#!/bin/bash namemoney="securecloud" port=9191 rpcport=9291 node1="" node2="" node3="" node4="" # Set these to change the version of SecureCloud to install TARBALLNAME="SecureCloud-linux.tar.gz" TARBALLURL="https://github.com/securecloudnet/SecureCloud/releases/download/v2.5.1/"$TARBALLNAME USERHOME=`eval echo "~$USER"` configfile=$namemoney".conf" pidfile=$namemoney".pid" client=$namemoney"-cli" server=$namemoney"d" BOOTSTRAPURL="" BOOTSTRAPARCHIVE="" BWKVERSION="1.0.0" cant=1 echo " ,#%%%%%%%%%(, .##########(((##%%%#. /%#########((***/####%%%/ ,/#%%%%##%%#/%(//((((##(((((((####//#%%% #%%%##*######(((((((////((#(((((((########%%, *&%%%%########(((((((//*,.,,*((##(/((((#######%% ,&%%%%%#######((((((((/((/*,,**//(###((((((####(#%%%%&%(. %%%%%%%######(((((//////((//////////##/((((((###(##%%%%%%%% #%%%%#%#####((((((//***,********/////#(//*/(((((######%%%%%%&&&&. #&%%#(/#####((((((///**,,,,,,********///*,,*/(((((######%%%%%%%&&&% .&%%%%#######((((//****////*****////////(((#((((((((#####%%%%%%%&&&&&. ,&%%%##((####((((/**,*/(((//*****,,****///((#/((((((///((##%%%%%#%&&@& *&&&&%%%#/**/((#((((((/////((///**,,,,,,,,**///((/((((//*,,*((#%%%&&&&&&@@. ,%&&&&&&%%%%########(((((/////((//**,,......,,**//((/((((((//(((#%%%%%&&%##&@* *@@&&&%%#############((((((////((//**,,,......,,*//((/((((((#####%%%%%&&&%/(&@, @@@&%##(//*/((#######((((((///(((//***,,,..,,,***//((/(((((#####%%%%%%&&&&&&@@ @@&&%#(/*,**/((#######((((((//(#((/*****,,,*****//((((((((#####%###%%%%&&&&&@( @@@&&%%#((((#####(///(##((((((/##((////******///////(/(((#######(/*/#%%&&&&@* %@@@@&&%%%%%%%%#/(//((###((((((/(((((/////////////*,,/((#####%%%####%&&&&&&, &@@@&&&&&&&&%%%%%%#######((((((((((/**////////((((((((#####%%%%%#(#&&&&&* %@@@@&&&&&&&%%%%%%########((((((((((((((((((((((#(######%%%%%%%&&&&* SecureCloud " echo "" echo This script create multiple echo Master Node for SCN Money. echo "" read -p "How many Master Nodes do you want? [1/x] :" cant read -p "Default directory of installation [${USERHOME}] :" USERHOME if [ ! -d ${USERHOME} ] | [ -z ${USERHOME} ]; then USERHOME=`eval echo "~$USER"` fi if [ -z "$cant" ]; then cant=1 fi while : do read -p "Are you sure do want to create "$cant" Master Nodes ? [Y/n] :" INPUT_STRING case $INPUT_STRING in y) break ;; n) break ;; *) INPUT_STRING=y break ;; esac done # Check if we are root if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then echo "This script must be run as root." 1>&2 exit 1 fi cd # Install tools for dig and systemctl echo "Preparing installation..." apt-get install git dnsutils systemd -y > /dev/null 2>&1 # Check for systemd systemctl --version >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo "systemd is required. Are you using Ubuntu 16.04?" >&2; exit 1; } # CHARS is used for the loading animation further down. CHARS="/-\|" if [ -z "$EXTERNALIP" ]; then EXTERNALIP=`dig +short myip.opendns.com @resolver1.opendns.com` fi ipmn=$EXTERNALIP if [ -z "$1" ] then echo "Installing dependencies." apt-get -qq update echo "Installing dependencies.." apt-get -qq upgrade echo "Installing dependencies..." apt-get -qq autoremove apt-get -qq install wget htop unzip echo "Installing dependencies...." apt-get -qq install build-essential && apt-get -qq install libtool autotools-dev autoconf libevent-pthreads-2.0-5 automake && apt-get -qq install libssl-dev && apt-get -qq install libboost-all-dev && apt-get -qq install software-properties-common && add-apt-repository -y ppa:bitcoin/bitcoin && apt update && apt-get -qq install libdb4.8-dev && apt-get -qq install libdb4.8++-dev && apt-get -qq install libminiupnpc-dev && apt-get -qq install libqt4-dev libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler && apt-get -qq install libqrencode-dev && apt-get -qq install git && apt-get -qq install pkg-config && apt-get -qq install libzmq3-dev apt-get -qq install aptitude apt-get -qq install libevent-dev apt-get -qq install libzmq3-dev apt-get -qq install libboost-program-options-dev if [[ $(swapon -s | grep -ci "/dev" ) -eq 0 ]] then { echo "Creating Swap..." swap_size="2G" sudo fallocate -l $swap_size /swapfile sleep 2 sudo chmod 600 /swapfile sudo mkswap /swapfile sudo swapon /swapfile echo -e "/swapfile none swap sw 0 0" | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab > /dev/null 2>&1 } fi sudo sysctl vm.swappiness=10 sudo sysctl vm.vfs_cache_pressure=50 echo -e "vm.swappiness=10" | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf > /dev/null 2>&1 echo -e "vm.vfs_cache_pressure=50" | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf > /dev/null 2>&1 # Install SCN daemon wget $TARBALLURL tar -xzvf $TARBALLNAME rm $TARBALLNAME > /dev/null 2>&1 mv ./securecloudd /usr/local/bin mv ./securecloud-cli /usr/local/bin mv ./securecloud-tx /usr/local/bin rm -rf $TARBALLNAME > /dev/null 2>&1 fi if [ $INPUT_STRING == "y" ] then echo "Creating "$cant" Master Nodes" printf -v ini "%03d" 1 dir="${USERHOME}/" if [ $cant -lt 1 ] then printf -v cant "%03d" 1 else printf -v cant "%03d" $cant fi if [ -d $dir ] then dir="${USERHOME}/."$namemoney i=0 for x in $( eval echo {$ini..$cant} ) do i=$((i+1)) echo "mkdir "$dir$x"/ > /dev/null 2>&1"|sh echo "rm "$dir$x"/*.conf > /dev/null 2>&1"|sh newport=$((port + i)) newportrpc=$((rpcport + i)) RPCUSER=$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w 12 | head -n 1) RPCPASSWORD=$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w 32 | head -n 1) echo "# Script Generated by Mutante" > $dir$x"/"$configfile echo "" >> $dir$x"/"$configfile if [ "$i" -gt "1" ] then echo "listen=0" >> $dir$x"/"$configfile else echo "listen=1" >> $dir$x"/"$configfile fi echo "server=1" >> $dir$x"/"$configfile echo "daemon=1" >> $dir$x"/"$configfile echo "logtimestamps=1" >> $dir$x"/"$configfile echo "maxconnections=256" >> $dir$x"/"$configfile echo "staking=1" >> $dir$x"/"$configfile #IP and Ports echo "rpcuser="$RPCUSER >> $dir$x"/"$configfile echo "rpcpassword="$RPCPASSWORD >> $dir$x"/"$configfile echo "rpcallowip=" >> $dir$x"/"$configfile echo "externalip="$ipmn >> $dir$x"/"$configfile echo "bind="$ipmn >> $dir$x"/"$configfile echo "masternodeaddr="$ipmn >> $dir$x"/"$configfile echo "rpcport="$newportrpc >> $dir$x"/"$configfile echo "port="$port >> $dir$x"/"$configfile #Nodes echo "addnode="$node1 >> $dir$x"/"$configfile echo "addnode="$node2 >> $dir$x"/"$configfile echo "addnode="$node3 >> $dir$x"/"$configfile echo "addnode="$node4 >> $dir$x"/"$configfile done echo echo Creating new Wallets and Master Nodes Keys, save thats addresses echo i=0 for x in $( eval echo {$ini..$cant} ) do i=$((i+1)) ps -fea|grep -s "$dir$x"/"$configfile" |grep -v "grep"| awk '{ print "kill -9 "$2 }'|sh echo $server" -datadir="$dir$x" -conf="$dir$x"/"$configfile" -pid="$dir$x"/"$pidfile" -reindex"|sh sleep $((30+i)) echo "" echo Master Node Private Key: getmasternode=$client" -conf="$dir$x"/"$configfile mnpk=$(echo ""|awk -v cli="$getmasternode" '{cli" masternode genkey"|getline ; print $0}') echo $mnpk echo "Wallet "$x" : " echo $client" -datadir="$dir$x" -conf="$dir$x"/"$configfile" -pid="$dir$x"/"$pidfile" getaccountaddress mn1"|sh echo "" echo "masternode=1" >> $dir$x"/"$configfile echo "masternodeprivkey="$mnpk >> $dir$x"/"$configfile echo "# Masternode config file" > $dir$x"/masternode.conf" echo "# Format: alias IP:port masternodeprivkey collateral_output_txid collateral_output_index" >> $dir$x"/masternode.conf" echo "# mn1$port $mnpk 0 0" >> $dir$x"/masternode.conf" done fi echo echo Now deposit the collaterals in new wallets and edit the masternodes.conf files updating the TXID echo and restart the services. echo echo Enjoy. echo echo Example of restart service: echo echo STOP echo $client "-conf="${USERHOME}"/."$namemoney"001/"$configfile" stop" echo echo START echo $server "-conf="${USERHOME}"/."$namemoney"001/"$configfile" -datadir="${USERHOME}"/."$namemoney"001/ -pid="${USERHOME}"/."$namemoney"001/"$pidfile fi