inMoov = Runtime.createAndStart("inMoov", "InMoov") rightSerialPort = "COM8" cameraIndex = 1 # attach an arduino to InMoov # possible board types include uno atmega168 atmega328p atmega2560 atmega1280 atmega32u4 # the MRLComm.ino sketch must be loaded into the Arduino for MyRobotLab control ! # set COM number according to the com of your Arduino board inMoov.attachArduino("right","uno", rightSerialPort) # attach the right hand inMoov.attachHand("right") # system check inMoov.systemCheck() # listen for these key words # to get voice to work - you must be attached to the internet for # at least the first time ear = inMoov.getEar() ear.addCommand("rest", inMoov.getName(), "rest") ear.addCommand("open hand", inMoov.getName(), "handOpen", "right") ear.addCommand("close hand", inMoov.getName(), "handClose", "right") ear.addCommand("capture gesture", inMoov.getName(), "captureGesture") ear.addCommand("manual", ear.getName(), "lockOutAllGrammarExcept", "voice control") ear.addCommand("voice control", ear.getName(), "clearLock") ear.addComfirmations("yes","correct","yeah","ya") ear.addNegations("no","wrong","nope","nah") ear.startListening()