from time import sleep from org.myrobotlab.service import Speech from org.myrobotlab.framework import MRLListener # this subscribe is easy shorthand method # Name it "speech". speech = Runtime.create("speech","Speech") speech.startService() speech.setGoogleURI("") serial1 = Runtime.start('serial1','Serial') serial2 = Runtime.start('serial2','Serial') speech.speak("hello") serial1.connect('COM8') serial2.connect('COM6') # python.subscribe('serial1','publishRX') # python.subscribe('serial2','publishRX') # this subscribe with 4 parameters has all details - subscribe to and callback info # we subscribe to one service's topic to one method and the other to a different method # this is how its done in latest mrl - nice no ? # python.subscribe('serial1','publishRX', python.getName(), 'serial1RX') # python.subscribe('serial2','publishRX', python.getName(), 'serial2RX') # this is how its done in 119 listener1 = MRLListener('publishRX', 'python', 'serial1RX', None) serial1.addListener(listener1) listener2 = MRLListener('publishRX', 'python', 'serial2RX', None) serial2.addListener(listener2) # i want this to be the data from serial1 def serial1RX(data): print(data) num = data #num = chr(data) #print(num) if (num == 1): speech.speak("1") if (num == 2): speech.speak("2") if (num == 3): speech.speak("3") if (num == 4): speech.speak("4") if (num == 5): speech.speak("5") if (num == 6): speech.speak("6") if (num == 7): speech.speak("7") if (num == 8): speech.speak("8") if (num == 9): speech.speak("9") if (num == 10): speech.speak("10") if (num == 11): speech.speak("11") if (num == 12): speech.speak("12") # and this to be the data from serial2 def serial2RX(data): print(data) num = data #num = chr(data) #print(num) if (num == 1): speech.speak("1") if (num == 2): speech.speak("2") if (num == 3): speech.speak("3") if (num == 4): speech.speak("4") if (num == 5): speech.speak("5") if (num == 6): speech.speak("6") if (num == 7): speech.speak("7") if (num == 8): speech.speak("8") if (num == 9): speech.speak("9") if (num == 10): speech.speak("10") if (num == 11): speech.speak("11") if (num == 12): speech.speak("12")