######################################### # MotorPort.py # categories: motor # more info @: http://myrobotlab.org/service/MotorPort # Used for motor controllers which define "Ports" ######################################### # uncomment for virtual hardware from org.myrobotlab.service import Serial # virtual = True # sabertooth serial port - if on windows might be COM4 # port = "COM14" # port = "/dev/ttyUSB0" # I use udev rules to always make it the same port port = "/dev/ftdi0" # controller index for the joystick controllerIndex = 0 # start optional virtual serial service, used for test if ("virtual" in globals() and virtual): # use static method Serial.connectVirtualUart to create # a virtual hardware uart for the serial service to # connect to uart = Serial.connectVirtualUart(port) uart.logRecv(True) # dump bytes sent from sabertooth # TODO - list & print controllers # TODO - list & print controllers # TODO - list & print axis # start the services sabertooth = runtime.start("sabertooth","Sabertooth") m1 = runtime.start("m1","MotorPort") m2 = runtime.start("m2","MotorPort") joy = runtime.start("joy","Joystick") joy.setController(controllerIndex) # configure services m1.setPort("m1") m2.setPort("m2") # in some cases its necessary to "invert" a motor m1.setInverted(True) m2.setInverted(True) # attach services sabertooth.attach(m1) sabertooth.attach(m2) m1.attach(joy.getAxis("y")) m2.attach(joy.getAxis("rz")) # FIXME - sabertooth.attach(motor1) & sabertooth.attach(motor2) # FIXME - motor1.attach(joystick) ! sabertooth.connect(port) m1.stop(); m2.stop(); # call the function autoTest if you want code to # run through a test vs joystick input def autoTest(): # speed up the motor for x in range(0,100): pwr = x * .01 print('power ', pwr) m1.move(pwr) sleep(0.01) sleep(1) # slow down the motor for x in range(100, -1, -1): pwr = x * .01 print('power ', pwr) m1.move(pwr) sleep(0.01) # move motor clockwise m1.move(0.3) sleep(1) m1.stop() # move motor counter-clockwise m1.move(-0.3) sleep(1) m1.stop() sleep(3) autoTest()