// ==UserScript== // @name GitHub Indent Comments // @version 1.0.18 // @description A userscript that allows you to indent & outdent blocks in the comment editor // @license MIT // @author Rob Garrison // @namespace https://github.com/Mottie // @match https://github.com/* // @match https://gist.github.com/* // @run-at document-idle // @grant GM_addStyle // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand // @connect github.com // @require https://greasyfork.org/scripts/28721-mutations/code/mutations.js?version=1108163 // @require https://greasyfork.org/scripts/398877-utils-js/code/utilsjs.js?version=1079637 // @require https://greasyfork.org/scripts/28239-rangy-inputs-mod-js/code/rangy-inputs-modjs.js?version=181769 // @icon https://github.githubassets.com/pinned-octocat.svg // @updateURL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Mottie/GitHub-userscripts/master/github-indent-comments.user.js // @downloadURL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Mottie/GitHub-userscripts/master/github-indent-comments.user.js // @supportURL https://github.com/Mottie/GitHub-userscripts/issues // ==/UserScript== /* global $ $$ on make */ (() => { "use strict"; let spaceSize = GM_getValue("space-size", 2); const icons = { indent: ` `, outdent: ` ` }; GM_addStyle(".ghio-in-outdent * { pointer-events:none; }"); // Add indent & outdent buttons function addButtons() { createButton("Outdent"); createButton("Indent"); } function createButton(name) { const nam = name.toLowerCase(); const button = make({ className: `ghio-${nam.toLowerCase()} ghio-in-outdent btn-link toolbar-item btn-octicon no-underline tooltipped tooltipped-n`, attrs: { "aria-label": `${name} Selected Text`, tabindex: "-1", type: "button" }, html: icons[nam.toLowerCase()] }); $$(".toolbar-commenting").forEach(el => { if (el && !$(`.ghio-${nam.toLowerCase()}`, el)) { el.insertBefore(button.cloneNode(true), el.childNodes[0]); } }); } function indent(text) { let result = []; let block = new Array(parseInt(spaceSize, 10) + 1).join(" "); (text || "").split(/\r*\n/).forEach(line => { result.push(block + line); }); return result.join("\n"); } function outdent(text) { let regex = new RegExp(`^(\x20{1,${spaceSize}}|\xA0{1,${spaceSize}}|\x09)`); let result = []; (text || "").split(/\r*\n/).forEach(line => { result.push(line.replace(regex, "")); }); return result.join("\n"); } function addBindings() { window.rangyInput.init(); saveTabSize(); on($("body"), "click", ({ target }) => { if (target?.classList.contains("ghio-in-outdent")) { const form = target.closest(".previewable-comment-form"); const textarea = $(".comment-form-textarea", form); textarea.focus(); setTimeout(() => { window.rangyInput.indentSelectedText( textarea, target.classList.contains("ghio-indent") ? indent : outdent ); }, 100); return false; } }); // Add Tab & Shift + Tab on($("body"), "keydown", event => { const { target, key } = event; if (key === "Tab") { if (target?.classList.contains("comment-form-textarea")) { event.preventDefault(); target.focus(); setTimeout(() => { window.rangyInput.indentSelectedText( target, // shift + tab = outdent event.getModifierState("Shift") ? outdent : indent ); }, 100); } } }); } function saveTabSize() { let $el = $(".gh-indent-size"); if (!$el) { $el = document.createElement("style"); $el.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet"); $el.className = "gh-indent-size"; document.querySelector("head").appendChild($el); } $el.innerHTML = `.comment-form-textarea { tab-size:${spaceSize}; }`; } // Add GM options GM_registerMenuCommand( "Indent or outdent size", () => { const spaces = GM_getValue("indentOutdentSize", spaceSize); let val = prompt("Enter number of spaces to indent or outdent:", spaces); if (val !== null && typeof val === "string") { spaceSize = val; GM_setValue("space-size", val); saveTabSize(); } } ); on(document, "ghmo:container", addButtons); addBindings(); addButtons(); })();