from org.apache.solr.common import SolrInputDocument from org.apache.solr.common import SolrDocument solr = Runtime.createAndStart("solr", "Solr"); solr.setSolrUrl("http://localhost:8983/solr") doc = SolrInputDocument() doc.setField("id", "doc1") doc.setField("title", "This is the title of the document.") doc.setField("content", "This is the body or main content of the document. myrobotlab rocks.") solr.addDocument(doc) solr.commit() # A word to search for q = "myrobotlab" response = # iterate the results for i in range(0 , response.getResults().size()): # grab the doc and print out it's fields and values. doc = response.getResults().get(i); for fieldname in doc.getFieldNames(): print(fieldname + ":" + str(doc.getFieldValue(fieldname)))