STGM: Spatio-Temporal Graph Mixformer for Traffic Forecasting
This is the original repository for the paper entitled " Spatio-Temporal Graph Mixformer for Traffic Forecasting ".
> ## Abstract
> Traffic forecasting is of great importance for intelligent transportation systems (ITS). Because of the intricacy implied in traffic behavior and the non-Euclidean nature of traffic data, it is challenging to give an accurate traffic prediction. Despite that previous studies considered the relationship between different nodes, the majority have relied on a static representation and failed to capture the dynamic node interactions over time. Additionally, prior studies employed RNN-based models to capture the temporal dependency. While RNNs are a popular choice for forecasting problems, they tend to be memory hungry and slow to train. Furthermore, recent studies start utilizing similarity algorithms to better express the implication of a node over the other. However, to our knowledge, none have explored the contribution of node $ð$âs past, over the future state of node $ð$. In this paper, we propose a Spatio-Temporal Graph Mixformer (STGM) network, a highly optimized model with low memory footprint. We address the aforementioned limits by utilizing a novel attention mechanism to capture the correlation between temporal and spatial dependencies. Specifically, we use convolution layers with a variable field of view for each head to capture longâshort term temporal dependency. Additionally, we train an estimator model that express the contribution of a node over the desired prediction. The estimation is fed alongside a distance matrix to the attention mechanism. Meanwhile, we use a gated mechanism and a mixer layer to further select and incorporate the different perspectives. Extensive experiments show that the proposed model enjoys a performance gain compared to the baselines while maintaining the lowest parameter counts.
## Performance and Visualization
## Table of Contents
| ââdistances.csv
| ââspeed.h5
| ââdistances.csv
| ââspeed.h5
| ââdistances.csv
| ââspeed.csv
| ââdatasets
| | ââpemsbay.yaml
| | ââmetrla.yaml
| | ââpemsd7m.yaml
| ââestimator
| | ââdefault.yaml
| ââmodel
| | ââstgm.yaml
| | ââstgm_full.yaml
| ââtrainer
| | ââdefault.yaml
| | ââfull.yaml
| ââsweeps
| | ââpemsbay.yaml
| | ââmetrla.yaml
| ââpaths
| | ââdefault.yaml
| ââlog
| | ââdefault.yaml
| ââhydra
| | ââdefault.yaml
| ââconfig.yaml
| ââ__init__.py
| ââdtw.py
| ââmetrics.py
| ââutils.py
| ââviz.py
| ââ__init__.py
| ââbase.py
| ââpems.py
| ââmetrla.py
| ââpemsd7m.py
| ââ__init__.py
| ââbase.py
| ââestimator.py
| ââstgm.py
| ââstgm_full.py
| ââ__init__.py
| ââbase.py
| ââdefault.py
| ââfull.py
ââlogs -> Run logs
| ââMETR-LA -> Dataset name (auto-generated)
| ââ -> Starting date (auto-generated)
| ââ -> Starting time (auto-generated)
| ââ -> Model name (auto-generated)
| ââconfig.yaml -> Config use for this run (auto-generated)
| âârun.log -> Run logs (auto-generated)
| ââmodel_weights.pt -> Latest model weights (auto-generated)
| ââmodel_weights_*.pt -> Model weights for a specific checkpoint (auto-generated)
| ââperformance.txt -> Prediction metrics overview (auto-generated)
| ââtrain_history.pdf -> Train history figure (auto-generated)
## Requirements
The code is built based on Python 3.11.0, PyTorch 2.0.0 and Hydra 1.3.1.
You can install PyTorch following the instruction on [PyTorch website](https://pytorch.org/get-started/locally/). For example:
pip install torch==2.0.0+cu117 torchvision==2.0.0+cu117 -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html
After ensuring that PyTorch is installed correctly, the user can clone the repo and install the remaining dependencies as follows:
git clone https://github.com/Mouradost/STGM.git
cd ./STGM
pip install -r requirements.txt
## Run STGM (or your custom version)
Our implementation uses the following frameworks for logging and configuration:
- [hydra](https://hydra.cc/) for a configurable and customizable training pipeline, you can find all the options for each module in the folder `src/configs`, refer to [hydra docs](https://hydra.cc/docs/intro/) for further instructions.
- [wandb](https://wandb.ai/site) as an online logger and [logging](https://docs.python.org/3/library/logging.html) as a local logger, in order to choose a logger you need to specify it as an argument to the `run.py` script as follows:
`shell ./run.py log.type=[wandb | default] `
We also provide a `BaseClass` for each of `Trainer`, `Model` and `Dataset` that can be extended to customize your run relative to your needs, please refer to [Customize your run](#customization).
The following sections assume the user is situated at `src/`.
The similarity matrices can be pre-calculated in advance for faster training using the snippet below:
./helpers/dtw.py [PATH_DATA_FOLDER]
For more options try:
./helpers/dtw.py --help
### Train STGM
Start the run by simply executing `./run.py` or `python run.py` which will use the default configuration. Any parameter to alter the default configuration can be provided following the below schema.
./run.py [MODULE]=$value [MODULE].[PARAM]=$value [TOP_LEVEL_PARAM]=$value
Refer to this example if it is ambiguous.
./run.py trainer.epochs=100 trainer.batch_size=128 dataset=metrla device=cuda:1 model.nb_blocks=1 model=stgm log.logger=wandb
### Predict using STGM
Perform a prediction using the script `./inference.py --path=[PATH_TO_SAVED_FOLDER]` or `python run.py --path=[PATH_TO_SAVED_FOLDER]` which will use the configuration provided in the **PATH_TO_SAVED_FOLDER**.
You can find all available options using `./inference.py --help` or `python run.py --help`.
The folder should follow the following schema:
-> Any folder that contain the model weights and the configuation file
ââconfig.yaml -> Config file
ââmodel_weights.pt -> Model weights
### Customize your run
#### Dataset
Training and inference can be performed on any dataset that contain the following files:
- A signal file (any time-series data) $X \in \mathcal{R}^{N \times F}$
- A time-steps for each signal entry $T \in \mathcal{R}$
- An adjacency matrix $A \in \mathcal{R}^{N \times N}$
The user only needs to overwrite the `load_data` function in order to provide `self.data`, `self.time_index`, `self.timestamps`, `self.adj`, `self.data_min`, `self.data_max`, `self.data_mean`, and `self.data_std`.
The script for the custom dataset needs to be placed in the _dataset folder_ as follows `./src/datasets/../[DATASET_NAME].py`.
Follow the below snippet to provide the necessary data to the `BaseDataset`:
import pandas as pd
from datasets.base import BaseDataset # Base dataset class
class Dataset(BaseDataset):
# The data_folder_path is provided by the BaseDataset.
# BaseDataset reads the path from ./src/config/paths/[defaults | user defined config].yaml
def load_data(self):
# Loading the adjacency matrix
self.adj = pd.read_csv(
self.data_folder_path / "PEMSBAY" / "W_pemsbay.csv"
).values # [NB_NODES, NB_NODES]
# Loading the signal data
data = pd.read_hdf(self.data_folder_path / "PEMSBAY" / "pems-bay.h5")
self.data = data.values # [NB_SAMPLES, NB_NODES]
# Meta-data used for normalization
self.data_mean, self.data_std = self.data.mean(), self.data.std()
self.data_min, self.data_max = self.data.min(), self.data.max()
# Timesteps inferrence
self.timestamps = data.index # Pandas datetime used for visualization
self.timestamps.freq = self.timestamps.inferred_freq
self.time_index = self.time_to_idx(self.timestamps, freq="5min") # IDX representing time of the day and days of the week [NB_SAMPLES, 2]
The user need to provide a **YAML** config file for the custom dataset in `./src/config/dataset/`. Refer to [PEMS-BAY Config file](./src/config/dataset/pemsbay.yaml) for all the options.
#### Model
Follow the below snippet to create a custom model, please subclass the `BaseModel` otherwise the program won't run properly since it provides model saving mechanisms and other functionality used in other classes:
import logging
import torch
from models.base import BaseModel
class Model(BaseModel):
def __init__(
in_channels: int = 1,
h_channels: int = 64,
out_channels: int = 1,
device: str = "cpu",
name: str = "STGM",
*args, # Used to obmit any extra args provided by the run.py or inference.py
**kwargs # Used to obmit any extra kwargs provided by the run.py or inference.py
super().__init__(name=name, log_level=log_level)
self.channels_last = channels_last
# Model definition
def forward(
x: torch.Tensor, # [B, L, N, F] | [B, F, N, L]
adj: torch.Tensor, # [N, N]
idx: torch.Tensor = None, # [B, 2, L]
*args, # Used to obmit any extra args provided by the trainer
**kwargs # Used to obmit any extra kwargs provided by the trainer
) -> torch.Tensor:
# Permutation if necessairy
if self.channels_last:
x = x.transpose(1, -1).contiguous() # [B, L, N, F] -> [B, F, N, L]
self.logger.debug("transpose -> x: %s", x.shape)
# Model logic
# Permutation if necessairy
if self.channels_last:
x = x.transpose(1, -1).contiguous() # [B, F', N, L] -> [B, L, N, F']
self.logger.debug("transpose -> x: %s", x.shape)
return x # [B, F', N, L] | [B, L, N, F']
The user need to provide a **YAML** config file for the custom model in `./src/config/model/`. Refer to [STGM Config file](./src/config/model/stgm.yaml) for all the options. The use can extend the provided model config for any additional parameters to the model.
#### Trainer
The user only needs to overwrite `train`, `train_step`, `validate`, and `val_step` from `BaseTrainer` to create a custom training logic.
Follow the below snippet for an easy start ð.
> Note that there is no need for normalization since it is handled by the `BaseTrainer`.
import torch
from tqdm import tqdm
from tqdm.contrib.logging import logging_redirect_tqdm
from trainers.base import BaseTrainer
class Trainer(BaseTrainer):
def val_step(
x: torch.Tensor,
y: torch.Tensor,
idx: torch.Tensor,
adj: torch.Tensor,
sim: torch.Tensor
) -> float:
# Compute the loss.
with torch.autocast(
device_type="cuda", dtype=torch.float16, enabled=self.use_amp
loss = self.loss(x=x, y=y, idx=idx, adj=adj, sim=sim)
return loss.item()
def validate(self, val_data: torch.utils.data.DataLoader):
for i, (idx, adj, sim, x, y) in enumerate(val_data):
idx, adj, sim, x, y = (
idx.to(self.device), # [B, 2, L]
adj.to(self.device), # [B, N, N]
sim.to(self.device), # [B, N, N]
x.to(self.device), # [B, L, N, F]
y.to(self.device) # [B, L, N, F']
# Validation step
self.metrics["val/loss"] += self.val_step(
x=x, y=y, idx=idx, adj=adj, sim=sim
) / (i + 1)
def train_step(
x: torch.Tensor,
y: torch.Tensor,
idx: torch.Tensor,
adj: torch.Tensor,
sim: torch.Tensor
) -> float:
# Compute the loss.
with torch.autocast(
device_type="cuda", dtype=torch.float16, enabled=self.use_amp
loss = self.loss(x=x, y=y, idx=idx, adj=adj, sim=sim)
# Before the backward pass, zero all of the network gradients
# Backward pass: compute gradient of the loss with respect to parameters
return loss.item()
def train(
train_data: torch.utils.data.DataLoader,
val_data: torch.utils.data.DataLoader | None = None,
) -> dict:
epoch_loop = tqdm(
desc=f"Epoch 0/{self.epochs} train",
disable=not self.verbose,
with logging_redirect_tqdm():
for epoch in epoch_loop:
self.metrics["train/loss"] = 0
self.metrics["val/loss"] = 0
for i, (idx, adj, sim, x, y) in enumerate(train_data):
idx, adj, sim, x, y = (
idx.to(self.device), # [B, 2, L]
adj.to(self.device), # [B, N, N]
sim.to(self.device), # [B, N, N]
x.to(self.device), # [B, L, N, F]
y.to(self.device) # [B, L, N, F']
# Train step
self.metrics["train/loss"] += self.train_step(
x=x, y=y, idx=idx, adj=adj, sim=sim
) / (i + 1)
# Validation
if val_data is not None:
# Log metrics
self.log(epoch=epoch + 1)
epoch_loop.set_description_str(f"Epoch {epoch + 1}/{self.epochs} train")
return self.history
The user need to provide a **YAML** config file for the custom trainer in `./src/config/trainer/`. Refer to [Trainer Config file](./src/config/trainer/default.yaml) for all the options.
### Hyperparameters search
We also provide an integration of [hydra](https://hydra.cc/) combined with [wandb](https://wandb.ai/) parameter search also called **sweeps**. For more information and tutorials the user can check the following links:
- [Hydra docs](https://hydra.cc/docs/1.1/plugins/optuna_sweeper/)
- [Wandb docs](https://docs.wandb.ai/tutorials/sweeps)
- [Wandb sweeps tutorials](https://docs.wandb.ai/tutorials/sweeps)
- [Wandb + Hydra sweeps article](https://wandb.ai/adrishd/hydra-example/reports/Configuring-W-B-Projects-with-Hydra--VmlldzoxNTA2MzQw)
Some sweep samples are provided under `./src/config/sweeps/*.yaml`, the user can provide its own set of rules and expect similar output as shown below:
> Note: The sweep shown below is an example for a simple model, the user needs to provide a sweep configuration adapted to the size of the model and the dataset for good results.
The user can run the sweeps as follows:
wandb sweep ./src/config/sweeps/[SWEEP_CONFIG_NAME].yaml
## Disclaimer
The code in this repo is a simplified and polished version of the original code used for the paper, if you encounter any bugs or a big difference between the metrics reported in the [paper](https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2023.120281) and your run please open an issue following the provided guidelines.
The base configurations provided in this repo are not the one used in the paper, rather a scaled down version meant to be used on a personal computer as a starting point and a proof of work, refer to the [paper](https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2023.120281) for the full version which we used to train our model on a server.
## Citing STGM
If you find this repository useful for your work, please consider citing it using the following BibTeX entry:
title={Spatio-temporal graph mixformer for traffic forecasting},
author={Lablack, Mourad and Shen, Yanming},
journal={Expert Systems with Applications},