######################################### # MimicSpeech.py # description: Speech synthesis based on Mimic from the MyCroft AI project. # categories: speech, sound # more info @: http://myrobotlab.org/service/MimicSpeech ######################################### # start the service mouth = runtime.start('mouth','MimicSpeech') #possible voices ( selected voice is stored inside config until you change it ) print ("these are the voices I can have", mouth.getVoices()) print ("this is the voice I am using", mouth.getVoice()) mouth.speakBlocking('hello, this is mimic speech from mycroft project') mouth.speakBlocking('I am a speech synthesis program') mouth.speakBlocking('How was that ?') mouth.speakBlocking('can someone fix my list voices, i think its broke. Oh thanks, fixed now') #mouth.setVoice('Henry') mouth.setVolume(0.7) mouth.speakBlocking("Silent please")