{ "id": "free-loot-tavern-compendium", "title": "Loot Tavern Free Item Compendium", "description": "
A collection of ready-to-use beautifully illustrated Magic items from the Loot Tavern.
This compilation contains all 20+ themes from Loot Tavern, each containing 2 items each.
Make browsing and sorting the themes easier with the Compendium Folders and Compendium Browser modules.
", "relationships": { "systems": [ { "id": "dnd5e", "type": "system", "manifest": "https://github.com/foundryvtt/dnd5e/releases/latest/download/system.json", "compatibility": { "minimum": "2.0.3" } } ] }, "author": "Agginmad, MrVauxs", "version": "2.2.2", "authors": [ { "name": "Agginmad", "url": "https://www.patreon.com/LootTavern", "discord": "Aggi#5287", "twitter": "@loottavern", "patreon": "LootTavern", "reddit": "u/Agginmad" }, { "name": "MrVauxs", "discord": "MrVauxs#8622", "twitter": "@ThatVauxs", "patreon": "mrvauxs", "reddit": "u/MrVauxs" } ], "manifestPlusVersion": "1.2.0", "compatibility": { "minimum": "10", "verified": "11" }, "manifest": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Loot-Foundry/Free-Loot-Tavern-Compendium/main/module.json", "download": "https://github.com/Loot-Foundry/Free-Loot-Tavern-Compendium/archive/refs/heads/main.zip", "url": "https://www.patreon.com/LootTavern", "packs": [ { "name": "magic-items", "module": "free-loot-tavern-compendium", "label": "Loot Tavern Magic Items", "system": "dnd5e", "path": "./compendiums/magic-items.db", "type": "Item" }, { "name": "bestiary", "module": "free-loot-tavern-compendium", "label": "Loot Tavern Bestiary", "system": "dnd5e", "path": "./compendiums/bestiary.db", "type": "Actor" }, { "name": "variant-items", "module": "free-loot-tavern-compendium", "label": "Loot Tavern Variant Items", "system": "dnd5e", "path": "./compendiums/variant-items.db", "type": "Item" } ] }