# BLEEDING EDGE DEVELOP SCRIPT - MERGED with master !!!!! # this is my most awesome code sample on the develop branch # its cutting edge - but if you want to see it # you supply ?branch=develop at the end of the documentation url useVirtualArduino = False; xPin = 9; yPin = 6; arduinoPort = "COM5"; cameraIndex = 0; # using Sarxos for usb webcam, the other frame grabbers only worked on my integrated camera frameGrabberType = "org.myrobotlab.opencv.SarxosFrameGrabber"; Runtime.start("gui", "SwingGui"); if useVirtualArduino: virtual = Runtime.start("virtual", "VirtualArduino"); virtual.connect(arduinoPort); t01 = Runtime.start("t01", "Tracking"); x = t01.getX(); # invert if necessary # x.setInverted(True); y = t01.getY(); # invert if necessary # y.setInverted(True); t01.connect(arduinoPort, xPin, yPin, cameraIndex); opencv = t01.getOpenCV(); # noticed some swing display issues - I don't think Sarxos gets updated to display opencv.setFrameGrabberType(frameGrabberType); opencv.broadcastState(); # not sure if necessary - but get things to settle for 3 seconds # before starting tracking sleep(3); # do lk optical point tracking # t01.startLKTracking(); # do face tracking ======= # MASTER RELEASED STABLE SCRIPT SCRIPT !!!!! # this is my most awesome code sample on the develop branch # its cutting edge - but if you want to see it # you supply ?branch=develop at the end of the documentation url useVirtualArduino = False; xPin = 9; yPin = 6; arduinoPort = "COM5"; cameraIndex = 0; # using Sarxos for usb webcam, the other frame grabbers only worked on my integrated camera frameGrabberType = "org.myrobotlab.opencv.SarxosFrameGrabber"; Runtime.start("gui", "SwingGui"); if useVirtualArduino: virtual = Runtime.start("virtual", "VirtualArduino"); virtual.connect(arduinoPort); t01 = Runtime.start("t01", "Tracking"); x = t01.getX(); # invert if necessary # x.setInverted(True); y = t01.getY(); # invert if necessary # y.setInverted(True); t01.connect(arduinoPort, xPin, yPin, cameraIndex); opencv = t01.getOpenCV(); # noticed some swing display issues - I don't think Sarxos gets updated to display opencv.setFrameGrabberType(frameGrabberType); opencv.broadcastState(); # not sure if necessary - but get things to settle for 3 seconds # before starting tracking sleep(3); # do lk optical point tracking # t01.startLKTracking(); # do face tracking t01.faceDetect();