@rem ========================================================================== @rem This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public @rem License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this @rem file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. @rem ========================================================================== @rem Description: @rem This script runs shallow flash.sh on Windows + Cygwin. @rem Before use install Cygwin base package plus unzip @rem @rem Useage: @rem @rem Run in same folder as shallow_flash.sh and Gaia + Gecko archive files @rem It will automatically flash gaia.zip and any b2g-*.android-arm.tar.gz @rem ADB and fastboot can be run from the folder containing this script if @rem you copy ADB*.* and fastboot.exe from the Android distribution. @rem @rem If Cygwin and unzip are not installed it will prompt with instructions. @rem Cywin setup is then run with as little interaction user as as possible @rem Just select a download site and click Next twice. @rem @rem Author: slee steve@opendirective.com @rem History: @rem 2014/10/11 slee: v1.0 First release. @rem 2014/10/20 slee: v1.1 Added Cygwin installation. @rem ========================================================================== @setlocal @echo ### Finding Cygwin @set CYGWINBIN= @call :findCygwin @if not "%CYGWINBIN%"=="" goto check_Gecko @rem Run Cygwin setup to install Base and unzip @if exist setup-x86.exe ( @set SETUP=setup-x86.exe ) else if exist setup-x86_64.exe ( @set SETUP=setup-x86_64.exe ) @if not exist %SETUP% goto error_no_CYGWIN_SETUP @rem Note: Setup returns immediately - ie it runs async @rem so we can't tell if it succeeded or not from errorlevel @rem We wait until the task ends @echo ### Installing Cygwin @%SETUP% -q -C Base -P unzip -g :loop @tasklist | find /I "%SETUP%" > :null @if errorlevel 1 ( @goto end_loop ) else ( @Rem Pause a few seconds. "Timeout" is Windows 7 onwards @ping -n 3 > :null @goto loop ) :end_loop @rem Bail if still no Cywin or unzip @call :findCygwin @if "%CYGWINBIN%"=="" goto error_CYGWIN_FAILED :check_gecko @rem Find the Gaia and Gecko archive files @echo ### Checking for Gaia and Gecko files to flash @set "GAIA=gaia.zip" @if not exist %GAIA% goto error_no_GAIA @set GECKO= @set "GECKOPATTERN=b2g-*.android-arm.tar.gz" @for %%f in (%GECKOPATTERN%) do @( @set "GECKO=%%f" ) @if "%GECKO%"=="" goto error_no_GECKO @rem Set path so Cygwin can find it's commands @set "PATH=%CYGWINBIN%;%PATH%" @rem Create a temp .bashrc that mounts /tmp and performs a few tests @rem The # is to stop the Windows EOL \r breaking bash @echo ### Preparing to flash @set "BASHRC=%TEMP%\.bashrc" @echo unset TMP # > %BASHRC% @echo unset TEMP # >> %BASHRC% @rem allow adb and fastboot to be run from the current dir. @echo PATH="./:"$PATH # >> %BASHRC% @echo mount "%TEMP%" /tmp ^&^> /dev/null # >> %BASHRC% @echo $^(which adb ^&^> /dev/null^) ^|^| { printf "!!! Cannot find ADB\nEnsure it is installed or copied to the folder containing this script"; exit 1; } # >> %BASHRC% @echo $^(which fastboot ^&^> /dev/null^) ^|^| { printf "!!! Cannot find Fastboot\nEnsure it is installed or copied to the folder containing this script"; exit 1; } # >> %BASHRC% @for /F %%i in ('%CYGWINBIN%\cygpath "%BASHRC%"') do @( @set "BASH_ENV=%%i" ) @rem Run shallow_flash.sh @%CYGWINBIN%\bash -- shallow_flash.sh -g%GAIA% -G%GECKO% @goto end @rem Subroutines ------------------------------------------------------------- @rem Find Cygwin bin :findCygwin @for /F "tokens=1,2*" %%i in ('reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Cygwin\setup" /v "rootdir"') do @( @if "%%i"=="rootdir" ( @if exist "%%k\bin\bash.exe" ( @if exist %%k\bin\unzip.exe ( @set "CYGWINBIN=%%k\bin" ) ) ) ) @if "%CYGWINBIN%"=="" ( @for /F "tokens=1,2*" %%i in ('reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Cygwin\setup" /v "rootdir"') do @( @if "%%i"=="rootdir" ( @if exist "%%k\bin\bash.exe" ( @if exist %%k\bin\unzip.exe ( @set "CYGWINBIN=%%k\bin" ) ) ) ) ) @exit /B 0 @rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------- :error_no_CYGWIN_SETUP @echo !!! Cannot find Cygwin. @echo Please download the Cygwin "setup*.exe" from https://cygwin.com/install.html @echo and copy it to the folder containing this script. @echo TRun this script again so it can install Cygwin. @goto end :error_CYGWIN_FAILED @echo !!! Cygwin base and unzip have not been installed. @echo Flashing cancelled. @goto end :error_no_GAIA @echo !!! Cannot find the file "%GAIA%" @echo Get one from Firefox OS nightlies and put it in same folder as this script @goto end :error_no_GECKO @echo !!! Cannot find the file "%GECKOPATTERN%" @echo Get one from Firefox OS nightlies and put it in same folder as this script @goto end :end @rem pause if it looks like we were launched with a double clicked from explorer @if %0 == "%~0" pause