# The following script will send a quote to a Log and Python every minute from datetime import datetime cron = runtime.start('cron', 'Cron') log = runtime.start('log', 'Log') speech = runtime.start("speech","MarySpeech") # add a task which sends text to the log service Log.log(string) every minute cron.addTask('* * * * *','log','log', 'hello sir, time for your coffee') # add a task to send text to a python function every minute cron.addTask('* * * * *','python','doThisEveryMinute', 'hello sir, time for your coffee') print ('now is', datetime.now()) def doThisEveryMinute(text): print (datetime.now()) print (datetime.time(datetime.now()),text) speech.speak(text) listOfTasks = cron.getCronTasks() for i in listOfTasks: print(i.name, i.cronPattern, i.method)