{ "$schema": "https://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#", "$id": "https://test-library.murmurations.network/v2/schemas/complementary_currencies-v2.0.0", "title": "Complementary Currencies", "description": "A schema to map, track and compare complementary currency projects.", "type": "object", "properties": { "linked_schemas": { "$ref": "../fields/linked_schemas.json" }, "name": { "$ref": "../fields/name.json" }, "primary_url": { "$ref": "../fields/primary_url.json" }, "area_served": { "$ref": "../fields/geographic_scope.json" }, "description": { "$ref": "../fields/description.json" }, "locality": { "$ref": "../fields/locality.json" }, "region": { "$ref": "../fields/region.json" }, "country_iso_3166": { "$ref": "../fields/country_iso_3166.json" }, "latitude": { "$ref": "../fields/latitude.json" }, "longitude": { "$ref": "../fields/longitude.json" }, "image": { "$ref": "../fields/image.json" }, "rss": { "$ref": "../fields/rss.json" }, "accounting_tech": { "title": "Accounting Software Type", "description": "N.B. The accounting software may differ from the user interface", "type": "string", "enum": [ "blockchain", "cyclos", "cms", "webService", "mesh", "app", "p2p", "other" ], "enumNames": [ "Blockchain", "Cyclos", "CMS Plugin", "Accounting web service", "Mesh credit (a.k.a Ripple)", "Integrated with the App. (what's the best name for this)", "P2P App (e.g. Holochain)", "Unpublished / proprietary" ] }, "movement": { "title": "Movement", "description": "Does the project identify as part of a wider movement?", "type": "string", "enum": [ "none", "barter", "timebank", "lets", "crypto", "gre", "transition", "other" ], "enumNames": [ "One-of-a-kind", "Reciprocal trade / business barter", "Time bank", "Local exchange trading system (LETS)", "Cryptocurrency / blockchain", "Grassroots economics", "Transition network", "Something else (we may contact you about it)" ] }, "convert_to_legal_money": { "title": "Conversion to Legal Tender", "description": "Whether and how the currency can be exchanged for money", "type": "string", "enum": [ "none", "market", "fullReserve", "fractionalReserve", "other" ], "enumNames": [ "None / unofficial only e.g LETS, timebanks, other non-monetary systems.", "Market based e.g. via currency markets.", "Legal money is 100% held in a reserve E.g Bristol Pound", "Redeemable from a fractional reserve, perhaps using a bonding curve e.g. Grassroots Economics.", "Some other mechanism" ] }, "cost_recovery": { "title": "Cost Recovery", "description": "How does the project cover its running costs? (multiple choice)", "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "membershipFee", "transactionFee", "demurrage", "donations", "grants", "inkind", "volunteers" ], "enumNames": [ "Membership fee", "Transaction fee", "Savings tax / Demurrage fee / negative interest", "Donations", "Grants", "In-kind contributions", "Volunteers" ] } }, "launch_year": { "title": "Launch Year", "description": "The year that the entity was instantiated.", "type": "number", "minimum": 1900, "context": "https://schema.org/yearBuilt" }, "legal_form": { "title": "Organisation Type", "description": "(typology borrowed from at standards.esd.org.uk - voluntary and charity sector)", "type": "string", "enum": [ "blockchain", "charity", "cic", "association", "corp", "coop", "faith", "housingassoc", "residentsassoc", "trust", "unincorporated", "voluntary", "other" ], "enumNames": [ "Blockchain only", "Charity", "Community interest company", "Registered association", "Incorporated company", "Co-operative", "Faith group", "Housing association", "Tenants and residents association", "Trust", "None / Unincorporated association", "Voluntary organisation", "Other" ], "contexts": { "charity": "https://standards.esd.org.uk/?uri=organisationType/229", "cic": "https://standards.esd.org.uk/?uri=organisationType/230", "coop": "https://standards.esd.org.uk/?uri=organisationType/231", "faith": "https://standards.esd.org.uk/?uri=organisationType/98", "housingassoc": "https://standards.esd.org.uk/?uri=organisationType/104", "residentsassoc": "https://standards.esd.org.uk/?uri=organisationType/97", "trust": "https://standards.esd.org.uk/?uri=organisationType/232", "unincorporated": "https://standards.esd.org.uk/?uri=organisationType/233", "voluntary": "https://standards.esd.org.uk/?uri=organisationType/234" }, "context": "http://id.esd.org.uk/organisationType/71" }, "monetary_model": { "title": "Monetary Model", "description": "The basis of issuance and redemption", "type": "string", "enum": [ "tokens", "points", "mutual", "selfIssued", "mesh", "hybrid", "other" ], "enumNames": [ "Fixed number of tokens e.g. Bitcoin", "Tokens issued as needed e.g. Time banks, reputation scores", "Mutual credit e.g. Sardex, Wir, business barter, LETS", "Self-issued credit e.g. shopping vouchers, deli dollars, self-signed cheques", "Mesh credit (a.k.a Ripple)", "Hybrid", "Other" ] }, "num_transactions_year": { "title": "Number of Transactions Annually", "description": "The number of transactions registered in the last 12 months, not including usage fees", "type": "number", "minimum": 0 }, "num_users_year": { "title": "Active Users Annually", "description": "The number of users who have traded / logged in within the last 12 months.", "type": "number", "minimum": 0 }, "payment_tech": { "title": "Payments / User Interface", "description": "How do users make payments and view their accounts? (multiple choice)", "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "cheque", "physical", "book", "plastic", "web", "app", "other" ], "enumNames": [ "Cheques", "Circulating paper / physical tokens", "Each member keeps an account book.", "Plastic cards with PoS system", "Web site", "Mobile app", "Other" ] } }, "unit_of_account_type": { "title": "Type of Unit of Account", "description": "How is the value of the currency unit determined?", "type": "string", "enum": [ "time", "legal", "market", "index", "redeemable", "other" ], "enumNames": [ "Time based e.g. hour", "Equivalent to national legal unit e.g. US dollar.", "Pure supply & demand e.g. Bitcoin", "Indexed to a commodity price or basket e.g. gold, eggs", "Redeemable for a commodity e.g. vouchers", "Other e.g. Most LETS create arbitary units" ] } }, "required": [ "linked_schemas", "name", "primary_url" ], "metadata": { "creator": { "name": "Matthew Slater", "url": "http://www.creditcommons.net/" }, "schema": { "name": "complementary_currencies-v2.0.0", "url": "http://creditcommons.net/murmurations-complementary-currency-schema" } } }