{ "bg": { "edit": { "clear": "Clear", "default": "Default", "load": "Load", "save": "Save", "template": "Template" }, "name": { "brick_down": "Brick down", "brick_left": "Brick left", "brick_right": "Brick right", "brick_up": "Brick up", "circle": "Circle", "in": "In", "opacity": "Opacity", "out": "Out", "polygon": "Polygon", "skew_left": "Skew left", "skew_right": "Skew right", "slide_down": "Slide down", "slide_down_left": "Slide down (left)", "slide_down_right": "Slide down (right)", "slide_left": "Slide left", "slide_right": "Slide right", "slide_up": "Slide up", "slide_up_left": "Slide up (left)", "slide_up_right": "Slide up (right)", "slime": "Slime", "wide_skew_left": "Wide skew left", "wide_skew_right": "Wide skew right" }, "pop": { "no": "No", "will_downdated": "The plugin will be downdated.", "will_restored": "The plugin will be restored.", "will_updated": "The plugin will be updated.", "yes": "Let's do this", "you_can_say_no": "You can say no." }, "seq": { "from_first": "From first", "from_last": "From last" }, "stng": { "behavior": "Behavior", "behavior_note_messages_sending": "Animation behavior for the message to be sent.", "delay": "Delay", "delay_note_buttons": "Delay before appearing for each button in seconds.", "delay_note_lists": "Delay before appearing for each list item in seconds.", "delay_note_messages": "Delay before appearing for each message in seconds.", "duration": "Duration", "duration_note_buttons": "Animation playback speed in seconds for each button after the delay.", "duration_note_lists": "Animation playback speed in seconds for each list item after the delay.", "duration_note_messages": "Animation playback speed in seconds for each message after the delay.", "duration_note_popouts": "Animation playback speed in seconds for a popout.", "limit": "Limit", "limit_note_messages": "The maximum number of messages in the list for which the animation will be played.", "name": "Animation", "name_mode_editing": "Editing", "name_mode_selecting": "Selecting", "name_note_buttons": "Animation of the buttons.", "name_note_lists": "Animation of the lists items.", "name_note_messages": "Animation of the messages.", "name_note_messages_sending": "Animation of the message to be sent.", "name_note_popouts": "Animation of the popouts.", "sequence": "Sequence", "sequence_note_buttons": "The sequence in which the buttons are built.", "sequence_note_lists": "The sequence in which the list items are built.", "timing": "Timing function", "timing_note_buttons": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for buttons.", "timing_note_lists": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for lists.", "timing_note_messages": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for messages.", "timing_note_popouts": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for popouts." }, "view": { "advanced": "Advanced", "behaivor_animate_on_sent": "Animate on sent", "behavior_do_not_animate": "Do not animate", "buttons": "Buttons", "changelog": "Changelog", "link_cd": "Help translate", "link_gh_discussions": "Discussions", "link_gh_issues": "Issues", "links_dc_server": "Server", "lists": "Lists", "messages": "Messages", "messages_received": "Receiving", "messages_sending": "Sending", "popouts": "Popouts", "rebuild_animations": "Rebuild animations", "reset_all_settings": "Reset all", "reset_buttons": "Reset buttons settings", "reset_lists": "Reset lists settings", "reset_messages": "Reset messages settings", "reset_popouts": "Reset popouts settings", "resetting": "Resetting...", "selectors_buttons": "Selectors of buttons", "selectors_lists": "Selectors of lists", "selectors_note_all": "If you leave this field empty, the default selectors will appear here on reload. Changes to the selectors are saved when typing (if the code is valid). The separator is a comma (,).", "selectors_popouts": "Selectors of popouts", "upd_translation": "Update the translation file", "update_check": "Check for updates", "update_err_timeout": "Timeout exceeded", "update_err_unknown": "An error occurred", "update_latest": "Latest version", "update_newer": "Your own version", "update_older": "Update", "update_searching": "Searching for updates..." } }, "cs": { "edit": { "clear": "Clear", "default": "Default", "load": "Load", "save": "Save", "template": "Template" }, "name": { "brick_down": "Brick down", "brick_left": "Brick left", "brick_right": "Brick right", "brick_up": "Brick up", "circle": "Circle", "in": "In", "opacity": "Opacity", "out": "Out", "polygon": "Polygon", "skew_left": "Skew left", "skew_right": "Skew right", "slide_down": "Slide down", "slide_down_left": "Slide down (left)", "slide_down_right": "Slide down (right)", "slide_left": "Slide left", "slide_right": "Slide right", "slide_up": "Slide up", "slide_up_left": "Slide up (left)", "slide_up_right": "Slide up (right)", "slime": "Slime", "wide_skew_left": "Wide skew left", "wide_skew_right": "Wide skew right" }, "pop": { "no": "No", "will_downdated": "The plugin will be downdated.", "will_restored": "The plugin will be restored.", "will_updated": "The plugin will be updated.", "yes": "Let's do this", "you_can_say_no": "You can say no." }, "seq": { "from_first": "From first", "from_last": "From last" }, "stng": { "behavior": "Behavior", "behavior_note_messages_sending": "Animation behavior for the message to be sent.", "delay": "Delay", "delay_note_buttons": "Delay before appearing for each button in seconds.", "delay_note_lists": "Delay before appearing for each list item in seconds.", "delay_note_messages": "Delay before appearing for each message in seconds.", "duration": "Duration", "duration_note_buttons": "Animation playback speed in seconds for each button after the delay.", "duration_note_lists": "Animation playback speed in seconds for each list item after the delay.", "duration_note_messages": "Animation playback speed in seconds for each message after the delay.", "duration_note_popouts": "Animation playback speed in seconds for a popout.", "limit": "Limit", "limit_note_messages": "The maximum number of messages in the list for which the animation will be played.", "name": "Animation", "name_mode_editing": "Editing", "name_mode_selecting": "Selecting", "name_note_buttons": "Animation of the buttons.", "name_note_lists": "Animation of the lists items.", "name_note_messages": "Animation of the messages.", "name_note_messages_sending": "Animation of the message to be sent.", "name_note_popouts": "Animation of the popouts.", "sequence": "Sequence", "sequence_note_buttons": "The sequence in which the buttons are built.", "sequence_note_lists": "The sequence in which the list items are built.", "timing": "Timing function", "timing_note_buttons": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for buttons.", "timing_note_lists": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for lists.", "timing_note_messages": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for messages.", "timing_note_popouts": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for popouts." }, "view": { "advanced": "Advanced", "behaivor_animate_on_sent": "Animate on sent", "behavior_do_not_animate": "Do not animate", "buttons": "Buttons", "changelog": "Changelog", "link_cd": "Help translate", "link_gh_discussions": "Discussions", "link_gh_issues": "Issues", "links_dc_server": "Server", "lists": "Lists", "messages": "Messages", "messages_received": "Receiving", "messages_sending": "Sending", "popouts": "Popouts", "rebuild_animations": "Rebuild animations", "reset_all_settings": "Reset all", "reset_buttons": "Reset buttons settings", "reset_lists": "Reset lists settings", "reset_messages": "Reset messages settings", "reset_popouts": "Reset popouts settings", "resetting": "Resetting...", "selectors_buttons": "Selectors of buttons", "selectors_lists": "Selectors of lists", "selectors_note_all": "If you leave this field empty, the default selectors will appear here on reload. Changes to the selectors are saved when typing (if the code is valid). The separator is a comma (,).", "selectors_popouts": "Selectors of popouts", "upd_translation": "Update the translation file", "update_check": "Check for updates", "update_err_timeout": "Timeout exceeded", "update_err_unknown": "An error occurred", "update_latest": "Latest version", "update_newer": "Your own version", "update_older": "Update", "update_searching": "Searching for updates..." } }, "da": { "edit": { "clear": "Ryd", "default": "Standard", "load": "Indlæs", "save": "Gem", "template": "Skabelon" }, "name": { "brick_down": "Brick down", "brick_left": "Brick left", "brick_right": "Brick right", "brick_up": "Brick up", "circle": "Circle", "in": "Ind", "opacity": "Gennemsigtighed", "out": "Ud", "polygon": "Polygon", "skew_left": "Skew left", "skew_right": "Skew right", "slide_down": "Glid ned", "slide_down_left": "Glid ned (venstre)", "slide_down_right": "Glid ned (højre)", "slide_left": "Slide left", "slide_right": "Slide right", "slide_up": "Slide up", "slide_up_left": "Slide up (left)", "slide_up_right": "Slide up (right)", "slime": "Slime", "wide_skew_left": "Wide skew left", "wide_skew_right": "Wide skew right" }, "pop": { "no": "Nej", "will_downdated": "Dette plugin vil blive neddateret.", "will_restored": "Dette plugin vil blive gendannet.", "will_updated": "Dette plugin vil blive opdateret.", "yes": "Lad os gøre det", "you_can_say_no": "Du kan sige nej." }, "seq": { "from_first": "From first", "from_last": "From last" }, "stng": { "behavior": "Behavior", "behavior_note_messages_sending": "Animation behavior for the message to be sent.", "delay": "Forsinkelse", "delay_note_buttons": "Delay before appearing for each button in seconds.", "delay_note_lists": "Delay before appearing for each list item in seconds.", "delay_note_messages": "Delay before appearing for each message in seconds.", "duration": "Varighed", "duration_note_buttons": "Animation playback speed in seconds for each button after the delay.", "duration_note_lists": "Animation playback speed in seconds for each list item after the delay.", "duration_note_messages": "Animation playback speed in seconds for each message after the delay.", "duration_note_popouts": "Animation playback speed in seconds for a popout.", "limit": "Grænse", "limit_note_messages": "The maximum number of messages in the list for which the animation will be played.", "name": "Animation", "name_mode_editing": "Redigering", "name_mode_selecting": "Selecting", "name_note_buttons": "Animation of the buttons.", "name_note_lists": "Animation of the lists items.", "name_note_messages": "Animation of the messages.", "name_note_messages_sending": "Animation of the message to be sent.", "name_note_popouts": "Animation of the popouts.", "sequence": "Sekvens", "sequence_note_buttons": "The sequence in which the buttons are built.", "sequence_note_lists": "The sequence in which the list items are built.", "timing": "Timing funktion", "timing_note_buttons": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for buttons.", "timing_note_lists": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for lists.", "timing_note_messages": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for messages.", "timing_note_popouts": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for popouts." }, "view": { "advanced": "Avanceret", "behaivor_animate_on_sent": "Animate on sent", "behavior_do_not_animate": "Do not animate", "buttons": "Knapper", "changelog": "Ændringsoversigt", "link_cd": "Hjælp med at oversætte", "link_gh_discussions": "Diskussioner", "link_gh_issues": "Problemer", "links_dc_server": "Server", "lists": "Lister", "messages": "Beskeder", "messages_received": "Modtaget", "messages_sending": "Sender", "popouts": "Popouts", "rebuild_animations": "Genopbyg animationer", "reset_all_settings": "Nulstil alle", "reset_buttons": "Nulstil knapindstillinger", "reset_lists": "Nulstil listeindstillinger", "reset_messages": "Nulstil beskedindstillinger", "reset_popouts": "Nulstil popoutindstillinger", "resetting": "Nulstiler...", "selectors_buttons": "Selectors of buttons", "selectors_lists": "Selectors of lists", "selectors_note_all": "If you leave this field empty, the default selectors will appear here on reload. Changes to the selectors are saved when typing (if the code is valid). The separator is a comma (,).", "selectors_popouts": "Selectors of popouts", "upd_translation": "Opdater oversættelsesfilen", "update_check": "Tjek for opdateringer", "update_err_timeout": "Timeout exceeded", "update_err_unknown": "Der opstod en fejl", "update_latest": "Seneste version", "update_newer": "Din version", "update_older": "Opdater", "update_searching": "Søger efter opdateringer..." } }, "de": { "edit": { "clear": "Leeren", "default": "Standard", "load": "Laden", "save": "Speichern", "template": "Vorlage" }, "name": { "brick_down": "Ziegel runter", "brick_left": "Ziegel links", "brick_right": "Ziegel rechts", "brick_up": "Ziegel oben", "circle": "Kreis", "in": "In", "opacity": "Deckkraft", "out": "Aus", "polygon": "Polygon", "skew_left": "Skew links", "skew_right": "Skew rechts", "slide_down": "Nach unten wischen", "slide_down_left": "Nach unten wischen (links)", "slide_down_right": "Nach unten wischen (rechts)", "slide_left": "Nach links wischen", "slide_right": "Nach rechts wischen", "slide_up": "Nach oben wischen", "slide_up_left": "Nach oben wischen (links)", "slide_up_right": "Nach oben wischen (rechts)", "slime": "Schleim", "wide_skew_left": "Weit links", "wide_skew_right": "Weit rechts" }, "pop": { "no": "Nein", "will_downdated": "Das Plugin wird downdated.", "will_restored": "Das Plugin wird wiederhergestellt.", "will_updated": "Das Plugin wird aktualisiert.", "yes": "Lass uns das machen", "you_can_say_no": "Sie können Nein sagen." }, "seq": { "from_first": "Von erster", "from_last": "Von letzter" }, "stng": { "behavior": "Behavior", "behavior_note_messages_sending": "Animation behavior for the message to be sent.", "delay": "Verzögerung", "delay_note_buttons": "Verzögerung für jeden Knopf in Sekunden.", "delay_note_lists": "Verzögerung für jedes Listen Objekt in Sekunden.", "delay_note_messages": "Verzögerung für jede Nachricht in Sekunden.", "duration": "Dauer", "duration_note_buttons": "Wiedergabegeschwindigkeit der Animation in Sekunden für jeden Knopf nach der Verzögerung.", "duration_note_lists": "Wiedergabegeschwindigkeit der Animation in Sekunden für jedes Listen Objekt nach der Verzögerung.", "duration_note_messages": "Wiedergabegeschwindigkeit der Animation in Sekunden für jede Nachricht nach der Verzögerung.", "duration_note_popouts": "Wiedergabegeschwindigkeit der Animation in Sekunden für ein Popout.", "limit": "Grenze", "limit_note_messages": "Die maximale Anzahl der Nachrichten in der Liste, für die die Animation abgespielt wird.", "name": "Animation", "name_mode_editing": "Bearbeitung", "name_mode_selecting": "Auswahl", "name_note_buttons": "Der Name der Animation der Schaltflächen.", "name_note_lists": "Der Name der Animation der Listenelemente.", "name_note_messages": "Der Name der Animation der Nachrichten.", "name_note_messages_sending": "Animation of the message to be sent.", "name_note_popouts": "Der Name der Animation der Popouts.", "sequence": "Sequenz", "sequence_note_buttons": "Die Reihenfolge, in der die Knöpfe gebaut werden.", "sequence_note_lists": "Die Reihenfolge, in der die Listen Objekte gebaut werden.", "timing": "Wölb funktion", "timing_note_buttons": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for buttons.", "timing_note_lists": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for lists.", "timing_note_messages": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for messages.", "timing_note_popouts": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for popouts." }, "view": { "advanced": "Erweitert", "behaivor_animate_on_sent": "Beim Senden animieren", "behavior_do_not_animate": "Nicht animieren", "buttons": "Knöpfe", "changelog": "Änderungsliste", "link_cd": "Beim Übersetzen helfen", "link_gh_discussions": "Diskussionen", "link_gh_issues": "Probleme", "links_dc_server": "Server", "lists": "Listen", "messages": "Nachrichten", "messages_received": "Eingehend", "messages_sending": "Wird gesendet", "popouts": "Popouts", "rebuild_animations": "Animationen wiederherstellen", "reset_all_settings": "Alles zurücksetzen", "reset_buttons": "Knopf Einstellungen zurücksetzen", "reset_lists": "Listen Einstellungen zurücksetzen", "reset_messages": "Nachrichten Einstellungen zurücksetzen", "reset_popouts": "Popout Einstellungen zurücksetzen", "resetting": "Zurücksetzen...", "selectors_buttons": "Auswahl der Knöpfe", "selectors_lists": "Listenauswahl", "selectors_note_all": "Wenn Sie dieses Feld leer lassen, werden die Standard-Selektoren beim Nachladen hier angezeigt. Änderungen an den Selektoren werden beim Tippen gespeichert (wenn der Code gültig ist). Der Separator ist ein Komma(,).", "selectors_popouts": "Auswahl von Popouts", "upd_translation": "Übersetzungsdatei aktualisieren", "update_check": "Auf Updates überprüfen", "update_err_timeout": "Zeitüberschreitung", "update_err_unknown": "Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten", "update_latest": "Neueste Version", "update_newer": "Ihre eigene Version", "update_older": "Aktualisieren", "update_searching": "Nach Updates suchen..." } }, "el": { "edit": { "clear": "Clear", "default": "Default", "load": "Load", "save": "Save", "template": "Template" }, "name": { "brick_down": "Brick down", "brick_left": "Brick left", "brick_right": "Brick right", "brick_up": "Brick up", "circle": "Circle", "in": "In", "opacity": "Opacity", "out": "Out", "polygon": "Polygon", "skew_left": "Skew left", "skew_right": "Skew right", "slide_down": "Slide down", "slide_down_left": "Slide down (left)", "slide_down_right": "Slide down (right)", "slide_left": "Slide left", "slide_right": "Slide right", "slide_up": "Slide up", "slide_up_left": "Slide up (left)", "slide_up_right": "Slide up (right)", "slime": "Slime", "wide_skew_left": "Wide skew left", "wide_skew_right": "Wide skew right" }, "pop": { "no": "No", "will_downdated": "The plugin will be downdated.", "will_restored": "The plugin will be restored.", "will_updated": "The plugin will be updated.", "yes": "Let's do this", "you_can_say_no": "You can say no." }, "seq": { "from_first": "From first", "from_last": "From last" }, "stng": { "behavior": "Behavior", "behavior_note_messages_sending": "Animation behavior for the message to be sent.", "delay": "Delay", "delay_note_buttons": "Delay before appearing for each button in seconds.", "delay_note_lists": "Delay before appearing for each list item in seconds.", "delay_note_messages": "Delay before appearing for each message in seconds.", "duration": "Duration", "duration_note_buttons": "Animation playback speed in seconds for each button after the delay.", "duration_note_lists": "Animation playback speed in seconds for each list item after the delay.", "duration_note_messages": "Animation playback speed in seconds for each message after the delay.", "duration_note_popouts": "Animation playback speed in seconds for a popout.", "limit": "Limit", "limit_note_messages": "The maximum number of messages in the list for which the animation will be played.", "name": "Animation", "name_mode_editing": "Editing", "name_mode_selecting": "Selecting", "name_note_buttons": "Animation of the buttons.", "name_note_lists": "Animation of the lists items.", "name_note_messages": "Animation of the messages.", "name_note_messages_sending": "Animation of the message to be sent.", "name_note_popouts": "Animation of the popouts.", "sequence": "Sequence", "sequence_note_buttons": "The sequence in which the buttons are built.", "sequence_note_lists": "The sequence in which the list items are built.", "timing": "Timing function", "timing_note_buttons": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for buttons.", "timing_note_lists": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for lists.", "timing_note_messages": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for messages.", "timing_note_popouts": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for popouts." }, "view": { "advanced": "Advanced", "behaivor_animate_on_sent": "Animate on sent", "behavior_do_not_animate": "Do not animate", "buttons": "Buttons", "changelog": "Changelog", "link_cd": "Help translate", "link_gh_discussions": "Discussions", "link_gh_issues": "Issues", "links_dc_server": "Server", "lists": "Lists", "messages": "Messages", "messages_received": "Receiving", "messages_sending": "Sending", "popouts": "Popouts", "rebuild_animations": "Rebuild animations", "reset_all_settings": "Reset all", "reset_buttons": "Reset buttons settings", "reset_lists": "Reset lists settings", "reset_messages": "Reset messages settings", "reset_popouts": "Reset popouts settings", "resetting": "Resetting...", "selectors_buttons": "Selectors of buttons", "selectors_lists": "Selectors of lists", "selectors_note_all": "If you leave this field empty, the default selectors will appear here on reload. Changes to the selectors are saved when typing (if the code is valid). The separator is a comma (,).", "selectors_popouts": "Selectors of popouts", "upd_translation": "Update the translation file", "update_check": "Check for updates", "update_err_timeout": "Timeout exceeded", "update_err_unknown": "An error occurred", "update_latest": "Latest version", "update_newer": "Your own version", "update_older": "Update", "update_searching": "Searching for updates..." } }, "en-GB": { "edit": { "clear": "Clear", "default": "Default", "load": "Load", "save": "Save", "template": "Template" }, "name": { "brick_down": "Brick down", "brick_left": "Brick left", "brick_right": "Brick right", "brick_up": "Brick up", "circle": "Circle", "in": "In", "opacity": "Opacity", "out": "Out", "polygon": "Polygon", "skew_left": "Skew left", "skew_right": "Skew right", "slide_down": "Slide down", "slide_down_left": "Slide down (left)", "slide_down_right": "Slide down (right)", "slide_left": "Slide left", "slide_right": "Slide right", "slide_up": "Slide up", "slide_up_left": "Slide up (left)", "slide_up_right": "Slide up (right)", "slime": "Slime", "wide_skew_left": "Wide skew left", "wide_skew_right": "Wide skew right" }, "pop": { "no": "No", "will_downdated": "The plugin will be downdated.", "will_restored": "The plugin will be restored.", "will_updated": "The plugin will be updated.", "yes": "Let's do this", "you_can_say_no": "You can say no." }, "seq": { "from_first": "From first", "from_last": "From last" }, "stng": { "behavior": "Behavior", "behavior_note_messages_sending": "Animation behavior for the message to be sent.", "delay": "Delay", "delay_note_buttons": "Delay before appearing for each button in seconds.", "delay_note_lists": "Delay before appearing for each list item in seconds.", "delay_note_messages": "Delay before appearing for each message in seconds.", "duration": "Duration", "duration_note_buttons": "Animation playback speed in seconds for each button after the delay.", "duration_note_lists": "Animation playback speed in seconds for each list item after the delay.", "duration_note_messages": "Animation playback speed in seconds for each message after the delay.", "duration_note_popouts": "Animation playback speed in seconds for a popout.", "limit": "Limit", "limit_note_messages": "The maximum number of messages in the list for which the animation will be played.", "name": "Animation", "name_mode_editing": "Editing", "name_mode_selecting": "Selecting", "name_note_buttons": "Animation of the buttons.", "name_note_lists": "Animation of the lists items.", "name_note_messages": "Animation of the messages.", "name_note_messages_sending": "Animation of the message to be sent.", "name_note_popouts": "Animation of the popouts.", "sequence": "Sequence", "sequence_note_buttons": "The sequence in which the buttons are built.", "sequence_note_lists": "The sequence in which the list items are built.", "timing": "Timing function", "timing_note_buttons": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for buttons.", "timing_note_lists": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for lists.", "timing_note_messages": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for messages.", "timing_note_popouts": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for popouts." }, "view": { "advanced": "Advanced", "behaivor_animate_on_sent": "Animate on sent", "behavior_do_not_animate": "Do not animate", "buttons": "Buttons", "changelog": "Changelog", "link_cd": "Help translate", "link_gh_discussions": "Discussions", "link_gh_issues": "Issues", "links_dc_server": "Server", "lists": "Lists", "messages": "Messages", "messages_received": "Receiving", "messages_sending": "Sending", "popouts": "Popouts", "rebuild_animations": "Rebuild animations", "reset_all_settings": "Reset all", "reset_buttons": "Reset buttons settings", "reset_lists": "Reset lists settings", "reset_messages": "Reset messages settings", "reset_popouts": "Reset popouts settings", "resetting": "Resetting...", "selectors_buttons": "Selectors of buttons", "selectors_lists": "Selectors of lists", "selectors_note_all": "If you leave this field empty, the default selectors will appear here on reload. Changes to the selectors are saved when typing (if the code is valid). The separator is a comma (,).", "selectors_popouts": "Selectors of popouts", "upd_translation": "Update the translation file", "update_check": "Check for updates", "update_err_timeout": "Timeout exceeded", "update_err_unknown": "An error occurred", "update_latest": "Latest version", "update_newer": "Your own version", "update_older": "Update", "update_searching": "Searching for updates..." } }, "en-US": { "edit": { "clear": "Clear", "default": "Default", "load": "Load", "save": "Save", "template": "Template" }, "name": { "brick_down": "Brick down", "brick_left": "Brick left", "brick_right": "Brick right", "brick_up": "Brick up", "circle": "Circle", "in": "In", "opacity": "Opacity", "out": "Out", "polygon": "Polygon", "skew_left": "Skew left", "skew_right": "Skew right", "slide_down": "Slide down", "slide_down_left": "Slide down (left)", "slide_down_right": "Slide down (right)", "slide_left": "Slide left", "slide_right": "Slide right", "slide_up": "Slide up", "slide_up_left": "Slide up (left)", "slide_up_right": "Slide up (right)", "slime": "Slime", "wide_skew_left": "Wide skew left", "wide_skew_right": "Wide skew right" }, "pop": { "no": "No", "will_downdated": "The plugin will be downdated.", "will_restored": "The plugin will be restored.", "will_updated": "The plugin will be updated.", "yes": "Let's do this", "you_can_say_no": "You can say no." }, "seq": { "from_first": "From first", "from_last": "From last" }, "stng": { "behavior": "Behavior", "behavior_note_messages_sending": "Animation behavior for the message to be sent.", "delay": "Delay", "delay_note_buttons": "Delay before appearing for each button in seconds.", "delay_note_lists": "Delay before appearing for each list item in seconds.", "delay_note_messages": "Delay before appearing for each message in seconds.", "duration": "Duration", "duration_note_buttons": "Animation playback speed in seconds for each button after the delay.", "duration_note_lists": "Animation playback speed in seconds for each list item after the delay.", "duration_note_messages": "Animation playback speed in seconds for each message after the delay.", "duration_note_popouts": "Animation playback speed in seconds for a popout.", "limit": "Limit", "limit_note_messages": "The maximum number of messages in the list for which the animation will be played.", "name": "Animation", "name_mode_editing": "Editing", "name_mode_selecting": "Selecting", "name_note_buttons": "Animation of the buttons.", "name_note_lists": "The name of the animation of the list items.", "name_note_messages": "Animation of the messages.", "name_note_messages_sending": "Animation of the message to be sent.", "name_note_popouts": "Animation of the popouts.", "sequence": "Sequence", "sequence_note_buttons": "The sequence in which the buttons are built.", "sequence_note_lists": "The sequence in which the list items are built.", "timing": "Timing function", "timing_note_buttons": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for buttons.", "timing_note_lists": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for lists.", "timing_note_messages": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for messages.", "timing_note_popouts": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for popouts." }, "view": { "advanced": "Advanced", "behaivor_animate_on_sent": "Animate on sent", "behavior_do_not_animate": "Do not animate", "buttons": "Buttons", "changelog": "Changelog", "link_cd": "Help translate", "link_gh_discussions": "Discussions", "link_gh_issues": "Issues", "links_dc_server": "Server", "lists": "Lists", "messages": "Messages", "messages_received": "Receiving", "messages_sending": "Sending", "popouts": "Popouts", "rebuild_animations": "Rebuild animations", "reset_all_settings": "Reset all", "reset_buttons": "Reset buttons settings", "reset_lists": "Reset lists settings", "reset_messages": "Reset messages settings", "reset_popouts": "Reset popouts settings", "resetting": "Resetting...", "selectors_buttons": "Selectors of buttons", "selectors_lists": "Selectors of lists", "selectors_note_all": "If you leave this field empty, the default selectors will appear here on reload. Changes to the selectors are saved when typing (if the code is valid). The separator is a comma (,).", "selectors_popouts": "Selectors of popouts", "upd_translation": "Update the translation file", "update_check": "Check for updates", "update_err_timeout": "Timeout exceeded", "update_err_unknown": "An error occurred", "update_latest": "Latest version", "update_newer": "Your own version", "update_older": "Update", "update_searching": "Searching for updates..." } }, "es-ES": { "edit": { "clear": "Borrar", "default": "Por Defecto", "load": "Cargar", "save": "Guardar", "template": "Plantilla" }, "name": { "brick_down": "Bloquear Abajo", "brick_left": "Bloquear a la Izquierda", "brick_right": "Bloquear a la Derecha", "brick_up": "Bloquear hacia Arriba", "circle": "Circulo", "in": "Dentro", "opacity": "Opacidad", "out": "Fuera", "polygon": "Polígono", "skew_left": "Skew left", "skew_right": "Skew right", "slide_down": "Slide down", "slide_down_left": "Slide down (left)", "slide_down_right": "Slide down (right)", "slide_left": "Slide left", "slide_right": "Slide right", "slide_up": "Slide up", "slide_up_left": "Slide up (left)", "slide_up_right": "Slide up (right)", "slime": "Slime", "wide_skew_left": "Wide skew left", "wide_skew_right": "Wide skew right" }, "pop": { "no": "No", "will_downdated": "The plugin will be downdated.", "will_restored": "The plugin will be restored.", "will_updated": "The plugin will be updated.", "yes": "Let's do this", "you_can_say_no": "You can say no." }, "seq": { "from_first": "From first", "from_last": "From last" }, "stng": { "behavior": "Behavior", "behavior_note_messages_sending": "Animation behavior for the message to be sent.", "delay": "Delay", "delay_note_buttons": "Delay before appearing for each button in seconds.", "delay_note_lists": "Delay before appearing for each list item in seconds.", "delay_note_messages": "Delay before appearing for each message in seconds.", "duration": "Duration", "duration_note_buttons": "Animation playback speed in seconds for each button after the delay.", "duration_note_lists": "Animation playback speed in seconds for each list item after the delay.", "duration_note_messages": "Animation playback speed in seconds for each message after the delay.", "duration_note_popouts": "Animation playback speed in seconds for a popout.", "limit": "Limit", "limit_note_messages": "The maximum number of messages in the list for which the animation will be played.", "name": "Animation", "name_mode_editing": "Editing", "name_mode_selecting": "Selecting", "name_note_buttons": "Animation of the buttons.", "name_note_lists": "Animation of the lists items.", "name_note_messages": "Animation of the messages.", "name_note_messages_sending": "Animation of the message to be sent.", "name_note_popouts": "Animation of the popouts.", "sequence": "Sequence", "sequence_note_buttons": "The sequence in which the buttons are built.", "sequence_note_lists": "The sequence in which the list items are built.", "timing": "Timing function", "timing_note_buttons": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for buttons.", "timing_note_lists": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for lists.", "timing_note_messages": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for messages.", "timing_note_popouts": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for popouts." }, "view": { "advanced": "Advanced", "behaivor_animate_on_sent": "Animate on sent", "behavior_do_not_animate": "Do not animate", "buttons": "Buttons", "changelog": "Changelog", "link_cd": "Help translate", "link_gh_discussions": "Discussions", "link_gh_issues": "Issues", "links_dc_server": "Server", "lists": "Lists", "messages": "Messages", "messages_received": "Receiving", "messages_sending": "Sending", "popouts": "Popouts", "rebuild_animations": "Rebuild animations", "reset_all_settings": "Reset all", "reset_buttons": "Reset buttons settings", "reset_lists": "Reset lists settings", "reset_messages": "Reset messages settings", "reset_popouts": "Reset popouts settings", "resetting": "Resetting...", "selectors_buttons": "Selectors of buttons", "selectors_lists": "Selectors of lists", "selectors_note_all": "If you leave this field empty, the default selectors will appear here on reload. Changes to the selectors are saved when typing (if the code is valid). The separator is a comma (,).", "selectors_popouts": "Selectors of popouts", "upd_translation": "Update the translation file", "update_check": "Check for updates", "update_err_timeout": "Timeout exceeded", "update_err_unknown": "An error occurred", "update_latest": "Latest version", "update_newer": "Your own version", "update_older": "Update", "update_searching": "Searching for updates..." } }, "fi": { "edit": { "clear": "Clear", "default": "Default", "load": "Load", "save": "Save", "template": "Template" }, "name": { "brick_down": "Brick down", "brick_left": "Brick left", "brick_right": "Brick right", "brick_up": "Brick up", "circle": "Circle", "in": "In", "opacity": "Opacity", "out": "Out", "polygon": "Polygon", "skew_left": "Skew left", "skew_right": "Skew right", "slide_down": "Slide down", "slide_down_left": "Slide down (left)", "slide_down_right": "Slide down (right)", "slide_left": "Slide left", "slide_right": "Slide right", "slide_up": "Slide up", "slide_up_left": "Slide up (left)", "slide_up_right": "Slide up (right)", "slime": "Slime", "wide_skew_left": "Wide skew left", "wide_skew_right": "Wide skew right" }, "pop": { "no": "No", "will_downdated": "The plugin will be downdated.", "will_restored": "The plugin will be restored.", "will_updated": "The plugin will be updated.", "yes": "Let's do this", "you_can_say_no": "You can say no." }, "seq": { "from_first": "From first", "from_last": "From last" }, "stng": { "behavior": "Behavior", "behavior_note_messages_sending": "Animation behavior for the message to be sent.", "delay": "Delay", "delay_note_buttons": "Delay before appearing for each button in seconds.", "delay_note_lists": "Delay before appearing for each list item in seconds.", "delay_note_messages": "Delay before appearing for each message in seconds.", "duration": "Duration", "duration_note_buttons": "Animation playback speed in seconds for each button after the delay.", "duration_note_lists": "Animation playback speed in seconds for each list item after the delay.", "duration_note_messages": "Animation playback speed in seconds for each message after the delay.", "duration_note_popouts": "Animation playback speed in seconds for a popout.", "limit": "Limit", "limit_note_messages": "The maximum number of messages in the list for which the animation will be played.", "name": "Animation", "name_mode_editing": "Editing", "name_mode_selecting": "Selecting", "name_note_buttons": "Animation of the buttons.", "name_note_lists": "Animation of the lists items.", "name_note_messages": "Animation of the messages.", "name_note_messages_sending": "Animation of the message to be sent.", "name_note_popouts": "Animation of the popouts.", "sequence": "Sequence", "sequence_note_buttons": "The sequence in which the buttons are built.", "sequence_note_lists": "The sequence in which the list items are built.", "timing": "Timing function", "timing_note_buttons": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for buttons.", "timing_note_lists": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for lists.", "timing_note_messages": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for messages.", "timing_note_popouts": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for popouts." }, "view": { "advanced": "Advanced", "behaivor_animate_on_sent": "Animate on sent", "behavior_do_not_animate": "Do not animate", "buttons": "Buttons", "changelog": "Changelog", "link_cd": "Help translate", "link_gh_discussions": "Discussions", "link_gh_issues": "Issues", "links_dc_server": "Server", "lists": "Lists", "messages": "Messages", "messages_received": "Receiving", "messages_sending": "Sending", "popouts": "Popouts", "rebuild_animations": "Rebuild animations", "reset_all_settings": "Reset all", "reset_buttons": "Reset buttons settings", "reset_lists": "Reset lists settings", "reset_messages": "Reset messages settings", "reset_popouts": "Reset popouts settings", "resetting": "Resetting...", "selectors_buttons": "Selectors of buttons", "selectors_lists": "Selectors of lists", "selectors_note_all": "If you leave this field empty, the default selectors will appear here on reload. Changes to the selectors are saved when typing (if the code is valid). The separator is a comma (,).", "selectors_popouts": "Selectors of popouts", "upd_translation": "Update the translation file", "update_check": "Check for updates", "update_err_timeout": "Timeout exceeded", "update_err_unknown": "An error occurred", "update_latest": "Latest version", "update_newer": "Your own version", "update_older": "Update", "update_searching": "Searching for updates..." } }, "fr": { "edit": { "clear": "Effacer", "default": "Défaut", "load": "Charger", "save": "Sauvegarder", "template": "Modèle" }, "name": { "brick_down": "Brick down", "brick_left": "Brick left", "brick_right": "Brick right", "brick_up": "Brick up", "circle": "Cercle", "in": "In", "opacity": "Opacité", "out": "Out", "polygon": "Polygone", "skew_left": "Skew left", "skew_right": "Skew right", "slide_down": "Glissement vers le bas", "slide_down_left": "Glisser vers le bas (à gauche)", "slide_down_right": "Glisser vers le bas (à droite)", "slide_left": "Glisser vers la gauche", "slide_right": "Glisser vers la droite", "slide_up": "Glisser vers le haut", "slide_up_left": "Glisser vers le haut (à gauche)", "slide_up_right": "Glisser vers le haut (à droite)", "slime": "Slime", "wide_skew_left": "Wide skew left", "wide_skew_right": "Wide skew right" }, "pop": { "no": "Non", "will_downdated": "Le plugin n'est pas sur la version la plus récente.", "will_restored": "Le plugin va être restauré.", "will_updated": "Le plugin va être mis à jour.", "yes": "Faisons ça", "you_can_say_no": "Vous pouvez dire non." }, "seq": { "from_first": "À partir du premier", "from_last": "À partir du dernier" }, "stng": { "behavior": "Behavior", "behavior_note_messages_sending": "Animation behavior for the message to be sent.", "delay": "Délais", "delay_note_buttons": "Delay before appearing for each button in seconds.", "delay_note_lists": "Delay before appearing for each list item in seconds.", "delay_note_messages": "Delay before appearing for each message in seconds.", "duration": "Durée", "duration_note_buttons": "Animation playback speed in seconds for each button after the delay.", "duration_note_lists": "Animation playback speed in seconds for each list item after the delay.", "duration_note_messages": "Animation playback speed in seconds for each message after the delay.", "duration_note_popouts": "Animation playback speed in seconds for a popout.", "limit": "Limite", "limit_note_messages": "The maximum number of messages in the list for which the animation will be played.", "name": "Animation", "name_mode_editing": "Édition", "name_mode_selecting": "Sélection", "name_note_buttons": "Animation des boutons.", "name_note_lists": "Animation des éléments des listes.", "name_note_messages": "Animation des messages.", "name_note_messages_sending": "Animation du message à envoyer.", "name_note_popouts": "Animation des popouts", "sequence": "Séquence", "sequence_note_buttons": "The sequence in which the buttons are built.", "sequence_note_lists": "The sequence in which the list items are built.", "timing": "Fonction de Timing", "timing_note_buttons": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for buttons.", "timing_note_lists": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for lists.", "timing_note_messages": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for messages.", "timing_note_popouts": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for popouts." }, "view": { "advanced": "Paramètres avancés", "behaivor_animate_on_sent": "Animation lors de l'envoi", "behavior_do_not_animate": "Ne pas animer", "buttons": "Boutons", "changelog": "Historique des modifications", "link_cd": "Aidez à traduire", "link_gh_discussions": "Discussions", "link_gh_issues": "Reporter un Problème", "links_dc_server": "Serveur", "lists": "Listes", "messages": "Messages", "messages_received": "Reçu", "messages_sending": "Envoi", "popouts": "Popouts", "rebuild_animations": "Reconstruction des animations", "reset_all_settings": "Tout réinitialiser", "reset_buttons": "Réinitialiser les réglages des boutons", "reset_lists": "Réinitialiser les paramètres des listes", "reset_messages": "Réinitialiser les paramètres des messages", "reset_popouts": "Réinitialiser les paramètres des popouts", "resetting": "Réinitialisation en cours...", "selectors_buttons": "Sélecteur de boutons", "selectors_lists": "Sélecteurs de listes", "selectors_note_all": "Si vous laissez ce champ vide, les sélecteurs par défaut apparaîtront ici au rechargement. Les modifications apportées aux sélecteurs sont enregistrées lors de la saisie (si le code est valide). Le séparateur est une virgule (,).", "selectors_popouts": "Sélecteur de popouts", "upd_translation": "Mettre à jour le fichier de traduction", "update_check": "Vérifier les mises à jour", "update_err_timeout": "Délai d'attente dépassé", "update_err_unknown": "Une erreur est survenue", "update_latest": "Dernière version :", "update_newer": "Votre propre version", "update_older": "Mettre à jour", "update_searching": "Recherche des mises à jour..." } }, "hi": { "edit": { "clear": "Clear", "default": "Default", "load": "Load", "save": "Save", "template": "Template" }, "name": { "brick_down": "Brick down", "brick_left": "Brick left", "brick_right": "Brick right", "brick_up": "Brick up", "circle": "Circle", "in": "In", "opacity": "Opacity", "out": "Out", "polygon": "Polygon", "skew_left": "Skew left", "skew_right": "Skew right", "slide_down": "Slide down", "slide_down_left": "Slide down (left)", "slide_down_right": "Slide down (right)", "slide_left": "Slide left", "slide_right": "Slide right", "slide_up": "Slide up", "slide_up_left": "Slide up (left)", "slide_up_right": "Slide up (right)", "slime": "Slime", "wide_skew_left": "Wide skew left", "wide_skew_right": "Wide skew right" }, "pop": { "no": "No", "will_downdated": "The plugin will be downdated.", "will_restored": "The plugin will be restored.", "will_updated": "The plugin will be updated.", "yes": "Let's do this", "you_can_say_no": "You can say no." }, "seq": { "from_first": "From first", "from_last": "From last" }, "stng": { "behavior": "Behavior", "behavior_note_messages_sending": "Animation behavior for the message to be sent.", "delay": "Delay", "delay_note_buttons": "Delay before appearing for each button in seconds.", "delay_note_lists": "Delay before appearing for each list item in seconds.", "delay_note_messages": "Delay before appearing for each message in seconds.", "duration": "Duration", "duration_note_buttons": "Animation playback speed in seconds for each button after the delay.", "duration_note_lists": "Animation playback speed in seconds for each list item after the delay.", "duration_note_messages": "Animation playback speed in seconds for each message after the delay.", "duration_note_popouts": "Animation playback speed in seconds for a popout.", "limit": "Limit", "limit_note_messages": "The maximum number of messages in the list for which the animation will be played.", "name": "Animation", "name_mode_editing": "Editing", "name_mode_selecting": "Selecting", "name_note_buttons": "Animation of the buttons.", "name_note_lists": "Animation of the lists items.", "name_note_messages": "Animation of the messages.", "name_note_messages_sending": "Animation of the message to be sent.", "name_note_popouts": "Animation of the popouts.", "sequence": "Sequence", "sequence_note_buttons": "The sequence in which the buttons are built.", "sequence_note_lists": "The sequence in which the list items are built.", "timing": "Timing function", "timing_note_buttons": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for buttons.", "timing_note_lists": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for lists.", "timing_note_messages": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for messages.", "timing_note_popouts": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for popouts." }, "view": { "advanced": "Advanced", "behaivor_animate_on_sent": "Animate on sent", "behavior_do_not_animate": "Do not animate", "buttons": "Buttons", "changelog": "Changelog", "link_cd": "Help translate", "link_gh_discussions": "Discussions", "link_gh_issues": "Issues", "links_dc_server": "Server", "lists": "Lists", "messages": "Messages", "messages_received": "Receiving", "messages_sending": "Sending", "popouts": "Popouts", "rebuild_animations": "Rebuild animations", "reset_all_settings": "Reset all", "reset_buttons": "Reset buttons settings", "reset_lists": "Reset lists settings", "reset_messages": "Reset messages settings", "reset_popouts": "Reset popouts settings", "resetting": "Resetting...", "selectors_buttons": "Selectors of buttons", "selectors_lists": "Selectors of lists", "selectors_note_all": "If you leave this field empty, the default selectors will appear here on reload. Changes to the selectors are saved when typing (if the code is valid). The separator is a comma (,).", "selectors_popouts": "Selectors of popouts", "upd_translation": "Update the translation file", "update_check": "Check for updates", "update_err_timeout": "Timeout exceeded", "update_err_unknown": "An error occurred", "update_latest": "Latest version", "update_newer": "Your own version", "update_older": "Update", "update_searching": "Searching for updates..." } }, "hr": { "edit": { "clear": "Clear", "default": "Default", "load": "Load", "save": "Save", "template": "Template" }, "name": { "brick_down": "Brick down", "brick_left": "Brick left", "brick_right": "Brick right", "brick_up": "Brick up", "circle": "Circle", "in": "In", "opacity": "Opacity", "out": "Out", "polygon": "Polygon", "skew_left": "Skew left", "skew_right": "Skew right", "slide_down": "Slide down", "slide_down_left": "Slide down (left)", "slide_down_right": "Slide down (right)", "slide_left": "Slide left", "slide_right": "Slide right", "slide_up": "Slide up", "slide_up_left": "Slide up (left)", "slide_up_right": "Slide up (right)", "slime": "Slime", "wide_skew_left": "Wide skew left", "wide_skew_right": "Wide skew right" }, "pop": { "no": "No", "will_downdated": "The plugin will be downdated.", "will_restored": "The plugin will be restored.", "will_updated": "The plugin will be updated.", "yes": "Let's do this", "you_can_say_no": "You can say no." }, "seq": { "from_first": "From first", "from_last": "From last" }, "stng": { "behavior": "Behavior", "behavior_note_messages_sending": "Animation behavior for the message to be sent.", "delay": "Delay", "delay_note_buttons": "Delay before appearing for each button in seconds.", "delay_note_lists": "Delay before appearing for each list item in seconds.", "delay_note_messages": "Delay before appearing for each message in seconds.", "duration": "Duration", "duration_note_buttons": "Animation playback speed in seconds for each button after the delay.", "duration_note_lists": "Animation playback speed in seconds for each list item after the delay.", "duration_note_messages": "Animation playback speed in seconds for each message after the delay.", "duration_note_popouts": "Animation playback speed in seconds for a popout.", "limit": "Limit", "limit_note_messages": "The maximum number of messages in the list for which the animation will be played.", "name": "Animation", "name_mode_editing": "Editing", "name_mode_selecting": "Selecting", "name_note_buttons": "Animation of the buttons.", "name_note_lists": "Animation of the lists items.", "name_note_messages": "Animation of the messages.", "name_note_messages_sending": "Animation of the message to be sent.", "name_note_popouts": "Animation of the popouts.", "sequence": "Sequence", "sequence_note_buttons": "The sequence in which the buttons are built.", "sequence_note_lists": "The sequence in which the list items are built.", "timing": "Timing function", "timing_note_buttons": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for buttons.", "timing_note_lists": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for lists.", "timing_note_messages": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for messages.", "timing_note_popouts": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for popouts." }, "view": { "advanced": "Advanced", "behaivor_animate_on_sent": "Animate on sent", "behavior_do_not_animate": "Do not animate", "buttons": "Buttons", "changelog": "Changelog", "link_cd": "Help translate", "link_gh_discussions": "Discussions", "link_gh_issues": "Issues", "links_dc_server": "Server", "lists": "Lists", "messages": "Messages", "messages_received": "Receiving", "messages_sending": "Sending", "popouts": "Popouts", "rebuild_animations": "Rebuild animations", "reset_all_settings": "Reset all", "reset_buttons": "Reset buttons settings", "reset_lists": "Reset lists settings", "reset_messages": "Reset messages settings", "reset_popouts": "Reset popouts settings", "resetting": "Resetting...", "selectors_buttons": "Selectors of buttons", "selectors_lists": "Selectors of lists", "selectors_note_all": "If you leave this field empty, the default selectors will appear here on reload. Changes to the selectors are saved when typing (if the code is valid). The separator is a comma (,).", "selectors_popouts": "Selectors of popouts", "upd_translation": "Update the translation file", "update_check": "Check for updates", "update_err_timeout": "Timeout exceeded", "update_err_unknown": "An error occurred", "update_latest": "Latest version", "update_newer": "Your own version", "update_older": "Update", "update_searching": "Searching for updates..." } }, "hu": { "edit": { "clear": "Clear", "default": "Default", "load": "Load", "save": "Save", "template": "Template" }, "name": { "brick_down": "Brick down", "brick_left": "Brick left", "brick_right": "Brick right", "brick_up": "Brick up", "circle": "Circle", "in": "In", "opacity": "Opacity", "out": "Out", "polygon": "Polygon", "skew_left": "Skew left", "skew_right": "Skew right", "slide_down": "Slide down", "slide_down_left": "Slide down (left)", "slide_down_right": "Slide down (right)", "slide_left": "Slide left", "slide_right": "Slide right", "slide_up": "Slide up", "slide_up_left": "Slide up (left)", "slide_up_right": "Slide up (right)", "slime": "Slime", "wide_skew_left": "Wide skew left", "wide_skew_right": "Wide skew right" }, "pop": { "no": "No", "will_downdated": "The plugin will be downdated.", "will_restored": "The plugin will be restored.", "will_updated": "The plugin will be updated.", "yes": "Let's do this", "you_can_say_no": "You can say no." }, "seq": { "from_first": "From first", "from_last": "From last" }, "stng": { "behavior": "Behavior", "behavior_note_messages_sending": "Animation behavior for the message to be sent.", "delay": "Delay", "delay_note_buttons": "Delay before appearing for each button in seconds.", "delay_note_lists": "Delay before appearing for each list item in seconds.", "delay_note_messages": "Delay before appearing for each message in seconds.", "duration": "Duration", "duration_note_buttons": "Animation playback speed in seconds for each button after the delay.", "duration_note_lists": "Animation playback speed in seconds for each list item after the delay.", "duration_note_messages": "Animation playback speed in seconds for each message after the delay.", "duration_note_popouts": "Animation playback speed in seconds for a popout.", "limit": "Limit", "limit_note_messages": "The maximum number of messages in the list for which the animation will be played.", "name": "Animation", "name_mode_editing": "Editing", "name_mode_selecting": "Selecting", "name_note_buttons": "Animation of the buttons.", "name_note_lists": "Animation of the lists items.", "name_note_messages": "Animation of the messages.", "name_note_messages_sending": "Animation of the message to be sent.", "name_note_popouts": "Animation of the popouts.", "sequence": "Sequence", "sequence_note_buttons": "The sequence in which the buttons are built.", "sequence_note_lists": "The sequence in which the list items are built.", "timing": "Timing function", "timing_note_buttons": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for buttons.", "timing_note_lists": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for lists.", "timing_note_messages": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for messages.", "timing_note_popouts": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for popouts." }, "view": { "advanced": "Advanced", "behaivor_animate_on_sent": "Animate on sent", "behavior_do_not_animate": "Do not animate", "buttons": "Buttons", "changelog": "Changelog", "link_cd": "Help translate", "link_gh_discussions": "Discussions", "link_gh_issues": "Issues", "links_dc_server": "Server", "lists": "Lists", "messages": "Messages", "messages_received": "Receiving", "messages_sending": "Sending", "popouts": "Popouts", "rebuild_animations": "Rebuild animations", "reset_all_settings": "Reset all", "reset_buttons": "Reset buttons settings", "reset_lists": "Reset lists settings", "reset_messages": "Reset messages settings", "reset_popouts": "Reset popouts settings", "resetting": "Resetting...", "selectors_buttons": "Selectors of buttons", "selectors_lists": "Selectors of lists", "selectors_note_all": "If you leave this field empty, the default selectors will appear here on reload. Changes to the selectors are saved when typing (if the code is valid). The separator is a comma (,).", "selectors_popouts": "Selectors of popouts", "upd_translation": "Update the translation file", "update_check": "Check for updates", "update_err_timeout": "Timeout exceeded", "update_err_unknown": "An error occurred", "update_latest": "Latest version", "update_newer": "Your own version", "update_older": "Update", "update_searching": "Searching for updates..." } }, "it": { "edit": { "clear": "Clear", "default": "Predefinito", "load": "Carica", "save": "Salva", "template": "Modello" }, "name": { "brick_down": "Brick down", "brick_left": "Brick left", "brick_right": "Brick right", "brick_up": "Brick up", "circle": "Circle", "in": "In", "opacity": "Opacità", "out": "Out", "polygon": "Polygon", "skew_left": "Skew left", "skew_right": "Skew right", "slide_down": "Slide down", "slide_down_left": "Slide down (left)", "slide_down_right": "Slide down (right)", "slide_left": "Slide left", "slide_right": "Slide right", "slide_up": "Slide up", "slide_up_left": "Slide up (left)", "slide_up_right": "Slide up (right)", "slime": "Slime", "wide_skew_left": "Wide skew left", "wide_skew_right": "Wide skew right" }, "pop": { "no": "No", "will_downdated": "The plugin will be downdated.", "will_restored": "Il plugin verrà ripristinato.", "will_updated": "Il plugin verrà aggiornato.", "yes": "Let's do this", "you_can_say_no": "You can say no." }, "seq": { "from_first": "From first", "from_last": "From last" }, "stng": { "behavior": "Behavior", "behavior_note_messages_sending": "Animation behavior for the message to be sent.", "delay": "Ritardo", "delay_note_buttons": "Delay before appearing for each button in seconds.", "delay_note_lists": "Delay before appearing for each list item in seconds.", "delay_note_messages": "Delay before appearing for each message in seconds.", "duration": "Durata", "duration_note_buttons": "Animation playback speed in seconds for each button after the delay.", "duration_note_lists": "Animation playback speed in seconds for each list item after the delay.", "duration_note_messages": "Animation playback speed in seconds for each message after the delay.", "duration_note_popouts": "Animation playback speed in seconds for a popout.", "limit": "Limite", "limit_note_messages": "Il numero massimo di messaggi nell'elenco per cui verrà riprodotta l'animazione.", "name": "Animazione", "name_mode_editing": "Modifica", "name_mode_selecting": "Selecting", "name_note_buttons": "Animazione dei pulsanti.", "name_note_lists": "Animazione degli elementi della lista.", "name_note_messages": "Animazione dei messaggi.", "name_note_messages_sending": "Animazione del messaggio da inviare.", "name_note_popouts": "Animazione dei popout.", "sequence": "Sequenza", "sequence_note_buttons": "La sequenza in cui vengono costruiti i pulsanti.", "sequence_note_lists": "La sequenza in cui gli elementi della lista sono costruiti.", "timing": "Funzione temporizzazione", "timing_note_buttons": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for buttons.", "timing_note_lists": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for lists.", "timing_note_messages": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for messages.", "timing_note_popouts": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for popouts." }, "view": { "advanced": "Avanzato", "behaivor_animate_on_sent": "Anima all'invio", "behavior_do_not_animate": "Non animare", "buttons": "Pulsanti", "changelog": "Elenco modifiche", "link_cd": "Aiutaci a tradurre", "link_gh_discussions": "Discussioni", "link_gh_issues": "Problemi", "links_dc_server": "Server", "lists": "Lists", "messages": "Messaggi", "messages_received": "Ricezione in corso", "messages_sending": "Invio in corso", "popouts": "Popouts", "rebuild_animations": "Rebuild animations", "reset_all_settings": "Ripristina tutto", "reset_buttons": "Reset buttons settings", "reset_lists": "Reset lists settings", "reset_messages": "Reset messages settings", "reset_popouts": "Reset popouts settings", "resetting": "Reset in corso...", "selectors_buttons": "Selectors of buttons", "selectors_lists": "Selectors of lists", "selectors_note_all": "If you leave this field empty, the default selectors will appear here on reload. Changes to the selectors are saved when typing (if the code is valid). The separator is a comma (,).", "selectors_popouts": "Selectors of popouts", "upd_translation": "Aggiorna il file di traduzione", "update_check": "Verifica aggiornamenti", "update_err_timeout": "Timeout exceeded", "update_err_unknown": "An error occurred", "update_latest": "Latest version", "update_newer": "Your own version", "update_older": "Update", "update_searching": "Searching for updates..." } }, "ja": { "edit": { "clear": "クリア", "default": "デフォルトに戻す", "load": "読み込む", "save": "保存", "template": "テンプレート" }, "name": { "brick_down": "下にブリック", "brick_left": "左にブリック", "brick_right": "右にブリック", "brick_up": "上にブリック", "circle": "円形", "in": "イン", "opacity": "透過性", "out": "アウト", "polygon": "ポリゴン", "skew_left": "左に傾斜", "skew_right": "右に傾斜", "slide_down": "下にスライド", "slide_down_left": "左下にスライド", "slide_down_right": "右下にスライド", "slide_left": "左にスライド", "slide_right": "右にスライド", "slide_up": "上へスライド", "slide_up_left": "左上にスライド", "slide_up_right": "右上にスライド", "slime": "スライム", "wide_skew_left": "左に大きく傾斜", "wide_skew_right": "右に大きく傾斜" }, "pop": { "no": "いいえ", "will_downdated": "プラグインが前のバージョンへ更新されます。", "will_restored": "プラグインが復元されます。", "will_updated": "プラグインが更新されます。", "yes": "はい", "you_can_say_no": "これを行わないことも可能です。" }, "seq": { "from_first": "先頭から表示", "from_last": "最後から表示" }, "stng": { "behavior": "動作", "behavior_note_messages_sending": "メッセージを送信するアニメーションの動作", "delay": "遅延", "delay_note_buttons": "各ボタンを表示するまでの遅延時間(秒)", "delay_note_lists": "各リストの項目を表示するまでの遅延時間(秒)", "delay_note_messages": "各メッセージを表示するまでの遅延時間(秒)", "duration": "再生時間", "duration_note_buttons": "遅延後に各ボタンを表示するアニメーションの再生速度(秒)", "duration_note_lists": "遅延後に各リストの項目を表示するアニメーションの再生速度(秒)", "duration_note_messages": "遅延後に各メッセージを表示するアニメーションの再生速度(秒)", "duration_note_popouts": "ポップアウトを表示するアニメーションの再生速度(秒)", "limit": "制限", "limit_note_messages": "アニメーションを再生するリスト内のメッセージの最大数", "name": "アニメーション", "name_mode_editing": "編集", "name_mode_selecting": "選択", "name_note_buttons": "ボタンのアニメーション", "name_note_lists": "リストの項目のアニメーション", "name_note_messages": "メッセージのアニメーション", "name_note_messages_sending": "メッセージを送信するアニメーション", "name_note_popouts": "ポップアウトのアニメーション", "sequence": "順序", "sequence_note_buttons": "ボタンを表示する順序", "sequence_note_lists": "リスト項目を表示する順序", "timing": "タイミング関数", "timing_note_buttons": "ボタンのアニメーション再生速度の変化を定義します。", "timing_note_lists": "リストのアニメーション再生速度の変化を定義します。", "timing_note_messages": "メッセージのアニメーション再生速度の変化を定義します。", "timing_note_popouts": "ポップアウトのアニメーション再生速度の変化を定義します。" }, "view": { "advanced": "高度な設定", "behaivor_animate_on_sent": "送信時のアニメーション", "behavior_do_not_animate": "アニメーションをしない", "buttons": "ボタン", "changelog": "更新履歴", "link_cd": "翻訳に協力する", "link_gh_discussions": "Discussions", "link_gh_issues": "Issues", "links_dc_server": "サーバー", "lists": "リスト", "messages": "メッセージ", "messages_received": "受信時", "messages_sending": "送信時", "popouts": "ポップアウト", "rebuild_animations": "アニメーションを再構築", "reset_all_settings": "全ての設定をリセット", "reset_buttons": "ボタンの設定をリセット", "reset_lists": "リストの設定をリセット", "reset_messages": "メッセージの設定をリセット", "reset_popouts": "ポップアウトの設定をリセット", "resetting": "リセット中...", "selectors_buttons": "ボタンのCSSセレクタ", "selectors_lists": "リストのCSSセレクタ", "selectors_note_all": "このフィールドを空にすると、リロード時にデフォルトのセレクタが表示されます。 (コードが有効な場合は)入力時にセレクタへの変更が保存されます。区切り文字はカンマ(,)です。", "selectors_popouts": "ポップアウトのCSSセレクタ", "upd_translation": "翻訳ファイルを更新", "update_check": "更新を確認", "update_err_timeout": "タイムアウト時間を超えました", "update_err_unknown": "エラーが発生しました", "update_latest": "最新バージョン", "update_newer": "現在のバージョン", "update_older": "更新", "update_searching": "更新を検索中..." } }, "ko": { "edit": { "clear": "지우기", "default": "기본", "load": "불러오기", "save": "저장", "template": "템플릿" }, "name": { "brick_down": "아래로 브릭", "brick_left": "왼쪽으로 브릭", "brick_right": "오른쪽으로 브릭", "brick_up": "위로 브릭", "circle": "원형", "in": "인", "opacity": "투명도", "out": "아웃", "polygon": "폴리곤", "skew_left": "왼쪽으로 기울이기", "skew_right": "오른쪽으로 기울이기", "slide_down": "슬라이드 다운", "slide_down_left": "슬라이드 다운(왼쪽)", "slide_down_right": "슬라이드 다운(오른쪽)", "slide_left": "왼쪽으로 슬라이드", "slide_right": "오른쪽으로 슬라이드", "slide_up": "슬라이드 업", "slide_up_left": "슬라이드 업(왼쪽)", "slide_up_right": "슬라이드 업(오른쪽)", "slime": "슬라임", "wide_skew_left": "넓게 왼쪽으로 기울이기", "wide_skew_right": "넓게 오른쪽으로 기울이기" }, "pop": { "no": "아니요", "will_downdated": "이전 버전의 플러그인이 다운로드될 거예요.", "will_restored": "플러그인이 복원될 거예요.", "will_updated": "플러그인이 업데이트될 거예요.", "yes": "시작해 볼까요!", "you_can_say_no": "거절하셔도 돼요." }, "seq": { "from_first": "처음부터", "from_last": "마지막부터" }, "stng": { "behavior": "동작", "behavior_note_messages_sending": "보낼 메시지의 애니메이션 동작이에요.", "delay": "지연 시간", "delay_note_buttons": "각 버튼이 보이기 전의 지연 시간(초)이에요.", "delay_note_lists": "각 목록 항목이 보이기 전의 지연 시간(초)이에요.", "delay_note_messages": "각 메시지가 보이기 전의 지연 시간(초)이에요.", "duration": "지속 시간", "duration_note_buttons": "지연 후 각 버튼의 애니메이션 재생 속도(초)예요.", "duration_note_lists": "지연 후 각 목록 항목의 애니메이션 재생 속도(초)예요.", "duration_note_messages": "지연 후 각 메시지의 애니메이션 재생 속도(초)예요.", "duration_note_popouts": "팝업의 애니메이션 재생 속도(초)예요.", "limit": "제한", "limit_note_messages": "애니메이션이 재생될 목록의 최대 메시지 수예요.", "name": "애니메이션", "name_mode_editing": "편집 중", "name_mode_selecting": "선택 중", "name_note_buttons": "버튼 애니메이션", "name_note_lists": "목록 항목의 애니메이션", "name_note_messages": "메시지 애니메이션", "name_note_messages_sending": "보낼 메시지의 애니메이션", "name_note_popouts": "팝업 애니메이션", "sequence": "순서", "sequence_note_buttons": "버튼이 생성되는 순서예요.", "sequence_note_lists": "목록이 생성되는 순서예요.", "timing": "타이밍 함수", "timing_note_buttons": "버튼의 애니메이션 재생 속도 변경을 정의해요.", "timing_note_lists": "목록의 애니메이션 재생 속도 변경을 정의해요.", "timing_note_messages": "메시지의 애니메이션 재생 속도 변경을 정의해요.", "timing_note_popouts": "팝업의 애니메이션 재생 속도 변경을 정의해요." }, "view": { "advanced": "고급 설정", "behaivor_animate_on_sent": "보낼 시 애니메이션", "behavior_do_not_animate": "애니메이션 끄기", "buttons": "버튼", "changelog": "변경 사항", "link_cd": "번역 돕기", "link_gh_discussions": "토론", "link_gh_issues": "문제", "links_dc_server": "서버", "lists": "목록", "messages": "메시지", "messages_received": "받음", "messages_sending": "전송 중", "popouts": "팝업", "rebuild_animations": "애니메이션 재구성", "reset_all_settings": "모두 초기화", "reset_buttons": "버튼 설정 초기화", "reset_lists": "목록 설정 초기화", "reset_messages": "메시지 설정 초기화", "reset_popouts": "팝업 설정 초기화", "resetting": "재설정 중...", "selectors_buttons": "버튼 선택기", "selectors_lists": "목록 선택기", "selectors_note_all": "이 공간을 비워두면, 다시 불러올 때 기본 선택기가 여기에 나타나게 될 거예요. 선택기의 변경 사항은 (코드가 올바른 경우) 입력 시 저장돼요. 구분자는 쉼표(,)예요.", "selectors_popouts": "팝업 선택기", "upd_translation": "번역 파일 갱신", "update_check": "업데이트 확인", "update_err_timeout": "시간 초과", "update_err_unknown": "오류가 발생했어요", "update_latest": "최신 버전", "update_newer": "내가 소유한 버전", "update_older": "업데이트", "update_searching": "업데이트를 찾는 중..." } }, "lt": { "edit": { "clear": "Išvalyti", "default": "Numatytas", "load": "Užkrauti", "save": "Išsaugoti", "template": "Pavizdys" }, "name": { "brick_down": "Plyta Žemyn", "brick_left": "Plyta kairĖje", "brick_right": "Plyta deŠinĖje", "brick_up": "Plyta aukŠtyn", "circle": "Apskritimas", "in": "Į", "opacity": "Matomumas", "out": "Išeina", "polygon": "Daugiakampis", "skew_left": "Pasivirimas kairĖn", "skew_right": "Pasvirimas deŠinĖn", "slide_down": "Slysti Žemyn", "slide_down_left": "Slysti Žemyn (kairĖn)", "slide_down_right": "Slysti Žemyn (deŠinĖn)", "slide_left": "Slysti kairĖn", "slide_right": "Slysti deŠinĖn", "slide_up": "Slysti aukŠtyn", "slide_up_left": "Slysti aukŠtyn (kairĖn)", "slide_up_right": "Slysti aukŠtyn (deŠinĖn)", "slime": "ŠlykŠtukas", "wide_skew_left": "Ilgas pasvirimas kairĖn", "wide_skew_right": "Ilgas pasvirimas deŠinĖn" }, "pop": { "no": "Ne", "will_downdated": "Bus atsiŲsta senesnĖ versija.", "will_restored": "Priedas bus atstatytas.", "will_updated": "Priedas bus atnaujintas.", "yes": "Padarykim tai", "you_can_say_no": "Tu gali pasakyti ne." }, "seq": { "from_first": "Iš pradŽiŲ", "from_last": "Iš paskutiniŲ" }, "stng": { "behavior": "Elgesys", "behavior_note_messages_sending": "AnimacijŲ elgesys iŠsiŲstom ŽinutĖm.", "delay": "Delsa", "delay_note_buttons": "Delsa kol atsiras kiekvienas mygtukas sekundĖmis.", "delay_note_lists": "Delsa prieŠ atsirandant kiekvienam saraŠe daiktui sekundĖmis.", "delay_note_messages": "Delsa kol atsiras kiekviena ŽinutĖ sekundĖmis.", "duration": "TrukmĖ", "duration_note_buttons": "Animacijos leidimo gretis sekundĖmis kiekvienam mygtukui po delsos", "duration_note_lists": "Animacijos leidimo greitis sekundĖmis kiekvienam daiktui po delsos.", "duration_note_messages": "Animacijos leidimo greitis sekundĖmis kiekvienam daiktui po delsos.", "duration_note_popouts": "Animacijos leidimo greitis sekundĖmis iŠŠokanČiam langui", "limit": "Limitas", "limit_note_messages": "Maximinis ŽinuČiŲ skaiČius kuriom animacija bus paleista.", "name": "Animacija", "name_mode_editing": "Keitimas", "name_mode_selecting": "Rinkimas", "name_note_buttons": "Mygtukų animacijos.", "name_note_lists": "Kiekvieno daikto animacijos.", "name_note_messages": "Žinučių animacijos.", "name_note_messages_sending": "Animacija dar neišsiųstos žinutės.", "name_note_popouts": "Iššokančių langų animacija.", "sequence": "Seka", "sequence_note_buttons": "Seka kurioje mygtukai yra pastatyti.", "sequence_note_lists": "Seka kurioje kiekvienas daiktas yra pastatytas.", "timing": "Skaičiavimo funkcija", "timing_note_buttons": "Nustato pasikeitima animacijos leidime mygtukams.", "timing_note_lists": "Nustato pasikeitima animacijos leidime mygtukams.", "timing_note_messages": "Nustato pasikeitima animacijos leidime mygtukams.", "timing_note_popouts": "Nustato pasikeitima animacijos leidime iššokančiam langam." }, "view": { "advanced": "Pažangūs", "behaivor_animate_on_sent": "Siuntimo animacija", "behavior_do_not_animate": "Ne animuoti", "buttons": "Mygtukai", "changelog": "Pakeitimų žurnalas", "link_cd": "Padėti išversti", "link_gh_discussions": "Diskusijos", "link_gh_issues": "Problemos", "links_dc_server": "Serveris", "lists": "Sąrašai", "messages": "Žinutės", "messages_received": "Gaunama", "messages_sending": "Siunčiama", "popouts": "Iššokantys langai", "rebuild_animations": "Perstatyti animacijas", "reset_all_settings": "Iš naujo nustatyti", "reset_buttons": "Perstatyti mygtuko nustatymus", "reset_lists": "Iš naujo nustatyti sąrašų nustatymus", "reset_messages": "Iš naujo nustatyti žinučių nustatymus", "reset_popouts": "Iš naujo nustatyti iššokančių langų nustatymus", "resetting": "Perstatoma...", "selectors_buttons": "Rinkimų mygtukai", "selectors_lists": "Rinkimų sąrašas", "selectors_note_all": "Jeigu paliksite tuščia, nustatyti rinkimus kurie čia atsiras po perkrovimo. Keitimai rinkimam bus iššsaugoti kol rašote (jeigu kodas teisingas). Skyrėtojas yra kablelis (,).", "selectors_popouts": "Iššokančių langų rinkimai", "upd_translation": "Atnaujinti vertimų failą", "update_check": "Tikrinti atnaujimų", "update_err_timeout": "Viršytas skirtasis laikas", "update_err_unknown": "Įvyko klaida", "update_latest": "Naujausia versija", "update_newer": "Jūsų versija", "update_older": "Atnaujimas", "update_searching": "Ieškoma atnaujimų..." } }, "nl": { "edit": { "clear": "Wissen", "default": "Standaard", "load": "Laad", "save": "Opslaan", "template": "Sjabloon" }, "name": { "brick_down": "Brick down", "brick_left": "Brick left", "brick_right": "Brick right", "brick_up": "Brick up", "circle": "Cirkel", "in": "In", "opacity": "Ondoorzichtigheid", "out": "Uitgaande", "polygon": "Veelhoek", "skew_left": "Draai links", "skew_right": "Skew right", "slide_down": "Slide down", "slide_down_left": "Slide down (left)", "slide_down_right": "Slide down (right)", "slide_left": "Slide left", "slide_right": "Slide right", "slide_up": "Slide up", "slide_up_left": "Slide up (left)", "slide_up_right": "Slide up (right)", "slime": "Slime", "wide_skew_left": "Wide skew left", "wide_skew_right": "Wide skew right" }, "pop": { "no": "No", "will_downdated": "The plugin will be downdated.", "will_restored": "The plugin will be restored.", "will_updated": "The plugin will be updated.", "yes": "Let's do this", "you_can_say_no": "You can say no." }, "seq": { "from_first": "From first", "from_last": "From last" }, "stng": { "behavior": "Behavior", "behavior_note_messages_sending": "Animation behavior for the message to be sent.", "delay": "Delay", "delay_note_buttons": "Delay before appearing for each button in seconds.", "delay_note_lists": "Delay before appearing for each list item in seconds.", "delay_note_messages": "Delay before appearing for each message in seconds.", "duration": "Duration", "duration_note_buttons": "Animation playback speed in seconds for each button after the delay.", "duration_note_lists": "Animation playback speed in seconds for each list item after the delay.", "duration_note_messages": "Animation playback speed in seconds for each message after the delay.", "duration_note_popouts": "Animation playback speed in seconds for a popout.", "limit": "Limit", "limit_note_messages": "The maximum number of messages in the list for which the animation will be played.", "name": "Animation", "name_mode_editing": "Editing", "name_mode_selecting": "Selecting", "name_note_buttons": "Animation of the buttons.", "name_note_lists": "Animation of the lists items.", "name_note_messages": "Animation of the messages.", "name_note_messages_sending": "Animation of the message to be sent.", "name_note_popouts": "Animation of the popouts.", "sequence": "Sequence", "sequence_note_buttons": "The sequence in which the buttons are built.", "sequence_note_lists": "The sequence in which the list items are built.", "timing": "Timing function", "timing_note_buttons": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for buttons.", "timing_note_lists": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for lists.", "timing_note_messages": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for messages.", "timing_note_popouts": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for popouts." }, "view": { "advanced": "Advanced", "behaivor_animate_on_sent": "Animate on sent", "behavior_do_not_animate": "Do not animate", "buttons": "Buttons", "changelog": "Changelog", "link_cd": "Help translate", "link_gh_discussions": "Discussions", "link_gh_issues": "Issues", "links_dc_server": "Server", "lists": "Lists", "messages": "Messages", "messages_received": "Receiving", "messages_sending": "Sending", "popouts": "Popouts", "rebuild_animations": "Rebuild animations", "reset_all_settings": "Reset all", "reset_buttons": "Reset buttons settings", "reset_lists": "Reset lists settings", "reset_messages": "Reset messages settings", "reset_popouts": "Reset popouts settings", "resetting": "Resetting...", "selectors_buttons": "Selectors of buttons", "selectors_lists": "Selectors of lists", "selectors_note_all": "If you leave this field empty, the default selectors will appear here on reload. Changes to the selectors are saved when typing (if the code is valid). The separator is a comma (,).", "selectors_popouts": "Selectors of popouts", "upd_translation": "Update the translation file", "update_check": "Check for updates", "update_err_timeout": "Timeout exceeded", "update_err_unknown": "An error occurred", "update_latest": "Latest version", "update_newer": "Your own version", "update_older": "Update", "update_searching": "Searching for updates..." } }, "no": { "edit": { "clear": "Clear", "default": "Default", "load": "Load", "save": "Save", "template": "Template" }, "name": { "brick_down": "Brick down", "brick_left": "Brick left", "brick_right": "Brick right", "brick_up": "Brick up", "circle": "Circle", "in": "In", "opacity": "Opacity", "out": "Out", "polygon": "Polygon", "skew_left": "Skew left", "skew_right": "Skew right", "slide_down": "Slide down", "slide_down_left": "Slide down (left)", "slide_down_right": "Slide down (right)", "slide_left": "Slide left", "slide_right": "Slide right", "slide_up": "Slide up", "slide_up_left": "Slide up (left)", "slide_up_right": "Slide up (right)", "slime": "Slime", "wide_skew_left": "Wide skew left", "wide_skew_right": "Wide skew right" }, "pop": { "no": "No", "will_downdated": "The plugin will be downdated.", "will_restored": "The plugin will be restored.", "will_updated": "The plugin will be updated.", "yes": "Let's do this", "you_can_say_no": "You can say no." }, "seq": { "from_first": "From first", "from_last": "From last" }, "stng": { "behavior": "Behavior", "behavior_note_messages_sending": "Animation behavior for the message to be sent.", "delay": "Delay", "delay_note_buttons": "Delay before appearing for each button in seconds.", "delay_note_lists": "Delay before appearing for each list item in seconds.", "delay_note_messages": "Delay before appearing for each message in seconds.", "duration": "Duration", "duration_note_buttons": "Animation playback speed in seconds for each button after the delay.", "duration_note_lists": "Animation playback speed in seconds for each list item after the delay.", "duration_note_messages": "Animation playback speed in seconds for each message after the delay.", "duration_note_popouts": "Animation playback speed in seconds for a popout.", "limit": "Limit", "limit_note_messages": "The maximum number of messages in the list for which the animation will be played.", "name": "Animation", "name_mode_editing": "Editing", "name_mode_selecting": "Selecting", "name_note_buttons": "Animation of the buttons.", "name_note_lists": "Animation of the lists items.", "name_note_messages": "Animation of the messages.", "name_note_messages_sending": "Animation of the message to be sent.", "name_note_popouts": "Animation of the popouts.", "sequence": "Sequence", "sequence_note_buttons": "The sequence in which the buttons are built.", "sequence_note_lists": "The sequence in which the list items are built.", "timing": "Timing function", "timing_note_buttons": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for buttons.", "timing_note_lists": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for lists.", "timing_note_messages": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for messages.", "timing_note_popouts": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for popouts." }, "view": { "advanced": "Advanced", "behaivor_animate_on_sent": "Animate on sent", "behavior_do_not_animate": "Do not animate", "buttons": "Buttons", "changelog": "Changelog", "link_cd": "Help translate", "link_gh_discussions": "Discussions", "link_gh_issues": "Issues", "links_dc_server": "Server", "lists": "Lists", "messages": "Messages", "messages_received": "Receiving", "messages_sending": "Sending", "popouts": "Popouts", "rebuild_animations": "Rebuild animations", "reset_all_settings": "Reset all", "reset_buttons": "Reset buttons settings", "reset_lists": "Reset lists settings", "reset_messages": "Reset messages settings", "reset_popouts": "Reset popouts settings", "resetting": "Resetting...", "selectors_buttons": "Selectors of buttons", "selectors_lists": "Selectors of lists", "selectors_note_all": "If you leave this field empty, the default selectors will appear here on reload. Changes to the selectors are saved when typing (if the code is valid). The separator is a comma (,).", "selectors_popouts": "Selectors of popouts", "upd_translation": "Update the translation file", "update_check": "Check for updates", "update_err_timeout": "Timeout exceeded", "update_err_unknown": "An error occurred", "update_latest": "Latest version", "update_newer": "Your own version", "update_older": "Update", "update_searching": "Searching for updates..." } }, "pl": { "edit": { "clear": "Clear", "default": "Default", "load": "Load", "save": "Save", "template": "Template" }, "name": { "brick_down": "Brick down", "brick_left": "Brick left", "brick_right": "Brick right", "brick_up": "Brick up", "circle": "Circle", "in": "In", "opacity": "Opacity", "out": "Out", "polygon": "Polygon", "skew_left": "Skew left", "skew_right": "Skew right", "slide_down": "Slide down", "slide_down_left": "Slide down (left)", "slide_down_right": "Slide down (right)", "slide_left": "Slide left", "slide_right": "Slide right", "slide_up": "Slide up", "slide_up_left": "Slide up (left)", "slide_up_right": "Slide up (right)", "slime": "Slime", "wide_skew_left": "Wide skew left", "wide_skew_right": "Wide skew right" }, "pop": { "no": "No", "will_downdated": "The plugin will be downdated.", "will_restored": "The plugin will be restored.", "will_updated": "The plugin will be updated.", "yes": "Let's do this", "you_can_say_no": "You can say no." }, "seq": { "from_first": "From first", "from_last": "From last" }, "stng": { "behavior": "Behavior", "behavior_note_messages_sending": "Animation behavior for the message to be sent.", "delay": "Delay", "delay_note_buttons": "Delay before appearing for each button in seconds.", "delay_note_lists": "Delay before appearing for each list item in seconds.", "delay_note_messages": "Delay before appearing for each message in seconds.", "duration": "Duration", "duration_note_buttons": "Animation playback speed in seconds for each button after the delay.", "duration_note_lists": "Animation playback speed in seconds for each list item after the delay.", "duration_note_messages": "Animation playback speed in seconds for each message after the delay.", "duration_note_popouts": "Animation playback speed in seconds for a popout.", "limit": "Limit", "limit_note_messages": "The maximum number of messages in the list for which the animation will be played.", "name": "Animation", "name_mode_editing": "Editing", "name_mode_selecting": "Selecting", "name_note_buttons": "Animation of the buttons.", "name_note_lists": "Animation of the lists items.", "name_note_messages": "Animation of the messages.", "name_note_messages_sending": "Animation of the message to be sent.", "name_note_popouts": "Animation of the popouts.", "sequence": "Sequence", "sequence_note_buttons": "The sequence in which the buttons are built.", "sequence_note_lists": "The sequence in which the list items are built.", "timing": "Timing function", "timing_note_buttons": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for buttons.", "timing_note_lists": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for lists.", "timing_note_messages": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for messages.", "timing_note_popouts": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for popouts." }, "view": { "advanced": "Advanced", "behaivor_animate_on_sent": "Animate on sent", "behavior_do_not_animate": "Do not animate", "buttons": "Buttons", "changelog": "Changelog", "link_cd": "Help translate", "link_gh_discussions": "Discussions", "link_gh_issues": "Issues", "links_dc_server": "Server", "lists": "Lists", "messages": "Messages", "messages_received": "Receiving", "messages_sending": "Sending", "popouts": "Popouts", "rebuild_animations": "Rebuild animations", "reset_all_settings": "Reset all", "reset_buttons": "Reset buttons settings", "reset_lists": "Reset lists settings", "reset_messages": "Reset messages settings", "reset_popouts": "Reset popouts settings", "resetting": "Resetting...", "selectors_buttons": "Selectors of buttons", "selectors_lists": "Selectors of lists", "selectors_note_all": "If you leave this field empty, the default selectors will appear here on reload. Changes to the selectors are saved when typing (if the code is valid). The separator is a comma (,).", "selectors_popouts": "Selectors of popouts", "upd_translation": "Update the translation file", "update_check": "Check for updates", "update_err_timeout": "Timeout exceeded", "update_err_unknown": "An error occurred", "update_latest": "Latest version", "update_newer": "Your own version", "update_older": "Update", "update_searching": "Searching for updates..." } }, "pt-BR": { "edit": { "clear": "Limpar", "default": "Padrão", "load": "Carregar", "save": "Salvar", "template": "Modelo" }, "name": { "brick_down": "Tijolo para baixo", "brick_left": "Blocos que faltam", "brick_right": "Dirija para a direita", "brick_up": "Tijolo acima", "circle": "Circular", "in": "Dentro", "opacity": "Opacidade", "out": "Saída", "polygon": "Polígono", "skew_left": "Enviesada para a esquerda", "skew_right": "Enviesada para a direita", "slide_down": "Deslizar para fora", "slide_down_left": "Deslizar para a esquerda", "slide_down_right": "Deslizar para a esquerda", "slide_left": "Corrediça esquerda", "slide_right": "Escorregar para a direita", "slide_up": "Deslizar para fora", "slide_up_left": "Deslizar para a esquerda", "slide_up_right": "Deslize para a direita", "slime": "Slime", "wide_skew_left": "Mistura larga à esquerda", "wide_skew_right": "Mistura larga à direita" }, "pop": { "no": "Não", "will_downdated": "O plugin será rebaixado.", "will_restored": "O plugin será restaurado.", "will_updated": "O plugin será atualizado.", "yes": "Vamos fazer isso", "you_can_say_no": "Você pode dizer não." }, "seq": { "from_first": "Mostrar primeiro", "from_last": "Do último" }, "stng": { "behavior": "Comportamento", "behavior_note_messages_sending": "Comportamento de animação para a mensagem ser enviada.", "delay": "Atraso", "delay_note_buttons": "Atraso antes de aparecer para cada botão em segundos.", "delay_note_lists": "Atraso antes de aparecer para cada item da lista em segundos.", "delay_note_messages": "Atraso antes de aparecer para cada mensagem em segundos.", "duration": "Duração", "duration_note_buttons": "Velocidade de reprodução de animação em segundos para cada botão após o atraso.", "duration_note_lists": "Velocidade de reprodução de animação em segundos para cada item da lista após o atraso.", "duration_note_messages": "Velocidade de reprodução de animação em segundos para cada mensagem após a atraso.", "duration_note_popouts": "Velocidade de reprodução de animação em segundos para um pout.", "limit": "Limite", "limit_note_messages": "O número máximo de mensagens na lista para as quais a animação será reproduzida.", "name": "Animação", "name_mode_editing": "Edição", "name_mode_selecting": "Selecionando", "name_note_buttons": "Animação dos botões.", "name_note_lists": "Animação dos itens da lista.", "name_note_messages": "Animação das mensagens.", "name_note_messages_sending": "Comportamento da animação a mensagem ser enviada.", "name_note_popouts": "Animação dos popouts(Janelas).", "sequence": "Sequência", "sequence_note_buttons": "A sequência em que os botões são construídos.", "sequence_note_lists": "A sequência em que os itens da lista são compilados.", "timing": "Função do tempo", "timing_note_buttons": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for buttons.", "timing_note_lists": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for lists.", "timing_note_messages": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for messages.", "timing_note_popouts": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for popouts." }, "view": { "advanced": "Avançado", "behaivor_animate_on_sent": "Animar ao enviar", "behavior_do_not_animate": "Não animar", "buttons": "Botões", "changelog": "Registo de alterações", "link_cd": "Contribua a tradução", "link_gh_discussions": "Discussões", "link_gh_issues": "Problemas", "links_dc_server": "Servidor", "lists": "Listas", "messages": "Mensagens", "messages_received": "Recebendo", "messages_sending": "Enviando", "popouts": "Popouts(Janelas)", "rebuild_animations": "Rebuild animations", "reset_all_settings": "Restaurar tudo", "reset_buttons": "Restaurar configuração dos botões", "reset_lists": "Restaurar configuração das listas", "reset_messages": "Restaurar configuração das mensagens", "reset_popouts": "Reset popouts settings", "resetting": "Restaurando...", "selectors_buttons": "Selectors of buttons", "selectors_lists": "Selectors of lists", "selectors_note_all": "Se você deixar esse campo vazio, os seletores Irã aparecer aqui ao reiniciar. Mudanças para os seletores são salvas ao digitar(Se o código for válido). O separador é uma vírgula (,).", "selectors_popouts": "Selectors of popouts", "upd_translation": "Atualizar arquivo da tradução", "update_check": "Verificar atualizações", "update_err_timeout": "Tempo esgotado", "update_err_unknown": "Ocorreu um erro", "update_latest": "Versão mais recente", "update_newer": "Sua própria versão", "update_older": "Atualizar", "update_searching": "Procurando atualizações..." } }, "ro": { "edit": { "clear": "Elimină", "default": "Implicit", "load": "Încărcare", "save": "Salvați", "template": "Șablon" }, "name": { "brick_down": "Cărămidă jos", "brick_left": "Cărămidă stânga", "brick_right": "Cărămidă dreapta", "brick_up": "Cărămidă sus", "circle": "Cerc", "in": "În", "opacity": "Opacitate", "out": "Out", "polygon": "Polygon", "skew_left": "Skew left", "skew_right": "Skew right", "slide_down": "Slide down", "slide_down_left": "Slide down (left)", "slide_down_right": "Slide down (right)", "slide_left": "Slide left", "slide_right": "Slide right", "slide_up": "Slide up", "slide_up_left": "Slide up (left)", "slide_up_right": "Slide up (right)", "slime": "Slime", "wide_skew_left": "Wide skew left", "wide_skew_right": "Wide skew right" }, "pop": { "no": "No", "will_downdated": "The plugin will be downdated.", "will_restored": "The plugin will be restored.", "will_updated": "The plugin will be updated.", "yes": "Let's do this", "you_can_say_no": "You can say no." }, "seq": { "from_first": "From first", "from_last": "From last" }, "stng": { "behavior": "Behavior", "behavior_note_messages_sending": "Animation behavior for the message to be sent.", "delay": "Delay", "delay_note_buttons": "Delay before appearing for each button in seconds.", "delay_note_lists": "Delay before appearing for each list item in seconds.", "delay_note_messages": "Delay before appearing for each message in seconds.", "duration": "Duration", "duration_note_buttons": "Animation playback speed in seconds for each button after the delay.", "duration_note_lists": "Animation playback speed in seconds for each list item after the delay.", "duration_note_messages": "Animation playback speed in seconds for each message after the delay.", "duration_note_popouts": "Animation playback speed in seconds for a popout.", "limit": "Limit", "limit_note_messages": "The maximum number of messages in the list for which the animation will be played.", "name": "Animation", "name_mode_editing": "Editing", "name_mode_selecting": "Selecting", "name_note_buttons": "Animation of the buttons.", "name_note_lists": "Animation of the lists items.", "name_note_messages": "Animation of the messages.", "name_note_messages_sending": "Animation of the message to be sent.", "name_note_popouts": "Animation of the popouts.", "sequence": "Sequence", "sequence_note_buttons": "The sequence in which the buttons are built.", "sequence_note_lists": "The sequence in which the list items are built.", "timing": "Timing function", "timing_note_buttons": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for buttons.", "timing_note_lists": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for lists.", "timing_note_messages": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for messages.", "timing_note_popouts": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for popouts." }, "view": { "advanced": "Advanced", "behaivor_animate_on_sent": "Animate on sent", "behavior_do_not_animate": "Do not animate", "buttons": "Buttons", "changelog": "Changelog", "link_cd": "Help translate", "link_gh_discussions": "Discussions", "link_gh_issues": "Issues", "links_dc_server": "Server", "lists": "Lists", "messages": "Messages", "messages_received": "Receiving", "messages_sending": "Sending", "popouts": "Popouts", "rebuild_animations": "Rebuild animations", "reset_all_settings": "Reset all", "reset_buttons": "Reset buttons settings", "reset_lists": "Reset lists settings", "reset_messages": "Reset messages settings", "reset_popouts": "Reset popouts settings", "resetting": "Resetting...", "selectors_buttons": "Selectors of buttons", "selectors_lists": "Selectors of lists", "selectors_note_all": "If you leave this field empty, the default selectors will appear here on reload. Changes to the selectors are saved when typing (if the code is valid). The separator is a comma (,).", "selectors_popouts": "Selectors of popouts", "upd_translation": "Update the translation file", "update_check": "Check for updates", "update_err_timeout": "Timeout exceeded", "update_err_unknown": "An error occurred", "update_latest": "Latest version", "update_newer": "Your own version", "update_older": "Update", "update_searching": "Searching for updates..." } }, "ru": { "edit": { "clear": "Очистить", "default": "По умолчанию", "load": "Загрузить", "save": "Сохранить", "template": "Шаблон" }, "name": { "brick_down": "Кирпич вниз", "brick_left": "Кирпич влево", "brick_right": "Кирпич вправо", "brick_up": "Кирпич вверх", "circle": "Круг", "in": "Вход", "opacity": "Прозрачность", "out": "Выход", "polygon": "Полигон", "skew_left": "Перекос влево", "skew_right": "Перекос вправо", "slide_down": "Сдвиг вниз", "slide_down_left": "Сдвиг вниз (влево)", "slide_down_right": "Сдвиг вниз (вправо)", "slide_left": "Сдвиг влево", "slide_right": "Сдвиг вправо", "slide_up": "Сдвиг вверх", "slide_up_left": "Сдвиг вверх (влево)", "slide_up_right": "Сдвиг вверх (справа)", "slime": "Слизь", "wide_skew_left": "Широкий перекос влево", "wide_skew_right": "Широкий перекос вправо" }, "pop": { "no": "Нет", "will_downdated": "Версия будет понижена до официальной.", "will_restored": "Плагин будет восстановлен.", "will_updated": "Плагин будет обновлен.", "yes": "Давайте сделаем это", "you_can_say_no": "Вы можете сказать нет." }, "seq": { "from_first": "С начала", "from_last": "С конца" }, "stng": { "behavior": "Поведение", "behavior_note_messages_sending": "Поведение анимации для отправляемого сообщения.", "delay": "Задержка", "delay_note_buttons": "Задержка перед появлением каждой кнопки в секундах.", "delay_note_lists": "Задержка перед появлением для каждого элемента списка в секундах.", "delay_note_messages": "Задержка перед появлением каждого сообщения в секундах.", "duration": "Продолжительность", "duration_note_buttons": "Скорость воспроизведения анимации в секундах для каждой кнопки после задержки.", "duration_note_lists": "Скорость воспроизведения анимации в секундах для каждого элемента списка после задержки.", "duration_note_messages": "Скорость воспроизведения анимации в секундах для каждого сообщения после задержки.", "duration_note_popouts": "Скорость воспроизведения анимации в секундах для всплывающего окна.", "limit": "Лимит", "limit_note_messages": "Максимальное количество сообщений в списке, для которого будет воспроизведена анимация.", "name": "Анимация", "name_mode_editing": "Редактировать", "name_mode_selecting": "Выбрать", "name_note_buttons": "Название анимации кнопок.", "name_note_lists": "Название анимации элементов списка.", "name_note_messages": "Название анимации сообщений.", "name_note_messages_sending": "Анимация отправляемого сообщения.", "name_note_popouts": "Название анимации всплывающих окон.", "sequence": "Порядок", "sequence_note_buttons": "Порядок, в котором создаются кнопки.", "sequence_note_lists": "Порядок, в котором строятся элементы списка.", "timing": "Функция тайминга", "timing_note_buttons": "Определяет изменение скорости воспроизведения анимации кнопок.", "timing_note_lists": "Определяет изменение скорости воспроизведения анимации списков.", "timing_note_messages": "Определяет изменение скорости воспроизведения анимации сообщений.", "timing_note_popouts": "Определяет изменение скорости воспроизведения анимации всплывающих окон." }, "view": { "advanced": "Расширенные", "behaivor_animate_on_sent": "Анимировать при отправке", "behavior_do_not_animate": "Не анимировать", "buttons": "Кнопки", "changelog": "Список изменений", "link_cd": "Помочь с переводом", "link_gh_discussions": "Обсуждения", "link_gh_issues": "Баг‑трекер", "links_dc_server": "Сервер", "lists": "Списки", "messages": "Сообщения", "messages_received": "Получение", "messages_sending": "Отправка", "popouts": "Всплывающие окна", "rebuild_animations": "Перестроить анимации", "reset_all_settings": "Сбросить всё", "reset_buttons": "Сбросить настройки кнопок", "reset_lists": "Сбросить настройки списков", "reset_messages": "Сбросить настройки сообщений", "reset_popouts": "Сбросить настройки всплывающих окон", "resetting": "Сброс...", "selectors_buttons": "Селекторы кнопок", "selectors_lists": "Селекторы списков", "selectors_note_all": "Если оставить это поле пустым, при перезагрузке здесь появятся селекторы по умолчанию. Изменения в селекторах сохраняются при вводе (если код действителен). Разделитель — запятая (,).", "selectors_popouts": "Селекторы всплывающих окон", "upd_translation": "Обновить файл перевода", "update_check": "Проверить обновления", "update_err_timeout": "Превышено время ожидания", "update_err_unknown": "Произошла ошибка", "update_latest": "Последняя версия", "update_newer": "Ваша версия", "update_older": "Обновить", "update_searching": "Поиск обновления..." } }, "sv-SE": { "edit": { "clear": "Clear", "default": "Default", "load": "Load", "save": "Save", "template": "Template" }, "name": { "brick_down": "Brick down", "brick_left": "Brick left", "brick_right": "Brick right", "brick_up": "Brick up", "circle": "Circle", "in": "In", "opacity": "Opacity", "out": "Out", "polygon": "Polygon", "skew_left": "Skew left", "skew_right": "Skew right", "slide_down": "Slide down", "slide_down_left": "Slide down (left)", "slide_down_right": "Slide down (right)", "slide_left": "Slide left", "slide_right": "Slide right", "slide_up": "Slide up", "slide_up_left": "Slide up (left)", "slide_up_right": "Slide up (right)", "slime": "Slime", "wide_skew_left": "Wide skew left", "wide_skew_right": "Wide skew right" }, "pop": { "no": "Nej", "will_downdated": "The plugin will be downdated.", "will_restored": "The plugin will be restored.", "will_updated": "The plugin will be updated.", "yes": "Let's do this", "you_can_say_no": "You can say no." }, "seq": { "from_first": "From first", "from_last": "From last" }, "stng": { "behavior": "Behavior", "behavior_note_messages_sending": "Animation behavior for the message to be sent.", "delay": "Fördröj", "delay_note_buttons": "Delay before appearing for each button in seconds.", "delay_note_lists": "Delay before appearing for each list item in seconds.", "delay_note_messages": "Delay before appearing for each message in seconds.", "duration": "Längd", "duration_note_buttons": "Animation playback speed in seconds for each button after the delay.", "duration_note_lists": "Animation playback speed in seconds for each list item after the delay.", "duration_note_messages": "Animation playback speed in seconds for each message after the delay.", "duration_note_popouts": "Animation playback speed in seconds for a popout.", "limit": "Begränsa", "limit_note_messages": "The maximum number of messages in the list for which the animation will be played.", "name": "Animation", "name_mode_editing": "Editing", "name_mode_selecting": "Selecting", "name_note_buttons": "Animation of the buttons.", "name_note_lists": "Namnet på animeringen av listobjekten.", "name_note_messages": "Animation of the messages.", "name_note_messages_sending": "Animation of the message to be sent.", "name_note_popouts": "Animation of the popouts.", "sequence": "Sekvens", "sequence_note_buttons": "The sequence in which the buttons are built.", "sequence_note_lists": "The sequence in which the list items are built.", "timing": "Timing function", "timing_note_buttons": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for buttons.", "timing_note_lists": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for lists.", "timing_note_messages": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for messages.", "timing_note_popouts": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for popouts." }, "view": { "advanced": "Avancerad", "behaivor_animate_on_sent": "Animate on sent", "behavior_do_not_animate": "Do not animate", "buttons": "Knappar", "changelog": "Ändringslogg", "link_cd": "Hjälp till att översätta", "link_gh_discussions": "Diskussioner", "link_gh_issues": "Problem", "links_dc_server": "Server", "lists": "Listorna", "messages": "Meddelanden", "messages_received": "Receiving", "messages_sending": "Sending", "popouts": "Popouts", "rebuild_animations": "Återskapa animationer", "reset_all_settings": "Återställ alla", "reset_buttons": "Reset buttons settings", "reset_lists": "Återställ Listorna till standardinställningar", "reset_messages": "Reset messages settings", "reset_popouts": "Reset popouts settings", "resetting": "Återställer...", "selectors_buttons": "Selectors of buttons", "selectors_lists": "Selectors of lists", "selectors_note_all": "If you leave this field empty, the default selectors will appear here on reload. Changes to the selectors are saved when typing (if the code is valid). The separator is a comma (,).", "selectors_popouts": "Selectors of popouts", "upd_translation": "Update the translation file", "update_check": "Sök efter uppdateringar", "update_err_timeout": "Timeout överskriden", "update_err_unknown": "Ett fel uppstod", "update_latest": "Senaste versionen", "update_newer": "Din egen version", "update_older": "Uppdatera", "update_searching": "Searching for updates..." } }, "th": { "edit": { "clear": "ล้าง", "default": "ค่าเริ่มต้น", "load": "โหลด", "save": "บันทึก", "template": "แม่แบบ" }, "name": { "brick_down": "บล็อกลง", "brick_left": "บล็อกซ้าย", "brick_right": "บล็อกขวา", "brick_up": "บล็อกขึ้น", "circle": "วงกลม", "in": "ใน", "opacity": "ความทึบ", "out": "ออก", "polygon": "รูปหลายเหลี่ยม", "skew_left": "เอียงซ้าย", "skew_right": "เอียงขวา", "slide_down": "สไลด์ลง", "slide_down_left": "สไลด์ลง (ซ้าย)", "slide_down_right": "สไลด์ลง (ขวา)", "slide_left": "สไลด์ซ้าย", "slide_right": "สไลด์ขวา", "slide_up": "สไลด์ขึ้น", "slide_up_left": "สไลด์ขึ้น 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Зміни в селекторах зберігаються під час введення (якщо код дійсний). Роздільник — кома (,).", "selectors_popouts": "Селектори спл. вікон", "upd_translation": "Оновити файл перекладу", "update_check": "Перевірити оновлення", "update_err_timeout": "Перевищено час очікування", "update_err_unknown": "Сталась помилка", "update_latest": "Остання версія", "update_newer": "Власна версія", "update_older": "Оновити", "update_searching": "Пошук оновлень..." } }, "vi": { "edit": { "clear": "Xoá", "default": "Mặc định", "load": "Nạp", "save": "Lưu", "template": "Bản mẫu" }, "name": { "brick_down": "Gạch xuống", "brick_left": "Gạch sang trái", "brick_right": "Gạch sang phải", "brick_up": "Gạch lên", "circle": "Hình tròn", "in": "Đưa vào", "opacity": "Độ mờ", "out": "Đưa ra", "polygon": "Đa giác", "skew_left": "Xiên sang trái", "skew_right": "Xiên sang phải", "slide_down": "Trượt xuống", "slide_down_left": "Trượt chéo xuống (sang trái)", "slide_down_right": "Trượt chéo xuống (sang phải)", "slide_left": "Trượt sang trái", "slide_right": "Trượt sang phải", "slide_up": "Trượt lên", "slide_up_left": "Trượt chéo lên (sang trái)", "slide_up_right": "Trượt chéo lên (sang phải)", "slime": "Nảy", "wide_skew_left": "Trượt rộng sang trái", "wide_skew_right": "Trượt rộng sang phải" }, "pop": { "no": "Không", "will_downdated": "Plugin sẽ bị hạ cấp.", "will_restored": "Plugin sẽ được khôi phục.", "will_updated": "Plugin sẽ được cập nhật.", "yes": "Làm thôi nào", "you_can_say_no": "Bạn có thể nói không." }, "seq": { "from_first": "Từ đầu", "from_last": "Từ cuối" }, "stng": { "behavior": "Hành vi", "behavior_note_messages_sending": "Hành vi hoạt hình cho tin nhắn được gửi.", "delay": "Thời gian chờ", "delay_note_buttons": "Thời gian chờ trước khi xuất hiện nút nhấn tính tính bằng giây.", "delay_note_lists": "Thời gian chờ trước khi xuất hiện mục danh sách tính bằng giây.", "delay_note_messages": "Thời gian chờ trước khi xuất hiện tin nhắn tính bằng giây.", "duration": "Thời gian", "duration_note_buttons": "Tốc độ hoạt ảnh phát lại trong mỗi nút nhấn sau thời gian chờ.", "duration_note_lists": "Tốc độ hoạt ảnh phát lại trong mỗi mục danh sách sau thời gian chờ.", "duration_note_messages": "Tốc độ hoạt ảnh phát lại trong mỗi tin nhắn sau thời gian chờ.", "duration_note_popouts": "Tốc độ phát lại hoạt ảnh tính bằng giây cho một cửa sổ bật lên.", "limit": "Giới hạn", "limit_note_messages": "Số lượng tin nhắn tối đa trong danh sách mà hoạt ảnh sẽ phát.", "name": "Hoạt ảnh", "name_mode_editing": "Chỉnh sửa", "name_mode_selecting": "Lựa chọn", "name_note_buttons": "Hoạt ảnh nút nhấn.", "name_note_lists": "Hoạt ảnh mục danh sách.", "name_note_messages": "Hoạt ảnh tin nhắn.", "name_note_messages_sending": "Hoạt ảnh tin nhắn khi được gửi.", "name_note_popouts": "Hoạt ảnh cửa sổ bật lên.", "sequence": "Trình tự", "sequence_note_buttons": "Trình tự xây dựng các nút nhấn.", "sequence_note_lists": "Trình tự xây dựng mục danh sách.", "timing": "Chức năng thời gian", "timing_note_buttons": "Xác định sự thay đổi tốc độ phát lại hoạt ảnh cho các nút bấm.", "timing_note_lists": "Xác định sự thay đổi tốc độ phát lại hoạt ảnh cho các danh sách.", "timing_note_messages": "Xác định sự thay đổi tốc độ phát lại hoạt ảnh cho các tin nhắn.", "timing_note_popouts": "Xác định sự thay đổi tốc độ phát lại hoạt ảnh cho các cửa sổ bật lên." }, "view": { "advanced": "Nâng cao", "behaivor_animate_on_sent": "Hoạt ảnh khi gửi", "behavior_do_not_animate": "Không chạy hoạt ảnh", "buttons": "Nút bấm", "changelog": "Nhật ký thay đổi", "link_cd": "Trợ giúp dịch ngôn ngữ", "link_gh_discussions": "Thảo luận", "link_gh_issues": "Vấn đề", "links_dc_server": "Máy chủ", "lists": "Danh sách", "messages": "Tin nhắn", "messages_received": "Nhận", "messages_sending": "Gửi tin nhắn", "popouts": "Cửa sổ bật ra", "rebuild_animations": "Xây dựng lại hoạt ảnh", "reset_all_settings": "Cài đặt lại tất cả", "reset_buttons": "Đặt lại cài đặt nút bấm", "reset_lists": "Đặt lại cài đặt danh sách", "reset_messages": "Đặt lại cài đặt tin nhắn", "reset_popouts": "Đặt lại cài đặt cửa sổ bật lên", "resetting": "Cài đặt lại...", "selectors_buttons": "Bộ chọn các nút bấm", "selectors_lists": "Bộ chọn các danh sách", "selectors_note_all": "Nếu bạn để trống phần này, lựa chọn mặc định trước sẽ được áp dụng nếu nạp lại. Các thay đổi đối với lựa chọn sẽ được lưu khi nhập (nếu mã hợp lệ). Dấu phân cách dòng mã là dấu phẩy (,).", "selectors_popouts": "Bộ chọn các cửa sổ bật lên", "upd_translation": "Cập nhật bản dịch", "update_check": "Kiểm tra cập nhật", "update_err_timeout": "Vượt quá thời gian chờ", "update_err_unknown": "Đã xảy ra lỗi", "update_latest": "Phiên bản mới nhất", "update_newer": "Phiên bản của bạn", "update_older": "Cập nhật", "update_searching": "Tìm kiếm cập nhật..." } }, "zh-CN": { "edit": { "clear": "清除", "default": "默认值", "load": "加载", "save": "保存", "template": "模板" }, "name": { "brick_down": "由下滑入", "brick_left": "由左滑入", "brick_right": "由右滑入", "brick_up": "由上滑入", "circle": "圆圈", "in": "在", "opacity": "不透明度", "out": "出外", "polygon": "多边形", "skew_left": "左倾斜", "skew_right": "右倾斜", "slide_down": "滑下", "slide_down_left": "滑下(左)", "slide_down_right": "滑下(右)", "slide_left": "滑左", "slide_right": "滑右", "slide_up": "滑上", "slide_up_left": "滑上(左)", "slide_up_right": "滑上(右)", "slime": "Slime", "wide_skew_left": "Wide skew left", "wide_skew_right": "Wide skew right" }, "pop": { "no": "否", "will_downdated": "该插件将被降级", "will_restored": "该插件将被恢复", "will_updated": "该插件将被更新", "yes": "好吧!", "you_can_say_no": "你不需要。" }, "seq": { "from_first": "从头开始", "from_last": "从尾开始" }, "stng": { "behavior": "显示方式", "behavior_note_messages_sending": "要发送的消息的动画方式", "delay": "延迟", "delay_note_buttons": "每个按钮出现前的延迟,单位是秒", "delay_note_lists": "每个列表出现前的延迟,单位是秒", "delay_note_messages": "每条讯息出现前的延迟,单位是秒", "duration": "持续时间", "duration_note_buttons": "延迟后每个按钮的动画播放速度,单位为秒", "duration_note_lists": "延迟后每个列表的动画播放速度,单位为秒", "duration_note_messages": "延迟后每条讯息的动画播放速度,单位为秒", "duration_note_popouts": "弹出的动画播放速度,以秒为单位", "limit": "限制", "limit_note_messages": "列表中要播放动画的最大讯息数量", "name": "动画", "name_mode_editing": "编辑", "name_mode_selecting": "Selecting", "name_note_buttons": "Animation of the buttons.", "name_note_lists": "Animation of the lists items.", "name_note_messages": "Animation of the messages.", "name_note_messages_sending": "Animation of the message to be sent.", "name_note_popouts": "Animation of the popouts.", "sequence": "Sequence", "sequence_note_buttons": "The sequence in which the buttons are built.", "sequence_note_lists": "The sequence in which the list items are built.", "timing": "Timing function", "timing_note_buttons": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for buttons.", "timing_note_lists": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for lists.", "timing_note_messages": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for messages.", "timing_note_popouts": "Defines the change in animation playback speed for popouts." }, "view": { "advanced": "Advanced", "behaivor_animate_on_sent": "Animate on sent", "behavior_do_not_animate": "Do not animate", "buttons": "Buttons", "changelog": "Changelog", "link_cd": "Help translate", "link_gh_discussions": "Discussions", "link_gh_issues": "Issues", "links_dc_server": "Server", "lists": "Lists", "messages": "Messages", "messages_received": "Receiving", "messages_sending": "Sending", "popouts": "Popouts", "rebuild_animations": "Rebuild animations", "reset_all_settings": "Reset all", "reset_buttons": "Reset buttons settings", "reset_lists": "Reset lists settings", "reset_messages": "Reset messages settings", "reset_popouts": "Reset popouts settings", "resetting": "Resetting...", "selectors_buttons": "Selectors of buttons", "selectors_lists": "Selectors of lists", "selectors_note_all": "If you leave this field empty, the default selectors will appear here on reload. Changes to the selectors are saved when typing (if the code is valid). The separator is a comma (,).", "selectors_popouts": "Selectors of popouts", "upd_translation": "Update the translation file", "update_check": "Check for updates", "update_err_timeout": "Timeout exceeded", "update_err_unknown": "An error occurred", "update_latest": "Latest version", "update_newer": "Your own version", "update_older": "Update", "update_searching": "Searching for updates..." } }, "zh-TW": { "edit": { "clear": "清除", "default": "預設", "load": "載入", "save": "儲存", "template": "樣板" }, "name": { "brick_down": "由上滑入", "brick_left": "由右滑入", "brick_right": "由左滑入", "brick_up": "由下滑入", "circle": "圓形展開", "in": "由內往外", "opacity": "淡入", "out": "由外往內", "polygon": "多邊形展開", "skew_left": "向左旋轉", "skew_right": "向右旋轉", "slide_down": "由上填滿", "slide_down_left": "由右上往左下填滿", "slide_down_right": "由左上往右下填滿", "slide_left": "由右填滿", "slide_right": "由左填滿", "slide_up": "由下填滿", "slide_up_left": "由右下往左上填滿", "slide_up_right": "由左下往右上填滿", "slime": "史萊姆", "wide_skew_left": "向左旋轉(寬)", "wide_skew_right": "向右旋轉(寬)" }, "pop": { "no": "否", "will_downdated": "該插件將被降級", "will_restored": "該插件將被恢復", "will_updated": "該插件將被更新", "yes": "讓我們這樣做", "you_can_say_no": "你可以說 \"不\"" }, "seq": { "from_first": "從頭開始", "from_last": "從尾開始" }, "stng": { "behavior": "顯示方式", "behavior_note_messages_sending": "要發送的消息的動畫方式", "delay": "延遲", "delay_note_buttons": "每個按鈕出現前的延遲,單位是秒", "delay_note_lists": "每個列表出現前的延遲,單位是秒", "delay_note_messages": "每條訊息出現前的延遲,單位是秒", "duration": "持續時間", "duration_note_buttons": "延遲後每個按鈕的動畫播放速度,單位為秒", "duration_note_lists": "延遲後每個列表的動畫播放速度,單位為秒", "duration_note_messages": "延遲後每條訊息的動畫播放速度,單位為秒", "duration_note_popouts": "彈出的動畫播放速度,以秒為單位", "limit": "限制", "limit_note_messages": "列表中要播放動畫的最大訊息數量", "name": "動畫", "name_mode_editing": "編輯", "name_mode_selecting": "選擇", "name_note_buttons": "按鈕的動畫", "name_note_lists": "列表的動畫", "name_note_messages": "訊息的动画", "name_note_messages_sending": "要發送的訊息的動畫", "name_note_popouts": "彈出的動畫", "sequence": "順序", "sequence_note_buttons": "建立按鈕的順序", "sequence_note_lists": "列表的建立順序", "timing": "計時功能", "timing_note_buttons": "定義按鈕的動畫播放速度變化", "timing_note_lists": "定義列表的動畫播放速度的變化", "timing_note_messages": "定義訊息的動畫播放速度的變化", "timing_note_popouts": "定義彈出式動畫播放速度的變化" }, "view": { "advanced": "進階功能", "behaivor_animate_on_sent": "發送動畫", "behavior_do_not_animate": "不要動畫", "buttons": "按鈕", "changelog": "變更記錄", "link_cd": "協助翻譯", "link_gh_discussions": "討論", "link_gh_issues": "問題", "links_dc_server": "伺服器", "lists": "清單", "messages": "訊息", "messages_received": "正在接收", "messages_sending": "傳送", "popouts": "彈出式", "rebuild_animations": "重建動畫", "reset_all_settings": "重設全部", "reset_buttons": "重置按鈕設定", "reset_lists": "重置列表設定", "reset_messages": "重置訊息設定", "reset_popouts": "重置彈出設定", "resetting": "重新設定...", "selectors_buttons": "按鈕的選擇器", "selectors_lists": "列表的選擇器", "selectors_note_all": "如果你把這個字串留空,預設的選擇器將在重新載入時出現在這裡。對選擇器的修改會在輸入時儲存(如果代碼有效的話)。分隔符號是一個逗號(,)", "selectors_popouts": "彈出的選擇器", "upd_translation": "更新翻譯文件", "update_check": "檢查更新", "update_err_timeout": "超時了", "update_err_unknown": "發生了一個錯誤", "update_latest": "最新版本", "update_newer": "目前的版本", "update_older": "更新", "update_searching": "搜尋更新..." } } }