12.1.0 / 2017-10-16 ================== - [deps] update `eslint` to `v4.9` 12.0.2 / 2017-10-05 ================== - [deps] update `eslint` 12.0.1 / 2017-09-27 ================== - [fix] ensure all JSX elements are ignored by `indent` (#1569) - [deps] update `eslint` 12.0.0 / 2017-09-02 ================== - [deps] [breaking] require `eslint` v4 - enable `function-paren-newline`, `for-direction`, `getter-return`, `no-compare-neg-zero`, `semi-style`, `object-curly-newline`, `no-buffer-constructor`, `no-restricted-globals`, `switch-colon-spacing`, `template-tag-spacing`, `prefer-promise-reject-errors`, `prefer-destructuring` - improve `indent`, `no-multi-spaces`, `no-trailing-spaces`, `no-underscore-dangle` - [breaking] move `comma-dangle` to Stylistic Issues (#1514) - [breaking] Rules prohibiting global isNaN, isFinite (#1477) - [patch] also disallow padding in classes and switches (#1403) - [patch] support Protractor config files in import/no-extraneous-dependencies (#1543) 11.3.2 / 2017-08-22 ================== - [patch] Add jest.config.js to import/no-extraneous-dependencies devDeps (#1522) - [patch] Improve Gruntfile glob pattern (#1503) - [deps] update `eslint` v4, `tape` - [docs] Specify yarn-specific install instructions (#1511) 11.3.1 / 2017-07-24 ================== - [fix] `legacy`: remove top-level `ecmaFeatures` 11.3.0 / 2017-07-23 ================== - [deps] allow eslint v3 or v4 (#1447) - [deps] update `eslint-plugin-import` - [minor] Balanced spacing for inline block comments (#1440) - [minor] `no-return-assign`: strengthen linting against returning assignments - [patch] Allow jsx extensions for test files (#1427) - [patch] `no-restricted-globals`: add confusing globals; leave disabled for now (#1420) - [patch] Support Protractor config files in import/no-extraneous-dependencies (#1456) - [docs] Remove TODO in prefer-reflect as it's deprecated (#1452) - [docs] add yarn instructions (#1463, #1464) 11.2.0 / 2017-05-14 ================== - [minor] Disallow unused global variables 11.1.3 / 2017-04-03 ================== - [patch] add error messages to `no-restricted-syntax` (#1353) - [deps] update `eslint` 11.1.2 / 2017-03-25 ================== - [patch] `no-param-reassign`: add ignorePropertyModificationsFor (#1325) - [deps] update `eslint` 11.1.1 / 2017-03-03 ================== - [deps] update `eslint` - [patch] enable `ignoreRestSiblings` in `no-unused-vars` 11.1.0 / 2017-01-08 ================== - [minor] enable `no-multi-assign` - [deps] update `eslint`, `babel-preset-airbnb` - Update a deprecated option (`eqeqeq`) (#1244) 11.0.1 / 2017-01-08 ================== - [deps] update `eslint` - [docs] add note about `install-peerdeps` (#1234) - [docs] Updated instructions to support non-bash users (#1214) 11.0.0 / 2016-12-11 ================== - [breaking] enable `no-await-in-loop` - [patch] disable `no-duplicate-imports` rule (#1188, #1195, #1054) - [patch] `import/no-extraneous-dependencies`: add some comments to ignore patterns - [patch] add `import/no-extraneous-dependencies` ignore patterns for test files (#1174) - [patch] `import/no-extraneous-dependencies`: added ignore patterns for config files (#1168) - [deps] update `eslint`, `eslint-plugin-import`, `tape` 10.0.1 / 2016-11-07 ================== - [fix] legacy config should not require `**` 10.0.0 / 2016-11-06 ================== - [breaking] prefer `**` over `Math.pow` - [breaking] `comma-dangle`: require trailing commas for functions - [breaking] enable `no-useless-return` - [breaking] tighten up `indent` - [breaking] tighten up `spaced-comment` - [breaking] enable `import/no-named-default` - [patch] loosen `max-len` with `ignoreRegExpLiterals` option - [patch] loosen `no-extraneous-dependencies` for test files (#959, #1089) - [deps] update `eslint`, `eslint-plugin-import` - [dev deps] update `eslint-find-rules` - [Tests] on `node` `v7` 9.0.0 / 2016-10-16 ================== - [breaking] Add `ForOfStatement` to `no-restricted-syntax` (#1122, #1134) - [breaking] enable `import/no-webpack-loader-syntax` (#1123) - [breaking] [deps] update `eslint` to `v3.8.0` (#1132) - [breaking] [deps] update `eslint-plugin-import` to v2 (#1101) - [patch] `new-cap`: add immutable.js exceptions - [docs] ensure latest version of config is installed - [dev deps] update `babel-preset-airbnb`, `eslint`, `eslint-find-rules`, `tape`, `safe-publish-latest` 8.0.0 / 2016-09-24 ================== - [breaking] enable rules: `no-restricted-properties`, `prefer-numeric-literals`, `lines-around-directive`, `import/extensions`, `import/no-absolute-path`, `import/no-dynamic-require` 7.2.0 / 2016-09-23 ================== - [new] set `ecmaVersion` to 2017; enable object rest/spread; update `babel-preset-airbnb` - [patch] fix category of `no-restricted-properties` - [deps] update `eslint`, `eslint-plugin-import`, `eslint-find-rules`, `safe-publish-latest` 7.1.0 / 2016-09-11 ================== - [minor] enable `arrow-parens` rule 7.0.1 / 2016-09-10 ================== - [patch] loosen `max-len` by ignoring strings - [deps] update to `eslint` `v3.5.0` 7.0.0 / 2016-09-06 ================== - [breaking] Add no-plusplus in style.js and added explanation in README (#1012) 6.0.0 / 2016-09-06 ================== - [breaking] `valid-typeof`: enable `requireStringLiterals` option - [breaking] enable `class-methods-use-this` - [breaking] enable `symbol-description` - [breaking] enable `no-bitwise` - [breaking] enable `no-tabs` - [breaking] enable `func-call-spacing` - [breaking] enable `no-template-curly-in-string` - [patch] remove redundant `DebuggerStatement` from `no-restricted-syntax` (#1031) - [deps] update `eslint`, `eslint-find-rules`, `eslint-plugin-import` - Update `ecmaVersion` to `2016` 5.0.3 / 2016-08-21 ================== - [fix] correct `import/extensions` list (#1013) - [refactor] Changed ESLint rule configs to use 'off', 'warn', and 'error' instead of numbers for better readability (#946) - [deps] update `eslint`, `eslint-plugin-react` 5.0.2 / 2016-08-12 ================== - [deps] update `eslint`, `eslint-find-rules`, `eslint-plugin-import` - [tests] add `safe-publish-latest` to `prepublish` 5.0.1 / 2016-07-29 ================== - [patch] `no-unused-expressions`: flesh out options - [deps] update `eslint` to `v3.2`, `eslint-plugin-import` to `v1.12` - [tests] improve prepublish script 5.0.0 / 2016-07-24 ================== - [breaking] enable `import/newline-after-import` - [breaking] enable overlooked rules: `linebreak-style`, `new-parens`, `no-continue`, `no-lonely-if`, `operator-assignment`, `space-unary-ops`, `dot-location`, `no-extra-boolean-cast`, `no-this-before-super`, `require-yield`, `no-path-concat`, `no-label-var`, `no-void`, `constructor-super`, `prefer-spread`, `no-new-require`, `no-undef-init`, `no-unexpected-multiline` - [deps] update `eslint`, `eslint-find-rules`, `eslint-plugin-import`, `babel-tape-runner`; add `babel-preset-airbnb` - [patch] flesh out defaults: `jsx-quotes` - [docs] update the peer dep install command to dynamically look up the right version numbers when installing peer deps - [tests] fix prepublish scripts 4.0.2 / 2016-07-14 ================== - [fix] repair accidental comma-dangle change 4.0.1 / 2016-07-14 (unpublished) ================== - [fix] Prevent trailing commas in the legacy config (#950) - [deps] update `eslint-plugin-import` 4.0.0 / 2016-07-02 ================== - [breaking] [deps] update `eslint` to v3; drop support for < node 4 - [breaking] enable `rest-spread-spacing` rule - [breaking] enable `no-mixed-operators` rule - [breaking] enable `import` rules: `no-named-as-default`, `no-named-as-default-member`, `no-extraneous-dependencies` - [breaking] enable `object-property-newline` rule - [breaking] enable `no-prototype-builtins` rule - [breaking] enable `no-useless-rename` rule - [breaking] enable `unicode-bom` rule - [breaking] Enforce proper generator star spacing (#887) - [breaking] Enable imports/imports-first rule (#882) - [breaking] re-order rules; put import rules in separate file (#881) - [patch] `newline-per-chained-call`: bump the limit to 4 - [patch] `object-shorthand`: do not warn when the concise form would have a string literal as a name - [patch] Loosen `prefer-const` to not warn when the variable is “read” before being assigned to - [refactor] fix quoting of rule properties (#885) - [refactor] `quotes`: Use object option form rather than deprecated string form. - [deps] update `eslint`, `eslint-plugin-import`, `eslint-find-rules`, `tape` - [tests] Only run `eslint-find-rules` on prepublish, not in tests 3.0.1 / 2016-05-08 ================== - [patch] re-disable `no-extra-parens` (#869, #867) 3.0.0 / 2016-05-07 ================== - [breaking] enable `import/no-mutable-exports` - [breaking] enable `no-class-assign` rule, to pair with `no-func-assign` - [breaking] widen `no-extra-parens` to include everything, except `nestedBinaryExpressions` - [breaking] Re-enabling `newline-per-chained-call` (#748) - [minor] enable `import/no-amd` - [patch] enable `import/no-duplicates` - [deps] update `eslint`, `eslint-plugin-import`, `eslint-find-rules` 2.0.0 / 2016-04-29 ================== - [breaking] enable `no-unsafe-finally` rule - [semver-minor] enable `no-useless-computed-key` rule - [deps] update `eslint`, `eslint-plugin-import` 1.0.4 / 2016-04-26 ================== - [deps] update `eslint-find-rules`, `eslint-plugin-import` 1.0.3 / 2016-04-21 ================== - [patch: loosen rules] Allow empty class/object methods 1.0.2 / 2016-04-20 ================== - [patch: loosen rules] Allow `break` (#840) 1.0.1 / 2016-04-19 ================== - [patch: loosen rules] Allow `== null` (#542) 1.0.0 / 2016-04-19 ================== - Initial commmit; moved content over from `eslint-config-airbnb` package.