Validation Log 2024-05-26 04:12:44.528919 mwtab Python Library Version: 1.2.5 Source: Study ID: ST001720 Analysis ID: AN002803 File format: txt Status:Parsing Error ('LINE WITH ERROR:\n\t', "'SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS \\t44763\\t1\\tNon controllers (NC=1) or post-treatment controller (PTC=2):1 | Gender:F | Race/ethnicity:Hispanic\\tFollowed for how many days after tretament interuption=453; Days to >50 Copies=40; Days to >1000 Copies=47; Days to two consecutive >1000 Copies=47; Duration of ART (from first ART to ATI) (years)=9.5852; Pre-ATI CD4 cells/mm3=789; Source ACTG study=A5068; Age at start of analytical treatment interuption (ATI) in years=39; Sex=Sex; RAW_FILE_NAME=Abdel-Mohsen_01.raw'", IndexError('list index out of range'))