#!/usr/bin/env bash # 开机自启脚本来自秋水大佬,感谢! PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:~/bin export PATH echo "#=============================================================================" echo "# System Required: CentOS 6+/Debian 6+/Ubuntu 14.04+" echo "# Description: deploy the vlmcsd server(windows系列的VL版本KMS激活服务端一键搭建)" echo "# Version: 2.0.0" echo "# Author:Mrxn" echo "# Date:05/10/2019" echo "# Blog:https://mrxn.net" echo "# kms_server:kms.mrxn.net" echo "#=============================================================================" Green_font_prefix="\033[32m" && Red_font_prefix="\033[31m" && Green_background_prefix="\033[42;37m" && Red_background_prefix="\033[41;37m" && Font_color_suffix="\033[0m" Info="${Green_font_prefix}[信息]${Font_color_suffix}" Error="${Red_font_prefix}[错误]${Font_color_suffix}" Tip="${Green_font_prefix}[注意]${Font_color_suffix}" # 检查系统是否符合&是否已经安装vlmcsd服务 check_root() { [[ $EUID != 0 ]] && echo -e "${Error} 当前账号非ROOT(或没有ROOT权限),无法继续操作,请使用${Green_background_prefix} sudo su ${Font_color_suffix}来获取临时ROOT权限(执行后会提示输入当前账号的密码)。" && exit 1 } check_pid() { PID=$(ps -ef | grep -v grep | grep vlmcsd | awk '{print $2}') if [ ! -z $PID ]; then STAT=0 else STAT=1 fi } check_vlmcsd_start() { check_pid [[ ! -z ${PID} ]] && echo -e "${Error} vlmcsd正在运行,退出安装程序!" && exit 1 } check_vlmcsd_stop() { check_pid [[ -z ${PID} ]] && echo -e "${Tip} 未发现vlmcsd服务,准备安装!" } check_vlmcsd_status() { check_DAMON_status check_pid if [ $STAT = 0 ]; then echo -e "${Info} vlmcsd正在运行,放心玩去吧!" && exit 1 elif [ $STAT = 1 ]; then echo -e "${Tip} 未发现vlmcsd服务,请尝试重启vlmcsd服务端或者是安装vlmcsd服务端" fi } check_sys() { if [[ -f /etc/redhat-release ]]; then release="centos" elif cat /etc/issue | grep -q -E -i "debian"; then release="debian" elif cat /etc/issue | grep -q -E -i "ubuntu"; then release="ubuntu" elif cat /etc/issue | grep -q -E -i "centos|red hat|redhat"; then release="centos" elif cat /proc/version | grep -q -E -i "debian"; then release="debian" elif cat /proc/version | grep -q -E -i "ubuntu"; then release="ubuntu" elif cat /proc/version | grep -q -E -i "centos|red hat|redhat"; then release="centos" else release="" fi bit=$(uname -m) } check_root check_sys [[ ${release} != "debian" ]] && [[ ${release} != "ubuntu" ]] && [[ ${release} != "centos" ]] && echo -e "${Error} 本脚本不支持当前系统 ${release} !" && exit 1 # Get version getversion(){ if [[ -s /etc/redhat-release ]]; then grep -oE "[0-9.]+" /etc/redhat-release else grep -oE "[0-9.]+" /etc/issue fi } # CentOS version centosversion(){ if [[ x"${release}" == x"centos" ]]; then local code=$1 local version="$(getversion)" local main_ver=${version%%.*} if [ "$main_ver" == "$code" ]; then return 0 else return 1 fi else return 1 fi } # 开始安装vlmcsd依赖 install_depend() { if [[ ${release} == "centos" ]]; then yum install wget gcc git make nss curl libcurl -y elif [[ ${release} == "debian" ]] || [[ ${release} == "ubuntu" ]]; then apt-get install wget gcc git make libnss3 curl libcurl3-nss -y fi echo -e "${Info} 依赖安装完毕...开始安装vlmcsd主程序..." } check_install_status() { check_pid if [ $STAT = 0 ]; then echo -e "${Info} vlmcsd安装成功!" elif [ $STAT = 1 ]; then echo -e "${Error} vlmcsd安装失败!" fi } # 开机自启动 auto_start() { if [[ x"${release}" == x"centos" ]]; then if ! wget --no-check-certificate -O /etc/init.d/kms https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Mr-xn/kms-server-deploy/master/kms; then echo -e "${Error} Failed to download KMS Server script." exit 1 fi elif [[ x"${release}" == x"debian" || x"${release}" == x"ubuntu" ]]; then if ! wget --no-check-certificate -O /etc/init.d/kms https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Mr-xn/kms-server-deploy/master/kms-debian; then echo -e "${Error} Failed to download KMS Server script." exit 1 fi else echo -e "${Error} OS is not be supported, please change to CentOS/Debian/Ubuntu and try again." exit 1 fi } boot_start(){ if [[ x"${release}" == x"debian" || x"${release}" == x"ubuntu" ]]; then update-rc.d -f "${1}" defaults elif [[ x"${release}" == x"centos" ]]; then chkconfig --add "${1}" chkconfig "${1}" on fi } boot_stop(){ if [[ x"${release}" == x"debian" || x"${release}" == x"ubuntu" ]]; then update-rc.d -f "${1}" remove elif [[ x"${release}" == x"centos" ]]; then chkconfig "${1}" off chkconfig --del "${1}" fi } # 开始从Wind4的仓库克隆到本地安装 backup_old_vlmcsd() { if [[ -f $DAEMON ]]; then echo -e "${Tip} 发现旧的vlmcsd文件,将自动备份到/root/vlmcsd目录!" mkdir /root/vlmcsd mv $DAEMON /root/vlmcsd/old_vlmcsd elif [[ ! -f $DAEMON ]]; then echo -e "${Tip} 文件不存在,即将安装!" fi } start_install() { [[ -f $DAEMON ]] && echo -e "${Info} vlmcsd已经安装..." && exit 1 echo -e "${Info} 正在检查当前账号是否有执行权限部署操作..." echo -e "${Info} 正在检查是否已经安装vlmcsd..." echo -e "${Info} 恭喜,系统检查通过,检查是否安装vlmcsd服务端中..." check_vlmcsd_stop check_vlmcsd_start backup_old_vlmcsd echo -e "${Tip}${Red_font_prefix} 检查完毕,开始安装vlmcsd服务端...${Font_color_suffix}" echo -e "${Info} 依赖安装/检查中..." install_depend git clone https://github.com/Wind4/vlmcsd.git [ -d vlmcsd ] && cd vlmcsd || echo -e "${Error} Failed to git clone vlmcsd." make if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "${Error} 编译KMS 服务端出错,请重试或者将出错信息提交到 https://github.com/Mr-xn/kms-server-deploy/issues." exit 1 fi auto_start mkdir /usr/local/kms cp -p bin/vlmcsd /usr/local/kms/ chmod 755 /usr/local/kms/vlmcsd chmod 755 /etc/init.d/kms boot_start kms /etc/init.d/kms restart check_DAMON_status Add_iptables Save_iptables # vlmcsd_start check_install_status } check_install() { echo && stty erase '^H' && read -p "确认安装?[y/n]:" choice case $choice in "y") start_install ;; "n") exit 0 ;; *) echo "Please enter y or n!" ;; esac } # 设置 防火墙规则 Add_iptables() { if centosversion 7; then systemctl status firewalld > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=1688/tcp firewall-cmd --reload else echo -e "${Error} 不存在firewalld 或者firewalld 没有安装,请手动将 1688端口放行." fi elif centosversion 6 || ${release} == "debian" || ${release} == "ubuntu"; then /etc/init.d/iptables status > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then iptables -L -n | grep -i 1688 > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then iptables -I INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 1688 -j ACCEPT /etc/init.d/iptables save /etc/init.d/iptables restart fi else echo -e "${Error} iptables 没有启动或没有安装,请手动将 1688端口放行." fi fi } Del_iptables() { if centosversion 6 || ${release} == "debian" || ${release} == "ubuntu"; then iptables -D INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 1688 -j ACCEPT /etc/init.d/iptables save /etc/init.d/iptables restart elif centosversion 7; then firewall-cmd --zone=public --remove-port=1688/tcp --permanent firewall-cmd --reload fi } Save_iptables() { if centosversion 6 || ${release} == "debian" || ${release} == "ubuntu"; then /etc/init.d/iptables save /etc/init.d/iptables restart elif centosversion 7; then firewall-cmd --reload fi } DAEMON=/usr/local/kms/vlmcsd STAT=2 check_DAMON_status() { [[ ! -f $DAEMON ]] && echo -e "${Error} 文件不存在,请安装!" && exit 1 } vlmcsd_restart() { check_DAMON_status check_pid if [ $STAT = 0 ]; then echo -e "${Info} 重启vlmcsd服务端中..." kill $PID elif [ $STAT = 1 ]; then echo -e "${Info} vlmcsd服务端未启动,启动中..." fi # $DAEMON -L -l vlmcsd.log /etc/init.d/kms restart check_pid if [ $STAT = 0 ]; then echo -e "${Info} Succeeded." elif [ $STAT = 1 ]; then echo -e "${Info} Failed." fi } vlmcsd_stop() { check_DAMON_status check_pid if [ $STAT = 0 ]; then echo -e "${Info} 停止vlmcsd服务端..." kill $PID check_pid if [ $STAT = 0 ]; then echo -e "${Info} Failed." elif [ $STAT = 1 ]; then echo -e "${Info} Succeeded." fi elif [ $STAT = 1 ]; then echo -e "${Info} vlmcsd没有运行" fi } vlmcsd_start() { check_DAMON_status check_pid if [ $STAT = 0 ]; then echo -e "${Info} vlmcsd服务端已经运行." exit 0 elif [ $STAT = 1 ]; then echo -e "${Info} vlmcsd服务端未启动,启动中..." # $DAEMON -L -l vlmcsd.log /etc/init.d/kms restart fi check_pid if [ $STAT = 0 ]; then echo -e "${Info} Succeeded." elif [ $STAT = 1 ]; then echo -e "${Info} Failed." fi } uninstall_vlmcsd() { echo -e "${Tip} 正在卸载vlmcsd服务端..." vlmcsd_stop rm -rf $DAEMON rm -f /etc/init.d/kms rm -f /var/log/vlmcsd.log echo -e "${Tip} 卸载vlmcsd服务端完毕..." Del_iptables Save_iptables echo -e "${Tip} 删除防火墙规则完毕..." } check_uninstall() { check_DAMON_status echo && stty erase '^H' && read -p "确认卸载?[y/n]:" choice case $choice in "y") uninstall_vlmcsd ;; "n") exit 0 ;; *) echo -e "${Tip} 请输入[y]或者[n]!" ;; esac } echo -e " vlmcsd服务端 一键管理脚本 ${Red_font_prefix}Powered By Mrxn.Net${Font_color_suffix} ${Green_font_prefix}1.${Font_color_suffix} 安装vlmcsd服务端 ${Green_font_prefix}2.${Font_color_suffix} 查看vlmcsd的状态 ${Green_font_prefix}3.${Font_color_suffix} 启动vlmcsd服务端 ${Green_font_prefix}4.${Font_color_suffix} 停止vlmcsd服务端 ${Green_font_prefix}5.${Font_color_suffix} 重启vlmcsd服务端 ${Green_font_prefix}6.${Font_color_suffix} 卸载vlmcsd服务端 " echo && stty erase '^H' && read -p "请输入数字 [1-6]:" num case "$num" in 1) start_install ;; 2) check_vlmcsd_status ;; 3) vlmcsd_start ;; 4) vlmcsd_stop ;; 5) vlmcsd_restart ;; 6) check_uninstall ;; *) echo -e "${Error} 请输入正确的数字 [1-6]" ;; esac