i01.mouth.speak("no points") sleep(1) if inmoov == 3: stoprockpaperscissors() sleep(1) elif human == 3: # changed from if to elif stoprockpaperscissors() sleep(1) elif inmoov <= 2: # changed from if to elif rockpaperscissors2() elif human <= 2: # changed from if to elif rockpaperscissors2() def stoprockpaperscissors(): rest() sleep(5) if inmoov < human: i01.mouth.speak("congratulations you won with" + str(human - inmoov) + "points") sleep(3) i01.mouth.speak(str(human) + "points to you and" + str(inmoov) + "points to me") elif inmoov > human: # changed from if to elif i01.mouth.speak("yes yes i won with" + str(inmoov - human) + "points") sleep(3) i01.mouth.speak("i've got " + str(inmoov) + "points and you got" + str(human) + "points") elif inmoov == human: # changed from if to elif i01.mouth.speak("none of us won we both got" + str(inmoov) + "points") global inmoov inmoov = 0 global human human = 0 i01.mouth.speak("that was fun") sleep(2) i01.mouth.speak("do you want to play again") sleep(10) data = msg_i01_ear_recognized.data[0] if (data == "yes let's play again"): rockpaperscissors2() elif (data == "yes"): # changed from if to elif rockpaperscissors2() elif (data == "no thanks"): # changed from if to elif i01.mouth.speak("maybe some other time") sleep(4) powerdown() elif (data == "no thank you"): # changed from if to elif i01.mouth.speak("maybe some other time") sleep(4) powerdown() ##i01.mouth.speak("ok i'll find something else to do then") ##lookaroundyou()