To use this script make a discord bot {} and then copy the "Bots Token" and "Bots ID" Then make a server and make sure that community is enabled in that server Invite the discord bot to that server and make sure hes has ('bot' and 'application.command' permission checked) in the URL generator Then download the requisites mentioned below 1-node.js (from their website) --The following steps should be performed after node.js has been installed on your pc 1-bioler template (npm init -y) [inside terminal]--- (Then at 6th line add this ["type": "module",] and make sure to put "," at then end of 5th line) 2-discord.js (npm i discord.js) [inside terminal] 3-discordjs/rest (npm i @discordjs/rest) [inside terminal] 4-dotenv (npm i dotenv) [inside terminal] After everythig has been installed paste your discord bot token inside ".env" Then copy yor client id or "Application ID" and paste it inside "index.js" at 25th line , example (const CLIENT_ID = '1043883426580795432') Then copy yor servers id in which the bot is and paste it inside "index.js" at 26th line , example (const GUILD_ID = '988824696860573798') and after that go to the terminal and type the following command node index.js ---(Still If u need any help u can ask me in my discord server [fiend#9041])---