox: '0 0 24 24' }, downloadArrow: { paths: ['M16.293 9.293L17.707 10.707L12 16.414L6.29297 10.707L7.70697 9.293L11 12.586V2H13V12.586L16.293 9.293ZM18 20V18H20V20C20 21.102 19.104 22 18 22H6C4.896 22 4 21.102 4 20V18H6V20H18Z'], viewBox: '-1 -1 26 26' }, gear: { paths: ['M19.738 10H22V14H19.739C19.498 14.931 19.1 15.798 18.565 16.564L20 18L18 20L16.565 18.564C15.797 19.099 14.932 19.498 14 19.738V22H10V19.738C9.069 19.498 8.203 19.099 7.436 18.564L6 20L4 18L5.436 16.564C4.901 15.799 4.502 14.932 4.262 14H2V10H4.262C4.502 9.068 4.9 8.202 5.436 7.436L4 6L6 4L7.436 5.436C8.202 4.9 9.068 4.502 10 4.262V2H14V4.261C14.932 4.502 15.797 4.9 16.565 5.435L18 3.999L20 5.999L18.564 7.436C19.099 8.202 19.498 9.069 19.738 10ZM12 16C14.2091 16 16 14.2091 16 12C16 9.79086 14.2091 8 12 8C9.79086 8 8 9.79086 8 12C8 14.2091 9.79086 16 12 16Z'], viewBox: '0 0 24 24' }, help: { paths: ["M12 2C6.486 2 2 6.487 2 12C2 17.515 6.486 22 12 22C17.514 22 22 17.515 22 12C22 6.487 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19.6639 17.3997 18.897 17.691C19.3052 ' + '18.4993 19.7718 19.2689 20.3021 19.9945C22.6677 19.2689 24.8929 18.1364 26.8828 16.6466H26.8893C27.43 10.9731 25.9665 6.04728 23.0212 1.67671ZM9.68041 13.6383C8.39754 13.6383 7.34085 12.4453 7.34085 10.994C7.34085 9.54272 8.37155 8.34973 9.68041 8.34973C10.9893 8.34973 12.0395 9.54272 12.0187 10.994C12.0187 12.4453 10.9828 13.6383 9.68041 13.6383ZM18.3161 13.6383C17.0332 13.6383 15.9765 12.4453 15.9765 10.994C15.9765 9.54272 17.0124 8.34973 18.3161 8.34973C19.6184 8.34973 20.6751 9.54272 20.6543 10.994C20.6543 12.4453 19.6184 13.6383 18.3161 13.6383Z'], viewBox: '0 -5 28 28' }, github: { paths: ['m12 .5c-6.63 0-12 5.28-12 11.792 0 5.211 3.438 9.63 8.205 0-.28-.01-1.022-.015-2.005-3.338.711-4.042-1.582-4.042-1.582-.546-1.361-1.335-1.725-1.335-1.725-1.087-.731.084-.716.084-.716 1.205.082 1.838 1.215 1.838 1.215 1.07 1.803 2.809 1.282 3.495.981.108-.763.417-1.282.76-1.577-2.665-.295-5.466-1.309-5.466-5.827 0-1.287.465-2.339 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labelv.scrollHeight) { Tooltip.create(prev, labelv.innerText, { preventFlip: true, side: 'bottom' }) } } ) mymodal.querySelectorAll('.animPreviewsPanel.horizontal .animPreview').forEach( prev => { let labelh = prev.querySelector('.animPreviewLabel') if (labelh.offsetWidth < labelh.scrollWidth) { Tooltip.create(prev, labelv.innerText, { preventFlip: true, side: 'bottom' }) } } ) } }, 500) var settings_panel = [ ElementsPanel( [ { elements: [ { component: 'button', color: 'red', fill: 'inverted', label: trn.view.reset_all_settings, id: 'animations-reset', svgs: [SvgTemps.gear], onclick: async (e) => { let button = e.currentTarget; button.getElementsByTagName('span')[0].innerText = trn.view.resetting; await this.wait(500); Utilities.saveSettings(config.info.name, this.defaultSettings); this.settings = Utilities.loadSettings(config.info.name, this.defaultSettings); this.resetAnimations(); this.closeSettings(); } }, ] }, { elements: [ { component: 'button', label: trn.view.changelog, color: 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[SvgTemps.Logos.github, SvgTemps.warn], link: 'https://github.com/Mopsgamer/BetterDiscord-codes/issues' }, { component: 'button', label: trn.view.link_gh_discussions, color: 'grey', id: 'animations-discussions', svgs: [SvgTemps.Logos.github, SvgTemps.message], link: 'https://github.com/Mopsgamer/BetterDiscord-codes/discussions' }, ], }, { elements: [ { component: 'button', label: trn.view.link_cd, color: 'grey', id: 'animations-crowdin', svgs: [SvgTemps.world], link: 'https://crwd.in/bdp-animations' }, ], }, { elements: [ { component: 'divider' }, ] }, ], { widthAll: '100%', align: 'space-between' } ).render, TabsPanel( [ { name: trn.view.lists, content: [ Field(null, null, ElementsPanel( [ { elements: [ { component: 'button', svgs: [this.settings.lists.enabled ? SvgTemps.checked : SvgTemps.unchecked], color: this.settings.lists.enabled ? 'green' : 'red', label: trn.view.lists, id: 'lists-switch-button', onclick: async (e) => { let button = e.currentTarget button.getElementsByTagName('span')[0].innerText = '...' this.settings.lists.enabled = !this.settings.lists.enabled; if (!this.settings.lists.enabled) { button.classList.remove('green') button.classList.add('red') button.querySelector('path').setAttribute('d', SvgTemps.unchecked.paths) } else { button.classList.remove('red') button.classList.add('green') button.querySelector('path').setAttribute('d', SvgTemps.checked.paths) } await this.resetAnimations(); Utilities.saveSettings(config.info.name, this.settings); button.getElementsByTagName('span')[0].innerText = trn.view.lists; } }, { component: 'button', color: 'blurple', label: trn.view.reset_lists, id: 'animations-reset-lists', svgs: [SvgTemps.circleArrow], onclick: async (e) => { let button = e.currentTarget; button.getElementsByTagName('span')[0].innerText = trn.view.resetting; await this.wait(500); this.settings.lists = this.defaultSettings.lists Utilities.saveSettings(config.info.name, this.settings); this.settings = Utilities.loadSettings(config.info.name, this.defaultSettings); this.resetAnimations(); this.closeSettings(); }, } ], options: { widthAll: '100%', align: 'space-between' } } ] ).render ).render, Field(trn.stng.name, trn.stng.name_note_lists, PreviewsPanel( [ { label: trn.name.in, value: 'in' }, { label: trn.name.out, value: 'out' }, { label: trn.name.circle, value: 'circle' }, { label: trn.name.polygon, value: 'polygon' }, { label: trn.name.opacity, value: 'opacity' }, { label: trn.name.slime, value: 'slime' }, { label: trn.name.brick_right, value: 'brick-right' }, { label: trn.name.brick_left, value: 'brick-left' }, { label: trn.name.brick_up, value: 'brick-up' }, { label: trn.name.brick_down, value: 'brick-down' }, { label: trn.name.slide_right, value: 'slide-right' }, { label: trn.name.slide_left, value: 'slide-left' }, { label: trn.name.slide_up, value: 'slide-up' }, { label: trn.name.slide_down, value: 'slide-down' }, { label: trn.name.slide_up_right, value: 'slide-up-right' }, { label: trn.name.slide_up_left, value: 'slide-up-left' }, { label: trn.name.slide_down_right, value: 'slide-down-right' }, { label: trn.name.slide_down_left, value: 'slide-down-left' }, { label: trn.name.skew_right, value: 'skew-right' }, { label: trn.name.skew_left, value: 'skew-left' }, { label: trn.name.wide_skew_right, value: 'wide-skew-right' }, { label: trn.name.wide_skew_left, value: 'wide-skew-left' }, ], { type: 'lists-name', class: 'lists', custom: { data: this.settings.lists.custom, } }, this.settings.lists.name, (e) => { this.settings.lists.name = e.value; this.settings.lists.page = e.page; Utilities.saveSettings(config.info.name, this.settings); this.resetAnimations() }).render ).render, Field(trn.stng.sequence, trn.stng.sequence_note_lists, PreviewsPanel( [ { label: trn.seq.from_first, value: 'fromFirst' }, { label: trn.seq.from_last, value: 'fromLast' }, ], { type: 'lists-sequence', class: 'lists' }, this.settings.lists.sequence, (e) => { this.settings.lists.sequence = e.value; Utilities.saveSettings(config.info.name, this.settings); this.resetAnimations() } ).render ).render, Field(trn.stng.timing, trn.stng.timing_note_lists, ElementsPanel( [ { elements: [ { component: 'input', value: this.settings.lists.timing, max: 0.35, step: 0.01, type: 'string', onchange: (e, v) => { this.settings.lists.timing = v; Utilities.saveSettings(config.info.name, this.settings); this.resetAnimations() } }, { component: 'svg', id: 'help-timing-lists', width: '25px', height: '50px', ...SvgTemps.Other.help }, { component: 'button', padding: '6px', svgs: [{ ...SvgTemps.circleArrow, width: '22px', height: '22px' }], onclick: (e) => { var button = e.currentTarget; var input = button.closest('.elementsContainer').querySelector('input'); input.value = this.defaultSettings.lists.timing; this.settings.lists.timing = this.defaultSettings.lists.timing; Utilities.saveSettings(config.info.name, this.settings); this.resetAnimations() } } ] }, ] ).render ).render, Field(trn.stng.delay, trn.stng.delay_note_lists, ElementsPanel( [ { elements: [ { component: 'input', value: this.settings.lists.delay, max: 0.35, step: 0.01, type: 'number', onchange: (e, v) => { this.settings.lists.delay = v; Utilities.saveSettings(config.info.name, this.settings); this.resetAnimations() } }, { component: 'button', padding: '6px', svgs: [{ ...SvgTemps.circleArrow, width: '22px', height: '22px' }], onclick: (e) => { var button = e.currentTarget; var input = button.closest('.elementsContainer').querySelector('input'); input.value = this.defaultSettings.lists.delay; this.settings.lists.delay = this.defaultSettings.lists.delay; Utilities.saveSettings(config.info.name, this.settings); this.resetAnimations() } } ] }, ] ).render ).render, Field(trn.stng.duration, trn.stng.duration_note_lists, ElementsPanel( [ { elements: [ { component: 'input', value: this.settings.lists.duration, max: 3, step: 0.1, type: 'number', onchange: (e, v) => { this.settings.lists.duration = v; Utilities.saveSettings(config.info.name, this.settings); this.resetAnimations() } }, { component: 'button', padding: '6px', svgs: [{ ...SvgTemps.circleArrow, width: '22px', height: '22px' }], onclick: (e) => { var button = e.currentTarget; var input = button.closest('.elementsContainer').querySelector('input'); input.value = this.defaultSettings.lists.duration; this.settings.lists.duration = this.defaultSettings.lists.duration; Utilities.saveSettings(config.info.name, this.settings); this.resetAnimations() } } ] } ] ).render ).render, ] }, { name: trn.view.buttons, content: [ Field(null, null, ElementsPanel( [ { elements: [ { component: 'button', svgs: [this.settings.buttons.enabled ? SvgTemps.checked : SvgTemps.unchecked], color: this.settings.buttons.enabled ? 'green' : 'red', label: trn.view.buttons, id: 'buttons-switch-button', onclick: async (e) => { let button = e.currentTarget button.getElementsByTagName('span')[0].innerText = '...' this.settings.buttons.enabled = !this.settings.buttons.enabled; if (!this.settings.buttons.enabled) { button.classList.remove('green') button.classList.add('red') button.querySelector('path').setAttribute('d', SvgTemps.unchecked.paths) } else { button.classList.remove('red') button.classList.add('green') button.querySelector('path').setAttribute('d', SvgTemps.checked.paths) } await this.resetAnimations(); Utilities.saveSettings(config.info.name, this.settings); button.getElementsByTagName('span')[0].innerText = trn.view.buttons; } }, { component: 'button', color: 'blurple', label: trn.view.reset_buttons, id: 'animations-reset-buttons', svgs: [SvgTemps.circleArrow], onclick: async (e) => { let button = e.currentTarget; button.getElementsByTagName('span')[0].innerText = trn.view.resetting; await this.wait(500); this.settings.buttons = this.defaultSettings.buttons Utilities.saveSettings(config.info.name, this.settings); this.settings = Utilities.loadSettings(config.info.name, this.defaultSettings); this.resetAnimations(); this.closeSettings(); }, } ], options: { widthAll: '100%', align: 'space-between' } } ] ).render ).render, Field(trn.stng.name, trn.stng.name_note_buttons, PreviewsPanel( [ { label: trn.name.in, value: 'in' }, { label: trn.name.out, value: 'out' }, { label: trn.name.circle, value: 'circle' }, { label: trn.name.polygon, value: 'polygon' }, { label: trn.name.opacity, value: 'opacity' }, { label: trn.name.slime, value: 'slime' }, { label: trn.name.brick_right, value: 'brick-right' }, { label: trn.name.brick_left, value: 'brick-left' }, { label: trn.name.brick_up, value: 'brick-up' }, { label: trn.name.brick_down, value: 'brick-down' }, { label: trn.name.slide_right, value: 'slide-right' }, { label: trn.name.slide_left, value: 'slide-left' }, { label: trn.name.slide_up, value: 'slide-up' }, { label: trn.name.slide_down, value: 'slide-down' }, { label: trn.name.slide_up_right, value: 'slide-up-right' }, { label: trn.name.slide_up_left, value: 'slide-up-left' }, { label: trn.name.slide_down_right, value: 'slide-down-right' }, { label: trn.name.slide_down_left, value: 'slide-down-left' }, { label: trn.name.skew_right, value: 'skew-right' }, { label: trn.name.skew_left, value: 'skew-left' }, { label: trn.name.wide_skew_right, value: 'wide-skew-right' }, { label: trn.name.wide_skew_left, value: 'wide-skew-left' }, ], { type: 'buttons-name', class: 'buttons', horizontal: true, custom: { data: this.settings.buttons.custom, } }, this.settings.buttons.name, (e) => { this.settings.buttons.name = e.value; this.settings.buttons.page = e.page; Utilities.saveSettings(config.info.name, this.settings); this.resetAnimations() } ).render ).render, Field(trn.stng.sequence, trn.stng.sequence_note_buttons, PreviewsPanel( [ { label: trn.seq.from_first, value: 'fromFirst' }, { label: trn.seq.from_last, value: 'fromLast' }, ], { horizontal: true, type: 'buttons-sequence', class: 'buttons' }, this.settings.buttons.sequence, (e) => { this.settings.buttons.sequence = e.value; Utilities.saveSettings(config.info.name, this.settings); this.resetAnimations() } ).render ).render, Field(trn.stng.timing, trn.stng.timing_note_buttons, ElementsPanel( [ { elements: [ { component: 'input', value: this.settings.buttons.timing, max: 0.35, step: 0.01, type: 'string', onchange: (e, v) => { this.settings.buttons.timing = v; Utilities.saveSettings(config.info.name, this.settings); this.resetAnimations() } }, { component: 'svg', id: 'help-timing-buttons', width: '25px', height: '50px', ...SvgTemps.Other.help }, { component: 'button', padding: '6px', svgs: [{ ...SvgTemps.circleArrow, width: '22px', height: '22px' }], onclick: (e) => { var button = e.currentTarget; var input = button.closest('.elementsContainer').querySelector('input'); input.value = this.defaultSettings.buttons.timing; this.settings.buttons.timing = this.defaultSettings.buttons.timing; Utilities.saveSettings(config.info.name, this.settings); this.resetAnimations() } } ] }, ] ).render ).render, Field(trn.stng.delay, trn.stng.delay_note_buttons, ElementsPanel( [ { elements: [ { component: 'input', value: this.settings.buttons.delay, max: 0.5, step: 0.01, type: 'number', onchange: (e, v) => { this.settings.buttons.delay = v; Utilities.saveSettings(config.info.name, this.settings); this.resetAnimations() } }, { component: 'button', padding: '6px', svgs: [{ ...SvgTemps.circleArrow, width: '22px', height: '22px' }], onclick: (e) => { var button = e.currentTarget; var input = button.closest('.elementsContainer').querySelector('input'); input.value = this.defaultSettings.buttons.delay; this.settings.buttons.delay = this.defaultSettings.buttons.delay; Utilities.saveSettings(config.info.name, this.settings); this.resetAnimations() } } ] } ] ).render ).render, Field(trn.stng.duration, trn.stng.duration_note_buttons, ElementsPanel( [ { elements: [ { component: 'input', value: this.settings.buttons.duration, max: 3, step: 0.1, type: 'number', onchange: (e, v) => { this.settings.buttons.duration = v; Utilities.saveSettings(config.info.name, this.settings); this.resetAnimations() } }, { component: 'button', padding: '6px', svgs: [{ ...SvgTemps.circleArrow, width: '22px', height: '22px' }], onclick: (e) => { var button = e.currentTarget; var input = button.closest('.elementsContainer').querySelector('input'); input.value = this.defaultSettings.buttons.duration; this.settings.buttons.duration = this.defaultSettings.buttons.duration; Utilities.saveSettings(config.info.name, this.settings); this.resetAnimations() } } ] } ] ).render ).render, ] }, { name: trn.view.messages, content: [ ElementsPanel( [ { elements: [ { component: 'button', svgs: [this.settings.messages.enabled ? SvgTemps.checked : SvgTemps.unchecked], color: this.settings.messages.enabled ? 'green' : 'red', label: trn.view.messages, id: 'messages-switch-button', onclick: async (e) => { let button = e.currentTarget button.getElementsByTagName('span')[0].innerText = '...' this.settings.messages.enabled = !this.settings.messages.enabled; if (!this.settings.messages.enabled) { button.classList.remove('green') button.classList.add('red') button.querySelector('path').setAttribute('d', SvgTemps.unchecked.paths) } else { button.classList.remove('red') button.classList.add('green') button.querySelector('path').setAttribute('d', SvgTemps.checked.paths) } await this.resetAnimations(); Utilities.saveSettings(config.info.name, this.settings); button.getElementsByTagName('span')[0].innerText = trn.view.messages; } }, { component: 'button', color: 'blurple', label: trn.view.reset_messages, id: 'animations-reset-messages', svgs: [SvgTemps.circleArrow], onclick: async (e) => { let button = e.currentTarget; button.getElementsByTagName('span')[0].innerText = trn.view.resetting; await this.wait(500); this.settings.messages = this.defaultSettings.messages Utilities.saveSettings(config.info.name, this.settings); this.settings = Utilities.loadSettings(config.info.name, this.defaultSettings); this.resetAnimations(); this.closeSettings(); }, } ], options: { widthAll: '100%', align: 'space-between' } } ] ).render, TabsPanel([ { name: trn.view.messages_received, content: [ Field(trn.stng.name, trn.stng.name_note_messages, PreviewsPanel( [ { label: trn.name.in, value: 'in' }, { label: trn.name.out, value: 'out' }, { label: trn.name.circle, value: 'circle' }, { label: trn.name.polygon, value: 'polygon' }, { label: trn.name.opacity, value: 'opacity' }, { label: trn.name.slime, value: 'slime' }, { label: trn.name.brick_right, value: 'brick-right' }, { label: trn.name.brick_left, value: 'brick-left' }, { label: trn.name.brick_up, value: 'brick-up' }, { label: trn.name.brick_down, value: 'brick-down' }, { label: trn.name.slide_right, value: 'slide-right' }, { label: trn.name.slide_left, value: 'slide-left' }, { label: trn.name.slide_up, value: 'slide-up' }, { label: trn.name.slide_down, value: 'slide-down' }, { label: trn.name.slide_up_right, value: 'slide-up-right' }, { label: trn.name.slide_up_left, value: 'slide-up-left' }, { label: trn.name.slide_down_right, value: 'slide-down-right' }, { label: trn.name.slide_down_left, value: 'slide-down-left' }, { label: trn.name.skew_right, value: 'skew-right' }, { label: trn.name.skew_left, value: 'skew-left' }, { label: trn.name.wide_skew_right, value: 'wide-skew-right' }, { label: trn.name.wide_skew_left, value: 'wide-skew-left' }, ], { type: 'messages-name', class: 'messages', custom: { data: this.settings.messages.custom, } }, this.settings.messages.name, (e) => { this.settings.messages.name = e.value; this.settings.messages.page = e.page; Utilities.saveSettings(config.info.name, this.settings); this.resetAnimations() } ).render ).render, Field(trn.stng.timing, trn.stng.timing_note_messages, ElementsPanel( [ { elements: [ { component: 'input', value: this.settings.messages.timing, max: 0.35, step: 0.01, type: 'string', onchange: (e, v) => { this.settings.messages.timing = v; Utilities.saveSettings(config.info.name, this.settings); this.resetAnimations() } }, { component: 'svg', id: 'help-timing-messages', width: '25px', height: '50px', ...SvgTemps.Other.help }, { component: 'button', padding: '6px', svgs: [{ ...SvgTemps.circleArrow, width: '22px', height: '22px' }], onclick: (e) => { var button = e.currentTarget; var input = button.closest('.elementsContainer').querySelector('input'); input.value = this.defaultSettings.messages.timing; this.settings.messages.timing = this.defaultSettings.messages.timing; Utilities.saveSettings(config.info.name, this.settings); this.resetAnimations() } } ] }, ] ).render ).render, Field(trn.stng.delay, trn.stng.delay_note_messages, ElementsPanel( [ { elements: [ { component: 'input', value: this.settings.messages.delay, max: 0.5, step: 0.01, type: 'number', onchange: (e, v) => { this.settings.messages.delay = v; Utilities.saveSettings(config.info.name, this.settings); this.resetAnimations() } }, { component: 'button', padding: '6px', svgs: [{ ...SvgTemps.circleArrow, width: '22px', height: '22px' }], onclick: (e) => { var button = e.currentTarget; var input = button.closest('.elementsContainer').querySelector('input'); input.value = this.defaultSettings.messages.delay; this.settings.messages.delay = this.defaultSettings.messages.delay; Utilities.saveSettings(config.info.name, this.settings); this.resetAnimations() } } ] } ] ).render ).render, Field(trn.stng.limit, trn.stng.limit_note_messages, ElementsPanel( [ { elements: [ { component: 'input', value: this.settings.messages.limit, max: 100, step: 1, type: 'integer', onchange: (e, v) => { this.settings.messages.limit = v; Utilities.saveSettings(config.info.name, this.settings); this.resetAnimations() } }, { component: 'button', padding: '6px', svgs: [{ ...SvgTemps.circleArrow, width: '22px', height: '22px' }], onclick: (e) => { var button = e.currentTarget; var input = button.closest('.elementsContainer').querySelector('input'); input.value = this.defaultSettings.messages.limit; this.settings.messages.limit = this.defaultSettings.messages.limit; Utilities.saveSettings(config.info.name, this.settings); this.resetAnimations() } } ] } ] ).render ).render, Field(trn.stng.duration, trn.stng.duration_note_messages, ElementsPanel( [ { elements: [ { component: 'input', value: this.settings.messages.duration, max: 3, step: 0.01, type: 'number', onchange: (e, v) => { this.settings.messages.duration = v; Utilities.saveSettings(config.info.name, this.settings); this.resetAnimations() } }, { component: 'button', padding: '6px', svgs: [{ ...SvgTemps.circleArrow, width: '22px', height: '22px' }], onclick: (e) => { var button = e.currentTarget; var input = button.closest('.elementsContainer').querySelector('input'); input.value = this.defaultSettings.messages.duration; this.settings.messages.duration = this.defaultSettings.messages.duration; Utilities.saveSettings(config.info.name, this.settings); this.resetAnimations() } } ] } ] ).render ).render, ] }, { name: trn.view.messages_sending, disabled: Boolean(FoundModules.MessageDefault?.default), id: 'messages_sending_tab', content: [ Field(trn.stng.behavior, trn.stng.behavior_note_messages_sending, ElementsPanel( [ { elements: [ { component: 'button', label: this.settings.messages.sending.enabled == 'disabled' ? trn.view.behavior_do_not_animate : trn.view.behaivor_animate_on_sent, color: this.settings.messages.sending.enabled == 'disabled' ? 'red' : 'green', onclick: (e, c) => { if (this.settings.messages.sending.enabled == 'disabled') { this.settings.messages.sending.enabled = 'onsent' } else { this.settings.messages.sending.enabled = 'disabled' } c.setState({ color: this.settings.messages.sending.enabled == 'disabled' ? 'red' : 'green', label: this.settings.messages.sending.enabled == 'disabled' ? trn.view.behavior_do_not_animate : trn.view.behaivor_animate_on_sent }) Utilities.saveSettings(config.info.name, this.settings); } } ] } ] ).render ).render, Field(trn.stng.name, trn.stng.name_note_messages_sending, PreviewsPanel( [ { label: trn.name.in, value: 'in' }, { label: trn.name.out, value: 'out' }, { label: trn.name.circle, value: 'circle' }, { label: trn.name.polygon, value: 'polygon' }, { label: trn.name.opacity, value: 'opacity' }, { label: trn.name.slime, value: 'slime' }, { label: trn.name.brick_right, value: 'brick-right' }, { label: trn.name.brick_left, value: 'brick-left' }, { label: trn.name.brick_up, value: 'brick-up' }, { label: trn.name.brick_down, value: 'brick-down' }, { label: trn.name.slide_right, value: 'slide-right' }, { label: trn.name.slide_left, value: 'slide-left' }, { label: trn.name.slide_up, value: 'slide-up' }, { label: trn.name.slide_down, value: 'slide-down' }, { label: trn.name.slide_up_right, value: 'slide-up-right' }, { label: trn.name.slide_up_left, value: 'slide-up-left' }, { label: trn.name.slide_down_right, value: 'slide-down-right' }, { label: trn.name.slide_down_left, value: 'slide-down-left' }, { label: trn.name.skew_right, value: 'skew-right' }, { label: trn.name.skew_left, value: 'skew-left' }, { label: trn.name.wide_skew_right, value: 'wide-skew-right' }, { label: trn.name.wide_skew_left, value: 'wide-skew-left' }, ], { type: 'messages-name', class: 'messages', custom: { data: this.settings.messages.sending.custom, } }, this.settings.messages.name, (e) => { this.settings.messages.sending.name = e.value; this.settings.messages.sending.page = e.page; Utilities.saveSettings(config.info.name, this.settings); this.resetAnimations() } ).render ).render ] } ]).render ] }, { component: 'divider' }, { name: trn.view.advanced, content: [ Field(trn.view.selectors_lists, trn.view.selectors_note_all, TextareasPanel( { elementsPanel: { containersTemp: [ { elements: [ { component: 'button', label: trn.edit.default, id: 'lists-selectors-default', svgs: [SvgTemps.circleArrow], onclick: (e) => { var textarea = e.currentTarget.closest('.animTextareasPanel').querySelector('.animTextarea') textarea.value = AnimationsPlugin.selectorsLists.join(',\n\n') textarea.style.color = ''; this.settings.lists.selectors = ''; Utilities.saveSettings(config.info.name, this.settings); this.resetAnimations() } }, { component: 'button', label: trn.edit.clear, id: 'lists-selectors-clear', svgs: [SvgTemps.closeCross], onclick: (e) => { var textarea = e.currentTarget.closest('.animTextareasPanel').querySelector('.animTextarea') textarea.value = ''; textarea.focus(); } }, ] } ], options: { widthAll: '100%' } }, textareas: [ { value: this.settings.lists.selectors ? this.settings.lists.selectors : AnimationsPlugin.selectorsLists.join(',\n\n') } ], onchange: (e) => { var textarea = e.currentTarget; var value = textarea.value; if (value == '' || this.isValidSelector(value)) { this.settings.lists.selectors = (value == AnimationsPlugin.selectorsLists ? '' : value) Utilities.saveSettings(config.info.name, this.settings); this.resetAnimations() textarea.style.color = '' } else { textarea.style.color = Textcolors.red } } }, ).render ).render, Field(trn.view.selectors_buttons, trn.view.selectors_note_all, TextareasPanel( { elementsPanel: { containersTemp: [ { elements: [ { component: 'button', label: trn.edit.default, id: 'buttons-selectors-default', svgs: [SvgTemps.circleArrow], onclick: (e) => { var textarea = e.currentTarget.closest('.animTextareasPanel').querySelector('.animTextarea') textarea.value = AnimationsPlugin.selectorsButtons.join(',\n\n') textarea.style.color = ''; this.settings.buttons.selectors = ''; Utilities.saveSettings(config.info.name, this.settings); this.resetAnimations() } }, { component: 'button', label: trn.edit.clear, id: 'buttons-selectors-clear', svgs: [SvgTemps.closeCross], onclick: (e) => { var textarea = e.currentTarget.closest('.animTextareasPanel').querySelector('.animTextarea') textarea.value = ''; textarea.focus(); } } ] } ], options: { widthAll: '100%' } }, textareas: [ { value: this.settings.buttons.selectors ? this.settings.buttons.selectors : AnimationsPlugin.selectorsButtons.join(',\n\n') } ], onchange: (e) => { var textarea = e.currentTarget; var value = textarea.value; if (value == '' || this.isValidSelector(value)) { this.settings.buttons.selectors = (value == AnimationsPlugin.selectorsButtons ? '' : value) Utilities.saveSettings(config.info.name, this.settings); this.resetAnimations() textarea.style.color = '' } else { textarea.style.color = Textcolors.red } } }, ).render ).render, ] }, ] ).render ] return React.createElement( 'div', { id: config.info.name + ' ' + 'settings' }, settings_panel ) } start() { if (Object.keys(WarnModules).length) Logger.warning("ModuleFinder", WarnModules) this.settings = Utilities.mergeDeep(Object.assign({}, this.defaultSettings), this.settings) let Textcolors = { red: '#ed4245', green: '#3ba55d', yellow: '#faa81a', gray: '#36393f' } let componentsStyles = `/*components*/ .animField { padding: 5px; } .animFieldDivider { width: 100%; } .animFieldDivider:not(.animField:first-child > *) { width: 100%; height: 1px; border-top: thin solid var(--background-modifier-accent); margin: 20px 0; } .animFieldTitle { color: var(--header-secondary); margin-bottom: 8px; font-size: 12px; line-height: 16px; font-weight: 600; text-transform: uppercase; } .animFieldNote { color: var(--header-secondary); 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justify-content: space-evenly; } .horizontal .animPreview { display: inline-flex; box-sizing: border-box; width: calc(100% - 26px); height: 45px; padding: 5px; transition: 0.2s; flex-direction: row; justify-content: space-evenly; align-items: center; } .horizontal .compact .animPreview { margin: 5px 0; } .animPreview:hover { border-color: var(--deprecated-text-input-border-hover); } .animPreview.enabled { background-color: var(--brand-experiment); } .vertical .animPreviewTempsContainer { display: flex; width: 100%; height: 100%; flex-direction: column; flex-wrap: nowrap; justify-content: space-evenly; } .horizontal .animPreviewTempsContainer { display: flex; width: 100%; height: 26px; flex-direction: row; flex-wrap: nowrap; justify-content: space-between; } .vertical .animPreview .animTempBlock { border-radius: 3pt; background-color: var(--interactive-normal) } .horizontal .animPreview .animTempBlock { border-radius: 3pt; background-color: var(--interactive-normal); display: inline-block; } .vertical .animPreview.enabled .animTempBlock { background-color: #fff; } .animPreview.enabled .animTempBlock { background-color: #fff; } .animPreview .animPreviewLabel { word-break: break-word; box-sizing: border-box; overflow: hidden; color: var(--interactive-normal); font-size: 10pt; margin: 4px; padding: 0 4px; } .vertical .animPreview .animPreviewLabel { height: 58px; width: auto; bottom: 6pt; line-height: 100%; text-align: center; } .horizontal .animPreview .animPreviewLabel { height: 26px; width: 50%; display: inline-block; float: right; line-height: 200%; text-align: right; } .animPreview.enabled .animPreviewLabel { color: #fff; border-color: #fff; } .elementsContainer.nosidemargin > :first-child { margin-left: 0 !important; } .elementsContainer.nosidemargin > :last-child { margin-right: 0 !important; } .animButton svg {fill: white;} .animButton.blurple.inverted svg {fill: var(--brand-experiment);} .animButton.blurple.inverted:hover svg {fill: var(--brand-experiment-560);} .animButton.grey.inverted svg {fill: var(--button-secondary-background);} .animButton.grey.inverted:hover svg {fill: var(--button-secondary-background-hover);} .animButton.red.inverted svg {fill: var(--button-danger-background);} .animButton.red.inverted:hover svg {fill: var(--button-danger-background-hover);} .animButton.green.inverted svg {fill: var(--button-positive-background);} .animButton.green.inverted:hover svg {fill: var(--button-positive-background-hover);} .animButton.blurple.filled { color: white; background-color: var(--brand-experiment); } .animButton.blurple.filled:hover:not(.disabled) { background-color: var(--brand-experiment-560); } .animButton.blurple.inverted { color: var(--brand-experiment); border: 1px solid var(--brand-experiment); } .animButton.blurple.inverted:hover:not(.disabled) { color: var(--brand-experiment-560); border: 1px solid var(--brand-experiment-560); } .animButton.white.filled { color: var(--brand-experiment); background-color: #fff; } .animButton.white.filled:hover:not(.disabled) { background-color: var(--brand-experiment-100); } .animButton.white.inverted { color: #fff; border: 1px solid #fff; } .animButton.white.inverted:hover:not(.disabled) { color: var(--brand-experiment-100); border: 1px solid var(--brand-experiment-100); } .animButton.grey.filled { color: white; background-color: #4f545c; } .animButton.grey.filled:hover:not(.disabled) { background-color: #5d6269; } .animButton.grey.inverted { color: #4f545c; border: 1px solid #4f545c; } .animButton.grey.inverted:hover:not(.disabled) { color: #5d6269; border: 1px solid #5d6269; } .animButton.red.filled { color: white; background-color: hsl(359,calc(var(--saturation-factor, 1)*82.6%),59.4%); } .animButton.red.filled:hover:not(.disabled) { background-color: hsl(359,calc(var(--saturation-factor, 1)*56.7%),48%); } .animButton.red.inverted { color: hsl(359,calc(var(--saturation-factor, 1)*82.6%),59.4%); border: 1px solid hsl(359,calc(var(--saturation-factor, 1)*82.6%),59.4%); } .animButton.red.inverted:hover:not(.disabled) { color: hsl(359,calc(var(--saturation-factor, 1)*56.7%),48%); border: 1px solid hsl(359,calc(var(--saturation-factor, 1)*56.7%),48%); } .animButton.green.filled { color: white; background-color: hsl(139,calc(var(--saturation-factor, 1)*47.3%),43.9%); } .animButton.green.filled:hover:not(.disabled) { background-color: hsl(139,calc(var(--saturation-factor, 1)*47.1%),33.3%); } .animButton.green.inverted { color: hsl(139,calc(var(--saturation-factor, 1)*47.3%),43.9%); border: 1px solid hsl(139,calc(var(--saturation-factor, 1)*47.3%),43.9%); } .animButton.green.inverted:hover:not(.disabled) { color: hsl(139,calc(var(--saturation-factor, 1)*47.1%),33.3%); border: 1px solid hsl(139,calc(var(--saturation-factor, 1)*47.1%),33.3%); } .animButton.underline { font-weight: bold; background: transparent; color: white; } .animButton.underline:hover:not(.disabled) { text-decoration: underline; } [class*=anim].disabled { opacity: 66.66%; cursor: not-allowed; } svg[id*=help-timing-] { cursor: pointer; } ` BdApi.clearCSS(`${config.info.name}-comp`); setTimeout(() => { BdApi.injectCSS(`${config.info.name}-comp`, componentsStyles) this.resetAnimations() }, 100); // on message this.MessagesObserver = new MutationObserver( (event) => { let messageSendingOrFailedLi = [...event[0]?.addedNodes ?? []].find(node=>node.id?.includes('chat-messages-') && node.querySelector('[class*=isSending]')) let messageLi = [...event[1]?.addedNodes ?? []].find(node=>node.id?.includes('chat-messages-')) if(messageSendingOrFailedLi) { let div = messageSendingOrFailedLi.querySelector('div'); { div.style.animation = 'none'; div.style.transform = 'none'; } } else if(messageLi) { let div = messageLi.querySelector('div'); if (this.settings.messages.sending.enabled == 'disabled') { div.style.animation = 'none'; div.style.transform = 'none'; } } } ) // on themes switch this.ThemesObserver = new MutationObserver( (event) => { const { removedNodes, addedNodes } = event[0]; const compabilityThemes = ['Horizontal-Server-List']; ; ([removedNodes, addedNodes]).forEach( (changes, typeIndex) => changes.forEach( (node) => { if (compabilityThemes.includes(node.id)) this.resetAnimations(); } ) ) } ) let appmount = document.querySelector("div#app-mount"); if(appmount) this.MessagesObserver.observe(appmount, { "childList": true, subtree: true }); else Logger.warning("MessagesObserver", "Element not found."); let bdThemes = document.getElementsByTagName("bd-themes")[0]; if(bdThemes) this.ThemesObserver.observe(bdThemes, { "childList": true }); else Logger.warning("ThemesSwitchesObserver", "Element not found."); } stop() { clearInterval(this.animateInterval) BdApi.clearCSS(`${config.info.name}-main`); BdApi.clearCSS(`${config.info.name}-comp`); this.MessagesObserver?.disconnect?.() this.ThemesObserver?.disconnect?.() this.closeSettings() } onSwitch() { this.animateChannels() this.animateMembers() } }