# This is a demo of the setup for DiyServo. # This setup is valid from version 1.0.2274 # The difference compared to earlier versions is that it now # starts a MotorDualPwm service that connects to the Arduino # Before the DiyServo connected directly to the Arduino. # # Config port="COM3" # start optional virtual arduino service, used for test if ('virtual' in globals() and virtual): virtualArduino = runtime.start("virtualArduino", "VirtualArduino") virtualArduino.connect(port) # Start of script for DiyServo # Analog input A0 is the same as digital 14 on the Arduino Uno A0 = 14 # Start the Arduino arduino = runtime.start("Arduino","Arduino") arduino.connect(port) # Start the MotorDualPwm. You can use also use a different type of Motor motor = runtime.start("diyservo.motor","MotorDualPwm") # Tell the motor to attach to the Arduino and what pins to use motor.setPwmPins(10,11) motor.attach(arduino) # Start the DiyServo servo = runtime.start("diyservo","DiyServo") servo.attach(arduino,A0) # Attach the analog pin 0 # Set the PID values. This example shows what DiyServo has as default. servo.pid.setPid("diyservo", 0.020, 0.001, 0.0) servo.moveTo(90) # At this stage you can use the gui or a script to control the DiyServo