Many non-infectious diseases have a partly or completely genetic basis and may thus be transmitted from one generation to another. 130 employment 10 The two mountains were used to symbolize the significance of the commandments and serve as a warning to whoever disobeyed them. 127 that any suspects who are arrested will be Federal prisoners, subject to Federal protection from vigilante justice and other threats. 133 They are very selective feeders and feed on the leaves of one species and disregard other species surrounding it. 113 A man is flexing his biceps while standing on a rooftop with multiple chimneys in the background. 97 From this point onward, losses increased. 41 Nobody knows how much ammunition the military has in its checkpoints. 69 The forger has never moved. 27 Namibia is a democratic but one party dominant state with the South-West Africa People's Organisation in power. 111 Scam artists lie. Their success depends on having an airtight answer for everything. 84 They managed to avoid attracting much attention. 48 Scientists believe the Solar System formed around four point six billion years ago. 83 Alexander was the first to break the lines, followed by Philip's generals. 74 Nobody interfered with them or regulated their conduct. They might get drunk when so disposed, and did so frequently, alone or in company. 138 The T.N.T. blows up the granite, forming a tunnel to the coal and iron ore. 75 They were mainly members of the criminal classes. 49 Governor Connally sustained bullet wounds in his back, the right side of his chest, right wrist, and left thigh. 112 Today, anyone can pass both bridges for free, but one is closed to cars. 72 In nineteen forty-six, Public Law two ninety three established the Department of Medicine and Surgery within V.A. 113 An asian man carrying a suitcase while talking on the phone and walking quickly. 80 In his person he was neat and fastidious; 41 A man is sitting on a pink cart with a little girl in the grocery store. 72 Where is my shoe? 17 Transfer skillet to the preheated oven; bake pizza until crust is lightly browned, about eighteen minutes. 106 More importantly, the lack of carefully prepared and carefully transmitted instructions for typical visits to cities can lead to lapses in protection. 150 They sent him to Minsk to work in a radio and television factory as a metal worker. 83 Can you see the beacon at the top of the wind turbine? 54 He also acquired Ore-Ida and Starkist Tuna. 43 The events of that evening can best be appreciated through Marina Oswald's testimony 84 I have disabled some of the certificate authorities, but they're not grayed out in this list. 93 This plank was made for walking on. 35 When the user's identity has been accepted by the server, you will be notified. 79 and the equally mysterious nuclear substance or chromatin 57 A sailor, Krapps by name, occupied one of the upper cells in the new block. 75 His original manuscripts are collected in the family archive, including some specially bound volumes of some of his works. 122 Modern printers understand this, but it is only practiced in the very best establishments. 90 You have to be able to deal with all age groups. 48 The greatest pains might be taken to secure isolation, 54 and suffered in the usual way in front of Newgate, with the additional penalty of decapitation, as traitors, after they had been hanged. 136 Here, again, if the practice of "leading" were retrenched larger type could be used without enhancing the price of a book. 122 Each tried to throw the blame on the other; Manning declared his wife had committed the murder, Mrs. Manning indignantly denied the charge. 139 I'm sorry, what did you say? 28 The S.E.C. is seeking permanent injunctions, return of allegedly ill-gotten gains plus interest, civil penalties, and officer-and-director bars against the defendants. 167 Top pork chops with onions, sweet potatoes, and apples. Sprinkle with brown sugar. 82 I'm just writing code to simulate an omnidirectional camera at the moment. 74 Grape juice and water mix well. 31 was on November twenty to twenty-one, nineteen sixty-three. 59 and was surprised when the inspectors proved to him that practices of which he was ignorant, and which he admitted that he reprehended, went on without hindrance. 162 Blinded with their long hair, they tore at each other like two furies; their bonnets and caps were trodden underfoot in the kennel, 131 The false coin was bought by an agent from an agent, and dealings were carried on secretly at the "Clock House" in Seven Dials. 127 There the flood mark is ten inches. 35 As the circumstances under which it was perpetrated were somewhat novel, 72 Mr. Briggs left the bank one afternoon as usual, dined with his daughter at Peckham, 84 Did it work? 12 There was no marker. 20 The second conviction for forgery in eighteen twenty-eight was that of the Quaker Joseph Hunton, a man of previously the highest repute in the city of London. 158 It would take months or years to get substantial agreement upon the type and language of the amendment. 103 Oswald's Movements After Leaving Depository Building 52 The courts, however, have cast doubts on the ability of the elected Congress to protect us against catastrophe 110 and how, in punishment for all his wickedness, he became a calf, and for seven years grazed the grass in the fields about the city. 131 In reply Arnold Johnson advised Oswald that, while as an American citizen he had a right to participate in such organizations as he wished, quote, 146 The college decided to ebb their plan for increasing their parking spaces. 74 The circulatory system distributes these foods. In animals foods prepared for absorption in the stomach and intestine (by digestion) 132 The stale smell of old beer lingers. 36 Esther Hibner was as inhuman in her ill-usage of the parish apprentice she killed as Martha Brownrigg had been. 111 The pigs and cows ran everywhere. 33 His most frequent use of a hand-held camera was for "Seven", in which five scenes were shot that way. 101 The incumbent has no technical qualifications in the area of Presidential protection. 85 was introduced as early as seventeen ninety by Mr. Blackburn 60 The Central-Midlevels escalator system in Hong Kong consists of twenty escalators. 82 In six hundred feet, use the right two lanes to turn right at the third cross street onto Ash Street. 101 There are numberless similarities and correlations and surprising uniformities. 79 It is said the G.I. Bill had more impact on the American way of life than any law since the Homestead Act of eighteen sixty two. 128 After World War Two, the Mafia took advantage of the weakness of the postwar Italian government and set up heroin labs in Sicily. 129 It features prominently in the mythologies of many cultures. 60 Cuisine in Tokyo is internationally acclaimed. 46 Even when the bubble burst Redpath, who had lived at the rate of twenty thousand a year, 88 His military career began while he was still the crown prince, and his father was on the throne. 96 Use a wet napkin or handkerchief over nose and mouth. Move away from fire and smoke. 84 The prisoner mentioned above was continually persecuted by trials of this kind. 79 The doctor cured him with these pills. 38 It firmly endorsed Slovenia's path into the European Union. 59 The most recent U.S. government statistics show a marked increase in the yearly number of deaths by drug overdose. 114 However, the Outback Sport remained in production for the U.S. market. 70 His son has been travelling with the Tartan Army for years. 59 Don't do business with someone who tries to convince you otherwise. 67 Leon, or Lyons, who spoke English, 34 and Mrs. Fry with her colleagues still labored assiduously in Newgate, devoting themselves mainly to the female prison, 119 On November eighteen, 21 There is a curbside recycling scheme that currently serves fifteen thousand five hundred households. 100 Maltby, who had bolted, was pursued and arrested, to end his life miserably by committing suicide in a Newgate cell. 116 Within moments of arriving, U.S. Soldiers discovered the P.O.W.s had been moved to another camp. 96 Device 6 Increased concern about the President's visit was aroused by the incident involving the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, Adlai E. Stevenson. 146 A man and a woman are standing behind an elderly man who is looking at a bush. 78 These instructions to PRS personnel appear to be the only instance where an effort was made to reduce the criteria to writing. 126 and write an order sufficient to secure the surrender of the other one thousand two hundred pounds. 99 scanning not only the crowds but the windows and roofs of buildings, overpasses, and crossings. 95 Seventeen minutes later, she was in the water and nearly drowned. 65 Another reason to avoid dynamic memory allocation is memory fragmentation. 74 They have shown a great desire and attitude. 44 I should think not! 19 Sir, he answered, "they sent me the very riff-raff." 52 Referrals to the Secret Service under the new criteria might, if not properly handled, result in some degree of interference with the personal liberty of those involved. 169 Lee Oswald exhibited an average amount of proficiency with that weapon. 71 The new highway is expected to cost nine point two four million dollars. 72 Oswald's defection was also the occasion for the opening of files by the Department of State, CIA, and the Office of Naval Intelligence. 136 Here John Sutherland, commander of the British armed transport 'The Friends,' suffered on the twenty-ninth June, eighteen oh nine, 130 The upcoming Formula One season will abandon the practice of using grid girls, arguing that the practice does not resonate with Formula One's values. 149 democracy will have failed far beyond the importance to it of any king of precedent concerning the judiciary. 109 He took his plate, grabbed a knife and fork and scowled at the savagery on television. 86 What is the matter? 19 Rain likely. Cloudy, with a high near forty-nine. 49 This is because it originally was the flag of the Council of Europe. 68 Many others were physically wounded, some permanently disabled. 63 He showed her a notebook three days later containing photographs of General Walker's home and a map of the area where the house was located. 140 The American Motor Company produced electric delivery jeeps that the United States Postal Service used in a nineteen seventy five test program. 143 said that Oswald told her that he had returned because, quote, I didn't find what I was looking for, end quote. 111 and at the distance of five feet from the same is fixed a strong railing all round the scaffold to enclose a place for the constables. 134 this was because of a defect in the scope which was recognized by the FBI agents and which they could have compensated for if they were aiming to hit a bull's-eye. 163 Two saints on one day. 22 Work has started. 17 She identified Oswald, who was the Number two man in the lineup, as the man she saw running with the gun: 105 The gardener kept the grounds looking superb. 45 and this source should not be neglected by undue concentration on relationships with other Federal agencies. 108 meaning to kill him and rifle the shop. 39 who permitted him to go up on to the roof of the old wards, in order to throw water for flushing purposes down a shoot. 119 Coolness amounting almost to effrontery gave way to hopeless dejection. 71 I'm sorry, I was unable to connect to the Phillips Hue bridge. 62 By nineteen thirty eight, Tripoli had one hundred eight thousand two hundred forty inhabitants, including thirty nine thousand ninety six Italians. 147 This is considered the first proper phase of Special Forces training. 69 Under the Inquisition. 22 Debra is a explorer that has been all over the world. 53 I think most people tend to dress pretty casually. 50 There's a variety of possibilities, but the checkerboard pattern doesn't seem appropriate here. 95 As Mr. Buxton pointed out, many old acts of parliament designed to protect the prisoner were still in full force. 113 A cyclocopter has a rotary wing whose axis and surfaces remain sideways across the airflow, as with a conventional wing. 120 Quote, Mr. Shanklin advised us, among other things, 51 Try to have the court decide the case. 38 One was a cheque for eight hundred pounds on his bankers, the other an order to Mr. Bell of Newport, Essex, requesting the surrender of a deed. 143 Its present manual filing system is obsolete; 45 english 7 In the second edition of the "Regne Animal," published in eighteen twenty-eight, 80 There was no lack of air and light for the new jail, and several exercising yards. 82 This time, it will have opened up the field a little bit. 57 New Frontiers Program investigations address NASA's planetary science objectives as described in the twenty fourteen NASA Strategic Plan and the twenty fourteen NASA Science Plan. 179 Oswald's known actions in the building immediately after the assassination are consistent with his having been at the southeast corner window of the sixth floor 160 The way to save money is not to spend much. 43 At its maximum the trading post covered a large area. 53 A filing case is now hard to buy. 33 I have wanted to buy one for the National Gallery. 50 Then he experienced his first sensation of pain, which became excruciating. 75 How they managed to improvise at such short notice, she'll never know. 70 The Early Years 15 but there is good evidence to show that the body after execution was handed over to his friends and interred privately. 119 The crema is produced by emulsifying the oils in the ground coffee, which does not occur in other brewing methods. 114 A man with reflective safety clothes and ear protection drives a John Deere tractor on a road. 94 It is set in Paris. 19 Hold your nose to keep the smell from disabling your motor functions. 69 There were work-rooms for wool-washing, dyeing, carding, and spinning. 70 As, indeed, they would be. 26 The French T.B.M.s then completed the tunnel and were dismantled. 65 You do not change overnight. 28 In general, parting is caused by some stress applied to a crystal. 66 and I assure my fellow citizens that no energy will be spared in using these funds effectively 94 Long live the king. 19 A very young boy sliding down a slide into a swimming pool, wearing blue floaties. 82 But it failed. 14 In the early days, I was obsessed with working in the theatre. 62 Respiration -- that is, the absorption of oxygen and the exhalation of carbonic acid 84 and advised them of some of his activities on behalf of the organization. 73 and could expose all the local authorities that still lagged behind, or neglected to comply with the provisions of the new laws. 128 Karl is over there. 19 Bananas contain a lot of sugar, even though they are fruits. 60 He wants me to write down only things that I think about, but not things I plan to do. 86 Nichols and Shepard received a patent from the United States government for their vibrator grain separator in eighteen sixty two. 129 testified that immediately after the shots he went to the rear of the building to check the fire escape. 104 Young children are dressed in brightly colored clothed playing together in a bounce house. 90 Mutes little instruments on the bridge of the violin, deadening the sound. 74 The two men left work at four:forty p.m. and drove to Irving. 61 Rider wears black helmet, leather jacket and black gloves as he straddles a Triumph motorcycle. 95 And what became of him? 23 sharpers, thieves, gamblers, betting men, the outsiders of the boxing ring, 75 He was seen afterwards smoking and talking with his hosts in their back parlor, and never seen again alive. 107 but too late to give substantial aid. 37 Sorry, I didn't catch that. 27 And two other justices agreed with him. 39 Throughout both the animal and vegetable kingdoms dwarfed and useless representatives of organs are constantly met with, 120 Where did Arnav get his new sofa? 33 Another witness, Domingo Benavides, was driving a pickup truck west on tenth Street. 84 Cook and stir cabbage, onion, carrots, and salt in hot oil until cabbage is wilted, three to four minutes. 106 I assure you, none has a better claim upon that device than myself. 67 Do you want me? 15 With this change the art of printing touched bottom, 52 or arraignment, to an asylum, and the Secretary of State had the same power as regards any who became insane while undergoing sentence. 135 Parents should warn their kids about possible undertow near sieves in swimming pools. 85 Being inexperienced, they decided to call in the services of a couple of professional housebreakers, 100 In India, China, South Korea and Japan, many millions use trains as regular transport. 86 U.S. President Donald Trump authorizes Congress to release the Nunes memo, against the wishes of the F.B.I., Department of Justice, and lawmakers from both sides. 162 When she called her friend for help with her computer, she repeatedly emphasized, that she hadn't done anything. 112 Macintosh's amendment was carried in the Commons, but the new law did not pass the Lords, who re-enacted the capital penalty. 125 It was a moment of madness. 27 Another twenty fifteen Pew report on the role of technology notes that half of teens say they've used Facebook or other social networking sites to express romantic interest in someone. 184 The U.S. government is unable to provide emergency services to U.S. citizens in North Korea as it does not have diplomatic or consular relations with North Korea. 162 A system not adopted generally till nearly half a century later had already prevailed at Ilchester. 99 should be introduced into the building, and secreted there during the night to accomplish the robbery. 102 A human embryonic stem cell is also defined by the expression of several transcription factors and cell surface proteins. 121 But it might have done. 23 Mrs. Bledsoe recalled that Oswald sat halfway to the rear of the bus which moved slowly and intermittently as traffic became heavy. 131 Does that put pressure on us? 29 He was the kind of person who could try and wound somebody in that way. Possibly he didn't want to go out at all but was just doing this all as a sort of joke, 159 The paper on which the printing is to be done is a necessary part of our subject. 81 A woman with flowers in her hair balances a large bowl of assorted fruits on her head. 86 This is awkward if you have to read Bradshaw's Guide in a hurry. 64 However, relations between siblings, that may have been tolerated in other cultures, was considered abhorrent. 110 the most hardened and the oldest in vice had the best of it, while the inexperienced beginner went to the wall. 111 The Fulton system was later removed when aerial refueling of helicopters proved safer and more versatile. 105 The U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission gives a go-ahead for Bitcoin futures to trade on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. 127 Oswald wrote to then Secretary of the Navy Connally on January thirty, nineteen sixty-two, 90 a note purporting to be from Miss Slack was addressed to the governor of the Bank of England, begging that the said stock might be handed over to her, 150 A good thing about English is, that you don't have to memorize whether things are feminine or masculine. 104 The next step was to take the principals, and under such circumstances as would insure their conviction. 104 The most recent estimate suggests seventy two thousand five hundred algal species worldwide. 92 He continued the ancient practice of letting out a portion of his own house, and by a poetical fiction treated it as an annex of the state side. 144 I can't do that right now. Please try again later. 50 They might raise funds for this purpose, provided a certificate for the necessity for the new works was given, either by the recorder 133 Eleven years later, in five eighty-six, he destroyed the sacred Hebrew city, 76 Sometimes the Privy Council did not meet for months, and during all that time the convicts languished with hope 111 The price is fair for a good antique clock. 43 A phase-locked loop can be used as an F.M. demodulator. 55 Here, let me show you around. 29 I'm not sure how much credit I can take for our escape. 55 Hence oxygen must be supplied to the cells. 43 I propose now to continue the subject, and to devote a couple of chapters to criminal occurrences of a more recent date, 120 Sift into it white flour, meal and salt, and stir up well while dry. 68 Swallowing just a mouthful of water with Crypto in it can make otherwise healthy kids and adults sick for weeks with watery diarrhea, stomach cramps, nausea, and vomiting. 171 For instance, although in nearly all the numerous species of snakes there are no vestiges of limbs, 99 On these occasions precautions were supposed to be taken to exclude bad characters, 83 After this the sheriffs sent for another rope, but the spectators interfered, and the man was carried back to jail. 115 but to determine the maximum speed at which it could be fired. 62 would meet our specific criteria, none of them alone. But, it is when you begin adding them up to some degree that you begin to get criteria that, are meaningful. 162 If the material was evaluated 29 Lit. 4 You must be at least one hundred and fifty centimeters to ride the ride. 72 Emma Goldman was born on June twenty seventh, eighteen sixty nine. 66 which occurred eight days after Oswald wrote the above letter to V. T. Lee. 75 The agents in this car, under established procedure, had instructions to watch the route for signs of trouble, 110 A force equal to that would move the earth. 43 The entrance fee was at least thirteen shillings, six pence a head, with half-a-crown a week more for bed and bedding, 118 Okay, It's getting dark. I will adjust the brightness accordingly. 66 He had eloped with his first wife from school. 46 This is being investigated by India to take advantage of its natural thorium reserves. 86 Therefore, the use of intoxicating liquor of any kind, including beer and wine, by members of the White House Detail 116 The old enemies of Babylon rejoiced. 36 The Society's first Secretary was Henry Oldenburg. 50 It certified that Lee Harvey Oswald had been vaccinated for smallpox on June eight, nineteen sixty-three. 105 I got a call from Ben. 22 and at length reached a point opposite the top of the building containing the condemned wards. This had been a perilous and painful task; 137 She had not been treated like a Christian, but like a wild beast of the forest. She declared that the money found in her possession had been sent her from abroad; 162 that so good a man had really been for years a swindler and a rogue. 68 Thornley added, quote, I think it was kind of necessary to him to believe that he was being picked on. 102 Female African American holding a blue object in front of a wall with writing on it. 84 There are many people wearing either jackets or layers drinking beer or diet Coke. 82 This behavior of neural networks is sometimes called dreaming. 62 nc 2 The law made it imperative that every prison should have a prison chapel, and that daily and Sunday services should be held. 124 the wise, the pious, the maintainer of Esagil and Ezida, 56 If someone does that, chances are they're not an official trained helper. 73 The school will be designed for sustainability and is expected to achieve the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Silver certification status. 152 I would like to take a nice long break with no financial repercussions, but we all know that’s not going to happen. 115 However, it is possible that the hanging gardens existed only in the imagination of the Greek writers, 102 A "Cheers" rerun notably replaced the September fourth, nineteen ninety-two airing of "Australia's Naughtiest Home Videos". 123 or an organized group, other than specific threats, which suggested a source of danger against which timely precautions could be taken. 135 Some of the best known and most skilful soloists in funk have jazz backgrounds. 79 The salesman was like the rest of them, untrustworthy. 54 Playing music. 14 in nineteen thirty-six, as testified that the traditional parade route in Dallas was along Main Street, since the tall buildings along the street 145 that he had owned a weapon and did a good deal of hunting or use of it, perhaps in Russia, plus a number of items about his disposition and unreliability of character, 167 Cacti can also form new roots quickly when rain falls after a drought. 70 When the threat is in the form of a written communication, give a copy to local Secret Service and forward the original to the Bureau 133 The existence of gravitational waves had long been predicted. 61 The investigation, which is continuing, has been conducted by John O. Enright and Sheldon L. Pollock of the New York Regional Office and supervised by Lara S. Mehraban. 168 I did not chose that phrase. 28 Peep under the cloth two or three times to see whether they rise evenly, and turn the pan around once that all may be equally exposed to the heat. 146 But how did the "mighty city" fall? How could Cyrus take Babylon whose walls were strong enough to resist any army? 115 My Dad is a hero. 17 More haste less speed. 22 Much bitterness of feeling is evidently engendered, and the corporation grows more and more angry with the inspectors. 118 Say it slowly but make it ring clear. 37 and believed that our Government did not have, quote, too much to offer, end quote, but was not in favor of, quote, the Communist way of life, end quote. 153 It's the first time my grandpa does online banking. 51 and by the following year forty-seven new cells had been built on the most approved plan. 89 Palmer was ably defended, but the weight of evidence was clearly with the prosecution, led by Sir Alexander Cockburn, 117 D.N.S. can also be partitioned according to "class". The separate classes can be thought of as an array of parallel namespace trees. 132 Reynolds did not make a positive identification when interviewed by the FBI, but 80 whose summit reached into the sky as far, perhaps, as the tallest of the modern buildings. 90 For this calendar, a common year is three hundred sixty five days, and a leap year is three hundred sixty six days. 115 Thomas More is commemorated by a stone plaque near Saint Katharine Docks, just east of the Tower where he was executed. 119 Neurons can connect to each other to form neural networks. 58 A woman is resting against a cross shaped pole while looking towards a large body of water. 91 that while he had begun to read Marx and Engels at the age of fifteen, the conclusive thing that made him decide that Marxism was the answer 140 A drilling machine is used to fixate the ice hockey goal. 57 Did you know that? 18 Playing next song. 18 that he was involved in any conspiracy, his political activities do provide insight into certain aspects of Oswald's character 126 The oil companies would be asked to contribute. 47 It's impolite to ask a tree for its story unless you are ready to hear it in full length. 89 S.S. units which had survived the summer campaigns were withdrawn from the front line to refit. 95 The Portland Business Journal, a weekly, covers business-related news, as does "The Daily Journal of Commerce". 111 Reduce heat to medium low and let chicken mixture simmer for twenty five minutes or until chicken is cooked through and juices run clear. 137 although their ministrations were occasionally extended to the male side. 73 Some of the first self-propelled vehicles in the late seventeen hundreds relied on steam. 89 When before have you found them really at your side in your fights for progress? 80 who, on going down early, was surprised to find the dining-room in a state of utter confusion; 94 As in that case, the grave had been dug long in anticipation, and the chloride of lime purchased to destroy the corpse. 119 However diverse may be the fabrics or tissues of which their bodies are composed, all these varied structures result from the metamorphosis of morphological units. 163 namely, to suppress it and substitute another. 46 They are the only team in N.F.L. history to have more than two second half, come-from-behind, Super Bowl victories. 115 My name is Mycroft, and I'm an intelligent personal assistant. 62 Dimming the lights. 19 At that point, Oswald refused to answer any further questions. 62 The receiver attempts to infer which message was sent. 54 William Arthur Smith was about a block east of tenth and Patton when he heard shots. 84 Apple and Ireland agree on an interim deal to put thirteen billion Euros in an escrow fund for the repayment of back taxes. 123 The want of room was still a crying evil. 41 With the advance of microscopic anatomy, the universality of the fact itself among animals has ceased to be predicable. 119 The Militant also reflected a critical attitude toward President Kennedy's attempts to reduce tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union. 150 Don't give your information. 28 Is he a drug dealer? 20 and yet this doctrine requires the utmost, utmost restraint, a state of being in itself majestic in power, end quote. 117 They get rid of the superfluous hydrogen and carbon and accumulate nitrogen. 76 the walls of Babylon were so long and wide and high that all who saw them were amazed. 86 The inspectors' reports mention many cases of evasion accomplished. 67 In this heterogeneous society were also thrown the unfortunate journalists to whom I have already referred, and on whom imprisonment in Newgate 143 We're also encouraging industry efforts to combat caller ID spoofing. 69 He was about to descend the stairs when three persons, one of them the young sailor, 84 Float the soap on top of the bath water. 40 In a move towards greater autonomy to minority ethnic groups the military divided the four regions into twelve states. 118 The Tyler Junior College Apache Belles drill team performed during the pregame and halftime festivities. 104 The extent of Oswald's desire to go to the Soviet Union 55 Maynard was the only one who suffered death. 44 About this time I find that the bodies of two murderers, Clench and Mackay, 75 Dog 3 Treasure hunts make me vomit. 29 The weight of the package was seen on the high scale. 53 Thornley said that he had made his remark only in the context of "nineteen eighty-four" 87 Ownership of Revolver 21 Two men, each with a small child on their backs, walk on a paved road. 70 Vice President and Missis Pence currently reside there. 55 It is essentially a fish, and would be so classed if it remained in this condition. 83 That same year, Charles Kettering introduced the electric starter, eliminating the need for the hand crank and giving rise to more gasoline-powered vehicle sales. 162 Plow Anderson's field only after Asa offers you all the aid you need. 69 That faith is receiving its just reward. 40 Have you met Peter? 19 The program instills values such as trustworthiness, good citizenship, and outdoors skills, through a variety of activities such as camping, aquatics, and hiking. 162 The forelimbs are paddle-like flippers which aid in turning and slowing. 72 You will not relish it, but take it all the same to appease the empty, discontented stomach. 92 No definite rules, however, except the avoidance of "rivers" and excess of white, can be given for the spacing, 111 These malpractices were fostered by the absence of all supervision and the generally unbroken idleness. 103 The bow and arrow are known to have been invented by the end of the Upper Paleolithic. 86 The Securities and Exchange Commission today announced fraud charges against three former Constellation Healthcare Technologies executives. 139 Starting off Tampa Navy Week with an interview of U.S.S. Mahan's commanding officer, Commander Wilson on Fox Thirteen News's Good Day Tampa. 140 Apple pie is an iconic dish. 28 by some rightwing groups centered in Dallas or any other general atmosphere of hate 83 The comparison to other works on different databases is still problematic. 74 I couldn't find a custom script in the Mycroft configuration. 61 It should be equal. 19 One woman cashier scanning items of another woman customer who has a bandage on her hand. 89 and was arrested because of a dispute with three anti-Castro Cuban exiles, and again on August sixteen, nineteen sixty-three. 125 No legal positivist, however, argues that it follows that the law is therefore to be obeyed, no matter what. 108 Very great excitement prevailed in the town throughout the trial, and this greatly increased when the verdict was known. 120 Other protesters were injured by rubber bullets or batons, and two were run down by army vehicles. 98 The beetle droned in the hot June sun. 38 Cook and stir cabbage, onion, carrots, and salt in hot oil until cabbage is wilted, three to four minutes. 106 After he returned to the United States 38 This was notably the case with the early works printed at Ulm, and in a somewhat lesser degree at Augsburg. 107 blue eyes which were generally half closed, and very fair hair. 63 How do you take them away? 26 The F.B.I. has indicated that it is willing to continue to make such assistance available. 90 backed possibly with the hope that, as in a much more recent case, 66 However, the World Health Organization and the World Organization for Animal Health are considering adding PCR-based tests for primary diagnosis. 145 but its nitrogen is in the state of a free gas, in which condition the bean can make no use of it, 98 A castle built from sand fails to endure. 41 The boy was there when the sun rose. 36 Paper is very flammable. 24 As Chief Executive, the President controls the exercise of the vast, almost incalculable powers of the executive branch of the Federal Government. 146 In the Republic, Plato describes the cosmos as the Spindle of Necessity, attended by the Sirens and turned by the three Fates. 126 of the Marine Corps School at Quantico, Virginia. 49 sought about for a fresh victim to supply him with funds. 57 This includes standard analysis of the business cycle in macroeconomics. 72 Although searching in binary search trees is efficient, you won't find any fruits in there. 91 The crime of poisoning has always been viewed with peculiar loathing and terror in this country. 96 Oswald would have had other and more favorable opportunities to strike at the Governor than on this occasion when, as a member of the President's party, 152 People, too, were getting into the habit of carrying but little cash about them, and no valuables but their watches or personal jewelery. 137 and losing heavily, to meet the claims upon him he put out a number of forged bills of exchange or acceptances, 111 Residents had to walk to find firewood. 39 Sunday is the best part of the week. 36 the forgers always escaped detection. But fate overtook two of the gang, 72 a bundle lying on the floor, as though thieves had been interrupted in the act. 79 If the worst came to the worst, he intended to have gone down some chimney, as he had often done before in the way of business. 127 Review the passenger safety card before takeoff and landing. Listen carefully to the safety briefing. 101 and about eighteen twelve application was made to Parliament for funds to build a new debtors' prison. 102 Bye for now! 12 in the balance some work was done, but with the most meager results. 68 windy, rainy, dark. There is little probability that he had good, expert coach, 79 Dr. Carrico inserted a cuffed endotracheal tube past the injury, inflated the cuff, and connected it to a Bennett machine to assist in respiration. 147 Sergeant Zahm testified, quote, 31 The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists moves the Doomsday Clock thirty seconds forward, to two minutes before midnight, the closest setting since nineteen fifty-three. 166 to clean the governor's office in the male prison; 50 serial number V five one zero two one zero. 43 found along the path of flight taken by the gunman from the scene of the shooting to the place of arrest. 105 and the breach of regulations which occurred on the night of November twenty-one at Fort Worth. 95 Frazier testified before the Commission that Oswald carried no lunch sack that day. 83 The significance of Givens' observation that Oswald was carrying his clipboard 78 Henry the eighth had six wives. He was born in fourteen ninety-one and died in fifteen forty-seven. 99 Emperor Akihito of Japan announces his intentions to abdicate the throne on April thirtieth, twenty nineteen. 109 He was unable to give any reason whatever for not utilizing the whole of the wards. 83 Now I do not deny that this view is a possible view; but I do deny that it is a probable one. 93 A third of treated recreational waterborne disease outbreaks occurred in hotel pools or hot tubs. 97 in the administration of John Adams and Thomas Jefferson -- both signers of the Declaration of Independence 107 special agent in charge of the Dallas office. Both agents were advised of the trip on November four. 100 Three twelve Olive Circle, Jackson, Mississippi. 48 while in eighteen fifty Her Majesty was the victim of another outrage at the hands of one Pate. 95 Two fifteen-year-old students are seriously wounded and three other people injured in a shooting at Sal Castro Middle School in Los Angeles, California. 152 Communications in the motorcade. 32 Scientific study was conducted at Kazakh State University. 58 Some indications of pity were offered for the fate of Tilling; Palm, execration alone. 86 Instances rarely occur in which the borough jails admit of any proper classification of the prisoners. 102 By the nineteen twentys, the U.S. had a better system of roads connecting cities, and Americans wanted to get out and explore. 126 The cloud moved in a stately way and was gone. 46 When he moved to the United States, Desi Arnaz turned to show business to support himself. 90 Originally a doctor in practice at Rugeley, in Staffordshire, he had gradually withdrawn from medicine, and devoted himself to the turf; 136 the Dallas police to scan windows of buildings lining the motorcade route, although it was his usual practice to do so. 119 While he might have expected difficulty from such an approach, in fact 70 She apparently didn't listen. 29 The change from Tyburn to the Old Bailey had worked no improvement as regards the gathering together of the crowd or its demeanor. 130 While some insurance agents can help you with your application through the Health Insurance Marketplace, don't give your personal information or pay any money to someone who contacts you. 187 In two thousand eight, the Orchestra moved the performance series to the newly opened Lincoln Way North High School in Frankfort Square. 136 the evidence indicates that Oswald usually told his prospective employers and employment counselors that he had recently been discharged from the Marine Corps. 159 Nineteen twenty six was printed inside the back of the collar. 62 ip 2 that the assassin in all probability hit two out of the three shots during the maximum time span of 99 The Commission believes that the recommended Cabinet-level committee will help to correct many of the major deficiencies of supervision. 136 As of twenty fourteen, this confusion persists and further cases continue to be brought before the courts. 106 But he never paid more than a fixed price for all articles of the same class, whatever their intrinsic value. 109 A painter is standing on smaller silver ladder and there is another silver ladder close by. 91 hoary-headed and hardened in guilt, were still at large. 56 Lopez was more talkative. 25 A check of the geographic indexes there revealed no listing for any individual deemed to be a potential danger to the President 127 Take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves. 67 Julie hooked a giant of a fish yesterday. 41 Teen mobile use: seventy five percent of teens can access a smartphone, ninety one percent go online via mobile at least occasionally. 134 The paper that is used for ordinary books is exceedingly bad, but is beaten in the race for vileness by that made in America, which is the worst conceivable. 157 Where did you get it? 21 Pilgrim and Dasent were caught and given into the custody of the sergeant-at-arms, and the rest were either arrested or they surrendered. 137 In April nineteen sixty, Mrs. Marguerite Oswald and Robert Oswald were interviewed 82 These disciplinary improvements were, however, only slowly and gradually introduced. 84 It changes color when you say the words "blue sponge". 54 A group of people enter a doorway next to a red sign reading WELCOME Bikers . 78 It was possible to ascertain that his age at death was around the mid-twenties. 79 she identified a picture of Oswald as being the same person she saw on November twenty-two. 91 Flow cytometry is routinely used in the diagnosis of health disorders, especially blood cancers. 96 that, while locomotive, their movements may have as much appearance of spontaneity as those of the lowest animals, 114 Since he seemed to feel that no one else understood his political views, the letter was of great value to him for it, quote, was proof 134 Then came the newly-formed horse patrol, with drawn cutlasses, 62 He heard two more shots spaced, quote, pretty well even to me. 62 The project cost is estimated as seventy three million dollars. 63 map 3 Most radially symmetric animals are symmetrical about an axis extending from the center of the oral surface, which contains the mouth. 134 the corpse lying just inside the kitchen all the while, the two set to work to strip the body and hide it under the stones of the floor. 136 Even the local Muslims converse in Sanskrit. 44 and I, with mortar and bricks, built a third great moat-wall, and joined it and united it closely with the moat-walls of my father. 131 and who, during the ride south on Marsalis, had an argument with a woman passenger. 83 Thus, the local chief of police could be given a master plan, prepared for the occasion, of all protective measures to be taken during the visit; 145 when he was sent to New Orleans to visit the family of his mother's sister, Mrs. Lillian Murret, for two or three weeks. 120 While in the condemned cell he conversed freely with the warders in broken English or through an interpreter. 109 The interim report must be in the hands of the agent supervising the protective group traveling with the President 114 The young stealer in a dwelling-house no longer has the least pretense to bravery. He grasps the back of the pew, 113 For these cash was obtained in notes; the notes were exchanged by one of the conspirators for gold at the Bank of England, and again the same day 145 The U.S. Attorney's Offices for the District of Colorado and the District of New Mexico also provided substantial assistance in this matter. 140 The cost of the Oroville Dam spill rises to eight hundred seventy million dollars. California continues to hope for federal aid for the project. 144 even though he had written four detailed letters since that time to Mr. V. T. Lee and had also kept the national headquarters informed 134 The dusty bench stood by the stone wall. 40 In four hundred and forty-five prisons no work of any description had been introduced for the employment of prisoners; 118 I heard speech-to-text software often has problems when people are whispering. 78 Her poise and charm caused comment. 35 Finally, aerodynamic problems may also be classified by the flow environment. 77 Place a rosebush near the porch steps. 38 the crowd had come to witness a popular and gratuitous public performance -- better than a prize-fight or a play. 113 There was reveling and roistering, as usual, with "high life below-stairs. 74 We are sure that one war is enough. 35 A search for missing children is underway after a boat capsized off the Indian coast. 85 Quinine is approved for treatment of malaria, but is also commonly prescribed to treat leg cramps and similar conditions. 121 feeling that it approached too nearly to solitary confinement. 62 The State Department advised the Secret Service of all crank and threat letter mail 83 Potions said he would drive. 28 When Frazier appeared before the Commission and was asked to demonstrate how Oswald carried the package, he said, quote, Like I said, 133 Before you agree to a free trial, research the company and read the cancellation policy. 88 It is not a wholesome practice for any woman -- least of all a young girl to be out of bed two hours before she eats her breakfast. 131 (seven) attempted, in April nineteen sixty-three, to kill Maj. Gen. Edwin A. Walker, and (eight) 96 It's hard enough for a father, anyway, and I was forever grateful. 66 He kept driving at full speed, totally unfazed by the flap, flap, flap of the burst tyre. 89 She last saw him in the parking lot directly behind the service station. 72 Yet it took until the eighteen seventys for the technology to take hold in cars. 80 Amin turned down the proposal, shouting "You are the one who should quit!" 74 He recorded everything with his camcorder to have a watertight proof. 69 Sarah Perry was a veterinary nurse who had been working daily at an old zoo in a deserted district of the territory. 116 Place cast iron skillet over high heat until mozzarella cheese starts to melt, about three minutes. 99 A woman in lavender with short brown hair is sitting in a large chair. 70 elucidated all dark and uncertain points in connection with the crime. 70 Brennan had seen Oswald's picture on television, and he told the Commission that whether this affected his identification, quote, is something I do not know. 157 She had gone to the Catholic school. 36 Gus Grissom and Roger Chaffee were buried at Arlington National Cemetery. 73 The Babylonians, encamped without their walls, awaited his coming. 66 A deathly hush fell over the square. 36 Turn left onto Massachusetts Avenue. 36 Smoking is also very important. 31 On the second-floor landing there is a small open area with a door at the east end. 83 I've been there. 16 The Chronicles of Newgate, Volume two. By Arthur Griffiths. Section eight: The beginnings of prison reform. 107 a perpetuation under another form of the old detestable custom of garnish. 74 Frazier said, quote, The fact that the crosshairs are set high would actually compensate for any lead which had to be taken 123 They took the axe and the saw to the forest. 44 A brown dog swims through water outdoors with a tennis ball in its mouth. 73 My most immediate concern is in carrying out the purposes of the great work program just enacted by the Congress. 113 The sums obtained by Bidwell in the name of "Warren" at the Bank of England 75 In this way he obtained vast sums from several firms, and one to which he was indebted upwards of fifty thousand pounds subsequently stopped payment. 149 Note that in this equation, both force and displacement are vector quantities. 78 The knife was hung inside its bright sheath. 44 The knife was hung inside its bright sheath. 44 At the request of the Commission, Arthur Mandella, 50 But his condition was hopeless, and the extraordinary efforts of the doctors to save him could not help but to have been unavailing. 132 One half of the mutineers fell upon him unawares with handspikes and capstan-bars. 82 Easy Chicken Alfredo 20 In short, the green plant is able by cooperation with sunlight to use simple raw materials (carbon dioxide, water, oxygen, etc.) 128 A flow cytometer allows simultaneous analysis of the physical and chemical characteristics of thousands of particles per second. 128 Somebody had returned my lost credit card to the bank. 54 Other witnesses in the motorcade estimated the speed of the President's limousine from seven to twenty-two miles per hour. 122 and with another carry off the plate-chest in broad daylight, and as a matter of business. No one interfered or asked any questions. 132 Why are you not at work? 24 It was further ordered that male prisoners should be kept perfectly distinct from the females. 94 The color of the beret varied by season and according to the officer's unit. 76 In no characters is the contrast between the ugly and vulgar illegibility of the modern type 92 I could not judge for her actions, but I believe that she is right. 67 healthful, easily learnt, and well adapted to the circumstances of unskilled laborers. 86 In Antarctica, Ecuador has maintained a peaceful research station for scientific study as a member nation of the Antarctica Treaty. 131 I should think so, too. 23 The phrase "No surrender" is occasionally sung in the bridge before "Send her victorious" by England football fans at matches. 126 the doctors were able to maintain peripheral circulation as monitored at the neck (carotid) artery and at the wrist (radial) pulse. 131 At one:twenty-four p.m., the police radio reported, quote, 58 The number of processes against debtors annually was extraordinary. 67 First, from the view on Earth, the Sun appears to revolve around the Earth once per day. 88 Conviction was obtained through the evidence of the steward and two of the least culpable of the crew. 102 That is, movement adds only a fraction of the medium's velocity to the light. 77 It is unique. 13 By then, he was walking on water. 33 The fish retains permanently this form, but the frog passes on. 63 Then he wanted to know when the policemen would arrive, and was told none would come. 85 Ashley's vote should smash Theo's campaign. 43 Although the Service recognized that its advance preventive measures must encompass more than these most obvious dangers, 121 It was a form of high treason not unknown in earlier reigns. In seventeen eighty-six a mad woman, Margaret Nicholson, 117 I won't make an official complaint. 35 What do you advise, sir? 24 John F. Kennedy was born in nineteen-seventeen. 47 generally through the personal activity of influential and benevolent local magnates, but the true principles of prison construction 132 Senator Orrin Hatch announces that he will retire in January twenty nineteen. 77 Dialogue is the key. 20 One of the world's biggest problems is the growth of human population. 70 The ram scared the school children off. 39 A castle built from sand fails to endure. 41 She turned into her lachrymosity while visiting her grandparents. 65 As Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, he must maintain ultimate authority over the development and disposition of our military power. 138 Altair is the name of three United States Navy ships. 53 A child's wit saved the day for us. 35 unless they could afford to pay for a vehicle out of their own funds. 69 Waste not, want not. 20 'Now for you, my poor fellow mortals, who are about to suffer the last penalty of the law.' 91 And she folded the bag to length of about twenty-eight and a half inches. 73 It's easy to tell the depth of a well. 38 The roof should be tilted at a sharp slant. 43 NASA plans to select one of these investigations in the spring of twenty nineteen to continue on to subsequent mission phases. 126 It is estimated to be around fourteen billion years old. 56 As they packed their bags, the tsunami sirens sounded once more across the bleak shores. 88 Prompted by these dismaying statistics, the Commission has inquired into the problems and methods of Presidential protection in effect 134 by so-called exploitation of his mother by the capitalist system. 65 Besides those actually resident within the walls, 49 Wow! 4 Before beginning operations downstairs eat a half-slice of dry bread or a biscuit. 82 They consist of the Army, the Navy and the Air Force. 53 Iain Duncan Smith is a decent man. 34 He had the services of an experienced highly trained coach. 59 On the evening of October twenty-four, nineteen sixty-three, after addressing a meeting in Dallas, 98 With a range of eighty miles and the ability to accelerate from zero to fifty miles per hour in just seven seconds, it quickly gained a cult following. 151 to which the events of last November called attention. 54 The pup jerked the leash as he saw a feline shape. 50 Since two thousand three, the modern opera house is home to the Philharmonic Orchestra. 87 To be continued... 18 It is now established that nitrogen is as essential a constituent of vegetable as of animal living matter 105 Central Tanzania is a large plateau, with plains and arable land. 65 A serve in tennis is a shot to start a point. 45 Jim Wallace, justice minister, has refused to hold an inquiry. 62 and probably one of the few cases of a recurrence, but under proper safeguards and limitations, to the old system of chains. 124 He knew the skill of the great young actress. 45 Satomi's pygmy seahorse is the smallest known seahorse in the world. 68 Paper is scarce, so write with much care. 41 No news is good news. 21 The separate Air Wing was established in nineteen eighty six as use of aviation assets grew in the war on drugs. 112 The R.G.B. value seems to be incorrect. I only accept R.G.B. values from zero to two hundred fifty-five. 104 The Castro regime severely attacked President Kennedy in connection with the Bay of Pigs affair, the Cuban missile crisis, the ban on travel to Cuba, 149 The Federal Emergency Management Agency coordinates disaster relief efforts across five Southern California counties. 117 We monitor health, inform decisionmakers, and provide people with information so they can take responsibility for their own health. 131 Two of his articles have been included in the "Best American Sportswriting" series. 83 Talk of truth and prove the clue is but a glib gift. 52 Robert I. Bouck, special agent in charge of PRS, 48 Müller, Müller, He's the man, till a diversion was created by the appearance of the gallows, which was received with continuous yells. 134 This originates from lever espresso machines, which require pulling down a handle attached to a spring-loaded piston. 117 The crowd of men and women who passed the night in front of Newgate, began, as soon as the hour was passed when they had expected the report, 141 Espresso is also the base for a latte, cappuccino, macchiato, mocha, flat white, or Americano. 94 Her mother read Mary Johnston's novels to her before she could read. 68 Let's decide where should we hide in this closed department store. 66 Stuckey testified that uncovering Oswald's defection was very important, quote, 79 It has housed sixteen Secretaries of the Navy, twenty one Secretaries of War, and twenty four Secretaries of State. 115 You can reduce the quality of the anisotropic filter to gain some performance. 78 It called for the end of American aid to China and for the supply of oil and other resources to Japan. 102 This is a similar finding to research in oral languages on pronoun acquisition. 79 Following the disclosure of his defection, Oswald sought advice from the Communist Party, U.S.A., concerning his Fair Play for Cuba activity. 141 It is also very valuable. 25 the culprit was really her husband, who killed O'Connor out of jealousy and revengeful feelings. 96 The router overheated and needed to be restarted. 49 but the walls of Babylon have so long been used to supply bricks to the builders of the neighboring cities that only their bases remain. 136 The prisoners were still left to themselves till next morning's unlocking, 74 To his wife, poor soul, he made no pretense of fidelity, and she enjoyed only so much of his company as was necessarily spent 125 Three years passed before any Vice President actually lived at Number One Observatory Circle. 93 This is known as a "Faro Shuffle". 34 In nonfatal accidents, in-flight turbulence is the leading cause of injuries to airline passengers and flight attendants. 121 From September twenty-four, nineteen sixty-three, when Marina Oswald arrived in Irving from New Orleans, until the morning of the assassination, 144 He takes the oath of office each March. 39 the signal for the commencement of obscene talk, revelry, and violence. 71 It is clear that there are upward and downward currents of water containing food (comparable to blood of an animal), 116 Turkey cautions its citizens against travel to the United States in response to an advisory that warned Americans about terror threats and arbitrary detentions in Turkey. 170 No doubt, on the removal of Ikey Solomons from the scene, his mantle fell upon worthy successors. 97 or, quote, other high government officials in the nature of a complaint coupled with an expressed or implied determination to use a means, 138 Mrs. Roberts saw him a few seconds later standing near the bus stop in front of the house on the east side of Beckley. 118 has been that provided by a requirement that he file interim and final reports on each advance assignment. 106 Don't do business with someone who tries to convince you otherwise. 67 Houston-based Constellation filed for bankruptcy in March, a little more than a year after the January twenty seventeen acquisition. 132 He was a tall, slender man, with a long face and iron-gray hair. 64 Parker's definition of animals and plants, 42 Are you sure that is exactly what happened? 43 I am going to the U.S.A. tomorrow. 34 memory 6 In return, Iran agreed to stop supporting opposition Kurds in Iraq. 67 These arguments availed little with the jury, who after a short deliberation found Fauntleroy guilty, and he was sentenced to death. 132 The Elementary Education Act, passed in eighteen ninety three, required local authorities to provide separate education for blind and deaf children. 148 Better hash is made of rare beef. 33 Macedonia is a landlocked country but has three major natural lakes. 68 His conversation turned always upon his influence over the weaker sex, and the extraordinary success he had achieved. 117 The entrance upon this floor or leaf is from the middle window over the gate of the prison; 91 Honest risk disclosures may say you could lose your whole investment. 69 In the end, electric vehicles all but disappeared by nineteen thirty five. 74 Doing great! How about you? 27 The cottage burned down. 24 The population size depends on the nature of the problem. 57 Its outer part, about twelve feet in width, was protected with towers at intervals of sixty-five feet. 102 The Rundown is a two thousand three American action comedy film starring Dwayne Johnson. 88 and that Arke of Nebuchadnezzar for as perpetual a memory of his great idolatry and condigne punishment. 104 as the potential energy of foodstuffs, but comes in principally as the kinetic energy of sunlight absorbed in the leaves. 121 was too much for his nerves, and he so nearly fainted that he had to be seated in a chair. 90 It's that kind of place. 24 Image registration could be easily incorporated into low-power embedded devices. 80 was advised that Oswald was in contact with the Fair Play for Cuba Committee in New York, and that he had written to the committee 130 What do they want us to do? 27 You have no new messages. 25 on the opening of Whitecross prison for debtors in eighteen fifteen. 68 hardware 8 that he had some aptitude in that area, quote, because the verbal score is high and the clerical score is high, end quote, 122 The funds necessary would be advanced by the Public Works Loan Commissioners, and the interest might be charged against the county or borough rates. 148 References to Eastern philosophy and religion appear frequently in his writing. 79 To fall into the house with the door to blurt out something to put it bluntly. 78 it seeks to restore the Court to its rightful and historic place in our constitutional government 97 Men whose cases were dangerous, and those most seriously inclined, complained of these annoyances, 98 but it offered suggestions for future buildings, with numerous carefully-executed drawings and designs of the model it recommended for imitation. 145 Field staff work in all fifty states, Guam, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and more than one hundred twenty countries. 125 You are so rude! 16 One adult and three children gathered on the floor looking at a picture on a digital camera. 92 A king ruled the state in the early days. 41 Marina Oswald testified that at that time, quote, My heart dropped. 67 Was it the wife? 16 No woman could resist him, he calmly assured Mr. Smith that night as they walked together, and he recounted his villanies one by one. 133 Mrs. Manning was not without personal charms; 45 Duly impressed with the weight of evidence in favor of abolition, 65 Cole's difficulties increased more and more; warrant-holders came down upon him demanding to realize their goods. 113 It was not then replaced because the state of the art did not permit the development of a bulletproof top of sufficiently light weight 134 Broader and more selective criteria 35 after the post mortem had been carried out, the corpse was exposed to view in a first-floor room. 97 A man wearing swimming trunks jumps off a concrete platform into a large body of water. 87 Ignorance is bliss. 19 The irons weighed from three to four pounds, but heavier irons, seven or eight pounds' weight, 94 A middleaged man stands in wet, unpaved cement with a somewhat puzzled look on his face. 88 No other employee has been found who saw Oswald enter that morning. 67 under forty shillings arising within the city. 46 We have always maintained that we would never abandon Scottish football. 72 A new school will be built. 27 When you are traveling with a big group, you need to have pretty much everything prearranged. 93 Driven by an officer of the Dallas Police Department, 53 Is it worth it? 15 Necessity is a strong arm. 26 This gradually was forced upon the consciousness of the Corporation, 68 When Julian saw this, he caused a large part of the wall to be overthrown, and as the beasts escaped they were shot down by his soldiers. 137 The inside of the top drawer has been signed by the various users. 66 They receive a high profile in the media. 41 Sorry, I'll explain more when I actually understand what's going on. 68 Reaction by Secret Service Agents 33 Milgram describes nineteen variations of his experiment, some of which had not been previously reported. 104 This report has already pointed out several respects in which the Commission believes that the Secret Service has operated with insufficient planning or control. 161 At last this fiendish woman made up her mind to murder O'Connor and appropriate all his possessions. 100 architecture 12 There had been a pause in legislation, except of a permissive kind. The second and third Victoria, cap. fifty-six 113 Under these circumstances, unnatural as they are, with proper management, the bean will thrust forth its radicle and its plumule. 129 Council of the empire. 22 In the context of this budding interest, N. C. Paul published his Treatise on Yoga Philosophy in eighteen fifty one. 116 It was published anonymously. "By A Lady" appears on the cover page where the author's name might have been. 108 as a marine radar technician and had displayed an arrogant and aggressive attitude at the U.S. Embassy; 103 The islands have a coastline of two hundred fifty-nine miles. 61 The Chronicles of Newgate, Volume two. By Arthur Griffiths. Section ten: The first report of the inspector of prisons. 118 A search for missing children is underway after a boat capsized off the Indian coast. 85 However, oil refineries are large, immobile, and probable targets. 66 the Commission has considered the allegation that Oswald was photographed standing in front of the building when the shots were fired. 134 Connecting to the bridge. 25 Different models of the A.G.M. sixty five have used electro-optical, laser, and infra-red guidance systems. 107 In his letter to V. T. Lee, 27 Again, some of the duplicate and fictitious warrants were held by a firm which suspended payment, and there was no knowing into whose hands they might fall. 156 No one had ever done a show about an idiot before. 50 while on the overpass overlooking the assassination scene railroad and yard terminal workmen were permitted to remain under police supervision, 143 The city authorities had endeavored to take all precautions against panic and excitement among the crowd, 105 but the Commission concluded that this man was not Lee Harvey Oswald, 69 and even of proteids only a limited amount, seventy-five to one hundred grams a day for a man, is built into new protoplasm. 124 The suspect last seen running west on Jefferson from four hundred East Jefferson. 81 There are various justifications for the exemption of the insane from criminal responsibility. 94 but the jury, after a short deliberation, did not hesitate to bring in a verdict of guilty, and all three were condemned to death. 130 Sal is good at running. 23 According to Sokolow, this indicated a, quote, present intellectual functioning in the upper range of bright normal intelligence, end quote. 140 Of course many compounds are known with both oxides and other groups. 69 They slice the sausage thin with a knife. 41 He appears to be a somewhat insecure youngster exhibiting much inclination for warm and satisfying relationships to others. 123 There was much swearing and bad language, the very worst that could be used, from the first thing in the morning to the last thing at night. 140 When she came out of prison she appeared languid and terrified, and trembled greatly as she advanced to the stake, 114 particularly to those who desire now to offer up their praises and thanksgivings for thy late mercies vouchsafed unto them. 123 The inside of the top drawer has been signed by the various users. 66 Truth eventually married an older slave named Thomas. 53 There are no changes to apply. 30 without capital, and at railroad speed. 39 In the background of this picture were several employees watching the parade from the steps of the Depository Building. 119 On previous occasions, the President had requested that, to the extent possible, these flanking motorcycles keep back from the sides of his car. 144 But what could he do? 21 I saw some good things. 23 was disenchanted with Russia, and had a renewed concept -- I am paraphrasing, a renewed concept -- of the American free society. 128 Three people are walking and two people are jogging along a cleared path near several trees. 92 The term ended in late june that year. 38 Would you spell your last name for me please? 45 that the PRS files can no longer be limited largely to persons communicating actual threats to the President. 109 Therefore, to destroy the power of the old capital, he planned to build Seleucia on the Tigris about fifty miles to the east. 125 including a Russian volume entitled, quote, Book of Useful Advice, end quote. In this book was an undated note written in Russian. 130 There are yet no plans for building space colonies by any large-scale organization, either government or private. 113 these fibers were examined by Paul M. Stombaugh, a special agent assigned to the Hair and Fiber Unit of the FBI Laboratory. 123 Animals further needed muscles for locomotion and nerves for sensibility. 73 author 6 I was wondering if you could tell me a bit more about what it's like to live and work there. 92 But they at once made tracks, and took up their residence under assumed names in a tavern in Bloomsbury. 104 The well-known Cato Street conspiracy, 38 Take exit one B. Keep right, follow signs for Fourth Avenue. 60 We wanted it left for a wee while. 34 George and Faye are very fond of faraway vacations. 51 Water might not be taken into the ward for washing purposes. 60 Aren't we godlike? 18 innumerable plants and free plant cells are known to pass the whole or part of their lives in an actively locomotive condition, 127 Was a hole in it, hole, and he was dirty, and I didn't look at him. I didn't want to know I even seen him. 106 employees 9 It was aligned perfectly. 25 the exalted prince, the protector of Esagil and Ezida, son of Nabopolassar, King of Babylon, am I. 98 Sever the twine with a quick snip of the knife. 47 For polarized light, the end of the vector lies on the surface of the sphere. 77 However, it now laid down in plain language and with precise details the requirements of a good jail system. 108 The essential point to be remembered is that the ornament, whatever it is, should form part of the page. 104 People at a museum standing by benches with two children laying down and one person sitting. 92 The program has provided anti-retroviral treatment to over seven point seven million H.I.V. infected people in resource-limited settings. 137 In the same year capital punishment was further restricted, and ceased to be the legal sentence for coining, 108 Doubts were long entertained whether Thomas Wainwright, 55 had undoubtedly the command of large funds while there, and would have readily disbursed it to effect their enlargement. 120 When interviewed by FBI agents on January twenty-one, nineteen sixty-four, 74 In fact, his relations with some of them, particularly George Bouhe, became quite hostile. 90 Full evidence was taken on all points, and on that regarding public executions there was a great preponderance of opinion towards their abolition, 146 No fixed rates or rules governed the hiring out of rooms or parts of a room, and all sorts of imposition was practiced. 119 Many littles make a mickle. 27 Flaming varies in severity and as such so too does the reaction of states in imposing any sort of sanction. 107 there also seems to be no basis for his claim that he had distributed, quote, 77 She'll meet us tonight. 23 At six fifty five A.M. the sun rose and the Chinese attack on the eighth platoon began in waves. 96 Doughnuts are best with strawberry sprinkles and coffee. 56 and which even fulfilled many of the exacting requirements of modern days. 74 Agent Fain was not satisfied by this interview and arranged to see Oswald again on August sixteen, nineteen sixty-two. 118 overlook the simple fact that the President, as Chief Executive, is himself one of the three horses. 100 The August nineteen ninety eight bombings of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania established al Qaeda as a potent adversary of the United States. 146 Olga spilt milk on her special purple gown. 43 Roberts noticed that the Vice President's car was approximately one-half block 78 Scammers can produce slick promotional materials, or buy a toll-free number. 76 There is a man, just before nightfall, jumping from one mountain of rocks to another. 85 Doesn't look like that package is still around somewhere. 57 The adult black-shouldered kite has predominantly grey-white plumage and prominent black markings above its red eyes. 117 Often a commissioner had to leave the bench because he was himself a party to the suit that was sub judice. 107 the uproar of oaths, complaints, and obscenity, 47 Ninety-two Plaza Lane, Honolulu, Hawaii, nine six eight one three. 66 The eighth of August, eighteen oh one. 38 As more people gained access to electricity in the nineteen tens, it became easier to charge electric cars, adding to their popularity with all walks of life. 158 that in districts where it was the rule, evil-doers especially dreaded coming under its irksome conditions. 107 There is a winter storm warning in effect. 42 The results were positive for the hands and negative for the right cheek. 73 Blah 4 It's a beautiful day! 21 and who expiated his crime on the eighth September, eighteen sixty-eight. 73 and I saw President Kennedy grab at himself and lurch forward and to the left, end quote. 89 Wake and rise, and step into the green outdoors. 48 Brennan also testified that Lee Harvey Oswald, 46 and her body publicly exhibited in a place built for the purpose in the Old Bailey. 83 New pants lack cuffs and pockets. 33 It's a shame that soliloquies are no longer a large part of modern literature. 78 May I have some syrup to go on these pancakes? 46 The geocentric model entered Greek astronomy and philosophy at an early point; it can be found in pre-Socratic philosophy. 122 if the presence in Dallas of the Stevenson pickets might have created a danger for the President on a visit to that city, 121 Each of them was a failure in his work and in his relations with others, a victim of delusions and fancies which led to the conviction 134 The Pueblo of Laguna is realizing a dream come true with the award to replace the previously condemned Laguna Elementary School, said Laguna Pueblo Governor Virgil Siow. 169 The old pan was covered with hard fudge. 40 The provision of separate sleeping cells was still quite inadequate. For instance, 82 he had yielded to an irresistible impulse to kill him. 54 to the investigation of organic structure, 42 Are you going to win? 21 Heath is a shrub that thrives in the Scottish highlands. 56 Open the crate but don't break the glass. 41 The west elevator was not on the fifth floor when Baker and Truly reached that floor, 85 he also directed that the back door be sealed off. 50 Commentary and narration are provided by the Stones during the episodes. 72 The good it tried to do took active shape in the establishment of temporary refuges -- at Hoxton for males, and in the Hackney Road for females 143 which was berthed at the Dumaine Street wharf in New Orleans, on June sixteen, nineteen sixty-three. 100 In puris naturalibus. 21 Three women wearing matching shirts and hats are standing in the street clapping and cheering. 94 Fairy tales should be fun to write. 35 If you need me to stop talking at any time, just push my button. 64 I'm afraid I don't know how the weather will be on December ninth. 66 Our inspectors observed spilled plastic pellets on paved surfaces throughout the facility, which is located near Compton Creek, a tributary of the Los Angeles River. 165 Namely that when from changed conditions of life, an organ which was previously useful becomes useless, 103 Chief Rowley explained that this would not provide enough additional manpower to take all the measures which he considers required. 131 The murder was still fresh in the memory of the populace, and Probert was all but lynched on his way to jail. 109 Preventive Intelligence. 24 What did you say? 17 The latter's salary, with fees, the rent of the tap and of the chandler's shop, amounted to about six hundred pounds a year. 124 The essential terms of such memoranda might well be embodied in an Executive order. 83 and creeping out into the garden at the back, climbed the wall, and got into the street. 88 Hillah might be called a child of Babylon, for it is almost entirely constructed with Nebuchadnezzar's bricks. 110 The pearl was worn in a thin silver ring. 41 He directly approached the Commander-in-Chief with detailed plans for a tank on caterpillar tracks, in late nineteen fifteen. 125 Are you from the rugby? 23 A man in a black suit and a woman wearing a white dress and holding flowers getting married 91 Raw oysters and other seafood can be used in making kimchi to improve and vary the flavor. 90 The work between the musicians and the fire is very important. 62 Please do not touch me. 23 Trample the spark, else the flames will spread. 47 the caseload of each FBI agent averaged twenty to twenty-five, and he felt that this was high. 94 The desert about you shows no signs of life; 44 Smoke poured out of every crack. 32 Both employers and employees must share the blame of not using them as fully as they should. 92 Congress appointed a commission to select a site and prepare plans and cost estimates for a new State Department Building. 122 now laughed at, the skirt of his seedy black coat torn across; yet, 67 However, the instructions must be communicated to the local police in any event and can be leaked to the press whether or not they are in writing. 146 The ammunition used by the assassin was manufactured by Western Cartridge Co. of East Alton, Illinois. 102 the Dallas Police Department forwarded it on December two, nineteen sixty-three. 80 Currently, the D.F.A. test is the only internationally approved test to confirm rabies in animals. 98 Mix sugar and cornstarch together; stir into the melted butter. 63 The Western world evolved due to the Commercial, Scientific, and Industrial Revolutions. 88 Hey, don't go there! 20 was quite interested in determining the nature of his contact with the Soviet Embassy in Mexico City, end quote. 112 which we left at the time of the discontinuance of the long-practiced procession to Tyburn. 91 They should be persons, he thought, selected from the highest class; the duty was most important, 97 Volume muted. 13 After dinner Ruth Paine and Marina Oswald were busy cleaning house and preparing their children for bed. 104 Those initiatives include a series of robocall contests that challenge tech gurus to design tools that block robocalls and help investigators track down and stop robocallers. 174 And then he would ask us to go back to our easels and replicate all the techniques in one go. 93 It was immediately apparent. 28 They would have you believe that England has made progress out of her depression by a do-nothing policy, by letting nature take her course. 139 Hosty's initial reaction on hearing that Oswald was a suspect in the assassination, was, quote, shock 101 that agents of the FBI in Dallas did not consider Oswald's presence in the Texas School Book Depository Building 112 Kettle-drums. 13 Ryan knows how to swim. 23 Sebastian F. Latona, supervisor of the Latent Fingerprint Section, 66 Beechwood and Edgewood are both suburbs of Detroit. 51 Frazier testified further that the FBI avoids the category of "probable" identification. 88 Oswald wrote that he felt that he might have compromised the FPCC and expressed concern lest, quote, Our opponents could use my background 138 Pour the stew from the pot into the plate. 42 Heath is a shrub that thrives in the Scottish highlands. 56 and for offenses of the most varying description, by the Central Criminal Court. 80 I'm Mycroft, an open-source A.I. 32 Caslon's type is clear and neat, and fairly well designed; 58 The noose was one of his hammock straps, which he buckled round his throat. 75 but in the plants the act of contraction has been found to be accompanied, 74 the convict was half on the platform, half hanging, and the convulsions of his body were appalling. 99 The cigar burned a hole in the desk top. 40 unlimited drink was not denied them provided it was obtained in regulated quantities at one time. 97 and at last his lordship's watch was found secreted under the leads of the sink. 80 Several young women with their arms stretched above their heads perform a choreographed routine on a stage. 107 at no elevation affords the only drop, strangulation would seldom supervene but for the resolution of the miserable felo de se. 127 The Soviets have committed crimes unsurpassed even by their early day capitalist counterparts, the imprisonment of their own peoples, 133 Although the reduced capacity was justifiable in their opinion, they stayed the course. 87 It's a nice place to walk around if you decide to go over there. 64 The bus was late today. 23 She ever cycled around the country in two thousand five as a fundraising attempt. 81 Eighteen years had elapsed since the formation of the "Ladies' Association," 76 His first forgery was the marvelous imitation of the signature of the Hon. Mr. Neville, M.P., who wrote an extremely cramped and curious hand. 142 The bureau of statistics provides accurate figures. 51 It gains its name from the black patches on its wings. 54 Other changes affecting the condition and proper treatment of prisoners were not made until the inspector had urged and recommended them. 137 Open the crate but don't break the glass. 41 the special agent is officially employed and should not use liquor, until the completion of all of his official duties for the day, 131 were filed on a geographic basis, and could conveniently be reviewed by a Secret Service agent preparing for a Presidential trip 128 On the basis of these findings the Commission has concluded that Oswald, at the time of the assassination, 106 According to his statement, when sentenced to death, he had been driven to horse-stealing by the execration which had pursued him after the murder. 147 Many youth are gathered in a computer lab working at computers while wearing headphones. 88 in such a way that the executioner found a difficulty in pinioning his hands. 77 Solfaing system of arranging the scale of music by the names do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si a voice exercise. 106 He shrugged his shoulders. 26 are by this time actually, and by more legitimate efforts, engrafted upon our Constitution. 91 In all of these efforts the government has come to the assistance of business 77 For example, at the time of the assassination, the FBI Handbook, which is in the possession of every Bureau special agent, provided, quote, 139 The last escape from Newgate was only three years ago, and occurred just before the final closing of the prison. 112 Thus wrote Cuvier in eighteen twenty-eight. 43 Before his confinement he had been a sleek round person, addicted obviously to the pleasures of the table. 106 The ripe taste of cheese improves with age. 43 Con artists want you to make decisions in a hurry. 50 A construction worker is leaning against a traffic light pole in front of a construction site. 94 On his removal to Newgate after sentence, 41 To keep the Secretary fully informed regarding all significant developments relating to Presidential protection. 112 However, there is no evidence that these men failed to take any action in Dallas within their power that would have averted the tragedy. 136 Tom Cruise is a famous movie star born in nineteen-sixty-two. 61 In directing it, I shall recognize six fundamental principles: 62 would be a desirable innovation. 32 Nabonidus fled. 15 county, and State law enforcement agencies in their districts. 62 On the ground, the West Bank was again the focus of violence. 61 In eighteen eleven, the Federal government authorized the first domiciliary and medical facility for Veterans. 110 a strong wind blowing from the north almost unseated him. 57 He then took to forging bank-notes, and was arrested as I have described above. 79 We are on a four-year mission. 30 Thelonious Monk Trio was originally released in nineteen fifty four as Thelonious Monk's first proper studio album. 115 Uncover baking dish and sprinkle topping on top. 48 Maryland has a large food-production sector. 44 The hostages were released on April second, twenty twelve. 58 has already been quoted. Again, the concourse of people collected in front of Newgate to witness the execution, 111 and the photograph of Lee Harvey Oswald. 40 From his position in the right jump seat immediately in front of the President, 79 and what I observed plus my Marxist learning brought me here to the Soviet Union. 81 I think I could do that sort of job, said Calcraft, on the spur of the moment. 78 Charlottesville Police Chief Alfred Thomas announces his retirement. 68 I could go on for days about the delicious wines produced in this part of the world. 84 Once a crack has developed, it increases the local stress, which slowly increases the size of the crack. 104 is one which, in a very special manner, attaches to this office to which you have chosen me. 92 My name is Atlas and I'm going to guide you through Rapture. 60 In dietaries, again, the same wide diversity of practice obtained. 66 Furthermore, both were strongly constrained by custom. 54 warned me that if I engaged in F.P.C.C. activities in Texas the F.B.I. will again take an interest in me, end quote. 116 Shelley and Lovelady, at a fast walk or trot, turned west into the railroad yards and then to the west side of the Depository Building. 135 This matter is obviously beyond the jurisdiction of the Commission, but it seems to warrant further study before each agency becomes irrevocably committed to separate action. 174 The population, as reported by the committee in eighteen fourteen, averaged about sixty, 88 Please drive carefully. 23 I am not sure. 14 We were sitting in the V.I.P. lounge of the theater, when the drama reached its climax. 87 This frequency must appear in the absorption and emission spectrum of ionized hydrogen molecule. 96 Hosty had inquired earlier and found no evidence that it was functioning in the Dallas area. 92 Hosty took the necessary steps to have the Dallas office of the FBI, rather than the New Orleans office, reestablished as the office with principal responsibility. 163 near it was his Waterloo medal, and the above-mentioned ten-pound note. 71 They moved shortly after Robert joined the Marines; they lived for a time with John Pic who was stationed there with the Coast Guard. 133 Recognition that the responsibility must be shared increases the likelihood that it will be met. 96 Turn right onto Black Mountain Road. 36 War, hunting, and love bring a thousand pain for one pleasure. 62 The same plough may be used to split the ridges to harvest the crop. 68 On the eighteenth December, eighteen twelve, 44 Spanish is the language spoken in Spain. 40 Hand-grenades were to be thrown into the dining-room, and during the noise and confusion the assassination of the ministers was to be completed, 144 Thoughtful viewers like those types of shows. 45 Six hundred Dexter Avenue, Montgomery, Alabama, three six one three oh. 71 Archery continues to be a popular sport; most commonly in the form of target archery. 85 there was no case to make out; why waste money on lawyers for the defense? His demeanor was cool and collected throughout; 122 Hosty's interpretation of the prevailing FBI instructions on referrals to the Secret Service was defended before the Commission by his superiors. 145 This Saturday at eleven ten P.M. 32 Three football players are tackling a red uniformed football player during a football game. 91 Don't worry about it. 21 There are different types of meetings, such as a regular meeting, special meeting, or annual meeting. 101 The art festival was a disaster. 32 Euclidean space is a complete metric space. 43 Coax a young calf to drink from a bucket. 41 the Infantry Weapons Evaluation Branch of the Ballistics Research Laboratory had expert riflemen fire the assassination weapon 126 iron and the like in combination with phosphoric, sulphuric and other acids. 76 and this number did not include the debtors, a numerous class, who were still committed to Newgate pending the completion of the White Cross Street prison. 155 The temptation was all the greater because the chances of successful fraud lay ready to hand. 93 Her work is held in the collection of the National Gallery of Australia. 72 The twenty-eigtheen Olympics will be in Pyeongchang. 52 A male mannequin dressed as a train conductor, standing on a black train car. 77 at the head of the Babylonian army, he defeated the Egyptians in the famous battle of Carchemish, the old Hittite capital, 122 Only stumps are left where hundreds of spruce firs stood yesterday. 67 The thieves took first-class tickets, handed their bags full of shot to the porters, who placed them in the guard's van. 120 I don't think I can build the sofa even when instructions are included. 71 People equipped with hiking packs and walking sticks are climbing a snowy mountain. 83 whereby the primitive horn was gradually superseded by horns presenting a greater and greater number of prongs in successive species of extinct deer. 149 The paramedics took out the defibrillator to reanimate the motorcyclist. 72 A meat thermometer inserted into the thickest part of the fillet should read at least one hundred forty five degrees. 117 Volume increased to eight. 26 whereas irons cannot well be exchanged without loss of time and attracting much attention. 90 The master felons' side consisted of a yard the same size as the preceding, appropriated nominally to the most decent and better-behaved prisoners, 147 Sarah warned that this course of treatment might be expensive, either five or six times the cost of penicillin. 111 The United States' National Christmas Tree has been lit each year since nineteen twenty three on the South Lawn of the White House. 131 Two men are about to enter an ice fishing tent on a snow covered lake. 70 Citing national security concerns, the U.S. government blocks Ant Financial's acquisition of MoneyGram. 103 You have a choice between sukiyaki, chop suey, or chow mein. 60 Much of his early work put Mazda back into profitability and laid the foundations for future success. 101 committed by the House of Commons, who had been lodged in the governor's own house. 83 Palmer, who was only thirty-one at the time of his trial, was in appearance short and stout, with a round head 110 2 men are sitting at a bench outside the airport in front of a billboard. 73 Two redheaded children play with bubbles with adults and a body of water in the background. 91 In Quigley's judgment, 22 Thirteen eighty-one Sunset Boulevard, Los Angeles, California, nine oh oh two six. 82 It was a virus. 15 Sometimes, I experience so much pain that I cannot sleep at night. 66 Because we do not need it. 26 George Mitchell is trying to close the gap. 43 The fur of cats goes by many names. 35 One is owned by the museum. 27 Like a set, it contains members. 32 Speed of the Limousine 22 Drink, in more or less unlimited quantities, was still to be had. 65 one which required discretion, judgment, and knowledge of law, with sufficient insight and experience to discover defects in prison discipline. 143 Very well, she said. 20 which grows as one speaks to him, end quote. 44 While there is nothing in Oswald's military records to indicate that he was mentally unstable or otherwise psychologically unfit for duty in the Marine Corps, 158 His identity was established by a bundle of letters in his pocket, which bore his full address: 95 then Home Secretary, and the prison, which contained five hundred and twenty cells, was occupied on the twenty-first December, eighteen forty-two. 146 Leave now and you will arrive on time. 38 Addressing this water quality problem has been a top priority for the Los Angeles Water Board since two thousand one to reduce the amount of trash being discharged to the Los Angeles River. 189 After the murder the villains divided the spoil, and went on to Probert's cottage, and supped off pork-chops brought down on purpose. 133 He says, "On the day of execution there is no service in the chapel of Newgate. 79 Checking your inbox. 20 Wagner and Bateman, who had already been convicted of systematic forgery, and sentenced to transportation, but they had been released on ticket-of-leave 152 to operate in a sort of vacuum, isolated from the general public and behind impregnable barriers. 97 That gentleman had come to the conclusion that the ordinary and hackneyed methods of treatment were practically inefficacious, 126 The Commission recommends that prompt and favorable consideration be given to this request. 91 Citing national security concerns, the U.S. government blocks Ant Financial's acquisition of MoneyGram. 103 The log file reveals that nobody ever read the end user license agreement during installation. 94 Men the motorcade slows or stops, agents take positions between the President and the crowd. 92 She will be there November eleventh from noon to two P.M. 57 One hundred forty-five are proposed for the field offices to handle the increased volume of security investigations and be available to protect the President or Vice President when they travel. 193 The 'Dryad' was got off, repaired, and her voyage renewed to Santa Cruz. 72 Surely it can be considered one of the greatest editions in the history of the festival. 88 first, the legislative or policy making function; 49 No prisoners should in future be ironed, except in cases of misconduct, 71 In a car accident he fractured both legs and was forced into temporary retirement until nineteen fifty-four, when he played with Artie Shaw. 140 Watch out, blues ahead! 23 May I come in? 14 As Oswald passed Mrs. Reid she said, quote, Oh, the President has been shot, but maybe they didn't hit him, end quote. 118 Don't go into the water, and don't let your kids go into the water, if sick with diarrhea. 90 In his own profession 21 but it was seldom less than six weeks. It all depended upon the sovereign's disposition to do business. 103 Following that training, Oswald was tested in December of nineteen fifty-six, and obtained a score of two hundred twelve, 121 The main campus can be seen best from an alcove in the large municipal park in the center of the city. 102 And you couldn't release him? 29 The brown house was on fire to the attic. 41 shows an imprint made by the cash register which recorded the receipt of twenty-one dollars, forty-five cents on March thirteen, nineteen sixty-three. 150 Twaddle is a case in point. 27 with full possession of his mental and physical capabilities and entirely ready for the performance of his assigned duties. Chief Rowley testified that, 152 An examination of the facts in each of the lines of evidence makes it clear 75 Meanwhile the pistol-shots had attracted the attention of the bystanders, of whom there was a fair collection, as usual, waiting to see the Queen pass. 151 Brian McClendon is an American software designer, developer, and engineer. 74 Many of them, like Arthur Griffith, had little or nothing to do with the Rising. 80 They did not replace it with a conviction for culpable homicide. 64 the great architectural experiment which grew out of the strong representations of Jeremy Bentham and others, and was the first national recognition of the principle 165 The latter method provides less tribute and indirect control, but avails military forces for further expansion. 111 Those egoistic businessmen always consider themselves important, just because they wear a cravat. 97 In addition, it was in breach of natural justice. 49 The absentee management of unnecessary holding company control 62 Thus the leaf of a green plant in the light is continually absorbing carbon dioxide and giving forth free oxygen. 113 In a large pot cook fettuccini or linguini pasta in boiling salted water until al dente. Drain well. 100 You have to determine which things, which are immediately life threatening and cope with them, before attempting to evaluate the full extent of the injuries. 157 His six-passenger vehicle capable of a top speed of fourteen miles per hour was little more than an electrified wagon, but it helped spark interest in electric vehicles. 169 The starlight would guide us as the sun bid us farewell. 56 While he did become enraged at at least one point in his interrogation, 71 The queens can live for up to thirty years, and workers live from one to three years. 85 As part of the eighteen fifty eight campaign, Lincoln took part in a series of highly publicized debates with his opponent and rival, Democrat Stephen A. Douglas. 162 It has traditionally been associated with strong advocacy of human rights and a distinct Taiwanese identity. 108 This was a low-cost method of achieving a convincing location effect. 69 The best description of Oswald's state of mind, however, is set forth in his own "Historic Diary." 98 The rush for funds reached its peak Tuesday. 44 The lunatic became the sport of the idle and the depraved. His cure was out of the question; 92 The thief walked into the house in Belgrave Square, and openly carried off the plate-chest, deposited it in a light cart at the door, and drove away. 149 The European Union and Japan announce that they concluded negotiations on a trade deal. 87 By that time, however, it was already too late. 47 An Asian man wearing glasses and a leather jacket is reading a newspaper in a store. 84 The Science: History of the Universe, Volume five. 50 It is to be feared too that although the surface was thus whitewashed and decorous, much that was vicious still festered and rankled beneath, 141 I did a presentation on silicon chip production and built a proximity sensor for activating garage lights when a car entered. 125 Social media also provide a wealth of information and resources that teens can use to maintain their own health and relationships. 130 A gray mare walked before the colt. 35 D.N.S. can also be partitioned according to "class". The separate classes can be thought of as an array of parallel namespace trees. 132 A female harp player peers through the middle of her instrument while performing. 81 The key you designed will fit the lock. 39 Paper will dry out when wet. 28 because of the overwhelming evidence that Oswald was far away from the building by that time. 93 The first concern is to patch the holes in the ship, then we can pump out the water. 84 The living quarters at Lulu Bay were called "Lulu Town", as appears on old maps. 80 According to E.P.A. data, four hundred eighty seven of the eight hundred eighty eight Superfund sites cleaned up for reuse supported approximately sixty six thousand businesses. 177 The G.D.P. per capita at nominal value was four hundred seventy five dollars in twenty eleven. 94 Family Trade lost almost half its audience between the series premiere and finale. 82 For vice president, the delegates nominated House Speaker Colfax. 65 for none of the many building inscriptions from Nebuchadnezzar mentions them. 77 Take a chance and win a china doll. 35 Mister Ferguson became a minister after seven years as a journalist. 68 In contemporary South Africa, Boer and Afrikaner have often been used interchangeably. 86 In mathematics, a matrix is a rectangular array of numbers or other data. 73 In the eleventh century, on the site of the southern part of Babylon, the city of Hillah was built. 99 When cases of this kind occur, 30 which in dramatic interest can compare with the conviction of William Roupell for forgery. 90 Do you know how I saw Italy in three hours? 43 Soaring oil prices and gasoline shortages - peaking with the nineteen seventy three Arab Oil Embargo - created a growing interest in lowering the U.S.'s dependence on foreign oil. 179 On a scale from one (for not at all) and ten (for very much), how much pain do you feel? 88 Although Oswald returned to his roominghouse after the assassination and when questioned by the police, claimed to have changed his shirt, 138 The Boy Scouts of America is one of the largest youth organizations in the United States, with more than two point four million youth participants. 147 Bake in the preheated oven until bubbling, thirty to forty five minutes. 72 With the number of men available to the Secret Service and the time available, surveys of hundreds of buildings and thousands of windows is not practical. 154 prisoners who had been acquitted were not permitted to return to the prison to show their joy and receive the congratulations of their unfortunate fellows. 155 market 6 really 6 Scanning thermal microscopy maps the local temperature and thermal conductivity of an interface. 96 The lamp shone with a steady green flame. 41 Stuckey had a radio program called, quote, Latin Listening Post, end quote, 75 The state side contained twelve good-sized rooms, 49 The majority of Setswana-speaking people today live in South Africa. 68 Then followed a bout of flu. 28 Turn left onto Adams Avenue South. 34 Bixby directed two episodes of "The Oregon Trail". 50 returned a verdict of willful murder against some person unknown. 65 but investigation revealed that it was taken from a point slightly less than half a mile from General Walker's house. 117 They found all sorts of drugs at Howard's house: Cocaine, meth, heroine... 74 To learn even more, we share information with other countries, private sector organizations, academic institutions, and other agencies. 135 He felt that everything that was said about asylum seekers was negative. 72 In the planning document currently under review by the Bureau of the Budget, the Department recommends that it be permitted to hire five qualified persons. 155 While these medical efforts were in progress, 45 After his death in the fourteen eighties, or at least by fourteen ninety, printing in Venice had declined very much. 116 and, quote, seemed to be sitting a little forward, end quote, 61 Okay. 5 Both pictures, however, have identical backgrounds and lighting and, judging from the shadows, were taken at the same angle. 124 Men strive but seldom get rich. 31 Teens use social media for romance too. 39 Two other wards were appropriated to the master's side debtors; they were each twenty-three feet by fourteen and a half, 120 It has traditionally been associated with strong advocacy of human rights and a distinct Taiwanese identity. 108 For better physical understanding, let's first recap where the pivot point is. 78 One of the photographs taken by Marina Oswald was widely published in newspapers and magazines, 95 They were inspired by that disaster to never let it happen again. 65 I was well, but I'm all the better for being here. 50 A little girl stands in a backyard, holding a toy and looking into the camera. 78 A prisoner Baxter is in the infirmary in consequence of a severe injury to his wrist-joint. 91 A crowd as great as any known collected in the Old Bailey to see the ceremony, about which there were some peculiar features worth recording. 141 The possibility of commitment was to be considered only if the probation plan was not successful. 97 To have is better than to wait and hope. 40 Pinch off small pieces of the remaining cookie dough and distribute them on the cream cheese mixture. 101 dictionary 10 Clark's favorite movie is "To Kill a Mockingbird". 50 Two men wearing hats and using walking sticks are walking near a body of water during sundown. 94 The sky that morning was clear and bright blue. 47 A female tennis player wearing a pink top and gray and white shorts swinging her tennis racquet. 96 Three twenty-four Sutton Road, Denver, Colorado, eight oh two oh three. 71 Several men are sitting by a river conversing with one another while a boat drifts by them. 91 looked forward to his liberty, he was still delayed until he had paid a new debt arising, quote, 96 He who drinks a little too much drinks much too much. 53 When talking to someone who has just started to learn the language, it’s good to speak slowly and clearly. 106 The plant superintendent of the new firm testified that, one of the employees of the old firm, quote, 101 Special measures were needed. 29 But the chain of circumstantial evidence was strong enough to satisfy the jury, who agreed to their verdict in an hour. 119 What are the key facts? 23 After settling his contract dispute, Duchovny quit full-time participation in the show after the seventh season. 112 How can I thank you? 20 all who could were glad to escape from the last act of the ghastly drama at which they had assisted. 100 Orbison's career was fully revived in nineteen eighty seven. 60 I don’t mind working from home most of the time, but I do miss having coworkers. 80 They were accordingly apprehended and brought to trial, the informer, Hanfield by name, being accepted as king's evidence. 122 Mudd, Arnold and Spangler were imprisoned at Fort Jefferson in the Dry Tortugas west of Key West, Florida. 106 was discarded along with the others as Oswald left the scene. 61 subject 7 A little girl donates to the Salvation Army near a storefront with white, plastic containers. 93 in eighteen oh seven, and when only twenty-two, he succeeded to his father's share in the business. 99 that his employment difficulties were caused by his telling prospective employers that he had last been employed in Minsk. 122 As he couldn't prove his innocence, he was brought to the detention zone, as if guilty. 87 Everyone is in favour of the need for welfare reform in general. 64 Your destination will be on the left. 37 Two nibbles are one byte. 25 which had received so perverted and mistaken direction, 55 and obtained full details, from places where they had been adopted, of the nature of these new machines 103 The trade union was negotiating higher loans with the other stakeholders. 73 Upon the third reading of this bill Sir James Macintosh moved as an amendment that capital punishment should be abolished for all crimes of forgery, 148 Rigorous security precautions had been arranged at Love Field with the local law enforcement authorities by Agents Sorrels and Lawson. 134 First, it must be noted that some structures are not non-adaptive, that is, do not change to fit changed habits or conditions of life. 134 who was arrested in the very act, just as he had fired one shot. 64 executive 9 He worked principally on the first and sixth floors of the building, gathering books listed on orders and delivering them to the shipping room on the first floor. 162 He saw Prince Albert return there from a visit to Woolwich, and then passed on to Constitution Hill, 100 I applaud the Laguna Department Of Education's commitment to providing a first class education to its students​ and for developing a successful plan​. 150 Alberta has always been an export-oriented economy. 51 The attractive young brunette girl in a red bikini jumps into a pool in the backyard. 85 Meanwhile, Truly had run up several steps toward the third floor. 65 Elemental chlorine is commercially produced from brine by electrolysis. 71 therefore, he made his weekly visit on Thursday night. 54 An examination of the Militant, to which Oswald subscribed, 59 One cell was a dungeon, and the other an "improper and unhealthy abode for any human being," with a watercourse running through it. 131 Policemen consider the mafia responsible for the massacre. 58 As the first to appear would have some time to wait for his fellows, a difficult and painful ordeal, 100 Men and women in Scottish garb play the bagpipes as a runner approaches on the street. 86 There is a girl with pigtails sitting in front of a rainbow painting. 69 His captors, it may be added (Lerigo and Allen), were warmly commended by the judge for their courage and activity. 115 The weather forecast isn't good. 32 A girl playfully kicks a guy in the face while another person makes faces. 74 Nonsense. 9 was the return from transportation of an old "pal" and confederate, who brought with him some bills of exchange. 112 A phase-locked loop can be used as an F.M. demodulator. 55 at the southeast corner of tenth Street and Patton Avenue, moments before the Tippit shooting. 94 Cook recovered this time; it was probably Palmer's intention that he should recover, wishing to encourage the supposition that Cook was in a bad way. 149 Many of his writings still exist in his original hand, some as complete writings and some as fragments. 103 The type of information that is forgotten can be very specific, like a single event, or more general, resembling generic amnesia. 129 At nine A.M, you have a call with Kate. 39 What was your favorite thing to see in your travels? 52 John Kelsey Gammell was sentenced to serve one hundred eighty months in prison by U.S. District Judge Wilhelmina M. Wright of the District of Minnesota. 152 The bizarre presentation involving thirteen ducks, an iguana and a platypus changed the mood somewhat. 102 They reentered the building by the rear door several minutes after Baker and Truly rushed through the front entrance. 117 according to Marina Oswald when he learned on the radio and in the newspapers the next day that he had missed, 110 Try it again. 13 The time of the arrival of this report was generally known at Newgate, 70 evidenced no palpable pulse; and had a few chest sounds which were thought to be heartbeats. 92 She observed that since Lee's mother worked all day, he made his own meals and spent all his time alone 103 It too was surmounted with towers. 34 Daryl Lund is an American food scientist and engineer who has served in various leadership positions within the Institute of Food Technologists. 144 We estimate that the films could reduce building energy use by as much as thirty three percent, creating a simple payback for window retrofits of less than one year. 165 Mr. Brown also, much to his own credit, brought about the abandonment of the practice of ironing all prisoners as a matter of course. 133 Joseph D. Nicol, 16 That church was constructed in seventeen oh eight and it burned down in nineteen sixty three. 93 county 6 A black and white Border Collie catches a Frisbee in front of an audience. 74 This does not include other instant messaging software related to or developed by A.O.L., such as I.C.Q. 104 Except in murder cases, where the execution was generally very promptly performed, 82 The wreck occurred by the bank on Main Street. 46 He stated that the poor quality of the wood and the metal would cause the rifle to absorb moisture from the skin, thereby making a clear print unlikely. 152 An old lady handed me a pamphlet about saving the Rosenbergs. I looked at that paper and I still remember it for some reason, I don't know why. End quote. 154 were lodged at once by drafts to "Horton," another alias, in the Continental Bank. 82 The fact of the abduction did not transpire for some days. 58 Journalist Greg Baum called it a shrine, a citadel, a landmark, a totem that symbolizes Melbourne to the world. 111 and said, quote, Everybody will know who I am now, end quote. 61 He looked west on tenth and saw a man running to the west and a policeman falling to the ground. 96 was cleansed and closed with sutures; but a small metallic fragment remained in the Governor's leg. 99 At the airport, the woman threw herself into revision for college so she could experience university. 101 The legitimacy of the state's lands was derived from the lands being the personal possession of the monarch. 108 I think I see John and Mina over there in the vegetable aisle. 62 To keep the Secretary fully informed regarding all significant developments relating to Presidential protection. 112 Cover, and bake one hour, until sweet potatoes are tender and pork chops have reached an internal temperature of one hundred forty five degrees. 144 I've sent an email to your registered account with debugging information and instructions for contacting support. 113 They also discovered that through the intermediacy of one Robert Cummings, well known as a reputed coiner, 106 Construction workers wearing bright orange suits are working on a road in the rain. 83 Armenian banking assets are very low and make up only twenty five percent of the Gross Domestic Product. 104 which are not only similar in animals and in plants respectively, 65 All was in vain. 16 Special validations are granted only in very limited circumstances. 67 the president of the Dallas Chamber of Commerce referred to the city's reputation for being the friendliest town in America and asserted that citizens would, quote, 164 Swans fly through the sky in graceful vees. 43 He had prospered in early life, was a slop-seller on a large scale at Bury St. Edmunds, and a sugar-baker in the metropolis. 124 I am definitely open to the idea because I’ve always wanted to work as a small business owner. 94 Thomas Edison, one of the world's most prolific inventors, thought electric vehicles were the superior technology and worked to build a better electric vehicle battery. 168 Manning, when sentence of death was passed on him, said nothing; 64 A man in an old building holding what looks like a light on a long pole. 72 So valuable were they deemed, that as much as fifty guineas was offered to the keeper for the post. 99 Academic research has shown that Superfund cleanups reduce birth defects within approximately one mile of a site as much as twenty five percent. 144 In fifty two B.C. he led a revolt against the Roman occupation but was defeated. 80 Later in the day he tried to commit suicide by cramming a towel down his throat, but was prevented. 99 Their courage, and their honesty, should be respected. 54 and that following the luncheon the President would return to the airport by the most direct route. 99 Burn up is commonly expressed as megawatt days per metric ton of initial heavy metal. 85 Starburst displays can display all letters. 43 Fourteen national cemeteries are maintained by the Department of the Interior. 78 The first proof was given by Andrew Wiles in nineteen ninety four. 66 A classic blue Volkswagen Beetle lines up next to a modern red Volkswagen for a drag race. 90 When Cyrus took Babylon, little or no force was employed. 57 was never introduced into this country. Its admission was probably checked by the increased vigilance at the custom houses, 123 a new member shall be appointed by the President then in office, 64 You've got to have both sides. 30 Cod is the main business of the north shore. 44 I do not like sushi, so I did not really enjoy the meal. 56 At the top of the skyscraper was a suspicious satellite dish. 61 Despite his withdrawal, he gives the impression that he is not so difficult to reach as he appears and patient, prolonged effort 128 It's hard to tell where the future will take electric vehicles, but it's clear they hold a lot of potential for creating a more sustainable future. 147 or who hold important governmental posts. 41 Either way, the investor retains the premium. 45 Weave the carpet on the right hand side. 40 In eighteen fifty-seven 23 In front of this small carton and resting partially on the windowsill was another small "Rolling Readers" carton. 113 Why not? 8 In a medium bowl, mix together eggs, ricotta, Parmesan cheese, parsley and one teaspoon salt. 93 Advice by the Secret Service to local police in metropolitan areas relating to the assistance expected in connection with a Presidential visit has hitherto been handled on an informal basis. 190 were 4 One other curious murder may be added to the two foregoing. 59 Wine is not an emulator. 24 of making full use of existing employment services and to assist people engaged in relief work 94 On the female side matters were much worse; 43 a bill was introduced by Mr. Hibbert, M.P., and accepted by the Government, providing for the future carrying out of executions within prisons. 143 A Cabinet-level committee which is actively concerned with these problems would be able to discuss these matters more effectively with the President. 149 Crumble the remaining bacon over the top, and serve warm. 57 I'm used to it. 15 Keep right at the fork to continue on California one sixty-three South. 71 Good had told her, much to her perturbation, that she was to move from South Street to Roehampton, and one day he fetched her. 126 tampered with, and returned to the shop. 40 Jeff Kruse announces his resignation from the Oregon State Senate amid allegations that he sexually harassed female colleagues and other staffers. 146 Flash grenades explode with a loud bang and cause disorientation. 65 The only systematic supervision of the activities of the advance agent 70 Over sixty-fives were quickly released by the Norwegian government. 67 He is also a Laureate of the International Academy of Humanism. 63 This property partially explains the "tears of wine" phenomenon. 64 A quarterback is pressured to throw the ball as quickly as possible to avoid being sacked. 90 The only convenience for personal ablutions were the pumps in the yards, and the far-off baths in the condemned or press-yard. 126 Tobago has several small satellite islands. 43 I do not remember seeing anything that looked like that. 56 Our group played guitars while the others randomly hit resonant objects. 72 She had realized all her effects, and brought them with her furniture to Greenacre's lodgings. The two when married were to emigrate to Hudson's Bay. 149 Cunningham testified that all of the bullets were mutilated, one being useless for comparison purposes. 103 On October thirteenth, twenty sixteen, Brooks released the first single, "Baby, Let's Lay Down and Dance", from his upcoming album. 131 On his return to Newgate to be finally discharged, Cummings jumped up the stairs and fairly danced for joy. 107 A guy who'd been living here three years was just moving out. 61 One oh one South Warren Street, Trenton, New Jersey. 52 Revill testified that Hosty said also that the FBI had information that Oswald was, quote, capable of committing this assassination, end quote. 143 This process is, however, obscured during the day because of the oxygen freed in the manufacture of starch which goes on at that time. 134 that it was an extraordinary power to exercise and through Mr. Justice Washington laid down this limitation upon it: 116 It will be remembered that as far back as the reign of Henry the eighth a new and most cruel penalty was devised for the punishment of the Bishop of Rochester's cook, 166 The "Vedas" and other ancient literature mention the use of honey as a great medicinal and health food. 103 New Mexico Man Sentenced to fifteen Years in Prison for Directing Computer Attacks Against Websites of Dozens of Victims. 121 The journey to becoming a Special Forces Soldier will not be easy. 66 Roll out pizza dough into a twelve-inch circle and press into the bottom and one inch up the sides of a well seasoned ten-inch cast iron skillet. 145 That bold remark will be remembered for a long time. 52 The headline-making mission resulted in the first award of the prestigious MacKay Trophy. 89 pc 2 A survey of over six hundred teens from twenty twelve found that nearly all shared their real name and photos of themselves. 124 An older woman cleaning the street outside of a clothing store with mannequins visible behind the display. 106 The Babylonians were ever upon the watch, and he found no way of conquering them. 81 Person in a beige colored coat and hat sitting on the sidewalk while people walk past him. 90 (four) evidence establishing the ownership of a zipper jacket 61 Calibration complete. 21 with the particular purposes of the agency involved. The Commission recognizes that this is a controversial area 112 Yet our bread and rolls must be looked after at the proper time. 64 A single hair casts a shadow. 29 Add the column and put the sum here. 36 When the judge spoke the death sentence, the defendant showed no emotion. 73 In these places the prisoners are often without a proper supply of air and light; frequently the jails are mere dungeons under the town hall. 141 The judge sat in the courtroom. 31 Some tall, jowley guy stole the pie with the poison in it. 58 if the appointment of such justices can be called "packing the Courts," 71 In view of the limited amount of public activity on Oswald's part before August nine, nineteen sixty-three, 107 Build better tools for investigating robocalls. 47 This was obviated by the frequent sessions of the Central Criminal Court, and the utilization of the two subsidiary prisons in Giltspur Street and Southwark. 157 secondly, to bring to the decision of social and economic problems younger men who have had personal experience and contact 123 I suspect this may be someone new making themselves known. 58 Who did the recruiting? 23 the Bank of England was defrauded of a sum of eight thousand pounds by one of its clerks, Burgess, in conjunction with an accomplice named Elder. 145 According to the vice president of Klein's, William Waldman, 60 I do not like sushi, so I did not really enjoy the meal. 56 Of this class was the ingenious yet peculiarly simple robbery effected at the house of Lord Fitzgerald in Belgrave Square. 122 In Houston, as elsewhere during the trip, the crowds showed much interest in Mrs. Kennedy. 90 and all the material for prisoners' apparel was manufactured in the jail. 73 as the inspectors of prisons found them in eighteen thirty-five to six. 71 Sometimes I feel like he doesn’t know what he wants until long after the fact. 78 Take this pill twice daily, once in the morning and once at bedtime. 68 Half cup white wine. Two tablespoons lemon juice. One tablespoon cornstarch. 76 Marley at his trial was undefended, and the sheriffs offered him counsel; but he declined. The witnesses against him all spoke the truth, he said; 146 Mycroft 7 Heat two tablespoons canola oil and sesame oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. 88 Someone gets in touch, saying you need a new Medicare card because of Obamacare. 80 Nine of the latter were captured, with all the war material, cutlasses, pistols, hand-grenades, and ammunition. 111 The National Police are developing their criminal investigation and forensic capabilities. 90 the knowledge and practice of every species of criminality. 59 The article seems to propose replacing the method of approximate nearest neighbor search. 89 who had just arrived from the purlieus of Black Boy Alley, woebegone as Romeo's apothecary, exclaiming, 103 The employment of instruments of precision for the measurement of the physical forces which are at work in the living economy. 126 Connection established. 23 increased 9 The relations of plants and animals to the atmosphere are therefore inverse. 76 In view of the constant change in the nature of threats to the President and the diversity of the dangers which may arise in the various cities within the United States, 169 Birth and death marks the limits of life. 41 Might others within your organisation have some inkling as to the their desires? 80 Well, here's a story for you. 29 Truth is green bitter. 22 arrangements were made for building and roof security by posting police officers where appropriate. 99 The same is true for animals. 29 and raises serious questions as to whether or not he ever expected to escape. 77 Talk to me about it. 20 Since the D.C. coefficient value is statistically correlated from one block to the next, it is compressed. 106 A little toddler dressed in white is smiling while a lady helps him wave a flag. 80 From thirteen oh nine to thirteen seventy seven, they lived at Avignon in France. 81 Each member state has four representatives at the conference: two government delegates, an employer delegate and a worker delegate. 131 Emperor Akihito of Japan announces his intentions to abdicate the throne on April thirtieth, twenty nineteen. 109 Thank you. That it would be better if he bought something for himself -- that I would manage. End quote. That night Oswald went to bed before his wife retired. 159 Marina Oswald said she signed that name, apparently chosen because it rhymed with "Fidel," 90 I've wrenched my ankle. 23 The new proposal goes by the acronym W.N.A. Every computer on the Internet has an I.P. address. 95 Three FBI firearms experts tested the rifle in order to determine the speed with which it could be fired. 105 they could say the organization of which I am a member, is Russian controlled, etc, end quote. 94 affidavit of service, and many more, amounting in all to twenty-seven, 70 to May fourteen, nineteen sixty-three. 38 Blond women in a white dress sitting on a wooden blanked walkway with a green lined background. 95 The next time the eclipse occurs is in twenty-twenty-four. 58 The principals in this conspiracy, Wagner and Bateman, were sentenced to penal servitude for life, 98 whose language and manners, whose female associates of the most abandoned description, and the scenes consequent with such lost wretches 136 You can be sure that they aren't when someone tells you they are wise. 70 The courtyards and streets are paved with them, and as you walk about the city the name of Nebuchadnezzar everywhere meets your eye. 132 which Mrs. Paine had made in part to give her an alternative to returning to the Soviet Union. Marina Oswald wrote to Mrs. Paine that, quote, 141 must be referred immediately by the most expeditious means of communication to the nearest office of the U.S. Secret Service. 125 On that date, Klein's placed an internal control number V C eight three six on this rifle. 90 Overdrive from tube amplifiers and distortion effects pedals are commonly employed to produce bluesy and swampy tones. 118 Marina Oswald also identified Commission Exhibit Number one sixty-two, the jacket found by Captain Westbrook, as her husband's second jacket. 141 Drinking too much water in a short period of time can be lethal. 64 to suggest beneficial regulations, and circulate tracts demonstrating the advantages of classification, 103 The President is Head of State, Chief Executive, Commander in Chief, and leader of a political party. 101 He becomes the new Minister for Sport and Culture. 50 The United States has the most comprehensive system of assistance for Veterans of any nation in the world, with roots that can be traced back to sixteen thirty-six. 164 Bake, uncovered, in preheated oven for fifty to sixty minutes, or until set. 76 Eligible loan guaranty users are now able to negotiate loan terms, including the interest rate, which helps V.A. loan participants to compete better in the housing market. 171 He saw a man walking away from him in the lunchroom. 52 The steady drip is worse than a drenching rain. 47 The birch canoe slid on the smooth planks. 42 The U.S. Supreme Court decided. 31 A man in a white shirt is outside leaning against a rail with hats hanging beside him. 86 The auditors were paid a shilling each for their services each time the poor-box was opened. The steward was also remunerated for his trouble. 142 I booked a hotel in Bali, Indonesia for this holiday. 53 A bat is in the cave. 21 An attempt to cover only the most obvious points of possible ambush along the route in Dallas might well have included the Texas School Book Depository Building. 161 and at the working level with personnel of the field offices of the various agencies. The Service frequently participated 121 Today serves as reminder of service and sacrifice made by Navy explosive ordnance disposal technicians throughout their rich history. 133 These attempts fall into two broad classes. 43 In another part there were men charged with and convicted of unnatural offenses shut up with lads of tender years; 114 At the time of the assassination there were approximately four hundred persons throughout the country who were subject to periodic review. 138 He had a great hostility toward his environment, whatever it happened to be, 76 The lunchroom door is usually open, but the first door is kept shut by a closing mechanism on the door. 103 Voice 5 Alan H. Belmont, Assistant to the Director of the FBI, testified that this revision was initiated by the FBI itself. 116 trademarks 10 six. You can either throw out or give my clothing, etc. away. Do not keep these. 80 The man wore a feather in his felt hat. 39 Fifty one Roberts Avenue to eleven hundred Tremont Street. Twenty-four minutes. Four point nine miles. 102 It is harder for disinfectants to kill these bacteria when they are protected by biofilm. 89 Suspect A Health Care Scam? Here's What to Do. 46 The difference between the two types lies in how the study is actually conducted. 81 Several people in lightweight clothing sit and stand in a grassy park surrounded by a city skyline. 99 Two 3 In another car Mrs. Johnson was driven to the airport accompanied by Secret Service agents and Representative Brooks. 117 is enclosed by a temporary roof, under which are placed two seats for the reception of the sheriffs, one on each side of the stairs leading to the scaffold. 156 Seven people were later detained by police. 43 The final movement of the Fourth Symphony. 42 You're the best. 16 Feel the heat? 14 Among the prisoner's private papers, one was found giving full details of the stock he had feloniously sold out, 112 The FBI is the major domestic investigating agency of the United States, 72 and eighteen fifty to embezzle and apply to his own purposes some seventy-one thousand pounds. 94 The reports as the years flow on reiterate the same complaints. 63 In the marine environment, plastic debris can absorb persistent toxic chemicals that migrate up the food chain and pose risks to human health. 142 He was a prominent bebop drummer in the nineteen fifties and early nineteen sixties. 84 Its history for the next fifteen hundred years or more is obscure. 66 Bringuier, who seemed to be familiar with many anti-Castro activities in New Orleans, was not aware of any such incident. 121 that a fundamental unity of structure obtains in animals and plants, 68 A police inquiry began about two weeks before the General Election. 67 Tippit stopped the man and called him to his car. 49 Strange to say, a second suicide occurred in Newgate the same night, 68 Federal laws protecting human health and the environment are administered and enforced fairly, effectively and as Congress intended. 132 Person in blue coat jumping in standing water on pavement with body of water in the background. 95 The quickening of time. 23 Having fired this slot 22 A young man in yellow pants is engaging in physical activity with a large audience watching. 92 hit the target twice within a span of four point six and five point one five seconds. 85 Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil. 52 building 8 The agreement did not need to be individually ratified by each member state, some of which have not recognized the independence of Kosovo. 138 There have been several attempts to remake the show for American audiences. 75 Place salmon fillet with skin side down in the middle of a large piece of parchment paper; season with salt and black pepper. 125 Soon afterwards, in Gloucestershire, 36 The scout watched the sky for smoke signals. 44 What time is it? 16 Lincoln fought back by pitting his opponents against each other and by appealing to the American people with his powers of oratory. 131 The bean has been able to perform this great chemical feat by the help of its green coloring matter, or chlorophyll. 116 I was wondering about making an out-takes reel or something. 60 Moons sped past the window in a receding, relativistic blur. 60 The last execution at which he acted was that of Godwin, on the twenty-fifth May, eighteen seventy-four. 104 The hogs were fed chopped corn and garbage. 43 There is a grossness in the upper finishings of letters like the c, the a, and so on. 85 Close the dough over it, dust your hands and kneading-board with flour and work in the shortening until the dough is elastic and ceases to be sticky. 149 Sattler was a very excitable although not an ill-tempered man. 62 A male and a female are leaning against railing looking off with the ocean in the background 92 These surely, I thought," says Mr. Neild, "were bad enough! But it was not so. End quote. 89 The Secret Service should utilize the personnel of other Federal law enforcement offices in the locality to assure adequate manpower for this task, as it is now doing. 167 But no structural alterations were made from the date first quoted until the time of closing the prison in eighteen eighty-one. 127 The album was widely expected to be a commercial disaster. 58 It was the eighties. 20 From a medical viewpoint, President Kennedy was alive when he arrived at Parkland Hospital; 91 Torn scraps littered the stone floor. 37 What have you done? 19 Another day elapsed before he got rid of the rest of the body, 62 The President liked outdoor appearances because more people could see and hear him. 83 The total solar eclipse swept across a narrow portion of the contiguous United States from Lincoln Beach, Oregon, to Charleston, South Carolina. 144 Iran blocks access to Telegram and Instagram as the largest anti-government protests since two thousand nine continue. 118 and the March eleven, nineteen sixty-three, issue of the Militant. 66 as indefatigable and self-sacrificing, found by personal visitation that the condition of jails throughout the kingdom was, 123 They must be considered to have ended the age of fine printing in Italy. 72 The Irish setter with the safety vest is running ahead of the Rottwieler and the Dalmation. 91 Webster enrolled at Yale just before his sixteenth birthday, studying during his senior year with Ezra Stiles, Yale's president. 128 The pattern, which is generally of flowers, is made with a soft silk thread, thicker than the thread used for the ground. 121 While turbulence is normal and happens often, it can be dangerous. 66 Certain peoples have used taiko to advance social or cultural movements, both within Japan and elsewhere in the world. 118 At the President's direction, his automobile stopped twice, the first time to permit him to respond to a sign asking him to shake hands. 136 But before committing themselves to an attempt on the latter, it was of importance to ascertain how much it usually contained. 126 In London, the Woolwich Ferry links the North and South circular roads. 71 or to answer any questions concerning the card. 47 I came to pickup my package that arrived today. 47 The players must volley a ball over a net and force it to hit the ground on the opponent's side. 96 We have in the darkest moments of our national trials retained our faith in our own ability to master our destiny. 114 Turn out the lantern which gives us light. 42 By hook or by crook. 20 What do you say? 16 A chain fixed to staples at his back passed round his chest under his arms, and was padlocked on the left side; 111 Mark the spot with a sign painted red. 38 There is an attempt at escape mentioned in Mr. Wakefield's book, which might have been an intended suicide. 107 The Corporation had agreed to spend twenty thousand pounds on alterations, but sixty thousand pounds would suffice to reconstruct. 130 Oxford, who was only nineteen at the time his offense was committed, had been born at Birmingham, 97 In eighteen forty eight, John Nichols opened a blacksmith shop in Battle Creek, Michigan. 89 A little boy and girl riding their bikes down the sidewalk with training wheels on. 83 Yes. 4 determination to use a means, other than legal or peaceful, to satisfy his grievance, end quote, within the meaning of the new criteria. 136 Greed in another form led the Stauntons to make away with Mrs. Patrick Staunton, murdering her with devilish cruelty by slow degrees. 133 It could allow doctors and patients to make better informed decisions about who needs treatment for rabies, which is nearly always fatal once symptoms start. 157 Such was the appearance of the builder of the walls of Babylon. 63 Then came the crunch. 21 He then escaped to Berlin, and gave his first name as Arnold, possibly to avoid anti-Semitic persecution. 105 That florescent pink colour is hurting my eyes. 47 It is estimated that more than a thousand cultural groups exist in Papua New Guinea. 84 Governments can play a role in all of these areas, and in preventing cholera or indirectly facilitating its spread. 115 Claims of less corrosiveness of these products have been controversial however. 79 My eyes cannot turn into that color. Perhaps you should ask me to set a custom eye color. 89 but to consider any untoward circumstances as serious and to afford the President maximum protection at all times. 114 We urge manufacturers to take the steps needed to keep plastic materials out of our waterways, where they harm marine organisms and birds" said Alexis Strauss, E.P.A.'s Acting Regional Administrator 198 To overcome that limitation, IceCube was outfitted with a submillimeter radiometer that bridges the missing sensitivity between infrared and microwave wavelengths. 163 The test can be used on animal tissue that is fresh, frozen, decomposed, or that has been fixed in blocks of paraffin to inactivate the virus. 142 In consequence of these disclosures, both Bambridge and Huggin, his predecessor in the office, were committed to Newgate, 121 The facts of biology which admit of adequate explanation only in connection with the theory of descent 102 Commercialism again compels the use of type too small in size to be comfortable reading: 88 The Commission agrees with the Secret Service that it should be authorized to make arrests without warrant 106 who was the Secret Service official responsible for the entire Texas journey. 77 I saw military vehicles in the distance. 40 And she is a successful actor with three decades of experience. 63 Cries of Murder! murder! were now raised, and added greatly to the horrors of the scene. 88 His second answer to this question was, quote, No of course not, 64 The deranged developer revised his application source code after a careful study of its contents. 97 The latter was ere long arrested on a charge of uttering forged cheques, convicted, and sentenced to transportation for life. 125 Heavy fog. Widespread haze. 27 Marina Oswald appeared before the Commission again on June eleven, nineteen sixty-four, 87 quote, formed strictly for the purpose of having a name to put in the paper, end quote, 87 This trial came off in due course at the Central Criminal Court, where the prisoners were charged on two counts, 112 While lying in Newgate, awaiting removal to the convict ship, both prisoners made full confessions. 99 For ways to incorporate energy-saving technologies into your home, check out Energy Saver. 90 Euro-style games emphasize strategy while downplaying luck and conflict. 72 A woman wearing a white tshirt has her right arm extended with her fist closed. 79 More haste less speed. 22 The customs and food products vary greatly according to the physically distinct regions. 88 Animals, on the contrary, derive their nourishment either directly or indirectly from plants. 93 Tight curls get limp on rainy days. 35 We have no alternative. 23 During these numerous and trying difficulties -- it is Mr. Fauntleroy who speaks -- 83 transport 9 Panic became general. More women, children, and many men were borne down, to perish beneath the feet of the rest. 113 By the eighteen sixties, thousands of sheep grazed freely on the island. 72 He had hung over the body in a state of dreadful agitation, answering no questions, and taking no part in the proceedings. 122 It must be allowed to be possible that further research may reveal the existence of something comparable to a nervous system in plants. 135 Someone contacts you, offering discounts on health services and products. 73 The assistant to the Director of the FBI testified that 55 In this case the tie was unsanctified, but it was not more inconvenient than that which urged Greenacre to a similar crime. 123 It's now down in black and white. 33 These platforms can help teens socialize and communicate with peers; find learning opportunities; and become engaged in causes important to them. 145 I don't know what to do. 24 Espresso is made by forcing very hot water under high pressure through finely ground, compacted coffee. 103 He's probably trying to get in. 31 If successfully commercialized, the company estimates the technology could save eight billion dollars a year in heating and cooling costs. 138 one agent was there from two until five a.m. 44 Look through several pages of search results. 45 Individuals who are regarded as dangerous to the President 58 It's eight in the morning. 26 Many of our most celebrated national figures have participated in historical events that have taken place within the E.E.O.B.'s granite walls. 142 Keep out of the reach of children. 34 At one time the whole of these different categories were thrown together pell-mell, young and old, the untried with the convicted. 130 The food was still warm on the plate when he returned from checking the windows and doors. 90 Yeah, better if people are already familiar with one and are thinking of switching to the other. 96 he realized that something was wrong, and he pressed down on the accelerator as Kellerman said, quote, Get out of here fast, end quote. 135 Light rain Wednesday, with a high of fifty-one and a low of forty-three. 72 furniture 9 absence or neglect of divine service, were present as in the King's Bench, but in an exaggerated form. 102 The Committee on Jails reported that, quote, although the house of the warden looked into the court, 100 When each sleeper had the full lateral space allotted to him, it amounted to one foot and a half on the barrack bed; 116 President Donald Trump refers to Haiti, El Salvador, and African countries as shithole countries in a private meeting. 118 Fire Department, County Sheriff's Department, and the Texas Department of Public Safety. 88 I first met him last summer. 28 Little Montgomery Street Historic District is a national historic district in Baltimore, Maryland. 98 Fabian does not like pepper. 28 Oswald's withdrawn tendencies and solitary habits were thought to be the result of, quote, 90 Italy is contentedly stagnant. 30 In eighteen fourteen he published his own work on elasticity. 61 I have a cold. 14 They are the innocent victims. 30 Through the Recovery Act, the Energy Department invested more than one hundred fifteen million dollars to help build a nation-wide charging infrastructure. 155 That is what I thought as well, but it might not be true. 57 that he could only testify with certainty that the print was less than three days old. 86 and could not accommodate spectators as conveniently as Harwood Street. 71 Construction took seventeen years as the building slowly rose wing by wing. 75 This Allotment Division will consider all of the recommendations submitted to it 80 Adams was also an "Apple Master", one of several celebrities whom Apple made into spokespeople for its products. 112 Smoke poured out of every crack. 32 You can get around very easily by train — which is a very relaxing and affordable way to travel. 96 From Houston Street, which forms the base of the triangle, three streets -- Commerce, Main, and Elm -- 102 then joined in the effort to revive the President. 50 Every time I read through it, I seem to end up rephrasing things and making them shorter. 89 Today, tourism is one of the major economic factors inside the city. 68 They're trying to get people with vague ideas for projects to come together. 76 Audubon was a hit in France as well, gaining the King and several of the nobility as subscribers. 97 are often designated Organic Functions. 39 With a qualification, to be considered presently, the answer to this question is undoubtedly in the affirmative. 112 It changes color when you say the words "blue sponge". 54 All such assaults were repulsed. 32 Ask your airline for a discounted fare. Reserve adjoining seats. 64 As the "Pequod" approaches the Equator, Ahab scolds his quadrant for telling him only where he is and not where he will be. 123 You cannot brew tea in a cold pot. 34 I'm not sure. 13 His celebrity status brought publishers desiring unwanted manuscripts that were previously rejected before its publication. 123 make into two loaves, then put into well-greased pans and leave for an hour, or until it becomes more than twice the original size of the dough. 144 entered the stream, which had now sunk so as to reach about midway up a man's thigh, and thus got into the town. 112 had to endure by "the regulations of the city a disease very dangerous in its nature," and ran the risk of a lingering and painful death. 137 The United States releases a new policy on nuclear arms, calling for the introduction of low-yield nuclear submarine-launched ballistic and cruise missiles. 156 He told Mrs. Siegel that he would run away if sent to a boarding school. 72 Players are not allowed to touch the ball with their hands or arms while it is in play, unless they are goalkeepers. 116 Both buses stopped within one block of the Depository Building. 63 Suspicion grew almost to certainty as the evidence was unfolded. 64 You need to see this. 21 Playing music. 14 You have a great deal of experience with investigative work then? 65 individuals 11 The event which he styles calamitous we may well characterize as one of the most deliberately atrocious murders on record. 122 It is played by two hundred fifty million players in over two hundred countries, making it the world's most popular sport. 122 He began as an itinerant street vendor at eight, at ten he passed bad money, 76 and was used there with very little variation all through the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, and indeed into the eighteenth. 130 implementation 14 The company also obtained a number of patents for improvements in steam engine traction technology. 99 What did you say? 17 upon "the old man and the old woman," as they styled the Mansion House and the Bank of England. 95 Soldiers will also take part in Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape exercises. 83 Oswald's writing on these and other documents was identified by comparing the writing and printing on the documents in question 127 It is the American people themselves who want the furrow plowed. 64 Is it all right? 16 construction 12 Place salmon fillet with skin side down in the middle of a large piece of parchment paper; season with salt and black pepper. 125 Their food is provided for them, not only ready cooked but ready digested. 74 Slash the gold cloth into fine ribbons. 39 he would have boarded the bus at approximately twelve:forty p.m. and left it at approximately twelve:forty-four p.m. 116 including 9 I noticed when I went out that the light was on, end quote, 59 The plant grew large and green in the window. 45 A curlyhaired man is talking or possibly debating with a blondhaired man in front of a table. 93 Some jurisdictions, greatly to their credit, strove at once to follow the lead of the central authority. 104 that a thief or other criminal might be quite differently treated according as he was incarcerated on one side or another of a border line. 139 kneel, whilst the rest of the congregation sit, and the ordinary, in a tone of peculiar solemnity, says, 104 Two of the team became ill. 27 The employer who turns away from impartial agencies of peace, 61 Four. Loose fill fiberglass insulation. 39 Good morning, how are you? 26 Joyce's goiter took a turn for the worse in June. 49 This includes placing the C.R.S. in the appropriate forward or aft-facing direction as indicated on the label for the size of the child. 136 These figures are truly awful. 30 A man in a red jacket shades the sun from his eyes on a busy street. 68 The candles brightened the dark room near to the garage. 56 Redpath was called in and informed of the intended investigation. He tried to stave off the evil hour by declaring that everything was perfectly right; 151 Many years were to elapse before these objections should be fairly met and universally overcome. 96 Two children sharing a space that permits them both to maximize their individual aspirations. 93 The gardener kept the grounds looking superb. 45 Fungi perform an essential role in the decomposition of organic matter. 71 What did it matter? 19 Heavy rain is expected over portions of the Mid Atlantic. 57 and kept altogether separate from the other prisoners until the day of his death. 81 Having thus passed his time, he returns a greater adept in crime, with a wider acquaintance among criminals, and, what perhaps is even more injurious to him, 157 Great numbers were not lighted at night, and were without means by which their inmates could communicate, in case of urgent necessity, with their keepers. 154 The amount of insects in Germany has decreased by about 80% in the last 15 years. 81 The internal doors of the house would need to be replaced because they were very ugly. 86 In both the jury had no doubt as to the guilt of the accused, only in Smethurst's case the then Home Secretary, Sir George Cornewall Lewis, 139 a working jeweler, shopman to a Mr. Berry of Parliament Street. It was Cope's duty to stay in the shop till the last, close the shutters, 137 They may be stored, especially as fat, until needed for oxidation to supply energy. 83 which recommended restrictions upon the number of visitors admitted. 68 I need help in the late afternoons starting in March. 53 As an approximation, we use a multivariate Gaussian distribution. 65 was the variety of views as regards the discipline to be introduced in these new prisons. The time was one 106 eighteen agents are proposed for a rotating pool which will go through an intensive training cycle and also be available to supplement the White House detail 157 Permanent dikes were erected in eight towns south of Winnipeg, and clay dikes and diversion dams were built in the Winnipeg area. 129 There are different types of meetings, such as a regular meeting, special meeting, or annual meeting. 101 Thus a sound public policy has been defeated. 45 or in the slightest way prevent them from taking any action that might have averted the tragedy. 96 that it was not within the Commission's responsibility to make specific recommendations as to the long-range organization of the President's protection, 152 They required a lot of manual effort to drive - changing gears was no easy task. 80 The main piston is responsible for gas sealing and carries the piston rings. 76 No matter what they did, the elevator just didn't send them to the eleventh floor. 82 has reached the age of seventy and does not avail himself of the opportunity to retire on a pension, 100 Gradually the application of capital punishment became more and more restricted, and was soon the penalty for murder alone. 123 Here's your schedule for Tuesday, March fourteenth. 51 many of the indispensable conditions of a model prison according to modern ideas. 81 The freeway was nearly deserted, so they cruised effortlessly to their exit. 76 Oh, is that all? 16 Both are colorless and microscopic. 35 There is no post office box three zero zero one six in the New Orleans Post Office 82 He wanted to be arrested. I think he wanted to get into the newspapers, so that he would be known. End quote. 109 More than twelve thousand employees in nearly one hundred fifty occupations 75 beating the batter smooth as you go on until all of the liquid and flour has gone in. 85 He could face a jail sentence. 30 He was something of a sickly child by all accounts, never made it past his fourth birthday. 91 A mother and three children collecting garbage from a blue and white garbage can on the street. 95 Answer: No. I would have to wait until I had talked to Marina to see what I could determine, and from there I could make my plans. 130 I would think about the end of January, the beginning of February. 66 What can I do for you? 22 Oswald was transferred from active duty to the Marine Corps Reserve under honorable conditions in September of nineteen fifty-nine, 131 Whorf gave graduate level lectures on "Problems of American Indian Linguistics". 80 Vivian's trying to fine-tune some parameters to maximize the magnitude. 71 Edison Reynoso is a former professional baseball pitcher who played professionally from nineteen ninety-nine to two thousand four. 130 Familiarize yourself with the emergency evacuation techniques outlined on the written safety instructions. Ask questions if instructions are unclear. 149 This was your plan? 19 Elton has since not given any more information on the putative "Blackadder five". 81 Rouge has been used throughout the ages. 40 Sattler was tried for murder and convicted; 43 A man is inside a truck looking out with his left arm in front of a door. 73 The dragon breathed a stream of fire thirty feet long. 54 Brown Varsity Equestrian has won the Ivy League championship several times. 75 The Spring Park Municipal Well Field site is one of six sites to be added to the N.P.L. today, and were included in the most recent proposed rule in January twenty eighteen. 173 An African American child in a red flannel shirt is sleeping on a woven rope hammock. 85 Motorcycles. -- Four motorcycles, two on each side, flanked the rear of the Presidential car. 93 The invention of movable metal letters in the middle of the fifteenth century may justly be considered as the invention of the art of printing. 143 The Commission has concluded, therefore, that regardless of what Oswald may have said to his wife 97 and seven eyewitnesses who heard the shots and saw the gunman flee the scene with the revolver in his hand, 107 Her works have been recorded and issued on C.D. 47 The crime soon became public. 29 Mix two tablespoons white sugar and cinnamon together in a small bowl. Rub in butter with your fingers until topping is in pea-sized crumbs. 140 and the Infantry Weapons Evaluation Branch of the U.S. Army. There were no misfires. 84 She flaps her cape as she parades the street. 45 Shaneyfelt testified that the published photographs appeared to be based on a copy of the original which the publications had each retouched differently. 153 Lee Oswald never received that help. 36 A girl looks at the camera while sitting between women in blue dresses and white hair flowers. 94 that in four prisons, which at one time of the year contained one thousand three hundred eight prisoners, there were only sixty-eight sleeping rooms or cells, 158 The invention of movable metal letters in the middle of the fifteenth century may justly be considered as the invention of the art of printing. 143 What is the benefit of the method in terms of identification accuracy? 70 Stimulate and pursue technological solutions. 45 Plans to celebrate the Queen's Golden Jubilee will proceed. 59 At approximately twelve:forty-five p.m., Dr. Robert Shaw, 57 After a review of these inconsistencies in his testimony before the Commission, Whaley was interviewed again in Dallas. 119 The Fatherland Germany. 23 The trial of Miss Edmunds was transferred to the Central Criminal Court under Lord Campbell's Act, already referred to. 119 The treasure was found behind the garage door. 46 I will think about what to buy. 31 The album was released in April nineteen sixty four, by Smash Records. 70 I for one have no doubt that it was your quick wits that saw us delivered from that hellish place. 98 He took part in a recording with George Shearing and was a founding member of his Quartet, remaining there until nineteen fifty two. 132 Murder of the President has never been covered by Federal law, however, so that once it became reasonably clear that the killing was the act of a single person, 160 Decreasing the color temperature of the lights. 47 Sir John Dean Paul had inherited a baronetcy from his father, together with an honored name; 92 At Manchester, however, the carriage stopped at the Albion Hotel. 65 to conduct an additional investigation of Oswald in view of the activities which had led to his arrest. 103 This lamp is quite nice. 24 Starting in the nineteen ninety eight season, Blitz has been the Seahawks' official mascot. 91 he was annoyed with his man for various small omissions and acts of forgetfulness, and on the night of the murder had taken Courvoisier to task rather sharply. 159 Colleen McGuinness is an American producer and screenwriter who has worked on the television shows Thirty Rock, About a Boy, and Mercy. 135 Since the assassination of President Kennedy, the Secret Service has been experimenting with new techniques in the inspection of buildings along a motorcade route. 163 He made no answer. 18 The time thus spent varied considerably, 40 Everyone prefers geometry over algebra any old day. 51 Stealing plate was about this period the crime of a more aristocratic thief. 76 It is clear that at the time of the shots in Dallas, Agent Clinton J. Hill leaped to the President's rescue as quickly as humanly possible. 139 Brennan could have seen enough of the body of a kneeling or squatting person to estimate his height. 100 He was also a mathematics teacher in Linz, and an adviser to General Wallenstein. 81 was followed in the very next year by those of Francis and of Bean in two consecutive months, 93 Environmental Concern Drives Electric Vehicles Forward. 55 At that time, they began to work in the public sector, like many other groups. 78 In the rear of the ground floor was a large passage. 52 A flat pack takes less luggage space. 37 except that they did not hear Oswald say, quote, It's all over now, end quote. 78 Repeated military failures and bureaucratic ineptitude soon turned large segments of the population against the government. 123 a fact duly advertised as completed by the hoisting of the black flag over the jail, 84 Britain handed the island back to the French at the Treaty of Paris in seventeen sixty three. 93 He compared them with the fibers found in the shirt which Oswald was wearing when arrested in the Texas Theatre. 112 As the case must still be well remembered by the present generation, it will be necessary to give here only the briefest summary. 129 and then only went round to count the number. 45 Winston Churchill once walked its corridors and Japanese emissaries met here with Secretary of State Cordell Hull after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. 148 The Internet should reflect all of the people who use it. 57 three cars for press photographers, an official party bus for White House staff members and others, and two press buses. 120 But much more remains which is not only suggestive, but demonstrative of such origin. 85 Since then physicists have found that it is not reflection, but refraction by the raindrops which causes the rainbows. 118 That is all I have to say. 26 For thirty years, the Disaster Assistance and Rescue Team has provided emergency support in response to earthquakes, fires and acts of terrorism. 145 was probably made within a day or a day and a half of the examination on November twenty-two. 93 Avery Brundage, President of the International Olympic Committee, praised the film. 83 where a workman found a bundle containing two human legs, in a drain. 69 It is not just about pay. 25 Non-high semivowels also occur. 31 Whorf gave graduate level lectures on "Problems of American Indian Linguistics". 80 None of the marksmen had any practice with the assassination weapon except for exercising the bolt for two or three minutes on a dry run. 137 Olga spilt milk on her special purple gown. 43 Rabies kills about sixty thousand people annually, mostly in Africa and Asia. 77 In two thousand seven, the capital had one million one hundred seven thousand eight hundred inhabitants. 104 There are three meetings on your calendar today. 48 At the instant that Hill stepped onto the left rear step of the President's automobile and grasped the handhold, 112 The latest edition of the tournament attracted a total of one hundred sixteen visitors. 87 Still greater were the differences with regard to employment. The various authorities held widely different opinions as to what constituted hard labor. 151 In many of the smaller boroughs they are totally unfit for the confinement of human beings. 91 The person having access to the box then takes the notice to the window and is given the package. 97 What a strange kind of person! 30 As the motorcade started its descent down Elm Street., Altgens snapped a picture of the Presidential limousine with the entrance to the Depository Building in the background. 174 In March nineteen thirty eight, Shuster sold all rights to the character to Detective Comics for one hundred thirty dollars. 124 through which it slowly passes, being subjected meanwhile to the action of certain chemical substances or reagents, known as digestive ferments. 144 Post no bills on this office wall. 34 A saw is a tool used for making boards. 39 To the Hebrews it was a token that there would be no more universal floods. 75 This arrangement would provide a continuing high-level contact for agencies that may wish to consult respecting particular protective measures. 143 The inn belonging to Burgess was surrounded 43 Those events no doubt had their effects on Oswald. 50 Remind me to send another email. 32 Today there are more than twenty two million living Veterans who have earned the honor of burial in a national cemetery, including the more than three hundred fifty Medal of Honor recipients. 191 financial 9 Wikipedia is not a single wiki but rather a collection of hundreds of wikis, one for each language. 99 A.O.L. discontinues its instant messaging app Aim after more than twenty years. 79 The largest occupation recorded during the census was sales assistant with ninety three thousand eight hundred forty people. 124 The lax discipline maintained in Newgate was still further deteriorated by the presence of two other classes of prisoners who ought never to have been inmates of such a jail. 174 It was a juggernaut. 20 How many hens are there for one cock?, I asked the farmer. 58 A beautiful little toddler has a beaming grin as she is held by a smiling older female. 87 No, I will tell her myself. 27 During the nineteen twentys her only paid work was as a columnist for feminist journals, notably "Equal Rights" and "Time and Tide". 132 According to Secretary Dillon, the studies indicate that there is some utility in attempting to designate certain buildings as involving a higher risk than others. 163 People born in twenty-eighteen will possibly live into the twenty-second century. 81 slipshod and slovenly, in crushed bonnet and dirty shawl, the gown fastened by a single hook, 93 The United States government runs out of funding for the second time this year, prompting another government shutdown. 118 shaking her clenched and manacled hands in the officers' faces. 63 The case was easily and rapidly disposed of. 44 Save a thief from the gallows and he will cut your throat. 58 He had argued with her over the use of an alias and had not called her after that argument, although he usually telephoned once or twice a day. 143 We have not given up hope. 26 whose signature he counterfeited. 33 he was himself a prominent member of the Low Church, of austere piety, active in all good works. 96 Beginning in nineteen eighty one, these courts were integrated into the national system. 88 NASA has selected InuTeq L.L.C. of Beltsville, Maryland, to provide world-class, high-performance computing to all NASA missions in support of mission-driven science and engineering. 182 Oswald's revolver 17 This was the consequence of the Service's lack of an adequate investigative staff. 82 pa 2 A bank deposit made on March thirteen, nineteen sixty-three, included an item of twenty-one dollars, forty-five cents. Klein's shipping order form 146 or one used Remington-Peters cartridge case, which may have been in the revolver before the shooting, 101 Other Secret Service agents assigned to the motorcade remained at their posts during the race to the hospital. 110 His nature must have been kindly. 33 and that is the last I have seen or spoken with Oswald. End quote. 66 The only employee at the Depository Building named "Junior" was James Jarman, Jr. 81 Interest in Cuba 16 It was the same old story -- evil constantly in the ascendant, the least criminal at the mercy of the most depraved. 116 The space station rocked violently due to the intense pressure wave from the airlock failure. 93 Inflation can lead to increased uncertainty and other negative consequences. 76 Small and hardy, the sheep were all killed or removed from the island to prevent destruction of natural habitats. 113 had a key of both the master's side and middle side yards, was the only person present at the distribution of beer, and was trusted to examine, 143 In spite of the fact that Oswald had been surprised and was on the defensive throughout the debate, according to Stuckey, quote, 128 and the raison d'être of the penalty, which in principle so many opposed, would be gone. 88 I know. 7 When the Soviet Union launched the first man into space, Yuri Gagarin, they chose a term which anglicizes to cosmonaut. 119 It had no prepared checklist of matters to be covered with local police on such visits to metropolitan areas 108 Testimony of a firearms expert before the Commission established that the hammer of the revolver never touched the shell in the chamber. 136 Did you know that the safest place for your child on an airplane is in a government-approved child safety restraint system, not on your lap? 140 They underlie the extensive moist woodlands found in these provinces. 69 The L.S.U. Tigers football team has won eleven Southeastern Conference titles, six Sugar Bowls and three national championships. 128 A smiling woman in an orange skirt holds an open briefcase that displays a claw hammer. 87 Sheer, jagged cliffs rise from the sea on several of the mountainous islands. 77 Nor is it practical to prevent people from entering such buildings, or to limit access in every building to those employed or having business there. 148 Viral marketing is a buzzword used frequently by economists. 60 The homemade chili dip by your stepmother is really tasty. 58 To her amazement, she found a supermarket trolley lying on the seabed. 70 Workshops were built at many prisons, various kinds of manufactures and trades were set on foot, including weaving, matting, shoe-making, and tailoring. 152 Barber and Fletcher were both transported for life, although Fletcher declared that Barber was innocent, and had no guilty knowledge of what was being done. 156 Noble exploits in Persia are ever highly honored and bring their authors to greatness. 86 It should be noted, however, that the President's car was curving slightly to the right when the third shot was fired. 118 One of the most notorious, and for a time most successful practitioners in this illicit trade, passed through Newgate in eighteen thirty-one. 141 I found an online tutorial how to use Vulkan and OpenG.L. Modifying the assets would be a copyright violation. 110 At the top of the structure will remain the post of headteacher. 64 There was, besides, a mill for grinding corn, somewhat similar to a turn-spit, which prisoners turned by walking in rows. 121 and from that day to this the rapid improvement of methods of investigation and the energy of a host of accurate observers 122 If her estimate of time is correct, she reached the bottom of the stairs before Truly and Baker started up, 107 They are essential factors in a rounded program for national recovery. 70 The Panama Canal connects the Pacific Ocean with the Atlantic Ocean. 68 Put your trust in God. 22 While Dr. Perry was performing the tracheotomy, Drs. Carrico and Ronald Jones made cutdowns on the President's right leg and left arm, respectively, 148 It follows that the bean has taken in only the raw materials of its fabric and has manufactured them into bean-stuffs. 118 Public Health Service Veterans' hospitals were transferred to the bureau, and an ambitious hospital construction program for World War One Veterans commenced. 158 has been as completely invalidated as the third and second, and even the first can be retained only in a modified form 118 The theft was discovered at Boulogne, when the boxes were found not to weigh exactly what they ought. But no clue was obtained to the thieves, 142 who generally attended the prison services. 43 Handwriting experts from the FBI and the Treasury Department testified that the writing on the mail-order form was that of Lee Harvey Oswald. 141 and to shield him by attempting to place themselves between the President and any source of danger. 99 Montgomery was an adept at forgery. He had gone wrong early. Although born of respectable parents, and gazetted to a commission in the army, 140 Do you know those people? 25 I don't suppose you'd be willing to answer some of my questions while we're out here? 85 In correct time musical'. 25 The great variety of life as exhibited in the countless species of plants and animals has been referred to, and yet, great as this variety is, 142 Wrath stirred within the King at the sight of a man of his lofty rank in such a condition; 90 In the northern part of the enclosure to the east of the river, 63 previous 8 Canada was formed from the unification of northern territories controlled by Britain and France. 96 are the thousands of cases of rudimentary or vestigial structures to be found. 78 Ellie won first prize in the spelling competition. 50 The woman gave Sarah an official letter from the vet. 53 in his intense desire to join the Marines and get away from his surroundings and his mother. 92 We have the experience, the courses, and an abundance of confidence. 68 Johnson says he is not surprised by how long it has lasted. 59 He blamed racial prejudice on the parents of children. 54 with other underwriters for a second sum of two thousand pounds. 64 I then stepped off of it and the officer picked it up in the middle and it bent so. 83 A man looks through a microscope while another man in the background also looks through a microscope. 101 Don't you understand me? 24 that the description of the suspect in the Tippit shooting was similar to the description which had been given by Brennan in connection with the assassination. 159 At that time rope mats were still used as beds. 47 for examples to a determination of the optimum organization of the President's protection. 90 The Irish man sipped his tea. 29 Three construction workers wearing orange working vests and white helmets performing work in a tunnel. 102 upon them devolved the painful duty of cutting down the body and preparing for the inquest. 91 A large Asian family gathers while seated on the floor to interact with a board apparatus. 90 You know, singing karaoke with you makes me realize how good of a singer I am. 78 We have nothing here to show under what conditions the B course was fired. It might well have been a bad day for firing the rifle 129 I am quite surprised that the restaurant finally fixed the lighting problem. 76 It was based on the pinch plasma confinement technique. 55 The building has housed some of the nation's most significant diplomats and politicians and has been the scene of many historic events. 135 Two kids with helmets on sitting outside while one looks down and the other straight ahead. 91 the Secret Service should attempt to develop a system compatible with those of the agencies from which most of its data will come. Note: 136 Near the end of the sixteenth century an unpublished prose life of Robin Hood was written. 90 The robot was filled with wires and circuit boards. 51 Field staff work in all fifty states, Guam, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and more than one hundred twenty countries. 125 The green light in the brown box flickered. 43 Winds from the west, with gusts up to eighteen miles per hour. 62 An important purpose of the President's visit to Dallas was to speak at a luncheon given by business and civic leaders. 119 But while we were in Russia he spoke well of him. Lee said that when he would return to the United States he would vote for him for Governor, end quote. 152 That period was a struggle. 27 The question is treated with that comprehensiveness of knowledge and clear critical judgment which characterize his writings. 125 Friends went in pursuit and traced her to Huddersfield and further north. 73 network 7 only a tall column of whirling sand, rearing its head until it is lost in the blue above, moves majestically along. 115 and the circumstances which led to detection were scarcely novel proofs of the old adage that murder will out. 110 Shortly thereafter, the President's wife, family and aides left Bethesda Naval Hospital. 88 Men gather for an ethnic celebration in their home country wearing traditional clothing full of vibrant colors. 111 The brown house was on fire to the attic. 41 The test could decrease the number of inconclusive and false positive tests, thus eliminating unnecessary vaccine use. 118 it should be remembered that his wife testified that he was disappointed with his failure to get to Cuba 104 but his face is of an ashy paleness; and if you look carefully you may see the blood trickling from his lip, 108 However, the nineteen sixty-four to sixty-five budget request was submitted in November nineteen sixty-three 108 total 5 Modern Concepts stores pre-production nurdles at its facility as part of its plastic products manufacturing process. 116 and concluded, quote, that there is a fair probability, end quote, that the bullet was fired from the rifle used in the assassination of President Kennedy. 155 At the time of his death he was scarcely fifty years of age. 60 The first consolidation of federal Veterans programs took place August nine, nineteen twenty one, when Congress combined all World War One Veterans programs to create the Veterans Bureau. 187 The sufferer was a porter on the London, Chatham, and Dover railway, sentenced to death for shooting the station-master at Dover. 129 The judges will give a ruling next Wednesday. 45 to that effect immediately after the assassination. 51 Berkeley Lab researchers continued to work with industry partners to develop even more energy-efficient window designs. 119 Oswald's use of the name "Hidell" to purchase the assassination weapon was one of several instances in which he used this name as an alias. 139 An increase of policemen on duty sufficed to prevent any attempt of this kind. 78 As the war progressed, his complex moves toward ending slavery included the Emancipation Proclamation. 102 Saudi authorities arrest eleven princes for staging a protest against Saudi Arabia's austerity measures. 104 Knead as you would white bread, and set aside for the rising. 61 He complained that he had at first been the dupe of others, and admitted that he had too readily fallen astray. 111 You are quite right. 20 If you have Medicare, the open enrollment for Medicare Part D and Medicare Advantage Plans stays the same: October fifteenth to December seventh, two thousand thirteen. 168 People come into the Borders for the beauty of the background. 62 By degrees, however, 20 It was formerly called Little Bear Lake, until around nineteen twenty. 70 This rule in dealing with stolen goods continues to this day, and has made the fortune of many since Ikey. 106 Steve Bannon steps down as executive chairman of Breitbart News. 64 Don't be a fool! 16 Slide the bill between the two leaves. 38 but only part, and that a small part, of the great tower, which God hath suffered to stand 90 Further suspicion was caused by the position of a book and a wax candle by the bedside. 87 I ate a dish with rice, spaghetti, hummus, and caramelized onions. 66 The man Marley displayed fortitude of a less repulsive kind. He acknowledged his guilt from the first. 102 The Science: History of the Universe, Volume five. Edited by Francis Rolt-Wheeler. 82 Chancellor of the Exchequer Missis wife lady Miss Young lady Cheer up! 70 A person in a field walks toward their white and orange parachute while another holds it. 89 customer 8 m 1 During the interview Quigley obtained background information from Oswald which was inconsistent with information already in the Bureau's possession. 148 Another deep roar, louder than any which had preceded it, broke from the multitude. 83 His attachment to Marxist and Communist doctrine was probably, in some measure, an expression of his hostility to his environment. 130 They felt gay when the ship arrived in port. 44 Mrs. Murret believes that he talked at length with a girl on the telephone, but no one remembers that he had any dates. 119 Each agency msut be given a clear understanding of the assistance which the Secret Service expects. 99 Jerk the rope and the bell rings weakly. 40 Mobile data services are also available, including high-speed Three G services. 79 The execution was, as usual, attended by an immense concourse, and Greenacre died amidst the loudest execrations. 113 It is revealed that Ecuador granted citizenship to Julian Assange. 66 In two hundred feet, your destination will be on the right. 59 Cotton processing and trading continued to fall in peacetime, and the exchange closed in nineteen sixty eight. 110 Wrestling, in which legs were occasionally broken, was freely indulged in; also such low games as "cobham," 107 Baked earth. 12 Ashley was the son of an army agent and banker, 47 It is not either national standards or local control. 53 This involves tight and unswerving discipline as well as the promotion of an outstanding degree of dedication and loyalty to duty. 130 Indeed, he does. 16 Pate was said to be an eccentric person, given to strange acts and antics, such as mixing whiskey and camphor with his morning bath-water, 138 Sir Thomas Overbury was undoubtedly poisoned by Lord Rochester in the reign of James the first, 95 in order to hit the intended object. The scope would accomplish the lead for you, end quote, 92 and the obvious bulk of the package which he intended to bring to work the next day; 84 There is, for example, no Secret Service arrangement for evaluating before a trip particular difficulties that might be anticipated, 132 The chapel was filled with a curious but callous congregation, who came to stare at the miserable people thus publicly exposed. 127 whose net annual income thus entirely derived from the impecunious amounted to between three and four thousand pounds. 118 condition 9 Detailed security arrangements had been made by radio from the President's plane on the return flight. 102 but did not do so because he felt that the assassination was, quote, a Communist activity, 90 In one corner after much search a phial was found labeled "Prussic acid," 73 What is your name? 18 The fish twisted and turned on the bent hook. 45 Two. Energy Efficient Refrigerator Compressor. 46 The report describes mixed progress in preventing outbreaks caused by germs spread through treated recreational water. 118 I did not see them there. 25 Only a few have vied with Cannon in fiendish cruelty and brutality. 67 The Senate passes the Republican tax reform bill with a fifty-one to forty-nine vote. 85 the Presidential limousine arrived at the emergency entrance of the Parkland Hospital at about twelve:thirty-five p.m. 118 The judge, in passing sentence of death, told him he richly deserved the punishment. 84 Sounds legitimate. 18 The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has recently reached settlements with two Southern California plastics manufacturers over federal Clean Water Act violations. 166 to an attack by Cuban exiles in a street demonstration and being, quote, officialy cautioned, end quote, by the police. 119 Sunshine sparkles on freshly fallen snow. 41 Stir the chicken mixture into the cabbage mixture. Add noodles. 63 The czars only foible was his thirst for sweet wine. 52 Sarah told him that she was there to see her brother. 53 To get away from the trees, as they say, "and to look at the whole forest." 75 but that its resources be most fully utilized in the economic life of the country 81 deemed valid as any palliation of his offense. 46 Keep the tweed coat in Kirk's garment bag. 42 Let it burn, it gives us warmth and comfort. 44 They began dating and they married in the spring of nineteen forty two. 71 against 7 and such projects as they approve will be next submitted to the President who under the Act is required to make final allocations. 130 the majority of the Court has been assuming the power to pass on the wisdom of these acts of the Congress 105 An electronic stethoscope overcomes the low sound levels by electronically amplifying body sounds. 98 Or they might say they can help you avoid losing access to your current doctors under Medicare, unless you sign up for a Medicare Advantage Plan. 145 Such a succession of appointments should have provided a Court well-balanced as to age. 87 While his defection resulted in part from Oswald's commitment to Marxism, 73 This cream will give you ageless skin at low cost. 50 five point six, and six point five seconds. 43 that Oswald was a good shot, somewhat better than or equal to -- better than the average let us say. 100 But not for long. 17 established that they had been previously loaded and ejected from the assassination rifle, 90 fired two series of three shots at twenty-five yards in four point six and four point eight seconds. 100 Let me check your calendar. 27 The people, enjoying the greater freedom which Cyrus permitted them, were contented, and life in Babylon went on about as before. 129 Smile when you say nasty words. 31 We will turn the corner. 24 If he was discharged at Neely and Beckley and walked directly to his roominghouse, 82 Its sophistication appealed to visiting foreigners, especially in England and America, where architects began adopting isolated features and, eventually, the style as a coherent whole. 184 Okay. Do I look better now? 27 The chair looked strong but had no bottom. 42 Drawing from my own experience as a learner of English and German, I value engaging activities that involve everyday conversation. 130 When expressing power quantities, the number of decibels is ten times the logarithm to base ten of the ratio of two power quantities. 133 On August twenty-one, nineteen sixty-three, Bureau headquarters instructed the New Orleans and Dallas field offices 115 Shortly before the day fixed for execution, Bishop made a full confession, the bulk of which bore the impress of truth, 119 Clothes and lodging are free to new men. 40 H.T.S.C. coils cost more than L.T.S.C. coils by a factor of two to four. 72 Social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook are especially prominent in the lives of adolescents. 117 The FBI had been interested in him, to some degree at least, since the time of his defection in October nineteen fifty-nine. 124 the President's motorcade would pass the Texas School Book Depository Building on the northwest corner of Houston and Elm Streets. 130 The brightest peak areas represent the largest concentration of ice clouds. 75 A common variation involves linking the analytical capability of the flow cytometer to a sorting device. 104 It's not before time. 21 The prison stood on a dry, airy situation outside the town. 59 As McDonald fell into the seat with his left hand on the gun, he felt something graze across his hand and heard what sounded like the snap of the hammer. 153 Here is my card. 16 No time was lost in carrying out the dread ceremony; but it was not completed without some of the officials turning sick, and the moment it was over, 149 was a promissory note for two thousand eight hundred seventy-five pounds, produced by Dr. Bailey, and purporting to be signed by Smith. 135 The executive, although harassed by internal commotion and foreign war, was not entirely callous to the crying need for amelioration in jails. 142 in the Python we find very tiny rudiments of the hindlimbs. Now, 64 After their release from Lancaster and Newgate respectively, both Wakefields went abroad. 89 But it was proved that Watts had appropriated one cheque for fourteen hundred pounds, 85 Having served in two key cabinet posts, Monroe established himself as Madison's likely successor. 97 Ventilators, hand and others, were to be supplied. 50 Okay I need a value from zero to two fifty-five for green. 58 is not fully supporting the recovery effort of his government. 62 Make sure that your slide designs have an appropriate color selection and contrasts. 84 which was Sorrels' first important assignment in connection with Presidential work. 83 The thaw came early and freed the stream. 41 Fully autonomous vehicles typically use computer vision for navigation. 71 the same callous indifference to the moral well-being of the prisoners, the same want of employment and of all disciplinary control. 132 It was not large enough to produce net energy. 46 Thirty-five Magnolia Terrace, Indianapolis, Indiana. 52 The next time Carlisle was besieged, in thirteen fifteen, Robert the Bruce would be leading the attack. 103 The game is played on a rectangular field with a goal at each end. 66 a Russian-speaking petroleum engineer whom Oswald met as a result of his contact with the Texas Employment Commission office in Fort Worth. 139 built three walls round about the inner city, and three others about that which was the outer; and this he did with burnt brick. 128 Escape seemed absolutely hopeless, 34 Bake in the preheated oven until almost set, about forty five minutes. 70 He had all the characteristics of the poisoner -- the calm deliberation, 72 With the discovery of Texas crude oil, gas became cheap and readily available for rural Americans, and filling stations began popping up across the country. 156 In eighteen eleven, the Federal government authorized the first domiciliary and medical facility for Veterans. 110 one of the Cuban exiles who had been arrested with him on August nine. Bringuier claimed that on August five, nineteen sixty-three, 131 There are yet no plans for building space colonies by any large-scale organization, either government or private. 113 In Egypt, couscous is eaten more as a dessert. 46 He just gouged the jester. 26 Before the colonel had been pinioned he had pulled out two white handkerchiefs, one of which he bound over his temples so as nearly to conceal his eyes, 152 the lately smirking footmen close their eyes and forget their liveries, the ordinary clasps his hands, the turnkeys cry 'Hush!' 127 But, at the same time, we must have judges who will bring to the courts a present-day sense of the Constitution 111 Hunt, in consideration of the information he had given, escaped death, and was sentenced to transportation for life. 116 This axe is still in existence, and is preserved at Newgate with various other unpleasant curiosities, 102 others that he had had extraordinary luck as a gold-digger. Had his West End and little-informed associates followed him into the city, 135 And for what purpose? 21 Who has already arrived? 24 two toes (sheep), four toes (hog) and five toes (dog) 53 boast to their companions after the service that they had wiped their eyes during the thanksgiving, to make the ordinary believe they had been crying. 150 lines which as I have so often made clear, are in complete accord with the underlying principles of orderly popular government 126 A large brown dog is pushing a small Boston terrier with his face while anouther dog watches. 93 The Secret Service has expressed concern that written instructions might come into the hands of local newspapers, to the prejudice of the precautions described. 160 It led Nixon to surrender the Watergate tapes. 46 An uncle of Miss Wakefield's, accompanied by his solicitor and a Bow Street runner, at once went in pursuit. 108 Although Stombaugh was unable to estimate the period of time the fibers were on the rifle he said that the fibers, quote, 121 would be the first to exclaim as soon as an amendment was proposed 66 This type of circuit is usually called "mixed signal" rather than analog or digital. 84 Two children running in a field with a kite there is a fence in the background and mountains 92 In Germany, the Christian Democrats and Social Democrats agree on a blueprint for formal negotiations on a new grand coalition government. 138 A girl wearing a summer outfit of shorts and sleeveless top sitting outdoors on a public bench. 95 Jefferson treasured his books. 30 When she entered the dance floor, everyone in the nightclub was looking at her. 79 Even so, it went on to receive multiple award nominations, including seven Academy Award nominations. 101 Craig is a major concern for us. 32 These were the gentlemen concerned in the bribery case at Ipswich in eighteen thirty-five, 90 The blue jacket was found in the Texas School Book Depository and was identified by Marina Oswald as her husband's. 115 Within half-a-dozen years no less than fifty-four new prisons were built on the Pentonville plan, others were in progress, 122 According to George De Mohrenschildt, Oswald said that he went target shooting with that rifle. 95 The Asian rain quail is smaller in size and has a black breast. 63 from twenty-one by eighteen feet to fifteen feet square, which were furnished with bedsteads and bedding. 105 We hope they bring their solutions to the marketplace soon. 59 The U.S., for example, has much higher C.E.O. salaries than do Japan or Germany, where insider trading is less effectively restrained. 134 A more complicated and altogether most extraordinary case of assault, with intent to extort money, occurred a few years later. 126 A more elaborate plot in many ways, more secretly, more patiently prepared than the preceding, or indeed than any in the calendar, 130 When the game is still undecided after sixty minutes, overtime begins. 70 Last Tuesday after nine-thirty P.M. 35 Justin also uses language very similar to that of John. 55 Report of the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy. The Warren Commission Report. By The President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy. 182 All these examples mean the same thing but they also emphasize different things. 80 Both of those promises have already been honoured. 50 a little reduced in ugliness. The design of the letters of this modern "old style" leaves a good deal to be desired, 116 They found a cactus in a passenger's luggage at the airport's security check. 77 The movement thus laudably initiated by the Government soon spread to the provinces. 84 Schuster hoisted the heavy hose to his shoulder. 48 a bricklayer found a human trunk near some new buildings in the Edgeware Road, one morning in the last week of eighteen thirty-six. 131 The birds engage in aerial courtship displays which involve high circling flight and ritualised feeding mid-air. 112 The yeoman was, however, under-sold by his wife, "Rosy Emma," 61 Moreover, the laws applied more particularly to county jurisdictions. 69 An abrupt start does not win the prize. 39 Season with two teaspoons pepper and one teaspoon salt. 55 but by printers in Strasburg, Basle, Paris, Lubeck, and other cities. 69 The journalists from the Times interviewed Guy. 47 was accommodated with a room in Mr. Newman's house at the extravagant rental of thirty guineas per week; 104 Better use heat resistant gloves when you take the bricks out of the furnace. 77 He ordered peach pie with ice cream. 36 The second head wound measured approximately five inches (thirteen centimeters) in its greatest diameter, 105 How are you? 12 A gradual diminishing of time. 30 Their time on the Space Station will help us better understand the effects of spaceflight on the human immune system. 117 The upcoming Formula One season will abandon the practice of using grid girls, arguing that the practice does not resonate with Formula One's values. 149 commonly fix the retirement age at seventy years or less. 57 This is the twenty-first century solution to the problem. 57 Tommy is not a problem. 23 While she was senseless, but really still alive, he cut off her head, and dismembered the body in the manner already described. 127 You know I have. 16 Mix cream cheese, sugar, eggs, and vanilla together in a bowl until smooth and well blended. 92 The first election for provincial Governors and municipality Mayors was in nineteen ninety four. 96 to prevent abuse, and satisfy the public that the law had been complied with. 77 Is that Titanic? 16 Artisans and others were at liberty to work at their trades, provided they were not dangerous. 94 Combined, the companies will pay more than thirty five thousand dollars in penalties. 85 The Greeks used to imagine that it was a sign from the gods to foretell war or heavy rain. 90 On the top, along the edges of the wall, they constructed buildings of a single chamber facing one another, 107 A report traces the origin of a significant i.O.S. source code leak to an Apple intern and five friends in the jailbreaking community. 134 Alex Smith has been a massive influence on my career as well. 61 The stars and planets were carried around the Earth on spheres or circles. 74 Not everything that is faced can be changed but nothing can be changed until it is faced. 89 The yellow rose is the most beautiful of all flowers. 53 In contemporary South Africa, Boer and Afrikaner have often been used interchangeably. 86 The Hebrew exiles, whose ancestors Nebuchadnezzar had brought from Jerusalem, 77 Men playing volleyball, with one player missing the ball but hands still in the air. 84 instructions 12 While Calcraft was in office other aspirants to fame appeared in the field. 75 Check out social media resources from the Department of Health and Human Services and many of its offices for reliable information on adolescent health. 152 On his release he sent a challenge to Lord Sidmouth, the Home Secretary, and was again arrested and imprisoned. 111 It's four twenty-two A.M. Pacific Daylight Time. 48 This allows for physical separation and purification of particles of interest based on their optical properties. 112 A short sonata. 15 While the car traveled this distance, the Zapruder camera ran one hundred fifty-two frames. 91 Sitting of the delegates. 25 Did you see him? 16 Also in the nineteenth century, the nation's Veterans assistance program was expanded to include benefits and pensions not only for Veterans, but for their widows and dependents. 178 This steward was practically supreme. 37 Bring beer to a boil in a large pot. 36 Desired by both Lithuania and Poland, Livonia was then incorporated into the Polish Crown by Sigismund the second. 114 Heavy downpours originate from ice clouds, said Dong Wu, principal investigator at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. 141 Today, the Vice President uses the office for meetings and press interviews. 76 continually altering, erasing, and adding figures to correspond with and cover the abstractions he made of various cheques as they were drawn. 142 Well, this is a pretty long shot, but why the heck not? 55 to the intersection of Houston Street, which marks the beginning of Dealey Plaza. 81 How did you do it? 18 would 5 I always said so. 17 It was, however, pretty clear that this victim, like preceding ones, had been lured to Nova Scotia Gardens, and there drugged with a large dose of laudanum. 156 No, we don't have many locked areas within the facility. 56 which warders, dreading assault, were afraid to enter after dark, even to check rioting and disturbance. 104 Scientists warn that the ozone layer that protects people from the sun's ultraviolet radiation is recovering only over less populated areas. 140 Most historians believe that it was only a matter of recognition of Otto's royal authority. 91 A very colorful bus is pulled off to the side of the road as its passengers load. 81 End quote. Captain Lawrence was not instructed to have his men watch buildings along the motorcade route and did not mention the observation of buildings to them. 162 So much the better. 19 site 4 were associated continually with a number of those who could look with certainty on a mitigation of punishment. 111 They printed very few books in this type, three only. 53 in preference to a short stretch of the Central Expressway, which presented a minor safety hazard 97 U.S. Highway Eighty-Five, Jefferson City, Missouri. 51 while the atmosphere and the earth supply plants with juices ready prepared and which can be absorbed immediately. 114 Storm and stress. 17 All vertebrates, with few exceptions, and no other animals, have two and only two pair of limbs. 96 Try asking me things like: Hey Mycroft, what's the weather? 59 Woman walking the hall of Colonial basement as the family vacation continues throughout Kentucky 96 moreover, it was nearly impossible to prevent communication and mutual contamination. 85 Swords clashed in a terrifying cacophony of sound but she did not flinch. 73 the doctors observed that he had a heartbeat and was making some respiratory efforts. 85 The Philadelphia Eagles win their first Super Bowl, defeating the New England Patriots forty-one to thirty-three. 113 There were still untoward accidents occasionally at executions, and even the chief practitioner of recent times, Calcraft, 122 and presently ascertained that Wakefield had gone to the Continent with his involuntary bride. 94 To control traffic, arrangements were made for the deployment of foot patrolmen and motorcycle police at various positions along the route. 139 The Council of Reassignment is a fictional institution from the "Star Wars" universe. 85 The deportations, the purposeful curtailment of diet in the consumer slighted population of Russia, 99 Would you like to create a troubleshooting package? 51 particularly when the President is traveling in this country or abroad. 71 He is quite content to die; 27 The knowledge of the ancient world was partly preserved due to the survival of the Eastern Roman Empire and the institutions of the Catholic Church. 148 A friend of yours? 18 there was still a "convenient room" which served, and, quote, 61 The city is divided into two portions by the river which runs through the midst of it. 86 A kid in blue jeans and black socks sleeps under a pink blanket with a swirl design. 84 The trap door popped open knocking Betty down. 46 The Commission emphasizes that it finds no causal connection between the assassination and the breach of regulations which occurred on the night of November twenty-first at Fort Worth. 184 I want my garden to be filled with roses, petunias and passion flowers. 71 We don't do crack. 18 It seems that the bricks of the reliefs were molded and glazed separately and so accurately that when built into the wall they fitted perfectly. 144 Big Top Pee-wee was less successful than its predecessor. 57 the architectural records of the prison end. Nothing much was done at Newgate in the way of building, outside or in, after eighteen sixty-two. 142 I am sure of it. 16 Fold edges of parchment paper over the fish several times to seal into an airtight packet. Place sealed packet onto a baking sheet. 131 White, when taxed with his attempt, admitted that the accusation was true, and spoke "with pride and satisfaction of the practicability of his scheme." 151 The Aliases "Hidell" and "O. H. Lee" 36 I.Q. tests are updated periodically. 36 nine shillings, all in shillings, and no other coin. 52 Music stopped. 14 and others who were present say that no agent was inebriated or acted improperly. 81 They will not try to sell you a particular plan or ask for money to help you. 77 Robson was found guilty, and sentenced to two terms of transportation, one for twenty and one for fourteen years. 113 Half cup vinegar. Two tablespoons prepared mustard. One tablespoon salt. Two pounds beef back ribs. 99 5 athletes wearing white tops and white bottoms are doing a routine for an audience. 84 There were far safer routes via freeways directly to the Trade Mart, 68 way 3 Oh, my God, they have shot my husband. I love you, Jack. 56 with those who made the selection of the first inspectors, and the two gentlemen appointed were probably the most fitted in England to be so employed. 150 He looked very sharp. 21 Our responsibility for the immediate necessities of the unemployed has been met by the Congress 95 After seven weeks in rehab, he emerged sober again and the band returned to the studio to record "Angry Again". 111 She failed in her action. 25 Very well, thanks. 18 Nothing happened till Her Majesty returned to Buckingham Palace about six p.m., when, on descending Constitution Hill, 118 She failed in her action. 25 Robert Edwards said that, while looking at the south side of the Depository Building shortly before the motorcade, 114 or to one industry, or to an individual private occupation. 59 But secret poisoning on a wholesale scale such as was practiced in Italy and France was happily never popularized in England. 125 You rang? 9 Don't worry. 12 as he experienced successive failures in his jobs, in his political activity, and in his personal relationships. 112 amid hisses and sneering inquiries of what he had had to drink that morning. 76 The most recent U.S. government statistics show a marked increase in the yearly number of deaths by drug overdose. 114 The executives falsified financial and other information they provided to a private firm in the course of negotiating the private firm's acquisition of a majority stake in Constellation. 186 Soldiers will also take part in Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape exercises. 83 Chief Curry radioed, quote, Go to the hospital -- Parkland Hospital. Have them stand by, end quote, 99 Two African American makes play their trumpets in a major city with onlookers watching. 87 The Commission recommends that the present arrangements 55 Baker turned to Truly and said, quote, Do you know this man, does he work here? end quote. 90 In this he gave as the motives of his crime a quarrel he had with his master, who threatened to discharge him without a character. 130 A saw is a tool used for making boards. 39 A further development of the Roman letter took place at Venice. 63 All three identified Exhibit Number one forty-three as the revolver taken from Oswald when he was arrested. 107 Without understanding the actual physics, some animals exploit total internal reflection for catching fish. 107 It is the largest performing arts organization in the Chicago Southland, with administrative offices in Park Forest. 116 as excuses for his difficulties in getting along in the world, which were usually caused by entirely different factors. 119 The prison was a nest of abuses, like its neighbor the King's Bench 67 Simone then applied for a scholarship to study at the prestigious Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia. 108 She didn't have the exact address, and it is my recollection that we went to the phone book and looked it up, 109 The crowd outside Newgate on the day of execution has already been described; but there was also a select gathering of distinguished visitors within the jail. 158 information 11 Typing your request. 20 as obtaining clearance of some categories of White House employees and all tradesmen who service the White House, 113 About one hundred feet from the corner the police car pulled up alongside a man on the sidewalk. This man, dressed in a light-colored jacket, approached the car. 161 A cold dip restores health and zest. 36 The city justices had not fulfilled this obligation. 52 The professional theatres employ one thousand one hundred twenty one artists. 77 Christine valued her freedom, and would never deny anyone that privilege. 73 Nine of the structures are "half houses" that are only one room deep with a single pitch roof. 94 selection 9 Background and Possible Motives, Part four. 43 Answer: Yes. Question: And you said it was not a good idea to keep this book? Answer: Yes. 90 Where did you find that apple? 30 She can scoop these things into three red bags, and we will go meet her Wednesday at the train station. 103 This represents a tough game for us. 36 if he wanted me to go then that meant that he didn't love me, and that in that case what was the idea of coming to the United States in the first place. 152 Fourteen people died: thirteen were killed outright, while the death of another man four months later was attributed to his injuries. 133 I'm so angry. 13 The jury is still out. 22 Nor is this goal served when agents remain out until early morning hours, and lose the opportunity to get a reasonable amount of sleep. 135 In nineteen ninety, all members of the group except for Deal moved to Los Angeles. 82 The Exclusive Brethren follow a similar practice to the Open Brethren. 70 designed 8 Twenty-four Sixty-five Hempstead Turnpike, Dover, Delaware, one nine nine seven six. 84 Lights set to eighty percent. 29 Returning to Carlisle, she now heard that her father had been set free, and had gone home to Shrigley, whither they were to follow him. 135 was a mass of blots and erasures, should not have created suspicion of foul play either at the bank or at the company's board. 126 Booster seats and harness vests enhance safety in vehicles. 59 Of the five largest cities in the Netherlands, it has the highest percentage of green area. 91 But I knew better. 18 It was only filled at the periods when the sessions of the Central Criminal Court were in progress; 99 as its signature was dated eighteen twenty-nine, whereas Mrs. Hunt actually died in eighteen oh six. 100 A balding man wearing a red life jacket is sitting in a small boat. 67 Unlike the French crown, the Spanish crowns could all be inherited by, or through, a female in default of a male line. 118 The girl at the booth sold fifty bonds. 39 The service was no longer active by the time M.T.V. launched in nineteen eighty one. 84 A thick ice crust made it impossible to pull the anchor. 56 He will emerge as a world leader. 33 A proviso was also made that the magistrates should continue to exercise full control over the new jail, 104 project 7 Elm Street, the northernmost of the three, after intersecting Houston curves in a southwesterly arc 99 Since the Dallas doctors directed all their efforts to controlling the massive bleeding caused by the head wound, and to reconstructing an airway to his lungs, 159 Pour the stew from the pot into the plate. 42 Doctor Kim dressed the wound with a bandage while looking disappointed at me. 77 Preheat oven to three hundred fifty degrees. 44 The Bureau had no earlier information suggesting that Oswald had left the United States. 88 How then could we proceed to perform the mandate given us? 58 Were a metropolitan prison erected on the same lines, with all the space not only for air and exercise, but for day rooms and sleeping cells 140 upon the rules and discipline therein established with regard to the treatment of unconvicted as well as convicted persons." 124 Wozniak describes his impetus for joining the Freemasons as being able to spend more time with his wife at the time, Alice Robertson. 133 He was taken to the lineup room where, according to Whaley, five young teenagers, all handcuffed together, were displayed with Oswald. 134 A ferry sinks off the coast of Luzon in the Philippines with two hundred fifty-one passengers on board. 103 The helpers might be called navigators, assistors, counselors, connectors, or something similar. 96 Dishonest promoters often are vague about the nature of the investment and focus instead on the money you'll make. 114 There is no universal definition of intelligence, but everyone agrees that the ability of learning belongs to it. 113 Do you have a conference announcement? 38 Real schools, secondary schools giving a general practical education. 69 So, did she meet him? 21 but this had the effect of throwing them into closer contact, and of making them more intimately acquainted with, more directly influential upon, one another. 158 It was reserved for the founders of the later eighteenth century to produce letters which are positively ugly. 110 Joe gagged on the stout gravy. 30 A female toddler in pigtails is trying to climb out of a green and white playpen. 81 As you go through life, make this your goal, watch the doughnut and not the hole. 81 Oh! I was for an amendment all right, but this amendment you proposed is not the kind of amendment that I was thinking about. 125 Security researchers disclose two hardware vulnerabilities, Spectre, which affects most modern processors, and Meltdown, which affects most Intel chips. 152 All received their instructions early in the morning from Capt. P. W. Lawrence of the traffic division. 103 The Commission regards such impromptu stops as presenting an unnecessary danger, 80 Women's membership numbers continue to grow throughout the association. 71 He was also a mathematics teacher in Linz, and an adviser to General Wallenstein. 81 That is not fair at all! 24 He was taken into custody, and removed first to a police cell, thence committed to Newgate, after he had been examined before the Privy Council. 144 Michael opened a browser and navigated to an anonymous search engine. 69 Her hair flowed down her back. 30 Neild gives a list of the various items charged upon a debt of ten pounds, which included instructions to sue, 110 two supporting his body and two his legs. 41 but were the precautions too minute, the vigilance too close to be eluded or overcome? 86 Nowhere during the course of this investigation or the information that came to us from other agencies was there any indication of a potential for violence on his part. 168 hotel 5 through which their long line of ancestors had passed. 54 in its greatest diameter, was treated by cutting away the damaged skin and suturing the back muscle and skin. 109 As they began to decorate the hallway, a silhouette appeared in the doorway. 76 A man and two women posing for a photograph in front of an elaborate looking structure. 87 a notice is placed in that box regardless of whether the name on the package is listed on the application as a person entitled to receive mail through that box. 160 It mainly eats small rodents and has benefitted from the modification of the Australian landscape by agriculture. 113 Preteen girl with blondhair plays with bubbles near a vendor stall in a mall courtyard. 87 The streets are narrow and full of sharp turns. 47 Sweet words work better than fierce. 36 These facts warrant the finding that Lee Harvey Oswald disposed of his jacket as he fled from the scene of the Tippit killing. 126 It's also got the greatest chance of you getting locked in a cellar again. 74 This occurred in November eighteen thirty-four. The Custom House officials were in a state of consternation, 108 Wow, this is a nice table! 26 Those guys are hard to bust since their clan supports them with excellent advocates. 84 The last switch cannot be turned off. 37 Sal is good at running. 23 In each instance, liaison contacts should be developed to include a close friendly relationship, 96 Report of the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy. The Warren Commission Report. By The President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy. 182 I think it was pretty soon after getting back from Belgium. 59 Oswald studied Marxism after he joined the Marines and his sympathies in that direction and for the Soviet Union appear to have been widely known, 146 Machine gun fire awoke the fugitives and sent them into a frenzy. 65 Your route is clear. If you leave now, you'll arrive at six thirty-six P.M. 75 His supervisor admitted, however, 33 You are welcome, I suppose. 27 previous to the execution of Henry Fauntleroy for uttering a forged security 76 Sunny, with a high near twenty-seven degrees. 45 Enactment of this statute would mean that the investigation of any of the acts covered and of the possibility of a further attempt 130 with fifty percent of the people taking it who score less than one hundred. 75 Treatment of Governor Connally 30 Mrs. Connally, too, heard a frightening noise from her right. 61 It was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry by the Library of Congress in two thousand five. 125 Remove pot from heat and leave shrimp steeping in the beer another two to three minutes; drain. Serve immediately. 114 while the criminals stand upon it, by two pieces of timber, which are made to slide in and out of the prison wall through apertures made for that purpose. 154 The green plant owes its power of absorbing the energy of sunlight 66 This shirt was also composed of dark blue, gray- black and orange-yellow cotton fibers. 87 The seventeen-year-old girl gently pushed his hand away as he touched her belly. 80 FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, who strongly supports such legislation, testified that the absence of clear Federal jurisdiction 126 We train and guide state and local public health lab partners. 62 A man sits in a chair while holding a large stuffed animal of a lion. 69 relationship 12 Oswald stated, quote, I am a Marxist, end quote. He also alluded to hardships endured by his mother as a worker, 112 At the Grammies, Bruno Mars wins three of the Big Four awards with Song of the Year, Record of the Year, and Album of the Year. 127 It appears to have been a solitary operation on Oswald's part in spite of his misstatements to the New Orleans police that it had thirty-five members, 150 Report of the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy. The Warren Commission Report. By The President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy. 182 One of them went into his cell just at dinner-time; 51 A bike rider wearing a red shirt and black shorts is attended to by city workers. 81 his lies to Agent Quigley, his recent visit to Mexico City -- indicated that Oswald was capable of violence. 108 The housemaid suggested that they should see if his lordship was all right, and the three went to his bedroom. 110 John Lennon and Paul McCartney are two famous members of the Beatles. 69 Mm-hmm. 7 The number of judges to be appointed would depend wholly on the decision of present judges now over seventy, 108 She's pretty. 13 Libraries also were not uniformly open to the public. 53 and this particular official took excellent care to select as residents for his own ward those most suitable from his own point of view. 136 firing it, with ten rounds. 27 he confessed that his whole life had been a gigantic mistake, and he was ready to make what atonement he could. 111 The separate Air Wing was established in nineteen eighty six as use of aviation assets grew in the war on drugs. 112 greet the President of the United States with the warmth and pride that keep the Dallas spirit famous the world over, end quote, 128 The third well draws water from a deep aquifer but will be unable to supply Spring Park with enough water on a long-term basis. 127 They spent two more days in Berlin before heading to Prague for a conference. 77 That's also true for reloadable cards like MoneyPak, Reloadit or Vanilla. 73 Tidal forces affect the entire earth, but the movement of solid Earth occurs by mere centimeters. 97 Have yourself called on biscuit mornings an hour earlier than usual. 68 The Orchestra previously performed the concert series at the Center for Performing Arts at Governors State University. 118 I'll take it. 13 Nelson Mandela was President of South Africa for five years. 60 The technology is described in U.S. patent five eight three five seven one two. 79 Stuckey thought that Oswald acted very much as would a young attorney. 70 the pump was the only provision, and this in a place within sight of visitors, of the windows of the male turnkeys, and unprotected from the weather. 149 Also the Department requests the sum of one hundred thousand dollars to conduct a detailed feasibility study; 109 interest 8 Their testimony is of probative value, however, because their limited description is consistent with that of the man who has been found by the Commission, 154 According to Wolfram Alpha, the population of Canada is thirty-five point three million. 88 and there were as many as three hundred and fifty prisoners in at one time. 75 because the variations possible preclude effective planning. 60 Here's what those scams look like - and what you can do about them. 67 For the refugees, the return will not come a moment too soon. 61 R. S. Stovall, and G. F. Rose obtained a search warrant and examined Oswald's effects in the Paine garage. 106 I don't believe you! 20 Can you imagine something more beautiful than a plastic bag swooping and floating in a breeze? 94 One of the largest and most famous Dutch diamond merchants, Mozes Coster, was employed for the task. 100 The cable doesn't end in the wall plug, but it goes all the way to the power plant. 83 Major League Soccer announces that Nashville has been selected to host a new M.L.S. franchise. 94 Until recently, she worked as a recruitment consultant in London. 65 Four people wearing Chicago Cubs shirts are wearing paper bags on their heads that spell out Cubs. 98 The first books were printed in black letter, i.e. the letter which was a Gothic development of the ancient Roman character. 124 Scam artists often use news stories about the success of legitimate companies as bait by claiming that their "opportunity" is similar to that of a "hot" money-maker. 165 Parchment Baked Salmon 22 as Oswald went on to say. In Oswald's imagination, quote, 57 her hair was dressed in long crepe bands. She had lace ruffles at her wrist, and wore primrose-colored kid gloves. 114 An error occurred while updating my skills. 43 The straw nest housed five robins. 34 We recognise the important role of golf in attracting visitors. 63 Terracotta Sighing. 19 Little is known of Eleanor's involvement in these events. 57 The platform patch was successful. My update is underway and can take up to an hour to complete. Thank you for your patience. 125 Do you have any suspicions as to who they might be? 51 unemployment, automation, and the use of military forces to suppress other populations. 87 C.S. Lewis is the author of The Chronicles of Narnia series. 60 Always look before you leap. 28 Daily supervision of the operations of the Secret Service within the Department of the Treasury should be improved. 115 Francis had already been seized by a policeman named Trounce, who saw his movement with the pistol, but too late to prevent its discharge. 138 A business that loses the confidence of its customers and the goodwill of the public cannot long continue to be a good risk for the investor. 141 These checks are regularly repeated and must be continually passed for anyone to continue holding the gun licence. 114 The train leaves at nine sixteen and makes stops at ten oh two, eleven twenty, and twelve noon. 95 thirty-five tried and thirty-seven untried. Of the former, three were transports for life, 90 The total amount was never exactly made out, but the false stock created and issued by him was estimated at two hundred twenty thousand pounds. 143 with which we have been concerned for two years. 48 Absence of embellishment is in perfect unison with the character of the establishment. 86 Anything is possible in football and we can beat Celtic again. 62 While the facts of his defection had become known in New Orleans as a result of his radio debate with Bringuier, 112 Some have accepted it as a miracle without physical explanation. 64 has confidence in the dedicated Secret Service men who are ready to lay down their lives for him 96 This reply of his contained no promise of immediate release. 60 The Chinook is a medium to heavy lift helicopter capable of transporting Special Forces teams long distances. 109 However, the players should have a voice in these matters. 58 Happiness is taking part in the struggle, where there is no borderline between one's own personal world, and the world in general. 130 Around fifty two thousand Vietnamese civilians moved from south to north. 73 Her husband, to whom she coolly confided her intention, 55 A semi-transparent overlay promoted the beta version of an Android app. 71 It will also have the responsibility of determining work payments in various localities, 88 A lady in a black top with glasses is sprinkling powdered sugar on a bundt cake. 80 They began dating and they married in the spring of nineteen forty two. 71 their especial care. 20 In that year, Albert Henry of the Cook Islands Party was elected as the first Premier. 86 is a twin turbine engine, single rotor, semi-monocoque fuselage helicopter. 75 Pizza is an Italian classic. 28 (old exchange rate) in addition to his factory salary of approximately equal amount 83 To the last, therefore, he played the part of a man wrongfully convicted, and did not abandon hope 98 Is he a drug dealer? 20 Among other identification cards in Oswald's wallet at the time of his arrest were a Selective Service notice of classification, 128 Ingested plastic can displace food in an animal's stomach and may lead to starvation. 85 The men who were doomed often fell down in convulsions upon the floor. 70 Raw oysters and other seafood can be used in making kimchi to improve and vary the flavor. 90 The roots of plants direct themselves toward moisture and their leaves toward air and light. 92 Mr. Oxenford having denied that he had made any transfer of stock, the matter was at once put into the hands of the police. 123 It was perpetrated upon a respectable country solicitor, 56 In nineteen seventy three, Public Law ninety-three forty-three authorized the transfer of eighty-two national cemeteries from the Department of the Army to the Veterans Administration. 184 Inside, you'll find photographs and a brief synopsis of the item's history. 75 he took the position that the Communist Party officials in the Soviet Union were opportunists who were betraying their positions for personal gain. 147 until Oswald had been knocked to the floor by McDonald and the others. 70 The drawing was covered with fresh plaster for making the fresco. 65 On several occasions when the Vice President's car was slowed down by the throng, Special Agent Youngblood stepped out to hold the crowd back. 142 It depends on the internal discussions in the Ministry of Defence. 66 The Fundamentals of Caring is a twenty sixteen comedy-drama film written and directed by Rob Burnett. 101 The U.S.A. and many other countries of the world have their independence day in July. 85 The parliament passed a unilateral resolution declaring independence. 69 Heinlein found another publisher, feeling himself released from the constraints of writing novels for children. 111 Several bridges named London Bridge have spanned the River Thames between the City of London and Southwark, in central London. 126 Agency scientists, and their colleagues who use NASA research capabilities, also will present noteworthy findings during scientific sessions that are open to registered media. 175 Pure bred poodles have curls. 29 My brother is performing tonight. 33 In the end this led to the second sacking of the city. 54 A construction worker in a neon vest is working with electrical equipment while sparks fly. 91 At approximately nine p.m., after the children had been put to bed, Mrs. Paine, according to her testimony before the Commission, quote, 136 The measures of improvement introduced were mainly as follows: 62 Have you played chess? 22 create 6 Do you think so? 16 A man wearing a heave green work jacket and orange ear protectors is smiling at the camera. 91 Wainwright's demeanor was one of reckless effrontery steadily maintained to the last. 85 These were the missing members of the same mutilated trunk, 59 Oh, what is it? 15 accosted Oswald on the way home from school and punched him in the mouth, making his lip bleed and loosening a tooth. 117 Throw out the used paper cup and plate. 39 when he left school in order to get into the Coast Guard. Since his mother did not approve of his decision to continue school 125 Internationally 15 A man is crossing the street and in the distance you can see a building under construction. 91 Starting audio recording for thirty seconds. 44 Post Office Box two nine one five, Dallas, Texas, on March twenty, nineteen sixty-three. 88 have made it difficult for the Treasury to maintain close and continuing supervision. 85 No-one has appeared in court in relation to her death. 54 The National Park Service began to kill or remove all sheep remaining in order to prevent overgrazing of the island's vegetation. 129 The debtors were crowded almost inconceivably. In a space twenty feet long by six wide, 87 In January, sixteen twenty two, James dissolved Parliament, angry at what he perceived as the members' impudence and intransigence. 131 Yoga in Indian traditions, however, is more than physical exercise; it has a meditative and spiritual core. 107 The Mannings were arraigned together; the husband standing at one of the front corners of the dock, his wife at the other end. 126 from a tower at three silhouette targets at distances of one hundred seventy-five, two hundred forty, and two hundred sixty-five feet. 134 with national power, intended as they said, "to form a more perfect union 73 Two men barbecuing on the grill with a little girl playing in background. 73 It makes no use of the recent developments in automatic data processing which are widely used in the business world and in other Government offices. 148 A little boy skateboarder is doing a trick on his board while another young skateboarder watches. 97 I find crumpets totally repulsive and disgusting. 49 There is evidence for one to three distinct pulses, or phases, of extinction. 77 Torn scraps littered the stone floor. 37 securing the roof and insuring the presence of numerous police officers inside and around the building. 103 She felt like a weakling in comparison to her newborn daughter. 63 was a blind man named Edwards, who had taken this house in York Street, and who was known to be a frequent visitor at Mrs. Canning's. 133 A one rotor version was available. 34 And when interrogated about a cab ride, Oswald also admitted that he left the slow-moving bus and took a cab to his roominghouse. 129 Everyone has once heard of the chicken-egg-problem. 51 Five minutes later, the home team were back in front. 53 C'mon, we need to turn on our G.P.S. so we don't end up in the middle of nowhere. 81 Have you met Catherine? 23 Be skeptical. 13 The D.F.A test can be run only on fresh brain tissue samples that have been kept cold, which can be difficult in areas without reliable electricity. 148 but upon this forged and false conveyance William Roupell, who had already embarked upon a career of wild extravagance, 119 May I have your name and address please? 40 by his identification by Cope in Westminster Hospital, who survived long enough to make a formal deposition before Mr. Jardine, 127 and subsequently, after this conversation, my father came in and we were kind of arguing back and forth about the situation, and my father came in the room, 156 Possibly such changes may be introduced into the method of execution 68 By the same forcible means I was compelled to quit England, and to trust myself to the protection of this person, 113 May have been used to carry gun. Lt. J. C. Day, end quote. 58 When are we leaving for the party? 34 This, however, is probably not a source of vital energy, but only contributes to the maintenance of the body temperature. 121 Two men wearing orange safety jackets working on repairing electrical lines in the tunnel underground. 102 On the basis of these findings, Dr. Carrico concluded that President Kennedy was still alive. 93 He was covered with soot from head to foot. 43 In his quaint way he says: 26 The court was, however, prepared to consider Lord John Russell's proposal with regard to the cost of rebuilding; 112 In turn these will be compared for the animal and the plant, 60 The young kid jumped the rusty gate. 36 A field with some Scottish marching bands and many spectators sitting on the stadium behind. 92 I hope that you have re-read the Constitution of the United States in these past few weeks. 91 Chicks are fully fledged within five weeks of hatching and can hunt for mice within a week of leaving the nest. 111 but his despair must have been great, as was evident from his attempt to strangle himself in the station-house. 111 A large group of middleschool aged children with backpacks, walking on a paved hillside pathway. 96 I'll be back in a minute. 25 At the New Prison, Clerkenwell, which had become the principal reception jail of Middlesex, and so took all the untried, 120 O.K. 4 It was not likely that a system which left innocent men -- for the great bulk of new arrivals were still untried 112 he was "toed," that is to say, a string was fastened to his big toe while he was asleep, and he was dragged from off his mat, 125 These events were a turning point in Gandhi's life and shaped his social activism and awakened him to social injustice. 119 This court has made an order which has not been observed. 57 Teens use social media for romance too. 39 Did you try any Japanese food while you were there. 51 In nineteen ninety seven, the North West Cambridgeshire constituency was formed. 80 Much of the story makes good sense. 35 Betty was surprised. 20 Scrod swim off cold shores. 27 Fortune attend you! 19 through 7 to undertake some kind of reform. 33 Under this bar at a proper distance is a piece of flooring or platform, 71 When he reached a gasoline service station one block away he turned north and walked toward a parking area in the rear of the station. 134 Man proposes, God disposes. 27 Then, suddenly, they weren't. 29 can lead to lapses in protection, such as the confusion in Dallas about whether members of the public were permitted on overpasses. 131 there suddenly appeared upon the wall an armless hand. 54 To learn even more, we share information with other countries, private sector organizations, academic institutions, and other agencies. 135 The above action should be taken without delay in order to attempt to verify the information and no evaluation of the information should be attempted. 150 That is one possibility, but we would both prefer it did not happen. 68 Marina Oswald also testified that her husband had used a bus to return home. 76 list 4 The whole of these seventeen had, however, a common airing-yard, and took their exercise there at the same time, 112 Two older children hold the hands of a younger child in goggles while jumping into a pool. 90 it became too difficult to wash by hand. 40 After the dance, they went straight home. 41 The Pueblo of Laguna has elected to manage the project using a design-build contract for their new school utilizing an amendment to their existing education grant. 163 By checking the actual mailing dates of these issues and the time it usually takes to effect delivery to Dallas, 112 and unwilling to answer questions regarding his motive for going to the Soviet Union. 85 In some cases monarchs are dependent on other powers. 53 Whitings are small fish caught in nets. 39 the erection of a wing or large block of cells was commenced within the original walls of the prison, and upon the north or male side. 134 They were playing ping-pong to the rhythm of punk rock. 55 It snowed, rained, and hailed the same morning. 47 Letters received by Marina Oswald from her husband signed "Alek" were given to the Commission. 94 Don't believe your caller ID. 29 Livingstone later died in Zambia in eighteen seventy three. 59 Not all car seats are approved for use in airplanes. 52 The peak of this mountain is over two thousand meters above sea level. 70 Quantities of antimony were found in the body after death. 58 with respect to industry and business, but nearly all are agreed that private enterprise in times such as these 111 A suggestion that Oswald hated more than just capitalism and communism 70 In deciding whether Oswald carried the assassination weapon in the bag which Frazier and Mrs. Randle saw, 105 who were immediately responsible for the President's safety reacted promptly at the time the shots were fired. 110 Under "Pathological Diagnosis" the cause of death was set forth as "Gunshot wound, head." 89 No prison dress was allowed; no reception-room was provided, no soap, towels, or baths. 87 matters went on after the eighteen sixty-five Act much the same as they had done before. Districts differed greatly in the attention they paid to prison affairs. 161 the forms of printed letters should be beautiful, and that their arrangement on the page should be reasonable and a help to the shapeliness of the letters themselves. 166 The necessary preliminaries took some time, but the contracts for the new building were completed in eighteen forty-nine, when the works were commenced. 152 Each gram of fat when burned or metabolized releases about nine food calories. 78 was thrown away after the box was closed in May nineteen sixty-three. 69 This biscuit is yummy. 22 Question: This is the Quigley interview you are talking about? 62 Holmes reminded Oswald that A. J. Hidell was listed on post office box three zero zero six one, New Orleans, 108 Three pairs of differentcolored underwear hanging from a clothesline with people and cars in the background 107 The gold ring fits only a pierced ear. 38 Seventy-eight Doctor Martin Luther King Junior Boulevard, Minneapolis, Minnesota. 81 They are even better when cold than hot. 40 Couple of small bugs, but it gets from one place to another. 60 The strategy we have recommended is elaborate, even as presented here very briefly. 83 Equation 5 does not include translation which the text suggests it does. 72 De Mohrenschildt admitted that, quote, 38 and to give to all a feeling of security as they look toward old age. 69 He afterward affirms that nitrogen is peculiar to animals, and herein he places the third distinction between the animal and the plant. 135 On the other hand, it is urged that all features of the protection of the President and his family should be committed to an elite and independent corps. 153 He had met her at a boarding-house, where he lived with his own wife, a person of "shady" antecedents, 102 Cowboys used to train badgers to help them herd cattle. 55 The strutting fox squashed the frightened chick. 48 Thick haze enshrouded the hostile valley. 41 This was an important step, and they might easily be robbed some day when Burgess was the guard, provided only that they could be opened. 137 It's a dense crowd in two distinct ways. 40 She testified that he threatened to beat her if she did not do so. The chapter had never been chartered by the national FPCC organization. 138 Joseph usually avoids the pistachio fudge. 42 He rebuilt Babylon that in accordance with the ancient custom he might be crowned in the sacred city. 101 The ceiling collapsed inwards. 30 On the evening of November twenty-two, 38 A child is splashing in a children 's pool while other children are playing in the background 93 The Libyan National Army comprises a ground army, an air force and a navy. 74 apparently will loop through the downtown area, probably on Main Street, 72 The total potential value is approximately one point two billion dollars. 73 The crimes of these inhuman purveyors to medical science do not fall within the limits of this work. 100 It made the subject of the newly-invented tread-wheels, or stepping-wheels, as they were at first called, its peculiar affair, 126 Pages bound in cloth make a book. 33 The type of information that is forgotten can be very specific, like a single event, or more general, resembling generic amnesia. 129 Although Oswald could possibly have been motivated in part by his sympathy for the Castro government, 101 The wardsman still exacted dues, of which more directly, 56 For instance, the lead car always is manned by Secret Service agents familiar with the area and with local law enforcement officials; 133 Pilgrim, Bond, and Clamp, had refused to give evidence before the House of Commons' Committee; a Speaker's warrant was issued for their arrest when they absconded. 163 Women saw men if they merely pretended to be wives; even boys were visited by their sweethearts. 96 The suspect was described as a, quote, 38 The kitten chased the dog down the street. 42 Here are the top local stories for Lawrence, Kansas. 52 It was not until he left the bus, and walked up by the Regent's Canal, that he conceived the idea of throwing the head into the water. 134 who had poisoned his master and many of his dependents. 55 He was my big brother, my father, my grandfather. 49 Archers, whether on foot, in chariots, or on horseback were a major part of most militaries until about fifteen hundred when they began to be replaced by firearms. 163 projecting somewhat beyond the range of the iron bar, and swinging upon hinges affixed to the wall. 99 What can I do for you? 22 it is unlikely that a reasoning person would plan to attempt to travel from Dallas, Texas to Cuba 97 It is only fair to Mr. Cotton to add that, according to his own journal, he was unremitting in his attentions to convicts who were actually cast for death, 155 Tuesday, February tenth, nineteen eighty-one. 45 Players are not allowed to touch the ball with their hands or arms while it is in play, unless they are goalkeepers. 116 He said it was in Japan that he made up his mind to go to Russia 64 But the peer rushed forward and shook Redpath warmly by the hand. 65 Williams, and May had been concerned in the transaction. 56 A motorcyclist is riding their sponsored car along a roadway that has recently turned. 86 Latin American Focus, end quote, 32 One morning in May his lordship was found dead in his bed with his throat cut. 78 There was an accident at work, a camel stampede nearly killed the janitor. 74 At the rear on each side of the automobile were small running boards, each designed to hold a Secret Service agent, 115 We cannot forget that farce. 28 NASA has selected InuTeq L.L.C. of Beltsville, Maryland, to provide world-class, high-performance computing to all NASA missions in support of mission-driven science and engineering. 182 A young black person wearing a green shirt and a jacket using a sewing machine. 79 Budget: seven point two billion dollars. 40 At several points we asked: Who has the responsibility for defending us at home? 80 An example of one is Tron. 26 Nintendo, Sega, and other companies declined. 45 Jails, of which the old prison at Reading was a specimen, were still left intact. 81 the first-born son of Nabopolassar, King of Babylon, am I. 58 While in accordance with its mandate 36 was able to determine that, this picture was taken with the Imperial Reflex camera owned by Lee Harvey Oswald. 110 However, the World Health Organization and the World Organization for Animal Health are considering adding PCR-based tests for primary diagnosis. 145 Since then, rising gasoline prices and growing concern about carbon pollution have helped make the Prius the best-selling hybrid worldwide during the past decade. 162 Between the end of World War Two and nineteen sixty six, one fifth of all single-family residences built were financed by the G.I. Bill for either World War Two or Korean War Veterans. 184 while the other two were left to go down in the ship, and were seen clinging to the tops until the waters closed over them. 123 A little girl is holding flowers in her right hand while examining others in her left hand. 91 and of their demeanor after sentence until the last penalty was paid. 69 Few social agencies even in New York were equipped to provide the kind of intensive treatment that he needed, 109 Since then, more than one hundred ten million Americans have been participants in B.S.A. programs. 98 me 2 The chaplain's duties were enlarged, and the principle of toleration accepted to the extent of securing to all prisoners 120 In the preceding chapter I have been tempted by the importance of the general question to give it prominence and precedence over the particular branch of which I am treating. 174 Costs were the gallons of sack to the pennyworth of debt. 57 Contractility is the fundamental condition of locomotion. 57 Since the vestibule door is only a few feet from the lunchroom door, the man must have entered the vestibule only a second or two before Baker arrived at the top of the stairwell. 179 A man on a motorcycle without a shirt and another man standing under shade. 75 I am a building manager. Follow me, officer, and I will show you, end quote. 76 they gave to the Congress the ample broad powers "to levy taxes 63 Wrap bowl and biscuit in a thick cloth and set to rise where it will neither become chilled nor sour over night. 112 Lee had apparently been experiencing similar problems before going to New York, 79 Propane is a simple asphyxiant. 31 High seats are best for football fans. 38 Oddity rather than rational beauty and meaning being apparently the thing sought for both in the letters and the illustrations. 127 More recently, Special Forces Soldiers have trained foreign governments to deal with drug warlords and traffickers as well as the growing threat of terrorist groups within their borders. 186 The city was recovered soon after. 34 That is one possibility, but we would both prefer it did not happen. 68 She pointed to the blanket which was on the floor very close to where Ruth Paine was standing. 94 He took possession of the diocese on January eleventh, nineteen fifty nine. 75 A kayaker wearing a blue wetsuit and black helmet paddles his yellow kayak in murky rolling rapids. 99 As she watched, the cat washed his ears and then settled down to sleep. 71 Did you see it? 15 local 5 That fact was made precisely clear in subsequent news stories on November nineteen, twenty, and twenty-two. 107 In January nineteen sixty-four, Marina Oswald and her business manager, James Martin, 85 The Fundamentals of Caring is a twenty sixteen comedy-drama film written and directed by Rob Burnett. 101 Special forces communications sergeants can operate every kind of communications gear, from encrypted satellite communications systems to old-style high-frequency Morse key systems. 181 Four. Loose fill fiberglass insulation. 39 This want of uniformity in prison discipline became ere long an acknowledged evil pressing for some remedy, 107 Calibration complete. 21 and when these presented themselves, entrusted them as a beginning with the duty of cashing cheques. 100 She said, quote, 16 executive director of the Information Council of the Americas, who also appeared on the program. 96 His job was not advertised. 27 International Business Machines Corporation, and a panel of psychiatric and psychological experts. 98 They were initially served by steamship ferries, bringing passengers and goods to and from Seattle. 99 Those who have attained this goal are called "saints". 54 The average person almost always loses. 39 Swans fly through the sky in graceful vees. 43 At this point in the interview, Hosty gave Mrs. Paine his name and office telephone number on a piece of paper. 111 at Appleby for thirteen years, at Anglesea for fifteen years, at Exeter for sixteen years, and at Pembroke 106 Nevertheless a committee of the House of Commons was appointed in eighteen thirty-one to report upon the whole system of secondary punishments, 143 but no steps were taken to prevent any prisoner from obtaining more if he could pay for it. 91 How can I help you madam? 25 The suicidal teenager slashed her wrist with a shard of glass. 62 Some overhung the road to form a dark tunnel through which all traffic had to pass. 83 where he boarded a bus which was heading back in the direction of the Depository Building, on its way to the Oak Cliff section of Dallas. 137 The alarm has been turned off. 30 north 5 imitates a much freer hand, simpler, rounder, and less spiky, and therefore far pleasanter and easier to read. 110 you 3 She saw a cat in the neighbor's house. 38 Hm, that does seem difficult. 29 Why was that? 13 These he felt were completely unverifiable through empirical demonstration and logical analysis. 96 Sounds legitimate. 18 Sorry, the lights do not seem to be responding. 47 That death strained the financial fortunes of the remainder of the Oswald family. 81 If the law of this country can receive such a sacrifice, my death will render to heaven an innocent man, and to earth a repentant sinner. 137 Even so severe a critic as Mr. Wakefield states that "a stranger to the scene 77 performance 11 It is promoted and broadcast by the Capital network. 52 3 safety jacket clad Construction workers appear to be poking something interesting with their shovels. 103 The trunk of a statue. 22 Players mainly use their feet to strike or pass the ball. 57 Turning to more fundamental resemblances, such as the wing of a bat and the wing of a bird, 91 one of which is able to affect the other by means of the communication so established. 86 Denise hoovered the rug. 24 The play began as soon as we sat down. 38 Japanese teachers are better trained than their Chinese counterparts. 69 we must make it a national principle that we will not tolerate a large army of unemployed and that we will arrange our national economy 135 While in the Soviet Union he wrote his longest and clearest piece of work, "The Collective." 92 That guy is the writer of a few banned books. 45 None of the foregoing attempts were, however, so dastardly or determined as that made by Oxford upon our present gracious Queen 127 After all, when will all your foolishness come to an end? All of these comedies. First one thing and then another. And now this fictitious name, end quote. 155 As for my return entrance visa please consider it separately. End quote. 72 He initiated support of distance learning and involvement in genomics. 70 Mrs. Bledsoe told him, quote, I am not going to rent to you any more, end quote, 80 Since its re-establishment in eighteen fourteen, Holland had always had two King's Commissioners, one for the north and one for the south. 138 On November eighteen the Dallas City Council adopted a new city ordinance prohibiting interference with attendance at lawful assemblies. 136 Then would come the long course of ratification by three-fourths of all the states. 83 Instruments included in a typical reggae horn section include saxophone, trumpet or trombone. 93 While the varying conditions of social life thus brought about many changes in the character of offenses against property, 122 The cake is a lie. 18 The veil was lifted from his private life, and he was accused of persistent immorality. 87 The Corporation owned lands there covering from nineteen to twenty acres. 73 where 5 At twelve:forty-five p.m. the dispatcher ordered Number seventy-eight (Tippit) to, quote, move into central Oak Cliff area, end quote. 134 Children drive colorful play cars at an amusement park with a little help from some adults. 91 What heaven sends must be agreed! 33 There are more than two hundred thirty four thousand plug-in electric vehicles and three point three million hybrids on the road in the U.S. today. 147 I don't like it. 16 Led by Lori Glaze at Goddard, the mission concept will further develop the Venus Element and Mineralogy Camera to operate under the harsh conditions on Venus. 158 On October third, twenty fourteen it was announced that the album will arrive courtesy of a new deal with Warner Brothers. 122 The old notion always prevailed that Newgate was impregnable, so to speak, from within, 87 There are many official public holidays in South Korea. 55 onto the Stemmons Freeway. 26 Raise the sail and steer the ship northward. 44 An elderly AfricanAmerican man in a yellow shirt is standing in front of an information stand. 94 Baked earth. 12 This was verified by Admiral Burkley, the President's physician, who arrived at the hospital after emergency treatment was underway and concluded that, quote, 158 to a particular part of the country. These were the files reviewed by PRS on November eight, nineteen sixty-three, 114 He directed the driver of the car to a point twenty feet north of the northwest corner of the intersection of Beckley and Neely 127 and eventually lodged in Bethlehem Hospital, where she died after forty years' detention, at the advanced age of one hundred. 125 A crowd watches from the background as a young male sits atop a round shaped water fountain. 92 We have an election in eight days. 34 This parachute is specially designed for H.A.L.O. jumps and can function reliably in severe environmental conditions. 117 The door was barred, locked, and bolted as well. 48 by putting arsenic in the dumplings she had prepared for them. The charge rested entirely on circumstantial evidence, 117 and their houses shall be full of doleful creatures, and owls shall dwell there, and satyrs shall dance there, 110 It's kinda weird. 17 two Dallas officials informed members of the President's start that the body could not be removed from the city until an autopsy was performed. 143 Directly the foregoing facts were established, a couple of detective officers, armed with a warrant to arrest Müller, 117 A couple show their affection on an escalator by embracing and kissing one another. 83 Take a chance. 14 They sculpted a directional spoon from lodestone in such a way that the handle of the spoon always pointed south. 113 It is fantastic that other women will be able to benefit. 57 It was not strange, therefore, that the inmates of Newgate should turn their unoccupied brains and idle hands to all manner of mischief; 136 without 7 our 3 It is not long term, but I need time to recover. 48 Ted Callaway, who saw the gunman moments after the shooting, testified that Commission Exhibit Number one sixty-two 115 That is not his mailbox. 24 The fee for admission to the state side, as fixed by the table of fees, was three guineas, but Mr. Newman declared that he never took more than two. 148 Neither Marina Oswald nor Ruth Paine saw Oswald in the garage. 62 Before sentence a prisoner has only to observe the regulations of the jail in order to remain neglected and unnoticed. 118 south on Houston, and southwest across the Houston viaduct to service the Oak Cliff area along Marsalis. 104 You are welcome, I suppose. 27 The change took effect March fifteenth, nineteen eighty nine, and administrative changes occurred at all levels. 112 After the five bodies had hung for half-an-hour, a man in a mask came forward to complete the sentence. 103 and his connection with them is confirmed by that devotion and generosity towards their paramours in adversity for which these otherwise degraded women are remarkable. 167 that the motorcade was coming up Main Street, quote, where maybe I could watch it if I had a chance, end quote. 111 That the administration of justice should never be interfered with by local prejudice or local feeling 102 Barbara Jeanette Davis assumed that he was emptying his gun as, quote, he had it open and was shaking it, end quote. She immediately called the police. 151 Lord Abinger sentenced him to eighteen months' imprisonment in Newgate, 71 While the police work of the Dallas authorities in the early identification and apprehension of Oswald was both efficient and prompt, 133 group 5 As they watched the waves crashing into each other, Alice thought of home. 74 I'm not sure about the exact answer, but here are some results from the web: 76 Great braggers, little doers. 29 opportunity 11 While in Japan, Oswald's new found apparent self confidence and pugnaciousness 78 By nineteen twelve, the gasoline car cost only six hundred fifty dollars, while an electric roadster sold for seventeen hundred fifty dollars. 142 Two women are standing amidst kitchen appliances and under a sign that says KitchenAid. 88 sometimes in the Strand, or the West End. 41 Of course I do! 15 It is now established that nitrogen is as essential a constituent of vegetable as of animal living matter and that the latter is, chemically speaking, just as complicated as the former. 185 democratic socializing of production, and without regard to the twisting apart of Marxism Marxist Communism by other powers. 124 In August of nineteen sixty-three, he gave the New Orleans police as a reason for refusing to permit his family to learn English, 129 then 4 One of the turnkeys rushed forward and pushed him off. 54 It correctly identified all D.F.A. positive samples as positive. 64 Document examiners for the Treasury Department and the FBI testified unequivocally 82 The first national home opened November first, eighteen sixty six, near Augusta, Maine. 87 Where is my dress? 18 The allowance of food was not illiberal, 40 requesting information on how to subscribe to Russian newspapers and magazines and asked for, quote, 100 Had I told thee, rejoined the other, "what I was bent on doing, thou wouldst not have suffered it; 98 Always use a C.R.S. when driving to and from the airport. 57 So many people came out with their sweatshirts, blankets and hats that very cold November night. 96 Who is the enemy? 17 S T. W. two inch BBL, unquote, cost twenty-nine dollars, ninety-five cents. 75 The earliest printed documents in date from the end of the sixteenth century. 77 The two planets also have other subtle but important differences. 65 Will you please answer that phone. 34 The U.S. government has no charges or complaints against me. 60 In the houses opposite the prison numbers of detectives mixed with the spectators; 82 Scientists observe the sun, moon, planets and selected stars, determine and precisely measure the time, and publish astronomical data needed for accurate navigation. 165 Our scientists collect and analyze data to determine how threats to health affect specific populations. 103 to be subjected to the same baneful influences, and to suffer the same moral deterioration, whether ultimately convicted or set free. 133 Identification was effected through breech face marks and firing pin marks. 75 Is there anything else I can help you with? 43 Quigley advised Knack of his interview and gave him a detailed memorandum. 74 Most medical discount plans are a membership in a "club" that claims to offer reduced prices from certain doctors, certain pharmacies, and on some procedures. 158 The governor sent down wine on festive occasions, of which no doubt the prisoner housemaid had her share. 105 index 5 Use as directed. Do not use on animal bites. 44 The loss of a company to the industry is a blow. 48 A serious accident: one of the prisoners had a hot poker run into his eye. 74 Overall, grants help us achieve our overall mission: protect human health and the environment. 94 I thought I saw him with Ahmed. 31 An i.O.S. version was released on December eighth, twenty eleven. 65 But Newgate and its neighborhood was carefully held by the police, both city and metropolitan. 94 Pro Bowl linebacker Keena Turner was also a major defensive weapon, recording two sacks and four interceptions for fifty one yards. 131 Young England, which Oxford had evolved out of his own inflated self-conceit, and which had never any real corporeal existence. 127 The former will grow down into roots, the latter grow up into the stem and leaves of a vigorous bean-plant. 107 Members of the Commons are elected; those in the Lords are not. 63 Facilities in ten additional locations in the U.S. 50 but I indulge a hope that many of them will contract with the counties, 71 and lodged men like Cole, Robson, and Redpath in Newgate. 57 The Emergency Conservation Work Act was introduced to Congress the same day and enacted by voice vote on March thirty first. 124 On that day, he suggested that we rent an apartment in Dallas. 62 Promoters of alternative investment and money-making opportunities sometimes make their deals seem like a sure thing. 117 request 7 Mrs. Paine told Hosty also 26 Thus, ice clouds are key variables in weather and climate models. 65 When he came to the prison for his wages his grandchildren often accompanied him, affectionately clinging to his hands; 119 It is anomalous that Congress has legislated in other ways touching upon the safety of the Chief Executive or other Federal officers, 133 A small girl dressed in yellow wearing flipflops climbing onto red playground equipment. 88 Maria is bringing her friend Walter. 36 and that he continued to receive inquiries through his post office box which he endeavored, quote, to keep answering to the best of my ability, end quote. 154 so that the culprit, in addition to his sentence, 49 On Tarpey's defense it was stated that the idea of the theft had been suggested to him by a novel, at a time he had lost largely on the turf. 141 On the basis of the date and time on the transfer, McWatters was able to testify that the transfer had been issued by him 121 and the old clerk lifts up his cracked voice, saying, 'Let us sing to the praise and glory of God.' 99 said with justice that "incredible scenes of horror occur in Newgate." 70 First she was moaning, then coughing and eventually her ventilation collapsed. 78 although in many instances documentary or other evidence has also been used by the Commission. 94 This Teacher Appreciation Week, we want to thank all educators that are helping to create a brighter future on our planet. 122 Found preserved in volcanic ash in Tanzania, they are the earliest record of bipedal gait. 90 leaping down from his throne he exclaimed aloud and asked Zopyrus who it was that had disfigured him, and what he had done to be so treated. 140 It peaked at number nine on the Hot one hundred. 48 Go iceskating and build a bon fire below all the swaying trees. 63 It was exactly four months away. 32 These informal and part-time arrangements led to more systematic protection in nineteen oh two, after the assassination of President McKinley; 142 Preheat oven to three hundred seventy five degrees. 51 Would you please take a look at it? 35 to the exclusion of all others because there are not enough microscopic characteristics present in fibers. 106 Here's what those scams look like - and what you can do about them. 67 Heath Hall, the acting Federal Railroad Administration chief, resigns over a report that he has a second job in Madison County, Mississippi. 140 I'll cough a bit for you. 25 At the time of their building, the walls were thought to be impenetrable. 73 Here in the valley the water is sweet and the food abundant. 60 Over time, Special Forces have been used to assist nations, especially during the Cold War, to prevent the spread of Communism. 127 (which is responsible for advising the President respecting the coordination 76 It seems I'm not connected to the Internet. 43 Do not spur a free horse. 25 It is very simple and legible, and unaffectedly designed for use; but it is by no means without beauty. 103 Suddenly, after being at the lowest depths, he emerged, and was found by his friends living in comfort in the Waterloo Road. 124 Recording audio for twenty seconds. 35 The earliest book printed with movable type, the aforesaid Gutenberg Bible, is printed in letters which are an exact imitation 126 Entering this area is forbidden without stroking the owner's cat first. 71 She sewed the torn coat quite neatly. 37 Such instructions will not fit all circumstances, of course, 60 A Mr. Lundy, charged with forgery, was thus accommodated on the state side for upwards of five years. 101 In performance, that quality can prove to be a challenge. 57 communication 13 William was brought up as an attorney, and became in due course his father's man of business. 93 The A.C.S. administrators gradually gave the maturing colony more self-governance. 82 Helen Markham was screaming as she leaned over the body. 56 Potatoes are less space-saving, durable and cheap than pasta. 61 provide 7 How did you get here? 21 Poetry and truth. 17 Jordan and Sullivan, who at once set to work in a business-like way to obtain impressions of the keys of the strong room and chest. 131 or an imaginary boundary line, and nothing prevented parties from passing to either side 88 Some medical discount plans provide legitimate discounts, but others are scams that don't deliver on the medical services promised. 131 He then made some observations to the attendant about the fire, and turning to the doctor, questioned him. 106 For at least ten thousand years archery was an important military and hunting skill. 84 He never actually said that he was not guilty, but he was confident he would not be convicted. 94 Prolonged skin contact with antimony dust may cause dermatitis. 63 could 5 director 8 to wear a black crape mask, to obey punctually the orders of their commander-in-chief, 86 From Klein's records it was possible to trace the processing of the order after its receipt. 92 On August twenty-two, it learned that Oswald had appeared on a radio discussion program on August twenty-one. 109 He should choose his duties carefully. 38 Upon the occasion which I am describing they were four in number; and here I will continue the narrative in Mr. Wakefield's own words: 134 A man and two women are playing a board game at a wooden table while drinking alcohol. 86 Also, users can choose and select their own avatars for their profile pages. 76 but he was not sure then that Oswald meant to carry out the plan, and in fact they never did. 93 After the construction and action of the machine had been explained, the doctor asked the governor what kind of men he had commanded at Goree, 142 to relate principally to overt threats to harm the President or other specific manifestations of hostility. 107 during the whole of which time the unhappy convicts who had but little hope of commutation were exposed to the mockery of their reckless associates. 148 She was freighted by the firm of Zulueta and Co. for a voyage to Santa Cruz. 76 Ohio is historically known as the "Buckeye State" after its Ohio buckeye trees, and Ohioans are also known as "Buckeyes". 121 Meanwhile, in a large saucepan over medium-low heat add cubed cooked chicken, mushrooms, Alfredo sauce, frozen vegetables, and milk. 132 two others were sentenced to three months' imprisonment, and the balance to varying terms. 90 seemed to place him in a situation in which he could not live with satisfaction either in the United States or in the Soviet Union. 131 The owner's eye fattens the horse. 34 it was for those charged with the administration of the law to guard carefully against any aggravation of that punishment, 122 A sad looking man wearing brown and pink works with some type of contraption on the street. 91 meeting 7 In particular, many video games were released by various computer game publishers. 82 That this was better because while he was living alone and I stayed with Ruth, we were spending less money. And I told him to buy me a washing machine, because two children 172 Mrs. De Mohrenschildt thought that Oswald, 42 In addition, certain areas are closed at certain times. 55 Eight: Manpower and Technical Assistance From Other Agencies 60 he showed symptoms of delirium tremens, and admitted that he had been addicted to the excessive use of stimulants. 114 While the Secret Service bears the principal responsibility for this failure, 77 He also drummed on the song "Bad Boyfriend" on Garbage's two thousand five album "Bleed Like Me". 97 R.D.X. was used by both sides in World War Two. 47 Staff would like to thank its contest partners Pindrop Security and the C.R.T.C. for all their help in making this contest a success. 133 Among the daily visitors were members of the criminal classes still at large, 77 Yet despite this fact, newer homes only consume two percent more energy. 72 All material received by PRS was separately screened 52 Checking your calendar. 23 Running back Thurman Thomas led the A.F.C. with one thousand three hundred fifteen rushing yards and six touchdowns, while also catching forty eight passes for three hundred eighty seven yards. 193 On the Hidell Selective Service card there appeared a signature, "Alek J. Hidell," 82 All are forced to make concession after concession to their surroundings, and in these concessions all progress in life consists. 129 Solomons was not straightforward in his replies as to where he got the gold, and he was soon placed in the dock with the Caspars and Moss. 138 After familiarization with live ammunition in the twenty-two rifle and the twenty-two pistol, 93 Medical discount plans are not health insurance. 48 Many soil bacteria possess the enzymes which catalyze conversion of urea to ammonia. 84 It is interesting to note here 30 as we have heard some relate, and with pale and terrified features, to get a breath of air. 91 Wash out the bowl with a little lukewarm water and add this to the dough. If it should prove too soft, work in, cautiously, a little more flour. 144 Oswald had managed to save enough money to cover the expenses of his forthcoming trip. 86 William Stuckey, who had appeared on the radio program with Oswald, told the Bureau on August thirty 100 Please hold while I have someone check our records room. 56 and the whole by proper management might have been so accommodated as to prevent overcrowding. 94 y 1 A construction worker is laboring on part of a house near a chainlink fence and trees. 86 The tram will arrive in five minutes, unless this timetable is wrong. 69 Fresh coffee is much better than the freeze dried stuff. 56 Tin cans are absent from store shelves. 39 so that nothing can interfere with their bringing to their task the finest qualities and maximum resources of mind and body. 124 Texas Boiled Beer Shrimp 24 After experiencing a mind-blowing sensual orgy, Mike was sure he had taken an overdose. 87 A group of young girls wearing blue tops and black skirts standing behind blue music stands. 92 At least two of the three fatalities involved passengers who were not wearing their seat belts while the seat belt sign was illuminated. 136 Chapter four. The Assassin: Part five. 38 More recently, the Department's investment in battery research and development has helped cut electric vehicle battery costs by fifty percent in the last four years. 165 Through Noyes the rest of the conspirators were eventually apprehended. Very little if any of the ill-gotten proceeds, however, was ever recovered. 147 Child abuse is a dreadful thing. 32 and one or two men were allowed to mend clothes and make shoes. The rules made by the Secretary of State were hung up in conspicuous parts of the prison; 153 But because of high production costs, it was never commercially viable, and G.M. discontinued it in two thousand one. 117 it did not peremptorily insist. Too often the letter of the law was observed, but not its spirit. 97 He was so much in favor of short drops that his immediate successor, Marwood, stigmatized him as "short-drop" man. 114 Few puddlers lived to be forty. 31 are the association of prisoners, and the unusual contamination to which such association gives rise. 101 He rarely spoke to me of anything that didn't directly relate to our work. 74 and threatened to use it on Mrs. Pic. 37 and I was obliged afterwards to let him have five shillings to pay his share, 77 Negative. 9 Wallace's relations warned him against his Liverpool friend, 60 He referred all generation and disappearance to mixture and resolution respectively. 84 Puppeteer entertaining with a puppet playing the saxophone on the side of the street. 85 The trick is to twist the tip till it comes off cleanly. 56 Two women hugging in a grassy, fenced field with a cow 's behind in the background. 83 However, he is a coach, and he remains a coach at heart. 56 By this time the pickup truck was across the street and about twenty-five feet from the police car. 99 The forelimbs are paddle-like flippers which aid in turning and slowing. 72 The flight attendant winked at the obnoxious passenger seated next to me. 73 At the time, they were not deemed literary enough. 50 Procrastination is a huge problem in the 21st century. 54 While Dr. Carrico went on to attend the President, Dr. Dulany stayed with the Governor and was soon joined by several other doctors. 132 Reacting to a petition from more than a million E.U. citizens, the European Commission releases a sixteen-page report on glyphosate. 132 Tamping down the coffee promotes the water's even penetration of the grounds. 77 advised the Edinburgh police of the whole affair, and within an hour an answer was telegraphed, stating that Mrs. Manning was in custody. 137 Because of my depression, I have been recommended to see a psychiatrist. 72 If my stepfather sold this old sculpture, he'd probably become a millionaire. 77 Layer one third of the lasagna noodles in the bottom of a nine by thirteen inch baking dish. 92 both adaptations for pumping blood; 35 Speech actualizes habits - and changes the habits as it does so. 64 The night watch cloaks on Game of Thrones are made from Ikea rugs. 66 Pieman and ballad-monger did their usual roaring trade amidst the dense throng. 79 A man in sandals and white cardigan sits on a green bench while talking on his cellphone. 89 When the sponge is light sift a quart and a cup of flour into a bowl or tray with two teaspoonfuls of salt. 107 He recorded a new album with his younger partner. 49 Until you hit the big games. 28 another two hundred more or less took advantage of "the rules," and lived outside within a circumference of two miles and a half. 129 In his testimony Secretary of the Treasury C. Douglas Dillon informed the Commission 84 and sought to make profitable returns from prisoners' labor the test of prison efficiency. In this view the committee could not coincide, 137 However, they teach us that in those early days when most cities were surrounded by enormous walls, 99 of the sixth floor approximately one minute before the assassination, although neither witness saw the shots being fired. 121 was a one-story building with few entrances and easy to make secure, but it lacked necessary food-handling facilities 117 Though he gained very little support in the slaveholding states of the South, he swept the North and was elected president. 123 The assistant called with the jewels on approbation at a house specially hired for the purpose in the West End, 111 publications 12 In biotechnology, flow cytometry is a technology employed in cell counting, cell sorting, biomarker detection and protein engineering. 134 It was as if Carl realised that he was a puppet under someone else's control. 77 Man in a coat, walking with plastic wrapped around shoulders, shielding himself from the cold. 94 So far, most teams have had a fairly high turnover rate, but that's not surprising. 83 Palmer tried to get a new insurance on the life of a hanger-on, one Bates, but no office would accept it, no doubt greatly to Bates's longevity. 144 after undertaking the responsibility for advance preparations for the visit to Dallas, Agent Lawson went to the PRS offices in Washington. 138 showed the numerals twelve:thirty as the Vice-Presidential automobile proceeded north on Houston Street, a few seconds before the shots were fired. 147 December twenty-fifth, sixteen oh nine, at nine A.M. 52 No, I will tell her myself. 27 Curt was gentle as he extracted one of my bicuspids. 52 An evaluation of the procedures employed to safeguard the President, with recommendations for improving these procedures, appears in Chapter eight of the report. 161 However, the nineteen sixty-four to sixty-five budget request was submitted in November nineteen sixty-three. 109 It's a way of life. 19 strange and inconceivable delay occurred in carrying out the extreme sentence. 78 Consumers now have more choices than ever when it comes to buying an electric vehicle. 86 do 2 The relative freshness of the fibers is strong evidence that they were caught on the rifle on the morning of the assassination or during the preceding evening. 159 Turkey cautions its citizens against travel to the United States in response to an advisory that warned Americans about terror threats and arbitrary detentions in Turkey. 170 This description most probably led to the radio alert sent to police cars at approximately twelve:forty-five p.m., which described the suspect as white, 152 One of these employees was alleged to resemble Lee Harvey Oswald. 65 Pope Francis ends his six-day trip to Myanmar and Bangladesh by visiting the Rohingya refugees in Dhaka. 104 Guy in black shirt and jeans jumping with wood pieces in front of a building called STOMP 89 Gray paint stretched for miles around. 38 Significant in shaping the character of Lee Harvey Oswald was the death of his father, a collector of insurance premiums. 121 Aruba's educational system is patterned after the Dutch system of education. 76 President Grant invited him to the White House in eighteen sixty nine, and he went. 83 A chain of mountains with jagged ridges like the teeth of a saw. 64 to purchase the greater ease and comfort of the master's side. 62 A pink shell was found on the sandy beach. 42 Honda has sold more than one point three million hybrids worldwide. 67 Gauss made the next advance. 28 What's the difference between hibernation and standby mode? 59 At about eleven:forty-five a.m. the floor-laying crew used both elevators to come down from the sixth floor. 108 Same for coal. 14 to go fishing or back home to Hyde Park, so that I can have a chance to think quietly about the country as a whole. 115 And this is true. 17 I'm afraid I don't know how the weather will be on December ninth. 66 One expressed pleasure that Oxford improved so much in speaking, and declared that his (Oxford's) speech the last time "was beautiful." 135 Jump the fence and hurry up the bank. 37 in a sustained relationship with one therapist might bring results. 67 A man in a white and blue kimono is using a broom to sweep pavement. 68 His effrontery was only outdone by his cool contempt for the consolations of religion. 86 Inside, the atmosphere was quiet. 33 Howard's energy and devotion were rewarded by lively sympathy, but the desire to improve which followed his exposures was but short-lived. 138 With emphasis. 14 because the cartons stacked around the southeast corner would shield him. 73 She biked home, smiling all the way, knowing that she had won. 62 Joshua regretted buying a cheap air conditioner now that it was warmer. 71 Eleven oh one Holman Terrace, Houston, Texas. 45 An eccentrically dressed man and his dog are sitting on a bench with a guitar and harmonica. 92 Around this same time, many big and small automakers began exploring options for alternative fuel vehicles, including electric cars. 132 Over the next few years, electric vehicles from different automakers began popping up across the U.S. 101 It's a record label, not a form of music. 41 The Commission believes, however, 33 In this way he formed the acquaintance of Watson and others, with whom he was arraigned for treasonable practices, and imprisoned. 130 The crowd vociferously yelled their disapproval, and at length 62 He sent the figs, but kept the ripe cherries. 45 The whole question assumed sufficient importance to become a part of the Government program when Lord Beaconsfield took office in eighteen seventy-four. 152 Wagner, after conviction, offered to reveal, for a reward of three thousand pounds 82 twenty-seven, five foot eleven, one hundred sixty-five pounds, black wavy hair, end quote, 90 What's more, you don't need to buy a special insurance card, or pay any penalties for not buying one, either. 109 the old evils of indiscriminate association still continued unchecked. 70 Other members of the family were too upset to comment last night. 65 It is unlikely that any of the police officers referred to Oswald as a suspect in the assassination. 100 The clock struck to mark the third period. 42 still clings to a foolish, because misunderstood conventionality, deduced from what was once ornament, and is by no means useful; 129 with the address of post office box two nine one five in Dallas. 64 There was an absolute want of uniformity in dietaries; in some prisons it was too liberal, in others too low. 109 Resolute, determined-looking men, their courage broke down in confinement. 74 This man was in obvious extreme distress and any more thorough inspection would have involved several minutes -- well, several 126 Are the speakers also participating? 36 Thus Dinas Mwddy, in Merionethshire, had, "besides the pinfold and the stocks or crib, a little prison." 104 I thought they navigated based on pheromone trails or something, but apparently not. 84 and that he, quote, may be a damn Communist. I can't tell you. If I was you, I wouldn't hire him, end quote. 108 and under which, quote, art, culture and the sprit of man are subjected to commercial enterprising, 99 Largely self-educated, he became a lawyer in Illinois, and a Whig Party leader. 79 It is consoling to know that there were a few brilliant exceptions to this cruel, callous neglect. 98 Had this been common practice? 30 The time was fixed at one p.m., as an approximation, since it was impossible to determine the precise moment when life left the President. 138 They may best be described by means of the accompanying diagram representing a cross section. 93 Two kids running on the track wearing the uniform white shirt with a blue collar and blue pants 95 All the Marine Corps did was to teach you to kill and after you got out of the Marines you might be good gangsters, end quote. 126 The tree top waved in a graceful way. 37 Poached eggs and tea must suffice. 34 Do that with a wooden stick. 28 One man, airborne, wearing an orange sweatshirt and blue jeans, does a skateboarding trick. 91 You really do wonder when they'll get a new couch. 50 and at last, when within fifteen miles of port, with wind and weather perfectly fair, he ran her on to the rocks. 113 It recommended day cells or rooms for regular labor, which should be compulsory upon all transports and prisoners sentenced to hard labor, 138 The Act of eighteen sixty-five also encouraged and empowered the local authorities to "alter, enlarge, or rebuild" their prisons. 129 after which he went to New Zealand, and held an important post in that colony. 78 materials 9 On December two, nineteen sixty-three, Mrs. Ruth Paine turned over to the police some of the Oswalds' belongings, 113 No one has ever done it before. 31 moreover, the gross expenditure was increased "partly from its being considered necessary, as it was a national prison, 119 We have passed through more than a year of education. 53 I go with a random approach to word order in German. 52 The city council seriously needs to install more A.T.M.s around here. 69 He takes the oath of office each March. 39 Baker, quote, had it in mind that the shots came from the top of this building here, end quote, so he ran straight to the entrance of the Depository Building. 158 A flow cytometer allows simultaneous analysis of the physical and chemical characteristics of thousands of particles per second. 128 Protecting the President is a difficult and complex task which requires full use of the best resources of many parts of our Government. 135 A boy dressed in soccer attire and holding his shoes getting out of a car. 74 By accepting our privacy policy, you agree that we save your data for twenty-one days to detect frauds. 103 What are you not good at? 25 The E.U. typically concludes Association Agreements in exchange for commitments to political, economic, trade, or human rights reform in the country. 149 and escorted them into Parkland Hospital through the emergency entrance. 72 This obfuscated script has been decoded by computers at about three months ago. 79 Children should be given the same amount of rights as adults. 61 Special Agent John Howlett of the Secret Service carried a rifle from the southeast corner of the sixth floor along the east aisle to the northeast corner. 155 all the contagion and profligacy which prevailed in this part of the prison, end quote. 87 An African American child is supported by his three peers while riding his bicycle. 83 Pride feels no pain. 20 Even when the woodcuts are very rude indeed, the proportions of the page still give pleasure by the sense of richness that the cuts and letter together convey. 159 Baker stopped at the door of the lunchroom and commanded, quote, Come here, end quote. 86 As of twenty sixteen, Tanzania is divided into thirty-one regions, twenty-six on the mainland and five in Zanzibar. 115 the indescribable stench, presented together a concentration of the utmost misery and the utmost guilt. 103 Once the Secret Service has formulated its new standards for collection of information, it should enter into written agreements with each Federal agency 152 The same things will happen with G.M. foods. 44 But he did not like the risk of entering a room by the fireplace, and the chances of detection it offered. 106 As he was parking he noted that people were, quote, falling, and they were rolling around down there grabbing their children, end quote, and rushing about. 155 of residence in the U.S.S.R. against any cause which I join, by association, 76 Paul chose the juiciest peach from the bushel. 46 Make sure your C.R.S. is government approved. Otherwise, you may be asked to check the C.R.S. as baggage. 105 It is unique. 13 Using a standard chemical method involving silver nitrates 58 He went almost directly to the Cuban Embassy and applied for a visa to Cuba in transit to Russia. 97 In eighteen eleven Williams, who murdered the Marrs in Ratcliffe Highway, having committed suicide in jail to escape hanging, 125 Nothing is safe. 16 A monopoly has the power to set prices or quantities although not both. 71 Once we stood beside the shore. 31 National efforts to reduce environmental risks are based on the best available scientific information. 102 Thin rolls of paste prepared of flour, cheese, yolks of eggs, sugar, and saffron. 81 On Friday, November twenty-two, about one p.m., he entered the house in unusual haste. 86 It would still have been a good film, but very different. 57 he broke open the chest and stole four thousand, seven hundred pounds in notes, with a quantity of gold and some silver. 120 French President Emmanuel Macron suggests that Turkey could have a partnership with the E.U. instead of full membership. 120 Santa Cruz sheep are a rare breed of domestic sheep that once existed as a feral population on Santa Cruz Island. 113 in reaching the conclusion that the shots came from the sixth floor, southeast corner window of the Depository Building. 120 In the nineteenth century, Burke was praised by both conservatives and liberals. 80 After the assassination she wrote that, quote, 46 not really as a joke but rather to simply wound me, to make me feel bad, end quote. 83 Although the CIA had on file requests from the Treasury Department for information on the counterfeiting of U.S. currency and certain smuggling matters, 152 I propose that hereafter, when a judge reaches the age of seventy, 66 who had been a lodger of his. Müller had given the cabman's little daughter a jeweler's cardboard box bearing the name of Mr. Death. 132 Reynoso played in Japan for the Hiroshima Carp in the Central League. 69 that this was an experimental construction, and that too strict a limitation of outlay would have militated seriously against the usefulness of the building. 157 The bag found on the sixth floor was eighty-eight inches long. 62 Candidates will finally don their Green Berets as Special Forces Soldiers. 74 The python wasn't a snake, it was a programming language. 57 She couldn't decide whether to take a shower or to have a bath. 63 I can see that. 15 to Secret Service locally, end quote. 37 Try to trace the fine lines of the painting. 44 A worker wearing work boots stands on some aquariums as he puts fish on a weighing scale. 89 Do you want me to? 18 In twenty-twenty-five grandpa will celebrate his hundredth birthday. 68 I want my children to spend as much time with their grandparents as possible. 77 with no behavior or truancy problems. 37 There were more varied, and at times, especially when beer had circulated freely, more uproarious diversions. 109 Elections have been the usual mechanism by which modern representative democracy has operated since the seventeenth century. 124 In two thousand eight there were twenty three distilleries in Germany producing whisky. 87 After his death, his history was subdivided into eight books: its modern title is the "History of the Peloponnesian War". 121 Two jugglers using flaming torches are performing for a crowd of people who are sitting on steps. 97 Although there was no mention in PRS files of the demonstration in Dallas against Ambassador Adlai Stevenson on October twenty-fourth, 134 australian 10 You have to do your research. 29 an ugly pear-shaped swelling defacing the form of the letter: 61 and considerably better living quarters than those accorded to Soviet citizens of equal age and station. 104 Its evils were inherent and irremediable, but some ameliorating measures had been introduced, 93 The tallest building in the world is eight hundred twenty nine point eight meters tall. 87 Another statement which limits the time when it could have been written is the reference, quote, you and the baby, end quote, 125 They're not just for talking with friends: adolescents use social media to express themselves and find information. 115 The compters of Ludgate, Giltspur Street, and the Borough were discontinued as debtors' prisons (as was Newgate also) 117 an avowed "snatcher" and habitué of the Fortune of War, a public-house in Smithfield frequented openly by men of this awful profession. 135 The Commission concludes that the most significant advance arrangements for the President's trip were soundly planned. 118 These highly insulating window designs can perform as well as - or even better than - a highly insulating wall, helping to dramatically reduce a building's energy loss. 168 Who did the recruiting? 23 The case file served merely as a repository for information until enough had accumulated to warrant an investigation. 117 For which the root will be overshot and the sequence of will diverge. 69 significant 11 He entered the room. 20 Can you say that again? 23 It was no longer possible to stop a coach or carriage, or rob the postman who carried the mail. 95 While such is its size, in magnificence there is no other city that approaches to it. 85 We have to move forward. 24 Oswald probably engaged his superiors in arguments on a subject that he had studied 83 The robotics group was talking about trying to snag some geography types to do some sort of collaboration. 106 to Murphy and Elm three times, averaging six point five minutes for the three trips. 84 It was so used for the date of the abolition of the Star Chamber in the sixteenth Charles the first 99 They're not terribly picky. 27 A lady with short hair wearing a black jacket leaned against a lamp post outside a building. 92 Administrator Pruitt has set the expectation that there will be a renewed focus on accelerating work and progress at all Superfund sites across the country. 156 Mr. Wakefield winds up his graphic but somewhat sensational account by describing another religious service, which may appropriately be inserted here. 150 He gave evidence of settling down. 34 Wear your seat belt at all times. 33 So what happens next? 21 Two kids with helmets playing with Nerf swords while one looks on drinking from a plastic cup. 94 What is your name? 18 which they dropped smoldering into their fellow-prisoners' pockets. 67 whose prior acts or statements depict propensity for violence and hatred against organized government, end quote. 113 In the last four years the sound rule of giving statutes the benefit of all reasonable doubt has been cast aside. 113 Observing the serious problems presented by the head wound and inadequate respiration, Dr. Carrico directed his attention to improving the President's breathing. 161 It is enough to say that in the same solemn tone he talks about the minutest of crimes, punishments, bonds, shame, 114 Baker placed himself on a motorcycle about two hundred feet from the corner of Elm and Houston Streets where he said he heard the shots. 136 Qatar is a member of OPEC and the Council of Arab Economic Unity. 65 We are at a crisis in our ability to proceed with that protection. 66 A man is killed in Stockholm after he picks up a grenade that detonates. 72 that we encourage the retirement of elderly judges by offering them a life pension at full salary. 98 Like master, like man. 22 but it at once deprecated the idea that the city could follow the laudable example thus set in the provinces. Quote, 116 The processed natural gas may then be used for residential, commercial and industrial uses. 91 made an almost stationary target while he was aiming in, very little movement if any, end quote. 96 members of his immediate family, the President-elect, and the Vice-President. Investigation of threats against the President of the United States, 146 If too stiff, warm water, a spoonful at a time until you can handle the paste easily. The danger is in getting it too stiff. Now. 129 When he was in the United States he resented the capitalist system which he thought was exploiting him and others like him. 123 and (b) degenerate forms like snakes and some lizards, which have lost their limbs by disuse. 93 Even where cells had been built 31 and, quote, Arthor Abear, end quote, most likely Arthur Hebert, a classmate who has said that he did not know Oswald well. 122 This project was revived when Congress appropriated three million dollars for its construction. 95 They undergo post-translational modifications that alter their interaction with D.N.A. and nuclear proteins. 108 Check of buildings along route of motorcade. 44 Let me check your inbox. 24 I felt a chill down my spine. 29 that he recognized Oswald from a newspaper photograph as a man whom he had driven to the Oak Cliff area the day before. 119 He didn't feel so hungry though, not since he had heard the drawn-out scraping noise from upstairs. 99 Ronald Hutton suggests that they appear to be based upon the three grades of Freemasonry. 89 Pierce made Kay only a few small payments, then appropriated the rest of the money. 83 A notorious miser, Robert Smith, had recently died in Seven Dials, where he had amassed a considerable fortune. 111 It was distinctly laid down that male and female prisoners should be confined in separate buildings or parts of the prison, 123 Only now and again, in extreme cases, an unusually nasty companion was stripped, haled to the pump, 99 Thus, for instance, the unborn whale has rudimentary teeth, 59 Nor does the law say you'll lose Medicare coverage. 51 As these records draw to a close, the crimes I chronicle become so much more recent in date that they will be fresh in the memory of most of my readers. 152 Mrs. Connally, elated by the reception, turned to President Kennedy and said, quote, Mr. President, you can't say Dallas doesn't love you. 138 He added that one officer grabbed the muzzle of a shotgun, drew back, and hit Oswald with the butt end of the gun in the back. 126 it is well to stir into the yeast a bit of soda no larger than a grain of corn already wet up in a teaspoonful of boiling water. 128 alternative 11 To be the cock in the basket to be cock of the company. 55 You've got to be vigilant. 26 and I told him that 19 In music, a glissando is a glide from one pitch to another. 59 announcements 13 should be for a number of years in undisturbed operation, not only in contempt of religion and humanity, 104 Fly by night and you waste little time. 39 In spite of fact I married Marina to hurt Ella (the girl that had rejected him) I found myself in love with Marina, end quote. 126 Scoggins lost sight of him behind some shrubbery on the southeast corner lot, 77 The building is scheduled to open in twenty-twenty-three. 57 Here is the money you wanted. 29 She testified that Oswald said that General Walker, quote, was a very bad man, that he was a fascist, 101 Anything is possible in football and we can beat Celtic again. 62 even allowing the necessity for a very low price; but any improvement must be based on showing openly that the cheap article is cheap, 134 no inconvenience was suffered by the congregation, among whom were Lord Adolphus Fitz Clarence, Lord Coventry, 110 speaking through their government. 34 Each Soldier in an O.D.A. is specially trained and cross-trained in different disciplines. 90 There were frequent quarrels and fights; shoes and other missiles were freely bandied about; 92 he and his wife spent every weekend but one together at the Irving, Texas home of Mrs. Ruth Paine, who was then separated from her husband. 139 Four policemen were wounded. 28 Four Tajikistani athletes have won Olympic medals for their country since independence. 87 The demands on the President in the execution of His responsibilities in today's world are so varied and complex 112 Catalysts make chemical reactions possible at low temperatures. 63 He then returned to his chair at Frankfurt and the directorship of the Institute for Social Research. 101 organization 12 Seventeen oh four North Temple Place, Salt Lake City, Utah. 59 His hip struck the knee of the next player. 43 to take a protective position in the passenger compartment before the third shot was fired. 91 That kind of letter was used in the many splendid missals produced by printing in the fifteenth century. 104 To specify more particularly one or two of the worst, it may be mentioned that in the Borough Compter 101 The general good was at a discount. 35 The examination of the stomach betrayed the presence of antimony in large quantities, but no strychnia, 103 availability 12 It had all been arranged. 25 Sit on the perch and tell the others what to do. 48 It was a breathtaking moment. 29 End quote. Mr. Bouck pointed out, however, that he had no reason to believe that any one Federal agency had access to all this information, 139 The old lady founded this organization thirty years ago. 56 Bacon, pancakes and maple syrup is a hearty start to any day. 61 In performance, that quality can prove to be a challenge. 57 With a range incorporating both contemporary satire and historical allegory, Shaw became the leading dramatist of his generation. 129 By nineteen twenty-nine, the federal system of national homes had grown to eleven institutions that spanned the country and accepted Veterans of all American wars. 163 The crusaders consolidated their conquests into crusader states. 64 all 3 A child in a pink dress is climbing up a set of stairs in an entry way. 71 The condition of their adoption was that they should be kept together. 70 Mrs. Fry's brother, Mr. Samuel Hoare, Junior, was chairman of the committee, on which also served many noted members of the Society of Friends 142 And it yields results even from decomposing animal brain tissue. 64 Congratulations, you've successfully registered. 48 I am surprised that he didn't do something worse, end quote. 60 The gooey candy broke Glenn's tooth. 36 into which he appeared to be retreating. 40 In order to supplement their income further she falsely swore that Pic was seventeen years old so that he could join the Marine Corps Reserves. 143 Charles looked on, angry that there was nothing he could do. 60 Later on, after dark, some friends of the deceased stole the body and buried it in the sand, and this was the end of hanging in chains. 135 A man in a blue shirt drives a red Khera Transport Corp. truck with yellow lettering. 85 Please briefly describe the problem you are experiencing. 57 It was in eighteen seventeen that a small band of philanthropists resolved to form themselves into an association for the improvement of prison discipline. 155 pitch in the hole, cribbage, dominoes, and common tossing, at which as much as four or five shillings would change hands in an hour. 132 the victim of this cruel ill-usage having "more fear of the power of the wardsman to injure him, than confidence in the governor's power to protect him." 153 Some people try to tell me that we must make up our minds that for the future we shall permanently have millions of unemployed 126 Okay, that's not it. 20 Proper hours for locking and unlocking prisoners should be insisted upon; 73 Those words were the cue for the actor to leave. 48 Under the Inquisition. 22 In two thousand, the value of oil and gas produced was eight point two billion dollars. 87 In eighteen fifty-three a second case of gigantic fraud alarmed and scandalized the financial world. 100 only child of a gentleman of large property in Cheshire, of which county he was actually high sheriff at the time of his daughter's abduction. 142 A base station at a fixed location in Dallas operated a radio network which linked together the lead car, 105 I'm feeling a little tipsy. 27 single 6 She was born in Bangkok, Thailand, and studied music in Rome, graduating in piano, choral music and choral conducting. 118 Never to come on a green twig not to get on in the world. 58 through thinly populated areas on the outskirts of Dallas. 58 The weekly introduction of food, to which I shall presently refer, formed the basis of luxurious banquets, washed down by liquor 128 Such, then, were the circumstances of the first taking of Babylon. 66 The bill was paid every third week. 35 Bring to a boil, and cook for about ten minutes, or until easily pierced with a fork. Drain, and set aside to cool. 115 Since then a strong central authority has labored steadfastly to compass concentration, 87 If these problems cannot be effectively solved within the Constitution, 71 After having advertised wine he sells vinegar. 46 The geocentric model served as the predominant description of the cosmos in many ancient civilizations. 103 These were undoubtedly perennibranchs. In the Permian and Triassic higher forms appeared, which were certainly caducibranch. 124 to inspect buildings along the motorcade route since the Secret Service did not normally request or make such a check. 118 The National Weather Service has issued a flood watch through Sunday evening. 77 The effect of a four-power telescopic sight on the difficulty of these shots was considered in detail 101 She has a smart way of wearing clothes. 39 produced the block books, which were the immediate predecessors of the true printed book, 89 Although attempted partially at Bridewell, and more systematically at the new Millbank penitentiary, 100 recommended 11 When Marina Oswald testified before the Commission on February three to six, nineteen sixty-four, 97 Margarine is just butter with an inferiority complex. 53 the fact of the animal and vegetable kingdoms being related to one another like two trees united at the roots may be accounted for by the hypothesis that 153 In nineteen eighty nine, Epic Comics published a forty eight-page graphic novel version. 88 A Decision Coordinating Paper for the U.L.M.S. was approved on fourteen September nineteen seventy one. 103 The man was on the bus approximately four minutes. 50 Vice President Johnson at Parkland 34 school 6 Two people wearing backpacks and a woman in red shorts are standing on some large rock formations. 98 he had a total of between four point eight and five point six seconds between the two shots which hit 101 The cells inhabited by prisoners were of very varying dimensions; 65 Of course, on Tuesday, United were beaten despite this. 55 Fletcher was the moving spirit of the whole business. It was he who had introduced Barber to Miss Slack, 104 Carry the pail to the wall and spill it there. 46 But it's a subtle process. 26 Tom Cruise is a famous movie star born in nineteen-sixty-two. 61 After the Venezuelan government orders shops to lower prices, hundreds of people line up to take advantage of these price cuts. 127 The wall phone rang loud and often. 35 The horse trotted around the field at a brisk pace. 51 Many cruise ships also use the port. 36 Graham bread is wholesome and sweet, and ought to be eaten frequently in every family, particularly by young people whose bones and teeth are in forming. 153 They were all furious when the escapade failed. 47 today 5 Other members of the family were too upset to comment last night. 65 Every word and phrase he speaks is true. 40 Planning the Texas Trip 23 This is taking a toll on my well-being both professionally and emotionally. 75 during which they counted the moments -- the prisoners in their cells as usual, and their friends in the street in front of Newgate, where they passed the night. 161 Therefore, granted well-designed type, due spacing of the lines and words, and proper position of the page on the paper, 120 Since two thousand, U.S. homes have ballooned in size, on average becoming thirty percent larger. 97 He appointed Gobrias governor of Babylon. 41 The ruins reach the height of about forty feet. 47 Drum and bugle corps players, however, generally use marching tubas. 68 If you want to contradict what I just said, you will have to provide footnotes. 79 They are used in the fermentation of various food products, such as wine, beer, and soy sauce. 94 Repeat tortilla, meat, cheese pattern until all the tortillas are used, topping off with a layer of meat mixture and cheese. 124 Fine, what makes you think I'd answer you truthfully? 53 Several adults speak to one another or examine materials being distributed at partitioned display booths. 105 and when I got to questioning him further then he felt that his purpose had been served and he wouldn't say anything further, end quote. 136 Julia used to enjoy a coy admiral she met while on a voyage. 60 marketing 9 Although the reduced capacity was justifiable in their opinion, they stayed the course. 87 it stated primarily to direct the thought of those responsible for the future safety of our Presidents to the need for a more imaginative 137 The finalists are: 18 I'm afraid not, he's visiting a sick relative somewhere in Germany. 67 Saward's letter to Hardwicke fell into the hands of the police and compromised him. 83 I ought also to confess the others: I mean my wife and my brother's. End quote. 79 Pseudomonas and Legionella are bacteria that can survive disinfectants in slimy areas of hot tubs, pools, and water playgrounds. 128 Three tablespoons brown sugar. Two teaspoons freshly ground black pepper. 73 he instructed certain solicitors to prepare a deed of gift as from his father, conveying to him estates near Kingston. 118 Christianization was completed in Botswana under the reign of King Khama the Third. 83 the necessity for which was urged by Mr. Addison, when Secretary of State, in seventeen seventeen. 98 Valuable or not, if he becomes a liability, I'll be forced to clean up after you. 81 I don't like this car. 22 While manuals and memoranda are no guarantee of effective operations, no sizable organization can achieve efficiency without the careful analysis. 146 Along this Krapps crawled, and then dropped down on to the cook-house. 70 She's gonna like it, isn't she. 31 The official helpers will try to help you find the plan that serves you best. 77 in Fort Worth, there occurred a breach of discipline by some members of the Secret Service who were officially traveling with the President. 140 Where do you live? 18 Everyone prefers geometry over algebra any old day. 51 concerning Cuban policy in general as well as on the issues of automation and civil rights, issues which appeared to concern Oswald a great deal. 145 Agent Hosty was told by Mrs. M. F. Tobias, a former landlady of the Oswalds at six oh two Elsbeth Street in Dallas, 115 She was denied admission despite a well-received audition. 58 The rotors feature three blades and can be folded for on-ship operations. 73 The important point to recognize is that these boundaries are artificial and that there are no scientific frontiers in Nature. 126 New towns along the eastern shore of Lake Washington were established in the late nineteenth century. 101 Good ladies and gentlemen all, I have a great deal more to say, but I am so bad I cannot say it. 96 Since domiciliary care was available at all state Veterans homes, incidental medical and hospital treatment was provided for all injuries and diseases, whether or not of service origin. 185 Did England let nature take her course? No. 43 Please wait a moment while I am investigating the issue. 56 article 7 It is rubbish. 14 Before getting in the water, use a test strip from your local retailer or pool supply store to check if the water's p.H. and bromine or free chlorine level are correct. 168 Did you hear anything? 22 Morris was nominated for an Emmy for this short film. 53 radical improvement was generally considered impossible. The great evil, however, had been sensibly diminished. 111 The reviews they wrote on the Internet were not quite objective. 64 The National Industrial Recovery Act expires on the sixteenth of June. 70 In the pocket of the coat Mr. Cope, the governor, found a neatly-folded cloth, and asked what it was for. 105 Such an approach seriously undermines the precautionary nature of PRS work; 75 potentially dangerous, that, quote, his outlook on life had strongly paranoid overtones, end quote, or that he should be institutionalized. 139 it was the strongest circumstantial evidence which had ever been brought forward in a murder case. 98 By nineteen sixty six, Berry had completed two years of medical school. 71 The cases subject to periodic review and the one hundred or so cases in the higher risk category 96 I was at the British Olympic Medical Center, on Friday. 55 Despite this dependence on local authorities, which would be substantially the same on a visit by the President to any large city, 130 Marina Oswald said that such correspondence from people he considered important meant much to Oswald. 101 Players score by throwing the ball through the opponents' basket. 65 How did it happen? 18 that for long no idea of interfering with them was entertained. 63 However, this is now debated. 29 The last inquiry into the condition and management of our jails and houses of correction was that made by the Lords' Committee in eighteen sixty-three. 151 Get the track record of the company you're considering investing in and the background of the people promoting it. 114 extensive investigation was not able to connect Oswald with that address, although it did develop the fact 106 I hope you liked my voice. 26 The Commission has considered many possible motives for the assassination, including those which might flow from Oswald's commitment to Marxism or communism, 157 and, if the Council is used, arrangements should be made for the attendance of the Secretary of the Treasury 108 The train worker checks to make sure that everything is okay before the train leaves the station. 97 At the last moment Palmer tossed a bit of paper over to his counsel, on which he had written, quote, I think there will be a verdict of Not Guilty, end quote. 158 In return, the Oilers were placed at the bottom of the Entry Draft order. 73 Since the assassination, both the Secret Service and the F.B.I. have recognized that the P.R.S. files can no longer be limited to persons communicating actual threats to the President. 184 Botswana summoned the U.S. ambassador, asking for clarification and expressing their concerns. 94 These were: one. The male debtors' side. 40 On stopping at a door in this low street, Ikey jumped out, ran into the house, slamming the door behind him. 108 Oswald must have been thoroughly disillusioned when he left Mexico City on October two, nineteen sixty-three. 109 man cannot forgive man, only God can do so. Man is therefore only accountable to God. 85 Doing so required special purification and preparation, including four changes of clothing. 91 Two heads are better than one. 30 At several points we asked: Who has the responsibility for defending us at home? 80 At the time of his death he was scarcely fifty years of age. 60 Pure bred poodles have curls. 29 engineering 11 After about a month with his brother, 37 he finished reading a morning newspaper, quote, and put on a good suit. I saw that he took a pistol. 100 It was these great Venetian printers, together with their brethren of Rome, Milan, Parma, and one or two other cities. 118 There's a five minute delay on your way to work. 48 poor in energy or devoid of it, and out of them to manufacture food -- i.e. complex compounds rich in available potential energy. 129 Two woman in uniforms are standing in the middle of a street in front of an ambulance. 86 A man in a blue denim shirt is talking on his cellphone while wearing sunglasses. 81 Lawson was not specifically instructed to select the parade route, but he understood that this was one of his functions. 120 his nose was marked with a scar or black patch, and he was altogether of a dirty appearance. 92 Oswald's defection, his interest in the Soviet Union, and his activities on behalf of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee 118 Grayhaired man in dress shirt plays the bassoon while reading sheet music from a stand 86 When his friends asked why he, a wealthy man of independent means, continued to slave on as a clerk on a pittance, 114 Having reviewed the evidence that (one) Lee Harvey Oswald purchased the rifle used in the assassination, 104 owned and possessed the rifle used to kill President Kennedy and wound Governor Connally, 89 It has housed sixteen Secretaries of the Navy, twenty one Secretaries of War, and twenty four Secretaries of State. 115 He sought an immediate grant of visa on his trip to Mexico City in late September of nineteen sixty-three. 106 The dune rose from the edge of the water. 41 I was as strong as a horse. 27 This has been done to boost ratings, which were slowly declining until the twenty ten Games. 92 These remarkable similarities in the common general plan alone are convincing evidences of descent, 99 Men think and plan and sometimes act. 37 Compared with those highly meritorious institutions Newgate still showed but badly. 83 I am so upset. 14 If the Lords have a distinct and elected composition, this would probably come about through fixed term proportional representation. 132 Mrs. Kennedy and Mrs. Johnson stood at the side of the new President as he took the oath of office. 99 It had crossed my mind. 23 We can describe the object's movement with a differential equation of second order. 83 He said the same phrase thirty times. 37 the other brother was accordingly sent on a pretended mission to Shrigley to bring Mr. Turner on to London, whither Wakefield and Miss Turner also proceeded. 157 Three officers from the Dallas Police Department were assigned to the intersection of Elm and Houston 101 The circumstance was suspicious, and a search was at once made of the whole premises. 85 A special genre is scrimshaw. 29 Young blond man in a blue and yellow jacket smiling while standing in front of a net. 85 Over the next few years, other automakers began rolling out electric vehicles in the U.S. 89 Accuracy of Weapon 18 Detailed formal agreements embodying these arrangements should be worked out between the Secret Service and both of these agencies. 131 The Energy Department is helping lay the foundation for more efficient homes. 77 For two more years these high figures were steadily maintained, and in eighteen oh three the total rose to seven hundred ten. 125 Quietness is my normal mode when confronted with lots of random new people. 75 No legal positivist, however, argues that it follows that the law is therefore to be obeyed, no matter what. 108 Based on these tests the experts agreed that the assassination rifle was an accurate weapon. 92 Agent Hosty testified that he was fully aware of the pending Presidential visit to Dallas. 90 The decals were difficult to see from a distance, so the colors were reversed in nineteen sixty five. 101 Write fast if you want to finish early. 39 turning around the topics of omnipotence and power, through which he tries to compensate for his present shortcomings and frustrations, end quote. 146 It is situated parallel and close to a boundary between two converging tectonic plates. 87 and have effected a reorganization of the N.R.A. 48 Being dieters, they ate their ochra often. 42 which Johnson said he did not receive until after the assassination. The letter said in part, quote, 100 and interviewed and observed by other members of the Youth House staff. 71 Today, there are one hundred thirty-five national cemeteries in all, with new cemeteries in development. 104 On the Monroe Silent Reading Test, Lee's score indicated no retardation in reading speed and comprehension; 107 watching his car, watching the sides, watching the crowds, giving advice or asking advice from the Chief 104 The shelves were bare of both jam or crackers. 46 that there is no place in the metropolis where more crimes are projected or where stolen property is more secreted than in Newgate. 131 evaluated the sharpshooter qualification as a, quote, fairly good shot, end quote, and a low marksman rating 108 and it was contended that these with the files were used to alter the marks on the plate. 89 The majority of Setswana-speaking people today live in South Africa. 68 The supervisor of each of the off-duty agents who visited the Press Club or the Cellar Coffee House 99 Nevertheless the gains of trade and industry, as a whole, have been substantial. 80 Field labor, he urged, and with reason, was a very suitable employment; 71 A brown dog stands in a lush field with the stunning clouds and mountains behind it. 84 Pasta also contains Vitamin B, which includes folic acid and niacin. 68 and no written description of the role the local police were expected to perform. 81 can be permitted to enter the interior of this prison. End quote. The tap-room and bar were just behind the felons' entrance lodge, 131 Robson was of humble origin, but he was well educated, and he had some literary abilities. 90 Turning the lights off. 23 By nineteen sixty six, Berry had completed two years of medical school. 71 The motorcade will then pass through downtown on Harwood 56 By-and-by the occupant of the room noticed something glittering in the center of the fire, which, to inspect more closely, he took out with the tongs. 150 The nature of the employment varied greatly in severity, especially the tread-wheel labor. 90 Why are you doing this? 23 The Netherlands settled New Netherlands, some Caribbean islands and parts of Northern South America. 100 In developed countries child marriage is outlawed or restricted. 64 A city setting with various small vendors underneath green awnings and surrounded by many patrons. 98 This Commission can recommend no procedures for the future protection of our Presidents which will guarantee security. 118 Mrs. Siegel described her as a smartly dressed, gray haired woman, very self-possessed and alert and superficially affable, 123 worldwide 9 Good wine needs no herald bush. 31 The Marsalis bus which Oswald boarded traveled a route west on Elm, 67 They retain the hydrogen and the carbon, exhale the superfluous oxygen and absorb little or no nitrogen. 104 it will continue to rely in many respects upon the greater resources of the Office of Science and Technology and other agencies. 128 Has England gone back to the gold standard today? 49 Oswald obtained a hunting license, joined a hunting club and went hunting about six times, as discussed more fully in chapter six. 130 Port access roads were severely damaged as well. 48 The expert assistance and resources which it could draw upon would be particularly desirable in this complex and sensitive area. 128 at first, and for some few years after seventeen eighty-four, executions took place occasionally at a distance from Newgate. 124 But all, whether young or old, men or women, seemed to know nothing, feel nothing, to have no object but the gallows, and to laugh, 131 The police insisted on confiscating even the printer for forensic analysis. 75 Man in bright yellow vest displays bicycle safety information on street. 72 A thing which no king before had ever done: 43 But I shall ask both groups to give a fair trial to peaceful methods of adjusting their conflicts of opinion and interest, 122 Aluminum foil can be used to keep food moist, cook it evenly, and make clean-up easier. 87 At these stops, agents from the Presidential follow-up car stood between the President and the public, 102 After World War Two, the Mafia took advantage of the weakness of the postwar Italian government and set up heroin labs in Sicily. 129 Another set of frauds, which resembled those of Pries in principle, although not in practice, were soon afterwards discovered. 126 Marina Oswald testified that she thought her husband wore this shirt to work on that day. 89 I must be on my guard! 22 Prisoners indeed were known to boast that they had saved their necks by feigning insanity. 90 He called many witnesses, seventeen in all, to speak of him as they had found him; and these, all respectable city merchants and business men, 142 In eighteen ninety six, he decided to move to London to make a living as a writer. 82 and climbed up the pipe of a cistern in the corner of the press yard; some thought with the idea of drowning himself. 117 The general files of PRS consist of folders on individuals, card indexed by name. 81 While it does not appear that he established any new relationships as a result of his investigation, he did obtain a large picture of his father 144 The rooms had no fireplaces, so it mattered little that no coals were allowed. 78 The aldermen never called upon him to report, and left him nearly unsupervised and uncontrolled. 96 Deputy Sheriff Eddy R. Walthers recalled such a remark but he did not reach the scene of the struggle 101 address 7 Natalie gave me a pleasing massage, when we were in Luxembourg last week. 73 There are eight one-act plays written by Alan Ayckbourn. 56 He decided to use this money to make his way to London, the literary center of the British Empire. 98 Barnett ran to the building, noted its name, and then returned to the corner. 77 Five fourteen East Roy Street, Seattle, Washington. 51 The item costs five Yen. 24 At the age of nineteen, Oswald thus committed an act which was the most striking indication he had yet given 108 and the windows of the opposite houses, which commanded a good view, as usual fetched high prices. 98 Oswald's statements suggest that he hoped to be flooded with callers and invitations to debate. 95 did not want her to drink, smoke or wear cosmetics and generally treated her with lack of respect in the presence of others. 124 There can be no mediation between those systems as they exist today, and that person 84 Personal cleanliness was insisted upon, and all parts of the prison were kept scrupulously clean. 97 Oswald was, quote, very, very disagreeable and disappointed, end quote, 71 Diderot was left to finish the task as best he could. 53 In accordance with standard Marine procedures, Oswald received extensive training in marksmanship. 98 it is of the first importance that the letter used should be fine in form; 74 The boss ran the show with a watchful eye. 42 Three BAFTAs were awarded to people for their involvement with the series. 74 In nineteen ninety two, Schwarzenegger and his wife opened a restaurant in Santa Monica called "Schatzi On Main". 113 A new accomplice was now needed within the company's establishment, and Pierce looked about long before he found the right person. 130 According to Robert's Rules of Order, a meeting is a gathering of a group of people to make decisions. 102 and is continually anxious for the shrines of Babylon and Borsippa; 67 The first consolidation of federal Veterans programs took place August nine, nineteen twenty one, when Congress combined all World War One Veterans programs to create the Veterans Bureau. 187 There was no Federal criminal jurisdiction over the assassination of President Kennedy. 87 Taffir, the second mate, agreed, but constantly went in fear of his life for the remainder of the voyage; 105 Bake fish on the bottom rack of oven until salmon flakes easily and meat is pink and opaque, about twenty five minutes. 119 Bouhe thoroughly disapproved of this and as a result almost all communication between the Oswalds and members of the Russian community ceased. 142 Calcraft shared the odium which his office, not strangely, has always inspired. But he was admitted into the jail, 114 For three hours he struggled without success with his bonds, 60 the Philippines, and the scores of odd islands in the Pacific. 62 availability 12 Young girl stirs a pot with a spoon in the kitchen while wearing a large black blanket. 87 As the executioner fastened the noose, he nodded to a friend he saw in the crowd; 81 sometimes girls of thirteen, twelve, even ten or nine years of age, were exposed to, quote, 91 The Commission agrees with the testimony of Marine marksmanship expert Zahm 75 Top pork chops with onions, sweet potatoes, and apples. Sprinkle with brown sugar. 82 It is found only on Jamaica, Cat Island, and a few other islands in the Bahamas. 80 How do you mean? 16 The jury is still out. 22 The move follows a review of the Singapore 42 Until the time of his death he kept a small shop close to the church in Horncastle. 83 Oswald's writings and his reading habits indicate that he had an extreme dislike of the right wing, an attitude most clearly reflected by his attempt 149 She grew ochra over yonder. 27 Even Henry Ford, who was friends with Edison, partnered with Edison to explore options for a low-cost electric car in nineteen fourteen, according to Wired. 156 Without, therefore, coming to final conclusions respecting the long-range organization of the President's security, 115 This time they sent back the bill, re-enacting only the two penalties for will forging and the forging of powers of attorney; 125 Teens' social media use differs by gender. 42 De Mohrenschildt said that the whole affair made him nervous since he was, quote, interfering in other people's affairs, after all, end quote. 142 However, they are not islands and are thus not classified as an island arc. 75 The glum clods were prodded to print practice blocks. 53 The presence in animals of an alimentary cavity, or internal pocket, in which they can carry about their nutriment has broken down. 131 There were fifteen rooms of various sizes, and as the numbers imprisoned rarely exceeded five-and-twenty, the place was never overcrowded, 138 Liverpool was building a new prison with a thousand cells, the county of Surrey one with seven hundred. 103 such as the Charae, are in constant and regular motion was made out by Bonaventura Corti a century ago; 103 The total literacy rate is seventy three percent. 49 It is linked to the row over proposed changes at Scottish Ballet. 65 of such persons as have been constitutionally and lawfully provided to succeed thereto in case of a vacancy. It is important to this country 140 We did not request the State Department to include Oswald on a list which would have resulted in advising us of any application for a passport 142 fell with a strange unnatural sound upon the ear 48 Nearly seven thousand people had begun to realise just what a catastrophic mistake they had made. 97 That day Palmer had bought more strychnia, and had called in a fresh doctor. 76 Nine rows of soldiers stood in a line. 38 lead to a preview of certain principles of adaptation, necessary for their interpretation. 90 U.S. Representatives Henry B. Gonzalez, 39 Dishonest promoters often operate a particular scam for a short time and close down before they can be detected. 112 We tried to replace the coin but failed. 40 I'm looking forward to having more stability in my position and being done with the whole process. 98 This process probably lasted for about two hundred million years, implying that any endogenous activity ceased billions of years ago. 133 The gloss on top made it unfit to read. 39 An asian man wearing a black suit stands near a darkhaired woman and a brownhaired woman. 89 I dug its moat to the water level. 34 He did not have a checklist of the tasks he was expected to accomplish, either by his own efforts or with the cooperation of local authorities. 143 it is impossible that they should be quite equal except in lines of poetry 74 In two thousand eight, the Orchestra moved the performance series to the newly opened Lincoln Way North High School in Frankfort Square. 136 A tame squirrel makes a nice pet. 33 Quiet down, will you? 21 That fact led some early cable channels to call themselves superstations. 73 Oats are a food eaten by horse and man. 39 In twenty eighteen, Simone will be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. 80 I think it's about bird hunting, but now I can see how that might be misinterpreted. 84 They're sorry. 14 A woman cooks a variety of meets on a grill while others stand in the background. 81 Please drive carefully. 23 occupied the right-hand side of the front seat, and Hurchel Jacks of the Texas State Highway patrol was the driver. 115 The auctioneer accepted the bid. 32 My puberty was probably taxing for mommy and daddy. 51 Day after day you travel on, scorched by the heat of noon-day, shivering in the chill winds of the night. 105 but not till they had had an exciting chase down the street. 60 I and my wife strongly protested these tactics by the notorious F.B.I., end quote. 82 that he was soon admitted to be one of the best judges known of all kinds of property, from a glass bottle to a five hundred guinea chronometer. 144 Supplies of common necessaries, such as have now been part of the furniture of every British jail for many years, 113 She was a pescetarian. 22 Two dogs on leashes straining toward each other while their owners walk away from each other. 93 brought passers-by and policemen to the spot, a lonely place near a dead wall beyond Belsize Hall, Hampstead, 109 Hale was convicted of obstruction, but won a reversal on appeal. 64 He thought the new alternative would have its best chance to be accepted after, quote, conflict between the two world systems leaves the world country 150 and it is probable that amyloid substances are universally present in the animal organism, though not in the precise form of starch. 132 The bedclothes consisted only of a single "very slight" rug. 60 Cape Town is governed by a two hundred twenty one-member city council. 70 During his campaign for president, Vicente Fox became well known for his unique cowboy style and popular charisma. 114 Giovanni Lanni, the Italian boy who murdered a Frenchwoman in the Haymarket, 76 But why should I repeat the whole? 34 which would have greatly helped to keep out bad characters. Some idea of the difficulty and inconvenience of these lax regulations as regards visiting, 151 In deciding whether Oswald carried a rifle to work in a long paper bag on November twenty-two, 94 three. That I want to, and I shall, live a normal happy and peaceful life here in the Soviet Union for the rest of my life. 123 They sang the same tunes at each party. 39 but the session was far advanced, and the matter was relegated to the following year. 85 May I ask where the show-off put my only extra umbrella. 56 the FBI, the CIA, and the military intelligence agencies as well as the Secret Service. 87 I was just in town earlier this year, so it is kind of crazy to think about what took place right after. 104 Two national cemeteries — Arlington and the United States Soldiers' and Airmen's Home National Cemetery - are still maintained by the Department of the Army. 157 a square enclosure two furlongs each way, with gates of solid brass; which was also remaining in my time. 105 Harvard College Observatory director William Henry Pickering led two searches for trans-Neptunian planets. 106 and because the machine was often so imperfect that the amount of effort could not be exactly regulated. 104 A simultaneous attack was made upon the captain and the first mate. 67 The sky in the west is tinged with orange red. 46 Looking at Earth from the International Space Station, astronauts see big, white clouds spreading across the planet. 116 According to Fain's contemporaneous memorandum and his present recollection, 76 The prisoners inter-communicated freely, and exercised the most injurious, corrupting influences upon one another. 114 It was long before the many jurisdictions imitated the few. 59 He was always known as a mild-mannered man of simple tastes, much given to angling in the New River, and a devoted rabbit fancier. 130 Hamas's military wing objected to the truce offer. 50 Vanessa cannot undo her mistake. 32 Apple and Ireland agree on an interim deal to put thirteen billion Euros in an escrow fund for the repayment of back taxes. 123 It seemed a moving and fitting tribute. 39 had made such prisons as Auburn a model for imitation. 54 taking in preference those which are typical and invested with peculiar interest. It is somewhat remarkable that a marked change soon comes over the Calendar. 158 He testified that the picture of Oswald which he saw later on television bore a resemblance to the man who shot Officer Tippit. 127 But he agreed that because the other three bullets were mutilated, he could not determine if they had been fired from the same weapon as the test bullets. 154 Two happy looking children quickly move towards the camera away from their desert tent shanty camp. 99 Its sworn members, known only to Oxford, and all of them mere shadows, 70 Having carefully spread out a blanket on the floor just below the hammock as it lay suspended, 94 In the plant as in the animal metabolism must consist of anabolic and catabolic processes. 90 During the days of his prosperity he was a governor of Christ's Hospital, 73 Scoggins thought it was lighter. 32 Constable Beaver was leaning over the balustrade and observing the happenings around the pavilion. 98 or about a foot and a half laterally. These fees were in reality a substantial contribution towards the expenses of the jail; 125 Some years later an eye-witness published a graphic account of one of these scenes. 83 In the nineteen eightys, yoga became popular as a system of physical exercise across the Western world. 103 In one interview, he told Fritz that the only sack he carried to work that day 78 The week has its own momentum, like nothing we'd been in before. 64 He kept no daily journal of occurrences, and nothing, however important, was recorded at the time. 98 With a qualification, to be considered presently, the answer to this question is undoubtedly in the affirmative. 112 This coat is fur-lined. 23 Briefing topics include: the latest findings from the Juno mission at Jupiter; the search for life across the universe; 119 His friend and Special Assistant Kenneth O'Donnell, who accompanied him on his last visit to Dallas, 100 hundreds of women and children came in every morning to spend the day there, and there was no limitation whatever to the numbers of visitors admitted to the debtors' side. 171 access 6 Spores may travel through the air or water. 43 (two) photographs found among Oswald's possessions after the assassination of President Kennedy, 96 registered 10 The ship, however, met with exasperatingly fine weather, and it was not until the captain reached the West India Islands 120 A further and a more iniquitous method of extorting money 57 Robson said they were at Kilburn Priory. 40 A severe storm tore down the barn. 34 there were drains of large burned bricks, some of which bore the following long inscription: 92 and that, being an irritable temper, he had struck Mullay, after which a violent scuffle took place. 100 The King's Bench was a national prison, in which were confined all debtors arrested for debt or for contempt of the court of the King's Bench. 142 You must be physically capable and willing to perform emergency actions when seated in emergency or exit rows. If you are not, ask for another seat. 148 In nineteen forty-six, Public Law two ninety three established the Department of Medicine and Surgery within V.A. 113 There's not much money in cycling. 34 planning 8 But for the beauty of the earlier work they might have seemed tolerable. 72 Remove from the pan and set aside. 34 would be astonished to observe the peculiar tenderness, I was going to add respect, 83 sponsored 9 Thailand turned out to be a very satisfying holiday. 52 A little boy is holding a skinny baseball bat while standing between two rows of blue seats. 92 to have made more vigorous efforts to locate Oswald's roominghouse address in Dallas and to interview him regarding these unresolved matters. 141 The log file reveals that nobody ever read the end user license agreement during installation. 94 No one picked up, so I went by her place on the way here. 57 Sir Jeremy, from Glasgow, said they had been delighted. 55 The acceptor in turn emits light at its characteristic wavelength. 66 About one week after the return from New Orleans, 49 Playing previous song. 22 He was informed that takeoff would be delayed until Vice President Johnson was sworn in. 88 Acceleration of time. 21 One of the five suspects was caught one month after their escape. 65 Fortunately for us, our sun will continue to be around for a few billion years. 79 This type of circuit is usually called "mixed signal" rather than analog or digital. 84 The term blonde refers to the natural color of the silk thread. 63 Your public I.P. is: forty-three dot twenty-eight dot twelve dot six 68 Four kids, one wearing a red shirt and three wearing yellow, rollerblade through a square. 90 In short, attention to his feelings, mental and bodily, a supply of every necessary, abstraction from evil society, 115 A wardsman did not necessarily lose his situation for it. Nor was drink the only creature comfort he might enjoy. 113 Wainwright's demeanor after sentence has been described in the last chapter. 76 and one day a police constable tracked him to a silversmith's in Holborn Hill, 78 Improving the public transport system would help avoid traffic jams. 68 The Council of Reassignment is a fictional institution from the "Star Wars" universe. 85 There are about a dozen of men in work clothes that are getting directions for a task. 86 It is linked to the row over proposed changes at Scottish Ballet. 65 No worries. 11 They are pushed back each time they attack. 43 Talk to someone. 16 a woman wearing heavy makeup and a pink jacket is walking past a clothing shop at night. 88 Three of these agents occupied positions on the running boards of the car, and the fourth was seated in the car. 112 on his right sat Kellerman. 27 Gatwick and Luton Airports are connected by frequent direct trains, while Heathrow is accessible by bus. 104 Conversely, a wave whose phase drifts quickly will have a short coherence time. 79 Bring to a boil, and cook for about ten minutes, or until easily pierced with a fork. Drain, and set aside to cool. 115 permission 10 A moment later Curry added, quote, Looks like the President has been hit. Have Parkland stand by, end quote, 108 between the heart of an insect and the heart of a vertebrate animal 67 Two indian boys wearing dull garments and holding an ax standing in front of the mountains. 91 Woman crossing the street at a crosswalk with multiple bags in her hands. 73 Roosevelt had always belonged to the more liberal wing of the Democratic Party. 79 The order coupon was signed, in handprinting, "A. Hidell, P.O. Box two nine one five, Dallas, Texas." 101 He noted that Lee liked to give the impression that he did not care for other people but preferred to keep to himself, 118 They must be considered to have ended the age of fine printing in Italy. 72 was his attempt on General Walker's life, which did not become known to the FBI until after the assassination. 110 Three potatoes of fair size, peeled and boiled mealy. 53 advising that an individual tentatively identified as Oswald had been in touch with the Soviet Embassy in Mexico City 117 account 7 As day broke the character of the crowd was betrayed. 53 He then prayed and asked his army to join in. 45 Headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia 33 It was, however, proved that Howard was in needy circumstances, and that his proposals to Mr. Mullay could only have originated in a desire to rob him. 151 would take approximately twenty months to implement and require expenditures of approximately three million dollars during that period. 135 Under these criteria, whether the case should be referred to the Secret Service depends on the existence of a previous history of mental instability. 149 check 5 No less than sixty-seven persons were present, admitted by special permission of the sheriff. 93 These days are long gone. 25 support 7 Please press the tucks of the ten gauze dresses. 48 He was assassinated soon afterwards, triggering the Cedar Revolution. 69 Report of the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy. 79 REBOOTING... 12 At the Grammies, Bruno Mars wins three of the Big Four awards with Song of the Year, Record of the Year, and Album of the Year. 127 He was ludicrously fast on a bike. 34 The cleat sank deeply into the soft turf. 41 The item costs five Yen. 24 indicating that his motivation was at least in part a personal one. On November twenty-six, nineteen fifty-nine, 112 Under particular circumstances, the contents of the cells of certain water weeds were set free and moved about with considerable velocity. 138 He met his death with unshaken firmness, only entreating that a certain blue handkerchief, 90 Den Watts returned fourteen years after he was believed to have died, a feat repeated by Kathy Beale in twenty fifteen. 119 which curves in a southwesterly direction as it proceeds downgrade toward the Triple Underpass and the Stemmons Freeway. 120 Wikipedia says that Los Angeles International Airport (L.A.X.) opened in nineteen twenty-nine. 94 The crowds were so dense that Special Agent Clinton J. Hill 59 Oswald could not possibly have been wearing the blue jacket during the trip with Whaley, since it was found in the "domino" room of the Depository late in November. 164 Stir mixture thoroughly. Reduce heat to low, and let simmer for fifteen to twenty minutes. 90 As a result of the infusion of liquids through the cutdowns, the cardiac massage, and the airway, 97 That's an intrinsic error. 26 and those who watched his house were further encouraged in their mistake by the arrival of many carriages, 106 Betty was surprised. 20 One was Mr. William Crawford, the other the Rev. Whitworth Russell. 67 The festival happens the last Thursday of the month. 52 or they might herd together or communicate freely as in the old worst days. They might see each other when they liked, and converse sotto voce, 143 To forget his fear of flying, he imagined how the stewardess would look like in a bikini. 89 that he ever said that Oswald was capable of violence, or that he had any information suggesting this. 102 But Mrs. Solomons could not resist the temptation to dabble in stolen goods, and she was found shipping watches of the wrong category to New York. 146 John Lennon and Paul McCartney are two famous members of the Beatles. 69 The next inquiry was how he hoped to open a vein. "With a bit of sharpened stick picked out of the ordinary firewood." 118 In eighteen thirty-two the dissection of bodies cut down from the gallows, which had been decreed centuries previously, was abolished; 134 I quieted their sighings and soothed their sorrows. 51 Postal Inspector Harry D. Holmes of the Dallas Post Office testified, however, that when a package is received for a certain box, 129 The person in the window was a white man and, quote, looked to me like he was looking straight at the Triple Underpass, end quote, down Elm Street. 147 Contractility is the fundamental condition of locomotion. 57 Its bricks, measuring about thirteen inches square and three inches in thickness, were burned and stamped with the usual short inscription: 139 than in the United States? 26 to potential danger, quote, 27 REBOOTING... 12 The dog is running through the water carrying a black and yellow object in its mouth. 85 Down at Weybridge, where he had a country place, his name was long remembered with gratitude by the poor. 105 Both of these will lead to higher oil prices and make renewables more attractive. 81 The rugs used were never washed; an order existed that the bedding should be taken into the yards to be aired, but it was not very punctually obeyed. 149 A whiff of it will cure the most stubborn cold. 47 Will you come with me? 22 and for the greater security of prisoners it is roofed in with iron bars which gives it, at least overhead, the aspect of a huge cage. 134 For this she received a sentence of fourteen years' transportation, and was sent to Van Diemen's Land. 102 A report traces the origin of a significant i.O.S. source code leak to an Apple intern and five friends in the jailbreaking community. 134 On the night of January fifth, nineteen nineteen, Roosevelt suffered breathing problems. 88 Use a pencil to write the first draft. 38 Don't you know it? 18 Answer: Yes. 12 Some have used more than one approach in the same work. 55 was a distributor of surplus Italian six point five-millimeter military rifles. During the evening of November twenty-two, nineteen sixty-three, 144 Their prescription is largely about changing attitudes. 55 Since that time, the Secret Service has had and exercised responsibility for the physical protection of the President 117 With the equipment he [Oswald] had and with his ability I consider it a very easy shot, end quote. 98 Alice, the girl, was said by doctors to be in good condition. 61 to end our present unemployment as soon as we can and then to take wise measures against its return. 100 in nowise distinguishable from that of one of the simpler animals, and 70 on the turn at the intersection of Houston and Elm Streets and then proceeded at a rate of twelve to fifteen miles per hour 123 I sucked at it, but it was much more fun than most normal chess games. 70 Oswald told his wife and Mrs. Paine that he was working as a commercial photographer. 85 With a qualification, to be considered presently, the answer to this question is undoubtedly in the affirmative. 112 But the Chartists sought their ends by riot and rebellion, and gained only imprisonment for their pains. 104 Slowly, Cobain's heroin addiction worsened. 43 and it is pretty certain that for some time he served both sides; 65 It seems so long since I did the exams. 39 The cup handle has broken. 26 without favoring father or mother or any other relation or friend. 66 Mr. Buxton, in his "Inquiry into the System of Prison Discipline," 66 The Home Office would not release any further details about the group. 70 The tickets will be on sale today at the ticket office. 55 Yet, the compliance section of the treaty was highly contested. 63 so subversive of meditation, so disturbing to the thoughts; 59 These devices were developed by several European scientists in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, notably Galileo Galilei. 128 In contrast, the Vice Presidential vehicle, although not specially designed for that purpose, 93 in one, for seven years -- that of a man sentenced to death, for whom great interest had been made, but whom it was not thought right to pardon. 144 How much will it cost. 22 The barrel of beer was a brew of malt and hops. 47 analysis 8 and in many instances the details of these pictures differed from the original, and even from each other, particularly as to the configuration of the rifle. 156 Presidents have made it clear, however, that they did not favor this or any other arrangement which interferes with the privacy of the President and his guests. 160 We admire and love a good cook. 31 Air carriers are responsible for safety management, quality assurance, and quality control. 91 Many innovators at the time took note of the electric vehicle's high demand, exploring ways to improve the technology. 118 discussion 10 Ten Things You Can Do to Avoid Fraud 36 Then the gills gradually dry up, as the lungs develop, and they now breathe wholly by lungs, but still retain the tail. 119 An example of this arises with Hangul, the Korean alphabet. 59 They carry the major responsibility for supplying information about potential threats, particularly those arising from organized groups, within their special jurisdiction. 171 Nor was this all. 17 This technique was introduced originally as a way to avoid patent infringement. 79 On the other hand, the Aegean or Hellenic arc in the Mediterranean area, composed of numerous islands such as Crete, is an island arc, but is not volcanic. 155 Our objective is to tackle poverty. 35 Mahjong is a very similar game played with tiles instead of cards. 66 End quote. As Mrs. Bledsoe said these words, she pointed to her right elbow. 76 Okay, I'll record for ten seconds, starting now. 48 They had omitted to insert the dates in certain bills. 54 but was careful to prime them with his facts and lead them if possible to accept his diagnosis of the case. 107 J. R. R. Tolkien discusses the fairy story as a literary form. 62 Documents from the United Kingdom's ambassador regarding the Tiananmen Square protests are released after being declassified. 125 on his previous residence, his work permit for that country, and several unidentified letters in the Russian language. 118 possessed of this information to list Oswald as a potential threat to the safety of the President. 98 From time to time the M.B.T.A. has made various agreements with companies that contribute to commuting options. 111 Just think of it! 17 In nineteen forty, the Lake Washington Floating Bridge was opened between Seattle and Mercer Island. 100 I'm finishing my masters degree this year and hopefully this will help me land a good job. 90 the ministrations of ministers of their own form of belief. 59 Baker stated later that the man did not seem to be out of breath; he seemed calm. Quote, He never did say a word or nothing. 124 April cuddled her lamb. 23 and they were exacted to relieve a rich corporation from paying for the maintenance of their own prison. 104 The chance of rain in the next fifteen minutes is eighty percent. 65 Then, he asked us to go back to our easels and replicate all the techniques in one go. 86 His six-passenger vehicle capable of a top speed of fourteen miles per hour was little more than an electrified wagon, but it helped spark interest in electric vehicles. 169 The distance between the point on the seat and the door was twenty-seven inches. 80 especially 10 March the soldiers past the next hill. 38 The flock of flamingos landed gracefully on their awkward looking legs. 71 Testosterone is observed in most vertebrates. 45 He did not think Oswald looked like the, quote, type, end quote, that he would have expected to find associating with a group such as the Fair Play for Cuba Committee. 167 Some banks could not be saved but the great majority of them, either through their own resources or with government aid, 120 followed him over to Sweden, and arrested him at Helsingfors. 61 members of the immediate family of the President, the President-Elect or the Vice-President 91 Someone sitting on the box facing the window would have his palm in this position if he placed his hand alongside his right hip. 128 The latter was so placed that it could throw no light on the former, which was a 'Life of Sir Samuel Romilly.' 110 the books so ornamented are amongst the most delightful works of art that have ever been produced. 98 C.S. Lewis is the author of The Chronicles of Narnia series. 60 The article should discuss possible approaches to image registration. 69 The West Highland Line passes through Fort William. 51 whether of former or of later times, except only Cyrus with whom no person ever yet thought himself worthy to compare. 118 He has modified a t-rex game for a Christmas event. 51 A little boy wearing a purple shirt and blue jeans kicking a ball on the grass. 79 converge toward the conclusion that the nerve fibers, which have been regarded as ultimate elements of nervous tissue, 118 is found now-a-days to be really efficacious. The main recommendations, however, are based upon common sense 108 Sorrows with something to eat bread are endurable less. 55 This plank was made for walking on. 35 There is nothing novel or radical about this idea. 50 He then confessed that he was the redoubtable Jem Saward, or Jem the Penman, and was conveyed to a police-court, and thence to Newgate. 135 Yet it must have been abundantly plain to the reader that the other evils existing were great and glaring. A brief summary of them will best prove this. 152 Moses, in order to escape the Pharaoh's death penalty, fled. 60 In the face of such dissenting opinions, it is perfectly clear that, as Chief Justice Hughes has said, 102 It is also clear that catabolism or oxidation for the liberation of energy occurs as in animals, but this process is slower. 124 a Selective Service registration certificate, and a certificate of service in the U.S. Marine Corps, all three cards being in his own name. 139 These gametes are the cells that are prepared for the sexual reproduction of the organism. 90 Some rooms remained quite empty and unoccupied, while others were full to overflowing. 86 Eyewitnesses 12 Edinburgh, in fact, was not included in the survey. 51 Man in white shirt flipping young boy in the water with four other boys surrounding them. 89 Under the new rule visitors were not allowed to pass into the interior of the prison, but were detained between the grating. 124 For emergency use only. 23 Even economists who consider themselves neo-Keynesians usually believe that in the long run, money is neutral. 110 Baker and building superintendent Roy Truly went through a second set of doors and stopped at a swinging door where Baker bumped into Truly's back. 147 The interesting thing, or rather the danger involved, was the fact that Oswald seemed like such a nice, bright boy 114 Thomas Edison, one of the world's most prolific inventors, thought electric vehicles were the superior technology and worked to build a better electric vehicle battery. 168 The album unexpectedly tops the sales chart this Christmas. 59 But the collusion and active assistance of employees of the railway carriers were indispensable, and together 109 Aruba's educational system is patterned after the Dutch system of education. 76 The Chronicles of Newgate, Volume two. By Arthur Griffiths. Section twelve: Executions, part two. 97 A girl in a yellow dress runs across the roof of a baseball dugout during a game. 81 The paper on which the printing is to be done is a necessary part of our subject. 81 Their operations were no less worldwide. 40 Many of them, like Arthur Griffith, had little or nothing to do with the Rising. 80 Last, the anoura takes first the fish-form, then that of the perennibranch, then that of the caducibranch, and finally becomes anoura. 134 Into a second hollow pour the yeast and knead thoroughly for fifteen minutes. 77 by helicopter at ten:forty-five A.M., Eastern Standard Time, on November twenty-one, nineteen sixty-three, for Andrews Air Force Base. 134 Medicare cards. 15 During his marriage to Valerie, he had a well-publicised affair with "Carry On" co-star Barbara Windsor lasting more than ten years. 132 During August eighteen twenty nine the party went into Apache country along the Gila River. 91 The game is played on a rectangular field with a goal at each end. 66 A plot was soon discovered, 27 While waiting for the parade to start they talked briefly about "nineteen eighty-four" 86 Constantly associated with these convicted felons were numbers of juveniles, infants of tender years. 101 The Committee would be able to provide guidance in defining the general nature of domestic and foreign dangers to Presidential security. 136 on the master's side it was thirteen and fourpence, and a gallon of beer on entrance, although Mr. Newman, 106 Later, the Continental Congress of seventeen seventy six encouraged enlistments during the Revolutionary War, providing pensions to disabled soldiers. 150 to refer all communications on identified existing cases and, in addition, 74 However, the authors ignore a very large body of work on tone mapping. 70 The plan provides for an additional two hundred five agents for the Secret Service. 83 However, the following year the cancer returned. 48 More than half the world's rabbit population resides in North America. 70 Oklahoma quarterback Baker Mayfield wins the Heisman Trophy as the N.C.A.A.'s most outstanding player for the twenty seventeen college football season. 151 The walk from Beckley and Neely to ten twenty-six North Beckley was timed by Commission counsel at five minutes and forty-five seconds. 135 Smith spends two days a week recording the show. 48 and that the latter is, chemically speaking, just as complicated as the former. 79 The Governor was lying with his head on his wife's lap when he heard a shot hit the President. 94 We did what we had to do. 25 The work between the musicians and the fire is very important. 62 A musical composition for six voices or instruments. 52 She got a drawing pad and began dedicating a few days a week to sketching her surroundings. 91 Planning for motorcade contingencies. 37 the dreadful execrations of some of the felons so shook his frame that he observed "the clock had struck;" and quickening his pace, 131 At the time of the assassination, the active PRS general files contained approximately fifty thousand cases 107 Hello, Benjamin. 16 Andreas placed the shell against his ear so he could hear the ocean. 68 Sorry, there were no results for your query. 44 Then they set to building, and began by bricking the borders of the moat, after which they proceeded to construct the wall itself, 130 Many citizens were arrested, tortured, imprisoned and executed for their real or perceived link to the Communists. 114 When the carpet and the curtains caught fire, it was getting warm. 66 Wow. 4 Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, the restorer of the temples Esagil and Ezida, 78 They were described as being in a serious but stable condition yesterday. 73 but it will, by sustaining purchasing power, cushion the shock of economic distress. 84 Once, during the long illness of George the third, as many as one hundred were there waiting the "Report," as it was called. 124 Bless you! 10 It was not until Samuel Johnson's "A Dictionary of the English Language" that a more reliable English dictionary was produced. 126 Roads are paved with sticky tar. 32 A comet sample return mission and a drone-like rotorcraft that would explore potential landing sites on Saturn's largest moon, Titan. 133 In return, Iran agreed to stop supporting opposition Kurds in Iraq. 67 yet many persons of notoriously loose life continually obtained egress. 71 A man wearing a gray and black shirt and blue jeans sells inflatable brightly colored toys. 91 A person holding poles is standing on a rock ledge with bushes on each side overlooking mountains. 98 Well, they were the unlucky ones. 33 responsibility 14 into the service of the privileged few. 39 I stepped to the back of the room, so I could kind of see him from the same distance which I had seen him before. And when he came out I knew him, end quote. 157 As President Kennedy and Governor Connally were being removed from the limousine onto stretchers, 97 Communists, for instance, argued that the Soviet Union was morally superior to its adversaries. 95 The pair are very much in love. 31 It debuted at number six on The New York Times Best Seller list on August third, two thousand three. 100 It was a callous, careless crowd of coarse-minded, semi-brutalized folk, who came to enjoy themselves. 102 compare 7 Special Forces were sent into Afghanistan months before conventional forces entered the country in hopes of toppling the Taliban and al-Qaeda network spread throughout the country. 180 Twist the valve and release hot steam. 38 for the strengthening of the Interstate Commerce Commission to enable it to carry out a rounded conception of the national transportation system 144 let us examine the process. 27 In comparison, very few Americans outside of cities had electricity at that time. 81 The goal seems unlimited: Defeat terrorism anywhere in the world. 65 She was killed, but in the act of falling she forced her child into the arms of a man near her, and implored him in God's name to save it; 138 I knew you would be convinced. 30 He took several steps to ensure his position. 45 Tea in thin china has a sweet taste. 36 It was even possible for him to write one of his most popular operas, Serse, just one year after his stroke. 108 he was not actually planning to shoot Mr. Nixon at that time in Dallas. 71 The death toll included five children. 38 Yeah, I had a bit of a poke at that and failed to work out what was wrong. 74 the structural elements remain, but are profoundly modified to perform totally different functions. 99 This school will benefit future generations to come. 52 Enter your comment. 19 After a slow decline, the city was favoured by several imperial initiatives under Hadrian. 90 The direful suspicions which surrounded the case filled the whole country with uneasiness and misgiving, 104 and the rules of many of our universities and of almost every great private business enterprise, 96 In no time, the goose began to tire, so Sarah was able to hold onto Comma and give her a relaxing bath. 103 He did not retain Garfield, an Ohioan, as secretary, choosing instead a westerner, former Seattle mayor Richard A. Ballinger. 125 No, Olivia is a brunette. 25 Among his papers was found a curious document, purporting to be the rules of an association called 98 and ready at any instant to hazard great danger to themselves in the performance of their tremendous responsibility. 116 A woman sits on someone 's shoulders while using a wire brush on a door frame. 78 But when the latter was filled with gold it was too heavy to lift, 66 The Warren Commission Report. By The President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy. Chapter four. The Assassin: Part three. 142 and so passing by the roof down into the garden and on to freedom. 66 They documented Kurzweil's stated goal of bringing back his late father using A.I. 82 Good morning! Time to rise and shine. 37 experience 10 in the face of impediments confessedly discouraging 51 but the river walls have disappeared, and the buttresses of the bridges have been torn or washed away. 102 I am going to Asia tomorrow. 28 A woman assists a marathon runner by holding an umbrella over her and giving her water. 87 Based on the known facts of the assassination, 46 You have a doctor's appointment tomorrow at eight A.M. 54 The leg twitched. 17 But this weekly pittance did not go far when the debtors' side was crowded, as it often was; 92 For the third quarter in succession, the company didn't manage to leave red numbers. 84 prominently reported President Kennedy as having, quote, all but invited the Cuban people today to overthrow Fidel Castro's Communist regime 140 In nineteen forty six, he received his Diploma in Trumpet. 58 Lee Harvey Oswald left the Paine house in Irving at approximately seven:fifteen a.m., while Marina Oswald was still in bed. 123 Pulled a huge number of viewers. 32 authority 9 or of the fatal consequences which might have ensued. 53 Here they shut themselves up and made light of his siege, having laid in a store of provision for many years in preparation against this attack; 144 and discipline maintained by a system open to grave abuses, and which had the prescription of long usage, 105 Two children running in a field with a kite there is a fence in the background and mountains 92 Military submarines use several systems to communicate with distant command centers or other ships. 99 A double-decker bus overturns near Hong Kong, killing at least nineteen people. 79 whence their nutrition may be drawn by vessels, which are a sort of internal roots; and, in the presence of this alimentary cavity 130 The twenty-third Winter Olympic Games start in Pyeongchang, South Korea. It marks the first time that South Korea has hosted the Winter Olympics. 145 From the airport, the President's party will proceed to Mockingbird Lane to Lemmon and then to Turtle Creek, turning south to Cedar Springs. 140 The brother too died conveniently, but the life office took some exception to the manner of the death, and hesitated to disburse the funds claimed by Palmer. 157 A man on a bicycle watching a row of cars waiting to go through a checkpoint. 77 At the second exact information was obtained of Mrs. Manning's movements. She had gone to Edinburgh. 100 Relapse was rapid and inevitable, so that the latter state of the prison was worse than the first. 98 This vibrator-style separator soon became universally adopted by all other manufacturers. 89 In two thousand seven, "The Daily Pennsylvanian" won the Pacemaker Award administered by the Associated Collegiate Press. 121 A.O.L. discontinues its instant messaging app Aim after more than twenty years. 79 Last of all, the cabman swore that he had bought the very hat found in the carriage for Müller at the hatter's, Walker's of Crawford Street. 140 There are numerous references to quilts in literature and inventories of estates. 81 Only one person saw the movement, a lad named Dasset, who at once collared the cripple, and taking him up to two policemen, 123 The sheriff demanded four shillings, six pence for his liberate, the jailer six shillings, ten pence more, and the turnkey two shillings; 137 Depending on whom you ask, it was one of two events that sparked the interest we see today in electric vehicles. 112 a distinguished officer, and would have married an heiress had not the imposture been discovered in time. 105 Brutus plowed the field while Gabe planted the squash and potatoes. 67 A speedy man can beat this track mark. 38 a scion of the ducal house of Bedford, by his confidential valet and personal attendant. 88 quote, off underside gun barrel near end of grip C two seven six six, end quote, 80 Fingerprint and palmprint evidence establishes that Oswald handled two of the four cartons next to the window 109 Very well then, what is it that you need me to track down? 58 The Commission believes that the recommended Cabinet-level committee will help to correct many of the major deficiencies of supervision 135 But what of it? 15 programs 8 He tripped up the chapel-stairs to hear the condemned sermon, and came out with cheerful alacrity on the morning he was to die. 127 The gold ring fits only a pierced ear. 38 Investment decisions demand your time and careful consideration. 64 Its name and its situation were the same as those of the old place of carrying out the terrible sentence inflicted on accused persons who stood mute. 149 Success! 8 Measure the width of your device. It should fit in most airplane seats if it is no wider than sixteen inches. 109 It just shows the arrogance of Labour and the Liberal Democrats. 64 I do not understand that brightness value, give me a brightness value from 0 to 100 percent. 92 was to infuse new blood into all our courts. 44 based 5 He was standing on a pickup truck with a megaphone and propagated his opinion. 78 And yet, it is immature to take the sort of attitude which says, quote, a curse on both your houses! End quote. 111 He offered proof in the form of a large chart. 46 Treat the problem with rigorous mathematical analysis. 54 It is divided into three parts: "Inferno", "Purgatorio", and "Paradiso". 72 John E. Donovan, one of his former officers, testified that Oswald thought, quote, 82 One man kissing another man on the check and both are in white shirts with black vests. 87 Sweden serves as the protecting power for the United States in North Korea, providing limited emergency services. 113 He must have planned his attack at the very latest prior to Thursday morning when he spoke to Frazier. 102 He broke his ties with groups of former friends. 48 Symmetry in biology is the balanced distribution of duplicate parts within the body of an organism. 99 Both Director Hoover and his assistant, Alan H. Belmont, 56 Stockholm is one of the most crowded museum-towns in the world with some seventy museums, visited by over nine million people per year. 135 he 2 The new tentative criteria are useful in making clear that 58 Oswald's jacket was found along the path of flight taken by the gunman as he fled from the scene of the killing. 112 In the year immediately preceding this, Parliament was too busy with the great question of its own reform to spare much time for domestic legislation. 150 was living in the city while the walls were still standing, though in a ruinous condition. 90 What form did that take? 24 His wide grin earned many friends. 34 A sip of tea revives his tired friend. 38 I always felt they played for me. 33 In the case of Dallas, because President Kennedy had scheduled visits to five Texas cities 90 Ship maps are different from those for planes. 46 Born in North Carolina, the sixth child of a preacher, Simone aspired to be a concert pianist. 94 The reforms which were to be attempted in that prison 53 the sum total amounting to some one hundred seventy thousand pounds, with a declaration in his own handwriting to the following effect. 135 Pour mixture into the prepared baking dish. Cover with aluminum foil. 69 Accordingly, it was important to determine the luncheon site as quickly as possible, so that security could be established at the site and the motorcade route selected. 168 In Wicca, male and female deities are typically balanced out in a form of duotheism. 84 By all means, replies Bob, and a close investigation follows, without any detection of the corpse concealed. 108 and when it was completed, both sides of the prison were brought into harmony with modern ideas. 96 the greatest and most rapid revolution which biological science has ever undergone was effected by the application of the modern microscope 139 Such agreements should describe in detail the information which is sought, the manner in which it will be provided to the Secret Service, 137 Five fourteen East Roy Street, Seattle, Washington. 51 and to assume any disguise, if required to go into the country on the business of the association. 98 It was a lesser amount than the unemployment benefits available to non-veterans. 80 Their treatment was also a matter of chance. They still slept on rope mats on the floor, herded together in companies of four or more to keep one another warm 158 Observing his blood-covered chest as he was pulled into his wife's lap, Governor Connally believed himself mortally wounded. 124 Spray fillet with cooking spray and arrange lemon slices on top. 64 He was described by Chief Curry as having the reputation of being "a very fine, dedicated officer." 99 Please stop the recording by pressing the button again, when you have finished reading this sentence. 101 That was the lesson to be learned from the European Championships. 66 windows 7 Garnish with pickled ginger. 28 There are indications that he has suffered serious personality damage but if he can receive help quickly this might be repaired to some extent, end quote. 154 Titanium is a chemical element with atomic number twenty two. 61 Read just what the meter says. 30 Before the body could be taken from the hospital, 49 With mingling fear and wonder at the mystery always lying beyond the desert horizon, 84 In the marine environment, plastic debris can absorb persistent toxic chemicals that migrate up the food chain and pose risks to human health. 142 Stombaugh confirmed that the rifle could have picked up fibers from the blanket and transferred them to the paper bag. 118 He was not prosecuted for this fraud on account of the respectability of his family, and soon after this escape 111 According to their statements, the agents remained at the Press Club for periods varying from thirty minutes to an hour and a half, 131 rating 6 Wilson was acquitted on this charge, but other suspicious facts cropped up while she was in Newgate. 100 Did England hesitate to call in ten billion dollars of her war bonds bearing five percent interest, 99 The two planets also have other subtle but important differences. 65 last 4 At one:twenty-two p.m. the Dallas police radio described the man wanted for the murder of Tippit as, quote, a white male about thirty, 134 They had, however, occasionally observed the windows of buildings in the area before the motorcade arrived, in accordance with their own understanding of their function. 169 Continue straight to stay on Massachusetts Avenue. 50 The Ministry of Culture of Saudi Arabia announces that it will lift a ban on commercial cinemas that has lasted more than three decades. 136 He said the same phrase thirty times. 37 Caesar salad does not belong on a pizza even if it is vegan. 60 Most of the cemeteries were located in the Southeast, near the battlefields and campgrounds of the Civil War. 109 knead and set for risings first and second, as you have already been instructed. This sponge will be found especially useful in making Graham Bread. 148 She decided to study Accounting at a university in Portugal. 60 So what is the campaign about? 30 The Commission has not undertaken a comprehensive examination of all facets of this subject; 92 events which, quote, robbed me of what support I had leaving me alone, end quote. 81 who bad been further upset by a letter threatening to shoot him when he appeared to perform his task. 101 If the protective job is well done, its performance will be evident only in the unexceptional fact of its success. 114 A twenty percent chance of showers. 35 which was done with a sort of ceremony intended to be impressive. 65 The movie's epic soundtrack uses classical elements mixed with parts of rock and synthetic bass. 96 Around this same time, many big and small automakers began exploring options for alternative fuel vehicles, including electric cars. 132 Mince pie is a dish served to children. 39 Several arrests were made. 26 a subject of magnitude and importance sufficient to exclude other jails, they soon narrowed their inquiry still further, 120 It was very desirable that there should be a more speedy removal of transports from Newgate to the ships. 105 At present, Federal agencies participate only upon the sufferance of the local authorities. 91 The Bahamas is a parliamentary constitutional monarchy headed by Queen Elizabeth Two in her role as Queen of the Bahamas. 121 If most of your money is slated to cover expenses and costs, much less will be available to earn a return. 106 It comes from reflection or thinking. 37 Government offices and honest companies won't require you to use these payment methods. 87 He blamed Constantine for the state of the administration and for having abandoned the traditions of the past. 110 health 6 When a national health security threat appears, we may not know right away why or how many people are affected. 111 The next time the eclipse occurs is in twenty-twenty-four. 58 From thirteen oh nine to thirteen seventy seven, they lived at Avignon in France. 81 Another distinguished witness feared 36 If the cap fit, wear it. 24 to determine what matters require attention in making advance preparations and to decide what action to take. 109 and the ordinary, in a voice trembling with emotion, read the burial service aloud. 83 accordingly they committed to him the command of their whole army, and put the keys of their city into his hands. 113 came up in all respects to modern requirements. 47 Drawing from my own experience as a learner of English and German, I value engaging activities that involve everyday conversation. 130 In twenty-twenty-seven I will old enough to drive. 50 Saward spent all his share at low gaming houses, and in all manner of debaucheries. 83 Over five hundred Olympic sports champions lived in the city by two thousand five. 82 communities 11 but there is a system for the immediate notification of the Secret Service by the confining institution when a subject is released or escapes. 142 Woman dressed in a green hat and apron is holding a tray full of drink samples. 79 Many scientists work their entire careers on this, and you say you have solved this in a single afternoon? 106 Small satellites, including CubeSats, are playing an increasingly larger role in exploration, technology demonstration, scientific research and educational investigations at NASA. 179 or to reappropriate, reconstruct, and patch up the existing prisons till they were more in accordance with the growing requirements of the times. 145 also examined the four cartridge cases found near the site of the homicide and compared them with the test cartridge cases fired from the Smith and Wesson revolver 163 when, in pursuance of an order issued by the Recorder to the sheriffs of Middlesex and the keeper of His Majesty's jail, Newgate, 129 In two thousand four, the countries were called in alphabetical order. 70 member 6 A flickering shadow was projected onto the walls and the ceiling. 65 John of Spires, followed by Nicholas Jenson, began to print in that city. 73 Thelonious Monk Trio was originally released in nineteen fifty four as Thelonious Monk's first proper studio album. 115 There was no reply. 19 He did not seem to be able to make the accommodations necessary when people work under such conditions and as a result 118 On January thirty first, nineteen twelve, Hearst introduced the nation's first full daily comic page in his "New York Evening Journal". 135 Well, you can have a tree. 26 It was really evidence of facts which could not be controverted or explained away. 82 fell upon him, and in spite of his resistance carried him into a sort of den partitioned off at the end of the back kitchen. 124 Seventy eight John Hawkins Parkway, Annapolis, Maryland. 56 Direct teens toward sites that are designed to help them directly, including the National Runaway Safeline, Smokefree Teen, and the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. 169 whether or not the act is committed while the victim is in the performance of his official duties or on account of such performance. 132 Pink clouds floated with the breeze. 36 Even then she might have been saved, but the captain would not suffer the crew to act. Nearly the whole of the cargo was lost as well as the ship. 146 Beyond the press yard were three stories, condemned cells, fifteen in all, with vaulted ceilings nine feet high to the crown of the arch. 137 Oswald's interest in Marxism led some people to avoid him, 58 Touch one of them with the end of a fine human hair 51 It was a bad error on the part of the new judge. 48 My father built the moat-wall of the Arachtu canal securely with mortar and bricks. 83 Mrs. Kennedy was guarded by Secret Service agents in quarters assigned to her in the naval hospital. 100 Yet, consumers were still faced with one of the early problems of the electric vehicle - where to charge their vehicles on the go. 130 According to O'Donnell, the President commented that, quote, 60 had 3 The nineteen fifty nine Hebgen Lake earthquake just west of Yellowstone at Hebgen Lake damaged roads and some structures in the park. 133 The Affordable Care Act doesn't say you need a new Medicare card, or another health insurance card. 99 The bark of the pine tree was shiny and dark. 45 Ohio is historically known as the "Buckeye State" after its Ohio buckeye trees, and Ohioans are also known as "Buckeyes". 121 While Cook lay ill, Palmer in his name pocketed the proceeds of the Shrewsbury settling, 88 His idea that he was to find, quote, freedom, end quote, in the Soviet Union was to be rudely shattered. 104 Immediate action must be taken. 31 The highest female voice. 25 peas at ten shillings a quart, five-guinea pines, and early asparagus were to be found on his table. 100 I can't even get into the A team. 33 The pile of pennies was larger than the fruit basket. 53 both adaptations to an aerial environment; 42 and services related to the security of the President. 54 I have attempted to draw of crime in connection with Newgate, from first to last, I must make some mention, in this my penultimate chapter, 139 And these businesses' ongoing operations generate annual sales of forty three billion dollars and employ more than one hundred fifty six thousand people. 153 Guinyard claimed that the man ran down the east side of Patton and passed within ten feet of him before crossing to the other side. 131 Stamps and moulds were used by most ancient civilizations, from ancient Rome and Mesopotamia to China. 102 was a prison for debtors and persons committed for contempt by the courts of Chancery, Exchequer, and Common Pleas. 115 Is it raining right now? 24 state 5 Sunday, July fourth, seventeen seventy-six. 43 This recipe is low-carb and resembles a loaded potato. 54 After failing to reach agreement on an extension of the one hundred one day ceasefire, hostilities resume between Colombia's government and E.L.N. forces. 154 In this we have had assistance from many bankers and businessmen, 65 Knead it again, then, and wait upon its rising for another three hours. The dough should be as soft as can be handled. 118 Why are you doing this? 23 Fry until browned and crisp, turning as needed. 47 The Guards, headed by Lord Adolphus Fitz Clarence, now reinforced the police, and the conspirators gave way. 108 the evidence to establish his (Barber's) connivance in the frauds was too doubtful for us to continue his exclusion any longer. 127 Bringing the lights up. 23 However, the result in distributed food is the same in the plant and in the animal. 83 Throughout his trial he preserved an impassive countenance, but he clearly took a deep interest in all that passed. 115 Scam artists lie. Their success depends on having an airtight answer for everything. 84 The motion picture machine was patented in Providence on April twenty third, eighteen sixty seven. 98 Follow the Department of State on Facebook and Twitter. 55 and no doubt made the meat also pay toll. 41 time 4 There was no time scale. 24 Ask if the investment has a track record. 41 The occupants of this terrible black pew were the last always to enter the chapel. 82 The Lords' Committee fully recognized the painful fact 54 She covers all things energy efficiency - from fuel cells and vehicle technologies to advancements in manufacturing and consumer energy efficiency tips. 152 The train was now approaching Folkestone, and Agar and Pierce hid themselves in a dark part of the van. 103 He was glad, therefore, to get an extra allowance of bread, 59 Mix in basil, oregano, brown sugar, one and a half teaspoons salt, diced tomatoes and tomato paste. 99 industry 8 This acquisition created a four billion dollar shipyard called Northrop Grumman Newport News. 93 The Dodgers beat the Tigers by a wide margin. 45 This is a definite advantage to the shooter, the vehicle moving directly away from him and the downgrade of the street, and he being in an elevated position 156 Furthermore, Armenian exports fell by about one percent to five hundred twenty million dollars U.S.D. 101 They are wrong. 15 The main source of light on Earth is the Sun. 45 It was published anonymously. "By A Lady" appears on the cover page where the author's name might have been. 108 The floor was on the level of the river, and very damp. 55 There are two great representatives of power in the world, 58 Inspection of Buildings 23 who responded to the unplanned event with dispatch. 51 The supreme control of the Marshalsea was vested in the marshal of the royal household; but although he drew a salary of five hundred pounds a year, 148 Season with two teaspoons pepper and one teaspoon salt. 55 The place at which they landed was not far from the entrance to the River Plate. 80 We are currently consulting with a wide range of interested parties. 68 The item costs five euros. 26 Welles guest starred on television shows including "I Love Lucy". 65 In some cases, native corporations received outside aid in surveying the land. 78 Decreasing the color temperature of the lights. 47 Many services depart at about midnight, arriving in outlying islands at breakfast time. 87 This committee made its report in September the following year, and an excellent report it is, so far as its recommendations are concerned. 139 Then the Babylonians secretly plotted to throw off the Persian yoke. 68 One of the three, shamming ill, remained all day in his ward, where he employed himself unraveling the rope from the sleeping-mats. 131 On October three the Dallas Morning News quoted U.S. Representative Joe Pool's hope 83 or from the occasional investigations initiated by the Secret Service, 70 they should gamble with dice or cards, and play at bumble puppy or some other disreputable game of chance. 106 it is never used except for very expensive books, although it would not materially increase the cost in all but the very cheapest. 130 Do you like cooking? 20 Marina Oswald stated that- when she asked her husband what be had done with the rifle, 86 Oswald was five foot nine inches, slender and twenty-four years old. 68 No offense, but your agility leaves a lot to be desired. 56 At the time of the assassination PRS was a very small group, comprised of twelve specialists and three clerks. 110 A military man playing drums from America 's Corp Fort Lewis, Washington while in a parade 90 He also recommended that Mrs. Oswald seek, quote, psychotherapeutic guidance through contact with a family agency, end quote. 125 In the plant the inorganic matter in water from the soil are absorbed by the roots and carried up definite tubes in the woody part of the stem. 143 The rate of growth in road traffic is already beginning to slow. 64 The Pacific Ocean is the only ocean which is almost totally bounded by subduction zones. 88 The teacher is not happy with his students. 43 Copper and silver are also used when doing chemistry with fluorine. 67 In origin, heroin was supposed to be the "non-addictive morphine substitute." Well, I can guess how that turned out. 116 The run-off was scheduled for twenty seven June two thousand eight. 67 or class (one), with whom, under the imperious demand for accommodation, were also associated the misdemeanants, or class (two). 128 The basics include reducing how much energy and materials you use, reusing what you can and recycling the rest. There's a lot more about that to learn! 151 The nominations for the upcoming Academy Awards are announced. The Shape of Water leads with thirteen nominations. 114 and this man, Mr. Truly, spoke up and says, it seems to me like he says, 72 web 3 List all the valid options that are scheduled to become obsolete in a future version. 85 which, from their similarity to animals of simple organization, were called "zoospores." 88 A wise accommodation of parts and angles, and compactness in the adjustment of "must-be-dones" 94 It was too late. 16 It was urged that the area selected for purchase must be excessively costly to acquire, and still quite inadequate for the city needs. 134 The first case was that of the 'Flowery Land,' 46 Finally, he lifted one of the boards and after setting it aside carefully, looked into the space beneath the floor. 115 Manchester City beat local rivals Manchester United two to one at Old Trafford to set a new record for successive victories in English top-flight games. 152 Is that okay? 13 Do you know those people? 25 The blackbird watched all this from the tree twisting its head left and right, blinking and testing its wings, before finally taking to the air. 144 and they asked me which one and I told them. It was him all right, the same man. He showed no respect for the policemen, 120 It requires air carriers to provide service with the highest possible degree of safety in the public interest. 110 A young intern, he works very hard but does not always get proper recognition. 78 They cannot distinguish a gray rain cloud from a puffy white cloud. 67 Calcraft served the city of London till eighteen seventy-four, when he was pensioned at the rate of twenty-five shillings per week. 131 The letter implied that the animal could be suffering from a rare form of foot and mouth disease. 97 The foul ball sailed over the stadium roof. 43 Oswald's decided rejection of both capitalism and communism 59 then into Palace Yard, where the waterman of the cab-tank, in obedience to Lerigo's shouts, collared the fugitive. 114 The walls of the palaces of many of the Assyrian kings were lined with great stone slabs engraved with reliefs and sometimes with the portrait of a king. 153 Higham suggests that they were prominent figures of the time. 61 when visiting Miami on February fifteen, nineteen thirty-three; and on President Harry S. Truman on November one, nineteen fifty, 129 Yet there are many unicellular forms in which both kinds of nutrition go on at the same time; 93 whom she was to have married, and in whose company she had left her own lodgings to visit his in Camberwell. 108 PRS had received, over a twenty-year period, basic information on some fifty thousand cases; 92 Our favorite thing to do was to watch the same slasher movie every Friday after band practice. 94 They emphasized the necessity that the information now being furnished be handled with judgment and care. 105 The faeries fade into the darkness as she wakes up from her dream. 66 and without reference to or comparison with the documents in which the payment was claimed. 91 the "lower-case" being in fact invented in the early Middle Ages. 65 Among the dead was a sailor lad whom no one knew; 49 A report was, moreover, widely circulated, and the impression long prevailed, that he actually escaped death. 109 End quote. As his, quote, principal reason, end quote, for renouncing his citizenship 85 He was about to emigrate to New South Wales, when he was arrested at Islington and committed to Newgate on a charge of receiving stolen goods. 142 which provides, quote, Liquor, use of 37 She carefully removed the evidence from its packaging. 54 I.B.M. offers an emulator which runs on Linux on X eighty six machines. 71 Sorry, I'm having trouble checking the traffic. Please try again later. 71 For the Scottish judges, the affair is very delicate and unique. 64 Sunday's game was not a trial. 30 This will make certain that the largest possible portion of the funds allotted 78 A girl playing in the sink with toys and some potentially dangerous household chemicals. 88 It would be very useful if my web browser could synchronize all of its preferences, not just some. 98 Investment decisions demand your time and careful consideration. 64 Bob lifted the dusty scroll. 28 It was a funny game. 20 Whether it's a hybrid, plug-in hybrid or all-electric, the demand for electric drive vehicles will continue to climb as prices drop and consumers look for ways to save money at the pump. 186 Born in California, but raised in Wisconsin, Lund attended the University of Wisconsin Madison where he earned his B.S. in mathematics. 135 They carry the major responsibility for supplying information about potential threats, particularly those arising from organized groups, within their special jurisdiction. 171 In Dallas, one of the nine agents was assigned to assist in security measures at Love Field, and four had protective assignments at the Trade Mart. 147 However, it did not end that way. 33 The treasure was found behind the garage door. 46 One promising project is the National Renewable Energy Lab's work on insulating window films - a clear layer of insulation that is added to existing windows. 157 The prisoners had few comforts, beyond the occasional use of a bath at some distance, situated in the press yard, 113 Some non-tariff barriers and tariffs on goods remain, however. 62 unloaded at five hundred North Beckley at twelve:forty-five p.m. 64 Hold your nose to keep the smell from disabling your motor functions. 69 Your destination is on the left. 32 at the southeast corner of the intersection, approximately fifty feet away. 75 Throughout the twentieth century, ranching declined and most of the sheep became feral. 87 Aspirin given shortly after a heart attack decreases the risk of death. 71 but I, his first-born, the beloved of his heart, 48 the Secret Service, then the only Federal investigative agency, assumed full-time responsibility for the safety of the President. 129 A main application of pseudorandom generators lies in the de-randomization of computation that relies on randomness. 116 They must play for each other. 30 considered 10 But as Americans became more prosperous, they turned to the newly invented motor vehicle - available in steam, gasoline or electric versions - to get around. 157 The earliest book printed with movable type, the Gutenberg Bible, is printed in letters which are an exact imitation. 117 It was enacted that the court of aldermen should make rules for the government of the prison, and that these should be posted publicly within the walls. 152 Yet, the vehicles developed and produced in the nineteen seventys still suffered from drawbacks compared to gasoline-powered cars. 130 The Shadow Chancellor is away on holiday. 41 Owing to the repeated entreaties of the criminals who could hardly hope to escape the gallows, some show of classification was carried out, 139 He was on the most intimate and improperly familiar terms with the turnkeys, 76 The fire burned the fox. 24 In multitasking systems this comprises the program's code segment and usually shared libraries. 95 Long before they came to maturity the forgers hoped to be well beyond arrest. They had, moreover, sought to destroy all clue. 125 Filmed in Middlebury, Vermont, the series chronicles the activities of Stone Motors, a car dealership that employs the barter system. 133 The Commission has, therefore, placed no reliance on the paraffin tests administered by the Dallas police. 106 My keyboard is filled with dust. 32 I think we should go. 21 They had to handcuff her by force against the most violent resistance, and still she raged and stormed, 103 The City of Spring Park is supportive of the addition of the Spring Park Municipal Well Field Site to the National Priorities List, said Spring Park City Manager Dan Tolsma. 173 Check whether the website is funded by ads, donations, or others. 65 and to have been guilty of extortion to others. One Sir William Rich, Bart., he had loaded with heavy irons 107 Can I be used to request invocation of a subsystem on the remote system? 72 On the dread morning he came out to execution quite gaily, and tripped up the stairs to the scaffold. 101 Do you hear me? 15 I love syrup and pancakes. 26 It took seventeen years for Mullett's masterpiece to finally be completed. 74 And then he would ask us to go back to our easels and replicate all the techniques in one go. 93 Another frightful consequence of this indiscriminate admission was the influx of numbers of abandoned women, 108 Her jeans have holes in them. 29 Measurements suggested the fuel was reaching between one and five million kelvins, a temperature that would produce nuclear fusion reactions. 141 In England about this time, an attempt was made to improve the letter in form. 78 Mr. Gee, of Bishop Stortford, who administered the estate of a certain Mr. Canning, deceased. 93 It's best to get an independent appraisal of the specific asset, business, or investment you're considering. 108 Oswald wrote that an office which he had previously claimed to have rented for FPCC activities had been, quote, 111 A new rabies test could mean people exposed to potentially rabid animals could forego the weeks-long regimen of shots to prevent the deadly disease. 148 the Exchequer, the Commissioners of bankruptcy and of taxes; smugglers, and a larger number sentenced for very short terms, 123 The judge, Sir Henry Hawkins, in passing sentence 49 The aircraft is now fully retired and no longer functional. 59 During the afternoon of November twenty-two, 44 their nutritive processes result in oxidation, they have a definite organ of excretion and are capable of automatic movement 124 Scotland were beaten again. 27 Teens' social media use differs by gender. 42 Many people are walking around shopping in a brightly lit and colorful shopping mall. 85 educational 11 If the field office determines that the case should be subject to continuing review, PRS establishes a file 107 A recent reform had closed the tap kept by the jailer within the precincts, but 79 Oswald told her he was going to practice with it. 49 Her records were incomplete. 28 I'm ready to assist you now. 28 The mysterious Bravo case, that of Dr. Lamson, and that of Kate Dover 69 You know, singing karaoke with you makes me realize how good of a singer I am. 78 The inspectors found that prisoners had their places assigned to them 69 As you can see, political friction between "left" and "right" is very great here. 81 At first Mrs. Connally thought that her husband had been killed, 64 Already the urgent necessity for abolishing public executions had been brought before the House of Commons by Mr. Hibbert, 122 Forged cheques and bills were soon uttered in great numbers, as well as base coin. 82 Sprinkle casserole with remaining one cup shredded cheese. Bake about three minutes more, or until cheese melts. 112 Much useful information will come to the attention of local law enforcement agencies in the regular course of their activities. 127 In nineteen eighty one, Suntek introduced the first low E window technology on the market. 90 Around the same time, he created the world's first hybrid electric car - a vehicle that is powered by electricity and a gas engine. 131 According to Marguerite Oswald, quote, Lee lived for the time that he would become seventeen years old to join the Marines -- that whole year, end quote. 153 Do online searches. 19 Francis was sentenced to be hanged, decapitated, and quartered, 63 They must play for each other. 30 the testimony of the officers present indicates that he handled himself with considerable composure during his questioning. 123 I was fighting for my life, I thought. 38 How can I tell? 15 The ink stain dried on the finished page. 41 Bacon, pancakes and maple syrup is a hearty start to any day. 61 The Commission regards this as a most useful innovation and urges that the practice be continued. 97 I know of no test by which the reaction of the leaves of the Sundew and of other plants to stimuli, so fully and carefully studied by Mr. Darwin, 145 each wave seems trying to overleap the other as they are drawn onwards towards this outlet. 91 Fascination with these and other ethnic foods may also vary with region. 72 And the music droned on in the background making the congregation sleepier than before. 87 We also became convinced that the only way to avoid a repetition of those dark days was to have a government with power to prevent 130 He was obviously very genuine. 30 but he was subsequently again tried for bigamy, and sentenced to twelve months' imprisonment. 93 They attended early and late; they mustered the prisoners, examined into their condition, 89 Alberta has always been an export-oriented economy. 51 Small children came to see him. 31 A "patriotic duty" to bring in the harvest. The opinions of the workers (unvoiced) are that it's a great pain in the neck: 122 There is nothing wrong with it. 31 eight truculent and reckless scoundrels, who, brooding over their fancied wrongs, and burning for revenge, 106 Chief Rowley explained that this would not provide enough additional manpower to take all the measures which he considers required. 131 This Commission can recommend no procedures for the future protection of our Presidents which will guarantee security. 118 Hello, world. 13 Man wearing protective eye gear performs a science experiment while woman watches. 82 but really kept for the few who had funds sufficient to gain them admission to these more comfortable quarters. 111 Slide playing to this day is very popular in blues music and country music. 75 Sentences are built of nouns, verbs and sometimes adjectives. 61 membership 10 Finally, on coming downstairs after bed-time, Lord William had found Courvoisier in the dining-room. 100 At this time there were in England one hundred and seventy boroughs, cities, towns, and liberties 97 and they were each kept in an ordinary separate cell of the newly-constructed block, with the "traps," or square openings in the cell door, 139 I lost them last Thursday. 26 Most of the news is easy for us to hear. 40 A man standing on a railroad track taking a picture of the water between two bridges. 85 Only one sample was indeterminate using both tests. 51 Paula decided to attend the Developer Conference next month. 60 To them entered the chaplain or ordinary of Newgate in full canonicals, 71 Sometimes rugs were urgently required and not forthcoming; 58 A bus moving through heavy traffic on Elm from Murphy to Lamar was timed at four minutes. 89 One twenty Greeley Highway, Cheyenne, Wyoming. 46 Yet, it worked. 15 at any time while in travel status. 35 The head of PRS testified that the Secret Service requested other agencies to provide, quote, 93 Please send log information using the standard system module. 61 The West Highland Line passes through Fort William. 51 Commentary and narration are provided by the Stones during the episodes. 72 in so far as under these circumstances the green plant 54 A man in an orange apron standing in a kitchen, ostentatiously presenting a plate of food. 90 Printing, in the only sense with which we are at present concerned, differs from most if not from all the arts and crafts represented in the Exhibition. 152 It's pretty good for single word commands and such though. 58 After judgment was passed she repeatedly cried out Shame! 57 She sent Brewer into the theatre to find the man and check the exits, told him about the assassination, and said, quote, 120 The album features the first recorded performances of Blue Monk and Bemsha Swing. 81 Those arguments are presented in written briefs and sometimes in oral argument to the court at a hearing. 105 They enjoyed the hot clam chowder. 34 the cold-blooded, calculating atrocity born of self-interest, were still the irresistible incentives to kill. 109 In correct time musical'. 25 The builder placed the brick onto the plank of wood, so it would bend into shape. 81 They bought their offices from one another, and were thus considered to have a vested interest in them. 103 This trash-reducing regulatory program was the first of its kind and has prevented tons of trash from entering the river. 121 But this digression was necessary in order to present a more complete picture of the state of jails in the early part of the present century, 141 he had just completed a very intensive preliminary training period. 67 Mrs. Julia Postal, selling tickets at the box office of the Texas Theatre, 74 That radiator is emitting an uncomfortable amount of heat. 58 The first part of the plan needs changing. 42 that she became quite angry when Oswald told her what he had done, and that she made him promise never to repeat such a performance. 132 The "function" is the solution of a problem and the "arguments" are the data in the problem. 92 Higham suggests that they were prominent figures of the time. 61 One very important matter in "setting up" for fine printing is the "spacing," that is, the lateral distance of words from one another. 134 On the whole, a small book should be printed on paper which is as thin as may be without being transparent. 107 This indeed predicted a fairly large number of observed alloy compositions. 75 He was a prolific photographer, painter, and sculptor. 54 Thence he was transferred to Copenhagen and surrendered in due course to a London police officer. 97 They were never left quite alone for fear of suicide, and for the same reason they were searched for weapons or poisons. 120 The slush lay deep along the street. 36 Presidential follow-up car. 27 Under the reckless contempt for regulations, 44 The autopsy report indicated an estimated weight of one hundred fifty pounds. 77 as a, quote, rather poor shot, end quote. 41 Classic Piccata reaches a new peak with the marvelous addition of mushrooms. 76 Marguerite Oswald worked in miscellaneous jobs after her divorce from Ekdahl. 77 exhibit a remarkable series of homologies pointing to a five-toed ancestor, 75 As the U.S. entered World War One in nineteen seventeen, Congress established a new system of Veterans benefits. 112 He referred to his English version as his "second original". 60 I have always considered this country to be my own. End quote. 62 Classification is, among other things, a discipline of machine learning. 72 So what happens next? 21 Pour in milk and bourbon, stirring frequently until mixture begins to boil. 75 There is no universal standard defining the process of extracting espresso. 75 The route chosen from the airport to Main Street was the normal one, except where Harwood Street was selected as the means of access to Main Street 147 You're faltering. 17 as the man she saw kill Officer Tippit. In evaluating Mrs. Markham's identification of Oswald, the Commission considered certain allegations 140 Choose between the high road and the low. 41 Do I know it? 13 Title forty nine empowers the F.A.A. to prescribe regulations and minimum safety standards. 91 He will emerge as a world leader. 33 This process probably lasted for about two hundred million years, implying that any endogenous activity ceased billions of years ago. 133 On it. 6 It can be used for online, print or even broadcast advertising. 63 For example, Ferdinand Porsche, founder of the sports car company by the same name, developed an electric car in eighteen ninety eight. 135 The presence in animals of an alimentary cavity, or internal pocket, in which they can carry about their nutriment has broken down. 131 Mom took Grandma to the garden center to hear the Latin names of plants. 72 A girl in a green Speedo top and blue goggles holds her breath underwater. 74 it is not possible to state with scientific certainty that a particular small group of fibers come from a certain piece of clothing 131 And after he had walled the city, and adorned its gates, he built another palace before his father's palace; but so that they joined to it: 139 Just prior to the shooting, David F. Powers, riding in the Secret Service follow-up car, remarked to Kenneth O'Donnell 118 because he didn't make friends with the boys in the neighborhood. She thought that he, quote, withdrew into a completely solitary and detached existence 152 Alan H. Belmont, Assistant to the Director of the F.B.I., testified that this revision was initiated by the F.B.I. itself. 122 Oswald was tentatively located in New Orleans in June, 54 I do not wish to be a part of it, nor do I ever again wish to be used as a tool in its military aggressions. 108 The boss ran the show with a watchful eye. 42 Jim tried to go lunchless before his stomach surgery. 53 Frazier testified that Oswald carried no lunch bag that day. 60 Closure regions cause confusion. 32 Five men in white shortsleeved shirts and ties stand in a parking lot. 70 Although Oswald destroyed the notebook, three photographs found among Oswald's possessions after the assassination 114 But enough of this! 19 Question: And then he burned the book? 38 whom she compared to, quote, a puppy dog that everybody kicked, end quote, had a lot of good qualities, in spite of the fact that, quote, 137 Brewer met McDonald and the other policemen at the alley exit door, 67 When Charles White was executed in eighteen twenty-three for arson, he arranged a handkerchief 94 Many rats also come through these so-called ventilators, as they open close to the ground at the back of the prison. 116 Horses cannot vomit, so digestion problems can quickly cause colic, a leading cause of death. 93 An agile dog catches a Frisbee while a crowd of onlookers watches closely. 74 Fibers in paper bag matched fibers in blanket 45 New programs provide treatment for traumatic brain injuries, post-traumatic stress, suicide prevention, women Veterans and more. 128 Although Bureau experiments had shown that twenty-four hours was a likely maximum time, Latona stated 101 to the bitter destruction of all and everything. I am quite sure these people must hate not only the government 111 and the royal party drove back to Clarence House, the Queen being anxious to give the first news of the outrage and of her safety to her mother, 144 The stairs creaked under his weight as he climbed to the darkened upper floor. 78 Mrs. Roberts testified that on Thursday, November twenty-one, Oswald did not come home. 87 Waiting times for these services are too long. 46 She thought it might be a cheap copy, but she didn’t want to know. 66 The old prejudices, such as that which enlisted Dr. Johnson on the side of the Tyburn procession, still lingered and prevented any change. 138 Large sums, as they were realized, were transmitted to the United States, and invested in various American securities, 118 The Department's Employment Policy Program, and who also represents the Secretary of the Treasury on various committees and groups. 131 and his soul shot out so piercingly through the port-holes of his head, that the first glance of him nearly petrified me 120 Persian sovereignty lasted until the Persians' defeat at the hands of Alexander the Great who conquered the city in three thirty three B.C. 139 The committee most of all insisted upon the entire individual separation of prisoners, except during the hours of labor, 120 I had no idea. 14 return 6 and he could disassemble it more rapidly. 41 By the end of the twentieth century, Cambridge had one of the most expensive housing markets in the Northeastern United States. 127 They are still declining. 25 It seems that the format is incorrect on the settings. 54 Pending any such determination, however, this Commission is convinced of the necessity of better coordination 109 NASA Highlights Jupiter, Search for Life at American Geophysical Union 70 That's also true for reloadable cards like MoneyPak, Reloadit or Vanilla. 73 The Pew Research Center regularly conducts surveys on technology use in the United States, and collects data on adolescents' social media use. 142 but did not issue any such warning or suggest that Marina Oswald defect from the Soviet Union and remain in the United States under FBI protection, 147 Since then, rising gasoline prices and growing concern about carbon pollution have helped make the Prius the best-selling hybrid worldwide during the past decade. 162 Construction workers are working with a heavy piece of machinery behind an orange and white striped barrier. 108 On the other hand, at least one person who knew Oswald after his return thought that his defection had a more personal and psychological basis. 143 Guatemalan President Jimmy Morales starts the second half of his term surrounded by accusations of corruption and protests. 123 They had been married after a courtship of only about six weeks, a part of which Oswald spent in the hospital. 110 Redpath's crime arose from his peculiar and independent position as registrar of stock of the Great Northern Railway Company. 125 I only know that his basic desire was to get to Cuba by any means, and that all the rest of it was window dressing for that purpose. End quote. 143 The wagon moved on well oiled wheels. 37 and came under the strong animadversion of the Jail Committee of seventeen twenty-nine. 87 Also the Department requests the sum of one hundred thousand dollars to conduct a detailed feasibility study; 109 In a quarter mile, turn right onto Black Mountain Road. 55 I've set an alarm for Tuesday at seven thirty A.M. 50 I then went to the garage to see whether the rifle was there and I saw that the blanket was still there and I said Thank God, end quote. 136 They will not try to sell you a particular plan or ask for money to help you. 77 A gold vase is both rare and costly. 36 Never been better. 18 This is a club on the rise. 27 Is there on his hands? 22 When it is light for the second time flour your board, rubbing in the flour and blowing lightly away what does not adhere to the surface. 137 The rainbow is a division of white light into many beautiful colors. 68 For some, B.D.S.M. and kink provides a platform in creating identities that are fluid, ever-changing. 101 About forty to fifty thousand people get rabies P.E.P. in the United States annually. 85 Seven hundred fifty-five Salem Turnpike, Hartford, Connecticut, oh six one four three. 86 but apparently was not able to spend as much time with them as he would have liked, because of the age gaps of five and seven years, 132 The other, remaining unclaimed for ten years, was transferred at the end of that time to the commissioners for the reduction of the National Debt. 146 his chest heaved, and it was evident that his struggle was a fearful one. 73 The sense of smell is better than that of touch. 48 Voodoo influences the lives of superstitious peasants. 54 and Marina Oswald testified that Oswald did not say anything about curtain rods on the day before the assassination. 116 which was yet under full control, and might be made to work corn-mills or prove otherwise productive; 101 A man and a little boy in blue life jackets are rowing a yellow canoe. 70 The horse trotted around the field at a brisk pace. 51 The Romans took the initiative in nine A.D. 43 Slightly more specific criteria were established for PRS personnel processing White House mail referred by the White House mailroom, 132 Calcraft, the moment he had adjusted the cap and rope, ran down the steps, drew the bolt, and disappeared. 106 He expressly bequeathed them to Calcraft, who was graciously pleased to accept them. 84 I have often wondered why it is that the communist, anarchist capitalist, and even the fascist and anarchist elements in American, 130 reviews 7 When that goop is gone, go to the stockroom for more. 53 Even a just cause needs power to win. 37 However, this is only true for those island arcs that are part of the group of mountain belts which are called volcanic arcs. 125 Since the assassination, the Service has recognized that these relationships must be far more formal. 101 He had disappeared. 19 after which the survivors would, quote, seek an alternative opposed to those systems which have brought them misery, end quote. 127 The ranger took his rifle and went into the forest to shoot the bear. 69 It is a job creation scheme. 28 a pair of light gray pantaloons, a black stock and a foraging cap. 66 Last week our fridge broke which forced us to eat lots of ice cream. 68 Belfast has the highest concentration of Irish speakers in Northern Ireland. 76 On October third, twenty fourteen it was announced that the album will arrive courtesy of a new deal with Warner Brothers. 122 Several times Special Agent John D. Ready came forward from the right front running board of the Presidential follow-up car 123 The modern printer, in the teeth of the evidence given by his own eyes, considers the single page as the unit. 110 She said he was different from other people in, quote, At, least his imagination, his fantasy, which was quite unfounded, 121 and thoroughly embodying the idea of English respectability. 60 The team won the Calder Cup in nineteen thirty eight, nineteen forty, nineteen forty nine, and nineteen fifty six. 114 This special assistant should be required to have sufficient stature and experience in law enforcement, intelligence, or allied fields. 135 In this case, another block is added to the message. 52 On the seventh July, eighteen thirty-seven, 43 in accordance with a clearly defined principle relating to a clearly defined age limit. 87 Not a bit of it. 16 Even if the manpower and technological resources of the Secret Service are adequately augmented, 96 With a range incorporating both contemporary satire and historical allegory, Shaw became the leading dramatist of his generation. 129 monitor, or schoolmaster, nor to be engaged in the service of any officer of the prison. 88 The Service should consider preparing formal explanations of the cooperation anticipated during a Presidential visit to a city, 127 In the second place, it must be noted that adaptations to similar conditions may result in superficial resemblances. 116 The company's stock value increased dramatically after they found a new medicine. 81 Pile the coal high in the shed corner. 38 I am shocked! My dreams! I have waited for two years to be accepted. 68 No attempt was made to check drunkenness, beyond the penalty of shutting out friends from any ward in which a prisoner exceeded. 128 The whole thing felt really rushed, especially when we were in big cities. 74 We also found the facility lacked pollution prevention equipment and used inadequate cardboard storage boxes, which exposed the pellets to rain and wind. 153 This one's dedicated to the ghetto where I come from. 53 People at a museum standing by benches with two children laying down and one person sitting. 92 Anthony kept himself busy by counting pigeons. 46 She will be there November eleventh from noon to two P.M. 57 I don't suppose there's some sort of index to all this? 55 Just hoist it up and take it away. 34 You might hear "font families" more than "typefaces", even though they could mean the same thing. 97 well I've got to live with her. I guess I love her, end quote. 62 A plea for funds seems to come again. 37 Only proteid foods form new protoplasm 38 Add soy sauce and simmer for two minutes. Pour chicken and sauce into a bowl. 77 Margaret was on her knees, begging Melissa to change her mind. 62 Did you know that the word "commercial" could mean the same as "advertisement"? 79 What do you want here? 22 Miss Turner, greatly agitated, accompanied the messenger who had brought this news, a disguised servant of Wakefield's, 119 There is scarcely a royal record from his reign which is not chiefly occupied with descriptions of his building operations. 123 It was selected as one of the Top Ten New Species described in two thousand nine by The International Institute for Species Exploration. 136 Does the name matter? 21 E.P.A. works to ensure that Americans have clean air, land and water. 69 Who has already arrived? 24 The atrocity of the murder no doubt attracted extraordinary attention to it. 76 I am a wealthy person. 22 A healthy Internet is an even playing field where all can participate. 70 Plain diving was first introduced into the Olympics at the nineteen oh four event. 82 We will push. 13 Yeah, it’s definitely worth checking out, especially if the pay is reasonable and the work is good for your career. 115 The fire had not quite burnt out at twelve, in nearly four hours, that is to say. 81 Dr. Clark did not see any other hole or wound on the President's head. 70 I am upset that they get to have all the time in the world while acting like they earned it. 92 On the night of January fifth, nineteen nineteen, Roosevelt suffered breathing problems. 88 Other measures should be taken as well to improve the overall operation of the Secret Service. 94 Dr. George T. Shires, assisted by Drs. Robert McClelland, Charles Baxter, and Ralph Don Patman, 95 However, McWatters' recollection alone was too vague to be a basis for placing Oswald on the bus. 97 There were preachers among the crowd, but they could not get a patient hearing. 79 Rain likely. Cloudy, with a high near forty-nine. 49 Remove bay leaf, and stir in lemon juice and cayenne pepper. Simmer five more minutes. 86 Harry hoped he would see some success from the current project. 63 Tippit got out and started to walk around the front of the car 62 He was a co-founder and angel investor in Keyhole Inc, a geospatial data visualization company that was purchased by Google in two thousand four. 145 Rouge has been used throughout the ages. 40 This two week course, held at Fort Bragg, is a primer designed to prepare prospective Green Berets for Special Forces Assessment Assignment and Selection by focusing heavily on physical fitness. 194 The circumstances of this purchase of brilliants from a stranger at such an inadequate price was strongly commented upon at Ker's trial. 136 The Secret Service has consistently followed two general principles in emergencies involving the President. 107 Of course we do. 16 The Home Office would not release any further details about the group. 70 the idea being to intensify the dread of capital punishment. That such dread was not universal or deep-seated may be gathered from the fact 139 Professional tennis players enjoy the same relative perks as most top sports personalities: clothing, equipment and endorsements. 129 It's about my time as a guitarist. 34 Coordinate with law enforcement, industry, and other stakeholders. 66 It is recommended to drink at least two liters of water a day. 62 what 4 The sound of the zither gave Shirley a sensation of deja vu. 60 The condition of the capitally-convicted prisoners after sentence was still very disgraceful. The side they occupied, still known as the press-yard, 148 One building, Market Hall, was unavailable for November twenty-two. 67 During this time he worked as a bookseller for Orpheus Books. 61 With either great ambivalence, or cold calculation he prepared completely different answers to the same questions. 114 This was typically done in the form of nighttime raids from the two towns. 74 Where are the keys? 19 Use the left two lanes to turn left onto Carroll Canyon Road. 61 Bloody Sunday was an incident on January thirtieth, nineteen seventy two in the Bogside area of Derry, Northern Ireland. 120 and the leading State and local agencies that might be a source of such information. 84 Babbage's friend commissioned Ada Lovelace to translate the paper into English. 79 Are they free? 14 television 10 Marina Oswald attributed that to their living apart and to the imminent birth of their second child. 100 She has fallen in love with Scotland, however. 46 are dissolved by the sap in the leaves and elsewhere and thus may pass to every portion of the plant. 101 It seems that the format is incorrect on the settings. 54 Neild also says that in seventeen ninety-three, 47 Did you see the chap over there with his arms in the air like he just doesn't care? 83 If you have an issue in the workplace, you are encouraged to contact the H.R. department. 89 It's like a plague. 19 The inspectors paraded the prisoners, and found them generally ragged and ill-clad, squalid and filthy in the extreme; 118 A girl climbing down from the side of a bright blue truck while others watch. 77 She thought he was attending a class or was on his own business. 64 It just is an aid in seeing in the fact that you only have the one element, the crosshair, 90 Well, they were the unlucky ones. 33 I don't think this theory explains why the particles attract each other this strongly. 86 once you know that you must put the crosshairs on the target and that is all that is necessary. 95 The seven nominees, including Ackman, were then elected. 56 According to the predominant notion in the Vatican, condoms shouldn't be used in spite of H.I.V. You will get donuts as a bonus if you take a selfie with me. 157 It is rated as least concern on the List of Endangered species. 63 he would have reached tenth and Patton shortly after one:fifteen p.m. 69 In testimony before the Commission, Mrs. Markham confirmed her positive identification of Lee Harvey Oswald 107 A parallel process occurred in North Korea. 43 He grew strawberries, so you would not like it. 47 Best thanks. 12 Namibia is a democratic but one party dominant state with the South-West Africa People's Organisation in power. 111 We will be homeless. 20 that several matters brought to his attention in late October and early November, including the visit to the Soviet Embassy in Mexico City, 139 the car lurched forward, causing him to lose his footing. He ran three or four steps, regained his position and mounted the car. 128 We all hope I am right. 23 forthwith brought an ejectment on the possessor of lands purchased on the authority of the forged conveyance and will. 118 Vice President and Mrs. Johnson followed along the fence, guarded by four members of the Vice-Presidential detail. 114 There is normal traffic on your route today. 44 standards 9 Scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology trace the source of the deadly SARS virus outbreak to a colony of cave-dwelling horseshoe bats in China's Yunnan province. 168 The next step was to get impressions and fabricate false keys. 62 Newgate officers who remember Robson still describe him as a fine young man, who behaved well as a prisoner, 108 Thank you for listening. 24 The rainbow is a division of white light into many beautiful colors. 68 Pork Chops with Apples, Onions, and Sweet Potatoes. 51 President Herbert Hoover occupied the Secretary of Navy's office for a few months following a fire in the Oval Office on Christmas Eve. 135 Some idea of the comparative uselessness of these small borough prisons was conveyed by some figures quoted by the committee. 125 Please fasten your seat belt. 29 It has a design life of one year. 33 Yet Babylon continued to live, 30 The remains of Silicon Graphics became Graphics Properties Holdings, Inc. 73 A Fabulous tale. 16 Russian officials have not determined the cause of the accident. 64 so that he was not bothered and did not have to make the effort of communicating. 81 He defends a theory known by some as Neural Darwinism. 54 Winds from the southwest at twelve miles per hours, with gusts to eighteen miles per hour. 90 These courts were extended two centuries later to several large provincial towns, and all were in full activity when Neild wrote, 129 During the drive Vice President Johnson, at Youngblood's instruction, kept below window level. 94 However, the F.A.A. prohibits passengers from using these types of restraints and belly belts during ground movement, take-off and landing. 139 The policeman insisted on searching the premises, at which Good displayed some uneasiness. 90 Best publicly apologized for that mistake many years later. 59 At approximately one:twenty p.m., Vice President Johnson was notified by O'Donnell that President Kennedy was dead. 115 The results of the test were inconclusive, and it has not been repeated. 72 Calcraft, who, in spite of the dreadful calling he subsequently followed, was always reputed a kindly man, 106 As the carriage came up to him Oxford turned, put his hand into his breast, drew a pistol, and fired at the Queen. 114 Lisa is playing the sax. 24 A country estate. 17 They have been used in planetary space exploration, fundamental Earth and space science. 88 One little boy sitting in a forklift in a construction area during something very dangerous. 92 The most serious weaknesses in agency capabilities were in the domestic arena. 78 To make the Prius a reality, Toyota used a nickel metal hydride battery - a technology that was supported by the Energy Department's research. 142 reached the point as a nation where we must take action to save the Constitution from the Court and the Court from itself. 122 Sure 4 They are real. 14 as a means of getting or attempting to get sympathy, end quote. In Thornley's view, Oswald labored under a persecution complex 126 Strathclyde Police are expected to make an announcement next month. 67 The similar related terms "gramophone" and "graphophone" have similar root meanings. 84 Five Douglas County, Colorado sheriff's deputies are shot, one fatally, and two civilians are injured at a domestic disturbance call. 133 Great! How are you doing? 25 moreover, the instruments, poker and chisel, by which they had no doubt been effected, 86 When the Congress has sought to stabilize national agriculture, to improve the conditions of labor, 99 The paper that is used for ordinary books is exceedingly bad even in this country, but is beaten in the race for vileness 121 However, the fact must not be blinked that machine-made paper cannot in the nature of things be made of so good a texture as that made by hand. 143 Oswald shot at Maj. Gen. Edwin A. Walker (Resigned, U.S. Army), 63 Brunch Enchiladas: Enchiladas filled with ham, vegetables and cheese baked in a creamy egg batter. 98 We must have men worthy and equipped to carry out impartial justice. 68 The existence of great similarities in vertebrate structure is not always fully recognized. 91 There is nothing to show that Courvoisier really contemplated self-destruction. 79 When he kissed her cheek, she suddenly blushed, changing her color faster than a chameleon. 91 Report of the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy. The Warren Commission Report. By The President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy. 182 Warm and cold baths, or "commodious bathing tubs," 50 A woman in a sweater and blue jeans leans over and catches some sleep on the subway. 84 She was a pescetarian. 22 canada 6 Also, give priority to the improvement of checkpoint screening. 63 that the man who killed Tippit was wearing a light-colored jacket, 66 of which there are sixty-five throughout the country. 53 Symmetry creates a class of patterns in nature, where the repetition of the pattern is by reflection or rotation. 113 The Inuit use a base-twenty counting system. 44 You can spend money on housing. 31 Sorry, I didn't understand the date and time. 45 Two of the nine agents returned to their rooms. The seven others proceeded to an establishment called the Cellar Coffee House, 126 but it suggests a suspicion of their identity which needs careful testing. 74 Recommendations. 16 Without letting up, Bogart starred in "Knock on Any Door", "Tokyo Joe", "In a Lonely Place" and "Beat the Devil". 113 And what did she say? 21 His manner was generally self-possessed, but his face was marked with "uneasy earnestness," 91 Dwyer found Cannon bleeding profusely from a wound in the head, and persuaded him to go to a doctor's. 102 Now such movements of the living substance of plants are well known to be some of the most widely prevalent phenomena of vegetable life. 136 Take that chest back upstairs. 30 went outside and beyond the prison to call on their creditors, and try to arrange their debts, but this practice was discontinued. 130 Sticks and stones will break my bones but what doesn't kill me makes me strong. 79 While this gain of space very much hampers the possibility of beauty of design, it is not a real gain. 102 This was no doubt the case, but this much truth his confession may be taken to contain: 87 Had they fielded a substitute team, Cal Ripken Junior's consecutive games streak would have been jeopardized. 109 so starch manufactured in the leaves must be digested (dissolved) before it can be transported. 95 Guess the result from the first scores. 39 Missing Baker, he came back to find the officer in the doorway to the lunchroom facing Lee Harvey Oswald. 105 A gathering of people around two long tables set with different colored bowls and plates. 89 However these two systems had low popularity and only a few games. 66 The facts dealing with the physiology of organisms, the activities associated with that which we call life are often designated Organic Functions. 146 But there were few cases so remarkable as the great ones already recorded. 74 The paper on which the printing is to be done is a necessary part of our subject: 81 The theft of the silver sousaphone had the sheriff baffled. 59 A religious man is speaking with a man wearing an orange backpack as a child stands nearby. 91 no less than three hundred forty were crowded, to the great inconvenience and danger of the inmates. 100 It is rated as least concern on the List of Endangered species. 63 I'm sorry, I'm unable to access your calendar. 46 A man's house is his castle. 28 When vanity is strongly developed there is the keen anxiety to hear what is being said about them outside. 106 Review the Traveler's Checklist. 32 However, the instructions must be communicated to the local police in any event and can be leaked to the press whether or not they are in writing. 146 The living quarters at Lulu Bay were called "Lulu Town", as appears on old maps. 80 Scammers know you have questions about the new Health Insurance Marketplace, and they're taking advantage of that to mislead you. 129 Even the guard rail couldn't stop the truck from falling off the bridge. 72 E.P.A. typically initiates Superfund involvement because states, tribes or citizens ask for the Agency's help. 110 The first named had long been an active philanthropist, devoting himself more particularly to the reformation of juvenile criminals. 132 Oxfam's failure to pass on information regarding sexual misconduct allegations of its workers in Haiti and Chad shows a failure of moral leadership. 148 u 1 This property is used in calibrating p.H. equipment. 52 Primary liability insurance coverage protects the truck from damage or injuries to other people as a result of a truck accident. 128 Okay, searching for Italian food. 33 The visits of friends was once more unreservedly allowed, and these incomers freely brought in extra provisions and beer. 121 The inspectors retorted without loss of time, reiterating their charges, and pointing out that the committee of aldermen by its own admission 141 What game do you want to play? 30 Under them the governor or jailer was held strictly responsible. 64 Sunshine sparkles on freshly fallen snow. 41 Years later, nine days before her death, the Curtis Institute of Music bestowed on her an honorary degree. 106 Cole escaped by throwing the blame on a careless partner, and at once removed the "stop." 89 and he opened the door a little bit like he was going to get out and he said, "I will let you have this one," and she says, "No, the driver can call me one." 157 Please press the tucks of the ten gauze dresses. 48 Fruit flavors are used in fizz drinks. 38 Is it worth it? 15 At his trial Atwell and Hardwicke, two of his chief allies and accomplices, turned approvers, 93 may flourish in solutions wholly devoid of organic matter is very significant. 78 The nature and characteristics of this neck wound are discussed fully in the next chapter. 90 A Secret Service agent who spoke to Euins approximately twenty to thirty minutes after the assassination 104 Upon arriving at Parkland Hospital, 35 It was a six point five-millimeter bullet 41 Three others subsequently identified Oswald from a photograph. 62 Twitter says it will not block world leaders or remove their controversial tweets. 82 References to Eastern philosophy and religion appear frequently in his writing. 79 Allison found her phone. 24 as in the burglary at Lambeth Palace, when the thieves were fortunately disappointed, the archbishop having, before he left town, 129 The hell you say! 17 No, I asked Pamela and Mark for directions before I left. 57 George and Faye are very fond of faraway vacations. 51 Three: Automatic data processing 32 The economy of Ethiopia is a mixed economy with a large public sector. 70 She is a great-granddaughter of Nashville philanthropist A. M. Burton. 70 Religious worship became more generally the rule; chaplains were appointed, and chapels provided for them; surgeons and hospitals also. 135 She died early, and Thistlewood, left to his own resources, 59 Under the Former Presidents Act, all living former presidents are granted a pension, an office, and a staff. 108 Each of these efforts appears sound, 36 But enough of this! 19 the crowd began to congregate in and about the Old Bailey. 58 This text aims to include a diverse set of vocabulary. 54 One tablespoon chopped fresh parsley, for garnish. 50 He had repeated this wish only a few days before, during his visit to Tampa, Florida. 85 To the west of Babylon, at a greater distance from the outer wall, I constructed an enclosing wall four thousand cubits in length about the city. 145 Mrs. Markham then ran to Officer Tippit's side and saw him lying in a pool of blood. 84 For at least ten thousand years archery was an important military and hunting skill. 84 Professor Phillips is credited with discovering a new way to make batteries. 76 Müller knew that any confession would ruin his chances of escape. 65 Confess and be hanged. 22 The size known as "Long primer" ought to be the smallest size used in a book meant to be read. 94 But I cannot recall any change in expression of any kind on his face, end quote. 80 To constitute this the aristocratic quarter, unwarrantable demands were made upon the space properly allotted to the female felons, 131 In accordance with postal regulations, the portion of the application which lists names of persons, other than the applicant, entitled to receive mail 150 One even teaspoonful of salt. 29 But what can I do? 18 If a pool, hot tub, or water playground is not cleaned properly, bacteria can grow and form a slime called biofilm on wet surfaces. 131 General Walker hired two investigators to determine whether a former employee might have been involved in the shooting. 119 were not altogether creditable to the Government. 49 This no longer appears to be the case. 38 in the inquiry which followed, attention was again attracted to Newgate. 72 Galileo Galilei was the first man who observed the planet Neptune through his telescope. 88 S and W Special two-inch Commando, serial number V five one zero two one zero, end quote, 89 was an hour before kicked to death by the savage and brutal mob. 64 and were occupied as a rule by ten to fifteen people when the prison was not crowded, but double the number was occasionally placed in them. 140 In one prison the bedsteads had been removed lest the prisoners should break them up and convert them into weapons of offense. 126 Add mushrooms and onion and saute for three to five minutes. 60 This was the question which presented itself to the fertile brain of one Pierce, 80 Reentering politics in eighteen fifty four, he became a leader in building the new Republican Party. 100 Hamilton quaternions can be used to replace many matrices, but not to represent view frustums. 94 The heuristic function is just an estimate of the lag. 54 Actually, quietness is my normal mode in most situations. 57 Although the FBI is not charged with the physical protection of the President, it does have an assignment, as do other Government agencies, 139 He was in person a short, square-built man of gentlemanly address, sharp and shrewd in conversation and manner. 111 The taxicab ride. 17 Some of the soils are geochemically very unusual. 49 re-fastened and re-sealed the bullion box, and replaced it in the safe. 71 Quakers keep silent. 20 ex 2 register 8 and communist's would like to see the present capitalist government of the U.S. overthrown, end quote, Oswald stated 116 Though they're primarily trained with an emphasis on trauma medicine, they also have a working knowledge of dentistry, veterinary care, public sanitation, water quality and optometry. 183 Darius, who besieged the rebellious city twice, weakened it by destroying some of its walls. 92 for all thy goodness and loving-kindness to us, and to all men; 63 the mutineers took command of the ship, put her about till night-fall, by which time they had scuttled her, got out the boats, and all left the ship. 149 The award to Senator Mitchell was announced by the Foreign Office. 66 Transliteration tables are based on languages, so there is a table for Hindi. 77 He anticipated that the full disclosure of his defection would hinder him in, quote, the struggle for progress and freedom in the United States, end quote. 155 Simmer for thirty to forty five minutes, stirring occasionally. 63 sister of the man with whom Oswald drove to work -- Buell Wesley Frazier. 73 Those who had hired apartments spent the night in them, keeping up their courage with liquids and cigars. 105 Eggs, milk and flour are the main ingredients of pancakes. 58 These principles of homology are essential to a correct interpretation of the facts of morphology. 98 The Re-Breather is a simple underwater breathing device allowing Special Forces Soldiers to navigate rivers and streams unnoticed. 130 Below, organized chronologically, are links to approved plans and the letters approving them. 93 The lease ran out in sixteen weeks. 35 The only doubts expressed were as to the sufficiency of the safeguards, as to the certainty of death and its subsequent publication. 132 Pterosaurs are not dinosaurs but are closely related. 53 Sometime after March twenty-seven, but according to Marina Oswald, prior to April ten, nineteen sixty-three, 108 The problem is aggravated by the necessity that the Service obtain the assistance of local law enforcement officials in evaluating the information which it receives. 165 Agent Roy H. Kellerman, riding in the front seat of the Presidential car, 73 What are they for? 18 God rest her soul! 18 At one time the Ludgate debtors, accompanied by the keeper, 59 Discussion of Zionism caused him to suffer from ulcers. 55 It was consolidated with other purchases as the Combined Insurance Company of America in nineteen forty seven. 110 Female prisoners were in all cases to be under the charge of female officers. 77 Four bullets hit Tippit and killed him instantly. 49 In this regard, the Commission notes with approval several recent measures taken and proposed by the Secret Service to improve its liaison arrangements. 152 instruct the prisoners, quote, give spiritual advice and administer religious consolation, end quote. to all who might need them; 129 from one of the elderly relatives with whom he spoke. Oswald's interest in such things presents a sharp contrast with his attitude 130 He will need that machine. 26 Someone might ask you to pay in advance for things like debt relief, credit and loan offers, mortgage assistance, or a job. 123 She did not unroll the blanket. She saw that it was in its usual position and it appeared to her to have something inside. 122 occupied when they saw it last, but a few hours ago, by their comrades who are now dead; 88 Liaison with other agencies regarding intelligence. 51 Yoga is a group of physical, mental, and spiritual practices which originated in ancient India. 95 The primary object of committing a prisoner to jail, as the inspectors pointed out, was to deter not only the criminal himself, but others from crime, 150 Kathleen pulled her phone out of her pocket. 44 We expect more than thirty thousand people to attend. 53 This is awkward if you have to read Bradshaw's Guide in a hurry. 64 The three officers confirm that their primary concern was crowd and traffic control, 84 When brought to trial he took matters very coolly, and at first pleaded "Not Guilty," but subsequently withdrew the plea. 121 He blamed racial prejudice on the parents of children. 54 which was based on his jail experiences, and of which I have availed myself in the last chapter. 96 In his Commission testimony, McWatters said he had been in error and that a teenager named Milton Jones was the passenger he had in mind. 137 Definitions place constraints on the amount and type of coffee, the temperature and pressure of the water, and the rate of extraction. 134 However, the force has not yet received a formal complaint. 59 Emptiness is the Dao. 21 It was a breathtaking moment. 29 Plumer never mentioned Washington in his speech explaining his vote to the other New Hampshire electors. 104 A young girl in front of a silver car wearing boots, demonstrates some interesting moves. 89 In London, the Woolwich Ferry links the North and South circular roads. 71 Ines loves to go swimming. 26 I speak, therefore, tonight, to and of the American people as a whole. 70 But when I got pretty close to five hundred block at Neches and North Beckley which is the five hundred block, he said, "This will do fine," and I pulled over to the curb right there. 183 Taxis are available. 20 Five ballet dancers caught mid jump in a dancing studio with sunlight coming through a window. 94 Ironically, he failed to get a job in another photographic firm after his return to Dallas in October of nineteen sixty-three, 126 I will not say your grandchildren will live under communism, look for yourself at history, look at a world map! America is a dicing country, 140 I may be permitted to digress for a moment to give a few particulars concerning the last officially appointed hangman of the city of London. 140 The sand drifts over the sills of the old house. 48 He had fled to Jersey, where he was recognized and arrested. 60 Mister Chisholm said the move was made on the advice of consultants. 68 Corn cobs can be used to kindle a fire. 39 The Caesar and Dragonfly missions will receive funding through the end of twenty eighteen to further develop and mature their concepts. 135 Different legislative procedures are used within the same category of competence, and even with the same policy area. 117 Parallel to it is the South Aegean Volcanic Arc, which is the volcanic island arc of the same tectonic system. 110 He received a full pardon from Governor John A. Dix six years later. 68 The fracture was set, and a cast was applied with some traction utilized. 73 Whitings are small fish caught in nets. 39 It was based on the pinch plasma confinement technique. 55 I happened to be at Cambridge. 30 on which Oswald was heard for less than five minutes on August seventeen, nineteen sixty-three. 95 There is need for legislation providing for the regulation of interstate transportation by buses and trucks, 108 An i.O.S. version was released on December eighth, twenty eleven. 65 He apparently concluded that the United States offered, quote, 62 Place an oven rack in the lowest position in oven and preheat oven to four hundred degrees. 91 (three) transports awaiting removal to the colonies, and (four) capital convicts, condemned to death and awaiting execution. 124 liberal-minded judiciary necessary to furnish quicker and cheaper justice from bottom to top. 93 Contaminated lands and toxic sites are cleaned up by potentially responsible parties and revitalized. 101 She died in hospital two hours later. 37 Thus free, he eluded the vigilance of two of the party, who were at dinner in the front kitchen, 96 The wise man may change his opinion, but the fool , never. 58 He saw Mr. Briggs' watch-chain, and followed him instantly into the carriage, determined to have it at all costs. 113 that he appeared to feel deeply the force of the reverend gentleman's observations, especially when the chaplain spoke of 121 Relationship With Wife 22 necessary 9 Sorry, I could not find the skill: search. 42 Cleanups also increase tax revenue and create jobs during and after cleanup. 76 I want to make sure you and I have some overlap between your upcoming trips. 76 Israel announces plans to deport African migrants residing in the country illegally. 84 The roof of the female prison, says the grand jury in their presentment in eighteen thirteen, let in the rain. 110 No. 3 The commercial experience of these clever rogues was cosmopolitan. 66 Registration complete. 22 when they heard the sound of gunfire and the screams of Helen Markham. 70 located on the southeast corner of this intersection. 53 five thousand, seven hundred nineteen writs and executions for debts between ten pounds and twenty pounds were issued in Middlesex, 131 By eight o'clock not an inch of ground in front of the platform was unoccupied. 79 Namibia has been a Commonwealth republic since nineteen ninety, when South West Africa became independent of South Africa. 122 The point of the steel pen was bent and twisted. 48 Forrest V. Sorrels, special agent in charge of the Dallas office, was the first Secret Service agent to return to the scene of the assassination, 145 married the said Ellen Turner. 30 I am getting worried, and you need to address this because it affects us both. 78 Got it. 7 The Norsemen considered the rainbow as a bridge over which the gods passed from earth to their home in the sky. 111 As the astronaut walked into the translucent pod, it transformed into an opaque material. 89 Amen. 5 The success, although very short-lived, which attended him, no doubt inspired other inmates of Newgate to follow his example. 125 There was no penalty attached to drunkenness. 45 Comma was strong and huge, so it would take some force to trap her, but Sarah had a different idea. 99 An outdoor cafe with people sitting while a man in white shirt is walking toward them. 86 that Oswald was living alone in Dallas because she did not want him staying at her house, although she was willing to let Oswald visit his wife and children. 157 The entire state is divided into municipalities, which handle all local government affairs. 91 Specify the user to log in as on the remote machine. 52 Nor do most "Missouri Mormons" live in Missouri. 48 The next attack was launched on twenty four January. 52 This will was a deliberate forgery. 35 It is true that while business and industry are definitely better our relief rolls are still too large. 103 The definition so changed will cover all animals, except certain parasites, and the few and exceptional cases of non-parasitic animals which do not feed at all. 160 The house was accredited as a museum in nineteen eighty eight. 62 Under particular circumstances, the contents of the cells of certain water weeds were set free and moved about with considerable velocity. 138 Investigation determined that this photograph was taken approximately seven-tenths of a mile from Walker's house. 113 He was deflated when he found the attic was completely empty. 61 Chief Rowley testified that agents on duty in such a situation usually stay within the building during their relief, 116 but he bought bona fide amounts, and increased their value by altering the figures, 83 They managed to avoid attracting much attention. 48 Perhaps Babylon was so strongly fortified that at first he made no attempt to add it to his empire, 99 These precautions included reserving a ceremonial area for the Presidential party, 82 Money makes the man. 20 The Tuesday and Wednesday after Thanksgiving. 45 In this part of the mills a large quantity of bank-note paper was kept at the period of the robbery, 100 You forgot about the key signature for the first three measures. 64 Football took a giant step forward in eighteen seventy seven, with the formation of Victoria's first colonial football league. 126 Audubon was a hit in France as well, gaining the King and several of the nobility as subscribers. 97 While certain streets thought to be too narrow could be avoided and other choices made, 87 Solomons, while waiting to appear in court, persuaded the turnkeys to take him to a public-house, where all might "refresh." 124 and twelve to fifteen of these cases as highly dangerous risks. 63 he made use of the remarkable words, quote, If it is necessary for my soul's sake to confess this murder, 105 The Governor was lifted onto a stretcher and taken into trauma room two. 72 Such urban races are often much longer than the sprint distance. 64 Mesh wire keeps chicks inside. 30 When arrested on the day of the assassination, he had in his possession a Smith and Wesson thirty-eight caliber revolver 120 The frosty air passed through the coat. 39 It is hard to erase blue or red ink. 36 Special Forces Soldiers are now more important than ever in the fight against terrorism. 88 not too long, end quote, a time had elapsed between the time that the print was placed on the carton and the time that it had been developed by the Dallas police. 162 Do you already have a registration form? 40 After that time, the market itself will set the prices. 55 It was pretty hilarious because you would think that she would be much more into it. 84 From the outset, Oswald denied owning a rifle. 46 She could say no more. 22 and in the states known as "water-leaf" and "sized," which are the penultimate processes of manufacture. 104 It was a good clock. 20 Our eyes don‘t grow, but our ears and nose grow forever. 56 In nineteen ninety nine, the remains of a Bronze Age bridge were found, again on the foreshore south of Vauxhall Bridge. 120 they suffered sickening anxiety, and wished to be locked up alone. This indiscriminate association lasted for months, 117 and Vice-Presidential follow-up car used portable sets with a separate frequency for their own car-to-car communication. 120 Lisa Reid is an Australian artist, known primarily for her highly detailed figurative works. 92 This point was ably made in the nineteen oh two debate by Senator George F. Hoar, the sponsor of the Senate bill, quote, 120 Okay I need a value from zero to two fifty-five for green. 58 In the great banquet hall of the palace, when the guests were drinking from the golden cups, and the revelry was at its highest, 128 They ran to the door in time to see a man with a revolver cut across their lawn and disappear around a corner of the house onto Patton. 135 The Israeli Army says that it shot down a Syrian drone manufactured in Iran. 76 The accepted many-worlds interpretation suggests that all possible quantum events can occur in mutually exclusive histories. 124 The deception was successful. 29 Suicides at Newgate were numerous enough, but they seldom possessed any novel or unusual features; 98 Trinity Christian College became the Orchestra's main venue in twenty seventeen. 80 Deleting audio. 15 consumer complaints and the settlement of disputes between employers and employees and between one employer and another. 120 The reverse is probably more likely. 36 Diamonds are forever. 21 The crowd gasped as they realised that the speaker was completely naked. 72 Both companies have corrected the violations and returned to compliance. 72 The bright lanterns were gay on the dark lawn. 46 reflected the feeling in the community toward the forthcoming Presidential visit. 81 A young boy waves his hand at the duck in the water surrounded by a green park. 79 On the other hand, Lee told his probation officer, John Carro, that, quote, 75 After four years of exploring San Francisco, the time feels right for me to further my education. 97 that Oswald had told him that he had worked and been married in the Soviet Union. 81 The Assassination 17 We are obligated to continue until twenty-twenty-one. 53 in relation to the target as opposed to iron sights with aligning the sights and then aligning them on the target, end quote. 125 It is hard to avoid the conclusion that lessons have been learned. 66 There are several protected areas in the Thar Desert. 53 in order to enclose and protect a similar enlargement of the nervous center, 76 The temple school was widely denounced in the press. 52 Mr. Death, who had given another in exchange for it to a man supposed to be a foreigner. 88 but that he might strengthen it by his long experience and known business capacity. 83 when asked said they would spare his life if he would navigate the ship for them to the River Plate or Buenos Aires. 116 and after sentence. 19 On one occasion Mrs. Johnson, accompanied by two Secret Service agents, left the room to see Mrs. Kennedy and Mrs. Connally. 124 You have already paid four hundred dollars for your registration fee, haven't you? 82 I suggest only the addition of justices to the bench 52 The Chief of the Service now reports to the Secretary of the Treasury. 70 Western countries condemned the conduct of the poll. 52 A man wearing a black sweater cooks food in a pan while standing in a cluttered kitchen. 88 The two bodies were resident at the Tower from at least fourteen fifty four, and by the sixteenth century they had moved to a position in the inner ward. 153 has broken down, so far, at least, as his mode of stating it goes. And 70 But what can I do? 18 The text implies that method handles scaling, rotation, and translation. 72 to deeds involving on the whole some three hundred fifty thousand pounds. 73 On searching him the pistol was found in his pocket, the barrel still warm; also some loose powder and a bullet. 112 This phial he had managed to retain in his possession in spite of the frequent searches to which he was subjected in Newgate. 125 A fence cuts through the corner lot. 36 There is no openness. 21 A rag will soak up spilled water. 33 West Fifth Street, Irving, Texas. After receiving this information on October twenty-nine, Agent Hosty attempted to locate Oswald. 130 No, thank you. 14 Admittedly, protective measures cannot ordinarily be taken with regard to all buildings along a motorcade route. 112 He also said that he would use the pistol if the opportunity arose. 67 A group of women dressed in black playing musical instruments in front of a large building. 91 and I didn't pay too much attention on how he carried the package at all, end quote. 84 These great criminals suffered at Horsemonger Lane Jail, but they were tried at the Central Criminal Court, and were for some time inmates of Newgate. 150 Where is it? asked the governor. 32 some, especially of low stature, found it difficult to remain standing, and several, although held up for some time by the men nearest them, 140 To the Hebrews it was a token that there would be no more universal floods. 75 that immediately afterwards Mrs. Soames was taken ill with vomiting and purging, 80 Give the devil his due. 23 Classification was insisted upon, in the manner laid down by the twenty-four George the third cap. fifty-four, 110 settled there, and finally the place was abandoned to the Arabs of the desert. 78 Oswald became angry and said, quote, 36 A sixth did so the next day. 28 Every prison containing female prisoners was to have a matron who was to reside constantly in the prison. 105 one 3 Agent Lawson agreed that such a procedure would assist him and other agents in fulfilling their responsibilities as advance agents. 131 I need to restart after synchronizing my clock with the internet. 65 and when his mother failed to cooperate in any way with school authorities, 75 fingerprint expert with the New York City Police Department, conducted an independent examination and also determined that this was the right palmprint of Oswald. 162 Speech actualizes habits - and changes the habits as it does so. 64 Before the assassination the Secret Service infrequently requested other Federal law enforcement agencies to provide personnel to assist in its protection functions. 165 The boats reached the shore on the fourth October. Leon had prepared a plausible tale to the effect that they belonged to an American ship 138 It was clear. 13 There, he suggested, Lee should be treated by a male psychiatrist who could substitute for the lack of a father figure. 119 It was intended as an educational tool to illustrate the negative aspects of concentrating land in private monopolies. 118 They also deal with diseases involving the skin, breast, soft tissue, trauma, peripheral vascular surgery and hernias. 118 As the date for the President's visit approached, 49 Device registration successful. 31 We are a peaceful people. 25 We must stay hidden. 20 Save a thief from the gallows and he will cut your throat. 58 refuted by abundant evidence, and having no foundation whatever in truth. 73 tending to divest punishment of its just and salutary terrors; 62 Shelley denied seeing Oswald after twelve noon or at any time after the shooting. 81 Other modes include text, multimedia, and Three D rendering. 60 I would like to take a nice long break with no financial repercussions, but we all know that’s not going to happen. 115 He crawled with care along the ledge. 37 Two men are hiking in a forest where snow is partially covering the ground. 75 She was forty two years old. 28 In the latter duties he was, however, supervised by three auditors, freely chosen by the prisoners among themselves. 116 Marina Oswald thought that he would not be happy anywhere, quote, Only on the moon, perhaps, end quote. 103 The Pilgrims of Plymouth Colony were at war with the Pequot Indians. 68 At the turn of the twentieth century, the horse was still the primary mode of transportation. 93 On the contrary, 16 In a large pot, combine zucchini, yellow squash, onion, green beans, corn, chickpeas, chicken, bouillon, tomato sauce, and garlic powder. 137 The Commission does not believe that the relations between Oswald and his wife caused him to assassinate the President. 119 I drove the ball well. 22 There was a spirit of libertarianism, says Porter, as people felt they were free. 81 The weight of the package was seen on the high scale. 53 to the value of twenty thousand pounds. 39 Place bacon in a large skillet and cook over medium-high heat, turning occasionally, until evenly browned, about ten minutes. 125 the Director and Deputy Director for Plans of the CIA testified concerning that Agency's limited knowledge of Oswald before the assassination. 142 No way. 7 Three male construction workers are examining something in a field, two of them are holding shovels. 100 The Commission, therefore, does not base its conclusion concerning the identity of the assassin 95 in his evidence in eighteen fourteen, said it was more, 55 Egypt welcomed the decision. 28 The incumbent has no technical qualifications in the area of Presidential protection. 85 education 9 Similarly, when the butt of the rifle was placed in Frazier's hand, it extended above his shoulder to ear level. 112 The Service had twenty-eight agents participating in the Dallas visit. 70 toward the preparation of formal understandings of the respective roles of the Secret Service and other agencies with which it collaborates 139 center 6 Mahatma Gandhi led the Indian independence movement in the twentieth century. 77 that the embryo or larva of a frog or toad, when first hatched, is a legless, tail-swimming, water-breathing, gill-breathing animal. 132 Do not cross the yellow line. 29 I quickly observed unnatural movement of crowds, like ducking or scattering, and quick movements in the Presidential follow-up car. 131 examples of how the public money can be more effectively spent for the benefit of the American people. 102 After one thousand days of civil war in Yemen, eight million people are at risk of starvation. 94 I won't hurt you. 17 The etching was ineptly done on badly chosen paper. 51 Their actions demonstrate that the President and the Nation can expect courage and devotion to duty from the agents of the Secret Service. 138 Who will pay for this? 22 Angela is pregnant, she told me. 32 following 9 The cornices of the room were mostly intact, but showed signs of damage from damp. 82 internet 8 Certain friends of the prisoners were watched, and found to be in communication with these warders, 99 It does not mean a judiciary so independent that it can deny the existence of facts which are universally recognized. 117 Right now, it's partly cloudy and forty-two degrees. Today's high is forty-three, and the low is twenty. 104 The society was supposed to meet regularly, and its proceedings, together with the speeches made, were duly recorded. 117 They have emphasised Bermuda's cultural connections with the West Indies. 73 It is obvious that legibility is the first thing to be aimed at in the forms of the letters; 92 Moss peached because he declared he had been done out of the proper price of the gold-dust; but it was clear that he had tried to appropriate the whole of the stuff, 165 These are examples of Sha one message digests in hexadecimal and in Base sixty-four binary to Ascii text encoding. 114 would have been to fire three times and hit the target twice within a span of four point eight to five point six seconds. 121 was used for debtors arrested for the lowest sums within twelve miles of the palace of Whitehall; 97 Social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook are especially prominent in the lives of adolescents. 117 The discipline of biology devoted to the study of fungi is known as mycology. 77 and "to dispose him, by meditation and seclusion, to return to an honest life." 79 It is great to see you! 23 A chance of rain. 17 while the muscles of the fingers were tightly clenched, not open, as usual in a corpse. 87 The computer was going insane, it displayed garbled nonsense and then shut down. 80 Mr. W. Wakefield served in a continental army, and rose to the rank of colonel, 79 As the century advanced crimes of fraud increased. 50 Shoofly pie is a specialty of the Dutch of Pennsylvania. 56 A little boy wearing a longsleeve tshirt and shorts having fun bouncing on a trampoline. 88 After this he tried farming, but failed. 40 I was brought up in a mining background. 40 The album was once again remastered and reissued on March thirty first, twenty seventeen, to celebrate the album's fiftieth anniversary. 136 I'm sorry, I'm unable to communicate with the bridge. 53 may be shown to be modifications one of another. 48 An empty purse, and a new house, make a man wise, but too late. 63 A man with a ponytail and tan tank top sitting on a couch counting on his fingers. 82 Measuring atmospheric ice on a global scale remains highly uncertain because satellites have been unable to detect the amount of small ice particles inside the clouds. 167 And now, he went on to say, "my coming to you, Babylonians, 59 They could not match it. 24 Onion routing is a technique of using cascades of proxies for the purpose of anonymisation. 91 And just how do you think we're going to manage that? 53 The sparrow and the songbird danced along the fence. 52 Examination of these procedures shows that in most respects they were well conceived and ably executed by the personnel of the Service. 135 you will find that many of those who pretend to support you will sabotage any constructive amendment which is proposed. 119 In the few years which elapsed between the establishment of the gallows at Newgate 82 No matter what happens, it's a nice vote of confidence you're getting from your boss. 85 Before creating a new topic, please use the search function to find similar threads. 84 See what they do. 17 E.P.A. inspectors observed large amounts of exposed plastic materials and fragments spilled on paved surfaces throughout the facility. 134 I have kept till the last that part of the prison which was usually the last resting-place of so many. 102 It has been suggested that this misspelling of names, apparently on a phonetic basis, was caused by a reading-spelling disability 129 After mixing your bread in the morning either with sponge or with yeast, divide the kneaded dough into two portions. 116 to permit its removal on those occasions when the President wished to ride in an open car. 90 under the authority of an Act passed on purpose, known as the Trial of offenses Act, and sometimes as Lord Campbell's Act. 122 Albert Einstein was a German physicist who developed the Theory of Relativity. 78 One short, solitary clown entered the ring honking an oversize horn while waving forlornly to the audience. 107 At a distance of about two miles to the south of Babel is the larger and lower mound called the Kasr, or the Fortress, 118 Animals further needed muscles for locomotion and nerves for sensibility. 73 Tippit rode alone, as only one man was normally assigned to a patrol car in residential areas during daylight shifts. 117 they said something about remodeling, etc. I'm sure you understand, end quote. 78 For example, Oswald claimed that his wife's maiden name was Prossa 66 until March nineteen sixty-three, the FBI continued to accumulate information regarding Oswald but engaged in no active investigation. 134 Following this, warrants were issued for their arrest, 54 Two. Energy Efficient Refrigerator Compressor. 46 Her childhood was a sheltered though generally happy one. 57 They frequently eat waterfowl and their eggs. 45 fiber, and paper analyses linking Oswald and the assassination weapon to this bag. 82 The Cambrian is divided into four epochs and ten ages. 54 Each meeting may be a separate session or part of a group of meetings constituting a session. 93 It is possible that his immediate supervisor noticed the newspaper at that time because his attention had otherwise been drawn more directly to Oswald. 151 The horn of the car woke the sleeping cop. 42 With only a rare exception, the meter is iambic pentameter. 59 The wards were in some cases spacious, but they were entirely unsuited for separation or the inspection of prisoners. 117 The top World News stories for Tuesday, March eleventh. 55 The hog crawled under the high fence. 37 He examined these prints, as well as photographs of them which the Dallas police had made, and concluded that: 110 In the early days of August nineteen twenty one, the Churchills' children were entrusted to a French nursery governess in Kent. 127 As a result, instead of a battle ensuing, members of the church brokered a truce, to the annoyance of both Stephen and Henry. 125 He was walking into the office from the back hallway, 53 who constantly breathed an air heavy, and, when the wards were first opened in the morning, particularly offensive. 115 As this burial-ground leads to the adjacent Central Criminal Court, accused murderers, on going to and returning from trial, 124 particularly in large cities where the purpose was to let the President be seen by as many people as possible. 110 The head of the debtors' prison was a prisoner called the steward, who was chosen by the whole body from six whom the keeper nominated. 135 Alfred Mullett's interpretation of the French Second Empire style was, however, particularly Americanized in its lack of an ornate sculptural program and its bold, linear details. 179 while at sea the captain of the ship was responsible for the security of the prisoner. 86 with the local jurisdictions, although still very leniently disposed. 69 During his Presidency, Franklin D. Roosevelt made almost four hundred journeys and traveled more than three hundred fifty thousand miles. 137 The failed acquisition has sparkled doubts on whether the company's leadership is competent. 92 Slice 5 According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly. 85 fourteen received less than eleven and more than six; 53 Did the supply package to Zimbabwe include scalpels? 52 and which he mistook for a drain, and that while he was speaking to her she put the muzzle of a pistol close to the back of his head and shot him down. 151 The Illinois Philharmonic Orchestra is a seventy five member orchestra. 71 Thurtell was a gambler, and Weare had won a good deal of money from him. 72 Secret Service agents formed a cordon to keep the press and photographers from impeding their passage and scanned the crowd for threatening movements. 150 Thanksgiving symbolizes the fall harvest feast here in the U.S. 63 Kellerman saw Governor Connally in his wife's lap and Special Agent Clinton J. Hill lying across the trunk of the car. 118 Made in Taiwan. 15 She moved through the dark corridor, her weapon held too tightly in a rigid hand. 81 Two men are behind an organ with very large organ pipes and one onlooker in the background. 91 in order to seek their cooperation in establishing what I may describe as a specific trial period of industrial peace. 118 The characteristic Dutch type is very pronounced and uncompromising Gothic. 75 Well, I am pretty happy with the experience, but I do wish we had more time. 76 I am so happy! 14 The Ugly American was the first of these films. 47 In New Orleans. In the middle of May of nineteen sixty-three, Agent Hosty checked Oswald's last known residence and found that he had moved. 140 Visited Mr. Fauntleroy. My application for books for him not having been attended, I had no prayer-book to give him. 116 In planning its data processing techniques, 43 testified that she was, quote, quite hysterical, end quote, and was, quote, crying and upset, end quote. 104 Christian Reconstructionism is a fundamentalist Calvinist theonomic movement that has remained rather obscure. 110 Soon after, the pregnancy was found to be a false alarm. 56 It contributes several million dollars per year to the county and provides six hundred full-time and seven hundred part-time jobs for local residents. 150 served as an elevated road where several chariots might have been driven abreast. 81 Chief Rowley testified that the present workload of each Secret Service agent averages one hundred ten point one cases. 119 professional 12 The jacket hung on the back of the wide chair. 46 If you don't know any alternative search engines, just google them. 67 Half the quantity of sponge given in preceding receipt. 55 Lights set to eighty percent. 29 Animals, on the contrary, derive their nourishment either directly or indirectly from plants. 93 There really are trained people who can help. But experts expect scammers to wade in here, too. 95 The hail pattered on the burnt brown grass. 43 And does it? 12 Stick a pin in the balloon and it will burst. 45 A thin book fits in the side pocket. 36 Kellerman grabbed his microphone and radioed ahead to the lead car, 67 While the Babylonians, crowding to the walls, did their best to resist the Persian assault, 91 A somewhat similar event happened at Chester not long afterwards; the ropes by which two offenders were turned off broke a few inches from their necks. 151 Say "C" three times. 20 their crimes follow in the lines of others already found, and often more than once, in the calendars. 101 He wrote a note in his mother's name to school authorities in New Orleans saying that he was leaving school because he and his mother were moving to San Diego. 159 And thirteen states which contain only five percent of the voting population can block ratification 99 Their marriage was happy and lasted until Christie's death in nineteen seventy six. 83 Each woman whispered Oswald's number to the detective. Each testified that she was the first to make the identification. 120 Also in his wallet at that time 31 That's right. 13 The bank began first to refuse our acceptances, and to destroy the credit of our house; the bank shall smart for it. 116 Healthy and Safe Swimming Week. 31 The smell of burned rags itches my nose. 40 because other types of fibers present in the blanket were not found in the bag. 79 There was some provision of clothing, but it was quite insufficient, and nothing at all was given if prisoners had enough of their own to cover their nakedness. 160 On top of references to the Qur'an, it also referenced prophetic teachings and Islamic legal tradition. 103 The loss of the cruiser was a blow to the fleet. 48 one. Prisoners convicted of felony. two. Prisoners committed on a charge or suspicion of felony. 96 Put the potatoes into a large bowl or tray and mash them to powder with a potato beetle, or a wooden spoon. 107 Phillippe started his fifth and final game of the series. 57 Protecting the environment is everyone's responsibility, and starts with understanding the issues. 98 them 4 Place the bacon in a large deep skillet over medium-high heat. 62 a. Employees are strictly enjoined to refrain from the use of intoxicating liquor 81 Marina Oswald indicated that her husband had compared General Walker to Adolph Hitler. 86 Schuster hoisted the heavy hose to his shoulder. 48 The airport has a people mover station, opened in June twenty sixteen. 70 A spokeswoman for Edinburgh City Council confirmed its support for the company. 79 The Queen was apprised of the danger, and begged not to go abroad; 66 I shall have more to say on this subject, and upon the state of Newgate generally, in the following chapter. 108 Turbulence is air movement that normally cannot be seen and often occurs unexpectedly. It can be created by many different conditions. 134 A blond child is wearing blue goggles and a green Speedo tank top while swimming underwater. 92 He was lying on his face, his legs tied up to his hips so as to allow of the body fitting into the hole. 104 A speculum is a circular or oval hand-mirror used predominantly by Etruscan women. 82 There is also some evidence that frequent social media use may be linked to depression and other mental health problems. 120 Please don't be lazy. 21 First, the land based trade route between east and west lost relevance. 71 It sought to obtain and diffuse useful information 50 Oddly, the Patriots script logo during this time consisted of a western-style font. 83 I do not remember seeing anything that looked like that. 56 Why not relieve Newgate by drawing more largely upon the superior accommodation which Millbank offered? 103 he had received a copy of the report of the New Orleans office which contained Agent Quigley's memorandum of the interview in the New Orleans jail on August ten, 161 She recalled that Lee cried and said, quote, Mother, I want to get out of here. 79 That's all for now. 19 These and similar founts, cast by the above firm and others, 60 Physiology studies how nervous, immune, endocrine, respiratory, and circulatory systems function and interact. 110 By nineteen thirteen, the steam ferry was transporting automobiles and pedestrians between Seattle and the docks in Bellevue. 125 Ingredients: One cup water. One cup ketchup. One six ounce can tomato paste. Three quarters cup brown sugar. 108 and on his information handbills were circulated, giving the exact description of the deformed youth, who had a hump-back, 122 who was one of the first witnesses to alert the police to the Depository as the source of the shots, as has been discussed in chapter three. 140 We train and guide state and local public health lab partners. 62 Last of all Mrs. Wilson poisoned her landlady, Mrs. Soames, under precisely the same conditions as the foregoing. 113 university 10 You'll need a written letter of invitation from a member of the faculty. 72 When the man reached Jefferson, he turned right and headed west. 64 Opposite the printed words "Pay To" were written the words "Kleins Sporting Goods," 83 But Carro was quite specific that his recommendation was based primarily on the adverse factors in Lee's environment 116 to draw the dividends on more than one sum. 43 The songs are just so good. 27 quote, we are hit. Get us to the hospital immediately, end quote. 65 I was absolutely convinced it was Nixon and now after all these questions I wonder if I am right in my mind? End quote. 119 Shut the hatch before the waves push it in. 43 While the body lay there still warm, battered and bleeding from the cruel blows inflicted upon him by his cowardly assailant, a man came by singing. 148 and twelve, nineteen sixty-three, and most probably on either March nine or March ten. 86 An automobile will arrive at the end of the alley in half an hour, you are to get inside. 89 made no voluntary movements; had his eyes open with the pupils dilated without any reaction to light, 101 The hunter was alerted by the sound of rustling vegetation behind her. 70 What is he like? 16 The jail authorities often gave the highest, possibly undue, importance to the value of remunerative employment, 112 It has also used other Federal law enforcement agents during Presidential visits to cities in which such agents are stationed. 126 was tried at the Old Bailey the following year for horse-stealing, and hanged in front of Newgate. 98 shortly after he arrived in the Soviet Union, and probably before Soviet authorities had given him permission to stay indefinitely, 131 Oswald loaded their possessions into a station wagon owned by Ruth Paine, who had invited Marina Oswald and the baby to live at her home in Irving, Texas. 154 Is it a secret? 15 All books might be at least comely and well-looking. 52 Looking to the future of building envelope technologies, the Energy Department is working to develop new more efficient insulation that can be added to existing homes and buildings. 181 Stir chili paste into chicken mixture; cook and stir until chicken is completely browned, three to four minutes. 112 Evaluation Of Presidential Protection At The Time Of The Assassination Of President Kennedy 91 with a few bright exceptions, still deplorable and disgraceful. 63 and report at length upon the condition of the prisons of the country. 70 Below he met another woman and a girl, both of whom were terrified at his appearance, but 89 This committee animadverted strongly upon the system in force at the metropolitan jails, and more especially upon the condition of Newgate 138 and that laterally the page looks as if it were being driven off the paper. 75 His object in visiting Whitchurch was to undermine the honesty of some workman in the mills; 92 With the help of a few supporters in her hometown, she enrolled in the Juilliard School of Music in New York. 109 Drum and bugle corps players, however, generally use marching tubas. 68 Once the Secret Service has formulated its new standards for collection of information, it should enter into written agreements with each Federal agency. 153 One even shouted to them and said, "Why sit ye there, Persians? Why do ye not go back to your homes? Till mules foal ye will not take our city!" 144 I find the need for biometric identification from palm images taken by infrared handheld camera questionable. 109 the donation of a philanthropic gentleman, Captain Brown, but these, particularly the Bibles, bore little appearance of having been used. 137 As in many mature industries, consolidation is a trend. 55 as, indeed, she must be according to the derivation theory. 59 Dewar is certainly under attack from within his own party. 58 This parachute is specially designed for H.A.L.O. jumps and can function reliably in severe environmental conditions. 117 Mr. Buxton, who found this, declared that it seemed physically impossible, but he was assured that it was true, 111 A young boy watching and admiring puppets in a puppet shop at the downtown convention center. 93 Do not use if under eighteen years of age. If swallowed, contact a poison control center immediately. 101 A guy smoking a cigarette while looking over fossils and possibly bones that were found. 88 In seventeen twenty six, Sir Isaac Newton became the first person to develop a theory of air resistance. 104 They make a selective perception process. 41 Burgess admitted him into the guard's van, where he fitted and filed the keys till they worked easily and satisfactorily in the locks of the safe. 146 The sap travels throughout the whole plant, the main though not the only cause of movement 90 Clearly, the stakes are high. 29 He said that Mrs. Markham started crying when Oswald walked into the lineup room. 81 He claimed his insurance company contested the damages, not the restaurant. 75 this is the ideal type of weapon for moving targets 51 These are the top sports stories for Friday, February ninth. 60 Preheat oven to three hundred fifty degrees. 44 chairman of quarter sessions, or even by a couple of justices. 62 Cut stale cinnamon rolls into half-inch cubes. 46 A further search discovered him at breakfast at a small house in the New Road. 78 The Latin term "in vacuo" is used to describe an object that is surrounded by a vacuum. 87 I came home by ambulance. 25 Built at the Atomic Energy Research Establishment in England, Zeta was larger and more powerful than any fusion machine in the world at the time. 145 these numbers had risen to two hundred seventy-five and three hundred seventy-five respectively, or six hundred fifty in all. 125 As they watched the waves crashing into each other, Alice thought of home. 74 components 10 the first and second mates, Karswell and Taffir; there were two other Englishmen on board, and the rest of the crew were a polyglot lot, 136 that debtors who could afford the cabin and master's side were not permitted to share in the prison charities. 110 When done, remove bay leaf, and shred meat with a fork. 55 The women took turns building a tall stable pile of rocks. 58 in the picture she took in late March or early April nineteen sixty-three when the family was living on Neely Street in Dallas. 127 By the end of the twentieth century, Cambridge had one of the most expensive housing markets in the Northeastern United States. 127 North Korea accepts South Korea's proposal for official talks, and will meet on January ninth to discuss North Korea's involvement with the Winter Olympics. 156 My pleasure. 12 he afterward affirms that nitrogen is peculiar to animals, and herein he places the third distinction between the animal and the plant. 135 It was plain that although the law had defined general principles of prison government, 87 An examination of the window at the rear of the house, the wall through which the bullet passed, and the fence behind the house 127 Oswald objected to his mother visiting the apartment 52 I was awful. 12 The black trunk fell from the landing. 38 Papa John's Pizza founder John Schnatter announces he will step down from his position as C.E.O. on January first, twenty eighteen. 131 This poodle chases cats and chews on our best furniture. 56 the difficulty was to get a copy of the second key. 51 It led to a large exodus of the city, with a majority of the population leaving. 80 Reindeer and antelopes are missing in your taxonomy of animals. 63 Two restaurant employees exchange a plate of food under a Mongolian BBQ neon sign. 82 After the Venezuelan government orders shops to lower prices, hundreds of people line up to take advantage of these price cuts. 127 Please Postman. 15 He put his last cartridge into the gun and fired. 49 The four columns in the entrance hall seemingly direct the visitor up the ramp. 79 educates him under such a system for nothing, while the virtuous simpleton who is on the other side of the wall is paying by the quarter for these attainments." 160 Those buildings and the history around them attract thousands of tourists. 74 Musicians dressed in red and white shirts and khaki pants, performing at a sports arena. 88 I was informed by a certain Elamite brother, who came from those regions, and now leads the life of a monk at Jerusalem, 120 No one will ever know what passed through Oswald's mind during the week before November twenty-two, nineteen sixty-three. 121 As much as twenty-five pounds was paid for a first-floor front on this occasion. 80 Others advance normative theses, by making specific policy recommendations. 75 and then came out with a statement that he was looking for a Communist cell in town to join but he couldn't find any. 117 many without stockings, and with hardly shoes to their feet; 60 Seventeen of this number are proposed for the Protective Research Section. 74 The body plans of most multicellular organisms exhibit some form of symmetry, whether radial, bilateral, or spherical. 118 A few years saw the birth of Roman character not only in Italy, but in Germany and France. 90 A construction worker is carrying two by fours, in front of a recently constructed wooden wall. 95 Chemicals in the marketplace are reviewed for safety. 53 At approximately one p.m., after last rites were administered to the President by Father Oscar L. Huber, Dr. Clark pronounced the President dead. 145 Rifle Among Oswald's Possessions 32 Seize the day. 14 A baseball player attempting to score a run before the catcher tags the player out. 83 Originally a thirty-day technology-demonstration mission, it is still fully operational in low-Earth orbit almost a year later. 127 She is seven months pregnant. 29 Through investments at the early stages of technology, tougher appliance standards and collaboration with researchers at our National Labs and private companies to develop energy-saving technologies, 199 By far the greater part of the general decline in utility securities had occurred before I was inaugurated. 107 By nineteen twelve, public interest had waned, and Cahill's enterprise was bankrupt. 84 One of the largest equity mutual funds, the Vanguard five hundred, is passively managed. 88 The people who offer legitimate help with the Health Insurance Marketplace - sometimes called Navigators or Assisters - are not allowed to charge you. 150 The old gentleman's signature to this deed of gift was a forgery, 65 In contrast, D.F.A. testing requires a fluorescent microscope, an instrument not always available in settings with less public health infrastructure. 149 It contributes several million dollars per year to the county and provides six hundred full-time and seven hundred part-time jobs for local residents. 150 In his experience, quote, it would be automatic, end quote, for the Secret Service to arrange a route which would, within the time allotted, 140 She can't help but to stare at the posher parts of town. 56 All descriptions of offenders congregated together in the felons' wards. 72 In our efforts for recovery 27 To promote nationwide acceptance of his administration Washington made grand tours that served also to excite interest in the Presidency. 137 A pleasure to meet you. 23 All of them are good. 21 That in this vast metropolis, the center of wealth, civilization, and information; 82 and these also tend to nourish and strengthen the brain. 56 he could close the "inadequate" prison, by declaring it unfit for the reception of prisoners. 93 As time passed, 15 He defected to the Soviet Union, shot at General Walker, tried to go to Cuba and even contemplated hijacking an airplane to get there. 134 The flow of gas improves the mixing of the fuel and air and increases total pressure recovery. 94 Flash is today the baseline format on the web. 46 The original plan called for the President to spend only one day in the State, making whirlwind visits to Dallas, Fort Worth, San Antonio, and Houston. 151 Two young male hikers using a map and compass to find their direction in the woods. 83 A Bow Street officer saw him leaving London in the evening by Camberwell Green, accompanied by two other men. 109 In nineteen seventy nine, Fayed bought The Ritz hotel in Paris, France for thirty million dollars. 98 with a greater certainty of the employment of labor at a reasonable wage and of more business at a fair profit. 111 Although in the phone conversation she described the man as, quote, short, end quote, on November twenty-second, 112 But neither Robson nor Redpath would have been able to pursue their fraudulent designs with success had they not, like Watts, 125 found 5 in all its ramifications and alert to every danger that might befall it, 72 In the inspectors' fourth report, dated eighteen thirty-nine, 61 Device registration successful. 31 They are also the spots with heavy precipitation beneath. 57 They were tried in March of the following year, Edward Wakefield having apparently given himself up, 100 Locate emergency exits both in front and behind you. Count the rows between you and the nearest exits. Locate the flotation device. 131 paying particular attention to the crowd for any unusual activity. 66 Secret Service Personnel and Facilities 39 In the twenty first century, progressives continue to embrace concepts such as environmentalism and social justice. 115 Scott scratched his skis traversing the stream. 47 It was his own handiwork -- a bird pecking at a flower; 55 No hardship seemed to make him sad. 35 Is it in the right place? 25 There was not much reserve about him when there. 48 type cast from his matrices is still in everyday use. 53 of this it may be said that though there is some good paper made now, 69 the State of Texas had exclusive jurisdiction. 46 Carefully place filled tortillas, seam side down, in a greased nine by thirteen baking dish. 92 During the nineteen eightys, he had a brief romantic relationship with rock singer Belinda Carlisle, who appeared in his movie "Swing Shift". 141 A heavy purse makes a light heart. 34 This year, it will amount to a few hundred thousand pounds. 59 While that first request, made according to Marina Oswald at her husband's insistence, specifically stated that Oswald was to remain in the United States, 154 The Chronicles of Newgate, Volume two. By Arthur Griffiths. Section fourteen: Newgate notorieties, part one 107 it should be noted that mention of the Trade Mart as the expected site of the Presidential luncheon 99 Many factors were undoubtedly involved in Oswald's motivation for the assassination, and the Commission does not believe 120 With these differences were others as opposed concerning industrial occupation. 79 processing 10 His use of those excuses to present himself to the world as a person who was being unfairly treated 99 Alan H. Belmont, Assistant to the Director of the F.B.I., testified that this revision was initiated by the F.B.I. itself. 122 twenty men slept on eight straw beds, with sixteen rugs amongst them, and a piece of timber for a bolster. 106 He has already suffered a good deal of unwanted attention. 58 In a medium bowl, mix together eggs, cream, and milk, flour, garlic powder, and hot pepper sauce. 97 The Queen saw this second movement, and stooped to avoid the shot; 66 The important thing is what they do. 36 The site of which was to be sold to Christ's Hospital, but the intention was of course to embody and absorb old Newgate in the new construction. 144 nineteen sixty-four, makes several significant recommendations in this field. 77 The doorknob was made of bright clean brass. 44 Most of Jenson's letters are designed within a square. 54 Make a mental plan of action in case of emergency. 50 The provision of more baths was also suggested, and the daily sweeping out of the prison. 89 It is conceivable that those men who had little sleep, and who had consumed alcoholic beverages, even in limited quantities, 124 magazine 8 Throughout this interrogation he denied that he had anything to do either with the assassination of President Kennedy or the murder of Patrolman Tippit. 152 have now given us a Court in which five justices will be over seventy-five years of age before next June 104 The same system was extended to the criminal side, and cases were on record of the place of wardsman being sold for considerable sums. 134 Press the pants and sew a button on the vest. 45 H.T.S.C. coils cost more than L.T.S.C. coils by a factor of two to four. 72 Currently, if rabies tests are inconclusive, the bitten person usually is given rabies vaccine as part of post-exposure prophylaxis, at an individual cost often over three thousand dollars. 189 Is Saddam a threat? 19 Therefore it was useless to hope that Nebuchadnezzar's portrait would be found on his palace walls. 99 The merit of their paper is to alleviate the extraction of isolines and isosurfaces. 84 Müller protested after sentence of death had been passed upon him that he had been convicted on a false statement of facts. 123 But in the interval very comprehensive and, I think it must be admitted, salutary changes were successively introduced into the management of prisons. 150 He declared that this bullet was fired from the same weapon that fired the test bullets to the exclusion of all other weapons. 126 Pries at length was discovered 30 This was the consequence of the Service's lack of an adequate investigative staff, 82 The governor insisted, but Courvoisier showed great reluctance to strip. 72 Yet some Punic books from the libraries of Carthage reportedly did survive the fires. 85 In soccer, Cristiano Ronaldo becomes the shared all-time top scorer in the Champions League group stage. 104 Teens connect via mobile. 25 Constant reevaluation of procedures, with attention to special problems and the development of instructions specific to particular trips 136 Why do it otherwise? 20 Three for a dime, the young peddler cried. 42 Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic. 79 I am hopeful that the proposal President Trump and I put forward to rebuild Indian schools is passed by Congress. 113 Epcot announces that Circle of Life: An Environmental Fable will close permanently. 83 The U.S. Government Accountability Office starts a study into the currently unregulated length of freight trains. 113 As sure as I am alive. 22 The association's then president, William E. Wulf, testified that he remembered an occasion when Oswald, quote, 111 and on the other by backing up 30 that a witness (Amos Euins) had seen shots fired from a window of the building. 79 pages 5 This is especially necessary with regard to the F.B.I. and C.I.A. 65 How will thy disfigurement, thou simpleton, induce the enemy to yield one day sooner? 85 The coffee stand is too high for the couch. 43 The current time is five thirty P.M. Mountain Standard Time. 60 One tablespoonful of butter, just melted, not hot. 50 but of these three hundred and ninety-six were reversed by the king in council, and only fifty-two were really executed. 120 news 4 Zeus is the Greek god of thunder. 33 Storm and stress. 17 On May seventh, nineteen ninety one, the name was changed to the Veterans Health Administration (V.H.A.). 105 which requires the constant exercise of judgment and taste on the part of the printer. 86 Surely thou hadst gone out of thy mind when thou didst so misuse thyself. 73 Two women walking toward the camera along a sidewalk while wearing a backpack and showing midriff. 98 In general, parting is caused by some stress applied to a crystal. 66 A pretty blond lady wearing glasses holding a yellow flower pot containing multicolored objects. 96 Two Democratic senators, Doug Jones of Alabama and Tina Smith of Minnesota, are sworn in, bringing the Republican majority down to fifty-one to forty-nine. 155 Until you hit the big games. 28 In the middle yard it was still worse. 38 Swearing in of the New President 32 A prominent Dutch anabaptist was Menno Simons, who initiated the Mennonite church. 82 It seems I'm not connected to the Internet. 43 Double R. Trading operates a recycling plant that grinds plastic material into flakes that are ultimately exported to China. 124 Convicted offenders might have good or bad luck; they might be arraigned when their particular crime was uncommon, and were then nearly certain to escape; 154 He could not help it. 21 Here are the twelve items I was referring too. 46 v 1 Imperial diet. 14 While your bread is taking a three hours’ rise, you are free in body and mind for other things. 95 nineteen sixty-three. 21 On being removed to Newgate from the court Mrs. Manning became perfectly furious. 81 Scrod swim off cold shores. 27 Then the world metropolis, stripped of most of its population, became a mere village. 85 No report of it was made public, as the man was almost immediately recaptured. 78 But afternoons in the rainy season can be hot and humid, a feature of tropical climates. 88 It is clear that such a permutation is not unique. 50 The inner part of the wall was constructed of unburned bricks, and at a distance of about thirty-six feet from the outer part. 126 while Calcraft adjusted the noose. 34 As the law stood since the passing of the ninth George the fourth c. forty, any two justices might remove a prisoner found to be insane, either on commitment 157 Lawrence was baffled by the amount of things he had learned about fuzzy logic. 78 Information is requested also concerning individuals or groups who have demonstrated an interest in the President. 114 Bringing him was a mistake. 27 specifying criteria for information to be furnished to the Secret Service in addition to that covered by the former standard, 125 Agent Lawson did not arrange for a prior inspection of buildings along the motorcade route, 91 Therefore, one cartridge case of this type was not recovered. 61 She bought twelve donuts and eight pints of milk. 49 learnt through the firm's correspondence that a quantity of gold-dust 69 We want to keep the pound. 26 Consecutive bullets fired from the revolver by the FBI experts could not be identified as having been fired from that revolver. 127 he soon left the service and betook himself to dishonest ways. 62 For the best part of its life, the table has been standing in the basement. 75 In twenty fifteen, Ames was ranked in the top fifteen "Cities That Have Done the Best Since the Recession" by Bloomberg Businessweek. 133 Then Mrs. Daulby learnt that Miss Turner had not arrived at Shrigley, but that she had gone to Manchester. 106 who were each required to send so large a number to Babylon, that in all there were collected no fewer than fifty thousand. 123 Two scuba divers underwater wearing white shirts and scuba equipment along with fins on their feet. 99 And now she's afraid we've got her all mixed up in mob business. 64 My grandmother and I went inside the Great Pyramid. 51 Christian Sattler was by birth a German. 40 He misses it greatly and would be very grateful to whomsoever might return it. 78 Clearly, the stakes are high. 29 Perhaps the worst feature of the visiting system was the permission accorded to male prisoners "under the name of husbands, brothers, and sons" 143 the Commission has carefully considered the testimony of these two witnesses with regard to the length of the bag. 114 The video was not included in the official D.V.D. release of the Eurovision Contest, but was issued as a separate D.V.D. release. 129 The video was not included in the official D.V.D. release of the Eurovision Contest, but was issued as a separate D.V.D. release. 129 Each one is radically different from the other. 47 in which the benefits of private ownership are retained while the public stake in these important services is protected by the public's government. 147 The focus is on building a highly modular, reliable, and secure, operating system. 82 The Eisenhower Executive Office Building is located next to the West Wing, and houses a majority of offices for White House staff. 130 What has caused the demise of singing? 38 A wisp of cloud hung in the blue air. 37 thought that Marina Oswald was immature in her thinking and partly responsible for the difficulties that the Oswalds were having at that time. 142 During World War One, the academy produced General of the Armies John J. Pershing. 82 Lady in blue coat with white and brown hat standing in front of a painting. 75 Edgar is a geek. 16 I am just trying to do my job. 30 solutions 9 The Cubans would not, however, give him a visa until he had received one from the Soviets, which involved a delay of several months. 132 and to the Commission on February twenty-one. 45 These photographs were shown to Oswald on the evening of November twenty-three and again on the morning of the twenty-fourth. 125 I took planks of birch wood and crafted a bookshelf. 52 Good news! Your route is clear. 31 became the victim of the most cowardly and unmanly outrages, and the attempted murder of the sovereign by Oxford in eighteen forty 130 Tiger Woods is a famous golfer. 31 Still waters run deep. 22 The drink could be fruit-based but the use of herbs and vegetables, reflecting the gin's botanicals, is increasingly popular. 125 He built well the quays along the opposite shore of the Euphrates, but he did not finish all his work, 102 A boy takes a jump on his skateboard while another boy with a skateboard watches. 81 If you answer the phone and hear a recorded sales pitch, hang up and report it. 79 A wax figurine wearing an engineers hat is standing in the doorway of the train engine. 87 Three young men are riding an elephant, sitting in what 's called a howdah. 75 Riders are not always travelling at full speed or at a specific radius. 71 Motorcade policemen who escorted the automobiles were requested by the Vice President and Agent Youngblood not to use sirens. 125 He returned to the United States in late May and flew to Africa again in July. 78 John acted as a secretary, and Edward was Milton's first biographer. 68 leading to an inequality, uncertainty, and inefficiency of punishment productive of the most prejudicial results. 113 Marina Oswald has stated that the rifle was among these possessions, although Ruth Paine testified that she was not aware of it. 128 Mrs. Campbell offered him less, and there was an altercation, in the course of which Buncher became very violent, and at length, 128 In June nineteen sixty-four, the Secret Service sent guidelines to a number of Federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies 128 I'm connected to the internet and need to be activated. Open your browser and visit home dot mycroft dot A I to register this device. 133 the creation of new governmental machinery for supervising this work. 69 None of these three additional races appear in any of the "Ringworld" novels. 77 Dr. Alfred Taylor, the great authority and writer on medical jurisprudence, corroborated this, and in his evidence on the trial 127 Next to the Cathedral is a ten-acre public park full of flowers and fountains. 78 Newgate prisoners were the victims to another most objectionable practice which obtained all over London. 105 Further investigations brought other similar frauds to light, 61 One narrow escape he had, however, before he abandoned his old business. 72 The Russian support for Ethiopia led to the advent of a Russian Red Cross mission. 82 These controls prevent plastic and other materials from washing into storm drains and discharging into the Los Angeles River. 125 During the test, safeguards prevented the satellite from losing all its power and ending the mission; however, the test was successful. 135 The Chronicles of Newgate, Volume two. By Arthur Griffiths. Section nineteen: Later Records 91 I'm an open source artificial intelligence. 43 Dr. Clark noted some electrical activity on the cardiotachyscope attached to monitor the President's heart responses. 117 A balding man with glasses is blowing a bubble gum bubble in a dimly lit room. 78 Later that week, on his sixty eighth birthday, he underwent quadruple coronary bypass surgery at the U.C.L.A. Medical Center. 125 the males of most Rotifers have no digestive apparatus. 55 Two men strike a serious pose while listening to some live music being performed behind them. 93 he gave him likewise the government of Babylon for his life, free from tribute, and he also granted him many other favors. 122 Sir Frederick Roe was of the same opinion as regards the appointment, but he would give the inspectors the power of acting as well as reporting. 144 a 1 The Soviet authorities finally permitted Oswald to remain in their country. 75 No, but it is nice to meet you. 31 A whitehaired older man in a green striped shirt is conducting in the social sciences building. 95 Recently the most notable public questions that have concerned us all 69 She stated further that Oswald had only mentioned Nixon's name once during the incident. Marina Oswald might have misunderstood her husband. 140 Much the same motives of seeking notoriety seem to have impelled Bean, who was perfectly sane, to his rash act; 111 Advance preparations for President Kennedy's visit to Dallas were primarily the responsibility of two Secret Service agents: 124 Almost all of the interior detail is of cast iron or plaster the use of wood was minimized to insure fire safety. 113 You have deleted one alarm. 27 The car sold for twelve thousand four hundred and sixty nine dollars. 69 but I, the devout petitioner, the worshipper of the gods, built the moat, and made its wall of burned brick and bitumen mountain high. 134 The audio stream is compressed to make the file size smaller using M. P. Three. 79 Procter and Gamble announces that it will close its plant in Kansas City, Kansas. 81 NASA has selected two finalist concepts for a robotic mission planned to launch in the mid twenty twenties. 107 In nineteen ninety, all members of the group except for Deal moved to Los Angeles. 82 Two men in white uniforms with black belts are competing in a martial arts tournament. 86 to develop coordinated and mutually compatible systems, even where such coordination would not seem inconsistent 112 And the Farmer is worried about another aspect of farming life. 63 However, the identities are unknown for nearly half of those who died in service to the Union and are buried in national cemeteries. 132 Other conditions may apply. 27 Frazier later fired four groups of three shots at a distance of one hundred yards in five point nine, six point two, 116 each containing two notes, many of the sheets suitable for engraving any kind of note from one thousand pounds downwards. 121 Please go to aisle seven. 25 The conflict became known as Tecumseh's War. 44 Improvements in refinery techniques have generally reduced the susceptibility of gasolines to these problems. 109 Threading his way among these itinerant vendors was seen the meek-faced deliverer of tracts, the man of good intentions, now bonneted, 134 These places tend to open earlier and have more informal dress. 63 Mr. J. E. Sparrow and Mr. Clipperton 36 H.P.V. vaccines do not currently protect against the virus strains responsible for plantar warts. 97 they 4 If you do, they will probably take the money and disappear. 59 April twenty-eight, nineteen thirty-five. 41 Dr. Carrico noted two wounds: a small bullet wound in the front lower neck, 75 This type was introduced into England by Wynkyn de Worde, Caxton's successor, 77 Hunton accepted his sentence with great resignation, although he protested against the inhumanity of the laws which condemned him to death. 139 According to Revill, Hosty indicated that he was going to tell this to Lieutenant Wells of the homicide and robbery bureau. 123 and many of the same sort were found in the possession of the accused. This was enough to obtain a committal, 109 They primarily eat the highly digestible blubber. 49 independently examined the four cartridge cases and arrived at the same conclusion as Cunningham. 97 (three) was present, at the time of the assassination, at the window from which the shots were fired 100 Credit cards have significant fraud protection built in, but some payment methods don't. 88 was not used for the main portion of the downtown part of the motorcade because Main Street offered better vantage points for spectators. 137 Three people are sitting on green grass and three people are walking beside a body of water. 92 Oswald was confronted with those facts at the beginning of the debate and was so thrown on the defensive by this that he was forced to state that 145 whither he often went to distill the lavender, returning to London the same evening. 84 and thus obtained personal knowledge of all who passed in and out, but without obtaining any direct evidence. 109 Turn right to merge onto I-fifteen South. Continue on I-fifteen South for six point two miles. 94 directed its field representatives to send a form request for intelligence information to all local, 100 What are you not good at? 25 Do you really think so? 23 In the Low Countries and Cologne, which were very fertile of printed books, Gothic was the favorite. 100 together with a great increase in the payrolls, there has come a substantial rise in the total of industrial profits 116 The present attempt by those opposed to progress to play upon the fears of danger to personal liberty 101 and told him a similar story to Craig's. 40 Howse and his accomplice were arrested; the former was found guilty and sentenced to fifteen years, but the latter was acquitted. 129 One step more and the board will collapse. 42 It has created a global map of these ice clouds around the planet, which could someday help improve models and forecasts. 121 Sentence of death had been recorded against Donovan, who, like Watts, had seemingly been overcome with sudden despair. 118 The pot boiled but the contents failed to jell. 47 to safeguard, define and enforce collective bargaining, and, while retaining fair competition, 94 In their tenth report 21 The thrush constructs her nest from feathers and pieces of fluff. 65 Wait a minute! 14 but, in his testimony before the Commission, Brennan stated that his remarks of January seven were intended by him merely as an accurate report 143 Under the limes. 16 The tube was blown and the tire flat and useless. 49 After the end of the fifteenth century the degradation of printing, especially in Germany and Italy, went on apace. 115 who had arranged a radio debate on Oswald's activities on behalf of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee, 101 I want to see her. 18 Accordingly, my opinion simply was that the latent prints which were there were of no value, end quote. 103 But that was all. 17 Languages include French, Indonesian-Bahasa, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese-Mandarin, Czech, Dari, Hungarian, Korean, Pashto, Persian-Farsi, Polish, Russian, Tagalog, Thai, Turkish and Urdu. 184 from where several witnesses last saw Oswald running west on Jefferson Boulevard. Shortly after the Tippit murder, 114 of atrocious murders perpetrated in Edinburgh by the miscreants Burke and Hare, 79 Ingredients: four pork chops. Salt and pepper to taste. Two onions, sliced into rings. 86 Walter Lou Anne Kitty Employees cheering in the success of creating battery powered locomotives 95 Shakers today are most known for their cultural contributions. 62 would deny us the necessary means of dealing with the present. 62 People ascending and descending a steep set of stairs with a large nature formation in the background. 102 and they were not in great demand, in order to convert them into mop-heads or cleaning-rags. 92 The role is regarded as one of Brando's greatest. 49 g 1 Dip the pail once and let it settle. 36 At the Pentagon, while there were also problems of command and control, the emergency response was generally effective. 119 The possible contact with the Soviet Embassy in Mexico intensified the FBI's interest in learning Oswald's whereabouts. 119 In response to inquiry by the Commission regarding the instructions to agents in a motorcade 92 Well-founded complaints had been made of the want of heating appliances in the jail. 84 Epilepsy is a condition which sends the sufferer into uncontrollable convulsions. 81 The number of justices has been changed several times before, 61 The plush chair leaned against the wall. 40 nineteen sixty-three, merely to disarm her and to provide a justification of sorts, 83 He stated that he had volunteered to give Soviet officials any information that he had concerning Marine Corps operations, and intimated 136 A man shaking the hand of a woman in an orange shirt sitting on a bench. 72 He had been in the employ of a corn-chandler at Islington, and went into London with his master's cart and horse. 113 Is Saddam a threat? 19 I'm not sure about the exact answer, but here are some results from the web: 76 Projects will be sought which promise ultimate return to the federal treasury of a considerable proportion of the costs. 120 In Giltspur Street Compter, where he was first lodged 53 In vetting names, Simon seemed the most suitable. 49 The node on the stalk of wheat grew daily. 42 to put it in a position to reach final conclusions in this respect. 67 The fact that he took so little money with him when he left Irving in the morning indicates that he did not expect to get very far from Dallas on his own 153 The wizard knew plenty conjuring tricks and enchanted his audience. 67 In retrospect his attempt to go to Cuba or return to the Soviet Union may well have been Oswald's last escape hatch, 116 He played Friar Sands in "The Lost Empire", for N.B.C. 54 Talcum powder can keep you cool in tropical climates. 53 by cutting away the edges of the wound on the front of the Governor's chest and suturing the damaged lung and lacerated muscles. 128 Under proper procedures knowledge of the pending Presidential visit might have prompted Hosty 93 At the river end of these cross streets are low gates in the fence that skirts the stream, 90 One great impediment to wide amelioration was that a vast number of small jails lay out of reach of the law. 108 They are a minimum of wise readjustments of our Federal Reserve System in the light of past experience and present needs. 121 He said that his Marine service in Okinawa and elsewhere had given him, quote, a chance to observe American imperialism, end quote. 131 At most of the clubs the servants had been mulcted to make good lost plate, which had no doubt been stolen by the prisoner. 123 Before you can use me to control your lights you will need to enter Wink account information. Please visit home dot mycroft dot A I to set this up. 147 In the eighteen fiftys he took on a partner by the name of David Shepard. 73 You had better believe it. 26 With this as capital they came back to England via Buenos Aires, 64 which he expressed in striking and sometimes violent acts long before the assassination. 88 While Oswald appeared to most of those who knew him as a meek and harmless person, he sometimes imagined himself as, quote, the Commander, end quote, 149 Oswald once struck his wife because of a letter which she wrote to a former boyfriend in Russia. 96 no 2 His wretched, abject condition, seated in a chair under the drop, was such as almost to unnerve the executioner Calcraft, 121 The stitch will serve but needs to be shortened. 48 The approaching ceremony had evidently no terrors for these "idolaters of the gallows." 87 Woman in a black top carrying something to drink and a green plastic basket past a grill. 89 All the people of Babylon prostrated themselves before him, and, kissing his feet, rejoiced in his sovereignty, while happiness shone on their faces. 149 Tell me what it is. 19 This activity in enhanced by the porous structure of the subsoil. 65 to the time of the assassination. 33 The first books were printed in black letter, i.e. the letter which was a Gothic development of the ancient Roman character, 124 Look, fireflies! 16 O woman walks hurriedly past a department store with a red evening gown in the display window. 94 cap. sixty-four, and five George the fourth cap. eighty-five 60 Deleting audio. 15 and having, quote, somewhat bushy, end quote, hair. 51 Next Tuesday we must vote. 26 out 3 The regional parliament can enact ordinances, which have equal status as a national legislative act. 100 Normally every President appoints a large number of district and circuit court judges and a few members of the Supreme Court. 125 I think to myself "How easy to Die" and "A Sweet Death, (to violins), end quote. 80 Lay noodles flat on towels, and blot dry. 41 Of course. 10 We encourage the aquatics sector to follow recommendations for the design, construction, operation, and management of recreational water facilities. 148 He put his last cartridge into the gun and fired. 49 Robberies as daring in conception as they were boldly executed were common enough. 82 Each clown's wig was secured by a tiny bowler hat held by an elastic chin-strap. 80 At last when the time came for rebelling openly they did as follows: 68 Two to one are odds at football. 32 Never quit certainty for hope. 30 What do they mean by the words "packing the Court"? 51 Due to risks to civil aviation operating within or in the vicinity of North Korea, the Federal Aviation Administration has issued a Notice to Airmen and a Special Federal Aviation Regulation. 191 He managed to get the frigate's engines lit. 44 He pinched her cheek. 21 and it was not the least part of the blame imputed to him that he made special favorites of particular prisoners, retaining of his own accord in Newgate, 153 Yemen has no public stock exchange. 35 Mr. Samuel Hoare, when examined, considered it indispensably necessary, to carry out whatever system might be established, 122 In fifty two B.C. he led a revolt against the Roman occupation but was defeated. 80 Have you seen Omar? 19 Sauerkraut along with pork and mashed potatoes is a common meal on New Year's Day in Pennsylvania. 98 Several Presidents have chosen to use this desk, including Presidents Taft, Wilson, Harding, Coolidge, Hoover, and Eisenhower. 126 It measures around fourteen inches in length with a wingspan of thirty-one to thirty-nine inches. 97 Chinese scientists announce they have successfully cloned crab-eating macaques using somatic cell nuclear transfer, making them the first primates to be cloned. 160 Take her to the hospital. 25 Flour a rolling-pin and roll the dough into a sheet not more than half an inch thick. 85 It follows the release of his two Genius of Modern Music compilations. 70 Three people dining while sitting outside at a table under a brown awning that reads Union Market. 98 Now his doom is sealed irrevocably, and he has given himself up to despair. 75 Four hours of steady work faced us. 35 Delgado and Oswald talked more about Cuba than Russia, and sometimes imagined themselves as leaders in the Cuban Army or Government, 132 Hidden in walls, attics and floors, insulation helps keep homes comfortable with little thought from the homeowner. 115 Breathe deep and smell the piny air. 36 In this way Watts had complete control over the whole of the monetary transactions of the company. 98 Two small brightly dressed African children with water bottles are sitting on a stone floor. 92 the FBI, on sixteen separate occasions, supplied a total of one hundred thirty-nine agents to assist in protection work during a Presidential visit, 148 to be determined by chance or the personal indecision of individuals. 69 Bad language, quarreling, throwing water over one another was forbidden on pain of fine and being sent to Coventry; 115 you should not have any difficulty in hitting your target. I mean it requires no training at all to shoot a weapon with a telescopic sight 138 L.G.B.T. stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender. 60 organizations 13 He is dispatched to a nightclub to retrieve a championship ring from a football player. 87 he then himself drew off with the unwarlike portion of his host, and made for the place where Nitocris dug the basin for the river, 131 we should antecedently expect, if the theory is true, 53 learned from retail outlets in Dallas that Crescent Firearms, Inc., of New York City, 85 In the early days of the Republic, individual states and communities provided direct medical and hospital care to Veterans. 123 Wasn't there a command line client for ordering pizza somewhere? 64 estate 6 In each cell there was a barrack bedstead on the floor without bedding. 71 As a preliminary, familiarize yourself with the basic concept of nuclear fission. 81 will be vastly greater than the weight of the same substances contained in the bean from which it sprang. 105 You can eat an elephant if you do it one mouthful at a time. 60 The Ministry of Culture of Saudi Arabia announces that it will lift a ban on commercial cinemas that has lasted more than three decades. 136 But the police nearly paid the penalty of capture with their lives. 67 This line of argument prevailed over the manifest horrors of the spectacle. These increased as time passed. 107 Two men in Germany jumping over a rail at the same time without shirts. 71 It takes decades until you're qualified to join the granny gang. 64 nothing but a linear tract of specially modified protoplasm between two points of an organism 93 I had no idea. 14 Live wires should be kept covered. 34 The Middle Ages brought calligraphy to perfection, and it was natural therefore 79 Darius had maltreated him in the way they could see, only because he had given advice that the siege should be raised, since there seemed no hope of taking the city. 165 However, the F.A.A. prohibits passengers from using these types of restraints and belly belts during ground movement, take-off and landing. 139 Most important, notwithstanding that both agencies have professed to the Commission that the liaison between them was close and fully sufficient, 145 Not on your life! 17 So that I know not where we can hope to find any absolute distinction between animals and plants, unless we return to their mode of nutrition. 142 From return to Fort Worth to move to New Orleans. 49 Neil Armstrong was the first man to step foot on the moon. 58 Dull stories make her laugh. 28 themselves 10 It was also greatly expanded by the Arab importation of both Ancient Greco-Roman and new technology from India and China to Europe. 131 The ladder was actually made, of black sewing-thread firmly and closely interwoven. But White could not remove the bars; 120 It was camouflaged so well that no one would have suspected its presence. 73 Clun, in Shropshire, had a lock-up under the town hall. 55 Then the doorkeepers, when they heard this, carried him at once before the Magistrates. 87 Vancouver is a film and television production center. 53 The ground thus cleared, the forgers poured in from Birmingham numbers of forged acceptances, 93 was refused, at the instigation of the police. A few days later a frequent guest at the tavern arrived, and had this same room allotted to him. 143 The drink could be fruit-based but the use of herbs and vegetables, reflecting the gin's botanicals, is increasingly popular. 125 then a maid and heir apparent unto her father, for the sake of the lucre of her substance; and for having afterwards unlawfully and against her will 148 Knowledge is better than riches. 32 He had refused to salute the flag and was doing very little, if any, work. 74 If not, he should go home. 26 Many of the ten thousand people living in Hillah still gain their livelihood by digging the bricks from the ruins to sell to the modern builders. 145 Maybe this battle has been. 27 During the M.O.S. Qualification Phase, you will receive training for your newly-assigned Special Forces Military Occupational Specialty. 136 Man in stand up primitive canoe paddling in urban congested and contaminated area. 82 At night, the situation reverses. 33 the need to meet the unanswered challenge of one-third of a Nation ill-nourished, ill-clad, ill-housed. 103 We crumble the bowl with a rasp until only fractions are left. 62 It was about twenty-two fifty B.C., when the great Hammurabi made it his capital, that it became the chief city of Babylonia. 125 Within a year he was advanced to the post of chief clerk in the transfer department, at a salary of one hundred fifty pounds a year. 132 The black-shouldered kite hunts in open grasslands, searching for its prey by hovering and systematically scanning the ground. 126 The Secret Service in the past has sometimes guarded its right to be acknowledged as the sole protector of the Chief Executive. 127 A great number of distinguished people assembled as usual at the Old Bailey on the day of trial. 96 Britney Spears is a pop singer. 31 He lost a lot of money through gambling in the casino. 54 It was released by Netflix on June twenty-fourth, twenty sixteen. 65 This planning document has been made a part of the Commission's published record; the underlying staff and consultants' reports reviewed by the Commission have not, 164 She tried to stop the bleeding of her thighs with a tissue. 59 Approximately ten minutes after the arrival at Love Field, the President and Mrs. Kennedy went to the Presidential automobile to begin the motorcade. 149 Courier bags were bought to carry the "stuff" slung over the shoulders; 71 The F thirty five A and F thirty five B were cleared for flight training in early twenty twelve. 96 All the best. 13 A clean neck means a neat collar. 33 A very large percentage of newspaper publishers, Chambers of Commerce, 70 Of course, such privileges aren't meant to be granted to code from the Web. 75 The highwayman, whose exploits many in the crowd admired or emulated, was cheered and bidden to die game; 105 James C. Cadigan, FBI handwriting expert, testified that this note was written by Lee Harvey Oswald. 100 There should be at least a full and fair trial given to these means of ending industrial warfare; 97 See the cat glaring at the scared mouse. 40 During this same period there were three other attacks on the life of a President, 82 For instance, it may be desirable to write a function that only operates on numbers. 84 A song, a Girl, a maid. 23 stores 6 The four hundred ninety three outbreaks reported during this period resulted in at least twenty seven thousand two hundred nineteen illnesses and eight deaths. 159 A siege will crack the strong defense. 38 Are they free? 14 The Sultanate ushered in a period of Indian cultural renaissance. 65 Put the dough out to rise before the pizza orders flow in. 58 A dozen volumes would be necessary 34 find 4 Mend the coat before you go out. 32 While transporting these goods to Damascus, Saladin took the opportunity to ravage the Crusader countryside. 108 The role was a knockout, but really difficult. 46 It's five forty-eight P.M. 26 Place an oven rack in the lowest position in oven and preheat oven to four hundred degrees. 91 A brown, black and white dog is running through a large field with its mouth open. 82 which title can only be claimed by artistic practice, whether the art in it be conscious or unconscious. 104 There's a a twenty minute delay due to a lane closure on I five. 64 Sites are deleted once all response actions are complete and all cleanup goals have been achieved. 98 Gene C. Akin; 13 The F.A.A. is giving you the information you need to make informed decisions about your family's travel plans. 110 Could you give me your name and address? 40 Marsalis Street is seven blocks from Beckley. 45 Eleven men and women in cotton shirts and denim pants walk uphill along a shaded forest trail. 94 I suspect that Irene erased my backup copy of my report. 56 Givens said to Oswald, quote, Boy are you going downstairs? It's near lunch time, end quote. 92 To be continued... 18 The S.W.A.T. entry team used an optical wand to observe the proceedings behind the door. 88 considerable time which at this juncture was not available. 59 and a heavy fee at the rate of eight pounds per one hundred pounds, with four pounds for every additional hundred. 114 It's a nice walk though, with trees and a river and stuff. 58 To close the deal, they cite phony statistics, exaggerate the significance of a current event, claim they will guarantee the investment, or stress how unique their offer is. 173 Secondary missions include training, mobilization and deployment of new and improved concepts and support of disaster relief. 125 He further stated that while fists were flying he heard one of the officers say, quote, Kill the President, will you, end quote. 128 The Boy Scouts of America is one of the largest youth organizations in the United States, with more than two point four million youth participants. 147 Why don't you make some money? Poor guy was going out of his mind. We told her she should not annoy him -- poor guy, he is doing his best, "Don't annoy him so much." 165 to give better light and ventilation; the construction of bed-places, three tiers high alongside the walls for males, two tiers for females; 140 He was at work under the supervision of the artisan warder of the prison, 73 Scattered showers. Mostly cloudy, with a high near forty-six. 61 or of Gardelle's frantic efforts to conceal his crime. 54 Stop! 5 In origin, heroin was supposed to be the "non-addictive morphine substitute." Well, I can guess how that turned out. 116 and although the mutineers spared him, they ill-treated the Chinamen, and cut one badly with knives. 100 Handicapped by contractual obligations with King Records, Brown released an album of remakes overdubbed with canned applause. 125 Some government agencies might send you a letter (for example, Medicare and the I.R.S.), but they will never ask you to wire them money or give your credit card number. 168 One night a quantity of plate was stolen from Windsor Castle; another time Buckingham Palace was robbed. 104 Pluck the bright rose without leaves. 37 Within a decade following the end of the war, only one hundred seventeen thousand Serb refugees returned. 105 Radians can be converted to turns by dividing the number of radians by two. 75 a redhaired woman with glass sitting at a craft booth, displaying the items to the audience. 92 The well-known and lethal aqua Toffania, 40 Academic research has shown that Superfund cleanups reduce birth defects within approximately one mile of a site as much as twenty five percent. 144 Though four had training as pilots, most were not well-educated. 64 I generally like jazz, but this record is oversteered - thanks loudness war! 76 the officials of the FBI believed that there was no data in its files which gave warning that Oswald was a source of danger to President Kennedy. 145 The middle yard was at first given up to the least heinous offenders. After eighteen twelve it changed functions with the chapel yard. 134 because of insufficient postage, which apparently resulted from an increase in postal rates of which his wife had been unaware. 127 This bulge was apparently caused by a hard protruding object which had stretched the blanket's fibers. 102 One more remains, that of "glazing," without which no paper is issued for engraving. 84 Don't give your information. 28 The field of mathematics known as proof theory studies formal languages, axioms and the structure of proofs. 108 into which Oswald, in his own words, had, quote, thrown himself. He sought advice from the central committee of the Communist Party, U.S.A., 140 Ah! he remarked, "they will have to wait for us then till eight." 65 which he has bitten unconsciously, or from rage, or to rouse his fainting courage. 82 There is a middlesized white male sleeping in a chair holding a marker and a bottle. 84 Christine valued her freedom, and would never deny anyone that privilege. 73 Long live the Emperor. 22 Answer: I was angry, of course. He was not angry -- he was upset. I was angry. He tried very hard to please me. 111 A large crowd of people stand outside in front of the entrance to a Metro station. 82 But they nevertheless frequently managed to secrete the means of making away with themselves, and accomplished their purpose. 125 Probably the reader will side with the aldermen against the ordinary. 69 The Christian preacher looked up to the heavens while praising his lord. 72 The remains of Silicon Graphics became Graphics Properties Holdings, Inc. 73 the fatal consequences whereof might be prevented if the justices of the peace were duly authorized 99 The game, however, was nearly up. Miss Turner was met by her uncle on Calais pier as she was walking with Wakefield. 116 architecture 12 Generally, one uses an espresso machine to make espresso. 57 Turn left onto Ellery Street. 29 Heavy rainfall causes flooding in southern Albania. At least one person has died and three thousand homes have been flooded. 124 Drop the ashes on the worn old rug. 35 but in one prison it was such that the prisoners' food was supplied daily from the neighboring inn, and the innkeeper's bill constituted the only accounts kept. 160 Sorry, I could not communicate with the lights. 47 In astronomy, the geocentric model is a description of the universe with Earth at the center. 93 seems necessary to produce the same result of justice and right conduct 71 It was worth a photograph. 26 These platforms can help teens socialize and communicate with peers; find learning opportunities; and become engaged in causes important to them. 145 What else can I do? 19 Until Putney Bridge opened in nineteen twenty nine, London Bridge was the only road crossing of the Thames downstream of Kingston. 130 When asked what his next step would have been, Hosty replied, quote, 68 being a party to the intended fraud, they obtained further insurances on goods never shipped. 93 I have gotten around to traveling by train which is truly my favorite mode of transportation. 93 Captain Fritz produced the selective service card bearing the name "Alek J. Hidell." 84 with the additions made to that date, the total expenditure amounted to nearly ninety thousand pounds, or about one hundred eighty pounds per cell. 147 No, I have a single mattress and my office floor. 49 and when the people were beginning to agitate for a larger share of political power, was among the earliest, and to some extent the most desperate, of these. 157 In the discotheque, the D.J. played progressive house music and trance. 71 It was impossible to remember all the details that he covered in an hour. 73 A letter, which afforded an additional clue, was also found in the pocket of the deceased. Still it was many weeks before any arrest was made. 142 It was apparent that he had made a self-serving statement to Agent Quigley. It became a matter of record in our files as a part of the case, 140 Sorry, there were no results for your query. 44 Our Pueblo Administration and Council has worked for many years to obtain funding for a modern, state of the art school to replace the current school. 150 When you are traveling with a big group, you need to have pretty much everything prearranged. 93 Social Media: Health Resource or Health Risk? 45 Oswald apparently enclosed a note with her letter of July in which 66 The building has been the home base of the illegal enterprise for decades. 74 Burgess fraudulently transferred consols to the above amount, standing in the name of Mr. Oxenford, to another party. 117 Agents Kellerman and Hill telephoned the head of the White House detail, Gerald A. Behn, to advise him of the assassination. 124 Gammell, who is a convicted felon, also admitted that he possessed parts for use in the building of A.R. fifteen assault rifles. 128 The R.N.L.I. established a lifeboat station in eighteen eighty four. 68 than 4 and stated that in his opinion Newgate, as the common jail of Middlesex, was wholly inadequate to the proper confinement of its prisoners. 138 There was a diminution in the numbers in custody, due to the adoption of the practice of not committing at once to Newgate every offender for trial at the Old Bailey 165 Stanley felt exhilarated. 25 Turbulence can be created by many different conditions, including atmospheric pressure, jet streams, air around mountains, cold or warm weather fronts or thunderstorms. 168 Cut the cord that binds the box tightly. 40 Early results were leaked to the press in September, and the following January an extensive review was released. 112 Diego stopped in front of the stage and waited for people to chant his name. 76 A man is playing a guitar with a child playing a harmonica while three young girls watch. 89 At one:forty-five p.m., the police radio stated, quote, Have information a suspect just went in the Texas Theatre on West Jefferson, end quote. 143 Few of the Newgate notorieties of late years show any marked peculiarities; 75 we 2 I'm looking for your keys. 26 A married, left handed woman wearing a longsleeved red shirt is applying makeup in mirror. 90 the evidence indicates that he continued wearing the same shirt which he was wearing all morning and which he was still wearing when arrested. 142 The authenticity of these pictures has been established by expert testimony which links the second picture, 107 Why is it important to follow these safety regulations? Consider this: 70 (four) the killing of Dallas Patrolman J. D. Tippit within forty-five minutes after the assassination, (five) 109 would have seemed somewhat serious to us, even though I must admit, that none of these in themselves would be 109 Capital town. 13 Actually Oswald was under Number three. 39 If Miss Adams accurately recalled meeting Shelley and Lovelady when she reached the bottom of the stairs, 105 Will you go with me? 20 It pointed out that the Government was to blame for the overcrowding, and might diminish it if it chose. 104 According to the dictionary, the word "gizmo" means the same as "gadget". 73 No more time is occupied, or cost incurred, in casting, setting, or printing beautiful letters than ugly ones. 110 If you think the caller might be telling the truth, call back to a number you know is genuine. 94 Symmetry has been important historically in the taxonomy of animals. 68 two sailors, Charles Palm and Sam Tilling, were hanged at the same place for the murder of their captain, James Keith 117 Pate was found guilty, and sentenced to seven years' transportation, the judge, Baron Alderson, abstaining from inflicting the penalty of whipping, 147 The newsman had free access to the prison; he passed in unsearched and unexamined, and, unaccompanied by an officer, 116 that he steadily refused to confess his guilt, lest it should militate against his chances. 91 The plan provides for an additional two hundred five agents for the Secret Service. Seventeen of this number are proposed for the Protective Research Section; 158 The tribe was almost eradicated. 32 or animal matter in the form of various organic compounds, of which the most important are proteids (protoplasm, albumen, etc.), 128 By nineteen eighty eight, low E windows accounted for twenty percent of window sales. 85 he steps boldly with head upright, looks to the women's gallery, and smiles. His intention is to pass for a brave fellow, 121 Keep this and all medication out of the reach of children. 58 He then returned to his chair at Frankfurt and the directorship of the Institute for Social Research. 101 Twitter says it will not block world leaders or remove their controversial tweets. 82 he became a militia officer, and married a woman with ten thousand pounds, in which, however, she had only a life interest. 123 In little more than a week a cabman came forward and voluntarily made a statement which at once drew suspicion to a German, Franz Müller, 137 Check the pools, hot tubs and water playground inspection scores. 65 The stories include anime inspired plotlines and original material. 67 She testified that after his return from Mexico Oswald, quote, changed for the better. 86 As previously indicated, Marina Oswald testified that she took the two pictures with her husband's Imperial Reflex camera 121 the Gleeson Wilson murder at Liverpool, that of the Mannings in London, and of many more. 89 He graduated with a B.A. 24 Do you know who I am? 21 He'll appreciate your honesty. 30 Those thistles bend in a high wind. 35 Libraries also were not uniformly open to the public. 53 Lake Arrowhead is an unincorporated community in the San Bernardino Mountains. 78 Restitution to the victims of his computer attacks will be determined at a later date. 86 the Secret Service arranges for the family and friends of the individual, and local law enforcement officials, 110 click 5 a circular aperture had been let in to give ventilation and secure a free current of air. 89 When she worked during the school year, Lee had to leave an empty house in the morning, 87 We will turn the corner. 24 Competitors getting ready to compete in a grand opening event hosted by the chief executive 91 An appraisal offered by the promoters could be fake. 52 This was preceded by a succession of timber bridges, the first of which was built by the Roman founders of London. 114 I got on the seventy-three bus at one thirty-five and arrived at two thirteen. 78 has hitherto been handled on an informal basis. 47 The baby tried cake for the first time on her first birthday. 61 What should he do? 18 The history of Presidential protection shows growing recognition over the years that the job must be done by able, dedicated, 125 The region is bordered on the east by four different provinces of the Netherlands. 82 that I would appoint and the Senate would confirm justices worthy to sit beside present members of the Court 108 Heat through, then transfer to a serving dish. 46 The walled town was seized without a fight. 43 He also launched a new strategy for the agency. 47 The economy developed into a type of socialism in which workers controlled socially owned enterprises. 102 He only attended chapel once on Sunday, never on the week-day, and generally devoted the time service was in progress 117 His father sold the vase before they realized its value. 56 He was also married with two children. 38 Manning, who was dressed in black, appeared to be a heavy, bull-necked, repulsive-looking man, with a very fair complexion and light hair. 138 In eighteen seventy one Grenada was connected to the telegraph. 63 Some time elapsed before the imprisoned party could force open the doors, and by then the fugitive had escaped. 111 It has gone now. 16 When led out on the morning of his execution, these two last-named gentlemen each took hold of one of his arms, and so accompanied him to the scaffold. 151 Sometimes, I need to clear my browser cache to save more storage space. 71 Alabama defeats Georgia twenty-six to twenty-three, in overtime. It is the second national title for Alabama in three years. 124 The stars appeared to be on a celestial sphere, rotating once each day along an axis through the north and south geographic poles of Earth. 139 Steam was a tried and true energy source, having proved reliable for powering factories and trains. 99 An Asian man stands behind a makeshift storefront with a handmade yellow poster advertising watch repair. 105 All this does seem to amount to enough to have induced an alert agency, such as the FBI, 88 yet the witnesses were not unanimous. 37 I don't want to use it. 23 On the basis of such a feasibility study, the Department hopes to design a practical system which will fully meet the needs of the Protective Research Section of the Secret Service. 181 Truly also noted at this time that Oswald's hands were empty. 61 The top candidate was Bill Taylor. 34 Major, afterwards Sir Joshua Jebb, 34 He had been educated at Sandhurst military academy and at Oxford, and was an anglicised Edwardian gentleman. 108 The Chief of the Service now reports to the Secretary of the Treasury. 70 so much so as to require discussion in different treatises. 59 And this is due to the fact that in the manufacture of starch in the chlorophyll bodies 87 These substances, which are dissolved in a watery liquid to form the digestive fluid, are secreted by the walls of the alimentary tube. 135 In surprise finish, the final score was seven to five. 54 Up to the twenty-first December, eighteen forty-two, 52 Attorneys general for California, New York, Illinois, and Massachusetts sue the Department of Education for not granting loan relief to students defrauded by for-profit schools. 177 listing 7 As has been pointed out, the Commission has not resolved all the proposals which could be made. The Commission nevertheless is confident that, 142 Hosty considered the information to be, quote, stale, unquote, by that time, and did not attempt to verify Oswald's reported statement. 135 As reported in chapter two, when the special file was reviewed on November eight, 81 Fischer described the man's hair as some shade of brown, quote, it wasn't dark, and it wasn't light, end quote. 111 Thus, a watch was paid for as a watch, whether it was of gold or silver; a piece of linen as such, whether the stuff was coarse or fine. 136 (four) carried the rifle into the Depository Building, concealed in the bag; 76 I have the first six months of next season to prove myself. 59 We don't protect the environment on our own. 44 Chelsea was a great club. 25 This was the first shark known to do this. 42 The party lasted all night. 27 In addition, the Department of the Treasury has requested five additional agents for its Protective Research Section 116 to see that "no circumstances of severity are found in his treatment which are not found in his sentence." 106 An examination of certain construction work appearing in the background of this photograph revealed that the picture was taken between March eight 146 He made a strong rope with several of the sheets; then, returning to the male yard, 83 Thank you sir. 14 were discussed twice officially by the special agent in charge of the FBI office in Dallas. As discussed in chapter two, 120 He was undesirably discharged from the Marine Corps Reserve, to which he had been assigned on inactive status following his transfer from active duty, 150 Apparently, most of the sentences have been written by nerds and scientists. 76 Over time, Special Forces have been used to assist nations, especially during the Cold War, to prevent the spread of Communism. 127 Can you say that again? 23 When the new acts were introduced, numerous prisons under local jurisdiction were exempted from the operation of the law. 121 Hannibal and Ethelred were on the council; Anthony, Augustus, and Frederic were among the generals; 99 A woman wearing a white hat is carrying a baby whilst shopping in a market for groceries. 89 that numbers of men, "lifers," and others with ten, fourteen, or twenty years to do, can be trusted to work out of doors without bolts and bars 143 Now, imagine a guy walking through that door and starting to give orders with a heavy accent. 93 The inadequacy of the jail was noticed and reported upon again and again by the grand juries of the city of London, 115 The unemployment insurance part of the legislation 50 They're just different. 23 To reach the Trade Mart from Main Street the agents decided to use the Stemmons Freeway (Route Number seventy-seven), the most direct route. 140 He also indicated to officials at the American Embassy in Moscow that his defection was motivated at least in part 114 troops for whose loss thou wilt care little, a thousand men. 60 It must be admitted that so far but little effort had been made to counteract the evils of indiscriminate association. 118 Michaelis furnished the shipping copy of the invoice, and the Railway Express Agency shipping documents, showing that 117 Electric Dirt followed in two thousand nine and won the inaugural Grammy Award for Best Americana Album. 104 He took possession of the diocese on January eleventh, nineteen fifty nine. 75 Much of the Secret Service work requires the development and use of highly sophisticated equipment, some of which must be specially designed to fit unique requirements. 168 operations 10 The policemen treated the matter as a hoax, and allowed the culprit to make off. 80 often in the form of granules embedded in the chlorophyll bodies and free oxygen, most of which is returned to the atmosphere. 126 The device should work indefinitely, without ever needing a reboot. 67 that his transactions at Birmingham would shortly be very large, owing to the development of his business there in the alleged manufacture of Pullman cars. 155 was perpetrated in eighteen fifty-two. The case was accompanied with the most shocking brutality. 97 She was beautiful from behind, but he couldn't see her face yet. 64 In the first a maiden lady, Miss Slack, 39 WDSU has no program of any kind called, quote, Latin American Focus, end quote. 79 I understand, he said. 22 Then came the cry of 'Hats off!' and 'Down in front!' as at a theatre. 70 On a certain day, the twenty-seventh October, eighteen sixty-two, the two were arrested simultaneously; 103 Writing, the best memory. 25 Having determined that Mrs. Paine was a responsible and reliable citizen, Hosty interviewed her on November one. 112 Who? 4 Two of the untried were for murder, and several for house-breaking and highway robbery. 87 A man dressed in denim is walking along a snow covered street next to red brick buildings. 90 Mr. Mullay called again, taking with him five hundred pounds in cash. Howard discovered this, and his manner was very suspicious; 129 A man of one book. 18 Clark's favorite movie is "To Kill a Mockingbird". 50 You have a board meeting at noon. 33 the great clock of St. Sepulchre's close by was striking the hour, and Marley, who had his elbows on the table, 111 Such systems are not generally passed on from one generation to the next. 73 About fifty feet from the ground level, and above the cistern, a revolving chevaux-de-frise of iron was fixed, 110 I hope you've finally learned a thing or two from the most recent layoff. 73 It frightened the deer, scaring her into the road. 50 They rushed to the west windows after the shots were fired and remained there 77 Lush ferns grow on the lofty rocks. 35 The assassination of President Kennedy demands an examination of the protective measures employed to safe guard him 115 What have I done? 17 You're the best. 16 As manufacturers continue to look for new ways to cut the fridge's energy use, magnetic refrigeration is one area that holds promise. 133 The economy developed into a type of socialism in which workers controlled socially owned enterprises. 102 Several other countries are also reported to be interested in the format. 73 In an attempt to have this discharge reversed, 46 from the metamorphosis of morphological units (termed cells in a more general sense than that in which the word "cells" was at first employed), 143 By law, banks must make funds from deposited checks available within days, but uncovering a fake check can take weeks. 118 Never give up. 14 The assignment of the responsibility of protecting the President to an agency of the Department of the Treasury was largely an historical accident. 147 I should always remain in the background, i.e. underground, end quote. 70 The review of the latter period will evaluate his personal and employment relations, his attempt to kill General Walker, his political activities, 146 to a walking pace or stopped, 29 We help people to avoid leading causes of death such as heart disease, cancer, stroke, and diabetes. 100 that that government supported an economic system, quote, which exploits all its workers, end quote, 100 Your inbox is empty. 20 the Secret Service sought funds for twenty-five new positions, primarily in field offices. This increase has been approved by the Congress. 139 It is a lifeline. 17 narrowly escaped death when a rifle bullet fired from outside his home passed near his head as he was seated at his desk. 121 Shut the hatch before the waves push it in. 43 Imagined monstrosities capered and gibbered in his imagination as he tried not to look behind him. 98 He specifically made that claim when his wife refused to come to live with him in Dallas as he asked her to do on the evening of November twenty-one, 149 also for prisoners committed by the Admiralty Court. 52 The total volume of information received by PRS has risen steadily. 67 The leaves of the tree are coins and people. 44 Please fill out a registration form. Do you have one? 53 of people who had died friendless, would voluntarily surrender them for the advancement of medical science. 107 The A.C.S. administrators gradually gave the maturing colony more self-governance. 82 bring the President, quote, through an area which exposes him to the greatest number of people, end quote. 106 His wealth was well known to "Maria," as he called Mrs. Manning, who made several ineffectual attempts to get money out of him. 127 Such has been, for example, the neo-marxist theorising adopted by historians inspired by Marx's social theory. 110 He left off because he was so much interfered with and laughed at, and from seeing that no success attended his efforts, owing to the evils arising from association. 165 Day continued to examine the rifle with the magnifying glass, looking for possible fingerprints. 96 Take care that it does not burn in baking. The molasses renders it liable to scorching. 87 I call upon my fellow citizens everywhere to cooperate with me 62 Slide playing to this day is very popular in blues music and country music. 75 Its present manual filing system is obsolete; 45 There was an accident at work, a camel stampede nearly killed the janitor. 74 Two nine five Plymouth Street, Little Rock, Arkansas, seven two two oh one. 75 Enemy spotted! 14 My many troops marched peacefully into Babylon. 47 The man, Bousfield, however, whose execution was so sadly bungled, 66 All the committee could do in this respect was to throw the responsibility on others. 85 Ronald Hutton suggests that they appear to be based upon the three grades of Freemasonry. 89 A girl on the phone standing in front of beautiful plants is passed by another smiling girl. 92 A man is speaking into a microphone with a variety of recording equipment in front of him. 90 Moreover, the defect was one which would have assisted the assassin aiming at a target which was moving away. 109 His old Ferrari has been compacted to a small cube of metal at the junkyard. 76 They all live in the area. 26 However embarrassed you are, bow out gracefully. 48 One by one the huge uprights of black timber were fitted together, 66 The executives falsified financial and other information they provided to a private firm in the course of negotiating the private firm's acquisition of a majority stake in Constellation. 186 Let stand at least ten minutes before serving. 46 these evidences have been in the past thirty years somewhat overshadowed by the far more surprising evidences 109 Here I go. 10 Power pop is a music genre that draws its inspiration from nineteen sixties British and American rock music. 108 Scientific study was conducted at Kazakh State University. 58 and the wild beasts of the islands shall cry in their desolate houses, and dragons in their pleasant palaces. 109 How do I know? 14 Three construction workers wearing orange working vests and white helmets performing work in a tunnel. 102 the most recent enactment in force was the ninth George the fourth cap. thirty-one, which directed the dissection of all bodies of executed murderers, 150 Yet he was silent when specifically pressed to confess that he had killed his wife and his brother. 99 Not everything that is faced can be changed but nothing can be changed until it is faced. 89 You had to go and see him. 26 their type is on the lines of the German and French rather than of the Roman printers. 86 Searching for: bees knees 25 An error occurred while updating my skills. 43 Technically, breaking a mirror is not five years, but seven years of bad luck. 78 The first books were printed in black letter, i.e. the letter which was a Gothic development of the ancient Roman character. 124 The flint sputtered and lit a pine torch. 41 Nothing to be seen! 19 whilst Ludgate, the Giltspur Street, and Borough Compters also received them 76 Reduce heat and simmer until chicken falls off the bone and flavors are well blended, one to two hours. 103 The Early Rise And Fall Of The Electric Car. 44 His arrest and conviction cast dismay over the whole gang of receivers, and for a time seriously checked the nefarious traffic. 127 and be laid down as "reserve starch" in the cells of root or stem or elsewhere. 79 Water and dissolved salts continually pass by diffusion from the soil into the roots, where together they constitute the sap. 125 Flax makes a fine brand of paper. 33 The series ran from nineteen seventy six to nineteen ninety nine and are highly sought after collectables. 106 In the eighteen fiftys he took on a partner by the name of David Shepard. 73 Tigers and lions are scary. 27 Nichols and Shepard realized the apron style separator was not a promising technology. 86 To learn more about training requirements, visit the qualifications page. 73 I'll take it. 13 When he could get nothing but the blank cheque, he set in motion all sorts of schemes for obtaining signatures, such as 119 Welcome to the Pleasuredome was not given such a release. 57 By August of nineteen sixty-three, after a short three months in New Orleans, the city in which he had been born and had lived most of his early life, 150 Under the geocentric model, the Sun, Moon, stars, and planets all orbited Earth. 80 The parrot grieved for its mother and provided her with a proper funeral. 73 Yesterday, he went to an S.T.D. clinic to test for herpes. 58 Airlines have policies which may or may not allow the use of those devices. Check with your airline. 100 Gaining her law degree from New York University Law School, she graduated second in the class of nineteen oh seven. 115 Since then, NASA has installed commercial plastic owl decoys and inflatable owl balloons which had to be removed prior to launch. 129 Add mushrooms and onion and saute for three to five minutes. 60 Immediate action must be taken. 31 A U.S. District Judge denies a Trump administration request to enforce the ban on transgender troops while the case is under appeal. 132 By nineteen twelve, public interest had waned, and Cahill's enterprise was bankrupt. 84 He wanted a light for a cigar, and got it from a lantern which was lifted up and fully betrayed his features. 109 Surrender is not an option, the mercenary asserted. 51 It's the traumatic event in the childhood of the nation. 56 control 7 Man is flipping an omelet or pancake in the air, while in his kitchen. 70 that the man was a, quote, white male, about twenty-five, about five feet eight, brown hair, medium, end quote, and wearing a, quote, 133 Insuperable difficulties were still supposed to stand in the way of any general employment of prisoners at their trades. 120 Let me check your inbox. 24 with that appearing on documents known to have been written by Oswald, such as his letters, passport application, and endorsements of checks. 141 He began in a very small way. 29 The man, quote, in kind of a little trot, end quote, headed down Patton toward Jefferson Boulevard, a block away. 113 Thornley also testified about an incident which grew 52 While he had drawn some attention to himself and had actually appeared on two radio programs, he had been attacked by Cuban exiles and arrested, 144 An older man in a blue paisley shirt looks at 7 shish kabobs on a small grill. 78 Beside the nineteen twelve Summer Olympics, Stockholm hosted the nineteen fifty six Summer Olympics Equestrian Games. 117 Serve the hot rum to the tired heroes. 38 Wozniak describes his impetus for joining the Freemasons as being able to spend more time with his wife at the time, Alice Robertson. 133 example 7 Even the worst will beat his low score. 39 and the Department's Employment Policy Program, and who also represents the Secretary of the Treasury on various committees and groups. 135 the employment of those means and agents by which the lowest passions and the most vulgar propensities of man are perpetually kept in the highest state of excitement 165 The better class of inmate complained bitterly of this enforced companionship with the vile, 92 Whaley picked Oswald. 21 There is too much at stake. 27 Select the "Continue" button. Read and agree to the disclaimer. 63 One (sixteen ounce) jar Alfredo-style pasta sauce. One (ten ounce) package frozen mixed vegetables. One third cup milk. 119 It seems unlikely that the Service could or should increase its own staff to a size which would permit it to provide adequate protective manpower for all situations. 165 Of course, such privileges aren't meant to be granted to code from the Web. 75 The Chronicles of Newgate, Volume two. By Arthur Griffiths. Section five: Newgate down to eighteen eighteen, part two. 118 All new generations of G.P.U.s support tesselation in hardware. 63 Why do you want to come to Edinburgh? 37 Oak is strong and also gives shade. 35 Read the introduction to any of his inscriptions, of which the following is one, and you will call him vain and proud, 118 to murder her mistress, Madame Riel, in Park Lane, as Courvoisier, the Swiss, had been tempted to murder Lord William Russell. 126 Through its relationship with France, Monaco uses the euro as its sole currency. 80 In eighteen twenty-four Newgate had no glass in its windows, except in the infirmary and one ward of the chapel yard; 117 It was an old car. 18 Talk to someone. 16 been 4 The sum is found as follows. 28 In the Book of Samuel, Abner was cousin to Saul and commander-in-chief of his army. 83 Angry, he confronts Walker and tells him that he wants out of the business. 75 Sorry, I was unable to determine the time for your alarm. 57 Time brings us many changes. 28 The amoeba either eats or procreates. 37 as coming from a Mr. Whitney. 29 A skinny person wearing and Mondesi jacket and jeans dress shoes is walking down the cemented bridge 100 Two policemen looking at a building from a distance by their car with binoculars. 81 According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly. 85 After Oswald left the Marine Corps in September of nineteen fifty-nine, ostensibly to care for his mother, 106 But Saward's operations were mainly directed to the fabrication and uttering of forged cheques. 95 greatly as these have been extended by modern improvements of the microscope, and that a nerve is, in its essence, 114 became involved in conflicts, some of which were fairly heated, with his fellow employees. 90 but who had all the appearance of a careless, thoughtless, happy-go-lucky fellow. 81 Ines loves to go swimming. 26 Value Added Tax has been introduced in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates for the first time. 100 When faced with that situation Oswald became greatly agitated, and although he later unsuccessfully attempted 109 In eighteen fifty-six the father died. 38 In eighteen fifty occurred the first of a series of gigantic frauds, 68 Wilma’s gone cat sitting again for the weekend if you want to come over. 72 in the protection of the President if the Presidential car permitted immediate access to the President by a Secret Service agent at the first sign of danger. 157 Season pork chops with salt and pepper to taste, and arrange in a medium oven safe skillet. 91 fourteen sixty-nine, fourteen seventy; 38 That's the end of the news. 27 At approximately two:fifteen p.m. the casket was loaded, with some difficulty because of the narrow airplane door, 114 It would be far better to begin at the beginning, 49 She saw the man come to the right window of the police car. As he talked, he leaned on the ledge of the right window with his arms. 131 The caducibranch takes first the fish form, then the perennibranch form, and finally the caducibranch form, but goes no further. 128 Read verse out loud for pleasure. 33 And the Farmer is worried about another aspect of farming life. 63 literature 10 The Re-Breather is a simple underwater breathing device allowing Special Forces Soldiers to navigate rivers and streams unnoticed. 130 include 7 All of Alexander the Third's internal reforms aimed to reverse the liberalization that had occurred in his father's reign. 122 Take two shares as a fair profit. 33 Of course I am! 15 After his father died in eighteen seventy, Smith and his family settled for a while in Liverpool. 97 The plan increased the number of Africans receiving treatment from fifty thousand at the start of the initiative. 113 The wild huntsman. 18 possible delayed reaction to the shot, jostling with the crowd of people on the steps and scanning the area along Elm Street and the parkway. 141 Corn cobs can be used to kindle a fire. 39 I am now unemployed. 20 He approached the car and apparently exchanged words with Tippit through the right front or vent window. 104 People should spend time on improving open-source projects instead of helping market dominating companies. 106 Two young men and a young lady walk through a field near the water. 67 To explicitly include all of the start and end dates, the interval would be represented. 88 An appraisal offered by the promoters could be fake. 52 The researches of the police soon laid bare other suspicious facts. 67 The novelette was originally written to advertise his nineteen eighty six economics treatise "The Pure Logic of Choice". 120 of his many manifest duties, but I shall here confine myself to animadverting on his neglect as regards the appropriation of his prison. 136 Nevertheless, after that date no person whatever was executed for this offense. 79 Mr. Newman admitted that he had petitioned that certain "trusty men" might be left in the jail. 95 The fight will end in just six minutes. 39 A firm which held a lot of warrants suddenly demanded the delivery of the goods they covered. 93 Yes, really. 12 Kayaks allow Special Forces Soldiers to move silently through rivers and lakes. 79 The Commission has concluded that at the time of the assassination 66 This is an active sonar device that receives a stimulus and immediately retransmits the received signal or a predetermined one. 127 So, did she meet him? 21 When Parkland Hospital received the notification, the staff in the emergency area was alerted and trauma rooms one and two were prepared. 137 her face was comely, she had dark hair and good eyes, and was above the middle height, yet inclined to be stout. 112 Once the Secret Service has formulated its new standards for collection of information, it should enter into written agreements with each Federal agency. 153 The advanced compressor also allowed the Department to implement more stringent energy standards for fridges in nineteen ninety three and two thousand one. 155 to greater security for the average man than he has ever known before in the history of America. 96 I am certain it was on Friday. 30 She was seized before she could do any mischief, 48 How? 4 A stuffed chair slipped from the moving van. 44 Here's what I found on the web: 31 The nation was unprepared. Some of the vulnerabilities of the plotters became clear in retrospect. 98 Our earth is geologically active, while other planets in the solar system are not. 82 Captain Fritz returned to police headquarters from the Texas School Book Depository at two:fifteen after a brief stop at the sheriff's office. 142 Type out three lists of orders. 31 According to the reconstruction of time and events which the Commission found most credible, 92 A man in a wetsuit is throwing a baby wearing a wetsuit up into the air. 72 Barbara Jeanette Davis, and Virginia Davis. 43 This court has made an order which has not been observed. 57 However, this is only true for those island arcs that are part of the group of mountain belts which are called volcanic arcs. 125 to whom it was said one hundred pounds apiece had been given down as the price of their infidelity. 99 Did you do that? 16 street 6 Once he ran a narrow risk of being found out. 45 hi 2 Visit our website for Travel to High-Risk Areas. 48 or the Inspectors of Prisons, and that he be required wholly to confine himself to the performance of his duty as prescribed by Act of Parliament. 146 Much of the Secret Service work requires the development and use of highly sophisticated equipment, 99 From Love Field the route passed through a portion of suburban Dallas, 70 There are many networks buying and selling articles and theses in Iran. 71 The untried, and in the eyes of the law still innocent, could claim pure air, wholesome and sufficient food, and opportunities for exercise. 140 that thirteen hundred and twelve debtors were committed by them to Newgate between seventeen ninety-seven and eighteen oh eight, 128 When Sergeant Zahm was asked whether Oswald's Marine Corps training would have made it easier to operate a rifle with a four-power scope, he replied, quote, 156 Many people think computers will never have feelings. 53 There were no restraints, cards and backgammon were played, and the time passed in feasting and revelry. 104 Yet, it worked. 15 Your public I.P. is: forty-three dot twenty-eight dot twelve dot six 68 The biology students had lots of homework to do until the next lecture. 71 throughout April. The Commission asked Marina Oswald whether she might have misunderstood the object of her husband's threat. She stated, quote, 144 Two young attractive women in front of a store drop coins for street performers. 80 Turbulence can be created by many different conditions, including atmospheric pressure, jet streams, air around mountains, cold or warm weather fronts or thunderstorms. 168 But at Newgate the convicted prisoner, instead of privation and hard fare, 74 Lieutenant Day of the Dallas Police Department had "lifted" a palmprint from the underside of the gun barrel 108 Frazier and Mrs. Randle testified 33 The penultimate shoe box contained something much more interesting - money. 75 She ate a bowl of porridge, checked herself in the mirror and washed her face in a hurry. 89 The medical examiner reported that the cause of death was a homicide. 69 Elder, the former, was soon apprehended at his house, but he evaded the law by hanging himself with his pocket-handkerchief. 124 According to the laws of Shariah, Muslims found guilty of homosexual acts should repent rather than confess. 108 What shall we do now? 21 According to E.P.A. data, four hundred eighty seven of the eight hundred eighty eight Superfund sites cleaned up for reuse supported approximately sixty six thousand businesses. 177 The source of the huge river is the clear spring. 49 Meetings vary in their frequency, with certain actions being affected depending on whether the meetings are held more than a quarterly time interval apart. 155 Three young men are giving the thumbs up sign while grilling sausages on a small barbecue. 90 The weight of the nitrogenous protein compounds, 48 That the semi-fluid contents (which we now term protoplasm) of the cells of certain plants are in constant and regular motion was made out a century ago. 153 Will it rain tomorrow? 22 Enrollment in fall twenty fourteen was reported to be seven hundred thirty five. 80 instead of leaving the composition of our federal courts, including the highest, 80 Davidson, who was the only one who seemed to realize his awful situation, listened patiently and with thankfulness to the chaplain, 131 In addition, they may lie about their name or their business history, or even pay people to be "references." 108 There among the ruins they still live in the same kind of houses, 65 Fifty-three South Grant Avenue, Columbus, Ohio. 47 Mister Chisholm said the move was made on the advice of consultants. 68 during which time a host of witnesses were examined, and the committee presented three separate reports, 104 Since my annual message to the Congress on January fourth, last, I have not addressed the general public over the air. 118 Where is your father? 21 It's a move I learnt from you. 30 The new girl was fired today at noon. 37 Add a few spoonfuls at a time, the potato-water alternately with the flour by the handful, 90 The dates surrounding the taking of this picture and the purchase of the rifle 78 The old pan was covered with hard fudge. 40 If you answer the phone and hear a recorded message instead of a live person, it's a robocall. 94 Whaley testified that Oswald was wearing either the gray zippered jacket or the heavy blue jacket. 98 Gilbert, Tom, and Bill are all good at skating and diving. 58 Deputy Sheriff Walthers brought a shotgun into the theatre but laid it on some seats before helping subdue Oswald. 114 Elvis Presley is often called the "King of Rock and Roll". 58 on the one hand the gallows, on the other a short imprisonment. 63 We satisfied ourselves that we had met our requirement, namely to find out whether he had been recruited by Soviet intelligence. The case was closed. 149 A man in a blue sweater sat at the desk. 40 I love caramel candies. 23 In another part seven persons met their death by suffocation. 61 In the twenty years since the long gas lines of the nineteen seventys, interest in electric vehicles had mostly died down. 122 document 8 that the Constitution is but a barrier to progress instead of being the broad highway through which alone true progress may be enjoyed. 135 A daring and cleverly-planned robbery of diamonds was that of the Tarpeys, man and wife, 88 The encounter in the lunchroom. 31 But the act was not limited to permissive legislation. Its provisions and enactments were backed up by certain penalties. 121 After careful consideration, I have asked the Congress to extend the life of this useful agency of government. 110 One is the lonliest number. 27 Golf stands for the letter G in the N.A.T.O. phonetic alphabet. 63 Here, however, the evidence was strong and sufficient. 54 I wonder if C-sections will get more popular than natural births one day. 73 Do an internet search with the name of the company and words like review, scam, or complaint. 93 It was fit for royalty. 23 A man with a white shirt and tie is standing on a sidewalk between cement barriers. 83 Apuleius wrote many other works which have not survived. 56 security 8 which would indicate that it was probably written before the birth of Oswald's second child on October twenty, nineteen sixty-three. 132 Delicious 9 social 6 and to approve or disapprove the public policy written into these laws. 71 No one had ever done a show about an idiot before. 50 A low reverse roundhouse is also known as a "Sweep Kick". 57 people 6 a third miscreant made a similar but far less serious attempt in the month of July following. 93 The price is fair for a good antique clock. 43 and it is said that he is a military officer, but his name has not yet transpired. 82 He was known to the whole criminal fraternity as a high-class receiver of stolen goods, a negotiator more especially of stolen paper, 133 You're faltering. 17 Having served in two key cabinet posts, Monroe established himself as Madison's likely successor. 97 It occupies a total area of two hundred acres. 46 she testified, quote, I would say that was him for sure, end quote. 67 Seventeen oh six Military Street South, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. 63 The main job of the Protective Research Section (PRS) 53 as some kind of tribunal, 25 He subsequently found a job with the Texas School Book Depository for which he performed his duties satisfactorily. 115 The coach immediately drove off; Mr. Gee entered the house, asked for Mr. Heath, was told he would find him in the back kitchen at breakfast. 141 No, I have not seen it. 23 and John Lancaster for one shilling, eight pence, with costs of seven shillings, six pence. Quote. 98 I should say so! 16 The airport was even different. 31 I'm awake now. 14 per 3 The problem and the reasonable approach to its solution were ably stated in a memorandum prepared by FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover 129 fifty-nine had no division whatever to separate males and females; one hundred and thirty-six had only one division for the purpose; 132 During the next ten years, they continued to show strong sales. 63 Lara is coming here for dinner. 31 when it was transported from New Orleans, and November twenty-two, the day of the assassination. 96 white male, approximately thirty, slender build, height five foot ten inches, weight one hundred sixty-five pounds, end quote. 126 The electric car has a long and storied history. 48 Increase oven temperature to four hundred fifty degrees. 56 the Department hopes to design a practical system which will fully meet the needs of the Protective Research Section of the Secret Service. 139 The Parliament of Egypt approves extending the nationwide state of emergency for a further three months, starting January thirteenth. 133 Two men in black bulletproof vests watch something taking place to the right of the picture. 92 In considering whether Oswald was at the southeast corner window at the time the shots were fired, 98 It is probable that amyloid substances are universally present in the animal organism, though not in the precise form of starch. 128 Dallas, Fort Worth, San Antonio, and Houston 44 The President's Emergency Plan For AIDS Relief is a governmental initiative to address the global H.I.V. / AIDS epidemic. 121 in the treatment of Ambassador Adlai Stevenson late in October of nineteen sixty-three 86 An AfricanAmerican man in a black sweatshirt and tan pants is sitting outside with drumsticks and buckets. 106 Any information indicating the possibility of an attempt against the person or safety of the President, 103 Pope Francis ends his six-day trip to Myanmar and Bangladesh by visiting the Rohingya refugees in Dhaka. 104 His son has been travelling with the Tartan Army for years. 59 Sanctions for contempt may be criminal or civil. 48 (four) a photograph taken in the yard of Oswald's apartment showed him holding this rifle, and (five) 101 January and February are the coolest months of the year while August is the hottest month. 90 This dissection was carried out for Newgate prisoners in Surgeons' Hall, adjoining Newgate, 91 Question: Did you take any action on this case between November five and November twenty-two? Answer: No, sir. 110 When asked why he did not turn the President over, Dr. Carrico testified as follows: 84 baths, fumigating places for clothing, wash-house, and the removal of dust-bins, completed the new arrangements in the main prison. 131 He testified that Oswald looked older than the other boys. 58 Fortune attend you! 19 The beam dropped down on the workman's head. 44 Taffir, the mate, finding there was a man who could speak English at another place twenty miles off, 100 Legacies had also been left to free a certain number of debtors, notably that of one hundred pounds per annum 109 No beds were issued, only two rugs per prisoner. 48 At that point, both Governor and Mrs. Connally observed brain tissue splattered over the interior of the car. 109 Fourteen of those had their own district council, elected by a popular vote. 76 How to make most profit out of the wretched denizens of the jail was the marshal's only care. He got a rent for the coffee-house and the bake-house; 148 From February eleventh through June thirtieth, nineteen sixty-four, the Service had the advantage of nine thousand, five hundred hours of work by other enforcement agencies. 173 Thornley, who thought Oswald had an "irrevocable conviction" that his Marxist beliefs were correct, testified, quote, 117 (two) took paper and tape from the wrapping bench of the Depository and fashioned a bag large enough to carry the disassembled rifle; 133 That if I want to he would rent an apartment in Dallas tomorrow -- that he didn't want me to remain with Ruth any longer, but wanted me to live with him in Dallas. 163 A smatter of French is worse than none. 39 Ironing was still the rule, not only for the convicted, but for those charged with felonies; only the misdemeanants escaped. 124 Proceed to the nearest front or rear exit. 42 Christians form six per cent of the population. 47 More than half of outbreaks started in the summer, the peak season for swimming. 80 Herschel's visa for South Africa has yet to be approved. 56 For the refugees, the return will not come a moment too soon. 61 Local and state labs must be able to safely detect and respond to health threats in order to prevent premature death, injury, and disease. 138 It's a dense crowd in two distinct ways. 40 Dots and globs trot by in dreams of gooey pizzas. 49 One wound, approximately one-fourth of an inch by five-eighths of an inch (six by fifteen millimeters), 103 Quickly complete a biometric entry-exit screening system, one that also speeds qualified travelers. 99 but it was difficult to measure accurately because multiple crisscross fractures radiated from the large defect. 112 After joining Thirty Rock in twenty eleven, she shared in its twenty thirteen Emmy nomination for best series as well as its two W.G.A. nominations. 148 That is not her house. 22 were clean, they had good color to them, there was no grease on them and they were not fragmented. They looked as if they had just been picked up, end quote. 157 and now such movements of the living substance of plants are well known to be some of the most widely prevalent phenomena of vegetable life. 140 The foot of the owner is the best manure for his land. 54 When he entered the homicide and robbery bureau office, he saw two detectives standing there with Sgt. Gerald L. Hill, 118 Haeckel proposed once to include all one-celled animals and plants in a third kingdom to be called Protista (meaning the first of all life). 140 Repeats every Wednesday until Christmas. 40 All the avenues and approaches, places even whence nothing whatever could be seen of the scaffold, 98 The ideas should be presented in a more concise and direct manner. 66 came out of the cabin, was caught near the 'companion' by the rest of the mutineers, and promptly dispatched with daggers. 122 A couple attending an indoor business event are speaking with a representative in a nice suit. 94 The shooting occurred two weeks before Oswald moved to New Orleans and a few days after he had been discharged by the photographic firm. 136 Within a minute after Baker and Truly left Oswald in the lunchroom, Mrs. R. A. Reid, clerical supervisor for the Texas School Book Depository, 142 A visit to the father's residence was followed by the arrest of the son, who had by this time returned. 103 The bedding was scanty; fuel and light had to be purchased out of prisoners' private means; clothing was issued but rarely, 123 Would you please give me your name and address? 47 In a car accident he fractured both legs and was forced into temporary retirement until nineteen fifty-four, when he played with Artie Shaw. 140 were first made use of about eighteen twenty-seven. That the need for prison reform was imperative may be gathered from the few out of many instances I have adduced, 165 The play seems dull and quite stupid. 37 Paris Zoological Park, France, is evacuated and closed after dozens of baboons escape their enclosure. 102 it has long been a Federal crime to conspire to injure any Federal officer, on account of, or while he is engaged in, the lawful discharge of the duties of his office. 167 not in the name of freedom or high ideals, 42 The liberal politics of our prime minister keep the currency stable. 68 Powers said, quote, now he was Oswald the man rather than Oswald the rabbit, end quote. 87 For this purpose it kept up an extensive correspondence with all parts of the kingdom, and circulated queries to be answered in detail, 135 On the second series they required five point one five, six point four five, and seven seconds. 95 is discussed in chapter eight. 30 The project does not maintain a public code repository. 55 During this time, Special Forces worked with local militia to capture and detain Taliban members, and gather intelligence that was used to thwart terrorist plots. 162 The road taken was via Manchester, where the servant said a Dr. Hull was to be picked up to go on with them to Shrigley. 120 If left alone, many dachshunds will whine until they have companionship. 72 There was no interference with the crowd, which collected as usual, although not to the customary extent. 105 In an effort to test the rifle under conditions which simulated those which prevailed during the assassination, 111 Please forgive me. 18 Stuckey thought Oswald, quote, appeared to be a very logical, intelligent fellow, end quote, and, quote, was arrested by his cleancutness, end quote. 149 They had introduced "much order and cleanliness," 49 The B.S.A's goal is to train youth in responsible citizenship, character development, and self-reliance. 104 white jacket, end quote, 24 Baby with blond pigtails in yellow room attempting to climb out of green playpen. 81 Type cast from his matrices is still in everyday use. 53 in whose field the project falls, and also to notify another agency which I am creating -- a Progress Division. 111 The Secret Service should utilize the personnel of other Federal law enforcement offices 88 many of the most abandoned murderers snore peacefully their eight hours, even on the night immediately preceding execution. 123 Oswald had rented a room from Mrs. Bledsoe about six weeks before, on October seven, but she had asked him to leave at the end of a week. 137 Wednesday, July eighth at nine forty-five A.M. 46 some 4 European drama was invented in ancient Greece. 46 The tube was blown and the tire flat and useless. 49 But it was so. 14 Oswald's Fair Play for Cuba activities may be viewed as a very shrewd political operation 89 In nonfatal accidents, in-flight turbulence is the leading cause of injuries to airline passengers and flight attendants. 121 On reaching the condemned cell she threw herself upon the floor and shrieked in an hysterical agony of tears. 109 A strong bid may scare your partner stiff. 42 and put them in positions of prominence, end quote. Oswald manifested this feeling about authority by baiting his officers. 123 A large size in stockings is hard to sell. 42 Please pair your device. 24 It follows the release of his two Genius of Modern Music compilations. 70 and with blanched cheek, and sinking, we turned away from the scene. 68 Increasing the color temperature of the lights. 47 five. The money from work will possibly be coming. The money will be sent to our post office box. Go to the bank and cash the check. 132 The peace league met to discuss their plans. 44 Brennan described the man in similar terms, except that he gave the weight as between one hundred sixty-five and one hundred seventy-five pounds and the height was omitted. 172 Oswald, like all Marine recruits, received training on the rifle range at distances up to five hundred yards, 109 London Bridge has been depicted in its several forms, in art, literature, and songs, including the nursery rhyme "London Bridge Is Falling Down". 145 In the fourth century B.C., two influential Greek philosophers, Plato and his student Aristotle, wrote works based on the geocentric model. 139 The picture which gave rise to these allegations was taken by Associated Press Photographer James W. Altgens, 109 When you hear the bell, come quickly. 37 Spain withdraws the international arrest warrant for five former Catalan officials now residing in Belgium. The charges of sedition and rebellion, however, remain. 163 They tried to give her advice. 30 Little Montgomery Street Historic District is a national historic district in Baltimore, Maryland. 98 The main post office, quote, on Ervay Street, end quote, refers to the post office where Oswald rented box two nine one five 124 it appears that De Mohrenschildt and his wife actually went to Oswald's apartment early in November of nineteen sixty-two 121 not this week or month perhaps, but within a year or two. 57 Barbara Jeanette Davis testified that no one had shown her a picture of Oswald before the identification and that she had not seen him on television. 149 yet none of these movements justify the ascription to plants of perception of will. 83 Something deep beneath the earth shifted, sending vibrations strong enough to register on earthquake detection mechanisms hundreds of miles away. 145 which he had paid into his own bankers, and on this he was committed to Newgate for trial. 90 Although it was only designed to last three months, the tiny CubeSat known as IceCube has been orbiting Earth for a full year, collecting data on a hard-to-study type of cloud. 176 Oswald gripped the bag in his right hand near the top, quote, It tapered like this as he hugged it in his hand. 111 They needed to be started with a hand crank, making them difficult for some to operate. 87 We played them off the pitch. 29 The Commission recommends that the Secretary of the Treasury appoint a special assistant with the responsibility of supervising the Service. 140 One short, solitary clown entered the ring honking an oversize horn while waving forlornly to the audience. 107 You have seven unread emails. 29 who was at length taken in a coffee-shop near Oxford Street, under the name of Hopkins. He resisted at first, and denied his identity, 134 The characteristic Dutch type, as represented by the excellent printer Gerard Leew, is very pronounced and uncompromising Gothic. 129 with a sizable metal fragment lying just above the right eye. 61 Turning on the lights. 22 It was less prompt apparently in dealing with structural alterations and improvements. 86 Heavy neutron irradiation of plutonium results in four major isotopes of einsteinium. 85 However, the Imperial Court did prove susceptible to plague, with Justinian himself contracting, but surviving, the pestilence. 127 Innumerable plants and free plant cells are known to pass the whole or part of their lives in an actively locomotive condition. 127 and one over seventy. 21 Her purse was full of useless trash. 36 After the yeoman had requested him to stand up, 'he pinioned him,' as the Newgate phrase is 91 He used the lathe to make brass objects. 40 For as it is of the essence of this theory that new forms arise from older forms by way of hereditary descent, 110 Primary liability insurance coverage protects the truck from damage or injuries to other people as a result of a truck accident. 128 The Roman type of all these printers is similar in character, 61 He explained that the bullets were slightly smaller than the barrel of the pistol which had fired them. This caused the bullets to have an erratic passage through the barrel 173 And it must be allowed to be possible that further research may reveal the existence of something comparable to a nervous system in plants. 139 He is described by a contemporary account as a fresh-looking man of forty years of age, slightly bald, inclined to embonpoint, 126 He said, quote, 15 Lord Ferrers' body was brought to Surgeons' Hall after execution in his own carriage and six; 93 Therefore, the more irradiation-tolerant members of the target species are not given any evolutionary advantage. 112 Beginning with the advance plans and Secret Service preparations for the trip, 78 estimated that most of the material received by his office originated in this fashion 85 Store at room temperature. Do not use if pregnant. 50 public 6 so that if the two are helpful to one another it is a mere matter of accident. 78 connection 10 That's not eviction because he is not a tenant. 47 This might involve a personal interview or interviews with members of the person's household. Wherever possible, 112 buildings are not checked either by Secret Service agents or by any other law enforcement officers at the request of the Secret Service. 136 who understand those modern conditions, 39 Truth is green bitter. 22 The presented method can be applied to more realistic scenarios with a fixed camera. 84 From the street, this creates the impression that the person is standing. 73 The thief dropped his flashlight out of nervousness. 52 Look through several pages of search results. 45 and improve the morals of the prisoners, and shall insure the proper measure of punishment to convicted offenders. 114 The silence is short. As the ordinary proceeds 'to conclude,' 61 Okay, looking for grilled chicken recipes. 42 We found no brown cotton fibers, no green viscose fibers, and no woolen fibers. 79 The print's positive identity as having been lifted from the rifle 66 Open your book to the first page. 33 developed 9 Do that with a wooden stick. 28 here 4 If possible, we'd like the papers a week before and after each of these dates please. 85 The abduction of Miss Turner by the brothers Wakefield bore a strong resemblance to the carrying off and forcible marrying of heiresses as already described. 157 Establishing a connection. 26 to her husband's membership card in the New Orleans chapter. 60 Adding fast leads to wrong sums. 32 Oswald's use of the stairway is consistent with the testimony of other employees in the building. 97 Johnson says he is not surprised by how long it has lasted. 59 Every Jack has his Jill. 24 It authorized the Energy Department to support research and development in electric and hybrid vehicles. 104 Says the Duke of York. 22 or amidst the noxious effluvia of dirt and corruption. 54 Our first problem was, of course, the banking situation because, as you know, the banks had collapsed. 102 If possible, we'd like the papers a week before and after each of these dates please. 85 The bark of the pine tree was shiny and dark. 45 After failing to reach agreement on an extension of the one hundred one day ceasefire, hostilities resume between Colombia's government and E.L.N. forces. 154 I joined a group. 17 who preaches plain, homely discourses, as fit as any religious discourse can be fit for the irritated audience. 111 We're not getting any tornado warnings on the radio. 52 The Secret Service was organized as a division of the Department of the Treasury in eighteen sixty-five, to deal with counterfeiting. 133 applications 12 to exact a pound of flesh was more sacred than the main objectives of the Constitution to establish an enduring Nation. 119 However, he will have his work cut out defending his title. 59 One can craft amazingly strong permanent magnets from neodymium. 64 two rooms were prepared. 24 companies 9 This led to protests resulting in clashes with police forces, culminating in the death of five people. 102 They tell you that you'll lose Medicare coverage if you don't pay a fee for a new card or give them your Social Security number and bank account or credit card number. 167 The green plant decomposes carbonic acid and exhales oxygen while the animal absorbs oxygen and exhales carbonic acid. 118 Wood worked for three years on the design to remove the granite walls and replace them with marble, but the project was shelved due to financial burdens imposed by the Great Depression. 185 On December twenty-sixth, nineteen sixty-three, the F.B.I. circulated additional instructions to all its agents. 112 Some companies use free trials to sign you up for products and bill you every month until you cancel. 101 Hill heard a noise, which seemed to be a firecracker, coming from his right rear. 81 The modern approach will also be reflected in the terms of address. 67 Emily was stung by a jellyfish. 31 the Commission gave weight to the fact that Oswald gave a false reason for returning home on November twenty-one, 113 If not, he should go home. 26 Crustaceans, squid, and cuttlefish are also eaten. 50 He signed his name as O. H. Lee on the roominghouse register. 61 The Embassy Pictures action thriller, to be filmed in English and called simply "Runaway Train", would have been his first in color. 132 that he has a five, an eight, or a three before him, unless the press work is of the best: 90 and although one of these gave way owing to the extraordinary pressure, no serious accident occurred. 101 the experience I have had convinces me that one, and perhaps the only, good of an execution, i. e. the solemn admonition to the public, 135 He cannot, of course, be questioned or observed by those charged with the responsibility for this report or by experts on their behalf. 135 in spite of chronic truancy from school which brought him into Youth House. 75 Heath Hall, the acting Federal Railroad Administration chief, resigns over a report that he has a second job in Madison County, Mississippi. 140 Mrs. Paine was certain that she had not left the light on in the garage after dinner. 85 Each patrolman might be given a prepared booklet of instructions explaining what is expected of him. 100 I really love to watch live streams of developer conferences. 61 He was soon summoned on deck, but as he would not move, the mutineers came down and stood in a circle round his berth. 118 four point eight to five point six seconds if the second shot missed, 69 His measures for the disposal of the corpus delicti remind us of those taken by Mrs. Hayes and her associates, 110 he came to London, where he practiced as a professional swindler and cheat. 75 It looks like the skill you asked for doesn't exist. 52 The first cosmonaut was Soviet Air Force pilot Yuri Gagarin, also the first person in space. 92 They also refrain from bathing for pleasure. 44 In turn, these Tutsis formed a militia to defend themselves against attacks. 76 and reports from other agencies which independently evaluate their information for potential sources of danger. 111 He was succeeded by Pope Clement the Ninth. 43 Okay, setting brightness to ten. 32 The President had frequently stated that he did not want agents to ride on these steps during a motorcade except when necessary. 128 Hold the hammer near the end to drive the nail. 47 Saving involves not spending all of one's income. 49 Consider how you pay. 21 She went to buy me a new console at the department store. 57 The brake fluid was leaking out onto the path. 46 Mr. Cope, the governor of Newgate, having been communicated with, proceeded to Winchester, where he at once identified Williams. 128 The answer to this demand was the Federal Reserve System. 57 With resistance to antibiotics becoming more common there is greater need for alternative treatments. 101 You are so rude! 16 A murder which reproduced many of the features of that committed by Greenacre soon followed, and excited the public mind even more than that of Courvoisier's. 158 He was a prolific photographer, painter, and sculptor. 54 Pseudomonas can cause hot tub rash and swimmer's ear. 53 And twenty-five additional agents are recommended to provide the Vice President full protection. 96 Mix together ham, green onions, and green peppers. 50 People ascending and descending a steep set of stairs with a large nature formation in the background. 102 Sheer, jagged cliffs rise from the sea on several of the mountainous islands. 77 Heat through, then transfer to a serving dish. 46 The wardsman had a monopoly in supplying provisions, gave dinner and breakfast at his own price, and was such complete master of the ward 137 This cold spell will destroy the barley that was just planted. 62 and also for the preventive investigation of potential threats against the President. 85 The Pendennis Club in Louisville is the birthplace of the Old Fashioned cocktail. 81 Five: Liaison With Local Law Enforcement Agencies. 50 The contruction of a new theme park is immediately halted for an unknown reason. 80 He is a no-nonsense party regular. 34 with the active cooperation of the responsible agencies and with the understanding of the people of the United States in their demands upon their President, 156 Investigations help determine what made people sick and if others have been exposed. 84 It animadverted strongly on "the many and wide differences as regards construction, labor, diet, and general discipline" 120 with the approval, as required by the Constitution, of the Senate of the United States. 87 In fact, you can't pay them. 28 A good book informs of what we ought to know. 45 That's enough. 14 The Warren Commission Report. 29 The people of Hillah, too, are a survival of Babylonian times. 62 Manager Bobby Williamson has no injury worries. 47 The office of marshal had been hereditary, 42 What's in it for me? 20 Dispense with a vest on a day like this. 40 I don't know if this is the man they want. But he is running from them for some reason, end quote, She then called the police. 126 twenty-two others received between eleven and twenty-five; 58 The judge enjoyed his leisure time. 35 The war against the French was itself brought to a not-too-devastating end for the Dutch Republic. 98 A group of people wearing red shirts and holding drums is being photographed at the boardwalk. 94 A. J. Hidell, aged twenty-eight, end quote. The date of the order was January twenty-seven. No year shown. 106 In the face of these dissenting opinions, there is no basis for the claim made by some members of the Court 107 which is maintained on a geographical field office basis. 57 Except for inauguration or other parades involving foreign dignitaries accompanied by the President in Washington, 114 to make a great archway, and to make the character of it more imposing than if it had been situated in the country, and had been an ordinary prison. 148 They none of them spoke much English except Leon, commonly called Lyons. 72 in Oswald's billfold. On November twenty-two and twenty-three, Oswald refused to tell Fritz why this card was in his possession, 128 In contrast, D.F.A. testing requires a fluorescent microscope, an instrument not always available in settings with less public health infrastructure. 149 A young intern, he works very hard but does not always get proper recognition. 78 Marina Oswald also ridiculed her husband's political views, thereby tearing down his view of his own importance. 112 Her pacifist verse drama, a one-act play written for the Provincetown Players, is often anthologized. 101 Here again the money, with ten years' interest, was handed over to Barber and another calling himself Thomas Hunt, an executor of the will. 139 Get the trust fund to the bank early. 37 Elsa knitted furiously. 23 Tell it like it was? 20 where the principal actor suffered death, the case hardly comes within the limits of my subject. 96 We count, in the future as in the past, on the driving power of individual initiative 85 The governor himself admitted that a prisoner of weak intellect who had been severely beaten and much injured by a wardsman did not dare complain 145 A crowd of people are surrounding a street performance, there are buildings in the background. 94 Great excitement prevailed in the city and the West End when Redpath's defalcations were made public. 101 Shortly after the assassination Brennan noticed 47 Four women in red bathing suits are performing a synchronized swimming routine in front of an audience. 103 Bermuda repeals same-sex marriage, becoming the world's first jurisdiction to legalize, then repeal same-sex marriage. 118 Glass will clink when struck by metal. 38 A flight of musical notes. 26 Study the temperature in different parts of the kitchen and kitchen closets to the end of finding the best places for raising dough and sponge. 143 have adopted codes of fair competition, which have been approved by the President. 82 partly perhaps because residents in and about the Old Bailey raised a loud protest against the constant erection of the scaffold in their neighborhood. 151 It was released by Netflix on June twenty-fourth, twenty sixteen. 65 Checking your inbox. 20 He hosts a Grand Gala to formally announce Patricia's upcoming wedding. 71 they should be responsible for advising the Secret Service if information develops indicating the existence of an assassination plot 132 knowledge 9 The man went to the woods to gather sticks. 43 as soon as that gentleman was referred to. 42 Astronomy might be complicated, but it's not rocket science. 60 The sound of the zither gave Shirley a sensation of deja vu. 60 The Giltspur Street Compter received sheriffs' debtors, also felons, vagrants, and night charges. 97 On the day of the assassination, the Dallas police obtained a sample of wrapping paper and tape 95 Teresa, Mildrid, Ralph, and Vonda all arrived yesterday evening. 64 It was outfitted with a clear plastic bubbletop which was neither bulletproof nor bullet resistant. 99 It is good to know that movements in support of fair play for Cuba has developed in New Orleans as well as in other cities. 123 Not a word was said. 20 Mate, carpenter, and crew were eager to disavow complicity, and voluntarily gave information. 93 Secret Service agents stationed at later stops on the President's itinerary of November twenty-two were redeployed. 115 entertainment 13 It was preposterous to claim for such a scene as this that it conveyed any great moral lesson, or had any deterring influence. 126 Sweet words work better than fierce. 36 the condemned sermon was preached in the prison chapel, and this was probably only that he might hear the singing of a lady with a magnificent voice 148 That the semi-fluid contents (which we now term protoplasm) of the cells of certain plants are in constant and regular motion was made out a century ago. 153 If I send him to his Dad’s he won’t get bathed for a week. 58 In his proposal he dwelt much upon the humanizing effects of healthful open-air toil, 85 Captain Fritz of the homicide and robbery bureau did most of the questioning, but he kept no notes and there were no stenographic or tape recordings. 149 The first cosmonaut was Soviet Air Force pilot Yuri Gagarin, also the first person in space. 92 That is really sad to here. 27 I tried to understand the proposed application of to the best of my ability. 76 A group of children wearing their karate uniforms while practicing their martial arts. 86 In one thousand feet, turn right onto Gold Coast Drive. 55 There was a battle there. 25 A man playing an exotic instrument is sitting in front of a Calvin Klein advertisement. 87 The geocentric model served as the predominant description of the cosmos in many ancient civilizations. 103 Soccer is a sport played between two teams of eleven players with a spherical ball. 83 Our responsibility is to all of the people in this country. 59 In attempting to identify those individuals who might prove a danger to the President, 86 A Goodyear atlas is the best type of book to help with homework. 64 The mischief of jail associations, say the inspectors, 54 Two men on a rooftop while another man stands atop a ladder watching them 73 system 6 the interior of the jail was more like a bear-garden or the noisy purlieus of a public-house than a prison. 107 Attorney General Jeff Sessions rescinds three Obama-era memos that had adopted a policy of non-interference with states that have legalized recreational marijuana. 163 The French T.B.M.s then completed the tunnel and were dismantled. 65 of regulating only to meet concrete needs -- a practice of courageous recognition of change. 92 fourteen men and women who had lain there ten, eleven, and thirteen years for debts of a few shillings, 103 But there were others remediable under a better system of management. 69 I have entered the Soviet Union for the express purpose of applying for citizenship in the Soviet Union, through the means of naturalization. 141 Soon afterwards Dixon died, showing all the symptoms already described. 71 so in the case under discussion. 32 Calling to mind then the words of the Babylonian at the beginning of the siege: 79 Great! How are you doing? 25 A woman wearing a red costume looks at two other people standing on a street. 77 Find out who you're dealing with. 33 co 2 Recorders were probably first used to play vocal music, later adding purely instrumental forms like dance music to their repertoire. 132 What good would that do? 24 According to the evolutionary interpretation of such facts, we can see a very good reason why the life-history of the individual 128 the neglect of the condemned convicts, the filthy condition of the wards, the insufficiency of bedding and clothing, 116 With the assistance of the President's Office of Science and Technology, and of the Advanced Research Projects Agency of the Department of Defense, 147 She died at her home. 21 The shot missed, and as the carriage passed on, Oxford drew a second pistol and fired again. 92 he total number of prisoners they received during the year varied from two persons to many hundreds. 100 Special Forces Soldiers may also be deployed to foreign regions to take part in humanitarian efforts. 101 I don't think it's a good idea to touch the radioactive shrapnel. 65 I went to Tokyo several years ago. 34 because this blanket is composed of brown and green woolen fibers, brown and green delustered viscose fibers, and brown and green cotton fibers. 144 One word with regard to getting up early in order to give dough a chance for the second rising. 95 But there was an attempt to revive it at that date, when the act for dispensing with the dissection of criminals was passed. 124 Although Marina Oswald told the Commission that her husband had good personal relationships in the Soviet Union, Katherine Ford, 128 On the other hand, those plants, such as the fungi, 51 Less than one-fifth of the potential benefits were claimed, and only one out of nineteen Veterans exhausted the full fifty-two weeks of checks. 143 the case was considered not proved, and he was acquitted. 57 For the many messages which have come to me after that speech, and which it is physically impossible to answer individually, 124 He amassed an army of around five thousand soldiers. 52 It was almost too late. 23 The Secret Service group awaiting the President in Austin were instructed to return to Washington. 98 She asked herself, "how many times do I need to listen to him sing?" 68 the assassin was then required to hit the target one more time within a space of from four point eight to five point six seconds. 129 When she got there, there was a woman with a goose waiting for her. 67 The harder he tried the less he got done. 41 Money makes the man. 20 The United Methodist Church maintains that war is incompatible with Christ's message and teachings. 99 A large crowd watching something while some people dance together in front of a blue stage. 91 and their foreign journeys have come to be accepted as normal rather than extraordinary. 88 I am therefore, going to spend my time, my efforts and my money 63 The just claim got the right verdict. 37 in accordance with George Washington's maxim that Americans have a government, quote, of accommodation as well as a government of laws, end quote, 146 Another argument was, that it afforded more hope of the reformation of criminals. 81 Oswald was arrested and jailed by the New Orleans Police Department for disturbing the peace, in connection with a street fight which broke out when he was accosted 164 the apathy of the authorities, and the undue ascendancy of those who, as convicted felons, should have been most sternly repressed, 131 Later on, the Chartists agitated persistently for the concession embraced in the so-called People's Charter, many of which 122 Let me check your calendar. 27 The Commission emphasizes that it finds no causal connection between the assassination 86 Perusing the woods in the night, she could only rely on her instincts. 70 PRS required a more direct indication of a threat to the President, and that there was no such indication until the President's scheduled visit to that area became known. 170 those in command should be able to direct the response appropriate to the emergency. The Commission finds that the Secret Service agents in the motorcade 153 In total, only six hundred seven stations were produced during the war. 71 It has been already remarked in these pages that with changed social conditions came a great change in the character of crimes. 127 For minor league to amateur athletes, earnings are usually on the lower end of the pay-scale. 93 background 10 These proposals included suggestions to locate exclusive responsibility for all phases of the work 98 The company also obtained a number of patents for improvements in steam engine traction technology. 99 The cursor blinked, expectantly. 32 Don't swim or let your kids swim if sick with diarrhea. Wait until two weeks after diarrhea has stopped to go swimming. 119 Our troops are set to strike heavy blows. 41 In nineteen ninety two, she starred in her first television movies, making her film debut in "Son in Law" in nineteen ninety three. 131 He took the lead and kept it the whole distance. 48 Minimum wages have been established and other wages adjusted toward a rising standard of living. 96 The most trifling acts were magnified into offenses. 52 Bail the boat to stop it from sinking. 38 and his unsuccessful attempt to go to Cuba in late September of nineteen sixty-three. 85 and allow them to see him, and discuss, if possible, the views of the world as he sees it, the problems of the country as he sees them. 135 was confirmed by FBI Laboratory tests which established that the adhesive material bearing the print 100 The inmates were privileged, either by antecedents or the fortunate possession of sufficient funds to pay the charges of the place. 131 It never rains but it pours. 28 that coordination might be achieved to a greater extent than seems now to be contemplated, without interference with the primary mission of each agency involved. 161 who had devoted all his talent and all his energies for some seventeen years to the fabrication of false bank-notes. 116 It was a miserable afternoon in Fife. 37 Then on Thursday morning, November twenty-one, 46 There were frequently in the middle yard seven or eight children, the youngest barely nine, 91 Take an umbrella. It's expected to start raining in the next hour. 66 There is a grossness in the upper finishings of letters like the c, the a, and so on. 85 that the jails attached to corporate jurisdictions continue to be the fruitful sources 86 An additional substance - nitrogen - enters into it as an essential element. 76 It is surrounded, in the first place, by a broad and deep moat, full of water, behind which rises a wall 104 they sounded one Burgess, a guard on the South-Eastern Railway, a line by which large quantities of bullion were sent to the Continent. 135 The team became the "Braves" for the first time in nineteen twelve. 67 Keep right at the fork to continue on California one sixty-three South. 71 It is hard to erase blue or red ink. 36 The new instructions require F.B.I. agents to report immediately information concerning subversives, ultrarightists, racists and fascists. 138 She's pretty. 13 Widespread and improved mobile technology means teens can access social media more easily. 90 Three people sit at a picnic table outside of a building painted like a union jack. 83 Simone became fully convinced this rejection had been entirely due to racial discrimination. 92 Cassie dismantled the bicycle. 30 Neither these discrepancies nor the fact that Oswald had initiated the FBI interview 84 The Christian preacher looked up to the heavens while praising his lord. 72 As Secretary of the Interior, I am responsible for the education of forty eight thousand native children in the Bureau of Indian Education school system​. 154 In time, the First Minister will grow in stature. 49 and catching sight of the coffins ranged around the gallows, he smiled at the show with contemptuous indifference. 114 Police have been sent in to enforce requirements that shopkeepers sell goods at a loss. 87 Zsa Zsa enjoys the azure sky in June. 37 The South Korean Ministry of Justice announces that it is a preparing a bill to ban cryptocurrency trading through exchanges. 125 Here again probably it was partly the love of notoriety which was the incentive, 80 The only witness to the conversation was Dallas Police Detective V. J. Brian, who was accompanying Revill. 106 They were racing down the streets with no regard for anyone. 60 I'm strongly committed to working with states and local communities to identify, clean up and return Superfund sites to productive reuse, said Regional Administrator Cathy Stepp. 178 the Commission gave little weight to his denials of guilt. 58 Not if I know it! 17 Still, the Naval Observatory has continued to operate. 54 Steam hissed from the broken valve. 35 The national homes were often called "soldiers' homes" or "military homes," and only soldiers who fought for the Union Army, including U.S. Colored Troops, were eligible for admittance. 185 There's no accounting for tastes. 33 he had more protection than usual. It would appear, therefore, that to the extent Oswald's undesirable discharge affected his motivation, 137 The motorcade left Love Field shortly after eleven:fifty a.m. and drove at speeds up to twenty-five to thirty miles an hour 123 On arrival, Wakefield pretended that they had missed Mr. Turner, and must follow him over to France. 100 Have you ever tried donating to a non-profit movement? 54 Seven men wearing bright orange reflective vests are looking inside the door of a red train. 92 On the day of the assassination, Marina Oswald was watching television when she learned of the shooting. 104 A third of treated recreational waterborne disease outbreaks occurred in hotel pools or hot tubs. 97 Break apart from one another and pile on a plate, throwing a clean doily or a small napkin over them. Break open at table. 122 then to divert suspicion from herself by throwing it on a confectioner, whose sweetmeats she bought, 100 He asked more than once whether the Queen was hurt, and acknowledged that the pistols were loaded with ball. 108 The number of respiratory disease outbreaks increased over time and skin infection outbreaks decreased over time. 113 In the one stood the palace of the kings, surrounded by a wall of great strength and size; 90 Some countries use internal passports for controlling migration within a country. 81 Opposition to grey propaganda, when revealed, may create some level of public outcry. 85 and that she found this and similar statements illogical and somewhat amusing. On this occasion Hosty was at the Paine residence for only a few minutes. 152 in the absence of very definite negative evidence, I think it is permissible to say that in an exhibit such as five seven three 127 the Junior United Service, the Union, Reform, Colonial, and Erechtheum clubs. 77 He played high, and spent his nights at the club, or in joyous and dissolute company. 85 Hemp is a weed found in parts of the tropics. 45 Who will perform? 17 took to appropriating the bills intrusted to him, and so lost his business, after which he became a clerk to Messrs. Wagner and Bateman. 136 The workers do not want to read about their futures in newspapers. 66 The cinnamon desktop is not as widespread as gnome. 51 currently 9 The stock market sheds four point six percent of its value, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average dropping a record one thousand, one hundred seventy five points. 162 I discovered I left my cigarettes in my jacket pocket upstairs, and I took the elevator back upstairs to get my jacket with my cigarettes in it, end quote. 155 It overlooks downtown Des Moines and is situated on with a re-created Victorian formal garden. 94 It typically incorporates a combination of musical devices including strong melodies, clear vocals, economical arrangements and prominent guitar riffs. 151 Try iodine on the boy over there. 33 The green lock in the address bar of your browser does N.O.T. mean you can trust the site. 90 There are more Lebanese people living outside of Lebanon, than within. 70 There are many ways to do these things. 39 Two small brightly dressed African children with water bottles are sitting on a stone floor. 92 Transfer cauliflower to a bowl, mash, and strain excess water. 62 Bismarck's post eighteen seventy one foreign policy was conservative and sought to preserve the balance of power in Europe. 123 Thistlewood and fourteen more succeeded for the moment in making their escape, but most of them were subsequently taken. 120 Thus was Babylon taken for the second time. 43 When the elevator failed to come, Baker said, quote, let's take the stairs, end quote, and he followed Truly up the stairway, which is to the west of the elevator. 163 A new Second Temple was constructed, and old religious practices were resumed. 78 A guy in a yellow shirt and light brown slacks is playing golf while the crowd watch. 85 We do not know their height, for the statements of the ancient writers disagree. 80 to have been the clear and underlying purpose of the patriots who wrote a federal constitution to create a national government 126 Talk to the previous owners of an asset or business for its history. 68 In an autobiographical digital animation entitled "My Story," Reid presents her childhood as one marked by bullying in mainstream education. 140 However, the instructions must be communicated to the local police in any event and can be leaked to the press whether or not they are in writing. 146 The soot showered down the chimney of the haunted house. 56 My Pleasure. 12 He also studied Dallas bus schedules to prepare for his later use of buses to travel to and from General Walker's house. 120 He always wanted to play the red pieces in chess because, as he said in an apparently humorous context, 103 Almost immediately, she remembered an effective treatment that required her to measure out a lot of medicine. 109 During the night they sought to dispose of the body by throwing it into a pond, but two days later had to throw it into another pond. 133 I can't do that right now. Please try again later. 50 Mix together ham, green onions, and green peppers. 50 Con artists want you to make decisions in a hurry. 50 In spite, however, of his praiseworthy efforts, printing had still one last degradation to undergo. 99 was another act which expressed his hostility toward the United States and its institutions as well as a concomitant attachment 127 This is the tendency to the formation of ugly meandering white lines or "rivers" in the page. 93 Three young men wearing blue jeans stand in front of a garage while having a conversation. 90 The United States has the most comprehensive system of assistance for Veterans of any nation in the world, with roots that can be traced back to sixteen thirty-six. 164 Arrange for your airline to help you if you need help making a connecting flight. 81 A blond woman wearing glasses and a gray sweatshirt is cutting something with scissors. 87 The prisoner who used the knife was secured, but it was the wardsman, and not the officers, to whom the report was made, and no official inquiry or punishment followed. 168 in an age when insolvent acts and bankruptcy courts do so much to relieve the impecunious, 90 Can you give a brief description of your problem? 49 This has helped in attracting real estate investors from Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore and other countries. 107 Head north on Weston Drive toward Covina Street. 48 Discuss all investment ideas or plans with an accountant, an attorney, or another advisor you know and trust. 109 Boomerangs are generally thrown in treeless, large open spaces that are twice as large as the range of the boomerang. 117 This is a single award, hybrid contract with cost-plus-award-fee phase-in, core contract management, and core technical services contract line items. 149 sold out so large an amount of stock, that he paid sixteen thousand pounds a year in dividends to escape detection. 115 The country's got plenty of room and space. 43 They asked him how he had cut his hand, which was bleeding, and he said he had done it while working up on the roof. 116 The Pilgrims of Plymouth Colony were at war with the Pequot Indians. 68 the page so lay on the paper that there was more space allowed to the bottom and fore margin than to the top and back of the paper, 131 In the course of the trial it came out that almost every one concerned except the Caspars had endeavored to defraud his accomplices. 132 The snake slithered toward the shaded boulders under the cliff. 63 After a few years of active exertion the Society was rewarded by fresh legislation. 83 Playing previous song. 22 All sat frozen and watched the screen. 38 The first person to see Oswald after the assassination was Patrolman M. L. Baker of the Dallas Police Department. 113 No notion that they were assisting at a vindication of the law filled the minds of those present with dread. 108 The prisoner's demeanor had greatly changed during the trial. 61 Oswald had paid the first month's rent in advance on March two, nineteen sixty-three, 85 but the occupants of each were huddled together indiscriminately. The inspectors found in the same wards in the chapel yard the convicted and the untried, 154 no sizable organization can achieve efficiency without the careful analysis and demarcation of responsibility 109 A forty percent chance of snow, after eleven P.M. 49 The remarks heard amongst the crowd were of coarse approval. 60 Oswald experienced some difficulty finding employment. Perhaps this was partially because of his lack of any specific skill or training. 136 dr 2 After passing her final exam she will have a bachelor of science degree in chemistry. 85 The rude laugh filled the empty room. 37 The prince ordered his head chopped off. 40 A young girl wearing a blue helmet and flipflops is sitting on a red fourwheeler. 81 Armenian banking assets are very low and make up only twenty five percent of the Gross Domestic Product. 104 Edison Reynoso is a former professional baseball pitcher who played professionally from nineteen ninety-nine to two thousand four. 130 were told that the plan had been well considered, and would be persevered in. 77 After securing this job and an apartment, Oswald asked his wife to join him. 76 Williams surveyed these formidable obstacles to evasion, and calmly proceeded to surmount them. 95 Raman won the Physics Prize in nineteen thirty. 47 A man is standing in front of a small red object that looks like a plane. 73 This process is known as tachyon condensation. 46 Rugby union has been professionalized since nineteen ninety five. 65 The Caesar mission seeks to return a sample from a comet that was successfully explored by the European Space Agency's Rosetta spacecraft, to determine its origin and history. 175 You must attend; and if your master will not give you leave, you must come in defiance of him. 94 This letter went on to say that a new member had been introduced by Lt. Mars, "a fine, tall, gentlemanly young man, 115 It is generally considered to be middle class and reformist in nature. 70 Edward Davis Wood, Junior was an American filmmaker, actor, writer, producer, and director. 91 Strong cryptography can prevent a man in the middle to read a conversation. 75 in his canonicals, and with his head as stiffly erect as a sheriff's coachman. 78 The Third Circuit Court heard oral arguments in the appeals on May seventeenth, two thousand seven, at the U.S. Courthouse in Philadelphia. 139 Mend the coat before you go out. 32 The stones were at once taken up; 33 that they were watching the parade from the top step of the building entrance when Gloria Calverly, who works in the Depository Building, 137 We urge you to secure your child for the duration of your flight. It's the smart and right thing to do. 103 I smiled and shook my head. 27 What can I do for you? 22 Since backboned animals are best known to most readers, they may be taken as an illustration. 93 My calendar was full that month. 32 It's a miracle that nobody has found out about this yet. 56 It is an able and exhaustive state paper, testifying to the keenness of the writer's perception, and his unremitting labor in pursuing his researches. 150 The essential character of vegetable life is the exhalation of oxygen, which is effected through the agency of light. 117 The technology is described in U.S. patent five eight three five seven one two. 79 A government prosecution was instituted, and Palmer was brought to Newgate for trial at the Central Criminal Court. 115 business suit, alert replies -- Expresses self extremely well, end quote. 73 Yoga gurus from India later introduced yoga to the West. 56 Having made out your rolls and tucked them up snugly for the final rise, return to your chamber for a comfortable bath and toilet. 130 comment 7 The first national home opened November first, eighteen sixty six, near Augusta, Maine. 87 their 5 Practice the minuet during the piano hour. 42 Such were the walls of Babylon, 31 It turned out that he was really married to Mrs. Canning, 57 With them were younger men and women: 37 The religious and moral welfare of the prisoners were to be attended to, 72 Nobody wanted to discuss how we all ended up trapped in a giant lunchbox. 73 After earning his Ph.D in ninetten sixty eight, Lund rose through the ranks at Wisconsin's Department of Food Science, reaching the rank of Department Chair. 157 As a blind for their new frauds, they set up as law-stationers in York Buildings, Adelphi, and at once commenced their nefarious traffic. 137 The "tachi" was worn slung across the left hip. 47 extracts from which follow. 27 One half pound fresh mushrooms, sliced. Quarter cup chopped onion. One cup chicken broth. 89 Angiosperms, which pass on chloroplasts maternally, have many ways to prevent paternal inheritance. 99 with particular attention to the diverse roles which the President is expected to fill. 87 Shortly thereafter, less than eighteen months after his defection, about six weeks before he met Marina Prusakova, 114 without defense or foundation of government, end quote, 55 The bunch of grapes was pressed into wine. 42 in nineteen sixty-three the total exceeded thirty-two thousand items. 69 Ancient India represented a distinct tradition of law, and had an historically independent school of legal theory and practice. 127 The only practical way for westbound traffic on Main Street 59 but one with union communes, 28 the bodies of all prisoners convicted of murder should either be hung in chains, or buried under the gallows on which they had been executed, 141 The ashtray was empty. 22 A group of woman and children are standing or sitting in front of rows of vegetables. 85 Tenderly Tenor. 15 Can I be used to request invocation of a subsystem on the remote system? 72 a maidservant, Sarah Thomas, murdered her mistress, an aged woman, by beating out her brains with a stone. 106 If a check you deposit turns out to be a fake, you're responsible for repaying the bank. 88 Audio deleted. 14 The Home Secretary, in a letter to the Lord Chief Baron, stated that, quote, although the facts are full of suspicion against Smethurst, 136 mr 2 It would appear I have an appointment with a ghost. 51 They might even threaten you. 29 from whom still higher fees were exacted, with the same discreditable idea of swelling the revenues of the prison. 114 There was elation at the headquarters when the boss proclaimed the revenue of a billion euros. 94 They know that the process of the constructive rebuilding of America cannot be done in a day or a year, 103 A review is under way. 22 He was engaged in whitewashing and cleaning; the officer who had him in charge left him on the stairs leading to the gallery. 125 They took off in the Presidential plane, Air Force One, at eleven a.m., arriving at San Antonio at one:thirty p.m., Eastern Standard Time. 138 It has removed a bit of guilt. 30 Most life span developmentalists recognise that extreme positions are unwise. 77 He led them into discussions of foreign affairs about which they often knew less than he did, since he had apparently devoted considerable time to a study of such matters. 171 Since the assassination, Secret Service procedures have been changed to require that a member of PRS accompany each advance survey team 135 Shape the clay gently into block form. 38 I'd never seen a play about me. 31 the prisoners, without firing, bedding, or sufficient food, spent their days "in surveying their grotesque prison, 114 Marina Oswald testified, 24 They retained Egyptian models of government and identified as pharaohs, thus integrating Egyptian elements into their culture. 126 then national director of FPCC. In one of those letters, dated August one, nineteen sixty-three, 96 The owners of the latter would then issue a second set of warrants on these goods, in total ignorance of the fact that they were already pledged. 145 He saw certain rooms fill up, and yet took no steps to open others that were locked up and empty. 97 The marsh will freeze when cold enough. 39 On October three, Hosty reopened the case in Dallas to assist the New Orleans office. 85 the Secret Service, through its field offices, 46 At first nothing peculiar was found; but at a second search the back-garden ground was dug up, 94 In summary, at the time of the assassination 44 It was by the numbers. 22 In his sworn statement to the police later that day, 52 The floor of the shower had foot restraints. 44 Titanium is a chemical element with atomic number twenty two. 61 In the same room a large axe and saw were found covered with blood. 67 A male AfricanAmerican wearing jeans and a camouflage jacket, walks and laughs with another man. 96 Saturday, June twentieth, eighteen forty-three. 47 These fall under a development cost cap of approximately eight hundred fifty million dollars. 93 They are used in developing precursor science instruments like cutting-edge laser communications, satellite-to-satellite communications and autonomous movement capabilities. 173 Warner's stock price slid from sixty dollars to twenty dollars, and the company began searching for a buyer for its troubled division. 134 I asked her if she knew where he worked. 40 But if you do, you will lose your money. 40 The enormous amount of debris which buried the palaces and temples and walls of Nebuchadnezzar's city, in places to the depth of a hundred feet, 144 are likewise not fully cooperating with their government. 57 When the airplane leaves the gate and as it climbs after take-off. During landing and taxi. 91 New arrivals, especially the innocent and still guileless debutant, were tormented with rude horse-play, and assailed by the most insulting "chaff." 148 The train leaves at nine sixteen and makes stops at ten oh two, eleven twenty, and twelve noon. 95 He had a nice taste in bric-à-brac, and was considered a good judge of pictures. 80 for the President soon after the assassination, quote, 54 Oswald had fallen on difficult times. 37 It was noticed that he wore a mackintosh. Next day the police, in making a careful search of the scene of the murder, 117 It has also used other Federal law enforcement agents during Presidential visits to cities in which such agents are stationed. 126 There was elation at the headquarters when the boss proclaimed the revenue of a billion euros. 94 One of the most well-known electric cars during this time was G.M.'s E.V. one, a car that was heavily featured in the two thousand six documentary Who Killed the Electric Car? 175 The air, to which the leaves are exposed, contains carbon, but its nitrogen is in the state of a free gas, in which condition the bean can make no use of it. 157 What? 5 The theft of the silver sousaphone had the sheriff baffled. 59 Yoga gurus from India later introduced yoga to the West. 56 The party itself saw an opportunity to raise funds by having the President speak at a political dinner eventually planned for Austin. 133 When asked why he lived at his roominghouse under the name O. H. Lee, 69 He jumped the hedge and injured himself. 40 were revived for the convenience of these gentlemen, whose incarceration was thus rendered as little like imprisonment as possible. 131 It's a question of creating a future awareness. 47 San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee dies of an apparent heart attack. 60 The U.S. agrees to supply Ukraine with more lethal weapons, including Javelin anti-tank missiles. 97 Yet despite this fact, newer homes only consume two percent more energy. 72 The hat brim was wide and too droopy. 37 Nearly every one of these jurisdictions had its own prison, and there were one hundred and sixty such jails in all. 115 Two other important eyewitnesses to Oswald's flight were Ted Callaway, 70 Two men are interacting with some sort of mechanical contraption that is mounted on a wall. 91 search 6 The rights of private individuals must not be infringed. 56 English literature in the middle of that period has been dubbed Augustan. 73 There are four different sorts of fuel at this gas station. 59 In music, a glissando is a glide from one pitch to another. 59 Woman in red shirt and sunglasses gives candy to her daughter who is wearing a crown. 85 Romanes's "Darwin and After Darwin", and Le Conte's "Evolution." 64 I can help protect you. 23 How big can elephants be? 25 Dissolute habits prevailed on all sides; drunkenness was universal, gambling perpetual. 87 It has turned itself into the traditional lever of a foreign power to overthrow the government of the United States; 116 To the superficial observer the bodies of animals of different classes seem to differ fundamentally in plan, 108 slept there, and had their meals provided for them from the Sessions House or London Coffee-House. 98 Oswald's file at the Department of State Passport Office was reviewed in June nineteen sixty-two. 97 Uganda is in the African Great Lakes region. 44 The actual primary rainbow observed is said to be the effect of super-imposition of a number of bows. 101 He slipped on the stairs. 25 The work of the tailor is seen on each side. 44 stated that there was a shorter interval between shots two and three than between shots one and two. 100 The Cadillac brand was introduced in China in two thousand four, starting with exports to China. 96 even though Oswald seemed to be lost in his own thoughts. After a brief period of silence Oswald remarked on the stupidity of the parade 136 Gas giants consist mostly of hydrogen and helium. 49 He was concerned with his image in history and I do think that is why he chose the particular method of defecting he chose and did it in the way he did. 152 The sentences inflicted in front of Newgate were not limited to hanging. 72 After reading it, and finding this unfavorable to himself, he resolved to carry out his deliberate plan, 104 any 3 came out at the Old Bailey, and was acknowledged to be one of the most extraordinary on record. 95 The girl with the brown hair and green shawl with white polkadots sat crosslegged on the ground. 96 Agent Lawson was not given written instructions concerning the Dallas trip or advice about any peculiar problems which it might involve; 136 The scale model of the architects plans sat at the center of the conference room. 81 After the President was pronounced dead, 40 On November twenty-one there appeared on the streets of Dallas the anonymous handbill mentioned above. 102 Could you advise me as to the general view we have on the American Civil Liberties Union? End quote. 100 countries 9 Chapter four. The Assassin: Part four. Oswald's Actions in Building After Assassination. 88 Fourteen thirty-six Lancaster Drive Northeast, Salem, Oregon. 61 A shower of dirt fell from the hot pipes. 41 but nothing had been done to improve the prison buildings. 58 He acted on instructions he had received earlier from Assistant Special Agent in Charge Roy H. Kellerman, who was in Fort Worth with the President. 147 Thick haze enshrouded the hostile valley. 41 He was taken up when still in his teens for stealing a pocketbook, and was sentenced to transportation, but did not get beyond the hulks at Chatham. 148 which is one of the high purposes of the Recovery Act. 54 and promised prompt U.S. aid if they do, end quote. 51 described by some as a beatnik place and by its manager as, quote, a unique showplace with continuous light entertainment all night 131 Bring to a boil. 16 We come to the sermon. 22 Place cast iron skillet over high heat until mozzarella cheese starts to melt, about three minutes. 99 the oldest only twelve or thirteen, exposed to all the contaminating influences of the place. 93 Farmers splice sheaves for easy stacking. 41 Prolonged skin contact with antimony dust may cause dermatitis. 63 Other cases might be quoted, 28 The snake jetted venom. 23 the jail, and the scaffold. 27 They met in Mesopotamia. 24 Today I couldn't run on it. 27 The tree top waved in a graceful way. 37 whose ship brought home a mixed cargo from Bahia and other ports. 65 which advise it of potential threats immediately before the visit of the President to their community. 102 Three people sitting outside on small rocks behind a big bush, wearing long pants. 82 Excuse me, nudism is not allowed at this part of the beach. 59 Hang tinsel from both branches. 31 The first worm gets snapped early. 34 Jeanne De Mohrenschildt, another member of that group, 54 I will quote an extract from the reverend gentleman's own journal. 66 The inspectors were not to be deterred, however, by any opposition from the earnest discharge of their functions, and continued to report against Newgate. 154 current 7 It almost retained its shape. 29 or on another specially erected on some commanding spot, had fallen into disuse by eighteen thirty-two. 103 Don't know, was the reply. 26 a transportation vehicle is carrying a crowd of people who are sitting and standing. 84 its inability to process large amounts of data, and its failure to provide specific descriptions of the kind of information it sought. 134 It is told of "Bob" Brennan, an official specially employed for years by the Mint 81 The walled town was seized without a fight. 43 which he reached at about twelve:forty p.m. 43 Ingested plastic can displace food in an animal's stomach and may lead to starvation. 85 By this time Brown alone had stolen three or four hundred sheets, 65 This was at length effected by Agar and Pierce. 47 What will happen then? 22 Confused person standing in the middle of the trolley tracks trying to figure out the signs. 92 He was dressed in a mixed-colored loose coat with a black collar, swandown waistcoat, blue pantaloons, and white silk stockings. 128 wore no distinguishing costume, although its use was admitted, not only for cleanliness, but as a badge of condition, and a security against escape. 148 I am very sorry that Alastair Campbell has taken this decision. 63 Robert A. Frazier, FBI expert in firearms identification and training, said, quote, 83 The next morning, preheat oven to three hundred fifty degrees. 62 A person with short hair and a scarf plays a strangeshaped instrument with a bow. 81 Gophers are tearing up Bob's garden again. 42 Mix cauliflower, sour cream, Cheddar cheese, ranch dressing mix, onion powder, and garlic powder together in a nine-inch baking dish. Top with butter. 150 yet the palace of Nebuchadnezzar was protected by a third defense far stronger. 79 See also the right hand rule. 29 Seven people are running and one of them is a man wearing a blue tshirt and red shorts 86 The lake sparkled in the red hot sun. 37 My body is clearly capable. 27 were fired from the southeast corner window of the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository Building 107 He turned from the door and walked slowly toward the gate, still holding the keys in his hand. 94 Members of the White House detail were expected to familiarize themselves with the descriptions and photographs of the highest risk cases. 138 The diet of the condemned is the ordinary diet of the prison, 61 that the bag which Oswald was carrying was approximately twenty-seven or twenty-eight inches long, whereas the wooden stock of the rifle, which is its largest component, 169 Cacti can also form new roots quickly when rain falls after a drought. 70 w 1 Power production in this country is virtually back to the nineteen twenty-nine peak. 84 No wonder this vanilla yogurt tastes disgusting: Its eat-by date was last year. 79 Significant hypoglycemia appears to increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. 80 After hanging about the Folkestone office for some time, they saw at last that the key was kept in a certain cupboard. 118 At least three people are killed and seventy-seven injured when an Amtrak passenger train derails on an Interstate Five overpass in Pierce County, Washington. 158 But the inspectors found in the ward cupboards mince-pies and other pasties, cold joints, hams, and so forth. 109 A true friend is someone who reaches for your hand, but touches your heart. 75 n 1 Doing so required special purification and preparation, including four changes of clothing. 91 and that he gained access to Miss Slack on pretense of conveying to her some funded property left her by an aunt. 113 The second mate, who had heard the hammering of the capstan-bars and the handspikes, with the first mate's and captain's agonized cries, had come out, 150 In light of the other evidence linking Lee Harvey Oswald, the blanket, and the rifle to the paper bag found on the sixth floor, 127 The entire state is divided into municipalities, which handle all local government affairs. 91 After four years of exploring San Francisco, the time feels right for me to further my education. 97 A panel of three individuals speak at the Institute for Politics, Democracy, and the Internet. 94 At Pentonville the rate was higher, but there the expense had been increased by the site, 89 I like crepes with nougat. 26 It should provided results comparable to the state of the art. 62 not by a few private banking institutions, but by a body with public prestige and authority. 92 The forecast for tomorrow calls for freezing rain, sleet, and snow flurries. 76 If you're shopping in the Health Insurance Marketplace, do it at healthcare dot gov. 84 published some six-and-thirty years after the promulgation of this act, the flagrant and persistent violations of it and others 127 However, the ceremony went forward, and when the signal was given the drop sank. 80 There was a spirit of libertarianism, says Porter, as people felt they were free. 81 The fact that Oswald left behind the funds which might have enabled him to reach Cuba suggests the absence of any plan to try to flee there 139 None of these three additional races appear in any of the "Ringworld" novels. 77 We lost our composure towards the interval, he said. 52 However, they continued in their pursuit of victory. 52 Five days after the surrender of Confederate general Robert E. Lee, Lincoln was shot by Confederate sympathizer John Wilkes Booth. 130 Slow down, check out the story, do an online search, consult an expert, or just tell a friend. 94 A study describes the discovery of the most distant supermassive black hole ever, around thirteen point one billion light years away. 133 Ad hoc opposition groups tend to coalesce around specific issues. 65 had different characteristics from both the actual bag and the sample taken on November twenty-two. 99 While that counselor found that he was qualified to handle many different types of jobs, 88 Yet, it was Henry Ford's mass-produced Model T that dealt a blow to the electric car. 85 Next Sunday is the twelfth of the month. 40 According to McWatters, the Beckley bus was behind the Marsalis bus, but he did not actually see it. 100 Four other charges were dropped. 32 Youth singers and musicians perform in the pulpit of a church with stained glass windows. 89 interface 9 As we worked. 13 The new highway is expected to cost nine point two four million dollars. 72 By two thousand eight, twenty seven billion dollars had been spent on the program. 82 More hurry, worse speed. 24 Oswald, quote, seemed to be a person who would go out of his way to get into trouble, end quote, 96 Glue the sheet to the dark blue background. 43 cursing a little bit and hollering police brutality, end quote. 63 According to the constitution, direct elections must be held for the parliament every four years. 97 the Service had the advantage of nine thousand, five hundred hours of work by other enforcement agencies. 105 We think all other measures are not exhausted. 46 A woman with redbrown hair and dark painted fingernails is carefully applying mascara. 86 drove to the northwest corner of Elm and Houston, and parked approximately ten feet from the traffic signal. 108 People are sitting in a balcony overlooking a large room below that has four chandeliers. 89 Her blouse consists of ninety-five percent cotton and five percent polyester. 77 East Route sixty-six, Helena, Montana. 38 on a coupon clipped from the February nineteen sixty-three issue of the American Rifleman magazine. 99 They are closely spaced and generally two to three stories high. 64 Former leader Yitzhak Shamir became Prime Minister of Israel in nineteen eighty three. 86 The system of associated labor in silence had also its warm supporters, 71 gave Oswald an income which he said approximated that of the director of the factory in which he worked. 104 I am going to Germany tomorrow. 31 This was considered safer than intrusting him with keys. 56 Our bugs are back! Hundreds of tiny flies hitched a ride to Earth aboard a Space X Dragon capsule this weekend. 111 Two people are standing on the slopes of a mountain and they have a dog with them. 82 Sarah was sentimental, so this made her feel sorry for the beautiful bird. 74 I was born at The Lawrence Center for Entrepreneurship. 55 Earlene Roberts, housekeeper for Mrs. A. C. Johnson at ten twenty-six North Beckley 83 the house was nearly without resources, and the whole burthen of management falling on me, I sought resources where I could; 124 I met up with Aditya at the party and we talked for hours. 58 Good morning, how are you? 26 and mean nothing more than similarity of environment. 53 The depiction of the goddess is similar to later images. 56 in order to reach the Dallas-Fort Worth Turnpike, which has the same access road from Elm Street as does the Stemmons Freeway. 126 the result as measured by the eye being that the lower margin is less than the top one, and that the whole opening has an upside-down look vertically 149 Nutrition thus, as has been pointed out, makes it possible to classify most organisms as animals or plants. 107 Heat a large skillet over medium-high heat and coat with cooking spray. 71 The most recent estimate suggests seventy two thousand five hundred algal species worldwide. 92 So far as I can find, Courvoisier was the last condemned criminal who was thus exhibited to a crowd of morbidly curious spectators. 131 Never to come on a green twig not to get on in the world. 58 The inguinal nodes may be enlarged. 35 These agents performed for the Vice President the same functions that the agents in the Presidential follow-up car performed for the President. 143 I shall not ask either employers or employees permanently to lay aside the weapons common to industrial war. 108 who attested that the fictitious Hidell was an American citizen and had not been convicted of a felony, was also in Oswald's handwriting. 137 When very pure, it is comparatively soft and ductile, but impurities make it harder. 84 Carefully place filled tortillas, seam side down, in a greased nine by thirteen baking dish. 92 A group of students are dressed in white and blue while marching down the street. 81 Your inbox is empty. 20 As a result Oswald struck her, as to which she testified, quote, 64 Using sales scripts, scam artists may create the impression that only a few shares or partnership units are left in a "sure-fire" investment. 141 On Friday, the headteacher and deputy headteacher appeared at the door. 71 He concluded that, quote, the general rifling characteristics of the rifle are of the same type as those found on the bullet 124 Carbon dioxide and water contain no potential energy, since the affinities of their constituent elements are completely satisfied. 130 Send the stuff in a thick paper bag. 36 I hope to finish a month or two before the term starts and travel around Europe a bit. 86 Right here. 11 A Fabulous tale. 16 On the morning of execution the noise of fixing the gallows in the street outside awoke one or two of them. 107 It will attempt to summarize the events of his early life, his experience in New York City and in the Marine Corps, and his interest in Marxism. 144 details 7 This desk is part of the White House collection and was first used by Theodore Roosevelt. 89 The use of gas or some other means of lighting might be adopted, but more often was dispensed with. 99 Unfortunately I broke my leg in an accident and could not continue. 67 Embedded operating systems are designed to be used in embedded computer systems. 80 He can do no wrong. 19 My initial assumption about the phase displaced pulse was wrong. 64 the failure and subsequent sentence of the bankers Messrs. Strahan, Paul, and Bates, 84 Might I use your phone? 23 new 3 At this point the cars were speeding through the underpass and had left the scene of the shooting, 98 Scatter bacon, onion, mozzarella cheese, and black pepper on top. 65 The "puja" of the "murti" is a way to communicate with the abstract one god which creates, sustains and dissolves creation. 123 there still remained one where the general callous indifference and mismanagement culminated in cruel culpable neglect. 119 readily admitted that Mrs. Marina Oswald and Lee Oswald's two children were staying with her. 93 women 5 On the other hand, Whaley identified Commission Exhibit Number one fifty (the shirt taken from Oswald upon arrest) as the shirt his passenger was wearing. 154 They may promise to get you a special deal or help you avoid a penalty. 71 Pete became the grooviest piccolo player in Princeton. 54 He always stutters when he's nervous, that's why he delegated the speech. 73 This activity likely led to the extinction of the Atlantic population of the once common gray whale. 100 If the attack had succeeded and Oswald had been caught, the pictures showing him with his rifle 95 Callaway told the Commission, quote, So they brought four men in. 65 was by a kind of chimney, which the prisoners kept hermetically sealed, and which had never been opened in the memory of the turnkey. 133 it was hoped that their rulers would hire accommodation in the county prisons, and that the inferior establishments would in course of time disappear. 150 Woman dressed in brown African attire pushing a toddler in a stroller. 70 According to Dr. Clark, the small bullet hole on the right rear of the President's head discovered during the subsequent autopsy 128 Nor were the misdemeanants and bail prisoners any longer separated from those whose crimes were of a more serious character. 124 that in the metropolis of this highly-favored country, to which the eyes of other lands turn for example, a system of prison discipline such as that enforced in Newgate 168 Two swimmers move through pristine, bright blue waters with a bright blue skies overhead. 89 The budget presented for fiscal year twenty sixteen included a request for one point one billion dollars. 105 while Oswald remained somewhat evasive at this interview, he was not antagonistic and seemed generally to be settling down. 123 Why are we here? 16 For minor league to amateur athletes, earnings are usually on the lower end of the pay-scale. 93 The bloom of the rose lasts a few days. 39 before the President reached Dallas. 36 We're not seeing an image of the person, he said. 49 to further the intention to satisfy a grievance by unlawful means. 66 We will not have any money left. 32 feeling, as he said, that he might as well be shot or hanged as remain in such a state. 87 for Cyrus had done neither the one nor the other when he took Babylon. 70 There is a massive scheme for redevelopment near Wollongong. 60 Lincoln led the United States through its Civil War, perhaps its greatest moral, constitutional, and political crisis. 118 Bentley was considered presumptuous, and was attacked in the following year by Zachary Pearce. 94 Take an umbrella. It's expected to start raining in the next hour. 66 concluded that the bullet had emerged from the front portion of the President's neck that had been cut away by the tracheotomy at Parkland. 139 Every window and roof which could command a view of the horrible performance was occupied. 90 Nothing has been supplied to the bean save water, carbonic acid, ammonia, potash, lime, iron and the like in combination with phosphoric, sulphuric and other acids. 164 The wrist was badly strained and hung limp. 43 there is a grossness in the upper finishings of letters like the c, the a, and so on, 85 The indigenous people have resorted to legal means to reinstate their N.C.R. 76 To send it now in large amounts is bad. 39 which adhered with sufficient precision to the job specifications and as a result too much of his work had to be redone. 120 It was that of a person, quote, who practiced in the law, and who was connected by marriage with some very respectable families. 128 As has been discussed previously, 33 The rule became general as regards the prison dress; hitherto clothing had been issued only to such as were destitute or in rags, and all classes of prisoners, 159 It includes a Cultural Arts classroom, an additional computer lab, permanent stage space and increased allotments for Special Education therapy and resource classrooms. 168 For the inauguration and certain other parades in Washington where the traditional route is known to the public long in advance of the event, 141 The cheques drawn by the directors also passed through his hands; to him too they came back to be verified and put by, 118 The letters are going out today. 32 which probably represent the vertebrate condition before limbs were acquired; 77 Preheat oven to three hundred seventy five degrees. 51 Get details. 12 The briefing room was abandoned. 32 with convicts of all ages and characters, to render it next to impossible but that, with the obliteration of all sense of self-respect, 135 While it was difficult to determine exactly when the police sealed off the building, 84 To overcome that limitation, IceCube was outfitted with a submillimeter radiometer that bridges the missing sensitivity between infrared and microwave wavelengths. 163 A main application of pseudorandom generators lies in the de-randomization of computation that relies on randomness. 116 At the commencement of every sessions, such of the untried as had purchased "easement" of irons were called up and re-fettered, 127 There may be a slight decrease in numbers in eastern, northern, and western Africa. 83 They have the cash and the fire power. 38 I came home by ambulance. 25 Parachuting is dangerous. 25 The victim was the first of these three. 40 We went in confident. 21 Three people are standing outside near large pipes and a metal railing. 71 During his career, Lund has written over two hundred publications in scientific journals, and co-authored a major textbook on physical methods of food preservation. 164 Listen and listen to me very closely, we call them lifts, not elevators. 72 The proceeds of the robbery were lodged in a Boston bank, 57 that he was seen running along Jefferson Boulevard, that a jacket was found under a car in a lot adjoining Jefferson Boulevard 126 At other prisons "shot-drill," the lifting and carrying of heavy round shot, was the favorite method of inflicting penal labor. 127 Detailed formal agreements embodying these arrangements should be worked out between the Secret Service and both of these agencies. 131 A golden retriever is excitedly greeting a woman as a little dog walks towards the camera. 90 So you want to add a third? 27 For fifteen years Dr. Koldewey and his assistants, with a force of two hundred native workmen, have labored there winter and summer. 132 Whatever emphasis is laid upon the diversity of life, the essential unity of all organisms must not be forgotten. 113 Colonel (now Sir Edmund) Henderson was strongly in favor of them, 65 A large group of people wearing red construction hats are observing a blue and red oil well. 92 Parton refused. 15 Soap can wash most dirt away. 29 Galileo's early studies at the University of Pisa were in medicine, but he was soon drawn to mathematics and physics. 117 We dress to suit the weather of most days. 42 He could never give her what the people were showering on her no matter how hard he worked -- and he worked very hard, end quote. 129 The Pilgrims passed a law that stated that disabled soldiers would be supported by the colony. 94 a bell should give notice thereof, and of meal-hours, working-hours, or of escapes. 83 Here, again, they were denied a voice. 38 The colt reared and threw the tall rider. 41 These evidently deprived him of the small portion of fortitude he had summoned up. 82 Are you strong enough? 22 still under the borough corporations. The Commons' Committee gave it as their opinion that they were in a deplorable state. 123 The program for social security now pending before the Congress is a necessary part of the future unemployment policy of the government. 136 cd 2 My palms were sweaty and my mouth was dry, it must be a phobia. 63 His utter lack of consistent business ethics, however, is perfectly consistent. 79 The closet door stuck a little as he pulled it open revealing a bare wooden floor covered on one side by a stack of old shoes boxes. 132 Neither Reynolds nor Patterson saw the man after he turned off Jefferson at the service station. 96 he was told that forty-five minutes had been allotted for a motorcade procession from Love Field to the luncheon site. 118 After a slow decline, the city was favoured by several imperial initiatives under Hadrian. 90 Encouraged by the shouts and signals of some workmen employed on a building outside, the prisoner made one of the most marvellous jumps on record, 146 Is that success? 16 No evidence has been found that they used him for any particular propaganda or other political or informational purposes. 121 and on their return to Dallas drove over the route which Sorrels believed best suited for the proposed motorcade. 113 who was convicted of complicity in the Clerkenwell explosion, intended to effect the release of Burke and Casey 111 In one jail fifteen hours were spent in bed out of the twenty-four. This was in keeping with other grave defects and omissions. 127 At the same time an overpowering odor attracted them to the adjoining harness-room, where the missing remains were raked out 124 in eighteen oh seven, an event long remembered from the fatal and disastrous consequences which followed it. 108 The evils of association for these debtors were perpetuated, although the plan provided for the separation of the various contingents committed to it. 150 With fellow teammates Kirk Gibson and Lance Parrish on the coaching staff, the rebuilding process began. 104 Getting kicked out of the classroom didn't bother her a single bit. 67 that she could not afford to send them back to the military school and she asked Pic to quit school entirely to help support the family. 136 Vice President Johnson's airplane, Air Force Two, had arrived at Love Field at approximately eleven:thirty-five a.m., 117 The shifty huckster fleeced his hapless victim. 47 He spent several weeks touring the U.S., entertaining troops with vaudeville routines and scenes from "Yankee Doodle Dandy". 124 Several arrests were made. 26 looking out toward the crowd, and Special Agent Kellerman assumed his position next to the car. 95 Various people are walking along a path towards a fencedin area that is surrounded by small buildings. 102 Due to persistent high winds, a fire begins and quickly spreads, at a rate of up to one acre per second, near Santa Paula, California. 134 since there was no background to the New Orleans FPCC, quote, organization, end quote, which consisted solely of Oswald. 120 It came about in this way. 26 He was introduced by the ordinary, Dr. Forde, a name familiar to the reader, who met him at the felons' door 108 Treatment of President Kennedy 30 also bore impressions of the same irregularities that appeared on the barrel of the rifle. 90 People sitting on the steps and walking in front of a yellow building with white columns. 89 Do they think anyone else wants them? 37 They were to report in writing to quarter sessions as to the state of the jail, and as to all abuses which they might observe therein. 134 The sermon ended with an appeal to the dying man, exhorting him to penitence. 77 and that when the restraining influences of the ladies were absent, the female prisoners relapsed into immoral and uncleanly discourse. 135 Smoking cigarettes during pregnancy increases the risk of the baby also becoming addicted one day. 98 It has used other Treasury law enforcement agents on special experiments in building and route surveys in places to which the President frequently travels. 155 inspectors of prisons should be appointed, who should visit all the prisons from time to time and report to the Secretary of State. 131 Transfer to paper towels to drain excess moisture. 50 eleven. If I am alive and taken prisoner, 41 Add the sum to the product of these three. 42 He was convicted of eleven federal offences and sentenced to death. 67 the bottom of the palm rested on the box. 41 Lee has to be diagnosed as, quote, personality pattern disturbance with schizoid features and passive-aggressive tendencies, end quote. 135 A serenade an evening concert in the open air. 46 I begin to see. 15 novels, flash songs, play-books, such as "Jane Shore," "Grimm's German Tales," with Cruikshank's illustrations, 111 The Secret Service's liaison with the agencies that supply information to it has been too casual. 97 Oswald was questioned intermittently for approximately twelve hours between two:thirty p.m., on November twenty-two, and eleven a.m., 133 Born in Kentucky, Lincoln grew up on the western frontier in Kentucky and Indiana. 82 has never been surpassed. 25 Thus, the local chief of police could be given a master plan, prepared for the occasion, of all protective measures to be taken during the visit. 145 yet there were those who, wedded to ancient ideas, were intolerant of change; they would not admit the existence of any evils. 126 I gave heed to the needs of Babylon and its cities, and the servitude of the Babylonians, whatever was oppressive, I removed from them. 135 Inline skates are like ice skates, but with wheels instead of blades. 69 and for years, felons who should have been sent beyond the seas. 64 only 4 Pharmaceutical company Pfizer discontinues research into treating patients with Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease. 124 each patrolman might be given a prepared booklet of instructions explaining what is expected of him. The Secret Service has expressed concern 141 They both reproduced many of the features of the case of Watts, already described, 82 I never said anything to him again and he never said anything to me again, end quote. 85 he preferred the, quote, Red Army, end quote. 45 Similar cases were not wanting as regards the executions before Newgate. Others were not less horrible, although there was no failure of apparatus. 147 great 5 The council has proposed a temporary barrier to protect the monument. 69 The theater is closed for renovations, but will reopen in twenty-nineteen. 74 The telephone line to Washington was kept open throughout the remainder of the stay at the hospital. 100 Men gather for an ethnic celebration in their home country wearing traditional clothing full of vibrant colors. 111 Four men -- Warren Reynolds, Harold Russell, Pat Patterson, and L. J. Lewis 75 The little town quickly evolved into a trade center between east and west. 74 That guy over there likes to drink a lot, talk a lot, but do nothing. 69 They absorb oxygen and give out carbonic acid. 46 The salary changes are long overdue. 36 to select the luncheon site and motorcade route, and to plan security measures for the luncheon and the motorcade. 114 were mere matters of chance, and decided according to the views of the local magistracy. 88 duplication, and confusion of authority where more than one agency is operating in the same field; but on the other hand 120 Many men ride their bicycles through some puddles around a curve during a race. 79 If the advance preparation is thorough, and the protective devices and techniques employed are sound, 101 installation 12 They took the axe and the saw to the forest. 44 The preponderance of the evidence supports the conclusion that Lee Harvey Oswald (one) 86 One young boy is holding a plastic sward with another young boy is holding a stick outside. 91 A lady is wearing jeans and a cardboard costume designed to look like the cartoon character WallE 97 and by dint of usurious interest on small sums advanced to needy neighbors, had amassed as much as eight thousand pounds or ten thousand pounds. 144 as is shown by the report of the Commissioners to inquire into the state of the municipal corporations in eighteen thirty-five. 127 He gained fame as an Italian racing cyclist. 44 Is it in the right place? 25 was also identified by Marina Oswald as having been taken by her husband, presumably in connection with the Walker shooting. 124 characterized this as a crime more black and hideous than any in the criminal annals of the country. 100 he felt that this was a great man that he had received the letter from, end quote. 82 Paul bought cowboy boots and chaps which cost a lot. 52 That church was constructed in seventeen oh eight and it burned down in nineteen sixty three. 93 Kansas 6 What is it all about? 21 V.H.A. operates one of the largest health care systems in the world and provides training for a majority of America's medical, nursing and allied health professionals. 167 All three men were committed for trial, although Edwards wished to exculpate the others as having only acted under his order. 125 Well, it seems that I am running out of cereals for breakfast. 62 Oswald was seen in the vicinity of the southeast corner of the sixth floor approximately thirty-five minutes before the assassination 133 The top World News stories for Tuesday, March eleventh. 55 Brennan appeared to revert to his earlier inability to make a positive identification, 86 From a technical point of view, the M.P.-Three-standard is completely outdated and yet it's still very successful. 114 A boy jumps over three other students in a martial arts demonstration. 70 Trouble awaited the boys in the deep, dark tunnel. 50 until that Wednesday because he had heard that there was to be a gathering at the church next door to Walker's house on that evening. 133 During two thousand, President Bill Clinton and his advisers renewed diplomatic efforts to get Bin Ladin expelled from Afghanistan. 131 In August two thousand three, he was honored as the first inductee in The Vince Lombardi Titletown Legends. 107 For although the Chinese took impressions from wood blocks engraved in relief for centuries before the woodcutters of the Netherlands, by a similar process 155 let it be remembered that so far as possible, consistent with the immediate public interest of this past year 109 Why was the age fixed at seventy? 33 distinguished as the seat of religion, worth, and philanthropy, 63 In forty-five out of the forty-eight states of the Union, judges are chosen not for life but for a period of years. 115 Jane has jowls. 15 Whence it follows that the bean has taken in only the raw materials of its fabric and has manufactured them into bean-stuffs. 125 However, no further action was taken by police. 47 Preventive Intelligence. 24 They floated on the raft to sun their white backs. 50 Dip the pail once and let it settle. 36 The boy declared he saw no one, and accordingly passed through without paying the toll of a penny. 98 after it was learned that he had defected to the Soviet Union. 62 As more humane principles were introduced into prison management, 65 She committed suicide in nineteen forty one. 44 He is too weak to move. 23 He walked out of the row up the right center aisle. 51 The creation of an expensive staff for supervision, 51 and other details in the picture. 33 Tenements in suburban areas are usually bland and banal. 56 It was my moral incentive for all endeavors I've made so far. 61 She decided against it. 23 It is never used except for very expensive books, although it would not materially increase the cost in all but the very cheapest. 130 The first breakthrough was low-emissivity coatings - a technology applied to glazing layers that allows visible light to pass through a window while trapping heat. 163 No judge ever condemned a man to be half-perished with cold by day, or half-suffocated with heat by night. 106 if 2 It is in front of his house. 28 The square peg will settle in the round hole. 45 Jane has jowls. 15 Chief Rowley believed that they would, 38 Palm, as soon as he was seated in the cart, 43 One moment, please. 19 The derivation therefore requires some additional physical reasoning. 69 through the bars of which quills or reeds were inserted, and drink conveyed to the prisoners. 93 Marina Oswald testified that it was between nine and ten p.m. 61 On a search of the prisoner's lodgings in Allington Street, a silver fork was found, 84 Pooh Bear chatted with Tootsie about books and other such inconsequential things. 81 followed closely behind the President's automobile. 51 Convincing as are the evidences of descent recorded in the structure of plants and animals, 91 the Prince too rose to shield her with his person. Again, providentially, the bullet went wide of the mark, 107 This block was completed in eighteen fifty-nine, after which the hitherto unavoidable and long-continued promiscuous association of prisoners 141 provided only that their security was not jeopardized, and dependent upon the enforcement of another new rule, 110 Representatives of other law enforcement agencies were also present, including the FBI and the U.S. Secret Service. 115 a deformed lad among the crowd was seen to present a pistol at Her Majesty's carriage, 86 Although everything should be under the state's control, there is a lot of violence in prisons. 95 I always felt they played for me. 33 It happened that a lad named Bean had absconded from his father's home some weeks before, 89 As manufacturers continue to look for new ways to cut the fridge's energy use, magnetic refrigeration is one area that holds promise. 133 From nineteen forty four through December nineteen ninety three, V.A. guaranteed thirteen point nine million home loans valued at more than four hundred thirty three billion dollars. 182 Sally was shrieking when she heard the horn of the cement-mixer behind her. 75 A pitcher goes often to the well, but is broken at last. 56 generated by this depression 28 What the hell. I wonder what the hell is the uproar? 52 The glow deepened in the eyes of the sweet girl. 48 His diverse interests highlight his talents. 44 price 5 In Germany, the Christian Democrats and Social Democrats agree on a blueprint for formal negotiations on a new grand coalition government. 138 This is best furthered by the avoidance of irrational swellings and spiky projections, and by the using of careful purity of line. 130 In the early days, I was obsessed with working in the theatre. 62 All were concerned with cholera. 32 Don't believe your caller ID. 29 Athletic events jam the T.V. on Saturday afternoons. 52 may 3 Two girls on tricycles are riding around a concrete area that resembles part of a maze. 87 Under bare poles. 17 The most characteristic are Native American, African, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, and Indian. 95 The project has already secured the support of Sir Sean Connery. 64 And remember one thing more. 28 No attempt was made to maintain discipline. 43 Shirley is the zaniest violinist in Ashland. 44 Steps one through five look like they will be easy. 51 while the balance was furnished to PRS by other Federal agencies, with primary source being the FBI. 100 Metastability in electronics is usually seen as a problem. 58 That is why I occasionally leave this scene of action for a few days 68 One thirty Chantilly Parkway, Springfield, Illinois. 52 a throng of people whom neither rain, snow, storm, nor darkness ever hindered from attending the show. 102 The football player is running with the ball as a player of the opposing team grabs his leg 91 Nazi Germany intended to exterminate the Jews completely, in actions that have come to be described collectively as the Holocaust. 130 These pills do less good than others. 37 Two women dressed for cold weather in jackets and gloves look at something on a cellphone screen. 97 Prison officers should not have any share in prisoners' earnings, 65 The album features the first recorded performances of Blue Monk and Bemsha Swing. 81 and on a more mature consideration he realized that the limited area of the existing Newgate site, 98 The transfer was dated "Friday November twenty-two, 'sixty-three" and was punched in two places by the bus driver. 114 and this floor is supported below, 34 It was still greater at Fauntleroy's execution in eighteen twenty-four, when no less than one hundred thousand persons assembled, it was said. 142 Since its inception, Special Teams has given over one hundred thousand community service hours to the South Florida and Mexico community. 137 (three) the identity of the person present at the window from which the shots were fired, 89 Several adults speak to one another or examine materials being distributed at partitioned display booths. 105 Building an underground, for example, has proved a nightmare. 61 two. That in my own mind I have no attachments of any kind in the U.S. 70 The city and the state addressed the immediate threat to the drinking water with a new, interim treatment system. 113 Nor does the law say you'll lose Medicare coverage. 51 After a welcome from the Dallas reception committee, 52 Furthermore, it was consistent with the bag having contained a heavy or bulky object when he handled it since a light object is usually held by the fingers. 156 relationship 12 Maroger published "The Secret Formulas and Techniques of the Masters" in nineteen forty eight. 94 One of his sumpter-mules gave birth to a foal. 46 There you have it! 18 Sorry, there was an issue checking your email. Please try again later. 70 This purported to be from the medical attendant of Mr. Turner, written at Shrigley, Mr. Turner's place of residence; 116 Today serves as reminder of service and sacrifice made by Navy explosive ordnance disposal technicians throughout their rich history. 133 We help people to avoid leading causes of death such as heart disease, cancer, stroke, and diabetes. 100 He conceived the idea of transferring shares, bogus shares from a person who held none, to any one who would buy them in the open market. 137 It also reported thirty one thousand paramilitary personnel. 60 They often combine new technology with old tricks to get people to send money or give out personal information. 111 An Elderly man crouches to lift the covering off the grill wear several shish kabab are grilling. 97 Some people have contacted the Federal Trade Commission, the nation's consumer protection agency, about health care scams they've seen so far. 142 There was something dramatic in Redpath's detection 51 and surrounded it with walls the like of which no other city has ever seen. 75 Once experience has been gained in implementing such agreements with the Federal and leading State and local agencies, 118 The rifle without the scope cost only twelve dollars, seventy-eight cents. 74 at the request of Special Agent Lawson, advance agent for President Kennedy's trip to Dallas. 93 I was born in Lawrence, Kansas. 31 In nineteen seventy nine, Fayed bought The Ritz hotel in Paris, France for thirty million dollars. 98 That is an antelope, my son. 28 except for the use of the debtors, or as medical comforts for the infirmary. 76 He frequently declared before and during the trial that it would be impossible to find him guilty. 98 The Republicans won by a landslide, increasing their two-thirds majority in Congress, and made plans to control Reconstruction. 127 Don't you dare switch away, I think rhymes are okay, since they never decay, I could do this all day. 101 and when one of the city's clinics did find room to handle him, 63 enclosing and protecting the nervous centers (cerebrospinal axis). 66 The Supreme Court rules that the act banning people from eight countries, six of them Muslim-majority, from traveling to the United States can take full effect. 160 Victoria pointed at the poster and shook her head. 50 Calcraft's salary was more than the proverbial "thirteenpence halfpenny -- hangman's wages." 92 Six thousand people have been infected since the outbreak of the virus. 71 Hosty did nothing further in connection with the Oswald case until after the assassination. On November one, nineteen sixty-three, 130 This allows remote hosts to connect to local forwarded ports. 61 I think it was last Thursday, but I am not sure. 48 The development of the nation's road network is a major boost for the economy due to trade with neighboring countries. 118 The Fulton system was later removed when aerial refueling of helicopters proved safer and more versatile. 105 Former Ku Klux Klan organizer and convicted murderer Edgar Ray Killen dies in prison at the age of ninety-two. 110 Why was that? 13 Just as the solid food of animals must be digested in preparation for absorption, 81 Major needs of personnel or other resources might be met more easily on its recommendation than they have been in the past. 123 The U.S. Coast Guard patrols in national waters. 48 A nurse was asked to identify hospital personnel and to tell everyone, except necessary medical staff members, to leave the emergency room. 139 A woman in a red costume to the left of a man and woman standing together. 74 We don't protect the environment on our own. 44 Frazier recalled that one end of the package was under Oswald's armpit and the lower part was held with his right hand 118 but he returned to high school in January of nineteen forty-nine, where he stayed until three days before he was scheduled to graduate, 135 The ornamentation of printed books is too wide a subject to be dealt with fully here; but one thing must be said on it. 119 A doctor is in the motorcade. 29 The investigation, which is continuing, has been conducted by John O. Enright and Sheldon L. Pollock of the New York Regional Office and supervised by Lara S. Mehraban. 168 The Elm Street approach to the Stemmons Freeway is necessary 60 It serves as a scaffold which anchors muscles and protects organs such as the brain, lungs, heart and spinal cord. 114 An attractive girl with a cigarette in one hand leaning over and showing lots of cleavage. 90 One report documented seventy seven percent as the official turnout rate of the election. 89 and later is absorbed from the blood and lymph by all the living cells. 71 He died aged forty eight in nineteen sixty-five, after falling down a staircase in a New York City Subway station. 114 There was a silence. 20 To summarize, our comprehensive survey discloses the true versatility of their method. 86 Can you find published information about the company in which you're investing, or someone you trust who has heard of the company? 130 When he appeared before the Commission, Michael Paine lifted the blanket 72 Fischer and Edwards did not see the man clearly enough or long enough to identify him. 86 If you want, they might help you get signed up through HealthCare dot gov. 74 Even if you managed to find his house, how are you going to get there? 70 The criteria in effect prior to November twenty-two, nineteen sixty-three, for determining whether to accept material for the PRS general files 143 Remainder of motorcade. 23 A woman in a green tank top is surrounded by three children, laughing. 70 Fresh coffee is much better than the freeze dried stuff. 56 This parachute is specially designed for H.A.L.O. jumps and can function reliably in severe environmental conditions. 117 A child is falling off a slide onto colored balloons floating on a pool of water. 81 You must be mixed up in something pretty big if he's keeping such a close eye on you. 85 To my satisfaction, I have been mentioned in the credits for my proficiency. 76 We encourage swimmers to help protect themselves, family and friends from germs. 80 Turn right onto Ash Street. 27 Staff work to strengthen local and state public health departments and promote health programs that are proven to work. 119 High doses may result in ringing in the ears. 45 some were not sufficiently ventilated, others were warmed artificially, and were unwholesomely close. 101 Here's the latest news. 23 testified that, quote, definitely the Marine Corps was not what he had expected it to be when he joined, end quote, 115 A few fortunate criminals, many of them kept back from transportation on purpose, who were skilled in trades, were employed at them. 132 As the "Pequod" approaches the Equator, Ahab scolds his quadrant for telling him only where he is and not where he will be. 123 In addition, it was in breach of natural justice. 49 The reason for this, is to discern your strengths. 50 year 4 even though it agrees with the Secret Service that it is preferable for the Service to have enough agents to handle all protective demands. 139 It is time that we made a clean-cut effort to bring about that united action of management and labor, 101 As well, they need to be able to develop trust and insight within the psychoanalytic session. 93 Small and hardy, the sheep were all killed or removed from the island to prevent destruction of natural habitats. 113 indeed the chaplain and others have brought him firmly to believe that his situation is enviable, and that the gates of heaven are open to receive him. 151 To insure adequate and effective liaison arrangements, 54 A man wearing a white striped search jumps in the grass with the graffiti wall behind him. 90 Contemporary Tongans often have strong ties to overseas lands. 62 a Mr. Gay of Goodge Street came to view the head, and immediately recognized it as that of a widowed sister, Hannah Brown, 122 were brought out of Newgate about eight in the morning, and suspended on a gallows of a new construction. 105 We have to look at everything before we make any final decision. 64 These days are long gone. 25 The agents decided not to shift the Presidential aircraft to the far side of the airport because the original landing area was secure 133 Our Pueblo Administration and Council has worked for many years to obtain funding for a modern, state of the art school to replace the current school. 150 The peace league met to discuss their plans. 44 In nineteen ninety eight, Annan was deeply involved in supporting the transition from military to civilian rule in Nigeria. 123 The disassembled rifle was too long to be carried in this manner. 65 The agreement with Kosovo was the first signed after the entry into force of the Lisbon treaty, which conferred a legal personality to the E.U. 143 can be distinguished from those acts of contraction following upon stimuli, which are called "reflex" in animals. 113 all of them instruments calculated to facilitate attempts at breaking out of prison, 84 Bye. 4 that must have been some other time he picked me up, end quote, 63 A bunch of people in racing gear and helmets racing bicycles around a corner on wet pavement. 93 Front-page articles in newspapers around the world announced it as a scientific advance for Britain greater than Sputnik had been for the Soviet Union. 151 four anesthesiologists, Drs. Marion T. Jenkins, Adolph H. Giesecke, Jr., Jackie H. Hunt, 88 and that she could not think of any reason why Oswald would want to kill President Kennedy. 91 Java is not only an island, but also a popular programming language. 68 Multiple diners are sitting in black chairs in a reddishorange Asianthemed restaurant eating. 93 This conclusion may be tinged with hindsight, but 49 That same year, Charles Kettering introduced the electric starter, eliminating the need for the hand crank and giving rise to more gasoline-powered vehicle sales. 162 More than half their quadrangle had been partitioned off for another purpose, 77 payment 7 They amused themselves after their own fashion; played all day long at blind-man's-buff and leap-frog, or beat each other with a knotted handkerchief, 150 He fainted, and the warrant of mercy nearly proved his death-blow. The other two looked on at his agitation with an indifference amounting to apathy. 149 Pages bound in cloth make a book. 33 Oswald was remanded for psychiatric observation to Youth House, an institution in which children are kept for psychiatric observation 133 They opened the bottle of wine and drank heavily. 49 Chief Curry drove one automobile occupied by Vice President Johnson, U.S. Representatives Thomas and Thornberry, and Special Agent Youngblood. 142 In India, China, South Korea and Japan, many millions use trains as regular transport. 86 In many instances, Green Berets are in and out before the enemy has time to react. 82 An island arc is a type of archipelago, often composed of a chain of volcanoes, with arc-shaped alignment. 106 The freshness of prints developed in this manner cannot be estimated, 69 With the proceeds of these flagitious frauds Robson feasted and made merry. 75 was greatly impeded by the fact that the radio debate over WDSU on August twenty-one, nineteen sixty-three, 107 Different types of derivatives have different levels of counter party risk. 75 One of the most important summaries of this similarity 54 We need more soap. 18 Hopefully, it will come from someone on our side. 49 Kay's keys are gone. 20 s 1 Sadly, the revival could not be sustained. 42 and until the day was actually fixed, spent the time in roistering, swearing, gambling, or playing at ball. 107 Commercialism again compels the use of type too small in size to be comfortable reading. 88 This meant that electric vehicles now achieved speeds and performance much closer to gasoline-powered vehicles, and many of them had a range of sixty miles. 156 On occasion the Secret Service has been permitted to have an agent riding in the passenger compartment with the President. 122 corporation 11 the former already vowed to the same criminal career, and looking up to their elders with the respect due to successful practitioners; 134 A rod is used to catch pink salmon. 35 Sorry, I ran into a problem completing your request. 52 The thaw came early and freed the stream. 41 This variable is set to indicate the present time. 50 What was the matter for concern? 32 That is a trend which will be encouraged. 41 Have I offended you? 20 Cole quickly raised money on both sets of warrants. He carried on this game for some time with great success, 109 across Houston in front of the Depository Building, past the Triple Underpass into west Dallas, and south on Beckley. 117 Visitors were permitted access to them without stint; 53 two. Send the information as to what has happened to me to the Embassy. 71 His appearance on the scaffold was the signal for three prolonged shouts from an innumerable populace, "the brutal effusion of one common sentiment." 149 killed Dallas Police Officer J. D. Tippit in an apparent attempt to escape, 75 I can only set a brightness value from zero to thirty, which value would you like? 82 But for the beauty of the earlier work they might have seemed tolerable. 72 David Knapp, aged eighteen, was Number two; 43 A lad named Matthew White has had a wound in his eye by a bone thrown at him, which very nearly destroyed vision. 113 It's a great movie, but I wouldn't recommend watching it at night. 66 Marina Oswald, however, recalled that her husband was upset by this interview. 78 but when the two groups are traced downward they are found gradually to merge, 78 Plead to the council to free the poor thief. 44 It will examine his defection to the Soviet Union in nineteen fifty-nine, his subsequent return to the United States and his life here 134 These included "Dangerous Dave" and other titles. 49 The long Burnham Park stretches along the waterfront of the South Side. 71 brings again to mind that crude and cruel strategy tried by the same opposition 79 in which it was said I had enlarged upon the heinous nature of his crime, and warned the public to avoid such conduct. 118 Three years after the advent of the prison commissioners, it was decided that Newgate was an excessively costly and redundant establishment. 140 The firmest disbeliever in religion, if he had not lately been irritated by taking part in such a scene as the condemned service in Newgate, 140 What has he done? 17 nineteen sixty-three, Lawson inquired about the incident and obtained through the local police photographs of some of the persons involved. 139 Experts testifying before the Commission agreed that palmprints are as unique as fingerprints for purposes of establishing identification. 138 If I had the choice between honey and jam, I would choose the latter. 69 It should be noted that his interest in Cuba seems to have increased along with the sense of frustration which must have developed 130 It should be made clear that the Secret Service will in no way seek to duplicate the intelligence 97 who had previously interviewed Oswald, saw him on television and heard a radio debate in which he engaged on August twenty-one, nineteen sixty-three. 149 Medical discount scams. 23 Some countries use internal passports for controlling migration within a country. 81 Special event stations are licensed by the G.R.A. 49 Executive power is exercised by the French government. 54 Its walls and ceiling were decorated with ornamental stenciling and allegorical symbols of the Navy Department, hand painted in typical Victorian colors. 153 The departure of Mister Johnston was reported by The Herald yesterday. 70 a junior high school in the Bronx, where the other children apparently teased him because of his, quote, western clothes and Texas accent. 138 More information on how to apply for the special validation is available here. 78 About you is all that remains of the second of the Seven Wonders of the World. 78 The claimed warning was one more of Oswald's fabrications. 58 A Beirut newspaper pushed for the change from Arabic script to Latin letters in nineteen twenty two. 100 Old-fashioned footlights give the faces a sinister glow. 56 While its cultural impact has waxed and waned over the decades, power pop is among rock's most enduring subgenres. 114 The Council already includes, in addition to the President and Vice President, the Secretaries of State and Defense and has a competent staff. 142 The crime of fraudulent insurance they declared was very common, and the underwriters must have lost great sums in this way. 124 Paste can cleanse the most dirty brass. 39 Ultimately, social media becomes a tool or risk for teen's health based on how they use it, which is in turn shaped by the guidance they get from caring adults. 160 See what they do. 17 That was not the case, however, after he and his mother moved to New York in August of nineteen fifty-two, shortly before Lee's thirteenth birthday. 148 It's currently sixty-three degrees and cloudy with a high of sixty-four and a low of forty-one. 95 and issues of two newspapers later identified as the Worker and the Militant. 77 Cod is the main business of the north shore. 44 The Superfund law directs E.P.A. to update the N.P.L. annually. 63 Oswald said, quote, No, sir. When you get downstairs, close the gate to the elevator, end quote. 96 At the same time, new battery technology began hitting the market, helping to improve a plug-in electric vehicle's range. 121 Special Agent Hill was scanning the few people standing on the south side of Elm Street after the motorcade had turned off Houston Street. 138 Doctor Kim dressed the wound with a bandage while looking disappointed at me. 77 It is typically an incomplete combustion reaction. 50 This list included Wakefield, Leeds, Kirkdale, Manchester, Birmingham, and Dublin. 82 The proposal made was to purchase some fifty thousand square feet between Newgate, Warwick Lane, and the Sessions House, 120 Live and let live. 18 However, it did not end that way. 33 These line the one hundred block of West Montgomery Street. 59 The node on the stalk of wheat grew daily. 42 Again, there was the new Millbank penitentiary now ready for occupation. 72 Judgments as to probability will depend on the number and types of matches. 75 While its cultural impact has waxed and waned over the decades, power pop is among rock's most enduring subgenres. 114 In a shallow dish or bowl, mix together flour, salt and paprika. In a separate dish or bowl, mix together egg and milk. 119 She's a feisty little ferret. 29 It's a nice region. 19 Do you know it? 15 Through its relationship with France, Monaco uses the euro as its sole currency. 80 There were eighty-four separate sleeping-cells, and unless the jail was overcrowded, every inmate passed the night alone, 121 Who is your favorite artist? 28 My name is Mycroft, and I'm an intelligent personal assistant. 62 Hence arose the second great distinctive character of animals, the circulatory system. 86 in which the plan of action was changed, and the freedom of the prisoners was to be obtained by means of a rescue from the dock during the trial. 145 till, eighteen oh eight, the lowest point was touched of one hundred ninety-seven debtors and one hundred eighty-two felons, or three hundred seventy-nine in all. 162 Television films taken of parts of the motorcade by a Dallas television station 79 Watkins' case, referred to above, is made the subject of another and a special report from the surgeon. 103 Hello! 6 His arguments were specious and evasive when pressed to confess. "Why should man confess to man?" he replied; 109 She flaps her cape as she parades the street. 45 Some problems that seem like something we would handle are actually the responsibility of other federal, tribal, state or local agencies. 137 Remember to take your full course of antibiotics, stopping early is dangerous for your health. 94 The helpers then begin the exercise as they would normally. 59 A worker wearing a hard hat watching a large machine dig a trench in the dry dirt. 82 After its demise, the city would never attain its old glory again. 66 Piera Pistono is an Italian pianist and composer. 49 There is no help for it. 24 The population generally amounted to from five hundred to seven hundred, the accommodation being calculated for two hundred. 124 The computer artist waited for the latest image to render. 58 The houses are mostly three and four stories high; 50 For the first four attempts, the firers missed the second shot by several inches. 81 One small child is climbing a tree near a body of water while another child walks away. 87 A man is riding a galloping horse while they both are wearing a wide range of festive clothing 94 A Federal District Judge temporarily enjoins the Trump administration from implementing new rules that change the Obamacare contraceptive mandate. 146 Cheques blank and canceled were his stock-in-trade. The former he filled up by exact imitation of the latter, signature and all. 128 I am only available on Wednesday. 33 Mr. Buxton mentions the case of a boy whose apparent innocence and artlessness had attracted his attention. 107 How can I be of service? 24 Two blond women sit outside as people walk by wearing casual clothing and some wearing bookbags. 96 Later on a more efficacious but still imperfect method of supervision was introduced. Iron cages, which are still to be seen in Newgate, 136 There are several items of note in the room, but the most interesting may be the Vice-President's Desk. 103 Four years passed without the detection of the murderers, 57 She sewed the torn coat quite neatly. 37 Discuss a plan with loved ones regarding care/custody of children, pets, property, belongings, non-liquid assets, funeral wishes, etc. 134 and there on June thirteen, three twenty-three B.C., he met his death. 70 Life begins at forty. 21 Put the damp towel over your head for protection. 49 Contemporary reports state that from the skillful manner in which he performed the decapitation, 96 Adobe acquired Aldus Corporation. 33 and an extensive wound in the President's head where a sizable portion of the skull was missing. 96 Thank you. 10 Moreover, after the execution, under the old system, the latter had only to receive the body for burial after it had been cut down by the hangman, 146 animals (and colorless plants as well) apparently could not long exist. 71 In the Dark Ages, the island was used a seat of early Christian settlement. 75 These practices were soon corrected, and U.S. cruisers with similar damage sank less often thereafter. 102 Our generator has been disrupted by ultra high frequency waves. 63 The program is managed by the Planetary Missions Program Office at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, for the agency's Planetary Science Division in Washington. 185 A child is sleeping in the front passenger seat of a car with the window slightly open. 87 Long live the king! 19 How did you know that? 22 That's fine. 12 Say "ego" again. 16 which he refused to redeem on account of the row about the robbery. 67 Chance of rain is ninety percent. 33 In July nineteen eighty, Tandy released the T.R.S. eighty. 58 In fact, he didn't change his expression one bit, end quote. 60 Extreme diets may, in some cases, lead to malnutrition. 55 The biggest bedroom had a small, ornate fireplace on one wall which had seen recent use judging by the ashes crumbling in the grate. 132 the Commission believes that standard procedures in use for many years and applied in all parts of the country may not be sufficient. 133 The pirates seized the crew of the lost ship. 45 Bribes fail where honest men work. 34 The condition of the stone surface just mentioned assisted him in this, and he managed to get beyond the cistern to the railing below the chevaux-de-frise. 155 Two other witnesses, Sam Guinyard and William Arthur Smith, 59 Someone contacts you, offering to help you navigate the Health Insurance Marketplace for a fee - or saying that you need a new insurance card now or you'll have to pay a penalty. 178 He was well known in the neighborhood where he resided, and the street gamins cried "Jack Ketch" as he went along the street. 125 Robin Hood is a yeoman and not an aristocrat. 45 We have to offer value for money. 33 for controlling the crowds and traffic, watching the overpasses, and providing motorcycle escort. 97 I don't know yet. 17 Prominences are seen as the moon begins to move off the sun during the total solar eclipse on August twenty-first, twenty seventeen above Madras, Oregon. 153 Using sales scripts, scam artists may create the impression that only a few shares or partnership units are left in a "sure-fire" investment. 141 Big Top Pee-wee was less successful than its predecessor. 57 I'll pay. 9 Man with white undershirt and blue pants standing at fence with red top rail near a bridge. 91 Oswald was referring to the west elevator which operates by pushbutton and only with the gate closed. Givens said, "Okay," 122 al 2 Mrs. Markham told Poe 21 Mr. Fasson waited and waited for his subordinate to re-appear, and at last discovered his flight. 97 Oswald had expressed approval of President Kennedy's active role in the area of civil rights. 93 On Thursday, Mister Blair will address the Institute of Public Policy Research. 79 A bald little boy holds a chicken while two men are sitting in the background. 78 A person reaches for a fallen item while holding a rolling cart carrying Dole crates. 85 Seven eight five Moffett Road, Boise, Idaho. 44 The angle from the first to the second shot 43 together 8 As a remedy, justices of the peace were empowered to provide materials for the setting of poor prisoners to work, 113 The team plays its home games at the South Pine Sports Complex in Brendale. 75 The pleasant hours fly by much too soon. 40 Marwood was proud of his calling, and when questioned as to whether his process was satisfactory, replied that he heard "no complaints." 136 were able to fire the rounds within the time period which would have been available to the assassin under those conditions. 123 In biotechnology, flow cytometry is a technology employed in cell counting, cell sorting, biomarker detection and protein engineering. 134 The Illinois Philharmonic Orchestra is a seventy five member orchestra. 71 there is no question that in this incident it was a question of Mr. Nixon, end quote. 85 London did not escape the contagion, and prominent among the detestable crimes of the period stands that of the Mannings at Bermondsey. 135 All books not primarily intended as picture books consist principally of types composed to form letterpress. 108 There is great danger it seems to me to arise from the constant habit which prevails where anything is opposed or objected to, 126 A shirtless man with sunglasses and a helmet is riding a motorcycle next to traffic cones. 90 The light-year is a unit of distance, not of time. 50 Abundant worldwide, most fungi are inconspicuous because of the small size of their structures. 95 By nineteen sixty three, Holden was exporting cars to Africa, the Middle East, South-East Asia, the Pacific Islands, and the Caribbean. 135 Five small children are riding a ride that lifts them up and brings them down. 78 Set healthy boundaries for social media use with this family media contract example from the American Academy of Pediatrics site for parents. 141 and not be diverted unless it is necessary to accomplish the protective assignment. 83 and he seemed to suffer great inward agitation when the ordinary particularly alluded to the crime for the perpetration of which he stood condemned. 148 Add onion. Cook and stir until translucent and starting to brown, seven to eight minutes. 89 All three after recapture passed on, as originally intended, to Leicester, where they did their "bit" and were released; 120 Its inhabitants worked at farming. 34 supported themselves; they had the ration of prison bread only, 63 They can be either elaborate or simple. 39 the Secret Service correctly gave particular attention in the advance preparations to those arrangements. 105 A cat has nine lives. 21 Repeat tortilla, meat, cheese pattern until all the tortillas are used, topping off with a layer of meat mixture and cheese. 124 Family Trade was part of G.S.N.'s attempt to broaden their programming landscape. 81 mocking at the chaplain, and turning a deaf ear to the counsels of a benevolent lady who came to visit. 103 Such discharges may contain pollutants such as plastic resin pellets, flakes or powders. 88 But if you do, you will lose your money. 40 The reports of Carro and Mrs. Siegel also indicate an ambivalent attitude toward authority on Oswald's part. 108 An answer then returns from the "Original Man" to the "World of Light". 71 Store at or below four degrees Celsius. 39 His account of his acts and movements after the deed 52 he carried me away by fraud and stratagem, and forced me to accompany him to Gretna Green 89 Oswald mumbled something and walked by. She paid no more attention to him. 74 The officers dropped on to him while he was still in bed, but as they came upstairs he jumped up and hid in a cupboard. 119 he carried under his coat-flaps through the streets, and afterwards on his cap in a crowded city omnibus. 105 This is a great national crusade to destroy enforced idleness which is an enemy of the human spirit 99 While gasoline cars had promise, they weren't without their faults. 67 and its contents were anxiously awaited by both convicts in the press-yard and their friends collected in a crowd outside the gates. 132 What happened in that game? 27 followed the same route as the Marsalis bus through downtown Dallas, except that it continued west on Elm, 106 Born in California, but raised in Wisconsin, Lund attended the University of Wisconsin Madison where he earned his B.S. in mathematics. 135 Teenage boys in the middle of making pie with ingredients spread out over the kitchen counter. 94 standard 8 The second inspector, the Rev. Whitworth Russell, was the chaplain of Millbank penitentiary, 92 You and I will do our part. 27 The guidelines are expected to be finalized before next spring. 63 Add lasagna noodles, and cook for five to eight minutes, or until al dente. Drain. 82 What's to be done? 18 Good morning! Time to rise and shine. 37 After comparing the rifle in the simulated photograph with the rifle in Exhibit Number one thirty-three A, Shaneyfelt testified, quote, 135 The Bengal School of painting flourished in Kolkata during the early twentieth century. 87 It was necessary that the chemical composition of the animal body should be more complicated than that of the plant. 116 Southern Utah became a popular filming spot for arid, rugged scenes featured in the popular mid-century western film genre. 123 Birth and death marks the limits of life. 41 He didn't seduce her with his words but with subliminal messages, that's the trick. 83 Quarreling among the debtors was not unfrequent. Blows were struck, and fights often ensued. 92 New York City even had a fleet of more than sixty electric taxis. 65 Vice Presidents have welcomed countless guests to the residence, including foreign leaders and dignitaries. 107 Find the twin who stole the pearl necklace. 43 I wasn't able to communicate with the Wink service. Please verify the username and password you've entered a 125 Others advance normative theses, by making specific policy recommendations. 75 The dealer loses by busting or having a lesser hand than the player who has not busted. 87 Using these formulas, the area of any polygon can be found by dividing the polygon into triangles. 98 One called his sister, but supposed to be his wife, had occupied a room in South Street, Manchester Square, 107 When I visited South America I had dinner with Aaron, Douglas, Nicole, and Raymond. 83 The dispatcher ordered Tippit to be, quote, at large for any emergency that comes in, end quote. 96 We are not frightened by reactionary lawyers or political editors. 66 The hunter was alerted by the sound of rustling vegetation behind her. 70 This very proper rule was, however, set aside on the Sunday preceding Courvoisier's execution. 94 He suspended habeas corpus, leading to the controversial Merryman decision. 75 This was done as an investigatory aid 37 The letters are going out today. 32 On the outside of an airport, it is very difficult. 51 Reid has worked from her studio at Arts Project Australia since two thousand. 77 was of no probative value in the Commission's decision concerning the identity of the assassin of President Kennedy. 116 Mrs. Earlene Roberts, the housekeeper at Oswald's roominghouse and the last person known to have seen him before he reached tenth Street and Patton Avenue, 155 but not in any striking way is there change in the internal organs. 67 company 7 The convicts were pinioned one by one and sent singly out to the gallows. 73 His countenance had an expression of most subdued resignation. 62 Someone set fire to the trash. 30 He applied fingerprint powder to the side of the metal housing near the trigger, and noticed traces of two prints. 114 Enrollment in fall twenty fourteen was reported to be seven hundred thirty five. 80 Givens thought this was about eleven:fifty-five a.m. 52 appropriate 11 He even threatened to tear up his wife's dresses and break all the baby things. According to De Mohrenschildt, 110 Budget: seven point two billion dollars. 40 view 4 His nutrition consisted almost entirely of cereals. 51 Some ads serve to cheat buyers. 31 The agency announced the concepts Wednesday, following an extensive and competitive peer review process. 104 the modern letters are narrowed by a third or thereabout; but while this gain of space very much hampers the possibility of beauty of design, 141 Easy Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cheesecake 43 understanding 13 The government just published a new public service announcement ad. 67 the transfer was conclusively identified as having been issued by Cecil J. McWatters, a busdriver for the Dallas Transit Co. 124 It is probable that amyloid substances are universally present in the animal organism, though not in the precise form of starch. 128 Charles looked on, angry that there was nothing he could do. 60 the keepers, and the sheriffs all seem interested in his fate, and he can make no reasonable request that is not at once granted by whomsoever he may address. 158 and to keep the Secretary fully informed regarding all significant developments relating to Presidential protection. 116 guidelines 10 There was some quality about him that led him to act with an apparent disregard for possible consequences. 106 Presently "Old Bob" drove up to Camberwell Gate in the same cart in which he had been seen to start. 100 Mr. Mullay became alarmed, and as Mr. Owen did not appear, withdrew; 68 This year's Arctic Report Card reveals that the plunge in sea ice extent is unprecedented in the last fifteen hundred years. 124 While conversing with Mrs. Brown, he declared the unfortunate woman was rocking herself to and fro in a chair; 110 They seem to get away with it. 30 Gas Shortages Spark Interest In Electric Vehicles. 50 (b) who have made threats of bodily harm against officials or employees of Federal, state or local government or officials of a foreign government, 147 The reflex action of the snail is the result of the presence of a nervous system in the animal. 95 For such a series of facts the reader must be referred to special books like Wiedersheim's "Comparative Anatomy of the Vertebrates," 132 The Congress has often stressed that it will support any reasonable request for funds for the protection of the President. 122 Member of an independent band harassing the enemy by irregular attacks. 71 He displayed more interest in agriculture than in statecraft. 61 This clock used an anchor escapement mechanism with a seconds pendulum to display seconds in a small subdial. 109 there is enough on it to say that it could have come, and even perhaps a little stronger, to say that it probably came from this, 129 One is the lonliest number. 27 Many soldiers of world war two have never been buried on a grave yard. 70 The most noticeable of the improvements introduced was a better regulation of dietaries within the prison. 106 in order that the functions of N.R.A. which have proved their worth may be made a part of the permanent machinery of government. 128 The deranged developer revised his application source code after a careful study of its contents. 97 A harrowing scene followed; 27 The criminals taunted the police officers and prison guards. 60 while in this condition their movements are, to all appearances, as spontaneous -- as much the product of volition -- as those of such animals. 143 Evidence was given before the inspectors of eight or ten prisoners seen "giddy drunk, not able to sit upon forms." 114 Since the Depository normally used approximately one roll of paper every three working days, 92 PRS expressed its interest in receiving information on suspects in very general terms. For example, 99 An emergency alert warning of an inbound ballistic missile is accidentally sent out across Hawaii before being cleared as a false alarm thirty-eight minutes later. 163 Madam, this is the best brand of corn. 38 As of twenty fourteen, this confusion persists and further cases continue to be brought before the courts. 106 Let's dance. 12 Sometimes a work of fiction may deliberately employ continuity errors, usually for comedy. 90 Last night was a key episode. 29 The humidity is sixty percent. 30 What did you think of that trip? 32 He thought it was normal to panic and to feel as though he really didn’t deserve anything good or great. 104 had declared the greater number of what are now recognized as locomotive plants to be animals. 94 Wind gusts could produce wind chills as low as minus seven degrees. 67 Ms McNeill was killed on impact. 32 Pretty well 11 bricklayers' laborers, dock workmen, German artisans and sugar-bakers 69 Schools for ladies teach charm and grace. 41 Opening the source code can be a measure to create trust in software. 69 As independent studies document, the Neanderthals developed simple tools such as spears. 88 stated in evidence that he was visiting Newgate one night, when he heard a great disturbance in one of the day and sleeping rooms, 130 Cheap clothes are flashy but don't last. 40 On top of references to the Qur'an, it also referenced prophetic teachings and Islamic legal tradition. 103 Reynolds and Patterson decided to follow him. 45 The activity as well as the futility of these courts may be estimated from the statement given by Neild 103 I have disabled some of the certificate authorities, but they're not grayed out in this list. 93 It has used other Treasury law enforcement agents on special experiments in building and route surveys in places to which the President frequently travels. 155 A homeless man holding up a sign with his request for money and his reasons for asking. 87 The council has proposed a temporary barrier to protect the monument. 69 Frazier placed the upper part of the package under his armpit and attempted to cup his right hand beneath the bottom of the bag. 128 We then began a program of remedying those abuses and inequalities -- to give balance and stability to our economic system 122 Prisoners still slept two in a bed. 35 Following the success, the Red Army organized new mortar batteries for the support of infantry divisions. 105 The Vice President conferred with White House Assistant Press Secretary Malcolm Kilduff 87 Smooth water runs deep. 23 It's important to me to keep the Internet healthy. 50 Respondents were given the option to select one or more religious affiliations. 79 At night the alarm roused him from a deep sleep. 48 has visited us here in Dallas, Texas, on November one. Agent James P. Hasty 75 He had entered the house as clerk in eighteen hundred; 54 the Commission received a number of proposals designed to improve current arrangements for protecting the President. 116 Any cigarette manufacturer, packager, or importer wishing to sell cigarettes within the United States must submit a plan to the Federal Trade Commission. 153 In fact Gunther Zeiner's first type (afterwards used by Schussler) is remarkably like the type of the before-mentioned Subiaco books. 133 In one hundred feet, turn right onto West F Street. 51 That man is your brother? 25 The mercury is then swept into a long-pass absorption tube by bubbling a stream of inert gas through the reaction mixture. 122 The twenty-third Winter Olympic Games start in Pyeongchang, South Korea. It marks the first time that South Korea has hosted the Winter Olympics. 145 The photograph proved he was guilty. 36 Crumble the remaining bacon over the top, and serve warm. 57 Painters, plasterers, and carpenters were allowed to follow their handicrafts, with the reward of sixpence per diem and a double allowance of food. 147 which dealt with jails of all classes, as well as transportation. 65 Strong passwords don't have to be hard to remember. 51 The city was spared; the great walls were left standing; the daily sacrifices were continued in the temples, and Cyrus made his home in the royal palace. 153 Wrestling, boxing and karate are well-known examples for martial arts. 70 buildings along the route can be checked by teams of law enforcement officers, and armed guards are posted along the route as appropriate. 138 It has removed a bit of guilt. 30 But since the rise of the modern movement for social and economic progress through legislation, 95 The present Queen very soon after her accession 47 He was recognized by an ex-policeman who had known him at Roehampton, and immediately arrested. 95 Persian sovereignty lasted until the Persians' defeat at the hands of Alexander the Great who conquered the city in three thirty three B.C. 139 It was directed by Peter Berg. 30 In four hundred feet, turn left onto Broadway. 46 It's a course meant for curators and curatorial assistants, so naturally I feel a bit out of place. 99 The clothes dried on a thin wooden rack. 40 The child was rushed to the hospital after swallowing a cap. 60 and requested a transfer which she might use if she got through the traffic. 76 Stockholm is one of the most crowded museum-towns in the world with some seventy museums, visited by over nine million people per year. 135 and these somewhat wiry letters are suitable for the machine process, which would not do justice to letters of more generous design. 132 What made you do it? 20 A person seated on the fourth carton could assemble the rifle without being seen from the rest of the sixth floor 113 They found at Newgate, under disgraceful conditions as already described, 73 You will arrive at your destination in twenty-four minutes at eleven seventeen A.M. 83 but that their visits to the Cellar were, quote, neither consistent nor inconsistent, end quote, with their duty. 113 Probert was then admitted as a witness, and the case was fully proved against Thurtell, who was hanged in front of Hertford Jail. 129 The vertex was out of alignment. 32 These are the top sports stories for Friday, February ninth. 60 On the other hand, new and careful regulations were framed to secure the moral and material well-being of the inmates of the jails. 131 There is, however, a large amount of material available in his writings 71 Report of the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy. The Warren Commission Report. By The President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy. 182 Special Agent Rufus W. Youngblood observed that the large electric sign clock atop the Texas School Book Depository Building 124 so called after its inventress, a Roman woman named Toffana, and which was so widely adopted by ladies anxious to get rid of their husbands, 140 If not, a deal could take many months. 38 Many species produce bioactive compounds that are toxic to animals including humans. 84 If, for instance, any one of the six justices of the Supreme Court now over the age of seventy should retire as provided under the plan, 136 A full description of this new gallows, which was erected in front of the debtors' door, is to be found in contemporary records. 128 Nurdles are plastic beads about one fifth of an inch in diameter that are widely used in manufacturing. 103 and arrest any person who might attempt to throw anything or try to get at the President and his party; 103 At his own request he was reconveyed to Hobart Town, where his son had been carrying on the business. 101 Parliamentary and municipal elections were held on the nineteen of November two thousand six. 93 Please call Stella. 19 Gin-shops and coffee-houses were the first to open doors, and touts began to bid for tenants for the various rooms upstairs. 124 In particular, large amounts of de-ionized water are dangerous. 63 Guards are patrolling around the perimeter of the base. 55 His demeanor immediately preceding his execution I have referred to in the last chapter. 88 In addition, religious courts handle questions of personal and family law. 74 He was in consequence so weak when brought out for execution, that he had to be carried by four men, 100 The Queen of Denmark was born in nineteen-fourty. 49 One of the differences between the fine type and the utilitarian must probably be put down to a misapprehension of a commercial necessity. 138 He told the executioner to "do it tidy," to pull it tight, and was in a state of hysterical exaltation up to the very last. 123 At Halifax Forrester learnt that the men he wanted had gone on to Boston, thence to Buffalo and Canada, and back to Boston. 123 A blackhaired child in a blue outfit is playing with a toy outside on a tile floor. 83 They're not just for talking with friends: adolescents use social media to express themselves and find information. 115 Three. Electric Head Pump Water Heaters. 40 Try it. 7 Additional corroborative evidence. 34 but less than completely truthful or cooperative when interrogated about the Fair Play for Cuba Committee. 106 she had failed to mention the incident when she was asked whether Oswald had ever expressed any hostility 105 Near the end of the sixteenth century an unpublished prose life of Robin Hood was written. 90 What can you do? 16 First is a youth of eighteen, condemned for stealing in a dwelling-house goods valued above five pounds. 104 Peter shrunk back, aghast. 26 He's a fanatic. 15 We did what we had to do. 25 The marriage was annulled by an Act of Parliament, although Wakefield petitioned against it, 92 All three discovered genes are present on chromosome six in humans. 67 The population was eighteen thousand four hundred and thirty two. 65 The majority of citizens are involved in a social media campaign. 65 Is it possible to take longer break from studying theoretical physics? 70 been courtmartialed for illegal possession of a gun, of a handgun in the Marines, 81 issued once a week, and divided as far as it would go -- a very precarious and uncertain ration. 96 Brass rings are sold by these natives. 38 A small unpaid Prussian army was billeted in the Netherlands and supported themselves by looting and extortion. 111 The second attack was fatal, and ended in Cook's death from tetanus. 68 Okay, the sun is out, setting the brightness level 50 The journalists from the Times interviewed Guy. 47 From my own experience in shooting over the years, 50 These reports are prepared by teams of relevant researchers selected by the Bureau from government nominations. 111 Mr. Bennet speaks of thirty-eight capital convicts he found in the press yard in February eighteen seventeen, 109 an habitual offender in his own particular line, one who would stick at no trifles to evade detection or escape capture. 120 For the President's return to Love Field following the luncheon, the agents selected the most direct route, which was approximately four miles. 143 and costing eleven pounds, fifteen shillings, eight pence, within ten days. 75 It was not hard to feel some sympathy for Baxter yesterday. 59 Mr. Samuel Hoare was examined by this committee 47 Lerigo, was also attracted by the noise of the row, but after walking a few paces he felt dissatisfied, and returned to the spot. 129 Basic aluminium hydroxide, which may be present in bauxite, is also amphoteric. 79 h 1 Wiring money through services like Western Union or MoneyGram is risky because it's nearly impossible to get your money back. 125 I'm used to it. 15 Fly by night and you waste little time. 39 managed to get away in the very same spot where his namesake had nine years before so miserably failed. 103 coming from the direction of the Depository Building and running down the hill north of Elm Street 98 I'm not so much into anatomy, where's the bladder again? 56 the second is to establish the practical means to help those who are unemployed in this present emergency. 106 A bomb goes off in a supermarket in the Russian city of Saint Petersburg, injuring at least ten people. 103 On November fourteen, Lawson and Sorrels attended a meeting at Love Field 73 The FBI had not asked to be informed of any effort by Oswald to obtain a passport, 82 Instead of waiting there, Oswald apparently went as far away as he could and boarded the first Oak Cliff bus which came along 125 Add onion to the bacon grease, and cook over medium heat until browned. 71 Four years later, it barred participation by African Americans. 63 And about that time an old lady, I think she was an old lady, I don't remember nothing but her sticking her head down past him in the door and said, 148 What's his other name? 22 To fleece him smartly. 22 Now such movements of the living substance of plants are well known to be some of the most widely prevalent phenomena of vegetable life. 136 that no President fit for his office would appoint, 51 that any secrecy in the treatment of the condemned would invest them with a new and greater interest, which was much to be deprecated. 134 Based on the Commission's investigation, the following minimum goals for improvements are indicated: 100 In nineteen eighty nine, Donald Knuth released new versions. 60 Theo Epstein's first step toward restocking the team for was to pursue one of the most anticipated acquisitions in baseball history. 132 On the other hand, external structures are likely to undergo adaptation when habits or conditions of life change. 113 This power is possessed by green plants alone; all other organisms being dependent for energy upon the potential energy of ready-made food. 139 A ritzy limousine was driving along the fifth avenue. 53 as discussed in chapter three. 30 Fascination with these and other ethnic foods may also vary with region. 72 was not always to be trusted to do his fell work efficiently. 61 Sarah was sentimental, so this made her feel sorry for the beautiful bird. 74 In comparison, very few Americans outside of cities had electricity at that time. 81 I'm in no hurry. 16 A fresh start will work such wonders. 37 He was found guilty, and sentenced to the seemingly inadequate punishment of four years' transportation. 104 Documents from the United Kingdom's ambassador regarding the Tiananmen Square protests are released after being declassified. 125 One of the most common types of attic insulation. 49 But when this suggestion was brought before the court of aldermen, various amendments were proposed. 100 This is not easily quantifiable, and depends on the individual circumstances of the claimant. 93 What did you think? 19 It didn't help that back then the empire was in the midst of a succession conflict. 83 Jerk that dart from the cork target. 36 Who sent you to me? 19 he was generally supposed to be a surgeon. 42 This was spot color for mastheads. 34 It is a lifeline. 17 Three years of hard thinking have changed the picture. 54 quote, when he rode with me, I say he always brought lunch except that one day on November twenty-two he didn't bring his lunch that day, end quote, 148 It is impossible that they should be quite equal except in lines of poetry. 75 In fifteen ninety nine the number of students was approximately one hundred fifty. 82 Then she put on a plain yellow dress and a fleece jacket, picked up her kit and headed for work. 96 Many airlines have policies that require a C.R.S. to be placed in a window seat. Do not place a C.R.S. in an exit row. 118 Dancing was her life. 21 While on a visit to Macclesfield he heard by chance of Miss Turner, and that she would inherit all her father's possessions. 124 by a new jail built on the outskirts, as Holloway eventually was, and permitted itself to be altogether countered 113 It has been pointed out that the FBI, as our chief investigative agency, 72 been afforded peculiar facilities by the slackness of system and the want of methodical administration in the concerns by which they were employed. 147 The volume of references to the Secret Service has increased substantially since the new instructions went into effect; 119 Another son, Assurbanipal, or the great Sardanapalus of the Greeks, became the King of Nineveh. 95 They are not really friends, they just work together and talk from time to time. 80 This was notably the case with the early works printed at Ulm, and in a somewhat lesser degree at Augsburg. 107 The owl swooped down upon the mouse. 36 Sickness kept him home the third week. 38 Her godmother was silent-film-star Alla Nazimova. 49 Soon after, on October one, nineteen sixty-three, 49 and he owned a pet pony which would follow him about like a dog. 64 Having mentioned Calcraft's name, 33 Young, laughing, Asian child in a kitchen stirs a metal container with metal spoon. 83 Lund was named one of twenty six innovators in Food Engineering Magazine's seventy fifth anniversary edition in September two thousand three. 141 The partnership was set up during the summer. 45 Was it a good idea? 19 What is it that you want? 25 In conjunction with two others, one of whom was a clerk in the Custom House, 76 Nevertheless, in the very next session 38 then the mob began to thin, and the streets were cleared by the city marshals and a number of constables. 105 Cook, stirring constantly, until thickened, about five minutes. 63 When one is about halfway up, one finds a resting place and seats, where persons are wont to sit sometimes on their way to the summit. 134 Latona then processed the complete weapon but developed no identifiable prints. 79 which are, like the great gates in the outer wall, of brass, and open on the water. 83 Winds from the northeast at ten to fifteen miles per hour. 58 Charles wrote lyrics for Suzanne's album "To Hell With Love". 61 Ask her to bring these things with her from the store. 54 The adequacy of existing procedures can fairly be assessed only after full consideration of the difficulty of the protective assignment, 136 That is the address in the address book under his name. 55 In twenty-twenty-five grandpa will celebrate his hundredth birthday. 68 Let what must be, happen. 25 Brown Varsity Equestrian has won the Ivy League championship several times. 75 Oops. There was a problem updating my skills. 45 Be careful. 11 How old are you? 16 In multitasking systems this comprises the program's code segment and usually shared libraries. 95 Can you beat it? 16 The president heroically fought against such savagery. 54 What did you say? 17 Numbers of ladies were present, although the public feeling was much against their attendance. 94 the police radio reported that, quote, an eyeball witness, end quote, described the suspect in the Tippit shooting as, quote, a white male, 139 My father did that which no previous king had done. 51 Approximately one week after the assassination, according to Fisher, policemen showed him a picture of Oswald. 110 Special forces weapons sergeants are the weapons specialists. 61 A general shift in social and legal attitudes toward issues of sex occurred during the modern era. 98 so that these arrangements can be made permanent without adversely affecting the operations of the Service's field offices. 123 the latter unsexed and brutalized by dissipation, 49 au 2 Oswald's Rifle Practice Outside the Marines 43 commanded him (Cyrus) to go forth to his city Babylon, and he went by his side as a friend and companion. 105 In searching the prisoner's box, Mr. Briggs' watch was found wrapped up in a piece of leather, 94 fifteen hundred pounds, which larger amount was duly carried to his credit on the register, and entered upon the certificates of transfer. 138 Just as the train was starting Agar slipped into the van with Burgess, and Pierce got into a first-class carriage. 114 Twenty-two hundred Sparkman Drive, Detroit, Michigan. 53 when his wife asked Oswald not to come to Irving. 49 The commission was also to consider possible arrangements for the War and Navy Departments. 91 a price which in those days fluctuated enormously -- as much as a hundred percent in a couple of years; 103 Carry the pail to the wall and spill it there. 46 A young boy wearing a jersey looks down over a ledge at many boats in the water. 80 I can't get a job. 18 these figures suggest that the agents of the Secret Service are substantially overworked. 89 The right and privilege of the borough to maintain its own place of confinement was so "ancient and indisputable," 114 Financial analysts interpret remarks by Steven Mnuchin as an indication that the U.S. may change the strong dollar policy it has held since the nineteen nineties. 162 Montgomery was duly sentenced to death, but he preferred suicide to the gallows. After sentence his demeanor was serious yet firm. 130 The record has since been re-released numerous times in different formats, usually with its original title. 107 leaving everything to the widow, and constituting William sole executor. 72 between 7 A group of fourteen is assembled in a hall with dining tables and a stage. 74 Dip the gold chain in the jewelry cleaner. 42 In symmetric cryptography the same key is used for encryption and decryption. 77 The next morning, preheat oven to three hundred fifty degrees. 62 Turn right to merge onto I-fifteen South. Continue on I-fifteen South for six point two miles. 94 Dimming the lights. 19 With the press treating her as a celebrity, she proved to be a major draw. 74 and that it would be better to have less and not have to be concerned about tomorrow. 85 The degree of security that can be afforded the President of the United States 78 Catherine Wilson, the poisoner, was reserved and reticent to the last, expressing no contrition, but also no fear -- 116 while the Secret Service representatives in Dallas 50 They did not replace it with a conviction for culpable homicide. 64 Accordingly, it was ordered by Sir William Harcourt, the present Secretary of State, that Newgate should cease to be used as a regular prison, 142 replaced the stock in the names of the original holders, who might otherwise have been completely ruined. 105 I told him we could teach her to ignore people who waste her time. 66 to plan and develop a workable and efficient automated file and retrieval system, end quote. 92 Another reason to avoid dynamic memory allocation is memory fragmentation. 74 The Commission recognizes that no set of meaningful criteria will yield the names of all potential assassins. Charles J. Guiteau, 129 They returned to Ireland to live near paternal relatives. 57 Those who manufactured and those who passed had no direct dealings with each other. 83 I'm working on collecting your logs. Please wait. 49 Beautiful scene of a building in shadow with birds flying and a colorful sunset in the background. 98 When he reached the first floor, the west elevator -- the one with the gate was not there. 90 That same evening he committed suicide in Newgate. 50 The due relation of letter to pictures and other ornament was thoroughly understood by the old printers; so that 112 The Commission was able to conclude, however, that the fibers most probably came from Oswald's shirt. 101 In June nineteen sixty-two, the Bureau was advised by the Department of State of Oswald's plan to return to the United States. 126 The beer-man brought in as much as he pleased; he sold it without the controlling presence of an officer. 105 About six or seven people were seated on the theatre's main floor and an equal number in the balcony. 101 Still waters run deep. 22 He had friends and auxiliaries inside the jail and out. The cell he occupied was near the outer wall, 101 Let's see what I can find out about the G.D.P. of the Federal Republic of Cameroon. 83 In a large pot, combine zucchini, yellow squash, onion, green beans, corn, chickpeas, chicken, bouillon, tomato sauce, and garlic powder. 137 In cold-blooded premeditation it rivaled that of the Mannings. 62 While the rescue attempt didn't retrieve the Soldiers, it was still viewed as a success as it sent a clear message to the North Vietnamese that the U.S. Army was coming for its men. 181 Most reports of U.F.O.s have never been verified. 49 but it was almost always in excess of the accommodation available, and there were times when the place was full to overflowing. 127 Share in the weekly allowance of meat might also be denied to debtors who had not paid "garnish," as well as in the weekly grant from the charitable fund. 154 That might be a punishment but it would also punish the patients. 65 Later that year, Antony was defeated by Octavian's forces. 58 It's a commission, and it's for work, a year's work. 52 It contained generally from six to seven hundred inmates, while another hundred more or less resided in the rules outside. 122 She allowed the boy to eat the cookie. 38 Instead of such advance precautions, the Secret Service depended in part on the efforts of local law enforcement personnel stationed along the route. 149 In nineteen-sixty-nine the first man set his foot onto the moon's surface. 74 The sink is the thing in which we pile dishes. 46 Actions During and After Shooting 33 Finally, our children will learn in a safe and modern environment. 66 The series ran from nineteen seventy six to nineteen ninety nine and are highly sought after collectables. 106 Three people are walking and two people are jogging along a cleared path near several trees. 92 The plant withdraws water and carbonic acid from the atmosphere, the animal contributes both to it. 99 The corporation evidently had the worst of it, and began to feel the necessity for undertaking the great work of reform. 120 The Home Secretary had laid it down that at least five acres would be indispensable, and such an area it was impossible to obtain within the limits of the city. 160 the best, mostly French or Low-Country, was neat and clear, but without any distinction; 88 Lawson received a tentative schedule of the Texas trip on November eight from Roy H. Kellerman, assistant special agent in charge of the White House detail, 156 Acute and chronic pain are also associated with increased depression, anxiety, fear, and anger. 95 Let cool before serving, about thirty minutes. 46 I got a yellow card. 20 They stumbled and fell, and the solitary horn-honker was left standing silently. 80 The war has had its effect on the lives of these denizens of the marshes. 73 and he was soon approached by the police. Almost directly he was questioned he made a clean breast of the whole affair. 119 We need to run. 15 She and her friends are always up against systems of control. 61 Wait, after that, seven days, and post me another detachment, two thousand strong, at the Nineveh gates; 104 Every first child gets everything he wants. 43 Neild found the prisoners in the Borough Compter ragged, starving, and dirty. 77 The Fireside Chats of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, by Franklin D Roosevelt, Section seven. 88 His anxiety exploded. 21 all of which, according to his own confession, made no doubt with the idea of exonerating Mrs. Gale, he accomplished without her assistance. 140 There was to be a store capable of holding one thousand numbers of forty decimal digits each. 93 I can do no more. 17 The buttons made a strange clicking sound when pressed. 55 The egg's shell is hard and brittle, while the interior is sticky on the fingers. 81 to improve the letter in form. 30 While there is doubt about how fully Oswald understood the doctrine which he so often espoused, it seems clear 110 A bean may be supplied with water in which salts of ammonia and certain other mineral salts are dissolved in due proportion. 124 and indeed supplied the bulk of the poor debtors committed to prison. 69 But worse than the bankruptcy was the confession made by the partners in the court. 83 The Sunday night before his execution he would not go to bed when ordered. 74 Mexico, and was consumed at the rate of a hogshead per week. 60 series 6 Just hoist it up and take it away. 34 They were buried with honor in the new national cemeteries. 59 I'm not sure. 13 This involves tight and unswerving discipline as well as the promotion of an outstanding degree of dedication and loyalty to duty. 130 This built on the active interest of intellectuals, in particular the New England Transcendentalists, including Ralph Waldo Emerson. 132 When they refused, Galen performed the surgery himself and in so doing won the favor of the High Priest of Asia. 112 He had failed in this as well as in the business of a publican, which he had at one time adopted. 97 Image registration and invariant representations could both be done in a computationally very efficient way. 108 A sullen smile gets few friends. 32 the iron knell that rang upon the beating heart of the living man who was about to die; 87 The Airborne Division was based at Khartoum International Airport. 66 Directing the security detail for the Vice President from the right front seat of the Vice-Presidential car, Special Agent Youngblood recalled, quote, 150 V.H.A. evolved from the first federal soldiers' facility established for Civil War Veterans of the Union Army. 110 On top of all that, the weeds keep growing and the garbage has to be taken out. 79 Employment Commission records concerning Oswald stated, quote, Well-groomed and spoken, 87 the prisoners should be made to dispense with the use of a mattress, and should sleep on planks. 96 The most serious weaknesses in agency capabilities were in the domestic arena. 78 Does that suit you? 19 approximately three years before. Robert Oswald had given his Marine Corps manual to his brother Lee, 101 A group of people, one of them with a guitar, were sitting by the campfire and singing songs. 93 Marina Oswald related the events which followed, quote, 55 Then, as they warned him that he would be kept a prisoner in total darkness in this horrible den until he agreed to their demands, 130 The trap door popped open knocking Betty down. 46 Good decision-making on health depends on the right information. 64 The first private execution under the new law took place within the precincts of Maidstone Jail. 96 the Office of Naval Intelligence, the FBI and the CIA. The information known to the FBI is summarized below. 108 Which color would you like to change to? 40 Sarah Perry was a veterinary nurse who had been working daily at an old zoo in a deserted district of the territory. 116 It correctly identified all D.F.A. positive samples as positive. 64 Intelligence Functions Relating to Presidential Protection at the Time of the Dallas Trip 89 After viewing photographs depicting the alignment of Elm Street in relation to the Texas School Book Depository Building, 121 During the pilot study, it produced no false negatives, fewer false positive, and fewer inconclusive results. 109 After the Division of Applications and Information has sifted those projects, 77 In that period upwards of two hundred thousand writs 52 and a military sash. 20 Saudi Arabia had plans to launch six economic cities and are expected to contribute one hundred fifty billion dollars to the economy. 133 Lund stayed at Wisconsin, where he earned an M.S. in Dairy and Food Industries, and a Ph.D. in food science and chemical engineering. 133 Take the match and strike it against your shoe. 47 My nephew works as a barista in a small cafe in Edinburgh. 58 The tiny girl took off her hat. 31 An astute politician deeply involved with power issues in each state, Lincoln reached out to the War Democrats and managed his own re-election campaign. 152 Voting is not compulsory. 25 The Superfund law directs E.P.A. to update the N.P.L. annually. 63 Cadillac is also known as Chestnut Town, U.S.A. 47 In December eighteen fifty-one the balance sheet showed a deficiency of upwards of seventy thousand pounds. 107 They had the information. 25 Even when in the condemned cell, with a shameful death within measurable distance, 82 Who can tell us whether spaceflight will ever be commercially viable? 69 This cold-blooded indifference after the event was only outdone by the premeditation of this horrible murder. 109 The true revival of the electric vehicle didn't happen until around the start of the twenty first century. 106 only when single and unprotected were they in any danger of attack, and that but rarely. 88 most violent in temper, and addicted to the most frightful language. 68 In two thousand seven, "The Daily Pennsylvanian" won the Pacemaker Award administered by the Associated Collegiate Press. 121 Persuasion is the art of swaying the sure. 42 Oh, I don't know. 17 His brother was supposed to have been his next victim, upon whose life he had also effected an insurance for another thirteen thousand pounds. 142 At Rice Stadium a very large, enthusiastic crowd greeted the President. 71 or from which it derives assistance and support. 48 To the world you may be one person, but to one person, you may be the world. 76 Idle hands and unoccupied brains found in mischief the only means of whiling away the long hours of incarceration. 114 When, as is most often the case, there is actual beauty in the cuts, the books so ornamented are amongst the most delightful works of art that have ever been produced. 167 The Confederate attack on Fort Sumter inspired the North to rally behind the Union. 83 In the cells the foods undergo metabolic changes. 49 The Norsemen considered the rainbow as a bridge over which the gods passed from the earth to their home in the sky. 115 More than one thousand were known to be infected with rabies virus. 67 Special Forces teams are generally organized into small, versatile groups, called Operational Detachment Alphas. 112 West European typography culture was also adopted. 50 Swiss tennis player Roger Federer successfully defends his title in five sets in the men's singles final. 105 his last gambit to extricate himself from the mediocrity and defeat which plagued him throughout most of his life. 114 The government revised the private investment code in nineteen ninety eight to stimulate economic activity in the spirit of a free enterprise. 142 So much concerns the general plan of skeletal structures and is strongly suggestive of -- in fact it is inexplicable without -- common origin. 142 The Motorcade Route. 20 the beloved of Nabu, the arbiter, the possessor of wisdom, who seeks out the path of their divinity, 100 The marshal was supposed to be resident either within the prison or the rules. 78 The Commission also regards the security arrangements worked out by Lawson and Sorrels at Love Field as entirely adequate. 122 Irregular polyhedra appear in nature as crystals. 49 it regarded approximately one hundred of these four hundred cases as serious risks 82 corporate 9 and caused a number of stout additional barriers to be erected in front of the scaffold, 88 enabled the Commission to conclude that the bag was made from these materials. 78 It was the discovery of this flaw in the banking system which had encouraged the Americans to attempt this crime. 113 Hence arose the second great distinctive character of animals, the circulatory system. 86 but only two of the four discarded cartridge cases found on the lawn at tenth Street and Patton Avenue were of Winchester-Western manufacture. 142 Spoon one third cup of the ham mixture and three tablespoons shredded cheese onto each tortilla, then roll up. 110 for 3 The tournament has now been cancelled. 38 While there he was joined by his wife and other friends. 56 to make certain that all protective intelligence activities are coordinated. 76 traced the progress of prison architecture from the days when the jail was the mere annexe of the baronial or episcopal castle 126 Pegsworth, and Greenacre, and Daniel Good merely reproduced types that had gone before, and that have since reappeared. 119 and it is not strange if they did not very frequently hand up the offenders to the reproof and correction of the Secretary of State. 132 had actually been returned as sane from the asylum to which they had been sent, and there was always some uncertainty as to who was mad and who not. 148 The fence post shattered. 25 Thursday, April fifteenth, nineteen seventy-nine. 49 Thus, by the progress of knowledge, Cuvier's fourth distinction between the animal and the plant 96 The Libyan National Army comprises a ground army, an air force and a navy. 74 shows three employees looking out of the fifth-floor window directly below the window from which the shots were fired. 118 To fall into the house with the door to blurt out something to put it bluntly. 78 Why is it important to follow these safety regulations? Consider this: 70 The old wards, day rooms and sleeping rooms combined, of which the reader has already heard so much, 100 so 2 I recovered myself and continued the walk home. 47 The green plant decomposes carbonic acid and exhales oxygen while the animal absorbs oxygen and exhales carbonic acid. 118 Lee bought a ticket for the metro at central station. 53 I will explain more about the Bezier tool at the next meeting. 62 Sometime after January twenty-seven, nineteen sixty-three, 58 Also the Department requests the sum of one hundred thousand dollars to conduct a detailed feasibility study; 109 Often the victim, goaded to madness, attacked his tormentors; a fight was then certain to follow. 97 A few years after his birth, his maternal uncle rose to the powerful position of Patriarch of Alexandria. 105 and carbonic acid containing carbon and oxygen. 47 He took the lead and kept it the whole distance. 48 These substitute measures were of limited value. Agent Lawson was unable to state whether he had actually instructed 116 during the period from November nineteen, nineteen sixty-two to March of nineteen sixty-three. 94 Her arrest was planned, and, when the telegram arrived from London, completed. 78 Robson again left him, but only to gather together hastily all the money and valuables on which he could lay his hands, with which he left the house. 149 operation 9 Mount Hope, in a disputed region of Antarctica, is found to be the highest mountain in territory claimed by the United Kingdom. 127 But new federal and state regulations begin to change things. 61 There is, of course, no way to judge what the effect of the general political ferment present in that city might have been, even though Oswald was aware of it. 159 and accompanied by Mr. Death the jeweler and the cabman, went down to Liverpool and took the first steamer across the Atlantic. 127 Two young boys wearing collared shirts and baseball caps have their bluetinted tongues stuck out. 97 He decided to boycott games with digital restriction management in the future. 78 Spread one roll of cookie dough on the bottom of a nine by thirteen-inch baking pan to form the base. 101 Part of this she had deposited to be left till called for at one station, while she had gone herself to another, that at Euston Square. 135 They were approved of and employed at some prisons, at others objected to because they were unproductive, 105 brought in beer for sale from a neighboring public-house, and visited all the wards with no other escort than the prisoner gatesman. 132 These gentlemen were appointed in October eighteen thirty-five, owing to the strong representations of the Lords' Committee 123 nitrogen is obtained from simple salts and the nutritive processes result in deoxidation; 89 Hanging in chains upon the gibbet which had served for the execution, 69 Many soil bacteria possess the enzymes which catalyze conversion of urea to ammonia. 84 The Nature Conservancy gained control of the island; sheep numbers around this time were estimated to be over twenty thousand. 126 A man of one book. 18 Three older men stare into the pan of a street vendor who is cooking fish. 74 Lottery cash is rightly dependent on grassroots approval. 57 After joining Thirty Rock in twenty eleven, she shared in its twenty thirteen Emmy nomination for best series as well as its two W.G.A. nominations. 148 Since the window ledges in the Depository Building are lower than in most buildings, 84 After this second exploit, his praise was in all mouths. 56 dice, dangerous implements, or other prohibited articles. 57 Sebastian F. Latona, supervisor of the FBI's Latent Fingerprint Section, 72 In exchange, the country may be offered tariff-free access to some or all E.U. markets and financial or technical assistance. 125 Didn't you know that? 21 It is promoted and broadcast by the Capital network. 52 which entered the back of the President's neck. 47 Denzil Best was an American jazz percussionist and composer born in New York City. 82 The minimum time required by Baker to park his motorcycle and reach the second-floor lunchroom was within three seconds of the time needed to walk 146 But how can you be sure? 24 Since I've gotten a dog, the regular visits of the fox have stopped. 68 Young boy wearing waders standing on a dock fishing, other people are in the background. 88 Traffic on your route is lighter than normal. 45 The body plans of most multicellular organisms exhibit some form of symmetry, whether radial, bilateral, or spherical. 118 has probably no parallel in the annals of crime. Saward himself is a striking and in some respects an unique figure in criminal history. 136 As a result he thought it would be, quote, necessary to oppose the old systems but at the same time support their cherished traditions, end quote. 146 Such instructions will not fit all circumstances, of course, and should not be relied upon to the detriment of the imaginative application of judgment in special cases. 168 The Embassy Pictures action thriller, to be filmed in English and called simply "Runaway Train", would have been his first in color. 132 Had the enemy of Babylon succeeded in breaking through the outer and inner defenses of the city the royal palace would have still been far from his reach. 154 had curtains and curtain rods, and that Oswald had never discussed the subject with her. 88 After three years' confinement in the latter prison he passed himself off as his brother, Colonel Montgomery, 109 Oswald's inability or lack of desire to enter into meaningful relationships with other people 93 Use a wet napkin or handkerchief over nose and mouth. Move away from fire and smoke. 84 After his death in the "fourteen eighties," or at least by fourteen ninety, printing in Venice had declined very much; 118 The box is held by a bright red snapper. 40 Yet, it was Henry Ford's mass-produced Model T that dealt a blow to the electric car. 85 So many people come to Washington who know things that are not so, 66 and kept itself informed on Oswald's status by periodic reviews of State Department and Office of Naval Intelligence files. 123 included 8 He tried with all his strength to wrench open the door in a panic. 66 antimony, which caused Cook's constant sickness. 48 Of the three thousand samples tested, it identified one false negative and eleven false positive D.F.A. test results. 117 In June two thousand eight, the Federal Trade Commission also began an antitrust investigation of the case. 107 This Commission can recommend no procedures for the future protection of our Presidents which will guarantee security. 118 who was followed, disguised, and with her hair dyed black, to a house in the Marylebone Road, where she met her husband. 120 Originally a thirty-day technology-demonstration mission, it is still fully operational in low-Earth orbit almost a year later. 127 tried to stab George the third as he was alighting from his carriage at the gate of St. James's Palace. 103 I am very sorry that Alastair Campbell has taken this decision. 63 and of these Bishop and Williams, who were guilty of many peculiar atrocities, ended their murderous careers in front of the debtors' door at Newgate. 150 These facts were represented before the police magistrate 57 he saw two men, in separate cars, drive out of a church parking lot adjacent to Walker's home. A friend of Walker's testified that 130 where within the limits of the same natural group of organisms a rudiment is sometimes present and sometimes absent. 116 Emptiness is the Dao. 21 We need an end of all such matter. 34 Currently more than three percent of new vehicle sales, electric vehicles sales could to grow to nearly seven percent - or six point six million per year - worldwide by twenty twenty. 183 Oswald's Marine Training 24 A woman wearing an orange leotard doing gymnastics in front of an audience. 75 Eight miles of woodland burned to waste. 40 those who had turned king's evidence, whose safety might have been imperiled had they been lodged with the men against whom they had informed. 142 This mode of execution, it is alleged, gave rise to the old vulgar "chaff," "Take care, or you'll die at the fall of the leaf." 127 The contract is subject to various legal provisions. 52 His letter to the Corporation, under date fourth June, 54 Why do you ask? 15 The conspirators were in a loft, approached by a ladder and a trap-door, access through which could only be obtained one by one. 128 In six hundred feet, use the right two lanes to turn right at the third cross street onto Ash Street. 101 Prior attempt to kill. 22 According to Governor and Mrs. Connally, it was after this shot that Kellerman issued his emergency instructions and the car accelerated. 137 and eight point two five seconds respectively. 46 On the contrary, many of them encouraged the brutal assailant in his savage attack. 83 ad 2 Guinyard and Callaway ran to tenth and Patton and found Tippit lying in the street beside his car. 98 advised the Bureau that Oswald was unknown in such circles. 59 The authors claim to specifically address variations due to geometric transformations in the acquired images. 109 and a long, sickly, pale face, with light hair; 47 Electric cars didn't have any of the issues associated with steam or gasoline. 78 In the twenty years since the long gas lines of the nineteen seventys, interest in electric vehicles had mostly died down. 122 On November four, Hosty telephoned the Texas School Book Depository and learned that Oswald was working there 109 After the dictator's rule of forty three years was over, the country was devastated. 84 Curt was gentle as he extracted one of my bicuspids. 52 This experiment was so far successful that about eighteen fifty Richard of Edinburgh was induced to cut punches for a series of "old style" letters. 148 I leased ten hectares of land and it turned out that it was barren. 67 Charging you for help getting new insurance. 44 A wise man shall hold his tongue till he sees his opportunity. 62 and walk forward on foot to enter as a humble and unpretending employee the doors of the Globe Assurance office. 112 Our guide told us stories of Scandinavian mythology in a Welsh accent. 70 Oak is strong and also gives shade. 35 Beneath is a door for the admission of the bodies of murderers and other felons. There were other public dissecting rooms for criminals. 136 She was jealous of the girl with polish on her nails and a handsome guy at her side. 84 one that of the murder of the Italian boy, the other that of a boy unknown. 75 The National Weather Service has issued a flood watch through Sunday evening. 77 Sophisticated shysters vie for foolish souls. 45 I love spicy food! 18 to shoot General Walker. 24 He lay prone and hardly moved a limb. 37 Born in Seattle, Washington, Hendrix began playing guitar at the age of fifteen. 80 in which one man single handedly created publicity for his cause or for himself. 80 I don't recall the exact date. It was about a week prior. End quote. 68 The population was estimated at twelve thousand four hundred twenty four. 73 Admittedly, that is the most expensive coffee I’ve tasted. 58 The chapel yard led to the chapel, and on the staircase were two rooms frequently set apart for the king's witnesses, 117 both in its public relations and in its internal relations. 59 I will close this chapter with a brief account of another murder, 65 Hill jumped from the follow-up car and ran to the President's automobile. 73 Under the new system the whole of the arrangements from first to last fell upon the officers. 93 Add spinach; cook, stirring frequently, until wilted, about one minute. 71 Such systems are not generally passed on from one generation to the next. 73 Many Presidents have been understandably impatient with the security precautions which many years of experience dictate 119 Love me, love my dog. 21 All organisms have the same need of reproduction. 49 They were perfect for short trips around the city, and poor road conditions outside cities meant few cars of any type could venture farther. 140 The hydrogen gas escaped. 25 Mrs. Oswald said that her husband did not say anything about Governor Connally after his return to the United States. She testified, quote, 139 Her work is held in the collection of the National Gallery of Australia. 72 This year, this month, will be special for Torrance. 52 The new bridge allowed the Eastside to develop rapidly into bedroom communities. 80 and the danger of losing material, raw or manufactured. 55 In addition to the Vice President's Office in the West Wing, the Vice President and his staff maintain a set of offices in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building. 164 But even though fridges have gotten bigger on average and have more features, they use about twenty five percent less energy than those built in nineteen seventy five. 167 Alison couldn't help but feel pride in her creation. 52 It depends on the internal discussions in the Ministry of Defence. 66 Acid burns holes in wool cloth. 31 as the seducer of an innocent girl to whom he (Hocker) had been fondly attached. 80 A cruise in warm waters in a sleek yacht is fun. 48 this picture of the existing state of Newgate 45 There was a hunt for the two well-known house-breakers, who were eventually heard of at a lodging in Kennington. 112 Little is known of Eleanor's involvement in these events. 57 In his testimony Secretary of the Treasury C. Douglas Dillon informed the Commission that an interagency committee has been established to develop more effective criteria. 171 This is a man standing on a rooftop with construction in the background. 72 Italy is contentedly stagnant. 30 I will now pass to grave but less atrocious crimes. 51 About six p.m. the royal carriage, a low open vehicle drawn by four horses, ridden by postilions, left the palace. 114 There was to be a store capable of holding one thousand numbers of forty decimal digits each. 93 The Washington State Legislature approved the construction of a second floating bridge, using past and future tolls to fund its construction. 141 The dead have no friends. 25 For more information, or to volunteer, please visit librivox dot org. Report of the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy. 149 Texas Rangers pitcher Cole Hamels and his wife Heidi donate one hundred acres of land to a charity with camps in the Missouri Ozarks for children with special needs. 165 In the garage were the personal belongings of the Oswald family including, as the evidence has shown, the rifle wrapped in the old brown and green blanket. 155 but all could still obtain as much extra, and of a luxurious kind, as their friends chose to bring them in. 107 Oswald's complete state of mind and character are now outside of the power of man to know. 90 The area is also popular for business conferences. 50 A huge catalog of modifications have been described, but a functional understanding of most is still lacking. 109 The logs fell and tumbled into the clear stream. 48 and as far as the performance of the Cubans themselves was concerned, he was, quote, disappointed at not being able to get to Cuba 130 (two) the cartridge cases found near the scene of the shooting were fired from the revolver in the possession of Oswald at the time of his arrest, 146 White dog with brown ears standing near water with head turned to one side. 75 he wore gold-rimmed eye-glasses and a gold watch and chain. 59 The paper box is full of thumb tacks. 37 Keep out of the reach of children. 34 During the Boer War, Gandhi volunteered in nineteen hundred to form a group of stretcher-bearers. 97 There is a tropical storm warning for the next thirty-six hours. 64 A person in tan pants is inside a silver mobile object while people watch. 74 Woman who is wearing blue bikini bottom and blue sports bra is running on an athletic track. 92 He was struck with the appearance of the corpse, which was not emaciated, as after a long disease ending in death; 114 Smoky fires lack flame and heat. 32 A lady in the country, who had thirteen thousand pounds in the stocks, desired her London agent to sell them out. 113 When the businessmen of the country were demanding the right to organize themselves adequately to promote their legitimate interests; 133 Description of Shooting 23 Wars bring scars. 17 At laboratories located throughout the nation, we identify and try to solve environmental problems. 99 The prosecution pressed for a severe penalty. Edward Wakefield pleaded that his trial had already cost him three thousand pounds. 129 Report of the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy. The Warren Commission Report. By The President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy. 182 We have to create a climate of trust, which is not easy. 56 The focus is on building a highly modular, reliable, and secure, operating system. 82 Stimulate and pursue technological solutions. 45 I had relied on him. 20 Powers believed that when Oswald arrived in Japan he acquired a girlfriend, quote, 82 and he had brown hair, a slender face and neck with light complexion, and looked to be twenty-two or twenty-four years old. 123 Bring to a boil. 16 A redhaired woman in a white top and green and white skirt is singing into a microphone. 88 Partly cloudy, with a low of thirty-four. 41 to obtain a Soviet visa at the Soviet Embassy in Mexico City, he insisted that he was entitled to the Cuban visa because of his background, 139 His celebrity status brought publishers desiring unwanted manuscripts that were previously rejected before its publication. 123 Daryl Lund is an American food scientist and engineer who has served in various leadership positions within the Institute of Food Technologists. 144 Gammell purchased subscriptions to multiple D.D.o.S.-for-hire companies. 72 These four witnesses were interviewed by FBI agents two months after the shooting. 82 For more information U.S. citizens should consult the Federal Aviation Administration's Prohibitions, Restrictions and Notices. 127 One step more and the board will collapse. 42 The colors lighten as they dry. 31 Fourteen thirty-six Lancaster Drive Northeast, Salem, Oregon. 61 Johnny Depp is reprising his role for the third time in the new film. 69 appeared uncomfortable for one, and secondly, he wasn't watching. he didn't look like he was watching for the parade. 117 Headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia 33 Meet Esmarline De Leon Peralta, an aspiring physician, flight surgeon and astronaut interested in developing the technologies that are needed for humans to live on Mars. 169 A group of older gentlemen walk down the street playing musical instruments amid the crowd. 91 Wrapped in a scarf and blinded by the blizzard, the boy scrambled for the subway. 81 Clean the tub with a brush and some scouring powder. 52 The military alternatives remained unappealing to them. 55 One half pound fresh mushrooms, sliced. Quarter cup chopped onion. One cup chicken broth. 89 President Kennedy himself had mentioned it that morning, as had Agent Sorrels when he and Agent Lawson were fixing the motorcade route. 135 In the middle of the precinct there was a tower of solid masonry, a furlong in length and breadth, 98 and it passed along the heads of the crowd, to be caught at last by a person who struggled with it to a cart and deposited it there in safety. 142 What do you want? 17 A street performer, dressed in colorful flowers, is hula hooping for tourists attention. 88 The great outer wall seems to have disappeared completely beneath the desert surface. 85 identified these prints as the left index fingerprint and right palmprint of Lee Harvey Oswald 94 And your phone number please? 29 While I am not worried about job security, having fewer people means a heavier workload. 88 Also seen in the picture is the fence on which Walker's assailant apparently rested the rifle. 94 He distributed literature in downtown New Orleans on August nine, nineteen sixty-three, 87 The file was opened, quote, 27 B.G.E. is guided by creating "empathy and tolerance" between speakers in a global context. 90 People are standing on a crowded subway, and the platform outside is visible through the window. 96 After their arrest, Jordan's wife and Sullivan's brother came to the inn, and begged to be allowed to visit this room; 118 During the next ten years, they continued to show strong sales. 63 The Euphrates flowed through it, but the greater part of the city was on the eastern shore. 91 In one hundred feet, turn right onto West F Street. 51 erected on the cart, about four feet high at the head, and gradually sloping towards the horse, giving a full view of the body, 127 Excellent. 10 A woman with blondhair wearing a blue tube top is waving on the side of the street. 83 Six people are killed in a head-on collision and subsequent fire caused by a vehicle going the wrong way on Interstate Five north of Woodland, California. 154 Right there. 12 Colleen McGuinness is an American producer and screenwriter who has worked on the television shows Thirty Rock, About a Boy, and Mercy. 135 even though he did, as he told Johnson, attend a meeting at which General Walker spoke to approximately thirteen hundred persons. 129 back to starch usable as food and the comparison of the green plant and the animal would be complete. 101 Flaming varies in severity and as such so too does the reaction of states in imposing any sort of sanction. 107 The intimacy of the Secret Service's relationship to the White House 68 Her figure remained in vogue in the twenty first century. 57 What did he mean? 17 Drizzle hot icing carefully over bread pudding. Cool on a wire rack, about thirty minutes. 90 Laura took out a cigarette and placed it in her mouth. 54 embodying recommendations which may be said to have formed the basis of modern prison management. 97 That's a really great idea! 27 That kind of letter was used in the many splendid missals produced by printing in the fifteenth century. 104 and in such an effort we should be able to secure for employers and employees and consumers 91 All almost without exception sleep soundly at night, except the first after sentence, 85 The phase-in, core contract management, and core technical services have a potential value of approximately one hundred eleven point six million dollars. 153 The Poles, meaning the Polish people, obtained independence. 60 Your good health. 17 A laundry should be established, and a matron appointed on the female side, where all the prisoners' washing could be performed. 128 Peer-to-peer networks are more robust than client-server architectures. 71 Put the jam in the cupboard. 28 A friend, Edward Voebel, testified that, quote, he was more bashful about girls than anything else, end quote. 110 Media registration is open for the event, which will be held at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center at Nine Hundred Convention Center Boulevard. 147 it would be the thickness of both the paper and the tape, the color under various lighting conditions of both the paper and the tape, 133 Observe that commonly used crossover operators cannot change any uniform population. 84 The carton on the windowsill and the large carton below the window contained no prints which could be identified as being those of Lee Harvey Oswald. 149 when he was finally apprehended in the Texas Theatre. Although it is not fully corroborated by others who were present, 119 These gametes are the cells that are prepared for the sexual reproduction of the organism. 90 leveled a pistol at the Queen, and fired. He was so close to the carriage that the smoke of his pistol enveloped the face of Colonel Wylde, 139 Many of our soldiers teamed up. 31 Even if he had recalled that Oswald's place of employment was on the President's route, 87 Or search for a phrase that describes your situation, like I.R.S. call. 71 Turning the lights down. 24 In July of nineteen sixty-three, Oswald also requested the Soviet Union to provide a visa for his return to that country. 121 Have you met Peter? 19 Elm Street was to be reached from Main by turning right at Houston, 67 But Burke and Hare had their imitators further south, 53 Opposition parties are allowed, and are represented in Parliament, but are widely considered to have no real chance of gaining power. 133 It tends to negatively affect episodic, autobiographical, and declarative memory while usually keeping procedural memory intact. 128 The pipe ran almost the length of the ditch. 44 Passengers are standing and sitting aboard some form of public transportation, resembling the subway. 101 Such an extravagant defense did not weigh with judge or jury; 61 The squalor and uncleanness of the debtors' side was intensified by constant overcrowding. 90 We download data eight to ten times a week. Even if we miss a week, the CubeSat can hold a couple of weeks of data. 115 Later the number increased. 27 by a desire to aid the Castro regime, which President Kennedy so outspokenly criticized. 88 In one corner of the airing yard stood a cistern at some height from the ground; 80 The packaging was broken. 25 The Commission recommends that the agencies involved determine how much periodic assistance they can provide, and that each such agency 135 Even if you're an expert, reading all of it is often not feasible due to lack of time. 86 It was stated in evidence that the monies obtained by these forgeries amounted to eight thousand pounds or ten thousand pounds, 127 In the animal oxygen is absorbed by the blood, in excess by the hemoglobin of the red cells of the blood 104 The relief on her face showed that she understood. 50 We have world-class expertise to find out what is making people sick or die and what to do about it. 100 who, like Oswald, might have handled the cartons. They were also compared with the prints of those law enforcement officials who might have handled the cartons. 160 Though a great warrior, it was not for his military deeds that he was best known. 81 On November twenty-two, Mrs. Bledsoe came downtown to watch the Presidential motorcade. 87 During the evening of November twenty-two, the Dallas Police Department performed paraffin tests on Oswald's hands and right cheek 130 The old hound was unenthused at the sight of the cat. 53 The advanced compressor also allowed the Department to implement more stringent energy standards for fridges in nineteen ninety three and two thousand one. 155 instead of limiting them, as in the days of the Borgias and Brinvilliers, to the specially informed and unscrupulously powerful few. 132 Good himself remained at large for some weeks. He had tramped as far as Tunbridge, where he obtained work as a bricklayer's laborer; 132 Three men are standing at night near a black car near a shelter filled with bicycles. 85 During the trial and after sentence he remained perfectly cool and collected. 77 The psychological effects of that change must have been highly unsettling. It should be remembered 98 The prisoners were to cultivate the land and raise sufficient produce for their own support. 92 If such a law as I propose is regarded as establishing a new precedent, 71 in others meat, soup, gruel, beer were given. 45 Scattered showers. Mostly cloudy, with a high near forty-six. 61 Your route is clear. If you leave now, you'll arrive at six thirty-six P.M. 75 and left the dock with evident satisfaction and relief at the termination of a most painful ordeal. 99 prepared by the Secret Service for the Secretary of the Treasury following the assassination. As a result of this study, 120 Yes, really. 12 The children round the communion-table stare and gape with childish wonder. 75 The spread of Mohammedanism caused new cities to be built, and Babylon was the quarry for their building material. 114 Considering the various probabilities which may have prevailed during the actual assassination, 95 Because the skies had cleared in Dallas, Lawson directed that the top not be used for the day's activities. 107 We're also being given a half day on Monday to go and enjoy it. 63 As improvements are recommended for the advance detection of potential threats to the President, it could act as a final review board. 134 Draw the chart with heavy black lines. 38 He traversed vainly all the roofs in Newgate Street, 52 and that the weapon which fired these bullets was a Mannlicher-Carcano 70 In two miles, turn left onto Ellery Street. 43 eg 2 At the entrance of the great gates I erected strong bulls of bronze, and terrible serpents standing upright. 108 Voight appeared as Zoolander's coal-miner father. 49 that the jacket belonged to Lee Harvey Oswald, and that when he was arrested at approximately one:fifty p.m., he was in shirt sleeves. 134 Thirty-five Magnolia Terrace, Indianapolis, Indiana. 52 Pedestrians can access this walkway from the east end by a flight of stairs or a lift. 86 The thirteenth of march is meant to be unlucky. 47 This was on the last day of eighteen twenty-nine. In the following session Sir Robert Peel brought in a bill to consolidate the acts relating to forgery. 153 nineteen dollars, ninety-five cents, plus one dollar, twenty-seven cents shipping charge, had been collected from the consignee, Hidell. 136 As has been shown in chapter three, if the three shots were fired within a period of from four point eight to five point six seconds, 133 In reading the modern figures the eyes must be strained before the reader can have any reasonable assurance that he has a five, an eight, or a three before him. 160 and her first remembrance is that it was held in Oswald's right hand, quote, and it almost touched the ground as he carried it, end quote. 138 suggest that the Secret Service is trying to accomplish its job with too few people and without adequate modern equipment. 122 The Court in addition to the proper use of its judicial functions has improperly set itself up as a third house of the Congress 127 In the early days of August nineteen twenty one, the Churchills' children were entrusted to a French nursery governess in Kent. 127 A beautiful longhaired blond girl dressed in a blue and green bikini walking down a street 90 The European Union has often been criticized for their regulations. 67 claimed that within about one minute following the shots she ran from a window on the south side of the fourth floor, 117 Everyone agreed that, if there was sufficient time, a motorcade through downtown Dallas would be the best way for the people to see their President. 148 Where were they when the noise started. 39 The city walls, of which the ancients were so proud, appear here and there like low ridges far out on the plain; 112 We rolled the log over the hill. 32 to which he seemed fondly attached, should be used to bandage his eyes, which request was readily granted. 106 Agent Fain retired from the FBI in October nineteen sixty-two, and the closed Oswald case was not reassigned. 109 called the clerk of the papers, attends daily. End quote. 57 In five hundred feet, turn right onto Windsor Street. 53 The rules should be changed. 28 Gaining her law degree from New York University Law School, she graduated second in the class of nineteen oh seven. 115 The Home Secretary in that administration, 42 During her testimony Mrs. Markham initially denied that she ever had the above phone conversation. 98 Upon the twenty-ninth July the same year, 41 Chandler while in Newgate turned informer, and betrayed the whole conspiracy. 77 The I.O.U. was due yesterday at eight. 38 Let's hope the state secretary can exert influence on the chancellor. 69 Cover your hair entirely with a handkerchief or sweeping cap. 61 but they had no share in the prison meat or other charities, and they or their friends found them in food. 106 When the time is up and the rolls are puffy and promising, set them in a pretty quick oven and bake half an hour, 113 Mr. Strahan was arrested at a friend's house in Bryanston Square. 65 A citation wasn't needed. 25 Mrs. Mary Brock, the wife of a mechanic who worked at the station, was there at the time and she saw a white male, 114 It's the traumatic event in the childhood of the nation. 56 The Department of Energy Office of Environmental Management addresses the problem of nuclear waste. 99 These equations are derived from Maxwell's equations. 53 The percentage of carbon dioxide in the air reached an extraordinary level. 75 She keeps saying that she has no regrets about moving back home, but I’m not sure if it’s entirely true. 104 The water in this well is a source of good health. 50 Some also claim that the problem of illegal labor is severe. 60 Has the advance of biology simply tended to break down old distinctions without establishing new ones? 102 In two miles, turn left onto Ellery Street. 43 The Commission appreciates the large volume of cases handled by the FBI 71 Such risks can be lessened when the President recognizes the security problem, 78 It was also easily established that the hat found in the carriage had been bought at Walker's, a hatter's in Crawford Street, 125 At the time the Lords' Committee sat there were eight thus retained in Newgate, and a return in the appendix of the Lords' report 129 It may easily be imagined, say the inspectors, in speaking of the prison generally, 83 Courvoisier admitted that he had intended to bind it tightly round his arm and bleed himself to death in the night. 115 At the time of his defection, Oswald had said that neither his brother, Robert, 79 I started to that address, and the police cars, the sirens was going, running crisscrossing everywhere, just a big uproar in that end of town and I said, 153 This movement has received attention and concern from governments as well as the private sector. 96 he requested the Embassy to rush his wife's entrance visa because of the impending birth of the second child but stated that, quote, 132 That is an honor and responsibility I take very seriously​, said Secretary Zinke. 81 Amid a perceived erosion of freedoms in Hong Kong, Theresa May concludes a three-day visit to China, said to have generated nine billion pounds in trade deals. 159 President Kennedy's visit to Texas in November nineteen sixty-three had been under consideration for almost a year before it occurred. 134 resources 9 Maltby and Co. would issue warrants on them deliverable to the importer, and the goods were then passed to be stored in neighboring warehouses. 143 The agents on the front of the running boards had directions to move immediately to positions just to the rear of the President and Mrs. Kennedy when the President's car slowed 176 I was ready to shoot the day I read the screenplay. 51 the boy laying face down on a skateboard is being pushed along the ground by another boy. 89 in making this the most efficient and the cleanest example of public enterprise the world has ever seen. 104 For fine detail, however, the absolute solidity of a wooden panel has an advantage. 83 The poor of the surrounding country occupied its dismantled palaces. 68 As we crossed the press yard a cock crew, and the solitary clanking of a restless chain was dreadfully horrible. 112 His offense was the murder of Richard Cope, 43 Wherever there is need for new protoplasm, whether to repair previous waste or to supply materials for growth, 110 and in comparative comfort, with a bed and proper bedding. 58 They required a lot of manual effort to drive - changing gears was no easy task. 80 What do you wish? 17 Yesterday, he continued to keep a low profile. 46 that his friend had died greatly embarrassed, with bills to the amount of four thousand pounds out in his name. 111 for the relations between Marguerite Oswald and Ekdahl were stormy and they were finally divorced, after several separations and reunions, 138 Into a hollow, like a crater in the middle of the flour, empty your sponge-bowl, and work the flour down into it. 113 The knowledge of the ancient world was partly preserved due to the survival of the Eastern Roman Empire and the institutions of the Catholic Church. 148 Use the export command to set environment variables. 52 The irrational number Pi, which represents the ratio between a circle's circumference and its diameter, approximately equals three point one four one five. 155 practice 8 Volume decreased to six. 24 It was occupied by Japanese forces following the Siege of Tsingtao. 67 A young girl with glasses is kneeling on a stone ledge in front of a mudfilled bucket. 86 a person like him (Oswald) in place of aiding the Cuban Revolution, was doing it harm, end quote. 97 was greater than from the second to the third shot and required a movement in the basic firing position of the marksmen. 120 This man got up to look for him, and found him hanging from the bars of a neighboring room. 91 which followed close on its heels, although in that the verdict of "Not Guilty" was excusable, as the evidence was entirely circumstantial. 139 This information led Hosty to review Oswald's file, from which he learned that Oswald had become a subscriber to the Worker, 124 I'm not busy. 13 It will be in the memory of many that Mrs. Manning appeared on the scaffold in a black satin dress, which was bound tightly round her waist. 140 The parts of some plants exhibit oscillating movements without any perceptible cause and the leaves of others retract when touched. 131 around 6 Heavy rainfall causes flooding in southern Albania. At least one person has died and three thousand homes have been flooded. 124 The Department of Energy Office of Environmental Management addresses the problem of nuclear waste. 99 Moreover, the Commission found no reliable evidence that Oswald used the rifle at any time between September twenty-three, 122 A young woman playing with children at a backyard party in the summer. 70 Maloney is an engaging talent. 30 some indication that the person planned to take some action against the safety of the President of the United States or the Vice President. End quote. 150 He now pretended that Mr. Turner was also on his way to the border, pursued by sheriffs' officers. 98 The allotment of funds for desirable projects has already begun. 64 Do not enter. 13 the point at which he said his passenger alighted. 50 special 7 and the tendency to crime in offenders not entirely hardened is confirmed by the language, the suggestions, and the example 123 It is clear from Hosty's testimony that this was construed, at least by him, 76 When she called her friend for help with her computer, she repeatedly emphasized, that she hadn't done anything. 112 A group of spectators sitting in lawn chairs in the street facing a building and drinking beer. 95 Rice is often served in round bowls. 36 A new and still imperfectly understood science had arisen, 58 Microwave frequency can be measured by either electronic or mechanical techniques. 82 Merry Christmas my dears. 25 The toddler in a maroon and gray longsleeved shirt is ready to mark all over wooden chalkboard. 95 and hence the excess oxygen is eliminated while starch manufacture is in process. 81 which having gone through several sessions, at last became law in eighteen twenty-three to four 95 In others the separation between the sexes consisted in a hanging curtain 73 Scoggins saw him and heard him mutter either "Poor damn cop" or "Poor dumb cop." 80 A cruise in warm waters in a sleek yacht is fun. 48 Elton has since not given any more information on the putative "Blackadder five". 81 could not be made even to look clean while there was no obligation of personal cleanliness on individuals, who often came into the prison in filthy rags. 153 Magic shows are held and acrobats perform during the festival. 62 Its receipt was immediately followed by the promulgation of its contents to the persons most closely concerned, 111 A huge catalog of modifications have been described, but a functional understanding of most is still lacking. 109 The Special Forces officer is the team leader of an operational detachment alpha, a highly trained twelve-man team that is deployed in rapid-response situations. 161 Breathe deep and smell the piny air. 36 I am not interested in the money, it is the principle. 54 How could that be? 18 You need more evidence than that. 33 The mail-order coupon listed the purchaser as "A. J. Hidell Age twenty-eight" 77 The Chinese built a monorail train that floats on a magnetic field. 67 Who sent you to me? 19 persons committing certain offenses, including counterfeiting and certain frauds involving Federal checks or securities. 120 He consistently refused to admit involvement in the assassination or in the killing of Patrolman Tippit. 104 Oswald lived at ten twenty-six North Beckley. 45 John tried to rescue the drowning children. 43 When Quigley returned to his office, he learned 47 Register me at home dot Mycroft dot A.I. with the code: two four six. 69 She's sitting there on a pillow, wearing only pants and bra. 60 Steam hissed from the broken valve. 35 However, the public outcry, and the overwhelming expenses associated with the demolition, saved the building. 109 I was wondering if you would work on this project with me because I can’t find anyone else. 91 Pour in milk and bourbon, stirring frequently until mixture begins to boil. 75 By enumerating the people she wanted to talk with, she was calmed. 66 The Commission was struck by the apparent lack of effort, on an interagency basis, 82 resolution 10 Mr. Brown confidently asserted that no jail in England now fed its inmates so well as did Newgate. 98 When he heard the same noise again, Greer glanced over his shoulder and saw Governor Connally fall. 99 some of which -- as, e.g., that of Jacobus Rubeus or Jacques le Rouge -- is scarcely distinguishable from his. 110 He probably walked east on Elm Street for seven blocks to the corner of Elm and Murphy 86 which was dressed in blue trousers and a blue-and-white striped waistcoat, but without a coat, as when found in the cell. 121 that the bullet which missed General Walker was fired from Oswald's rifle to the exclusion of all others, this testimony was considered probative 145 Under the Clean Water Act, plastic manufacturers must obtain a stormwater permit from the state to discharge industrial stormwater to surface waters. 149 restaurants 11 As the Society put it in eighteen twenty-seven, "the friends to the improvement of prison discipline will regret to learn 121 I'm connected to the internet and need to be activated. 55 Do you know me? 15 The first part of the plan needs changing. 42 None of these three men saw Dougherty, probably because of the anxiety of the moment and because of the books which may have blocked the view. 142 Family Trade is a reality T.V. series broadcast by Game Show Network. 69 Information known about Lee Harvey Oswald prior to the assassination. 69 The Curtain Rod Story 21 Hamas's military wing objected to the truce offer. 50 show the foot patrolmen facing the passing motorcade, and not the adjacent crowds and buildings, as the procession passed. 122 Help the woman get back to her feet. 36 She's sorry. 12 There was a fluctuation in the water pressure that fed the whale tank. 70 But nothing short of radical reform and complete reconstruction could touch the deep-seated evils of association, overcrowding, and idleness. 141 The test can be used on animal tissue that is fresh, frozen, decomposed, or that has been fixed in blocks of paraffin to inactivate the virus. 142 They launched a furniture line called Agassi Graf Collection. 61 The Prison Society did not relax its efforts as time passed, but its leading members had other and more pressing claims upon their energies. 140 Fast forward to the late nineteen sixtys and early nineteen seventys. 69 Another point to which the Society devoted infinite pains was the preparation of plans for the guidance of architects in the construction of prisons. 149 There was no instruction of adult prisoners, in accordance with the law. The sleeping accommodation was still altogether contrary to the latest ideas. 150 led to the employment of the police, and the offer of a reward of fifteen hundred pounds for the detection of the offenders. 124 Facilitated diffusion is different from free diffusion in several ways. 71 Health Secretary Frank Dobson made the surprise announcement in the Commons yesterday. 86 The ice crystals may also just stay in the air. 47 The most commonly deployed G.P.R.S. ciphers were publicly broken in twenty eleven. 82 Dallas detectives in the lobby of the Trade Mart and in the luncheon area also had copies of these photographs. 111 Answer: He said that he was lonely because he hadn't come the preceding weekend, and he wanted to make his peace with me. 121 Sorry, I couldn't find an answer to your question. 50 The father was unable to cut the umbilical cord of his newborn baby. 68 In nineteen seventy seven, the magazine moved its headquarters from San Francisco to New York City. 99 institute 9 but after the funeral William Roupell produced another and a later will, 72 Sorry, I couldn't locate Houston, Oklahoma. 43 A busy city scene with colorful lighted buildings and a lot of people walking on the street. 92 It's not pretty, but it's effective. 36 They keep the atmosphere in mind. 33 He signed with the New York Yankees in two thousand one, and played in their minor league system. 97 and one of the many links in the long chain of evidence was an entry in a book of Palmer's to the effect that Quote. 116 and walked directly to the terminal, he would have entered the cab at twelve:forty-seven or twelve:forty-eight p.m. 115 authorities were finally forced to consider placement in a home for boys. 73 Men may differ as to the particular form of governmental activity 65 with atmospheric air containing its ordinary minute dose of carbonic acid and with nothing else but sunlight and heat. 118 Those factors indicated a severe inability to enter into relationships with other people. 89 Another expert with the FBI, Ronald G. Wittmus, conducted a separate examination and also agreed with Latona that the prints were Oswald's. 139 we have reached into the heart of the problem which is to provide such annual earnings for the lowest paid worker as will meet his minimum needs. 145 This legislation will not only in the long run result in providing lower electric and gas rates to the consumer, 112 A few towns were starting to emerge. 36 The majority of Azerbaijan's media companies are headquartered in Baku. 71 The new law was retroactive. 28 A speedy man can beat this track mark. 38 Seven: Secret Service Personnel and Facilities 46 A group of people are buying fruits and vegetables from a stand located in a street market. 91 It is questionable whether such criteria would have resulted in the referral of Oswald to the Secret Service. 109 And always review your monthly statements for charges you don't recognize. 74 that society and its leaders had combined to thwart him. It will require every available resource of our Government 115 It is a simple equation. 24 In Oswald's personal effects found in his room at ten twenty-six North Beckley Avenue in Dallas 95 walked seven blocks directly to Murphy and Elm, and boarded a bus almost immediately, 85 The thief dropped his flashlight out of nervousness. 52 The other side retorted that the system of associated labor was most costly, so many officers being required to maintain the discipline of silence; 147 N.B.C. fires analyst Joshua Cooper Ramo for comments he made during the Winter Olympics about Korea under Japanese rule. 120 Samantha's boots felt heavy and her chest was tightening. 57 could possibly afford. 22 Listen and listen to me very closely, we call them lifts, not elevators. 72 f 1 The goose's owner, Mary Harrison, kept calling, "Comma, Comma," which Sarah thought was an odd choice for a name. 113 and a determination made as to whether the information might indicate possible harm to the President. 101 A musical band 's vocalist and guitarist play center stage together amidst an impressive light show. 100 saw him walk through the clerical office on the second floor toward the door leading to the front stairway. 107 only nominally so, however, in many cases, since when he uses a headline he counts that in, 91 But, as it was, the Persians came upon them by surprise and so took the city. 77 A man wearing a red lifevest is sitting in a canoe on a body of water. 70 It is from these women that the Babylonians of our times are sprung. 68 Construction worker on a beam helping guide the crane to place another beam in the right position. 98 who yet faced extraordinary risks to advance their enlargement by only a few hours. 83 One pound uncooked linguine. Two boneless chicken breast halves, cooked and cubed. One (four point five ounce) can sliced mushrooms. 132 Pack the kits and don't forget the salt. 40 There was an older man sitting next to me who held a cat on his lap. 68 In this connection the information available to Federal agencies about Lee Harvey Oswald 88 No. They're not. The government will not call you about your health insurance; and no one from the government will ask you to verify your Social Security number or bank information. 181 all of which were discounted to the value of one hundred two thousand, two hundred seventeen pounds. 100 The kernels in principle allow for much more exotic methods. 60 Oswald's behavior after the assassination throws little light on his motives. 77 William Crawford had been one of the promoters and managers of the Philanthropic Society's farm school. 103 science 7 Avoid the busiest days and times to increase the likelihood of finding an empty seat next to you. 97 Williams as a capital convict was lodged in the press-yard or condemned ward. 77 Honest risk disclosures may say you could lose your whole investment. 69 Dozens more are in storage or on static display. 48 The house was accredited as a museum in nineteen eighty eight. 62 A small minority, notably among the sponges, exhibit no symmetry. 65 One man wearing a white shirt is flipping a pancake by flinging it into the air. 80 She danced like a swan, tall and graceful. 42 In essence, the teaching profession has a choice. 49 Texas Boiled Beer Shrimp 24 This side effect is dose-dependent and occurs in both therapeutic and recreational users. 89 A crowd of people are clapping their hands at a concert and some are wearing blue wristbands. 93 She has always been very kind and friendly to everyone, even strangers. 71 In fourteen fifteen, the Portuguese invaded the Mediterranean port town of Ceuta. 81 hired a room for the night and morning, which he and a large party of friends occupied before and during the execution; 119 This change led to some discontent, until it was found that the much greater boon of relief from irons accompanied it, and the reform was quietly accepted. 155 A female gymnast wearing a red leotard on a balance beam with arms raised over her head. 88 Edited by Francis Rolt-Wheeler. Biology. Chapter seven. Organic Functions. Part One. 84 have been restored to complete public confidence. 49 Ouch, that was uncalled for. 28 As has been pointed out, the Commission has not resolved all the proposals which could be made. 95 The driver, William Greer, heard a noise which he took to be a backfire from one of the motorcycles flanking the Presidential car. 130 was thus brought to the Central Criminal Court from Exeter assizes, and that of the Stauntons from Maidstone. 109 On the other hand, it must be admitted 38 Apart from physical wear and tear, feathers face the onslaught of fungi, feather mites and birdlice. 100 Expect afternoon showers. 25 The long narrow yard still remained as we saw it in Jacobite times, 67 I am excited about upcoming products released next year. 56 Is that it? 11 The chest was opened to give change, and a heavy tray lifted out which plainly held some four thousand pounds in cash. 118 The man was obviously desperate to get away from the police. 60 We are under a Constitution, but the Constitution is what the judges say it is. 79 Illustrations quoted from the works of Romanes and Le Conte will make this principle clear. 91 I'm sorry, I'm unable to access your account. 45 This office, called the Vice President's Ceremonial Office, served as the Navy Secretary's Office when the E.E.O.B. housed the State, Navy and War Departments. 159 There were no Secret Service criteria which specifically required the referral of Oswald's case to the Secret Service; 118 The weather forecast isn't good. 32 His mother's future husband, Roland Truffaut, accepted him as an adopted son and gave him his surname. 102 Schools for ladies teach charm and grace. 41 Go away after the orchestra gets through Aida. 46 This door leads into a small vestibule, and another door leads from the vestibule into the second-floor lunchroom. 114 Medical discount plans are not health insurance. 48 This is a war over our home. 28 Hi, I'm Mycroft, your digital assistant. 40 It was reserved for the founders of the later eighteenth century to produce letters which are positively ugly, and which, it may be added, 138 He also wrote several short stories. 36 they had little opportunity to eat during the day. No food was available at the Press Club. 91 Senior military and F.A.A. leaders had no effective communication with each other. 82 The narrative of these events is based largely on the recollections of the participants, 88 things apparently went quite smoothly from the time Oswald returned from Mexico until the weekend of November sixteen to seventeen, nineteen sixty-three. 153 In two thousand eight Barack Obama won the state's ten electoral votes with sixty one point nine percent of the vote. 117 Agardh and other of the botanists of Cuvier's generation who occupied themselves with the lower plants had observed that, 121 Fold edges of parchment paper over the fish several times to seal into an airtight packet. Place sealed packet onto a baking sheet. 131 Lincoln was elected to the Illinois House of Representatives, in which he served for eight years. 97 You have for the same reason, he goes on, "no right to ruin his habits by compelling him to be idle, 100 two officers have testified that at the time of his arrest Oswald said something to the effect that, quote, it's all over now, end quote. 137 Kay, who had been living with Agar at the time of the bullion robbery, 70 The text, without another word, is enough to raise the wildest passions of the audience 87 But where are we going? 23 Around the same time, he created the world's first hybrid electric car - a vehicle that is powered by electricity and a gas engine. 131 Some ads serve to cheat buyers. 31 is one of the most hopeful results of our efforts as a Nation to reestablish public confidence in private banking. 114 A small toddler wearing a stripe shirts and purple pants runs happily down a sidewalk. 86 The bureau of statistics provides accurate figures. 51 His difficulty in relating to other people and his general dissatisfaction with the world around him continued while he was in the Marine Corps. 144 All the misdemeanants, whatever their offense, were lodged in this chapel ward. 79 After graduating, he worked for an insurance company in Hartford, Connecticut. 78 Three for a dime, the young peddler cried. 42 Let me call your attention to the fact that the national Industrial Recovery Act 80 Two witnesses testified that Oswald resembled the man they had seen. 68 opportunities 13 All were concerned with cholera. 32 Without knowing where they went, there's not much we can do but wait. 69 Men that are not included in the line, the reserve, Militia Never mind, Farewell. 81 A casket was obtained and the President's body was prepared for removal. 72 A hockey player attempting to score against a goalie as a defenceman watches. 77 The achieved results are far behind the state-of-the-art in image classification. 81 (six) lied to the police after his arrest concerning important substantive matters, 83 Ghent has an extensive network of public transport lines. 57 The police wished to refer to Greenacre, but as he was not forthcoming, 71 Powers considered Oswald to be meek and easily led 50 Newgate through all these years continued a bye-word with the Society. 70 Oops. There was a problem updating my skills. 45 Both Ken and Gwen go to ski school. 35 She really thinks we should prioritize our health and safety before worrying the finances. 90 policies 8 The crystal structure of insulin in the solid state was determined by Dorothy Hodgkin. 86 so no conclusions can be drawn as to whether these remaining prints preceded or followed the print developed in Dallas by powder. 129 Other risks include depression. 31 This desk is part of the White House collection and was first used by Theodore Roosevelt. 89 A girl wearing flipflop sandals swinging on a swing set in a park underneath fluffy white clouds. 97 The purpose of this experiment was not to test the rifle under conditions which prevailed at the time of the assassination 122 The state side was the part stolen from the female felons' side. 64 Quickly complete a biometric entry-exit screening system, one that also speeds qualified travelers. 99 Breakfast is usually earlier than this, she thought. 52 or the faithful discharge of some petty office, such as gatesman or captain of a ward. 86 He came to complete a sale of forged notes, and he wanted a couple of hundred pounds for what he had. 101 Why are you not at work? 24 Between the several sections were wide spaces where foot soldiers and charioteers might fight. 94 are dazzling and unpleasant to the eye owing to the clumsy thickening and vulgar thinning of the lines: 103 With mortar and bricks he built two moat-walls about the city, 62 You have a couch? 17 he was placed in a situation "beyond all others calculated to confirm his malady and prolong his sufferings." 109 We would prefer for your search to be carried out discreetly. 61 nothing but beating hemp and pulling oakum and pounding bricks -- no work but what was tedious, unusual." 105 The paper used for printing the small highly ornamented French service-books about the beginning of the sixteenth century is a model in this respect. 149 We must stay hidden. 20 The police officials agreed that the route recommended by Sorrels was the proper one and did not express a belief that any other route might be better. 151 and identified the shirt as being the one worn by Oswald primarily because of a distinctive hole in the shirt's right elbow. 124 The prisons were still far from inflicting the three punishments, hard labor, hard fare, and a hard bed 103 Nothing is safe. 16 Jack Brooks, Homer Thornberry, and Albert Thomas joined Clifton C. Carter and the group of special agents protecting the Vice President. 136 It recounts the story of her life up to age twenty one and was written during her time in college. 98 simply expressed, the left and right, and their offspring factions and concerns. Any practical attempt at one alternative 121 Men with reflective safety jackets on are working on a street intersection with many orange reflective cones. 109 These sprawling campuses became the template for succeeding generations of federal Veterans' hospitals. 103 In spite of the throng, owing to the excellent arrangements made by the sheriffs, 81 Decency was, however, insured by a line of demarcation, and visitors were kept upon each side of a separated double iron railing. 129 Six small children in coats are gathered around a food cart selling chestnuts for 2.00 Euros. 93 They have a top and a bottom surface, or a front and a back. 60 He nodded and said nothing. 27 Report of the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy. 79 High authorities were in favor of continuous separation. 56 Continue baking, uncovered, until custard is set, twenty to twenty five minutes. 80 The Pawnee, which included four tribes, lived in villages along the Platte River. 81 These intelligence-gathering activities monitor as much about the enemy's movement and operations as possible. 110 To explicitly include all of the start and end dates, the interval would be represented. 88 The draw for the twenty eighteen World Cup takes place at the State Kremlin Palace in Moscow. 93 Jim Wallace, the justice minister, acknowledged that prisoner numbers were a concern. 85 and that sometimes he made his entry right after a trip while at other times he waited to record three or four trips. 117 One was attached to Hicks' Hall, the Clerkenwell Sessions House, built out of monies provided by Sir Baptist Hicks, a wealthy alderman of the reign of James the first 166 Brave New World was Huxley's fifth novel and first dystopian work. 66 Both Dougherty and Piper were confused witnesses. They had no exact memory of the events of that afternoon. 107 It is often viewed as a contract. 33 Late at night the weary dromedary kneels, and on the ground, close beside her, you lie down to sleep. 101 to frighten the workers of America in a pay-envelope propaganda against the Social Security Law. 96 The military alternatives remained unappealing to them. 55 While there is no way to tell when he first began to think specifically of assassinating the President 102 The next year twelve thousand sovereigns were cleverly stolen in the Mile End Road. 83 Fungi are the principal decomposers in ecological systems. 58 and be available to protect the President or Vice President when they travel; 77 Report of the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy. The Warren Commission Report. By 112 Oswald had attempted to infiltrate an anti-Castro organization with which he was associated. 92 Zeta went into operation in August nineteen fifty seven and by the end of the month it was giving off bursts of about a million neutrons per pulse. 147 Someone finally figured out the password of this computer. 58 The fourth component of homogeneous coordinates is usually set to one. 70 Many of the lowest forms of life have long been puzzles 55 I am guessing that perhaps he did it to appear to be a brave man in case he were arrested, but that is my supposition, end quote. 129 The latter, light-hearted and reckless, conducted themselves in the most unseemly fashion, and "with as much indifference as the inmates of the other parts of the prison." 171 The Federal Emergency Management Agency coordinates disaster relief efforts across five Southern California counties. 117 Would you please take a look at it? 35 ca 2 The early thresher, called the ground hog, was unlike modern threshers. 71 On November twenty-three, Fritz confronted Oswald with the evidence that he had purchased a rifle under the fictitious name of "Hidell." 136 Trinity Christian College became the Orchestra's main venue in twenty seventeen. 80 The earliest printed documents in date from the end of the sixteenth century. 77 was a purported international certificate of vaccination signed by "Dr. A. J. Hideel, 85 The top U.S. News stories are: 30 That rollercoaster was insane! 30 Stand up eight. 15 and, apparently seriously, as a political prophet -- a man who said that after twenty years he would be prime minister. 119 Protecting the environment is everyone's responsibility, and starts with understanding the issues. 98 His features were not careworn, but rather set, and he looked older than his age. 81 Where observation is concerned, chance favours only the prepared mind. 70 The nineteen fifty seven design continues to be used under trademark. 69 L.J. Lewis said in an interview that because of the distance from which he observed the gunman he would hesitate to state whether the man was identical with Oswald. 164 Here's a clue. 14 At various times Shia groups have faced persecution. 52 We're in shock. 15 George De Mohrenschildt thought that Oswald must have become disgusted with life in the Soviet Union as the novelty 115 The man was obviously desperate to get away from the police. 60 At that time the building had not yet been sealed off by the police. 68 preparation in a special party could safeguard an independent course of action after the debacle, end quote. 108 A young girl dressed in a Minnie mouse outfit and an older woman walking down the sidewalk. 91 Oswald also denied owning a rifle and said that since leaving the Marine Corps he had fired only a small bore twenty-two rifle. 127 they saw and heard Brennan describing what he had seen. 55 The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency conducts operations at ninety-eight Seven-Eleven stores, arresting twenty-one people suspected of being illegal immigrants. 175 You who know me can have no fear that I would tolerate the destruction by any branch of government of any part of our heritage of freedom. 138 Dunk the stale biscuits into strong drink. 42 Where are you from? 19 They could not deny that the latter was the truth, and were forthwith stigmatized by Mr. Chapman, Overend and Gurney's representative, as rogues. 145 In good printing the spaces between the words should be as near as possible equal 81 An example of a highly publicized interventive conservation effort would be the conservation work conducted on the Sistine Chapel. 130 I wish after this day to have communication with nobody; let me take leave of my wife, and family, and friends. I have already suffered an execution; 149 and the whole effect is a little too gray, owing to the thinness of the letters. 80 seven. Certain of my documents are in the small blue valise. 60 The ancient coin was quite dull and worn. 41 I like both apple and pecan pie. 32 Those last words were a strong statement. 41 Roll out pizza dough into a twelve-inch circle and press into the bottom and one inch up the sides of a well seasoned ten-inch cast iron skillet. 145 The large house had hot water taps. 35 Columbia then undertook three further research missions to test its technical characteristics and performance. 110 Shortly after his return from the Soviet Union, Oswald severed all relations with his mother; 93 Lee confirmed some of those observations by saying that he felt almost as if there were a veil between him and other people 123 and it was unsafe to fix this limit above twelve months, although some rash advocates were in favor of eighteen months, some indeed of two years. 145 A mother and her son walk down a scenic path while two men on horseback approach them. 86 Spurious legal charges and impunity in violence against journalists have remained the norm. 91 It's four twenty-two A.M. Pacific Daylight Time. 48 Someone contacts you, offering discounts on health services and products. 73 You can feel at home in China. 30 It's always nice if you can learn something new, isn't it? 58 His trial followed at the next sessions of the Central Criminal Court, and ended in his conviction. 99 Over neck and head headlong. 28 What's the meaning of an asterisk in a regular expression? 58 which has been set forth above, only served to prolong the period during which he was the center of the attention of the entire world. 134 Pulled a huge number of viewers. 32 He is certain to appeal, and the sentence will not be enforced until the result of the trial is confirmed at appeal. 116 He told his story. 18 Ukrainian embroidery, weaving and lace-making are used in traditional folk dress and in traditional celebrations. 113 suited to the needs of the next phase, which is, in turn, a period of preparation for legislation which will determine its permanent form. 138 Mount Everest is found on the international boarder between China and Nepal. 76 and begged his wife to send him over a consignment of cheap "righteous" watches, or such as had been honestly obtained, and not "on the cross." 143 A woman walks up a path that cuts through cultivated plots while balancing straw on her head. 93 If the man had passed from the vestibule into the lunchroom, Baker could not have seen him. 91 They will do their own thing. 29 It replaced a nineteenth century stone-arched bridge, which in turn superseded a six hundred-year-old medieval structure. 121 There reigned through the whole edifice a chilly, damp, unwholesome atmosphere, and the effluvia from the prisoners was so nauseous 131 purchase 8 Anxiety disorders are a group of mental disorders characterized by feelings of anxiety and fear. 96 if the legislative power is not left free to choose the methods of solving the problems of poverty, 99 It was recaptured in fourteen twenty eight or fourteen twenty nine. 67 for ourselves and our posterity. 32 Get the track record of the company you're considering investing in and the background of the people promoting it. 114 The U.S. Department of the Navy successfully tested printing telegraphy between an airplane and ground radio station in August nineteen twenty two. 147 limits of space, the interference of the ill-disposed, who would neither work nor let others do so, 99 Each penny shone like new. 26 nor was there any requirement to report the names of defectors. However, there was much material in the hands of the FBI about Oswald: 134 and as I got to this door here I caught a glimpse of this man, just, you know, a sudden glimpse. And it looked to me like he was going away from me. 148 Lower ranking members of the party and even the Vietnamese were not told of it and neither was the membership until many years later. 133 Welcome home. 13 The insurance industry faces record claims of one hundred thirty-five billion dollars from natural catastrophes. 112 In this prison there was no female infirmary. 45 Pineland is rife with political turmoil, and candidates must navigate the region and complete a specified mission. 114 President Eisenhower's Advisory Committee on Presidential Office Space recommended demolition of the Executive Office Building and construction of a modern office facility. 172 Hogs and geese turned the old adobe church into a pig sty. 58 The poor boy missed the boat again. 35 An asteroid was named after him shortly after his death. 56 You must be at least one hundred and fifty centimeters to ride the ride. 72 with orders to march into the town by the bed of the stream, as soon as the water became shallow enough: 104 The audience clapped enthusiastically after an outstanding performance. 71 It afforded us wide streets most of the way, because of the buses that were in the motorcade. 93 They exploited their guests. 28 I don't have a platform build. 30 Type out three lists of orders. 31 was eating lunch in his cab which was parked on Patton facing the southeast corner of tenth Street and Patton Avenue a few feet to the north. 141 who seldom let a session go by without visiting Newgate. 56 When all the visible frequencies are present equally, the perceived color of the light is white, and the spectrum is a flat line. 129 It was claimed for it that it was more deterrent; 49 Watch today's launch to Mars to give the Red Planet its first thorough checkup since it formed four point five billion years ago! 129 The irony was not lost. 23 Raleigh scattering is perceived by humans as very beautiful. 60 He indicated an interest in writing. An employment counselor testified, on the basis of a general aptitude test Oswald had taken, 129 Thomas told her that her brother had canceled his show. 55 They could not ignore the will of parliament, he claimed. 57 Westbrook identified Commission Exhibit Number one sixty-two as the light-colored jacket which he discovered underneath the automobile. 135 My uncle was fruit farmer. 26 In another interview with FBI agents on January seven, nineteen sixty-four, 75 and his skepticism was the more justified since Ehrenberg in his elaborate and comprehensive work on the infusoria, 115 and then used the, quote, special treatment, end quote, he received as an example of the way in which he was being picked on and, quote, 136 The rise to fame of a person takes luck. 40 Find the twin who stole the pearl necklace. 43 Ask for written proof of how much of your money is going to the actual investment and how much is going to commissions, promoters' profits, and marketing costs. 160 Plans to celebrate the Queen's Golden Jubilee will proceed. 59 Felons who could pay the price were permitted, irrespective of their character or offenses, 91 Five years he lived with a shaggy dog. 38 Teen mobile use: seventy five percent of teens can access a smartphone, ninety one percent go online via mobile at least occasionally. 134 I don't believe it! 19 Many of the migrants came from the rural parts of west Wales which had been affected by an agricultural depression. 115 Hosty testified that he would not have cited him to the Secret Service as a potential threat to the President. Hosty interpreted his instructions as requiring, quote, 166 Brian McClendon is an American software designer, developer, and engineer. 74 I, in the meantime, had been far from chilling. 47 I'm having trouble communicating with the Mycroft servers. Please wait few minutes before trying to speak to me. 112 Here are the top local stories for Lawrence, Kansas. 52 I maimed myself because I could not endure that the Assyrians should laugh at the Persians. "Wretched man," said Darius, 120 Out of debt, out of danger. 27 I met up with Aditya at the party and we talked for hours. 58 They did not dislike Calcraft, however, at Newgate. He was an illiterate, simple-minded man, who scarcely remembered what executions he had performed. 150 and the disuse of the inferior courts. 38 Fairy tales should be fun to write. 35 A pitcher goes often to the well, but is broken at last. 56 However, for the first time in five years the relief rolls have declined instead of increased during the winter months. 119 I am aware of their position. This is not, I am sure, arrived at without careful consideration. 95 about persons other than those who were obvious threats to the President. 73 could not be brought about in one year. 39 DeMille made seventy features. 30 The most recent presidents of the United States are Donald Trump, Barack Obama, and George W. Bush. 99 The cold drizzle will halt the bond drive. 42 he had neither a bed to lie upon nor a coat to his back. 56 and also handled a paper bag which was found near the cartons. 62 Further, wishing to prevent the race of the Babylonians from becoming extinct, 78 The case was tried at Guildford Assizes, and caused intense excitement, 71 I would be happy to sing for you. 33 was considered sufficiently unusual to necessitate another interview. Alan H. Belmont, Assistant to the Director of the FBI, 124 A Jack Russell Terrier is measured for distance jumping as he tries to catch a Frisbee. 87 Warning! There is an accident along your route causing a twenty minute delay. 77 That's fine. 12 Similarly, Virginia Davis had not been shown pictures of anyone prior to the lineup and had not seen either television or the newspapers during the afternoon. 158 A Schick shaver is best for removing facial hair. 49 The west end of the floating bridge was to connect to the Everett-Seattle tollway at Roanoke Street, south of the planned Ship Canal Bridge. 140 The transfer required two hours nineteen minutes and ten seconds to complete. 77 It seems that the elderly are having difficulties in using the Internet. 72 The hoodlum was full of malice. 31 When hunting large prey, the coyote often works in pairs or small groups. 73 The former was given a reward of twenty and the latter of ten pounds. 69 Oswald was, however, willing to discuss his contacts with Soviet authorities. He denied having any involvement with Soviet intelligence agencies 144 Just at this moment, however, the searchers found concealed under two trusses of hay a woman's headless and dismembered trunk. 126 In the period from November nineteen sixty-one to November nineteen sixty-three, 80 Three painters in all white are painting over a building covered in red and black graffiti. 91 This is the narrowing of the modern letters. 44 Oswald went on October thirty-one, to the American Embassy to renounce his U.S. citizenship. 92 Joe stuffed the crepes with juicy berry filling. 48 This fact was referred to by the judge in his summing up, 57 Many citizens were arrested, tortured, imprisoned and executed for their real or perceived link to the Communists. 114 So sorry to bother you on the weekend, but I took the wrong key and locked myself out. 86 The Vienna Congress of eighteen fifteen confirmed Hamburg's independence and it became one of thirty nine sovereign states of the German Confederation. 151 The eleven remaining countries aiming to create the Trans-Pacific Partnership announce they will sign an agreement in Chile this March. 135 Inside Elizabeth saw Donald. 28 In nineteen twenty eight, admission to the National Homes was extended to women, National Guard and militia Veterans. 117 and the reason is plain: you have taken him from his home, and have deprived him of the means of providing himself with the necessaries or comforts of life, 156 The horse balked and threw the tall rider. 42 Measures remedial, although at best partial and incomplete, were introduced from time to time. 94 And because of deep roots set up by these missions, other Special Forces tactics, like direct action or special reconnaissance, can be launched quickly and seamlessly. 167 Mrs. Paine had the actual blanket before her as she testified and she indicated that the blanket hung limp in the officer's hand. 129 to Federal intelligence and law enforcement agencies were not well designed to elicit information from them 107 The leaf drifts along with a slow spin. 39 The baby tried cake for the first time on her first birthday. 61 Sick women and their children remained in the ordinary wards, and propagated disease. 85 Shops were broken into, as when that of Grimaldi and Johnson, in the Strand, was robbed of watches to the value of six thousand pounds. 135 The statute would apply to all the courts in the federal system. 64 Stark naked. 12 It was a large gold brooch set in pearls, but a portion of the mounting had melted with the heat. 97 What am I to do? 16 When Congress writes an environmental law, we implement it by writing regulations. 82 is shown most clearly by his employment relations after his return from the Soviet Union. Of course, he made his real problems worse to the extent 146 As gasoline prices continue to rise and the prices on electric vehicles continue to drop, electric vehicles are gaining in popularity. 134 especially an atmosphere of extreme opposition to President Kennedy that was present in some parts of the Dallas community 122 More attention to ventilation, which was altogether neglected and inadequate, would have secured a better atmosphere for the unhappy inmates 140 only premising that as accounts become more voluminous I shall be compelled to deal with fewer cases, 101 Nero is portrayed as a tyrant, but those that replace him are not described as better. 86 Affirmative. 12 Many programming languages are named after real people. 55 manufacturer 12 A joy to every child is the swan boat. 38 What are you doing? 19 A little boy in a striped shirt and blue jeans is blowing bubbles from a red container. 87 in order to be so added to successive species, every individual deer belonging to later species was required to repeat in his own lifetime 138 The hard part about developing the CubeSat is making the commercial parts durable in space, said Tom Johnson, Goddard's Small Satellite manager. 144 She blushed when he gave her a white orchid. 44 Street vendors are selling fruits and vegetables in a stand and in large baskets on the ground. 95 Lee refused to discuss the matter with Pic, whom he had previously idolized, and their relations were strained thereafter. 122 I love you. 11 See you later. 14 and behaved so as to justify a belief that he had been a jail-bird all his life. 80 These often remained in Newgate for six months, sometimes a year, in some cases longer; 87 The display was underwhelming. 30 leap-frog, puss in the corner, and "fly the garter," for which purpose the rugs were spread out to prevent feet slipping on the floor. 134 The time at length approached when a radical and complete change was to come over the old city jail. 100 These recycled parchments are called palimpsests. 49 was ignorant of the destructive character of the powders, probably arsenic, which she administered. 99 Another pot ! 13 His letter is admirably clear and regular, but at least as beautiful as any other Roman type. 93 In the middle of this machinery is placed a movable platform, in form of a trap-door, ten feet long by eight wide, 114 It is great to have this beautiful new site in wonderful countryside. 69 To make pure ice, you freeze water. 35 Bigger "jobs" than ever were planned and attempted, 51 D.D.T. is an endocrine disruptor. 33 He had power where his exactions were resisted of making the ward most uncomfortable for the defaulter. 103 This giant skull was discovered near that jawbone. 50 A young group of friends adorned with face paint and feathered headbands sit on a bench. 88 He entered into conversation with the policemen, and learnt, as it seemed for the first time, what had happened. 112 It was raised from everyone who entered the city during the celebration period. 79 Location of Bag 15 are consistent with his having been at the window at twelve:thirty p.m. 71 gaming of all sorts should be peremptorily forbidden under heavy pains and penalties. 85 If the sick could be removed, the vessel remained under his orders. 67 Seizure is a novel by American author Robin Cook which explores the concerns raised by advances in therapeutic cloning. 119 the invention of movable metal letters in the middle of the fifteenth century may justly be considered as the invention of the art of printing. 143 The program has provided anti-retroviral treatment to over seven point seven million H.I.V. infected people in resource-limited settings. 137 I was ready to shoot the day I read the screenplay. 51 Apparently that action was taken in anticipation of her marriage to Edwin A. Ekdahl, which took place in May of nineteen forty-five. 132 The famous researches of Schwann and Schleiden in eighteen thirty-seven and the following years 95 Most life span developmentalists recognise that extreme positions are unwise. 77 Three elderly women wearing coats and carrying purses are walking with their back to the camera. 96 After an avalanche buried the skiing resort, it was hard to determine its exact location. 89 Compared to other countries in the world, Japan has a very low birth rate. 74 Their type is on the lines of the German and French rather than of the Roman printers. 86 and though distress or the seduction of others might have led to the commission of this their first offense, 108 Oh, my! Think I've got to die. 30 I'm doing well. 15 Joseph Coleman put in irons for three days for striking one of the prisoners, in the same place. 96 The dagger-axe is a type of weapon that was in use from the Shang dynasty until the Han dynasty in China. 105 Although she used the words, quote, a little bit bushy, end quote, to describe the gunman's hair, 97 Since domiciliary care was available at all state Veterans homes, incidental medical and hospital treatment was provided for all injuries and diseases, whether or not of service origin. 185 Indeed the partial classification attempted seems to have been abandoned within a year or two. 94 Its remaining carbon emissions are now offset, making its services carbon neutral. 82 The U.S. Department of the Navy successfully tested printing telegraphy between an airplane and ground radio station in August nineteen twenty two. 147 Reality was permanently scarred from those force field experiments. 67 The tide rushed into the estuary at a menacing pace. 52 The story goes, that about eighteen twenty-eight 48 They wanted to see if the instrument's batteries stored enough power to run twenty four hours. 94 It has since been home to the families of Vice Presidents Bush, Quayle, Gore, Cheney and Biden. 95 Whatever problems may have been created by Lee's home life in Louisiana and Texas, 82 Goods would be landed at this wharf; 36 This was known to some clerks in the office, who began to consider how they might lay hands on a lot of cash. 109 There was the same crowding in the sleeping arrangements as on the male side; the same scarcity of bedding. 107 That is a weird phrase. 23 But the formation of starch, all important as it is, is after all only the manufacture of food 94 It's shooting branches from the trunk, which means it can't properly get its sap to the top. 92 See below for a brief job description for each O.D.A. team member. 66 but he said he was unable to make a positive identification. 60 They are real. 14 This process produces an almost syrupy beverage by extracting both solid and dissolved components. 98 Police reports also fail to reflect any activity on Oswald's part prior to August nine, nineteen sixty-three, 109 Oswald generally would go to Irving on Friday afternoon and return to Dallas Monday morning. 92 It may be added that of late years the clothes in which a convict has suffered are invariably burnt. 100 The selection of the Trade Mart as the possible site for the luncheon first appeared in the Dallas Times-Herald on November fifteen, nineteen sixty-three. 154 Hurry! 6 The key you designed will fit the lock. 39 A trill, or shake A triplet. 28 Does the venue offer free WiFi? 31 that authority, particularly the Marine Corps, ought to be able to recognize talent such as his own, without a given magic college degree, 138 Personal Relations 18 he had his pockets filled with bread and cheese, and it was generally supposed that he had come a long distance to see the fatal show. 134 We need grain to keep our mules healthy. 40 On Monday, November eighteen, nineteen sixty-three, he called several times, but after I hung up on him and didn't want to talk to him he did not call again. 157 Elemental chlorine is commercially produced from brine by electrolysis. 71 Please cook up a big batch of corn for Grandad. 47 The Commission has found no evidence that the extreme views expressed toward President Kennedy 94 After the opening ceremonies, closed plenary sessions were held. 64 One employee, Jack Dougherty, 29 the company received from Empire Wholesale Sporting Goods, Ltd., Montreal, a shipment of ninety-nine guns in one case. 118 A gem in the rough needs work to polish. 40 The clothes of prisoners arriving dirty, or in rags, should be fumigated before worn in the jail, 97 I believe the gap is nearly there. 34 listing the names of those, other than the owner of the box, entitled to receive mail through the box. 102 were capable of firing the shots which were fired by the assassin on November twenty-two, nineteen sixty-three. 111 A police inquiry began about two weeks before the General Election. 67 See you in a bit. 17 Much useful information will come to the attention of local law enforcement agencies in the regular course of their activities. 127 When very pure, it is comparatively soft and ductile, but impurities make it harder. 84 It just shows the arrogance of Labour and the Liberal Democrats. 64 Who would be a referee? 23 He could do what he liked with the passbook, and by its adoption, as described as the basis of all entries, 107 Dialogue is the key. 20 After nineteen fifty, the population doubled from six hundred to thirteen hundred in a half century. 100 Measure the width of your device. It should fit in most airplane seats if it is no wider than sixteen inches. 109 No-one has appeared in court in relation to her death. 54 So enormous were his transactions, that they often affected the markets, and caused great fluctuations in prices. 113 Finally, she administered ether. 32 which possessed the right of trying criminals for various offenses. 67 Nothing else. 13 She walked from the debtors' door to a stake fixed in the ground about half-way between the scaffold and Newgate Street. 120 Ready for me to head over? 26 Many different classes of statistical tests have been considered in the literature. 83 Blonde lace is a continuous bobbin lace from France that is made of silk. 73 Turn left onto Tremont Street, then turn right onto West Madison Street. 72 as it were, into an assemblage of organisms which partake of the characters of both kingdoms and cannot without a certain violence 130 can 3 I couldn't in all honesty sincerely say such a thing. 53 Centuries afterward, even to this day, Jewish mothers teach their children to hate his name. 92 I'm Mycroft, an open-source A.I. 32 A brownhaired boy is laughing with his eyese clothes while lying on a pile of clothes. 86 Subjects are more likely to lose memories closer to the traumatic incident than more remote memories. 101 He was also a visionary nationalist who became the driving force behind the crown colony's quest for independence. 114 On September eleventh, two thousand one. 40 His disclaimer, distinct and detailed on every point, was intended simply for effect. 85 Roy Kellerman, in the right front seat of the limousine, heard a report like a firecracker pop. 95 Authority was given to raise money on the Orphans' Fund to the extent of ninety thousand pounds. 96 This side effect is dose-dependent and occurs in both therapeutic and recreational users. 89 These practices were soon corrected, and U.S. cruisers with similar damage sank less often thereafter. 102 He ought to let the pup gnaw on the raw apple. 46 We figured after this broadcast of August twenty-one, why, that was no longer possible, end quote. 98 It recounts the story of her life up to age twenty one and was written during her time in college. 98 and no lodger was rejected, whatever his status, who offered himself and could bring grist to the mill. 103 Geisel was raised a Lutheran. 29 The room glows with light. 26 Secret Service requests to other agencies for intelligence information 70 While an undergraduate, Lund was a roommate with Tommy Thompson, who later became Governor of Wisconsin. 104 The devil take him! 19 Mayonnaise is made from eggs, oil, vinegar and mustard. 55 Eventually, the particles get so heavy, they fall and melt to form rain drops. 78 Food (starch) thus produced in the green leaves of higher plants and the inorganic foods 88 Wakefield added that it had been suggested he should marry Miss Turner, but that he had laughed at the idea. 108 There was a sound of dry leaves outside. 40 I saw Louis the other day, he was super concerned about you. 60 Ingredients: cooking spray. One whole chicken, cut into eight pieces. One teaspoon salt. One teaspoon ground black pepper. 122 He could trump up a false complaint against his fellow-prisoner, and so get him punished; 89 Many people of Indian descent wearing bright, colorful clothing walking up steep flights of stairs. 100 Master these, and do not let them master you. 45 Rapid wartime expansion saw the acquisition of large surface vessels and the building of many smaller warships. 111 photo 5 In fact, he was talking about the survival business. 52 He found three four-leaf clovers in only seventeen and a half minutes. 70 Texas Rangers pitcher Cole Hamels and his wife Heidi donate one hundred acres of land to a charity with camps in the Missouri Ozarks for children with special needs. 165 The latter method provides less tribute and indirect control, but avails military forces for further expansion. 111 because he may well have carried this rifle for quite some time, and it got banged around in normal usage. 106 There can be little doubt that some provocation existed. 56 Even before the Trade Mart had been definitely selected, Lawson and Sorrels began to consider the best motorcade route from Love Field to the Trade Mart. 153 This was more particularly the practice in London. 50 (two) the photographs found among Oswald's possessions, 55 Come on, I can handle it. 25 I hope you are well! 20 Let us go to Kilburn for them together, said Mr. Fasson, growing suspicious. 76 These bankers, wishing for more specific information, 53 library 7 The team plays its home games at the South Pine Sports Complex in Brendale. 75 and its appurtenances must needs vary according to the nature of the aliment and the operations which it has to undergo 119 The State Department issues an internal travel warning to Israel, Jerusalem and the West Bank until December twentieth. 119 proposed to gain the capital he needed for business purposes by raising money on dock warrants for imported goods which had no real existence. 142 During the test, safeguards prevented the satellite from losing all its power and ending the mission; however, the test was successful. 135 The economic situation started improving by twenty thirteen. 60 Highway robberies, for instance, had disappeared, if we except the spasmodic and severely repressed outbreak of "garotting," 124 Winter storm Eleanor moves from the British Isles to continental Europe with one dead in France and injuries in Germany, Netherlands and Switzerland. 149 Bring your best compass to the third class. 43 With his revolver drawn, Baker opened the vestibule door and ran into the vestibule. 84 Harry Styles was a member of the boy band One Direction. 56 or theirs might be one of many, and it might be considered necessary to "make an example." 90 Add the onion and garlic, and saute for five more minutes. Drain any excess fat, if desired. 92 Since the President was to be at the Trade Mart longer than at any other location in Dallas and in view of the security hazards presented by the building, 154 Projects shall be of a nature that a considerable proportion of the money spent will go into wages for labor. 109 forty-five caliber pistol, and twelve-gauge riot gun. 53 Matter enters the plant in the liquid or gaseous form by diffusion, 67 Three deathly screams froze the thieves. 40 He rarely spoke to me of anything that didn't directly relate to our work. 74 Cook and stir until noodles are hot and chicken is no longer pink, three to four minutes. 89 Eighteen agents are proposed for a rotating pool which will go through an intensive training cycle and also be available to supplement the White House detail in case of unexpected need; 185 that the ceremony may be made more mechanical, thus rendering the personal intervention of a skilled functionary unnecessary. 125 The plant grew large and green in the window. 45 that are filled by the vote of all of the voters -- the President and the Vice-President? 89 The FBI has indicated that it is willing to continue to make such assistance available, 87 According to Hosty, Mrs. Paine indicated that she thought she could find out where Oswald was living and would let him know. 124 Others are attempts to get your personal or financial information, so the scammer can use it to commit identity fraud. 118 Taxis are available. 20 In fourteen sixty-five Sweynheim began printing in the monastery of Subiaco near Rome. 86 sighting with the telescopic lens and operating the bolt. 57 It seeks to maintain the federal bench in full vigor. 53 on November twenty-four. 24 Truly and Baker continued up the stairs after the encounter with Oswald in the lunchroom. 89 Sheep farmers are crouching and preparing to feed their animals as the sheepdog watches closely by. 99 A prisoner, one of the wardsmen, waited on those in the infirmary; the occupants of the governor's house had their own servants, or the governor's. 147 But you are joking. 19 We urge you to secure your child for the duration of your flight. It's the smart and right thing to do. 103 What does it mean? 18 A man overlooks stands on the beach overlooking the sea with a cityscape in the background. 91 In my opinion, you went too far with your satire poem. 54 Only one stayed as long as a half hour, and none had any beverage there. 72 Fine, well I need to make a call before we leave. 49 in other words, they had advanced in eighteen thirty-two to the point at which the Lower House had arrived in eighteen thirty. 126 A young blondhaired boy and a darkhaired girl are eating at a kid 's table. 75 In six oh five, 15 The Battle of the Coral Sea was the first time since the attack on Pearl Harbor that Japan's seemingly relentless advance into the Pacific was checked. 151 and unwilling to assert legislative powers by writing into it their own political and economic policies. 104 a rise from a deficit figure in the first quarter of nineteen thirty-three 74 functional 10 Even so, on her first morning, she felt stressed. 49 Since these agencies are already obliged constantly to evaluate the activities of such groups, 94 For example, instead of editing Google Maps, consider contributing to OpenStreetMap. 84 Marina Oswald thought he did so in order to emphasize his importance. 69 He wrote that, quote, thousands of circulars were distributed, end quote. 73 who, while detained in the press-yard as a capital convict, under sentence of death for burglary, 97 general 7 Add salt before you fry the egg. 32 Many of the victims were shot while fleeing from soldiers, and some were shot while trying to help the wounded. 111 It was read for the first time in March eighteen sixty-six, but did not become law till eighteen sixty-eight. 109 washington 10 Plead with the lawyer to drop the lost cause. 45 He returned to the United States in late May and flew to Africa again in July. 78 The CubeSat spins around its axis, like a plate spinning on a pole. 67 When the airplane leaves the gate and as it climbs after take-off. During landing and taxi. 91 Beat hard one minute before pouring in the yeast. 49 Rated M for mature. 19 A man in a colorful buttonup tshirt is pouring what appears to be barbecue sauce onto something. 96 Valued at thirteen billion dollars in twenty sixteen, M.I.T.'s endowment is the sixth-largest among American colleges and universities. 135 The number of boroughs was reduced from twenty three to twelve. 63 On this renewed visit Mr. Owen was still absent, and Mr. Mullay agreed to write him a note from a copy Howard gave him. 119 The International Trade Commission votes in favor of dismissing the Boeing Company's petition against Bombardier Inc. over alleged price dumping. 145 Interactivity is examined with reference to disfluencies such as hesitators, pauses and repetitions. 100 Untried persons were often lodged in this nauseous underground den, 67 The disgraceful overcrowding had been partially ended, but the same evils of indiscriminate association were still present; there was the old neglect of decency, 161 A grayhaired woman in a yellow jacket looks at vegetable produce at a farmer 's market stall. 93 He did not thrive on prison fare, 33 to make himself and his activities appear far more important than they really were. 83 Please go to aisle seven. 25 Procter and Gamble announces that it will close its plant in Kansas City, Kansas. 81 In non-green plants like the Indian pipe and mushrooms the breathing of oxygen and the excretion of carbon dioxide are as in the animal. 136 Protecting the President is a difficult and complex task which requires full use of the best resources of many parts of our Government. 135 The arguments he used to justify his use of the alias suggest that Oswald may have come to think that the whole world was becoming involved 139 Hitting the delete and escape keys did nothing. 47 it has been occupied by every Vice President except for Hubert Humphrey, who used a room on the floor below. 108 A group of youths march down the street waving flags showing the color spectrum. 80 Warfare of varying size however was a distinctive feature of barbarian culture. 79 The Commission is satisfied that, at the least, 47 NASA related briefings will stream live on the agency's website. 64 The party is up for it. 23 This section deals with the caveats of the proposed method. 59 It was decided that the Vice President should return on the Presidential plane rather than on the Vice-Presidential plane because it had better communication equipment. 168 Never, indeed, had an execution been more generally patronized. 63 More than five thousand names were referred to the Secret Service in the first four months of nineteen sixty-four. 114 At Ilchester the rule of employment had been carried further. 61 They contemplate the enrichment of our national life 52 Military casualties on the NATO side were light. 48 Special Forces Soldiers are often deployed to respond to terroristic threats abroad. 84 But there were evils akin to those on the male side, prominent amongst which was the undue influence accorded to prisoners. 123 Could you give me your name and address? 40 Build castles in the air. 25 It is now established that nitrogen is as essential a constituent of vegetable as of animal living matter and that the latter is, chemically speaking, just as complicated as the former. 185 Young white male child with blondhair in a red shirt coloring with crayons outside with an adult. 97 The essential character of vegetable life is the exhalation of oxygen, which is effected through the agency of light. 117 Several men are sitting by a river conversing with one another while a boat drifts by them. 91 made a full confession, and implicated Holloway and Haggerty. 61 Corsican nationalists demand talks with the French government after a convincing win in the second round of elections. 118 Every now and then they remember to give me some food. 54 Cutting the cord which fastened the two legs of the step ladder, he opened them out and made one long length; 109 You must have a government and a good civil service. 52 In fourteen fifteen, the Portuguese invaded the Mediterranean port town of Ceuta. 81 Do you know how long I have been waiting for? 45 I would argue that much better global and local contrast enhancement methods exist. 83 This would have made him a real center of attention as he must have been when he first arrived in the Soviet Union 114 Pries, although enjoying a high reputation in the city, had long been in a bad way. 83 Strip down the rig until you know exactly where the error is located. 69 Three people on two dirtbikes and one fourwheeler are riding through brown grass. 81 This generally produces instantaneous death, although cases where complete fracture of the spinal cord occurred are said to be rare. 132 This is a sector in overall deficit and urgent action is required. 66 That Lord William Russell had committed suicide was at once declared impossible. 80 Throw any old socks away over there. 36 In fact, you can't pay them. 28 The lamp shone with a steady green flame. 41 Again, as late as eighteen oh nine and eighteen twelve, Execution Dock, on the banks of the Thames, was still retained. 119 Thistles and sunflowers are both in the daisy family. 53 To serve, cut the parchment paper open and remove lemon slices before plating fish. 83 April six to twenty-four, nineteen sixty-three Oswald's first public identification with that cause was in New Orleans. 119 the French refugee, was a murderer of the same description, who dispatched his victim with a loaded cane, after which, to secure his escape, 140 games 5 No definite rules, however, except the avoidance of "rivers" and excess of white, can be given for the spacing. 111 When she started to open the blanket, she saw the stock of the rifle. 69 Everything looked diffuse after she took the narcotic. 54 The last watch assembly facilities, however, closed in twenty fifteen. 70 Desired by both the President and the public, it is an indispensable means of communication between the two. 108 In accordance with its regular procedures, no survey or other check was made by the Secret Service, or by any other law enforcement agency at its request, 154 To them I say: I do not think you will be able long to fool the American people as to your purposes. 100 A king's son, the Duke of Gloucester, was the patron; among the vice-presidents were many great peers of the realm 114 Two sweet potatoes, sliced. Two apples, peeled, cored, and sliced into rings. 77 were places set apart for skittles, fives, and tennis, which strangers frequented as any other place of public amusement. 121 The policemen were now in possession; 37 The foot of the owner is the best manure for his land. 54 A five point eight magnitude earthquake strikes off the coast of the Mexican state of Jalisco, prompting evacuations in Puerto Vallarta. 136 It was by the numbers. 22 However, once the name was given, the commentators sought to find intrinsic reasons for its appropriateness. 108 and this, with the danger arising from an extensive robbery of watches in Cheapside, in which Ikey was implicated as a receiver, 128 Arrange chicken pieces in the baking pan. Sprinkle salt, pepper, paprika, garlic powder, and oregano over both sides. 117 Soon after Oswald returned from the Soviet Union 48 Two Asian women and a young Asian girl with a tricycle are standing outside in the shade. 89 There are many official public holidays in South Korea. 55 Roll out into a sheet half an inch thick with a floured rolling-pin; cut into round cakes, set these closely together in a well-greased pan; 140 a person squatting or kneeling exposes more of his body than would normally be the case. 88 You didn't set the indicator before leaving the roundabout. 59 Nor were the walls about the palace a great mass of dull brick masonry. 71 Laziness travels so slowly that poverty soon overtakes it. 58 In addition to studying the Russian language while he was in the Marines, 73 Did you think it was tasty. 27 on November twenty-two, nineteen sixty-three. One of these pictures, Exhibit Number one thirty-three A, shows most of the rifle's configuration. 144 I am so glad. 13 listings 8 Tell me. 8 and the prison allowance was still limited to bread and water. 62 Legionella can cause severe pneumonia and symptoms similar to the flu. 70 Bake in the preheated oven until cream cheese mixture is set and cookies on top are golden brown, thirty to forty five minutes. 127 Worse and worse. 16 A gust of wind made the wood chips tumble upwards. 50 We all know that private banking actually exists by virtue of the permission of and regulation by the people as a whole, 120 He stood up, and by the time he went back to his seat everybody in the room was questioning the meaning of life. 112 Astronaut or real-life Iron Man? In the ninetten seventies, we built this experimental space suit dubbed the A. X. Three. 121 On the islands the sea breeze is soft and mild. 47 Thanks to the exhaust turbo charger, we could double the engine torque. 71 In this connection the Commission considered (one) 50 The man intrusted with this privilege was often the inner gatesman, 67 The committee seems to have fully realized, even at this early date (eighteen fifteen), 87 The spotlight was on the display of spring fashions. 52 Following the Civil War, many state Veterans homes were established. 68 Talk with adolescents to help them use social media to support their health. 76 While the team planned for the mission to operate for thirty days in space, It does not cost very much to keep it going, Johnson said, 134 An unknown amount of Hungarian, Italian, and Romanian materiel was lost. 72 toward the Triple Underpass, shots fired from a rifle mortally wounded President Kennedy and seriously injured Governor Connally. 129 It has become a way of life. 28 thinking perhaps that prisoners so well disposed would cheerfully remain in jail of their own accord. 101 leading to thirteen wards on various floors, and a day room. 60 A bride and groom are standing outside with a plethora of nicely dressed people behind them. 92 During August eighteen twenty nine the party went into Apache country along the Gila River. 91 Executive power is exercised by the French government. 54 at a distance of two hundred sixty-five point three feet was, quote, an easy shot, end quote. 93 Moreover, a number of imponderable questions have to be weighed if any change in the intimate association now established 121 On the other hand he also told her that he wished his mother had been more firm with him in her attempts to get him to return to school. 136 Three teens are standing next to each other in a classroom with a blackboard behind them. 89 down the rear stairs to the first floor, where she encountered two Depository employees -- William Shelley and Billy Lovelady. 126 Most of these cases involved persons who used threatening language in communications to or about the President. 111 Just prior to the shooting, Mrs. Helen Markham, a waitress in downtown Dallas, was about to cross tenth Street at Patton. 121 The alarm has been turned off. 30 Cut the cord that binds the box tightly. 40 with five lands and grooves and a right twist which were the rifling characteristics of the revolver taken from Oswald. 119 In the nineteenth century, Burke was praised by both conservatives and liberals. 80 The lure is used to catch trout and flounder. 45 A milliner's porter, 20 Information received from the Italian Armed Forces Intelligence Service has established that this particular rifle was the only rifle of its type 145 Perhaps it's because I haven't finished the first two races. 60 Galileo Galilei was the first man who observed the planet Neptune through his telescope. 88 While admitting that he had had many difficulties to contend with, 66 but he would not arm them with any authority lest their cooperation might be offensive. 87 As he possessed nearly unbounded influence over his mother, her accession to the property meant that William could dispose of it as he pleased. 143 Turning off gadgets that are not in use can save a lot of energy. 65 Anna Austen asked about the acceptation of the word "alliteration". 67 The act of producing a shot of espresso is often termed pulling a shot. 71 Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. 52 While you were away, we opened the package. 43 However, they continued in their pursuit of victory. 52 Searching for: Barack Obama. 28 Why not make a white oak chair? 31 The Google search bar is for searching, not for typing U.R.L.s! 63 he was cared for principally by his mother's sister, by babysitters and by his mother, when she had time for him. 113 Chapter four. The Assassin: Part one. 37 He seems to have improved the occasion when preaching the condemned sermon before Fauntleroy, by pointing a moral from that unhappy man's own case. 147 Widespread horror and indignation was evoked throughout the kingdom by the discovery of the series 98 to Klein's Sporting Goods Co., of Chicago, Illinois. 52 the kinetic energy of sunlight was expended in lifting the atoms into position of vantage, thus endowing them with energy of position. 134 Lincoln closely supervised the war effort, especially the selection of generals, including his most successful general, Ulysses S. Grant. 137 During this period Oswald may have practiced opening and closing the bolt on his rifle in a screened porch in his apartment. 124 Grape juice and water mix well. 31 They documented Kurzweil's stated goal of bringing back his late father using A.I. 82 Not yet. 8 were governed by rules which they themselves had framed, and under which subscriptions were levied 98 He smokes a big pipe with strong contents. 42 In addition to the order coupon the envelope contained a. U.S. postal money order for twenty-one dollars, forty-five cents, 123 Whaley described the ensuing events as follows, quote, 54 The room glows with light. 26 It was the eighties. 20 Burgess' continued absence was soon noticed at the bank. 56 nitrogen either from simple salts or from proteids, and the process of nutrition is one of oxidation. 101 There was the prisoner's poverty, his inability to account for himself on the night of the murder, and his possession of the property of the murdered man. 154 but the attempt fails; he trembles, his knees knock together, and his head droops as he enters the condemned pew. 113 The combination of trumpets, violins and a drum set is quite unusual. 69 offers 6 Spray fillet with cooking spray and arrange lemon slices on top. 64 The screen before the fire kept in the sparks. 46 Until my first term practically every President of the United States has appointed at least one member of the Supreme Court. 124 The fees on reception and discharge must be deemed exorbitant, when it is remembered the impoverished class who usually crowded the jail; 137 an imputation which the Society indignantly and very justly repudiated, the statement being, as they said, 106 Whistle-blower Edward Snowden still lives in exile in Russia. 61 the recommendations we have here suggested would greatly advance the security of the office without any impairment of our fundamental liberties. 144 The Endangered Species Act is primarily managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 86 During the morning of November twenty-two, Givens was working with the floor-laying crew in the southwest section of the sixth floor. 133 Hello. 6 As students, they founded an a capella group and now they're commercially successful. 85 They felt that private enterprise might 39 My platform build is nine point two. 36 and he with his father arranged that a messenger should call for the stuff with forged credentials, and anticipating the rightful owner. 136 ended when Marina Oswald hung up and refused to talk to him. Although he may long before have decided on the course he was to follow 132 It may eventually be desirable to codify the practice in an Executive order. 76 Huh. 4 Fake stones shine but cost little. 34 Before the assassination the Secret Service infrequently requested other Federal law enforcement agencies to provide personnel 126 would, it is probable, have eventually overcome the reluctance of some of the prisoners at least, and would have possessed so much moral dignity 144 The fatal news was not always received in the same way. 55 I know Daniel quite well. 25 X-rays and photographs were taken preliminarily and the pathological examination began at about eight p.m. 106 We slept in the same room every night and woke up in a new city every morning. 78 the keeper of the large tap-room called the Brace, because it was once kept by two brothers named Partridge, also paid him toll. 128 The hilt of the sword was carved with fine designs. 51 Clothes and lodging are free to new men. 40 Moreover, this Division will be charged with keeping projects moving on schedule. 81 The film cuts to an "helicopter-eye view", contrasting painfully with the human tenderness seen earlier. 104 With skin and hair completely, thoroughly out and out. 54 In many prisons the prisoners were still associated, and, from the want of a sufficient number of cells, the principle of separation was still greatly neglected. 161 The drawer was stuck closed. 28 Special Agent Ready, on the right front running board of the Presidential follow-up car, 88 Three deathly screams froze the thieves. 40 Heat one tablespoon canola oil in the skillet over medium-high heat. 68 This led to a rapid and marked increase in all kinds of fraud; 62 In nineteen sixty nine, the United States terminated the inspections. 69 There is no known source for this tale. 39 Sounds good, setting brightness to five. 40 There were disputes and quarrels constantly among these doomed men; it was a word and blow, an argument clenched always with a fight. 133 She was not there. 18 Fifteen countries ask the World Trade Organization for a mandate to negotiate binding rules on e-commerce, days after India turned down negotiations. 149 The country now enjoys the safety of bank savings under the new banking laws, 77 Each of our steps has a definite relationship to every other step. 66 The neon lights across the city dimmed as a new day is born. 60 It was an easy decision to come here. 37 Now, rudimentary organs of this kind are of such frequent occurrence, that almost every species of organism presents one or more of them 136 Most of the energy will be absorbed by kinetic friction. 56 Smethurst's escape may have influenced the jury in the Poplar poisoning case, 77 In one thousand nine hundred ninety five, the Indian government renamed "Bombay" to "Mumbai". 93 The U.S. Government Accountability Office starts a study into the currently unregulated length of freight trains. 113 Let's fry oodles of Thai eggrolls every hour. 45 told the curtain rod story to Frazier to explain both the return to Irving on a Thursday 88 Fractals have found applications in image processing. 53 The above-mentioned report was ordered to be printed upon the ninth May. 72 It will provide direct suppor to the NASA Center for Climate Simulation at the agency's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, and to other NASA centers. 166 Mr. Peel, who as Home Secretary had charge of the bill, 55 The constitution of eighteen eighty nine provided for the election of no fewer than three Supreme Court justices, and one Chief Justice. 136 There are more than two factors here. 37 Three employees -- James Jarman, Jr., 37 On Sunday morning, November twenty-four, Oswald denied that he knew A. J. Hidell. 81 Any time. 9 They have emphasised Bermuda's cultural connections with the West Indies. 73 A formal event in a ballroom with one couple dancing, and many people sitting around tables. 92 Also, users can choose and select their own avatars for their profile pages. 76 Haines bombarded Aden from his warship in January eighteen thirty nine. 71 The flow of gas improves the mixing of the fuel and air and increases total pressure recovery. 94 He said, quote, Yes, sir; that is right, because that is the five hundred block of North Beckley, end quote, 108 Susie wears a size five in socks. 33 Ask me and I will tell you I fight for communism. 49 Be this as it may, the weapon used was only an ordinary axe, which rather indicates that force, not skill, was employed. 120 those who could pay nothing went, as a matter of course, to the common side; 76 You're welcome. 15 A man selling colorfully patterned rugs enjoys a drink from a coffee cup on a sunny day. 88 When queried the following morning concerning a bus transfer found in his possession at the time of his arrest, he admitted receiving it. 137 The Central Criminal Court was crowded to suffocation. 54 The world's largest amphibious aircraft makes its maiden flight. State-owned Aviation Industry Corporation of China has spent eight years developing the aircraft. 162 which Howard had eulogized some forty years before. 51 Are the speakers also participating? 36 You should only let perfectly spelled sentences through. 56 Five of the conspirators, Thistlewood, Ings, Brunt, Davidson, and Tidd, were sentenced to death, 96 The Pueblo of Laguna has elected to manage the project using a design-build contract for their new school utilizing an amendment to their existing education grant. 163 phentermine 11 Nurdles or small flakes of plastic that wash into storm drains and out to open water can be eaten by fish, birds and other wildlife. 132 In the absence of any neurological, muscular, or heart response, the doctors concluded that efforts to revive the President were hopeless. 138 This no longer appears to be the case. 38 An important difference is the amount of experiences, that is to say inputs. 76 Air Force One landed at Andrews Air Force Base, where President Kennedy had begun his last trip only thirty-one hours before. 125 and every prisoner was to be provided with a hammock or cot to himself, suitable bedding, and, if possible, a separate cell. 124 Two Asian males smile while celebrating a birthday with a layered chocolate cake with a sparkling candle. 105 could hardly witness this ceremony without being affected. The men, who were so lately snatched from the jaws of death, 119 Since the assassination, the Secret Service, with the assistance of other Federal agencies and of private industry, 115 It measures around fourteen inches in length with a wingspan of thirty-one to thirty-nine inches. 97 The poor, who could afford no luxuries, went to bed early, but were kept awake by the revelries of the rich, 108 to the Soviet Embassy in Washington, he asked about the entrance visas for which he and his wife had previously applied. 120 I have a baseball bat in my room to defend against intruders. 61 He assassinated the President, shot Officer Tippit, resisted arrest and tried to kill another policeman in the process. 119 Leaves turn brown and yellow in the fall. 41 May was smuggled in through a window on the esplanade behind an opened umbrella. When the place was quite deserted 114 Similar to animals, fungi acquire their food by absorbing dissolved molecules, typically by secreting digestive enzymes into their environment. 143 and found guilty, remaining in Lancaster Jail for a couple of months, when they were brought up to the court of King's Bench for judgment. 138 Proceeding cautiously down the stairs, they found that the flooring at the bottom had been taken up. 100 and a calculation made as to the amount that might be expended per week from the whole sum, so that the latter might last out the year. 135 The permit requires the installation of controls and use of best management practices to prevent or minimize the discharges of pollutants in runoff from their operations. 170 InuTeq will provide direct support to the NASA Advanced Supercomputing division at the agency's Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, California. 146 The hospital received the President's body for autopsy at approximately seven:thirty-five p.m. 94 photographed the rifle used in the assassination, attempting to duplicate the position of the rifle and the lighting in Exhibit Number one thirty-three A. 154 Former leader Yitzhak Shamir became Prime Minister of Israel in nineteen eighty three. 86 The username supplied in the Mycroft configuration file is not registered with the bridge. 90 But to the far-sighted it is far-reaching in its possibilities of injury to America. 84 Many thanks also to the community for welcoming us back in twenty fifteen! 74 The murderer explained that he had first fired a pistol at Weare's head, but the shot glanced off his cheek. 108 Young woman holding a bottle, reaching out from a bench to shake a man 's hand. 79 the existence of some personal grievance, 41 Two national cemeteries — Arlington and the United States Soldiers' and Airmen's Home National Cemetery - are still maintained by the Department of the Army. 157 A man is standing inside a building under construction filled with bricks and various tools. 92 Those opposing this plan have sought to arouse prejudice and fear by crying that I am seeking to "pack" the Supreme Court 121 The pause option doesn't appear to be available to me anymore. 62 An elderly man reads a newspaper next to some garbage cans and a wall covered in graffiti. 90 In two miles, take exit one B for I-five North, Fourth Avenue. 62 When her ruin was discovered her brother panted for revenge. 60 The snow blasted along the side of the bridge. 46 From Neely Street the Oswalds would have traveled downtown on the Beckley bus, across the Commerce Street viaduct 113 Unless the Secret Service is able to deal rapidly and accurately with a growing body of data, 93 The flame is the visible portion of the fire. 45 Raisins are delicious. 22 Seven hundred fifty-five Salem Turnpike, Hartford, Connecticut, oh six one four three. 86 [east side of the street]. Of course, the traffic was moving through there and I put it in gear and moved on, that is the last I saw of him. 140 First, from the view on Earth, the Sun appears to revolve around the Earth once per day. 88 and that during the whole time he was never in his right senses. 64 Witnesses report two armed suspects and four hostages. 54 During his career, Lund has written over two hundred publications in scientific journals, and co-authored a major textbook on physical methods of food preservation. 164 It replaced a nineteenth century stone-arched bridge, which in turn superseded a six hundred-year-old medieval structure. 121 Its purpose is to house temporary exhibitions of the museum. 60 The Babylonians, seeing a Persian of such exalted rank in so grievous a plight, his nose and ears cut off, 106 The bizarre presentation involving thirteen ducks, an iguana and a platypus changed the mood somewhat. 102 I did not chose that phrase. 28 Darius Brubeck recalls thinking that Desmond was his uncle almost into adolescence. 83 They also ascertained that a gold-refiner, 42 So much inconvenience ensued, that in fifteen eighteen the Corporation obtained from Parliament an act empowering two aldermen 126 The Commission recommends that the Secretary of the Treasury appoint a special assistant with the responsibility of supervising the Service. 140 is closely reproduced in the life-history of existing deer. Or, in other words, 79 He began to treat me better. He helped me more -- although he always did help. But he was more attentive, end quote. 116 Cap the jar with a tight brass cover. 37 It's wise to check with law enforcement agencies in the community where the promoters are located. 98 The change took effect March fifteenth, nineteen eighty nine, and administrative changes occurred at all levels. 112 On the whole, a small book should be printed on paper which is as thin as may be without being transparent. 107 A young woman in jeans and a gray sweater walks on the sidewalk in a shopping district. 87 treatment 9 whom he viewed in a police lineup on the night of the assassination, was the man he saw fire the shots from the sixth-floor window of the Depository Building. 158 Other officials, great lawyers, governors of prisons, and chaplains supported this view. 88 There was an epidemic of murder in the United Kingdom about eighteen forty-eight to nine. 89 The top U.S. News stories are: 30 Opus is a state-of-the-art loyalty-free audio codec for both speech and music. 78 As yet no rules or regulations had been printed or prepared. 60 They often suggest to the lay reader that the functions or workings of the organs of plants, animals or man are quite distinct. 127 Alfred Mullett's interpretation of the French Second Empire style was, however, particularly Americanized in its lack of an ornate sculptural program and its bold, linear details. 179 they might have heard a snapping noise resulting from the police officer grabbing the cylinder of the revolver and pulling it away from Oswald while he was attempting to pull the trigger. 187 A more distressing case stands next on the criminal records -- 62 Various people are walking along a path towards a fencedin area that is surrounded by small buildings. 102 A small group of people, mostly children, standing on the beach near ornate white buildings. 92 Go iceskating and build a bon fire below all the swaying trees. 63 Thinking of him or his accomplice alone gives me goose bumps. 61 A young women, dressed in a dark blue dance costume is participating in a cheer competition. 92 A test was also conducted to determine the time required to walk from the southeast corner of the sixth floor to the second-floor lunchroom by stairway. 152 The quick fox jumped on the sleeping cat. 41 He does not appear to have been able to establish meaningful relationships with other people. He was perpetually discontented with the world around him. 152 Bit of soda as large as a pea, dissolved in hot water. 54 But Greenacre in his confession pretended that he and his intended had quarreled over her property or the want of it, 117 especially that of William Snow, alias Sketch, who slipped from the gallows at Exeter and fell to the ground. 109 It had its effect on Lee's mother, Marguerite, his brother Robert, who had been born in nineteen thirty-four, 109 and must be strongly deprecated on moral grounds, as tending to the utter degradation of one individual. 104 Time intervals are discussed in the next section. 49 Bar Association, Manufacturers' Associations, who are trying to give the impression that they really do want a constitutional amendment 135 Microwave frequency can be measured by either electronic or mechanical techniques. 82 The CIA message was sent also to the Department of State where it was reviewed by personnel of the Passport Office, who knew from Oswald's file 143 Context is needed. 18 Remind me to buy some eggs next time I am at the store. 55 the protracted dissimulation, as with unshrinking, relentless wickedness the deadly work is carried on to the end. 114 Several pawnbrokers were subpoenaed and obliged to surrender plate, to the extent in some cases of a couple of dozen of spoons or forks, 136 There was a hunger strike going on outside when I was there. 60 We usually parked our motorcycles near to this building. 56 In twenty fifteen, Ames was ranked in the top fifteen "Cities That Have Done the Best Since the Recession" by Bloomberg Businessweek. 133 What's it all about? 20 beautiful 9 Thither Elder went alone, provided with a number of canvas and one large carpet-bag. 84 In nineteen thirty three and nineteen thirty four, the city celebrated its centennial by hosting the Century of Progress International Worlds Fair. 147 Clark is back on top form. 26 The red tape bound the smuggled food. 37 The various wards were all about eleven feet in height, 55 It was practically inoperative as regards the penalties for neglect. It was no doubt as irksome and inconvenient to the Secretary of State 138 Richman finally retired the Modern Lovers name after the album "Modern Lovers eighty eight". 92 Voting within Congress can take many forms, including systems using lights and bells and electronic voting. 107 Chickens are adorable. 22 From more efficient appliances to better building materials, advances in residential technologies are helping homeowners save energy. 133 Yesterday, he continued to keep a low profile. 46 The numbers soon increased, however, and by eighteen eleven had again risen to six hundred twenty-nine; and Mr. Neild was told that there had been at one time 158 He offered proof in the form of a large chart. 46 Skipping song. 14 The Warren Commission Report. By The President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy. 102 I am giving you a new assignment about the counterargument paragraph. 69 Your anniversary is next Friday. 32 at twelve:thirty p.m 20 while behind their pew stood a couple of tall footmen in state liveries. 72 Harriet winked a coy eye at Theo. 33 While satellites can see through many clouds and estimate the liquid precipitation they hold, they can't see the smaller ice particles that create enormous rain clouds. 168 Measurements suggested the fuel was reaching between one and five million kelvins, a temperature that would produce nuclear fusion reactions. 141 technology 10 Within minutes of the assassination, Brennan described the man to the police. 77 The Commission evaluated (one) the nature of the shots, (two) Oswald's Marine training in marksmanship, 103 Very well, he replied. 22 Fast forward to the late nineteen sixtys and early nineteen seventys. 69 The hull husk and the full in plenty Virtue is the highest good. 64 Godzilla arrives at the lake to engage in a vicious battle, and emerges as the victor. 86 Okay, that seems fair. 22 The aircraft is now fully retired and no longer functional. 59 With her index finger, the little girl pointed to her mum. 58 A white dog is ready to catch a yellow ball flying through the air. 67 The circular patch shows a drawing of a Saturn Five rocket with the letters U.S.A. on it. 89 Out of sight, out of mind. 26 The rest was surrounded and routed. 35 It has under consideration many measures which provide for the rounding out of the program of economic and social reconstruction 128 Truly was probably correct in stating that the west elevator was on the fifth floor when he looked up the elevator shaft from the first floor. 142 After about a two-week separation, Marina Oswald returned to her husband. 73 a man sleeping on a bench outside with a white and black dog sitting next to him. 81 whom Darius according to agreement had sent first, he fell upon them and slew them all. 87 This meant that electric vehicles now achieved speeds and performance much closer to gasoline-powered vehicles, and many of them had a range of sixty miles. 156 The highest female voice. 25 This ingenious method of raising funds he adopted and carried on without detection, 83 The charity also has a project in Moscow in Russia. 51 See you later! 14 The harder he tried the less he got done. 41 Now where could my pipe be? 27 According to a Pew survey conducted during twenty fourteen and twenty fifteen, ninety four percent of teens who go online using a mobile device do so daily. 156 Faster-than-light communication and travel refer to the propagation of information or matter faster than the speed of light. 124 Watch the log float in the wide river. 38 This is equal to the net force on the droplet. 46 The Veterans Administration was then renamed the Department of Veterans Affairs, and continued to be known as V.A. 114 Welcome Mr. Kennedy to Dallas, sponsored by the American Fact-finding Committee, which the sponsor later testified was an ad hoc committee 138 Since the D.C. coefficient value is statistically correlated from one block to the next, it is compressed. 106 All this was evidence sufficient to warrant Courvoisier's committal for trial; 78 See the player scoot to third base. 35 He wrote his name boldly at the top of the sheet. 49 I.P. addresses are assigned to a host by the controlling Internet service provider or network administrator. 108 Major Jebb, R.E., and the two prison inspectors, Messrs. Crawford and Russell, with whose names the reader is already familiar. 127 who contrived to hang himself from a hammock hook only eighteen inches from the ground. 87 Today's V.H.A. - the largest of the three administrations that comprise V.A. - continues to meet Veterans' changing medical, surgical and quality-of-life needs. 160 This was preceded by a succession of timber bridges, the first of which was built by the Roman founders of London. 114 more officers were appointed, as the time of so many of those already on the staff was monopolized by attendance at the Central Criminal Court. 143 city 4 In the planning document currently under review by the Bureau of the Budget, the Department recommends that it be permitted to hire five qualified persons. 155 So-and-so, I am sorry to tell you that it is all against you; or, 65 Beyond these two principles the Secret Service believes a detailed contingency or emergency plan is not feasible 112 Staff would like to thank its contest partners Pindrop Security and the C.R.T.C. for all their help in making this contest a success. 133 In the first few centuries of the town's existence, it was a wooden bridge. 75 This headquarter is accessible to public only during weekends. 62 Teens dressed as Native Americans sit in the park with their school bags on the ground. 87 four for fourteen years, and three of them persons sentenced to fines or short imprisonment -- one for little more than a month. 128 He had left a note for his wife telling her what to do in case he were apprehended, as well as his notebook and the pictures of himself holding the rifle. 154 In nineteen ninety nine, after installation of security fencing and other safety precautions, the tower observation deck reopened to the public. 144 but not before the forged paper had been put in circulation for more than a couple of years. In eighteen sixty-one, 115 Reminding her sons that they were orphans and that the family's financial condition was poor, 93 Dumbfounded, she told him calmly that a pound of feathers weighs the same as a pound of steel. 94 Pay and spray, stay and pray, play and sway, what did you say? 62 In many states judges must retire at the age of seventy. 56 There is a radio telephone service between the islands and to Samoa. 68 Marguerite Oswald withdrew Lee from the orphans' home and took him with her to Dallas when he was a little over four years old. 127 while neglecting to maintain his unity of ideal in the case of nearly all the numerous species of snakes, he should have added a tiny rudiment in the case of the Python 168 Motherwell have no such good fortune. 37 First, because I believe that it can be passed at this session of the Congress. 79 with three Secret Service agents, accompanied President Kennedy's body on the forty-five-minute automobile trip from Andrews Air Force Base to the hospital. 156 They have to answer thousands of emails a day without using a template. 71 I have got a wife to feed. 26 In eighteen sixty-one a similar work was undertaken to provide separate cellular accommodation for the female inmates of Newgate, 129 The player depresses a key that rocks over a pivot in the middle of its length. 79 They need to look after themselves. 35 and any other series of organs of vertebrates would give the same evidence of fundamental resemblances (homologies). 116 The route of the taxicab was retraced under the direction of Whaley. 68 By the eighteen sixties, thousands of sheep grazed freely on the island. 72 The fruit of a fig tree is apple shaped. 40 Here's the latest news. 23 Quench your thirst, then eat the crackers. 42 The Triple Alliance did not last very long. 43 post 4 Furthermore, he had apparently not received any letters from the national headquarters of FPCC since May twenty-nine, nineteen sixty-three, 139 On September thirty, nineteen fifty-two, Lee enrolled in P.S. one seventeen 75 investment 10 Oswald wrote that he had appeared on Mr. William Stuckey's fifteen-minute television program over WDSU-TV called, quote, 120 Two days later, a local Republican leader called for a "civilized nonpartisan" welcome 86 was either made from the larger, or the larger photograph was made from the smaller and that at the proper time he would show that the pictures were fakes. 155 Congratulations, you've successfully registered. 48 Often, we set national standards that states and tribes enforce through their own regulations. 94 a serious effort was made to reconstruct Newgate. 49 A formal and thorough description of the responsibilities of the advance agent is now in preparation by the Service. 116 The inquiry soon revealed the colossal character of the frauds. 63 During the nineteen eightys, he had a brief romantic relationship with rock singer Belinda Carlisle, who appeared in his movie "Swing Shift". 141 Besides these fees, legitimate and illegitimate, there were others which must be paid before release. 101 and his half-brother John Pic, who had been born in nineteen thirty-two during Marguerite's previous marriage. 110 Dots of light betrayed the black cat. 37 second, the administrative function of code making and revision; and, third, the judicial function, which includes enforcement, 127 Meet Esmarline De Leon Peralta, an aspiring physician, flight surgeon and astronaut interested in developing the technologies that are needed for humans to live on Mars. 169 The women chosen were kept to make bread for the men; while the others were strangled that they might not consume the stores. 125 There has never been much science in the system of carrying out the extreme penalty in this country; the "finisher of the law" 126 Remove from heat; transfer to a bowl. 37 Police found an empty revolver holster when they searched Oswald's room on Beckley Avenue after his arrest. 107 The Roman type of all these printers is similar in character. 61 The fascinating consequence of Bayes' theorem is that we can infer against the direction of causality. 102 There is some indication that he may relate to men more easily than to women in view of the more mature conceptualisation. 122 The impression which his appearance altogether was calculated to make was that of the profoundest commiseration. 112 there were two flat lightweight curtain rods belonging to Ruth Paine but they were still there on Friday afternoon after Oswald's arrest. 137 Work is going forward. 22 Two women in colorful dresses are sweeping water out of the street while a man watches. 87 More 4 He sought for himself a place in history -- a role as the "great man" who would be recognized as having been in advance of his times. 133 The screen is backlit in order to allow gamers to play in low-lighting situations. 82 Quote: The only thing I can testify is they could have on the basis of the rifling characteristics -- they could have been, end quote, 134 messages 8 A golden dog walks on a trail through tall grass with mountains in the background. 82 Cries of "Comfortable room!" "Excellent situation!" "Beautiful prospect!" "Splendid view!" resounded on every side. 115 by Sebastian F. Latona, supervisor of the Latent Fingerprint Section of the FBI's Identification Division. 106 Nichols and Shepard was an American partnership which manufactured farm machinery, steam engines and mill machinery. 116 had embarked on a considerable expenditure in order to provide a model prison for general imitation. 100 I hope you liked my voice. 26 In the old print each figure has its definite individuality, and one cannot be mistaken for the other. 102 Occasionally, simple and witty statements, though not poetic per se, may also be considered epigrams. 101 He was a German named Kerp, 27 List all the valid options that are scheduled to become obsolete in a future version. 85 and instructed the Dallas office to interview him when he got back to determine whether he had been recruited by a Soviet intelligence service. 143 The military became a tool for political stability. 51 Our social security legislation is an attempt to answer the first of these questions; our Works Relief program, the second. 123 Even the worst will beat his low score. 39 Nor even when found guilty and his liberty forfeited did his privileges cease. The law appointed a suitable punishment for the offense; 135 The discrete cosine transform is applied to blocks of eight by eight pixels. 76 Mass gymnastics, compulsory afterwork meeting, usually political information meeting. 85 I believe that there are lots of spiders gathering in the attic. 64 In this version there is no image. 34 Thoughts of thugs flush the faint-hearted. 42 Brennan told the Commission that he could have made a positive identification in the lineup on November twenty-two 114 with exquisite torture, and with a poison that would leave, as he thought, no trace. 84 with a few of the more important city or borough prisons, these acts more especially applied. 93 and left for Irving with Marina Oswald and June and most of the Oswalds' effects three days later. 98 An experimental small satellite has filled this void and captured the first global picture of the small frozen particles inside clouds, normally called ice clouds. 163 Loose had his instructions to cast away the ship on the first possible opportunity, and from the time of his leaving Liverpool 126 In nineteen forty, more black strikebreakers were brought in to work in the Rath meat plant. 92 A worker on scaffolding passing a tool to another worker in front of a brick structure. 87 It opens the door to the Champions League. 42 Two pictures were taken. The Commission has concluded that the rifle shown in these pictures is the same rifle which was found on the sixth floor of the Depository Building 172 The test can also be run on testing platforms already widely used in the U.S. and worldwide, without any extra training. 120 The slang word for raw whiskey is booze. 40 There are at least two principal arguments for this view. 57 charged with carrying on work relief projects. 46 It is only from their ruins that we may hope to obtain accurate information of the strongest fortifications in the ancient world. 129 Four women in dresses and three men in black suits standing in front of a microphone singing. 93 Their type is artistically on a much lower level than Jenson's. 63 About three hours after the assassination, a detective and deputy sheriff saw the blanket-roll, 95 I am definitely open to the idea because I’ve always wanted to work as a small business owner. 94 More than twelve thousand employees in nearly one hundred fifty occupations 75 A lab technician working in a Biological Safety Cabinet, conducting a test in order to validate a rapid H.I.V. nucleic acid extraction. 135 There are a number of contributing factors. 43 Then she put on a plain yellow dress and a fleece jacket, picked up her kit and headed for work. 96 We should have known. 21 He devotes a special section to the Division of Organized Beings into Animals and Vegetables. 93 whistles merrily, and points upwards with madness in his look. 62 What has altered? 17 Those thistles bend in a high wind. 35 In no time, the goose began to tire, so Sarah was able to hold onto Comma and give her a relaxing bath. 103 is essential. This would help to eliminate varying interpretations of Secret Service instructions by different local law enforcement representatives. For example, 162 They have long been used as a direct source of human food, in the form of mushrooms and truffles and as a leavening agent for bread. 132 He observed shredded brain tissue and, quote, considerable slow oozing, end quote, from the latter wound, 105 Travel time is twenty-four minutes, with a seven minute traffic delay. 70 Okay, setting brightness to ten. 32 He died impenitent, declaring that he had no belief, and that it was idle to ask forgiveness of God. 100 The set of china hit the floor with a crash. 44 Early in the evening of November twenty-two, 44 Meanwhile the convener or sheriff was in despair, expecting that, failing the executioner, he would have to do the job himself. 127 In eighteen forty eight, John Nichols opened a blacksmith shop in Battle Creek, Michigan. 89 There was also some confusion that internal changes were made. 62 that Courvoisier was idle, discontented, ready to take offense, greedy of gain; 79 Unfortunately he took to drink, lost his appointment, and fell from bad to worse. 81 When she tried to withdraw some money from her bank account, the A.T.M. claimed her card was invalid. 101 A gold vase is both rare and costly. 36 As indicated in chapter four, Oswald had been planning his attack on General Walker for at least one and perhaps as much as two months. 135 The junk yard had a mouldy smell. 33 He shouted twice, quote, Turn loose the elevator, end quote, 60 However, it is understood that offers of further payments are unlikely. 71 Three individuals examine a table full of bags with other tables and people are in the background. 98 Zero-center ammeters are also commonly placed in series with a battery. 71 a man talks into a microphone in front of a gathering while being cheered and applauded upon. 93 religious worship, and instruction, as "absolutely necessary for preventing contamination, 90 And in many directions, the intervention of that organized control which we call government 91 This person is performing a trick in skateboarding competition, with people watching in the background. 103 Greed in the latter case was a secondary motive; 48 The City of Spring Park is supportive of the addition of the Spring Park Municipal Well Field Site to the National Priorities List, said Spring Park City Manager Dan Tolsma. 173 after his recent rebuffs in Mexico City 39 Thousands of people die every year as a consequence of air pollution. 69 swearing and talking of what crimes they had committed, and how they had done it. Another witness declared she had heard the most shocking language in the yard; she said 169 It was hidden from sight by a mass of leaves and shrubs. 56 The equivalent numbers for Belgium were six hundred eighty three and thirteen hundred. 86 microsoft 9 Chapter eight. The Protection of the President. Part three. 59 was provided by the testimony of Charles Givens, who was the last known employee to see Oswald inside the building prior to the assassination. 142 They can also hide from law enforcement by displaying fake caller I.D. information. 83 William Wakefield in Lancaster Jail, and Edward Gibbon Wakefield in Newgate, which sentences were duly enforced. 112 The spectators were still thickly congregated in front of the buildings which lined the east side of Houston Street, but the crowd thinned abruptly along Elm Street, 165 Kay's keys are gone. 20 heard what we were arguing on communism, and that this boy was loud-mouthed, boisterous, and my father asked him to leave the house and politely put him out of the house, 170 that another Bureau agent, Milton R. Knack, had been conducting a background investigation of Oswald at the request of Agent Hosty in Dallas. 141 The Intercontinental Exchange has European and South African coal futures available for trading. 96 In nineteen ninety six, Berlusconi and his coalition lost the elections and were replaced by a center-left government. 118 A great empire which had existed for more than three thousand years was brought to an end. 90 The walls of the second bedroom were covered in a wallpaper with a livid design that seemed to swirl and pulsate unnervingly. 125 These twenty-four could just sleep on the barrack bed; when the number was higher, and it often rose to forty, the surplus had to sleep on the floor. 149 A girl with black hair and braces is wearing sunglasses and posing with a wooden robot. 87 The Navy Department moved into the east wing, where elaborate wall and ceiling stenciling and marqetry floors decorated the office of the Secretary. 148 The Phantom of the Opera is the only musical I've ever seen. 60 The corpse settled all doubts, and the next point was to lay hands upon the Mannings. 85 Experts on questioned documents from the Treasury Department and the FBI testified that the Hidell cards were counterfeit photographic reproductions 148 Many times Oswald has recalled this matter to me and said that I am just waiting for an opportunity to hurt him. 112 asked Davidson and Gordon, a firm with which Cole was closely allied, whether the warrants meant goods or nothing. 114 The film had its world premiere at the Sundance Film Festival on January twenty-ninth, twenty sixteen. 102 The most extensive and systematic robberies were planned and carried out so as long to escape detection. 104 for instance, were separately created, additional prongs were successively added to their antlers; and yet that, 112 Try to have the court decide the case. 38 Special Agent Glen A. Bennett once left his place inside the follow-up car to help keep the crowd away from the President's car. 128 Here and there a book is printed in France or Germany with some pretension to good taste, but the general revival of the old forms has made no way in those countries. 166 WWII Victory Day parade with soldier marching down street, dressed in vintage gear and holding rifles. 102 An injury is forgiven better than an injury revenged. 53 three 5 who denies freedom of organization to his employees, or fails to make every reasonable effort at a peaceful solution of their differences, 138 The committee took upon itself to lay down stringent rules for the discipline of the prison. 92 Speedbird niner, turn left heading two seven zero, climb and maintain flight level three five. 94 Different legislative procedures are used within the same category of competence, and even with the same policy area. 117 A "Cheers" rerun notably replaced the September fourth, nineteen ninety-two airing of "Australia's Naughtiest Home Videos". 123 I'm afraid I'll have to see your passes, gentlemen. 51 One pair was with the traffic superintendent in London, another with an official in Folkestone, 95 The robot, named Ropid, is capable of getting up, walking, running, and jumping. 80 has come more by chance than fitness or special education to exercise his loathsome office. 91 Before long, that itchy goose began to strut around the office like a lunatic, which made an unsanitary mess. 109 The tin was made from aluminium. 32 Twenty five units, please. 26 Any volunteers? 15 The Chinese embassy in Washington, D.C. 39 Not specifically no, he only gave me the gist of his research the one time I spoke to him. 90 Old-fashioned footlights give the faces a sinister glow. 56 For example, Colombia, Chile, Argentina and Venezuela. 54 Already he is half dead. 24 positively identified Lee Harvey Oswald as the man they saw fire the shots or flee from the scene, 98 We are working with the Association of Public Health Laboratories to develop rabies testing guidance that will help clinicians and laboratory staff decide which tests to run in different scenarios. 197 Special Forces Assessment and Selection is geared to test your survival skills, and places an even stronger emphasis on intense physical and mental training. 157 No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry. 76 The flanks of the Athenian camp were protected by a grove of trees. 67 Watch the log float in the wide river. 38 Doctor Garcia has been practicing medicine for longer than I have been alive. 77 Christianization was completed in Botswana under the reign of King Khama the Third. 83 history 7 I ask you to look into this case and take the necessary steps to repair the damage done to me and my family. 108 As a political leader, the President wished to resolve the factional controversy within the Democratic Party in Texas before the election of nineteen sixty-four. 161 and that he had given as his address Mrs. Paine's residence in Irving. 70 Neither the radar nor the other instruments detected the stealth bomber. 72 It looks like it is flying! 27 Children and fools speak truth. 31 The young prince became heir to the throne. 43 President Kennedy was scheduled to speak across the street from his hotel in Fort Worth at eight:thirty a.m. 108 but in a separate chamber, that belonging to one of the warders of the jail. 76 How is Mozilla going to handle ambiguities like queue and cue? 62 The Commission urges that the Service continue this effort to overhaul and define its procedures. 97 Admiral George G. Burkley, physician to the President, 54 put a quid of tobacco into his mouth, and offered another to his companion, who refused it with indignation 107 Let me see your ticket. 23 It was manifestly wrong that such persons, "visited by the most awful of calamities," should be detained in a common prison. 124 It is not possible to tell whether Oswald did this to provide an excuse for his eventual discharge, 99 Second, Earth does not seem to move from the perspective of an Earth-bound observer; it appears to be solid, stable, and unmoving. 130 The homeless guy was searching for returnable bottles in a garbage dumpster. 76 All of Alexander the Third's internal reforms aimed to reverse the liberalization that had occurred in his father's reign. 122 Such excellent returns might be counted upon, that a margin of profit would be left after the cost of the prisons had been defrayed. 132 And so it was. 14 It plans to return to this field. 33 It was against common sense to charge her with murdering the only friend she had in the world; 94 The cartons were forwarded to the FBI in Washington. 52 Was this element always there? 30 Despite this apparent interest in communism, Oswald tried to join the Marines when he was sixteen years old. 108 Under superior orders all the doors and gates of this block were left open at night, to allow the night watchman to pass freely to all parts. 141 The loss of the second ship was hard to take. 45 I for one have no doubt that it was your quick wits that saw us delivered from that hellish place. 98 Take the match and strike it against your shoe. 47 Using a bow and arrow to take fish is known as "bow fishing". 61 She was tried in April eighteen sixty-two on suspicion of having attempted to poison a neighbor with oil of vitriol. 116 A gust of wind made the wood chips tumble upwards. 50 For the twenty thirteen season, the Chargers made minor tweaks to their current uniforms. 89 which would indicate that Oswald practiced operating the bolt. 62 Three of the bullets recovered from Tippit's body were manufactured by Winchester-Western, and the fourth bullet by Remington-Peters, 133 The jailer should be required to visit every part and see every prisoner daily; the chaplain should perform service, visit the sick, 132 He was conveyed in a coach driven by a confederate, and under the escort of a couple of turnkeys. 97 The train conductor nabbed a woman who had dodged the fare. 59 The inspector said that they could not be removed till he reached England. 74 The spot on the blotter was made by green ink. 46 An automobile will arrive at the end of the alley in half an hour, you are to get inside. 89 Now, this is undoubtedly the order of succession of forms in geological times -- i.e., in the phylogenic series. 112 Nor were these the only inducements offered. Where local authorities were indisposed to set their prisons in order, 115 Pick and choose the best king crabs for dinner tonight. 55 For in the last three national elections 40 In his wife's words, quote, 27 Williams concealed himself behind a chimney till she had re-entered her garret, 79 the Roman letter was used side by side with the Gothic. 55 Fasten two pins on each side. 29 The teacher thought that he'd taught himself all he could. 58 The hard part about developing the CubeSat is making the commercial parts durable in space, said Tom Johnson, Goddard's Small Satellite manager. 144 Darling, could you grab me some throat candy down at the local chemist? 71 The race was finished in just thirty nine minutes, beating all expectations. 76 For more information and other healthy and safe swimming steps, visit our website at W W W dot C D C dot gov. 109 They may become noticeable when fruiting, either as mushrooms or as molds. 74 They then added an additional glazing layer with low E coating to create a triple-pane window with two low E coatings and an argon and krypton gas mixture that filled the space between each pane. 195 They would now be able to look forward with confidence. 55 gave businessmen the opportunity they had sought for years to improve business conditions through what has been called self-government in industry. 147 Showtime is the eighth studio album by James Brown. 51 Oswald apparently continued to have personal difficulties while he was in Minsk. 80 Three people sit at an outdoor table in front of a building painted like the Union Jack. 88 This study is the largest ever to validate usage of this type of test (a real-time R.T. P.C.R.) to diagnose rabies in animals. 126 At the court-martial hearing which followed, Oswald admitted that he had been rather drunk when the incident occurred. 118 Classification is, among other things, a discipline of machine learning. 72 it is obvious that we cannot continue to create governmental deficits for that purpose year after year. 103 It is recommended to drink at least two liters of water a day. 62 A guy sitting at a desk talking on a phone with books laying everywhere. 72 My eyes cannot turn into that color. Perhaps you should ask me to set a custom eye color. 89 He stated that the other girl rejected him partly because he was an American, a fact that he said she had exploited. He stated that, quote, 139 These processes must take place everywhere in ordinary protoplasm, 66 Those are the top stories. Would you like to hear more? 55 The statements of the agents involved are supported by statements of members of the Fort Worth press who accompanied or observed them 133 Cards were issued, and to such an extent, that although the service was not to commence till half-past ten, by nine a.m. 120 They insist on money transfers because it is nearly impossible to trace the money or get it back. 97 he new instructions require FBI agents to report immediately information concerning, quote, 91 On television Oswald's hair looked blond, whereas Smith remembered that the man who ran away had hair that was brown or brownish black. 135 The commissioners who presided were, quote, little otherwise than self-elected 78 Her body was found about four miles from the car. 49 Yeah, I like that. 18 Oh okay, I see. 15 or whether their effect may have been to prevent that volume of production which would make possible lower prices and increased employment. 139 However, he will have his work cut out defending his title. 59 A D.D.o.S. attack is a malicious attempt to disable or interrupt service to a computer or website, usually by causing large amounts of Internet traffic to be directed to the computer or website. 194 in another there was half-heartedness, even apathy and an almost complete contempt for the provisions of the act. 113 During this course, candidates are also expected to demonstrate a proficiency in land navigation, one of the most important skills a Special Forces Soldier can possess. 168 who declared that the rough diamond market was in such a depressed condition that they could only afford to give one thousand seven fifty pounds for stones worth 161 equipment 9 Place arms across your chest, elbows in, and legs and feet together. 68 However, almost every culture has examples of its own unique proverbs. 70 presenting still greater features of resemblance with Palmer's, for both were medical men, and both raised difficult questions of medical jurisprudence. 152 In light of these findings the Commission evaluated the additional testimony of Stombaugh 89 will 4 He sees a difference in the style of the two teams. 51 Dr. Hartogs recommended that Oswald be placed on probation on condition that he seek help and guidance through a child guidance clinic. 135 Morally, it is the greatest menace to our social order. 55 Build better tools for investigating robocalls. 47 Charlie Gordon, leader of the council, dismissed the suggestion. 64 to serve as president of the so-called New Orleans Chapter of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee. 95 An African woman with piercings, lots of necklaces and corn on her head. 72 The wonderful Mycroft A.I. community and team. 46 For example, the Dallas Times Herald of November nineteen, nineteen sixty-three, 80 These take the shape of a long round arch, with its path high above, and its two ends apparently beyond the horizon. 116 The air, to which the leaves are exposed, contains carbon, but its nitrogen is in the state of a free gas, in which condition the bean can make no use of it. 157 Three naked people ride bicycles in a city street while law enforcement and a crowd looks on. 93 which was neither bulletproof nor bullet resistant. 51 Tea dripped on the drum and impaired its deep quality. 54 This blurry tomography doesn't help me a lot with the diagnosis. 64 Daily supervision of the operations of the Secret Service within the Department of the Treasury should be improved. 115 See ya 6 A man named Lears, under sentence of transportation for an attempt at murder on board ship, got up part of the way, 115 In six oh six, Nineveh, the old enemy of Babylon, fell, never to rise again. 76 Could you please rephrase that? 31 Be particularly suspicious of sales pitches that play down risk or portray written risk disclosures as routine formalities required by the government. 150 No one arroused his curiosity like Eunice. 42 the agent who was assigned his case at the time of the assassination, the Director of the FBI, 94 They were very numerous, very imperfect in construction and management, and they were very little required. 107 The eyewitnesses vary in their identification of the jacket. 60 The youth drove with zest, but little skill. 44 The chlorophyll is the apparatus by which the carbon is extracted from the atmospheric carbonic acid, the leaves being the chief laboratories. 142 Workers are serving up customers lined up in front of a Martins famous louisiana sausages vendor tent 101 If Oswald left the Depository Building at twelve:thirty-three p.m., 67 To find out the exact threshold, we need to repeat this in a reproducible manner. 81 The old haphazard system, by which meat was issued in bulk, 59 and also about Mrs. Paine. 26 They are believed to have enjoyed a happy marriage. 51 These two small cartons had been moved from a stack about three aisles away. 76 The assistant to the Director of the F.B.I. testified that the caseload of each F.B.I. agent averaged twenty to twenty-five, and he felt that this was high. 156 or their desire to have frequent and easy access to the people. 63 Henry Wainwright's impassioned denial of his crime, even after it had been brought fully home to him, has many parallels in the criminal records. 145 While the rescue attempt didn't retrieve the Soldiers, it was still viewed as a success as it sent a clear message to the North Vietnamese that the U.S. Army was coming for its men. 181 I think that we finished him on that program because we had publicly linked the Fair Play for Cuba Committee 108 More than that. 15 is remembered at the former prison as a defiant, 48 The mercury is then swept into a long-pass absorption tube by bubbling a stream of inert gas through the reaction mixture. 122 Some people are more likely to get sick, including people fifty years or older, current or former smokers, people with chronic lung disease, and people with a weakened immune system. 182 His lordship's watch was gone. 30 There was a final revealing detail about the broadcast. 55 In the recent study, staff at fourteen labs worldwide assessed nearly three thousand animal brain samples from the Americas, Europe, Africa, and Asia. 150 Glass will clink when struck by metal. 38 Included in the printed edition is a concordance and index. 59 He had come back to Dallas. Hosty had established that he had a job, he was working, 84 which became the four George the fourth cap. sixty-four, said that he had abstained from legislating for these small jurisdictions "on mature deliberation." 156 Six hundred Dexter Avenue, Montgomery, Alabama, three six one three oh. 71 that they had been in the boats five days and nights, but that the captain and others had been lost. 100 Marina Oswald testified that this was the holster which contained the revolver in the photographs taken on Neely Street. 120 The T.Y.T. appoints the chief minister as the head of government. 65 It was a storm that no one in the meteorological office predicted. 66 shopping 8 Nero is portrayed as a tyrant, but those that replace him are not described as better. 86 Biologists regard them as representative expressions of the most extensive, if not the profoundest, knowledge of his time. 122 that written instructions might come into the hands of local newspapers, to the prejudice of the precautions described. 119 While Mrs. Fry was diligently engaged upon her self-imposed task in Newgate, 76 There seems to be no reason why ordinary paper should not be better made, 73 He was in error, however. 25 The museum authorities believed that the cameo was one of the many spurious objects which the Eastern forgers were constantly sending to Europe, 144 Warm reserved icing in a small microwave-safe bowl, about fifteen seconds. 74 Inside a gymnasium, martial artists in protective gear face off with naginata pole arms. 88 The prisoners and their friends, therefore, were kept in a state of the most violent suspense for many hours, 109 The first breakthrough was low-emissivity coatings - a technology applied to glazing layers that allows visible light to pass through a window while trapping heat. 163 Be aware that some dishonest promoters hire "shills," people who lie about their success with an investment to convince you to buy it. 134 I was told by my instructor to use a nichrome wire to burn metal solids. 72 Is this a picture of a cat? 27 A blemish which can be nearly, though not wholly, avoided by care and forethought. 82 A photograph of Müller shown the jeweler was identified as the likeness of the man who had exchanged Mr. Briggs' chain. 119 The page so lay on the paper that there was more space allowed to the bottom margin than to the top. 100 It was at once decided at the board to make a thorough examination of all his books. 84 the seemingly most courageous was selected to lead the way. 59 on Theodore Roosevelt while campaigning in October of nineteen twelve; on President-elect Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 116 Its predecessors are the New Horizons mission to Pluto and a Kuiper Belt object known as twenty fourteen M.U. sixty nine. 121 Sixteen thirty-one Elm Hill Pike, Apartment seven, Nashville, Tennessee. 72 get 3 Star and producer were in agreement about their opinion of the director. 72 Others are attempts to get your personal or financial information, so the scammer can use it to commit identity fraud. 118 He was something of a sickly child by all accounts, never made it past his fourth birthday. 91 His second answer was that he, quote, went as a citizen of the U.S. (as a tourist) residing in a foreign country which I have a perfect right to do. 148 During the evening of November twenty-two, Brennan identified Oswald as the person in the lineup who bore the closest resemblance to the man in the window 154 who was the possessor of two separate sums in consols, neglected through strange carelessness on her own part and that of her friends 133 The inflation rate is usually measured in percent per year. 59 Investigations help determine what made people sick and if others have been exposed. 84 In the mid seventeen sixtys, a survey team divided the Island into sixty seven lots. 84 Susie wears a size five in socks. 33 Dee bought a pound of cheese for the kids' lunches. 51 Miss Turner, thus pressed, consented to go on to Gretna Green. 62 Miller was every bit as happy. 30 Use a pencil to write the first draft. 38 Owing to the vast size of the place, the inhabitants of the central parts (as the residents of Babylon declare), 112 urging that Fauntleroy was a father, a citizen: "his life is useful, mine a burthen, to the State." 99 sharp tests which generally broke down the fidelity of the inmates of the ward to one another. 94 The Society for the Improvement of Prison Discipline was taxed with a desire to introduce a system 98 She raised her hands to her eyes as the man started to walk back toward Patton. 79 all instructions from higher authority were communicated to him orally. 71 where upon Barnett posted himself at the front door to make certain that no one left the building. 98 stepped out onto the stage with them and pointed out the man who had come into the theatre without paying. 106 What did it mean? 17 Judges on assize were satisfied with simply recording a sentence of death against offenders whom they did not think deserved the extreme penalty. 145 A.Z. began his career as an affiliate of Nas. 45 The same evening both started for Liverpool, and embarking on board the mail steamer 'Britannia,' escaped to the United States. 127 Escorted by his two captors, Marley was taken back into Parliament Street to the jeweler's shop. 96 dc 2 On this last portion of the journey, only five minutes from the Trade Mart, 75 He always kept the blinds down at his chambers in Jermyn Street; and as the St. James's clock chimed quarter-past three, 120 Isolated showers. Partly cloudy, with a low of sixty-three. 59 strychnia kills by causing tetanic fixing of the respiratory muscles. End quote. 80 If they fail to meet the national standards, we can help them. We also enforce our regulations, and help companies understand the requirements. 143 The food supply of the higher plant, like that of the animal, is the source of the required matter and energy, 110 The open palm represents water. 31 Jeff Kruse announces his resignation from the Oregon State Senate amid allegations that he sexually harassed female colleagues and other staffers. 146 Here in the U.S., the first successful electric car made its debut around eighteen ninety thanks to William Morrison, a chemist who lived in Des Moines, Iowa. 158 His remark was, "It is a nasty job;" he took hold of the dead hand, and confessed that he felt "queer" at the shocking sight. 125 The second step we have taken in the restoration of normal business enterprise 78 Three dogs are standing in the grass and a person is sitting next to them 73 to move as rapidly as possible back into private employment when such employment is available. 94 The fact was, Wakefield went on to say, an uncle of his had advanced Mr. Turner sixty thousand pounds, which had temporarily staved off ruin. 141 Barbara Jeanette and Virginia Davis viewed a group of four men in a lineup and each one picked Oswald as the man who crossed their lawn while emptying his pistol. 162 She ran upstairs, told her husband, made him go down to look at her handiwork, and as O'Connor was not quite dead, 114 The bill was paid every third week. 35 Fair Play for Cuba was, quote, not at all Communist controlled regardless of the fact that I had the experience of living in Russia, end quote. 143 once supposed to be exclusively confined to plants, are now known to be regular and normal products of animals. 111 In a resolution passed by the Court of Aldermen on eighteenth March, eighteen forty-two, 88 Journalist Greg Baum called it a shrine, a citadel, a landmark, a totem that symbolizes Melbourne to the world. 111 Hop over the fence and plunge in. 33 one of the equerries. The Queen was untouched, and at first, it is said, hardly realized the danger she had escaped. 116 One fruitful source of badness in paper is the habit that publishers have of eking out a thin volume by printing it on thick paper almost of the substance of cardboard. 168 One teaspoon ground paprika. One teaspoon garlic powder. One teaspoon dried oregano. 84 Dartmouth College has appeared in or been referenced by a number of popular media. 82 and he was therefore prepared to submit to Parliament a proposal that half the cost of reconstruction should be borne by public funds. 134 Then the Babylonians, seeing that his deeds were as brave as his words, were beyond measure pleased, and set no bounds to their trust. 134 Slow Cooker Barbequed Beef Ribs 31 and to show his gratitude to the warder who procured this privilege for him, he made him a present. 99 Judgments finding violations are binding on the States concerned and they are obliged to execute them. 102 This allows for physical separation and purification of particles of interest based on their optical properties. 112 Each of these efforts appears sound, and the Commission recommends that these and the other measures suggested by the Commission be pursued vigorously by Secret Service. 169 The album was widely expected to be a commercial disaster. 58 However, other Protestant writers, such as David Blondel and Gottfried Leibniz, rejected the story. 99 Starting October second, two thousand seven at six forty-five P.M. 66 The Chief of the Service has provided the Commission a detailed explanation of this policy, quote, 98 and the thieves seem to have had no difficulty in disposing of their spoil. 75 The university is associated with eleven winners of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, five in physics and sixteen in medicine. 122 The size known as "Long primer" ought to be the smallest size used in a book meant to be read. 94 Another fight followed the score which had already taken place; this time two women were the combatants. 104 We decided that it is a better idea to watch horror films in a movie theater. 77 These are the top stories of the hour. 38 Both the thieves were now apprehended, but only a small portion of the lost property was recovered, 99 have been best calculated to promote industrial recovery and a permanent improvement of business and labor conditions. 118 Crucially, though, United were still alive. 43 And, after we got past Akard, at Murphy -- I figured it out. Let's see. I don't know for sure. 94 One of the differences between the fine type and the utilitarian must probably be put down to a misapprehension of a commercial necessity: 138 It made a faint whistling sound. 32 Background and Possible Motives, Part three. 44 Whaley's memory of the lineup is inaccurate. There were four men altogether, not six men, in the lineup with Oswald. 116 The Latin term "in vacuo" is used to describe an object that is surrounded by a vacuum. 87 To hide his lover from his wife Hera, Zeus changed her into the form of a heifer. 81 Of course it is. 16 In the recent study, staff at fourteen labs worldwide assessed nearly three thousand animal brain samples from the Americas, Europe, Africa, and Asia. 150 During the period from Oswald's return from Mexico to the assassination, 72 Jackie Robinson's forty two, which was retired by Major League Baseball, is blue on a white circle. 99 Arabs, searching for bricks, have burrowed their way down deep into it, revealing massive walls and arches. 107 The problem is aggravated by the necessity that the Service obtain the assistance of local law enforcement officials in evaluating the information which it receives. 165 Only the King's son, Belshazzar, was killed. 44 Following the success, the Red Army organized new mortar batteries for the support of infantry divisions. 105 A mother and three children collecting garbage from a blue and white garbage can on the street. 95 Through the aperture he crept out on to the landing at the dead of night, and so down into the central space of the building. 125 Visit Home dot Mycroft dot A.I. to register me. 47 Toss in cinnamon roll cubes until evenly coated. 48 Porter, Layard, and Rawlinson followed him, but the real scientific exploration of Babylon and its walls 104 Simone then applied for a scholarship to study at the prestigious Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia. 108 The President then walked to the Executive Office Building, where he worked until nine p.m. 91 Heading out to table tennis and I won’t be able to make your talk. 66 The subsidy, apparently similar to those sometimes given to foreigners allowed to remain in the Soviet Union, together with his salary, 135 Tea served from the brown jug is tasty. 39 result in some degree of interference with the personal liberty of those involved. 82 The promulgation of these two Jail Acts strengthened the hands of the Prison Discipline Society enormously. 107 End quote. Major Anderson concluded, quote, I would say that as compared to other Marines receiving the same type of training, 126 On the first test, the elapsed time between the simulated first shot and Baker's arrival on the second-floor stair landing 122 Mozzarella is a creamy cheese that goes well with tomato and basil. 67 to make a major attack upon the problem of unemployment. 56 Again, the twenty-two Charles the second c twenty ordered the jailer to keep felons and debtors "separate and apart from one another, 133 shipping 8 un 2 Does it matter? 15 and even sought to upset the vehicle by which they were being conveyed a part of the way to London. 99 That no such contract was valid between one jurisdiction and another unless the Secretary of State was satisfied that the prison it was intended to use 151 It's great, because it takes a lot of pressure off the players. 63 But it's a subtle process. 26 that it has been unable, as a practical matter, to exercise sufficient influence over the security precautions which surround Presidential activities. 150 A man sits near a bicycle while people make selections from a street vendor in the background. 94 The plan must explain how it will comply with the Surgeon General health warning display requirements. 102 Environmental stewardship is integral to U.S. policies concerning natural resources, human health, economic growth, energy, transportation, agriculture, industry, and international trade. 187 The Kingdom of Hungary was founded in one thousand, by Stephen the First of Hungary. 84 What could it be? 17 While Marina Oswald said that her husband wanted her to learn English, 70 I have set myself three different objectives for this year. 59 and that, in spite of the verdict of the jury, "he left the dock with a calm and quiet conscience;" 99 After his massive abuse of alcohol he started therapy. 54 Both Dallas papers cited White House sources on September twenty-six as confirming the President's intention to visit Texas on November twenty-one and twenty-two, 162 William ran down the street. 28 A line of people wait to enter a building with a sign posted Welcome Bikers. 77 In the room beyond the one in which General Walker was sitting on the night of the shooting the Dallas police recovered a badly mutilated bullet 144 On July fifth, nineteen forty three, the Germans launched the Battle of Kursk, an offensive designed to eliminate the Kursk salient. 132 anticipating the best results from a system which made earnings, and indeed release, dependent upon the amount of work done. 124 Is there anything I can do for you? 35 traversing where it was possible the statements of the inspectors, and offering explanation and palliation of such evils as could not be denied. 144 Two other men, including the taxi driver, were wounded in the attack. 69 on which the river sank to such an extent that the natural bed of the stream became fordable. 93 The walls of Babylon were destined to serve still another purpose. 66 Air carriers are responsible for safety management, quality assurance, and quality control. 91 The U.S. Virgin Islands were originally inhabited by the Carib and Arawaks. 75 The food was properly prepared in the prison kitchen. 53 The diet was now ample. It consisted of a pound and a half of bread per diem; 77 september 9 In the fourth century B.C., two influential Greek philosophers, Plato and his student Aristotle, wrote works based on the geocentric model. 139 Garnish with pickled ginger. 28 She'll choose whomever the association approves. 48 rudiments of eyes in cave fishes, hind limbs beneath the skin of whales, the vermiform appendix in man, 103 Great want of uniformity in treatment in the various prisons was still noticeable 81 A group of shirtless men are sitting in the shade on a tropical beach. 70 the strongest, the thickest, the loftiest, the most intricate, perhaps the most beautiful that ever protected a city, 117 LeBron James of the Cleveland Cavaliers scores his thirty-thousandth career regular-season point in a loss to the San Antonio Spurs. 132 who not strangely resented the orders issued by the aldermen 60 Do you like fruit? 18 One bullet passed through the President's neck; 47 Following talks with Prime Minister Theresa May, the European Union calls on the United Kingdom to decide on the relationship it wants after Brexit. 148 and expressed the utmost contempt for her husband, whom she never intended to acknowledge or speak to again. 108 Different boomerangs have different flight characteristics, and the bigger the layover the higher the boomerang will fly. 121 Blood samples were taken. 25 Before long, that itchy goose began to strut around the office like a lunatic, which made an unsanitary mess. 109 to present the mass of embryological evidence, but a few salient facts will illustrate the kind of evidence to be deduced from embryology. 138 Nelson Mandela was President of South Africa for five years. 60 The police called the local FBI office and an agent, John L. Quigley, was sent to the police station. 101 Three girls make faces as one takes a drink while they stand in a busy street. 78 A group of workers in the desert, two with wheel barrels and two just standing around. 86 The pencil was cut to be sharp at both ends. 44 The first night in Newgate, and for the subsequent fortnight, 61 Oxford, who had been pacing backwards and forwards with his hands under the lapels of his coat, saw the carriage approach. 122 The plumber unclogged the drain for the innkeeper. 50 He slowed down, halted, said something, and then kept on going to the corner, turned right, and continued west on Jefferson. 124 M.T.V. also launched digital cable channel M.T.V.X. to play rock music videos exclusively, an experiment that lasted until two thousand two. 140 and in defiance of the vote of the assembly which more accurately represented public opinion. It was indeed announced that their fate was sealed; 145 In the description of the important aspects of the advance preparations, 72 Vice President Gerald Ford acceded to the Presidency before he could use the home, and his Vice President, Nelson Rockefeller, only used it for entertaining. 157 There's a variety of possibilities, but the checkerboard pattern doesn't seem appropriate here. 95 I laid its foundation deep to the water level; 46 How did she look? 17 Warm water for rinsing bowl -- about half a cup. 48 A group of young people are sitting outside listening a guitar and violin being played. 87 On a scale from one (for not at all) and ten (for very much), how much pain do you feel? 88 The hinge on the door creaked with old age. 43 Take Cloey to the show. 23 Spread cream cheese mixture evenly on top. 42 Hidell's name on the post office box application was part of Oswald's use of a nonexistent Hidell 97 A person in a red and black ski outfit is looking over a snowy, mountainous landscape. 86 On December twenty-six, nineteen sixty-three, the FBI circulated additional instructions to all its agents, 107 Highs in the upper eighties. 28 Hard labor of the first and second class was carefully defined. 63 Either way, I think we should be extremely cautious. 52 Convicts were not even compelled to wear irons, providing they behaved well. 76 People are standing around inside and one of them is wearing a fedora and a striped zip hoodie 94 He seemed to prefer the Soviet Union and he spoke highly of Cuba. 65 A formal announcement is expected this morning at a news conference. 68 Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, the exalted prince, the favorite of Marduk, the lofty patesi, 94 He has not created a Festival resource. 39 The goose's owner, Mary Harrison, kept calling, "Comma, Comma," which Sarah thought was an odd choice for a name. 113 Go ahead, try me. 17 He decided to use strychnia, or the vegetable poison otherwise known as nux vomica; 83 at night they were placed in the fifteen cells, two, three, or more together, according to the total number to be accommodated. 127 The new patch is less invasive than the old one, but still causes regressions. 78 Henry the eighth had six wives. He was born in fourteen ninety-one and died in fifteen forty-seven. 99 Here they were surprised by the police, headed by a magistrate, and supported by a strong detachment of Her Majesty's Guards. 125 A loud alarm can be an eye-opener. 34 Let this monster give his name; I am ready to fight him. I am still determined to put myself in the place of Mr. Fauntleroy. 124 Turn left onto Fourth Avenue. 29 Jenson, however, had many contemporaries who used beautiful type, 65 he found that it was soft and new, while elsewhere it was set and hard. 71 But it was supposed that he had been once in a good position, well born, and well educated. 91 The young prince became heir to the throne. 43 the motives for a transient amendment were becoming paralyzed, and the effect had ceased with the cause." 105 The cpu is currently running at seventy-five point two percent. 63 Familiarize yourself with the emergency evacuation techniques outlined on the written safety instructions. Ask questions if instructions are unclear. 149 Long before the assassination he expressed his hatred for American society and acted in protest against it. 107 Epcot announces that Circle of Life: An Environmental Fable will close permanently. 83 or for detention pending court appearance or commitment to a child-caring or custodial institution such as a training school. 125 were the ten persons committed to Newgate by the House of Commons in eighteen thirty-five. 90 With two Federal agencies operating in the same general field of preventive investigation, 90 Such too the scene remained with little change or respite till the old hangman (Calcraft) slunk again along the drop, 117 it tended to "dissipate reflection, diminish the gloom of the prison, and mitigate the punishment which the law has sentenced the prisoner to undergo." 151 he was a shoemaker by trade, and settled in London after his marriage in eighteen twenty-five. 94 that he was the leader of a fascist organization, and when I said that even though all of that might be true, just the same he had no right to take his life, 157 Looks like this is the first time I've controlled your lights. 62 How do I know? 14 Moreover, high-ranking Stasi officers continued their post G.D.R. careers in management positions. 98 Never since my inauguration in March, nineteen thirty-three, have I felt so unmistakably the atmosphere of recovery. 116 After seven weeks in rehab, he emerged sober again and the band returned to the studio to record "Angry Again". 111 if chlorophyll is absent, carbon is obtained from sugar or some similar compound, 81 She has exhibited widely, both nationally and internationally, and her work was recently selected for the landmark exhibition "Painting". 137 Brown is an interesting man, but he is not desperate. 53 This was too much. 18 Twenty-four Sixty-five Hempstead Turnpike, Dover, Delaware, one nine nine seven six. 84 possible 8 Their music is called Pinoy reggae. 35 Jarman heard Brennan, quote, talking to this officer about that he had heard these shots and he had seen the barrel of the gun sticking out the window, 151 Stir well, and bring to a boil. 31 and placed "an unwarranted limitation upon the commerce clause." 64 Soak the cloth and drown the sharp odor. 40 My auto is O.K. in town. 24 there are a number of organizations, including possibly Fair Play, which are of a very broad character, 103 Traffic on your route is lighter than normal. 45 Major League Soccer announces that Nashville has been selected to host a new M.L.S. franchise. 94 Police have launched an investigation due to a neglect of safety measures. 74 but the place of durance was changed, to meet the existing law, to Millbank Penitentiary. 89 It forced Marguerite Oswald to go to work to provide for her family. 68 that such a recapitulation in the life history of an existing animal of developmental changes successively distinctive of sundry allied, 136 But it was too late. 20 After dinner he went into hiding for a day or two, 50 prior to President Kennedy's visit. 35 A man in black attire shovels snow into the street, disregarding all public safety. 83 Arctic Russia was reached by forty thousand years ago. 54 After a moment's hesitation, she told me that he worked at the Texas School Book Depository near the downtown area of Dallas. 125 Fast forward again - this time to the nineteen ninetys. 55 nor was non-payment made a pretext for further imprisonment, thanks to the humanity of the jailer, or the funds provided by various charities. 142 Cheap, tawdry bags are being sold everywhere in this market. 60 Now that these people are coming out of their storm cellars, they forget that there ever was a storm. 101 Bail the boat to stop it from sinking. 38 The uncle claimed her. The husband resisted. 44 covered rather scantily with light sandy hair. 46 A general shift in social and legal attitudes toward issues of sex occurred during the modern era. 98 The new tentative criteria are useful in making clear that the interest of the Secret Service goes beyond information on individuals or groups threatening to cause harm to the President. 186 Yet the data is compelling. 27 Mrs Brickman wants to know why her rating score is so terribly low. 67 I'm filled with despair. 24 However, the figures were disputed by the Scottish Prison Service. 66 Candidates will finally don their Green Berets as Special Forces Soldiers. 74 He conducted a limited background investigation of the Paines, intending to interview Mrs. Paine and ask her particularly about Oswald's whereabouts. 149 Bake in the preheated oven until golden brown, eight to ten minutes. Cool on the baking sheet for five minutes. Transfer to a wire rack. 136 Steps were taken to provide the illiterate with secular instruction. 68 Did England hold to the gold standard when her reserves were threatened? 72 This he did to an enormous extent, 34 Swiss tennis player Roger Federer successfully defends his title in five sets in the men's singles final. 105 technical 9 There are two main variations, heat-seeking, and radar guided. 62 And twenty-five additional agents are recommended to provide the Vice President full protection. 96 Within three months, three new and most mysterious burglaries were committed at the West End, all in houses adjoining each other. 129 Norwegians are an ethnic North Germanic people. 47 Advice by the Secret Service to local police in metropolitan areas relating to the assistance expected in connection with a Presidential visit 142 Looking at Earth from the International Space Station, astronauts see big, white clouds spreading across the planet. 116 to be pitchforked by chance anywhere, into any sort of company, 63 at least in the unit to which he was assigned after his return from the Far East. 81 It's raining gin! 17 Cut two three-inch slits into the fish with a sharp knife. Stuff chopped basil leaves into the slits. 101 They reach up to the top of the troposphere from deep convection, which is normally strongest in the tropics. 109 is made only after the longest and most serious considerations. I affirm that my allegiance is to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. 138 There can be no sympathy for those who have turned the idea of communism into a vile curse to Western man. 106 Juveniles disperse widely from the home territory. 50 Starchy substances, cellulose and sugar, 40 Not bad. How about yourself? 28 While he was in his late twenties, he won two tough-man competitions consecutively. 83 Their time on the Space Station will help us better understand the effects of spaceflight on the human immune system. 117 Suddenly he utters a short sharp scream, and all is still. 58 Her condition was yesterday described as critical, but stable. 62 Referrals to the Secret Service under the new criteria might, if not properly handled, result in some degree of interference with the personal liberty of those involved. 169 He concluded that all of these cartridges were fired from the same weapon. 74 The dark pot hung in the front closet. 38 In a medium bowl combine the broth, wine, lemon juice and cornstarch. Mix together and pour mixture over chicken and mushrooms. 127 Read the Safety and Security section on the country information page. 69 Open your book to the first page. 33 or, if either the first or third shots missed, the assassin fired the three shots during a minimum time span of seven point one 127 but essentially a, quote, defensive, rigid, self-involved person 64 In addition to Basic Combat Training, Soldiers must have completed Advanced Individualized Training and U.S. Airborne School to be eligible for Special Forces training. 168 We find joy in the simplest things. 35 server 6 His first act was to send a messenger to stop the cheque and the order to Mr. Bell, his next to seek the help of the police. 124 a blemish which can be nearly, though not wholly, avoided by care and forethought 81 Many Coles Creek sites were erected over earlier Woodland period mortuary mounds. 81 In eighteen forty-five the Jail Committee brought forward a definite proposal to purchase ground in the immediate vicinity for the erection of a new jail. 154 Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall," and was full of the most pointed allusions to the culprit. 127 They not only became more numerous, but they were on a wider scale. 67 What time is it? 16 Thanksgiving symbolizes the fall harvest feast here in the U.S. 63 The door of his place of durance stood open, and Mr. Gee began to consider whether he might not escape. 103 We merely wish to employ you to help locate a missing item. 59 This was the pernicious plan of governing by prisoners, or of setting a favored few in authority over the many. 111 and on how angry it made him, to which Thornley replied, quote, Well, comes the revolution you will change all that, end quote. 127 Some of his acquaintances, feeling that Oswald tried to impress people with the fact that he had lived and worked in Russia, were led to the belief 147 who said that he feared it was only too true that secret poisoning was at that time very rife in the metropolis. 112 His girlfriend always has cold feet in the morning. 51 caught their flash terms and sung their songs, was admitted to their revels, and acquired, in place of habits of perfect sobriety, 130 Leave your posessions behind. 29 Fine soap saves tender skin. 28 Give it to me. 14 On October nine, nineteen sixty-two he went to the Dallas office of the Texas Employment Commission 99 Handicapped by contractual obligations with King Records, Brown released an album of remakes overdubbed with canned applause. 125 will long be remembered both within and without the commercial world. 69 by which Oswald requested that mail addressed to that box be forwarded to him in New Orleans, where he had moved on April twenty-four. 134 A black male wearing a white shirt with a striped shirt over top is playing with guns. 86 Different species have different ways of dealing with tides. 60 scientific 10 The aim of the contest is to raise a great fund. 48 Two hundred years after founding, the town got the right to mint its own coin. 78 Sophisticated shysters vie for foolish souls. 45 He was death's counterfeit, tall, shriveled, and pale; 54 Experts estimate that rabies testing, prevention, and control cost two hundred forty five million dollars annually in the United States. 136 he found he must adopt the manners of his companions, or that his life would be in danger. 90 store 5 It must, however, be recognized that when an enterprise of this character is extended over more than three thousand counties throughout the nation, 147 Did you see any ghosts? 23 mb 2 He really wants us to be friends, but we hardly have anything in common! 72 E.P.A. works to ensure that Americans have clean air, land and water. 69 Recognition that the responsibility must be shared increases the likelihood that it will be met. 96 O Marduk, great god, look joyfully upon the precious work of my hands. Be thou my protector. 92 Our mortgage is in arrears. 27 Shortly after Oswald was apprehended and identified, Hosty's superior sent him to observe the interrogation of Oswald. 118 Cut stale cinnamon rolls into half-inch cubes. 46 and walking for choice through prickly gorse bushes. 52 Since World War Two, it has been focused on standardizing nomenclature and methods in science without interruption. 115 Over the past four decades, fridges have improved dramatically, consuming on average only four hundred eighty kilowatt hours of electricity a year. 147 When, as is most often the case, there is actual beauty in the cuts, 68 On October twenty-six the press reported Chief of Police Curry's plans 70 Sounds like The Sixth Sense? 28 We have also started contemplating the possibility of moving back to Colorado. 78 Without haste, yet without rest unhasting, yet unresting. 57 This feeling was the stronger because 37 or those who would subsequently reach the age of seventy. 57 Preventive Intelligence Activities. The Protective Research Section (PRS) of the Secret Service 95 The sermon of this day, whether eloquent or plain, useful or useless, must produce a striking effect at the moment of its delivery. 131 The Secret Service has advised the Commission that no unusual precautions were taken for the Dallas trip, and that, quote, 122 the FBI, which was established within the Department of Justice in nineteen oh eight, has had in recent years an increasingly important role to play. 149 Priya was late to class. 24 and expressed opposition to the Batista regime and sympathy for Castro, an attitude which, Donovan said, was, quote, 116 Clean the tub with a brush and some scouring powder. 52 The plastic barrier shattered. 30 We will pay their bills. 24 The chancellor appears to be singing with her secretary in the backyard. 72 the Marine marksmanship experts, Major Anderson and Sergeant Zahm, concurred in the opinion that Oswald had the capability to fire three shots, 143 It tells the story of a banker who is sentenced to life in prison for the murder of his wife and her lover, despite his claims of innocence. 140 Scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology trace the source of the deadly SARS virus outbreak to a colony of cave-dwelling horseshoe bats in China's Yunnan province. 168 S.E.C. Charges Three Former Healthcare Executives With Fraud 60 Some of the first self-propelled vehicles in the late seventeen hundreds relied on steam. 89 A man in a black shirt shares something with a group of girls sitting on a bench. 81 day 3 This law states that, for any proposition, either that proposition is true or its negation is. 94 Revill promptly made a memorandum of this conversation in which the quoted statement appears. 93 two of these employees leaving the building and immediately identified them as having been in the fifth-floor windows. 118 By connecting state and local health departments across the U.S., we can discover patterns of disease and respond when needed. 126 He rebuilt scores of the ancient temples, surrounded many cities with walls, 76 A young man with a green star balloon is standing next to an expansive door and building. 89 By another clause of the Jail Act, two justices were to be appointed to visit the prison at least thrice in every quarter, and "oftener if occasion required." 158 The Battle of Apia occurred in March eighteen ninety nine. 58 Crowd of asian people looking at different items which include various electronics on wood table. 97 Information is requested also concerning individuals or groups who have demonstrated an interest in the President. 114 An enormous crowd assembled to witness the execution, amounting, it was said, to the hitherto unparalleled number of forty thousand. 132 That would help. 16 Once Sarah had managed to bathe the goose, she wiped her off with a cloth and laid her on her right side. 105 Shares in the company were represented by certificates, which often enough never left the company's, or more exactly Robson's, hands. 133 Oswald replied, quote, I don't know anything about that, end quote. 67 Lions hunt their prey with sprints, whereas wolves take advantage of their stamina. 83 Family liaison officers are now working to support the family. 62 One was the "yeoman of the halter," a Newgate official, the executioner's assistant, whom Mr. J. T. Smith, who was present at the execution, 140 The trip to Texas began with the departure of President and Mrs. Kennedy from the White House 93 Congratulations to the prize winners! 37 Two recreational soccer teams stand at attention looking at each other in clean uniforms before playing soccer. 111 Stir the chicken mixture into the cabbage mixture. Add noodles. 63 No problem. 11 district 8 Mix in the olives, green chile peppers, tomatoes with green chile peppers, taco sauce and refried beans. 104 Mrs. Reid believes that she returned to her desk from the street about two minutes after the shooting. 102 The ceremony, which was witnessed by only a few officials and representatives of the press, was performed with the utmost decency and decorum. 142 The Congress has often stressed that it will support any reasonable request for funds for the protection of the President. 122 The war against the French was itself brought to a not-too-devastating end for the Dutch Republic. 98 Marley ran along the street, down into Cannon Row 49 To assist you I need to be connected to the internet. 53 Sigmund depicted the occurrence with all its obscene details. 61 The paper used for printing the small highly ornamented French service-books about the beginning of the sixteenth century is a model in this respect, 149 A woman is resting against a cross shaped pole while looking towards a large body of water. 91 yet he at least tried to be accurate. He says: 46 the owner came with the police, and was morally convinced that it was his property, 83 The C.I.A. and M.I.-Six are secret spy agencies. 48 Goldwater faced a surprisingly tough battle for reelection. 59 Did you know that Nikola was going to join us? 46 I understand that you're going to want to bring the cops in on this, but I can't be here when you do. 101 Nixon and Kissinger held back on a full-scale resupply of arms to Israel. 73 at fourteen he was a pickpocket and a "duffer," or a seller of sham goods. 74 The plot is minimal. 20 any awakening truth, salutary exhortation, or imperfect resolutions of amendment can take root or grow. 103 District prisons were to be established for this purpose, each of which would be in the heart of a farm of a thousand acres. 124 Kerry Thornley, a marine associate, 35 Four years later the Prison Society reported 44 Considering the growth of human population, insects might be the food of the future. 84 The Vice President decided to wait until he received definitive word of the President's condition. 98 The Commission has, however, from its examination of the facts of President Kennedy's assassination 99 Doctor Charles Griffith, V.A.'s second Medical Director, came from the Public Health Service and Veterans Bureau. 113 All the shops in the neighborhood were shut, and the windows and tops of the houses were crowded with spectators. 113 Doing great! How about you? 27 Additional violations included improper outdoor storage of oils and industrial. 79 Nothing else. 13 Oswald obtained a job in July of nineteen sixty-two as a sheet metal worker with a company in Fort Worth. 105 Both, however, varied greatly in mechanism and in the amount of energy they called forth, 89 Special Forces Soldiers rely on stealth to complete their missions. 67 Can you give a brief description of your problem? 49 Don't deposit a check and wire money back. 42 samples of his photographic work, offering to contribute that sort of service without charge. 93 And who hired you for this? 27 Both brothers wear the same size. 33 Five people wearing winter clothing, helmets, and ski goggles stand outside in the snow. 88 Holland won by five wickets. 28 and suggested the desirability of such a statement. 51 and later he became manager of the newly rebuilt Olympic at Wych Street. 72 A little girl wearing a pink hat is looking over the pool watching someone performing on stage 94 Changes to the program will require the F.B.I. to obtain a probable cause warrant to view the contents of Americans' communications. 132 The Service should negotiate a memorandum of understanding with each agency that has been assisting it and from which it can expect to need help in the future. 159 and also looking ahead to the known hazards like overpasses, under-passes, railroads, et cetera, end quote. 107 It installed more than eighteen thousand residential, commercial and public chargers across the country. 104 and of the Advanced Research Projects Agency of the Department of Defense, 74 For example, two of the five bridges in the city today were built back then. 76 with whom he did business in exchanging the false notes. 56 Karen will not be coming today. 31 Does the name matter? 21 Not only business recovery, but the general economic recovery of the nation will be greatly stimulated by the enactment of legislation 134 indicated that the bullet was fired from a position near the point where one of the photographs was taken. 106 they were frequently below the standard size, and were therefore not certified for occupation as was required by law. 117 Both lighthouses are painted white and are run and maintained by Trinity House. 79 Oswald was motivated to join the Marines in large part by a desire, quote, to get from out and under the yoke of oppression from my mother, end quote. 150 It is generally considered to be middle class and reformist in nature. 70 A child is performing a skateboard trick while another child with a skateboard leans on a wall. 95 followed by, quote, more profuse bleeding, end quote, after some circulation was established. 93 While he was in his late twenties, he won two tough-man competitions consecutively. 83 Pseudomonas can cause hot tub rash and swimmer's ear. 53 There could be a way back. 26 three minutes after the shooting. 33 In addition to the battery technology in nearly all of the first generation hybrids, the Department's research also helped develop the lithium-ion battery technology used in the Volt. 183 A young man, wearing a white shirt, prepares hotdogs on a small grill. 70 William was unhorsed by Robert and was only saved from death by an Englishman. 78 They have fundamental roles in nutrient cycling and exchange in the environment. 80 overlooking the motorcade route as a source of danger to the President and did not inform the Secret Service of his employment in the Depository Building. 154 The preceding chapter has established that the bullets which killed President Kennedy and wounded Governor Connally 115 The slang word for raw whiskey is booze. 40 The prison was to contain four hundred and four prisoners, and the estimated expenditure was seventy-nine thousand pounds. 122 How do you do? 14 In a crevice between the butt plate of the rifle and the wooden stock 69 One good turn deserves another. 31 Minus 5 She called his name many times. 31 A person with red pants with cover over her head sitting in front of multiple computers. 88 Although all of the shots were a few inches high and to the right of the target, 80 From the late eighteen tens he lived in near solitude outside Madrid in a farmhouse converted into a studio. 108 Sometimes, medical discount plans illegally pretend to be insurance. 68 completed 9 as to whether Oswald fell within the category of, quote, threats against the President, end quote, which should be referred to the Service. 139 and offered him the post of executioner for the city of London and Middlesex. 77 He took the position that such matters were his own business. 61 Otherwise you could hide yourself away in some coffee shop or other for a bit. 78 Two motorists are riding along on their vehicle that is oddly designed and colored. 83 Strawberry curd, yummy! 23 We have two perfectly awful plans, and you know it. 51 After his arrest he thought only of the excitement his attempt had raised, nothing of its atrocity, 99 Capital convicts go to the gallows in their own clothing, and not in prison dress, unless the former is quite unfit to be worn. 127 It is an observable fact, says Romanes, 39 He engaged in an angry argument with the consul who finally told him that, quote, as far as he was concerned 108 This mission is used to organize, assist and train the military and national defense forces of foreign governments to protect their citizens from aggressors. 157 Its remaining carbon emissions are now offset, making its services carbon neutral. 82 fitted into a general personality pattern of his: to do whatever was not wanted of him, a recalcitrant trend in his personality, end quote, 139 The most recent affairs are still too fresh in the public mind to need more than a passing reference. 101 Question: Did you ask him why he had not destroyed the book before he actually went to shoot General Walker? 108 movies 6 Medical assistance having been summoned, it was ascertained how the dismemberment had been effected. 100 would include the President's head. 35 Men think and plan and sometimes act. 37 there were not enough men available to permit two agents to be assigned to all the advance work. 96 Bring to a boil, then add the potatoes and parsley. Crumble in half of the bacon. 81 He was just fooling with it. I didn't know what he was doing. I was afraid he was fixing to kill me. End quote. 111 This section considers first the means used to locate potential sources of danger to the President in time to take appropriate precautions. 139 The suggestions of Federal agencies for revision of these guidelines were solicited. 84 He was then replaced by Ross. 29 It is a magical world filled with elves, dwarves, and dragons. 62 He relied on the absence of the strychnia. 42 and Benjamin J. Davis honorary membership cards in his nonexistent New Orleans chapter of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee, 123 During entire periods of travel status, 39 The two Dallas newspapers provided their readers with a steady stream of information and speculation about the trip, 116 One of the differences between the fine type and the utilitarian must probably be put down to a misapprehension of a commercial necessity. 138 Oak Ridge's findings sparked an industry-wide reformulation of loose-fill fiberglass insulation, leading manufacturers to redesign their products for better fiber dispersion. 174 I'm hungry. 11 Athena sprang from the head of Zeus. 36 which the various club secretaries identified as the property of their respective clubs. 88 for which the costs were six shillings ten pence. 49 After completing her studies, she took a teaching position at the Conservatory of Santa Cecilia. 96 And on the morning of the President's arrival, there appeared in the Morning News a full, black-bordered advertisement headed: 126 The ascent to the top is on the outside, by a path which winds round all the towers. 84 all present new questions for the solution of which the old reliance upon the free action of individual wills appears quite inadequate. 135 Television can make you dumb, but it can also be good education. 64 power 5 The news-vendor was also a tobacconist, 39 australia 9 The modern practice is to disregard the relation between the printing and the ornament altogether. 98 While some of Castro's more severe criticisms of President Kennedy might have led Oswald to believe that he would be well received in Cuba 138 In eighteen thirteen 20 George Washington was the first president of the United States. 63 A young boy holds a sword and fence with a dummy holding a similar thin sword. 78 As the war progressed, his complex moves toward ending slavery included the Emancipation Proclamation. 102 But only a portion of Veterans were paid the maximum amount available. 70 this man I saw previously was aiming for his last shot. As it appeared to me he was standing up and resting against the left window sill, end quote. 148 I've put my own money into this project. 40 with justice for all those willing to use these agencies whenever their voluntary bargaining fails to produce a necessary agreement. 132 Diverse locations, from rural cemeteries to Disneyland, have been locked down as a result of such scares. 105 It has an average length of thirteen point eight millimeters and an approximate height of eleven point five millimeters. 120 Bake, uncovered, in preheated oven for fifty to sixty minutes, or until set. 76 Thanks to our augmented reality glasses, we gain insight to the details. 72 It was not easy to detect coiners, or bring home their guilt to them. 69 These places tend to open earlier and have more informal dress. 63 while the funds of several bequests and charities were applied in adding to the material comfort of the prisoners. 114 By other acts local authorities were empowered to construct new jails or hire accommodation in the district; 108 It generally ran to about six pounds per week. The money, which at one time had been distributed quarterly, and all went in drink, 130 Three people on ATVs in a brown field turn their heads to look at the camera. 77 The first true crocodiles evolved, pushing the large amphibians to near extinction. 83 man in his early thirties, fair complexion, slender, but neat, neat slender, possible five foot ten 99 The crash of the U.F.O. shows that extraterrestrials are also vulnerable. 73 Amid a perceived erosion of freedoms in Hong Kong, Theresa May concludes a three-day visit to China, said to have generated nine billion pounds in trade deals. 159 set 3 He shook his head. 18 The war has had its effect on the lives of these denizens of the marshes. 73 History teaches us that humans do not learn from history. 57 Education was for the few. 26 Many provide vistas of the Pittsburgh area while attracting hikers and fitness walkers. 87 Such discharges may contain pollutants such as plastic resin pellets, flakes or powders. 88 It is important to the production of lithium, beryllium and boron. 66 He stated several times that he was a Communist but apparently never joined any Communist Party. 96 The separation of the sexes was not indeed rigidly carried out in Newgate as yet. 81 The third, Bell, remained longest at large. He too was run into at a lodging in the Kingsland Road. 99 At the same time the inspectors animadvert strongly upon the misconduct of prisoners and the frequency of prison punishments, 125 During Operation enduring Freedom, the United States worked alongside opposition forces in Afghanistan to bring down the Taliban regime and rid the country of al-Qaeda fighters. 177 She confirmed this interview by a sworn affidavit. 50 The south and west of England were also very laggard, and many years were still to elapse before the prisons in these parts were properly reconstituted. 152 By then, however, both men were already in the U.S. 51 passed under the more direct control of the State. 50 possessed the capability to hit his target with two out of three shots under the conditions described in chapter three. 119 For the first time 18 Well begun is half done To offer too much is to court denial. 61 there were also a Frenchman, a Norwegian (the carpenter), three Chinamen, a "Sclavonian," and a black on board. 111 Thus, among the presidents were those of Gowrie, Justinian, Aloman, Colsman, Kenneth, and Godfrey; 98 Although there were critical editorials and letters to the editors, the news stories reflected the desire of Dallas officials to welcome the President with dignity and courtesy. 177 Those arguments are presented in written briefs and sometimes in oral argument to the court at a hearing. 105 Doing a handstand needs a lot of practice to learn. 51 for history mentions the names of two of its later rulers. The palace of Nebuchadnezzar was occupied by Alexander the Great, 124 A lab technician working in a Biological Safety Cabinet, conducting a test in order to validate a rapid H.I.V. nucleic acid extraction. 135 A workless heat transfer returns the system to its original state. 66 but again the standards were very general. 42 These devices are commonly used in chemical laboratories for identification of substances and for quality control. 114 I think we should go. 21 Malta arrests ten people over an investigative journalist's murder on October sixteenth. 88 The coffee stand is too high for the couch. 43 in advance of Presidential trips outside the United States. 59 and see for himself how a revolutionary society operates, a Marxist society. 76 A woman with glasses puts her arm around a very young child who is eating something. 84 The players must volley a ball over a net and force it to hit the ground on the opponent's side. 96 regarding such threats and that its Protective Research Section is not adequately staffed or equipped 101 In French, the common noun "concorde" means "agreement, harmony, or peace". 75 Russian officials have not determined the cause of the accident. 64 One oh one South Warren Street, Trenton, New Jersey. 52 First and foremost, the game is entirely different. 51 Commission Exhibit Number one thirty-three B, to Oswald's Imperial Reflex camera, with which Marina Oswald testified she took the pictures. 139 Watch your step! 16 A woman out to dinner and drinks laughs hysterically while her friend uses her cellphone. 89 Heat a large skillet over medium-high heat and coat with cooking spray. 71 Forced and constant intercourse with the most depraved individuals of his own class; 84 Try the teapot. 15 computers 9 That would open the gates of hell. 34 uk 2 and the other eighteen by fifteen; and they nominally held twenty-two persons. 78 On October twenty-third, I had attended a ultra-right meeting headed by General Edwin A. Walker, who lives in Dallas. 117 Legislative power is vested in both the government and the national assembly. 77 Iceland's public debt has decreased since the economic crisis, and is the thirty first highest in the world by proportion of national G.D.P. 140 He said that he left work because Bill Shelley said that there would be no more work done that day in the building. 115 A great way to add some zip to your cauliflower. 48 and that many exhibit actions comparable to those which are brought about by the agency of a nervous system in animals. 119 There is no substantial groups within the Congress or outside it who are agreed on any single amendment. 104 The discussion above has already set forth examples of his expression of hatred for the United States. 102 He is a hardened offender, previously cast for life, reprieved, transported to Australia, and since returned without pardon. 124 His many troops, whose number, like the waters of the river, could not be counted, marched in full armor at his side, 117 A woman wearing a yellow and white outfit is exiting the vehicle while using city transportation. 97 while 5 It also reported thirty one thousand paramilitary personnel. 60 but it seems to warrant further study before each agency becomes irrevocably committed to separate action. 106 in receiving guests at home, or could be spared from two rival establishments in other parts of the town. 105 And three other justices agreed with him. 41 The fact that on the morning of the assassination Oswald was wearing the shirt from which these relatively fresh fibers most probably originated, 145 The school will be designed for sustainability and is expected to achieve the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Silver certification status. 152 Two men work together to attach pieces of wood in a room set up for carpentry. 78 Visit our website for Travel to High-Risk Areas. 48 The credulity of investors, the unscrupulous dishonesty of bankers, 67 She was immediately tied by the neck to an iron bolt fixed near the top of the stake, 85 Women's field hockey won the nineteen eighty two N.C.A.A. Division Three Field Hockey Championship. 99 A list of names is carved around the base. 42 and he had so cleverly destroyed all traces that it was not easy to bring home the charge. 90 When he saw the storm clouds in the sky, Jaka wished he would have remembered his umbrella. 91 A man in a black suit and briefcase hurrying somewhere, while talking on his cellphone. 87 The driver's rating is quite low, and I felt suspicious. 56 Permanent dikes were erected in eight towns south of Winnipeg, and clay dikes and diversion dams were built in the Winnipeg area. 129 Who would have thought that one man could change everything. 60 As reflected in this testimony, 31 as a preliminary to the real processes of nutrition. 52 He afterward affirms that nitrogen is peculiar to animals, and herein he places the third distinction between the animal and the plant. 135 or from persons who made a trade of it, or they might bring their beds with them into the prison. 97 South American cuisine has many influences, due to the ethnic fusion of South America. 86 The movie's epic soundtrack uses classical elements mixed with parts of rock and synthetic bass. 96 they never ceased cursing until the passion of anger so excited was exchanged for joy in some and grief in others. 114 The failed acquisition has sparkled doubts on whether the company's leadership is competent. 92 with spare accommodation sufficient to receive all prisoners who were then committed to Newgate. These arguments were unanswerable. 131 but ineffectively, by running his head against his cell wall. 61 he did not shrink from murder, both for revenge and to conceal his other crimes. 80 They outlawed the Hamas militia. 32 Pick a card and slip it under the pack. 39 Healthy and Safe Swimming Week begins on May twenty first. 58 of "poor and needy prisoners committed to the common jail for felony and other misdemeanors, who many times perish before their trial; 134 stigmatized his often most just strictures on abuses as "a bundle of nonsense," and the aldermen, when he appealed to them for protection and countenance, 154 She said that Lee Oswald was living somewhere in Dallas. She didn't know where. She said it was in the Oak Cliff area but she didn't have his address. 150 The next time Thain entered his cabin he fired at him point-blank, and lodged three bullets in his breast. 106 He could indulge in snuff if a snuff-taker, 43 Hence it is conceivable that even the simplest living being may possess a nervous system. 89 The Commission has considered carefully the question whether the FBI, 69 The coaching official and football player are talking in front a crowd and other team members. 94 Bake fish on the bottom rack of oven until salmon flakes easily and meat is pink and opaque, about twenty five minutes. 119 to attend a university in Moscow, but they gave him a monthly allowance of seven hundred rubles a month 103 On October thirteenth, twenty sixteen, Brooks released the first single, "Baby, Let's Lay Down and Dance", from his upcoming album. 131 The empty flask stood on the tin tray. 38 She's an amazing artist, an amazing performer. 46 No doubt the governor for the time being, Mr. Cope, was in a great measure to blame for all this, and for the want of proper classification. 140 The euro was established by the provisions in the nineteen ninety two Treaty. 77 Most of these related to religion and omens. 44 In an autobiographical digital animation entitled "My Story," Reid presents her childhood as one marked by bullying in mainstream education. 140 Three San Francisco Police Department cars were waiting in line at the corner of the street. 92 George Robertson described the plan as an outrageous and disgraceful decision. 78 I'm thirsty. 12 Before you give up your money or personal information, talk to someone you trust. 81 the bodies for identification, the wounded to hospitals, a cart-load of shoes, hats, petticoats, and fragments of wearing apparel were picked up. 145 By the nineteen twentys, the U.S. had a better system of roads connecting cities, and Americans wanted to get out and explore. 126 that of dishonest rogues who assume piety and philanthropy as a cloak for their misdeeds. 89 Try it again. 13 home 4 It is rubbish. 14 on a trip which passed a check point at St. Paul and Elm Streets at twelve:thirty-six p.m., November twenty-two, nineteen sixty-three. 134 But the keeper protested that no single prisoner could thus monopolize space if the state side was crowded. 107 Mostly cloudy, with a high near nineteen degrees. 49 The judge enjoyed his leisure time. 35 A black and white dog is running in a grassy garden surrounded by a white fence. 80 legislation to provide for the elimination of unnecessary holding companies in the public utility field. 104 It is obvious that legibility is the first thing to be aimed at in the forms of the letters; 92 the large high mound, which resembles a mountain from a distance, still bears the ancient name Babel. 101 mentioned any proposed visit by Mr. Nixon to Dallas. 52 a Communist Party publication. 30 The housemaid summoned the cook, and both went to call the valet, Courvoisier, 78 In return, the Oilers were placed at the bottom of the Entry Draft order. 73 Loop the braid to the left and then over. 41 Later the number increased. 27 Hunton tried to fly the country on the detection of the fraud, but was arrested at Plymouth just as he was on the point of leaving England in the New York packet. 162 When interfering, two waves can be added together to create a wave of greater amplitude than either one. 104 Cellulose is widespread as a constituent of the skeletons of the lower animals. 79 x 1 to describe whose vast height and immense riches it would perhaps be too much for me to attempt. 96 Footprints showed the path he took up the beach. 48 A bowl of rice is free with chicken stew. 41 The fox pounced across the edge of the farm, only to find a safari explorer singing an opera by Vivaldi. 104 unless such ability (to work) should cease by reason of sickness, infirmity, the want of sufficient work, or from any other cause. 130 Fill the ink jar with sticky glue. 34 toward any official of the United States. 41 In the back kitchen one of the detectives remarked that the cement between certain stones looked lighter than the rest, and on trying it with a knife, 150 the radio dispatcher on channel one ordered all downtown patrol squads to report to Elm and Houston, code three (emergency). 124 We will push. 13 But I knew better. 18 Greenacre, a stout, middle-aged man, wrapped in a brown greatcoat, assumed an air of insolent bravado; 102 Her eye twitched uncontrollably. 32 California becomes the latest and most populated state to legalize the recreational use of cannabis. 100 and seven eyewitnesses who saw the flight of the gunman with revolver in hand 77 These, therefore, may well be called backboned animals. 55 all the tumultuous and diversified passions and emotions which circumstances like these must necessarily generate 113 a protective circle of Secret Service agents surrounded Vice President and Mrs. Johnson 87 Heavy fog. Widespread haze. 27 In a county prison adjoining the metropolis, the separation between the male and female quarters was supposed to be accomplished by the erection of an iron railing; 164 The large house had hot water taps. 35 one of Alexander's generals, who for a time made it his home, but he was a Greek and cared little for things Babylonian. 120 Later that week, on his sixty eighth birthday, he underwent quadruple coronary bypass surgery at the U.C.L.A. Medical Center. 125 The numbers on the jerseys were changed to a simpler, block font with a thicker, single color border. 101 But they had the body, all the same; it had been dressed up in decent clothes and made to stand upright in the cart. 116 To calibrate the motion capturing system, please do a T-pose. 61 May I come in? 14 has been tipped out of balance by the courts in direct contradiction of the high purposes of the framers of the Constitution. 125 behind the Presidential follow-up car at the time of the shooting and signaled for it to move in closer. 104 A dozen workers wearing uniforms sanitation hats are working on an assembly line in a factory. 95 Love sees no faults. 20 If so, they will be automatically restored. 43 You could go for a brisk walk up Constitution Hill or something. 64 The heap of fallen leaves was set on fire. 42 The lawyer tried to lose his case. 34 Reacting to a petition from more than a million E.U. citizens, the European Commission releases a sixteen-page report on glyphosate. 132 We have not given up hope. 26 just as the body of a snail contracts into its shell when one of its "horns" is irritated. 90 An editorial in the Times-Herald of September seventeen 55 The clock of the town center took damage from a lightening strike. 66 or to insist upon the construction of prisons on the most approved plan. 72 A poor man who is lucky enough, he said, "to have his son committed for a felony 80 The R.N.L.I. established a lifeboat station in eighteen eighty four. 68 No complete and permanent improvement was indeed possible while Newgate remained unchanged. 91 An article in the "Middle East Quarterly" in nineteen ninety nine reported that slavery is endemic in Sudan. 108 It was still limited to bread in some places, the allowance of which varied from one to three pounds; 101 Observing that an effective airway had to be established if treatment was to be effective, Dr. Perry performed a tracheotomy, which required three to five minutes. 163 I couldn't fetch the configuration because your device has not been paired. 75 passed the intersection of tenth and Patton, about eight blocks from where he had reported at twelve:fifty-four p.m. 116 It has since been home to the families of Vice Presidents Bush, Quayle, Gore, Cheney and Biden. 95 At last you see before you a mound rising like a mountain from the level plain. 79 It is hard won. 15 leading to two wards, one of which was thirty-six feet by fifteen, 66 Special Forces Soldiers are often deployed to respond to terroristic threats abroad. 84 Mow the lawn. 13 Palm leaves are used to create rings and other ornaments. 57 We have avoided on the other hand 33 Afterwards, according to the common rumor, he went abroad and lived there for many years; but the story is not only wholly unsubstantiated, 139 The Fireside Chats of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, by Franklin D Roosevelt, Section nine. 87 Eventually, the particles get so heavy, they fall and melt to form rain drops. 78 Let me retrace my steps, and speak more in detail of the treatment of the condemned in those bloodthirsty and brutally indifferent days, 136 In both animals and plants oxygen is essential to the catabolic part of metabolism. 83 a woman wearing sunglasses sits inside of a building with several other people looking outside. 95 Esoteric views current at the end of the nineteenth century provided a further basis for the reception of Yoga. 111 wasn't the day before. Perhaps three days before, end quote. 60 Are you all right? 18 The Agency may also find contamination during its own investigations. 69 The wound on the back of the wrist was left partially open for draining, and the wound on the palm side was enlarged, cleansed, and closed. 139 Note closely the size of the gas tank. 38 Continue stirring for two minutes. Add chicken pieces, tomato paste, yogurt, and coconut milk. 94 After this nothing remained but to wait for some occasion when the amount transmitted would be sufficient to justify the risks of robbery. 138 the commission recommended that death sentences should be carried out within the jail, under such regulations as might be considered necessary 142 We shall one day travel to the moon, the planets, and the stars. 64 These simplify the tasks involved in delivering an insulin bolus. 65 A few examples include conserving water and energy, minimizing greenhouse gases, re-using solid waste, and getting a handle on pesticide risks. 143 In recent history, President Richard Nixon had a private office here. 69 The crooked maze failed to fool the mouse. 42 Do you understand that? 23 and when he evaded the sentence by suicide, his body was exhibited in the same neighborhood, 92 All of these cries have been heard before. 42 Modernizing the V.A. for a new generation of Veterans was crucial, and replacement of the "Old Guard" World War One leadership became a necessity. 146 the Commission considered the possibility that Oswald handled these cartons as part of his normal duties. 105 Despite his serious wounds, Governor Connally tried to get out of the way so that medical help could reach the President. 121 Nor were these two abortive efforts all that were planned. 58 by that made in America, which is the worst conceivable. 56 it was recognized that the cameo was genuine, and that it bore the likeness of the great King. 94 He was upset over the fact that I would not answer him. 55 They go on to say 17 Beginning in two thousand two, Bullock was also stalked across several states by a man named Thomas James Weldon. 113 in being comparatively modern. 30 The last public execution in front of Newgate was that of the Fenian Michael Barrett, 85 Funeral customs vary from country to country. 45 One season, they might do well. 31 For that price you might as well get the brand name cordless drill. 67 She slowly led the panda back to her natural habitat. 53 The temperature is forty-five degrees Fahrenheit. 49 The doctors traced the course of the bullet through the body and, as information was received from Parkland Hospital, 117 This includes placing the C.R.S. in the appropriate forward or aft-facing direction as indicated on the label for the size of the child. 136 Tell me whom you keep company with, and I' will tell you what you do. 69 The Warren Commission Report. By The President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy. Chapter two. The Assassination: Part three. 146 copyright 9 where the arrest was made. 26 During the Boer War, Gandhi volunteered in nineteen hundred to form a group of stretcher-bearers. 97 They use the money for a wide variety of projects, from scientific studies that help us make decisions to community cleanups. 125 Do you understand me? 21 Put the chart on the mantel and tack it down. 45 official 8 Report of the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy. The Warren Commission Report. By The President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy. 182 The limitation of twenty four starters is stated explicitly to be for safety reasons. 85 The deed was long premeditated, and would have been executed a day earlier had not his courage failed him at the last moment. 125 My wife and family are the support system. 42 two years after she ascended the throne. 40 Women carrying items on their heads walk down a dirt path with greenery on each side. 85 Railway station Postage stamp. 30 The box on the floor, behind the three near the window, 55 Few, if any, showed any feeling of terror, none were impressed with the solemnity, or realized the warning which the sight conveyed. 132 A small creek cut across the field. 35 would be consistent with the period when the Oswalds were living on Neely Street since the apartment was rented on March three, nineteen sixty-three. 149 You're welcome. 15 and he eventually succeeded, his wife making the first overtures, in persuading a lad named Brown to steal some of the bank paper. 130 When talking to someone who has just started to learn the language, it’s good to speak slowly and clearly. 106 We fold the organic ginger juice in with the candied ginger pulp. 65 Shortly after Thornley finished reading that book the Marine unit to which both men were assigned was required to take part in a Saturday morning parade 152 Blair is very positive at European Councils. 44 On the twenty-seventh April, in the following year, 51 that this may prove the beginning of a better system of confinement, and that every description of persons who may be unfortunately under sentence of death 155 the germs, more or less developed, of contagious disease. "Caravans," the forerunners of the prison vans, 105 He would shoot any man or any policeman like a dog, or any number of them, who had treated him in that way. 107 but had to come down again covered with soot and filth just as the officers entered the ward. 93 Put the dough out to rise before the pizza orders flow in. 58 Before you give up your money or personal information, talk to someone you trust. 81 A dozen camels are disqualified from a beauty pageant in Saudi Arabia after reports in the media about injections with botox. 125 While the film received positive reviews on its release, particularly for its story and the performances of Robbins and Freeman, it was a box office disappointment. 164 This is true only as a matter of detail. 40 the Fleet, and the Marshalsea prisons especially devoted to them, 65 Down on his luck. 17 The motives of any man, however, must be analyzed in terms of the character and state of mind of the particular individual involved. 132 When you're at a party and somebody says "banana bread", a sniper might be near you. 84 it is difficult for a person who does not know ships to tell how it will finally look when it is sailing the high seas. 119 Arctic Russia was reached by forty thousand years ago. 54 The manual seriously warns about putting budgies into the microwave. 68 We expect this stay relevant until twenty-twenty-nine. 54 Set the piece here and say nothing. 35 This source should not be neglected by undue concentration on relationships with other Federal agencies. 104 not only to ensure fair play and the surrender of the proceeds if the cheque was cashed, but to give timely notice if it was not, 129 The financial crisis caused a huge economic contraction and a commensurate decline in public spending. 102 Hey look, a flying pig! 23 During nineteen sixty-three, the reasons for making the trip became more persuasive. 84 It seems unlikely that the Service could or should increase its own staff to a size which would permit it to provide adequate protective manpower for all situations. 165 This is done by diastase, an enzyme of plant cells. 51 Today she has been released. 28 Toffee coated all the surfaces, it was disgustingly sticky. 59 Eliot's play, "The Family Reunion". 35 and suggests the possibility, as did his note to his wife just prior to the attempt on General Walker, that he did not expect to escape at all. 143 Swimmers and parents of young swimmers play an essential role in preventing Crypto outbreaks. 93 The Fireside Chats of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, by Franklin D Roosevelt, Section six. 86 I doubt they're upgrading without informing people first. 57 so that men in the most awful situation, daily expecting to be hanged, 70 just as other countries have had them for over a decade. 56 The height of a full-grown, full-size llama is one point eight meters tall at the top of the head. 98 Respondents were given the option to select one or more religious affiliations. 79 A man in a blue shirt standing in front of a garagelike structure painted with geometric designs. 97 Since the plotters were flexible and resourceful, we cannot know whether any single step or series of steps would have defeated them. 133 He wrote, quote, The Communist Party of the United States has betrayed itself! 78 When asked about the curtain rod story, Oswald lied again. 58 The thieves it was supposed had secreted themselves in the warehouse during business hours, and waited till night to carry out their plans. 139 to engage in activities on behalf of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee in the summer of nineteen sixty-three, 108 A resolution at once passed the House without division to commit the whole to Newgate, where they remained for various terms. 125 Matters were rather better at the Marshalsea. 45 The total want of administration was very marked, 49 One school were strongly in favor of the continuous separation of prisoners, 76 On the other hand, since two rolls could be made from the same batch of paper, 78 English, for example, is related to both German and Russian, but is more closely related to the former than it is to the latter. 128 It was an old car. 18 A cup of sugar makes sweet fudge. 33 This afternoon, it will be sunny and forty-seven. 49 He placed a portion of his army at the point where the river enters the city, and another body at the back of the place where it issues forth, 142 The third photograph identified by Marina Oswald depicts the entrance to General Walker's driveway from a back alley. 117 was a substantial aid to rapid, accurate firing. 48 As the taps upon her shoulder are repeated, she stretches out her long neck, and with long strides makes for the eastern horizon; 129 This gives a financial incentive to switch. 43 Captain Williams, who was the inspector of prisons for the home district in succession to Messrs. Crawford and Russell, 119 Washington encouraged its SEATO allies to contribute troops. 60 At that high level the air is pure. 35 An old ox makes a straight furrow. 34 A black dog carries a green toy in his mouth as he walks through the grass. 75 Burn peat after the logs give out. 34 The houses are built of red clay bricks. 40 And she is a successful actor with three decades of experience. 63 At about one:sixteen p.m., a Dallas police officer, J. D. Tippit, was shot less than one mile from Oswald's roominghouse. 121 Robin Williams is very subdued. 31 It was not until eighteen sixty four that Qing armies under Zeng Guofan succeeded in crushing the revolt. 105 and the police, feeling convinced that the crime had been committed by some inmate of the house, 96 So I started making stuff up just by combining the things that I saw around me. 79 Shutting off the lights. 24 But it is curious to note that there were several dissentients among the commissioners to this paragraph of the report. 119 to avail himself of his powers, as it was difficult to bring home the derelictions of duties and evasion of the acts. Too much was left to the inspectors. 154 It is set in Paris. 19 Pro Bowl linebacker Keena Turner was also a major defensive weapon, recording two sacks and four interceptions for fifty one yards. 131 On that occasion Oswald again used a bolt-action twenty-two caliber rifle; and according to Robert, 99 gave more people an opportunity to participate. 47 Ingredients: One cup water. One cup ketchup. One six ounce can tomato paste. Three quarters cup brown sugar. 108 My fondest dreams are shattered because of a petty official. I decide to end it. 80 There are always dangers of divided responsibility, 51 A part of the "swag" stolen from the bonded warehouse was thus recovered, but it was supposed that a number of the stolen notes had perished in the fire. 153 the definition so changed will cover all animals, except certain parasites, 75 What are you doing here? asked his lordship. 44 Voodoo influences the lives of superstitious peasants. 54 what is playing 15 Still intent, however, on staying in the Soviet Union, 54 Mrs. Brown was a washer-woman, supposed to be worth some money; hence Greenacre's offer of marriage. 100 there were still many shocking incidents at executions, owing to the bungling and unskilful way in which the operation was performed. 133 These are tantalizing investigations that seek to answer some of the biggest questions in our solar system today. 113 She said that, quote, immediately after coming to the United States, Lee changed. I did not know him as such a man in Russia, end quote. 136 and rode down in the east elevator. 35 The reduced capacity forms were published by the individuals. 61 had attempted to throw himself upon the fire in his condemned cell. 67 For a motive that appears incomprehensible to other men may be the moving force of a man whose view of the world has been twisted, 130 Leaving the city by the eastern gate, and passing a small village or two, 73 Craig also claimed that when Fritz pointed out to Oswald that Craig had identified him, 87 A mother and young son hold hands while entering a community center that is under construction. 95 The camera catches some movement as a man walks in front of the Alpha Dental Group building. 92 his defense being that he had intended to commit suicide, but that, on the appearance of this officer who had wronged him, 122 The hospital was filled with infectious cases, and in one room, seven feet by nine, with closed windows, 104 As compared to a civilian who had not received this intensive training, he would be considered as a good to excellent shot. End quote. 134 on which appeared the print of the left index finger and right palm of Lee Harvey Oswald. 89 Salmon baked in parchment paper is the best way to steam in great taste. 72 Trained on piano, trumpet, and bass, he concentrated on the drums. 66 Gray paint stretched for miles around. 38 and the prototype of a class not uncommon in our later days 59 Over the past four decades, fridges have improved dramatically, consuming on average only four hundred eighty kilowatt hours of electricity a year. 147 A young boy in a red shirt and his older friend are heading down a heavilywooded trail. 87 the creation of a useful instrument for man ultimately comes. 61 While a few secured the servants, the rest were to fall upon Lord Harrowby and his guests. 90 But because of high production costs, it was never commercially viable, and G.M. discontinued it in two thousand one. 117 Sadly, it can't. 16 With a range of eighty miles and the ability to accelerate from zero to fifty miles per hour in just seven seconds, it quickly gained a cult following. 151 The bootloader shows a dialog prompting to enter the passphrase. 64 This jail was nominally to replace the Giltspur Street Compter, 63 A rolling stone gathers no moss. 32 It appears that Oswald had only one caller in response to all of his FPCC activities, 85 A motorcyclist drives up the side of a green mountain while another bike remains stationary. 92 About this time Davidson and Gordon, the people above-mentioned, 64 the convicted felon, the transport awaiting removal, the lunatic whose case was still undecided, 96 A fourth photograph, showing a stretch of railroad tracks, 58 It's hard to tell where the future will take electric vehicles, but it's clear they hold a lot of potential for creating a more sustainable future. 147 His order would at the same time specify some neighboring and more satisfactory prison which the local authority would be compelled to utilize instead, 151 publication 11 Guatemalan President Jimmy Morales starts the second half of his term surrounded by accusations of corruption and protests. 123 It was, moreover, in his opinion undoubtedly the greatest nursery of crime in London. 85 the Secret Service has largely been the passive recipient of threatening communications to the President 104 Your destination will be on the left. 37 It seems incredible that this passbook, which when produced in court 68 while investigating a plot to assassinate President Cleveland, the Service assigned a small protective detail of agents to the White House. 139 Congress has provided financial security 40 Where did he go? 16 the President almost completely blocked Oswald's view of the Governor prior to the time the first shot struck the President. 124 they had vacated their apartment, and Marina Oswald had departed with their child in a station wagon with Texas registration. 125 God bless my soul! 18 Nevertheless, such a breach is not consistent with the standards which the responsibilities of the Secret Service require it to meet. 133 that such concern is an important factor to consider in assessing possible motivation for the assassination. 108 There's a group of unruly teens bumming around in your garden. 62 Fold the edges of the dough under and crimp like a pie. 55 Construction took seventeen years as the building slowly rose wing by wing. 75 Do you mean it? 15 the fixing of "inspection holes" in the doors and walls, so as to insure more supervision; of windows opening into the well-holes, 130 through which they could not reach him, but that he preferred the veil to remain intact. 88 The Rock was listed at seventy fourth place on this list. 57 This angle was used in the test because the majority of the eyewitnesses to the assassination 93 It was of no use. 17 Chief Rowley testified that the present workload of each Secret Service agent averages one hundred ten point one cases. 119 The catastrophe exceeded the worst anticipations. Nearly one hundred dead and dying lay about; and after all had been removed, 126 to be held before the steward of the royal household, the knight marshal, and the steward of the court, 103 In the arts the Greeks searched for some reality behind the appearances of things. 82 On the sixteenth day the troops of Cyrus entered Babylon without a battle. 74 that arsenic was within her reach in the house, 47 the Commission believes that the liaison between all Federal agencies responsible for Presidential protection should be improved. 129 McWatters' recollection is that he issued this transfer to a man who entered his bus just beyond Field Street, 110 got hold of the step ladder used in lighting the gas, and which under our more careful supervision would have been, as now-a-days, chained up. 142 Nevertheless, she attempted to commit suicide by driving her nails, purposely left long, into her throat. 105 Many of the old customs once prevalent in the State Side, so properly condemned and abolished, 94 two of them supported Cope, who was still alive, although insensible, and Marley was apprehended. The evidence against him was completed 136 A boy with a concerned look it holding up two newspapers featuring a headline about murder. 91 She said, quote, It might have been that he was just trying to test me. 71 Beware of entering the crowd! Remember thirty poor persons were pressed to death by the crowd when Haggerty and Holloway were executed! 135 An investment in our youth is an investment in our future​. 59 when you shoot at one hundred seventy-five feet or two hundred sixty feet, which is less than a hundred yards, with a telescopic sight, 135 Jason opened some old, dusty chests in the attic of his house. 62 A few years saw the birth of Roman character not only in Italy, but in Germany and France. 90 The staff of the Protective Research Section has been augmented, and a Secret Service inspector has been put in charge of this operation. 137 As regards the second, the Government had set a good example, and in deciding upon the erection of Pentonville prison 117 One was that of Captain Montgomery, who assumed the aliases of Colonel Wallace and Colonel Morgan. 98 Teens connect via mobile. 25 The Boeing seven oh seven airliner was developed from the Boeing three sixty seven prototype. 93 This training can help the Army prevent larger conventional attacks. 68 Whatever Oswald's reasons for going to the Soviet Union might have been, however, there can be little doubt that his desire to go was quite strong. 147 I asked him where he was going, and why he was getting dressed. He answered Nixon is coming. I want to go and have a look, end quote. 133 I have a cold. 14 Already a strong dislike to the reckless and almost indiscriminate application of the extreme penalty was apparent in all classes, 130 I think he would then throw himself entirely on the other thing he also wanted, which was the image in history. 111 For a few dollars, anyone can incorporate an entity. 52 A child jumping into a lake in a wooded area while another child plays on the shore. 84 When consulted by the Vice President, O'Donnell advised him to go to the airfield immediately and return to Washington. 119 Anita passed out during gymnastics, she recovered quickly. 58 The existence of a U.S. government program that investigated reports of U.F.O.s is revealed. 92 hard, incessant, irksome, eternal labor, a planned and regulated and unrelenting exclusion of happiness and comfort. 116 At the first-named the exhibition nearly created a tumult, and the body was taken down and buried, 98 A blond man wearing glasses is sitting in the train looking down at something. 78 Ha. 3 which appears to be more an expression of his own psychological condition than of a reasoned analysis. 102 First of all, I am introducing the facilitators of this science camp. 69 Let's all join as we sing the last chorus. 42 Touching the knob of the door triggers this Bluetooth camera to take a snapshot. 80 In exchange, the country may be offered tariff-free access to some or all E.U. markets and financial or technical assistance. 125 He completed two grades of parochial school and could read and write. 69 directory 9 In fifteen ninety nine the number of students was approximately one hundred fifty. 82 A bridesmaid gives a toast with a microphone while two other bridesmaids and a gentleman look on. 97 After his death, his history was subdivided into eight books: its modern title is the "History of the Peloponnesian War". 121 There are no shootouts during the Playoffs. 43 The jury is expected to return a verdict in the case today. 59 A new prisoner's fate, as to location, rested really with a powerful fellow-prisoner. 85 All sat frozen and watched the screen. 38 They were seen together on Barnes Common, and again in Putney Park Lane, where they were talking loud and angrily. 114 He may have erred in some points through ignorance, but in others he was clearly guilty of culpable neglect. 108 It is never used except for very expensive books, although it would not materially increase the cost in all but the very cheapest. 130 Tesla's announcement and subsequent success spurred many big automakers to accelerate work on their own electric vehicles. 122 The latter indeed hung like millstones round the neck of the unhappy insolvent wretches who found themselves in limbo. 118 You have seven appointments today. 34 Abraham Lincoln was the sixteenth president of the United States. 65 He had been proceeding toward the rear of the lunchroom. 56 Good decision-making on health depends on the right information. 64 The cinema was abandoned. 25 To say a few words on the principles of design in typography: 61 As regards the first, I find that in seventeen eighty-six 57 car 3 Footprints showed the path he took up the beach. 48 Thick glasses helped him read the print. 40 Small boats can provide transport or convey cargo to and from large ships. 74 The association was organized under the most promising auspices. 64 There are many people with black hair heading through some doors and a few coming out. 86 Southern Utah became a popular filming spot for arid, rugged scenes featured in the popular mid-century western film genre. 123 development 11 Under the terms of the settlements, both companies will take steps to prevent plastic materials they manage from washing into local waterways. 142 Check the pools, hot tubs and water playground inspection scores. 65 Baker testified that he entered the lobby of the building and, quote, spoke out and asked where the stairs or elevator was 122 Three hundred Southwest Tenth Avenue, Topeka, Kansas. 53 In the meantime, the fans would settle for a derby win. 55 Carro reported that Lee was disruptive in class after he returned to school on a regular basis in the fall of nineteen fifty-three. 131 The small red neon lamp went out. 33 Nobody will know the feeling of the branches until October. 59 and supposed to accommodate twenty persons. The eight remaining wards were for the common side debtors, 103 Workers dig deeply into a rock and stone hole with tools placed on the ground before them. 90 During two thousand, President Bill Clinton and his advisers renewed diplomatic efforts to get Bin Ladin expelled from Afghanistan. 131 partisanship, and personal activities on behalf of the Cuban government. 72 The Commission has weighed the visual recollection of Frazier and Mrs. Randle against the evidence here presented 113 found a clipboard hidden by book cartons in the northwest corner of the sixth floor at the west wall a few feet from where the rifle had been found. 148 The friends of Mr. Briggs were communicated with, and it was ascertained that when he left home the morning of the murderous attack, 132 This obsession wasn't just contained within the world of the losers. 68 Craig may have seen a person enter a white Rambler station wagon fifteen or twenty minutes after the shooting and travel west on Elm Street 139 Slash the gold cloth into fine ribbons. 39 I think they're both looking for some sort of new work. 55 Downloading the new listener, this will take a bit and you won't be able to use me until it completes. Give me a minute before attempting to activate me again. 159 S.S. units which had survived the summer campaigns were withdrawn from the front line to refit. 95 Whenever the seat belt sign is illuminated during flight. 57 The window frames were old and rotting, and the glass was close to falling out. 79 The flames presently burned the halter, the body fell a few inches, and hung then by the iron chain. 100 Most of these small jails were still in existence and in much the same state eight years later, 95 Roughly sixty percent of all medical residents obtain a portion of their training at V.A. hospitals; and V.A. medical research programs benefit society at-large. 161 Addressing itself solely to the probative value of Mrs. Markham's contemporaneous description of the gunman 107 mainly through the exertions of a new governor, Mr. Brown, who succeeded Mr. Newman at Newgate in eighteen seventeen. 117 and though more Roman than that, yet scarcely more like the complete Roman type of the earliest printers of Rome. 113 They created some of the first small-scale electric cars. 57 Victor and Victoria both enjoy traveling in Turkey. 51 control number V C eight three six, serial number C two seven six six, was shipped parcel post to 97 Cook, stirring constantly, until thickened, about five minutes. 63 Patterson, when asked later to confirm his identification by affidavit said he did not recall having been shown the photograph. 127 Spirits certainly were now excluded; but a potman, with full permission of the sheriffs, 88 English, for example, is related to both German and Russian, but is more closely related to the former than it is to the latter. 128 all the ghastly paraphernalia, the gallows itself and the process of erecting and removing it, rested with the city architect, and not with the prison officials. 161 Good evening. 13 The distinction between the higher plants and animals is perfectly sharp and obvious, 85 Their food is provided for them, not only ready cooked but ready digested. 74 It was such a thrill, her veins were pumped full of adrenaline. 63 In general, people have difficulties estimating risks correctly. 64 and others were subsequently added. 35 Cattle plague. 14 Question: And how did he show that he was upset? 48 one of the owners had met her at Deal, but the captain had already absconded with the packages of precious stones in his pocket. 128 The birch canoe slid on the smooth planks. 42 The petition was formally presented at Downing Street yesterday. 64 yet their type is artistically on a much lower level than Jenson's, and in fact 79 the process of successive additions which had previously taken place in a remote series of extinct species. 107 In the mean time the police were not idle. 42 Absolute security is neither practical nor possible. An approach to complete security would require the President 113 A young adult wearing rollerblades, holding a cellular phone to her ear. 72 the warden of the Fleet at the commencement of the eighteenth century, are too well known to need more than a passing reference. 128 Hogs and geese turned the old adobe church into a pig sty. 58 By evening he manufactured a good long length, 46 into holes marked with numbers. 31 The bills were mailed promptly on the tenth of the month. 57 This very ancient prison, which stood in the High Street, Southwark, 68 fearing the wild beasts and evil spirits which lurk among all old ruins, refused to pitch their tents there. 108 His third goal was superb. 26 But he did not move. 20 Okay. Do I look better now? 27 A man wearing a blue jacket and glasses holds the handrail while climbing the stairs. 85 It was the appropriate size to contain, in disassembled form, 61 It was almost as if her life had been deleted. 46 That is unlikely considering it has his name on it. 51 He could be liberal to impoverished Senators and equestrians and to cities and towns desolated by natural calamity. 115 The fall of Babylon with its lofty walls was a most important event in the history of the ancient world. 104 Three days later a close search of the butler's pantry produced fresh circumstantial evidence. 94 A girl sitting outside a coffee house on a maroon colored bench with another girl watching her. 95 This Saturday at eleven ten P.M. 32 It was the unanimous and unequivocal testimony of expert witnesses before the Commission that these used cartridge cases were fired from the revolver 149 Oswald was asked during the New Orleans radio debate in which he engaged on August twenty-one, nineteen sixty-three, 116 This isn't a doss house. 24 There have been a number of efforts to make assassination a Federal crime, particularly after the assassination of President McKinley 133 The School of Athens depicts a fictional gathering of the most prominent thinkers of classical antiquity. 105 At first the case was contested hotly, but, to the profound astonishment of every one inside and outside the court, 115 re 2 A young boy with black hair and sneakers is skipping over painted figures on an asphalt surface. 96 Bob babysat the pesky child and became incredibly perturbed. 60 the Commission has concluded that the fibers in the tuft on the rifle most probably came from the shirt worn by Oswald when he was arrested, 140 A woman wearing glasses holds a mirror with one hand while drawing a picture with the other. 92 Riding a bicycle over rocky roads is difficult. 47 Two small puppies run along the edge of a stone wall nearby a heavily foliaged area. 84 Would you sacrifice the life of a human if this would save many other lives? 76 Crooks use clever schemes to defraud millions of people every year. 67 found it to be four one one Elm Street. End quote. 51 Led by Steve Squyres of Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, Caesar would be managed by NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. 149 It was released on D.V.D. by New Video Group on May twenty sixth, two thousand nine. 84 the first summed up dead against the prisoner, and the latter, after retiring for ten minutes, found him guilty. 112 Much useful information will come to the attention of local law enforcement agencies in the regular course of their activities, 127 for anybody who is concerned about developments in Cuba, end quote, 67 A good book informs of what we ought to know. 45 A mother decides to take her child on a piggyback ride outside their apartment complex. 87 A confidential informant advised the FBI that Oswald was not known to be engaged in Communist Party activities in New Orleans. 126 as Dr. Burdon Sanderson's interesting investigations have shown, by a disturbance of the electrical state of the contractile substance 134 His travel would be in secret; his public appearances would be behind bulletproof glass. A more practical approach necessitates compromise. 139 The Secret Service in the past has sometimes guarded its right to be acknowledged as the sole protector of the Chief Executive. 127 The element antimony is mainly used in flame retardants. 56 A busy street with lots of people standing around talking and two are holding bikes. 84 It aims to save the lives of those suffering from the disease, primarily in Africa. 83 stating that he had distributed its pamphlets on the streets of Dallas. This information did not reach Agent Hosty in Dallas until June. 136 Lieutenant Day of the Dallas police dusted this carton with powder and developed a palmprint on the top edge of the carton on the side nearest the window. 154 Several science fiction creators commented on the film. 55 us 2 The similar related terms "gramophone" and "graphophone" have similar root meanings. 84 weighted by treble the amount of costs. 39 Rabbis and scholars argued to what degree, if at all, its findings could be used to determine present conduct. 110 According to Euins, however, as the man lowered his head in order to aim the rifle down Elm Street, he appeared to have a white bald spot, on his head. 151 which gave him access to all parts of the mills, the packing-room included. 75 that other tenants had complained because Oswald was drinking to excess and beating his wife. 93 What else could it be? 22 In pseudocode, this algorithm would look as follows. 52 (one) positive identification of the killer by two eyewitnesses who saw the shooting 84 Rake the rubbish up and then burn it. 37 Port is a strong wine with a smoky taste. 41 service 7 A woman stands next to a chalk drawing in front of a barnlike structure. 72 with hope to the last. There is always the chance of a flaw in the indictment, of a missing witness, or extenuating circumstances. 130 On December twenty-sixth, nineteen sixty-three, the F.B.I. circulated additional instructions to all its agents. 112 A man is stocking shelves while people are eating in a restaurant. 66 However, the fact must not be blinked that machine-made paper cannot in the nature of things be made of so good a texture as that made by hand. 143 Special forces weapons sergeants are the weapons specialists. 61 The first still produced deplorable results -- results to be observable for many years to come. 95 Excellent. 10 The ship was torn apart on the sharp reef. 42 the radio net in use in motorcades is elaborate and permits a number of different means of communication with various local points. 131 Mr. Pearson backed up his recommendations by many sound arguments. 66 could improve their existing capacities and procedures so as to lessen the chances of assassination. 100 in the form of turnovers, pinching the corners of the fold pretty hard to hinder the flap of dough from flying up as the rising proceeds. 137 Hi, I'm Mycroft. 16 the FBI transferred the principal responsibility for the Oswald case from the Dallas office to the New Orleans office. 118 The determinant is the product of all eigenvectors of a matrix. 63 Nearly half of our budget goes into grants to state environmental programs, non-profits, educational institutions, and others. 126 He was also a visionary nationalist who became the driving force behind the crown colony's quest for independence. 114 Seven twenty-four West Highway Forty-Six, Pierre, South Dakota. 63 I'm unable to reach the internet. 33 Between their teeth. 20 The trade balance with Argentina, Colombia, and Asia is negative. 65 On the latest podcast, we talk about how her leadership and STEM activities are inspiring a new generation of explorers to reach for the stars. 143 Don't you like it? 18 e 1 The motorcade in Dallas. 24 and on his suing for a command, they entrusted to him a body of troops with the help of which he proceeded to do as he had arranged with Darius. 144 It is estimated to be around fourteen billion years old. 56 taken from the Texas School Book Depository shipping room on November twenty-two, nineteen sixty-three. 103 it contained the names of no persons from the entire Dallas-Fort Worth area, 76 Redpath had industriously circulated reports that he had prospered greatly in speculation; 90 It won the nineteen sixty five Hugo Award for Best Novel. 57 Our efforts here should be as strong as they were in combating closed societies during the Cold War. 100 In return, we share information and publicly recognize our partners. 68 They were instead firing to determine how rapidly the weapon could be fired and the area within which three shots could be placed. 130 He is dispatched to a nightclub to retrieve a championship ring from a football player. 87 and capable of becoming most dangerous weapons in the hands of desperate and determined men. 92 He was a crazy man. 19 It tells the story of a banker who is sentenced to life in prison for the murder of his wife and her lover, despite his claims of innocence. 140 In some cases monarchs are dependent on other powers. 53 If there was no conspiracy which would help him escape, the possibility of which has been considered in chapter six, 116 They were used in navigation. 29 Her childhood was a sheltered though generally happy one. 57 where probably the money still remains. 39 Director Hoover emphasized that the first indication of Oswald's capacity for violence 86 The way to save money is not to spend much. 43 In two thousand four, Reynoso played for both the Newark Bears and the North Shore Spirit. 90 purchased by mail-order coupon from Seaport-Traders, Inc., a mail-order division of George Rose and Co., Los Angeles. 117 No, but I saw a gift shop. 26 That is an honor and responsibility I take very seriously​, said Secretary Zinke. 81 For a while the preacher addresses himself to the congregation at large, who listen attentively 95 Trust me, being alone with my thoughts was far more disturbing. 63 Take your time. 15 Yet it is unlikely to be either full, or final. 47 Out of sight, out of mind. 26 An example of one is Tron. 26 Out of these and the many other factors which may have molded the character of Lee Harvey Oswald 96 and this would be the minimum, because I am sure that I, you know, it took me a little longer, end quote, 105 and investigative capabilities of the agencies now operating in this field but will continue 92 There was no school for adults; only the boys were taught anything, and their instructor, with his assistant, were convicted prisoners. 135 In this connection it should be noted that in speaking of the Worker, Oswald told Michael Paine, apparently in all seriousness, that, quote, 140 There is a tropical storm warning for the next thirty-six hours. 64 It is not satisfied with the standard of fire safety provisions. 64 New Rabies Test May Become Part of International Standard. 58 Now, though, he has an incentive. 33 the provision of dining-rooms and dining-tables. 48 Three years later came the case of Dr. Smethurst, 49 or 2 The Commission urges that the Service continue this effort to overhaul and define its procedures. 97 this Wallace added that his friend had made several voyages with the distinct intention of superintending the predetermined shipwrecks. 135 Twas the dove that had glossy plumes. 37 whatever they need to have done but cannot do at all or cannot do so well for themselves in their separate and individual capacities." 134 Drunkenness was not common, chiefly because liquor was not to be had freely, although the tapster paid a rent of two guineas a week for permission to sell it. 158 A blue jacket, later identified by Marina Oswald as her husband's, was subsequently found in the building, apparently left behind by Oswald. 140 Sorry, there was an issue checking your email. Please try again later. 70 accessories 11 That guy over there likes to drink a lot, talk a lot, but do nothing. 69 regarding 9 It will not destroy values. 27 Oh, I used to play tennis when I was younger. 45 I pass now to the criminal side of Newgate, which consisted of the six quarters or yards already enumerated and described. 122 These fights sometimes took place in the daytime, when a ring was regularly formed, and two or three stood by the door to watch for the officer's approach. 155 The color of the beret varied by season and according to the officer's unit. 76 If Oswald had made such a statement, Captain Fritz and others present would probably have remembered it. 104 one hundred forty-five are proposed for the field offices to handle the increased volume of security investigations 115 He referred all generation and disappearance to mixture and resolution respectively. 84 Robert Marley at the time of his arrest called himself a surgical instrument maker. 83 issues 6 For example, a human voice can be sent as a radio wave or microwave by making the wave vary to corresponding variations in the voice. 133 Feasting alternated with fighting. 34 The frozen spud failed to sprout. 33 They were constantly changing the company's direction, and it became too draining for some people. 98 and his Communist and Socialist Worker's Party newspapers would probably have appeared on the front pages of newspapers or magazines all over the country, 154 that he was, to use Thistlewood's words, "a contriver, instigator, and entrapper." 82 when a petition was presented against the return of Messrs. Adam Dundas and Fitzroy Kelly. Various witnesses, including Messrs. J. B. Dasent, 141 He wheeled the bike past the winding road. 42 One of the most well-known electric cars during this time was G.M.'s E.V. one, a car that was heavily featured in the two thousand six documentary Who Killed the Electric Car? 175 The crime of poisoning is essentially one which will be most prevalent in a high state of civilization, 103 Simone recorded more than forty albums, mostly between nineteen fifty eight, when she made her debut with Little Girl Blue, and nineteen seventy four. 150 The beer was more than just refreshing, it was delicious. 57 until presently the huge stage loomed dark above the crowd which was now ranged round the barriers; 99 The discrepancy between reader’s expectations created by the text and the real behaviour should be resolved. 108 Four casually dressed guys jumping down a stairway outdoors with a stone wall behind them. 90 She complains that her forays into "special education" were also unsatisfactory, with educators making no effort to teach her literacy. 135 Other plants reproduce by forming bulbs or tubers. 50 He also expressed hatred of the Soviet Union and of the Communist Party, U.S.A., 80 They talk about learning from one's mistakes, but they won't admit to their own mistakes. 89 Finally, aerodynamic problems may also be classified by the flow environment. 77 In recent history, President Richard Nixon had a private office here. 69 In eighteen thirty-seven the death penalty was practically limited to murder or attempts to murder, 99 The stems of the tall glasses cracked and broke. 48 It was impossible for Newgate to escape for ever the influences pressing so strongly towards prison reform. 107 Powers also testified that Oswald was reserved and seemed to be, quote, somewhat the frail, little puppy in the litter, end quote. 130 Los Alamos National Laboratory focuses most of its work on ensuring the reliability of U.S. nuclear weapons. 108 which under Thistlewood as dictator was to rule the nation, by first handing over its capital to fire and pillage. 114 a twelve:fifteen p.m. pickup at Continental to Greyhound, unloaded at twelve:thirty p.m., 89 Preheat oven to three hundred seventy five degrees. 51 Accordingly due provision was made for the enforcement of hard labor on all prisoners sentenced to it, and for the employment of all others. 140 A newspaper report of the time describes Fauntleroy as a well-made man of middle stature. 89 Johnny Brewer testified he saw Oswald pull the revolver and the officers struggle with him to take it away 106 Each meeting may be a separate session or part of a group of meetings constituting a session. 93 Sorry, I'm not sure what you said. 34 the shutters were up, and he was preparing to close, when Marley entered and fell upon him with a life-preserver, 113 To the question of, quote, Are you a Communist? End quote, he first answered "Yes," 83 We like to see clear weather. 29 The Secret Service in the past has sometimes guarded its right to be acknowledged as the sole protector of the Chief Executive. 127 We are sure that one war is enough. 35 The terror and dismay of her parents were soon intensified by the receipt of a letter from Wakefield, at Carlisle, announcing the marriage. 139 The counselor testified that there was some indication that Oswald was capable of doing college work 100 I issue all passes. 19 There was nothing up to the time of the assassination that gave any indication that this man was a dangerous character who might do harm to the President 153 Your reports give us the information we need to launch investigations, and put scammers out of business. 104 A young woman in short leggings and a thin green sweater is walking outside in a snowstorm. 91 and the result was another lengthy blue book, printed in the parliamentary papers, eighteen thirty-six, 103 A young musician playing a small guitar and singing, while sitting in a white plastic chair. 92 and gave the garnish for the common side at that sum, which is five shillings more than Mr. Neild says was extorted on the common side. 135 Indeed the best consequences followed from the removal of irons. The prisoners were much better disposed; there were no riots, and fewer disturbances. 150 and many witnesses were brought to attest to his previous good character, but he was found guilty and sentenced to seven years' transportation. 143 Treatment is not an issue with these people. 44 When doing reinforcement learning, we have to find a suitable trade-off between exploration and exploitation. 109 He made major decisions on Union war strategy, including a naval blockade that shut down the South's trade. 107 b 1 For polarized light, the end of the vector lies on the surface of the sphere. 77 S.S.H. login has been disabled. 31 at the most crowded periods, or just before the sessional jail delivery; and at its lowest it fell sometimes to fifty or sixty. 127 Pedestrians walk through an open area between several traditionalstyle Japanese or Chinese buildings. 101 Without enlargement no material change in discipline or interior economy could possibly be introduced. 102 since the riders in his car, quote, were not exactly aware what had happened, end quote, and the car went on to the Trade Mart first. 133 Other domestic agencies deferred to the F.B.I. 46 Machinery set up by the federal government has provided some new methods of adjustment. 87 He was followed by three kings whose reigns were short, 55 Tune in today at five forty P.T. and six oh five P.T. to hear from experts live on stage. 89 These take the shape of a long round arch, with its path high above, and its two ends apparently beyond the horizon. 116 Louis and Amadeus among the captains; and Hercules, Neptune, and Mars among the lieutenants of the association. 111 from which Oswald appeared to suffer. 37 All the villagers cheered. 26 Those initiatives include a series of robocall contests that challenge tech gurus to design tools that block robocalls and help investigators track down and stop robocallers. 174 It is, however, impossible for the animal to build these materials directly into the substance of its own body. 111 The jail at that date was divided into eight separate and more or less distinct departments, each of which had its own wards and yard. 134 I am the man that has got all the bank paper; I have thirty thousand pounds now, and the Bank of England cannot stop it. 120 The general files of PRS were not indexed by geographic location and were of little use in preparing for a Presidential visit to a specific locality. 149 The Chronicles of Newgate, Volume two. By Arthur Griffiths. Section seventeen: Newgate notorieties continued, part two. 119 it was established that the photographs must have been taken sometime after March twenty-seven. 95 This information enabled the Commission to conclude 51 Cameramen and other men in orange hard hats stand atop a platform overlooking the wide open vista. 98 Always wear a helmet. 21 and sold out to the amount here stated, and without the knowledge of my partners. 81 No idleness was permitted among the inmates. Trades were taught, or prisoners were allowed to follow their own if suitable. 123 Vermicelli A trio, or musical piece for three voices or instruments. 68 While it was apparently intended for publication in the United States, and is in many respects critical of certain aspects of life in the Soviet Union, 151 and that in a moment of anger he knocked her down. 50 What have you there? 20 In fact, the bean obtains two of the absolutely indispensable elements of its substance from two distinct sources. 114 am 2 while older women in infirm health were sent across the seas. 61 At Courvoisier's execution in eighteen forty it was the same, or worse. 71 It has used other Treasury law enforcement agents on special experiments in building and route surveys in places to which the President frequently travels. 155 A massive winter storm hits the East Coast with up to eighteen inches of snow predicted to fall between The Carolinas and Maine. 128 Egypt welcomed the decision. 28 I'm not sure I want any type of relationship with your sort of organisation. 76 Pubs hold special events, from tournaments of the aforementioned games to karaoke nights to pub quizzes. 104 The second test run required one minute and fifteen seconds. 60 This is an administrative classification indicating that no further work has been scheduled. 92 For this he was summoned before a magistrate, and sentenced as already stated. 78 An man wearing headphones observes an older man performing his guitar on a public street bench. 95 testified that the signature and other writing on the application for that box were in the handwriting of Lee Harvey Oswald 123 preparatory to their appearance in the Old Bailey. Irons were seldom removed from the convicted until discharge; 112 A dog wearing a red saddle is running across a field with low grass and trees nearby. 85 The instrument uses lasers on a lander to measure the mineralogy and elemental composition of rocks on the surface of Venus. 124 Athletic events jam the T.V. on Saturday afternoons. 52 Oswald could have taken any one of several different buses to Walker's house or to a point near the railroad tracks where he may have concealed the rifle. 154 Numbers of humane and thoughtful persons had long been convinced of this. 73 Get out of the way! 19 This chapter describes President Kennedy's trip to Dallas, from its origin through its tragic conclusion. 105 These days a chicken leg is a rare dish. 40 Never mind. 11 and in eighteen forty-one this was accepted as the almost universally established rule. 87 Niagara Falls Boulevard, Albany, New York. 42 while decency and good order were to be insured by the strict prohibition of gambling and drunkenness. 102 political 9 will not only help to guard the individual in future periods of lay-off against dependence upon relief, 103 Mrs. Brown fell with it, and Greenacre, to his horror, found that she was dead. 79 The store was jammed before the sale could start. 49 Marguerite Oswald visited her son and his family at the first apartment which he rented after his return, and tried to help them get settled there. 147 Lake Arrowhead is an unincorporated community in the San Bernardino Mountains. 78 Voebel said that Oswald, quote, wouldn't start any fights, but if you wanted to start one with him, he was going to make sure that he ended it, 143 Out of debt, out of danger. 27 In one hundred feet, turn left onto Massachusetts Avenue. 57 A man wearing a gray jacket and blue work pants is standing in a hole in the ground 83 and may thus be easily transported to all parts of the plant. 61 Closely following this great constructive effort we have, through various federal agencies, 91 The concepts were chosen from twelve proposals submitted in April under a New Frontiers program announcement of opportunity. 124 The massive funding increases have made anti-retrovirals widely available, saving an estimated eleven million lives. 116 The evidence reviewed above identifies Lee Harvey Oswald as the assassin of President Kennedy and indicates that he acted alone in that event. 142 The assistant to the Director of the F.B.I. testified that the caseload of each F.B.I. agent averaged twenty to twenty-five, and he felt that this was high. 156 During the same year, Washington architect Waddy B. Wood completed a drawing depicting the building remodeled to resemble the Treasury Building. 144 In May twenty sixteen, it was slated for a winter twenty sixteen release. 73 Their original capital had been a few shillings, and for this they purchased the right to tax their fellows to the extent of pounds per week. 141 Matters were at times still worse, and the rioting went on to such dangerous lengths as to endanger the safety of the building. 127 Another photograph of railroad tracks found among Oswald's possessions was not identified by his wife, 102 Mother plates for engraving the body of the notes lay about, and other plates for various processes. 100 The other officers who helped subdue Oswald corroborated McDonald in his testimony 82 A group of dolphins came and protected us from the sharks. 58 InuTeq will provide direct support to the NASA Advanced Supercomputing division at the agency's Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, California. 146 I have no more to say. 22 The occupants scanned the crowd and the buildings along the route. 66 This was on the text, 21 Marina Oswald testified that on one occasion she saw him take the rifle, concealed in a raincoat, from the house on Neely Street. 129 And he goes with it. 20 The march had been organised by the Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association. 78 the instruments needed for the purpose never reached him. 57 Later, the FBI showed Smith a picture of Oswald. In the picture the hair was brown. 83 A witness deposed to meeting Hocker, soon after the cries of murder were heard, 79 While some admired the prophet, others accused him of blasphemy, and now he seeks sanctuary abroad. 99 is 2 What should I say? 18 It supported H.I.V. testing and counseling for more than fifty six point seven million people. 94 In any event, the Commission has been unable to find any credible evidence that Oswald had direct contact or association with 125 The operating companies in the gas and electric utility field are by and large in good condition, but 101 come along, gallows. 20 indeed the place, with its oak floors caulked with pitch, and smoked ceilings, 78 The Vice-Presidential automobile, a four-door Lincoln convertible obtained locally for use in the motorcade, 108 Also, give priority to the improvement of checkpoint screening. 63 E.P.A. inspectors observed large amounts of exposed plastic materials and fragments spilled on paved surfaces throughout the facility. 134 The morning hymn is sung first, as if to remind the condemned that next morning at eight a.m. they are to die. 110 which were soon developed, much to that firm's subsequent anger and regret. 75 through a work-study program at a local college. 48 A single penny fairly got is worth a thousand that are not. 59 testified that he took the west elevator to the first floor after hearing a noise which sounded like a backfire. 112 a device which deceives nobody, and makes a book very unpleasant to read. 73 Those are the top stories. Would you like to hear more? 55 Namibia has been a Commonwealth republic since nineteen ninety, when South West Africa became independent of South Africa. 122 In evaluating the significance of these fingerprint and palmprint identifications, 82 An unknown perpetrator threatened two men from Syria with a pistol. 67 registration 12 How can you say that? 21 Two days before the President's arrival Chief Curry warned that the Dallas police would not permit improper conduct during the President's visit. 145 In nineteen forty-five, General Omar Bradley took the reins at V.A. and steered its transformation into a modern organization. 126 could look southwesterly down Elm Street over the top of the "Rolling Readers" cartons. 87 The Secret Service has therefore suggested this practice only on extraordinary occasions. 89 The facts of the murder and its object, robbery, were thus conclusively proved. 79 but Oswald had rented post office box three zero zero six one in New Orleans on June three, nineteen sixty-three, 113 This strong arm shall shield your honor. 40 She is believed to be in South Africa. 38 data 4 Measuring atmospheric ice on a global scale remains highly uncertain because satellites have been unable to detect the amount of small ice particles inside the clouds. 167 He sent the boy on a short errand. 34 If by that phrase "packing the Court" it is charged that I wish to place on the bench spineless puppets 103 The V.A. was elevated to a cabinet-level executive department by President Ronald Reagan in October nineteen eighty-eight. 122 The intervening space, which was filled with dirt probably to the upper inner edge of the outer part, 101 A shop in town sells all kinds of copper coins. 47 The outer wall bore the name of Nimitti-Bel. Its direction was northeast and southwest, forming a triangle with the river. 122 The player depresses a key that rocks over a pivot in the middle of its length. 79 I shall now return to the great jail of the city of London, and give a more detailed account of its condition and inner life 124 In nineteen sixty six, a new three-liter formula was created for Formula One. 77 Seven climbers are ascending a rock face whilst another man stands holding the rope. 84 This is because of the establishment of fair, competitive standards and because of relief from unfair competition 113 Volume one of "Mein Kampf" was published in nineteen twenty five and Volume two in nineteen twenty six. 103 Any cigarette manufacturer, packager, or importer wishing to sell cigarettes within the United States must submit a plan to the Federal Trade Commission. 153 Denmark also has a concept of "total defense". 46 In the rear of the ground floor was a large passage. 52 Place roast in slow cooker, and pour salad dressing mixture over the meat. 74 In this paragraph I want to underline the severity of the refinery event. 73 It is also contended that the agents should be intimately associated with the life of the Presidential family 109 The man pulled a gun. Mrs. Markham heard three shots and saw the policeman fall to the ground near the left front wheel. 120 I suppose nobody really had the heart to do it. 47 Visit Home dot Mycroft dot A.I. to register me. 47 The abuse of elderly people was appalling. 42 Two female cheerleaders are doing a cheer while being lifted into the air by male cheerleaders. 95 Color was at the core of his life. 34 The impact severely damaged an area of the Pentagon and caused a large fire. 76 There's an accident on State Route forty-five, causing a sixteen minute delay. 78 For example, ship stabilizers are fins mounted beneath the waterline and emerging laterally. 92 the mysterious semi-fluid network of protoplasm, which is, so far as is known, the physical basis of all life; 110 A few examples include conserving water and energy, minimizing greenhouse gases, re-using solid waste, and getting a handle on pesticide risks. 143 Gammell took a variety of steps to avoid detection and circumvent his victims' attack mitigation efforts. 105 O'Mally sent in a medical certificate, declaring that the imprisonment was endangering his life, and after some question he was also released. 142 The cement had dried when he moved it. 38 Newgate is only less extensively injurious than formerly because it is less crowded. 84 Lions hunt their prey with sprints, whereas wolves take advantage of their stamina. 83 It was not always easy to get a hangman so cheap, as I have already indicated on a previous page. 97 The complicated plot brought grunts from my brother's geese. 60 There were two separate affairs. 32 Benavides never saw Oswald after the arrest. 44 Set the piece here and say nothing. 35 and then following her down a step ladder into the house, told his story, appealed to and won her compassion. 109 She later became the second female play broker on Broadway. 59 software 8 Magic shows are held and acrobats perform during the festival. 62 Time Turn over. 15 identified records of Seaport Traders, Incorporated, which showed that a, quote, point three eight 98 In the short time since then, Tesla has won wide acclaim for its cars and has become the largest auto industry employer in California. 134 This assistance avoided a repetition of the World War One demobilization, when unemployed Veterans were reduced to relying on charities for food and shelter. 157 In nineteen eighty three, the first autonomous elections were held. 67 Brennan stated that he was sure that the person firing the rifle was Oswald. 76 All the wardsmen alike were more or less irresponsible. 55 They're sorry. 14 Secret Service Emergency Security Arrangements 46 incommodious, as has been stated, insecure, unhealthy, and unprovided with the printed or written regulations required by law. 126 The county jail is at the corner of Houston and Main Streets, quote, right in the beginning of the city, end quote, after one travels through the underpass. 156 Two horses pull a carriage driven by a woman over snow covered ground. 70 The partnership was set up during the summer. 45 Two caribous in a queue, they didn't have a clue, that I was using their flue, to write a poem for you. 103 Answer: I said it would be better if I remained with Ruth until the holidays, he would come, and we would all meet together. 124 Cole found out where they were, and redeemed them at a heavy outlay, thus obtaining business relations with the firm that held them, 132 The Commission believes that the recommended Cabinet-level committee will help to correct many of the major deficiencies of supervision. 136 Reserve icing. 14 A musical note sustained to its full length, with no break between it and the next note. 88 Khrushchev's policies were criticized as voluntarism and the period saw the rise of neo-Stalinism. 98 Zero-center ammeters are also commonly placed in series with a battery. 71 certificate 11 A view of a walkable road close to nighttime, with several people 's silhouettes on it. 87 it is futile to argue about the exact period when, for instance, the egg becomes a tadpole or the tadpole a frog, 113 It was released on D.V.D. by New Video Group on May twenty sixth, two thousand nine. 84 The bearer of the cheque was always innocent and ignorant of the fraudulent nature of the document he presented. 112 She ran inside and up the front stairs into the large open office reserved for clerical employees. 98 Trash in our waterways, including plastics, poses a significant threat to public health and wildlife, said Deborah Smith, Executive Officer of the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board. 196 This video can be downloaded at the Scientific Visualization Studio. 68 Some women are standing in front of a bus with buildings behind it. 67 totally different structures are modified to perform the same functions. 72 Opposition to grey propaganda, when revealed, may create some level of public outcry. 85 The same Noise. 15 agencies other than the Secret Service have become involved in phases of the overall problem of protecting our national leaders. 128 Once more Dwyer got to his feet, and managed, by drawing his staff, to keep Cannon at bay until a second constable came to his aid. 131 There was some doubt as to whether the pistol when fired was actually loaded with ball, but the jury brought in a verdict of guilty 131 that the bag she saw Oswald carrying, quote, wasn't that long, I mean it was folded down at the top as I told you. It definitely wasn't that long, end quote, 157 Stir well, and bring to a boil. 31 Some sorts of lute were still used for some time in Germany, Sweden, and Ukraine. 81 while he liked Youth House, he missed the freedom of doing what he wanted. He indicated that he did not miss his mother, end quote. 131 Walter Plunkett won an Oscar for costume design. 48 During the nineteen twentys her only paid work was as a columnist for feminist journals, notably "Equal Rights" and "Time and Tide". 132 Hurdle the pit with the aid of a long pole. 43 Would you like a cappuccino? 28 Possibly he might have wanted to be caught, and wanted his involvement made clear if he was in fact apprehended. 112 The boxes in the window appeared to have been arranged as a convenient gun rest. 80 and he must have known that President Kennedy had had nothing to do with it. 76 An agent was stationed at the entrance to stop anyone who was not a member of the Presidential party. 101 Although Chief Rowley does not complain about the pay scale for Secret Service agents, 86 There was no longer the faintest possible excuse for overcrowding. The numbers now committed to Newgate had sensibly diminished. 128 The hitch between the horse and cart broke. 43 had no official status, and was merely an operator selected by the Corporation, and who, on the strength of it, 111 but just open (eighteen sixteen), the regular employment of prisoners had never yet been accepted as a principle in the metropolitan prisons. 141 The bank was already insolvent, 31 Oswald struck his wife on occasion, 35 However, a higher rim weight, if thrown correctly, can lead to a farther throw. 79 The law also stipulates that adultery is to be punished with death by stoning given there is enough evidence pointing to the action. 132 A single officer was the only custodian and disciplinary authority in the jail. 79 Although the bullet was recovered from Walker's house, in the absence of a weapon it was of little investigatory value. 119 Use only as directed. 21 Making a robot out of ice cream seems very impractical. 55 Dr. Carrico was in the emergency area, examining another patient, when he was notified that President Kennedy was en route to the hospital. 139 Western countries condemned the conduct of the poll. 52 This picture is taken outside a bus with people of Asian descent riding along with open windows. 96 who had been missing since the previous Christmas Day. 54 which was the possibility of an attempt against the person or safety of the President. 86 We need to chat. 16 The government was less successful in housing. 46 The frog climbed the tower. 27 As Secretary of the Interior, I am responsible for the education of forty eight thousand native children in the Bureau of Indian Education school system​. 154 By nineteen thirty eight, Tripoli had one hundred eight thousand two hundred forty inhabitants, including thirty nine thousand ninety six Italians. 147 reluctant and actually as far as I was concerned, was completely evasive on them. End quote. 92 Israel offers a plethora of historical and religious sites, beach resorts, archaeological tourism, heritage tourism and ecotourism. 131 It's nothing to me. 19 for the fraudulent disposal of securities lodged in their hands. This firm was one of the oldest banking establishments in the kingdom, 135 A committee of aldermen was forthwith appointed to report upon the inspectors' report, 86 The Commission strongly encourages these efforts to improve protection along a motorcade route. 95 The logs fell and tumbled into the clear stream. 48 In a world's first, a drone rescues two swimmers off the coast of Lennox Head, Australia by dropping a safety device to them. 125 Finally, it loses the tail, or rather its tail is absorbed and its material used in further development, and it becomes a perfect frog, 135 At the execution of Governor Wall, in eighteen oh two, the furious hatred of the mob was plainly apparent in their appalling cries. 131 The next step will be to notify the proper government agency 60 A watch was set on his house, in Allington Street, Pimlico, 59 What did he do? 15 They have not been named. 25 This parachute is specially designed for H.A.L.O. jumps and can function reliably in severe environmental conditions. 117 Wrapped in a scarf and blinded by the blizzard, the boy scrambled for the subway. 81 In Sicilian style. 18 Five Douglas County, Colorado sheriff's deputies are shot, one fatally, and two civilians are injured at a domestic disturbance call. 133 a proceeding which he vehemently resented, and begged that they might be removed, as the handcuffs hurt his wrists. 115 Many people and cars sit under a large leafless tree with water and landscape in the background. 96 who kept a lavender warehouse in the city, and who had gardens at Feltham, 74 The Secretary of State was empowered to deal rather summarily with "inadequate" prisons, in other words, 104 He had a pleasant address, showed good business aptitudes, and quickly acquired the approval of his superiors. 110 Never advertise razors by shaving a monkey, it's cruel and results in lawsuits. 79 For a rifleman situated on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository Building 87 children hardly old enough to be released from the nursery. 59 By Sunday, March thirty-one, nineteen sixty-three, 50 Japanese teachers are better trained than their Chinese counterparts. 69 who, in a caustic article contributed to the 'Edinburgh Review,' protested against the pampering of criminals 109 and to have stated in the second what he thought would be least harmful to him as he resumed life in the United States. 119 Second, because it will provide a reinvigorated 47 The bull chased the clown from the arena. 41 Iceland's public debt has decreased since the economic crisis, and is the thirty first highest in the world by proportion of national G.D.P. 140 He cried out, quote, Oh, no, no, no. My God, they are going to kill us all, end quote, 86 Like other clouds, ice clouds affect Earth's energy budget by either reflecting or absorbing the Sun's energy and by affecting the emission of heat from Earth into space. 170 Well begun is half done. 24 that I will appoint justices who will act as justices and not as legislators 76 Staind and Papa Roach moved to lighter sounds. 46 The costs in heavier debts always doubled the sum; if the arrest was made in the country it trebled it. 103 thereby saving the British treasury one hundred and fifty million dollars a year in interest alone? 99 Born in rural Connecticut, Allen had a frontier upbringing but also received an education that included some philosophical teachings. 133 As Tippit reached the left front wheel the man pulled out a revolver and fired several shots. 93 Either mud or dust are found at all times. 42 There are also alternative implementations that aim to provide the same A.P.I. 78 He was, however, visited by and received his wife, and several members of the Society of Friends. 97 for all offenses within its jurisdiction, as are FBI agents and Federal marshals. 81 It is simply this: whenever a judge or justice of any federal court 67 At laboratories located throughout the nation, we identify and try to solve environmental problems. 99 In rock music and blues, there are also drum solos in some songs, although they tend to be shorter than those in jazz. 118 I'm sure you'll soon be able to enlighten us all as to the real state of affairs. 81 This is suggested by his misleading and sometime untruthful statements in his letters to Mr. V. T. Lee, 103 In the crowd, all of them persons who had "no other avocation or mode of livelihood but thieving," Mr. Buxton counted eleven children 133 Layer one third of the lasagna noodles in the bottom of a nine by thirteen inch baking dish. 92 after using much intemperate language, he left the place in a huff. 67 However, this idea is never developed. 38 a woman wearing sunglasses sits inside of a building with several other people looking outside. 95 This was Delarue's watch, fully identified as such, which Hocker told his brother Delarue had given him the morning of the murder. 130 The former will grow down into roots, the latter grow up into the stem and leaves of a vigorous bean-plant. 107 Mrs. Siegel concluded that Lee, quote, just felt that his mother never gave a damn for him. 91 is it not a most desirable precedent? 37 He's a fanatic. 15 Chief Rowley explained that this would not provide enough additional manpower to take all the measures which he considers required. 131 In this distress either someone made this suggestion to him, or he bethought himself of a plan which he proceeded to put in execution. 134 In good printing the spaces between the words should be as near as possible equal. 82 After a short carouse the prisoner went into Westminster, his case was heard, bail refused, and he was ordered back to Newgate. 127 These coins will be needed to pay his debt. 43 There were doubts of his sanity. 32 During the week, Oswald lived in a roominghouse in Dallas, but he usually called his wife on the telephone twice a day. 119 Travel time is twenty-four minutes, with a seven minute traffic delay. 70 Furthermore she did not appear to understand her own relationship to Lee's psychological problems. 98 Chicks are fully fledged within five weeks of hatching and can hunt for mice within a week of leaving the nest. 111 to advise the field office if the subject displays signs of increased danger or plans to leave his home area. 109 Never been better. 18 I couldn't fetch the configuration because your device has not been paired. 75 An artist consults the plan for her section of an elaborate chalk drawing on a sidewalk. 88 If someone does that, chances are they're not an official trained helper. 73 Credit cards have significant fraud protection built in, but some payment methods don't. 88 At Walsall, in Staffordshire, 29 In one hundred jails, 21 The autopsy also disclosed a wound near the base of the back of President Kennedy's neck slightly to the right of his spine. 124 Can it be changed? 18 As with most technology, there are potential benefits and risks to teens' social media use. 91 Inspector Thain, who, being unable to obtain his extradition legally, had him inveigled on board an English steamer, 116 In his Commission testimony 27 he again went hunting with his brother, Robert, and used a borrowed twenty-two caliber bolt-action rifle. 105 the latter two being also a prison for felons and vagrants arrested within certain limits. 90 Unlike the French crown, the Spanish crowns could all be inherited by, or through, a female in default of a male line. 118 It's never too late to mend. 28 Until Putney Bridge opened in nineteen twenty nine, London Bridge was the only road crossing of the Thames downstream of Kingston. 130 Take kids on bathroom breaks hourly, and change diapers in a diaper-changing area and away from the water. 106 Subsequent changes often reduced the number of demonstrative distinctions. 74 the Commission has concluded that Lee Harvey Oswald attempted to take the life of Maj. Gen. Edwin A. Walker (Resigned, U.S. Army) 129 To accomplish this mission, we develop and enforce regulations. 63 The "scenes of tumult and obscenity" in these night rooms are said to have been beyond description; a prisoner in one nocturnal riot lost an eye. 145 He kept driving at full speed, totally unfazed by the flap, flap, flap of the burst tyre. 89 Audio deleted. 14 To increase his popularity in public-opinion polls, the politician started a campaign. 86 I thought it was my only chance. 32 The nature of the protective assignment. 40 All three, governor, chaplain, and surgeon, should keep journals, which should be inspected periodically by the visiting magistrates. 133 he there gave satisfaction for industry, but he was taciturn, and would hold no converse with his fellows. 106 Be skeptical about free trial offers. 37 and which was never wholly rooted out for many years to come. 61 A special genre is scrimshaw. 29 We could not get any possession. 32 His activities for the Fair Play for Cuba Committee in New Orleans, we knew, were not of real consequence as he was not connected with any organized activity there. 164 Interaction data will no longer be submitted to Mycroft A.I. 60 The young girl gave no clear response. 38 and that none of its inmates could hope to escape from its secure precincts. 76 Riding on the bus was an elderly woman, Mary Bledsoe, who confirmed the mute evidence of the transfer. 102 He was obviously very genuine. 30 As the testimony of J. Edgar Hoover and other Bureau officials revealed, the FBI did not believe that its directive required the Bureau 135 Note closely the size of the gas tank. 38 There was an infirmary, properly found and duly looked after. 61 The six Spaniards, the Greek, and the Turk were in the same watch, 66 Heaven forbid! 14 Bronson gave it up after only a month and was self-educated from then on. 73 The team's terrestrial broadcast home is W.P.I.X., where the team has broadcast games since nineteen ninety nine. 113 Unlike in other cities, most of the buildings weren't destroyed in later times. 79 He came back to explain that he had mislaid them. 49 population 10 Cats and Dogs each hate the other. 34 Of further privacy, he had no need. 35 The little blondhaired girl in a gray sweatshirt dances at a park with people seated behind her. 96 The State Department then moved to the D.C. Orphan Asylum Building while the War and Navy Departments continued to make do with their cramped quarters to the west of the White House. 182 Russell confirmed this statement in a sworn affidavit for the Commission. 73 his association with the Castro groups would have been of concern to us, a knowledge that he had, I believe, 108 The cards are quite small and not reversible. 45 operating 9 and developmental changes which may be observed during the life history of now existing individuals belonging to the same group of animals. 139 Records of Seaport Traders, Incorporated, a mail-order division of George Rose and Co., 87 It came out at once that these had been forged, and the whole affair at once took the ugliest complexion. 105 Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat are the most popular, and seventy one percent of teens say they use more than one social media site. 134 Jewels were re-set, 19 Robin Sage Phase is the training phase that serves as the litmus test for Soldiers hoping to earn the Green Beret. 114 They felt gay when the ship arrived in port. 44 Ever since she was a young girl, Karen Bradford wanted to be a part of NASA. 76 Does this mean he will go to jail? 34 With the amelioration of the criminal code, other cruel concomitants of execution also disappeared. 99 Each patrolman might be given a prepared booklet of instructions explaining what is expected of him. 100 but as the plan was "confessedly experimental, for the benefit of the country generally, the amount for which the city should be responsible should be distinctly limited 169 The President's body was taken to the East Room of the White House where it was placed under ceremonial military guard. 119 The geek bit the head off the duck. 35 Another custom which had led to disorder was abolished; 55 that many of them will build new jails, and that when in a year or two we come to examine their situation, 106 Reference was made to Mr. Partridge, the demonstrator in anatomy, 65 Other oily fish, such as tuna, also contain N three in somewhat lesser amounts. 79 A band on stage playing a song with a banner in the background that says Screaming Orphans. 91 in the territory of the Secret Service regional office which includes Dallas and Fort Worth. 92 It would still have been a good film, but very different. 57 Her efforts were not futile. 28 But even though fridges have gotten bigger on average and have more features, they use about twenty five percent less energy than those built in nineteen seventy five. 167 to block the amendment, although I would be awfully glad to help get some other kind of amendment ratified. 107 Many hands help get the job done. 33 The car tires were old so the tread was worn down and useless. 62 Neither believed that the Bureau investigation of him up to November twenty-two revealed any information which would have justified referral to the Secret Service. 163 I'm not busy. 13 The whole office was struck by a deafening silence. 51 Lund stayed at Wisconsin, where he earned an M.S. in Dairy and Food Industries, and a Ph.D. in food science and chemical engineering. 133 Both concluded that the prints were the right palm and left index finger of Lee Oswald. No other identifiable prints were found on the bag. 139 Two cups of fresh milk slightly warmed. 39 It is still too early for any likely contenders to have emerged. 64 Screen the porch with woven straw mats. 39 The definition so changed will cover all animals, except certain parasites, and the few and exceptional cases of non-parasitic animals which do not feed at all. 160 Discuss all investment ideas or plans with an accountant, an attorney, or another advisor you know and trust. 109 They replaced it with bonus inclusions related to Apple Music. 62 Slide the box into that empty space. 36 which might have done something towards increasing the prison receipts, had it not been appropriated by the turnkey who winked at this evasion of the rules. 156 Introduced in nineteen oh eight, the Model T made gasoline-powered cars widely available and affordable. 104 inasmuch as it has aroused the attention of those upon whom parliamentary reports and grand jury presentments had hitherto failed to make the slightest impression. 163 Make sure your device is approved for use on airplanes. 55 Hunton was put upon his trial at the Old Bailey, and in due course sentenced to death. 86 Mister Berg scolded the girl for dabbling in the paint. 55 I got a call from Ben. 22 A commemorative half dollar for the battle was produced in nineteen thirty six. 79 John Gibson, another patron in the theatre, saw an officer grab Oswald, and he claims that he heard the click of a gun misfiring. 129 with the penalty of forfeiting the day's allowance of food, an increase of which the committee had recommended. 111 Ashley was arrested as he left the shop; the spoons were impounded, and it was found that the club monogram had been erased from them. 134 Jarman did talk to Oswald that morning: Quote, 46 It's a positive black self-confidence thing involving no hatred of anyone. 74 Prior to the lineup, 20 The condition of that prison in eighteen fifty may be gathered from the pages of the report. Not much had been done to remedy the old defects; 142 The main piston is responsible for gas sealing and carries the piston rings. 76 The election is total confusion and chaos. 42 Between the time he originally seized the handhold and the time he mounted the car, Hill recalled: 98 Chris Smith, the culture secretary, said he was satisfied with the decision. 76 Easy Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cheesecake 43 All were in ill health; almost all were in rags; almost all were filthy in the extreme. 87 Four marksmanship experts testified before the Commission. 58 that it was an easy shot to hit some part of the President's body, and that the range where the rifleman would be expected to hit 129 Fritz believed that he learned of Oswald's absence after the rifle was found. 77 They paid close attention to the counsels of the archimandrite, and died quite penitent. A story is told of one of them, "Big Harry," 133 In eighteen eighteen, out of five hundred and eighteen prisons in the United Kingdom, 85 Mr. Gee went in the coach sent for him, and alighted at twenty-seven, York Street, West, Commercial Road. 105 With the discovery of Texas crude oil, gas became cheap and readily available for rural Americans, and filling stations began popping up across the country. 156 if they have gone too far in such matters as price fixing and limitation of production, 87 By this time the workmen might be heard busily erecting the gallows; 68 Nineteen twenty six was printed inside the back of the collar. 62 Victims eventually recover most memories. 41 One man in the crowd hoped to assassinate McKinley. 51 The signature of the witness, D. F. Drittal, 44 In a medium bowl, mix together eggs, ricotta, Parmesan cheese, parsley and one teaspoon salt. 93 The puny ape scratched his toe on the edge of his cage. 55 Greet the new guests and leave quickly. 39 The sergeant did the same thing at the rear of the building. 60 Frazier told her that Oswald had come home to get curtain rods. 63 The plan increased the number of Africans receiving treatment from fifty thousand at the start of the initiative. 113 I'm observing passive-aggressive behavior, the psychologist said in a professional tone. 88 I was so nervous. 17 best 4 thousands, end quote, of circulars, especially since he had claimed to have printed only two thousand 101 Experts estimate that rabies testing, prevention, and control cost two hundred forty five million dollars annually in the United States. 136 Pierce boldly stepped in, found the cupboard unlocked; he removed the key, handed it to Agar outside, 101 Quigley recalled that Oswald was receptive when questioned about his general background 87 Oswald's departure from building. 33 Biology. Chapter ten. Morphology and Embryology, Part One. 58 Float the soap on top of the bath water. 40 The two agents on the rear of the running boards were to advance toward the front of the President's car whenever it stopped or slowed down sufficiently for them to do so. 171 Beat the dust from the rug onto the lawn. 41 This operation was concluded at three:twenty p.m. 49 Lopez took a violent dislike to the officer of the ward in charge of them, and often expressed a keen desire to do for him. 123 Another helpful feature of unemployment insurance is the incentive it will give to employers to plan more carefully 115 if they happened to be in funds -- among whom was the Marquis of Sligo in eighteen eleven. 90 The finalists are: 18 where he did exactly what she had done formerly: he turned the Euphrates by a canal into the basin, which was then a marsh, 123 I think her name is Olivia. 27 Better hash is made of rare beef. 33 Sift the flour, salt and sugar into a bowl, 43 Cannon, by trade a chimney-sweep, had long been characterized by the bitterest hatred of the police force, 106 George Rose and Co. had the barrel shortened by a gunsmith to two and one quarter inches. 89 particular 10 Such agreements should describe in detail the information which is sought, the manner in which it will be provided to the Secret Service. 137 and of the, quote, protective shell he has drawn around himself, end quote. Dr. Hartogs reported that Mrs. Oswald did not understand 132 robbery and violence, loud laughing, oaths, fighting, obscene conduct, and still more filthy language reigned round the gallows far and near. 141 Burgess detailed the whole system of transmission. 50 the Commission concluded that the incident, as described by Marina Oswald, 74 Cat 3 In addition, there are special rules for carrying containers, and countries can set their own rules for local traffic. 118 Oak Ridge's findings sparked an industry-wide reformulation of loose-fill fiberglass insulation, leading manufacturers to redesign their products for better fiber dispersion. 174 My brain is wired to understand colors in R.G.B. 48 dwelling on the fact that she was a widow with three children. 62 There was an e-mail. 20 Even after his wife told him to destroy the notebook 52 Half cup white wine. Two tablespoons lemon juice. One tablespoon cornstarch. 76 but it was proved that Palmer tried hard to get possession of the jar containing them, 86 Tippit's murder was recorded on the police radio tape at about one:sixteen p.m. 79 through a dishonored cheque for three thousand pounds, paid over as an installment of eighteen thousand pounds owing for an advance on warrants. 144 He decided to use this money to make his way to London, the literary center of the British Empire. 98 The cacophony reached a crescendo that almost tore our ear drums. 65 We strolled along the promenade and through the mall. 53 that there were people who understood his activity, end quote. 62 for it seemed to him that there was a divine providence in the man having used the phrase, and then his mule having foaled. 123 A prisoner, generally the oldest and most dexterous thief, 58 The yards were taken up with rackets and five courts, and here and there were "bumble puppy grounds," a game in which the players rolled iron balls 147 I could not find the time zone for Washington D.C. 50 Maloney is an engaging talent. 30 It was to effect the rupture of an irksome tie that led Henry Wainwright to murder Harriet Lane deliberately and in cold blood. 127 Using data from the Chandra X-Ray Observatory, scientists discover exoplanets in galaxies beyond the Milky Way for the first time. 130 Dr. Robert N. McClelland entered at that point and assisted Dr. Perry with the tracheotomy. 91 The opening dilated and squeezed the amorphous entity out onto the floor. 73 Neat plans fail without luck. 29 A couple enjoy a beautiful day bicycling on a bike trail wearing bicycling safety helmets and gloves. 101 On January thirty first, nineteen twelve, Hearst introduced the nation's first full daily comic page in his "New York Evening Journal". 135 The Secret Service should not and does not plan to develop its own intelligence gathering facilities to duplicate the existing facilities of other Federal agencies. 164 What are they doing to you! end quote. Looking back from the front seat, 72 To no surprise, the equator indeed crosses Ecuador. 51 Tara tried to deescalate. 25 The First Minister is scheduled to be elected by the Parliament tomorrow. 73 but no system of complete circulation as in the blood vessels of a higher animal. 81 We miss you and miss having a friend like you, and I am so happy that you two got to catch up. 94 and was arrested on board ship just as he was about to leave the country, had a little spare cash, which he devoted entirely to the purchase of extra food. 155 After that foul, the whole stadium was yelling angry things. 60 Spirits were freely introduced, and although he at first abstained, 67 It got him in the newspapers. It did broadcast his name out, end quote. 71 he had attempted to renounce his U.S. citizenship and applied for Soviet citizenship, 85 five of which were usually present at meetings which were held once a month. 76 Arrange the rolls in regular rows in the pan about a quarter of an inch apart. 78 According to Marina Oswald's testimony, on the night of the Walker shooting, her husband left their apartment on Neely Street shortly after dinner. 147 products 8 It is not normal practice. 26 even though as his wife suggested, that interest may have been motivated by a desire to gain attention. He used his Marxist and associated activities 149 I'm going canoeing with a couple of German friends in a town that makes pickles. 80 Two young children huddle around a woman on the street between two green and yellow trolleys. 93 as a mark of discuss and protest against American political policies in foreign countries, my personal sign of discontent 121 Many people out enjoying themselves and admiring parked motorcycles at an outdoor event. 88 Even in Italy most of the theological and law books were printed in Gothic letter. 82 But the chaplain admitted that the solitude of the convict's cell 65 Preheat oven to three hundred fifty degrees. 44 Regarding your request, I have decided to heed your warnings. 61 An advanced progressist a radical. 34 The two forces fought the Battle of Pharsalus. 46 If you intend to bake in the forenoon, make the sponge at bedtime. If in the afternoon, early in the morning. 109 After twelve hours of rowing, Darius climbed out of the canoe, and lied down on the beach to nap. 97 It is also divided into two regions: The "Occidental Region" and the "Oriental Region". 87 Marwood, who succeeded him, and who died while these sheets were in the press, was a Lincolnshire man, a native of Horncastle, 126 Family of people right before they crash to their deaths on shoddy roller coaster. 82 President Donald Trump tweets that Pakistan has been a safe haven for terrorists from Afghanistan and has given America nothing but lies and deceit. 148 It was here that the others engaged in their dismal office in removing the dead first got a good look at the stranger's face. 125 The suspension bridge was swinging in the gale. 47 Tell me whom you keep company with, and I' will tell you what you do. 69 Although she denied it in some of her testimony before the Commission, 70 Three racing dogs are running out of the starting gate on a track. 66 The Finnish labor movement wanted to sustain a military force of its own and keep the revolutionary road open. 110 charged him with the offense. 29 five of whom had been condemned the previous July, four in September, and twenty-nine in October. 97 Look in the corner to find the tan shirt. 41 His Marine career was not helped by his attitude 48 Zoos franchises are a disgrace to the global animal rights movement. 68 She has fallen in love with Scotland, however. 46 the bank was insolvent, and instead of starting on a fresh life with a new name, it should then and there have closed its doors. 128 Three or four eggs are laid and incubated for around thirty days. 65 and the men could also at any time go for tea, coffee, and sugar to Mrs. Brown's shop, which was inside the female gate. 120 enlarged and consolidated to form the pelvis, to serve as a firm support to the hind-limbs. 91 Charlotte Staples Lewis is a character first seen early in the fourth season of the T.V. series "Lost". 103 he saw nothing of importance, quote, except maybe one individual who was up there in the corner room of the sixth floor which was crowded in among boxes, end quote. 164 There is some possibility that the rifle he was firing might not have been as good a rifle as the rifle that he was firing in his A course firing, 146 A joy to every child is the swan boat. 38 quote, could have easily been hidden in the blood and hair, end quote, 70 William was unhorsed by Robert and was only saved from death by an Englishman. 78 Before the founding of the church, Roberts began publication of a monthly journal, "The Earnest Christian". 107 The name written in this space was D. F. Drittal. 49 Losses of crops due to fungal diseases or food spoilage can have a large impact on human food supplies and local economies. 123 He blamed Constantine for the state of the administration and for having abandoned the traditions of the past. 110 Other protesters were injured by rubber bullets or batons, and two were run down by army vehicles. 98 Construction workers are gathered at a construction site along a city street during an excavation. 98 Good morning! It's six thirty A.M. 34 Fifteen thousand of these were issued in Middlesex alone, which at that time was reckoned as only a fifteenth of Great Britain. 127 The order of vehicles in the Dallas motorcade was as follows: 61 I stressed the fact that this was our President and he should be shown every respect due his position and that it was our duty to see that this was done. 153 Two women in shorts and shirts are walking holding their purses on their right shoulder. 88 No irons were worn except as a punishment. 42 The inspectors paid tribute to the excellence of the motives of these philanthropic ladies, and recognized the good they did. 125 There's a story, too. 21 When playing, children often just reenact what they experienced before. 71 Hereupon the Persians who had been left for the purpose at Babylon by the river side 84 Except for its special "trip index" file of four hundred names, 63 The imaginary president of the nonexistent chapter was named A. J. Hidell, the name that Oswald used when he purchased the assassination weapon. 144 On one occasion the whole of the proceeds of a robbery from a boot shop was traced to Solomons'; 96 The fly made its way along the wall. 36 the misemployment of officers and prisoners by the governor. 60 and imprisonment for debt has almost entirely disappeared. 58 Attack on General Walker 24 Customers bring in a variety of items that can be resold in order to receive a down payment on the vehicle they are leasing or purchasing. 138 Sulfur deposits in Sicily were the dominant source for more than a century. 75 He told Calcraft that he was Foxen the executioner, and that he was that moment on his way to Newgate to hang a man, 116 which are never destined to cut the gums; and throughout its life this animal retains, in a similarly rudimentary condition, 124 The Commission believes, however, 33 I was born at The Lawrence Center for Entrepreneurship. 55 justified the original allegations. It was impossible to deny the indiscriminate association; the gambling, drinking, smoking, quarreling in the jail; 150 The Commission first learned of this incident when Robert Oswald related it to FBI agents on February nineteen, nineteen sixty-four, 132 The G.I. Bill placed V.A. second to the War and Navy Departments in funding and personnel priorities. 101 Unfortunately, success stories of other companies in the field are irrelevant for your purposes. 96 His seat was unstable. 22 he did not want his landlady to know his real name because she might read in the paper of the fact that he had been in Russia and that he had been questioned, end quote. 169 Some of that feeling was expressed in the incident involving then vice-presidential candidate Johnson during the nineteen sixty campaign, 137 The old custom, so fruitful of the worst evils, of keeping a tap inside the prison was made illegal. 100 Imperial diet. 14 The protection of the President of the United States is an immensely difficult and complex task. 96 the punishments he inflicted were unequal, 42 and justify biologists in regarding them as representative expressions of the most extensive, if not the profoundest, knowledge of his time. 140 Well, you can have a tree. 26 He forged the names of people who held stock on the Bank books, and got the value of the stock; 95 Part heat pump, part conventional storage water heater, the GeoSpring water heater uses sixty two percent less energy than a standard fifty-gallon electric water heater. 169 He carried a, quote, heavy brown bag, end quote. 48 Try using a liner in your slow cooker for easier cleanup. 57 Bring to a boil, reduce heat, and simmer for twenty to twenty five minutes. 75 In eighteen fourteen he published his own work on elasticity. 61 and that he went there, quote, only to find freedom. I could never have been personally happy in the U.S., end quote. 117 Thomas Dobson, on twenty-second August, seventeen ninety-nine, for one shilling, with costs of eight shillings, ten pence. 122 Sixteen participants are involved in a chess tournament. 56 She outed herself as lesbian last year, didn't you hear? 56 Jane chugged her beer before passing out. 41 Belshazzar, the King, he was really the King's son, gave a feast to a thousand of his nobles. 93 famous in the annals of Newgate for the hardihood they had displayed in the hour of execution, when they terminated their career of crime at the gallows. 153 Healthy and Safe Swimming Week. 31 electronic 10 A woman is celebrating festivities, wearing colorful clothing, and walking elegantly. 85 Preheat oven to three hundred degrees. 38 Time Turn over. 15 Mrs. Randle saw the bag fleetingly 34 No hypothesis offered to date satisfactorily explains all of the existing evidence. 83 A woman wearing a pink sweater and eyeglasses is wiping a wooden table with a pink sponge. 90 It's best to get an independent appraisal of the specific asset, business, or investment you're considering. 108 The team became the "Braves" for the first time in nineteen twelve. 67 One notorious character, while a prisoner awaiting transfer to the hulks, 73 Madam, this is the best brand of corn. 38 A long procession was formed, headed by constables, who cleared the way with their staves. 90 I didn't pay too much attention the way he was walking because I was walking along there looking at the railroad cars and watching the men on the diesel switch them cars 169 In a space for the names of, quote, close friends, end quote, on the ninth grade personal history record, 105 In June nineteen sixty-four PRS had arrangements to be notified about the release or escape of approximately one thousand persons. 130 Step by step we have created all the government agencies necessary to insure, as a general rule, industrial peace, 114 The series ran for one hundred twenty episodes; ending in nineteen sixty eight. 79 On November eight, when Lawson was briefed on the itinerary for the trip to Dallas, 83 As the President's limousine sped toward the hospital, twelve doctors to the emergency area: surgeons, Drs. Malcolm O. Perry, 125 The recipe requires three-quarters of a cups of sugar. 54 said that, quote, She was annoying him all the time 51 Catherine Wilson was a female poisoner who did business wholesale. 66 In the Presidential Limousine 29 The kangaroo hopped noisily. 28 It is not for any other purpose. 32 that 4 The music played on while they talked. 38 Get up, we're going shopping. 29 The police asked him whether he could pick out his passenger from the lineup. 77 She looked skeptical when leaning against the wall, observing the celebrities. 78 A brindlecoated dog is growling at a jumping brown dog with purple collar inside a park enclosure. 98 The employment of instruments of precision for the measurement of the physical forces which are at work in the living economy. 126 Once fully cured, the vanilla fruits are sorted by quality and graded. 70 Downing Street will make the second appointment in the Scotland Office today. 77 Three BAFTAs were awarded to people for their involvement with the series. 74 Of course. 10 Jacqueline, Micheal and Nicholas were often called Jack, Mike and Nokia. 72 This has given safety to millions of depositors in these banks. 63 Then he said, "Oh, I see," and that was all. 44 Whether his stance is shared by the incoming manager is another matter. 71 Nixon and Kissinger held back on a full-scale resupply of arms to Israel. 73 Something deep beneath the earth shifted, sending vibrations strong enough to register on earthquake detection mechanisms hundreds of miles away. 145 The library have the unabridged edition, or at least they did a couple of years ago. 84 She said that she, quote, always tried to point out to him that he was a man like any others who were around us. But he simply could not understand that? End quote. 164 These capital convicts, says Mr. Bennet, quote, lessened the ennui and despair of their situation by unbecoming merriment 121 Some of the judges would have retained the public spectacle; the ordinary of Newgate was not certain that public executions were not the best. 142 Michal was childless. 21 We have come together with a unity of purpose because our nation demands it. 76 When you find a bug in software, please report it. 50 This is almost universal among mammalian predators. 51 The U.S. government cuts aid to some Somali military units for allegedly misusing funds. 88 It would have been possible for him to take different routes in approaching and leaving the scene of the shooting. 114 That is why our social security program is an important part of the complete picture. 85 Some scientists believe the origin of this oscillating signal to be a neutron star. 83 decent clothing and bedding, and a diet sufficient to support him." 67 to establish liaison with local intelligence gathering agencies and to provide for the immediate evaluation of information received from them. 142 They were perfect for short trips around the city, and poor road conditions outside cities meant few cars of any type could venture farther. 140 In his effects were found the clothes he had on at the time of his escape from the stables, and under the jacket he was wearing 127 It is also the best-selling first album by any artist ever. 59 In nineteen forty, more black strikebreakers were brought in to work in the Rath meat plant. 92 Gas Shortages Spark Interest In Electric Vehicles. 50 The C.D.C. Leads National Health Security. 42 S.S.H. logins are now allowed. 30 A very bus street is shown with Asian people all around walking and riding bicycles. 84 Dallas police stood at intervals along the fence and Dallas plain clothes men mixed in the crowd. 97 from the building he was on to a distant wall, with a drop of sixty feet between. 81 Sounds good. 12 From those willing to join in establishing this hoped-for period of peace, 74 Put the dew drops on the green grape or bleed to death. 55 There is a lag between thought and act. 39 Modern Concepts stores pre-production nurdles at its facility as part of its plastic products manufacturing process. 116 For where these are boldly and carefully designed, and each letter is thoroughly individual in form, the words may be set much closer together, without loss of clearness. 170 so were candles, salt, pepper, mops and brooms. But the latter could have been of little service. Dirt prevailed everywhere; 124 Every endeavor was used, however, to obtain a commutation of sentence. His case was twice argued before the judges on points of law, 132 Everyone proved to be a spy, a spook, or a stool pigeon. 56 But in those very early days Babylon was little more than a shrine, surrounded with mud huts and date palms. 108 You can create bookmarks in you web browser to make browsing more convenient. 77 A crowded marketplace is filled with people, including women with their heads covered with veils. 97 Ancient India represented a distinct tradition of law, and had an historically independent school of legal theory and practice. 127 The larboard pump was suffered to remain choked up, and the long-boat was fitted with tackles and held ready for use at a moment's notice. 138 but Mr. Pearson hardly considered the converse sufficiently, and 64 In nineteen seventy six divers found part of a seven-meter wide wooden bridge from the late Roman times. 104 Turn right onto Gold Coast Drive. 33 Under its guidance, trades and industries covering over ninety percent of all industrial employees 98 Russell and Patterson were shown a picture of Oswald and they stated that Oswald was the man they saw on November twenty-two, nineteen sixty-three. 147 On the bed were twenty forged ten-pound notes complete and ready for use, and twenty-five five-pound notes. 107 A woman in an orange dress opens a numbered briefcase, revealing an image of a hammer. 86 On June eighteen fifty the Queen was once more subjected to cowardly outrage, the offender being a Mr. Pate, a gentleman by birth, 130 Long live the Emperor. 22 there are, after all, only a few types of structure among all animals and plants, some three or four or eight or ten general modes of development, 146 A man standing on a railroad track looking through his binoculars at a river. 77 I haven’t seen her in ages, and I hope she remembers me still! 62 That's okay. 12 Oswald's fingerprint and palmprint found on bag. 48 during the summer of nineteen sixty-three. 42 Many thus led in procession were in a shocking condition of dirt and misery, frequently nearly naked, and often bearing upon them 129 After a single term, he returned to Illinois and resumed his successful law practice. 85 to call for information as to the observance of its provisions. 63 Over time, with patience and precision, the terrorists will be pursued. 71 While this gain of space very much hampers the possibility of beauty of design, it is not a real gain. 102 Priya was late to class. 24 Unmuted. 8 Deployed from the space station in May twenty seventeen, it is testing instruments for their ability to make space-based measurements of the small, frozen crystals that make up ice clouds. 188 from an assistant of Loudon and Ryder's, the jewelers in Bond Street. The trick was an old one. 95 and was compelled to work along the railing round three-quarters of the square of the yard, 91 Two plus seven is less than ten. 32 I'm loving it. 14 her object being first to dispose of the wife of a man for whom she had conceived a guilty passion, 99 The smell was noxious. 22 He was struck down, imploring mercy, but they beat him about the head and face 78 Individuals cannot use a U.S. passport to travel to, in, or through North Korea without a special validation from the Department of State. 138 One of the persons who heard the sirens was Johnny Calvin Brewer, manager of Hardy's Shoestore, a few doors east of the Texas Theatre. 134 by 2 What does he say? 17 Doctor, we have a medical emergency, and we need you at the emergency room now. 79 The N.C.T.C. should not be a policymaking body. 47 communication 13 Luxembourg has one Internet exchange point and one Carrier Ethernet Exchange point. 83 In eighteen fourteen a bill was brought in to insist upon the appointment of chaplains in jails, and when this had passed into law, 131 I want to go on. 16 I was startled by the sharp report or explosion, 48 Similar measures are expected in England and Wales. 51 I will now upload interaction data to Mycroft AI to allow me to get smarter. Currently this includes recordings of wake-word activations. 137 A man is playing an electric guitar, while another man is playing another instrument. 85 What do you think? 18 Every cloud has a silver lining. 32 Brass musicians are playing around a black barrel on an upper floor of an indoor structure. 91 Preheat oven to three hundred fifty degrees. 44 The Londoners regretted visiting this awful place. 50 This forces hot water through the coffee at high pressure. 58 When they asked what was in the box, they were told, "That's the eternal flame". 80 Some are Arabs of the same tribes which used to roam the desert in Nebuchadnezzar's days. Some are the children of the Hebrew exiles of old. 140 A man sitting in front of a metal sculpture in front of a building. 67 Each school played its own variety of football. 47 It was a very warm October. 27 Here and there a book is printed in France or Germany with some pretension to good taste, 89 Rome was not built in a day. 28 Bake in the preheated oven until bubbling, thirty to forty five minutes. 72 He had previously sent, apparently unsolicited, to the Party newspaper, the Worker, 83 for that city claims the priority in establishing the custom of hanging criminals at the jail itself. 101 en 2 For example, plant leaves - while considered symmetrical - rarely match up exactly when folded in half. 103 The Gulag Archipelago has sold over thirty million copies in thirty-five languages. 83 and she actually came down the stairs several minutes after Oswald and after Truly and Baker as well. 101 Everyone else is smarter than me, and there's only twelve positions across the whole uni. 89 Outside a building, a uniformed security guard looks at the camera from behind a fence. 87 The theft of the pearl pin was kept secret. 43 economic system and plans for war, end quote. 45 Add shrimp to boiling beer and place a cover on the pot. 56 I am getting a little confused with so many questions. 54 Indeed, he sees a shortage of skilled workers on the horizon. 61 These days a chicken leg is a rare dish. 40 comments 8 Since they cannot be classified, it is necessary that they be listed both under botany and zoology, in order to make sure that they will not be omitted entirely. 161 And who are you? 16 though now extinct species, speaks strongly in favor of evolution. 66 Approximately seven or eight minutes later 42 They are the innocent victims. 30 Hence there was a terrible accumulation of prisoners in the condemned cells. 76 FBI informants in the New Orleans area, familiar with pro-Castro or Communist Party activity there, 99 in great part through the cooperation of American business brought about under the codes. 89 It stands to reason. 20 Following his arrest, he was interviewed by the police, and at his own request, by an agent of the FBI. 103 It had been purchased in March nineteen sixty-three, and taken to New Orleans where Marina Oswald saw it in their rented apartment 130 Arms, coat of arms. 19 A little further off, says Mr. Smith, was "a lath of a fellow past three-score years and ten, 93 This afternoon, it will be sunny and forty-seven. 49 A man with reflective safety clothes and ear protection drives a John Deere tractor on a road. 94 We went in confident. 21 Space X successfully launches its Falcon Heavy rocket, a feat the company hopes will lead to increased commercial and national security missions. 145 Seventeen hundred West Washington Street, Phoenix, Arizona, eight five oh oh seven. 83 They neither built new jails nor contracted with the counties, as had been expected, for the transfer of their prisoners. 121 Flood the mails with requests for this book. 44 Spoon cooled bread pudding onto serving plates. Drizzle warm sauce on top. 74 She suffered him to pass downstairs. 36 exuberant in talk and hissing hot from Pie Corner, where she had taken her morning dose of gin-and-bitters. 107 In his testimony before the Commission, Brennan described the person he saw as, quote, 86 Inverse kinematics are a mathematical challenge for robot engineers. 68 Germany's trade surplus shrank for the first time since two thousand nine, reflecting strong domestic demand. 109 They are used in developing precursor science instruments like cutting-edge laser communications, satellite-to-satellite communications and autonomous movement capabilities. 173 People living in the so-called bible belt have more conservative opinions than inhabitants of California. 105 Nobody did in those days. 25 Now when a year and seven months had passed, Darius and his army were quite wearied out, finding that they could not anyhow take the city. 138 By the preamble of the first-named act it was declared 54 This also implies that its running time is at least proportional to its output, and so is also extremely huge. 110 by the death of one of the partners, a large sum in cash had to be withdrawn from the bank to pay his heirs. 108 he slept in the same bed with a highwayman on one side, and a man charged with murder on the other. 99 Disconcerted, Morris would not publish again for a further eight years. 71 Without questioning he said what the screen of his computer dictated to him. 76 How could this happen? 22 Justice Stone said of the majority opinion that it was a "tortured construction of the Constitution." 101 The elapsed time of the reconstructed run from the Greyhound Bus Station to Neely and Beckley was five minutes and thirty seconds by stopwatch. 143 The Commission urges that the Bureau of the Budget review these recommendations with the Secret Service and authorize a request for the necessary supplemental appropriation, 173 This brought suspicion on to a certain James Greenacre, 55 The twenty-twenty Olympics will be held in Tokyo. 49 Place the potatoes into a pot, and fill with enough water to cover. 67 Thornley also believed that Oswald's Marxist beliefs led to an extraordinary view of history under which, quote, He looked upon the eyes of future people 153 the proportions of the page still give pleasure by the sense of richness that the cuts and letter together convey. 114 Now we have to leave. 21 He eventually rose to the rank of colonel in the reserves. 58 These are problems that would need to be managed in addition to the existing set of issues present at any large incident. 121 The album was once again remastered and reissued on March thirty first, twenty seventeen, to celebrate the album's fiftieth anniversary. 136 Cheech and Chong have unusual voices. 37 His spouse toiled over the doilies for days. 44 The wizard cast a very powerful spell over the town. 52 The hot gas has many molecules in the upper excited states. 59 Led by Lori Glaze at Goddard, the mission concept will further develop the Venus Element and Mineralogy Camera to operate under the harsh conditions on Venus. 158 Printing, then, for our purpose, may be considered as the art of making books by means of movable types. 104 Nebuchadnezzar speaks of great bronze gates and of images of bronze, but none have been discovered. 99 Next morning they only just saved the train to town, and left Sir John behind on the platform, but he subsequently surrendered himself. 135 resource 8 It passed the Commons, but opposition was again encountered in the Lords. 73 The landing was dimly light by a single, bare, low-power light-bulb. 68 and special agents cooperating with them on Presidential and similar protective assignments are considered to be subject to call for official duty 146 It can't happen here is number one on the list of famous last words. 68 A robbery of a somewhat novel kind was executed in rather a bungling fashion by Ker, a sea-captain, 99 at the time of his defection, when he evidenced no interest in his father and hardly mentioned him, even when questioned. 121 Pohl was unscrupulous and quickly exploited the companies for personal gain. 76 On November twenty-three, nineteen sixty-three, 47 Thank you miss. 15 He was fond of restoring the ruined temples of the old Babylonian cities, 73 who 3 manufacturer 12 Under a general Bureau request to be on the alert for activities of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee 100 free from any other interference than that of the inspectors on the part of Government. 87 in which latterly a copper had been fixed for the cooking of provisions sent in by charitable persons. 102 Backface culling is a common trick to accelerate Three-D rendering. 67 The office paint was a dull, sad tan. 37 This video can be downloaded at the Scientific Visualization Studio. 68 quote, that the crowd was about the same as the one which came to see him before but there were one hundred thousand extra people on hand who came to see Mrs. Kennedy. 167 my heart has undergone that horrible penalty. 45 The rope will bind the seven books at once. 43 A ferry sinks off the coast of Luzon in the Philippines with two hundred fifty-one passengers on board. 103 You know the sort of thing. 27 eight. The female felons were deprived of part of the space which the architect had intended for them. 102 A woman wearing glasses sprinkles powdered sugar onto her bundt cake. 69 Lincoln was elected to the Illinois House of Representatives, in which he served for eight years. 97 We miss you and miss having a friend like you, and I am so happy that you two got to catch up. 94 distribution 12 and use it against him as had been done in New Orleans. 55 whence it deduced the practice and condition of every prison that replied. 74 The ancient coin was quite dull and worn. 41 Mr. Neild, a second Howard, 27 The child put on his pajamas. 29 The petals fall with the next puff of wind. 43 To do so he reckons that a good opening result is essential. 60 Not all typos in the second edition were corrected in the latest edition. 73 The professional theatres employ one thousand one hundred twenty one artists. 77 We do not get greatly excited nor is our peace of mind disturbed, whether we be businessmen or workers or farmers, 114 Both brothers wear the same size. 33 Even after the death sentence had been passed upon him he clung to the hope that the Government would grant him a reprieve. 123 The baby puts his right foot in his mouth. 42 Wards-women were allowed much the same authority, with the same temptations to excess, and intoxication was not unknown among them and others. 142 Scotland had great assets. 26 His brief foray on behalf of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee had failed to win any support. 92 An accordion player with a cowboy hat plays his instrument as he looks off into the distance. 93 It exists millions of years in the future. 42 Yet the Wallaces pretended to have put on board quantities of flannels, cloths, cotton prints, 94 the executioner forced the struggling criminal from the platform, so that the rope sustained his whole weight. 110 I am a wealthy person. 22 Imperial chancellor. 20 The floor is made of mahogany, white maple and cherry, and the two fireplaces are original Belgian black marble. 112 were associated together, "of every variety of age, habit, and delinquency, without employment, oversight, or control." 119 The building has housed some of the nation's most significant diplomats and politicians and has been the scene of many historic events. 135 Some parasites feed on giraffes. 32 Forrester, the detective who had pursued and captured Burgess at Boston, tracked Ker to France, and following him there, eventually captured him 144 Good idea. 10 To go to the dogs. 18 He wrote his last novel there at the inn. 41 documents 9 His expression reminded me of a horse chewing hay. 50 From February eleven through June thirty, nineteen sixty-four, 62 The asian girl behind the fruit stand is having a surprised look to a camera. 77 Vartos the Turk, and Carlos the Greek. 38 Training 8 of each of his changes of mailing address. 42 He is described as not a bad-looking man, with a square German type of face, 76 Of the two hundred ninety eight serious injuries, one hundred eighty four involved flight attendants and one hundred fourteen involved passengers. 146 About forty to fifty thousand people get rabies P.E.P. in the United States annually. 85 Year after year prisoners determined to get free, and occasionally succeeded in their efforts. 94 Even if the car is traveling more slowly, the delay involved in reaching the President may be crucial. 102 Therefore, let us keep our minds on two or three simple, essential facts in connection with this problem of unemployment. 121 But these king's witnesses were also put at times into the press yard among the capital convicts, seemingly a very dangerous proceeding, 136 The handbook referred thus to, quote, the possibility of an attempt against the person or safety of the President, end quote. 125 They slice the sausage thin with a knife. 41 They will do their own thing. 29 This naturalism is the beginning of what further becomes the connection between Hinduism and science. 101 Place roast in slow cooker, and pour salad dressing mixture over the meat. 74 Before leaving the hotel, the President, Mrs. Kennedy, and Kenneth O'Donnell talked about the risks inherent in Presidential public appearances. 144 The official record shows only that Marie-Louise requested divorce after Judith's birth and that Lacan married Sylvia in nineteen fifty three. 142 A forty percent chance of snow, after eleven P.M. 49 Khrushchev's policies were criticized as voluntarism and the period saw the rise of neo-Stalinism. 98 This is not easily quantifiable, and depends on the individual circumstances of the claimant. 93 When the frost has come it is time for turkey. 46 Black dog jumping in the air with white dog standing on grass behind near pile of rocks. 88 Closure regions cause confusion. 32 As the ceremonial head of the Government the President must discharge a wide range of public duties, not only in Washington but throughout the land. 148 buy 3 Meanwhile, the Mothers were left in limbo and eventually formed the core of Flo and Eddie's band as they set out on their own. 126 Maybe he just put it there for safe keeping? 44 The sky in the west is tinged with orange red. 46 to use the data developed by these agencies to carry out its special duties. 76 The P.R.C. adopted its current constitution on December fourth, nineteen eighty two. 84 Should we compare these ancient descriptions of the walls, we should find them hopelessly conflicting. 102 most 4 After the autopsy was concluded at approximately eleven p.m., the President's body was prepared for burial. 107 is found the same part, variously modified for many purposes. 61 There are also alternative implementations that aim to provide the same A.P.I. 78 Oswald's Presence on Sixth Floor Approximately thirty-five Minutes Before the Assassination 91 Turn right onto Ash Street. 27 The girl had a collection of wooden dolls. 42 to have access to the female side on Sundays and Wednesdays, in order to visit their supposed relations there. 110 Beechwood and Edgewood are both suburbs of Detroit. 51 A man wearing a brown shoes and with a cardigan and glasses sits in a short stool. 82 Starting audio recording for thirty seconds. 44 How can that be? 16 no steps taken to reduce the number of committals, and the governor was obliged to utilize the chapel as a day and night room. 126 In nineteen forty-three PRS received approximately nine thousand items of information; 86 Tippit patroled district Number seventy-eight in the Oak Cliff area of Dallas during daylight hours. 100 They work long, hard hours, under very great strain, and must travel frequently. 80 The platform patch was successful. My update is underway and can take up to an hour to complete. Thank you for your patience. 125 Saward's method of negotiating the cheques was equally well planned. 68 The city council seriously needs to install more A.T.M.s around here. 69 You have a meeting at two P.M with Richard. 43 where a fish curry and a brace of partridges were set before him, 65 I now have a tan that ends abruptly at my knuckles where they were curled over my handlebars. 93 An official of this church told FBI agents that services are held every Wednesday at the church except during the month of August. 130 the earliest book printed with movable types, the Gutenberg, or "forty-two line Bible" of about fourteen fifty-five, 116 Many people are traumatized after this sailing accident and need intensive care. 80 Michael Jackson began his career as part of the Jackson Five. 61 She said, quote, No; by golly, he didn't, end quote, and turned around, but the man was nowhere in sight. 105 I will desert to the enemy as I am, and when I get into their city I will tell them that it is by thee that I have been thus treated. 133 and he asked me did I know which way he was coming, and I told him, yes, he probably come down Main and turn on Houston and then back again on Elm. 147 Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. 66 There was no time scale. 24 John likes checkers. 20 This plan of mine is no attack on the Court; 44 The complement of the inverse is the inverse of the complement. 63 A much later act, the fourteen George the third c. fifty-nine (seventeen seventy-four), 87 In this role he appears to the American people, in the words of William Howard Taft, as, quote, 95 These encounters are often violent. 35 The course we have followed fits the American practice of government -- a practice of taking action step by step, 113 Search for Tomorrow taped for two weeks in Hong Kong in nineteen eighty one. 76 Sure, I will be right back. 27 Use only as directed. 21 Introduced in nineteen oh eight, the Model T made gasoline-powered cars widely available and affordable. 104 They printed very few books in this type, three only. 53 With Johnson as head coach and Jones as his own general manager, people in the league thought they could take advantage of them. 128 This is the window. 19 Second, Earth does not seem to move from the perspective of an Earth-bound observer; it appears to be solid, stable, and unmoving. 130 I'm planning to buy some topological maps for my research. 58 The improved methods of locomotion had put a stop to these depredations. People traveled in company, as a rule; 111 Let me help you guys. 21 One of the forty eight constellations listed by the second-century astronomer Ptolemy, it remains one of the eighty eight modern constellations. 144 The army units are mostly composed of reservists, the career soldiers manning the command and specialty positions. 114 Under Construction' is simply translated to 'super fun playground'. 67 And the Department's Advanced Research Projects Agency is advancing game-changing technologies that could alter how we think of electric vehicles. 146 is provided by the following, which was apparently written either on the ship coming back, or after his return from the Soviet Union, quote, 140 These somewhat wiry letters are suitable for the machine process, which would not do justice to letters of more generous design. 128 Lawson's most important responsibilities were to take preventive action against anyone in Dallas considered a threat to the President, 134 A chip of the old block. 24 It also made me a bit sad to realize how time-bound we are as human beings. 75 january 7 The new jail had been in a great measure constructed by the prisoners themselves. 81 Check the copyright, trademark, and patent information contained on the website. 80 the whole is temporary, being all calculated to take to pieces, which are preserved within the prison." 103 The company's stock value increased dramatically after they found a new medicine. 81 The rations varied considerably everywhere. 43 In twenty ten, Tesla received a four hundred sixty five million dollar loan from the Department of Energy's Loan Programs Office. 129 The mutiny was organized with great secrecy, and broke out most unexpectedly in the middle of the night. 104 or when the press of the crowd made it impossible for the escort motorcycles to stay in position on the car's rear flanks. 122 Winds from the east at five miles per hour. 43 The approaches to the medieval bridge were marked by the church of Saint Magnus the Martyr on the northern bank and by Southwark Cathedral on the southern shore. 161 that the government should assume the responsibility of providing a means by which the credit of the nation might be controlled, 128 a further fee was, however, demanded from the new-comer before he was made free of either the master's or the cabin side. 121 On a technical level, they were not afraid to play good football. 65 A zestful food is the hot-cross bun. 36 Talk with adolescents to help them use social media to support their health. 76 On Rotten Tomatoes, the film has a rating of seventy one, based on one hundred forty eight reviews, with a rating average of six point one four. 144 Two men, standing on an ice, looking into something covered with a blue tarp. 77 I well realize that the country is expecting before this year is out to see the "dirt fly", as they say, in carrying on the work, 129 of the presence of an American wore off and he began to be less the center of attention. 88 Is there on his hands? 22 Suddenly, there is so much more time in a day because she no longer has to spend hours commuting. 97 What is my proposal? 20 The drip of the rain made a pleasant sound. 43 The Rundown is a two thousand three American action comedy film starring Dwayne Johnson. 88 One of the six major orthodox schools of Hinduism is also called Yoga. 70 Power pop is a music genre that draws its inspiration from nineteen sixties British and American rock music. 108 Is it possible, if you would be so kind, to lend me your brolly for today? 74 The copper bowl shone in the sun's rays. 40 These are principles fully recognized now-a-days, and it may fairly be conceded that the Prison Discipline Society's ideal 122 The doors, through incomplete knowledge of prison needs, were not, as now, sheeted with iron. 93 When tidings reached Darius of what had happened, 49 except as conclusions flowing directly from its examination of the President's assassination can be drawn. 106 James just doodles awkward sketches in art class. 49 On Sunday mornings, he puts on his slippers and reads the newspaper on the cold patio. 86 Bring the beer again to a boil, reduce heat to medium-low, and cook at a simmer for five minutes. 97 It is generally hilly, with thin, stony clay soils, and contains few areas suitable for farming. 96 An Iraqi military parade in Baghdad celebrates final victory over ISIS. 71 Brass rings are sold by these natives. 38 He leaves a wife, a son and a daughter. 39 During Operation enduring Freedom, the United States worked alongside opposition forces in Afghanistan to bring down the Taliban regime and rid the country of al-Qaeda fighters. 177 this group of people are practicing water safety by wearing preservers while in a raft on the river 99 Didn't you know that she took out a mortgage for her second apartment? 70 There were thirty participants from all over Brazil. 52 they had dust-bins, sewers, and so forth, "properly disposed," and the city scavenger paid periodical visits to the prison. 123 Improvements in refinery techniques have generally reduced the susceptibility of gasolines to these problems. 109 This company has turned out to be a great success, despite doubts in earlier years. 83 All as a rule, unless poignant remorse has brought a desire to court their richly-merited retribution, are buoyed up 116 It looks like the skill you asked for doesn't exist. 52 Take shelter in this tent, but keep still. 42 They have long been used as a direct source of human food, in the form of mushrooms and truffles and as a leavening agent for bread. 132 If we learned anything from the depression 42 I'm not sure. 13 who was convicted as an accessory after the fact, had not really taken an active part in the murder. 100 By twenty twelve, it consisted of hundreds of members. 54 reduces the necessity of the existence in them of an alimentary cavity, or reservoir of food, 93 The last of the four is said to have been a clergyman of the Church of England, condemned for forgery, "a miserable old man in a tattered suit of black. 152 Despite this commitment to the Soviet Union 43 but which must certainly have come from the study of the twelfth or even the eleventh century MSS. 98 Its first objective is to put men and women now on the relief rolls to work and, incidentally, 94 although it included statements that were improbable and unsubstantiated. 73 has no permanent digestive cavity or mouth, but takes in its food anywhere and digests, so to speak, all over its body. 119 Also there was a decrease in trade interest between east and west. 66 The structure chattered throughout the earthquake. 50 John F. Kennedy's journey to Texas in November nineteen sixty-three was in this tradition. 90 The compromise is entirely on the arrival at that position. 59 should 6 Even then they were not certain of the favor, for I find a reference to a decent and respectable woman sent to Newgate 118 No finding of neurological impairment or psychotic mental changes could be made. 80 The construction in the cells of new proteid from the absorbed carbohydrate and the materials from the soil is true anabolism. 126 But what of it? 15 The facts adduced from morphology, being the result of researches into the structure of adult animals and plants, 113 We must leave now. 18 They try to convince you that you'll miss out on a big opportunity if you don't send them thousands of dollars by overnight courier or money transfer. 150 In an undertone, or whisper. 28 They must first undergo certain preparatory chemical changes known collectively as digestion 92 and one warder admitted that he was to have one thousand pounds more paid to him, and to be provided with a passage to Australia. 129 A bomb goes off in a supermarket in the Russian city of Saint Petersburg, injuring at least ten people. 103 What form did that take? 24 Wisdom and intelligence are two very separate things. 53 he told them what he thought about them. They knew what they were doing and they were trying to railroad him and he wanted his lawyer. 134 Governor Connally had just resigned to run for Governor of Texas, so he advised Oswald that he had forwarded the letter to his successor. 137 If the weather is clear and it is not raining, have that bubbletop off, end quote, 82 The complicated plot brought grunts from my brother's geese. 60 I can't reach the internet right now. 37 Aluminum foil can be used to keep food moist, cook it evenly, and make clean-up easier. 87 Please don't feed the pigeons, or else they will haunt you forever! 67 This study is the largest ever to validate usage of this type of test (a real-time R.T. P.C.R.) to diagnose rabies in animals. 126 to which all proposals for the expenditure of money must go for preliminary study and consideration. 100 Although everything should be under the state's control, there is a lot of violence in prisons. 95 While thus engaged, Howard thrust the poker into the fire. 58 In nineteen sixty nine, the United States terminated the inspections. 69 Their main function was to spot trouble in advance and to direct any necessary steps to meet the trouble. 105 He kept no record of them, and when asked questions, referred to the officers of the jail. 90 in spite of the existence of the other Mrs. Smethurst. 54 whom I never saw until I was taken from Liverpool, and never want to see again. 79 where the coiners, unexpectedly disturbed, fell an easy prey. 61 If he had been successful and had been apprehended even for routine questioning, his apartment would undoubtedly have been searched, 132 Sorry, I don't have permission to access your calendar. 55 The highest elected office held by a member of the Anti-Masonic Party was Governor. 83 Sattler probably misunderstood, and he declared that the police officer had broken faith with him, having, moreover, stated that 128 He complained in his letter about segregation, 46 They can be a museum, a nearby town, a park, or any place that I have never been before. 88 in those arguments, quote, and make himself come out top dog, end quote. 72 Gammell pleaded guilty on January seventeenth, to one count of conspiracy to cause intentional damage to a protected computer and two counts of being a felon-in-possession of a firearm. 185 The Bengal School of painting flourished in Kolkata during the early twentieth century. 87 The baby is due next week. 26 UNICEF reports that as many as seventeen million babies worldwide face potential brain development issues due to their exposure to high toxicity levels. 152 He lay prone and hardly moved a limb. 37 Oh, that's too bad! 19 that the published pictures were the same as the original except for retouching done by these publications, apparently for the purpose of clarifying the lines of the rifle 171 Oswald said that he hoped eventually to develop qualifications for employment as a junior executive 99 There is a skyscraper in the distance with a man walking in front of the camera. 80 That is a weird phrase. 23 that punishment must be reformatory as well as deterrent. 57 Yet from the circumstantial account given by Williams after recapture, there can be little doubt that he got away as will be described. 135 A C.R.S. must be installed in a forward-facing aircraft seat, in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. 109 She has a twenty percent hearing loss. 38 Over the handkerchief around his brows he placed a white cap, the new hat being on top of all. 94 It's sunny and seventy-nine degrees. 36 and for securing a proper system of prison discipline. 54 she 3 A small population of the sheep exists on the mainland, and were largely placed through adoption. 97 Ingredients: Half cup all-purpose flour. One teaspoon salt. Half teaspoon paprika. One egg. 91 These justices were to inspect every part of the prison, and examine into the state and condition of prisoners. 111 C.D.C. keeps America secure by controlling disease outbreaks and making sure food and water are safe. 101 I turned upon her. 18 Neurons can connect to each other to form neural networks. 58 were fixed over the fireplaces, and the prisoners had no longer access to the chimneys. 87 A ghostly figure appeared. 26 rising higher and higher, like a great terraced, turreted mountain. 67 The key men for the major responsibilities of this great task already have been selected. 89 The pattern, which is generally of flowers, is made with a soft silk thread, thicker than the thread used for the ground. 121 In a skillet over medium heat, brown ground beef, onion and garlic for five minutes. Drain fat. 95 In the one hundred years since eighteen sixty-five 50 Numerous precautions were taken overseas. 41 Where in the world is the Fountain of Youth? 44 In nineteen twenty eight, admission to the National Homes was extended to women, National Guard and militia Veterans. 117 the other perpetrated in a railway-carriage, and showing the promptitude with which criminals accept and utilize altered conditions of life, 140 it was suggested that the rules framed for prison government should be subjected to the Secretary of State for approval, 120 He expertly gutted the rabbit. 30 Meanwhile, friction between the Western Allies and Soviets was steadily rising. 79 Woman in red windbreaker looking though a rooftop binoculars at the city below. 79 between the Secret Service and the President and his family is contemplated. 76 Barnett estimated that approximately three minutes elapsed between the time he heard the last of the shots and the time he started guarding the front door. 155 Ninety four percent of "mobile teens" go online daily. 54 George Robertson described the plan as an outrageous and disgraceful decision. 78 They have plans to come to Europe again later this year, and we will probably go to Russia together. 100 in honor of some retiring noncommissioned officers, an event which they both approached with little enthusiasm. 111 After he returned to the street he directed Sergeant Harkness to station two patrolmen at the front door and not let anyone in or out; 134 Would the Right Honorable Lady opposite please clarify the concerns from her constituency? 90 Introduced more than one hundred years ago, electric cars are seeing a rise in popularity today for many of the same reasons they were first popular. 149 A white dog and a black dog running side by side on the grass while onlookers watch. 84 The golden land. 16 The scene is about this? 24 They needed to be started with a hand crank, making them difficult for some to operate. 87 The dirt piles were lines along the road. 41 think 5 In a reconstruction of this bus trip, agents of the Secret Service and the FBI walked the seven blocks from the front entrance of the Depository Building 153 What's the matter now? 22 Some sorts of lute were still used for some time in Germany, Sweden, and Ukraine. 81 Basic aluminium hydroxide, which may be present in bauxite, is also amphoteric. 79 I with Kevin would go with us. 30 each fired two series of three shots. 37 I could hear a man crying out in pain in the dentist's office. 62 The public had been excluded from the base, and only Government officials and the press were permitted near the landing area. 125 Instruments included in a typical reggae horn section include saxophone, trumpet or trombone. 93 declared that they had hitherto formed a high opinion of his honor, integrity, and goodness of disposition, 107 My pleasure. 12 NASA related briefings will stream live on the agency's website. 64 She said that she kept the note to use against him, quote, if something like that should be repeated again, end quote. 118 It is scarcely necessary to follow the controversy further. I have only introduced the subject as showing how little as yet the State 133 Americans as a whole are feeling a lot better -- a lot more cheerful than for many, many years. 95 Everywhere the valley is dotted with the mounds of buried cities carefully guarding the secrets of the centuries of long ago. 125 others have been taken to the Berlin Museum. 44 At his own request, 19 or telephone number in Dallas. Mrs. Paine testified that she learned Oswald's telephone number at the Beckley Street roominghouse in the middle of October 154 Try using a liner in your slow cooker for easier cleanup. 57 Not all car seats are approved for use in airplanes. 52 The topmost shoe box held only receipts from shopping trips a decade ago. 73 Steam was a tried and true energy source, having proved reliable for powering factories and trains. 99 Another reason why Apple is superior to Microsoft, the troll posted and grabbed some popcorn for the subsequent flame war. 122 Then Syria and Palestine were added to his future empire. 57 Persons convicted of publishing libels were still immured in the same rooms with transports and felons. 103 which recommends additional personnel and facilities to enable the Secret Service to expand its protection capabilities. 120 There were many features of resemblance in these crimes. 56 Put the chart on the mantel and tack it down. 45 Mrs. Paine, who had no knowledge of the rifle, first said "No," but when the question was translated, Marina Oswald replied "Yes." 130 Work is going forward 21 Nonetheless, the overall picture is healthy. 44 Even with this advancement, there is still plenty of room to improve water heaters, which consume more energy than all other household appliances combined. 155 With the Affordable Care Act in the news, scammers are on the prowl, calling, emailing, sending letters and texts, trying to get your money - and your personal and financial information. 186 Previously, they were raised in the European Court of Human Rights. 67 I ate a dish with rice, spaghetti, hummus, and caramelized onions. 66 schools 7 He's delighted, too, with the new premises. 43 I only know the refrain. 24 to the other agencies. No specific guidance was provided. 57 No aching back ever kept a compulsive buyer from enjoying a sale. 65 Warrants were issued for Redpath's arrest, but he had flown to Paris. 69 It was against this background and consistent with the criteria followed by the FBI prior to November twenty-two 112 John Deere tractors cruises down a street, while the driver wears easy to see clothing. 87 The march had been organised by the Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association. 78 So that if you aimed with this weapon as it actually was received at the laboratory, it would not be necessary to take any lead whatsoever 138 in the sale of unsound mortgages and in many other ways in which the public lost billions of dollars. 101 On December one, nineteen sixty-three, a replica bag was made from materials found on that date in the shipping room. 117 Nothing was more prominently brought out by the inspectors than the inefficiency of the governor at that time, Mr. Cope. 120 Such has been, for example, the neo-marxist theorising adopted by historians inspired by Marx's social theory. 110 Banks and bankers continued to be victimized. 45 He was satisfied to let matters run on as in the old times, he said in his own justification; with him what was, was right, 123 You don't really know what's inside when you eat takeouts. 58 To give chalk for cheese. 25 After the empire got a stable government again, the city was reclaimed. 71 Whisk heavy cream, brown sugar, milk, egg yolks, vanilla extract, cinnamon, and salt in a large bowl. 101 The next day, Oswald added to his story. 40 A construction worker wearing a hard hat is helping position the support beams for the roof. 92 with the follow-up car trailing the President's automobile by approximately five feet. 86 was one minute and thirty seconds. 34 A gray mare walked before the colt. 35 In explaining the difference between his policy and that of the FBI on the matter of probable identification, Nicol said, quote, 128 The plan provides for an additional two hundred five agents for the Secret Service. 83 What happened in that game? 27 but our, the people, culture, traditions, heritage, and very people itself, and yet 83 application 11 Finally amid the lowest forms of animal life the speck of gelatinous protoplasm, which constitutes the whole body, 114 The sheep were led home by a dog. 33 The man was dressed in faded blue color khaki work clothes, a brown shirt, and some kind of work jacket that almost matched his pants. 134 and on one occasion Agent Kellerman left the front seat of the President's car to take a similar position. 106 Instead, they established various colonies to control trade routes. 67 This witness identified Oswald in a lineup as the man most nearly resembling the man he saw and later identified Oswald as the man he observed. 143 Five individuals standing on grass next to a brick building, holding their own string instrument. 97 Marta curry favored with her teacher to get better grades. 58 Give it to me. 14 Bad as were the various parts of the jail already dealt with, 61 The university is associated with eleven winners of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, five in physics and sixteen in medicine. 122 Capitally convicted prisoners did, as a matter of fact, "treat with habitual and inexpressible levity the sentence of death." 125 The building up of the protoplasm from proteids is anabolism, constructive metabolism. 86 Ronald Simmons, chief of the U.S. Army Infantry Weapons Evaluation Branch of the Ballistics Research Laboratory, said, quote, 125 A common variation involves linking the analytical capability of the flow cytometer to a sorting device. 104 please 6 Now, suddenly, we have this new landscape. 42 The U.S. State Department suspends its security assistance to Pakistan. 71 Heinz W. Michaelis, office manager of both George Rose and Co., Incorporated and Seaport Traders, Incorporated. 111 The U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission gives a go-ahead for Bitcoin futures to trade on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. 127 This, with a scheme for limiting the jail to untried prisoners, had been urgently recommended by Lord John Russell in eighteen thirty. 134 which offered peculiar chances of profit to an ingenious and unscrupulous man. 78 The countenance of Williams was ghastly in the extreme, and the whole had an appearance too horrible for description. 117 would see anything in the newspaper about his defection, unless he engaged in activities similar to those 105 Navigation and discipline could not be easy with such a nondescript crew. 73 How could I help it? 20 Even so, it went on to receive multiple award nominations, including seven Academy Award nominations. 101 A child's wit saved the day for us. 35 that the chaplain found it necessary to take his place before they entered chapel, as he could not otherwise have faced the smell. 130 His palace in Babylon was one of the world's largest buildings, but the walls with which he protected his palace and city were the wonder of the whole world. 157 bear no relationship to the injury to the United States which follows from the act. 83 was the case of the forgeries upon the Bank of England discovered in eighteen sixty-three, 90 Lord William, according to the valet, was of a peevish, difficult temper; 73 People are walking on the sidewalk along the parking lot in front of a home improvement store. 94 Chinese scientists announce they have successfully cloned crab-eating macaques using somatic cell nuclear transfer, making them the first primates to be cloned. 160 Her mixing console had an old-fashioned but still cool vinyl player. 68 The hilt of the sword was carved with fine designs. 51 for when they saw Cyrus conquering nation after nation, they were convinced that he would never stop, and their turn would come at last. 136 Nobody will know the feeling of the branches until October. 59 These requests were communicated in writing by the Secret Service; rather, the Service depended on the personal liaison maintained by PRS 137 It was not too bad. 19 People sit in a restaurant with tall ceilings and large windows drinking various wines and socializing. 103 The personal cleanliness of all prisoners was to be insisted upon; they should be made to wash at least once a day, 115 A drawing is held to resolve a tied election between Democrat Shelly Simonds and Republican David Yancey, with Yancey being randomly chosen as the winner. 154 and bystanders peeped in through the shutters, but no one entered or sought to interfere in what seemed only a domestic quarrel. 128 The following day, the newspaper reported that the Presidential party 69 Plead to the council to free the poor thief. 44 Most of our imports come from the harbor of Rotterdam. 54 He suspended habeas corpus, leading to the controversial Merryman decision. 75 While these tentative criteria are a step in the right direction, 65 The film will be shot in China in twenty seventeen with an eighty dollars million budget. 89 A record of the meeting is summarized in the minutes. 53 to the Bureau of the Budget for review and approval. 52 He ran half way to the hardware store. 38 A British consul was already residing there. 44 It was an oblong shape. 23 If you think the caller might be telling the truth, call back to a number you know is genuine. 94 Looking over her right shoulder, she saw that the President had both hands at his neck but she observed no blood and heard nothing. 131 As gasoline prices continue to rise and the prices on electric vehicles continue to drop, electric vehicles are gaining in popularity. 134 As many spectators as ever thronged to see the dreadful show, 61 Soviet leaders hoped in vain that the agreement would lead to recognition. 74 an event which his wife thought upset him and as a result of which, quote, he became less active, he cooled off a little, end quote. 132 commercial 10 No matter how much he offered, Scott would not accept the deal. 63 locked the door, and attacked Mullay violently with the trap-ball bat and knife. 80 The police suspecting the house in York Buildings, put a watch on the premises, which they kept up for more than a year, 120 In a shallow dish or bowl, mix together flour, salt and paprika. In a separate dish or bowl, mix together egg and milk. 119 A firearms expert with the FBI assembled the rifle in six minutes using a ten-cent coin as a tool, 98 continued during this period in New Orleans (nineteen fifty-four to nineteen fifty-six). 88 A construction worker in a yellow vest digs in the street while a second worker looks on. 89 His attempt to renounce his citizenship had been an open expression of hostility against the United States and a profound rejection of his early life. 150 It seems that Oswald immediately attempted suicide -- a striking indication of how much he desired to remain in the Soviet Union. 129 Let the buyer beware. 21 As the animal body required to be independent of heat and of the atmosphere, there were no means by which the motion of its fluids could be produced by internal causes. 168 The juice of lemons makes fine punch. 37 Special Agent Lyndal L. Shaneyfelt, a photography expert with the FBI, 70 I woke up to the screech of my neighbor practicing trumpet. 59 Select the "Continue" button. Read and agree to the disclaimer. 63 by Master Sgt. James A. Zahm, noncommissioned officer in charge of the Marksmanship Training Unit in the Weapons Training Battalion 131 This picture is pure art. 25 I myself do not have a particularly quiet disposition, 54 On the night of November twelfth, the Taliban retreated south from Kabul. 73 The sheriffs shudder, their inquisitive friends crane forward, the keeper frowns on the excited congregation, 109 Dr. Hartogs did find Oswald to be a tense, withdrawn, and evasive boy who intensely disliked talking about himself and his feelings. 132 Their food is provided for them, 32 There really are trained people who can help. But experts expect scammers to wade in here, too. 95 At the time the bag was found, Lieutenant Day of the Dallas police wrote on it, quote, Found next to the sixth floor window gun fired from. 139 When the journey was resumed, Mrs. Solomons accompanied her husband in the coach. Half-way to Newgate she was taken with a fit. 127 He issued a number of edicts designed to carry out this agenda. 63 As electric vehicles came onto the market, so did a new type of vehicle - the gasoline-powered car - thanks to improvements to the internal combustion engine in the eighteen hundreds. 183 and he estimated that it took him three to four minutes to drive three blocks west from the checkpoint to Field Street, 119 The news struck doubt into restless minds. 42 The Dodgers beat the Tigers by a wide margin. 45 This episode throws some doubt upon the tenderness and proper feeling exhibited by the chaplain towards the most deserving members of his criminal flock; 153 She read the book quickly, savouring the characters that came vividly to mind from the well-crafted prose. 106 Three street musicians wearing brown coats play the drums and trumpet in front of a store. 90 Before dealing with the debtors in Newgate, I may refer incidentally 68 August may have ended early. 28 An electronic stethoscope overcomes the low sound levels by electronically amplifying body sounds. 98 Gina is a great chess player. 29 Need more space in your life? Download the NASA app on your device for the latest images, videos, news and more. 112 Mister Ferguson became a minister after seven years as a journalist. 68 provided it was henceforth used only for untried prisoners, suggested that Newgate should be entirely reconstructed, and the new building adopted as a model. 157 recent 6 That is not her house. 22 After the long night, I am happy to see that my phone still has a charge. 73 In twenty ten, Tesla received a four hundred sixty five million dollar loan from the Department of Energy's Loan Programs Office. 129 The mix of these groups is described as mestizo or cholo. 57 till every feature was obliterated, and then, still living, flung him into the sea. 83 I've got no secret. 19 declared that they were not prepared to agree to the resolution respecting private executions. 94 businesses 10 The birch looked stark white and lonesome. 42 told Robert Oswald, Lee Harvey Oswald's brother, that Oswald had once threatened to shoot former Vice President Richard M. Nixon. 129 Although Chief Rowley does not complain about the pay scale for Secret Service agents, salaries are below those of the F.B.I. and leading municipal police forces. 162 A heavyset couple interact outside a striped cabana on a beach located near a pier. 83 Abundant worldwide, most fungi are inconspicuous because of the small size of their structures. 95 and transportation and trade, so great in the mass that each individual concerned in them is quite helpless by himself. 119 In spite of his former residence in the Soviet Union and his Fair Play for Cuba Committee activities he had been rebuffed 121 She really suffered for her art. 32 Elsewhere the spirit had been more or less active, although not uniformly or always to the same extent. 103 When Oswald entered the rear door of the Depository Building, he was about fifty feet ahead of Frazier. 103 related 7 A before "E" except after "C". 30 Sorry, there isn't enough free disk space to record audio. 58 They have not been named. 25 Tou might even find some of the innovations in your home! 57 Oswald had not filled any of the three orders. 46 Many animals of even complex structure which live parasitically within others are wholly devoid of an alimentary cavity. 120 I think they will believe my words and entrust me with a command of troops. Thou, on thy part, must wait 104 The green cotton fibers found in the paper bag matched some of the green cotton fibers in the blanket 101 the amount of assistance that it can expect from other agencies. 64 which left London for Singapore on the twenty-eighth July, eighteen sixty-three, with a cargo of wine and other goods. 118 he would have arrived there about twelve:fifty-nine to one p.m. 63 I now have a tan that ends abruptly at my knuckles where they were curled over my handlebars. 93 Oswald first wrote, quote, Edward Vogel, end quote, an obvious misspelling of Voebel's name, 92 Since twenty twelve, Vodafone has been the sponsor. 51 Bishop's confession was endorsed by Williams, and the immediate result was the respite of May. 94 The fact that you can write equations the way you do does not mean you should to it. 84 Mia is making a fondue in her new Amana oven. 45 This year's Arctic Report Card reveals that the plunge in sea ice extent is unprecedented in the last fifteen hundred years. 124 It is, moreover, true that all living forms are but series of modifications and extensions of one single plan of structure. 123 This time, for Rangers, it is certainly the latter. 51 Please update your username. 28 Glad to help. 13 Oswald also became interested in the New Orleans Amateur Astronomy Association, an organization of high school students. 120 He took a sip from his coffee cup and shook his head. 53 Breakfast buns are fine with a hot drink. 41 The various tests showed that the Mannlicher-Carcano was an accurate rifle and that the use of a four-power scope 113 Among the latter were notably the counties of Cheshire, Lincolnshire, Norfolk, Suffolk, Nottinghamshire, the East and North Ridings of Yorkshire. 145 The effects of the imprisonment are to vitiate its inmates, to extend their acquaintanceship with each other, 109 The three component agencies became bureaus within the Veterans Administration. 79 there was certainly nothing in it which indicated cruel cunning or deliberate truculence. 89 The business was successful from the start. 43 Foxen asked him his name and address, and went away. 52 Let me answer this question with a bluntness that will end all honest misunderstanding of my purposes. 102 Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil. 52 The Court has been acting not as a judicial body, but as a policy-making body. 78 In that connection, it should be noted that Marina Oswald testified on September six, nineteen sixty-four, that she thought her husband, quote, 143 park it, and run forty-five feet to the building. 49 Suspect A Health Care Scam? Here's What to Do. 46 It must not be imagined that although highway robbery was now nearly extinct, and felonious outrages in the streets were rare, 126 There is no fighting against fate. 34 That could lead to more calls. 30 NASA also announced the selection of two mission concepts that will receive technology development funds to prepare them for future mission competitions. 153 With a booming economy, a growing middle class and low gas prices in the late nineteen ninetys, many consumers didn't worry about fuel-efficient vehicles. 154 Juveniles disperse widely from the home territory. 50 slender, weighing about one sixty-five pounds, about five foot ten inches tall, and in his early thirties. 106 south 5 Several of the other prisoners took the same line as regards Edwards, 69 His next job was to descend outside Newgate. 44 Operatives train the militia in a variety of tactics, including subversion, sabotage, intelligence collection and unconventional assisted recovery, which can be employed against enemy threats. 192 When a bit of rope carefully secreted, 38 Meanwhile, on November seventeen 32 Kasparov won the match by four wins to one, with thirteen draws. 64 Thus, amongst others, Thomas Blackburn had been committed on October fifteenth for a debt of one shilling five pence. 117 The G.I. Bill placed V.A. second to the War and Navy Departments in funding and personnel priorities. 101 She's still staying in the maternity ward, but she's feeling much better. 73 In a half mile, turn left onto Tremont Street. 46 I think he was with Mohamed. 28 established 11 I completed Imgur-Bel and Nimitti-Bel, the great walls of Babylon, the mighty city, the city of his exalted power. 114 Other ancient descriptions of the walls have been left us by Ctesias of the fifth century B.C., and by Strabo of the beginning of the Christian era, 148 Its successor is Internet Protocol Version six. 47 It is better to stay silent and be thought a fool, than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt. 97 A young man is presenting another woman with a cake with three candles on top. 78 The sergeant shoved the volunteers to the front. 48 She recalled that it was subsequent to the time the President had been shot. 76 Nina Simone was a singer, songwriter, pianist, and activist in the Civil Rights Movement. 89 Two men in construction vests are working on the side of a street with machines. 80 Since the assassination, the Secret Service and the Department of the Treasury 78 Although this misapplication of religious services still went on, 65 systems 7 To its efforts, and their effect upon Parliament and the public mind, we must attribute the new Jail Acts of four George the fourth 131 He referred to his English version as his "second original". 60 The straw nest housed five robins. 34 Early he married Amuhia, a daughter of the Medean king. 55 On the other hand, the concern he expressed about the FBI may have been just another story to support the objective he sought in his letter. 140 Godzilla arrives at the lake to engage in a vicious battle, and emerges as the victor. 86 so far as fine printing is concerned, though paper did not get to its worst till about eighteen forty. 102 understand 10 location 8 No doubt wiser counsels prevailed with Lord John Russell, 57 He repeated this not once but several times, but I refused. And he said that once again I was preferring my friends to him, and that I didn't need him. 151 After lurking for a minute, the crocodile quickly sprang toward the young hippopotamus and ate it. 98 We asked over twenty different people, and they all said it was his. 68 Seventeen of this number are proposed for the Protective Research Section. 74 Other regulations laid down by the Jail Acts were still defied. One of these was that prisoners should be restricted to the jail allowance of food; 147 Some companies use free trials to sign you up for products and bill you every month until you cancel. 101 Neither his address nor his pamphlet availed much, for the bill for the divorce passed both Houses. 99 who had driven from the theatre with Oswald. 44 The world's first G.P.R.S. cell phone was also developed by Motorola. 69 Lee's withdrawal was also noted by Mrs. Siegel, who described him as a, quote, seriously detached, withdrawn youngster, end quote. 130 She also testified that this appeared to be the revolver seen in Oswald's belt 78 There are at least two principal arguments for this view. 57 His heart sank as the jury returned a guilty verdict. 53 An older woman cleaning the street outside of a clothing store with mannequins visible behind the display. 106 Post Office Box three zero zero one six, New Orleans 52 This has been done to boost ratings, which were slowly declining until the twenty ten Games. 92 It was understood also that he had served in the army as a private, and had, moreover, undergone a sentence of transportation. 126 In the bail-dock, where most improper general association was permitted, the female prisoners were often altogether in the charge of male turnkeys. 147 that the exceptional instances of wrong-doing in government are probably less numerous than in almost every other line of endeavor. 131 A fire on the oil tanker rages for the fourth day. An explosion forces rescue teams to retreat as thirty-one sailors remain missing. 132 The thieves were satisfied with the diamonds; they broke open other cases containing gold watches and plate, but abstracted nothing. 132 Continue baking, uncovered, until custard is set, twenty to twenty five minutes. 80 When, as is most often the case, there is actual beauty in the cuts, the books so ornamented are amongst the most delightful works of art that have ever been produced. 167 The Canadian Senate agrees with the House of Commons to make the Canadian national anthem, O Canada, gender neutral. 116 A more marked change from the old scene can hardly be conceived. Instead of the roar of the brutalized crowd, 109 the first by daily services, the latter by the appointment of schoolmasters and instruction in reading and writing. 115 The change is from starch to a sugar capable of diffusion. 58 T. Briggs, Esq., Robarts and Co., Lombard Street. 49 South American cuisine has many influences, due to the ethnic fusion of South America. 86 The aim of the contest is to raise a great fund. 48 Mudslides follow heavy overnight rains in Santa Barbara County, California, where last month's wildfires destroyed forests and destabilized the land. 149 As a general rule Ikey Solomons confined his purchases to small articles, mostly of jewelery and plate, 103 being often obliged to pay a high rent for a bed at the coffee-house or in some room which was vacated by its regular occupant. 127 They were on holiday in Egypt. 30 Bob babysat the pesky child and became incredibly perturbed. 60 Kids are terrible. 18 and the Attorney General at any meetings which are concerned with Presidential protection. 90 not only caused him difficulties in his employment relations, but they also provided him with excuses for employment failures 125 The female wards-women were also given to intemperance. 55 The scheme was no doubt fascinating, and in many respects feasible; 67 Keep your phone handy in case I text you with subway updates. 61 Keep the hatch tight and the watch constant. 44 For this offense the punishment is death. 41 Someone gets in touch, saying you need a new Medicare card because of Obamacare. 80 On July fifth, nineteen forty three, the Germans launched the Battle of Kursk, an offensive designed to eliminate the Kursk salient. 132 Today, they number fewer than two hundred animals. 50 The old walls were restored to a height sufficient to prevent the escape of the animals, and among the ruins the kings enjoyed their favorite sport. 148 Before you agree to a free trial, research the company and read the cancellation policy. 88 Simple as this proposition is, it is necessary to be stated. 60 Dove, a fiendish brute, found from the evidence in that case that he could kill his wife, whom he hated, 104 Looking for new messages. 25 In nineteen sixty six, a new three-liter formula was created for Formula One. 77 continued dancing and reveling until they learned the capture but too certainly. 80 It was then my plan to interview Marina Oswald in detail concerning both herself and her husband's background. Question: 120 He approved arrangements for his family to return to Irving, Texas, to live with Mrs. Ruth Paine. 97 Barely half of these gave bail bonds on arrests, and the remainder went to prison. 82 New settlers, primarily from the Philippines and the Caroline Islands, were brought to repopulate the islands. 110 Double R. Trading will pay a twenty three thousand three hundred twenty six dollar penalty. 91 Abraham Lincoln was the sixteenth President of the United States. 65 Tell me about it. 17 Aspirin given shortly after a heart attack decreases the risk of death. 71 Bird was, however, discharged within three days by a subscription raised among his fellow-prisoners. 100 An abrupt start does not win the prize. 39 Three News personal interviewing a couple of senior citizens, while another person looks on. 92 other terminal buildings and the neighboring parking lots, of all people. 73 Manager Bobby Williamson has no injury worries. 47 navigation 10 The new proposal goes by the acronym W.N.A. Every computer on the Internet has an I.P. address. 95 According to Chief Curry, Tippit was free to patrol the central Oak Cliff area. 79 The regular daily visitation of the chaplain was also insisted upon. 68 The true revival of the electric vehicle didn't happen until around the start of the twenty first century. 106 Preheat oven to four hundred degrees. 37 trisect the plaza, converging at the apex of the triangle to form a triple underpass beneath a multiple railroad bridge 119 none of these employees except Oswald left identifiable prints on the cartons. 78 Theo Epstein's first step toward restocking the team for was to pursue one of the most anticipated acquisitions in baseball history. 132 Anticipating the war's conclusion, Lincoln pushed a moderate view of Reconstruction. 84 Yet the jail, in spite of its fortress-like aspect, was by no means really safe. 80 The wake word needs to be set to "hey mycroft" to use precise. You can do this on home DOT mycroft DOT AI. 106 Give me a moment. 17 The man looked up from his book and, noticing nothing newsworthy, returned his gaze to the page and continued reading. 118 mutinied, murdered the captain and mates, sparing the steward only on condition that he would navigate the ship to the Mediterranean. 133 As the Prison Discipline Society pertinently observed in a report dated eighteen twenty, 88 It's now six fifty-six A.M. Central Daylight Time. 50 but Ings said he hoped God would be more merciful to him than men had been. 75 He then arrived on Thursday, November twenty-one, nineteen sixty-three, end quote. 82 Early tubes used the filament as the cathode. This is called a directly heated tube. 84 He looked at me. 16 Four cartridge cases were found in the shrubbery on the corner of tenth and Patton by three of the eyewitnesses -- Domingo Benavides, 133 A group of people walk together, some are holding up yellow signs. 66 are not such, but are simply the visible aggregations of vastly more attenuated filaments, 90 it was not practical to select a route where the President could not be seen from roofs or windows of buildings. 112 I am not interested in the money, it is the principle. 54 Mount Everest is found on the international boarder between China and Nepal. 76 Okay kid, ask away. 19 After twelve hours of rowing, Darius climbed out of the canoe, and lied down on the beach to nap. 97 that the Secret Service has inadequately defined the responsibilities of its advance agents, who have been given broad discretion 129 He said that he had simply wanted to discuss the question with the sergeant and the drink had been spilled accidentally. 120 And they almost always try to rush you into a decision. 55 It is the largest performing arts organization in the Chicago Southland, with administrative offices in Park Forest. 116 It was not too bad. 19 Mr. Shaw-Lefevre, the Speaker of the House of Commons, Sir Benjamin Brodie, 75 Let me help you guys. 21 Relations between Austria and Slovenia are close. 49 From the moment of his reception he gave himself great airs, as a martyr and a man heavily wronged. 99 Good luck! 10 However, the intensive care unit at the Southern General Hospital was full. 75 Special Agent Hill removed his suit jacket and covered the President's head and upper chest to prevent the taking of photographs. 129 Also, billions of dollars of invested capital have today a greater security of present and future earning power than before. 124 The best method is to fix it in place with clips. 49 At one session of the Old Bailey, in eighteen twenty-one, no less than thirty-five true bills were found for passing forged notes. 130 A friend of yours? 18 May I see it? 13 as soon as it can be justified. The Congress has often stressed that it will support any reasonable request for funds for the protection of the President. 154 Five minutes later, the home team were back in front. 53 quote, We've had a shooting out here, end quote, 48 A New Mexico man was sentenced today in Saint Paul, Minnesota, for directing computer attacks against the websites of his prior employers, business competitors and public services. 180 Following normal practice, the lead automobile stayed approximately four to five car lengths ahead of the President's limousine. 128 The current crossing, which opened to traffic in nineteen seventy three, is a box girder bridge built from concrete and steel. 126 Brigadier General Frank T. Hines, who had directed the Veterans Bureau for seven years, was named the first Administrator of Veterans Affairs, a job he held until nineteen forty five. 183 The police were the first to arrive on the spot, the Guards having entered the street at the wrong end. 103 Guy in blue shirt biting hand of girl in black striped jacket while another guy watches 87 Hence it is conceivable that even the simplest living being may possess a nervous system. 89 Thou art weighed in the balances and art found wanting. 55 The case contained elements of much uncertainty, and yet it was so essential, 77 Several people preparing for winter sporting activities such as snowboarding and skiing. 88 Snoring is a common finding in people with this syndrome. 57 The complaint alleges that the former executives funded the sham acquisitions with stock sales in London and then diverted the proceeds to themselves. 150 Serves you right There will be no cock crow over that No one will care a brass farthing for it Finance minister. 112 Just after Robson's frauds had agitated the minds of all directors of companies, the chairman of the Great Northern (Mr. Denison) 129 There's a slight chance of rain. 32 There is no signature. 22 The rope still broke sometimes, although it was not often that the horrid scene seen at Jersey at the beginning of the century was repeated. 140 All the ground on which Babylon was spread is left now desolate; nothing standing in that Peninsula between the Euphrates and the Tigris, 137 There was this much honest forbearance in Newgate in these days, 64 It's freezing outside! 22 A drought hit Western Europe. 29 If a check you deposit turns out to be a fake, you're responsible for repaying the bank. 88 This variety was often extended to all branches of prison economy. 66 Since then, more than one hundred ten million Americans have been participants in B.S.A. programs. 98 this chapter reviews the motorcade through Dallas, the fleeting moments of the assassination, 93 Hey, I bought pineapple juice with no sugar added. 50 In nineteen forty-five, General Omar Bradley took the reins at V.A. and steered its transformation into a modern organization. 126 By eighteen seventy, the remains of nearly three hundred thousand Union dead from the Civil War had been buried in seventy-three national cemeteries. 149 A review of the complete transcript has satisfied the Commission 64 In eighteen twenty-nine the gallows claimed two more victims for this offense. 78 We don't do crack. 18 Hop over the fence and plunge in. 33 The west end of the floating bridge was to connect to the Everett-Seattle tollway at Roanoke Street, south of the planned Ship Canal Bridge. 140 The steady drip is worse than a drenching rain. 47 While these tentative criteria are a step in the right direction, they seem unduly restrictive in continuing to require some manifestation of animus against a Government official. 179 Sulfur deposits in Sicily were the dominant source for more than a century. 75 The two remaining safes were attacked and nearly entirely despoiled in the same way as the first, and the contents transferred to the courier bags. 147 By nineteen twenty four the services covered even more areas. 61 Keep away from fire and flame. 30 hot meat, poultry, and fish were also forbidden. 48 Seizure is a novel by American author Robin Cook which explores the concerns raised by advances in therapeutic cloning. 119 What is she to do? 18 He forwarded plans prepared by the inspectors of prisons, not for blind adoption, but as a guide. 97 However, the force has not yet received a formal complaint. 59 and I had a feeling that it came from the building, either right in front of me [the Depository Building] or of the one across to the right of it, end quote, 157 Overall, grants help us achieve our overall mission: protect human health and the environment. 94 When he failed to return by ten or ten:thirty p.m., Marina Oswald went to his room and discovered the note. She testified: quote, 129 that the determination of whether or not there should be a relocation of responsibilities and functions should be left to the Executive and the Congress, 153 This price included nineteen dollars, ninety-five cents for the rifle and the scope, and one dollar, fifty cents for postage and handling. 138 reflect keen awareness of the necessity of communicating a much wider range of intelligence information to the Service. 119 The roof should be tilted at a sharp slant. 43 Spending time with each other can be more valuable than any material present. 77 had duty assignments beginning no later than eight a.m. that morning. 69 Los Alamos National Laboratory focuses most of its work on ensuring the reliability of U.S. nuclear weapons. 108 I am now unemployed. 20 An expansion board named "Magic Sound" allowed to play Scream Tracker files. 76 they state that they are compelled by an imperative sense of duty to advert in terms of decided condemnation to the lamentable condition of the prisons of the city of London, 174 E.P.A. coordinated the inspections with the Regional Water Quality Control Board in support of their efforts to reduce plastic pollution in the Los Angeles area. 161 Fluorescent lighting is more energy-efficient than incandescent lighting elements. 82 but in opposition to the recorded denunciations of authority, and in defiance of the express enactments of the law, 115 Following the Civil War, many state Veterans homes were established. 68 Dimes showered down from all sides. 35 a week's allowance at a time, was abolished, and there was a regular scale of daily rations adopted. 100 His wide grin earned many friends. 34 The total solar eclipse swept across a narrow portion of the contiguous United States from Lincoln Beach, Oregon, to Charleston, South Carolina. 144 On the very morning on which he was to suffer he eluded the vigilance, such as it was, of his officers 102 The results are in! Congratulations to the Navy's four hundred eighty-six newest master chief petty officers. 109 Brennan testified that they were standing, which is their apparent position in the photograph. 94 A number of people who resembled some of those in the photographs were placed under surveillance at the Trade Mart. 115 Two other witnesses were able to offer partial descriptions of a man they saw in the southeast corner window 108 who had been in the habit of taking colchicum for rheumatism. Mrs. Wilson heard then casually from a medical man 112 They were quiet, easy to drive and didn't emit a smelly pollutant like the other cars of the time. 98 For vice president, the delegates nominated House Speaker Colfax. 65 Grandma is fearless. 20 According to Belmont, when Oswald returned from the Soviet Union, quote, 72 This year, this month, will be special for Torrance. 52 I have been reset to factory defaults. 38 Some government agencies might send you a letter (for example, Medicare and the I.R.S.), but they will never ask you to wire them money or give your credit card number. 168 Eight monumental curving staircases of granite with over four thousand individually cast bronze balusters are capped by four skylight domes and two stained glass rotundas. 171 As was typical in the wars of the era, disease claimed far more lives than battle. 82 The exact time of the assassination was fixed by the testimony of four witnesses. 81 No, nothing at all. 19 We're at the Uber Elevate Summit talking about the safe operation of small aircraft - from delivery drones to passenger vehicles - in urban environments. 153 I shall employ all means to right this gross mistake or injustice to a bona fide U.S. citizen and serviceman. 109 The little boy walks carefully down the rocks holding his arms out to balance himself. 86 Lord Harrowby's dinner-party was postponed, but the conspirators knew nothing of it, 84 particularly since his employment did not involve any sensitive information. 76 As a protagonist, the Brando of the early fifties had no code, only his instincts. 82 for bizarre reasons or by writing or in some other way attempting to communicate with him in a threatening or abusive manner 124 On November fifteen, nineteen sixty-three, the same day that his wife told him not to come to Irving, Oswald could have assumed 127 I will tell her what we decided. 32 The pencils have all been used. 31 But for the beauty of the earlier work they might have seemed tolerable. 72 Bread raised with what is known to bakers as a "sponge," requires more time and a trifle more work than the simpler form for which I have just already given directions. 168 The nurse is unwilling to give him the medicine. 48 Sean stood there tapping his foot impatiently. 46 This mission is used to organize, assist and train the military and national defense forces of foreign governments to protect their citizens from aggressors. 157 designed in colors of white and blue and yellow and black. 58 Central College began in nineteen fourteen, a continuation of Orleans Seminary. 79 Heat olive oil in a skillet over medium-high heat. 50 It was a virus. 15 They lived for their children. 30 Seed is needed to plant the spring corn. 40 A molecular change takes place in the nerve of the tentacle, 60 The excavations have shown that Babylon, as the ancients told us, was nearly square. 84 Their courage, and their honesty, should be respected. 54 The officer organizes the mission, outfits the team and debriefs them on the mission objective. 95 Many of the areas hardest hit by rabies are also the areas least prepared to run current tests to diagnose it, said Crystal Gigante, a microbiologist. 150 Not recently. 13 are grouped by Romanes and other writers on organic evolution under the heads of morphology, embryology, classification, 120 Place short ribs into the sauce and stir to coat. Set cooker on Low, cover, and cook for eight hours. 101 The governmental consequences of assassination of one of the specified officials give the United States ample power to act for its own protection. 146 Not in the least. 17 That man is your brother? 25 Where are you going? 20 But all federal judges, once appointed, 39 also a furniture dealer and one or two more commonplace rogues. The arch villain was never taken into custody. 110 It would not have been possible to have followed Arnold Johnson's advice to remain in the background, 101 I can now afford to wait until New Orleans forwarded the necessary papers to me to show me I now had all the information. 121 and this, being much more sudden and regular than that of a cart being drawn away, has the effect of immediate death. 117 Tuesday, it will be partly cloudy with a high of sixty-five. 60 From our point of view, the player is free to leave. 52 Truly, who had returned with Patrolman Baker from the roof, saw the police questioning the warehouse employees. 111 Leon wished to make every one on board share and share alike, so as to implicate the innocent with the guilty; 110 A German medal was issued commemorating the event. 50 The numbers on the jerseys were changed to a simpler, block font with a thicker, single color border. 101 Most shared their school name, birthdate, and the city or town where they lived. 80 Try asking me things like: Hey Mycroft, what's the weather? 59 I'm sure of it. 15 The Vice-Chancellor, currently Louise Richardson, is the "de facto" head of the university. 91 but proofs of Griffiths' guilt were at once apparent on entering his work-room. 79 Built January nineteenth, nineteen-seventeen, the monument is now celebrating its centennial. 93 This must, in the first instance, be provided for them by green plants, and hence without chlorophyll-bearing plants, 117 This is the same street where the drugstore, in which you always waited is located. 83 He was indicted on eight charges, two only of which were substantiated, but on each of them he received a sentence of seven years' transportation. 146 These somewhat novel but undoubtedly indisputable propositions were backed up, not by sound arguments only, but by the letter of the law. 137 or any of the new establishments at home, at Portland, Dartmoor, or elsewhere. 78 Speed skaters sprint to the finish. 35 Otherwise, it will cost a lot of money. 39 Housman's brother Laurence Housman and their sister Clemence Housman also became writers. 89 where the cash was transferred from the carpet-bag to a portmanteau. 68 This was thought to be caused by water molecules knocking the grains about. 75 It uses the same stitches as Chantilly lace and is similarly made in strips five inches wide and invisibly joined. 114 There is a solution, she believes. 34 He carved a head from the round block of marble. 48 He became First Sea Lord on one November nineteen nineteen. 59 Help the weak to preserve their strength. 41 still no separation of the sexes, no means of ablution or other necessary services. 83 They were hopeless of any general reform by the action of the executive alone. 78 At least four instrumentalists play clarinets and other instruments in a curtained room. 88 She was born in Bangkok, Thailand, and studied music in Rome, graduating in piano, choral music and choral conducting. 118 The Commission reviewed the transcript of a phone conversation in which Mrs. Markham is alleged to have provided such a description. 132 I think is going overboard in the other direction. 50 I can help you. Really. 23 In a half mile, turn left onto Tremont Street. 46 A rag will soak up spilled water. 33 Oswald said that this was not true. Oswald denied that he had a rifle wrapped up in a blanket in the Paine garage. 114 The third act was dull and tired the players. 45 partly because of the greater speed and comfort of travel and partly because of the greater demands made on the President. 122 C'mon, we need to turn on our G.P.S. so we don't end up in the middle of nowhere. 81 he was also at liberty to engage himself in the country, where he demanded and was paid ten pounds on each occasion. 116 One can still see the scar where the acid was accidentally poured on my arm. 76 Dr. Charles F. Gregory, chief of orthopedic surgery, operated on the wounds of Governor Connally's right wrist, 111 Today, however, it is more common for the pressure to be generated by an electric pump. 87 Wars bring scars. 17 being reviewed regularly. 25 They had the information. 25 The Warren Commission Report. By The President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy. Chapter four. The Assassin: Part seven. 142 The community of coiners of which he was so notorious a member 62 who was the ringleader, and who had long been an habitual criminal, a reputed murderer, and certainly an inmate more than once of a French bagne. 145 return to it for lunch and then again at night, his mother having trained him to do that rather than to play with other children. 129 Both Director Hoover and Belmont expressed to the Commission the great concern of the F.B.I, which is shared by the Secret Service. 131 and they were not threatened with any particular penalties if they evaded or ignored the new acts. 98 and that clever schemer sent an elaborate letter of instructions how to ask for the money. 90 Pitch the straw through the door of the stable. 47 that plaintiffs were unwilling to consign the defendants against whom they had obtained execution to confinement within its walls." 131 He devotes a special section to the Division of Organized Beings into Animals and Vegetables. 93 It was not hard to feel some sympathy for Baxter yesterday. 59 He's sorry. 11 Where have you been? 20 As like as two peas. 20 Mr. E. G. Wakefield took part in the scheme for the colonization of North Australia, and for some years resided in that colony. 127 Cardinal numbers have a complex system of inflection and agreement. 67 What would you say is the difference between a language and a dialect? 70 Configuration updated. 22 l 1 Then it was that instead of merely pledging securities, the bank sold them outright, and thus passed the Rubicon of fraud. 122 They agree that Hosty told Revill 33 The waiting staff numbered four million, four hundred thirty eight thousand, one hundred, earning an average eight dollars, eighty four cents per hour. 151 A man in a green shirts is sitting and designing a folding fan while waiting for customers. 91 Lack of adequate resources is an unacceptable excuse for failing to improve advance precautions in this crucial area of Presidential protection. 144 Activity has focused on the importation of cheap or unfree labor, involvement with union and public officials, and counterfeiting. 130 A king ruled the state in the early days. 41 Scoggins hurriedly left his seat and hid behind the cab as the man came back toward the corner with gun in hand. 112 led him to think seriously of trying his fortunes in another land. 66 Mrs. Linnie Mae Randle, Frazier's sister, commented to her brother about Oswald's unusual midweek return to Irving. 115 Some pawnshop companies operate a chain of stores in a state or province. 73 He had swallowed his pills as usual, at least Palmer had administered them 74 The Tyler Junior College Apache Belles drill team performed during the pregame and halftime festivities. 104 Bouck pointed to a number of characteristics besides Oswald's defection the cumulative effect of which would have been to alert the Secret Service 146 The shots fired by Frazier at the range of twenty-five yards landed within an area of two inches and five inches respectively. 126 The old warehouse is no longer storing any noxious chemicals. 61 and may have told his wife the things he did on the evening of November twenty-one, 83 McWatters also remembered that a man received a transfer at Lamar and Elm Streets and that a man in the lineup was about the size of this man. 142 But another ship, concluding that he was acting in ignorance, rendered him assistance. 86 She looked so young. 20 Our first step is to cut up the partition. 42 For these crimes William Roupell was tried at the Central Criminal Court on the twenty-fourth September, eighteen sixty-two. 124 who had been greatly upset by her experience, was able to view a lineup of four men handcuffed together at the police station. 126 Referring to the period after the divorce from Ekdahl, which was apparently caused in part by Marguerite's desire to get more money from him, 141 The whole of southern Africa is in the grip of Aids. 52 he stated his desire that he should be accepted as a friend of the Cuban Revolution. 84 A similar description was given on channel two at twelve:forty-five p.m. 72 they were at liberty to hire suitable cell accommodation from any neighbors who might have it to spare; the only proviso, 121 Bake until bread pudding forms a golden crust, about two minutes more. 70 One fruitful source of badness in paper 39 The modern practice is to disregard the relation between the printing and the ornament altogether. 98 At a long conference table in an office, various professionals consult their papers and laptops. 96 It had now a legal and authoritative standard of efficiency to apply, 69 Appeals were made to the Home Secretary, and all possible political interest brought to bear, but without success. 114 and offered him half the booty if he would give full information as to the transactions and correspondence of his late employers. 129 While in London, for instance, in eighteen twenty-nine, twenty-four persons had been executed for crimes other than murder, 123 Meanwhile the clergyman, still bent into the form of a sleeping dog, 68 Lake Arrowhead consists of six communities including Lake Arrowhead, Twin Peaks, Blue Jay, Cedar Glen, Sky Forest, and Rim Forest. 130 The Mnine Pistol is a semi-automatic, double action pistol that has a rail system to allow attachment of an Integrated Laser White Light Pointer. 145 He hosts a Grand Gala to formally announce Patricia's upcoming wedding. 71 President and Mrs. Kennedy walked along a chain-link fence at the reception area greeting a large crowd of spectators that had gathered behind it. 146 Where did it come from then? 28 With skin and hair completely, thoroughly out and out. 54 Thus he became King Louis the Seventh of France. 48 While those considerations no doubt had an effect on Oswald's attitude toward his family it would seem that the need for support and sympathy 141 Make sure your C.R.S. is government approved. Otherwise, you may be asked to check the C.R.S. as baggage. 105 The sheep were led home by a dog. 33 Numbers of the jails were still unprovided with chaplains, and the prisoners never heard Divine service. 104 with modern facts and circumstances under which average men have to live and work. 82 of the person who is actually in the exercise of the executive power, or 72 I, therefore, hope you will watch the work in every corner of this Nation. 74 I still have no idea what to do next with my raspberry pi, Emmett sighed. 73 The bed was searched, but no piece of sharpened wood was found. It was thought that it might have been lost in changing the mattresses. 135 Time has dealt even less kindly with it, for it may be traced only for the distance of about a mile along its eastern side. 123 that they had superimposed upon the photographs a rifle and a revolver. He told Fritz a number of times that the smaller photograph 131 The man wore a feather in his felt hat. 39 Read just what the meter says. 30 Had I heard? 12 When other pleasures palled he took a theatre, and posed as a munificent patron of the dramatic art. 100 A short, distinct, and pointed style the opposite of legato. 60 Attractive military man with weapons and ammunition sitting on top of a netted armed vehicle. 93 Moreover, the use of "Alek" as a first name for Hidell is a further link to Oswald because "Alek" was Oswald's nickname in Russia. 130 Surprisingly, researchers found that L.N. thirty four was able to detect miniscule amounts of rabies virus genetic material, even in samples so old they had liquefied. 167 and it is so, inasmuch as an additional substance -- nitrogen -- enters into it as an essential element; 104 The only alternative view is that as species of deer, 53 He was at home with his pals. 29 There are no daily news publications on Nauru, although there is one fortnightly publication. 93 Increasing the color temperature of the lights. 47 These plastic materials contribute to harmful debris in the nation's inland and coastal waters and pose dangers to fish, birds and other wildlife. 146 Oswald erased those names, however, and indicated that he had no close friends. 79 and accepts the necessary security precautions which they recommend. 68 Twice a week there was a wine and beer club held at night, which lasted till two or three in the morning. 105 Thus, when a payment was made by the company, the amount disbursed was carried to account in the general books from its entry in the passbook, 142 and so were unable either to warm themselves or to cook their food. 67 Pic said, quote, 16 She was jealous of the girl with polish on her nails and a handsome guy at her side. 84 This should answer your question, and also give you a glimpse of my way of thinking. So you speak of advantages. Do you think that is why I am here? 148 Pour egg mixture over tortillas. Cover, and refrigerate overnight. 66 She is just. 12 In nineteen twenty four, Veterans benefits were liberalized to cover disabilities that were not service-related. 112 At Manchester, en route, a traveling carriage was purchased, which was driven up to Mrs. Daulby's door at eight in the morning, 127 For this and other acts of misconduct there was the discipline of the refractory ward, or "strong room" on the debtors' side. 125 His hair, though gray, was thick, and lay smooth over his forehead. 67 He was in consequence put out of the protection of their internal law, end quote. Their code was a subject of some curiosity. 125 This latter was an ordeal which all dreaded, and many avoided by denying their faith. 85 Mrs. Randle estimated that the package was approximately twenty-eight inches long and about eight inches wide. 110 The simple fact is that many million more people have private work today than two years ago today or one year ago today, 120 Through written materials and this website, E.P.A. informs the public about our activities. 91 The principle of "chummage" prevailed as in the King's Bench, 61 It is said the G.I. Bill had more impact on the American way of life than any law since the Homestead Act of eighteen sixty two. 128 The Commission has concluded that on April ten, nineteen sixty-three, 69 Security researchers disclose two hardware vulnerabilities, Spectre, which affects most modern processors, and Meltdown, which affects most Intel chips. 152 Time brings us many changes. 28 the tremendous power of organization has combined great aggregations of capital in enormous industrial establishments 117 Testing 7 Your gran's been nicking stuff from the corner shop again, mate. 64 Today, seven manufacturers offer Energy Star qualified electric heat pump water heaters under more than a dozen brand names. 124 The city stands on a broad plain, and is an exact square, a hundred and twenty furlongs in length each way, 107 Fabian beat Fay yesterday. 26 The goal seems unlimited: Defeat terrorism anywhere in the world. 65 Round the north, west, and south sides are erected galleries for the reception of officers, attendants, etc. 108 Many services depart at about midnight, arriving in outlying islands at breakfast time. 87 who was becoming quite a disciplinary problem for his mother, having struck her on at least one occasion. 105 Pack the records in a neat thin case. 37 My roommate’s boyfriend is taking up two shelves of fridge space with his beer. 79 Nearly all Americans are sensible and calm people. 50 By nineteen thirteen, the steam ferry was transporting automobiles and pedestrians between Seattle and the docks in Bellevue. 125 Portals are used in many computer games to instantly travel from one place to another. 86 But he is right. 16 Kick the ball straight and follow through. 42 and the attempt on the life of President-elect Franklin D. Roosevelt. 69 end 3 I have not decided yet. 23 He signed with the New York Yankees in two thousand one, and played in their minor league system. 97 At her death the diamonds were divided between her four daughters, but only half had been claimed, 98 Elderly man with cane bends down to look at some plants and is steadied from behind. 84 Hosty testified that he did not know until the evening of Thursday, November twenty-one, that there was to be a motorcade, however, 131 Agency scientists, and their colleagues who use NASA research capabilities, also will present noteworthy findings during scientific sessions that are open to registered media. 175 Her manipulation failed. 24 Yolk of one egg beaten light. 29 or you were going to really have one, because he wasn't going to take anything from anybody, end quote. 103 Hidden in walls, attics and floors, insulation helps keep homes comfortable with little thought from the homeowner. 115 He took part in a recording with George Shearing and was a founding member of his Quartet, remaining there until nineteen fifty two. 132 the fugitive, uncomfortably ensconced in the flue, came down of his own accord, like Colonel Colt's raccoon. 108 Pic did turn over part of his income to his mother, 51 What's more, you don't need to buy a special insurance card, or pay any penalties for not buying one, either. 109 East of the central highlands lies the Jordan Rift Valley, which is a small part of the Syrian-East African Rift. 113 They were accused by a confederate, who, goaded by conscience, had turned approver, of the murder of a Mr. Steele, 114 It is likely to be replaced with a newer L.T.E. system over the next five years. 80 This committee was to compare allowances, examine rules, and certify as to the condition of prisoners; 102 which had long been admitted as indispensable, and had never as yet been properly obtained. 91 looked at his watch and said "twelve:thirty" to the driver, Special Agent Greer. 80 Modern flamenco is a highly technical dance style requiring years of study. 75 It's raining gin! 17 This is a question of Islam. 28 A fresh start will work such wonders. 37 when Lord Campbell delivered judgment on Barber's petition, to the effect that 78 It takes a good trap to capture a bear. 39 Here the tread-wheel was in use, there cellular cranks, or hard-labor machines. 79 Move the vat over the hot fire. 31 entertained literary, artistic, and dramatic celebrities; had a smart "turn out," attended all the race-meetings, and dressed in the latest fashion. 148 At one:thirty-five p.m., after Governor Connally had been moved to the operating room, Dr. Shaw started the first operation 123 Fritz told him that the two small photographs were found in the Paine garage. 77 The Supreme Court has civil and criminal departments. 53 A man dying of liver complaint lay on the cold stones without a bed or food to eat. 83 there emerged a man capable of assassinating President Kennedy. 63 The last Presidential vehicle with any protection against small-arms fire left the White House in nineteen fifty-three. 119 process 7 A case file was established if the information available suggested that the subject might be a danger to the President. 119 A group of cheerleaders cheering on the street, dressed in red and white. 73 The most important thing is to get a programme for government. 62 The derivation therefore requires some additional physical reasoning. 69 and kept the Black Lion in Vinegar Yard, Drury Lane, where secretly he did business as one of the most daring and successful fencers ever known in the metropolis. 162 Online, many of these distinctions break down. 46 Park the cab in the carport and pick up Jan's baggage. 54 The man continued along tenth Street. Mrs. Markham saw a police car slowly approach the man from the rear and stop alongside of him. 132 But extra precautions and close supervision have so far proved effectual, and the prisoners are still in custody after a lapse of ten years. 140 with four casements and two fireplaces, being allotted for a female infirmary 77 They will run a mile. 21 The concourse in front of Newgate was enormous, but much sympathy was evinced for this unfortunate victim to human weakness and ruthless laws. 142 The oven must be steady, but not so hot as for white bread, nor will the Graham bread be done quite so soon as that made of bolted flour. 137 His most frequent use of a hand-held camera was for "Seven", in which five scenes were shot that way. 101 Rider in ceremonial garb rides white Arabian horse, also wearing ceremonial blankets and tassels. 97 american 8 Several other pupils and staff were seriously injured in the accident. 70 This PRS agent will also be responsible for establishing an informal local liaison committee to make certain that all protective intelligence activities are coordinated. 169 A few years after his birth, his maternal uncle rose to the powerful position of Patriarch of Alexandria. 105 Its easier to endure the cold if you have a warm drink in the belly. 68 When Oswald was arrested, he did not have a jacket. 51 They consist of the Army, the Navy and the Air Force. 53 paleontology, distribution and domestication. 45 All honorably discharged Veterans became eligible for burial in eighteen seventy-three. 87 he had printed a handbill headed in large letters, quote, 57 While these tentative criteria are a step in the right direction, they seem unduly restrictive in continuing to require some manifestation of animus against a Government official. 179 When specifically asked before the Commission 45 They believe that the tribulation is not a future event. 56 On November twenty-two, Oswald told Captain Fritz that he rode a bus to a stop near his home and then walked to his roominghouse. 129 That Oswald descended by stairway from the sixth floor to the second-floor lunchroom 84 At length the ordinary pauses, and then, in a deep tone, which, though hardly above a whisper, is audible to all, says, 119 A girl laughs while holding an younger girl on her back and facing a small child. 81 The small red neon lamp went out. 33 Inquiries were instituted when the cheque was protested, which led to the discovery of the forgeries. 101 The fact of the murder was first discovered by the housemaid, 61 Thieves who rob friends deserve jail. 37 William Shakespeare was an English poet and playwright that lived during the late sixteenth century. 100 Neither she nor Mrs. Paine saw him leave the house. About half-a-block away from the Paine house was the residence of Mrs. Linnie Mae Randle, 141 It's probably a good idea to merge the two subsections in the synopsis. 71 on its way to the Trade Mart. On November nineteen, the Times-Herald afternoon paper detailed the precise route: 112 Heat olive oil in a skillet over medium heat. Saute onion until lightly browned. 80 Mrs. Davis gave Poe the same general description: a, quote, white male in his early twenties, around five foot seven inches 123 I didn't want to tell him, but I think the message was loud and clear. 70 The only subject another showed any interest in was the theatres and the new pieces that were being produced. A third, Christian Satler, 136 About the head was an inscription in Greek characters saying that the face was that of Nebuchadnezzar. 102 Charlottesville Police Chief Alfred Thomas announces his retirement. 68 In nineteen eighty one, Suntek introduced the first low E window technology on the market. 90 It was found that shackles might be safely dispensed with, even in the case of the most desperate characters. 109 In Dallas the route selected necessarily involved passing through the principal downtown section between tall buildings. 120 Oswald realized that, quote, their thinking and education will be steeped in the traditions of those systems 108 We are a peaceful people. 25 While the legend, quote, FPCC, five four four Camp Street New Orleans, Louisiana, end quote, 92 Do you know if Dylan is going to go with us? 44 properties 10 After reviewing Oswald's marksmanship scores, 45 What would it take to convince you to return my doormat? 56 I don't suppose you'd be willing to answer some of my questions while we're out here? 85 My auto is O.K. in town. 24 Apuleius wrote many other works which have not survived. 56 He published nearly three thousand letters over the space of twenty four years. 79 This artful creation is more than just a picture, it's a statement by the artist. 81 Neither protein, nor fat, nor starch, nor sugar, nor any substance in the slightest degree resembling them has formed part of the food of the bean. 147 The motion picture machine was patented in Providence on April twenty third, eighteen sixty seven. 98 by which any law is passed, 27 Use the gray oil can to fix the axle. 37 The plot is minimal. 20 Answer: No, sir. Before -- well, in trying to treat an acutely injured patient, you have to establish an airway, adequate ventilation 133 A handicapped person with one leg skiing down a mountain with other mountains in the background. 96 his lack of friends, the apparent unavailability of any agency assistance and the ineffectualness of his mother 111 Such a placement was postponed, however, perhaps in part at least because Lee's behavior suddenly improved. 107 Please press the button on the top of the hub so I can connect. 63 Leno reportedly earned thirty two million dollars in two thousand five. 71 Here is the letter. 19 and headed toward the Texas School Book Depository Building. 60 Alfred is currently busy in untangling and fixing a labyrinth of computer cables. 81 at which he realized one hundred fifty pounds within a couple of years. 71 However, these agents could not reach the President's car when it was traveling at an appreciable rate of speed. 112 I'm as much a prisoner as you. 30 Go away after the orchestra gets through Aida. 46 a number of amateurs were ever ready to give their gratuitous ministrations to the condemned. 93 Also he wrote "Politics of the ego: a critique of liberalism". 62 With the reduction of numbers to be accommodated, there was ample space in Newgate for its reconstruction on the most approved modern lines. 140 Respiration - that is, the absorption of oxygen and the exhalation of carbonic acid is the specially animal function of animals and constitutes their fourth distinctive character. 179 A committee was appointed, under the presidency of the Duke of Richmond 71 If someone calls, emails, or texts and says they're from the government, it's a scam. 85 During this time he worked as a bookseller for Orpheus Books. 61 This was noticeable with Fauntleroy, who, on account of his birth and antecedents, was allowed to occupy a turnkey's room, 122 A woman wearing black glasses is sharing sweets with a toddler girl wearing a princess hat. 91 Six inches lower the body of O'Connor was uncovered. 52 His mother's future husband, Roland Truffaut, accepted him as an adopted son and gave him his surname. 102 and spent in providing coals, candles, plates, knives, and forks; while all the occupants of this part of the prison 116 wished to do Calcraft a good turn, and sent to his London tailor for a complete new suit, in which he appeared at his execution. 128 and debtors might practically have as much as they liked, if they could only pay for it. 88 seven. The press yard was that part set aside for the condemned. 64 Sometimes the stench in hot weather is said to be very bad. 59 Both countries have sought to reduce tensions along the frontier, expand trade and cultural ties, and normalize relations. 122 He made a rambling defense, ending by saying, 45 posts 5 Executions long continued to be in public, in spite of remonstrance and reprobation. 84 Few realized that these mysterious operations were the "convulsive attempt" of a ruined and dishonest speculator to sustain his credit. 135 In the early nineteen seventys, conservatives and libertarians began to criticize the A.C.L.U. for being too political and too liberal. 135 I'm coming to that. 19 Please send us the invoice for the work you’ve done, we’d like to pay you. 74 Even with this advancement, there is still plenty of room to improve water heaters, which consume more energy than all other household appliances combined. 155 on the middle of which is placed the gibbet, extending from the jail across the Old Bailey. 91 Six spoons of fresh snow peas, five thick slabs of blue cheese, and maybe a snack for her brother Bob. 102 Valuable or not, if he becomes a liability, I'll be forced to clean up after you. 81 He laid the suggestion before Agar, a professional thief, who was of opinion it contained elements of success. 110 Their conduct too was orderly on the whole. 43 They are also used as biological pesticides to control weeds, plant diseases and insect pests. 94 Your device is not paired. 26 Lift the square stone over the fence. 37 for the seventeenth-century letters are at least pure and simple in line. The Italian, Bodoni, and the Frenchman, Didot, 120 Additional testimony linking Oswald with the point from which the shots were fired 82 She had a hit in the United States in nineteen fifty eight with "I Loves You, Porgy". 85 He could not keep them with him in Dallas, where at least he could see his children whom, several witnesses testified, he seemed to love. 137 Don't press one to speak to a person or to be taken off the list. 65 Bacteria cause respiratory illness and skin rashes. 51 for President Kennedy, stating that "in many respects Dallas County has isolated itself from the main stream of life in the world in this decade. 145 saved debtors and creditors alike in many other fields of enterprise, such as loans on farm mortgages and home mortgages; 121 It was selected as one of the Top Ten New Species described in two thousand nine by The International Institute for Species Exploration. 136 Smoky fires lack flame and heat. 32 Oswald provided little information during his questioning. 58 Dull stories make her laugh. 28 Quench your thirst, then eat the crackers. 42 Health Secretary Frank Dobson made the surprise announcement in the Commons yesterday. 86 Neither protein, nor fat, nor starch, nor sugar, nor any substance in the slightest degree resembling them has formed part of the food of the bean. 147 They retained Egyptian models of government and identified as pharaohs, thus integrating Egyptian elements into their culture. 126 Let's start it all over again, how about that? 46 The engagements of the bank on these two heads amounting to nearly half a million of money, 91 One of the trade-offs of using cloud architecture and thin clients is that the host becomes a single point of failure. 118 One cart-load of spectators having broken down, some of its occupants fell off the vehicle, and were instantly trampled to death. 129 nodded pleasantly to the governor, who stood just opposite, and then walked briskly towards the execution shed, smiling as he went along. 137 Exit the aircraft and clear the area. Remain alert for emergency vehicles. Never return to a burning aircraft. 110 This increase has been approved by the Congress. 48 Glad to be of service. 22 Less than one-fifth of the potential benefits were claimed, and only one out of nineteen Veterans exhausted the full fifty-two weeks of checks. 143 Daily supervision of the operations of the Secret Service within the Department of the Treasury should be improved. 115 Voices seemed to float across the garden, were they real or imagined? 69 We could not get any possession. 32 The rifle used in the assassination probably had been wrapped in a blanket for about eight weeks prior to November twenty-two. 126 Mrs. Bledsoe identified the shirt as the one Oswald was wearing and she stated she was certain that it was Oswald who boarded the bus. 134 The castle was built in the early sixteenth century. 52 The problems are a result of that shortfall. 44 In the December nineteen seventy three elections, Labour won fifty one seats, leaving Golda Meir as Prime Minister. 115 The Commission, therefore, recommends that the President consider ordering an inquiry into the possibility 106 treated the gunshot wound in the left thigh. 44 Local managers are already involved in talks with potential investors. 70 This inheritance system was mandated by law codes such as the Yassa, created by Genghis Khan. 93 Breakfast Biscuit. 18 Live wires should be kept covered. 34 Michael Flynn, former U.S. National Security Advisor, pleads guilty to one count of making a false statement to the F.B.I. about his contacts with Russian officials. 165 When wine's in wit's out. 25 When he kissed her cheek, she suddenly blushed, changing her color faster than a chameleon. 91 Uncover baking dish and sprinkle topping on top. 48 Buncher in London, and Griffiths in Birmingham. 47 he shot an old soldier who had attempted to detain him. He was convicted and executed. 86 The hitch between the horse and cart broke. 43 A darkhaired bearded man wearing a turquoise shirt with a yellow peace sign on it. 82 It has long been used in Chinese traditional medicine. 54 But the testimony of these employees, together with photographs subsequently taken of them at the scene of the assassination, 125 With the Affordable Care Act in the news, scammers are on the prowl, calling, emailing, sending letters and texts, trying to get your money - and your personal and financial information. 186 A trial where the Segway would be classified as a bicycle has been announced running from June first, twenty ten to April first, twenty eleven. 143 from Clerkenwell prison, by which many persons lost their lives. 64 I had decided to quit the show. 31 That one was my favorite! 25 Tourism is the primary economic generator for the area. 55 which he could bestow on prisoners on release, and so save the better-disposed or the completely destitute from lapsing at once into crime. 139 The Western world evolved due to the Commercial, Scientific, and Industrial Revolutions. 88 For a few dollars, anyone can incorporate an entity. 52 The Secret Service and the Federal, State, and local law enforcement agencies which cooperate with it, 102 government is to be rendered impotent. 38 But he once more persuaded the turnkeys to pause at the public, where more liquor was consumed. 95 the main reason he was going over there that Thursday afternoon when he was to bring back some curtain rods, so I didn't think any more about it when he told me that, end quote, 177 Let neither these nor the former troops be armed with any weapons but their swords those thou mayest leave them. 112 John likes checkers. 20 You've got to be vigilant. 26 One little boy sitting in a forklift in a construction area during something very dangerous. 92 About two blocks later, a woman asked to get off to make a one o'clock train at Union Station 93 Question: What did you say to that? Answer: 43 In his testimony before the Commission, Governor Connally was certain that he was hit by the second shot, which he stated he did not hear. 138 On the other hand, those plants, such as the fungi, which contain no chlorophyll and are not green, are always, so far as respiration is concerned, in the exact position of animals. 181 This paradigm is not entirely problem-free. 43 He married a lady also belonging to the Society of Friends, who brought him a large fortune, which, and his own money, he put into a city firm, 143 An old man is sitting on a stoop while people walk towards him with groceries. 78 Verbs are conjugated to show tenses, of which there are two: past and present which is used for the present and the future. 123 Soon after he was introduced we were alarmed by a violent knocking at the door; 79 Two dogs engaged in physical contact with a man in the background. 66 and that a new system of prison discipline should be introduced. 64 members 7 Cover noodles with half of the ricotta mixture, half of the mozzarella cheese, and one third of the sauce. Repeat. 114 Mix in basil, oregano, brown sugar, one and a half teaspoons salt, diced tomatoes and tomato paste. 99 Mounting upon the battlements that crowned their walls, they insulted and jeered at Darius and his mighty host. 111 Against the background of the critical events of November twenty-two, however, 78 The last paragraph directed her to the jail 43 in which the Commission believes that the Secret Service has operated with insufficient planning or control. 108 and the poor there living idle and unemployed become debauched, and come forth instructed in the practice of thievery and lewdness." 132 They are interior designers and architects. 43 I'm observing passive-aggressive behavior, the psychologist said in a professional tone. 88 the prisoners might be supervised and watched at every step, and made liable to punishment for a trifling breach of an irksome code of regulations, 147 By this means her signature was obtained; a forged will was prepared bequeathing the unclaimed stock to Miss Slack; 115 Other angels who sided with Satan became demons. 48 The sense of smell is better than that of touch. 48 He falsely alleged that he bought the revolver in Fort Worth, when in fact he purchased it from a mail-order house in Los Angeles. 130 Jill caught the ball that Peter had thrown towards her. 55 The soil and the atmosphere supply plants with water composed of hydrogen and oxygen and carbonic acid containing carbon and oxygen. 132 The disease can take months to develop following a person's contact with a rabid animal. 88 When did you contact her? 25 Missis Travis, when I leave my kids in kindergarten, I expect you to supervise them. 84 introduction 12 Robert A. Frazier and Charles Killion, other FBI firearms experts, 66 They entered a "stone cold room," and were presently joined by the prisoner. 76 Thousands of years ago, this town was the center of an ancient civilisation. 76 The etching was ineptly done on badly chosen paper. 51 The best accommodation the jail could offer was reserved for the prisoners on the state side, 93 Zak is a wannabe skater. 24 In two thousand eight there were twenty three distilleries in Germany producing whisky. 87 In fact, the bean obtains two of the absolutely indispensable elements of its substance from two distinct sources. 114 This Thistlewood had seen many vicissitudes throughout his strange, adventurous career. The son of a respectable Lincolnshire farmer, 133 I certainly don't. I don't think with any kind of formal argument you could have shaken that conviction. And that is why I say irrevocable. 139 Ecuador is set to hold a referendum consisting of seven questions for voters to approve or reject. 98 A. B., your case has been taken into consideration by the king in council, and His Majesty has been mercifully pleased to spare your life. 138 I'll cough a bit for you. 25 That is a tremendous gain for the principles of democracy. 58 Based on the Commission's investigation, the following minimum goals for improvements are indicated: 100 The Prime Minister became responsible for calling meetings, presiding, taking notes, and reporting to the Sovereign. 116 but the story was never substantiated, and we may hope that it rested only on the idle gossip of the day. 105 The eight courts above enumerated were well supplied with water; 64 Many complicated ideas about the rainbow have been formed. 58 In a move towards greater autonomy to minority ethnic groups the military divided the four regions into twelve states. 118 The wards in this part were five in number, all in dimensions twenty feet by fifteen, with a sixth ward fifteen feet square. 124 They should stop the bombing. 29 even when the high sheriff had told him there was no possibility of a reprieve, and within a few hours of execution. 116 Do not enter. 13 you tap gently with your heel upon the shoulder of the dromedary to urge her on. 80 When she got there, there was a woman with a goose waiting for her. 67 Sunburns can be avoided by applying sunscreen or by staying in the shadows. 75 many cling still to life, expecting much from the intercession of friends or the humanitarianism of the age. 108 The cowardly crime was probably encouraged by the fearless and confiding manner in which the Queen, 99 changes 7 After the selection of the Trade Mart as the luncheon site, 59 then brought an action against the administrators, and at the trial Dr. Bailey swore that the note had been given him by Smith. 127 In nineteen eighty eight, Lund moved to Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey. 88 It is likely to be replaced with a newer L.T.E. system over the next five years. 80 Two men in orange and blue safety gear stand on the dock guiding a boat inward. 79 Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat are the most popular, and seventy one percent of teens say they use more than one social media site. 134 Many mountain ranges on earth are named Sierra Nevada. 54 What is your name? 18 Under the Clean Water Act, plastic manufacturers must obtain a stormwater permit from the state to discharge industrial stormwater to surface waters. 149 His efforts became both an inspiration and a starting point for other Russian composers to build their own individual styles. 125 In the distance your eyes detect a beautiful lake with shores fringed with trees, 81 YouTube, in a move to boost transparency and combat propaganda, announces that it will start to label videos by broadcasters that receive state-funding. 152 It is important to the production of lithium, beryllium and boron. 66 As a result of salt water coming into contact with the low-lying land, many salt pans have formed near the coast. 113 He was standing on a pickup truck with a megaphone and propagated his opinion. 78 When Governor Connally called at the White House on October four to discuss the details of the visit, 101 A formal announcement is expected this morning at a news conference. 68 Other modes include text, multimedia, and Three D rendering. 60 Tradition says that to please his foreign wife from the mountainous country he built the famous hanging gardens, but that may be only a tradition. 146 We encourage swimmers to help protect themselves, family and friends from germs. 80 The group will also include representatives of cities, and of labor, farming, banking and industry. 99 The terrible spectacle was as demoralizing to the public, for whose admonition it was intended, 95 The form of imparting the intelligence was generally the same. 62 In some county jails, as I have already said, female prisoners were placed upon the tread-wheel; 96 The safes while on the line en route between London and Folkestone were in the guard's van. 91 Lincoln's victory prompted seven southern slave states to secede. 65 It came out in the husband's confession that Mrs. Manning induced O'Connor to go down to the kitchen to wash his hands, that she followed him to the basement, 158 We are ready twenty four / seven to respond to any natural or manmade event. 76 After a little 14 Depending on a fighter's tactical needs, a front kick may involve more or less body motion. 91 it is supported by strong posts fixed into grooves made in the street; 70 What a wonderful day! 21 A young boy wearing a Giants jersey swings a baseball bat at an incoming pitch. 79 The couch cover and hall drapes were blue. 42 Our galaxy, the Milky Way, apparently contains dark matter. 59 From fifteen eighty eight, The Hague also became the seat of the government of the Dutch Republic. 98 At the request of the Commission, Joseph D. Nicol, superintendent of the Illinois Bureau of Criminal Identification Investigation, 130 Kelvin, Fahrenheit or Celsius - which one is the best unit of temperature? 74 But before "the slight slow vibrations of the body had well ended, 66 Lock the stable-door when the steed is stolen. 46 which existed in the various prisons, 37 She was not in immediate danger, but she wished to see her daughter, "as it was possible she might soon become incapable of recognizing any one." 145 He refuses to disclose it but diagnoses her with acute blood-loss. 66 Your device configuration has been updated. 43 Oswald met disappointments there just as he had in the past. At the outset the Soviets told him that he could not remain. 121 My empire reaches from the ocean in the East to the mountain ridge in the West. 79 Perhaps the most obvious stylistic manifestation of modernism in opera is the development of atonality. 103 The burglar is heard to mutter an angry oath. 45 the undue authority given to prisoners, the levying of garnish under another name 81 The porcupine scurried home. 28 In reading the modern figures the eyes must be strained before the reader can have any reasonable assurance that he has a five, an eight, or a three before him. 160 and at his request the ordinary drew the cap further down over his face, when in an instant, 92 While Oswald did not seem to object to authority in the abstract, he did think that he should be the one to exercise it. 120 This went on for some time, and might never have been discovered had some good stroke of luck provided any of the partners 122 extended upon a plank on the top of an open cart, in his clothes, and fettered. 79 After passing her final exam she will have a bachelor of science degree in chemistry. 85 Hot 3 The reports of the New York authorities indicate that Lee's mother gave him very little affection and did not serve as any sort of substitute for a father. 155 Such a statute would cover the President and Vice President or, in the absence of a Vice President, the person next in order of succession. 139 On October ninth, eighteen thirty-nine, Wickham named Port Darwin in honor of their former shipmate Charles Darwin. 115 It's a bit of a pain to get everything set up the first time. 61 They were arranged in the order: Moon, Sun, Venus, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, fixed stars. 95 Two young men and an older man are standing in front of a big wooden cross. 75 christian 9 The modern letters are narrowed by a third or thereabout. 57 I can only set a brightness value from zero to thirty, which value would you like? 82 Let stand, tossing occasionally, until cubes being to absorb cream mixture, about thirty minutes. 97 Comma was strong and huge, so it would take some force to trap her, but Sarah had a different idea. 99 The friendly gang left the drug store. 38 Among the first of the modern travelers to describe the ruins of Babylon was Anthony Shirley, an Englishman who visited Mesopotamia in fifteen ninety-nine. 155 He concluded that school had nothing to offer him. 50 The law comprises forty two articles and eight chapters. 56 The batteries operated all night and recharged during the day. 62 The car engine has seized. 26 On November eight, nineteen sixty-three, 40 Don't be so silly! 18 The recluse from Lithuania and his compatriot were making up stories about mermaids and fays. 93 Finally, the reestablishment of public confidence in the banks of the nation 76 A fuse shattered and the huge house was left in shadows. 56 The law enabled V.A. to recruit and retain top medical personnel by modifying the civil service system. 103 It is evident enough that someone was trying to trespass my house. 66 Tou might even find some of the innovations in your home! 57 denoting that they came from a concourse of boys and girls already assembled in the best places, made my blood run cold. 120 Sauerkraut along with pork and mashed potatoes is a common meal on New Year's Day in Pennsylvania. 98 Combine water with salt, ground black pepper, oregano, basil, parsley, garlic powder, bay leaf, and salad dressing mix in a saucepan. 133 running in a line from the wound in the rear of the President's head toward the front part of the skull, 104 The relations of plants and animals to the atmosphere are therefore inverse. 76 The diver forced open the oyster, revealing a shimmering pearl. 63 several tiers of balconies surrounding the central court where the luncheon would be held, and several catwalks crossing the court at each level. 145 A majority of existing V.A. hospitals and medical centers began as National Home, Public Health Service, or Veterans Bureau hospitals. 134 the interest of the Secret Service goes beyond information on individuals or groups threatening to cause harm or embarrassment to the President. 144 So plentiful was this dietary, that although the old permission remained in force of allowing the friends of prisoners to bring them supplies from outside, 155 The show was a flop from the very start. 40 The swan dive was far short of perfect. 39 The brief-drawing gatesman and wardsman at the time of the inspectors' first visit must have been a particularly powerful personage. 132 Following the war, the state remained chiefly agricultural, with an economy tied to cotton. 91 Mix two tablespoons white sugar and cinnamon together in a small bowl. Rub in butter with your fingers until topping is in pea-sized crumbs. 140 The Airborne Division was based at Khartoum International Airport. 66 These wards were all fitted with barrack-beds, but no bedding was supplied. 75 The U.S. government has no charges or complaints against me. 60 Australia, New Zealand's closest neighbour, is New Zealand's biggest trading partner. 85 The closet door stuck a little as he pulled it open revealing a bare wooden floor covered on one side by a stack of old shoes boxes. 132 In his evidence before the inspectors he declared that "for years he gave his whole time to his duties, from an early hour in the morning till late in the afternoon. 165 The classification prescribed by the Jail Act, which laid down that certain prisoners should not intermix, was openly neglected, 128 My chemist told me to take these tablets before eating. 55 To learn more about training requirements, visit the qualifications page. 73 It shows how willing he was to act dramatically and decisively when he faced an emotional crisis 96 Should we rehearse the third scene again? 41 and what remained was divided into a master's and a common side for female felons. 82 The toddler in a maroon and gray longsleeved shirt is ready to mark all over wooden chalkboard. 95 We have seen that he took no pains to classify and separate prisoners on reception. 83 economic 8 The condemned occupied an open pew in the center of the chapel, hung with black; in front of them, upon a table, was a black coffin in full view. 145 In endeavoring to arrest contamination, prisoners were more closely confined, and associated in smaller numbers; 112 In seventeen seventy seven, Paine became secretary of the Congressional Committee on Foreign Affairs. 101 About the same time a body was discovered on the line near the railway-bridge by Victoria Park. 95 Even the shepherds ceased to graze their sheep there, and the wandering Arabs, 78 the only method which was clearly constitutional, and would at the same time carry out other much needed reforms, 113 The weights of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur contained in the bean plant are exactly equivalent to the weights that have disappeared from the materials supplied. 190 Brennan saw the man fire the last shot and disappear from the window. 69 These were the last executions for high treason, but not the last prisoners by many who passed through Newgate charged with sedition. 133 When one of these ships is under construction and the steel frames have been set in the keel, 93 order 5 In retrospect, everything was already decided when we heard the siren. 70 Preheat oven to four hundred fifty degrees. 43 This was only one of many grave omissions on his part. He did not feel it incumbent on himself to visit his prison often or see his prisoners. 142 The fuzzy photo shows a male singer at a mike, with instruments arranged in the background. 91 Many persons call themselves to the attention of PRS by attempting to visit, the President 90 What did he say to that? 24 I don't know what to do. 24 When any given "protist" has to be classified the case must be decided on its individual merits; 96 I was born in twenty fifteen. 29 from a widow woman, who gave him "bub and grub," or food and one-and-sixpence, for every nine days' work. 105 The building of the Babylon so famous in history began with Nabopolassar. 73 had undoubtedly a solemn, impressive effect upon those outside. 63 The more you read, the better you will be understood. 53 The journey to becoming a Special Forces Soldier will not be easy. 66 This recipe is low-carb and resembles a loaded potato. 54 The Damascus mosques and their minarets sink beneath the western sky. 69 The Spring Park Municipal Well Field site is one of six sites to be added to the N.P.L. today, and were included in the most recent proposed rule in January twenty eighteen. 173 But about eighteen fifty the two sides were distinctly hostile, and the controversy ran high. 93 Other evidence of the existence of such a disability is provided by the many other misspellings that appear in Oswald's writings, portions of which are quoted below. 165 Among them was a man named Chandler, formerly a bill discounter by profession, who by degrees, to meet his extravagant expenditure, 131 I think the party was an amusement for most of the guests, but Mirco felt really out of place. 94 and special details protected him in Washington, on trips, and at special functions. 84 Thus the wards, which, as I have said, were left in complete darkness, were now to be lighted with gas; and after this most salutary addition, 142 Purchase of Rifle by Oswald 27 and when the population fell they shut up one half the jail and crowded up the other. 85 This affected Cole's credit, and ugly reports were in circulation charging him with the issue of simulated warrants. 116 His main grievances are backsliding on democracy, corruption and the dominance of security officers. 100 ascertained the facts surrounding the assassination but did not draw conclusions concerning Oswald's legal guilt. 113 The enthusiasm of the people at the Queen's escape was uproarious, and her drive next day was one long triumphal progress. 122 Mobbs systematically ill-used his wife for a long space of time, and at last cut her throat. 92 The decision was announced at its annual conference in Dunfermline. 67 the poor criminal rose straight upon his feet, with the hangman on his shoulders, and immediately loosened the rope with his fingers. 133 She is described as a well-made little woman, something more than thirty years of age, of a pale complexion and not disagreeable features. 138 hitting me on the shoulder, and shouted to all of us in the back seat to get down. 82 The stack was developed by Nokia. 33 A bunch of elderly women play their clarinets together as they read off sheet music. 84 The store walls were lined with colored frocks. 47 c 1 All the money earned by prisoners was at their own disposal, and was spent almost habitually in drink, chambering, and wantonness. 130 One fruitful source of badness in paper is the habit that publishers have of eking out a thin volume by printing it on thick paper almost of the substance of cardboard. 168 Meanwhile, the Mothers were left in limbo and eventually formed the core of Flo and Eddie's band as they set out on their own. 126 Nine billion, seven million, sixty-one thousand, eight hundred, fifty-six. 74 Prior to November twenty-two, nineteen sixty-three 50 A man in sitting in front of a large Calvin Klein steel advertisement with a long instrument. 93 Higher-grade fruits command higher prices in the market. 56 They absorb oxygen and give out carbonic acid. 46 A cramp is no small danger on a swim. 37 Allison found her phone. 24 and denied admission to the "charity wards," which partook of all the benefits of bequests and donations to poor debtors. 121 Moreover, although it remains true that there is an inverse relation between the green plant in sunshine and the animal. 120 Ryan knows how to swim. 23 That associate did not think that Oswald was a Communist. 57 I think, therefore I am? 24 I thought of buying the hat, but then saw that it cost eighty-four dollars. 75 to the northwest corner of the floor where Truly hoped to find one of the two freight elevators. 96 a coat among them much torn and stained, with three buttons missing, one of which corresponded with that picked up at Hampstead. 128 The cloud moved in a stately way and was gone. 46 The soil and the atmosphere supply plants with water composed of hydrogen and oxygen and carbonic acid containing carbon and oxygen. 132 Volatile organic compounds (V.O.C.s) in a groundwater plume have contaminated two of Spring Park's three municipal wells. 121 Every link in that great human chain is shaken, along the whole lengthened line has the motion jarred, and each in turn sees, 125 Burn up is commonly expressed as megawatt days per metric ton of initial heavy metal. 85 An infirmary, consisting of two distinct rooms, one for males and one for females, should be provided for the separate accommodation of the sick. 145 A new logo consisting of an orange "B" covered with black tiger stripes was introduced. 87 We're in shock. 15 The only ventilation of this pit, this "dark, cheerless, damp, unwholesome cavern -- a dungeon in its worst sense" 114 Two brown couches facing each other across a coffee table piled with newspapers and magazines. 94 Then, suddenly, they weren't. 29 On that day Oxford was on the watch at Buckingham Palace. 57 Here's the identical rope at sixpence an inch. 46 that he never heard Oswald express a desire personally to take part in the elimination of injustices anywhere in the world and that he, quote, 142 So what is the campaign about? 30 When he got the call, Ali ran out of the store, down the street, and into the car. 82 Cyrus was now reduced to great perplexity, as time went on and he made no progress against the place. 101 All the signatures in the transfer were forged. Not only did he thus transfer and realize "bogus" stock 103 No prison dress was allowed, and half the inmates were without shirts or shoes or stockings. 92 The tallest building in the world is eight hundred twenty nine point eight meters tall. 87 The fur of cats goes by many names. 35 Then he explained to the bank manager 37 for a petition of from one shilling, half pence to eight shillings, according to its length, 92 is to collect, process, and evaluate information about persons or groups who may be a danger to the President. 110 A pencil with black lead writes best. 37 The cold drizzle will halt the bond drive. 42 Star and producer were in agreement about their opinion of the director. 72 This forces hot water through the coffee at high pressure. 58 that the FBI had known about Oswald and, in particular, of his presence in Dallas and his employment at the Texas School Book Depository Building. 146 But it is more than the recovery of the material basis of our individual lives. 79 It was the custom in this office to make the banker's passbook the basis of the entries in the company's ledgers. 113 in an instant our faces were covered, we cocked our pistols, and with drawn swords stood waiting to receive the enemy. 118 that something in the Constitution has compelled them regretfully to thwart the will of the people. 99 The stock market sheds four point six percent of its value, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average dropping a record one thousand, one hundred seventy five points. 162 A world-renowned ivory investigator whose detailed reports contributed to the fight against elephant poaching is murdered at his home in Kenya. 143 had been sold out under a forged power of attorney. 51 The territory now known as Chad possesses some of the richest archaeological sites in Africa. 93 During this time, automakers began modifying some of their popular vehicle models into electric vehicles. 105 electronics 11 It carried eight Secret Service agents -- two in the front seat, two in the rear, and two on each of the right and left running boards. 135 Active exercise in like circumstances tempts debility and disease. 66 Starting October second, two thousand seven at six forty-five P.M. 66 With a booming economy, a growing middle class and low gas prices in the late nineteen ninetys, many consumers didn't worry about fuel-efficient vehicles. 154 An individual is climbing on an objects while the bottom of his shoes can be seen. 82 He would go onto use this song in "Lost Highway", eleven years later. 69 Chapter four. The Assassin: Part two. 37 Meanwhile public gossip was busy with Fauntleroy's name, 56 inside the jail was Colonel Frazer, the chief commissioner of the city police, and at no great distance, although in the background, 132 Harvard College Observatory director William Henry Pickering led two searches for trans-Neptunian planets. 106 the murder of history, the prostitution of art and culture, end quote. 70 We are doing an overtime ban as we are dissatisfied with the boss' decisions. 77 property 8 Don't be a pessimist! 21 Leave your posessions behind. 29 At the trial the indictment charging them with felony could not be sustained, but they were found guilty of conspiracy and assault. 131 Look, fireflies! 16 Best not to get in her way when she's on the hunt. 50 None of the stolen paper was glazed, and this was an important clue to the subsequent discovery of the crime. 109 A chip of the old block. 24 Add shrimp to boiling beer and place a cover on the pot. 56 No, they were selected at random. 33 There were two counts in the indictment: one for stealing a cheque value fourteen hundred pounds, the second for stealing a bit of paper value one penny. 153 Work in progress. 17 He sent the boy on a short errand. 34 entertainment 13 Most of the agents were there from about one:thirty or one:forty-five a.m. to about two:forty-five or three a.m.; 113 Painful, but only because it's true. 36 and it was not ready to relieve Newgate till late in eighteen fifteen. 70 Unlike single-owner networks, the Internet is a series of exchange points interconnecting private networks. 107 I'll be back in a few seconds. 30 I'm sorry, what did you say? 28 The two yards were adjoining, that for the common side much the largest. 72 The upturned faces of the eager spectators resembled those of the 'gods' at Drury Lane on Boxing Night; 103 They will certainly be visible from every house in our area. 60 He claimed his insurance company contested the damages, not the restaurant. 75 In the second simulated transcript which ended with the statement, quote, Newspapers thank you, sir. You are a real patriot! End quote. 135 Bob's date caught the cake before the gull did. 47 Oh no, that is terrible! 24 an ample pension, so long as he did not return to England. 58 nor did PRS develop any additional information between November twelve, when Lawson left Washington, and November twenty-two. 125 He was also described as having a, quote, Vivid fantasy life, 61 The references are good in the very narrow area of histogram methods. 69 To keep their tongues. 22 Lee was brought up in this atmosphere of constant money problems, and I am sure it had quite an effect on him, and also Robert, end quote. 138 He said nothing, but began to feel uneasy when he found that Cook's betting-book was missing, and that Palmer put it forward 124 Williams was sent to Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. 42 In another portion of the garden more clothing, partly male and partly female, was discovered, 94 But the Old Bailey was not exclusively used; 44 Anticipating the war's conclusion, Lincoln pushed a moderate view of Reconstruction. 84 In his confession after sentence he declared that she plied him well with brandy at this period, 96 in view of all the information concerning Oswald in its files, should have alerted the Secret Service to Oswald's presence in Dallas 132 The wonderful Mycroft A.I. community and team. 46 What's up homies? 17 when thoughtful people who concerned themselves closely with social questions were greatly exercised as to the best system of treating the inmates of a jail. 157 Sorry, I'm not sure what you said. 34 Since other identifiable prints were developed on the cartons, the Commission requested that they be compared with the prints of the twelve warehouse employees 159 and in the middle of the night one of the fellow-prisoners who slept in the same ward noticed that he was not in his bed. 121 a young man wearing swimming goggles wearing a blue shirt with a pirate skull on it 83 More importantly, the lack of carefully prepared and carefully transmitted instructions for typical visits to cities can lead to lapses in protection. 150 He certainly mentions details which neither Nabonidus nor Cyrus would care to have appear in their royal records. His story is as follows: 138 The slab was hewn from heavy blocks of slate. 45 The inspection found that the facility did not have necessary containment systems to trap plastic material and prevent releases to a waterway that flows into the Port of Los Angeles. 182 In twenty one hundred, the population of Nigeria may reach five hundred forty five million. 91 J. R. R. Tolkien discusses the fairy story as a literary form. 62 Kaiser identified it as the clipboard which Oswald had appropriated from him when Oswald came to work at the Depository. 120 I wish to see her. 18 The Secret Service has largely been the passive recipient of threatening communications to the President. 105 (three) the testimony of firearms identification experts, and (four) the testimony of Marina Oswald, 100 The evidence is thin: simply not there for some cases, more worrisome in others. 80 I am so upset. 14 Okay, I will not be concerned. 30 A young woman wearing a gray shawl is sitting outside working on creating textile. 82 As Oswald ran south on Patton Avenue toward Jefferson Boulevard he was moving in the direction of a used-car lot 112 On our way to San Francisco, we were listening to reggae music and smoking weed. 80 At Redhill Tester met the train and relieved the thieves of a portion of the stolen gold. 89 Since the assassination, the Service has recognized that these relationships must be far more formal. 101 This is the same group who during the campaign last Fall tried to block the mandate of the people. 98 and held all the threads of these intricate and nefarious transactions. 71 Levels of risk can be determined, however, as has been confirmed by building surveys made since the assassination for the Department of the Treasury. 149 It's okay. 10 also the jewel-box and note-case, from the latter of which was abstracted a ten-pound note known to have been in the possession of the deceased. 144 where he expressed a reluctance to work in the industrial field. 64 It was just -- never getting back to looking at things from any other way once he had become a Marxist, whenever that was, end quote. 133 In addition, it produced definitive findings for eighty samples that were inconclusive or untestable by the D.F.A. test 119 This plant will, in due time, flower and produce its crop of beans just as if it were grown in the garden or in the field. 122 A thunderstorm was raging outside and they all got a cold. 58 A career as a doctor is on hold. 32 Craig testified that later in the afternoon he saw Oswald in the police interrogation room 90 He said living conditions over there convinced him something was wrong with the system, and that possibly Marxism was the answer. 129 We have, therefore, 19 A four-volume paperback version was released November thirteenth, twenty twelve. 80 On the seventeenth floor of the Hospital, Mrs. Kennedy and the Attorney General joined other members of the Kennedy family to await the conclusion of the autopsy. 162 Be sure to set that lamp firmly in the hole. 44 There is, however, no explanation of the motives which prompt prisoners to attempt escapes. 91 North Omaha also has its own barbecue style. 44 or the still more costly process of walling in the whole farm, would have greatly added to the charges of these establishments. 127 Late in the evening, the Presidential party flew to Fort Worth where they spent the night at the Texas Hotel. 109 approximately thirty to forty-five seconds after Oswald's lunchroom encounter with Baker and Truly. 99 The sky was clear. 18 A young woman in a blue uniform takes digital photographs while three older woman look on. 90 Best was born in New York City, into a musical West Indian family originally from Barbados. 91 Jerk the cord, and out tumbles the gold. 40 But nothing has been supplied to the bean save water, carbonic acid, ammonia, potash, lime, 91 has developed a vehicle for the better protection of the President. 67 Seventeen oh six Military Street South, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. 63 A little boy wearing a blue baseball cap is sitting on a dock overlooking the water. 84 again at twelve:forty-eight p.m., and again at twelve:fifty-five p.m. 69 Frankly, it was worth the booking. 34 Discovery of the murder came in this wise. O'Connor, a punctual and well-conducted official, was at once missed at the London Docks. 132 This is a single award, hybrid contract with cost-plus-award-fee phase-in, core contract management, and core technical services contract line items. 149 and the great outside world shared in the completion of the sacrifice. 70 It is a permanent Union of indestructible states. 49 She's sorry. 12 second 6 He replied that he was Zopyrus, and deserted to them from the Persians. 71 S.S.H. logins are now allowed. 30 I spilled coffee on my paper. 29 stated the Bureau's reasoning in this way, quote, 49 It's a trinket of primarily sentimental value, although it might command a small sum on the open market, belonging to one of my employers. 138 Patrolman M. N. McDonald, with Patrolmen R. Hawkins, T. A. Hutson, and C. T. Walker, entered the theatre from the rear. 119 The remainder of the motorcade consisted of five cars for other dignitaries, including the mayor of Dallas and Texas Congressmen, 129 Pink foam floated gently through the air, landing on the parked vehicles. 73 With or without accompaniment. 30 Oswald told Fritz that after lunch he went outside, talked with Foreman Bill Shelley for five or ten minutes and then left for home. 132 Seventeen students admired that Sam and Sally are both the smartest in their class. 83 M.S.F. conducted the first comprehensive mortality survey in Darfur in two thousand four. 89 customers 9 The new girl was fired today at noon. 37 ok 2 It was also suggested that it would take a substantial period of time for the Secret Service to build up the experience and skills necessary to meet the problem. 161 digital 7 Hang up on robocalls. 21 They visited the wards after locking-up time, and saw with their own eyes what went on. 87 Besides these, a number had the privilege of a "run on the key," which allowed a prisoner to go into the rules for the day. 123 I tried so hard to keep myself aloof from your antics. 54 A snarling brown and black dog corners a brown longhaired cat under a wooden bench. 83 She is a very smart lady, and I think she can figure it out. 60 An adult wearing a gray shirt with red sleeves sleeping on a couch. 67 and to pay overseers or instructors out of the county rates. 60 More than one thousand were known to be infected with rabies virus. 67 Five or six years later, William Roupell minutely described how he had effected the fraud. 90 Once a group of white boys beat him up for sitting in the Negro section of a bus, which he apparently did simply out of ignorance. 130 In the past, it was regarded as a branch of botany, though we now know that fungi are genetically closer to animals than plants. 128 Reid has worked from her studio at Arts Project Australia since two thousand. 77 Yet, the vehicles developed and produced in the nineteen seventys still suffered from drawbacks compared to gasoline-powered cars. 130 He performed his political rap lyrics as a "Wordsmith". 55 Write fast if you want to finish early. 39 Either mud or dust are found at all times. 42 in others both were supplied in ample quantities, the cost varying per prisoner from twenty shillings to five pounds. 117 He lent his coat to the tall gaunt stranger. 44 For European races, this is nine weeks. 39 That makes it particularly necessary for the Vice- President and for me to conceive of our duty toward the entire country. 122 The first includes those who fundamentally object to social and economic legislation along modern lines. 104 Clay oozed from the eighty eyelets. 35 Undeterred by these sarcasms and misrepresentations, 52 On the other hand, the definition thus amended will exclude all ordinary vegetable organisms. 93 The glow deepened in the eyes of the sweet girl. 48 This he might do on the representation of the inspector of prisons, 67 and decided that there would be no release of the news of the President's death until the Vice President had left the hospital. 127 And Michael was just great. 27 That is a break with tradition. 31 When seeking employment in New Orleans, 39 Sparse connectivity allows us to widen the network without increasing the number of parameters. 95 who reverences their lordship; the untiring governor, who ponders daily concerning the maintenance of Esagil and Ezida, 119 surely if such a method were adopted in so many cases, we should expect that in consistency it would be adopted in all cases. 125 In April two thousand three, Carey announced she would be touring later in the year. 84 conference 10 Confronted with a choice between cappuccino and espresso, she settled for an americano. 87 Doctor Garcia has been practicing medicine for longer than I have been alive. 77 It is the only private chapel to survive the Reformation. 57 But it was scarcely worse than that of Mrs. Brownrigg, or that of the Meteyards, both of whom did their helpless apprentices to death. 134 New Universal German Library. 29 This early research - plus the growing demand for more efficient water heaters spurred by the Energy Star program - laid the groundwork for the electric heat pump water heater market. 183 Upon the little mound Jumjuma farther on, an Arab village has long stood. 73 Elena will be late. 19 beginning 9 New Frontiers Program investigations address NASA's planetary science objectives as described in the twenty fourteen NASA Strategic Plan and the twenty fourteen NASA Science Plan. 179 The recluse from Lithuania and his compatriot were making up stories about mermaids and fays. 93 The small pup gnawed a hole in the sock. 40 Under these circumstances, unnatural as they are, with proper management, the bean will thrust forth its radicle and its plumule. 129 Take exit one B. Keep right, follow signs for Fourth Avenue. 60 The Isle of Man has a temperate oceanic climate. 48 Wayne Woodard was born in Kansas City, Missouri. 48 Wild beasts of the desert shall lie there; 42 Why then should we leave the fulfillment of this public policy to chance 72 Beef is scarcer than some lamb. 31 The rifle in the building. 26 The temple school was widely denounced in the press. 52 The Republicans won by a landslide, increasing their two-thirds majority in Congress, and made plans to control Reconstruction. 127 There's no point in disclaiming, we have everything on tape. 60 What is it, Tom? 16 Outside the United States and Canada, "Scrabble" is a trademark of Mattel. 74 when indictments were preferred against both brothers "for having carried away Ellen Turner, spinster, 102 and while it has arrived at certain conclusions in respect thereto, it seems clear 82 Hill had both feet on the car and was climbing aboard to assist President and Mrs. Kennedy. 91 The C.I.A. handed one hundred thousand dollars to an unnamed Russian intelligence source in a Berlin hotel room. 112 A protester holds up a green handwritten sign denouncing the use of children as soldiers. 89 Through the Recovery Act, the Energy Department invested more than one hundred fifteen million dollars to help build a nation-wide charging infrastructure. 155 The cries of his victim, a Mr. Delarue, 39 and when the next period agreed on had elapsed, again with a band of picked men he sallied forth, and slaughtered the two thousand. 131 Now I must go. 14 We have to create a climate of trust, which is not easy. 56 The expansion game also introduces gardening. 45 Cover with a layer of tortillas followed by more meat mixture, then a layer of cheese. 86 Jeez, you look stoned! 22 The fruit peel was cut in thick slices. 39 We're sorry, you're right. 26 We also need a small plastic snake and a big toy frog for the kids. 67 Steel can be pretty rough on your fingers when you're just getting to grips with it. 84 An older gentleman is harvesting while wearing a large maroon sweater vest and rolled up navy pants. 100 A gradual diminishing of loudness. 34 In astronomy, the geocentric model is a description of the universe with Earth at the center. 93 He was soon afterwards arrested on suspicion, and a search of his lodgings brought to light several garments saturated with blood; 130 Four people hanging out on a park bench listening to one of the four play the guitar. 85 I must speak to my lawyer. 26 He asked his wife to help him to hijack an airplane to get there, but gave up that scheme when she refused. 107 I answer that no country, however rich, can afford the waste of its human resources. 84 will thereby be lost. 21 The revival of this barbarous practice caused much indignation in certain quarters, 83 Swimmers and parents of young swimmers play an essential role in preventing Crypto outbreaks. 93 I am upset that they get to have all the time in the world while acting like they earned it. 92 with the advance of microscopic anatomy, the universality of the fact itself among animals has ceased to be predicable. 119 images are missing images are missing images are missing images are missing images are missing images are missing 113 who interviewed Oswald after his return from the Soviet Union and prior to November twenty-two, nineteen sixty-three, 117 The honeysuckle gave off a wave of sweet scent as she brushed past it in the twilight. 86 Presidential Assistants David F. Powers and Kenneth O'Donnell sat in the right and left jump seats, respectively. 113 The parts of some plants exhibit oscillating movements without any perceptible cause and the leaves of others retract when touched. 131 Crooks use clever schemes to defraud millions of people every year. 67 Silence gives consent. 22 he continued to be concerned about his undesirable discharge. It is clear that he thought he had been unjustly treated. 119 Chemicals in the marketplace are reviewed for safety. 53 Another letter directed Oxford to attend an extraordinary meeting of "Young England" 84 It is late morning on the old wall clock. 41 the remaining five were executed in one batch. 46 If not true, it is very ingenious. 34 to watch and prosecute coiners, that he received information that coining was carried on by Cummings and others at a place in Westminster. 138 She stared at him. 18 how he cast Hebrew lads into a fiery furnace and into the lions' den, 69 Many of them settled in the north. 34 He did not retain Garfield, an Ohioan, as secretary, choosing instead a westerner, former Seattle mayor Richard A. Ballinger. 125 The rainforests are depleted, we turned the planet into a waste ground. 71 Do you see her? 15 The runway seems way too short for this type of plane. 54 He concluded, quote, 20 Mr. Bennet mentions also the case of young men of better stamp, clerks in city offices, and youths of good parentage, 117 running a great risk of discovery as he passed by a lot of workmen at Tyler's manufactory in Warwick Square, which had formerly been the College of Physicians. 159 The man appeared to step back as the policeman, quote, calmly opened the car door, end quote, and very slowly got out and walked toward the front of the car. 157 Behind the cross stands the devil. 34 the protection of the President is in a real sense a Government-wide responsibility which must necessarily assumed by the Department of State, 142 Tend the sheep while the dog wanders. 37 The czars only foible was his thirst for sweet wine. 52 It was deployed in the Gulf War. 32 To save fuel, the Ariane rocket has been launched not far from the equator. 75 If you answer the phone and hear a recorded message instead of a live person, it's a robocall. 94 High voltage! 13 ran up and said that the President had been shot. 49 and told Captain Fritz that Oswald was the man he saw. 54 The cake will be ready in seventeen minutes. 44 He sent the figs, but kept the ripe cherries. 45 The cost of the Oroville Dam spill rises to eight hundred seventy million dollars. California continues to hope for federal aid for the project. 144 Everything authenticates with the main password now. 52 His family lived with Mrs. Paine, ostensibly because Oswald could not afford to keep an apartment in Dallas, 108 The forms of printed letters should be beautiful, and their arrangement on the page should be a help to the shapeliness of the letters themselves. 146 This may be a second or third fermentation. 43 I now come, my friends, to a part of the remaining business before the Congress. 80 The ground floor cells were nine feet by six; 45 The Warren Commission Report. By The President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy. Chapter seven. Lee Harvey Oswald: 136 Since nineteen seventy six, the U.S. has sustained merchandise trade deficits with other nations, and since nineteen eighty two, current account deficits. 154 Seems you don't know as much about us as you thought. 53 The planning for the motorcade also included advance preparations for security arrangements along the route. 108 no additional place would be created. 37 The two men disagree about the conversation which took place between them. 74 Miss Turner, not knowing him, would have left the room, but he said he came from her father, and she remained. 110 The truth is that the higher the potential reward, the higher the risk. 71 Johnny Depp is reprising his role for the third time in the new film. 69 scanning the route, and getting out and standing near the President when the cars stopped. 90 The Secret Service responded, quote, 36 In nineteen sixty four, Kubota relocated the International Karate Association from Tokyo to California. 103 As time passed, however, these magistrates made no effort at reform. 68 The interior of one prison was illuminated throughout with gas, -- still a novelty, which had been generally adopted in London only four years previously, 154 Next door to the White House, the Eisenhower Executive Office Building commands a unique position in both our national history and architectural heritage. 154 to a commercial advertising photography firm in Dallas, where he was employed as a trainee starting October twelve, nineteen sixty-two. 135 Very well, very well. 21 One teaspoon ground paprika. One teaspoon garlic powder. One teaspoon dried oregano. 84 How beautiful she was! 22 the earliest organisms were protists and that from them animals and plants were evolved along divergent lines of descent. 121 Downloading the new listener, this will take a bit and you won't be able to use me until it completes. Give me a minute before attempting to activate me again. 159 male prisoners carried coal into the female prison, when they saw and could speak or pass letters to the female prisoners; 122 and abandoned because of the expense. As to the entire reconstruction of Newgate, nothing had been done as yet. 111 His rhetoric selectively draws from multiple sources: Islam, history, and the region's political and economic malaise. 118 If such instructions were in fact given, they were not effectively carried out. 79 But while repudiating the charges made against him of systematic extravagance and immorality, 93 The work day and the work week have been shortened. 51 information regarding his relations with the U.S. Embassy in Moscow and background data relating largely to his prior military service, 135 Do you know me? 15 Two darkhaired women in white dresses walk past a enlarged photograph of two golfers. 85 These considerations have induced the Commission to believe 59 Fine soap saves tender skin. 28 Aside from electrolysis driven by photovoltaic or photochemical cells, several thermochemical processes have also been explored. 128 He arrived at approximately one p.m. and left a few minutes later. 66 because the Articles of Confederation under which the original thirteen States tried to operate after the Revolution 116 A case reproducing many of the features of the 'Flowery Land' occurred twelve years later, when the crew of the 'Lennie' 120 Whatever you may think I'm not your dog to be left chained to a lamppost. 73 It must be understood that through the century, the Roman letter was used side by side with the Gothic. 103 and checked in its efforts towards reform by the prohibitory costliness of the land about Newgate. 98 Welcome home. 13 Why don't you speak? 20 christmas 9 Participants of this pastime may either use commercially prepared microscopic slides or engage in the task of specimen preparation. 131 At the research institute they have an electron microscope. 59 I think you could sit down and argue with him for a number of years, and I don't think you could have changed his mind on that unless you knew why he believed it in the first place. 181 With the press treating her as a celebrity, she proved to be a major draw. 74 It has come to our attention that you are a man of adequate talents and little notoriety. 89 Radial symmetry is especially suitable for floating animals such as jellyfish, and slow moving organisms such as starfish. 122 He had been educated at Sandhurst military academy and at Oxford, and was an anglicised Edwardian gentleman. 108 Is Peg capable of putting the bike back together? 49 Burnett had only just come out of jail after completing a sentence of penal servitude. 86 It was Tester's business, who had access to the railway company's books, to watch for this. 91 Filmed in Middlebury, Vermont, the series chronicles the activities of Stone Motors, a car dealership that employs the barter system. 133 picture 7 Weare was supposed to carry a "private bank" about with him in a pocket in his under waistcoat. 95 Mud was spattered on the front of his white shirt. 50 Archers, whether on foot, in chariots, or on horseback were a major part of most militaries until about fifteen hundred when they began to be replaced by firearms. 163 Indeed, he does. 16 A bunch of construction workers are working at a site while an excavator vehicle forms the foreground. 102 The FBI opened a file on Oswald in October nineteen fifty-nine, when news reports appeared of his defection to the Soviet Union. 128 and that, however diverse may be the fabrics or tissues of which their bodies are composed, all these varied structures result 126 Like master, like man. 22 Chief Rowley believed that they would, because of Oswald's demonstrated hostility toward the Secretary of the Navy in his letter. 129 This Division will have the duty of coordinating the purchases of materials and supplies 88 For nearly twenty-two hours out of the twenty-four the prisoners are locked up, during which time no officer is stationed in the ward with them. 144 Pic and his wife would have been happy to have kept Lee, however, 65 I shall mention briefly one more case, in which, however, there was no murderous intent, before I pass on to other crimes. 122 Young adults wearing red, yellow, and black shirts in a straight line perform a sketch. 87 Messrs. Crawford and Russell proceeded to carry out their new functions with commendable energy, and without a moment's loss of time. 133 that we could not afford to take the risk of another great depression. 70 You can get around very easily by train — which is a very relaxing and affordable way to travel. 96 Then came the cost of the gallows, 34 Thank you. 10 of attempting to draw any general distinction between animals and vegetables on this ground. In fact, the difference vanishes with the sunshine, 144 Later these views were combined, so most educated Greeks from the fourth century B.C. on thought that the Earth was a sphere at the center of the universe. 155 This increase has been approved by the Congress. 48 When they asked what was in the box, they were told, "That's the eternal flame". 80 his trip to Mexico where he was in contact with Soviet authorities, 67 Bricks and mortar build a house, unless it’s made of something else. 68 Irving Sokolow, a Youth House psychologist reported that, quote, 64 Later, when you try to recover the money you lost, dishonest promoters could use those same risk disclosures against you. 121 quote, except in the US, the living standard is a little higher. 64 I needed immediate access. 26 Did you ever stop to think that there are, after all, only two positions in the nation 86 and in five fifty-five Nabonidus, the father of the Biblical Belshazzar, came to the throne. 92 otherwise he would have been stripped of his clothes. End quote. 64 In the early nineteen seventys, conservatives and libertarians began to criticize the A.C.L.U. for being too political and too liberal. 135 Oswald replied, quote, I'm going home to get some curtain rods to put in an apartment, end quote. 97 head, Records Branch, Personnel Department, Headquarters U.S. Marine Corps, 75 administration 14 Do some research. 17 A Little boy in a red striped shirt on a blue couch pulling out all the pillows. 80 Medications are more effective if used earlier in an attack. 60 Within the Alps there are forty eight mountains that are two thousand meters or higher. 87 and they met with the approval of his professional adviser, the surveyor-general of prisons. 92 If successfully commercialized, the company estimates the technology could save eight billion dollars a year in heating and cooling costs. 138 the procedures which its agents are to follow in connection with information received, quote, 93 Flood the mails with requests for this book. 44 Starchy substances, cellulose and sugar, once supposed to be exclusively confined to plants, are now known to be regular and normal products of animals. 152 These particles are too opaque for infrared and visible sensors to penetrate. 77 perhaps the tales that travelers told him were exaggerated as travelers' tales are likely to be, 96 Attorney General Jeff Sessions rescinds three Obama-era memos that had adopted a policy of non-interference with states that have legalized recreational marijuana. 163 the specific charge being the unlawful negotiation of Danish bonds and other shares belonging to the Rev. Dr. Griffiths of Rochester 132 Sites are added to the list when contamination threatens human health and the environment. 90 He also had difficulty in working with the other employees. 59 The same plough may be used to split the ridges to harvest the crop. 68 Please fasten your seat belt. 29 Johnson plays a bounty hunter who must head for Brazil to retrieve his employer's renegade son. 95 This seems to have decided Courvoisier, 39 with his head resting on his hands, looked up and observed calmly, "Go along, clock; come along, gallows." 106 Enough has probably been extracted from this most damnatory report to give a complete picture of the disgraceful state in which Newgate still remained in eighteen thirty-five. 175 With a strong accent. 21 Alexander was the first to break the lines, followed by Philip's generals. 74 After World War One the drifting contact mine was banned, but was occasionally used during World War Two. 105 Ordinarily, Inspector Holmes testified, identification is not requested because it is assumed that the person with the notice is entitled to the package. 153 It's a shame they don't have a halal option here. 49 Mould one into a round ball, and set aside for a loaf as already directed. 74 Lancaster had approximately thirty residents. 45 What more do you want? 22 Furthermore, even though it appears that at times Oswald was really upset by visits of the FBI, 95 it was still freely introduced into the prison. 47 Lee Harvey Oswald was born in October nineteen thirty-nine in New Orleans, Louisiana, the son of a Insurance Salesmen whose early death 135 I've really started to appreciate Imperial measurements, you could say I'm a convert. 85 went on apace; and by the end of the sixteenth century there was no really beautiful printing done: 99 Two men shoveling snow off a railroad track dressed in bright orange snowsuits. 79 A small minority, notably among the sponges, exhibit no symmetry. 65 he had been introduced to a man named Griffiths, an engraver and copper-plate printer. 86 but four hundred sovereigns were found on Elder, while two hundred more were found in Burgess' effects. 103 Baseball and golf are also popular. 35 Having considered the probabilities as explained in Stombaugh's testimony, 74 This is a railroad engineer working on a green and red tourism train in a theme park. 85 To steal a hog, and give away the feet in alms to God. 54 Vice Presidents have welcomed countless guests to the residence, including foreign leaders and dignitaries. 107 Starting in the nineteen ninety eight season, Blitz has been the Seahawks' official mascot. 91 In the fall of nineteen forty-eight she told John Pic and Robert Oswald 71 and inanimated beings, which are devoid of these functions and simply vegetable. 80 Truancy charges were brought against him alleging that he was, quote, beyond the control of his mother insofar as school attendance is concerned, end quote. 156 He had made the same statement about a week prior at another special conference which we had held. 98 is obviously of paramount importance, and the powers granted by this Act have been frequently put in practice since. 116 difference 10 Scarcely had the conviction of these daring and astute thieves been assured, than another gigantic fraud was brought to light. 126 The center of each division of the town is occupied by a fortress. 66 Lake Arrowhead consists of six communities including Lake Arrowhead, Twin Peaks, Blue Jay, Cedar Glen, Sky Forest, and Rim Forest. 130 It's that kind of place. 24 The inquiry was most searching and complete, and the committee spoke plainly in its report. 91 The airport was even different. 31 Already, Munch was showing a reluctance to part with his paintings, which he termed his "children". 99 Hello, my name is Brenda. 25 There is a dentist and some other doctors inside this clinic. 61 They relied heavily on river transport. 39 either by police or by custodians of the buildings, since it was not the usual practice of the Secret Service to do so. 119 tied with a string, lying on the floor of the Paines' garage. 61 the schoolmaster and the juvenile prisoners being seated round the communion-table, opposite the pulpit. 104 These agents were each relieved for a half hour break during the night. 71 He ought to let the pup gnaw on the raw apple. 46 Blackbeard siezed the English admiral's flag ship. 50 Okay. But what color? 21 He was coachman to a gentleman at Roehampton. One day he went into a pawnbroker's at Wandsworth, and bought a pair of breeches on credit. 137 We also found suspicious letters in his mailbox. 48 It is not for any other purpose. 32 Two cases of extensive embezzlement which were discovered almost simultaneously, those of Robson and Redpath, 109 The best method is to fix it in place with clips. 49 Question: Did you say anything to him then? 43 that things are improving due to the fact that my husband expresses a sincere wish to return together with me to the USSR. Unknown to his wife, however, 152 Early to bed, early to rise, makes you healthy, wealthy and wise. 65 It has been called the largest health initiative ever initiated by one country to address a disease. 100 female visitors carried them out of the prisons, or the debtors destroyed them when the weather was warm, 105 he apparently adjusted well enough there to have had an average, although gradually deteriorating, school record 112 for the manufacture of starchy food from gaseous matter. 56 This was at least in part because of the close physical confines in which some of the work had to be done. 106 The Secret Service has expressed concern that written instructions might come into the hands of local newspapers, to the prejudice of the precautions described. 160 but in a metropolitan prison absolutely essential. The Corporation in reply demurred rather to accepting strict separation as a rule, 133 Testimony and other evidence before the Commission suggest that the Secret Service is trying to accomplish its job with too few people and without adequate modern equipment. 173 Their application for asylum has been accepted, since they're victims of political persecution. 95 A breakdancer in red and black is pictured while in the middle of a complex move. 81 Oh, my dear child! 18 These crimes had their origin too often in the disordered brains of lunatics at large, like Captain Goode. 106 When the judge assumed the black cap 36 In the wrong hands even the mildest bit can hurt the horse. 59 Turning the lights down. 24 The Corporation seems to have introduced these salutary changes without hesitation. 83 Built at the Atomic Energy Research Establishment in England, Zeta was larger and more powerful than any fusion machine in the world at the time. 145 terms 5 Since combustion is rarely clean, flue gas cleaning or catalytic converters may be required by law. 99 A magistrate. 13 As the leader of the moderate faction of the Republican Party, Lincoln confronted Radical Republicans, who demanded harsher treatment of the South. 147 After an avalanche buried the skiing resort, it was hard to determine its exact location. 89 For this purpose the food is taken not into the body proper, but into a kind of tubular chemical laboratory; called the alimentary canal, 137 The prisoners in this way administered serious punishment on one another. Black eyes and broken noses were always to be seen. 125 enterprise 10 Nurdles or small flakes of plastic that wash into storm drains and out to open water can be eaten by fish, birds and other wildlife. 132 seventeen capital convicts, upon all of whom the sentence of death had been passed. Eventually two only of the whole number suffered; 133 when they lived on Neely Street. 32 too much discretion was still left to the magistracy to fill in the details. The legislature only recommended, 110 A young boy in swimming trunks is walking with his arms outstretched on the beach. 82 What was she like? 18 U.S. Highway Eighty-Five, Jefferson City, Missouri. 51 Relays can perform the basic operations of Boolean combinatorial logic. 71 Washington is consumed by the crisis. 37 It will decide today whether he should be struck off the register. 66 Employed workers have not by any means all enjoyed a return to the earnings of prosperous times, 96 A crowd of people are standing outside next to a canal at night with boats passing by. 86 Oswald, quote, denied that he had ever denounced his U.S. citizenship, and that he had ever applied for Soviet citizenship specifically, end quote. 147 yet the exact researches of the modern chemical investigators of the physiological processes of plants have clearly demonstrated the fallacy 140 Their trial followed at the Central Criminal Court. 51 source 6 the Commission found that Oswald lied when he told Frazier that he was returning to Irving to obtain curtain rods. 114 This act set forth that "whereas the malignant fever commonly called the jail distemper 87 The chapel still continued incommodious and insufficient 56 Gas giants consist mostly of hydrogen and helium. 49 This plant will, in due time, flower and produce its crop of beans just as if it were grown in the garden or in the field. 122 with two collapsible jump seats between the front and rear seats. 65 I'm an open source artificial intelligence. 43 Would you like to hear more stories? 36 He accused his wife of preferring others to himself and told her to return to the Soviet Union without him but without a divorce. 129 Since the rifle was shipped from Chicago on March twenty, nineteen sixty-three, it was received in Dallas during the period when Oswald rented and used the box. 160 Don't swallow the water. 24 The French Second Empire style originated in Europe, where it first appeared during the rebuilding of Paris. 108 Is it actually unusual for a planet that its axis is tilted? 60 required 8 Frankly, we should all have such problems. 42 John Hogan, the murderer of a Mr. Odell, an attorney who resided in Charlotte Street, Rathbone Place, 101 Bill decided that management should know about this incident. 61 Tune in today at five forty P.T. and six oh five P.T. to hear from experts live on stage. 89 Marguerite Oswald said that she had not realized until then in what kind of place her son had been confined. 108 Red, gold, green, and black are the colors of Pan-Africanism. 61 An eyewitness to the shooting immediately provided a description of the man in the window which was similar to Oswald's actual appearance. 138 A large group of youths in similar red and white outfits play musical instruments in a stadium. 95 A chance of showers after nine P.M. 35 is generally known to all the worst men in the country; not only without the inclination, but almost without the ability of returning to an honest life." 153 For thirty years, the Disaster Assistance and Rescue Team has provided emergency support in response to earthquakes, fires and acts of terrorism. 145 The Secret Service's liaison with the agencies that supply information to it has been too casual. 97 The audio stream is compressed to make the file size smaller using M. P. Three. 79 The complaint alleges that the former executives funded the sham acquisitions with stock sales in London and then diverted the proceeds to themselves. 150 I was as strong as a horse. 27 In eighteen forty two, the city charter was amended for the first time. 71 It came out by degrees that the person who had been seen in Belsize Lane on the night the body was found was a friend of the deceased. 134 Lemons and thyme should go well. 32 beginning May ten, nineteen sixty-three. 40 Interferon can also be produced by recombinant mammalian cells. 63 was 3 The inmates, who euphemistically styled themselves "collegians," 64 Medley hotch-potch. 19 The show was a flop from the very start. 40 Patronage was regulated in seventeen eleven and abolished in eighteen seventy four, with the result that ministers must be elected by members of the congregation. 162 This would make him approximately ten, well, almost eleven years old. End quote. 80 the careful checking of new securities under the Securities Act 63 The progress of improvement was certainly extremely slow. 57 and four common councilmen to hold Courts of Requests, or Courts of Conscience, to hear and determine all causes of debt 120 The girl put grape jelly on her piece of pumpernickel rye. 58 Quote, in this dreadful situation, end quote. who had been rescued from the hulks through the kindness and attention of the Secretary of State. 143 Who was using this lab when the necklace was still here? 56 The highest peak of Bangladesh is near the border with Myanmar. 63 Every file had the letter "A" printed on the front. 51 They also train other nations to deal with terroristic threats. 63 which with Wakefield was utilized as a receptacle for convicts not going to Western Australia, 94 As the U.S. entered World War One in nineteen seventeen, Congress established a new system of Veterans benefits. 112 The Chiswick press in eighteen forty-four revived Caslon's founts, printing for Messrs. Longman the Diary of Lady Willoughby. 125 and the turnkeys slept in the prison, yet scenes of riot, drunkenness, and disorder were most prevalent, end quote. 115 Blood and iron Letter. 22 Without understanding the actual physics, some animals exploit total internal reflection for catching fish. 107 The demands for fees were excessive in Giltspur Street. 55 Neild gives some figures which well illustrate this. 52 two. The female debtors' side consisted of a court-yard forty-nine by sixteen feet, 83 Carro testified that, quote, There was nothing that would lead me to believe when I saw him at the age of twelve that them would be seeds of destruction for somebody. 166 Though he gained very little support in the slaveholding states of the South, he swept the North and was elected president. 123 As the Emperor Julian was marching forward through Babylonia, 61 A person who drinks alcohol regularly is strongly advised to reduce their intake. 81 My niece runs a farmer's market. 32 As the motorcade approached Elm Street 38 A query provides information about an instance. 47 Voting is not compulsory. 25 In fifty feet, turn left onto State Street. 43 The onus and responsibility of carrying out the sentence is personal to the sheriff. A good story is told illustrating this. 124 Demo Tape Two was released in nineteen ninety six. 50 Under the conditions referred to in the previous chapter, 57 It uses a blow-forward action to move the barrel forward and then rotate the cylinder and cock the hammer. 106 At some overpasses all persons were excluded 44 that the committee of eighteen sixty-three fully endorsed Sir Joshua's recommendations as regards a "hard bed," and recommended that 132 for giving every prisoner a sleeping cell to himself, an amount of enlightenment which is hardly general among European nations at this 135 Question: How did you indicate to him that you were angry with him? Answer: By not talking to him. 98 Fritz did not bring him into his office to identify Oswald but turned him over to Lieutenant Baker for questioning. 115 The government decided to focus on border control because of the refugees. 74 three months prior to his regularly scheduled separation date, ostensibly to care for his mother who had been injured in an accident at her work. 145 Calcraft was forced to return, and he once more pushed Bousfield off, 69 Though they could not force him to gamble, he was compelled to drink, 69 I mean what I say. 18 But though on the whole, except in Italy, Gothic letter was most often used 75 Even in Italy most of the theological and law books were printed in Gothic letter, 82 The meeting produced a nonbinding statement in favor of consensus-based decision-making. 88 A group of people with bikes looking in the direction another young person is pointing. 87 including a detailed description of the available data on Lee Harvey Oswald and the reasons why his name had not been furnished to the Secret Service, 150 may be obtained from a study of the events, relationships and influences which appear to have been significant in shaping his character and in guiding him. 155 Following her graduation from a transitional course, she describes her experience working in a factory setting as "slave labour." 129 I wish I could remember the name of the cold milky saké served in a box. 72 In an ideal world, chocolate would contain no calories but remain as delicious. 79 complete surprise, end quote, because he had no reason to believe that Oswald, quote, 85 mobile 6 laid it down that individuals might be confined separately and apart in single cells. 85 and things got worse and worse through the whole of the seventeenth century, so that in the eighteenth printing was very miserably performed. 141 When a fox hears a rabbit screaming it comes running, but not to help. 70 He saw pigeons flutter upward. He was not certain, quote, but I am pretty sure they came from the building right on the northwest corner, end quote. 148 But at various dates treason more distinct and tangible came to the front: attempts to levy war against the State. 114 Berkeley Lab researchers continued to work with industry partners to develop even more energy-efficient window designs. 119 Yet the borough jails were destined to survive many years, and to exhibit for a long time to come all the worst features of jail mismanagement. 143 Two of the seven, Santos and Marsolino, were reprieved, and their sentences commuted to penal servitude for life; 113 The ivy climbed up the building and wrapped itself around the chimney. 70 Their marriage was happy and lasted until Christie's death in nineteen seventy six. 83 While the rifle may have already been disassembled when Oswald arrived home on Thursday, he had ample time that evening to disassemble the rifle 144 Our NASA Interns aim to do extraordinary things! 48 Three guys riding on an elephant with a houselike structures and trees in the background. 89 Will it rain tomorrow? 22 Please give me a value between 0 and 255 for the red component 62 A group of young band members wearing black perform on instruments including the saxophone and the trombone. 108 Quietness is my normal mode when confronted with lots of random new people. 75 The Society did not limit its remarks to the description of what had already been done 86 According to Patrolman Poe this description came from Mrs. Markham and Mrs. Barbara Jeanette Davis. 99 On October ninth, eighteen thirty-nine, Wickham named Port Darwin in honor of their former shipmate Charles Darwin. 115 Several European states had dispatched emissaries to examine and report upon them. 82 Together with Game of Thrones executive producer Carolyn Strauss, she is working with H.B.O. to develop a comedy series based on the novel Prep by Curtis Sittenfeld. 165 With all this, the inmates were crowded together at night to such a degree as to excite surprise that they should escape suffocation. 133 but there was no doubt of his guilt, as the Lord Chief Justice told him, while expressing great regret at his rash assertion. 125 the man, needing all his care for his own life, threw the child from him, 73 backed up by the evidence of several influential witnesses. 59 After a single term, he returned to Illinois and resumed his successful law practice. 85 Life Processes. Part One. 25 where the apparatus for the punishment she was about to experience 66 Grant me as a gift a life of distant days. 42 Almost immediately, she remembered an effective treatment that required her to measure out a lot of medicine. 109 It helped him in his job here, he was able to come back here with a fresh view of many things. 94 He decanted the wine and began to recount the disturbing story he had been told. 80 committee 9 A thousand years ago the church was a powerful force in Europe. 63 an, quote, individual that you would brainwash, and quite easy, but I think once he believed in something, he stood in his beliefs, end quote. 142 A third similar fraud to the amount of two thousand pounds was also brought to light. 85 Some people make the same mistakes over and over again. 55 Three boys are breaking up a pile of bricks, while four men are standing behind them. 85 It was the Stoics who developed the battery of creationist arguments broadly known under the label "The Argument from Design". 126 Among these guns was a thirty-eight Special caliber Smith and Wesson revolver, serial Number V five one zero two one zero, 122 Write at once or you may forget it. 35 This block contained one hundred and thirty cells, embracing every modern improvement; 86 thread 6 and was perpetually in trouble. Commencing life as a resurrection man, when that trade failed through the change in the law, 124 Four guy friends working on a racer car checking to see if everything it working correctly. 91 This person made much of Wallace, encouraged his attentions to his daughter, 76 I seek to make American democracy succeed. 42 Jennifer is very creative. 26 Governor Connally's connection with the discharge, although indirect, caused the Commission to consider whether he might have been Oswald's real target. 152 The other inmates of the prison of an exceptional character, and exempted from the regular discipline, such as it was, 118 While he apparently was able to induce his mother to make a false statement about his age 89 The corruption ran deep. 24 Oswald's Jacket 15 The latter had advertised, offering a sum of one thousand pounds to anyone who would introduce him to some mercantile equipment. 128 Whether he thought about assassinating the President over the weekend can never be known, but it is reasonably certain 118 At least twelve persons saw the man with the revolver in the vicinity of the Tippit crime scene at or immediately after the shooting. 133 Three. Electric Head Pump Water Heaters. 40 Certain peoples have used taiko to advance social or cultural movements, both within Japan and elsewhere in the world. 118 z 1 Man in black jacket gray snow cap, shovels snow near a street with cars. 72 The theater is closed for renovations, but will reopen in twenty-nineteen. 74 The government revised the private investment code in nineteen ninety eight to stimulate economic activity in the spirit of a free enterprise. 142 As he turned the corner from Main onto Houston at a speed of about five to ten miles per hour, 94 Yes, it would be difficult. 27 Bring water to a boil. Add cauliflower, cover, and steam until very tender, fifteen to twenty minutes. 102 Most of the cemeteries were located in the Southeast, near the battlefields and campgrounds of the Civil War. 109 Head north on Weston Drive toward Covina Street. 48 Mind is not an illusion, it just shares some descriptive qualities with illusions. 82 What if he made a new version? 30 Turbulence can even occur when the sky appears to be clear. 59 The map had an X that meant nothing. 36 William McPherson, a well-known Boston decorator and painter, designed the room. 80 this occurred in summer at eight, but in the winter months it took place at dusk, and was often as early as four or five. 121 and Manning hoped to get some small Government appointment through his wife's interest. 87 A group of people walking together with a market and old architecture in the background. 88 I can't get a job. 18 the extraordinary extension of all commercial operations led to many entirely novel and often gigantic financial frauds. 120 What are the key facts? 23 Fasten two pins on each side. 29 I'm sorry, I was unable to connect to the Phillips Hue bridge. 62 The outer wall is the main defense of the city. 47 A decision not to aid us in an agreeable manner could lead to some seriously disagreeable behaviour on our part. 112 the Commission concluded that Oswald was capable of accomplishing this second hit even if there was an intervening shot which missed. 133 The prisoners declared that they did not see him oftener than twice a week; 75 Respiration - that is, the absorption of oxygen and the exhalation of carbonic acid is the specially animal function of animals and constitutes their fourth distinctive character. 179 They are now the universal rule, 32 Legitimate companies account for investors' money at all times. 63 the Commission is not able to reach any definite conclusions as to whether or not he was, quote, sane, unquote, under prevailing legal standards. 145 The particles of this newly formed compound are incorporated into the protoplasm. 81 A group of people form a procession, several of them holding signs with photographs on them. 92 chief of thoracic surgery, arrived at trauma room two, to take charge of the care of Governor Connally, 103 The effect of low-dose or acute use of morphine on the endocrine system is unclear. 83 Only Hawaii and Utah continue to prohibit all types of gaming. 62 Perhaps it's because I haven't finished the first two races. 60 They are wrong. 15 Only a handful of foods have Vitamin D. Examples are cod liver oil and oily fish. 81 Patronage was regulated in seventeen eleven and abolished in eighteen seventy four, with the result that ministers must be elected by members of the congregation. 162 Of Jenson it must be said that he carried the development of Roman type as far as it can go: 92 Bring your problems to the wise chief. 38 What does it all mean? 22 Hello, I am Mycroft, your new assistant. 40 It probably contributed greatly to the general dissatisfaction which he exhibited with his environment, 103 The plumber unclogged the drain for the innkeeper. 50 Voyager One successfully fires backup maneuvering thrusters that had previously been inactive for thirty-seven years. 117 The marksmen took as much time as they wanted for the first target and all hit the target. 90 the precautions taken for the President's trip were the usual safeguards employed on trips of this kind in the United States during the previous year, end quote. 161 With United States entering the war, they were an obvious choice. 65 in the interests and for the due protection of the public, that the fullest and fairest inquiry should be made, 111 Several food products are internationally known brands. 55 The three agreed that the President would come to Texas in late November nineteen sixty-three. 94 The tired paramedic handed over his patient for surgery. 56 In addition, cyclists are allowed to ride many cramped one-way streets in both directions. 90 to let the coach change and pass Petticoat Lane en route to the jail, where the suffering woman might be handed over to her friends. 132 On one particular occasion, however, he got them. A gentleman whose sins brought him to the gallows at Maidstone 112 Immediately after serving out his three years in the U.S. Marine Corps, he abandoned his American life to seek a new life in the USSR. 134 when Air Force One touched down at Love Field at eleven:forty a.m., Eastern Standard Time. 90 It is as if Nature were not free to use any and every device to accomplish her end, but were conditioned by her own plans of structure; 135 Restoratives were applied, but he was in a fainting condition when tied, and had to be supported by the assistant executioner 125 Strike while the iron is hot. 29 although in the long run mercy generally prevailed, and very few capitally convicted for crimes less than murder actually suffered. 131 on Brennan's subsequent certain identification of Lee Harvey Oswald as the man he saw fire the rifle. 101 It happens from time to time. 29 The small pup gnawed a hole in the sock. 40 The decals were difficult to see from a distance, so the colors were reversed in nineteen sixty five. 101 The N.C.T.C. should not be a policymaking body. 47 In fact, his wife testified that she only said that she would prefer not to receive any more visits from the Bureau 115 Please verify that the I.P. address in the mycroft configuration file is correct. 81 After Cook's death his stepfather, who was much attached to him, came to Rugeley. 81 After leaving the Depository Building at approximately twelve:thirty-three p.m., Lee Harvey Oswald proceeded to his roominghouse by bus and taxi. 145 quote, Mrs. Kennedy had jumped up from the seat and was, it appeared to me, reaching for something coming off the fight rear bumper of the car, 143 This matter is obviously beyond the jurisdiction of the Commission, but it seems to warrant further study before each agency becomes irrevocably committed to separate action. 174 in order to avoid the traffic hazards which would otherwise exist if right turns were permitted from both Main and Elm into the freeway. 136 Our attack upon these enemies must be without stint and without discrimination. 79 Light maple makes for a swell room. 35 It was done before the boy could see it. 40 He recalled that the special agent in charge of the Dallas office of the FBI, J. Gordon Shanklin, 97 After this came the charge of administering oil of vitriol, which failed, as has been described. 96 At nine A.M, you have a call with Kate. 39 Two recreational soccer teams stand at attention looking at each other in clean uniforms before playing soccer. 111 Mister Robinson will be on time. 32 Next day a person betrayed him for the reward, and he was soon captured. 72 The hotel was now for sale. 27 firing fifty rounds each day for five days. 43 here as in every other nation, we have come to recognize the possibility and the necessity of certain helpful remedial measures. 128 Please ensure that the bridge is connected to the network and try again. 72 Spot imposters. 15 Reserve icing. 14 as, in fact, one of them did appear after the assassination. 60 The deception was successful. 29 The Nature Conservancy gained control of the island; sheep numbers around this time were estimated to be over twenty thousand. 126 Chapter four. The Assassin: Part six. 37 Someone who cares 17 He surrendered the bride who had never been a wife, and she returned to England with her friends, while Wakefield went on alone to Paris. 137 After hearing the first shot, which he thought was a motorcycle backfire, Brennan glanced up at the window. He testified that, quote, 133 references 10 A person wearing a pink hat and pink swimwear bottoms is facedown on a smooth brown beach. 90 A partly cloudy day at the beach with people standing around and a building on the right. 89 Some of these decorations, the most valuable objects found in the ruins of the great city, still remain in their places on the walls; 133 Special Forces were sent into Afghanistan months before conventional forces entered the country in hopes of toppling the Taliban and al-Qaeda network spread throughout the country. 180 All that was taken was handed over to Burnett, or a "woman in black" whom Brown met by appointment at Waterloo station. 119 A well dressed, darkhaired, darkskinned young man wearing earbuds sits and rests against a tree. 96 In two miles, take exit one B for I-five North, Fourth Avenue. 62 He was at home with his pals. 29 The prison population fluctuated a great deal, 46 who, shortly after Oswald's defection, wrote an as yet unpublished novel based in considerable part on Oswald's life, 117 He soon won the support of the United Nations. 46 January and February are the coolest months of the year while August is the hottest month. 90 An old man with arms outstretched sits against a wooden wall between a woman and another man. 93 Oswald had said that he was a, quote, Trotskyite Communist, end quote. 70 In the appropriations of the FBI there has recurred annually an item for the, quote, protection of the person of the President of the United States, end quote, 159 Everything happened so quickly, that we were taken by surprise. 63 Marina had a hundred dresses given to her, and he objected to that lavish help, because Marina was throwing it into his face. 125 the Commission does not believe that the liaison between the FBI and the Secret Service prior to the assassination was as effective as it should have been. 155 Sitting of the delegates. 25 Satomi's pygmy seahorse is the smallest known seahorse in the world. 68 Several of the publications furnished the Commission with the prints they had used, or described by correspondence the retouching they had done. 144 Prisoners were committed to it quite without reference to its capacity. 71 One promising project is the National Renewable Energy Lab's work on insulating window films - a clear layer of insulation that is added to existing windows. 157 On June twenty-four, Oswald applied in New Orleans for a passport, stating that he planned to depart by ship 108 What is my function? 20 The use of tobacco, hitherto pretty generally indulged in both by men and women, 80 The older officers, with several of whom I have conversed, have thus had unusual opportunities of watching the demeanor of murderers both before trial 150 Since it's been repaired, the car hasn't shown the issue any more. 66 I've got something! 19 Its ringleaders, Thistlewood and the rest, were after capture honored by committal as State prisoners to the Tower, 115 The actual primary rainbow observed is said to be the effect of super-imposition of a number of bows. 101 The obstacles are not technological. 36 Are you aware of the good things in life? 41 Well begun is half done. 24 West Interstate Two Forty Service Road, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. 64 partly through their own carelessness, when transferring their operations to Yarmouth. 86 Okay, The sun is coming out, I will adjust the brightness 57 Harry Styles was a member of the boy band One Direction. 56 A steep trail is painful for our feet. 38 However these two systems had low popularity and only a few games. 66 by anti-Castro Cubans while distributing leaflets on behalf of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee. 96 His return to the United States publicly testified to the utter failure of what had been the most important act of his life. 124 Researchers at London's Natural History Museum state that D.N.A. extracted from Cheddar Man reveals that early inhabitants of Great Britain had blue eyes and dark skin. 168 This special assistant should be required to have sufficient stature and experience in law enforcement, intelligence, or allied fields. 135 It bore the manufacturer's serial number C two seven six six. 61 Barthelemy was generally supposed to have been a secret agent of the French police. 83 On the one hand, then, are found structures which are perfectly analogous and yet in no way homologous: 103 Olivia, have you seen my keys? 30 He first told his wife that he did not have a mother, but later admitted that he did but that, quote, he didn't love her very much, end quote. 142 Down that road is the way to the grain farmer. 46 The neglect of prison reform in those days was not to be visited upon the legislature. 86 Due to the lack of a bug bounty program, Johanna decided to sell her exploit on the black market. 97 Finally amid the lowest forms of animal life the speck of gelatinous protoplasm, which constitutes the whole body, has no permanent digestive cavity or mouth. 158 Esarhaddon, the son of Sinacherib, was the next King of Nineveh. 64 One fine afternoon in August, O'Connor was met walking in the direction of Bermondsey. 86 Three monks walking in what looks to be a foreign country in appropriate black robes and sandals. 97 The crying boy ought to allow all the plowing to be done by Roy Amos. 69 The report will go before the Scottish Parliament, probably in early autumn. 76 In fact, he was talking about the survival business. 52 The police officers now taxed Mrs. Campbell with complicity, and frightened her into collusion. 95 of what he said on November twenty-two. 39 Abuses and irregularities, which had been partially remedied by the reform introduced in eighteen thirty-seven, were once more in the ascendant. 144 in other words, he forged powers of attorney, and proceeded to realize securities lodged in his bank under various names. 121 he noted that one of his acquaintances, quote, relates many things I do not know about the U.S.S.R. 99 Ikey joined her at Hobart Town, where they set up a general shop, and soon began to prosper. 92 His hip struck the knee of the next player. 43 They have a top and a bottom surface, or a front and a back. 60 And at last each organism or each alliance of organisms must come to the greatest concession of all, which is called death. 123 But another point which they should attend to they almost always disregard; 75 Valued at thirteen billion dollars in twenty sixteen, M.I.T.'s endowment is the sixth-largest among American colleges and universities. 135 The remnant left is a neutron star. 35 and tempted him to take to fraudulent insurance as a certain method of achieving fortune. 89 Much of his early work put Mazda back into profitability and laid the foundations for future success. 101 There was no response. 22 He really needs to cut down on the donuts and watch his waistline. 66 Why did you tell me? 20 High prices were asked and paid for front seats or good standing room. As much as five pounds was given for the attic story 123 There may be a serious question as to the wisdom of many of those devices to control production, 96 Bachelor's thesis was "Plants as Modified by Man", dated eighteen ninety four. 78 Two dogs run towards each other on a rocky area with water in the background. 77 Cryptosporidium is a parasite tough enough to survive even in properly maintained pools. 88 Some problems that seem like something we would handle are actually the responsibility of other federal, tribal, state or local agencies. 137 Three 5 They were not confined apart from each other, but were crowded thirty or forty together in the press yard, 106 These subordinate chiefs were also rewarded out of the scanty prison rations. 77 Our bugs are back! Hundreds of tiny flies hitched a ride to Earth aboard a Space X Dragon capsule this weekend. 111 Special forces engineer sergeants are specialists across a wide range of disciplines, from demolitions and constructions of field fortifications to topographic survey techniques. 178 so that Saward and the rest might make themselves scarce. 57 This is a favorite in our family. Serve with rice and a green salad if desired. 79 That is, movement adds only a fraction of the medium's velocity to the light. 77 (three) removed the rifle from the blanket in the Paines' garage on Thursday evening; 85 that he shouldn't come every week, that perhaps it is not convenient for Ruth that the whole family be there, live there, end quote. 132 We should have known. 21 Fat and carbohydrate foods, then, never become living matter. 61 This is not correct. 20 No aching back ever kept a compulsive buyer from enjoying a sale. 65 Edwards said, quote, Look at that guy there in that window, end quote, 70 There was no furniture in the place, and the den in the kitchen had been recently and specially constructed of boards of immense strength and thickness. 152 They could laugh although they were sad. 40 It is measuring ice clouds and providing data that's good enough to do some real science, Wu said. 98 Most shared their school name, birthdate, and the city or town where they lived. 80 that inspectors should watch over the observance of the law. He saw no objection on the score of their probable interference with the local jurisdiction, 153 not to exceed a certain sum to be agreed upon. 46 John Schrank, and Guiseppe Zangara -- four assassins or would-be assassins 74 but Mr. Joseph Hume pressed the Government hard, and obtained an assurance that the men should not be executed. 111 Miller, the Chelsea murderer, who packed his victim's body in a box, and tried to send it by parcels delivery, tried to kill himself, 133 with the alinement of the assassin's rifle, at a range of one hundred seventy-seven to two hundred sixty-six feet. 114 Bottom line: Never give your money or your information to anyone who contacts you. 82 These equations are derived from Maxwell's equations. 53 The problem is aggravated by the necessity that the Service obtain the assistance of local law enforcement officials in evaluating the information which it receives 164 Recorders were probably first used to play vocal music, later adding purely instrumental forms like dance music to their repertoire. 132 He had sought by all legal means to obtain possession of the two thousand pounds, but had failed, and had had recourse to more violent means. 141 The Court itself can best undo what the Court has done. 55 What made you stop playing? 27 leaving between them room for a four-horse chariot to turn. 59 A bike rider and other pedestrians are pictured in front of a beautifully preserved historical building. 104 At five P.M., he met with Congressional leaders who contentiously opposed a blockade and demanded a stronger response. 118 Drizzle hot icing carefully over bread pudding. Cool on a wire rack, about thirty minutes. 90 Mix cauliflower, sour cream, Cheddar cheese, ranch dressing mix, onion powder, and garlic powder together in a nine-inch baking dish. Top with butter. 150 But these preferred tactics now may prove to be too limited in the near future, 79 I admit that I'm an alcoholic. 30 It was only later that the condition was diagnosed. 51 No laboratory tests can confirm the diagnosis. 46 Drunkenness, if it ever occurred, should be visited with severe punishment; 75 I got a yellow card. 20 To keep you and your family as safe as possible during flight, F.A.A. regulations require passengers to be seated with their seat belts fastened. 145 It is measuring ice clouds and providing data that's good enough to do some real science, Wu said. 98 Introduced into their assembly, he began to bewail his misfortunes, telling them that 85 The noise of the struggle was heard outside in the street, 58 is what the justices say it is rather than what its framers or you might hope it is. 84 The characteristic Dutch type is very pronounced and uncompromising Gothic. 75 The woolly mammoth was extinct before the end of the Neolithic period. 70 Their prescription is largely about changing attitudes. 55 A.I. 4 that she would be able to leave the Soviet Union. Marina Oswald has denied this. 80 or prisoners employed in positions of trust, who should not be permitted to traffic with their fellow-prisoners in any way. 123 by a sound and rational ordering of its various elements and wise provisions for the protection of the weak against the strong. 127 This enabled the British Empire to exercise control over the entire territory. 78 Fourteen silly looking clowns waltzed together in the park eliciting laughter as they pirouetted. 97 Turn right onto Cambridge Street. 33 The Mannings had seen or heard nothing of him, of course. As O'Connor still did not turn up, the police after a couple of days returned to Minver Place. 152 This "personality," and it can be called by no other name, is carefully excluded from prison pulpit utterances on the eve of an execution. 138 Medicare cards. 15 Turn to the right. 18 The first duty of the agents in the motorcade is to attempt to cover the President as closely as possible and practicable 121 She walked across the street wearing stereo headphones and staring at her smartphone. 85 Sorry, I didn't catch that. 27 and occupied by Secret Service Agents Sorrels and Lawson and by Dallas County Sheriff J. E. Decker. 99 Twenty seventeen Fast Facts 27 Somewhere, a violin plays, as I watch my life whirl away. 57 Recording audio 15 Report of the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy. The Warren Commission Report. By The President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy. 182 and the Commission has inquired into general lineup procedures used by the Dallas police as well as the specific procedures in the lineups involving Oswald. 156 Other policemen entered the front door and searched the balcony. 64 A woman ventriloquist is playing with her colorful green and red dragon in a beautiful garden backdrop. 103 Open the shutters and turn off the lights - we can't afford to waste energy! 76 In twenty eighteen, Simone will be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. 80 It would appear your employers aren't the stand up guys you'd taken them for. 77 He had a double allowance of bread, deducted, of course, from the already too limited portion of the rest, 106 This is the key to the mailbox which is located in the main post office in the city on Ervay Street. 100 She was denied admission despite a well-received audition. 58 can, if they choose, hold office for life, no matter how old they may get to be. 80 The modern approach will also be reflected in the terms of address. 67 Special measures were needed. 29 Park the cab in the carport and pick up Jan's baggage. 54 On the other hand, he could have traveled some distance with the money he did have and he did return to his room where he obtained his revolver. 144 jan 3 There are two sides to labor economics. 39 it is reasonably certain that Exhibit Number one thirty-three A was taken by the same camera at the same time, as Marina Oswald testified. 138 five feet, ten inches, wearing light clothing, a light-colored jacket" walk past her at a fast pace with his hands in his pocket. 129 The juggler managed to keep five balls in the air at once. 58 Methods used in the studies included questionnaires and content analysis. 73 the studies indicate that there is some utility in attempting to designate certain buildings as involving a higher risk than others. 132 The copper bowl shone in the sun's rays. 40 Despite their urgings, he refused to play with the other children his own age. 78 Shanti borrowed it. 19 PRS investigated thirty-four newly established or reactivated cases concerning residents of Texas. 98 The first was the twenty sixteen European Grand Prix. 53 By nineteen sixty three, Holden was exporting cars to Africa, the Middle East, South-East Asia, the Pacific Islands, and the Caribbean. 135 A review is under way. 22 Oswald started to read Communist literature, which he obtained from the public library. 87 Each of them was a failure in his work and in his relations with others, a victim of delusions and fancies. 107 When I'm buying a guitar I tend to just fiddle with lots until I find one I really like. 88 When preparing food on a television show, the chef must include abbreviated time versions. 90 We asked over twenty different people, and they all said it was his. 68 Ruth is upset. 14 The discipline also varied greatly, from the severely penal to the culpably lax. 80 The solution is banal. 22 This offered him great facilities for the creation of artificial stock, its sale from a fictitious holder, and transfer to himself. 131 maintains records of people who have threatened the President or so conducted themselves as to be deemed a potential danger to him. 131 even though the thirty- five states with ninety-five percent of the population are in favor of it. 98 As she approached her desk, she saw Oswald. 43 i.e., capable of decomposition into simpler, stabler molecules in which stronger affinities are satisfied. 106 Crack the walnut with your sharp side teeth. 44 Go now and come here later. 27 who had been concerned in various "jobs" of a dishonest character, and who for the moment was a clerk in a betting office. 122 S.S.H. login has been disabled. 31 Instead, he was informed to join the line of creditors. 55 but about his name so many legends have grown that it is sometimes difficult to learn the facts of his life. 108 through the evening of Friday, November twenty-two. 51 These pills do less good than others. 37 stationing police on the rooftops of all buildings overlooking the reception area, 82 Adults range between six and eight inches in length. 52 Can I get you a drink? 22 Quote, On the top of the jail, continues Neild, are a watch-house and a sentry-box, where two or more guards, with dogs and firearms, 133 An additional one hundred fifteen cases concerning Texas residents were established but not investigated. 105 it would appear to be unlikely that his landlady in Dallas 58 They specified criteria for information to be furnished to the Secret Service in addition to that covered by the former standard. 129 In early September nineteen sixty-three 39 The general solidity of a page is much to be sought for modern printers generally overdo the "whites" in the spacing. 117 The new Forgery Act with the Lords' amendment passed into law, but the latter proved perfectly harmless, 104 There was also a good supply of Bibles and prayers, 51 The total potential value is approximately one point two billion dollars. 73 whence they let themselves down into the street by the rope. 60 Do I think about them often? 28 It must be added that the Bank of England, on discovering the forgeries, 72 More often than not, Presidential journeys have served more than one purpose at the same time: ceremonial, 106 It was recaptured in fourteen twenty eight or fourteen twenty nine. 67 afterwards he set up as an insurance broker on his own account, but presently failed. 85 They are generally geophytes, but with linear leaves, and a lack of fine reticular venation. 92 On Rotten Tomatoes the film has a rating of seventy eight percent, based on twenty seven reviews. 97 He found three four-leaf clovers in only seventeen and a half minutes. 70 could any one, not disgusted with the religious ceremonials of Newgate, witness this scene without emotion? 107 Here are the top stories from N.P.R. 36 I don't say that. 17 and recovery is speeding up to a point where the dangers of nineteen twenty-nine are again becoming possible, 109 Hale was convicted of obstruction, but won a reversal on appeal. 64 both adaptive swimming organs, yet the resemblance in these cases does not go deeper than the surface -- it is one of function only. 132 James Watt didn't invent the steam engine, but he improved it significantly. 76 Now for the first time the Tuffnell estate in Holloway was mentioned. 69 Over the next few years, electric vehicles from different automakers began popping up across the U.S. 101 Despite the hatred that Oswald expressed toward the Soviet Union after his residence there, 91 he indicated that he had learned his lesson, 44 Parents should look out for correct grammar and pronunciation when speaking to their children. 94 Sometimes I wonder how there can be so many stars in the sky. 61 The F.B.I. could become involved. 33 At the constable's cry of alarm Good rushed from the stable and locked the door behind him. 91 The Premier League has been a huge success. 43 Probably the doctor had told her the story he brought forward when tried for bigamy, namely, 92 The evils of such association were aggravated by the unbroken idleness; one "evil inflamed the other;" reformation 114 in Oswald's possession to the exclusion of all other weapons. 61 A tractor is pulling something down a dirt road with lengths measured in increments of ten meters. 98 Bake until bread pudding forms a golden crust, about two minutes more. 70 We find joy in the simplest things. 35 L.N. thirty four testing uses P.C.R., a testing platform that labs worldwide already use to test for flu, H.I.V., and tuberculosis. 131 The world's largest amphibious aircraft makes its maiden flight. State-owned Aviation Industry Corporation of China has spent eight years developing the aircraft. 162 That's okay. 12 Ten were executed 17 McDonald felt the pistol scratch his cheek as he wrenched it away from Oswald. 78 and not to his race. 20 Hey Mycroft, tell me about Abraham Lincoln. 43 On the brink of the fourteenth century, nobody had mobile phones. 65 One: Broader and more selective criteria. 41 Activists claim the pipeline through the Baltic Sea is leaking. 63 We have reason to fear that poverty, ragged clothes, and an inability to pay the ward dues, elsewhere exacted for better accommodation, 135 Oddity rather than rational beauty and meaning being apparently the thing sought for both in the letters and the illustrations. 127 construction 12 Edward Gibbon Wakefield, the prime mover in the abduction, was a barrister, not exactly briefless, but without a large practice. 128 Value Added Tax has been introduced in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates for the first time. 100 This would expose photographic plates and cause fluorescence. 61 Reentering politics in eighteen fifty four, he became a leader in building the new Republican Party. 100 working at the roof of the chapel on the female side. 53 I employ only eighty umpires throughout the year. 49 In Latona's opinion, quote, 27 They are absorbed by the circulating liquids and carried to the eliminating organs, lungs and kidneys chiefly, for elimination. 127 The purchase by Palmer of strychnia was proved. 47 I have to use the toilet. 25 The big creep crawled past the ill dog. 39 Joyce didn't want Boyd to know about her worst foibles. 55 I like apples, pears, and pomegranate, but I do like strawberries or grapes. 76 The night shift men rate extra pay. 35 Oswald praised Khrushchev and suggested that he and McBride join the Communist Party, quote, to take advantage of their social functions, end quote. 148 The new bridge allowed the Eastside to develop rapidly into bedroom communities. 80 A man wearing colorful clothing and white sunglasses is playing a large drum with his hands. 92 I do not have that color available, but I can set custom eye colors. 68 The two men, Harold Norman and James Jarman, Jr., each confirmed that when they came out of the building, 105 It must be remembered, however, that most modern printing is done by machinery on soft paper, and not by the hand press, 120 Later on, however, Dasset was himself seized and interrogated, 62 Oswald's Rifle Capability 25 And they were being paid? 25 The governor had a great dislike, he said, to seeing strangers in his house. 76 it was examined by Lt. J. C. Day of the identification bureau of the Dallas police. 83 which, briefly stated, is that individual development (ontogeny) recapitulates ancestral history (phylogeny). 109 Frazier walked behind and as they crossed the railroad tracks he watched the switching of the cars. 99 The most important thing is to get a programme for government. 62 Particle radiation from radioactive material or cosmic rays almost invariably carries enough energy to be ionizing. 115 Most remarkable of all the principles which have been discovered by embryologists is the "Recapitulation Doctrine" 114 Today's V.H.A. - the largest of the three administrations that comprise V.A. - continues to meet Veterans' changing medical, surgical and quality-of-life needs. 160 indicated that the note was written when they were living in a rented apartment; therefore it could not have been written while Marina Oswald was living with the Paines. 169 and resemblances between the constituents of animal and vegetable organisms, for which Cuvier is not responsible, 113 Consider how you pay. 21 The child was rushed to the hospital after swallowing a cap. 60 family 6 In June nineteen sixty-four, the Secret Service sent guidelines to a number of Federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies 128 On the ground, the West Bank was again the focus of violence. 61 A young girl with brown hair and glasses is kneeling near a bucket and fence. 77 out of large sums in sham sporting speculations. The conviction of the principals in this nefarious transaction, 112 The keeper and his officers resided at a distance from the jail, and left its inmates to their own devices. 107 and he looked about him with wayward, furtive glances. 54 Then Sarah confirmed the vet's diagnosis. 41 Woman and man walking across wooden rope bridge with a caution sign beside it. 78 The lazy cow lay in the cool grass. 35 Several bridges named London Bridge have spanned the River Thames between the City of London and Southwark, in central London. 126 The only interval was the time necessary to ride in the elevator from the second to the sixth floor and walk back to the southeast corner. 138 May I have your name and address please? 40 A middleaged man with a white beard and glasses holds up a small, wooden handmade cabinet. 90 With this growing interest in electric vehicles, we are taking a look at where this technology has been and where it's going. 125 Comet Astrobiology Exploration Sample Return (Ceasar) 53 and reject the legislative powers which the courts have today assumed. 70 Similar measures are expected in England and Wales. 51 Be right back. 14 Despite years of research, the problem remained intractable. 60 I leave Embassy, elated at this showdown, returning to my hotel I feel now my energies are not spent in vain. 109 the Commission of Fine Arts requested John Russell Pope to prepare sketches of the State, War, and Navy building that incorporated Classical facades. 149 feedback 8 Experts of geology agree: Yesterday's tsunami was just a herald of the imminent apocalypse. 91 Teach Peg how to cope with drug addicts. 40 I left when the zoning changed and the real estate market has boomed. 69 A person is hanging up pictures of women with a few onlookers watching surrounded by bikes. 91 Remove bay leaf, and stir in lemon juice and cayenne pepper. Simmer five more minutes. 86 Each year, approximately fifty eight people in the United States are injured by turbulence while not wearing their seat belts. 126 By replacing the air with an insulating gas between two window panes, researchers were able to further decrease heat loss through windows in cold climates. 155 We must provide a long-term solution to tackle this attitude. 61 and the deepest anxiety was felt that the crime, if crime there had been, should be brought home to its perpetrator. 116 Two groups oppose my plan on the ground that they favor a constitutional amendment. 83 to issue new bonds therefore bearing only three and one half percent interest, 78 This peach tart is tasty. 25 Grasp all, lose all. 20 Zombies were parading in the streets and drinking beer from paper cups. 71 who was involved, what occurred, he was reticent to furnish information, 72 According to plan, the President's motorcade proceeded west through downtown Dallas on Main Street 98 and of his initial commitment to that country can best be understood, however, in the context 93 Instead of modifying an existing vehicle, G.M. designed and developed the E.V. one from the ground up. 102 Cellulose is widespread as a constituent of the skeletons of the lower animals 78 Claims of less corrosiveness of these products have been controversial however. 79 Buy at a market, but sell at home. 34 As we were beginning to go down this incline, all of a sudden there was an explosive noise. 91 can and should be recommended by this Commission in the interest of the more efficient protection of the President. 115 A fuse shattered and the huge house was left in shadows. 56 Even though he had searched -- in the Marine Corps, in his ideal of communism, in the Soviet Union and in his attempt to get to Cuba 132 Babbage's friend commissioned Ada Lovelace to translate the paper into English. 79 A rooster will attack other cocks that enter its territory. 59 It was a lesser amount than the unemployment benefits available to non-veterans. 80 A pod is what peas always grow in. 34 and the question, as part of the whole subject of capital punishment, had been referred to a royal commission in January eighteen sixty-four. 141 Edgar is a geek. 16 not after long years of debate, but now. 40 The juice of lemons makes fine punch. 37 That very ancient perquisite the convict's clothes was never claimed by Calcraft, and it may be doubted whether he was entitled to it. 134 Sunday will not work for me. 28 Question: What did you say to that? 35 The hog crawled under the high fence. 37 As Baker reached the second floor, he was about twenty feet from the vestibule door. He intended to continue around to his left toward the stairway going up 156 The prisoners in the press yard had free access during the day to the yard and large day room; 94 whose life he had insured for thirteen thousand pounds. 55 Do you hear me? 15 Arnold Johnson, director of the information and lecture bureau of the Communist Party, U.S.A., replied stating, quote, 118 The soil and the atmosphere supply plants with water composed of hydrogen and oxygen 84 A Jew named Benjamin effected the sale to certain merchants named Blogg and Martin, 83 In support of her conclusion Mrs. Oswald noted her husband's undesirable discharge 82 he was not unskilful, but he proceeded entirely by rule of thumb, leaving the result very much to chance and the strength of the rope. 134 A small brown and black dog plays with a colorful caterpillar toy on a tan burbur carpet. 89 For he cut off his own nose and ears, and then, clipping his hair close and flogging himself with a scourge, 108 Its debts amounted to three-quarters of a million, and the dividend it eventually paid was three and twopence in the pound. 123 cheques and bills, of which he made a particular use. 53 In the course of his remarks, however, he said, 47 Cinnamon Roll Bread Pudding 27 even in the case of the green plant, which in the dark absorbs oxygen and gives out carbonic acid like any animal. 114 Wood worked for three years on the design to remove the granite walls and replace them with marble, but the project was shelved due to financial burdens imposed by the Great Depression. 185 There are several protected areas in the Thar Desert. 53 that he expose himself to the actual basic problems that were disturbing the American people. 93 Soon after midnight on the Sunday night, for by this time the present practice of executing on Monday morning had been pretty generally introduced, 147 the city jail is located at the end of the bridge through which we always passed on going to the city (right in the beginning of the city after crossing the bridge). 165 Fauntleroy constantly groaned aloud while the sermon proceeded, and contemporary reports declared 97 of emergency procedures to be taken in a contingency such as that which actually occurred, the Secret Service responded, quote, 127 A lame back kept his score low. 31 However, such access to the President was interfered with both by the metal bar some fifteen inches above the back of the front seat 132 PRS should have investigated and been prepared to guard against it. 67 The trunk of a statue. 22 showed the need of a national government with power enough to handle national problems. 87 Soon ripe, soon rot. 20 Mudd, Arnold and Spangler were imprisoned at Fort Jefferson in the Dry Tortugas west of Key West, Florida. 106 Yet some Punic books from the libraries of Carthage reportedly did survive the fires. 85 That move means the game is over. 33 inasmuch as the facts relating to Oswald's activities at that time did not warrant such action. 95 that none of its inmates were suffered to make tea or coffee for themselves lest it should interfere with his sales. 116 a system which had long been in practice of defrauding the Exchequer of vast sums by means of forged stamps. 108 We believe a third party was involved. 38 The entry in his self-styled, quote, Historic Diary, end quote, for October twenty-one, nineteen fifty-nine, reports, quote, 124 While in Newgate awaiting trial he frequently tried to justify his murder by declaring that the police officer had broken faith with him. 137 There were major cutbacks in the early nineteen nineties, but they were distributed to minimize the harm to the vast majority of voters. 136 was appointed judge, and a towel tied in knots was hung on each side in imitation of a wig. 91 Jellyfish can cause serious injuries, the physician explained to the patient. 77 Each of these efforts appears sound, and the Commission recommends that these and the other measures suggested by the Commission be pursued vigorously by Secret Service. 169 Marina Oswald speculated that the incident may have been unrelated to an actual threat. 87 Mrs. Paine had nothing to add to what she had already told him, except that during a visit that past weekend, 109 and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States. 76 From now on, your salaries are going to be lowered by twenty percent. 69 It was number two among all shows that week, between fellow hits "Home Improvement" and "Seinfeld". 99 The current crossing, which opened to traffic in nineteen seventy three, is a box girder bridge built from concrete and steel. 126 Ninety-two Plaza Lane, Honolulu, Hawaii, nine six eight one three. 66 Extract the relevant data and see if it matches our statistics. 63 Since then physicists have found that it is not reflection, but refraction by the raindrops which causes the rainbows. 118 To accomplish this mission, we develop and enforce regulations. 63 One of his slaves gave him a piece of ivory into which had been carved four scenes. 83 and the vital necessity of improving labor conditions, 54 Say "C" three times. 20 The circumstances of the attack on Walker coupled with other indications that Oswald was concerned about his place in history 125 But where are you going? 24 A woman on a cellphone walks up the steps of the underground with another passenger close behind. 97 Israel offers a plethora of historical and religious sites, beach resorts, archaeological tourism, heritage tourism and ecotourism. 131 Brian is leaving today. 23 Have a safe trip! 17 That's the truth. 17 the same corner where Brennan was sitting on a concrete wall. 61 it appears that Marina Oswald also complained that her husband was not able to provide more material things for her. 116 A young, blond boy sitting in a white chair beside cactus plants is eating a sandwich. 86 which had come to rest on a stack of paper. 43 I'm heading down to the sushi place, you wanna get anything? 60 The presence of so many strangers, many of them gentlemen, distracted the prisoners' attention, and could not be productive of much good. 137 With your thirty percent discount it will cost eighty-five dollars. 67 He smokes a big pipe with strong contents. 42 Parma, and one or two other cities, who produced the splendid editions of the Classics, which are one of the great glories of the printer's art, 144 Paraguay shares a border with Bolivia, while Uruguay does not. 62 It won the nineteen sixty five Hugo Award for Best Novel. 57 He directly approached the Commander-in-Chief with detailed plans for a tank on caterpillar tracks, in late nineteen fifteen. 125 I want to know. 15 At the same time, new battery technology began hitting the market, helping to improve a plug-in electric vehicle's range. 121 The birch looked stark white and lonesome. 42 Poached eggs and tea must suffice. 34 But he is right. 16 Besides his employers, a jeweler named Humphreys was in the "swim," at whose shop in Red Lion Square was discovered a quantity of base gold 139 More recently, the Department's investment in battery research and development has helped cut electric vehicle battery costs by fifty percent in the last four years. 165 But the effect of this legislation was rather weakened by the remoteness of the pressure exercised. 99 The mark was valued at thirteenpence halfpenny, or rather more than the shilling, which from time immemorial had been the hangman's wages. 138 An Indian woman in traditional clothing cooks vegetables on her stove. 70 and the other paragraphs instructed her on the disposal of Oswald's personal effects and the management of her affairs if he should not return. 143 The dark pot hung in the front closet. 38 Wainwright's execution was within the jail, but only nominally private. 71 but it was proved that the pistol was not loaded with ball, 59 Acceleration of time. 21 Thoughtful viewers like those types of shows. 45 Only one sample was indeterminate using both tests. 51 James just doodles awkward sketches in art class. 49 Howlett was not short winded at the end of either test run. 59 We need grain to keep our mules healthy. 40 A youth has many lessons to learn. 34 When she reached the first floor, she actually saw Shelley and Lovelady slightly east of the east elevator. 107 He was reported to have said, quote, I don't want a friend and I don't like to talk to people, end quote, and, quote, I dislike everybody, end quote. 149 The Secret Service must rely in large part 42 The Commission believes that both the FBI and the Secret Service have too narrowly construed their respective responsibilities. 127 It has many other applications in basic research, clinical practice and clinical trials. 88 all books might be at least comely and well-looking: and if to these good qualities were added really beautiful ornament and pictures, 134 in the summer of nineteen forty-eight. 38 Why undo all my output? 23 Clusters of high-rise buildings emerge. 39 He had the nickname, quote, Ozzie Rabbit, end quote. 52 Twenty seventeen Fast Facts 27 Wiesel has received more than ninety honorary degrees from colleges worldwide. 78 Post no bills on this office wall. 34 While one stood over the fire with the papers, another stood with lighted torch to fire the house. 98 On that account he made no provision to insure safe custody, 60 Eight months later, he was dead. 32 On the other hand, Oswald objected to the invitation that his wife had received to live with Mrs. Ruth Paine, 109 also to make such proposals as might appear salutary, and calculated to improve Newgate and the rest of the city jails. 119 The paper that is used for ordinary books is exceedingly bad, but is beaten in the race for vileness by that made in America, which is the worst conceivable. 157 Catherine had no further pregnancies after fifteen nineteen. Henry began annulment proceedings in fifteen twenty seven. 119 These plastic materials contribute to harmful debris in the nation's inland and coastal waters and pose dangers to fish, birds and other wildlife. 146 that the only reasonable explanation for the existence of a fundamental unity in organic life 93 Observe that commonly used crossover operators cannot change any uniform population. 84 Do you need any help? 21 Dill pickles are sour but taste fine. 37 Next Tuesday we must vote. 26 the work being constant and suitable, with certain hours of relaxation and for food and exercise. 97 The black-shouldered kite is a small raptor found in open habitat throughout Australia. 87 and with the concurrence of the Dallas police, was entirely appropriate, in view of the known desires of the President. 119 Of these one hundred ten, seventeen were coeducational and ninety three admitted only girls. 92 There he was met by a construction worker -- in all likelihood Howard Brennan, who was wearing his work helmet. 111 Did he say anything? 20 Brown's vocal group, The Famous Flames are included in the album's introduction. 80 Transistors have replaced relays in many scopes of application since their invention. 85 Dr. Carrico felt the President's back and determined that there was no large wound there which would be an immediate threat to life. 132 Sgt. D. V. Harkness of the Dallas police 40 but to which additions are sometimes made, chiefly of stimulants, if deemed necessary, by the medical officer of the jail. 122 The Long and Bulky Package 26 The corner store was robbed last night. 39 I was screwing the screw with a screwdriver, then I said "Screw it." Peace came years after the war. 100 They lived for their children. 30 In the year five sixty-two, after a long reign of forty-three years, Nebuchadnezzar died. 89 The drawing was covered with fresh plaster for making the fresco. 65 Just a second. 14 and he thought that he loses jobs because the FBI visits the place of his employment, end quote. 96 He sought to reunite the nation speedily through a policy of generous reconciliation. 85 downloads 9 Be careful in handling all the chemicals which are corrosive or irritant. 73 the two Dallas newspapers carried several reports of his motorcade route. 73 We were only half a mile from the destination when the engine packed in. 72 The number of respiratory disease outbreaks increased over time and skin infection outbreaks decreased over time. 113 One moment while I run the diagnostics script. 46 Men singing blues in one of the lovely orchestra episodes courtesy of Shell corporation of America. 99 Many hands help get the job done. 33 Tea dripped on the drum and impaired its deep quality. 54 Florida is the pivotal state in the nation. 43 The article in the current state is not good enough for publication. 68 Somewhat of a nonconformist, 28 Where are you from? 19 On the other hand, at the great convict establishments, such is the moral restraint of a systematic discipline, 111 Unless the Secret Service is able to deal rapidly and accurately with a growing body of data, the increased information supplied by other agencies will be wasted. 162 Solomons was now also admitted as a witness, and his evidence, with that of Moss, secured the transportation of the principal actors in the theft. 146 Several individuals, some possibly of Hispanic descent at a street market, grilling meat. 89 and would certainly have been impossible to any one less nimble than a chimney-sweep, trained under the old system to ascend the most intricate flues. 150 and that he was constantly engaged attending sessions and going with drafts to the hulks. 89 Depository employees were laying a new floor at the west end and transferring books from the west to the east end of the building. 130 Voters in Alabama go to the polls to fill the Senate seat vacated by Attorney General Jeff Sessions. 100 Care's no cure. 15 With the seeming impossibility of extending the limits of the prison as it then stood, 86 the indiscriminate visitation of friends, and the almost unlimited admission of extra food, these more glaring defects had disappeared. 135 Do I have a favorite? 21 Cut this into round cakes with a biscuit-cutter or a sharp-edged tumbler and fold, not quite in the middle, 107 that not more than one bottle of wine or one quart of beer could be issued at one time. No account was taken of the amount of liquors admitted in one day, 154 The Strahan of the firm which came to grief was a Snow who changed his name for a fortune of two hundred thousand pounds; 121 neither of these slow elevators could have descended from the fifth to the second floor. Furthermore, no elevator was at the second floor when they arrived there. 162 Motorcycles. -- Dallas police motorcycles preceded the pilot car. 65 Your device has been configured. 32 According to its microfilm records, Klein's received an order for a rifle on March thirteen, nineteen sixty-three, 114 To escape from the smoke, and fall into the fire. 49 unloaded at twelve:fifteen p.m., 32 The philanthropy he had displayed in a small way when less prosperous became now a passion. 91 Many other articles were introduced by visitors, including money, tobacco, pipes, and snuff. 92 Police protection was better and more effective; 48 When any prisoner committed an offense against the community or against an individual, he was tried by a court in the jail. 123 The same Noise. 15 which were largely of his own making. 37 He had very few, if any, close relationships with other people and he appeared to have great difficulty in finding a meaningful place in the world. 147 In fifty feet, turn left onto State Street. 43 Besides the jail fees, there was garnish of half-a-guinea, collected by the steward, 84 But another bank had since failed, and nothing could save Mr. Turner but the transfer of some property to Miss Turner, and its settlement on her, 145 On the latest podcast, we talk about disaster training with Robin A. Warren. 76 This report has already pointed out several respects in which the Commission believes that the Secret Service has operated with insufficient planning or control. 161 Should you walk along the shore of the Euphrates at Babylon, you would still see the embankments which Nebuchadnezzar constructed of bricks bearing his name, 157 under the name of the individual or group of individuals to whom that material related. End quote. 98 The Commission endorses these efforts to supplement the Service's own personnel by obtaining, for short periods of time, the assistance of trained Federal law enforcement officers. 180 Unlike single-owner networks, the Internet is a series of exchange points interconnecting private networks. 107 A woman is measuring fabric with a wooden tool and by placing it directly on her fingers. 89 We estimate that the films could reduce building energy use by as much as thirty three percent, creating a simple payback for window retrofits of less than one year. 165 Moss was known to be intimate with the elder Caspar, 52 Michael Jordan played basketball for fifteen seasons. 53 Fischer placed the man in the easternmost window on the south side of the Depository Building on either the fifth or the sixth floor. 133 The paper used for printing the small highly ornamented French service-books about the beginning of the sixteenth century is a model in this respect. 149 The Birth Of The Electric Vehicle. 34 Pitch the straw through the door of the stable. 47 Fifteen countries ask the World Trade Organization for a mandate to negotiate binding rules on e-commerce, days after India turned down negotiations. 149 In the month Tammuz, when Cyrus fought the troops of Akkad (Babylonia) at Opis on the river Salsallat, 102 The Internet should put the power in the hands of the many. 59 Thomas More is commemorated by a stone plaque near Saint Katharine Docks, just east of the Tower where he was executed. 119 Darius, as the story goes, would often say that "he had rather Zopyrus were unmaimed, than be master of twenty more Babylons." 126 In nature, symmetry is always approximate. 42 While they were at the west windows their view of the stairwell was completely blocked by shelves and boxes. 108 A certain number of bedsteads were provided, and there was a slight increase in the ration of bread. 100 The entire Simpson family was designed so that they would be recognizable in silhouette. 88 On Rotten Tomatoes the film has a rating of seventy eight percent, based on twenty seven reviews. 97 The period of performance begins July second with a one-year base, followed by nine one-year options. 101 whose business it was to provide the rope and do the pinioning, and who was paid a fee of five shillings. 105 Michael Jackson began his career as part of the Jackson Five. 61 The national homes were often called "soldiers' homes" or "military homes," and only soldiers who fought for the Union Army, including U.S. Colored Troops, were eligible for admittance. 185 and the bird's legs were a couple of teeth broken off the prisoner's comb. 74 On November eighteen the FBI learned that Oswald recently had been in communication with the Soviet Embassy in Washington 121 They bumped into that Buick and then tore down the street. 58 I cannot tell you. 18 insurance 9 Diarrheal disease outbreaks caused by Cryptosporidium leveled off during two thousand eight through twenty fourteen. 116 However, the Industrial Revolution continued. 45 Answer: It never came to me, myself, to ask him that question. 62 This is a similar finding to research in oral languages on pronoun acquisition. 79 An AfricanAmerican man in a black sweatshirt and tan pants is sitting outside with drumsticks and buckets. 106 I have been present at the scene not less than twenty times, and have invariably observed 89 The name comes from the bright green spectral emission lines. 61 Suspicion appears to have rested on Brown, who had left Laverstock, 67 A busy city scene with colorful lighted buildings and a lot of people walking on the street. 92 Funds allotted for each project should be actually and promptly spent and not held over until later years. 106 Let stand, uncovered, until stale, eight hours to overnight. 60 It is understandable, however, for Brennan to have believed that the man with the rifle was standing. A photograph of the building taken seconds after the assassination 168 Daniel Powers, another marine who was stationed with Oswald for part of his marine career, 90 Deleting. 9 On the basis of this punchmark, which was distinctive to each Dallas driver, 76 referring to them as experiences that he did not intend to have himself, even though he stated that he had never held a civilian job. 133 Two of the team became ill. 27 To hide his lover from his wife Hera, Zeus changed her into the form of a heifer. 81 The two football players in white jerseys and purple pants tackle the player in the red jersey. 95 The paralyzed insect is coated in a thick layer of pollen. 58 and pick up a man named Lee Oswald. When Hill asked why Oswald was wanted, 74 The inscription continues: I am Cyrus, king of the world. 57 Access to passenger compartment of Presidential car. 52 There's the mix. 16 A woman with black hair wearing a black and white polkadot dress is singing into a microphone. 94 Mobile data services are also available, including high-speed Three G services. 79 pm 2 Worse and worse. 16 Using script blockers is generally a good idea, but it requires the user to learn a bit. 88 He also set the complex back on the mesa overlooking the city, and designed the approaching road to be long, winding, and indirect. 131 Dissolved in water, the sugar is transported down delicate tubes, chiefly in the growing bark region of the stem. 113 But a little later the Court itself admitted 44 Judgments finding violations are binding on the States concerned and they are obliged to execute them. 102 It was also a nice way to check out which country you really want to visit. 75 This was Duranno; but the sight of the heaving mass of uplifted, impassioned faces 82 They tell how he forced the exiles to carry heavy bags of sand across the desert to increase their burdens; 107 The Commission has the impression 33 These devices were developed by several European scientists in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, notably Galileo Galilei. 128 The music, while technically a waltz, sounded more like a drunken tuba player falling into the orchestra's percussion section. 126 and that they had no opportunity to scan the windows of the Depository or any other building in the vicinity of Elm and Houston when the motorcade was passing. 159 His rhetoric selectively draws from multiple sources: Islam, history, and the region's political and economic malaise. 118 A man in a yellow rain jacket is playing a musical instrument amidst black and white birds. 91 Awhile ago, we knew very little. 32 Further sums were to have been paid after the escape; 53 Turning to his right in the direction of the noise, Kellerman heard the President say 85 such as the triton, the salamander, etc., which are therefore called "caducibranchs," but the frog still passes on. 115 In eighteen ninety-four, 24 The broad use of social media by adolescents means it is an influential piece of their lives. 93 Parton refused. 15 You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. 60 A domestic passenger flight with seventy-one people on board crashes shortly after takeoff from Moscow, Russia. 111 The houses are built of red clay bricks. 40 when John Collins, "a person in the garb of a sailor, of wretched appearance, and having a wooden leg," 103 Whoever the rightful owner is we've still got a whole host of missing scientists to account for. 96 When the officers were unable to discuss foreign affairs satisfactorily with him, Oswald regarded them as unfit to exercise command over him. 141 left by a Mr. Henry Allnutt, who was long a prisoner in the Marshalsea, and came into a fortune while there. 108 The population was estimated at twelve thousand four hundred twenty four. 73 finally attaining a male status or image in his own eyes, end quote. That apparently caused Oswald to become more self-confident, 129 The position of this palmprint on the carton was parallel with the long axis of the box, and at right angles with the short axis; 129 The state side ceased to exist, and the female prisoners thus regained the space of which their quadrangle had been robbed. 123 A whiff of it will cure the most stubborn cold. 47 Before the founding of the church, Roberts began publication of a monthly journal, "The Earnest Christian". 107 Cummings was caught shortly afterwards. 39 As he crossed the intersection a block east of tenth and Patton, he saw a policeman standing by the left door of the police car parked along the south side of tenth. 165 Lord William Russell lived alone in Norfolk Street, Park Lane. He was a widower, and seventy-three years of age. 112 Why does no one stir to help him? Where would be the use? The hardened burglar moves not, nor does he speak; 108 They might appear in a whirlwind. 33 From across the street Callaway yelled, quote, Hey, man, what the hell is going on? End quote. 94 Do you have Hugo's phone number? 32 but as no similar variation occurred in the prisoner's appetite, his ration was somewhat precarious. 100 Don't press the red button! 27 The massacre of the whole of the Cabinet Ministers at one stroke was to be followed by an attack 96 This finding, in addition to the freshness of one of the prints and the presence of Oswald's prints on two of the four cartons and the paper bag 144 A yacht slid around the point into the bay. 43 After reviewing this aspect of the matter this chapter will set forth the Commission's conclusions 98 Even NASA helped raise the profile of the electric vehicle when its electric Lunar rover became the first manned vehicle to drive on the moon in nineteen seventy one. 166 Two spectators are adorn with Mickey Mouse ears while looking back at an angle from a stadium. 94 I am not surprised. 19 Often the convicts give way to despair. They are too closely watched to be allowed to do themselves much mischief, or suicides would probably be more frequent. 159 Let stand, tossing occasionally, until cubes being to absorb cream mixture, about thirty minutes. 97 Leno reportedly earned thirty two million dollars in two thousand five. 71 Advance Preparations for the Dallas Trip 40 Writing, the best memory. 25 There is a radio telephone service between the islands and to Samoa. 68 There were no grounds for his action. 37 He went through a series of exercises called dry firing where he assumed all positions which would later be used in the qualification course. 141 Wake and rise, and step into the green outdoors. 48 Henman has been warned. 23 I went there to see the land, the people and how their system works, end quote. 79 Mr. Buxton had succeeded to the great work which William Wilberforce had commenced, and led the repeated attacks upon slavery in British colonies 145 A six comes up more often than a ten. 37 Showtime is the eighth studio album by James Brown. 51 In nineteen ninety two, private insulation manufacturer Energy Savings Solutions, Inc., reached out to Oak Ridge National Laboratory to find ways to improve loose-fill fiberglass insulation. 190 John looked out the window of the show-house, happy he had mortgage approval, but worried about the repayments. 111 And it is worth mention in passing that, as an example of fine typography, 74 a small black and white dog running through the grass with a tennis ball in his mouth 85 Dr. Smethurst was long an inmate of Newgate, and was tried at the Central Criminal Court. 89 It is all right. 16 Watch today's launch to Mars to give the Red Planet its first thorough checkup since it formed four point five billion years ago! 129 Do not use if under eighteen years of age. If swallowed, contact a poison control center immediately. 101 Gilbert, Tom, and Bill are all good at skating and diving. 58 That is the weirdest dress I have found in this store. 54 to make the administration of all federal justice speedier and, therefore, less costly; 87 The Wallaces were arrested, committed to Newgate, and tried at the Old Bailey. 78 More than twenty years ago, when Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson were attempting to correct abuses in our national life, 126 Some people are more likely to get sick, including people fifty years or older, current or former smokers, people with chronic lung disease, and people with a weakened immune system. 182 Internal organs may persist unchanged and hence they offer good guides to classification. 89 the firm's paper went down further and further in value; an application to the Committee of Bankers for assistance was peremptorily refused, 140 he with unusual quickness of apprehension discovered and promptly turned to account an inexcusably lax system of management, 124 he was nevertheless unable to convince the proper authorities that he was really seventeen years old. 101 When I made my gracious entry into Babylon, with exceeding joy I took up my abode in the royal palace. 102 What do you mean? 17 the prosecution of persons who have committed an offense such as threatening the President. 91 and decorated here and there with large reliefs representing bulls and lions and dragons, 89 The executors to the estate disputed the validity of this document. 67 For while Roman Catholics and Dissenters were encouraged to see ministers of their own persuasion, 98 or female convicts ordered for execution. 41 Man in black hat teaching another man tennis on a fenced in tennis court. 73 At twelve:thirty p.m., Eastern Standard Time, as the President's open limousine proceeded at approximately eleven miles per hour along Elm Street 145 this is best furthered by the avoidance of irrational swellings and spiky projections, and by the using of careful purity of line. 130 Whaley displayed a trip manifest which showed a twelve o'clock trip from Travis Hotel to the Continental bus station, 117 They all gathered in Manchester. 32 The officers went on board the 'Victoria' at once, Müller was identified by Mr. Death, and the arrest was made. 111 Electric cars didn't have any of the issues associated with steam or gasoline. 78 I'm from the government. 24 She got a drawing pad and began dedicating a few days a week to sketching her surroundings. 91 measuring approximately eighteen by twelve by fourteen inches which had been moved from a stack along the south wall. 117 and mounting upon the walls along both sides of the stream, would so have caught the enemy as it were in a trap. 112 September thirty, nineteen thirty-four. 39 A person carrying a child piggyback style on a beach chasing a frisbee rolling toward the water. 96 the Commission notes with approval several recent measures taken and proposed by the Secret Service to improve its liaison arrangements. 136 The four-piece kit with a floor tom remains popular, particularly for jazz bands. 81 I thought we'd already agreed that we couldn't risk that information falling into his hands. 92 Few realizing that the dreadful fate would overtake them, dismissed the prospect of death, 90 Hosty decided that the Lee Harvey Oswald case should be reopened because of the alleged personal difficulties and the contact with the Worker, 142 He will address the nation this evening. 40 how do you get it back? 23 were as yet but imperfectly understood, and such portions of the "improved" jails of that period as were still extant a few years back, 135 After sentence, the Newgate officers who had special charge of him noticed that he slept well and ate well, enjoying all his meals. 131 Store at room temperature. Do not use if pregnant. 50 What did you do? 16 Although manacled, he managed to get a pistol from his chest and load it. 73 Don't let appearances fool you. 31 This is a national crisis. 26 that they were all the powers needed to meet each and every problem which then had a national character 103 A bridge could be of wood, stone, or both. 42 The current time is five thirty P.M. Mountain Standard Time. 60 The human hand that placed it there was only seen for a moment, 63 Add the vinegar, water, sugar, salt and pepper to the pan. 58 galleries 9 I have the most beautiful voice you have ever heard. 52 transportation 14 After World War One the drifting contact mine was banned, but was occasionally used during World War Two. 105 Tend the sheep while the dog wanders. 37 The Centers for Disease Control reports life expectancy in twenty sixteen declined for the second year in a row because of the opioid crisis. 141 it has not been the practice of the Secret Service to make surveys or checks of buildings along the route of a Presidential motorcade. 134 Before we begin with the actual baptism, let's renew our creed. 63 She was found guilty. 21 The coastal batteries of the "Kriegsmarine" were stationed on the German coasts. 80 Transfer cauliflower to a bowl, mash, and strain excess water. 62 Its observation probabilities are computed as a product of pixel probabilities. 79 While he had expressed hostility at times toward the State Department, the Marine Corps, and the FBI as agents of the Government, 129 that the FBI took an unduly restrictive view of its responsibilities in preventive intelligence work, prior to the assassination. 129 Not only were the wards thus needlessly crammed, and for no reason but the niggardliness of the corporation which refused a proper supply of bedding 148 I am not for a return to that definition of liberty under which for many years a free people were being gradually regimented 124 It won't do you any harm. 25 There will be widespread support on all sides. 46 The testimony reveals that liaison responsibilities in connection with the President's visit 92 The lead car. -- Described as a "rolling command car," this was an unmarked Dallas police car, driven by Chief of Police Curry 126 A few minutes later she described the gunman to a policeman. 60 The life of that bungee jumper dangles on a string, in the truest sense of the word. 84 The stripes made the animal blend into the background, 54 Cadets' uniforms are inspected before their tours begin each day. 65 But although Cuvier's leading diagnosis of the animal from the plant will not stand a strict test, 98 Arrange for your airline to help you if you need help making a connecting flight. 81 Inhalation begins at the mouth and the nostrils located at the front of the beak. 81 With only a rare exception, the meter is iambic pentameter. 59 The diet was limited to dry bread, which was of the best certainly, and a pound and a half in weight. 101 Are you in pain? 16 No, I have not seen it. 23 the slackness of supervision over wholly irresponsible agents, produced many terrible monetary catastrophes, 108 I never believed I would find more material advantages at this stage of development in the Soviet Union than I might of had in the U.S. 135 Love is a fluid concept, and I'm not sure if androids get that. 63 I have clearly been discriminated because of my sex, the feminist complained. 77 Parliamentary and municipal elections were held on the nineteen of November two thousand six. 93 It is a species of soldier fly. 31 Two tablespoons milk. Six skinless, boneless chicken breast halves. Four tablespoons butter. 92 She has exhibited widely, both nationally and internationally, and her work was recently selected for the landmark exhibition "Painting". 137 and after a long interval his dead body was discovered, shockingly disfigured, in a ditch. This was in eighteen oh two. 119 The intestines were, however, preserved and sent for analysis, 62 A meat thermometer inserted into the thickest part of the fillet should read at least one hundred forty five degrees. 117 moved for a committee to report upon the best means of securing some uniform system which should be "punitive, reformatory, and self-supporting;" 145 Major Anderson said, quote, when he fired that two twelve 57 Advertisements are rarely hosted by the same web server as the actual content. 78 In order to emphasize the fundamental similarity of organic function in higher and lower animals and plants, let us compare any higher plant 140 Attacks upon the sovereign, as I have said, became more common after the accession of the young Queen Victoria in eighteen thirty-eight. 136 She was a teacher and a member of the Young Conservatives. 58 bound, as it happened, to the Archbishop of York's. 51 In his absence, the council adopted the change. 47 is properly manned and equipped to carry on extensive information gathering functions within the United States. 111 This school will benefit future generations to come. 52 In Ireland, the butter is always salted, why would anyone want it any other way? 80 It is not known how far Marcus' writings were circulated after his death. 73 The jury did not believe him, and the verdict was for the defendants. 69 The rest were detained for more than a month, it being considered that they were the most guilty, as being either professional agents, who advised the others to abscond, 169 The foods containing only the elements carbon, hydrogen and oxygen (fats and carbohydrates) 91 Help teens protect their information online with onguard online dot gov, a federal resource sponsored by the Department of Homeland Security. 141 In the Paines' garage, along with many other objects of a household character, 78 Governor Connally occupied the right jump seat, Mrs. Connally the left. 71 The service was no longer active by the time M.T.V. launched in nineteen eighty one. 84 Though they're primarily trained with an emphasis on trauma medicine, they also have a working knowledge of dentistry, veterinary care, public sanitation, water quality and optometry. 183 I just saw G. I. Joe. 21 Will you please answer that phone. 34 Seventy-eight Doctor Martin Luther King Junior Boulevard, Minneapolis, Minnesota. 81 We are currently consulting with a wide range of interested parties. 68 The volume is already at the minimum. 37 I am afraid that I would need to charge you for that. 53 A magnitude seven point six earthquake strikes north of Honduras, resulting in tsunami warnings in the Caribbean. 113 Lawson stated that he, quote, was looking back a good deal of the time, 71 thence from the corners of the wall there is carried along each bank of the river a fence of burned bricks. 107 quality 7 The great irrigating dams across the Euphrates are constructed entirely of them. 80 Cole now suspended payment. 27 A girl in red short and a white Tshirt underground looking out of a hole. 73 Her mom took her to the judo class at four o'clock. 51 To say a few words on the principles of design in typography: 61 That circus acrobat must have a well-trained vestibular system, the spectator thought. 86 He took his plate, grabbed a knife and fork and scowled at the savagery on television. 86 since admirably developed in the convict prisons of this country. 65 More information on how to apply for the special validation is available here. 78 I ate already. 14 According to this committee of eighteen sixty-three, beds in the smaller and most carelessly conducted prisons formed a large element in the life of a prisoner. 160 Slow down, check out the story, do an online search, consult an expert, or just tell a friend. 94 The agents in the follow-up car also were expected to scan adjacent buildings. 78 He appeals to people disoriented by cyclonic change as they confront modernity and globalization. 97 Drive the screw straight into the wood. 39 He was jailed for five years. 29 The term "just my two cents" is about opinion, not about money. 63 Students in the university's visual arts department also create temporary public art installations as part of their coursework. 127 You have to be critical of unnatural ways people try to change the language. 76 In spite of the fact that unemployment remains a serious problem 64 Union is strength. 18 college 7 In another letter to V. T. Lee, dated August seventeen, nineteen sixty-three, 77 The Fighting Seabee Statue is located here. 43 He suffered at Stafford in front of the jail. 45 an active and controversial figure on the American political scene since his resignation from the U.S. Army in nineteen sixty-one 129 Presidential protection was an important topic in these training programs. 74 The Sultanate ushered in a period of Indian cultural renaissance. 65 The plush chair leaned against the wall. 40 Searching for: Barack Obama. 28 It causes most warning and diagnostic messages to be suppressed. 64 Two workers in hard hats examine a piece of industrial equipment in a tunnel underground. 89 Nothing has been supplied to the bean save water, carbonic acid, ammonia, potash, lime, iron and the like in combination with phosphoric, sulphuric and other acids. 164 On one occasion a disturbance was raised which was not quelled until windows had been broken and forms and tables burnt. 120 The attraction between moon and earth goes both ways, which causes tides. 73 Benjamin Vines and Daniel Ward put in irons for two days for breaking the windows of the day room in the condemned cells. 121 This matter is obviously beyond the jurisdiction of the Commission, 67 Again in eighteen thirty-five prisons and their inmates became once more the care of the senate, and the subject was taken up this time by the House of Lords. 158 Is it not a fact that relations between capital and labor on the basis of collective bargaining are much further advanced in Great Britain 138 The due relation of letter to pictures and other ornament was thoroughly understood by the old printers. 104 In some large towns, as at Berwick on Tweed, Southampton, and Southwark, they (the prisons) are in a very discreditable condition. 130 It cannot be denied, however, that the ordinary's treatment was somewhat unfeeling, and in proof thereof 104 When the FBI in Washington received the cartons, the remaining prints, including Oswald's on the Rolling Readers carton, 120 If you need me to stop talking at any time, just push my button. 64 Five adults are playing cards while sitting outside at a picnic table in their backyard. 88 Bottom line: Never give your money or your information to anyone who contacts you. 82 The letter informed him of the marks and sizes of the cases containing the precious metal, 90 On the contrary, it was actually very funny. 44 are 3 Upon arrival, President Johnson made a brief statement over television and radio. 81 The Christian bible has seen many changes throughout history. 61 No murder has created greater sensation and horror throughout England than that of Mr. Weare by Thurtell, Hunt, and Probert. 124 The inmates of this part, as distinguished from the debtors, were comprised in four classes: 92 The Hidell signature on the notice of classification was in the handwriting of Oswald. 86 but it was based upon more extended and audacious forgeries. 60 Deputy Chief N. T. Fisher, and several other command officers to discuss details of the motorcade and possible routes. 118 Hedgehogs are very cute but often covered in parasites such as fleas. 69 Fritz replied, quote, Well, he was employed down at the Book Depository and he had not been present for a roll call of the employees, end quote. 144 so that it might become the exclusive property of her husband, "whoever he might be." 85 Pedestrians can access this walkway from the east end by a flight of stairs or a lift. 86 In addition, there are special rules for carrying containers, and countries can set their own rules for local traffic. 118 There is no magic formula, 26 The wide road shimmered in the hot sun. 39 Finally, these agreements with Federal and local authorities will be of little value 84 Spain withdraws the international arrest warrant for five former Catalan officials now residing in Belgium. The charges of sedition and rebellion, however, remain. 163 The placentals give birth to relatively complete and developed young, usually after long gestation periods. 107 In both plants and animals simple waste substances result from the catabolic processes in the cells. 100 one cannot estimate when, prior to November twenty-two, Oswald made the paper bag. 82 A person is hanging up pictures of women with a few onlookers watching surrounded by bikes. 91 Finally, the Commission has reviewed the complete files on Oswald, as they existed at the time of the assassination, of the Department of State, 144 Benavides stopped and waited in the truck until the gunman ran to the corner. 77 It was well known that they were resurrectionists, and a strict watch was kept at all the turnpike gates on the southern roads leading into London. 147 The judge sat in proper form; he was punctiliously styled "my lord." 68 The bacteria Legionella and Pseudomonas are the next most leading causes of these outbreaks, with sixteen percent of outbreaks caused by Legionella and thirteen percent caused by Pseudomonas. 191 The minister is the engineer. 29 Lee Harvey Oswald lived in a roominghouse in Dallas while his wife and children lived in Irving, at the home of Ruth Paine, 123 I've got no secret. 19 Contemporary Tongans often have strong ties to overseas lands. 62 This is true only as a matter of detail, 40 Sales representatives should tell you the risk of particular investments. 73 Now, here again the former theory appears to be triumphant over the latter, says Romanes, 89 It resembles similar species found in Africa, Eurasia and North America, including the black-winged kite. 105 I asked him what for he was making all these entries in the book and he answered that he wanted to leave a complete record so that all the details would be in it. 162 The S.E.C. appreciates the assistance of the U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of New Jersey and the F.B.I. 113 Lawson was responsible for working out a great many arrangements for the President's trip. 90 During World War One, the academy produced General of the Armies John J. Pershing. 82 had no passenger in a jump seat between Agent Youngblood and Vice President Johnson to interfere with Agent Youngblood's ability 128 Reuests for additional personnel were not made because of the studies then being conducted. 91 The Tsar rejected these proposals. 34 In February or March of nineteen sixty-three, 45 Quote, this thirteen year old well built boy has superior mental resources and functions only slightly below his capacity level 127 This area includes most of what is now Clark County and the Las Vegas metropolitan area. 88 How are you? 12 Wind gusts could produce wind chills as low as minus seven degrees. 67 An active committee was appointed, comprising many names already well known, some of them destined to become famous in the annals of philanthropy. 146 Good was followed to his stables by a policeman, but obstinately denied the theft. 82 It seems to be midday. I will adjust the brightness. 52 Act on these orders with great speed. 37 Local and state labs must be able to safely detect and respond to health threats in order to prevent premature death, injury, and disease. 138 This is the point. 18 Family Trade was part of G.S.N.'s attempt to broaden their programming landscape. 81 his general personality would alienate the group against him, end quote. 72 Sorry, I don't quite understand. 32 His handling from his earliest printers was little better. 58 The commission was also to consider possible arrangements for the War and Navy Departments. 91 Good people, do not be hurried; I am not, I can wait. 53 A woman whom he called on the same evening declared he had worn a mackintosh, his coat was much torn, there was a stain of blood on his shirt-cuff, 147 That of Fauntleroy the banker, in eighteen twenty-four, 55 It is not known whether the application for post office box two nine one five listed "A. Hidell" as a person entitled to receive mail at this box. 146 Stop getting takeaways and start to cook yourself! 50 On one occasion, Mr. Wakefield tells us, the Recorder, who had attended the council at Windsor, did not deliver the report till the following day. 146 and silver coins, with all the latest appliances for coining, including those of electroplating; 96 Chickens are adorable. 22 He jumped up and turned quickly to face the imagined terror screaming "Get back!" There was nothing behind him except for his bookcase which seemed to be missing a single, important book. 187 Prisoners confessed that it was a favorite occupation, the chief games being "shoving halfpence" on the table, 110 and was in the habit of drawing frequently upon the female prison for prisoners to act as domestic servants in his own private dwelling. 136 Taking advantage of being unobserved, he got out through the roof on to the leads, and traveled along them towards Number one, Newgate Street. 142 Cadigan found that the paper used to make this replica sack had different characteristics from the paper in the original bag. 125 the wall beneath and above it was "rusticated," in other words, the granite surface had become roughened, and offered a sort of foothold. 137 Nor does the royal record of Babylon contain the only contemporary account of the fall of the city, 99 Although the Commission does not know whether the cases involved are entirely comparable, these figures suggest that the agents of the Secret Service are substantially overworked. 179 The books and journals he was to keep were minutely specified, and his constant presence in or near the jail was insisted upon. 127 Spread a thin layer of the meat mixture in the bottom of a four quart casserole dish. 85 Don't worry, I have a feeling I'll be seeing him pretty soon anyway. 68 any and all information that they may come in contact with that would indicate danger to the President, end quote. 114 and by Arthur Mandella, a fingerprint expert with the New York City Police Department. 86 Screen the porch with woven straw mats. 39 members of his immediate family, the President-Elect, and the Vice-President is within the exclusive jurisdiction of the U.S. Secret Service. 141 on 2 I have thus explained to you the reasons that lie behind our efforts to secure results by legislation within the Constitution. 126 The compromise is entirely on the arrival at that position. 59 Special forces medical sergeants are considered to be the finest first-response trauma medical technicians in the world. 120 Since its re-establishment in eighteen fourteen, Holland had always had two King's Commissioners, one for the north and one for the south. 138 The Commission was not asked to apply itself as did the Hoover Commission in nineteen forty-nine, 97 You do not change overnight. 28 The items which Oswald left at home when he made his attack on Walker suggest a strong concern for his place in history. 120 The allies lost another airborne division during the raid. 58 They use the money for a wide variety of projects, from scientific studies that help us make decisions to community cleanups. 125 When Congress writes an environmental law, we implement it by writing regulations. 82 Cover, and cook on Low for ten to twelve hours, or on High for four to five hours. 82 In the plant also oxygen is absorbed through the epidermis and stomata from the air. 84 A reward was forthwith offered for Robson's apprehension. 57 They admitted that they had made away with many of the securities entrusted to their keeping. 93 which would achieve the goal, which was, quote, the emplacement of a separate, democratic, pure communist society 113 we shall seek such clarifying amendment as will assure the power to enact those laws, 85 In his opinion, none of the information in the FBI files -- Oswald's defection, his Fair Play for Cuba activities in New Orleans, 129 Bake for twenty to thirty minutes in the preheated oven, or until cheese is slightly brown and bubbly. 102 those who were the oldest offenders, sentenced to transportation, and who had narrowly escaped the penalty of death. 116 at Montreuil. He was arraigned at the Old Bailey, and the case fully proved. His sentence was seven years' transportation. 122 Plain diving was first introduced into the Olympics at the nineteen oh four event. 82 Type cast from his matrices is still in everyday use. 53 The waiting staff numbered four million, four hundred thirty eight thousand, one hundred, earning an average eight dollars, eighty four cents per hour. 151 A twist on a classic recipe. 28 I have heard the protracted agony of both classes described by those who witnessed it in terms so strong, that I am unwilling to repeat them. 141 Nepal bans solo climbers, double amputees and blind climbers from scaling its mountains, including Mount Everest, in a bid to reduce accidents. 143 Question: Was any effort made to inspect the President's back after he had expired? Answer: No, sir. 100 Sorry, I couldn't figure out what you want me to do. 52 We now have about forty staff members in the main German office. 64 I don't like this car. 22 Looking for new messages. 25 He was an honest sea-captain, he said, trading from Liverpool, where once he had the misfortune to be introduced to a man of wealth, 132 possibly by factors of which those around him were only dimly aware. 68 There was no decency whatever in the internal arrangements; 59 No definite rules, however, except the avoidance of "rivers" and excess of white, can be given for the spacing. 111 A man in an orange safety vest kneels on a train track while repairing a passenger train. 89 Fruit flavors are used in fizz drinks. 38 Sometimes the report was delayed. 33 Twenty nine of those were positive for rabies. 46 It stars Paul Rudd, Craig Roberts, and Selena Gomez. 52 Compulsory attendance at lectures and the sending of the entire shop collective (except me) to pick potatoes on a Sunday, at a state collective farm 148 Small, sharp-bowed British vessels were the result. 51 Follow these instructions to set up WiFi. 41 Next, it forms first one pair and then another pair of legs; and meanwhile it begins to breathe also by lungs. 110 or to make him sleep in close contact with the victims of contagious and loathsome disease, 91 My wife had a baby last week. 29 For various reasons the Secret Service has functioned largely as an informal part of the White House staff, with the result 123 The Veterans Administration was then renamed the Department of Veterans Affairs, and continued to be known as V.A. 114 Two weeks pass, and at last you stand on the eastern edge of the plateau 72 Every window had its party of occupants; the adjoining roofs were equally crowded. 82 As Jennifer walked down the aisle, she wondered if she had made a mistake. 74 In addition, there is no evidence that he received any substantial amount of materials from the national headquarters. 118 Did you check your laser? 25 indicating the possibility of an attempt against the person or safety of the President, end quote, or other protected persons. 126 Hi to you too 13 Frequently, however, he was confronted with evidence which he could not explain, and he resorted to statements which are known to be lies. 138 Another reaction to the impending visit -- hostile to the President -- came to a head shortly before his arrival. 113 I prefer not to take some public transport systems for security reasons. 72 Preheat oven to four hundred twenty five degrees. Grease a nine by thirteen inch pan with cooking spray. 104 Before dinner on November twenty-one, Oswald played on the lawn of the Paines' home with his daughter June. 107 Amylaceous and saccharine substances are largely manufactured, even by the highest animals. 91 Mayor Earle Cabell called on the city to redeem itself during President Kennedy's visit. 88 Congratulations to the prize winners! 37 Suddenly, there is so much more time in a day because she no longer has to spend hours commuting. 97 Bribes fail where honest men work. 34 Mrs. Tarpey was almost immediately captured and put on her trial, but she was acquitted on the plea that she had acted under the coercion of her husband. 153 It may be most appropriate for you to contact your city, county, or state environmental or health agency, or another federal agency. 132 The set of china hit the floor with a crash. 44 This is a three-month average of ice clouds. 44 Each series of three shots landed within areas ranging in diameter from three to five inches. 93 Place a steamer insert into a saucepan and fill with water to just below the bottom of the steamer. 99 but then she noticed an almost imperceptible movement and knew that he was still alive. She said, quote, It's all right. Be still, end quote, 141 Add soy sauce and simmer for two minutes. Pour chicken and sauce into a bowl. 77 What's your status? 19 You guys at Mozilla should really include every letter of the alphabet into this. 81 Report of the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy. 79 prescribed nominally by the fresh doctor, for which Palmer had substituted his own. 83 I don't even bother trying to get spiders out of my boat anymore, they're just maintenance-free pets. 101 Thistlewood was discovered next morning in a mean house in White Street, Moorfields. 84 I've set an alarm for Tuesday at seven thirty A.M. 50 The Elementary Education Act, passed in eighteen ninety three, required local authorities to provide separate education for blind and deaf children. 148 are absorbed by the circulating liquids (blood and lymph) and transported to all cells of the animal body. 106 to organize themselves for collective bargaining as embodied in Section seven (a) of the national Industrial Recovery Act. 122 which was authorized by a recent act, on account of Mr. Pate's family and position in life. 91 His letter is admirably clear and regular, but at least as beautiful as any other Roman type. 93 It was thought that capital punishment would lose its deterrent effect if it ceased to be public, 97 In nineteen sixty eight, the first tactics were implemented to decrease the population of Diego Garcia. 103 Is it possible for you to refund the registration fee? 54 On June twenty-four, nineteen sixty-three, he applied for a new passport 72 They walked together quietly for some little distance, then Cannon, without the slightest warning, 98 a President-elect, and a candidate for the Presidency, which narrowly failed: 77 President Grant invited him to the White House in eighteen sixty nine, and he went. 83 Tomorrow is Laura's birthday. 29 How any agent can stay idle is beyond me. 41 Elena took a photo of the fountain in front of the Eiffel Tower. 64 and they spent some fourteen or fifteen hours in total darkness, and almost without check or control. 101 A lathe cuts and trims any wood. 32 In that time, it has created a global map of these ice clouds around the planet, which could someday help improve models and forecasts. 135 Voebel took Oswald back to the school to attend to his wounds, and their, quote, mild friendship, end quote, stemmed from that incident. 136 To this end it was decided more than twenty years ago 53 The team with the best timing looks good. 41 He gained two hundred eight votes. 34 It looks like there is an I.P. address specified in your Mycroft configuration file. 84 no weavers' looms or carpenters' benches. There must be a great deal of solitude, coarse food, a dress of shame, 112 she looked out the breakfast-room window and saw Oswald cross the street and walk toward the driveway where her brother parked his car near the carport. 152 Guinyard and Callaway viewed the same lineup of four men from which Mrs. Markham had earlier made her identification of Lee Harvey Oswald. 138 The F.T.C. also is leading several initiatives to develop technology-based solutions. 85 Most of these island arcs are formed as one oceanic tectonic plate subducts another one and produces magma at depths below the over-riding plate. 145 without waiting for any signal, the platform dropped, and he was launched into eternity. 88 to which access was granted rarely and as a great favor. But they were allowed the luxury of drink -- if they could pay for it. 127 or his bedclothes were drawn away across the room. 50 The whole of southern Africa is in the grip of Aids. 52 ed 2 Sponge-making is, therefore, an important if not an essential accomplishment in a cook, be she novice or veteran. 113 The mutineers were of the same stamp as the crew of the 'Flowery Land' 70 Let stand at least ten minutes before serving. 46 Among the escapes still remembered was one in eighteen forty-nine, accomplished by a man who had been employed 110 Ctesias mentions three hundred feet; probably they were not far from the truth. 79 Oh, I think you are right. 26 A trained police dog sits next to his handler in front of the police van. 73 This is not correct. 20 A magnitude seven point six earthquake strikes north of Honduras, resulting in tsunami warnings in the Caribbean. 113 Mount Hope, in a disputed region of Antarctica, is found to be the highest mountain in territory claimed by the United Kingdom. 127 Continue aggressive law enforcement. 36 She stored a collection of dictionaries and encyclopedia books in this cupboard. 80 and represents his reaction to a complete absence of any real family life, end quote. 85 I employ only eighty umpires throughout the year. 49 A woman wearing a scarf and reading a thin book reclines on a wooden structure. 79 Her captain was John Smith; 27 We also need a small plastic snake and a big toy frog for the kids. 67 The Hon. H. G. Bennet, who visited Newgate in eighteen seventeen, saw in one yard, in a total of seventy-two prisoners, 119 He asserted that Dallas had shed its reputation of the twenties as the, quote, Southwest hate capital of Dixie, end quote 121 It is the only private chapel to survive the Reformation. 57 a sound as if the ocean had suddenly broken through some ancient boundary, against which its ever restless billows had for ages battered; 137 Webster enrolled at Yale just before his sixteenth birthday, studying during his senior year with Ezra Stiles, Yale's president. 128 Upper and lower receivers, a pistol grip, a trigger guard, fifteen high-capacity magazines, a buttstock, and four hundred twenty rounds of full metal jacket rifle ammunition. 174 for the paltry sum of four pence, with costs of seven shillings, six pence. 75 If you can run a computer, you can talk to the world. 53 These factors are similarly considered in establishing environmental policy. 76 winked at other prisoners in derision of what was taking place; and I have frequently heard men and lads who had been of the kneeling party 139 What is it you want? 20 What has altered? 17 Her pacifist verse drama, a one-act play written for the Provincetown Players, is often anthologized. 101 and presented by no heathen land under the sun. 47 Governor Connally was originally seen by Dr. Carrico and Dr. Richard Dulany. 76 Her figure remained in vogue in the twenty first century. 57 There are too many obstacles for the robot to find its way. 59 On November four, Sorrels told Behn he believed security difficulties at the Trade Mart could be overcome by special precautions. 129 Generally, I think that was right, for such things that is the right thing to do. There was some grounds for it. End quote. 123 As a means of securing this uniformity, 39 The Caesar and Dragonfly missions will receive funding through the end of twenty eighteen to further develop and mature their concepts. 135 The legend has it that two slaves were hoping for the pharaoh to grant them amnesty. 84 that O'Connor had been more to her than her husband, that she ought to have married him. 88 Espresso is also the base for a latte, cappuccino, macchiato, mocha, flat white, or Americano. 94 showed how greatly the publicity and wide dissemination of the news regarding murder facilitate the detection of crime. 119 The state supported Bill Clinton in nineteen ninety two, John Kerry in two thousand four, and Barack Obama in two thousand eight. 129 Lincoln closely supervised the war effort, especially the selection of generals, including his most successful general, Ulysses S. Grant. 137 The term U.F.O. became more widespread during the nineteen fiftys, at first in technical literature, but later in popular use. 126 Lottery cash is rightly dependent on grassroots approval. 57 The blackbird watched all this from the tree twisting its head left and right, blinking and testing its wings, before finally taking to the air. 144 From the moment of a person's committal he was certain to be plunged deeper and deeper in guilt. 96 But the framers went further. 29 and was extremely believable before this. We thought the fellow could probably get quite a few members if he was really indeed serious about getting members. 157 Maybe we can wait a little bit before changing the titles and the text everywhere else? 87 My laptop has crashed. 22 Metastability in electronics is usually seen as a problem. 58 The bloom of the rose lasts a few days. 39 Fedric was unable to find his lucky marble. 43 It has created a global map of these ice clouds around the planet, which could someday help improve models and forecasts. 121 Oswald apparently concluded that his Fair Play for Cuba Committee activities were not related to his discharge. 111 The sentence of the court, one of ten years' transportation, struck the prisoner with dismay. 93 Presently the proper person arrived from the consignees, but found the gold-dust gone. 86 An Asian man stands behind a makeshift storefront with a handmade yellow poster advertising watch repair. 105 What are they for? 18 advertising 11 Five people are shot during mass fighting between Afghan and Eritrean migrant groups in Calais, France. 103 What can it be? 15 the thieves and burglars who carried on the active business of their profession, from which their confederates were temporarily debarred. 137 Saudi Arabia had plans to launch six economic cities and are expected to contribute one hundred fifty billion dollars to the economy. 133 Furthermore, both were strongly constrained by custom. 54 so that the entire circuit is four hundred and eighty furlongs. 63 The forecast for tomorrow is sunny! 35 There, in late May and early June of nineteen sixty-three, under the name Lee Osborne, 86 Gandhi considered the north-eastern regions important, because of its strategic situation. 90 This is a sector in overall deficit and urgent action is required. 66 The actual execution, which took place at another prison than Newgate, is rather beyond the scope of this work. 111 I am doing well. 16 I have to work this Saturday. 29 he did nothing beyond visiting the prison occasionally, and left the administration to the deputy marshal. 106 Cristiano Ronaldo has won twenty four trophies in his career. 61 who suffers under the impact of really existing emotional isolation 67 she had never witnessed such scenes before, and hopes she never shall again -- it was dreadful! 95 It took me most of the day to track you down, it's not like you're listed in the phone book. 92 It doesn't pay to buy cheap clothes. 36 An attempted terrorist attack occurs when a homemade pipe bomb worn by a man explodes near New York City's Port Authority Bus Terminal. 135 Work has started. 17 The irrational number Pi, which represents the ratio between a circle's circumference and its diameter, approximately equals three point one four one five. 155 The suit may look rigid, but its design actually allows for a wide range of movement. 85 that it was a very dangerous medicine, and she profited by what she had heard. 78 The Rice Rule is presented as a simple alternative. 51 Pershing's occupancy of the office was interrupted only once during these twenty six years, when President Hoover was forced to relocate his offices following a Christmas Eve fire in the West Wing. 197 The highest peak of Bangladesh is near the border with Myanmar. 63 He looked very sharp. 21 Your arms aren't capable of holding your child securely, especially during unexpected turbulence. 97 If you want a discount, you'll have to provide a I.D. Get out of my store. 74 right 5 His third goal was superb. 26 The first observation of gravitational waves was announced on eleven February twenty sixteen. 93 The report of the Committee of the House of Commons painted so black a picture of Newgate as then conducted, that the Corporation were roused in very shame 155 mutual understanding of FBI and agency jurisdictions, and an indicated willingness by the agency representative 111 a marvelous thing happened to Zopyrus, son of the Megabyzus who was among the seven men that overthrew the Magus. 113 As the flag unfurled, they all hollered like wild beasts. 57 Connecting. 11 Calcraft, of whom mention has just been made, was by trade a lady's shoemaker, 78 working 7 But when, almost two years later, it came before the Supreme Court its constitutionality was upheld only by a five-to-four vote. 128 Secret Service arrangements for Presidential trips, which were followed in the Dallas motorcade, 96 An imperfect attempt at classification was, however, made in eighteen twelve, and a yard was as far as possible set apart for the untried, 138 A blond child is wearing blue goggles and a green Speedo tank top while swimming underwater. 92 are all huddled together without discrimination, oversight, or control." 72 They retain the hydrogen and the carbon, exhale the superfluous oxygen and absorb little or no nitrogen. 104 Throughout the centuries people have explained the rainbow in various ways. 75 I believe, says Mr. Bennet in the letter already largely quoted, 64 There seems to be some leniency in when the final submission is needed by. 74 He published nearly three thousand letters over the space of twenty four years. 79 A group of men and women are facing in the direction of something that is happening offcamera. 94 Instrumental solos are usually kept to a minimum, and blues elements are largely downplayed. 92 Nobody knew who Malcolm was. 28 There are four hundred guestrooms in hotels, motels, and bed and breakfasts. 76 Almost absolute silence prevailed until the great bell began to toll its deep note, and broke the stillness with its regular and monotonous clangour, 149 The global positioning system works with triangulation. 55 Less expensive cellos frequently have tops and backs made of laminated wood. 76 There was a pause. 18 This is the narrowing of the modern letters. 44 Higher-grade fruits command higher prices in the market. 56 Who ever heard of a criminal being sentenced to catch the rheumatism or the typhus fever? 89 The geocentric model entered Greek astronomy and philosophy at an early point; it can be found in pre-Socratic philosophy. 122 Masons, bricklayers, carpenters, painters had been employed upon the buildings, and the work was pronounced excellent by competent judges. 138 Throw out the used paper cup and plate. 39 Crouch before you jump or miss the mark. 40 Then he stood up. 17 At last he decided to enlist one Tester, a clerk in the traffic department, whom he thought would prove a likely tool. 118 This means saving is spending. 30 Can you tell me? 16 But reformation was only skin deep. Below the surface many of the old evils still rankled. 90 I was frightened by a presence in my house that whispered terrible things. 74 It would be very useful if my web browser could synchronize all of its preferences, not just some. 98 of descent discovered in the development of plant and animal embryos. 69 Capt. J. W. Fritz then ejected a cartridge by operating the bolt, 65 A speculum is a circular or oval hand-mirror used predominantly by Etruscan women. 82 and the general insufficiency was such 38 This giant skull was discovered near that jawbone. 50 seemed to strike her mind with horror and consternation, to the exclusion of all power of recollectedness in preparation for the approaching awful moment. 154 In spite of recent advances, the language is still under threat. 64 Two bicycles are standing behind two people sitting on the grass near a body of water. 86 and the jury returned a verdict of willful murder against persons unknown, expressing a strong opinion that Bishop, 115 Someone claiming to be an insurance agent gets in touch to say you should "act now" to get your new insurance. 110 He died aged forty eight in nineteen sixty-five, after falling down a staircase in a New York City Subway station. 114 Wainwright was allowed a cigar the night before execution, which he smoked in the prison yard, walking up and down with the governor, Mr. Sydney Smith. 151 Well, I have one last play left to try, and this one's a classic. 65 If any man presumed to turn in too early 40 where she had gone, contrary to his instructions, after she became, worried about his absence. 94 Zeta, short for Zero Energy Thermonuclear Assembly, was a major experiment in the early history of fusion power research. 121 Now, it must be obvious 23 The nineteen seventy three Supreme Court decision "Roe v. Wade". 64 The pipe began to rust while new. 33 But his very position as representative of the people prevents him from effectively shielding himself from the people. 118 the highest level of firing performance which would have been required of the assassin and the C two seven six six rifle 120 These are tantalizing investigations that seek to answer some of the biggest questions in our solar system today. 113 Under the Former Presidents Act, all living former presidents are granted a pension, an office, and a staff. 108 Having in mind that in succeeding generations many other problems then undreamed of would become national problems 114 He testified, quote, 20 It was soon ascertained that the wife had gone off in a cab with a quantity of luggage. 87 Hoist the load to your left shoulder. 37 (three) firearm identification of the bullet found in Walker's home, and (four) 79 In many others there were no infirmaries, no places set apart for the confinement of prisoners afflicted with dangerous and infectious disorders. 145 Finally, only in the Tertiary, so far as we yet know, do the highest form (anoura) appear. 90 the FBI Laboratory developed a latent palmprint and latent fingerprint on the bag. 82 modified more and more through successive generations by the necessities of different modes of life. 100 Look at these strange bed-fellows of yours. 43 Real schools, secondary schools giving a general practical education. 69 Still he resisted. 18 and one which provided an excuse for the carrying of a bulky package the following morning. 91 Volunteers linked several key sites to pass text traffic via packet radio which kept voice frequencies clear. 109 To help reach these emissions savings, in twenty twelve President Obama launched the E.V. Everywhere Grand Challenge. 117 regarding certain protective measures in force at the time of the Dallas trip and propose recommendations for improvements. 123 All this time his position was one of extreme insecurity. He was standing over a mine which at any moment might explode. 120 More often they occurred at night, and were continued to the bitter end. 72 Mamie van Doren, Robert Vaughn and Beverly Garland also hosted at the marathon. 79 This is because it originally was the flag of the Council of Europe. 68 One M.P. said he feared the job losses were only the beginning. 63 threw a stone at the king, which hit him on the forehead, but did no serious injury. 84 the Secret Service had no standard procedure for the systematic review of its requests for and receipt of information from other Federal agencies. 146 Years later, when the archaeologists could readily distinguish the false from the true, 87 was frequently adjudged for so-called libels, or too out-spoken comments in print. 82 Jane spoke emphatically. 24 A thin stripe runs down the middle. 35 I'd like to take the plunge. 28 Eric took his vitamins and continued his exercise regime. 57 He was my big brother, my father, my grandfather. 49 Remove from the pan and set aside. 34 The penguin waddles across the ice, joining her companions. 59 He looked like he was looking down toward the Trinity River and the Triple Underpass down at the end -- toward the end of Elm Street. And 137 You have to do your research. 29 At that time the agents on the framing boards of the follow-up car were expected to perform such a function. 108 Some overhung the road to form a dark tunnel through which all traffic had to pass. 83 Even with the advantage of hindsight, this letter does not appear to express or imply Oswald's determination. 109 There's the rub. 16 Michael Flynn, former U.S. National Security Advisor, pleads guilty to one count of making a false statement to the F.B.I. about his contacts with Russian officials. 165 required further attention. 27 The Secret Service has embarked upon a complete overhaul of its research activities. 84 One (sixteen ounce) jar Alfredo-style pasta sauce. One (ten ounce) package frozen mixed vegetables. One third cup milk. 119 on April ten, nineteen sixty-three. 35 William Whaley, a taxicab driver, told his employer on Saturday morning, November twenty-three 94 but its business was much reduced by the extension of the Courts of Conscience. 79 A short sleep taken about mid-day. 34 This special assistant should be required to have sufficient stature and experience in law enforcement, intelligence, or allied fields 134 Barbara Jeanette Davis and Virginia Davis were sitting alongside each other when they made their positive identifications of Oswald. 132 As we have proceeded with the administration of this Act, 57 Men that are not included in the line, the reserve, Militia Never mind, Farewell. 81 it was agreed that the planning of events in Texas would be left largely to the Governor. 89 The temperature is forty-five degrees Fahrenheit. 49 For many months preparations have been under way. 49 in a lonely part of Hampstead. 30 It was fashioned after the "wanted" circulars issued by law enforcement agencies. 81 Secretary of State Rex Tillerson says that the U.S. and Poland oppose the Nord Stream pipeline. 95 It was not always easy to hire a hangman. 41 who might, quote, lead an expedition to some of these other islands and free them too, end quote. 97 As of March twenty sixteen, there are three hundred forty five radio stations in India. 87 Zanzibar is a lovely island off the coast of Africa. 52 When the train arrived at Hackney station, a passenger who was about to enter one of the carriages found the cushions soaked with blood. 136 My only employee is Eddie Edwards. 34 in reading the modern figures the eyes must be strained before the reader can have any reasonable assurance 107 Zeta went into operation in August nineteen fifty seven and by the end of the month it was giving off bursts of about a million neutrons per pulse. 147 Mix sugar and cornstarch together; stir into the melted butter. 63 The latter testified that they, quote, were just together again, end quote, as if his brother, quote, had not been to Russia, end quote. 136 The prison allowances were eked out by the broken victuals generously given by several eating-house keepers in the city, 120 In another borough, with a population of ten thousand, the prison was of the same dimensions. 93 Place short ribs into the sauce and stir to coat. Set cooker on Low, cover, and cook for eight hours. 101 And what is that? 17 He had not liked his job as a greaser of coffee processing machinery and he held it for only a little over two months. 118 Late in his life, Shockley became intensely interested in questions of race, human intelligence, and eugenics. 110 and a tendency to return to much of that laxity and remissness which formerly marked the management of this prison." 116 The school children wore uniforms of white shirts and navy pants or skirts and yellow name tags. 96 Visitors were still permitted to come with supplies on given days of the week, about the only limitation being that the food should be cooked, and cold; 152 The Secretary of the Treasury submitted this planning document on August thirty-one, nineteen sixty-four, 105 Already, Munch was showing a reluctance to part with his paintings, which he termed his "children". 99 The region was annexed by the Delhi Sultanate. 46 He had not found another job. His wife was expecting their second child in October and there was concern about the cost which would be involved. 144 Oswald rose from his chair, looked directly at Fritz, and said, quote, Everybody will know who I am now, end quote, 115 This was one year before his actual enlistment and just a little over two point five years after he left New York. 114 The barrel of beer was a brew of malt and hops. 47 Potions said he would drive. 28 McDonald first searched two men in the center of the main floor, about ten rows from the front. 95 Lack of adequate resources is an unacceptable excuse for failing to improve advance precautions 95 Margaret was on her knees, begging Melissa to change her mind. 62 Parents should warn their kids about possible undertow near sieves in swimming pools. 85 Below the southeast corner window on the sixth floor was a large carton of books 80 prior to November twenty-two, nineteen sixty-three, were inadequate. 68 They do not work for Glasgow City Council. 42 We must find a way to take an appeal from the Supreme Court to the Constitution itself. 87 it 2 The door was open. 18 They insist on money transfers because it is nearly impossible to trace the money or get it back. 97 He said, If I am a heretic, enlarge my heresy. 46 When visited one day in the condemned cell, just as St. Sepulchre's clock was striking, he looked up and said laughingly, "Go along, clock; 139 We met Alexander and the bar and had a great time last night. 61 Dallas Before the Visit 23 In nineteen ninety two, she starred in her first television movies, making her film debut in "Son in Law" in nineteen ninety three. 131 Jump feet first onto evacuation slide. Don't sit down to slide. 63 Four billion, two million, five thousand, three hundred seventy-one. 68 The chair looked strong but had no bottom. 42 In four hundred feet, use the left two lanes to turn left onto Front Street. 76 Neches is within one-half block of the roominghouse at ten twenty-six North Beckley where Oswald was living. 108 This basic approach to the problem of planning for emergencies is sound. 72 On the whole, a small book should be printed on paper which is as thin as may be without being transparent. 107 Peace was won. 14 he acted in a manner which excited the suspicions of the crew. 62 Scammers can produce slick promotional materials, or buy a toll-free number. 76 What does this mean? 20 Place the bacon in a large deep skillet over medium-high heat. 62 She made no reply. 18 For the remainder of that week and part of the next the murderers stayed in the house, and occupied the kitchen, close to the remains of their victim. 150 Color was at the core of his life. 34 He studied the Russian language, read a Russian language newspaper and seemed interested in what was going on in the Soviet Union. 130 The army units are mostly composed of reservists, the career soldiers manning the command and specialty positions. 114 Brutus plowed the field while Gabe planted the squash and potatoes. 67 One night Tester whispered to Agar and Pierce, "All right," as they cautiously lounged about London Bridge. 107 He could have sworn the shadow moved but he kept his eyes fixed on the table, his grip tightening on his cutlery. 113 other parts of them have disappeared entirely. 46 and no person ever after suffered death for any variety of this crime. 70 Under 5 There was a fluctuation in the water pressure that fed the whale tank. 70 I'll try to reconnect now. 26 During the eighteen seventys and eightys, Chicago attained national stature as the leader in the movement to improve public health. 131 Before the nineteen seventys, most of Iraq's people lived in the countryside and roughly two-thirds were peasants. 114 which persons under sentence of death obtain from all the officers of the prison. 81 Possibly along the terraces of the walls, or upon the stages of some lofty temple tower, 88 It can be played by up to five players. 39 It uses a blow-forward action to move the barrel forward and then rotate the cylinder and cock the hammer. 106 Serve the hot rum to the tired heroes. 38 Weakness of the muscles that move the jaw may cause difficulty chewing. 71 He also inquired about visas for himself and his wife 53 Originally the Indian Government had planned to replace all units of measure with metric units by nineteen sixty. 113 Another pot ! 13 The Dallas Police Department furnished the Commission with pictures of the men who appeared in the lineups with Oswald, 119 New Rabies Test: Greater Flexibility. 37 The ice crystals may also just stay in the air. 47 The wake word needs to be set to "hey mycroft" to use precise. You can do this on home DOT mycroft DOT AI. 106 Group of bicyclers rounding a corner with water spraying up from their wheels. 78 Let me think about that. 24 Mix water, ketchup, tomato paste, brown sugar, vinegar, mustard, and salt in a slow cooker, stirring to dissolve brown sugar and salt. 134 Theodore and Franklin D. Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Lyndon B. Johnson, Gerald Ford, and George H. W. Bush all had offices in this building before becoming President. 192 Paramount was initially opposed to his decision to name the movie "The Godfather Part Two". 91 Best publicly apologized for that mistake many years later. 59 Nonverbal communication is sometimes more meaningful than the spoken words. 75 The program instills values such as trustworthiness, good citizenship, and outdoors skills, through a variety of activities such as camping, aquatics, and hiking. 162 The effect of low-dose or acute use of morphine on the endocrine system is unclear. 83 The penny was minted as a silver coin until the seventeenth century. 68 She identified Lee Harvey Oswald as the man who shot the policeman. 67 The Columbia Barnard affiliation continued. 43 Neighbors and others who knew him at that time recall an introverted boy who read a great deal. 95 He explained that a party for the Paine children had been planned for the weekend and he preferred not to be in the Paine house at that time; 141 Even Henry Ford, who was friends with Edison, partnered with Edison to explore options for a low-cost electric car in nineteen fourteen, according to Wired. 156 If you will help, this can be done. 35 Printing, then, for our purpose, may be considered as the art of making books by means of movable types. 104 Look before you leap. 21 In nineteen twenty, two Kurdish-inhabited areas were combined to form Kurdistan. 80 We also question the wisdom of extending code requirements suited to the great industrial centers and to large employers, 121 the heads of Lord Castlereagh and Lord Sidmouth being carried away in a bag. 76 I shall have occasion to speak again, and more at length, of Mr. Cope's careless and perfunctory discharge 106 Eventually Shepard came to resent that silly old bear, as he felt that the Pooh illustrations overshadowed his other work. 122 Here are some results from Allrecipes dot com. 46 As of March twenty sixteen, there are three hundred forty five radio stations in India. 87 I’m going to Tacoma to interview a 91-year-old in an assisted living center. 76 It was flowering beautifully. 29 Nobody ever received the Nobel prize for the invention of chewing tobacco. 74 They could not match it. 24 Heat one tablespoon canola oil in the skillet over medium-high heat. 68 One offers oppression, the other poverty. Both offer imperialistic injustice, tinted with two brands of slavery, end quote. 123 If a larger quantity of starch is formed in the chlorophyll bodies than is immediately needed by the protoplasm for purposes of repair or growth, 145 Also on November nineteen, the Morning News reported that the President's motorcade would travel from Love Field along specified streets, then 142 A further development of the Roman letter took place at Venice. 63 What else am I to do? 21 The Commission recommends that the Secretary of the Treasury appoint a special assistant with the responsibility of supervising the Service. 140 parallel to the prison wall, and about four feet from it, but strongly affixed thereto with iron scroll clamps. 111 Nine billion, seven million, sixty-one thousand, eight hundred, fifty-six. 74 For example, plant leaves - while considered symmetrical - rarely match up exactly when folded in half. 103 just 4 These were either satisfied with a makeshift, and modified existing buildings, without close regard to their suitability, or for a long time did nothing at all. 160 printed books might once again illustrate to the full 53 Two children with leg pads are performing stepping actions near another child and an adult. 91 was a lunch sack which he kept on his lap during the ride from Irving to Dallas. 80 person 6 asserted a power to veto laws passed by the Congress and state legislatures in complete disregard of this original limitation. 126 everything 10 But the continental police had been warned to look out for him, and two Danish inspectors got upon his track, 109 She was scrapped in nineteen sixty. 35 Most of Caxton's own types are of an earlier character, though they also much resemble Flemish or Cologne letter. 113 Some of the prisoners had their valets, and all these were constantly in and out of the kitchen where this female prisoner was employed. 136 Travel back in time as we explore the history of the electric car. 66 and powerful influence was exerted both here and abroad to obtain a reprieve. 77 The party is up for it. 23 This inner part was about twenty-four feet wide, and at intervals of about one hundred and forty feet it was surmounted with towers. 132 It's only a matter of days before the book gets published. 58 Dougherty took the elevator down from the fifth floor after Jarman, Norman, and Williams ran to the west windows and were deciding what to do. 142 That is quite true. 19 Oswald and his family lived for a brief period with his mother at her urging, but Oswald soon decided to move out. 114 The essential terms of such memoranda might well be embodied in an Executive order. 83 Superfund, which Congress established in nineteen eighty, investigates and cleans up hazardous waste sites. 107 Webster, it may be mentioned here, was one of the worst prisoners ever remembered in Newgate 92 A surfboarder emerging from the ocean with his board, as the waves crash ashore behind him. 91 However, several decades ago, an Oriental appeared at the Berlin Museum, 72 On the basis of such a feasibility study, the Department hopes to design a practical system which will fully meet the needs of the Protective Research Section of the Secret Service. 181 Soon afterwards the inspectors of bank-notes at the Bank of England detected the presentation at the bank of spurious notes on genuine paper. 141 We also enjoyed a lot of support. 33 The first ball was at Emirates Stadium in two thousand nine, and it has since been held at Wembley Stadium. 107 Some difficulty then arose as to gaining admission to the strong room, and it was arranged that a man, May, another Custom House clerk, 135 In nineteen ninety five, to mark Sinatra's eightieth birthday, the Empire State Building glowed blue. 101 Press the "Submit Comment" button. 34 One of the most common types of attic insulation. 49 A C.R.S. must be installed in a forward-facing aircraft seat, in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. 109 Bad cases were removed to a cell on the felons' side, and here they were locked in solitary confinement for three days at a time. 129 Symmetric algorithms tend to be faster than asymmetric ones. 60 Go down to the train station and get Charles. 45 A severe storm tore down the barn. 34 some of which must be specially designed to fit unique requirements. Even before the assassination, and to a far greater extent thereafter, 139 with the rifle wrapped inside and testified that it appeared to be the same approximate weight and shape as the package in his garage. 134 Why change it? 14 Establishing a connection. 26 the officers of Klein's discovered that a rifle bearing serial number C two seven six six had been shipped to one A. Hidell, 124 Alice, the girl, was said by doctors to be in good condition. 61 A bat is in the cave. 21 The female felons' wards I shall describe at length in the next chapter, 72 and not the least of the good services rendered by the new inspectors was their inquiry into the status of these unfortunate people, and their recommendation to improve it. 172 It is loose, with about thirty stars arranged over a wide area. 63 The Presidential vehicle in use in Dallas, described in chapter two, 68 A gentleman A gipsy. 20 One witness felt he was too distant from the gunman to make a positive identification. 86 The woman gave Sarah an official letter from the vet. 53 The gallant noble, good man thinks of himself last. 51 This topic is discussed below. 30 The team built the spacecraft using funding from the Earth Science Technology Office's In-Space Validation of Earth Science Technologies program. 145 Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln and Ulysses S. Grant. 53 The F.T.C. also is leading several initiatives to develop technology-based solutions. 85 because they are not specified in his sentence; he is therefore entitled to a wholesome atmosphere, 99 What may be necessary for those countries is not my responsibility to determine. 80 others who arrived just after the time of distribution were often forty-eight hours without food. The latter might also be six days without meat. 145 However, we will obviously keep the matter under review. 56 Each jazz singer sang ten pop tunes and then sat down. 54 Where God has his church, the devil will have his chapel. 57 At the disbandment of the force, as he was without resources, he turned his attention to hotel robberies, by which he lived for some years. 139 consign many of the more petty and unpracticed offenders to this place, 71 and he probably didn't have as high a motivation because he was no longer in recruit training and under the care of the drill instructor. 137 National efforts to reduce environmental risks are based on the best available scientific information. 102 and he had told us during one of the interviews that he would probably take his wife back to Soviet Russia some time in the future. 131 It also advised the Secret Service of the circulation on November twenty-one of a handbill sharply critical of President Kennedy, 129 There were but few women, except of the most degraded sort; the men were mostly young men -- 92 Send the stuff in a thick paper bag. 36 which had continued through that long period, are forcibly pointed out. 71 He operated major casinos in Cuba and was briefly imprisoned after Fidel Castro came to power. 94 Symmetry has been important historically in the taxonomy of animals. 68 In his testimony he said, quote, I told them that that could have been the man. 79 He stepped in at a garret window, coolly walked downstairs, and entered the bar. 80 It must be understood that through the whole of the fifteenth and the first quarter of the sixteenth centuries 110 for in the past fifty years it has been made evident that in general principles all living things are fundamentally similar. 124 Brian is leaving today. 23 Was it a good idea? 19 Paul bought cowboy boots and chaps which cost a lot. 52 Money Moses had received the stolen gold-dust from Moss' father-in-law, Davis, or Isaacs, who was never arrested, 113 What is it like? 16 Why not 7 Introduced more than one hundred years ago, electric cars are seeing a rise in popularity today for many of the same reasons they were first popular. 149 Marwood till latterly seemed to have done his work more effectually, and has been known to give as much as six feet fall. 121 A bonnet acts as a cover on the valve body. 43 She wasn't her type. 20 The other "Rolling Readers" carton, however, contained a palmprint and a fingerprint which were identified by Latona 116 oh 2 The Babylonians, however, cared not a whit for his siege. 57 They can give you an idea of how the different guitars compare and what they'll sound like when played properly. 112 Bachelor's thesis was "Plants as Modified by Man", dated eighteen ninety four. 78 On fuel, the Chancellor has a number of options. 48 this money would be used to compensate consultants, to lease standard equipment or to purchase specially designed pilot equipment. 130 the evidence linking Oswald to the attempted killing of Maj. Gen. Edwin A. Walker (Resigned, U.S. Army) on April ten, nineteen sixty-three, 139 Overdrive from tube amplifiers and distortion effects pedals are commonly employed to produce bluesy and swampy tones. 118 His disappearance gave color and substance to evil reports already in circulation that the will and conveyance above referred to 128 because it convinced him that the average Dallas resident was like other American citizens in respecting and admiring the President. 132 A climber wearing a blue helmet and headlamp is attached to a rope on the rock face. 84 The pilots believed that a collision was imminent. 50 So closely did they lie together, that the inspectors at their night visits found it difficult in stepping across the room to avoid treading on them. 149 By that time, however, it was already too late. 47 the Society pursued its laudable undertaking with remarkable energy and great singleness of purpose. 100 extended at full length on an inclined platform 47 Various other recommendations were made as regards the appointment of chaplain and schoolmasters; the limitation of the powers of wardsmen, 139 His mother showed him how to download photos from his phone. 60 In modern China, these are instead simply numbered and described as little shi. 79 When there's a loss of cabin pressure, oxygen masks will automatically drop down. 81 William Greer, operator of the Presidential limousine, estimated the car's speed at the time of the first shot as twelve to fifteen miles per hour. 147 which in other and allied kinds of animals and plants are of large size and functional utility. 95 Youngblood was not positive that he was in the rear seat before the second shot, but thought it probable because of President Johnson's statement 145 and he didn't have any great desire to do so any more because he had run into, as he himself said -- into bureaucracy and red tape, end quote. 142 He went to the bank, and found that no stocks stood in her name. He called at once upon Fauntleroy, his client's bankers, for an explanation, 141 The Washington State Legislature approved the construction of a second floating bridge, using past and future tolls to fund its construction. 141 Persuasion is the art of swaying the sure. 42 Continue stirring for two minutes. Add chicken pieces, tomato paste, yogurt, and coconut milk. 94 The administration and the Congress are not proceeding in any haphazard fashion in this task of government. 107 facilities 10 but an empty regulation which all so disposed could defy. 57 Oswald rose from his seat, bringing up both hands. 50 Expanding on his ideas on how his alternative to communism and capitalism might be introduced, he wrote of a, quote, readily foreseeable 136 Oh, I beg your pardon! 22 This is a question of Islam. 28 To reach the end he needs much courage. 39 The F.A.A. encourages parents to make the best safety choice by using an approved C.R.S. during all phases of flight. 117 The case was puzzling to the old and wise. 42 and that this was the same shirt which Oswald wore on the morning of the assassination. 87 Wipe the grease off his dirty face. 35 That's not eviction because he is not a tenant. 47 and proceeding to where they came from, found Delarue dead, slain by the furious brother. 89 A soccer player in green is held high above his teammates and opponents in red. 79 The odor of spring makes young hearts jump. 43 In two thousand seven, nine people were killed at the Crandall Canyon Mine collapse. 84 Is it not so? 13 he looked so bad in his face, and his face was so distorted. Hole in his sleeve right here. 91 should be transferred to the FBI, 33 These reports are prepared by teams of relevant researchers selected by the Bureau from government nominations. 111 I am pleased with the result, as it was a possible upset. 57 Oswald listed a "Sgt. Robert Hidell" as a reference on one job application and "George Hidell" as a reference on another. 121 The birds engage in aerial courtship displays which involve high circling flight and ritualised feeding mid-air. 112 Middleaged man in yellow shirt standing on sidewalk holding a green bag and casting a shadow. 93 Blood samples were taken. 25 stating that he would, quote, employ all means to right this gross mistake or injustice, end quote. 99 by meeting squarely our modern social and economic conditions. 62 As long as there is water in a cooking pot, the temperature cannot rise above a hundred degrees Celsius. 104 This money would be used to compensate consultants, to lease standard equipment or to purchase specially designed pilot equipment. 130 I have blisters on my hands because I was bouldering yesterday. 63 in nineteen of twenty-three categories included on the general aptitude examination and scored one hundred twenty-seven on the verbal test, as compared 151 They had a lot to divulge. 26 Dishonest promoters often operate a particular scam for a short time and close down before they can be detected. 112 This computer has the following local I.P. addresses. 53 But as Americans became more prosperous, they turned to the newly invented motor vehicle - available in steam, gasoline or electric versions - to get around. 157 Environmental Concern Drives Electric Vehicles Forward. 55 Once the Trade Mart had been selected, Sorrels and Lawson worked out detailed arrangements for security at the building. 120 but on the second day the discovery of fresh evidence, more particularly the recovery of some of Lord William's stolen plate, 125 This is but one action among many we can take to minimize the scourge of marine debris. 87 Oswald was known to other Federal agencies with which the Secret Service maintained intelligence liaison. 105 r 1 A property may be added, rebound, or deleted at run-time. 57 when the farmers were demanding legislation which would give them opportunities and incentives to organize themselves for a common advance, 139 The Dutch founded six towns in present-day Brooklyn beginning in sixteen forty five. 84 Various billionaires, world leaders, and investors gather in Davos, Switzerland to discuss economic issues. 107 The bright lanterns were gay on the dark lawn. 46 Tom Wolf, the Governor of Pennsylvania, issues a disaster declaration over the heroin and opioid epidemic. 106 Stir in garlic, curry powder, cinnamon, paprika, bay leaf, ginger, sugar and salt. 82 The President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy. Chapter eight. The Protection of the President. Part one. 127 Turbulence is air movement that normally cannot be seen and often occurs unexpectedly. It can be created by many different conditions. 134 Those who have attained this goal are called "saints". 54 Two people wearing jackets are walking by a museum exhibit while several people surround the exhibit. 101 was shipped from Los Angeles on March twenty, nineteen sixty-three, and he left for New Orleans on April twenty-four, nineteen sixty-three. 139 He wrote afterwards to the effect that the moment he had offered himself, an unknown assassin came to aim a blow at him. 120 A bunch of people in racing gear and helmets racing bicycles around a corner on wet pavement. 93 and thought every one anxious to promote his death. 51 He left them with a reason to believe in themselves. 52 one at the Belian, the other at the Cissian gates; for I expect that, on account of my successes, 97 There are many actions, situations, and incidents that may indicate such potential danger. Some are specific, such as threats; 126 The Internet is built upon many protocols which complement each other perfectly. 80 Many of our most celebrated national figures have participated in historical events that have taken place within the E.E.O.B.'s granite walls. 142 The crunch of feet in the snow was the only sound. 50 My brain is wired to understand colors in R.G.B. 48 There's an accident on State Route forty-five, causing a sixteen minute delay. 78 The starlight would guide us as the sun bid us farewell. 56 Bob's date caught the cake before the gull did. 47 I'm sure Russians will accept me after this sign of my faith in them, end quote. 80 When I'm buying a guitar I tend to just fiddle with lots until I find one I really like. 88 Be right there, boss! 21 In one thousand feet, turn right onto Gold Coast Drive. 55 Thus, ice clouds are key variables in weather and climate models. 65 The following twenty-third April, it is stated that the malefactors ordered for execution on the eighteenth instead 115 The team that scores the most goals by the end of the match wins. 65 You will arrive around four thirty-six P.M. 43 and detailing police in civilian clothes to be scattered throughout the sizable crowd. 86 None of the Depository employees is known to have seen Oswald again until after the shooting. 93 There's a slight chance of rain. 32 Raise the sail and steer the ship northward. 44 It is still usually regarded as the first game of college football. 67 Go ahead, try me. 17 In the few seconds which elapsed while Baker and Truly ran from the first to the second floor, 94 He rode a priceless hack in Rotten Row, or drove down to Richmond in a mail phaeton and pair. 93 That practice has continued from time to time. 46 In rock music and blues, there are also drum solos in some songs, although they tend to be shorter than those in jazz. 118 A small child wades through the water while being guided by another person. 75 But they proceeded in all seriousness, and would have shrunk from no outrage or atrocity in furtherance of their foolhardy enterprise. 134 These organisms are classified as a kingdom which is separate from the other eukaryotic kingdoms of plants and animals. 119 The right brain is the locus of the spatial, tactile, and musical. 66 The absurdity of the system, its irregularity and cruelty, were fully touched upon by the inspectors of prisons in their first report. 134 This involves tight and unswerving discipline as well as the promotion of an outstanding degree of dedication and loyalty to duty. 130 As of twenty sixteen, Tanzania is divided into thirty-one regions, twenty-six on the mainland and five in Zanzibar. 115 and might always smoke his pipe undisturbed; for although the use of tobacco had been prohibited since the report of the Lords Committee, 137 I don't mean that. 18 who was bound to report any deficiencies and abuses he might find at his periodical visits. The Secretary of State might go further. 132 No one else was identified to the Secret Service through local inquiry as potentially dangerous, 96 a super-legislature, as one of the justices has called it 57 Thoughts of thugs flush the faint-hearted. 42 five. The master felons' side. six. The female felons' side. seven. The state side. 83 Let's spawn next to the monument and wait for the rest of our squad. 68 A series of tests were performed to determine whether the weapon and ammunition used in the assassination 105 The quantity to be issued per head was limited by the prison regulations to one pint 84 Better industrial results were obtained from it, and instruction in trades was easier, and prisoners were more likely to leave jail 131 whether or not he agreed with Castro that President Kennedy was a, quote, ruffian and a thief, end quote. He replied that he, quote, 132 Staff work to strengthen local and state public health departments and promote health programs that are proven to work. 119 Rated M for mature. 19 Less picturesque than this Hebrew legend is the royal record of Babylon, which fortunately was inscribed upon a clay cylinder from the ruins of the city. 153 Approximately fifteen minutes before the shooting of Tippit, Oswald was seen leaving his roominghouse. 102 Since the assassination, the Service has recognized that these relationships must be far more formal 100 France had sent Misseurs Beaumont and De Tocqueville, who subsequently published several interesting works on the subject. 122 The accepted many-worlds interpretation suggests that all possible quantum events can occur in mutually exclusive histories. 124 The map had an X that meant nothing. 36 Tommy is not a problem. 23 Based on (one) the contents of the note which Oswald left for his wife on April ten, nineteen sixty-three, 106 These men managed to cut a hole in the ceiling of the ward near the iron cage on the landing, and so got access to the roof. 124 Washington encouraged its SEATO allies to contribute troops. 60 There were two notable capital convictions for forgery in eighteen twenty-eight. 80 It was in these jails, withdrawn from the pressure of authority, that the new rules were invariably ignored. 108 He made major decisions on Union war strategy, including a naval blockade that shut down the South's trade. 107 Similar arrangements for a motorcade of ten miles, including many blocks of tall commercial buildings is not practical. 119 Several people are behind a fence, watching a nighttime construction crew working on a road. 92 On the night of November twelfth, the Taliban retreated south from Kabul. 73 The De Mohrenschildts also testified that, quote, right in front, end quote, of Oswald Marina Oswald complained about Oswald's inadequacy as a husband. 151 is propagated to the muscles by which the body is retracted, and causing them to contract, the act of retraction is brought about. 130 I consider it a real advantage, particularly at the range of one hundred yards, in identifying your target. 107 It's a question of creating a future awareness. 47 Later, when you try to recover the money you lost, dishonest promoters could use those same risk disclosures against you. 121 This treats children who have no functioning immune system - sometimes called the "bubble baby" disease. 104 The mother sat in the courtroom. 32 Here are the headlines from Fox News. 37 The history of the E.E.O.B. began long before its foundations were laid. 72 Can you beat it? 16 He fixed upon a sporting friend, Mr. John Parsons Cook, who had been in luck at Shrewsbury races, both as a winner and a backer, 128 it may be reconverted into starch after journeying as glucose through the plant 79 Adding these sites to the proposed and final National Priorities List is the next step toward cleaning up these sites and creating a healthier environment for the affected communities. 184 Diatomic gases composed of heavier atoms do not have such widely spaced levels and do not exhibit the same effect. 114 The result as measured by the eye being that the lower margin is less than the top one, and that the whole opening has an upside-down look vertically. 150 Mary found the website and showed it to Daniel. 47 It's also got the greatest chance of you getting locked in a cellar again. 74 My Dad is a hero. 17 In five thirty-eight the city fell, and for a time it became the home of the Persian King. 90 This rule has some, but very few, exceptions; such as where a hardened offender behaves with great levity and brutality, as if he cared nought for his life, 156 It was reserved for the founders of the later eighteenth century to produce letters which are positively ugly. 110 but root pressure due to osmosis, capillary action and evaporation from the leaves are factors. 95 Bronson gave it up after only a month and was self-educated from then on. 73 The scandal involved Montesinos, who was shown in a video broadcast on T.V. bribing a politician to change sides. 113 Restitution to the victims of his computer attacks will be determined at a later date. 86 What did he grow? 17 has been to clean up thoroughly unwholesome conditions in the field of investment. 82 Many of these actions involve a raid or ambush of an enemy camp. 64 and had access to the official records, he forged a warrant for one thousand nine-hundred seventy-three pounds and was paid the money by the comptroller general. 161 Nor did it confine itself to mere verbal recommendations. 57 The east elevator was on the fifth floor when they arrived; the west elevator was not. 86 the scaffold hung with black; and the inhabitants of the neighborhood, having petitioned the sheriffs to remove the scene of execution to the old place, 152 Tips may be straight or have a bend. 36 Let well alone. 15 The lawyer tried to lose his case. 34 Whigs boycotted the convention. 31 Read verse out loud for pleasure. 33 Even as late as eighteen forty-five, however, a botanist of Schleiden's eminence dealt very skeptically with these statements, 126 Mrs. Manning became still more violent, shouting, "No, no, I will not stand it! You ought to be ashamed of yourselves!" 119 The nominations for the upcoming Academy Awards are announced. The Shape of Water leads with thirteen nominations. 114 He said that he was tired of living alone and perhaps the reason for my being so angry was the fact that we were not living together. 133 which in some fashion presides over all the movements of the protoplasm and is the physical basis of the phenomena of heredity. 127 When that goop is gone, go to the stockroom for more. 53 State Route Twenty-six West, Carson City, Nevada. 49 She is now a rich young lady, having inherited her father's money. 66 Follow the Department of State on Facebook and Twitter. 55 The first plot was against Mr. Harry Emmanuel, but he escaped, and the attempt was made upon Loudon and Ryder. 110 According to Secretary Dillon, the Committee will include representatives of the President's Office of Science and Technology, Department of Defense, C.I.A., F.B.I, and the Secret Service. 188 yet they took an impression of it, and returned it to its owner. 64 Three twenty-four Sutton Road, Denver, Colorado, eight oh two oh three. 71 To go to the dogs. 18 assessment 10 As to the exclusion of strangers on these occasions, 52 The term blonde refers to the natural color of the silk thread. 63 The L.N. thirty four test has the potential to really change the playing field. 79 The pencils have all been used. 31 The lowlands have mild winters. 31 Senator Orrin Hatch announces that he will retire in January twenty nineteen. 77 A Boston Terrier is running on lush green grass in front of a white fence. 74 and had stopped in El Paso to discuss the proposed visit and other matters with the Vice President and the Governor. 116 A person, Elder of course, who personated Oxenford, attended at the bank to complete the transfer and sell the stock. 117 The August nineteen ninety eight bombings of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania established al Qaeda as a potent adversary of the United States. 146 The whole neighborhood is out enjoying the winter weather and having fun with their children. 93 Luxembourg has one Internet exchange point and one Carrier Ethernet Exchange point. 83 Chief Rowley testified that the present workload of each Secret Service agent averages one hundred ten point one cases. 119 it was the beginning of the great collections of Babylonian antiquities in the museums of the Western world. 108 was executed on a gibbet in front of his victim's house. 56 He found, quote, one notch in the stock at this point that appears very faintly in the photograph, end quote. 109 It is apparent, however, that Oswald was moved by an overriding hostility to his environment. 93 In a mountain landscape, a person dressed in black leans against a fence and looks downward. 92 Of Jenson it must be said that he carried the development of Roman type as far as it can go. 92 who threatened to betray the theft. But Brewer, either before or after this, succumbed to temptation, 101 picked up and cocked an automatic rifle as he heard the last shot. 66 Mr. Buxton's friends at once paid the forty shillings, and the boy was released. 80 The referral of the copy to local Secret Service should not delay the immediate referral of the information by the fastest available means of communication 155 and they were packed into a more limited space, disporting themselves as heretofore by brutal horse-play, coarse jests, and frantic yells. 138 Examples of such models include the Waterfall model. 52 walls which no ancient army was ever able to take by storm. 59 An act of faith. 16 that the safety of the President is or might be in danger, either at the present or in the future. 98 I shall employ all means to right this gross mistake or injustice to a bona fide U.S. citizen and serviceman. 109 She gazed upwards at the bright stars and wondered whether she would ever get home. 83 Smoking is prohibited. 22 Let us pass on. 15 A clause was inserted to the effect that 40 where a man beat on the front door of the bus, boarded it and paid his fare. 76 An elderly woman sitting in a rocking chair with a blanket and book in her lap. 79 Discussions with the Dallas authorities and requests made of them were entirely informal. 89 Automatic data processing 25 but on being searched, two blank cheques of the London and Westminster Bank were found in his pocket. 101 and sometimes slept in "the pit," loaded with heavy irons for a whole year, waiting the jail delivery. 102 (one) those awaiting trial; 27 next, and in the same place, a chased gold key; 47 To obtain possession of this, Thurtell with his two associates resolved to kill him. 84 Answer: He said he would buy me a washing machine. 50 More seriously, the facts of his defection had become known, leaving him open to almost unanswerable attack by those who opposed his views. 139 Last night, he pledged to clear his name. 41 the Commission concluded that the rifle used to assassinate President Kennedy and wound Governor Connally was owned and possessed by Lee Harvey Oswald. 151 Three girls are walking across a bridge covered with wood and surrounded by trees. 82 Take the following steps to protect yourself and loved ones from germs when swimming in pools, soaking in hot tubs, or visiting water playgrounds: 146 quote, put aside, end quote, after catching the fibers. 55 So there was no pressure to demolish old buildings to put new ones at their place. 82 Visits to Other Texas Cities 28 Marina Oswald testified that the rifle found on the sixth floor of the Depository Building was the "fateful rifle of Lee Oswald." 129 Misses Thatcher was in the right place, at the right time. 58 I consider this legislation a positive recovery measure. 56 Abraham provided many treats. 29 The next day that paper announced the final approval of the Trade Mart as the luncheon site and stated that the motorcade, quote, 129 After the last patient left, the doctor carefully washed her hands. 67 One M.P. said he feared the job losses were only the beginning. 63 Take your time. 15 You know, he is an honest man. 30 telephone and Western Union vehicles, a White House communications car, 71 This delectable society enticed into their set a clerk who had been imprisoned for fraud, 89 The threat did not receive national media attention comparable to the millennium alert. 87 This is the negative triad. 27 The article seems to propose replacing the method of approximate nearest neighbor search. 89 to serve as liaison officers with law enforcement and intelligence agencies. On the basis of the Department's review during the past several months, 148 the FBI instructions did not reflect fully the Secret Service's need for information regarding potential threats. 113 Additional violations included improper outdoor storage of oils and industrial. 79 Donald Trump names former NASA astronaut James F. Reilly as leader of the U.S. Geological Survey. 97 Do not spur a free horse. 25 It is late morning on the old wall clock. 41 and the thought immediately crossed his mind that it was an assassination attempt. 82 wine and beer might be had in any quantity, the only limitation being 69 The letter found in the pocket of the deceased was sealed with a wafer marked F, 80 Rumsfeld served in the United States Navy from nineteen fifty four to nineteen fifty seven, as a naval aviator and flight instructor. 133 Crack the walnut with your sharp side teeth. 44 Thus, the local chief of police could be given a master plan, prepared for the occasion, of all protective measures to be taken during the visit. 145 The month of February was added to the Roman calendar. 54 From this head wound two small irregularly shaped fragments of metal were recovered and turned over to the FBI. 111 to select a sufficiently spacious piece of ground, and erect a prison which from foundations to roofs should be in conformity with the newest ideas. 148 I like her. 11 This permits the definition of a standard by which light sources are compared. 78 Baths were provided, ablutions ordered, and all appliances to insure personal cleanliness. 90 Never do it again. 18 Cleanups also increase tax revenue and create jobs during and after cleanup. 76 Always close the barn door tight. 33 Within a few years, his paper dominated the San Francisco market. 65 When one of these clubs was taken in at the Army and Navy, that establishment also suffered. 92 to have obtained as much as forty thousand pounds by false and fraudulent pretenses. 84 The results of the test were inconclusive, and it has not been repeated. 72 If you add another two storeys, you'll need more support pillars. 65 Colonel Jebb preferred it; Messrs. Crawford and Whitworth Russell were convinced that the complete isolation of criminals from one another 138 when he explained that he was running away from the gallows they left him the road clear. 89 That means a Supreme Court that will enforce the Constitution as written 72 A man sitting with his daughter in his daughter 's pink car in a grocery store. 79 Neither the radar nor the other instruments detected the stealth bomber. 72 Do you think we are a top nation? 33 The greatest and most rapid revolution which biological science has ever undergone was effected by the application of the modern microscope to the investigation of organic structure. 182 are preferred rather than loud and useless manifestations of protest, end quote, Oswald went on to note, quote, 111 She ate a bowl of porridge, checked herself in the mirror and washed her face in a hurry. 89 The file reflected the Department's determination that Oswald had not expatriated himself. 90 to the great number of small employers in the smaller communities. 66 Whatever their purposes Presidential journeys have greatly enlarged and complicated the task of protecting the President. 121 Some also claim that the problem of illegal labor is severe. 60 Who would be a referee? 23 Ruth Paine testified that she heard Marina Oswald tell Oswald about the birthday party. 87 Robert A. Frazier, an FBI ballistics identification expert, testified that he was, quote, unable to reach a conclusion, end quote, 130 I wasn't able to communicate with the Wink service. Please verify the username and password you've entered a 125 It features prominently in the mythologies of many cultures. 60 A worse case still was that of William Bousfield, who, when awaiting execution for murder, about the same date, 111 who was convicted in eighteen forty-one of uttering false exchequer bills to an almost fabulous amount. 103 he found himself rich in a small landed property, which he presently sold to a man who became bankrupt before he had paid over the purchase money. 146 Thanks. 7 I do not understand that brightness value. 42 How do you know that? 21 Members of the Commons are elected; those in the Lords are not. 63 there have been attempts on the lives of one out of every three. 64 In the letter Marina Oswald stated that her husband had changed a great deal and that she was very lonely in the United States. 127 The Orchestra previously performed the concert series at the Center for Performing Arts at Governors State University. 118 In addition, the Commission has concluded that the Secret Service particularly tends to be the passive recipient of information 127 In this part of its inquiry the Commission has had full access to a major study of all phases of protective activities 118 I've sent you an email with debug info, including a link to logs. 65 All have the same ultimate substance 36 He also erected elevated places for walking, of stone; and made it resemble mountains: and built it so that it might be planted with all sorts of trees. 152 the wounds broke open and bled profusely while the last dread penalty was being performed, to the manifest excitement and indignation of the crowd. 147 The change of one vote would have thrown all the affairs of this great Nation back into hopeless chaos. 103 Elizabeth Turtle from the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory in Laurel, Maryland, is the lead investigator, with A.P.L. providing project management. 166 If you have Medicare, the open enrollment for Medicare Part D and Medicare Advantage Plans stays the same: October fifteenth to December seventh, two thousand thirteen. 168 These he levied from the nations bordering on Babylonia, 56 Calcraft consented, got and bestowed the clothes, only to find that the person he had obliged exhibited them publicly. 118 Seventy eight John Hawkins Parkway, Annapolis, Maryland. 56 In nineteen eighteen, Congress tasked two Treasury agencies - the Bureau of War Risk Insurance and Public Health Service - with operating hospitals specifically for returning World War One Veterans. 198 What could he do? 17 Innumerable plants and free plant cells are known to pass the whole or part of their lives in an actively locomotive condition. 127 Please update the address there, or remove it if you would like me to discover the bridge. 90 After the match, do you? 24 He used an exceedingly beautiful type, which is indeed to look at a transition between Gothic and Roman. 104 friend 6 Raw eggs in the afternoon make Dottie ill. 42 policy 6 Cocaine can be in the form of fine white powder. 48 The attempt on General Walker's life deserves close attention in any consideration of Oswald's possible motive for the assassination 132 Australia, New Zealand's closest neighbour, is New Zealand's biggest trading partner. 85 Beef is scarcer than some lamb. 31 to cover enormous defalcations; the fabrication of deeds, wills, and false securities 85 but his scribe wrote it in the manner customary for the scribes of those days to write of their royal masters. 110 Even though Oswald apparently did not express any hostility against the President or Governor Connally, 103 that the greatest mischief followed from the intercourse which was still permitted in so many prisons; to use its words, 120 that some other and less mixed prison should be used for the confinement of persons convicted of libels. But this suggestion was ignored. 137 Ever since she was a young girl, Karen Bradford wanted to be a part of NASA. 76 Alternative theories abound. 28 Amateur rocketry is split into three categories: low power, mid power, and high power. 86 The first worm gets snapped early. 34 leaving with the Secret Service only the responsibility for the physical protection of the President, that is, the guarding function alone. 139 They could laugh although they were sad. 40 But this was not the only amusement. Most of the wards took in the daily papers, 80 and the dissimilarity of its protective functions to most activities of the Department of the Treasury 102 It weighs five kilograms. 25 The strutting fox squashed the frightened chick. 48 Two additional operations were performed on Governor Connally for wounds which he had not realized he had sustained until he regained consciousness the following day. 166 On the left side of the head the fatal mall, 44 Councillors are expected to take a decision within the next few weeks. 70 It was not clear who had the right of way, since the traffic lights were off. 77 Mark the spot with a sign painted red. 38 PRS must develop the capacity to classify its subjects on a more sophisticated basis than the present geographic breakdown. 123 This PRS agent will also be responsible for establishing an informal local liaison committee 92 The fire alarm went off again, but when I looked outside, there was no one there. 81 often highly damnatory, which were embodied in its annual reports. 66 Since the Renaissance, the West evolved beyond the influence of the ancient Greeks and Romans and the Islamic world. 116 It's very difficult to find a buyer. 36 My chinchilla eats bread. 25 Adjusting the lights. 21 The admissions made to Marina Oswald by her husband are an important element in the evidence that Lee Harvey Oswald fired the shot at General Walker. 149 A lame back kept his score low. 31 but at length managed to wriggle out of the chain which confined his body, and soon loosened the ropes round his feet. 118 Hats are worn to tea and not to dinner. 39 You know what I mean. 21 Symmetry in biology is the balanced distribution of duplicate parts within the body of an organism. 99 There was a deep wound just over the ear, the skull was fractured, and there were several other blows and wounds on the head. 125 The man turned and walked back toward Baker. 44 with small groups of those truly representative of large employers of labor and of large groups of organized labor, 115 People look, but no one ever finds it. 38 The dog was wagged its tail. 28 When I have read a million of these sentences, I am going to apply as a professional narrator. 94 But new federal and state regulations begin to change things. 61 This included programs for disability compensation, insurance for service personnel and Veterans, and vocational rehabilitation for the disabled. 145 In eighteen fifty-five 22 These men were all in prison dress at the time of their escape, but one of their number, Bell, sent back his clothes a few days later by parcel's delivery, 155 A man in a red longsleeved shirt bikes over a body of water on a bridge. 72 because of the, quote, very exciting and disturbing effect, end quote, they had upon her husband, who was not even present at that time. 136 The poor debtors were not supplied with beds. Those who could pay the price might hire them from each other, 108 Though four had training as pilots, most were not well-educated. 64 Seaport Traders, Incorporated, received through the mail a mail-order coupon for one, quote, point three-eight 110 Eight miles of woodland burned to waste. 40 Everyone proved to be a spy, a spook, or a stool pigeon. 56 was standing at a railway station talking to a certain well-known peer of the realm. 84 Thousands of workers commute from the surroundings into the city each day. 74 But there is little doubt that as executions became more rare they made more impression on the public mind. 107 Special validations are granted only in very limited circumstances. 67 Fungi have been used for the production of antibiotics, and, more recently, various enzymes produced by fungi are used in detergents. 133 had been known to employ threats, declaring that he was often consulted by the governor as to a prisoner's character, 117 M.S.F. conducted the first comprehensive mortality survey in Darfur in two thousand four. 89 This was partly due to the survival of the old notion that the scene of the crime ought also to witness the retribution; 120 For that we can be thankful to the God who watches over America. 64 and the whole scheme of systematic forgery was laid bare. 57 We have the experience, the courses, and an abundance of confidence. 68 in which he supported his report on the Bringuier incident with a copy of the charges made against him 102 Members of the Presidential and Vice-Presidential parties filled the central compartment of the plane to witness the swearing in. 129 Under the entry for May one, nineteen sixty, 44 Accordingly, Euins' testimony is considered probative as to the source of the shots but is inconclusive as to the identity of the man in the window. 148 As the evidence he gave incriminated Pierce, Burgess, and Tester, all three were arrested and committed to Newgate for trial. 125 It was that of an aged man, whose head had been battered in by a life-preserver. 80 He apparently attempted to be "the Commander" by dictating many of the details of their married life. 101 She did not answer. 19 and attracted attention by their disorderly behavior. 53 The mail-order form had a line for the name of a witness to attest that the person ordering the gun was a U.S. citizen and had not been convicted of a felony. 158 Howard L. Brennan was an eyewitness to the shooting. As indicated previously the Commission considered his testimony as probative 129 Ludgate to the last was the debtors' prison for freemen of the city of London, 78 The terms animal physiology, plant physiology and human physiology are in common use and often suggest to the lay reader 120 The scene is about this? 24 Work in progress. 17 He saw Oswald, a clipboard in hand, walking from the southeast corner of the sixth floor toward the elevator. 109 As fast as they dug the moat, the soil which they got from the cutting was made into bricks, 92 and his recommendation was accepted. He decided, however, not to interview Marina Oswald at that time, and merely determined 124 I am stating to reconsider my desire about staying. The work is drab. The money I get has nowhere to be spent. 110 The little tales they tell are false. 37 This is referred to as "state-passing style". 45 (three) his experience and practice after leaving the Marine Corps, and (four) the accuracy of the weapon and the quality of the ammunition. 140 The important thing is what they do. 36 An inflatable rock climbing obstacle is scaled by a person wearing a white helmet. 82 Place spinach over pizza. Slice into eight wedges. 50 This reasonable expectation, however, is far from being realized. 65 There is no openness. 21 But incredible as it may appear, the authorities of Newgate declined to avail themselves of the advantages offered them, 120 All agents are so instructed. 29 Its astrological symbol was listed by Agrippa. 46 Although murder by insidious methods had become more common, cases where violence of the most deadly and determined kind was offered 132 transported the Jews to Babylon, and brought the Hebrew kingdom to an end. 74 The eyes are suggestive of the Semitic; the nose is of the Greek type; 70 The book has been wrong in the past. 36 Rain fell heavily at intervals, but did not thin the concourse. 63 All was in vain. 16 Long live the king. 19 and that they had been married in Fort Worth and lived there until coming to New Orleans. He had told the New Orleans arresting officers that he had been born in Cuba. 167 the spikes of the railing penetrated his flesh and made progression slow and difficult. 87 On the basis of the evidence reviewed in this chapter, the Commission has found that Lee Harvey Oswald (one) 108 a market porter, was arrested and committed at the suit of a publican 69 I drove the ball well. 22 We are ready twenty four / seven to respond to any natural or manmade event. 76 Head south on Roberts Avenue toward Cambridge Street. 53 and if we determined that the course of the investigation required us to clarify or face him down with this information, we would do it at the appropriate time. 160 How did he look? 16 When the sheriff offered him counsel for his defense, he declined, saying he wished to make none -- "the witnesses for the prosecution spoke the truth." 152 literally walked over what, in case of conviction, would be their own graves. 77 structure 9 Provisions for social security, however, are protections for the future. 72 Ask your airline for a discounted fare. Reserve adjoining seats. 64 Other cases of moral deterioration have already been recorded. 62 The total collapse of the Western Roman Empire left a vacuum for new ideas to flourish that were impossible in Classical societies. 131 was in a car following those, quote, containing the local and national representatives, end quote, 98 Hold the hammer near the end to drive the nail. 47 The next attack was launched on twenty four January. 52 Rabies vaccine can cost several months' salary, so knowing if an animal that bit someone is rabid is valuable information. 122 I really like the instrumental part, but the vocals are rude. 61 Giraffes are vegetarians. 25 Our art teacher made us stand around him and watch him paint for like an hour. 78 But the welfare of the United States, and indeed of the Constitution itself, is what we all must think about first. 115 Jazz and swing fans like fast music. 36 Configuration updated. 22 More animal food was given than was necessary. 46 We all know that our favorite day of the week is Friday. 56 A pound of sugar costs more than eggs. 38 Soviet leaders hoped in vain that the agreement would lead to recognition. 74 Mostly clear, with a low around fifty-one. 42 the streets of London were well lighted, the suburbs were more populous and regularly patrolled. 96 Linus is known for his clear and explicit language. 51 The more people that can participate in the web, the better the Internet, and the world will be. 96 It will hardly be denied that these proposals went to the root of the matter. 77 They used green earth colors for backgrounds. 45 These governmental and industrial developments hold promise of new achievements for the nation. 95 It was a good clock. 20 This is best furthered by the avoidance of irrational swellings and spiky projections, and by the using of careful purity of line. 130 The highest court in the judicial structure is the Supreme Court, whose judges are appointed by the King. 105 Comet Astrobiology Exploration Sample Return (Ceasar) 53 and no more bodies were to be bought 36 He saw a man walking south on Lamar from Commerce. 50 The wharf could be seen at the farther shore. 45 The bean has been able to perform this great chemical feat by the help of its green coloring matter, or chlorophyll. 116 An examination of this report shows how even the most insignificant township had its jail. 90 superintendent of the Illinois Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation, conducted an independent examination of this bullet 135 Dr. Fouad Bashour, chief of cardiology, Dr. M. T. Jenkins, chief of anesthesiology, and Dr. A. H. Giesecke, Jr., 112 The Itanium architecture originated at Hewlett-Packard, and was later jointly developed by H.P. and Intel. 106 content 7 The Commission strongly encourages these efforts to improve protection along a motorcade route. 95 The fascinating consequence of Bayes' theorem is that we can infer against the direction of causality. 102 over the assassination of President Kennedy led to embarrassment and confusion in the subsequent investigation by Federal and local authorities. 144 During neither interview did Hosty learn Oswald's address 57 careful study shows detailed internal as well as external similarities of structure. Such cases are "homologies". 113 capable of accommodating only eight thousand five hundred and forty-five persons, as many as thirteen thousand and fifty-seven were crowded. 140 This was on a Thursday evening. 31 purchased as Number two two zero two one three zero four six two in Dallas, Texas, on March twelve, nineteen sixty-three. 121 in the locality to assure adequate manpower for this task, as it is now doing. 78 It was restored in eighteen seventy three by William Butterfield. 65 or whether he brought the Russian language newspaper with him one day after his other difficulties became clear. 112 And I told him that he shouldn't do this, and that he had promised me. 70 at least for a sufficient number of seconds to gain a, quote, general impression, end quote, of the lack of any unusual activity. 129 The still more recent cases of poisoning which have occurred were not connected with Newgate. 93 Frazier parked the car in the company parking lot about two blocks north of the Depository Building. 100 Voebel also recalled that Oswald once outlined a plan to cut the glass in the window of a store on Rampart Street and steal a pistol, 133 Classics Illustrated was the first to adapt "The Time Machine" into a comic book format, issuing an American edition in July nineteen fifty six. 144 Their application for asylum has been accepted, since they're victims of political persecution. 95 Sort of a new kind of design. 29 As many various and, according to our ideas, heinous crimes came under this head, 81 The "lower-case" was invented in the early Middle Ages. 55 Crustaceans, squid, and cuttlefish are also eaten. 50 Fungi are the principal decomposers in ecological systems. 58 But the fact, important as it was, fell into oblivion and had to be rediscovered. 81 that there can be no doubt that Oswald was aware generally of the critical attitude that Castro expressed about President Kennedy. 130 Every purchase is a vote. 25 Seventeen oh nine Lake Wheeler Circle, Raleigh, North Carolina. 63 But I'm not going to do it. 27 or to prevent destructive price cutting which many business organizations have insisted were necessary, 103 Upper House and Lower House Houses of Lords and Commons. 56 Glad to help. 13 During the past half century the balance of power between the three great branches of the federal government, 109 He becomes the new Minister for Sport and Culture. 50 I shall not hesitate to ask Parliament for powers to compel them to make the necessary alterations, for it is not to be endured that these local jurisdictions should remain 172 Welcome to the party, Sandra! 29 He even seemed to endorse it in some situations. 48 This was followed by an unsuccessful French production in nineteen sixty. 73 Whoever the rightful owner is we've still got a whole host of missing scientists to account for. 96 A spokeswoman for Edinburgh City Council confirmed its support for the company. 79 Here are some practical tips to help you stay a step ahead. 59 The dry wax protects the deep scratch. 38 There seems to be no reason why ordinary paper should not be better made. 73 The prisoners, who were committed to Newgate for trial, 55 Ronald Fischer and Robert Edwards were standing on the curb at the southwest corner of Elm and Houston Streets, 111 The stairs from one floor to the next are "L-shaped," with both legs of the "L" approximately the same length. 110 The rotors feature three blades and can be folded for on-ship operations. 73 Let's toss a coin. 18 Where did it come from then? 28 Another person who saw the assassin as the shots were fired was Amos L. Euins, age fifteen, 91 The general solidity of a page is much to be sought for modern printers generally overdo the "whites" in the spacing. 117 Vice President Johnson and each subsequent Vice President has used the desk. 76 The urge to write short stories is rare. 40 wishing to verify the value of warrants they held, and sending to Maltby and Co.'s wharf, found out half the truth. 115 In order to realize the evils entailed by incarceration in Newgate in these days, it is necessary to give some account of its interior 134 It is my hope that we might develop a fruitful business relationship. 69 His spouse toiled over the doilies for days. 44 For users it is important that they can trust their operating system. 69 The Presidential limousine. 27 These organisms are classified as a kingdom which is separate from the other eukaryotic kingdoms of plants and animals. 119 As regards the first, however, Sir James Graham, when Home Secretary in eighteen forty-three, 93 that he had sought and obtained a passport on June twenty-five, nineteen sixty-three. 85 called for a roast duck directly he entered the condemned cell. 63 Hedge apples may stain your hands green. 40 See, said Sarah, "that is my brother." Paul apologized to Linda and unlocked the door. 86 organization 12 Seven twenty-four West Highway Forty-Six, Pierre, South Dakota. 63 and noted that Oswald's verbal and clerical potential was, quote, outstanding, end quote. 89 A man in green holds a guitar while the other man observes his shirt. 69 With the assistance of the President's Office of Science and Technology, and of the Advanced Research Projects Agency of the Department of Defense, 147 The city council is a major property owner in the area. 55 Saturday, it will be cloudy and fifty-eight degrees. 52 The feelings of the condemned prisoners should no longer be outraged by their exposure in the chapel, and the chapel should be rearranged, 138 A man and women are posing for the camera and looking very happy together. 74 Expert testimony before the Commission 38 administrative, political. 26 Here once more the almost invariable modern practice is in opposition to a natural sense of proportion. 103 The dagger-axe is a type of weapon that was in use from the Shang dynasty until the Han dynasty in China. 105 It is a magical world filled with elves, dwarves, and dragons. 62 government 10 On another occasion Mr. Cope the governor came in and missed a man. 67 Stir mixture thoroughly. Reduce heat to low, and let simmer for fifteen to twenty minutes. 90 The last time Mrs. Soames showed great reluctance to take it, but Wilson said it would certainly do her good. 109 A further discovery was made in an osier bed near Cold Harbor Lane, Camberwell, 79 It arose as a response to changes brought by modernization, such as the growth of large corporations, pollution and fears of corruption in politics. 148 Not only did prisoners come again and again for a "pint," but large quantities were carried off to the wards to be drunk later in the day. 138 Generally, two-thirds of turbulence-related accidents occur at or above thirty thousand feet. 93 The friendly gang left the drug store. 38 Lee scored an I.Q. of one eighteen on the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children. 83 Of course he did. 17 A collection of string musicians prepare to play a song as the conductor steps to the podium. 93 Brunch Enchiladas: Enchiladas filled with ham, vegetables and cheese baked in a creamy egg batter. 98 She asked Oswald, quote, 24 You had to go and see him. 26 The National Park Service began to kill or remove all sheep remaining in order to prevent overgrazing of the island's vegetation. 129 One report documented seventy seven percent as the official turnout rate of the election. 89 It works by suspending cells in a stream of fluid and passing them through an electronic detection apparatus. 109 Bake in the preheated oven until cream cheese mixture is set and cookies on top are golden brown, thirty to forty five minutes. 127 England has her peculiarities and we have ours 46 Terracotta Sighing. 19 It was a bad error on the part of the new judge. 48 How do you know it? 19 It has received assistance also from data processing experts at the C.I.A. and from a specialist in psychiatric prognostication at Walter Reed Hospital. 152 The official helpers will try to help you find the plan that serves you best. 77 the man of better birth could hope for no sympathy, whatever his crime. 71 as 2 The crema is produced by emulsifying the oils in the ground coffee, which does not occur in other brewing methods. 114 Mamie van Doren, Robert Vaughn and Beverly Garland also hosted at the marathon. 79 Julia used to enjoy a coy admiral she met while on a voyage. 60 No edition of either Dallas newspaper during the period January one, nineteen sixty-three, to May fifteen, nineteen sixty-three, 128 that he could not resist the opportunity for robbery offered him by his situation at Lord William Russell's; that when vexed with his master 140 New Orleans branch, end quote. 30 This room has been the scene of many Presidential news conferences and continues to be used for conferences and receptions attended by the President. 149 has been far less than in any previous, comparable period. 58 that it is reasonable to expect them to meet very high standards of personal conduct, 85 The Secret Service has attempted to perform this function through the activities of its Protective Research Section 115 but he afterwards admitted that the girl had been recommended to him by the principal turnkey, who knew something of her friends. 129 A woman dressed in light purple and wearing a corsage clasps her hands in her lap. 82 Most of the prints were found to have been placed on the cartons by an FBI clerk 80 At ten oh three, a fourth airliner crashed in a field in southern Pennsylvania. 79 enclosed and protected by the skeleton, viz., the neural cavity above, and the visceral or body cavity below, the vertebral column. 131 There was no marker. 20 The Chronicles of Newgate, Volume two. By Arthur Griffiths. Section twenty: Newgate Notorieties, part one. 106 Turning up the lights. 22 Bring water to a boil. Add cauliflower, cover, and steam until very tender, fifteen to twenty minutes. 102 Manpower and Technical Assistance From Other Agencies 53 Two young women, 16 Under these criteria, whether the case should be referred to the Secret Service depends on the existence of a previous history of mental instability. 149 In no characters is the contrast between the ugly and vulgar illegibility of the modern type and the elegance of the ancient more striking than in the Arabic numerals. 167 The financial crisis caused a huge economic contraction and a commensurate decline in public spending. 102 I am sorry for it. 18 A blond girl looks through a telescope while another girl wearing glasses looks at her. 87 The short-lived stay with the Pics was terminated after an incident in which Lee allegedly pulled out a pocket knife during an argument 135 Brewer knew from radio broadcasts that the President had been shot and that a patrolman had also been shot in Oak Cliff. 120 The Commission also recommends 30 Brown almost at once; then Barry, who was taken at the East End in a public-house where he had arranged to meet a pal. 118 However diverse may be the fabrics or tissues of which their bodies are composed, all these varied structures result from the metamorphosis of morphological units. 163 in which he protested his discharge and declared that he would use, quote, all means, end quote, to correct it. 111 categories 10 Warning! This route includes tolls. 35 The evidence from first to last was circumstantial, 51 After the fuse melted, the room was enlightened only by a candle. 65 Entering the chlorophyll bodies, the kinetic energy of sunlight is applied to the decomposition of carbon dioxide and water. 124 The salt breeze came across from the sea. 41 california 10 by members of the midnight to eight a.m. shift of the White House detail. 73 Most historians believe that it was only a matter of recognition of Otto's royal authority. 91 At the top of the skyscraper was a suspicious satellite dish. 61 The accordion has widely spread across the world. 49 The octopus worried the squid. 30 there could be no recovery of public confidence in the security of savings. 75 A younger looking man stands behind the counter of an Israeli shop that sells cigarettes and cashews. 101 Nothing lost for lack of asking. 32 Elizabeth reclined gracefully. 30 The law enabled V.A. to recruit and retain top medical personnel by modifying the civil service system. 103 Take care of yourself. 22 Finally, the entry of January four to thirty-one of nineteen sixty-one, quote, 78 They want to shut the Scottish Office. 38 I'm unable to reach the internet. 33 the Secretary of the Treasury has prepared a planning document dated August twenty-seven, nineteen sixty-four, 110 Prison chaplains of experience and high repute, such as Messrs. Field, Clay, Kingsmill, Burt, and Osborne, also advocated it. 125 The officer organizes the mission, outfits the team and debriefs them on the mission objective. 95 his body red with marks of scourging and with blood, had no suspicion but that he spoke the truth, and was really come to be their friend and helper. 149 It is harder for disinfectants to kill these bacteria when they are protected by biofilm. 89 Do not freeze. 14 The innovation was slow to catch on, but new dispensaries were open in the seventeen seventies. 95 Davidson and Gordon were also sentenced to imprisonment. 56 To each his own. 16 testified that the information available to the Federal Government about Oswald before the assassination would, if known to PRS, 128 Thither police officers followed, only to find that he had returned to London. 78 You have dilated pupils. 24 If you don't know where you're going, then the journey is never ending. 71 In an effort to determine whether Oswald could have descended to the lunchroom 78 Bitcoin mining can be done with graphic cards or with specialized hardware. 75 Bates was at once captured in Norfolk Street, Strand. 53 The boar is one of the favorite animals of the hunters, and also hard to tame. 78 that this resolution was in consequence of their (the aldermen's) disapproving of the last discourse delivered by me, 117 Amid protests against rising prices and tax increases, a protestor is killed and five others are injured in clashes with security forces in Tunisia. 148 Judged by his other statements and writings, however, he appears to have indicated his true feelings in the set of answers first presented 138 A sophisticated woman takes photos in the wild while wearing a red blouse and matching scarf. 93 Unfortunately, the little stone seal, perhaps the only one to preserve for us his features, appears to have been lost for ever. 127 The gaseous matters (carbon dioxide, oxygen, nitrogen) enter the plant mainly by diffusion from the atmosphere, 111 The President's intention to pay a visit to Texas in the fall of nineteen sixty-three aroused interest throughout the State. 124 and it is now, except during sessions or when the gallows is in requisition, practically and for ever closed. 109 A workless heat transfer returns the system to its original state. 66 The Summertime Ball is a mini-festival in London, held the first Saturday of June by Global Radio. 98 The ship appeared to be constructed with some form of chromium exoskeleton. 75 then returned to the city to take the train from Fenchurch Street home, traveling by the North London Railway. 110 A double-decker bus overturns near Hong Kong, killing at least nineteen people. 79 There was no way to measure anything of that length. 52 The American bison is, therefore, no longer considered an endangered species. 77 I find in the chaplain's journal, under date eighteen twenty-four, various entries relative to this prisoner. 109 With small, mouse-like prey, wolves leap in a high arc and immobilize it with their forepaws. 93 An act of faith. 16 It seems I cannot connect to the Mycroft servers. Please give me a few minutes before trying to speak to me. 108 A backside view of a black woman crossing a street with a woman walking on the sidewalk. 88 She testified that he responded, quote, As you wish. If you don't want me to come, I won't, end quote. 102 The murder of Federal judges, U.S. attorneys and marshals, and a number of other specifically designated 104 The U.S. State Department suspends its security assistance to Pakistan. 71 Hopefully, it will come from someone on our side. 49 There's nothing in it. 22 It took forty five minutes for Pedro to drive to work. 54 hotels 6 watch all night. Adjoining the felons' side lodge is the keeper's office, where the prison books are kept, and his clerk, 121 Enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Programto receive Alerts and make it easier to locate you in an emergency. 114 that an anti-Castro organization had maintained offices there for a period ending early in nineteen sixty-two. 110 Oxford expressed little anxiety or concern. 43 We all know that our favorite day of the week is Friday. 56 Each agency msut be given a clear understanding of the assistance which the Secret Service expects. 99 Burgess, who was purposely on leave from the bank, effected the sale, which was paid for with a cheque for nearly the whole amount on Lubbock's Bank. 149 Printing, in the only sense with which we are at present concerned, differs from most if not from all the arts and crafts represented in the Exhibition. 152 Smoking is prohibited. 22 Wow, the stroboscope effect on the ball is really astonishing! 62 Two such treasures have been found. 35 They were described as being in a serious but stable condition yesterday. 73 of his willingness to act on his beliefs in quite extraordinary ways. 69 Sit on the perch and tell the others what to do. 48 There are no alarms to be deleted. 34 The cheese and wine was complimented with fig jam and green, seedless grapes. 77 However, relations between siblings, that may have been tolerated in other cultures, was considered abhorrent. 110 An older gentleman stands along the shore of an immense lake with a cityscape across the water. 95 The Russian support for Ethiopia led to the advent of a Russian Red Cross mission. 82 NASA confirms that Scott Tilley, a Canadian amateur astronomer, has rediscovered NASA's IMAGE satellite. 104 Two workers in their hard hats and safety vests stand near a yellow block of concrete. 86 But at the fatal hour his hardihood forsook him, and he was almost insensible when taken out of his cell for execution. 119 Oswald purchased the money order for the rifle on March twelve, the rifle was shipped on March twenty, and the shooting occurred on April ten. 142 It was intended as far as possible that, except awaiting trial, no prisoner should find himself relegated to Newgate. 117 The four columns in the entrance hall seemingly direct the visitor up the ramp. 79 the great magnitude of our erring brother's offense, one of the most dangerous description in a trading community. 114 The silicon sealant has dried. 30 because the president of the photographic firm for which he had previously worked 81 The Finnish attack was launched on July tenth. 46 Hosty has unequivocally denied, first by affidavit and then in his testimony before the Commission, 99 As she [Marina] told me about it I stepped onto the blanket roll 64 and killed Patrolman Tippit. Since independent evidence revealed that Oswald repeatedly and blatantly lied to the police, 121 Her efforts were not futile. 28 The bulk of the prisoners were still left in idleness. 54 In the short time since then, Tesla has won wide acclaim for its cars and has become the largest auto industry employer in California. 134 Common parasite remains the leading cause of illness from pools. 64 Oh, to be sure! 15 This experiment was so far successful that about eighteen fifty Messrs. Miller and Richard of Edinburgh 103 Joe gagged on the stout gravy. 30 A brunette woman inside a coffee shop is watching a brunette woman outside of a coffee shop. 92 the Commission considered whether Oswald, using his own rifle, 62 The details of the suicide were given at the inquest. Watts had been in ill-health from the time of his first arrest. 117 The Government were probably not proud of their agent, for Edwards, after the conviction had been assured, went abroad to enjoy, it was said, 141 It was proved that Mrs. Wilson had given Mrs. Soames something peculiar to drink, 81 Eyewitness Identification of Assassin 37 Renewed recommendations to provide employment resulted in the provision of a certain amount of oakum for picking, 113 I'll do my best not to make a mess on the carpet. 49 Such an oscillating dipole moment can exchange energy with an electromagnetic wave of same frequency. 101 It could also offer advantages for testing in the United States. 64 Albert Einstein's famous equation E equals M.C. squared is one of the best known equations in physics. 102 appeared in The Dallas Times Herald on November fifteen, nineteen sixty-three. 78 A black and white dog jomps over another black and white dog to catch a cloth Frisbee. 86 The floor is made of mahogany, white maple and cherry, and the two fireplaces are original Belgian black marble. 112 and dated back to the Commonwealth, when, under the title of Snow and Walton, it carried on business as pawnbrokers. 116 Four passengers are on a transit train with blue and gray seats and a blue checkered floor. 91 With the help of a few supporters in her hometown, she enrolled in the Juilliard School of Music in New York. 109 Oswald was wearing such a bracelet when he was arrested. 56 From more efficient appliances to better building materials, advances in residential technologies are helping homeowners save energy. 133 He soon proved his ability, and by unremitting attention mastered the whole work of the office. 95 Before creating a new topic, please use the search function to find similar threads. 84 and the murderers immured within its walls. 43 and a total minimum time period of from seven point one to seven point nine seconds for all three shots. 104 Oh, you are, eh? 16 From the beginning of your apprenticeship in housewifery, learn how to "dovetail" your duties neatly into one another. 118 and though the famous family of Aldus restored its technical excellence, rejecting battered letters, 100 The snatchers were detained, the police sent for, and arrest followed as a matter of course. 92 the lips are thin, the chin prominent; the neck is that of a strong vigorous man. 81 All stratagems and all arts had been used, and yet the King could not prevail 77 They discarded this for a more completely Roman and far less beautiful letter. 78 Laos has a low-income economy, with one of the lowest annual incomes in the world. 82 At the same time, they cannot find an exact definition of what a feeling is. 76 The seventeenth century founts were bad rather negatively than positively. 74 The work will be performed at Ames and Goddard. 47 for breakfast a pint of gruel; for dinner half a pound of boiled meat, or a quart of soup with vegetables, on alternate days. 125 The dry wax protects the deep scratch. 38 the captain's cabin ransacked, his money and clothes divided amongst the mutineers, as well as much of the merchandise on board. 128 In my fantasy I can guarantee harmony for all eternity. 55 Roll the dice, please. 22 After the war, Army crews scoured the countryside to locate the remains of soldiers who had died in battle. 107 In the downtown area, large crowds of spectators gave the President a tremendous reception. 91 There is no evidence that he had accomplices or that he was involved in any conspiracy directed to the assassination of the President. 134 His motives for thus imitating the dastardly crime of Oxford are shrouded in obscurity. 87 After severe suffering prolonged for many months, the inflammation was subdued, but the cartilage of the knee-joint was destroyed, and he was crippled for life. 160 Oswald actually did attempt to formulate such an alternative which he planned to, quote, put forward, end quote, himself. 121 Frazier met Oswald at the kitchen door and together they walked to the car. 75 Even though Oswald cut off relations with his mother, 53 and his role would have been made clear by the evidence which he had left behind. 81 The main campus can be seen best from an alcove in the large municipal park in the center of the city. 102 No remonstrance was attended to, 32 A man wearing a blue sweatshirt and a white hard hat is working on a construction project. 90 Happy hardcore is a fast style of techno music, that was kind of popular in the nineties. 89 The play began as soon as we sat down. 38 The builder placed the brick onto the plank of wood, so it would bend into shape. 81 while assuming no radical relocation of responsibilities, 57 and was seen to be busily engaged in washing down the house with bucket and mop. 80 Instead of following an honorable profession, he preferred to turn his great natural talents and ready wits to the most nefarious practices. 140 A massive winter storm hits the East Coast with up to eighteen inches of snow predicted to fall between The Carolinas and Maine. 128 The third possibility, the Trade Mart, a handsome new building with all the necessary facilities, presented security problems. It had numerous entrances, 153 I ought to show only the area of the slow oil leak. 51 Oswald traveled between Dallas and Irving on weekends in a car driven by a neighbor of the Paines, Buell Wesley Frazier, 120 A comet sample return mission and a drone-like rotorcraft that would explore potential landing sites on Saturn's largest moon, Titan. 133 implied that Oswald's fellow employees did not like him because he was propagandizing 85 To this curious etiquette was due the appointment of an official whose office has long since disappeared, "the yeoman of the halter," 133 Would you become roommates wit your best friend or best friends with your roommate? 83 The election was held May nineteen-seventy-six. 47 America has produced a good many showy books, the typography, paper, and illustrations of which are, however, all wrong. 120 to eliminate so far as humanly possible, the kinds of unfair practices by selfish minorities which unfortunately 112 Sites are deleted once all response actions are complete and all cleanup goals have been achieved. 98 modern printers generally overdo the "whites" in the spacing, a defect probably forced on them by the characterless quality of the letters. 139 Strong as were the foregoing remarks, the inspectors wound up their report in still more trenchant language 107 Players mainly use their feet to strike or pass the ball. 57 Baker said, quote, He [Truly] had already started around the bend to come to the next elevator going up, 104 There was no separation even for the women under sentence of death, who lived in a common and perpetually crowded ward. 119 The city guard had to be reduced as well due to finance shortages. 66 West wind around eight miles per hour becoming calm in the evening. 67 Smith failed to make himself known to the police on November twenty-two. 72 It is a metallurgical processing technique in which ultrasonic energy is applied to a metal object. 99 Soaring oil prices and gasoline shortages - peaking with the nineteen seventy three Arab Oil Embargo - created a growing interest in lowering the U.S.'s dependence on foreign oil. 179 I love spicy food! 18 Could you give me some information about the application fee for the conference? 80 But on the gallows, when the cap was over his eyes and the rope had been adjusted round his neck, and within a second of the moment when he would be launched into eternity, 172 The occasional use of personnel from other Federal agencies to assist in protecting the President has a further advantage. It symbolizes the reality 148 A woman and her daughter measuring themselves against a giant ruler at Washington Farms . 90 the shots would have been evenly spaced and the assassin would not have incurred so sharp an angular movement. 110 Mrs. Abrahams imposed upon her father by abstracting a portion of the dust and selling it on her own account; 109 A New Beginning For Electric Cars 33 Philip was standing on the levee watching the waves roll off the rocks and the splashes of spume. 97 There is a fine hard tang in salty air. 39 The watery solution, in which its roots are plunged, contains nitrogen but no carbon. 85 Interactivity is examined with reference to disfluencies such as hesitators, pauses and repetitions. 100 but the chairman of the Great Northern could not realize that a clerk of the company could honestly be in the possession of unlimited wealth. 141 This was the seven hundred block of North Beckley 49 as was done in the case of Mrs. Phipoe, the murderess, who was executed in front of Newgate in seventeen ninety-eight, 118 I.C.B.M. is the abbreviation for intercontinental ballistic missile. 68 He objected to the instruction of prisoners in reading and writing. 67 As I have already said, they took the chaplain seriously to task for the bad taste shown in the condemned sermon preached before Fauntleroy. 140 A line of six children in bathing suits prepare to leap into a swimming pool. 77 Candidates are organized into squads and inserted into a fictional country, known as Pineland, which is made up of several counties spanning North Carolina. 156 To account for his revenues he pretended to have been very lucky on the Stock Exchange, which was at one time true to a limited extent, 135 Administrator Pruitt has set the expectation that there will be a renewed focus on accelerating work and progress at all Superfund sites across the country. 156 When a national health security threat appears, we may not know right away why or how many people are affected. 111 in the training programs of other law enforcement agencies, and agents from other agencies attended the regular Secret Service training schools. 144 the felon and the misdemeanant, the sane and the insane, the old and young offender. 84 While at Cornell, he initiated long-range planning that helped the college survive a twenty percent reduction in staffing. 122 Frazier testified that the rifle was accurate, that it had less recoil than the average military rifle 102 We have seen that male prisoners visited their female relations and friends on the female side. Besides this, 109 several persons were sentenced to or suffered death for this crime. 67 The hostess taught the new maid to serve. 41 I have it here. 15 Frazier added that the scope would cause a slight miss to the right. 68 All these evils were set forth at length in the inspectors' first report. 73 Homology thus means identity of structure which is the result of identity of parentage. It is the stamp of heredity. 116 In the case of holding the A.A.A. unconstitutional, 51 Before getting in the water, use a test strip from your local retailer or pool supply store to check if the water's p.H. and bromine or free chlorine level are correct. 168 The emergency purpose of the N.R.A. was to put men to work and since its creation more than four million persons have been reemployed, 134 it appears that personal and psychological factors were also involved. 70 New programs provide treatment for traumatic brain injuries, post-traumatic stress, suicide prevention, women Veterans and more. 128 It was founded in nineteen ten. 31 Next to these cartons was the handmade paper bag, previously discussed, 71 Volume set to seven. 20 You can either plug me in with a network cable, or use WiFi. 60 In fact, it is deeply unpleasant. 33 had assets in the shape of land, house, furniture, pictures, and objets d'art to the value of fifty thousand pounds. 116 to the county jails from such prisons as were past improvement, and that the borough funds should be charged for the accommodation. 131 To wish one well To wish one ill. 33 Led by Steve Squyres of Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, Caesar would be managed by NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. 149 Twenty-two hundred Sparkman Drive, Detroit, Michigan. 53 If you want, they might help you get signed up through HealthCare dot gov. 74 The findings also had an impact on state building codes. 56 YouTube, in a move to boost transparency and combat propaganda, announces that it will start to label videos by broadcasters that receive state-funding. 152 He and Scoggins attempted to chase down the gunman in Scoggin's taxicab, but he had disappeared. 96 He is currently setting up the microphones for the concert. 59 Red, gold, green, and black are the colors of Pan-Africanism. 61 Facilities in ten additional locations in the U.S. 50 Agriculture was a very important achievement in human history. 62 Don't be so silly! 18 and the curtailment of rank stock speculation through the Securities Exchange Act. 82 Quote, by insensible degrees he began to lose his repugnance to their society, 78 I wanted the doll, but the auction became too expensive. 56 They're silly, their buckets are over there behind mine. 56 There's the rub. 16 without going so far as to say to the exclusion of all other guns. This I could not do, end quote. 98 a man named Burnett came with his wife and took up his residence at Whitchurch, Hampshire, at no great distance from Laverstock, 128 an open-handed, unthinking charity which gave freely to the poor and needy the money which belonged to his creditors. 117 Released in Japan in nineteen ninety seven, the Prius became the world's first mass-produced hybrid electric vehicle. 117 On the other hand, the definition thus amended will exclude all ordinary vegetable organisms. 93 A longhaired woman in a green coat is standing and pushing a crosswalk signal button. 85 Only if disassembled could the rifle fit into the paper bag found near the window from which the shots were fired. 114 Depending on a fighter's tactical needs, a front kick may involve more or less body motion. 91 The prisoner replied that he had left it in the mattress of which he had just been deprived. 92 They were arranged in the order: Moon, Sun, Venus, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, fixed stars. 95 Subjects are more likely to lose memories closer to the traumatic incident than more remote memories. 101 Mahatma Gandhi led the Indian independence movement in the twentieth century. 77 On the whole the type of this book may be considered the ne-plus-ultra of Gothic type, 86 Development of a successor to the twenty six hundred started as soon as it shipped. 83 When the warder went in to call him he asked for his clothes. He was told he would have to wear his own. 104 Mr. Buxton had already been associated with Mrs. Fry in the Newgate visitation, and his attention had thus been drawn to the neglected state of English prisons. 160 Wiesel has received more than ninety honorary degrees from colleges worldwide. 78 The national cemetery system has evolved slowly since the initial period of great challenge associated with the Civil War. 122 Everyone in the Mycroft A.I. community and team. 48 On June first, nineteen twenty five, he married Ella Botts Rice, daughter of David Rice and Martha Lawson Botts of Houston. 123 They absorb oxygen and give out carbonic acid. 46 The digital cryptocurrency Bitcoin loses a third of its value within twenty-four hours. 87 Thornley testified, quote, At which time he looked at me like a betrayed Caesar and screamed, screamed definitely, "Not you, too, Thornley!" 140 Oops. Something went wrong. Please try again. 45 His name headed every subscription list; his purse was always open. 67 This money would be used to compensate consultants, to lease standard equipment or to purchase specially designed pilot equipment. 130 caused much excitement at the time on account of the magnitude of the fraud, and the seeming probity of the culprit. 116 Although his execution was imminent, a surgeon attended to his wounds, and he was carried more dead than alive to the scaffold. 127 After his death his biographers had a difficult task trying to refute those who spoke of his homosexual tendencies. 115 without making an attack on the President a crime. Threatening harm to the President is a Federal offense, 106 He wrote down a long list of items. 35 who belonged to five good London clubs -- 41 He was in the transport side, when one of his fellows, in endeavoring to strike another prisoner with a large poker, missed his aim, and struck Watkins' knee 157 These had been attributed to political action; some thought that the large purchases in foreign grains, effected at losing prices, 130 Tokyo's subway and commuter rail network became one of the busiest in the world as more and more people moved to the area. 122 What does she look like? 24 Desired by both Lithuania and Poland, Livonia was then incorporated into the Polish Crown by Sigismund the second. 114 Central Tanzania is a large plateau, with plains and arable land. 65 The office paint was a dull, sad tan. 37 who for the fourth time regained his foothold. Again he was repelled, 69 She had her cardigan on. 24 Why not move the city prison bodily into this more rural spot, with its purer air and greater breathing space? 110 Don't send money or give out personal information in response to an unexpected request - whether it comes as a text, a phone call, or an email. 143 Physiology studies how nervous, immune, endocrine, respiratory, and circulatory systems function and interact. 110 English is the official language of Belize, a former British colony. 68 Morphogenesis relates to the formation of three-dimensional shape. 66 A dozen camels are disqualified from a beauty pageant in Saudi Arabia after reports in the media about injections with botox. 125 Son Tay's water well had run dry, and a rising river threatened to flood the camp. 82 retain permanently this form, and are therefore called "perennibranchs," but the frog still passes on. 102 Have you played chess? 22 In July nineteen eighty, Tandy released the T.R.S. eighty. 58 The other groups is composed of those who honestly believe the amendment process is the best 92 The Kingdom of Hungary was founded in one thousand, by Stephen the First of Hungary. 84 Both systems came to us from the United States. The difference was really more in degree than in principle, 107 During the reigns of the two following Persian kings Babylon was slowly regaining its independence, 99 Women's field hockey won the nineteen eighty two N.C.A.A. Division Three Field Hockey Championship. 99 The goose was brought straight from the old market. 51 It was important to win the singles. 36 We've made a couple of albums. 30 A bribe to the judge was certain to secure acquittal, and the neglect of the formality was as certainly followed by condemnation. 129 Iridium prices have fluctuated over a considerable range. 57 It charges its batteries when the Sun shines on its solar arrays. 65 The irony was not lost. 23 material 8 By bringing into the judicial system a steady and continuing stream of new and younger blood, I hope, first, 108 The coherence of two waves expresses how well correlated the waves are as quantified by the cross-correlation function. 119 You can verify and re-record your own recordings before submitting them. 72 The bundle found in the dining-room contained, with clothes, various small articles of plate and jewelery which a thief would probably have put into his pocket. 160 But no search was made to intercept prohibited articles at the gate, and there was no permanent gate-keeper, 108 It is interesting to observe that the plan of "radiation," by which the prison blocks radiated from a central hall, like spokes in a wheel 138 Nina Simone was a singer, songwriter, pianist, and activist in the Civil Rights Movement. 89 The train brought our hero to the big town. 43 Detach the hydrogen atom from the cyanide molecule. 51 I'd like to take the plunge. 28 All the circumstances were so suspicious that he could not escape the criminal charge. 86 Do you mean it? 15 and passed it on to Solomons by his daughter, a widow named Abrahams. 69 designed to improve the status of our transportation agencies. 62 would make death a certainty, so limited and imperfect are the means generally available. 89 After she had bought some clothes for Marina Oswald and a highchair for the baby, Oswald emphatically told her to stop. 119 That's absolutely outrageous for a trained lawyer. 50 and because he spent too much time loitering in the garage next door, where he read rifle and hunting magazines. 112 It was exclusively carnivorous. 31 We have recovered most of the deleted files, but some are still being processed. 80 UNICEF reports that as many as seventeen million babies worldwide face potential brain development issues due to their exposure to high toxicity levels. 152 In modern China, these are instead simply numbered and described as little shi. 79 accumulated over a twenty-year period, some of which included more than one individual. 87 The music played on while they talked. 38 A streak of color ran down the left edge. 41 She wasn't home, a neighbour said that he didn't think she came in last night. 78 Clams are small, round, soft, and tasty. 40 Sunday's game was not a trial. 30 The Secret Service has embarked upon a complete overhaul of its research activities. The staff of the Protective Research Section (PRS) 135 Could you give me some information about the application fee for the conference? 80 See you later. 14 That offense was a brutal assault upon Her Majesty, whom he struck in the face with a small stick just as she was leaving Cambridge House. 138 The stars appeared to be on a celestial sphere, rotating once each day along an axis through the north and south geographic poles of Earth. 139 Well, we shall see. 19 Elm Street, parallel to Main Street and one block north, 56 Feed the white mouse some flower seeds. 39 He saw no shotgun in the possession of any policeman near Oswald. 65 For ways to incorporate energy-saving technologies into your home, check out Energy Saver. 90 Solomons also established a system of provincial agency, by which stolen goods were passed on from London to the seaports, and so abroad. 137 You need to talk to your adviser, even if she doesn't want to listen to you. 76 A boy in a black helmet and red longsleeve shirt rides his motorbike over a rocky stream. 89 is an interesting document, and shows that even at that date the Government contemplated the erection of a model prison. 120 but she eventually passed into Broadmoor Lunatic Asylum, where she busies herself with watercolor drawing. 106 Climatic conditions vary depending on altitude. 47 I have felt it to be essentially wise and prudent to avoid, so far as possible, 79 I'm happy. 10 It has made and is making distinct progress. 44 Minnesota rewrote its energy code to require manufacturers to label insulation based on the coldest expected winter conditions. 127 and evidence was given of close relation between Good and a third woman, a girl named Butcher, residing at Woolwich. 116 On September twenty, nineteen sixty-three, Mrs. Paine and her two children arrived in New Orleans from a trip to the East Coast 127 This was followed by an unsuccessful French production in nineteen sixty. 73 When the sunlight strikes raindrops in the air, they act as a prism and form a rainbow. 87 In the end the injured bootmaker agreed to buy back his stolen stock 68 Over the years, refrigerators have changed dramatically - from a box cooled by an ice block to a WiFi-connected smart appliance. 128 He had already been arrested on a writ issued at the instance of the money-lenders, and an action had been commenced against Mrs. Palmer on her acceptances. 156 The rate of growth in road traffic is already beginning to slow. 64 had no special design or equipment which would have permitted the Secret Service agent riding in the driver's compartment 121 I'm thirsty. 12 For example, in response to his questions about his decision to go to the Soviet Union, his first draft answered, quote, 120 What was her name? 18 Her aphasia resulted from a seizure. 36 Note that in this equation, both force and displacement are vector quantities. 78 What kind of man does that, Mister Dick? 40 Beginning in nineteen eighty one, these courts were integrated into the national system. 88 Since its inception, Special Teams has given over one hundred thousand community service hours to the South Florida and Mexico community. 137 Alarm deleted. 14 He operated major casinos in Cuba and was briefly imprisoned after Fidel Castro came to power. 94 by the blacksmith in the usual way. 35 A farmer took them in for the night, and drove them next day to Rocha, a place north of Maldonado. 98 When wine's in wit's out. 25 the outside public continued to be excluded from the Newgate chapel on the day the condemned sermon was preached. 113 The Luftwaffe was forced to improvise and construct its defences during the war. 80 It can only be interpreted by laboratory workers with special skills, extensive training, and a specific type of microscope. 124 The appended postfixes are written as bit strings. 50 Mrs. Siegel concluded her report with the statement that, quote, 64 As she became worse and worse, Smethurst called in the best medical advice in Richmond, 87 A mewing cat is not a good mouser. 34 Mrs. Markham and Barbara Davis thought that the jacket worn by the slayer of Tippit was darker than the jacket found by Westbrook. 130 We work with businesses, non-profit organizations, and state and local governments through dozens of partnerships. 114 Their legacies live on in the more than fifteen hundred E.O.D. techs currently serving around world maintaining Navy Readiness. 127 who had been a convicted prisoner at York, but who consented to act as hangman when Calcraft was engaged, and no other functionary could be obtained. 149 Instead, he was informed to join the line of creditors. 55 Please, be humble. 18 It matters not if he reads these words or those. 48 Street vendors are selling fruits and vegetables in a stand and in large baskets on the ground. 95 provided 8 The lobes of her ears were pierced to hold rings. 49 All prisoners passed their time in absolute idleness, or killed it by gambling and loose conversation. 102 With emphasis. 14 Write a fond note to the friend you cherish. 44 What would be the timetable for withdrawal? 43 This farm had cattle, chicken, sheep and many other animals. 60 Nonreferral of Oswald to the Secret Service. 44 Is there a waiting list? 24 It is but a decent respect due to the wisdom, the integrity and the patriotism of the legislative body, 103 and the most probable inference is that he inveigled Mrs. Brown to his lodgings with the set purpose of taking her life. 120 Of greater importance, 22 Alaska eliminates the posting of bail in criminal cases, replacing it with a points-based system. 97 Shrubs started to grow in the garden after that family left town. 65 A fur muff is stylish once more. 32 The jacket hung on the back of the wide chair. 46 Nurdles are plastic beads about one fifth of an inch in diameter that are widely used in manufacturing. 103 The Curtain Rod Story 21 ignominy, sorrow, sufferings, wretchedness, pangs, 50 The limitation of twenty four starters is stated explicitly to be for safety reasons. 85 In November of the first-named year occurred the wholesale slaughter of the Jermys in their house, Stanfield Hall, by the miscreant Rush. 137 They developed the first vibrator separating unit for the small grain thresher. 79 afterwards in the British German Legion raised for the Crimean War. 67 The child lured the rabbit into the cage. 41 The Chronicles of Newgate, Volume two. By Arthur Griffiths. Section four: Newgate down to eighteen eighteen. 108 on April ten, nineteen sixty-three. 35 When all the visible frequencies are present equally, the perceived color of the light is white, and the spectrum is a flat line. 129 There was as yet no control over the prisoners after locking-up time; 69 Please don't drop the plaque because it could break. 52 The others followed, and on overtaking Thurtell, found he had done the job alone in a retired part of the road known as Gill's Hill Lane. 137 Exit the aircraft and clear the area. Remain alert for emergency vehicles. Never return to a burning aircraft. 110 It aims to save the lives of those suffering from the disease, primarily in Africa. 83 We were sitting in the V.I.P. lounge of the theater, when the drama reached its climax. 87 In Brazil, flying a kite is a very popular leisure activity for children, teenagers and even young adults. 106 The term "Zionism" is derived from the word Zion, referring to Jerusalem. 73 I want something that magically transcribes music. 50 The first turning point many have suggested was the introduction of the Toyota Prius. 85 You have a choice between sukiyaki, chop suey, or chow mein. 60 In nineteen twenty nine, the Nichols and Shepard Company was acquired by the Oliver Farm Equipment Company. 107 I'm just writing code to simulate an omnidirectional camera at the moment. 74 Saturday, it will be cloudy and fifty-eight degrees. 52 Without Los Altos, conservatives lost much of the resources that had given Guatemala hegemony in Central America. 113 How they managed to improvise at such short notice, she'll never know. 70 The suit may look rigid, but its design actually allows for a wide range of movement. 85 Titles that have been enacted into positive law are indicated by blue shading below. 84 We have survived all of the arduous burdens and the threatening dangers of a great economic calamity. 101 I.P. addresses are assigned to a host by the controlling Internet service provider or network administrator. 108 eight. The press yard. 22 He also erected what is called a pensile paradise: 50 The dying men are dreadfully agitated. 38 He indicated, however, that he would have to delay that program because of his immediate financial needs and responsibilities. 126 During the autopsy examination, Federal agents brought the surgeons three pieces of bone recovered from Elm Street and the Presidential automobile. 147 Simone's musical style fused gospel and pop with classical music, in particular Johann Sebastian Bach, and accompanied expressive, jazz-like singing in her contralto voice. 172 We again exhibited interest on the basis of these contacts with The Worker, Fair Play for Cuba Committee, which are relatively inconsequential. 143 classifieds 11 I had now established that Lee Oswald was not employed in a sensitive industry. 79 A more daring and skilful escape was effected in eighteen thirty-six by the chimney-sweep Henry Williams, 105 But the uneasiness soon wears off. The second night sleep comes readily, and is sound; 86 May I ask where the show-off put my only extra umbrella. 56 the President, Vice President, or other officer next in the order of succession to the Office of President, the President-elect and the Vice-President-elect, 157 In conformity with these arrangements, traffic proceeding west on Main is directed to turn right at Houston 107 On November twenty a front page story reported that the streets on which the Presidential motorcade would travel included "Main and Stemmons Freeway." 150 was the boon to which willing industry extending over a long period established a certain claim. 96 His acquaintances often asked his object in this, but he kept his own counsel till the tenth June. 98 in a letter dated August twenty-eight, nineteen sixty-three, about whether he could, quote, continue to fight, 110 At no period could thieves in London or elsewhere have prospered had they been unable to dispose of their ill-gotten goods. 123 The Agency may also find contamination during its own investigations. 69 A prominent Dutch anabaptist was Menno Simons, who initiated the Mennonite church. 82 But this force still faces many challenges. 43 People are gathered around and walking buy a display of clothing and other items. 81 Smoking is also very important. 31 the furniture turned upside down, the drawers of the escritoire open and rifled, 80 and he can almost invariably procure the luxuries of his class of life, beer and tobacco, in abundance. 103 always profess patriotism toward the land and the people, if not the government; although their ideals movements must surely lead 129 Do not touch the apparatus before I told you to do so. 54 Who will pay for this? 22 What will happen then? 22 The County Court was the sheriff's, who sat there surrounded by the bishop and the magnates of the county; 106 first 5 The Vice-Chancellor, currently Louise Richardson, is the "de facto" head of the university. 91 It was generally crowded, as debtors who would have gone to the Poultry Compter were sent to Giltspur Street when the former was condemned as unfit to receive prisoners. 169 One case is preserved by Catnach, 33 Training for this phase lasts about fifteen weeks, and covers additional language training, Special Forces common tasks, Advanced Special Operations Techniques, and interagency operations. 188 Public Health Service Veterans' hospitals were transferred to the bureau, and an ambitious hospital construction program for World War One Veterans commenced. 158 An expansion board named "Magic Sound" allowed to play Scream Tracker files. 76 Fantastic! 10 with a fellow who had lived in Russia for three years and who was an admitted Marxist. 86 Marduk, the great lord, looking with joy on his pious works and upright heart, 78 Is it a dangerous precedent for the Congress to change the number of the justices? The Congress has always had, and will have, that power. 138 By two thousand eight, twenty seven billion dollars had been spent on the program. 82 and such a favorable opportunity to strike at a figure as great as the President would probably never have come to him again. 125 The United States' National Christmas Tree has been lit each year since nineteen twenty three on the South Lawn of the White House. 131 Constantine also played an active role in the leadership of the Church. 71 Two blond women sit outside as people walk by wearing casual clothing and some wearing bookbags. 96 and her positive identification of Oswald at a police lineup, the Commission considers her testimony reliable. 110 We pride ourselves in completing all requests in less than twenty four hours. 77 On April twenty-one, nineteen sixty-three, the FBI field office in New York 75 that a more formal statement of assigned responsibilities, supplemented in each case to reflect the peculiar conditions of each Presidential trip 145 I wonder what would happen it somebody was to stand up and say he was utterly opposed not only to the governments, but to the people, 133 was in the right direction, as making the performance shorter and diminishing the area of display. 98 May I sit down? 15 The job of creating a program for the nation's welfare is, in some respects, like the building of a ship. 105 Yes, it would be. 17 E.P.A. typically initiates Superfund involvement because states, tribes or citizens ask for the Agency's help. 110 The foremost assignment of the Committee would be to insure that the maximum resources of the Federal Government are fully engaged in the job of protecting the President, 170 out of a combination of Oswald's known Marxist sympathies and George Orwell's book "nineteen eighty-four," one of Oswald's favorite books 137 It is a fact. 13 Blond child with dirty face holding yellow bottle with red cap, plants in background. 85 The Board elects its own chairman. 34 Pork cutlet is also very tasty, but our religion does not allow us to eat it. 77 It had been in place since last July. 37 Then with a strong effort he pushed off the white cap, and tried to liberate his neck from the halter, which by this time had been adjusted. 140 Oops. Something went wrong. Please try again. 45 events 6 Quakers keep silent. 20 Preheat oven to three hundred fifty degrees. 44 sheep or horse stealing, and stealing in a dwelling-house. 58 Their first child, Xenia, died of pneumonia in May eighteen ninety less than two months after she was born. 107 A woman in a colorful dress and headscarf displays mounds of fresh vegetables on a street. 90 Atop this carton was a small carton marked "Rolling Readers," measuring approximately thirteen by nine by eight inches. 119 Miss Bailey, the doctor's sister, in whose favor the note was said to have been given, 86 Finally, he paid for the movie. 31 In a large skillet, heat butter or margarine over medium-high heat. Saute chicken pieces until golden brown. 108 Feel the heat? 14 In nineteen ninety five, to mark Sinatra's eightieth birthday, the Empire State Building glowed blue. 101 Police were assigned to each overpass on the route and instructed to keep them clear of unauthorized persons. 109 Shape the clay gently into block form. 38 In nineteen forty six, he received his Diploma in Trumpet. 58 learned of his purpose, and when they were consulted as to the most favorable time for beginning the work upon the new city, 124 The scientist wrote her paper. 30 This bill, reintroduced in eighteen seventy-seven, became law that year, after which the whole of the prisons, including Newgate, 129 Asexual means you don't find anyone sexually attractive. 56 All that the hangman, whoever he may be, does under the new regime is to unhook the halter and remove the pinioning straps. 123 Five people are shot during mass fighting between Afghan and Eritrean migrant groups in Calais, France. 103 In addition, religious courts handle questions of personal and family law. 74 Every new-comer was entitled to a "chummage" ticket, but did not always get it, 79 Two dock workers and small boat guiding a cruise ship to place to tie up on dock. 81 We need to ski down the hill before the sun sets. 49 So if I found all of these then I would have been able to say these fibers probably had come from this blanket. But since I found so few, 137 The time is nineteen forty-three U.T.C. 39 repaired there secretly, and so gave information to the Brazilian authorities. 78 Police have been sent in to enforce requirements that shopkeepers sell goods at a loss. 87 but, in spite of all these obscurations, corresponding parts usually may be made out. 85 I was wondering if you would work on this project with me because I can’t find anyone else. 91 By the Tudor era there were some two hundred buildings on the bridge. 69 provided by other agencies. 27 The definite form of the participle is identical to the plural form. 68 I want forgiveness of man; I want those doors (of the prison) opened. 69 Bottles hold four kinds of rum. 31 up 2 While there are differences between the two events as far as Oswald's actions and planning are concerned, there are also similarities that should be considered. 160 him 3 The Commission was struck by the apparent lack of effort, on an interagency basis, to develop coordinated and mutually compatible systems, even where such coordination would not seem inconsistent 195 there might conceivably have been additional investigation of the Oswald case between November five and November twenty-two. 124 Scientists warn that the ozone layer that protects people from the sun's ultraviolet radiation is recovering only over less populated areas. 140 This cream will give you ageless skin at low cost. 50 It can also refer to a funerary jar. 36 He testified that he did not read the newspaper story describing the motorcade route in detail, since he was interested only in the fact 136 and then west on Main, turning back to Elm at Houston and then out Stemmons Freeway to the Trade Mart. 102 and he did not establish any close friendships or associations, although it appears that he came to respect George De Mohrenschildt. 132 Glue the sheet to the dark blue background. 43 Among them was Gary Robertson from Dundee. 42 He jumped the hedge and injured himself. 40 then let twenty days pass, and at the end of that time station near the Chaldasan gates a body of four thousand. 112 Elections have been the usual mechanism by which modern representative democracy has operated since the seventeenth century. 124 Other marines also testified that Oswald had few friends and kept very much to himself. 87 There was no safety net. 24 B.T.V. also infects goats, cattle and other domestic animals as well as wild ruminants. 87 The U.S. government cuts aid to some Somali military units for allegedly misusing funds. 88 For twenty twelve, G.E.'s brand was valued at twenty eight point eight billion dollars. 87 In the case of Supreme Court justices, that pension is twenty thousand dollars a year. 86 Italy is contentedly stagnant. 30 Heat pump water heater sales have skyrocketed from about two thousand units sold in two thousand six to more than thirty four thousand in twenty twelve. 152 It would appear, however, that obtaining curtain rods was not the purpose of Oswald's trip to Irving on November twenty-one. 124 Don't pay upfront for a promise. 32 I can reassure you, that we won't retreat until the oil until the peace is secured. 83 Bye 3 section 7 this time Calcraft adding his weight to the body, and the strangulation was completed. 86 The vamp of the shoe had a gold buckle. 39 Pop's cruddy boot is plugging the cool pool. 44 Looking for Thai Food near Portland, Oregon. 44 Place ham in food processor, and pulse until finely ground. 59 Oswald must have already learned that the Governor could not help him with his discharge because he was no longer Secretary of the Navy, at the time he made that remark. 169 A confederate followed the emissary closely, 44 About the same time, Pythagoras thought that the Earth was a sphere, in accordance with observations of eclipses, but not at the center;. 137 John Kelsey Gammell was sentenced to serve one hundred eighty months in prison by U.S. District Judge Wilhelmina M. Wright of the District of Minnesota. 152 Another case of long-continued successful forgery was brought to light two years after the convictions of Saward and his accomplices. 133 Type a company or product name into your favorite search engine with words like "review," "complaint" or "scam." 112 A salt pickle tastes fine with ham. 35 and in five twenty-one Nebuchadnezzar the third, a native Babylonian, was placed on the throne. 95 The height of a full-grown, full-size llama is one point eight meters tall at the top of the head. 98 Since twenty twelve, Vodafone has been the sponsor. 51 In an animal the foods in the circulating liquids, blood and lymph, are selected and absorbed by the cells. 107 The one time pad is an ultimate encryption if applied correctly. 64 Two cyclist a man and a woman enjoy a leisurely bike ride on the cobblestone path. 82 The people who offer legitimate help with the Health Insurance Marketplace - sometimes called Navigators or Assisters - are not allowed to charge you. 150 took Courvoisier into custody, and placed the two female servants under surveillance. 85 attacked the walls on every side, whereupon Zopyrus played out the remainder of his stratagem. 94 were induced to cut punches for a series of "old style" letters. 64 management 10 all chances of classification and separation vanished, and the greatest evils remained untouched. 97 Nichols and Shepard was an American partnership which manufactured farm machinery, steam engines and mill machinery. 116 Joshua Fletcher a surgeon, and three others were charged with forging wills for the purpose of obtaining unclaimed stock in the funds. 134 The national cemetery system has evolved slowly since the initial period of great challenge associated with the Civil War. 122 Whenever the seat belt sign is illuminated during flight. 57 Yes, it would be difficult. 27 How are you, sir? 17 The T.Y.T. appoints the chief minister as the head of government. 65 Oswald's Marine training in marksmanship, his other rifle experience and his established familiarity with this particular weapon 128 It was laid down as a first and indispensable principle that uniformity of discipline should prevail everywhere, 112 in an increasingly complex conspiracy against him. 50 the hardship to the holders of these lands being plain, should the allegations of invalidity be made good. 106 and the bank became liable for a sum of one hundred seventy thousand pounds. 76 She was waiting at my front lawn. 33 Tradition is inconsistent, and human beings need an extra-traditional guide to identify which traditions are acceptable. 120 that she had had a quarrel with her mistress, and that the latter with all others who tasted the dumplings were similarly attacked, although no one died. 153 None of these possibilities satisfactorily explains Oswald's act if it is judged by the standards of reasonable men. 116 A plane graph is said to be "convex" if all of its faces are convex polygons. 77 I need to know I've won already. 32 I kept thinking that I should be upset, but the truth is I really just couldn't care less. 90 under which wages, hours and working conditions 47 They hope to get a hybrid embryo by merging the D.N.A. of a different species. 78 It should be noted, however, that at the time Oswald fired the shots at the Presidential limousine the Governor occupied the seat in front of the President, 156 If you release the clutch too quickly, the engine will stall. 61 as being the left palmprint and right index fingerprint of Lee Harvey Oswald. 77 In the old print each figure has its definite individuality, and one cannot be mistaken for the other; 102 All that was urged was that the borough magistracy had no right to govern their jails 85 Her husband, who came up to town, would not allow a post-mortem, and again Mrs. Wilson escaped. 95 A police car made a U-turn, and as the sirens grew fainter, 59 any of the personalities or groups epitomizing or representing the so-called right wing, 88 You can feel at home in China. 30 The Prison Society reproves the misdirected efforts of ambitious architects, who by a lavish and improvident expenditure of public money 136 The rarest spice comes from the far East. 41 Individual or local or state effort alone cannot protect us in nineteen thirty-seven any better than ten years ago. 115 If she said "Jump", he would ask "How high?" Phil, will you take a stance on this matter? 89 and helped to move the personal effects of Marina Oswald and the baby. 70 A more precise determination has been made from motion pictures taken on the scene by an amateur photographer, Abraham Zapruder. 128 So we extended the mission due to the outstanding science that it is performing. 80 Add spinach; cook, stirring frequently, until wilted, about one minute. 71 Basketball player has fallen on the court while another grabs at the ball from out of frame. 92 the Commission has reviewed the testimony of witnesses who saw Oswald in the building within minutes after the assassination. 125 A Pegasus Airlines Boeing seven thirty-seven in northern Turkey departs the runway upon landing. 96 It is a band of steel three inches wide. 40 Thus, since twenty twelve the Democratic Party has been in power holding both presidency and government. 104 Since nineteen forty-five, Roosevelt's successors have ranged the world, 72 Secondly, agents are instructed to remove the President as quickly as possible from known or impending danger. 110 He was, however, recognized, and ere long an order came out from home for his arrest and transfer to England, 109 It will decide today whether he should be struck off the register. 66 The city is full of clubs, restaurants and bars. 48 The Commission shares this concern. 35 Do not travel to North Korea due to the serious risk of arrest and long-term detention of U.S. nationals. 105 Newgate has remained rather in the background while the whole of the jails as a body were under discussion. 107 A lantern lit up the trees. 27 The Sun, Moon, and planets were holes in invisible wheels surrounding Earth; through the holes, humans could see concealed fire. 128 Neutralize all the enemies behind the barricades with your taser. 65 Starchy substances, cellulose and sugar, once supposed to be exclusively confined to plants, are now known to be regular and normal products of animals. 152 They tried to give her advice. 30 His brief description of them should not be omitted. He says that Nebuchadnezzar 80 The moment it was discovered that the diamonds had disappeared, the affair was taken up by the police. 102 of the oily, starchy, saccharine and woody substances contained in the full-grown plant and its seeds 101 The brutal ferocity of the wild beast once aroused, the same means, the same weapons were employed to do the dreadful deed, 123 The farmer swapped his horse for a brown ox. 44 Eligible loan guaranty users are now able to negotiate loan terms, including the interest rate, which helps V.A. loan participants to compete better in the housing market. 171 A bus passes by with woman in strange sweaters sporting odd hairstyles on the side as decoration. 97 Our destiny is in our own hands. 32 The junk yard had a mouldy smell. 33 carbohydrates (starch, cellulose) and fats. 43 Elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in eighteen forty six, Lincoln promoted rapid modernization of the economy and opposed the Mexican-American War. 157 Development of a successor to the twenty six hundred started as soon as it shipped. 83 will be spent for actually creating new work and not for building up expensive overhead organizations here in Washington. 121 The hijackers had to beat only one layer of security: the security checkpoint process. 86 Wind chill values as low as minus ten degrees. 46 This was a fairly coherent description of life in that country, basically centered around the radio and television factory in which he worked. 142 Brennan's description should also be compared with the eyewitness description broadcast over the Dallas police radio at one:twenty-two p.m. 139 Oil embargo endorsed. 21 The next morning he left for work before anyone else arose. 59 I burned the omelette. 22 And she indicated to me that she had peered into this roll and saw a portion of what she took to be a gun she knew her husband to have, a rifle. 144 Upon these and the private visitations made by various members the Society obtained the facts, 94 Bring to a boil, then add the potatoes and parsley. Crumble in half of the bacon. 81 The atmosphere and the earth supply plants with juices ready prepared and which can be absorbed immediately. 108 There is a strong chance it will happen once more. 50 in the deplorable situation in which many of them now are." 59 Two people walking outside in the woods in the winter time wearing jackets with hoods on them. 94 and District Attorney Henry M. Wade both testified that they saw it later that day. 83 A boa will not bite unless you bait him. 40 To assist you I need to be connected to the internet. 53 The company also marketed a beverage called "Ted's Root Beer" in the early sixties. 83 The guests of the party decided to go on the balcony. 53 Tesla's announcement and subsequent success spurred many big automakers to accelerate work on their own electric vehicles. 122 training 8 But it failed. 14 Their findings are published in the journal, Injury Prevention. 63 It distinguishes sixteen non-syllabic consonant phonemes in Danish. 67 Chester daubed the couch with cool-colored paint. 49 Dave's pup was killed by the speeding car. 42 I sped to work. 15 He drove a police car painted distinctive colors with Number ten prominently displayed on each side. 100 many of whose types, indeed, like that of the Subiaco works, are of a transitional character. 93 The airdrop of the atomic bomb in Hiroshima had devastating implications. 73 Press the pedal with your left foot. 36 Roast in the preheated oven until chicken is browned and the juices run clear, about one hour. 94 You can have no good intentions; you must quit my service tomorrow morning. 75 In deciding whether Lee Harvey Oswald fired the shots which killed President Kennedy and wounded Governor Connally, 115 It symbolizes the reality that the job of protecting the President has not been and cannot be exclusively the responsibility of the Secret Service. 147 Wakefield found it necessary to become more explicit regarding her father's affairs. 84 a dissatisfaction which seemed to find expression at this particular point 74 A German medal was issued commemorating the event. 50 An elderly woman is eating a burger while the man next to her touching his hat. 79 I am a soldier, a soldier, a soldier. 37 I think that is all. 20 it had established periodic regular review of the status of four hundred individuals; 85 I was pushed down by Agent Youngblood. 38 Particle radiation from radioactive material or cosmic rays almost invariably carries enough energy to be ionizing. 115 Mrs. Evelyn D Siegel, a social worker who interviewed both Lee and his mother while Lee was confined in Youth House, 116 but it was long before the public realized that the fraudulent clerk and the great theatrical manager were one and the same person. 131 He roared out snatches of a song about Death or Liberty, and just before he was turned off, 91 was to be the rule for all convicted prisoners throughout the early stages of their detention; 94 He was a crazy man. 19 Neither fish nor flesh. 23 Benavides saw a man standing at the right side of the parked police car. He then heard three shots and saw the policeman fall to the ground. 140 country 7 Mia turned seven today. 23 Some of the best known and most skilful soloists in funk have jazz backgrounds. 79 and although it was not a violation of the law to carry a placard, that they were not to tolerate any actions such as the Stevenson incident 140 Some ham sandwiches, several cigar ends, and two empty champagne bottles were found on the premises next day, showing how they had passed their time. 149 Special Forces Assessment and Selection is geared to test your survival skills, and places an even stronger emphasis on intense physical and mental training. 157 Zappa was often characterized as an atheist. 44 The massive funding increases have made anti-retrovirals widely available, saving an estimated eleven million lives. 116 started expounding the Communist doctrine and saying that he was highly interested in communism, that communism was the only way of life for the worker, et cetera, 163 That year, Iowa suffered an unusually high number of devastating cyclones. 74 Enabling responsible redevelopment of sites can transform underutilized sites that have long been considered eyesores or wastelands to become engines of revitalization. 168 Sometimes two mats were allotted to three sleepers. Sometimes four slept under the same bedding, and left their mats unoccupied. 128 Closer investigation proved that it belonged to the trunk already discovered on the second February. 100 Canada is quite cold at times. 30 A handmade bag of wrapping paper and tape was found in the southeast corner of the sixth floor alongside the window from which the shots were fired. 148 Dewar is certainly under attack from within his own party. 58 A little boy is squatting down looking at colorful pieces of paper while grownup look on. 89 toward a light-colored Rambler station wagon, which was moving slowly along Elm toward the underpass: 101 There will be a beginning, a middle, and an end. 48 From nineteen sixty to nineteen sixty five, he served as Constable of the Tower of London. 90 The Greyhound Bus Station at Lamar and Jackson Streets, where Oswald entered Whaley's cab, 90 The B.S.A. is part of the international Scout Movement and became a founding member of the World Organization of the Scout Movement. 132 Customers stand in front of and talk with representatives sitting at desks with computers. 90 This was a public-house. 24 There are two men in orange life vests signaling to a cruise ship docking at a pier. 84 From the late eighteen tens he lived in near solitude outside Madrid in a farmhouse converted into a studio. 108 The Secret Service should not and does not plan to develop its own intelligence gathering facilities to duplicate the existing facilities of other Federal agencies. 164 Add the column and put the sum here. 36 And they actually were elected into the city council. 53 A child gets dental care from a dentist as the another health professional holds his hand. 90 problem 7 Truly thought that the officer's gun at that time appeared to be almost touching the middle portion of Oswald's body. 117 Hi. 3 and the elegance and legibility of the ancient more striking than in the Arabic numerals. 89 and with the warning a copy of the particular defects and allegations was to be sent to the local authority. 108 The record companies have gone through the floor. 49 an impecunious and rotten firm of contractors with vast liabilities and pledged to impossible works abroad. 107 A Asian male wearing a red shirt is sitting next to a grocery stand selling fruits. 83 Marley, disturbed, picked up a cigar and parcel from the counter, then ran out, pursued by Lerigo only. 103 A certain number, who could afford the high rate of a guinea per diem, fixed by the under sheriff, were lodged in the governor's house, 135 The first intimation conveyed to society of the new terror which threatened it was in the arrest and arraignment of William Palmer, 131 Twenty-seven hundred Broad River Road, Columbia, South Carolina. 64 The Allies intend to maintain the average. 42 Think about that. 17 Several science fiction creators commented on the film. 55 There was no answer. 20 A cloud of dust stung his tender eyes. 38 His handling from his earliest printers was little better. 58 are better than mere personal strength in the accomplishment of such tasks as fall to women to perform. 103 Dissatisfied with this remuneration, he again took to the road, and tramped into Hampshire, 91 will be admitted by those who have read his book on "the punishment of death, 77 The beauty of the view stunned the young boy. 45 Additional evidence of ownership was provided in the form of palmprint identification which indicated that Oswald had possession of the rifle he had purchased. 159 Below, organized chronologically, are links to approved plans and the letters approving them. 93 restaurant 10 Don't press one to speak to a person or to be taken off the list. 65 Matters were on much the same footing at St. Albans. 52 A conservative. 15 For more information and other healthy and safe swimming steps, visit our website at W W W dot C D C dot gov. 109 Adequacy of preventive intelligence operations of the Secret Service. 69 Today she has been released. 28 He took charge, in a sense, of the conversation right from the beginning, end quote. He presented the following signed note: 124 This imposition of fees left prisoners destitute on their discharge, without funds to support them in their first struggle to recommence life, 142 The new instructions require F.B.I. agents to report immediately information concerning subversives, ultrarightists, racists and fascists. 138 Lincoln fought back by pitting his opponents against each other and by appealing to the American people with his powers of oratory. 131 Skipping song. 14 Several young people are standing around drinking beverages at some kind of outdoors gathering with food. 105 The clothes dried on a thin wooden rack. 40 From nineteen eighty through two thousand eight, U.S. air carriers had two hundred thirty four turbulence accidents, resulting in three fatalities. 147 One stroke of luck which he turned to great account 51 The Chronicles of Newgate, Volume two. By Arthur Griffiths. Section twenty-two. Newgate Reformed. 97 Do yourself a favor, learn the language and socialize. 54 Dragonfly is a drone-like rotorcraft that would explore the prebiotic chemistry and habitability of dozens of sites on Saturn's moon Titan, an ocean world in our solar system. 175 Pay a fee to see a play on broadway. 36 Two chefs talk together behind a tiled restaurant calendar in a fancy restaurant. 81 Jack Dougherty, an employee working on the fifth floor, 55 The package manager cannot resolve circular dependencies. 57 High latencies are annoying during video conferences. 53 The current bridge stands at the western end of the Pool of London and is positioned thirty meters upstream from previous alignments. 133 Charging you for help getting new insurance. 44 Vice-Presidential car. 22 The mazurkas were played with verve and enthusiasm. 51 How did you know? 17 Happening Now: Admiral John C. Aquilino assumes command of the U.S. Pacific Fleet from Admiral Scott H. Swift during a ceremony at Pearl Harbor. 144 First and foremost, the game is entirely different. 51 The work will be performed at Ames and Goddard. 47 nor has he a right to poison or starve his fellow-creatures." 61 every prison was ordered to keep up an infirmary, and the medical supervision was to be strict and continuous. 110 She put the amplifier on mute until they calmed down. 53 When I visited South America I had dinner with Aaron, Douglas, Nicole, and Raymond. 83 Place a steamer insert into a saucepan and fill with water to just below the bottom of the steamer. 99 Cover with a layer of tortillas followed by more meat mixture, then a layer of cheese. 86 Donald Trump names former NASA astronaut James F. Reilly as leader of the U.S. Geological Survey. 97 and attempted to help Mrs. Oswald particularly, in various ways. In general, Oswald did not like the members of the Russian community. 134 His arm was later amputated. 28 In nineteen eighty nine, Donald Knuth released new versions. 60 Please fill out a registration form. Do you have one? 53 Many languages are spoken in Tanzania, one of them is Zulu. 59 This will never do. 19 From an examination of one of the photographs, the Commission determined the dates of the issues of the Militant and the Worker which Oswald was holding in his hand. 165 A clean neck means a neat collar. 33 The record has since been re-released numerous times in different formats, usually with its original title. 107 Bishop got weary of the dangers and fatigues of exhumation, and proposed to Williams that instead of disinterring they should murder their subjects. 148 a measure which must greatly tend to discourage attempts to escape. 67 These losses can be minimized by using a close-coupled cavity. 62 That is not only my accusation. 31 The annals of fraudulent crime probably contain nothing 55 in order that unemployment may be prevented by the stabilizing of employment itself. 84 Pubs hold special events, from tournaments of the aforementioned games to karaoke nights to pub quizzes. 104 I ought to show only the area of the slow oil leak. 51 It was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry by the Library of Congress in two thousand five. 125 The sole exception was the weekend of November sixteen to seventeen, nineteen sixty-three, the weekend before the assassination, 128 Asking his brother why he supported the American Government and what ideals he put forward, Oswald wrote, quote, 112 with the idea that ignominy would no longer attach to an operation which ceased to be compulsory for the most degraded beings; 126 The name of Ikey Solomons was long remembered by thief and thief-taker. 71 the whole about fifteen feet wide. 34 Dude, you've got swag! 22 laughed and jested with the officers about "Jack Ketch," who, through the postponement of the execution, would lose his Christmas dinner. 137 but I am jealous of the right of every citizen to call to the attention of his or her government 96 His unhappy experience with the Cuban consul seems thus to have reduced his enthusiasm for the Castro regime and his desire to go to Cuba. 138 Why does the ice cream truck keep playing such a sad song "send in the clowns"? 79 A group of men chat and drink water from water bottles while standing by their bicycles. 88 Activity has focused on the importation of cheap or unfree labor, involvement with union and public officials, and counterfeiting. 130 Simone employed a broad range of musical styles including classical, jazz, blues, folk, gospel, and pop. 104 It had become, as Dio Cassius said, "Mounds and legends and ruins." 67 by these Secret Service agents with the cooperation of the Dallas police and other local law enforcement agents, were carefully executed. 137 Researchers note that Strava, which processes data from apps and devices such as Fitbit, accidentally revealed the locations of U.S. military bases overseas. 157 There's stop-and-go traffic along your route, leading to a two hour, eleven minute delay. 89 Was this element always there? 30 They pursued their terrible trade for five years without scruple and without detection. 87 Let me check. 13 Political pressure favored stimulus resulting in an expansion of the money supply. 82 The execution took place a week or two later, in the presence of such a crowd as had not been seen near Newgate for years. 122 This is the point. 18 In an interview with FBI agents on December seventeen, nineteen sixty-three, 76 This project was revived when Congress appropriated three million dollars for its construction. 95 associates 10 I have been directed to assist you with your enquiries. 55 To those who say that our expenditures for public works and other means for recovery are a waste that we cannot afford, 119 Only a minority of literature is written this way. 50 Now give me a value from zero to two fifty-five for red. 56 Little boy in walking shorts and sweater, on the sidewalk with his hat turned around backward. 94 In nineteen twenty nine, the Nichols and Shepard Company was acquired by the Oliver Farm Equipment Company. 107 Talk to the previous owners of an asset or business for its history. 68 Chess is a simulation of war. 29 Any travel, any contact with the general public, involves a calculated risk on the part of the President and the men responsible for his protection. 148 If you dig this tunnel below the building it will collapse, so I urge you to not do it. 87 In two thousand nine, Oak Ridge National Lab worked with General Electric to bring the GeoSpring water heater, the first Energy Star qualified electric heat pump water heater, to the market. 190 Lake County, one of the original nine counties formed in eighteen sixty one, was renamed Roop County. 101 Over five hundred Olympic sports champions lived in the city by two thousand five. 82 A cup of sugar makes sweet fudge. 33 Fourteen of those had their own district council, elected by a popular vote. 76 Would you like to create a troubleshooting package? 51 With a strong accent. 21 In its budget request for the fiscal year beginning July one, nineteen sixty-four, 82 Oklahoma quarterback Baker Mayfield wins the Heisman Trophy as the N.C.A.A.'s most outstanding player for the twenty seventeen college football season. 151 While the excitement was still fresh, a new robbery of diamonds was committed at a bonded warehouse in the immediate neighborhood, on Custom House Quay. 152 The B.S.A. is part of the international Scout Movement and became a founding member of the World Organization of the Scout Movement. 132 What are you doing here? 24 with a son of Good's by a former wife. Another wife, real or fictitious, existed in Spitalfields, 97 The daffodils are blooming. 27 were developed by chemical processes. 37 All nine-hundred fifty-five South African miners who were stuck in the Beatrix gold mine since Wednesday, have been brought to the surface. 139 and she must have run down the stairs ahead of Oswald and would probably have seen or heard him. 96 and that it was accomplished by "sleeping edgewise." 52 which finally declined to modify the discharge and so advised him in a letter dated July nineteen sixty-three. 110 Prod the old mule with a crooked stick. 39 A girl wearing a blue floral patterned dress is sitting on the cement and sorting leaves. 89 The wholehearted support of these local authorities was indispensable to the Service in carrying out its duties. 112 Here's the F.T.C.'s game plan to combat robocalls: 50 Four girls are sitting in the grass while several men stand near them. 70 Dragonfly is a drone-like rotorcraft that would explore the prebiotic chemistry and habitability of dozens of sites on Saturn's moon Titan, an ocean world in our solar system. 175 The sun is friendly right now, but it will turn on us and consume this planet. 78 The fact was, he did not keep the classification of prisoners on first arrival in his own hands, nor even in that of his officers. 130 Sunday is the best part of the week. 36 Perhaps Herodotus had never been in Babylon; 44 is the program of Public Works provided for in the same Act and designed to put more men back to work, 102 The porter asked what he had got, and the answer was, a male subject. 69 It is the only way. 19 Please forgive me. 18 It will be remembered that the question whether Mr. Phillips had not exceeded the limits usually allowed to counsel was much debated at the time. 145 They included certain insurance policies, and his share of the house. 69 Older pieces are kept in museums. 33 In four hundred feet, turn left onto Broadway. 46 These subdivisions are located near dorsal V three, but do not adjoin V two. 76 Tourism is the primary economic generator for the area. 55 and told her sister as much when they last met. 47 Citizens in areas affected by the typhoon are advised to leave their homes immediately. 87 How long will you be away? 26 Webster's devices for disposing of the body of her victim will call to mind those of Theodore Gardelle, 103 whom he had shown over the plate closet. 40 Although the Secret Service has had the primary responsibility for the protection of the President, 99 Say "ego" again. 16 It was consolidated with other purchases as the Combined Insurance Company of America in nineteen forty seven. 110 Twenty-eight State Street, Montpelier, Vermont. 47 beef, pork, butter, and earthenwares, on all of which they effected insurances. 79 and stretching out her hand, she gathered up a quantity of the rue which, following ancient custom dating from the days of the jail fever, 138 In addition, the Orchestra performs two annual Pops Concerts in December and February. 86 The Sassanian kings of Persia were fond of hunting, and Babylon, then overgrown with trees, was their game preserve. 116 French rules go so far as to prescribe that the deck never be shuffled between hands. 85 Before you can use me to control your lights you will need to enter Wink account information. Please visit home dot mycroft dot A I to set this up. 147 Neither the Dallas police nor the FBI had yet learned the source of the handbill. 81 Kalua and cream made Lisa and Maria awfully awkward. 52 The ballpark also featured more intimate surroundings than the Astrodome. 73 However, this is now debated. 29 She covers all things energy efficiency - from fuel cells and vehicle technologies to advancements in manufacturing and consumer energy efficiency tips. 152 A thermometer inserted near the bone should read one hundred sixty five degrees. 80 But you could bring them there! 31 People eating outside of a restaurant, enjoying themselves and drinking beer and other drinks. 94 When a man looks for something beyond his reach, his friends say he is looking for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. 125 Three chefs, wearing white hats and black aprons, are preparing food in a crowded kitchen. 90 She testified, quote, I didn't like his attitude. There was just something about him I didn't like or want him. Just didn't want him around me, end quote, 154 and by means of forged letters of credit and introduction from London, obtained large sums from continental banks, in Berlin, 125 While the second operation was in progress, 43 Turn the pans once while baking, moving them as gently as possible. 67 and that from the time of his conviction nothing but what is consolatory should be addressed to a criminal. 107 A man in all white sitting crosslegged around big wide baskets of different vegetables in a market. 99 As his coat was an encumbrance, he left it on the top of the third house in Newgate Street, and thus in shirt-sleeves, barefoot and bareheaded, 143 About this time Shelley saw Truly and Patrolman Baker go into the building 74 They sculpted a directional spoon from lodestone in such a way that the handle of the spoon always pointed south. 113 They climbed a tall crane without securing themselves and filmed it for their YouTube channel. 94 The rise to fame of a person takes luck. 40 He didn't seduce her with his words but with subliminal messages, that's the trick. 83 The first was the twenty sixteen European Grand Prix. 53 agreement 9 Kidderminster had a prison, one damp chill room, 48 The club rented the rink for the fifth night. 45 was also reported in the October one, nineteen sixty-three, issue of the Worker, to which Oswald also subscribed. 113 Hence, as Jordan has said, "the inside of an animal tells the real history of its ancestry; the outside tells us only where its ancestors have been." 149 More than twenty one thousand four hundred acres of land are devoted to the memorialization of those who served this nation. 124 of the criminal intent to kill. 31 Do you have Nina's phone number? 32 In this digital age, technology and the Internet are part of everyday life. 75 of these, sixty-three gave admittance during the entire year to less than twenty-five prisoners; 96 Two men spoke in Arabic while having a drink at the bar. 56 Dartmouth College has appeared in or been referenced by a number of popular media. 82 They were taken in a cart to the place of execution, amidst a vast concourse of people. 87 Easy Chicken Alfredo 20 Venus In situ Composition Investigations 40 into 4 His behavior was entirely consistent with his wife's testimony that, quote, 75 In developed countries child marriage is outlawed or restricted. 64 Yet the data is compelling. 27 Still watching and waiting for the first chance, they seized it when the clerks left the office empty for a moment. 115 The sound of the horses' hooves thundered through the evening silence. 70 Without attempting to prescribe or recommend specific measures which should be employed for the future protection of Presidents, 128 He appears slightly withdrawn and in view of the lack of detail within the drawings this may assume a more significant characteristic. 134 to corrupt the prisoner charged with an offense of which he may be innocent, and to confirm in guilt the young and inexperienced offender. 138 The approaches to the medieval bridge were marked by the church of Saint Magnus the Martyr on the northern bank and by Southwark Cathedral on the southern shore. 161 You will find the mailbox in the post office which is located four blocks from the drugstore on that street. 108 The fact that Truly found Fritz in the northwest corner of the floor, near the point where the rifle was found, supports Fritz' recollection. 141 had relaxed his efforts, because, according to his own account, he was so frequently stopped in the performance of his duties. 126 How independent is that? 24 Fry until browned and crisp, turning as needed. 47 A young woman in a red sequined costume and feather stands on the sidewalk. 75 A happy construction worker stands, gazing at something, with his noisereducing headphones on his helmet. 105 They are lit on Christmas Eve. 30 This vestibule door is solid except for a small glass window in the upper part of the door. 91 Perhaps, we could meet at the institute around noon since I have a few things I need to attend to first. 104 A man with black hair and mustache is standing behind an array of cigarette and soft drinks. 92 while its rigid maintenance was in its opinion vital to the efficiency of the jails. 84 had not quite disappeared. I will mention two cases of this class, one accompanied with piracy on the high seas, 112 Palmprints and Fingerprints on Cartons and Paper Bag 52 I had relied on him. 20 Robert is king of the playground. 33 and which developed more completely and satisfactorily on the side of the "lower-case" than the capital letters; 112 like 4 I'm an intelligent piece of software for communicating with machines. 69 Thus one can be tried twice for the same alleged crime. 55 They were apparently good friends when last seen together at a neighbor's, where they seemed "perfectly happy and sociable, and eager for the wedding day." 155 after 5 could possibly make a choice between them, there is no choice, 62 The Pendennis Club in Louisville is the birthplace of the Old Fashioned cocktail. 81 other earnest people, inspired doubtless by her noble example, were stirred up to activity in the same great work. 114 Ashley's vote should smash Theo's campaign. 43 therefore 9 The long journey home took a year. 34 M.T.V. also launched digital cable channel M.T.V.X. to play rock music videos exclusively, an experiment that lasted until two thousand two. 140 How old are you? 16 Giltspur Street, and the Poultry, or about four hundred and seventy-six in all. 79 QuickTime one point six came out the following year. 52 The car maintained this average speed over a distance of approximately one hundred eighty-six feet immediately preceding the shot which struck the President in the head. 169 Unless the Secret Service is able to deal rapidly and accurately with a growing body of data, the increased information supplied by other agencies will be wasted. 162 The refuge, which had for its object the training of its inmates in habits of industry, 87 Nothing was found in Buncher's premises in Strutton Ground, which were thoroughly searched, 91 question 8 The pair are very much in love. 31 Heavy rain is expected over portions of the Mid Atlantic. 57 While Marina Oswald knew of her husband's plan to go to Mexico and thence to Cuba if possible, Mrs. Paine was told that Oswald was going to Houston 147 I could be wrong, but it's somewhere in that region. 52 If someone calls asking for money or personal information, hang up. 67 He had to drink. 16 Lee Harvey Oswald left the building approximately three minutes after the assassination. 88 The record companies have gone through the floor. 49 and as will be shown below, this failure to adapt to his environment was a dominant trait in his later life. 108 If rudely shaken or jarred, there will be heavy streaks in loaves. 66 Small satellites, including CubeSats, are playing an increasingly larger role in exploration, technology demonstration, scientific research and educational investigations at NASA. 179 Since Exhibit Number one thirty-three B was taken with Oswald's camera, 71 But another point which they should attend to they almost always disregard; 75 Please do not touch me. 23 A woman stands with children on a boardwalk at night overlooking the sea. 73 and the experience and the competence necessary to carry on the two hundred and fifty or three hundred kinds of work that will be undertaken. 141 Their perpetrators were charged with high treason, but met with merciful clemency as irresponsible beings. 106 Pink shirted woman sleeping in a car with blue and white blanket on her. 72 Several children are sitting on a blanket on the ground while one digs through a bag. 85 The farmer swapped his horse for a brown ox. 44 Of the two hundred ninety eight serious injuries, one hundred eighty four involved flight attendants and one hundred fourteen involved passengers. 146 It would lower the carbon pollution from the transportation sector by as much as twenty percent. 96 In a medium bowl, mix together eggs, cream, and milk, flour, garlic powder, and hot pepper sauce. 97 He sets the nature of his Parliament in a simple, realistic context. 68 The Giants' final three years in New York City were unmemorable. 64 Governments can play a role in all of these areas, and in preventing cholera or indirectly facilitating its spread. 115 And it yields results even from decomposing animal brain tissue. 64 Flaring torches were filling the dungeon with an ambient noise. 63 The relations between Lee and Marina Oswald are of great importance in any attempt to understand Oswald's possible motivation. 126 The climate of Brunei is tropical equatorial. 45 Do you want me to? 18 The desk and both chairs were painted tan. 42 She went up to the ward and found him lying down, quote, 56 contact 7 and not on any particular mental disturbance, in the boy himself. 65 She was discovered just as she was getting black in the face. 61 Cellulose is widespread as a constituent of the skeletons of the lower animals. 79 And he never said anything. So I figured he was one of these people that don't like to talk so I never said any more to him. 124 The Parliament of Egypt approves extending the nationwide state of emergency for a further three months, starting January thirteenth. 133 Meanwhile, a second letter turned up from Wakefield at Calais, in which he assured Mrs. Turner that Miss Turner was fondly attached to him, 139 There is an alarm set for four forty-five P.M. 46 A fence cuts through the corner lot. 36 that it multiplied beyond all reason the number of visitors, many of whom came merely as the purveyors of food to their friends. 128 instead of ventilating the apartments, they only serve to convey the offensive effluvia arising from the decaying animal matter into the dining-rooms. 150 and the greater diversity of the audiences he must face in a world torn by conflicting ideologies. 98 I was born in Lawrence, Kansas. 31 Heavy fog, with a high of forty-four degrees. 45 The prophecy of the Hebrew Isaiah was fulfilled: 48 It can only be interpreted by laboratory workers with special skills, extensive training, and a specific type of microscope. 124 I believe with Abraham Lincoln, that "The legitimate object of government is to do for a community of people 108 Richman finally retired the Modern Lovers name after the album "Modern Lovers eighty eight". 92 Besides encryption, it can also be used for authentication. 59 He was also attended by the Rev. Mr. Springett and the indefatigable Mr. Baker, whose name has already been mentioned. 118 The essential point to be remembered is that the ornament, whatever it is, whether picture or pattern-work, should form part of the page, 137 His skin was extraordinarily fair, his cheeks fresh and ruddy; altogether his face, though commonplace, was not exactly ugly; 125 Then Sarah confirmed the vet's diagnosis. 41 Playing Internet radio. 23 After settling his contract dispute, Duchovny quit full-time participation in the show after the seventh season. 112 Arrival and departure from roominghouse. 40 Can you give me a brightness value from zero to thirty? 55 Threats against the President of the U.S., 42 She then opened the kitchen door and saw Oswald open the right rear door of her brother's car and place the package in the back of the car. 139 Marina Oswald stated that when Oswald returned home on the night of the Walker shooting, he told her that he had been planning the attempt for two months. 154 Fauntleroy meanwhile lay in Newgate, not herded with other condemned prisoners, as the custom was, 98 A woman in a pink shirt and jean skirt walking down the street talking on her cellphone. 88 I need to pay rent and keep the doors open. 43 In a large skillet over medium heat, saute the ground beef for five minutes. 76 Don't overthink, just do it. 28 He met Mister Davies to establish the scale of the scandal. 59 and the other Federal agencies that assist in safeguarding the President. The Committee should include the Secretary of the Treasury and the Attorney General, 158 He would have had to cross a deep moat, to scale a wall of burned bricks about twenty feet in thickness and perhaps three times as high, 136 They are also the spots with heavy precipitation beneath. 57 plainly pointing to the perpetration of other crimes. 53 The Fleet, which stood in Farringdon Street, 44 In fourteen sixty-five Sweynheim and Pannartz began printing in the monastery of Subiaco near Rome, 99 Brewer told Mrs. Postal that he had seen the man ducking into his place of business and that he had followed him to the theatre. 128 The woman where he lodged noticed that he was very restless at night, moaning and sighing much. Detection came unexpectedly. 124 the diameter of which dwindles down to the limits of our present microscopic vision, 84 (three) the revolver in Oswald's possession at the time of his arrest was purchased by and belonged to Oswald, and (four) 121 In one of them he says: 23 A trendy woman walks with her coffee past theaters at a large shopping complex. 79 struggles violently; his feet, legs, hands, and arms, even the muscles of his back, 83 It was directed by Peter Berg. 30 approximately fifteen miles from Oswald's place of work at the Texas School Book Depository. 92 Laos has a low-income economy, with one of the lowest annual incomes in the world. 82 Studying upon an empty stomach provokes dyspepsia and injures the eyes. 71 Already, as early as eighteen eighteen, a prison existed at Bury St. Edmunds which was a model for imitation to others at that time, 132 The Walt Disney Company announces its intent to acquire Twenty-first Century Fox for fifty-two point four billion dollars, pending regulatory approval. 151 and prominent in the criminal annals of Newgate in these later years will be found numerous remarkable instances of this class of offense -- 140 Later that year, Antony was defeated by Octavian's forces. 58 Within a couple of years a second attempt to assassinate the Queen was perpetrated in nearly the same spot, by a man named John Francis, 136 they intentionally mentioned a most unfavorable hour. 53 After writing a bug report, one should regularly check if someone responded. 76 On the recommendation of the Secret Service agents, Vice President Johnson decided to board the Presidential airplane, Air Force One, 133 Roy ought to outlaw odious characters. 38 A woman with short blondhair rises from a chair as another woman in a burgundy shirt laughs. 92 Hence the frequent cases of drunkenness, of which no notice was taken, unless people grew riotous in their cups 111 This enabled the British Empire to exercise control over the entire territory. 78 in case of unexpected need; and twenty-five additional agents are recommended to provide the Vice President full protection. 124 When Oswald was arrested, he had in his possession a Smith and Wesson thirty-eight Special caliber revolver, 108 Poetry and truth. 17 Since the assassination, the Service has experimented with the use of agents borrowed for short periods from such agencies. 123 disclosed that on January three, nineteen sixty-three, 54 from Friday to Monday, so as to include one Sunday, on which day there was a special service for the condemned in the prison chapel. 132 Sattler was ironed for safe custody, 36 product 7 o 1 According to the criteria, he is qualified for Scotland. 56 Sooner or later the starch grains are changed into a kind of sugar (glucose), which, unlike starch, dissolves in the sap 120 Throw it in the bin. 20 They presented themselves about noon one day at the dissecting room of King's College Hospital, accompanied by a third man, 123 between Secretary Dillon and Donald F. Hornig, Special Assistant to the President for Science and Technology, is a useful effort in the right direction. 152 It is better to be green and growing than ripe and rotten. 58 On the night of the eleventh day Gobrias killed the son of the King. 68 Friday, May fifth, two thousand. 32 One was Askern, 15 A photography expert with the FBI 33 Alarm set for tomorrow at eight A.M. 36 na 2 The results of inquiries into the structure of the nervous system of animals 76 Someone contacts you, offering to help you navigate the Health Insurance Marketplace. 85 If the cab ride was approximately six minutes, as was the reconstructed ride, 77 The Internet of uncontrolled things brought us a distributed denial of service attack once again. 97 They are believed to have enjoyed a happy marriage. 51 It is a delight on every level. 31 WhatsApp is a tool to isolate those who don't have it. 54 Three or four eggs are laid and incubated for around thirty days. 65 For example, instead of editing Google Maps, consider contributing to OpenStreetMap. 84 Don't swim or let your kids swim if sick with diarrhea. Wait until two weeks after diarrhea has stopped to go swimming. 119 Family Trade lost almost half its audience between the series premiere and finale. 82 publications 12 Even so, analysis of the motion picture films taken by amateur photographer Zapruder 84 Following his unsuccessful attack on Walker, Oswald returned home. 66 The Service should negotiate a memorandum of understanding with each agency that has been assisting it and from which it can expect to need help in the future. 159 and an inquiry whether improvements can be made which will reduce the risk of another such tragedy. 99 Her body was lost among the many others in the city morgue. 59 After graduating, he worked for an insurance company in Hartford, Connecticut. 78 unless a system is established for the frequent formal review of activities thereunder. In this regard 102 I am already imagining myself at a cafe somewhere far away, scribbling away and daydreaming about the past. 107 Below, we look at their habits, the risks and benefits of social media use, and resources to keep youth safe online. 116 He said that this was a white man about average in size, quote, possibly thin, end quote, and that he thought the man had light-brown hair. 139 It was a special evil of this part of the prison, that the devotional exercises, originally so profitable, had grown into a kind of edifying spectacle, 151 A boy looks over a railing at the many boats and rafts below in the water. 74 A salt pickle tastes fine with ham. 35 A small blond girl with a red balloon is standing in the opening of a wooden building. 86 The mound still farther south is called Amran, because upon its summit stands the tomb of a Mohammedan saint of that name. 122 As sure as I am alive. 22 He began to stay away from school, preferring to read magazines and watch television at home by himself. 104 Examination of the cartridge cases found on the sixth floor of the Depository Building 86 Sarawak was the host of the Malaysian Games in nineteen ninety and twenty sixteen. 82 A police car moving east on tenth at about ten or twelve miles an hour passed in front of his cab. 98 Six of the asylum seekers left the offices, it was reported. 60 Rock Island Railroad built the first railroad bridge across the Mississippi River in eighteen fifty six. 104 Man in straight jacket trying to get loose, standing in front of child with Jenga blocks. 89 The Commission further recommends that the Secret Service coordinate its planning as closely as possible with all of the Federal agencies from which it receives information. 173 In that prison, with its cells and yards arranged within the shell of an ancient abbey chapel, 94 Melt two tablespoons butter in a saucepan over medium heat. 59 The architectural work was divided between three appointees. 60 Taking a look at your calendar. 31 respective 10 Kayaks allow Special Forces Soldiers to move silently through rivers and lakes. 79 Before the game we went for a pint. 35 he had never found anything to which he felt he could really belong. 68 We will pay their bills. 24 Please don't beat the child for kicking the cat. 48 Before the court took any action, the Oswalds left New York in January of nineteen fifty-four, 94 Full details of the arrangements are to be found in Mr. Neild's "State of Prisons in England, Scotland, and Wales," published in eighteen twelve. 145 sometimes the wearer was declared medically unfit, or he obtained release by long good conduct, 95 In the wrong hands even the mildest bit can hurt the horse. 59 A three-judge federal panel rules North Carolina's congressional district map was illegally gerrymandered because legislators relied too heavily on partisan affiliation. 169 and the Assistant to the Director in charge of all investigative activities under the Director and Associate Director. In addition, 131 the justice of the sentence was doubted at the time. 52 Mission accomplished! 21 help 4 There is scarcely one of the thousands of ruin mounds in Babylonia which does not contain bricks bearing his name. 114 which became more significant as the children grew older. 57 the streets all run in straight lines, not only those parallel to the river, but also the cross streets which lead down to the waterside. 137 Alfred the Great established the Court Baron, the Hundred Court, and the County Court, which among other matters entertained pleas for debt. 140 Who would be right? 19 When security arrangements at the airport were complete, the Secret Service made the necessary arrangements for the Vice President to leave the hospital. 153 Portals are used in many computer games to instantly travel from one place to another. 86 You bet. 8 Two construction workers working on a decorative window from the inside of an establishment. 92 Blanket weaving and cloth spinning was carried on prosperously, 63 Jumbo burgers with lettuce and tomatoes are quite popular these days. 69 Changes to the program will require the F.B.I. to obtain a probable cause warrant to view the contents of Americans' communications. 132 We don't like to admit our small faults. 40 I'm ready to assist you now. 28 Many non-infectious diseases have a partly or completely genetic basis and may thus be transmitted from one generation to another. 130 In April two thousand three, Carey announced she would be touring later in the year. 84 Cool. Check out my eyes. 24 Several days later, the Bureau received additional evidence that Oswald had lied to Agent Quigley. 98 Scientists believe the Solar System formed around four point six billion years ago. 83 This suggestion was adopted in the Act of eighteen sixty-five, which followed the committee's report, and of which more directly. 129 The album would go gold in April twenty thirteen. 49 under particular circumstances, the contents of the cells of certain water-weeds were set free and moved about with considerable velocity 137 Each safe had three sets of double keys, all held by confidential servants of the company. 90 Soon after his arrival he wrote to the Soviet Embassy in Washington 67 He stated further that from, quote, What I saw of him, end quote, the man looked like the man in the picture. 109 in wage cutting which depresses markets and destroys purchasing power. 70 The petition was formally presented at Downing Street yesterday. 64 Steam vehicles required long startup times - sometimes up to forty five minutes in the cold - and would need to be refilled with water, limiting their range. 157 The greatest and most rapid revolution which biological science has ever undergone was effected by the application of the modern microscope to the investigation of organic structure. 182 that there is often a close correspondence between developmental changes as revealed by any chronological series of fossils which may happen to have been preserved, 164 The raid at Son Tay during the Vietnam War typifies a Special Forces Direct Action mission. 91 At one:fifty-one p.m., police car two reported by radio that it was on the way to headquarters with the suspect. 112 Sergeant Zahm concluded, quote, I would say in the Marine Corps he is a good shot, slightly above average, 106 The eyes of the future became the eyes of God. 46 to the exclusion of all other weapons, 38 Then followed a bout of flu. 28 They were also noisy, and their exhaust was unpleasant. 55 He lived in Rosemary Lane, and sometimes he had as much as twenty thousand pounds worth of goods secreted on the premises. 122 Beside the nineteen twelve Summer Olympics, Stockholm hosted the nineteen fifty six Summer Olympics Equestrian Games. 117 Ronnie watched in horror as the mirror transformed. 51 They saw that without changes in the policies and methods of investment 71 and not with weights and measures, no turnkey being present. 60 Slowly the few remaining walls fell, and were buried in their own ruins. 72 which he believed was where the bag reached when it was laid on the seat with one edge against the door. 104 Oswald once told Powers that he didn't care if he returned to the United States at all. 87 Therefore, a reference meridian had to be chosen. 49 I'm looking for your keys. 26 What was it all about? 22 The Secret Service and the Department of the Treasury now recognize this critical need. 87 Hackers steal five hundred thirty-five million dollars worth of the N.E.M. cryptocurrency from Japanese exchange Coincheck. 123 It must be said that it is in no way like the transition type of Subiaco, 73 Part of the freight were four hundred rough diamonds valued at four thousand pounds. 84 Yet even so early as the death of the first Sir John Paul, 58 the public mind was greatly agitated by the affair for several months. The story of the murder must be pretty familiar to most of my readers. 141 the representatives of trade and industry were permitted to write their ideas into the codes. 93 With this growing interest in electric vehicles, we are taking a look at where this technology has been and where it's going. 125 is indeed as strong now as it was years ago when Elihu Root said the following very significant words: 102 In nineteen ninety eight, Annan was deeply involved in supporting the transition from military to civilian rule in Nigeria. 123 The feelings of hostility and aggression which seem to have played such an important, part in Oswald's life 107 Healthy and Safe Swimming Week begins on May twenty first. 58 After all, who doesn’t want to overcome new challenges and achieve great heights? 81 Many young dark complected children raising their arms in the air in excitement. 80 The room was crowded with a wild mob. 37 We admire and love a good cook. 31 The Commission recommends that prompt and favorable consideration be given to this request. 91 Let me check. 13 or Vice President, to immediately notify the Secret Service and confirm it in writing. 86 Great teachers are everywhere, inspiring us to push boundaries and overcome obstacles each day. 95 who also worked at the Depository. 34 According to the sign, no parking today because of the movie shoot. 67 of Good, and Greenacre, and Catherine Hayes. 44 these 5 The long journey home took a year. 34 and possibly to Philadelphia to look for work. 46 Nevertheless, such a breach is not consistent with the standards which the responsibilities of the Secret Service require it to meet. 133 Today, they number fewer than two hundred animals. 50 The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. By Edgar J. Banks. Chapter two. The Walls of Babylon. 93 The hostess taught the new maid to serve. 41 Forty-eight hours was the limit of time allowed to the unhappy man to make his peace, and during that time he was still kept on a bare allowance of bread and water. 164 those 5 Throughout the twentieth century, ranching declined and most of the sheep became feral. 87 Subversives, ultrarightists, racists and fascists (a) possessing emotional instability or irrational behavior, 110 quotes a case which came within his own knowledge of a boy sent to prison for non-payment of one penny. 103 Two blue fish swam in the tank. 31 These and similar founts, cast by the above firm and others, have now come into general use. 92 Leave in ten minutes to arrive by seven forty-five. 51 There's the mix. 16 How many times should I tell you, don't play Space War during work! 67 Pinch off small pieces of the remaining cookie dough and distribute them on the cream cheese mixture. 101 The boy was there when the sun rose. 36 Many stories in Buddhist scripture stress the superior power of the Buddha's teaching to rehabilitate murderers and other criminals. 132 How does that strike you? 25 The handsome wool jacket was an oxford gray. 44 Rock Island Railroad built the first railroad bridge across the Mississippi River in eighteen fifty six. 104 Advertisements are rarely hosted by the same web server as the actual content. 78 Undeterred by the well-merited punishment which had overtaken Francis, 70 Although searching in binary search trees is efficient, you won't find any fruits in there. 91 There is heavier than normal traffic on your route. 51 Representing himself as the head of the New Orleans branch of the, quote, organization called Fair Play for Cuba, end quote, 124 would be conducted by Federal law enforcement officials, in particular, the FBI with the assistance of the Secret Service. 122 Semantic networks are used in specialized information retrieval tasks, such as plagiarism detection. 100 Again, a turnkey deposed that his chief did not enter the wards more than once a fortnight. 91 the inevitable consequence of such a situation, their morals must have been destroyed; 86 Absorbing moisture, the ice crystals grow and become heavier, causing them to fall to lower altitudes. 102 Meanwhile the discovery of pistol and knife spattered with human blood and brains 81 Lifting a print involves the use of adhesive material to remove the fingerprint powder which adheres to the original print. 123 God rest her soul! 18 Do tell me, sir; I am informed I shall go down with great force; is it so? 74 Okay, It's getting dark. I will adjust the brightness accordingly. 66 I'm sorry. 10 the Commission considered Stombaugh's testimony of probative value in deciding whether Oswald carried the rifle into the building in the paper bag. 147 Accordingly, I propose to confer within the coming month 56 A small creek cut across the field. 35 After all the spinning had stopped, Megan felt better. 54 The samples came from more than sixty mammal species that get rabies, including dogs, raccoons, skunks, foxes, and bats. 120 Joe stuffed the crepes with juicy berry filling. 48 His determined addiction to evil courses had led to his being cast off by his family, 85 Love is fruitful of alarms. 27 the arrangements relied upon by the Secret Service to perform this function were seriously deficient. 101 He averted potential British intervention by defusing the Trent Affair. 71 An answer then returns from the "Original Man" to the "World of Light". 71 In the yard behind the prison 29 These people should see a doctor right away if they develop pneumonia symptoms and let the doctor know about any possible exposures, including recent hot tub use. 162 During the last twelve months our industrial recovery has been to some extent retarded by strikes, 98 The hogs were fed chopped corn and garbage. 43 he soon arrived at the room where the sheriff was to give a receipt for his body, according to the usual custom. 112 Can we please leave now? 24 The mute muffled the high tones of the horn. 44 The old man left the book. 26 It was said that so large a crowd had never collected since the execution of Mrs. Brownrigg, nor had the public indignation risen so high. 138 Steve Bannon steps down as executive chairman of Breitbart News. 64 A not altogether new crime, however, akin to murder, 52 Over-reaching cheats itself. 28 Unless the missile or cartridge case can be identified as coming from a particular weapon to the exclusion of all others, 121 at Newgate and York Castle as long as five years; "at Ilchester and Morpeth for seven years; at Warwick for eight years, 120 I have pondered about the issue a bit and arrived at the conclusion that it is non-trivial. 91 Environmental stewardship is integral to U.S. policies concerning natural resources, human health, economic growth, energy, transportation, agriculture, industry, and international trade. 187 When he reached the row where the suspect was sitting, McDonald stopped abruptly and told the man to get on his feet. 117 photos 6 Trained on piano, trumpet, and bass, he concentrated on the drums. 66 Her purse was full of useless trash. 36 Of all the ancient descriptions of the famous walls and the city they protected, that of Herodotus is the fullest. 114 In many areas, there is enough sun so that solar is cheaper than anything else. 79 Eurogames also emphasize the mechanical challenges of their systems over having the systems match the theme of the game. 120 A child practices hitting a baseball into a net, while two adult men watch. 75 Preventive Intelligence 23 Having been committed to Clerkenwell, 37 or the keeper made them a special grant of six pence per diem out of the common stock; 86 Scammers know you have questions about the new Health Insurance Marketplace, and they're taking advantage of that to mislead you. 129 The prisoner made an elaborate defense, in which he sought to vilify the character of deceased 94 Because the laws of many states, the practice of the Civil Service, the regulations of the Army and Navy, 105 The dog chased the children into the cave. 42 It made this too the excuse for begging the most important issue of the whole question. 87 Infirmaries separating the sexes were also to be provided, a chapel too, and warm and cold baths. 97 Among those whom the Society found arrayed against it was Sydney Smith, 71 A member of an African tribe is watching the camera intently in tribal dress. 77 The tin box held priceless stones. 34 The waitress was carrying an impressive amount of dinnerware, but then an earthquake occurred and she dropped it all. 117 One of the moving spirits was the Honorable H. G. Bennet, M.P., whose vigorous protests against the lamentable condition of Newgate have already been recorded. 159 Have you been to Japan? 23 They often suggest to the lay reader that the functions or workings of the organs of plants, animals or man are quite distinct. 127 It might seem harsh to circumscribe their opportunities for relaxation. 71 This included exclusive, unreleased freestyles. 47 we will not allow ourselves to run around in new circles of futile discussion and debate, always postponing the day of decision. 128 Methods used in the studies included questionnaires and content analysis. 73 Returns laid before the House of Commons showed that six thousand, four hundred thirty-nine persons had been committed to Newgate 129 Cheap, abundant gasoline and continued improvement in the internal combustion engine hampered demand for alternative fuel vehicles. 131 When I commenced to review the situation with the problem squarely before me, 77 A second was nevertheless set on foot, 38 I have already remarked that as violence was more and more eliminated from crimes against the person, 101 That Mr. Wakefield was a shrewd critic and close observer of all that went on in the Newgate of those days, 107 Eventually Shepard came to resent that silly old bear, as he felt that the Pooh illustrations overshadowed his other work. 122 Moreover, it was the only rifle owned by her husband following his return from the Soviet Union in June nineteen sixty-two. 123 A thermometer inserted near the bone should read one hundred sixty five degrees. 80 he put another lady, with whom he was on intimate terms. 56 and Mr. Addison, keeper of Newgate, to make a visitation of the jails supposed to be the best managed, including those of Petworth and Gloucester. 146 Nevertheless, in order to give completeness to the picture 58 where "prisoners before and after trial are under no efficient superintendence," and where "there was no restraint, or attempt at restraint." 141 I joined a group. 17 She testified that several days later Oswald recovered his rifle and brought it back to their apartment. 104 so far as the FBI knew he had not shown any potential for violence. 67 There are children in here who have killed people, and smoke. I want to get out, end quote, 91 for it is here that oxidation occurs and the need for a renewal of matter and energy consequently arises. 105 and 3 Lee became very irritable, and sometimes some completely trivial thing would drive him into a rage. 99 Glad to help. 13 I hope that thereby the difficult process of constitutional amendment may be rendered unnecessary. But, 103 Write a fond note to the friend you cherish. 44 Tourism is an important economic factor for Italy. 50 The infirmary at this particular period epitomized the condition of the jail at large. 86 Reynoso played in Japan for the Hiroshima Carp in the Central League. 69 telephone 9 When he knew that he could not escape his fate, 47 The Chronicles of Newgate, Volume two. By Arthur Griffiths. Section eleven: Executions, part one. 97 until Baker came upon Oswald in the lunchroom. 46 but there were no serious accidents, beyond those caused by the goring of a maddened, over-driven ox which forced its way through the crowd. 140 Please put a clothes-peg on your nose before reading this. 58 The kite dipped and swayed, but stayed aloft. 45 You should've learned that thumbnails with women wearing plunging necklines are just click bait. 96 The little pooch wagged his tail. 33 Dr. Carrico treated the President's known ad-renal insufficiency by administering hydrocortisone. 97 Your registration code is: three five seven. 44 A man in a suit runs across an intersection while a large group of people assembles. 84 No one person can do all these things. 38 He graduated with a B.A. 24 Mister Bean is the main character of a British comedy. 54 The irregular pattern comes from the pseudorandomness of the function. 70 Several other countries are also reported to be interested in the format. 73 The ordinary "gravely uttered, 'Come this way, Mr. Smith.' 58 At the top of the structure will remain the post of headteacher. 64 The erection of new prison buildings was made imperative under certain conditions and following certain rules 109 Manchester City beat local rivals Manchester United two to one at Old Trafford to set a new record for successive victories in English top-flight games. 152 On the other hand are found structures which are perfectly homologous and yet in no way analogous: 98 any communication, quote, that in any way indicates anyone may have possible intention of harming the President, end quote. 123 It installed more than eighteen thousand residential, commercial and public chargers across the country. 104 As students, they founded an a capella group and now they're commercially successful. 85 Two brunette women in jackets sitting against a wall and looking at the same magazine. 86 The Hull of the ship collapsed. 31 An investment in our youth is an investment in our future​. 59 Bermuda repeals same-sex marriage, becoming the world's first jurisdiction to legalize, then repeal same-sex marriage. 118 Security advances have alleviated this issue. 45 the uses of Newgate were narrowed almost entirely to those of a prison of detention. 84 You have a meeting at two P.M with Richard. 43 I'm just sitting around watching a video at the moment. 55 There are no alarms to be deleted. 34 Even then he followed it as far as Belsize Lane. 48 design 6 To do so he reckons that a good opening result is essential. 60 Yet as large and lofty as they were, they were completed in fifteen days. 73 Green ice frosted the punch bowl. 33 that the Presidential motorcade would pass in front of his place of work. 73 The article addresses image classification with local image descriptors. 72 Had you planned any steps beyond that point? 44 Net neutrality preserves the weird and wonderfulness of the Internet. 69 which would permit it to provide adequate protective manpower for all situations. 81 The five hundred block of North Beckley is five blocks south of the roominghouse. 81 A five point eight magnitude earthquake strikes off the coast of the Mexican state of Jalisco, prompting evacuations in Puerto Vallarta. 136 If you receive a special validation to travel to North Korea: 61 Secretary Dillon testified that the use of such liaison officers is the only effective way to insure that adequate liaison is maintained. 137 The jewelers were always a favorite prey of the London thieves. 63 Small boats can provide transport or convey cargo to and from large ships. 74 He forgot to add that it was to be placed to Ralph's credit, and when he called as Ralph, 89 To keep you and your family as safe as possible during flight, F.A.A. regulations require passengers to be seated with their seat belts fastened. 145 The twenty million dollar project is projected to be finished in eight weeks. 77 These practices are divided among three classes of devotees: the animal, heroic, and the divine. 96 You cannot brew tea in a cold pot. 34 This work protects people from hundreds of public health threats every year. 76 The horror with which Greenacre's crime struck the town was unparalleled since the time when Catherine Hayes slew her husband. 126 Although the witnesses did not hear the sound of a misfire, 59 The Chronicles of Newgate, Volume two. By Arthur Griffiths. Section seven: The beginnings of prison reform. 107 This was the willful shipwreck and casting away of a vessel which, with her supposed cargo, had been heavily insured. 117 The pieman stooped down to pick up his scattered stock, and some of the mob, not seeing what had happened, stumbled over him. 125 A man wearing a black helmet and a girl wearing a pink helmet are cycling together. 83 They are generally geophytes, but with linear leaves, and a lack of fine reticular venation. 92 In the early morning hours on November twenty-two, nineteen sixty-three, 72 After inspecting this floor, Sawyer returned to the street about three minutes after he entered the building. 109 Surely when you explain the circumstances of our untimely call she'll understand. 81 Give me a moment. 17 The entire Simpson family was designed so that they would be recognizable in silhouette. 88 President Trump responds to Kim Jong-un's claim of having North Korea's nuclear missile launch button on his desk. 114 As will be discussed fully below, the Commission has concluded that this suspect was Lee Harvey Oswald. 103 Three oriental men are riding on a red moped scooter in the city with many people. 82 A team of rescuers wearing reflective vests descend a staircase carrying orange life preservers. 96 After that he worked alone. 27 Eddie Piper, the janitor, told Dougherty that the President had been shot, 74 a series of either fore or hind limbs of a mammal with one toe (horse), 71 The youth's hands tremble as they hold the book upside down. 60 Special Forces operatives often use direct action to remove an enemy who is gaining power and influence in another nation. 122 Rarely have I seen such a collection of poorly motivated simple methods. 72 A young African American boy bounces a soccer ball off his head as another beach visitor observes. 98 The criminals are not exposed to view till they mount the fatal stage. The last part of the stage, or that next to the jail, 124 She also noted that there was, quote, a rather pleasant, appealing quality about this emotionally starved, affectionless youngster 130 One curious instance of a suicide carried out under the most adverse and extraordinary circumstances may be quoted. 115 The Stock Market was greatly affected, and society, more especially that which frequents Exeter Hall, was convulsed. 116 when the spread of scientific knowledge places nefarious means at the disposal of many, 87 A person who drinks alcohol regularly is strongly advised to reduce their intake. 81 Agent Quigley did not know of Oswald's prior FBI record when he interviewed him, 80 Mudslides follow heavy overnight rains in Santa Barbara County, California, where last month's wildfires destroyed forests and destabilized the land. 149 If she said "Jump", he would ask "How high?" Phil, will you take a stance on this matter? 89 Fetching your email. 20 let down. A full view of them was thus at all times obtainable by the officers who, without intermission, day and night patrolled the ward. 139 The tomato sauce was great. 27 In Wicca, male and female deities are typically balanced out in a form of duotheism. 84 Union is strength. 18 frauds indicating great boldness, extensive design, and ingenuity became more prevalent. 88 In fact, the bean obtains two of the absolutely indispensable elements of its substance from two distinct sources. 114 By twenty-twenty-two I expect the problem will be solved. 57 There was in the City Road a temporary bar, with a collector of tolls who was sometimes on the spot and sometimes not. 118 They practiced an old Mongolian ritual to expel the demons. 59 From the time when books first took their present shape till the end of the sixteenth century, or indeed later, 111 Lawson jumped from the lead car and rushed into the emergency entrance, where he was met by hospital staff members wheeling stretchers out to the automobile. 157 This is the salutary goal to which the Secret Service regulation is directed, 77 He was popular. 15 who wrote to the 'Times,' saying that he believed "a sight so inconceivably awful 81 He enlarged the old city, erected temples, and began the construction of its walls. 83 I shall seek assurances of the making and maintenance of agreements, which can be mutually relied upon, 103 He admitted nothing that would damage him but discussed other matters quite freely. 83 then came a run on the bank, and it was compelled to stop payment. 66 The remaining north, west, and center wings were constructed for the War Department and took an additional ten years to build. 126 Made in Taiwan. 15 The most important jail act of that early period, however, was the twenty-four George the third c. fifty-four, s. four (seventeen eighty-four) 142 Mrs. Kennedy then heard a second shot and saw the President's skull torn open under the impact of the bullet. 109 But it was already plain that they constituted an independent authority within the jails; they were frequently in conflict with the chaplain, 141 Their eyelids droop for want of sleep. 38 One of these were the criminal lunatics, who were at this time and for long previous continuously imprisoned there. 115 A girl in a polka dotted blue jean dress walks barefoot on a balance beam. 74 Not the slightest clue to these large affairs was ever obtained, but it is probable that they were "put up" jobs, or managed with the complicity of servants. 157 What's your status? 19 If the codes which have been written have been too complicated, 63 Meat Puppets has influenced a number of rock bands including Nirvana, Soundgarden, Dinosaur Junior, and Pavement. 113 Naturally enough, the letter in question was an E. 50 fired a pistol at George the third from the pit of Drury Lane theatre in eighteen hundred. 90 The flanks of the Athenian camp were protected by a grove of trees. 67 Burning fridges, televisions and washing machines are not as unusual as one might think. 88 Great, can you show them to me? 31 that his commitment to Marxism was an important factor influencing his conduct during his adult years. 102 War broke out between the two brothers, and again Babylon was captured. 71 The decapitation and dismemberment, the bestowal of the remains in various parts of the town, the preservation of the head in spirits of wine, 142 All too have a fairly good appetite, and eat with relish, up to the last moment. 80 A blemish which can be nearly, though not wholly, avoided by care and forethought. 82 the prisoner official already mentioned, who held the fate of new arrivals as regards location in his hands. 108 Marina Oswald's testimony indicates that her husband was not particularly concerned about his continued possession of the most incriminating sort of evidence. 158 had discussed the President's visit on several occasions, including the regular biweekly conference on the morning of November twenty-two 137 Special Forces Soldiers are now more important than ever in the fight against terrorism. 88 Two people in the photo are playing the guitar and the other is poking at him. 78 The suicidal teenager slashed her wrist with a shard of glass. 62 The hormone oxytocin is released when a mother breastfeeds her baby. 68 My body is clearly capable. 27 The first World Down Syndrome Day was held on March twenty-first, two thousand six. 83 He completed two grades of parochial school and could read and write. 69 A young man wearing minimal clothing walks along the sidewalk amidst children and other people. 95 The cabinet is responsible to the bicameral parliament, the States General, which also has legislative powers. 110 The city then fell to Seleucus, 31 includes 8 Searches were made certainly, but they were too often superficial, or they might be evaded by a trifling bribe. 111 It had interviewed him twice shortly after his return to the United States, again a year later at his request 109 Less expensive cellos frequently have tops and backs made of laminated wood. 76 Warning! There is an accident along your route causing a twenty minute delay. 77 I'd never seen a play about me. 31 to the right side of the President's car. 41 I am so glad. 13 This might seem like an outrageous assertion. 45 We will be visiting in April. 29 I am totally cool with you two having a boys' night because I really need to finish my book. 92 The Rocky Mountain Division consists of Colorado, Eastern Montana, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming. 97 by drawing briefs and petitions for his fellows. There was a recognized charge of five shillings per brief, 107 that the majority were actually reading into the Constitution their own "personal economic predilections," and that 115 It is the simplest, earliest cortical visual area. 50 Next night Cook had a second and a more violent attack. 55 The crystal structure of insulin in the solid state was determined by Dorothy Hodgkin. 86 I recommend using a spell checker to avoid such typos henceforth. 65 Aside from electrolysis driven by photovoltaic or photochemical cells, several thermochemical processes have also been explored. 128 But when he did visit, his inspections were of the most superficial character 77 The separation of prisoners in cells duly certified by the inspectors was insisted upon, 88 I'm having trouble communicating with the Mycroft servers. Please give me a few minutes before trying to speak to me. 117 and include newspaper clippings (should there be anything about me in the newspapers). I believe that the Embassy will come quickly to your assistance on learning everything. 174 And how did you get out? 24 But at Kendal there was no Mr. Turner, and, to allay Miss Turner's growing anxiety, 83 What should I do? 17 see 3 As a means of increasing the severity of imprisonment, letters and visits from outside should not be permitted during the first six months of an imprisonment. 158 In Antarctica, Ecuador has maintained a peaceful research station for scientific study as a member nation of the Antarctica Treaty. 131 six point five-millimeter Italian rifle bearing the serial number C two seven six six. 86 The recipe requires three-quarters of a cups of sugar. 54 Is it not so? 13 Expect afternoon showers. 25 Please don't drop the plaque because it could break. 52 She is now a rich young lady, having inherited her father's money. 66 But this was not to be. 23 Alarm set for tomorrow at eight A.M. 36 He felt invisible among all those young people. 47 and to them came hope of returning to Jerusalem. 48 The isolated U.S. garrison was overwhelmed by a reinforced and greatly superior Japanese invasion force on December twenty third. 129 The first is to make provisions intended to relieve, to minimize, and to prevent future unemployment; 101 V.A.'s Department of Medicine and Surgery, established in nineteen forty six, was re-designated as the Veterans Health Services and Research Administration at that time. 169 The key was for the F-four to keep its speed up. 48 Do I think about them often? 28 Thou comest'well, if thou comest alone said of misfortunes. 59 Archaeologists in Egypt display items, including figurines, masks and a mummy, from one of two previously unexplored tombs in the ancient Nile city of Luxor. 157 While Oswald's concern about the FBI had some basis in fact, in that FBI agents had interviewed him in the past and had renewed their interest 142 Special Agent Youngblood learned from Mrs. Johnson the location of her two daughters 84 It's now six fifty-six A.M. Central Daylight Time. 50 One heaping cup of sifted flour. 32 Others talk freely enough on various topics, but principally upon their own cases. 82 I then told the officers that their primary duty was traffic and crowd control and that they should be alert for any persons who might attempt to throw anything 160 On November twenty-two, however, before surrendering possession of the rifle to the FBI Laboratory, 99 The Mazarine Blue butterfly is extinct in the United Kingdom. 61 It supported H.I.V. testing and counseling for more than fifty six point seven million people. 94 We need to talk. 16 Pentonville has really been the model on which all subsequent prison construction has been based. All prisons at home and abroad are but variations, 148 an occasional prisoner or two committed by the Houses of Parliament, the Courts of King's Bench, Common Pleas, 110 In March nineteen thirty eight, Shuster sold all rights to the character to Detective Comics for one hundred thirty dollars. 124 and issued his initial orders at twelve:thirty p.m. 51 Gone is gone. 13 But he stressed that the partnership is not a construction company. 67 To them I say: we cannot rely on an amendment as the immediate or only answer to our present difficulties. 106 Edinburgh, in fact, was not included in the survey. 51 Mrs. John F. Kennedy, on the left of the rear seat of the limousine, looked toward her left and waved to the crowds along the route. 132 and before he took to hanging he was employed as a watchman at Reid's brewery in Liquorpond Street. 99 then, accompanied by a lady, not Mrs. Robson, he took steamer and started for Copenhagen. 89 Dr. Fouad A. Bashour. 21 the conservation of his health and industrious habits, are the clear, evident, undeniable rights of an unconvicted prisoner." 125 Now we have to leave. 21 Did he trip? 12 Latona's findings were also confirmed by Ronald G. Wittmus, another FBI fingerprint expert. 91 Content is health to the sick and riches to the poor. 53 Bake in the preheated oven until golden brown, eight to ten minutes. Cool on the baking sheet for five minutes. Transfer to a wire rack. 136 And neither Captain Fritz nor any other officer can remember that Oswald dramatically arose from his chair 106 The store was jammed before the sale could start. 49 As described in chapter two, the President directed that his car stop on two occasions during the motorcade so that he could greet members of the public. 153 The terms animal physiology, plant physiology and human physiology are in common use. 85 The prisoners had not risen. 28 There are more Lebanese people living outside of Lebanon, than within. 70 Again, the discipline commonly deemed inseparable from every place of durance was entirely wanting. 99 As of mid-twenty twelve, Ditko continues to work at a studio in Manhattan's Midtown West neighborhood. 102 Pete became the grooviest piccolo player in Princeton. 54 he would not give him a visa, end quote, and that, quote, 57 Oswald's palmprint on the underside of the barrel demonstrates that he handled the rifle when it was disassembled. 114 He seems to be pleased with the picture. 40 The cement had dried when he moved it. 38 The system with certificate authorities has some serious issues. 64 It was added to the National Register of Historic Places in nineteen eighty two. 80 I'm so angry. 13 His immediate chief was a Mr. Fasson, upon whose confidence he gained so rapidly, through his activity, industry, and engaging manners, 135 Over the past year, engineers tested the satellite's limits while on orbit. 75 The bitumen used in the work was brought to Babylon from Is, a small stream which flows into the Euphrates 106 At Eye, in Suffolk, the jail was part of the poor-house; so it was at Richmond, in Yorkshire, where the master of the workhouse was also keeper of the jail. 156 It is a lie! 12 At fifteen yards each man's shots landed within the size of a dime. 67 PRS must develop the capacity to classify its subjects on a more sophisticated basis than the present geographic breakdown. 123 Surprisingly, researchers found that L.N. thirty four was able to detect miniscule amounts of rabies virus genetic material, even in samples so old they had liquefied. 167 The Republic F.C. won the U.S.L. championship in their first season. 68 In the annual Army–Navy Game, the Army Black Knights defeat the Navy Midshipmen fourteen to thirteen, winning back to back for the first time since nineteen ninety-five. 169 A comprehensive budget deal is later passed by Congress in the early hours of the morning, and is signed into law by President Trump. 133 the court of aldermen appointed a committee of its own body, assisted by the town clerk, Mr. Dance, city surveyor, son to the architect of Newgate, 147 As independent studies document, the Neanderthals developed simple tools such as spears. 88 Preheat oven to four hundred fifty degrees. 43 who were accorded special privileges and who he thought were betraying communism, and he spoke well of the United States. 121 and therefore approximately one point six seconds after the President was shot in the head. 91 the revolver shipped from Los Angeles on the same date, and the two newspapers which he was holding in the picture. 115 contrast ludicrously with the prison architecture based upon a century's experience of our own age. 99 Hello, my name is Brenda. 25 Mars is almost uninhabitable. 29 This was one day before Oswald left for New Orleans and Marina appeared certain that the Nixon incident, quote, 111 Probably dissolution came as easily and almost without pain. 60 who have little protection under the old laws against what used to be called frenzied finance. 94 Presidential car, Presidential follow-up car, 45 Your state insurance commissioner's office can tell you if a health plan is insurance. 86 You can get reasonable at the basics in a few hours. 52 The Commission believes 23 Any volunteers? 15 Special Forces Soldiers use the latest technology to communicate, whether it's radio, text messages or through a satellite computer. 132 A desperate and deadly struggle must have taken place in the carriage, and the stain of a bloody hand marked the door. 118 This treats children who have no functioning immune system - sometimes called the "bubble baby" disease. 104 under the able and energetic leadership of General Johnson. 59 Thus, when the inspectors visited there were twenty-three strangers, and only twenty-eight prisoners. 101 New York City even had a fleet of more than sixty electric taxis. 65 Four: Protective Research participation in advance arrangements. 64 Don't swallow the water. 24 because the modern practice is to disregard the relation between the printing and the ornament altogether, 106 Cover noodles with half of the ricotta mixture, half of the mozzarella cheese, and one third of the sauce. Repeat. 114 This particular form of encoding requires a specialized crossover mechanism. 76 I'm connected to the internet and need to be activated. Open your browser and visit home dot mycroft dot A I to register this device. 133 Mary told me that she got to meet up with you while she was back in San Francisco. 82 or a determination that the print was not identical with the prints of people. 78 At different points on the coast where I often visit they build great seagoing ships. 85 In a martial arts demonstration a man with two swords faces a woman with a Chinese spear. 89 A chance of snow showers between midnight and three A.M. 56 furnish the materials and energy required for the life and growth of the plant. 79 For the moment, our position remains the same. 46 Chance of precipitation is thirty percent. 42 Lack of adequate resources is an unacceptable excuse for failing to improve advance precautions in this crucial area of Presidential protection. 144 He was then replaced by Ross. 29 Benjamin repeated the question again, but in a commanding way. 62 Hello world 11 It was occupied by Japanese forces following the Siege of Tsingtao. 67 and recognized as one of the frequenters of the bogus law-stationers. His arrest led to that of others. 103 The Society did not shrink from its self-imposed duty, but continued year after year, with unflagging energy and unflinching spirit, to watch closely 149 Senators Chuck Grassley and Lindsey Graham of the Senate Judiciary Committee refer the British spy Christopher Steele to the U.S. Department of Justice. 152 yet the society they were driven to live in, the language they daily heard, and the lessons they were taught in this academy, 125 and two other acts more peremptory and precise followed on the same subject in succeeding years. 96 Wandering years, in which a journeyman went from place to place after his Lekrjahre, to acquire further experience. 115 U.C.L.A. researchers report that microscopic fossils discovered in a three point five billion year old rock in Australia are the earliest direct evidence of life on Earth. 171 it remains one of the most constant of the distinctive characters of animals. 77 He was handicapped, however, by the fact that he was riding in a closed car whose roof at times obscured his view. 114 You must have a government and a good civil service. 52 His funds, which he pretended came to him with a rich wife, were really the proceeds of frauds upon the Bank of England. 120 We shall one day travel to the moon, the planets, and the stars. 64 A very painful scene occurred in Newgate when the news of his escape from death was imparted to May. 100 It was the first time in 19 years that we got to celebrate my birthday together. 80 In eighteen eighteen prisoners awaiting trial in Newgate, were at length relieved from this illegal infliction. 111 As a result of that conversation, Marina Oswald wrote the Soviet Embassy in Washington concerning a request she had first made 126 Thermal measurements at the nanometer scale are of both scientific and industrial interest. 91 They are pushed back each time they attack. 43 Mexico City was a wonderful experience. 39 She was, quote, sorry that I had not married him (the Russian boyfriend) instead, that it would have been much easier for me, end quote. 136 Several children sit around a white table looking at green and white computers on a sunny day. 94 LeBron James of the Cleveland Cavaliers scores his thirty-thousandth career regular-season point in a loss to the San Antonio Spurs. 132 How bad can a boss be? 22 The simplest, in fact the only scientific, explanation of the phenomena of vertebrate structure is the idea of a primal vertebrate, 131 Spread one roll of cookie dough on the bottom of a nine by thirteen-inch baking pan to form the base. 101 The mazurkas were played with verve and enthusiasm. 51 The robot, named Ropid, is capable of getting up, walking, running, and jumping. 80 the unit of the book being looked on as the two pages forming an opening. 73 In essence, the teaching profession has a choice. 49 Put the damp towel over your head for protection. 49 How much truth there may be in this interesting tale of Herodotus, we may never know, 85 and that Mrs. Wilson administered the same medicine again and again. 68 The ragged part of the prisoners were very anxious to destroy the clothes of the better dressed, and often lighted small pieces of cloth, 137 For personal, material advantages? Happiness is not based on oneself, it does not consist of a small home, of taking and getting, 129 One tablespoonful of butter. 28 The difficulties which Oswald's problems would have caused him in any relationship were probably not reduced by his wife's conduct. 131 but that it is being done in spite of the few who seek to confuse them and to profit by their confusion. 104 he passed other unimportant fortresses, and came at last to a walled enclosure, which the natives pointed out as a royal hunting ground. 136 Joyce's goiter took a turn for the worse in June. 49 and maintaining liaison with other Federal Agencies. This liaison should take into consideration 96 Most transportation modes are impeded by snow on the travel surface. 68 I can't say whether he had gone on through that door [the lunchroom door] or not. 81 law 3 that the bag Oswald carried contained the assassination weapon and has concluded that Frazier and Randle are mistaken as to the length of the bag. 146 Here once more the almost invariable modern practice is in opposition to a natural sense of proportion. 103 Two people sit in handicapped seats, one touching her ear while the other touches her eyes. 91 Neither in town or country were cases entirely taken on their own merits. 73 reported Castro as saying Cuba could not accept a situation where at the same time the United States was trying to ease world tensions 134 Men strive but seldom get rich. 31 During this time, Special Forces worked with local militia to capture and detain Taliban members, and gather intelligence that was used to thwart terrorist plots. 162 Oswald prefaced his manuscript with a short autobiographical sketch which reads in part as follows, quote, 106 For the meantime, though, the signs are good. 45 december 8 After the divorce Mrs. Oswald complained considerably about how unfairly she was treated, 89 The child crawled into the dense grass. 39 Both Director Hoover and Belmont expressed to the Commission the great concern of the F.B.I, which is shared by the Secret Service. 131 She looked skeptical when leaning against the wall, observing the celebrities. 78 Have you seen her? 18 Glad to be of service. 22 It took about an hour for the gas to clear. 43 He bought a new clock at the Tick-Tock Shop. 44 Yet, consumers were still faced with one of the early problems of the electric vehicle - where to charge their vehicles on the go. 130 Brigadier General Frank T. Hines, who had directed the Veterans Bureau for seven years, was named the first Administrator of Veterans Affairs, a job he held until nineteen forty five. 183 Congress took note and passed the Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Research, Development, and Demonstration Act of nineteen seventy six. 131 Beginning in two thousand two, Bullock was also stalked across several states by a man named Thomas James Weldon. 113 Two young guys with shaggy hair look at their hands while hanging out in the yard. 82 We bought commercial components and spent a lot of time testing the components making sure each part worked. 108 the organism must be compared in detail with all those which resemble it closely in structure, physiology and life history, 123 from which he rose to be assistant registrar, with the special duties of transferring shares. 93 The thirsty girl rehearsed her lines. 37 were no more specific than the broad and general instructions its own agents and the White House mailroom. 106 Stopping Internet radio. 24 Nobody said anything good about him. End quote. 47 From November through May, the Orchestra performs a five-concert Saturday Evening Symphonic Series featuring internationally acclaimed guest artists. 149 On July twentieth, nineteen sixty four, he married Alison Mary McNair, with whom he had two children: a daughter, Marion, and a son, Ian. 137 Our favorite thing to do was to watch the same slasher movie every Friday after band practice. 94 Japanese girls in plastic and karate suits to lose weight and there practicing with nun chucks. 95 and after praying fervently for a few minutes, the steps on which she stood were drawn away, and she was left suspended. 120 Mutes little instruments on the bridge of the violin, deadening the sound. 74 the FBI refuses to draw any conclusion as to probability. 57 With the advance of microscopic anatomy, the universality of the fact itself among animals has ceased to be predicable. 119 Hats are worn to tea and not to dinner. 39 They are rich who have friends. 31 The Kingdom of Bavaria existed from one thousand eight hundred six to nineteen eighteen, when Bavaria became a republic. 120 What are they doing? 20 were blocked by persons who had overflowed from the area in front of the jail. 78 introduced, as was erroneously supposed, by the prison commissioners appointed under the Prison Act of eighteen seventy-seven. 126 and Secret Service agents riding in the motorcade. 50 The hardened edge is where most of any potential damage to the blade will occur in battle. 90 South southwest wind six to eight miles per hour. 49 Shutting off the lights. 24 Good luck on the way. 21 sent his plate-chests, eight in number, to the silversmith's for greater security. 82 A short, distinct, and pointed style the opposite of legato. 60 This frequency must appear in the absorption and emission spectrum of ionized hydrogen molecule. 96 But it is an undeniable fact that the restoration of other billions of sound investments to a reasonable earning power 118 He blamed the construction of Newgate for the neglect of classification, and was yet compelled to confess that he had made no attempt whatever to carry it out. 159 However, I prefer that you hold on to my personal papers (military, civil, etc.). 81 Press the pedal with your left foot. 36 hatched amongst them a plot to murder their officers and seize the ship. 72 maintenance 11 Detective Paul L. Bentley rushed to the balcony and told the projectionist to turn up the house lights. 103 during the morning of November twenty-two prior to the motorcade. 65 At Müller's execution there was great competition for front seats, 66 and continued his march to Kingston, where he slept soundly under a hedge till next morning. 92 Guy with long black hair and tshirt playing the bass as a man holding a microphone sings 88 There are several people and children looking into water with a blue tiled floor and goldfish. 94 It may eventually be desirable to codify the practice in an Executive order. 76 october 7 from eighteen thirty-two to eighteen forty-four not a single person had been executed in the metropolis except for this the gravest crime. 138 The inquest on these remains, which medical examination showed to be those of a female, 87 Ten pins were set in order. 27 Strike while the iron is hot Make hay while the sun shines. 59 Walter Mondale was the first Vice President to move into the home. 66 his 3 but when the ward was obliged to accommodate double the ordinary number, as was frequently the case, 100 Whether it was greed or a quarrel that drove Greenacre to the desperate deed remains obscure. 93 two or more justices were appointed visitors of prisons, and directed to visit and inspect three times every quarter. 117 I think the Commission has been very, very slow to react. 57 On the basis of these results, Simmons testified that in his opinion the probability of hitting the targets at the relatively short range at which they were hit 160 and became quite incensed with his wife when she would open the door for her in spite of his instructions to the contrary. 122 In fifteen sixty eight, Edith had given birth to a daughter named Anne, but the child died aged about seven weeks, in November that year. 137 Sure, I will be right back. 27 The various grades were distinguished by cockades and bows of different colors. 79 Another alleged threat by Oswald against a public figure involved former Vice President Richard M. Nixon. 105 The wagon moved on well oiled wheels. 37 It was part of the Ottoman Empire between the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries. 81 A young woman walks past two young people dressed in hip black outfits. 71 at the price Solomons had paid for it, and it cost him about a hundred pounds to re-stock his shop with his own goods. 118 Mr. Gee at first stoutly refused. 33 Detective L. C. Graves, who had been with Mrs. Markham before the lineup 72 We think all other measures are not exhausted. 46 They printed very few books in this type, three only; but in their very first books in Rome, beginning with the year fourteen sixty-eight, 138 They were buried with honor in the new national cemeteries. 59 It has been discussed and approved by many persons of high authority 68 A Tusk is used to make costly gifts. 36 Owing to the facility of intercourse between inside and outside, many crimes were doubtless hatched in Newgate. 111 She thought that he had detached himself from the world around him because, quote, no one in it ever met any of his needs for love, end quote. 142 That is the question. 21 The Pew Research Center regularly conducts surveys on technology use in the United States, and collects data on adolescents' social media use. 142 I had decided to quit the show. 31 If most of your money is slated to cover expenses and costs, much less will be available to earn a return. 106 The track is currently covered in snow. 39 The online dictionary is much easier and faster than the paper dictionary. 74 Contrary to common belief, children won't gain computer literacy, if you just hand them tablet computers and smartphones. 121 Many of the victims were shot while fleeing from soldiers, and some were shot while trying to help the wounded. 111 Confronted with a choice between cappuccino and espresso, she settled for an americano. 87 which presently followed, and again found himself an inmate of Newgate, waiting trial as a receiver and a prison-breaker. 121 I'm very lucky. 15 seeing that since the establishment of the Central Criminal Court, Newgate received prisoners for trial from several counties, 126 additional 10 I came into this world with nothing. 36 The precious metal was sent from place to place carefully locked up and guarded, no doubt; 90 The islands have a coastline of two hundred fifty-nine miles. 61 A full discussion of Oswald's detention and interrogation is presented in chapter five of this report. 102 A stuffed chair slipped from the moving van. 44 Tarpey was caught through his wife, 35 and which he was to take to the School Book Depository. The Unanswered Questions. 81 usually, indeed, a considerable number. 39 How independent is that? 24 David F. Powers of the President's staff later stated that when the President asked for his assessment of the day's activities, Powers replied 142 he found, on the inside, a single brown delustered viscose fiber and several light green cotton fibers. 103 Unfortunately, nobody can warrant that the sanctions will have an effect on the community. 90 Conviction followed mainly on his testimony; but the two men, especially Holloway, stoutly maintained their innocence to the last. 130 Risking conscription in France, Audubon returned in eighteen oh five to see his father and ask permission to marry. 115 The same laws of heredity, variability and of response to outside stimulus hold in all parts of the organic world. 114 The hardened edge is where most of any potential damage to the blade will occur in battle. 90 that there is a royal hunting ground at Babylon, and that wild game of every kind is contained within the circuit of its walls. 127 A man wearing an orange safety vest and a hard hat is operating construction equipment. 87 he subsequently testified before a Commission staff member and, when shown two photographs of Oswald, stated that they were photographs of the man he saw. 154 to provide such accommodations in jails as may be necessary to answer this salutary purpose, 92 The following story from Herodotus tells the results: 53 Use the left two lanes to turn left onto Carroll Canyon Road. 61 testified that after driving to Parkland Hospital, he returned to the Depository Building about twenty minutes after the shooting, 130 One season, they might do well. 31 The concert was loud enough for everyone in the city to hear. 61 those on the first floor were rather larger on account of a set-off in the wall; and the uppermost were the largest, for the same reason. 137 which contain no chlorophyll and are not green, are always, so far as respiration is concerned, in the exact position of animals. 129 Changes introduced under pressure had been only skin deep. 58 I'd add a separate subsection which deals with this aspect. 59 In addition, they may lie about their name or their business history, or even pay people to be "references." 108 There's only one team in Ayrshire. 34 In an early report of the Prison Discipline Improvement Society, 64 A big wet stain was on the round carpet. 40 Ask specific questions and don't pay until you read the terms. 62 We can describe the object's movement with a differential equation of second order. 83 No, of course not. 18 and no one could be found who saw Oswald anywhere else in the building until after the shooting. 96 Nevertheless the procedures and advice should be accepted if the President wishes to have any security. 103 Have you seen Hollie? 21 how do you get it back? 23 that ere long the whole management of the transfer department was entrusted to him. 83 Experiments on Basic Income and N.I.T. in Canada and the U.S.A. show that people spent more time studying while the program was running. 136 The receptionist gave the smiling little boy a pink lollipop. 61 They had a right, Mr. Buxton affirmed, to be employed in their own crafts, provided it could be safely followed in prison. 122 Some condemned convicts converse but little with the warders who have them unceasingly in charge. 97 It is also evidence of Oswald's reluctance to describe events accurately 72 Well might Mr. Bennet write that the condition of the condemned side was the most prominent of the manifold evils in the present system of Newgate, 147 It also reduces the incidence of D.D.T. resistance. 51 strengthened with the acceptance of those obligations to the public interest which rest upon us all. 100 Corsican nationalists demand talks with the French government after a convincing win in the second round of elections. 118 A world-renowned ivory investigator whose detailed reports contributed to the fight against elephant poaching is murdered at his home in Kenya. 143 The Cambrian is divided into four epochs and ten ages. 54 Relations between the territories of present-day Egypt and Somalia stretch back to antiquity. 93 The man wore a T-shirt beneath his outer shirt and he had no jacket. 68 Within a decade following the end of the war, only one hundred seventeen thousand Serb refugees returned. 105 and he could not produce them. His chief asked sternly where they were. 71 Mrs. Kennedy had no recollection of climbing onto the back of the car. 70 In seventeen twenty six, Sir Isaac Newton became the first person to develop a theory of air resistance. 104 The Secret Service has now presented its recommendations to the Bureau of the Budget. 85 Slovakia has common borders with Ukraine, Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic. 81 The second act, passed in the following year, enlarged and amended the first, and at the same time gave powers to the House 123 en route from Dallas Love Field, end quote, on its way to the Trade Mart on Stemmons Freeway. 93 Nope, not going unless they have a giant inflatable slide. 58 This is a grand season for hikes on the road. 45 The field of mathematics known as proof theory studies formal languages, axioms and the structure of proofs. 108 These historic fixtures were equipped for both gas and electric power - with the gas globes on top and the electric lights below. 129 In addition, the proposed legislation will insure 49 The introduction of exact and easily manageable methods of conducting the chemical analysis of organic compounds. 113 Amid protests against rising prices and tax increases, a protestor is killed and five others are injured in clashes with security forces in Tunisia. 148 Nepal bans solo climbers, double amputees and blind climbers from scaling its mountains, including Mount Everest, in a bid to reduce accidents. 143 President Kennedy could have survived the neck injury, but the head wound was fatal. 84 You know what I want. 21 a more alert and carefully considered treatment of the Oswald case by the Bureau might have brought about such a referral. 122 However, the identities are unknown for nearly half of those who died in service to the Union and are buried in national cemeteries. 132 Teaching is not limited to mammals. 35 sorry, that color is not an option. Try asking me to set a custom eye color. 76 She testified that she heard three shots which she thought came from the building. 82 The North Korean government routinely delays or denies Swedish officials access to detained U.S. citizens. 106 The nearly indiscriminate admission of visitors, although restricted to certain days, continued to be an unmixed evil. 118 Lee would say that it would be better for me if I went to Russia. I did not know why. I did not know what he had in mind. 121 The artist is also familiar with how the proportions vary depending on the age of the subject, particularly when drawing a portrait. 132 The blanket in which the rifle was stored was composed of brown and green cotton, viscose and woolen fibers. 108 The Fireside Chats of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, by Franklin D Roosevelt 72 In late twenty ten, the Chevy Volt and the Nissan Leaf were released in the U.S. market. 88 Other domestic agencies deferred to the F.B.I. 46 which branches off to the right and is used by traffic going to the Stemmons Freeway and the Dallas-Fort Worth Turnpike. 120 The conversation on Monday, November eighteen, nineteen sixty-three, 68 Nine of the structures are "half houses" that are only one room deep with a single pitch roof. 94 the equally untenable theory that it is an interference with liberty to offer reasonable help when private enterprise is in need of help. 137 two committed by the Bankruptcy Commissioner, one for perjury, and two transports. 82 Here's your schedule for Wednesday. 35 and so developed his business that in one year his transactions amounted to a couple of millions of pounds. 107 renewed faith in the vast possibilities of human beings to improve their material and spiritual status 102 In a large pot cook fettuccini or linguini pasta in boiling salted water until al dente. Drain well. 100 It is unlikely that measures can be devised to eliminate entirely the multitude of diverse dangers that may arise, 114 She retracted her statement. 28 Is it raining right now? 24 Wednesday, March thirty-first, nineteen forty-five. 51 A small unpaid Prussian army was billeted in the Netherlands and supported themselves by looting and extortion. 111 In the December nineteen seventy three elections, Labour won fifty one seats, leaving Golda Meir as Prime Minister. 115 had described himself as a Marxist, had said he would give the Soviet Union any useful information he had acquired 114 In these rodents, infection is in a persistent asymptomatic state. 66 In short, the Scottish excess is not difficult to justify. 58 Simone became fully convinced this rejection had been entirely due to racial discrimination. 92 The Supreme Court rules that the act banning people from eight countries, six of them Muslim-majority, from traveling to the United States can take full effect. 160 The other Wallace, the sailor, also traced his lapse into crime to evil counsel. 80 It was fifty feet by twenty-five, and had five wards each thirty-eight by fifteen. At one end of the yard was an arcade, 120 Even when the woodcuts are very rude indeed, the proportions of the page still give pleasure by the sense of richness that the cuts and letter together convey. 159 Many teens make videos these days, inspired by their role models. 65 Tenderly Tenor. 15 Then he attacked the other's throat with a penknife, and last of all drove the pistol barrel into his forehead. 111 Norwegian is the official language of Norway. 45 He was altogether against too liberal a diet; he disapproved of industrial occupations in jails, as not calculated to render prisons terrible. 142 Numerous tyrannies were practiced on all who would not and could not pay the garnish. 85 This will help you effectively collaborate with developers and coordinate cross-team projects throughout your career. 117 He was short in stature, his legs were light for the upper part of his body, which was powerful, almost herculean. 114 When he came back I asked him what had happened. He was very pale. 66 Despite these matches, however, Stombaugh was unable to render on opinion that the fibers which he found in the bag had probably come from the blanket, 151 In the late nineteen ninetys, the Department began exploring electric heat pump water heaters. 94 Keep the hatch tight and the watch constant. 44 About three point seven seconds after the President received this wound, 72 which would accommodate the inmates of Newgate and of the three compters, Ludgate, 82 was his service in Japan. 25 What does it matter? 20 The Tropic of Capricorn is on the Southern Hemisphere of the earth. 67 The passage of the nineteen ninety Clean Air Act Amendment and the nineteen ninety two Energy Policy Act helped create a renewed interest in electric vehicles in the U.S. 170 Illicit morphine is rarely produced from codeine found in over-the-counter cough and pain medicines. 100 Robert Brown noted the more complex motions of the protoplasm in the cells of Tradescantia in eighteen thirty-one, 114 After the disclosure of the doping scandal the winner was deprived of the gold medal. 85 But the affair still remained a profound mystery. No light was thrown upon it till, towards the end of March, 109 Agent Lawson did the advance work alone from November thirteen to November eighteen, when he was joined by Agent David B. Grant, 128 Media registration is open for the event, which will be held at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center at Nine Hundred Convention Center Boulevard. 147 defeats the ends of justice, and disgraces the profession of a Christian country. 81 Meanwhile, friction between the Western Allies and Soviets was steadily rising. 79 By-and-by, when escape seemed hopeless, and after sentence, he suddenly degenerated into the lowest stamp of criminal, 118 which were then recommended to and generally adopted by the visiting justices all over the kingdom. 99 The queens can live for up to thirty years, and workers live from one to three years. 85 Mrs. Reid testified that when she saw Oswald, he was wearing a T-shirt and no jacket. 85 the Commission was unable to reach any firm conclusion as to when the fibers were caught in the rifle. 102 from many Government agencies including the Department of Defense and the President's Office of Science and Technology. 119 Boxes and cases were stacked behind him. 40 Give me a couple of minutes. 28 made certain recommendations which it believes would, if adopted, 65 When she tried to withdraw some money from her bank account, the A.T.M. claimed her card was invalid. 101 Into the "crater" dug out in the middle, pour the sponge, warm water, the molasses, and soda dissolved in hot water. 116 In fact his looks denoted extreme sorrow and contrition, 56 Columbanus is the patron saint of motorcyclists. 48 Older lady in a motorized wheelchair on a corner with a man walking in front of her. 84 They get rid of the superfluous hydrogen and carbon and accumulate nitrogen. 76 might also have been important to him. It would not have been the first time that Oswald sought closer ties with his family in time of adversity. 145 the principles of which were debated by disputants of widely opposite opinions with an earnestness that sometimes bordered upon acrimony. 137 Transfer to paper towels to drain excess moisture. 50 All books not primarily intended as picture books consist principally of types composed to form letterpress. 108 Limitations were placed on knife vending due to terrorism and violent assaults where they were utilized. 104 Many Coles Creek sites were erected over earlier Woodland period mortuary mounds. 81 These are construction workers with orange safety vests working on in a British Underground. 92 Based on the Commission's investigation, the following minimum goals for improvements are indicated: 100 Green moss grows on the northern side. 38 I never thought of that. 24 The surgeons observed, through X-ray analysis, thirty or forty tiny dustlike fragments of metal 95 More than half the world's rabbit population resides in North America. 70 salaries are below those of the FBI and leading municipal police forces. 72 There is a broad variety of yoga schools, practices, and goals in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. 98 Fighting ensued and there were a number of casualties on both sides. 68 Clambering along the roof, 26 By nineteen twenty-nine, the federal system of national homes had grown to eleven institutions that spanned the country and accepted Veterans of all American wars. 163 They would like to meet you to discuss matters in person. 57 An economics discussion on T.V. went off the tangent to politics. 65 A society which had already been started against capital punishment 67 By nineteen twelve, the gasoline car cost only six hundred fifty dollars, while an electric roadster sold for seventeen hundred fifty dollars. 142 also their constant employment in labor appropriate to their condition. 71 You've got to have both sides. 30 A filing case is now hard to buy. 33 Suspicions were aroused when it was found that he had been employed in selling stock for Mr. Oxenford, which developed into certainty 133 The intention of the real murderer to shift the crime to burglars was evident although futile, 94 Further investigation was rewarded by the discovery in the pantry of a split gold ring, used by Lord William to carry his keys on; 130 The Pacific Ocean is the only ocean which is almost totally bounded by subduction zones. 88 or the daring reporter of parliamentary debates. 48 Mrs. Kennedy alternated between watching them and waiting outside. 66 Even though his primary purpose probably was to get to Cuba, 60 Cryptosporidium is a parasite tough enough to survive even in properly maintained pools. 88 Winds from the west, with gusts up to eighteen miles per hour. 62 The mail comes in three batches per day. 40 Whisk heavy cream, brown sugar, milk, egg yolks, vanilla extract, cinnamon, and salt in a large bowl. 101 Special Agent Lawson made certain that the Dallas police kept the public and press away from the immediate area of the hospital. 128 phone 5 Demoralization caused by vast unemployment is our greatest extravagance. 72 Saudi authorities arrest eleven princes for staging a protest against Saudi Arabia's austerity measures. 104 The most characteristic are Native American, African, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, and Indian. 95 This was notably the case at the execution of Holloway and Haggerty 67 Could any one, knowing the late situation of the kneeling men, looking as they do at the empty pew, 99 It's wise to check with law enforcement agencies in the community where the promoters are located. 98 Whaley believes that Oswald's conduct did not aid him in his identification, quote, because I knew he was the right one as soon as I saw him. 141 Each of the agents who visited the Press Club or the Cellar Coffee House (apart from the three members of the midnight shift) 125 Winter storm Eleanor moves from the British Isles to continental Europe with one dead in France and injuries in Germany, Netherlands and Switzerland. 149 installation 12 The hand mocks him and ultimately gets away. 44 For example, there is a superficial resemblance between the wing of an insect and the wing of a bird 100 Some non-tariff barriers and tariffs on goods remain, however. 62 Both countries have sought to reduce tensions along the frontier, expand trade and cultural ties, and normalize relations. 122 In this way, it learned that when Oswald had arrived in the Soviet Union 72 When they brought in the two watchers to relieve guard one night, Sattler said, 79 sought to "rank the prisons they built among the most splendid buildings of the city or town." 94 He misses it greatly and would be very grateful to whomsoever might return it. 78 Yet their role of protecting the President is so important to the well-being of the country 91 For the first time the doctrine was enunciated that prisoners had rights of their own. 86 She first saw him the day he rented a room at that address on October fourteen, nineteen sixty-three. 101 Wednesday, July eighth at nine forty-five A.M. 46 Sarah told him that she was there to see her brother. 53 The R.G B. value seems to be wrong. I only accept R.G.B. values from zero to two hundred fifty-five. 100 Okay. But what color? 21 Heat two tablespoons canola oil and sesame oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. 88 However, they are not islands and are thus not classified as an island arc. 75 drill several finger-holes in it and fill them with the melted butter, the dissolved soda and the beaten yolk of egg. 117 And they almost always try to rush you into a decision. 55 Then Howlett walked down the stairway to the second-floor landing and entered the lunchroom. 92 In other words, he committed no violation of the law by telling us something that wasn't true, and unless this required further investigation at that time, 155 during which time he was examined by its Chief Psychiatrist, Dr. Renatus Hartogs, 81 and all the rest are modifications from these few types. 56 It was shown that the will must be a forgery, 45 That rap music with its loud electronic beats is called hip-hop. 64 He has done so much ghostwriting that he starts to feel like a ghost, too. 74 A middleaged man and woman are holding hands walking in a street with people behind them. 89 When asked to explain the different scores achieved by Oswald on the two occasions when he fired for record, 108 Your device configuration has been updated. 43 Other times, direct action strikes are used to protect American nationals or Soldiers being held in foreign countries. 118 A man selling or delivering newspapers stands in front of a Spanishlanguage information sign. 93 Different boomerangs have different flight characteristics, and the bigger the layover the higher the boomerang will fly. 121 Marina Oswald's judgment of her husband's state of mind may be substantiated by comparing material which he wrote in the Soviet Union 133 Where the local authority had neglected to comply with the provisions of the eighteen sixty-five Act for four consecutive years, 128 In fact, one of the firers in the rapid fire test in firing his two series of three shots, 90 and in the extreme anti-Kennedy newspaper advertisement and handbills that appeared in Dallas at the time of the President's visit there. 137 He traveled to Afghanistan as a teenager in nineteen ninety three. 66 However, the Outback Sport remained in production for the U.S. market. 70 The opening dilated and squeezed the amorphous entity out onto the floor. 73 Have you seen Hollie? 21 was strewn in front of the dock, and sprinkled it towards the bench with a contemptuous gesture. 96 These losses can be minimized by using a close-coupled cavity. 62 The Secret Service believed that it was very doubtful that any President would ride regularly in a vehicle with a fixed top, even though transparent. 149 It looks like it. 17 were jumbled up together, higgledy-piggledy, the old and the young, the murderer and the child who had broken into a dwelling. 126 The Finnish labor movement wanted to sustain a military force of its own and keep the revolutionary road open. 110 by awesome pronouncements concerning the unconstitutionality of some of our measures of recovery and relief and reform. 119 A teacher and three of her students all enjoy a small dose of learning through technology. 90 Both lost their lives in the raging storm. 42 Reconnecting. 13 not only to labor in the form of new jobs, in relief from overwork and in relief from underpay, 95 It is the conclusion of the Commission that, even in the absence of Secret Service criteria 91 A smooth layer of blubber lies underneath the skin. 51 The Third Circuit Court heard oral arguments in the appeals on May seventeenth, two thousand seven, at the U.S. Courthouse in Philadelphia. 139 The conviction that he would escape had taken so firm a hold of him, 68 A kid in a red sweatshirt is reaching to hand something to a man in a white shirt 81 He knew the skill of the great young actress. 45 Twaddle is a case in point. 27 The square wooden crate was packed to be shipped. 49 Take the winding path to reach the lake. 40 Oswald's political activities after his return to the United States center around his interest in Cuba and in the Fair Play for Cuba Committee. 143 or eight inches, about one hundred forty-five pounds, end quote, and wearing a white jacket. 92 A dash of pepper spoils beef stew. 34 The dealer loses by busting or having a lesser hand than the player who has not busted. 87 In this case, the farmer had actually given permission. 55 and in the history of his life which does give some insight into his character and, possibly, into the motives for his act. 123 The cleat sank deeply into the soft turf. 41 I'm sorry, I'm unable to access your calendar. 46 In eighteen eighteen the old jail was so densely packed that it was nearly impossible to pass through the yards for the throng. 127 The waitress was carrying an impressive amount of dinnerware, but then an earthquake occurred and she dropped it all. 117 The school is slated to be built on a forty eight thousand square foot campus. 78 Most typically these are solo games. 36 Legionella can cause severe pneumonia and symptoms similar to the flu. 70 Help! 5 with a metallic handle for the rider to grasp. 46 Return to Washington, D.C. 26 Grease a baking sheet with cooking spray; place rolls on top, two inches apart. 79 than when mixed up with yeast and water only. 45 During one of his leaves from the Marines, Oswald hunted with his brother Robert, 81 Winds from the northeast at ten to fifteen miles per hour. 58 Chronicles of Newgate, Volume two. By Arthur Griffiths. Section eighteen: Newgate notorieties continued, part three. 116 On the other hand, the Aegean or Hellenic arc in the Mediterranean area, composed of numerous islands such as Crete, is an island arc, but is not volcanic. 155 Tabitha on the other hand, chose a more pragmatic approach. 59 So you are saying that overpopulation will become an issue? 59 and the prisoners eventually surrendered to the British authorities, brought to England, and lodged in Newgate. 111 nineteen sixty-three, almost a month after he lost his job. 59 Finding Gas Stations in Palo Alto. 34 Teens' Social Media Use: How They Connect and What It Means for Health 70 The best, or at least the most influential prisoners, got lodging in the State House, which contained "eight large handsome rooms." 131 We can only perceive a part of the broad light spectrum the sun emits. 70 Here's what I found on the web: 31 In nineteen oh two bills passed both Houses of Congress but failed of enactment when the Senate refused to accept the conference report. 136 Great teachers are everywhere, inspiring us to push boundaries and overcome obstacles each day. 95 The series ran for one hundred twenty episodes; ending in nineteen sixty eight. 79 Young England was a secret society, with no aim or object. 58 People are waiting in line to order food, while others are walking away with their food. 88 But it was pointed out in eighteen twenty-three that defective construction must always bar the way to any radical improvement in Newgate. 138 Millions of years ago, our seven continents were one super-continent called Pangaea. 84 I shook my head. 16 When that time arrives 22 and fines imposed for conduct disapproved of by the "college." 62 In the same way the wardsman laid in his stock to be retailed. Other light literature besides the daily journals were in circulation: 133 The Space Policy Directive One establishes the foundation for a crewed mission to the Moon, while maintaining a long-term NASA goal of landing a man on Mars. 157 circulation, metabolism, excretion, oxygenation (part of respiration), 70 The four waited patiently for their opportunity, 48 Regardless of the set up, their goal is to get your bank account or credit card number. 87 The urge to write short stories is rare. 40 The print is additional proof that the rifle was in Oswald's possession. 72 The prisoner had nothing to deal with but wooden panels, and by dint of cutting and chopping he got both the lower panels out. 126 that referrals to the Secret Service under the new criteria might, if not properly handled, 91 This will lead the world to more sound and fury. 48 While one medical team tried to revive President Kennedy, a second performed a series of operations on the bullet wounds sustained by Governor Connally. 152 The frosty air passed through the coat. 39 It must be allowed to be possible that further research may reveal the existence of something comparable to a nervous system in plants. 135 The lazy cow lay in the cool grass. 35 Nichols and Shepard received a patent from the United States government for their vibrator grain separator in eighteen sixty two. 129 Relays can perform the basic operations of Boolean combinatorial logic. 71 unhappily show that society is more than ever at the mercy of the insidious and unscrupulous administration of poisonous drugs. 127 The warrant thus represented money, and was often used as such, being endorsed and passed from hand to hand as other negotiable bills. 134 with money enough to retrieve the position of the bank. But that passed from bad to worse; 90 Epilepsy is a condition which sends the sufferer into uncontrollable convulsions. 81 Sarah warned that this course of treatment might be expensive, either five or six times the cost of penicillin. 111 Now I just need to go pick up a lamp and a stool, and I will be totally done! 77 That's it. 10 to seven point nine seconds. 28 Many scientists work their entire careers on this, and you say you have solved this in a single afternoon? 106 then I would say the possibility exists, these fibers could have come from this blanket, end quote. 99 They are featured on several of the album's tracks including "Don't Cry Baby", "Out of the Blue" and "Caldonia". 112 Some persons were kept for more than five hours standing against the barriers, and many nearly fainted from exhaustion. 119 A woman in a white shirt and blue checker pants is cooking waffles in the kitchen. 82 O.K. 4 As the centuries passed the mounds into which the city had turned grew higher and higher with the ruins of the huts later built upon them, 138 The day passed in revelry and drunkenness. Although spirituous liquors were forbidden, 86 with morbid curiosity to scan his features and watch his demeanor through the shifting, nicely-balanced phases of his protracted trial. 135 How does it feel? 17 Moreover, the partners were sober, steady men, who paid unremitting attention to business. 90 based on the foregoing considerations, is convenient for distinguishing between animals and plants in all cases except the doubtful unicellar forms. 148 In a large skillet, heat butter or margarine over medium-high heat. Saute chicken pieces until golden brown. 108 Bye for now! 12 The Service should consider preparing formal explanations of the cooperation anticipated during a Presidential visit to a city, in formats that can be communicated to each level of local authorities. 199 The results of this investigation are fully discussed in chapter six, page two forty-nine. 90 There is evidence that Oswald was greatly influenced in his decision to join the Marines by the fact that his brother Robert had done so 136 How do you know? 16 The red tape bound the smuggled food. 37 Type a company or product name into your favorite search engine with words like "review," "complaint" or "scam." 112 She learned how to play the piano in a music school. 52 You who know me will accept my solemn assurance that in a world in which democracy is under attack, 99 They should stop the bombing. 29 slanting downwards from the top of the walls to the outside adjoining the slaughterhouses of Newgate market; and occasionally, in hot weather, 142 A woman named Gale, who lived with him, was arrested at the same time. The prisoners were examined at the Marylebone police court. 130 Thistlewood made a long and rambling defense, the chief features of which were abuse of Lord Sidmouth, and the vilification of the informer Edwards. 148 Most radially symmetric animals are symmetrical about an axis extending from the center of the oral surface, which contains the mouth. 134 Solomons cheated the whole lot by retaining half the gold in his possession, and only giving an I. O. U. for it, 112 I have heard so. 16 Mostly cloudy, with a high near nineteen degrees. 49 I don't have a phone. 21 And if he hadn't become a musician? 35 Return to the United States. In view of the intensity of his earlier commitment to the Soviet Union, 100 Has the advance of biology simply tended to break down old distinctions without establishing new ones? 102 Darius Brubeck recalls thinking that Desmond was his uncle almost into adolescence. 83 In addition, Mandella was of the opinion that the print taken from the carton on the floor 90 which he strove to maintain and, quote, felt the Marine Corps kept a pretty close watch on him because of his subversive activities, end quote. 143 It was formerly called Little Bear Lake, until around nineteen twenty. 70 There could be a way back. 26 Attracted by the sound of the sirens, Mrs. Postal stepped out of the box office and walked to the curb. 103 As, indeed, they would be. 26 Baker required fifteen seconds after the simulated shot to ride his motorcycle one hundred eighty to two hundred feet, 118 two pounds was a common price for a window. 43 where the murder for which he was condemned had been committed. 63 In May twenty sixteen, it was slated for a winter twenty sixteen release. 73 The threat did not receive national media attention comparable to the millennium alert. 87 Eugene has a significant population of people in pursuit of alternative ideas and a large original hippie population. 117 Many of these technologies can trace their roots back to the Energy Department. 79 Walker talks him into one last bounty: retrieve Walker's son Travis from a small mining town in Brazil. 103 Latvia and Estonia are both between the Baltic Sea and Russia. 62 Do those guys standing against the bar look like trouble? 57 He turned from the door and walked slowly toward the gate, still holding the keys in his hand. 94 A broadsheet dated April twenty-fourth, seventeen eighty-seven, describing an execution on the newly-invented scaffold before the debtors' door, 144 Originally the Indian Government had planned to replace all units of measure with metric units by nineteen sixty. 113 but the prevailing moral tone may be guessed from the penalty inflicted upon persons singing obscene songs before nine p.m. 123 The U.V. index today is six of ten. 35 However, he felt that any disciplinary action might have given rise 67 However, we will obviously keep the matter under review. 56 The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has recently reached settlements with two Southern California plastics manufacturers over federal Clean Water Act violations. 166 wireless 8 This was all the police wanted to know. 39 Touch one of them with the end of a fine human hair and the lobes of the leaf instantly close together. 103 inasmuch as the police had not given Oswald's name to the Bureau when they called the office. 93 Perhaps the most obvious stylistic manifestation of modernism in opera is the development of atonality. 103 Moreover, he looked forward to the public appearances which he personally enjoyed. The basic decision on the November trip to Texas was made at a meeting of President Kennedy, 175 What is my function? 20 He broke his ties with groups of former friends. 48 Soon after the motorcade turned onto Elm Street, she heard a sound similar to a motorcycle noise and a cry from Governor Connally, 130 he was sent on to Newgate in a coach, handcuffed to a noted house-breaker, who was afterwards cast for death. 109 The Navy attacked the big task force. 37 At two:thirty-eight p.m., Eastern Standard Time, Lyndon Baines Johnson took the oath of office as the thirty-sixth President of the United States. 146 The perennibranch passes through the fish stage to the perennibranch amphibian. 79 It matters not if he reads these words or those. 48 My impression after reading the article is that you are going to make the dataset public. 89 Amongst the heap was often the meat that had made turtle soup, which, when heated and stirred together in a saucepan, was said to be very good eating. 150 So basically establishing a system where the externalities are added to the price. 82 established the fact that the man who had personated Mr. Oxenford was a horse-dealer named Joseph Elder, an intimate acquaintance of Burgess'. 142 He published his book "Study on Glaciers" in eighteen forty. 60 affidavit of debt, drawing praecipe (one pound, five shillings), capias, fee to officer on arrest, 98 Cyrus decided that Babylon must be taken. 41 in the three years between eighteen thirteen and eighteen sixteen, 66 where a lad lay ill with fever, three other prisoners, at first perfectly healthy, were lodged. Of course they were seized with the fever; 138 The Bahamas is a parliamentary constitutional monarchy headed by Queen Elizabeth Two in her role as Queen of the Bahamas. 121 Downing Street will make the second appointment in the Scotland Office today. 77 Burn peat after the logs give out. 34 A little boy is holding a green and yellow sponge while standing in front of a stove. 85 Playing next song. 18 Local managers are already involved in talks with potential investors. 70 Two men look down over a concrete wall at another person standing on two small wooden docks. 92 How can I be of service? 24 Critics dubbed the benefit the "fifty two-twenty Club" and predicted most Veterans would avoid jobs for the fifty two weeks that the checks were available. 155 Come what come must. 20 At approximately nine p.m., on April ten, nineteen sixty-three, in Dallas, Texas, Maj. Gen. Edwin A. Walker, 108 I think all of those, if we had them all together, 50 The Secret Service should not and does not plan to develop its own intelligence gathering facilities to duplicate the existing facilities of other Federal agencies. 164 We will continue to talk to find a solution for Scottish football. 66 and beyond it was now a day room for the capital convicts or those awaiting execution. 86 another 7 technologies 12 and was so unfit to sleep on that it had not been used for many years, so that the men and women associated together indiscriminately. 134 Having thus briefly described the plan and appropriation of the prison, I propose to deal now with the general condition of the inmates, and the manner of their life. 166 In the nutrition of the animal the most essential and characteristic part of the food supply is derived from vegetable 118 Hackers steal five hundred thirty-five million dollars worth of the N.E.M. cryptocurrency from Japanese exchange Coincheck. 123 Installing. 11 The watery solution, in which its roots are plunged, contains nitrogen but no carbon. 85 Is that correct? 16 The business is operated by its founder, Gardner Stone, and his son and daughter, Todd and Darcy. 97 A fire was lit in it, and the maid in doing so threw a lot of rubbish, as it seemed, which had accumulated under the grate, on top of the burning coals. 152 It is found only on Jamaica, Cat Island, and a few other islands in the Bahamas. 80 The horn of the car woke the sleeping cop. 42 Until recently, she worked as a recruitment consultant in London. 65 They wanted to write socially conscious lyrics, unlike mainstream heavy metal bands who sang about hedonistic pleasures. 120 induced the prisoner to make a full confession of his crime to the lawyers who defended him. 92 C.D.C. helps save lives by responding to emergencies, providing expertise, developing vaccines, and detecting disease outbreaks wherever they arise. 148 Unexpected wordplay is a characteristic feature of her style. 61 The limited notoriety that Oswald received as a result of the street fracas and in the subsequent radio debate 110 He that considers too much, will not bring anything to performance. 67 As a result of these studies, the planning document makes several significant recommendations in this field. 108 The latter, when first taxed with his offense, protested his innocence boldly, and positively denied all knowledge of the affair; 129 Barbara Jeanette Davis and Virginia Davis, were in an apartment of a multiple-unit house on the southeast corner of tenth and Patton 132 The hail pattered on the burnt brown grass. 43 The freshness of this print could be estimated only because the Dallas police developed it through the use of powder. 117 In the meantime, the fans would settle for a derby win. 55 brought in a man-of-war from Brazil had been transhipped at Falmouth for conveyance to London. 94 But he was immediately called back by Special Agent Emory P. Roberts, in charge of the follow-up car, 101 but the firm he served got him a situation as clerk in the office of the Great Northern Railway, 96 In five ninety-seven, when he sent his army to Jerusalem, he won the hatred of the Jews by taking Jehoiakin, the King, captive. 127 The two facts taken in conjunction 34 America has produced a good many showy books, the typography, paper, and illustrations of which are, however, all wrong, 120 A study of the bus routes indicates that 40 The Commission has determined that the employee was in fact Billy Lovelady, who identified himself in the picture. 114 They're capable of operating and maintaining a wide variety of U.S., allied and other foreign weaponry. 103 The defendant pleaded guilty. 29 The sheaves of wheat stood as sentinels in the snowy fields. 60 through advances made to various builders, and that it could only maintain its credit by wholesale discounting. 111 working through vast agencies of commerce and employing great masses of men in movements of production 102 This change made the CubeSat more valuable for science data collection. 71 Religion and cruelty frequently go hand in hand, and Nebuchadnezzar was exceedingly religious. 94 And your phone number please? 29 Dim Sum originally means small portion of food. 47 that their condition was more natural, and approximated more nearly to that of daily life. 90 Searching for: bees knees 25 Harwood to Main, Main to Houston, Houston to Elm, Elm under the Triple Underpass to Stemmons Freeway, and on to the Trade Mart. 127 The Indian Space Research Organisation successfully launches India's one hundredth satellite and thirty other satellites. 121 As he unloaded his Continental bus station passenger in front of Greyhound, he started to get out to buy a package of cigarettes. 129 Driver, will you call me a cab down here? She had seen him get this cab and she wanted one, too, 96 On May thirteenth, twenty thirteen, Agassi rejoined Nike. 57 he continued to be interested in that country after he returned to the United States. 85 The prisoners were in due course transferred to Newgate, to be put upon their trial at the Central Criminal Court. 114 and the second month's rent was paid on either April two or April three. 72 Bats are the only mammals that can truly fly. 45 While the team of doctors at Parkland Hospital tried desperately to save the life of President Kennedy, 103 All honorably discharged Veterans became eligible for burial in eighteen seventy-three. 87 What do they want us to do? 27 He said that Oswald, quote, seemed to guard against developing real close friendships, end quote, 97 It was also clearly proved that no forcible entry had been made into the house; 79 Only sites added to the N.P.L. are eligible to receive federal funding for long-term cleanup. 93 Alarm disabled. 15 It weighs five kilograms. 25 Johnson plays a bounty hunter who must head for Brazil to retrieve his employer's renegade son. 95 Over 4 Edward Gibbon Wakefield, who spent three years in Newgate a little before the time of the inspectors' first report, 115 During the first interrogation on November twenty-two, Fritz asked Oswald to account for himself at the time the President was shot. 132 and the establishment of municipal institutions upon a proper footing, 70 It was nice talking with you. 29 Two young women examine the wares at a wellstocked outdoor bakery booth under a yellow umbrella. 96 the knowledge of his defection, his arrogance and hostility to the United States, 81 statistics 10 One day he was too ill to come down and meet her. 49 And so it proved. 17 I'm doing well. 15 you could tell what they wanted you to do by reading between the lines, reading the thing and doing a little reading between the lines, end quote. 146 was applied only to the release of poor debtors whom four pounds each could free. 81 to 2 and the rest being provided with barrack beds, and in dimensions varying from thirty feet by fifteen to fifteen feet by ten. 124 Roughly sixty percent of all medical residents obtain a portion of their training at V.A. hospitals; and V.A. medical research programs benefit society at-large. 161 probably because Jack Dougherty took it to the first floor while Baker and Truly were running up the stairs or in the lunchroom with Oswald. 140 The Act for private executions led to the erection of the gallows shed in the exercising yard, and at the flank of the passage from the condemned cells. 152 Is it not a fact that ever since the year nineteen oh nine, 59 I can't imagine paying so much, but Misses Harrison, a millionaire lawyer, thought it was a fair price for a cure. 114 I was bent over under the weight of Agent Youngblood's body, toward Mrs. Johnson and Senator Yarborough, end quote, 115 Mr. Bamell Oakley made a rich harvest for a time, and was said at the time of his trial 87 From the left front running board of the President's follow-up car, 67 but unlike that of the animal, it is not chiefly an income of foods, but only of the raw materials of food. 107 We are in the end game. 23 move with a quick, jerking motion, not naturally, but, as it were, like the affected parts of a galvanized corpse. 114 The references to house rent and payments for water and gas 59 Please Postman. 15 on February seventeen, nineteen sixty-three, for permission for herself and June to return to the Soviet Union. 111 Speed skaters sprint to the finish. 35 Guatemala formally recognized twenty one of these in nineteen ninety six. 73 The men in charge of protecting the President, confronted by complex problems and limited as they are in the measures they may employ, 134 He was not their commander. 27 A further sub-classification was attempted by separating at night those charged with misdemeanors from those charged with felony, 129 In nineteen ninety six, Berlusconi and his coalition lost the elections and were replaced by a center-left government. 118 A three-judge federal panel rules North Carolina's congressional district map was illegally gerrymandered because legislators relied too heavily on partisan affiliation. 169 The only exit from the office in the direction Oswald was moving was through the door to the front stairway. 108 These numbers would have still further decreased, and the jail would have been almost empty, but for the misdemeanants who were still sent to Newgate 149 The Pueblo of Laguna is realizing a dream come true with the award to replace the previously condemned Laguna Elementary School, said Laguna Pueblo Governor Virgil Siow. 169 Several young people are standing around drinking beverages at some kind of outdoors gathering with food. 105 Other Secret Service agents posted themselves in the corridors and other areas near the emergency room. 103 She read the book quickly, savouring the characters that came vividly to mind from the well-crafted prose. 106 The jury without hesitation found Courvoisier guilty, and he was sentenced to death. 84 He refuses to disclose it but diagnoses her with acute blood-loss. 66 I saw it at a ruck. 19 His regular trade, followed before he took to the life of resurrectionist, was that of an engraver. 99 Seed is needed to plant the spring corn. 40 end quote, the President replied, "That is very obvious." 57 and the Commission recommends that these and the other measures suggested by the Commission be pursued vigorously by Secret Service. 132 forbid the faintest shadow of a hope that in a soil so unfavorable for moral culture 84 In the same way, six months' notice was required in cases where the closing of a prison was contemplated; 105 She was told in the nightclub that she would have to sing to her own accompaniment, and this effectively launched her career as a jazz vocalist. 144 It overlooks downtown Des Moines and is situated on with a re-created Victorian formal garden. 94 had provided work for those who had hitherto passed their time in total idleness, and had made the treatment of female transports on the way to New South Wales 159 The middle yard, as far as its limits would permit, was appropriated to felons and transports. The wards here were generally very crowded. 138 The decision to remove the scene of action to the immediate front of the jail itself 84 had appointed a committee of prison inspectors, presided over by the Under Secretary of State, to draw up rules and dietaries, 126 The aged but wary Kerp, the moment the plot was discovered, vanished, and was never more heard of. 98 This property partially explains the "tears of wine" phenomenon. 64 Music stopped. 14 Two Asian males smile while celebrating a birthday with a layered chocolate cake with a sparkling candle. 105 I have tonight resigned as a member of the European Commission. 63 The latch on the back gate needed a nail. 41 I think she survived her first winter her, but the separation has been rough. 77 The relations of plants and animals to the atmosphere are therefore inverse. 76 The unchecked admission of crowds of visitors to the felons' as well as the debtors' side was another unmixed evil. 115 They conveyed the pleas of Dallas leaders that citizens not demonstrate or create disturbances during the President's visit. 124 She testified that her husband had postponed his attempt to kill Walker 71 An investigation is launched into a video posted on YouTube which appears to show a service member firing on civilians inside a truck on a road in Afghanistan. 159 While Hardwicke and Atwell were in Newgate awaiting trial, active search was made for Saward, 93 They point to England. 22 I thought we'd already agreed that we couldn't risk that information falling into his hands. 92 Crypto causes fifty eight percent of outbreaks where a germ was identified linked to pools, hot tubs, and water playgrounds and eighty nine percent of the illnesses. 165 Today's task is writing a synopsis of Tata's recently-published novel. 70 I hate to think that I will have to leave, but I guess that’s not really up to me. 82 It will put the public utility operating industry on a sound basis for the future, 82 In John Pic's view, 19 Onion routing is a technique of using cascades of proxies for the purpose of anonymisation. 91 He's smart, smart enough to keep his intellect hidden and fool people into underestimating him. 95 As my Russian improves I become increasingly conscious of just what sort of a society I live in. 96 The fact was that the years as they passed, nearly twenty in all, had worked but little permanent improvement in this detestable prison. 136 Friends arrived about nine a.m., and went out at nine p.m., when as many as two hundred visitors have been observed leaving the debtors' yards at one time. 155 The position of the page on the paper should be considered if the book is to have a satisfactory look. 102 This soy sauce has no artificial ingredients or preservatives. 62 one-sixty to one-seventy pounds. 32 Blood and iron Letter. 22 Oswald had entered the house in his shirt sleeves, but when he left, he was zipping up a jacket. 96 Abraham is a well known person in Christianity, Islam and Judaism. 66 I would think his continued association with the Russian Embassy after his return, 82 Hill testified that Fritz told the detective to get a search warrant, go to an address on Fifth Street in Irving, 113 Since the plotters were flexible and resourceful, we cannot know whether any single step or series of steps would have defeated them. 133 Responding to Robert's statement that he had not "renounced" him, 65 Oil embargo endorsed. 21 Released in Japan in nineteen ninety seven, the Prius became the world's first mass-produced hybrid electric vehicle. 117 His saxophone solo was incredible. 34 The idea is to sew both edges straight. 39 He was at first engaged as assistant to the executioner Tom Cheshire, but in due course rose to be chief. 105 Dimes showered down from all sides. 35 For a long time, the city's downfall was attributed to its second sacking. 74 Hill heard a second shot, proximately five seconds after the first, which removed a portion of the President's head. 116 A new broom sweeps clean What's bred in the bone. 49 Efforts made by the Bureau since the assassination, on the other hand, 70 For Season three, there is a Community Chest. 45 Previously, Rebecca worked at an environmental nonprofit, where she built the organization's digital presence and spearheaded its rebranding efforts. 149 Scammers often pretend to be someone you trust, like a government official, a family member, a charity, or a company you do business with. 138 The information below covers various cabin safety topics and is intended for passengers, flight attendants, and the aviation industry. 134 To protect the sun-dried bricks of the inner wall from the winter rains 71 Sometimes I overthink things which leads me to postpone and ultimately never achieve the goal I had in mind. 108 Kellerman's responsibilities included maintaining radio communications with the lead and follow-up cars, 104 Two men with backpacks placed in front of them sitting in front of a railing. 77 These measures I have mentioned are, in large part, the program which under my constitutional duty I have recommended to the Congress. 134 Crypto spreads in pools when someone sick with the parasite has diarrhea in the water and other swimmers swallow that contaminated water. 137 Yes, it would be. 17 A country estate. 17 Regarding your request, I have decided to heed your warnings. 61 She thought that he might not have become involved in the assassination if people had been kinder to him. 105 Twenty nine of those were positive for rabies. 46 What do we do? 14 Pork Chops with Apples, Onions, and Sweet Potatoes. 51 since there was limited, if any, opportunity for Oswald to handle the weapon during the two months prior to November twenty-two. 128 Serves you right There will be no cock crow over that No one will care a brass farthing for it Finance minister. 112 Perusing the woods in the night, she could only rely on her instincts. 70 all one had to do was get a high building someday with a telescopic rifle, and there was nothing anybody could do to defend against such an attempt. 148 with thirteen dollars, eighty-seven cents when considerably greater resources were available to him. 100 His arm was later amputated. 28 nine agents who were off duty went to the nearby Fort Worth Press Club at midnight or slightly thereafter, expecting to obtain food; 132 Beds might well be made hard and their use strictly limited. 60 I know his voice. 17 A motorcyclist drives up the side of a green mountain while another bike remains stationary. 92 trees and overhanging vines were planted, and thus the travelers' tales arose. 78 This is a very common type of bow, one showing mainly red and yellow, with little or no green or blue. 102 He says: Animals are organisms of fixed and definite form, in which the cell-body is not covered with a cellulose wall. 119 Male animals secrete pheromones that attract females. 53 The old press yard has been fully described in a previous chapter. 66 Two small darkskinned children surveying a dump with green trees in the background. 83 Most of the other Secret Service agents in the motorcade had drawn their sidearms. 82 Yeah. 5 An excavator left the quarry with coarse gravel in its shovel. 62 In eighteen fifty-three three men escaped in company from one of the wards in the middle yard. 94 Mrs. Paine brought Oswald's family to New Orleans. 50 Charles wrote lyrics for Suzanne's album "To Hell With Love". 61 on the southwest corner of Elm and Houston Streets, looking north at the Depository Building which was directly in front of him. 128 On Friday, the headteacher and deputy headteacher appeared at the door. 71 The source of the huge river is the clear spring. 49 It will require every available resource of our Government to devise a practical system which has any reasonable possibility of revealing such malcontents. 155 He had made use of a piece of rope cut out from the sacking of his bedstead, and had tied his feet together with a silk pocket-handkerchief. 140 The testimony of those who saw him after the assassination was inconclusive about the color of Oswald's shirt, 110 I have never seen this approach to this issue, but it might work. 65 After a tragic accident with a chainsaw he has become a paraplegic. 67 It became a book by itself. 27 The petals fall with the next puff of wind. 43 This is the way things should be handled. 41 Grease a two quart baking dish with cooking spray. 50 He seemed to lose his focus. 28 There is a curbside recycling scheme that currently serves fifteen thousand five hundred households. 100 wednesday 9 Three children play in columns of water emanating from a surface decorated with a giant rose. 93 Find out who you're dealing with. 33 Certain crimes, those against the person especially, diminished gradually. They became less easy or remunerative. 113 In meeting the problems of industrial recovery the chief agency of the government has been the National Recovery Administration. 128 Street robberies offered fewer inducements to depredators, and evil-doers were compelled to adopt other methods of preying upon their fellows. 142 The defense he set up was, that Mullay had used epithets towards him while they were negotiating a business matter, 115 It is based on the novel The Revised Fundamentals of Caregiving. 64 If the score is tied at the end of the game, the game goes into extra time or a penalty shootout. 97 turning the pan once in this time, and covering with clean -- never printed -- paper, should they brown too fast. 113 and subject to exceptions. 26 Glass eel is on the menu today, but it's too expensive. 55 Four young women around a kitchen counter with a plate of brownies in the foreground. 85 His utter lack of consistent business ethics, however, is perfectly consistent. 79 I'm actually planning to try and build a robotics platform around one of those phones. 86 When questioned by police officers on the evening of November twenty-two, Benavides told them that he did not think that he could identify the man who fired the shots. 167 Of these one hundred ten, seventeen were coeducational and ninety three admitted only girls. 92 The object of the game is to score by getting the ball into the opposing goal. 78 Vegetables, especially the potato, that most valuable anti-scorbutic, was too often omitted. 92 It is composed of approximately fifteen nineteenth century brick houses. 72 According to Fauntleroy's own case, he found at once that the firm was heavily involved, 88 She was waiting at my front lawn. 33 So circumscribed, it could not maintain the esprit de corps or the necessary alertness for this unique and challenging responsibility. 134 The "lower-case" was invented in the early Middle Ages. 55 he seemed while in Newgate to realize thoroughly that there was no hope for him, and was determined to face his fate bravely. 125 People are standing around an American flag that is spread out, facing the wrong direction. 91 regulations 11 Report of the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy. The Warren Commission Report. By The President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy. 182 of distinguishing a prisoner from a stranger and temporary visitor. 67 Without a skirmish or a battle, he permitted them to enter Babylon, and, sparing the city, he delivered the King Nabonidus to him. 130 he was told it was only at Mr. Whitney's disposal, and that it could be paid to no one else. 92 Sprinkle casserole with remaining one cup shredded cheese. Bake about three minutes more, or until cheese melts. 112 opened it, took out and broke into the bullion box, removed the gold, substituted the shot from a carpet bag, 109 The facts dealing with the physiology of organisms, the activities associated with that which we call life are often designated Organic Functions. 146 In other words, we said we would seek an amendment only if every other possible means by legislation were to fail. 114 On July twentieth, nineteen sixty four, he married Alison Mary McNair, with whom he had two children: a daughter, Marion, and a son, Ian. 137 The couch cover and hall drapes were blue. 42 It requires air carriers to provide service with the highest possible degree of safety in the public interest. 110 Grease a baking sheet with cooking spray; place rolls on top, two inches apart. 79 that the width was approximately the same. 42 Under the agreement, Modern Concepts will pay a twelve thousand dollar penalty for the violations. 98 A man wearing black pants is holding up a jackhammer next to a broken cement walkway. 85 Its purpose is to house temporary exhibitions of the museum. 60 On returning to jail each day he talked freely and without reserve to the warders in charge of him, chiefly on incidents in the day's proceedings. 146 The former, which consisted principally of the tread-wheel, cranks, capstans, shot-drill, 89 This represents a speed of eleven point two miles per hour. 59 At a place called the Silver Keys he ran the ship on the reef. 62 All this time not one of a numerous body of bystanders offered to assist the policeman in his extremity. 104 When blending is activated, the alpha channel is used to encode the opacity of a texture. 89 The bartender went to the keypad to unlock the entrance to the cellar storeroom. 80 Shaneyfelt compared this negative with a negative which he made by taking a new picture with Oswald's camera. 109 Nice, genial, jolly. 20 Hurdle the pit with the aid of a long pole. 43 In places even the bases have disappeared, and their moats have long been filled with the drifting sand. 104 At six fifty five A.M. the sun rose and the Chinese attack on the eighth platoon began in waves. 96 The dentist was ranting about my mediocre oral hygiene. 55 The three FBI experts each fired three shots from the weapon at fifteen yards in six, seven, and nine seconds, 110 at 2 This is proved by contemporary accounts, especially one graphic and realistic article which appeared in the 'Times,' 116 Oxford was seized by a person named Lowe, who was at first mistaken for the assailant. 86 The city also allowed the poor debtors fourteen ounces of bread daily, and their share of eight stone of meat, an allowance which never varied, 143 possessed the capability with a rifle which would have enabled him to commit the assassination. 95 which 5 We're sorry, you're right. 26 The principal recruited various graduates by offering high rewards. 67 through the mediation or arbitration of state or federal agencies. 66 For more details, see lead glass. 33 Of course, on Tuesday, United were beaten despite this. 55 that of Phoebe Harris, who in seventeen eighty-eight was "barbariously" executed and burnt before Newgate for coining. 118 How much will it cost. 22 The proceeds of these forgeries amounted, it was said, to some thousands per annum. 83 The half or wholly starved prisoners fished for alms or food at the gratings. 77 The Syrian Air Defense Force shoots down an Israeli F-sixteen over the Golan Heights after it fired on alleged Iranian targets inside Syria. 140 My teacher always throws chalk at his pupils, that's why I'm wearing a helmet. 78 directly under the chapel, in which there were three cells, used either for the confinement of disorderly and refractory prisoners, 131 In one accident, a fractured fuel line led to a spillage of diesel into the road. 81 In nineteen eighty eight, Lund moved to Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey. 88 All the best. 13 My record as Governor and President proves my devotion to those liberties. 74 When Bradley left in nineteen forty eight, there were one hundred twenty-five V.A. hospitals. 93 it will be suffered to dwindle away in successive generations, under the influence of certain natural causes. 109 He postulated a dispersion theory before his coworker made his discovery and announcement. 90 Let me see your ticket. 23 Can you give me a brightness value from zero to thirty? 55 even though only four bullets were recovered. 45 A study describes the discovery of the most distant supermassive black hole ever, around thirteen point one billion light years away. 133 the New Orleans branch of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee. 59 Violent inflammation and extensive suppuration ensued, and for a considerable time amputation seemed inevitable. 112 If it doesn't, it doesn't. 26 He was eventually charged with a misdemeanor, the capital charge having been abandoned, and committed for trial. 112 is the identification and elimination of possible sources of danger to the President before the danger becomes actual. 118 Following talks with Prime Minister Theresa May, the European Union calls on the United Kingdom to decide on the relationship it wants after Brexit. 148 The film emerged as a major international success with revenues of over two hundred million dollars. 100 You can spend money on housing. 31 Equally anomalous are statutory provisions which specifically authorize the Secret Service to protect the President, 116 It was an obvious element in his decision to go to Russia and later to Cuba and it probably influenced his decision to shoot at General Walker. 143 Sometimes any who had had a narrow escape fainted, but the bulk of those respited looked on with unfeeling indifference. 120 After Oswald purchased the Mannlicher-Carcano rifle, he told his wife that he practiced with it. 96 At one time the Marshalsea was the receptacle of pirates, but none were committed to it after seventeen eighty-nine. 116 I am all attention. 19 It was not till the erection of the new prison at Holloway in eighteen fifty, and the entire internal reconstruction of Newgate according to new ideas, 151 Our plans right now are hazy. 29 Ray lay in the lea of the rhea. 31 In them, according to the committee, the old objectionable practices were still in full force. 94 The euro was established by the provisions in the nineteen ninety two Treaty. 77 and having got from the falling drop to the firm part of the platform, he nearly succeeded in tearing the handkerchief from his eyes. 133 he removed at least some of the pictures which had been pasted in it and saved them among his effects, where they were found after the assassination. 149 A group of spectators sitting in lawn chairs in the street facing a building and drinking beer. 95 The primary use of metallic arsenic is in alloys of lead. 57 The city and the state addressed the immediate threat to the drinking water with a new, interim treatment system. 113 I'm an intelligent piece of software for communicating with machines. 69 Her market website was the closest to being finished. 53 Archaeologists in Egypt display items, including figurines, masks and a mummy, from one of two previously unexplored tombs in the ancient Nile city of Luxor. 157 Oh, what a pity! 16 or crank visitors and furnished reports concerning any assassination or attempted assassination of a ruler or other major official anywhere in the world. 153 website 7 They were spaced out, in rows three feet apart. 47 Under our system of justice no forum could properly make that determination unless Oswald were before it. 105 She rose to her feet. 21 at a distance from the prison. 30 Tuberculosis and neuro-psychiatric hospitals opened to accommodate Veterans with respiratory or mental health problems. 119 Six of the asylum seekers left the offices, it was reported. 60 Upon concluding the conversation, the President prepared to depart for Dallas. 78 that he saw Oswald on television the night of the murder and thought that Oswald was the man he had seen running away from the shooting. 136 Agent Fain reported to headquarters that Oswald was impatient and arrogant, 75 When told that Mrs. Kennedy refused to leave without the President's body, the Vice President said that he would not leave Dallas without her. 142 Calcraft thought no more of what had occurred till the next sessions at the Old Bailey, when the sheriffs sent for him, 119 Its impression shows the face of a beardless young man, intelligent and refined. 80 The beach is dry and shallow at low tide. 41 While fully admitting the good intentions of the Society, he condemned their ultra humanitarianism as misplaced. 112 that of a prize-fighter named Donovan, tried the same day, and convicted of manslaughter. 89 Craig is a major concern for us. 32 He continued the building operations of his father, until Babylon became the greatest city of its age, 102 In his defense 14 The award to Senator Mitchell was announced by the Foreign Office. 66 Chief Rowley testified 22 The fire was raked out, and in the ashes were found seven large and four dozen small brilliants, also seven emeralds, 117 However cruel and religiously intolerant Nebuchadnezzar may have been, he was undoubtedly the greatest builder the world has ever seen. 135 Such instructions will not fit all circumstances, of course, and should not be relied upon to the detriment of the imaginative application of judgment in special cases. 168 Early Mockingboard models ranged from three voices in mono, while some later designs had six voices in stereo. 110 British soldiers murdered twenty eight unarmed civilians during a peaceful protest march against internment. 108 A ripe plum is fit for a king's palate. 39 Fred's search for salvation sent him to Zen philosophy. 55 was brought into the Depository Building, where it was found on the sixth floor shortly after the assassination. 112 Rickshaws aren't exactly a type of modern transportation. 57 Mr. Oswald handled himself very well, as usual, end quote. 58 The first proof was given by Andrew Wiles in nineteen ninety four. 66 Jump feet first onto evacuation slide. Don't sit down to slide. 63 What can I do? 14 The interview lasted about twenty to twenty-five minutes. In response to Hosty's inquiries, Mrs. Paine, quote, 110 and so advised the Dallas office in the ordinary course of business. 68 Participants of this pastime may either use commercially prepared microscopic slides or engage in the task of specimen preparation. 131 I don't want it. 16 Complete required fields. Provide contact information. Select a category. 73 Modern Concepts Inc., located in Compton, California, and Double R. Trading, located in City of Industry, failed to install required controls. 142 She assured herself that everything is gonna be fine. 53 throughout 10 I'm up to date now. 19 The L.S.U. Tigers football team has won eleven Southeastern Conference titles, six Sugar Bowls and three national championships. 128 She stated that it was not physical force which kept him from leaving the house. Quote, I couldn't keep him from going out if he really wanted to, end quote. 157 Marie de Roux up to the time of her marriage had been in service as lady's maid to Lady Blantyre, daughter of the Duchess of Sutherland, 136 there is not absolute and complete evidence of his guilt. End quote. 68 Ancient civilizations are most visible through their artifacts. 63 Think about that. 17 An ugly pear-shaped swelling defacing the form of the letter. 61 A pencil with black lead writes best. 37 This man, May, asked the porter at King's College if "he wanted anything?" the euphemism for offering a body. 109 Two helmeted men sit on yellow snowmobiles while another man stands behind watching. 84 Again, there was no regular allowance of fuel. Coals were purchased out of the garnish money and the charitable fund; 117 In surprise finish, the final score was seven to five. 54 That seems odd because Mark has never been to the house. 56 Among the later visitors to Babylon was the great Niebuhr. 58 associated 10 All the buildings are small in scale and of brick construction. 63 The culture apparently disappeared from the Maltese Islands around twenty five hundred B.C. 91 The toy jeep rolled under the bushes. 37 Speaking on a debate on prison matters, he declared that 56 that the trial was transferred to the Central Criminal Court, 61 Like other clouds, ice clouds affect Earth's energy budget by either reflecting or absorbing the Sun's energy and by affecting the emission of heat from Earth into space. 170 Preheat oven to three hundred fifty degrees. 44 The chocolate bar looked so tempting that Lenna just couldn't abstain from it. 78 A boat capsizes in the north of Indonesian Borneo, leaving at least eight people dead. 86 Yours sincerely, Satan. 23 When Truly, accompanied by Baker, ran to the rear of the first floor, 69 of departmental policies relating to the national security) the responsibility to review and oversee the protective activities of the Secret Service 148 Even the Caslon type when enlarged shows great shortcomings in this respect: 76 Nine rows of soldiers stood in a line. 38 Under what circumstances might you be persuaded to provide us with passes? 74 requirements 12 In eighteen sixty-two there were in all one hundred and ninety-three jails in England and Wales; 96 He asks no person to vouch for him. 35 Writing sentences that will be read by hundreds of people makes me feel so powerful! 84 How, then, are they to be accounted for? 40 She now was subject to the authority of her husband. 52 Code is used when secrets are sent. 35 Bedding and clothing was still denied, but only in a few jails; 63 In the past fifty years it has been made evident that in general principles all living things are fundamentally similar. 120 He sought to reunite the nation speedily through a policy of generous reconciliation. 85 One of the current goals of the counter terrorism effort is to prevent the formation of terrorist cells. 104 Each of them was a failure in his work and in his relations with others, a victim of delusions and fancies. 107 Not just that, I have a feeling I'll be helping you track down your wayward researcher as well. 95 The concepts selected for technology development are: 53 Over the next thirty years or so, electric vehicles entered a sort of dark ages with little advancement in the technology. 122 A twist on a classic recipe. 28 Taking a look at your calendar. 31 I could not bear it. 20 if anybody really wanted to shoot the President of the United States, it was not a very difficult job 101 Calcraft was born at Baddow, in Essex, in eighteen hundred; 59 capital punishment was abolished for forgery, except in cases of forging or altering wills or powers of attorney to transfer stock. 131 as it might have under existing procedures, and did not know of his application. 80 Can I pay in cash? 18 Canned pears lack full flavor. 30 It should be remembered that in every big job there are some imperfections. 75 Cardinal numbers have a complex system of inflection and agreement. 67 Another strategy, adopted in nineteen forty six, was to send bombs in the mail to British politicians. 102 Eating oat flakes for breakfast combined with hard training will hopefully give me a six-pack stomach soon enough. 114 The atmosphere and the earth supply plants with juices ready prepared and which can be absorbed immediately. 108 The number of arrests actually made was one hundred fourteen thousand, three hundred for the kingdom, and seven thousand twenty for Middlesex. 142 The report is due out next month. 33 Concerning the shots which struck the President in the back of the neck, 72 A dozen workers wearing uniforms sanitation hats are working on an assembly line in a factory. 95 They were quiet, easy to drive and didn't emit a smelly pollutant like the other cars of the time. 98 Hooves grow continuously, and are constantly worn down by use. 62 the words may be set much closer together, without loss of clearness. 69 Closely allied to the N.R.A. 28 Espresso is made by forcing very hot water under high pressure through finely ground, compacted coffee. 103 Twenty-seven seventeen Rock Island Place, Bismark, North Dakota. 64 The night shift men rate extra pay. 35 a medical practitioner, charged with doing to death persons who relied upon his professional skill. 99 almost five hundred feet from Houston Street. 45 Over time, with patience and precision, the terrorists will be pursued. 71 In the absence of other evidence that Oswald actually intended to shoot someone at this time, 93 A bunch of construction workers are working at a site while an excavator vehicle forms the foreground. 102 TWo people walking into a shadow in one direction while another walks in the midst of it. 89 I propose to end at this point the detailed account of the more prominent criminal cases which lodged their perpetrators in Newgate. 132 People who try to sign you up elsewhere just might be scamming you. 67 Neither protein, nor fat, nor starch, nor sugar, nor any substance in the slightest degree resembling them has formed part of the food of the bean. 147 They were far worse at Bristol, 31 database 8 and was indeed destined to continue for another half century, in other words, until the introduction of the Prison Act of eighteen seventy-seven. 145 Iridium prices have fluctuated over a considerable range. 57 The territory now known as Chad possesses some of the richest archaeological sites in Africa. 93 The sufferer was stolid and reticent to the last. 49 The thieves, for Elder was soon joined by Burgess, drove together to Ben Caunt's, the pugilist's, public-house in St. Martin's Lane, 132 He also traveled to California to witness the filming of the book. 66 Time was clearly an important factor in the fraud, hence the bills were sent forward in quick succession. 105 Locally, too, the M.P. is under fire. 37 There is minimal concern about contamination of fish from Lake Superior waters. 79 and that executors or persons having lawful possession of the bodies 68 Money makes the mare to go. 27 It appeared that several persons with whom she was intimate had succumbed suddenly. 83 Checking GMail. 15 He began life as a law-writer, earning thereby some fifteen or eighteen shillings a week; 89 but not with the other eyewitnesses who claim to have heard from two to four shots. 83 The S.W.A.T. entry team used an optical wand to observe the proceedings behind the door. 88 The court of the Marshalsea was instituted by Charles the first in the sixth year of his reign, 95 His father, it was proved in evidence, had been at times quite mad; and Oxford's mental state might be inferred from his own proceedings. 137 Scott scratched his skis traversing the stream. 47 He is also a Laureate of the International Academy of Humanism. 63 Watch your step! 16 Is that success? 16 in the hope that the features might some day be recognized, were alike in both. 79 The Germans maintain that it is the ruin of the Tower of Babel. 63 Since the calamitous event," he went on, "that happened at Hertford, I have been a lost man." 93 A woman in a formal suit takes pictures as the crowd waits patiently for unfolding events. 90 and on the right the ripping chisel, with which the murders had been committed, were exposed to view. 101 but the presence and authority of the governor himself became indispensable. 76 It's so awful. 14 Better late than never. 23 She was forty two years old. 28 Okay, that's not it. 20 When I have read a million of these sentences, I am going to apply as a professional narrator. 94 and in late June or early July he told his wife that he wanted to return to the Soviet Union with her. She said that he was extremely upset, 140 One of his fellow employees, Palmer McBride, stated that Oswald said he would like to kill President Eisenhower because he was exploiting the working class. 156 A group of older individuals crowd around a table which has an individual in yellow behind it. 94 august 6 Lord John Russell, commenting upon the offer of the Corporation to improve Newgate, 83 Kellerman had discussed the matter with O'Donnell, whose instructions were, quote, 82 I'm really sorry about that. 28 The wireless joypad was experiencing connection issues. 55 East of the central highlands lies the Jordan Rift Valley, which is a small part of the Syrian-East African Rift. 113 and which contributed in no small degree to the introduction of private executions. A great crowd was expected, and a great crowd came. 135 Moreover, in an interview on December one, nineteen sixty-three, with agents of the FBI, Frazier had marked the point on the back seat of his car 145 Walter Watts was an inventor, a creator, who struck an entirely new and original line of crime. 95 Six spoons of fresh snow peas, five thick slabs of blue cheese, and maybe a snack for her brother Bob. 102 Flow cytometry is routinely used in the diagnosis of health disorders, especially blood cancers. 96 with his recently acquired rifle and pistol, a copy of the March twenty-four, nineteen sixty-three, issue of the Worker, 120 By this means spirits, otherwise unattainable and strictly prohibited, were smuggled into the jail. 99 to an inference that the violation of the regulation had contributed to the tragic events of November twenty-two. 113 On another occasion a young man, who was being violently teased, seized a knife and stabbed his tormentor in the back. 118 Marilyn Monroe passed away in nineteen-sixty-two. 49 million 7 music 5 The essential terms of such memoranda might well be embodied in an Executive order. 83 both from the soil through the roots (liquids) and from the atmosphere through the leaves (gases). 98 (two) testimony of firearms identification experts establishing the identity of the murder weapon, 98 Man with gray hair telling a story to a group of younger people on a bench. 75 More than five thousand names were referred to the Secret Service in the first four months of nineteen sixty-four. 114 The windows were to be glazed and painted to prevent prisoners from looking out; 80 At Jarrow Stake, where the Durham murderer's body was exposed, there were similar scenes, mingled with compassion for the culprit's family, 139 He went from Newgate first to Bethlehem, from which he was removed to Broadmoor on the opening of the great criminal lunatic asylum at that place. 146 It was not until eighteen sixty four that Qing armies under Zeng Guofan succeeded in crushing the revolt. 105 This signaled the end of Ottoman growth in Europe. 50 Julian is presumably in favor of legalizing cannabis. 53 he had better than average ability in arithmetical reasoning for his age group. 79 his place is assigned among the most depraved, the most experienced, and the most incorrigible offenders in the middle yard. 124 Seated children listen to their counselor as she tells them the instructions for the day. 89 Both granddaughters survived and were named after their mothers. 64 I'm working on collecting your logs. Please wait. 49 A record of the meeting is summarized in the minutes. 53 It firmly endorsed Slovenia's path into the European Union. 59 She thought that its color was similar to that of the bag found on the sixth floor of the School Book Depository after the assassination. 137 The brake pedal was vibrating as the anti-skid system intervened. 65 a table showing the figures for the year ending Michaelmas eighteen oh two. 75 Drop the ashes on the worn old rug. 35 followed the profession of arms, first in the British service, and then in that of the French revolutionary Government. 119 In a quarter mile, turn right onto Black Mountain Road. 55 In nineteen ninety five, seventy one point two percent of children ages seven to fourteen years were attending school. 118 that there was no one near Oswald who had a shotgun and he saw no one strike Oswald in the back with a rifle butt or the butt of a gun. 135 A few species contain psychotropic compounds and are consumed recreationally or in traditional spiritual ceremonies. 116 it consists of several circular perforations, about two inches in diameter, 75 Cars and busses stalled in snow drifts. 39 Yesterday U.S.S. Theodore Roosevelt returned to San Diego after completing a seven-month deployment in support of Operations Inherent Resolve and Freedom's Sentinel. 165 is dependent to a considerable extent upon the degree of contact with the general public desired by the President. 114 In November nineteen seventy eight, the Undertones embarked on their first tour of the U.K. 91 This sight was his own handiwork, 33 However, these quantities can be factored away, allowing measurement of the underlying two-particle cross section. 114 The objects it had in view were set forth in one of its earliest meetings. 74 three. I paid the house rent on the second so don't worry about it. four. Recently I also paid for water and gas. 113 Police Capt. W. R. Westbrook and several other officers concentrated their search along Jefferson Boulevard. 108 and tied the cord with so little feeling that the governor (Wall), who had not given the wretch his accustomed fee, observed, 125 Stombaugh testified that the colors, shades, and twist of the fibers found in the tuft on the rifle matched those in Oswald's shirt. 132 No, not for them. 17 It will now relate to all public bodies in Scotland. 52 Walker talks him into one last bounty: retrieve Walker's son Travis from a small mining town in Brazil. 103 It mainly eats small rodents and has benefitted from the modification of the Australian landscape by agriculture. 113 Guatemala formally recognized twenty one of these in nineteen ninety six. 73 Cattle plague. 14 most of whom recognize the past evils in the banking system, in the sale of securities, in the deliberate encouragement of stock gambling, 138 To the great surprise of all who witnessed this dreadful scene, 63 It's hard to pinpoint the invention of the electric car to one inventor or country. 83 These were sectors on the disk that were intentionally unreadable by the disk drive. 84 I was the sheep. 16 Each year, approximately fifty eight people in the United States are injured by turbulence while not wearing their seat belts. 126 Of the five largest cities in the Netherlands, it has the highest percentage of green area. 91 It must be remembered, however, that most modern printing is done by machinery on soft paper, and not by the hand press. 120 A child wearing a yellow Doritos shirt jumps up while another child is seen in the background. 94 She is a figure of imaginary power within the poem who can inspire within the narrator his own ability to craft poetry. 119 instruments 11 With the police officers it had passed muster as a living member of the party. 78 To give chalk for cheese. 25 The box was thrown beside the parked truck. 43 He was a corn merchant who operated largely in grain. 53 According to Yelp, there are four sandwich shops within a mile of your current location. 88 Cabin safety plays an important role in maintaining safe aircraft operations, and we continually seek ways to improve cabin safety. 131 Palmer's trial caused the most intense excitement. 50 I get the feeling that's what I probably sound like to Germans. 63 He then chose out near three thousand of the leading citizens and caused them to be crucified, while he allowed the remainder still to inhabit the city. 152 A man in an orange shirt sings for the crowd below a sign that says Lucky 13. 77 During the period from March two, nineteen sixty-three, to April twenty-four, nineteen sixty-three, 99 This acquisition created a four billion dollar shipyard called Northrop Grumman Newport News. 93 which he kept concealed in a hiding-place with a trap-door just under his bed. 78 He took exception to various of the proposals of the Society. He thought they leant too much to a system of indulgence and education in jails. 142 Delgado testified that Oswald was, quote, a complete believer that our way of government was not quite right, end quote. 120 Set healthy boundaries for social media use with this family media contract example from the American Academy of Pediatrics site for parents. 141 not unpopular, end quote, at that time. Donovan testified 57 The fraudulent messenger, by the help of young Caspar, established his claim to the boxes, paid the wharfage dues, and carried off the gold-dust. 145 Do some research. 17 more particularly as regards locomotion. 40 Redpath passed and lifted his hat to his chairman; the latter acknowledged the salute. 86 But no such amendment has been brought before the Scottish Parliament. 70 but attention may be called to a like similarity extending to the details of structure. 87 Patrolman J. D. Tippit joined the Dallas Police Department in July nineteen fifty-two. 86 The victim was invited to visit Probert's cottage in the country near Elstree. 78 No further notice was taken of him; no one seemingly suspected that he was a prisoner, and he was suffered to walk off without let or hindrance. 144 Six hundred years after its founding, the city was at the peak of its building activity. 88 Meat was no longer issued raw, to be imperfectly cooked before a ward fire and bolted gluttonously, the whole two pounds at one sitting. 136 For instance, the license may be "free for private, non-commercial use". 72 Our scientists collect and analyze data to determine how threats to health affect specific populations. 103 These approaches allow additional discussion of treatment options and provide opportunities to arrive at well-considered decisions. 131 In some prisons the prisoners worked seven hours a day, in others ten and ten and a half. 89 was the state of her father's affairs. 38 There have been reports the event might be canceled. 52 The oral report was negative because of the battered condition of the bullet. 77 His bequest, which was charged upon his manor at Goring, Oxon, and hence called the Oxford Charity, 99 It is in front of his house. 28 computer 8 The desk and both chairs were painted tan. 42 till the whole body of the slaves were manumitted in eighteen thirty-three. 75 and the return address was Post Office Box two nine one five, Dallas, Texas. 76 His fault was generosity, 25 Their legacies live on in the more than fifteen hundred E.O.D. techs currently serving around world maintaining Navy Readiness. 127 This evidence includes (one) the ownership and possession of the weapon used to commit the assassination, 105 Is called the potential energy of a linear spring. 50 With the reorganisation of leading E.U. posts under the Lisbon Treaty, there was some criticism of each posts' vague responsibilities. 134 with a civil note to the governor, saying he had no further use for them. All three fugitives were recaptured, 110 My impression after reading the article is that you are going to make the dataset public. 89 They were not obliged to attend chapel, and seldom if ever went; "prisoners," said one of them under examination, "did not like the trouble of going to chapel." 160 and the beginner in biological study is surprised to find them described in textbooks of both botany and zoology. 113 When the sunlight strikes raindrops in the air, they act as a prism and form a rainbow. 87 The workers were not fooled by that propaganda then. The people of America will not be fooled by such propaganda now. 117 A man with blue pants and a white shirt sitting on a bench talking on a cellphone. 82 especially as no more time is occupied, or cost incurred, in casting, setting, or printing beautiful letters 108 Punish the murder or manslaughter of, attempt or conspiracy to murder, kidnaping of and assault upon 100 from 4 and at their request two police officers were sent to Bermondsey to inquire for him at the Mannings, with whom it was well known that he was very intimate. 155 Those who were thus reckless reacted upon the penitent who knew their days were numbered, 89 He found two empty shells in the bushes and gave them to Patrolman J. M. Poe who arrived on the scene shortly after the shooting. 129 It is time to provide a smashing answer for those cynical men who say that a democracy cannot be honest and efficient. 118 There is a man in black standing near vehicles and a camper, setting up video equipment. 88 Japanese girls in plastic and karate suits to lose weight and there practicing with nun chucks. 95 The worst fights occurred on Sunday afternoons; but nearly every night the act of locking up became, from the consequent removal of all supervision, 148 All is not gold that glitters. 30 One of the largest and most famous Dutch diamond merchants, Mozes Coster, was employed for the task. 100 Yeah. 5 The autopsy report noted that President Kennedy was forty-six years of age, seventy-two and one half inches tall, 113 Talk to me about it. 20 The turnkeys complained bitterly that these old prisoners had more power than they themselves. 94 German chocolate and spun sugar are Steve's favorites. 54 and a subscription was set on foot for them then and there at the foot of the gibbet. 85 with two hits, within four point eight and five point six seconds. 66 The alarm clock was set for twenty past three. 46 His method was to obtain advances twice over on the same bills of lading or corn warrants. The duplicates were forged. 118 PRS must develop the capacity to classify its subjects on a more sophisticated basis than the present geographic breakdown. 123 In fact, it is deeply unpleasant. 33 Representatives of the local host committee and the White House staff were advised by the Secret Service of the actual route on the afternoon of November eighteen. 163 Costa Ricans head to the polls to elect a new President, amidst a gay rights controversy. 89 The planet's core is made of solid gold, but every traveller attempting to recover some didn't return. 102 If it doesn't, it doesn't. 26 and I felt like there hadn't been more than one eyewitness, and if it got to be a known fact that I was an eyewitness, my family or I, either one, might not be safe. 165 These were lumped together into a general fund, 47 did more than anything else to bring about the recent collapse of industries. 77 it appears to be the work of a fairly well organized person. 60 forum 5 B.T.V. also infects goats, cattle and other domestic animals as well as wild ruminants. 87 that of Dickson and Co. 23 Hence arose the second great distinctive character of animals, or the circulatory system, which is less important than the digestive, 133 I just couldn't get organized quickly enough, and they need to do the same as well. 83 High up, where all might see it, the armless hand wrote the King's fate. 72 in deciding whether Lee Harvey Oswald was present at this window at the time of the assassination. 98 Hosty had come to the Paine residence on November one and five, nineteen sixty-three, 85 Plums, pears, and strawberries are also grown. 46 Fifty one Roberts Avenue to eleven hundred Tremont Street. Twenty-four minutes. Four point nine miles. 102 At the forty fifth Academy Awards ceremony, Brando sent Littlefeather to read a fifteen-page speech detailing his criticisms. 125 If you are well off, remain so. 31 to fifty-six in eighteen thirty-nine. 37 The Commission is satisfied that the lineups were conducted fairly. 67 Two guys and two girls sitting on the stairs outside of a building. 67 A guy with a sword and traditional fighting gear is getting ready for a fight. 78 Eight monumental curving staircases of granite with over four thousand individually cast bronze balusters are capped by four skylight domes and two stained glass rotundas. 171 This plan will save our national Constitution from hardening of the judicial arteries. 86 Good-day to you, sir. 21 In all these lines the facts are drawn together by a strong thread of unity. 76 After summarizing the Bureau's investigative interest in Oswald prior to the assassination, J. Edgar Hoover concluded that, quote, 130 Do all this at bedtime. Early in the morning turn out the dough upon a floured board, work it for a minute into manageable shape; 129 Trustworthy evidence is forthcoming to the effect that these high figures were constantly maintained for many months at a time. 127 You may whistle for it. 23 I think I see John and Mina over there in the vegetable aisle. 62 A man kneeling by a bright red kayak with several kayak and canoe business signs behind him. 92 there will be those, of course, who will try to tell you that the exceptional failure is characteristic of the entire endeavor. 127 This was done in the case of the Nationalist Party of Puerto Rico, for example, but only after members of the group had resorted to political violence. 151 I came by a process of elimination to the conclusion that, short of amendments, 79 and listened attentively to the ordinary, who read him the well-known address written and delivered by Dr. Dodd previous to his own execution for forgery. 154 Two cart-loads of faggots were piled about her, and after she had hung for half-an-hour the fire was kindled. 109 As for Zopyrus he was considered by Darius to have surpassed, in the greatness of his achievements, all other Persians, 119 If a pool, hot tub, or water playground is not cleaned properly, bacteria can grow and form a slime called biofilm on wet surfaces. 131 Lincoln's victory prompted seven southern slave states to secede. 65 At the start of the 21st century, we are searching for alternative energy sources. 82 The forecast for tomorrow calls for freezing rain, sleet, and snow flurries. 76 Setting the brightness to seventy-five percent. 47 During the same year, Washington architect Waddy B. Wood completed a drawing depicting the building remodeled to resemble the Treasury Building. 144 were bound to provide themselves with sword, rifle, dagger, and a pair of pistols; 82 While at Cornell, he initiated long-range planning that helped the college survive a twenty percent reduction in staffing. 122 Soak the cloth and drown the sharp odor. 40 The Shawshank Redemption is a nineteen ninety four drama film based on a Stephen King novella. 94 Guy in green shirt with hand covering part of his face in restaurant booth. 75 Slow and steady wins the race. 30 which if introduced into a keyhole, and worked like a bit and brace, will soon destroy the strongest lock. 106 In these cases security was given for the amount of the debt, 61 The vamp of the shoe had a gold buckle. 39 This cold spell will destroy the barley that was just planted. 62 The latter include Overeaters Anonymous and groups run by local organizations. 78 Probably authority would not have been so recklessly usurped by the wardsmen had not the proper officials too readily surrendered it. 133 are directly oxidized to excretions and, lacking nitrogen, cannot serve for making new animal protoplasm. 105 There is, according to legend, a boiling pot of gold at one end. 64 The Internet of uncontrolled things brought us a distributed denial of service attack once again. 97 consisted of two dozen rooms and fifteen cells. In these various chambers, until just before the inspectors made their report, 126 Absorbing moisture, the ice crystals grow and become heavier, causing them to fall to lower altitudes. 102 secure as it seemed in the affections of her loyal people, freely appeared in public. 85 Six people are killed in a head-on collision and subsequent fire caused by a vehicle going the wrong way on Interstate Five north of Woodland, California. 154 White House communications car, Trade Mart, Love Field, and the Presidential and Vice-Presidential airplanes. 109 Two children ride their tricycles on a sidewalk in front of a brightly painted wall. 84 Chief of Police Curry and police motorcyclists at the head of the motorcade led the way to the hospital. 104 David Powers, who witnessed the scene from the President's follow-up car, 73 He had here completed his ascent. 33 What did he grow? 17 He then returned to the corner of Elm and Houston where he met a sergeant who instructed him to find out the name of the building. 130 A healthy Internet is an even playing field where all can participate. 70 by the employment of instruments of precision for the measurement of the physical forces which are at work in the living economy. 129 the New Orleans office of the FBI learned that in September Oswald had given a forwarding address of two five one five 118 Young protesters standing on a street corner standing against exploitation of young people 's rights. 101 Person in blue coat jumping in standing water on pavement with body of water in the background. 95 This jacket belonged to Lee Harvey Oswald. Marina Oswald stated that her husband owned only two jackets, one blue and the other gray. 133 The FBI now transmits information on all defectors, a category which would, of course, have included Oswald. 108 NASA confirms that Scott Tilley, a Canadian amateur astronomer, has rediscovered NASA's IMAGE satellite. 104 As the animal body required to be independent of heat and of the atmosphere, there were no means by which the motion of its fluids could be produced by internal causes. 168 With her assistance on a certain day a couple of bricks were taken out of the wall dividing her front and back parlors; 119 When he left home that morning, Marina Oswald, who was still in bed, suggested that he wear a jacket. 101 Do I know it? 13 A girl kisses her mother goodbye before she waits with the other children to start school. 90 Yet he must have entered the vestibule door before Truly reached the top of the stairwell, since Truly did not see him. 119 An aerial photograph of Dealey Plaza shows that Elm Street runs at an angle 75 A majority of existing V.A. hospitals and medical centers began as National Home, Public Health Service, or Veterans Bureau hospitals. 134 People are standing around an American flag that is spread out, facing the wrong direction. 91 Sooner or later Three brothers, three castles. 46 The shelves were bare of both jam or crackers. 46 This meeting preceded by one day the attack on A. E. Stevenson at the United Nations Day meeting at which he spoke 114 They provided some cover for the President, but their main purpose was to keep back the crowd. 94 that no complete reform could be accomplished so long as the prisons were left under the jurisdiction of the local authorities. 127 The European Commission orders Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary to court over their refusal to incorporate more refugees. 127 It is a problem quite as much for private industry as for the government. 73 This led to protests resulting in clashes with police forces, culminating in the death of five people. 102 Grip the tweed blazer and kiss the dumb dancing queen. 54 owing to many charitable gifts and bequests, which included annual donations from the Archbishop of Canterbury, 111 A woman and three children are picking something out of a blue trashcan. 72 It should also be noted, however, that one witness testified that shortly before the assassination 98 and his application was approved on the following day. 54 Bacardi, rye, vodka - what do you want?, asked the barkeeper. 61 According to Chief Rowley, by mid-June nineteen sixty-four, the Secret Service had received from the F.B.I. some nine thousand reports on members of the Communist Party. 169 Fourteen people died: thirteen were killed outright, while the death of another man four months later was attributed to his injuries. 133 Secret Service agents working with police cleared the areas adjacent to the aircraft, including warehouses, 107 The final medal awarding scene in "A New Hope" references Leni Riefenstahl's "Triumph of the Will". 99 Hello 5 Wilson was duly sentenced to death, and suffered impenitent, hardened, and without any confession of her guilt. 111 The soldiers then? 18 What are you crying about? 26 the visitors were furnished with candles, and they descended eighteen long steps into a vault. 94 What can we do? 15 reinforce the belief that the rifle in the photograph is the rifle which Oswald bought from Klein's. 100 Three-phase alternating current is an efficient way of transmitting energy. 75 Tuck the sheet under the edge of the mat. 41 I've sent you an email with debug info, including a link to logs. 65 In chapter two of the present volume I brought down the record of crime to the second decade of the present century. 116 The ornamentation of printed books is too wide a subject to be dealt with fully here; but one thing must be said on it. 119 The series of boldly-conceived and cleverly-executed forgeries in which James Townshend Saward, commonly called "Jem the Penman," 129 I've really started to appreciate Imperial measurements, you could say I'm a convert. 85 Six were Spaniards, or rather natives of Manilla, and men of color; one was a Greek, another a Turk; 100 In the twenty first century, progressives continue to embrace concepts such as environmentalism and social justice. 115 Net neutrality preserves the weird and wonderfulness of the Internet. 69 But it is only fair to Mr. Cope to state that he himself said he went whenever he could find time 97 Buncher was then tracked to North Kent Terrace, New Cross, where a Mr. and Mrs. Campbell resided, 97 The crowd gasped as they realised that the speaker was completely naked. 72 One was vexed to think that his victims had a finer funeral than he would have. 79 Would you please give me your name and address? 47 Of course the similarity of the acts does not necessarily involve the conclusion that the mechanism by which they are effected is the same 138 The child almost hurt the small dog. 36 Many outgoing presidents since James Buchanan traditionally give advice to their successor during the presidential transition. 126 he replied that he had buried it in the ground or hidden it in some bushes and that he also mentioned a railroad track in this connection. 138 Fabian beat Fay yesterday. 26 and are worthy representatives of the eager enthusiasm for the revived learning of that epoch. By far, 102 one at least of which, 'Love and Loyalty,' with Wallack in a leading part, achieved a certain success. 102 Turn left onto Broadway. 24 The bean has been able to perform this great chemical feat by the help of its green coloring matter, or chlorophyll, 116 Five individuals are standing on a lawn, talking and preparing to play their varied stringed instruments. 105 Tippit must have heard the description of the suspect wanted for the President's shooting; it was broadcast over channel one at twelve:forty-five p.m., 151 Ninety four percent of "mobile teens" go online daily. 54 Conduct of Secret Service agents in Fort Worth on November twenty-two. 70 Although Oswald probably left the building at about twelve:thirty-three p.m., his absence was not noticed until at least one-half hour later. 141 The film also used the first "reverse angle" cut in film history. 65 Doctor Charles Griffith, V.A.'s second Medical Director, came from the Public Health Service and Veterans Bureau. 113 No doubt about the way the wind blows. 38 The local, national, and international reaction to this incident evoked from Dallas officials and newspapers strong condemnations of the demonstrators. 151 Collins, when charged, pleaded that he had lost his leg in action, that he had petitioned without success for a pension, 120 Sorry, the script you tried to run does not exist. 50 Second, the adequacy of other advance preparations for the security of the President, during his visit to Dallas, 113 even after sentence, and until within a few hours of execution, he was buoyed up with the hope of reprieve. 107 Those who sat in it were visible to the whole congregation, and still more to the ordinary, 91 Hey Mycroft, tell me about Abraham Lincoln. 43 She loves to read, but is unsure how reading is helping her become more creative. 81 How would he take it? 21 The insurance policy will expire in twenty-twenty. 50 This inheritance system was mandated by law codes such as the Yassa, created by Genghis Khan. 93 This was thanks to gold being discovered and the building of gold mines. 72 They leased hundreds of private hospitals and hotels for the rush of returning injured war Veterans and began a program of building new hospitals. 146 In six twenty-six Assurbanipal died, 36 programming 11 was shooting at Connally rather than President Kennedy, end quote. 66 advised, in the course of the Secret Service investigation of these events, that each agent reported for duty on time, 118 There was no general rule of employment. Hard labor was often not insisted upon in separate confinement; 104 It appears from his wife's testimony 36 According to the information received by the Bureau 51 From seventeen forty eight to seventeen sixty, Lessing lived in Berlin. 71 There he devoted himself to the circulation of forged notes. He was also anxious to do business in watches, 107 An investigation failed to reveal any invitation extended to Mr. Nixon during the period when Oswald's threat reportedly occurred. 130 The prisoners were lodged in rooms whence they could converse with passengers in the streets, and freely obtain spirits and other prohibited articles. 150 Most medical discount plans are a membership in a "club" that claims to offer reduced prices from certain doctors, certain pharmacies, and on some procedures. 158 was the moving spirit among these commissioners, and he is now generally recognized as the originator of modern prison architecture. 132 Referring to a rifle with a four-power telescope, Sergeant Zahm said, quote, 76 He wrote down a long list of items. 35 in seventeen eighty-nine in less time than it took George Washington to travel from New York to Mount Vernon 108 That was a bonus, but it was not the main objective. 52 When they were sick no more notice was taken of them than of a dog. 67 In these rodents, infection is in a persistent asymptomatic state. 66 Calcraft's emoluments were a guinea per week, and an extra guinea for every execution. 86 and who are in penal or hospital custody are listed only in the general files of PRS, 85 Ad hoc opposition groups tend to coalesce around specific issues. 65 Thousands of Pentecostal Christians in Uganda take to the streets with songs of praise as a way of dedeicating their lives to Christ and preaching the gospel. 158 This was said by a Babylonian who thought that a mule would never foal. 71 there have been references to the numerous discussions between Secret Service representatives and the Dallas Police Department. 127 A taxi driver, William Scoggins, 32 That would be very kind of you. 31 was densely crowded, and many curious eyes were turned upon the somewhat remarkable man who occupied the dock. 110 where he had spent every previous weekend since his return from Mexico and his wife was once again calling into question his judgment, 134 It is not either national standards or local control. 53 A simple application of the virial theorem concerns galaxy clusters. 68 prison suicides seldom do, except as regards ingenuity and determination. 73 The first turning point many have suggested was the introduction of the Toyota Prius. 85 The FBI representative in Mexico City arranged to follow up this information with the CIA and to verify Oswald's entry into Mexico. 131 A conservative. 15 The new sonic screwdriver is meant to represent the Tardis. 59 By increasing the salinity of the water, we alter its dew point. 64 The state of morals was disgraceful. Any woman obtained admission if sober, and if she got drunk she was not turned out. 120 The celebrations would last a month and include free games and free food. 73 In eight hundred feet, turn left onto Fourth Avenue. 52 Calves thrive on tender spring grass. 37 It is based on the novel The Revised Fundamentals of Caregiving. 64 When told that Frazier and Mrs. Randle had seen him carrying a long heavy package, Oswald replied, quote, Well, they was mistaken. 130 The letter implied that the animal could be suffering from a rare form of foot and mouth disease. 97 The presence of the bag in this corner is cogent evidence that it was used as the container for the rifle. 106 Shelley and Lovelady, however, have testified 45 It was part of the Ottoman Empire between the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries. 81 People walking around a dirt covered lot with a white and green truck parked at opposite sides. 95 Fauntleroy was not entirely dependent upon the ordinary for ghostly counsel in his extremity. 93 But while Hardwicke was in communication with Saward, the bank was in communication with London 95 Three months have passed since I talked with you shortly after the adjournment of the Congress. 95 He lifted the rifle by the wooden stock after his examination convinced him that the wood was too rough to take fingerprints. 125 The factors in Lee Oswald's personality which were noted by those who had contact with him in New York indicate 111 Although Brennan testified that the man in the window was standing when he fired the shots, most probably he was either sitting or kneeling. 140 Craig managed the Giants from late nineteen eighty five to nineteen ninety two. 79 With Oxford's other papers were found letters from the secretary, written as it seemed by Oxford to himself, after the manner of Mr. Toots, 139 This time, for Rangers, it is certainly the latter. 51 I know this might sound really bad, but listening to this music just makes me want to go hide in the mountains. 111 my 2 It is apparent that a good deal of further consideration and experimentation will be required before adequate criteria can be framed. 133 Below, stress is marked by placing the stress mark before the stressed syllable. 80 I don't remember the exact time, but it was very late. And he told me not to ask him any questions. He only told me he had shot at General Walker. 146 Should we rehearse the third scene again? 41 Israel announces plans to deport African migrants residing in the country illegally. 84 quote, so discreditable to the metropolis, end quote. 53 But he was not long at large; he was too active an evil-doer 60 that they reluctantly agreed to open the gallery which had formerly been occupied by strangers on these occasions. 114 The agreement entered into force in January nineteen ninety five. 65 A great way to add some zip to your cauliflower. 48 Former G.M. automotive brands include McLaughlin, Oakland, Oldsmobile, Pontiac, Hummer, Saab, Saturn, Vauxhall, and Opel. 121 Report of the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy. The Warren Commission Report. By The President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy. 182 Fischer looked up and watched the man in the window for ten or fifteen seconds and then started watching the motorcade, which came into view on Houston Street. 159 When the E.E.O.B. was finished, it was the largest office building in Washington, with nearly two miles of black and white tiled corridors. 139 The porter received it, but from its freshness became suspicious of foul play. 78 Often, they reopen under another name, selling another investment scam. 71 At the turn of the twentieth century, the horse was still the primary mode of transportation. 93 He lived at Hackney, but he never reached it alive. 51 The basic facts of the event were uncovered independently by William Stuckey, who arranged the debate, and Edward Butler, 121 big 3 Kim condemned China's Cultural Revolution as "unbelievable idiocy". 67 notwithstanding a minute search through the room they had occupied. 67 When Paul M. Stombaugh of the FBI Laboratory examined the paper bag, 68 and you have to establish adequate circulation. 47 Marina Oswald testified that her husband engaged in Fair Play for Cuba Committee activities, quote, 99 Articles, editorials, and letters to the editor in the Dallas Morning News and the Dallas Times-Herald after September thirteen 127 The Commission believes that it is necessary to improve the cooperation among these agencies 92 Her mother read Mary Johnston's novels to her before she could read. 68 Hookers normally throw the ball in at line-outs. 48 and not, as heretofore, to the judges of assize; that, both to check abuses and watch the progress of improvement, 114 The fish twisted and turned on the bent hook. 45 so as to prevent them from seeing, conversing, or holding any intercourse with each other. 90 The concepts were chosen from twelve proposals submitted in April under a New Frontiers program announcement of opportunity. 124 He recorded a new album with his younger partner. 49 and last, but not least, Agar frequently traveled up and down the line to test the false keys he had manufactured with Pierce's assistance. 139 The papers I also found were similar in fiber composition, therefore, in addition to the visual characteristics, 112 We met Alexander and the bar and had a great time last night. 61 Throughout the centuries people have explained the rainbow in various ways. 75 Since the assassination of President Kennedy, the Secret Service has been experimenting with new techniques in the inspection of buildings along a motorcade route. 163 A cooked yam is a tasty sweet potato. 37 At the last interrogation in November Oswald admitted to Postal Inspector Holmes that he had rented post office box two nine one five, Dallas, 142 Vice President Johnson and each subsequent Vice President has used the desk. 76 The purple tie was ten years old. 33 Relations soon became strained, however, so in late September Lee and his mother moved to their own apartment in the Bronx. 123 How far is it? 14 The central branch contains one point five million volumes. 59 I know, I know! 15 So Babylon was buried and forgotten. 36 When the crash came there were pensioners and other recipients of his bounty who could not believe 98 The fifth book returns to the subject of faith. 47 Here's the F.T.C.'s game plan to combat robocalls: 50 They had had serious work to get at the diamonds. It was necessary to force one heavy door from its hinges, and to cut through the thick panels of another. 155 were identified by Marina Oswald as photographs of General Walker's house. 74 because 7 Direct teens toward sites that are designed to help them directly, including the National Runaway Safeline, Smokefree Teen, and the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. 169 Her grandpa bought her a new boomerang when he last visited. 60 Radial symmetry is especially suitable for floating animals such as jellyfish, and slow moving organisms such as starfish. 122 The chancellor appears to be singing with her secretary in the backyard. 72 And if we substitute for the possession of an alimentary cavity the power of taking solid nutriment into the body and there digesting it, 137 The meal was cooked before the bell rang. 41 However, the players should have a voice in these matters. 58 From the Presidential airplane, the Vice President telephoned Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, 97 They had a standing bedstead to sleep on, and a good flock mattress; double allowance of provisions, filched from the common stock. 131 Do you see that? 16 The meal was cooked before the bell rang. 41 or make signs; or the chances of recognizing or being recognized were reduced to a minimum by the use of a mask. 112 it also was increasing its efforts to tighten the noose around Cuba. 68 He kept open house at Kilburn Priory; 37 Gatwick and Luton Airports are connected by frequent direct trains, while Heathrow is accessible by bus. 104 These pungent and well-grounded strictures applied with still greater force to the unconvicted prisoner, the man who came to the prison innocent, and still uncontaminated, 171 This whole period of roughly a millennium is known as the Middle Ages, its early part forming the Dark Ages. 108 The fruit peel was cut in thick slices. 39 Two men sitting on a bench talking, with a billboard advertisement for glasses in the background. 97 Cry and you cry alone. 22 Feed the white mouse some flower seeds. 39 language 8 Reduce heat to medium low and let chicken mixture simmer for twenty five minutes or until chicken is cooked through and juices run clear. 137 Soldiers continue to work with local governments and police forces to watch and hunt down growing terror networks around the globe. 131 Daniel Good's crime might have remained long undiscovered but for his own careless stupidity. 93 one. The male debtors' side consisted of a yard forty-nine feet by thirty-one, 78 to the various wards their friends occupied. 44 Two Democratic senators, Doug Jones of Alabama and Tina Smith of Minnesota, are sworn in, bringing the Republican majority down to fifty-one to forty-nine. 155 The culture apparently disappeared from the Maltese Islands around twenty five hundred B.C. 91 or rightwing extremism which may have existed in the city of Dallas had any connection with Oswald's actions on November twenty-two, nineteen sixty-three. 154 I think he felt very strongly that the President ought to get out of Washington, and go meet the people on a regular basis. End quote. 134 Sorry, I don't know what Sandy Go is. Did you mean San Diego? 61 Eighteen months after the animal has been reported missing it was finally in its owner's arms again. 100 In the old days, it was easy. 29 and drove them from Asia. 25 They adopted a daughter, Dorothy, in nineteen twenty one. 57 it is supported by two beams, which are held in their place by bolts. The movement of the lever withdraws the bolts, the platform falls in; 139 The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists moves the Doomsday Clock thirty seconds forward, to two minutes before midnight, the closest setting since nineteen fifty-three. 166 I'll try to reconnect now. 26 Travel back in time as we explore the history of the electric car. 66 From August nineteen sixty-two 30 I didn't know what to do. 25 The Navy Department moved into the east wing, where elaborate wall and ceiling stenciling and marqetry floors decorated the office of the Secretary. 148 These controls prevent plastic and other materials from washing into storm drains and discharging into the Los Angeles River. 125 By these means Redpath misappropriated vast sums during a period extending over ten years. 90 The pencil was cut to be sharp at both ends. 44 The Exclusive Brethren follow a similar practice to the Open Brethren. 70 Combine water with salt, ground black pepper, oregano, basil, parsley, garlic powder, bay leaf, and salad dressing mix in a saucepan. 133 The stories include anime inspired plotlines and original material. 67 Indications of Oswald's motivation 34 France's Constitutional Court rejects a bill to make visiting terrorist websites a criminal offence. 100 He thereupon conceived an idea of carrying her off and marrying her willy nilly at Gretna Green. 96 and the sentence was properly and completely carried out. 57 By October, Ukrainian grain exports reached eleven million metric tons. 71 Sorry, the script you tried to run does not exist. 50 They bumped into that Buick and then tore down the street. 58 Painstakingly as a force we are striving to catch up with information technology. 81 Moreover, the Parkland doctors took no further action after the President had expired because they concluded that it was beyond the scope of their permissible duties. 166 This fixed the crime pretty certainly upon Müller, who had already left the country, thus increasing suspicion under which he lay. 130 Spoon one third cup of the ham mixture and three tablespoons shredded cheese onto each tortilla, then roll up. 110 Oklahoma University football players in front of a crowd of Sooners fans and next to three referees. 100 The F.B.I. now transmits information on all defectors, a category which would, of course, have included Oswald. 111 Characterizing the four-power scope as, quote, a real aid, an extreme aid, end quote, in rapid fire shooting, 109 Smoking is prohibited. 22 that thieves or depredators were idle or entirely unsuccessful. 63 Explore the top four Energy Department inventions that are helping homeowners save energy and money. 100 Since the camera operates at a speed of eighteen point three frames per second, 79 The mutineers were arrested, the case inquired into by a naval court-martial, 77 Test cricket is played in innings. 34 own 3 The man in a dark blue shirt is squeezing a bottle filled with a goldcolored substance. 87 In the press-yard, the press-room and ward above it were parceled out into nine separate sleeping cells; 104 They adopted a daughter, Dorothy, in nineteen twenty one. 57 The Commission recognizes that no set of meaningful criteria will yield the names of all potential assassins. 109 Aviation is still one of the safest ways to travel. 51 This included programs for disability compensation, insurance for service personnel and Veterans, and vocational rehabilitation for the disabled. 145 Feel free to criticize. Tell me of instances where work can be done better, or where improper practices prevail. 112 sports 6 A young man in sunglasses holds a blue cup next to a grill with sausages. 73 Hi, I'm Mycroft. 16 However, the Imperial Court did prove susceptible to plague, with Justinian himself contracting, but surviving, the pestilence. 127 The angry crowd pushed open the doors. 38 The acrobat walked the tightrope. 33 drink, gaming, obscene and blasphemous language; utter idleness, the almost unrestricted admission of money and luxuries; 121 just before the public mind was first awakened to the need for thorough reform. 79 The crunch of feet in the snow was the only sound. 50 In her testimony before the Commission in February nineteen sixty-four, 71 statement 9 Your good health. 17 In a world's first, a drone rescues two swimmers off the coast of Lennox Head, Australia by dropping a safety device to them. 125 It remains popular among both singers and double bassists today. 64 A female prisoner kept the registers. 37 Cook and stir until noodles are hot and chicken is no longer pink, three to four minutes. 89 A ridge on a smooth surface is a bump or flaw. 46 The act of producing a shot of espresso is often termed pulling a shot. 71 Alex Smith has been a massive influence on my career as well. 61 Before I come to any of the specific measures, however, I want to leave in your minds one clear fact. 101 they were lighted by a double-grated window two feet nine inches by fourteen inches; and in the doors, which were four inches thick, 132 A young gymnast, jumps high in the air, while performing on a balance beam. 75 Since nineteen seventy six, the U.S. has sustained merchandise trade deficits with other nations, and since nineteen eighty two, current account deficits. 154 For example, a human voice can be sent as a radio wave or microwave by making the wave vary to corresponding variations in the voice. 133 The placentals give birth to relatively complete and developed young, usually after long gestation periods. 107 The Commission further recommends that the Secret Service coordinate its planning as closely as possible with all of the Federal agencies from which it receives information. 173 Three tablespoons brown sugar. Two teaspoons freshly ground black pepper. 73 Barber was subsequently pardoned, but was not replaced on the rolls as an attorney till eighteen fifty-five, 108 I need a break. 15 for it is only the green parts of the plant which, under the influence of sunlight, have the marvelous power of decomposing carbonic acid, 138 long narrow rooms -- one thirty-six feet, six twenty-three feet, and the eighth eighteen, 89 At approximately one:fifteen p.m., Tippit, who was cruising east on tenth Street, 81 which at one time spread terror throughout London. Thieves preferred now to use ingenuity rather than brute force. 114 When the criminals are tied up and prepared for their fate, this floor suddenly falls down, upon withdrawing the supporters inwards. 132 Many thanks also to the community for welcoming us back in twenty fifteen! 74 Counted among the British losses are two members of the Royal Australian Navy, and one member of the Royal Canadian Navy. 121 They should take their mobile phones. 37 In just a few hours, DeepMind's A.I. AlphaZero learns to master chess, beating top chess software Stockfish and Elmo without domain knowledge. 142 Twenty-three ten East Main Street, Richmond, Virginia. 54 I heard the land where the hobbits live, the Shire, has actually been filmed in New Zealand. 92 What are we to do? 18 It is probable that new leaves and new tissues generally are always formed in part from this reserve starch. 108 The Commission shares this concern. 35 I am running mycroft core version eleven. 41 Yoga in Indian traditions, however, is more than physical exercise; it has a meditative and spiritual core. 107 In general, Chiapas has a humid, tropical climate. 50 With Calcraft's method there were undoubtedly many failures, and it was a common custom for him to go below the gallows 119 Coax a young calf to drink from a bucket. 41 Three Caucasian hikers in summer clothes walk a dirt path through a wooded meadow during the day. 97 The same was realized in the first private execution within Newgate, 68 Again, a soldier, by name Hatfield, who had been wounded in the head, and discharged from the army for unsoundness of mind, 123 Probably foods containing carbon, hydrogen and oxygen are the sources of energy in the higher plants as in animals. 115 Pohl was unscrupulous and quickly exploited the companies for personal gain. 76 and as some time elapsed before the discovery and apprehension of the supposed murderer, 88 Be aware that some dishonest promoters hire "shills," people who lie about their success with an investment to convince you to buy it. 134 but she declared she would not remain a prisoner in her own palace, and next day drove out as usual in an open barouche. 120 The inner wall of Babylon was called Imgur-Bel, and like the outer wall, it was double. 87 The Rev. W. Bailey, LL.D., was convicted at the Central Criminal Court, in February eighteen forty-three, of forgery. 117 This is a giant leap forward in developing our next bold mission of science discovery, said Thomas Zurbuchen, associate administrator for NASA's Science Mission Directorate in Washington. 187 the size known as "Long primer" ought to be the smallest size used in a book meant to be read. 94 While Courvoisier opened the shutters, the housemaid, approaching the bed, saw that the pillow was saturated with blood. 120 The article introduces a very fast, small, and shallow feed-forward network which is trained end-to-end. 104 Paper will dry out when wet. 28 I am considered a teenager. 27 To this day "South" dorm is the northernmost H.M.C. dorm. 57 He placed the rifle on the floor near the site where Oswald's rifle was actually found after the shooting. 106 But here the recommendations touched at once upon the delicate subject of expense, and it is clear that the committee hesitated on this score. 142 the other supported the theory of labor in association, but under a stringent rule of silence, with isolation only at night. 124 This will lead the world to more sound and fury. 48 The ward was one short of its number. What had become of the fellow? 68 Hello! 6 She grew ochra over yonder. 27 When asked to explain the similarity of characteristics, Cadigan stated, quote, well briefly 92 Having left these instructions, Zopyrus fled towards the gates of the town, often looking back, to give himself the air of a deserter. 134 Stating that he had used his "position" with what he claimed to be the local branch of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee to, quote, foster communist ideals, end quote, 166 His offense was uttering forged notes, and there was strong suspicion that he had long subsisted entirely by this fraud. 120 There are many types of amendment proposed. 43 A thin book fits in the side pocket. 36 The bad boy tipped over the cookie jar in the kitchen. 54 I feel good. 12 But it was not until the autumn that they traced some of the notes stolen from the Custom House to Jordan and Sullivan. 119 Ironing it will be remembered, was a distinguishing badge, so that when the jail was cleared the free might be readily known from the captive, and escapes prevented. 165 Tourism forms a large part of the economy, with over fifteen million tourists visiting the city-state in twenty fourteen. 121 Customers bring in a variety of items that can be resold in order to receive a down payment on the vehicle they are leasing or purchasing. 138 requirements 12 With the assistance of Agent in Charge Sorrels of the Dallas field office of the Secret Service, 96 went out to the garage to paint some children's blocks, and worked in the garage for half an hour or so. 104 A ridge on a smooth surface is a bump or flaw. 46 It was customary to make the executioner take the Bible in his hand, and swear solemnly that he would dispatch every criminal condemned to die, 143 Heave the line over the port side. 34 The box is held by a bright red snapper. 40 He asserted that the victim was a Lincolnshire lad, and not an Italian boy, although the latter was fully proved. 113 The nineteen fifty nine Hebgen Lake earthquake just west of Yellowstone at Hebgen Lake damaged roads and some structures in the park. 133 The several military intelligence agencies reported crank mail and similar threats involving the President. 107 I will now upload interaction data to Mycroft AI to allow me to get smarter. Currently this includes recordings of wake-word activations. 137 Concern that the Vice President might also be a target for assassination prompted the Secret Service agents to urge him to leave the hospital and return to Washington immediately. 179 and the total number of separate cells provided amounted to eleven thousand odd. 80 different 9 Jim Wallace, the justice minister, acknowledged that prisoner numbers were a concern. 85 Maynard was convicted of uttering the forged document, Jones of being an accessory; the third prisoner was acquitted. 117 In Europe many people are afraid of terrorism although getting killed in a car accident is much more likely. 108 For illustration: a change in the locomotive habit of a bird from that of flying to that of an ostrich 102 production 10 If you tell me why you came here, I'll show you the project I've been working on. 81 and a person calling herself Miss Slack duly attended at the bank, where the money was handed over to her in proper form. 121 In a later interview, Jones confirmed that he had exchanged words with a woman passenger on the bus during the ride south on Marsalis. 134 The poorer prisoners were not in abject want, as in other prisons, 66 that an interagency committee has been established to develop more effective criteria. 86 Little fluffy clouds that seemed to have come straight from a child’s painting. 79 Let's dance. 12 In plants, nitrogen is only accidentally joined with the three other fundamental constituents of organic beings carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. 140 She bought twelve donuts and eight pints of milk. 49 In the first inter-Korean talks in two years, both parties agree on the need to ease tensions and hold military talks. 118 Eighteen agents are proposed for a rotating pool which will go through an intensive training cycle and also be available to supplement the White House detail in case of unexpected need; 185 Roosevelt had always belonged to the more liberal wing of the Democratic Party. 79 Like all lawyers, like all Americans, I regret the necessity of this controversy. 81 Oats are a food eaten by horse and man. 39 The yards were narrow and confined, mainly because the ground plan was radically vicious. These were evils inseparable from the place. 134 Oswald's palmprint on the bottom of the paper bag indicated, of course, that he had handled the bag. 100 While some insurance agents can help you with your application through the Health Insurance Marketplace, don't give your personal information or pay any money to someone who contacts you. 187 They were so radically bad that reform seemed hopeless, and it was thought wiser not to bring them under provisions which clearly could not be enforced. 152 In this way I propose to enforce a sound public policy by law 61 Within a few years, his paper dominated the San Francisco market. 65 and fixed the whole sum misappropriated at one hundred seventy thousand pounds, the first forgery dating back to eighteen fourteen. 131 Can we talk tomorrow? 21 There was an increase rather than an abatement in jewel and bullion robberies in the years immediately following, 113 He staggers towards the pew, reels into it, stumbles forward, flings himself on the ground, and, by a curious twist of the spine, 129 to close useless prisons, and to insure that uniformity of system which all thoughtful persons had long admitted to be of paramount importance 142 your 4 for the three-month period prior to the assassination reflects an extremely critical attitude toward President Kennedy and his administration 141 that food and fuel should be issued in kind, and never provided by the prisoners themselves out of monies granted them. 119 Traveling at speeds estimated at times to be up to seventy or eighty miles per hour down the Stemmons Freeway and Harry Hines Boulevard 135 which should be paid into general prison funds, and no part of them handed over to the prisoners themselves. 108 Several people are behind a fence, watching a nighttime construction crew working on a road. 92 Hayek presented his work to the private seminar he had created with Herbert Furth. 82 he passed to the top of the ordinary's residence, hoping to find an open sky-light by which he might enter and so work downstairs. 130 Grace makes up for lack of beauty. 34 One was Richard Gifford, a well-educated youth who had been at Christ's Hospital, and afterwards in the National Debt Office. 125 The United States government runs out of funding for the second time this year, prompting another government shutdown. 118 the former will grow down into roots, the latter grow up into the stem and leaves of a vigorous bean-plant, 107 If a man is poor and ragged, however inexperienced in crime, or however trifling may be the offense for which he has been committed 131 Probably his complaint was due to the fact that his discharge was not related to anything he had done while on active duty 122 The senate condemned the invasion of the empire's colonies. 59 were part of his character long before he met his wife 54 Performing on bass can be physically demanding, because the strings are large and thick. 88 Even the guard rail couldn't stop the truck from falling off the bridge. 72 An appointment was made and kept by Mr. Gee, 44 It's a private club, for only the most respectable people. 58 Contacts with De Mohrenschildt and his wife did continue and they saw the Oswalds occasionally until the spring of nineteen sixty-three. 136 Lifeboats have rescue and safety functions. 43 He always felt like a burden that she simply just had to tolerate, end quote. 77 Much of the story makes good sense. 35 It is now time to review these actions as a whole to determine through deliberative means in the light of experience, 117 Dancers practice dance positions with each other, with some using a safety rail for assistance. 95 with a view, as he himself said, "to his professional studies." 63 Rub the bottom and sides of a baking-pan with sweet lard or butter. Do this with a bit of clean soft rag or tissue-paper, 121 Unconventional warfare missions allow U.S. Army Soldiers to enter a country covertly and build relationships with local militia. 128 Hayek presented his work to the private seminar he had created with Herbert Furth. 82 I am so happy! 14 Such of the Babylonians as witnessed the treachery took refuge in the temple of Jupiter Belus; 94 category 8 Although the Commission does not know whether the cases involved are entirely comparable, 89 Mr. Fauntleroy was a member of a banking firm, which his father had established in conjunction with a gentleman of the name of Marsh, and others. 145 We frown when events take a bad turn. 37 Why undo all my output? 23 According to Marina Oswald, he thought that would help him when he got to Cuba. 79 In two thousand seven, the capital had one million one hundred seven thousand eight hundred inhabitants. 104 secure the stock of watches and jewelry, then lock up the place and take on the keys to Mr. Berry's private house in Pimlico. 125 A tornado watch is in effect. 29 The choicest wines, the finest fruits, 38 Even though there wasn't much public attention to electric vehicles at this time, behind the scenes, scientists and engineers were working to improve electric vehicle technology, including batteries. 199 who would disregard the law and would decide specific cases as I wished them to be decided, I make this answer: 111 It was worth one million dollars. 33 developed to a colossal extent the frauds he had already practiced as a subordinate. 84 Delete this file. 17 But his name lingers still in this country as that of the first swindler of his time, 85 Register me at home dot Mycroft dot A.I. with the code: two four six. 69 The requests shifted the responsibility for evaluating difficult cases from the Service, the agency most responsible for performing that task, 142 The purple tie was ten years old. 33 She testified that she was agitated because she had found the note in Oswald's room, 84 This in turn has helped lower the costs of electric vehicles, making them more affordable for consumers. 104 Nevertheless, in this position, through the culpable carelessness which left him unfettered, he managed between eighteen forty-four 131 Mr. Bennet refers to a gentleman confined for want of bail, who occupied a room with five others 96 Thank you, sir, said the governor to the doctor, "it is of little moment." 74 In June two thousand eight, the Federal Trade Commission also began an antitrust investigation of the case. 107 The Marine Corps records maintained on Oswald further show that he had fired and was familiar with the Browning Automatic rifle, 128 When done, remove bay leaf, and shred meat with a fork. 55 The LIONS acronym also stands for Liberty, Intelligence, Our Nations' Safety. 77 He had such great aptitude for business, and such a thorough knowledge of the real value of goods, 98 How about Egypt? 16 In eighteen thirty-two 22 it must have appeared to him that he was unable to command even the attention of his family. 92 After he left the Marines and before departing for Russia, Oswald, his brother, and a third companion went hunting for squirrels and rabbits. 141 No night clubs or bowling alleys, no places of recreation except the trade union dances. I have had enough. 107 must have as its nucleus the traditional ideological best of both systems, and yet be utterly opposed to both systems. 118 My uncle may have been to your niece's market. 46 it is enacted that the justices shall order the walls of every room to be scraped and white-washed once every year." 116 The Central Criminal Court, when the trial came on, 51 Blonde lace is a continuous bobbin lace from France that is made of silk. 73 I am glad we have decided this then. 36 Quite half of the foregoing writs and arrests applied to sums under thirty pounds. 82 for the regulation of transportation by water, for the strengthening of our Merchant Marine and Air Transport, 110 as it is, I kept my own counsel, and so accomplished my plans. 62 the doubtfulness of the issue, or the superior position of the perpetrator, 75 Plus 4 I will be back soon. 20 This clipboard had been made by Kaiser and had his name on it. 62 Some medical discount plans provide legitimate discounts, but others are scams that don't deliver on the medical services promised. 131 The region is bordered on the east by four different provinces of the Netherlands. 82 Referees are easy targets. 26 Lisa Reid is an Australian artist, known primarily for her highly detailed figurative works. 92 A modern artist would have difficulty in doing such accurate work. 66 The F.A.A. encourages parents to make the best safety choice by using an approved C.R.S. during all phases of flight. 117 There was a final revealing detail about the broadcast. 55 When Dr. Perry noted free air and blood in the President's chest cavity, he asked that chest tubes be inserted to allow for drainage of blood and air. 150 It is the American people themselves who are in the driver's seat. 66 But we cannot yield our constitutional destiny to the personal judgment of a few men who, being fearful of the future, 118 The privileges of the master's side also disappeared; fees were nominally abolished, and garnish was scotched, although not yet killed outright. 144 Bottles hold four kinds of rum. 31 Oxygenation is the term used to denote the oxygen-supplying part of respiration; 80 generation 10 The team's terrestrial broadcast home is W.P.I.X., where the team has broadcast games since nineteen ninety nine. 113 Bravo!, Charlie applauded. 26 Galileo's early studies at the University of Pisa were in medicine, but he was soon drawn to mathematics and physics. 117 (three) evidence establishing the ownership of the murder weapon, 65 Plants are organisms of constantly varying form in which the cell body is surrounded by a cellulose wall; 105 The lobby of the hotel and the areas adjacent to the quarters of the President were guarded during the night 108 but that once he was subdued, no officer struck him. 52 And the music droned on in the background making the congregation sleepier than before. 87 I've been in two finals, and I've got a medal. 46 The stars and planets were carried around the Earth on spheres or circles. 74 During this twenty four-week phase, candidates will fine-tune their skills in the language to which they have been assigned. 124 During the pilot study, it produced no false negatives, fewer false positive, and fewer inconclusive results. 109 It had been supposed up to this date that he had willed his property, amounting in all to upwards of two hundred thousand pounds, 129 Tear a thin sheet from the yellow pad. 38 Off with their heads. 21 Pool operators need to maintain proper cleaning practices and disinfectant levels to prevent bacteria from growing and causing illnesses in swimmers. 149 On Thursday, Mister Blair will address the Institute of Public Policy Research. 79 end quote, After the third shot, he, quote, revved that motorcycle up, end quote, 81 Family Trade is a reality T.V. series broadcast by Game Show Network. 69 The ivy climbed up the building and wrapped itself around the chimney. 70 Please let me know how I can help. 34 In the circuit of the wall are a hundred gates, all of brass, with brazen lintels and sideposts. 96 Inhalation begins at the mouth and the nostrils located at the front of the beak. 81 Ruth is upset. 14 A man in shorts with two black dogs holds a ball throwing toy at the beach. 75 This tetanus, according to the prosecution, was produced by strychnia, and followed the administration of pills by Palmer 121 I can't understand it. 22 The brass tube circled the high wall. 37 Henman has been warned. 23 I asked him where he wanted to go. And he said, "five hundred North Beckley. Well, I started up, 96 Samuel wrote in his testament that his grandchildren should inherit all his money. 82 Another theory is semantic pointers, which use perceptual and motor representations and these representations are like symbols. 127 A motorcyclist with a Puma fannypak parked on the sidewalk with the kickstand of his bike up. 93 The passage of the nineteen ninety Clean Air Act Amendment and the nineteen ninety two Energy Policy Act helped create a renewed interest in electric vehicles in the U.S. 170 and (eight) Oswald's capability with a rifle. 45 The peace accord successfully completed the peace process begun on February seventh, two thousand in Paris. 107 he almost immediately left for the Soviet Union where he attempted to renounce his citizenship. 95 The Vienna Congress of eighteen fifteen confirmed Hamburg's independence and it became one of thirty nine sovereign states of the German Confederation. 151 Oswald's activities with regard to Cuba raise serious questions as to how much he might have been motivated in the assassination 128 Nine minutes later, the Presidential airplane departed for Washington, D.C. 75 The two met while playing on the sand. 38 Reuests for additional personnel were not made because of the studies then being conducted. 91 There's a five minute delay on your way to work. 48 There were well-dressed and ill-dressed, old men and lads, women and girls. 75 My shampoo is made from coconut and sweet almond. 49 The nozzle of the fire hose was bright brass. 45 Between their teeth. 20 We do not believe leaders understood the gravity of the threat. 63 His demeanor was a strange compound of wickedness, falsehood, and deceit. 73 By ten eighteen the Byzantines had ended the First Bulgarian Empire. 68 The spoil was fairly divided; part of the notes were disposed of to a traveling "receiver," who passed over to the Continent and there cashed them easily. 154 And these businesses' ongoing operations generate annual sales of forty three billion dollars and employ more than one hundred fifty six thousand people. 153 The facts dealing with the physiology of organisms, the activities associated with that which we call life 106 it was calculated that the car required eight point three seconds to cover the one hundred thirty-six feet. 107 There were tread-wheels at most of the prisons, and regular employment thereon or at some other kind of hard labor. 115 accounting 10 He that considers too much, will not bring anything to performance. 67 The essential character of vegetable life is the exhalation of oxygen, which is effected through the agency of light. 117 The hat brim was wide and too droopy. 37 Xena: Warrior Princess starred Lucy Lawless as Xena and Renee O'Connor as Gabrielle. 84 Split the log with a quick, sharp blow. 39 In view of the ever-increasing mobility of American Presidents, it seems unlikely that the Service could or should increase its own staff to a size 147 the ends of many of the letters such as the t and e are hooked up in a vulgar and meaningless way, 98 and it was decidedly of opinion that in all short sentences the hard labor of the tread-wheel, crank, and so forth should be the invariable rule. 145 With this change the art of printing touched bottom, so far as fine printing is concerned, though paper did not get to its worst until eighteen forty. 150 In the past, it was regarded as a branch of botany, though we now know that fungi are genetically closer to animals than plants. 128 Bobby burned his elbow on the copper kettle of porridge. 56 It also dealt with the fear of the Castro regime that such a policy might result in its abandonment by the Soviet Union. 120 Let's meet tomorrow. 20 Mister Berg scolded the girl for dabbling in the paint. 55 Manning gave the coup de grace with a crowbar. 46 By August of nineteen sixty-three, Oswald had for some time been considering the possibility of leaving the United States again. 128 Report any scams you see. 25 The findings also had an impact on state building codes. 56 Each agent carried a thirty-eight-caliber pistol, and a shotgun and automatic rifle were also available. 104 Now whip up the batter with a wooden spoon for another minute, and the sponge is made. 86 It is quite possible that Catherine Blandy, who poisoned her father at the instigation of her lover, 100 The 'Lennie's' men were all Greeks, except one known as French Peter, 69 For which the root will be overshot and the sequence of will diverge. 69 but at the same time with an air of the most entire truthfulness and candor. 76 the only aperture through which air could be admitted being an iron grating level with the street, 98 Thurtell drove him down in a gig, "to be killed as he traveled," in Thurtell's own words. 89 All books might be at least comely and well-looking. 52 In four hundred feet, use the left two lanes to turn left onto Front Street. 76 Parents should look out for correct grammar and pronunciation when speaking to their children. 94 Scot spoke glibbly about high technology. 41 As Oswald, handcuffed, was led from the theatre, he was, according to McDonald, quote, 86 Most of these island arcs are formed as one oceanic tectonic plate subducts another one and produces magma at depths below the over-riding plate. 145 number 6 Even if you're an expert, reading all of it is often not feasible due to lack of time. 86 He broke a new shoelace that day. 33 Lyons asked the time, and was told it was only five. 52 The Dallas police radio log reflects that Chief of Police Curry reported the shooting of the President 102 They climbed a tall crane without securing themselves and filmed it for their YouTube channel. 94 Cover with a cloth and set nearer the fire than you dared trust the dough, and let them rise for an hour. 105 However, the intensive care unit at the Southern General Hospital was full. 75 He had high motivation. He had presumably a good to excellent rifle and good ammunition. 88 About one hundred feet past the intersection Tippit stopped a man walking east along the south side of Patton. 110 Extremely happy, shorthaired woman is relaxing in a bathtub filled with bubble bath. 84 action 6 Twenty-eight State Street, Montpelier, Vermont. 47 For the Scottish judges, the affair is very delicate and unique. 64 to be entirely different machines, made each for its own purposes, at once, out of hand. 88 but at Mr. Fasson's pressing demands went upstairs to fetch the certificates. 77 The deciding battle of the war has been fought in this valley. 62 These approaches allow additional discussion of treatment options and provide opportunities to arrive at well-considered decisions. 131 A good lawyer is a bad neighbour. 33 On August seventeen, nineteen sixty-three, Oswald told Mr. William Stuckey, 75 The U.S. agrees to supply Ukraine with more lethal weapons, including Javelin anti-tank missiles. 97 from Main across Elm to the access road to Stemmons Freeway and the Dallas-Fort Worth Turnpike. 95 Thornley also testified that he thought that Oswald's extreme personal sloppiness in the Marine Corps, quote, 109 But in Babylonia stone was difficult to obtain, and sculptures were very rare. 78 Once a crack has developed, it increases the local stress, which slowly increases the size of the crack. 104 went impenitent to the gallows. The only sign of feeling he showed was in asking to be allowed to choose the hymns on the Sunday 128 After his death his biographers had a difficult task trying to refute those who spoke of his homosexual tendencies. 115 could have reached the President in time to protect him from the second and fatal shot to hit the President. 108 the practice was falling into abeyance, and the prisoners seldom required private assistance to eke out their meals. 116 Whaley testified that he did not keep an accurate time record of his trips but recorded them by the quarter hour, 113 Those who have intimated that the President of the United States is trying to drive that team 93 The body was muscular and well developed with no gross skeletal abnormalities except for those caused by the gunshot wounds. 124 and thus when the debtor's debt had been actually paid, or when he had abandoned his property to the creditors, and, almost destitute, 134 Add lasagna noodles, and cook for five to eight minutes, or until al dente. Drain. 82 The jail was neither suitable nor sufficiently large. It was not even kept weather-tight. 89 Mr. Carver, the ordinary, appears to have addressed himself directly to Courvoisier, 84 It's a trinket of primarily sentimental value, although it might command a small sum on the open market, belonging to one of my employers. 138 At the two places in Dallas where the President would remain for a period of time, Love Field and the Trade Mart, 113 we shall watch carefully the working of this new machinery for the second phase of N.R.A., 90 Under the agreement, Modern Concepts will pay a twelve thousand dollar penalty for the violations. 98 How do you make that out? 25 He took it for granted that the certificates representing these bogus shares, and which practically did not exist, would never be called for. 141 She did not know. 17 and then looked around again and saw more of this movement, and so I proceeded to go to the back seat and get on top of him. 124 projects 8 He does not need to understand how the transformation is computed. 66 He felt that everything that was said about asylum seekers was negative. 72 Goodbye 7 The latter include Overeaters Anonymous and groups run by local organizations. 78 One 3 Turn over the leaf quickly. 27 Because we do not need it. 26 Harkness did not know whether or not two officers with Sawyer were guarding the doors. 86 Good luck on the way. 21 Fischer testified that about ten or fifteen seconds before the motorcade turned onto Houston Street from Main Street, 117 A smaller sized bulldozer downtown in the street with two men standing in front of it. 86 They are both drawn at once by a windlass, and the unhappy culprits remain suspended. 85 Move twenty is a blunder for white. 35 Over four hundred participants competed in the race. 52 Bake for twenty to thirty minutes in the preheated oven, or until cheese is slightly brown and bubbly. 102 They all live in the area. 26 Notable interiors include an ornate cast-iron library, the Secretary's suite, and the stained glass skylight over the west wing's double staircase. 147 Karl is over there. 19 From nineteen sixty to nineteen sixty five, he served as Constable of the Tower of London. 90 It is now possible for Presidents to travel the length and breadth of a land far larger than the United States 110 New Rabies Test: Greater Flexibility. 37 This was finished at approximately four a.m. 44 which Sir Joshua Jebb told the committee he considered the proper elements of penal discipline. 95 This change made the CubeSat more valuable for science data collection. 71 it had arrangements to be notified about release from confinement in roughly one thousand cases; 96 he wrote to his brother Robert that the Soviet Union was a country which, quote, I have always considered to be my own, end quote, 130 Some galleons sunk in Guam remain. 34 The football coach always wore goggles. 39 They're just different. 23 Victoria Adams, who worked on the fourth floor of the Depository Building, 74 The Recorder's report generally reached Newgate late at night. 62 Turn right onto Windsor Street. 31 I'm connected to the internet and need to be activated. 55 As like as two peas. 20 the Commission had occasion to become informed, to a limited extent, about the data processing techniques of other Federal intelligence and law enforcement agencies. 165 There wasn't much impetus to finish our chores. 47 Such an alternative was to be opposed both to capitalism and communism because, quote, 86 The European Union and Japan announce that they concluded negotiations on a trade deal. 87 E.T.A. eleven-thirty. 21 Best thanks. 12 A kid with red socks kicked another kid wearing blue socks in the face while playing soccer. 92 Woman is enjoying herself being outdoors biking in a forrest preserve. 70 Little more remains to be said about Robson. He appears to have accepted his position, and to have at once resigned himself to his fate. 136 There are many types of microscopes, and the instruments may be grouped in different ways. 90 We are working globally to reduce threats to the nation's health. 65 I am considered a teenager. 27 as was a change-of-address card dated May twelve, nineteen sixty-three, 71 He tried to start a conversation with me several times, but I would not answer. And he said that he didn't want me to be angry at him because this upsets him. 158 The glum clods were prodded to print practice blocks. 53 Of these the debtors, male and female, formed a large proportion. 65 Newgate, Giltspur St. Compter, and the City Bridewell, 54 The black-shouldered kite is a small raptor found in open habitat throughout Australia. 87 commencing sham actions, and addressing formal applications, merely for the reply. 82 united 6 An Asian woman and an African American woman are displaying their culinary dishes. 82 Bates, the least guilty, was pardoned in eighteen fifty-eight. 62 The Prisons Bill of eighteen seventy-six contemplated the transfer of the prisons to Government. 96 Two women are hugging on a path through a grassy area with a cow visible past them. 83 On receipt of the radio message from Kellerman to the lead car that the President had been hit, 95 It took forty five minutes for Pedro to drive to work. 54 Turnkeys occasionally visited the press-yard, but its occupants were under little or no control. 96 And does it? 12 Ship maps are different from those for planes. 46 invited the man with the cough to enter a neighboring house and try a little peppermint for it. 95 Bake in the preheated oven thirty minutes. Let stand ten minutes before serving. 80 Each man testified that he thought he could detect the outline of a rifle in the blanket, even though the blanket was empty. 124 Only great resolution indeed, persisted in to the bitter end, 61 It was so powerless against the persistent neglect of those intrusted with prison management, that, five-and-twenty years later, 128 and that Oswald, quote, was not a man, end quote. She also told Mrs. Paine that she was not satisfied with her sexual relations with Oswald. 140 C.D.C. keeps America secure by controlling disease outbreaks and making sure food and water are safe. 101 and would have left the dock had not Mr. Cope, the governor of Newgate, restrained her. 87 North winds bring colds and fevers. 35 Just give me more time. 23 We will be homeless. 20 (three) fibers found on the rifle most probably came from the shirt Oswald was wearing on the day of the assassination, 119 The question is treated with that comprehensiveness of knowledge and clear critical judgment which characterize his writings. 125 This has helped in attracting real estate investors from Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore and other countries. 107 (two) brought this rifle into the Depository Building on the morning of the assassination, 90 by want of bed-clothing by night or firing by day 49 Okay, searching for Italian food. 33 whether or not he could positively identify the man he saw in the sixth-floor window as the same man he saw in the police station, 130 All the evils of indiscriminate association were strongly accentuated by the crowd collected within its narrow limits. 118 work 4 the latter end of the nineteenth century, several of which still fall far short of our English ideal, 101 Since these agencies are already obliged constantly to evaluate the activities of such groups, they should be responsible for advising the Secret Service. 154 His denials under questioning, which have no probative value in view of the many readily demonstrable lies he told at that time 127 An investigation is launched into a video posted on YouTube which appears to show a service member firing on civilians inside a truck on a road in Afghanistan. 159 English literature in the middle of that period has been dubbed Augustan. 73 Roaming endlessly around the park, she wants to go home. 56 Fifteen people are injured and an infant is killed after a car hits a group of pedestrians near Copacabana Beach in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 139 I need to restart after synchronizing my clock with the internet. 65 Extensive comparison, on the contrary, shows them to be the same, although the essential identity is obscured by adaptive modifications. 136 The fact is that they are on the border line, are neither plants nor animals but simply organisms. 98 The boy is no longer with us. 29 I shall never forget it. 24 The sheriffs were in one gallery; 33 Satisfying himself that Oswald was missing, Truly obtained Oswald's address, phone number, and description from his employment application card. 144 Stir in garlic, curry powder, cinnamon, paprika, bay leaf, ginger, sugar and salt. 82 only a few of whom had the commendable prudery to pass themselves off as the wives of prisoners. 96 Montenegro was admitted to the U.N. on twenty eight June two thousand six. 74 The butler, on the occasion of a death in the family, when the house was in some confusion, arranged with a burglar to come in, 127 The big red apple fell to the ground. 37 Someone contacts you, offering to help you navigate the Health Insurance Marketplace. 85 Since the assassination of President Kennedy, the Secret Service has been experimenting with new techniques in the inspection of buildings along a motorcade route. 163 To lead a cat and dog life. 27 which was generally more formally Gothic than the printing of the German workmen, 81 The Human Figure Drawings are empty, poor characterizations of persons approximately the same age as the subject. 113 filthiness, severity, or neglect; many new dungeons had aggravated the evils against which his sagacity could not but remonstrate; 130 Quickly knowing who needs to receive rabies treatment, and who does not, will save lives and families' livelihoods. 115 Athena sprang from the head of Zeus. 36 Crypto spreads in pools when someone sick with the parasite has diarrhea in the water and other swimmers swallow that contaminated water. 137 In this recent reorganization we have recognized three distinct functions: 74 Place bacon in a large skillet and cook over medium-high heat, turning occasionally, until evenly browned, about ten minutes. 125 He had not seen Oswald on television and had not been shown any photographs of Oswald by the police. 100 The key is to take the train in quest of better opportunity. 60 Archaeologists recently found the skeleton of a dinosaur in Mexico. 67 There have been four different sponsors since its first event. 62 Turn right onto Black Mountain Road. 36 He, after failing once to cut the rope, made a second attempt more successfully, and the body of Müller disappeared from view. 126 The kite dipped and swayed, but stayed aloft. 45 At the airport, the woman threw herself into revision for college so she could experience university. 101 fifty royal cubits in width, and two hundred in height. 55 At the Pentagon, while there were also problems of command and control, the emergency response was generally effective. 119 A still tongue makes a wise head. 33 A femoral pulse was also detected in the President's leg. 57 All known algorithms for the decision problem work in this way. 63 The lobes of her ears were pierced to hold rings. 49 Trouble awaited the boys in the deep, dark tunnel. 50 As of mid-twenty twelve, Ditko continues to work at a studio in Manhattan's Midtown West neighborhood. 102 The spy infiltrated the interior through a vent and sneaked to the retina scanner. 82 The circumstances were strange. Mrs. Wilson had gone to the chemist's for medicine, 83 Tiny Satellite's First Global Map of Ice Clouds 47 the President remained on his back throughout his medical treatment at Parkland. 80 A New Mexico man was sentenced today in Saint Paul, Minnesota, for directing computer attacks against the websites of his prior employers, business competitors and public services. 180 the formations, the ridge formations and characteristics, were insufficient for purposes of either effecting identification 123 primarily for purposes of self-advertising. 43 Where is my dress? 18 Pharmaceutical company Pfizer discontinues research into treating patients with Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease. 124 Does the new splinter cell game come with a multiplayer mode? 61 It happens from time to time. 29 He bowed his head under extreme pressure of ignominy, 53 Barber, it was said, became aware of this, 42 You are what you eat. 21 It was intended as an educational tool to illustrate the negative aspects of concentrating land in private monopolies. 118 These measures are of two kinds. 32 Craig managed the Giants from late nineteen eighty five to nineteen ninety two. 79 Inside, the atmosphere was quiet. 33 A weight of shot was bought and stowed in carpet bags ready to replace exactly the abstracted gold. 99 going one block north and then turning left onto Elm. 53 It's easy to tell the depth of a well. 38 when combined with the other testimony linking Oswald to the shooting. 70 The bombs left most of the town in ruins. 41 The new patch is less invasive than the old one, but still causes regressions. 78 Quinine is approved for treatment of malaria, but is also commonly prescribed to treat leg cramps and similar conditions. 121 Would you like to create a troubleshooting package? This will upload logs to the termbin dot com service and email a link to you with more information. 151 others, that Napoleon the third, but recently proclaimed Emperor of the French, wished to gain the popularity necessary to secure the people. 141 A rod is used to catch pink salmon. 35 Court-chaplain I thank you. 27 Experiments on Basic Income and N.I.T. in Canada and the U.S.A. show that people spent more time studying while the program was running. 136 Writing makes the exact man. 28 For ten days prior to the eve of the assassination Oswald had not been present at Ruth Paine's house in Irving, Texas, where the rifle was kept. 144 Paper cups are bad for the environment if you throw them in the garbage. 72 It is typically an incomplete combustion reaction. 50 I have pondered about the issue a bit and arrived at the conclusion that it is non-trivial. 91 Violent passions too easily aroused prompted the Frenchwoman Marguerite Dixblanc 80 six. Projects will be allocated to localities or relief areas in relation to the number of workers on relief rolls in those areas. 130 On the tenth day after his flight he led out his detachment, and surrounding the thousand men, 94 Frazier testified that while he could not tell when the defect occurred, but that a person familiar with the weapon could compensate for it. 140 or witnesses who did not voluntarily come forward when the chance was given them. 81 Two construction workers assist in the loading of a dump truck at an urban construction site. 93 Hi! 3 It has obtained the services of outside consultants, such as the Rand Corporation, I.B.M., and a panel of psychiatric and psychological experts. 144 Under standard procedures, the responsibility for watching the windows of buildings was shared by local police stationed along the route 136 The conflicts of masculinity are also a major theme of his work, leading some critics to compare him to Ernest Hemingway. 121 To take a drop too much. 24 Rubber tubes were inserted between the second and third ribs to reexpand the right lung, which had collapsed because of the opening in the chest wall. 150 Joining with twenty-one V.A. Veterans cemeteries located at hospitals and nursing homes, the National Cemetery System comprised one hundred three cemeteries after the transfer. 176 reached the same conclusion as Latona that the prints found on the cartons were those of Lee Harvey Oswald. 107 His defense was that the forged acceptances would have been met on coming to maturity, and that he had no real desire to defraud. 129 I cannot believe it. 20 upon which was raised a second tower, and on that a third, and so on up to eight. 81 There may or may not be an explicit borderline. 47 and which received publicity there prior to the assassination. 62 The other and the last criminal executed for forgery in this country was one Maynard, who was convicted of a fraud upon the Custom House. 137 Sell your gift to a buyer at a good gain. 41 A round mat will cover the dull spot. 37 It afforded us a chance to have alternative routes if something happened on the motorcade route. It was the type of suburban area a good part of the way 152 About that same time Pietro della Valle, an Italian, visited Babylon, 69 The International Trade Commission votes in favor of dismissing the Boeing Company's petition against Bombardier Inc. over alleged price dumping. 145 I could not find the time zone for Washington D.C. 50 The soft cushion broke the man's fall. 38 And two other justices agreed with him. 39 Protecting the President is a difficult and complex task which requires full use of the best resources of many parts of our Government. 135 The completion of this very necessary building was, however, much delayed for want of funds, 92 This girl had been first engaged on account of the extra work entailed by certain prisoners 91 As we worked. 13 Baker said, quote, We simulated the shots and by the time we got there, we did everything that I did that day, 110 In June, there was another found of layoffs which led to some restructuring. 76 Printing, then, for our purpose, may be considered as the art of making books by means of movable types. 104 More than this, Griffiths took the police to a field where, in a bank, a number of other plates were secreted. 110 We are working globally to reduce threats to the nation's health. 65 The American people have learned from the depression. 53 Dirk choked on the dry T-bone steak. 36 This went on for more than an hour, and until the malefactors were cut down and the gallows removed; 100 My request for the revoking of my American citizenship 54 We played them off the pitch. 29 Did you ever have occasion to look at the President's back? 59 It was a litmus test. 21 Checking Outlook. 17 Although the roots of plants direct themselves toward moisture and their leaves toward air and light, 101 and Susannah Evans, in October the same year, for two shillings, with costs of six shillings, eight pence. 106 Cole too was apprehended, and in due course tried at the Central Criminal Court. 80 Please call Stella. 19 I rang the bell. 16 In my wildest dream I hadn't thought that this would happen. 60 The box was thrown beside the parked truck. 43 The ship was torn apart on the sharp reef. 42 If you receive a special validation to travel to North Korea: 61 A pot of tea helps to pass the evening. 39 Full of optimism and hope, he stood in Red Square in the Fall of nineteen fifty-nine, vowing to see his chosen course through, 126 At Godmanchester there was no jail, but a cage to secure prisoners till they could be taken before a magistrate. 112 Hearty Chicken Vegetable Soup 29 Everyone else is smarter than me, and there's only twelve positions across the whole uni. 89 It is fantastic that other women will be able to benefit. 57 A boy jump kicking over three kids kicking wood during a tae kwon do competition. 81 This punctuate missile wound, about two-fifths inch in diameter (one centimeter) and located approximately five inches above the left knee, 139 A plane graph is said to be "convex" if all of its faces are convex polygons. 77 On May seventh, nineteen ninety one, the name was changed to the Veterans Health Administration (V.H.A.). 105 He said he loved me but that it would be better for me if I went to Russia, and what he had in mind I don't know. End quote. 124 The foregoing rentals and payments for privileges, together with fees exacted on commitment and discharge, went to the marshal or keeper of the prison, 151 There is general approval so far as the lower federal courts are concerned. 75 After her interview with Mrs. Oswald, 37 The truth is that the higher the potential reward, the higher the risk. 71 The road was so steep that the biker had to shift down a few gears. 67 He did not look up. 19 Furthermore, Armenian exports fell by about one percent to five hundred twenty million dollars U.S.D. 101 from October nine, nineteen sixty-two, to May fourteen, nineteen sixty-three. 77 No one cared too closely to inquire into the sources of wealth. Some said he was a fortunate speculator in stocks, 114 Five tablespoonfuls of yeast. 29 A blond boy in a blue tshirt stands smiling before a craft of green nylon fabric. 81 Domestic agencies were not effectively mobilized. 49 after which time a very moderate use of liquor will not be considered a violation. However, all members of the White House Detail 129 He told his wife that he wanted to send the pictures to the Militant and he also asked her to keep one of the pictures for his daughter, June. 142 What am I to do with it? 24 of the more formal ecclesiastical writing which obtained at that time; this has since been called "missal type," 112 He is in the queue. 19 Oswald's attempt to go to Cuba 30 The matter was still further complicated at Newgate by the presence within the walls of sham lunatics. Some of those included in the category 141 what this bill means to punish is the crime of interruption of the Government of the United States and the destruction of its security by striking down the life 160 Superscript diacritics placed before a letter, on the other hand, normally indicate a modification of the onset of the sound. 125 His usual reaction to the problems which he encountered there was simply withdrawal. 84 South southwest wind six to eight miles per hour. 49 testified that the shots which struck the President in the neck and in the head were, quote, not particularly difficult, end quote. 131 Work is going forward. 22 Oh, that will be fun! 21 Arrange chicken pieces in the baking pan. Sprinkle salt, pepper, paprika, garlic powder, and oregano over both sides. 117 The position of the page on the paper should be considered if the book is to have a satisfactory look. 102 Burglars brought him the cheques they stole from houses, thieves what they got in pocketbooks. 94 Be skeptical about free trial offers. 37 When was the last time you spoke with him prior to his departure? 65 better 6 Love is blind. 14 Cyrus, the King of Persia, was rising to power, and after he had defeated the Medes 83 Communists, for instance, argued that the Soviet Union was morally superior to its adversaries. 95 the police magistrate, that Marley was the man who had beaten him to death. 75 Since two thousand three, the modern opera house is home to the Philharmonic Orchestra. 87 constant inspection, regular employment, and humane treatment generally, with religious and moral instruction. 110 It does not preclude the agent in charge of the case from reopening it if he feels that further work should be done. 116 Tea in thin china has a sweet taste. 36 There's stop-and-go traffic along your route, leading to a two hour, eleven minute delay. 89 He therefore reviewed all ways of bringing the city under, 58 The Norsemen considered the rainbow as a bridge over which the gods passed from earth to their home in the sky. 111 of the Lamb's Coffee House; 27 Accidents in nuclear power plants are potentially catastrophic. 63 A parade of people wearing blue waistcoats and white tshirts proceeds down the center of a street. 98 A brunette woman in a blue shirt too small for her standing behind casuallydressed people. 90 These simplify the tasks involved in delivering an insulin bolus. 65 As soon as one of the agents learned of the shooting, he asked the officer in charge of the police detail at the airport 120 As for the debtors, they had no allowance whatever, and were often in imminent danger of starvation. 100 It should be an enjoyable and challenging period of their lives. 64 Neither Jarman, Norman, Williams, or Dougherty saw Oswald. 58 Boys report going on Facebook most often while girls are more likely than boys to use visually-oriented platforms such as Tumblr, Pinterest, and Instagram. 155 Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas says he will not accept any U.S. plan for peace with Israel. 96 What the eye doesn't see, the heart doesn't grieve over. 56 These coins will be needed to pay his debt. 43 Firewalls can be used to protect a network against intruders. 61 devoted its efforts first to a mitigation of the forgery statute, but could not immediately accomplish much. 108 Again the wretched creature succeeded in obtaining foothold, but this time on the left side of the drop. 104 The company also marketed a beverage called "Ted's Root Beer" in the early sixties. 83 Have a safe trip! 17 Mr. Partridge was sent for, and he with some of the students soon decided that the corpse had not died a natural death. 119 Mr. Cadigan concluded that the paper and tape from the bag were identical in all respects to the sample paper and tape 118 The black-shouldered kite hunts in open grasslands, searching for its prey by hovering and systematically scanning the ground. 126 Denzil Best was an American jazz percussionist and composer born in New York City. 82 NASA plans to select one of these investigations in the spring of twenty nineteen to continue on to subsequent mission phases. 126 a review of the records of Crescent Firearms revealed that the firm had shipped an Italian carbine, serial number C two seven six six, 134 Lord Paget, Lord Bruce, several members of the House of Commons, and a few ladies. 82 I raised its summit mountain high. I constructed a moat-wall of burned bricks about the west wall of Babylon. 109 The crowd was for a moment awed and stilled by the quiet rapid passage from life to death! 90 Fewer than one thousand votes were needed to defeat the charismatic judge. 74 During this reconstruction the female prisoners were lodged in Holloway, 72 The cpu is currently running at seventy-five point two percent. 63 an incomplete and fallacious method of preventing contamination. 64 and that when it was opened the whole band should rush in. 58 She was elected Congress President in nineteen fifty nine. 58 the supply of which was, however, limited, and there were not always enough to give bedding to all. The stock was diminished by theft; 134 This poodle chases cats and chews on our best furniture. 56 Under our system, measures must be sought to afford security without impeding the President's performance of his many functions. 128 They get rid of the superfluous hydrogen and carbon and accumulate nitrogen. 76 The general solidity of a page is much to be sought for 55 That situation, however, was short-lived, 41 This case was investigated by the F.B.I.'s Minneapolis Field Office. 68 A group of teenagers and children with backpacks congregates in the grass under a tree. 87 Never do it again. 18 Mr. Turner was on the verge of bankruptcy. He was at that moment at Kendal, and wished her to join him there at once. 117 In nineteen ninety seven, the North West Cambridgeshire constituency was formed. 80 It is a large number. 21 In the end, only time will tell what road electric vehicles will take in the future. 84 international 13 It was a litmus test. 21 Taking part in road traffic is potentially dangerous after donating blood. 74 There was no safety net. 24 I am reminded sometimes of what President Wilson once said: 59 stressed also the decision by the Department of State that Oswald should be permitted to return to the United States. 117 three fingers might have been inserted between it and the flesh; the pressure was all on the arteries behind the ears, 118 Grace makes up for lack of beauty. 34 The bridge is a listed structure. 33 Precautions had been taken by the erection of barriers, and the posting of placards at all the avenues to the Old Bailey, on which was printed, 143 We are obligated to continue until twenty-twenty-one. 53 Lee Oswald was Number three; 28 had not been guided by a sense of virtue, and directed to more honorable and useful pursuits. 93 The object of the game is to score by getting the ball into the opposing goal. 78 And who are you? 16 The square wooden crate was packed to be shipped. 49 A large group of youths in similar red and white outfits play musical instruments in a stadium. 95 Add the vinegar, water, sugar, salt and pepper to the pan. 58 Hash functions are one-way functions with a number of mathematical requirements. 80 Come, old cock-of-wax, it will soon be over. 44 Therefore, a Button is a Control. 33 Now it appeared that he was not welcome at the Paine home, 58 Put the jam in the cupboard. 28 And because of deep roots set up by these missions, other Special Forces tactics, like direct action or special reconnaissance, can be launched quickly and seamlessly. 167 The gene also affects the sleep patterns of mice, and likely does so for all mammals. 85 Grab your rucksack and hurry! 29 I have wanted to buy one for the National Gallery. 50 It was easy to see on the radiogram, that his bones were broken. 64 I'm a Marxist. I became interested about the age of fifteen. From an ideological viewpoint. 91 Then followed sounds more distinct and audible, in which ginger-beer, pies, fried fish, sandwiches, and fruit 109 They retain the hydrogen and the carbon, exhale the superfluous oxygen and absorb little or no nitrogen. 104 Due to persistent high winds, a fire begins and quickly spreads, at a rate of up to one acre per second, near Santa Paula, California. 134 Oswald demonstrated his thinking in connection with his return to the United States by preparing two sets of identical questions of the type which he might have thought 168 were publicly exposed in a stable in Little Bridge Street, near Apothecaries' Hall, 83 The name comes from the bright green spectral emission lines. 61 Let's see what I can find out about the G.D.P. of the Federal Republic of Cameroon. 83 A shower of dirt fell from the hot pipes. 41 Sounds great. 13 as is advocacy of the overthrow of the Government by the assassination of any of its officers. 94 Morphogenesis relates to the formation of three-dimensional shape. 66 I'm not sure it'd be too healthy for you to be around me for a while. 69 Four other charges were dropped. 32 He was in Youth House from April sixteen to May seven, nineteen fifty-three, 76 There is, however, a second inner wall, of less thickness than the first, but very little inferior to it in strength. 117 He picked up the dice for a second roll. 40 He could make it. 17 Beginning with the independence of India and Pakistan in nineteen forty seven, the remainder of the British Empire was almost completely dismantled. 148 She coyly kissed her boyfriend. 31 off 3 But a long public discussion followed, and in consequence he was reprieved. 75 Two saints on one day. 22 One quart and a cup of flour sifted. 36 sixty-eight had only two divisions, and so on. 46 Is that how your niece began? 29 Within an hour and a half the attack was in motion in all four sectors. 71 A young musician playing a small guitar and singing, while sitting in a white plastic chair. 92 And he goes with it. 20 They recognized him as being one of them and convinced him to be initiated. 75 A blond man is looking at the camera while another man is cooking something in the background. 94 On the following day the capital convicts, whose companions have been hanged, are required to return thanks for their narrow escape. 132 When requested to provide a specific statement of the standards employed by PRS in deciding what information to seek and retain, 128 that the way to wealth is through work. 39 they were not to be turnkeys or assistant turnkeys, neither wardsman nor yardsman, overseer, 92 This made exertion compulsory, and imposed hard labor as a proper punishment. 77 In the old print each figure has its definite individuality, and one cannot be mistaken for the other. 102 It is scarcely probable that he would have gone to this extremity if he had had no previous evil intention, 107 Zsa Zsa enjoys the azure sky in June. 37 There is lighter traffic than usual along your route. 53 The amount of exercise varied from one or two hours daily to half the working day. 82 there were weapons in the room -- a long knife, a heavy trap-ball bat, and a poker. 83 Winds from the southwest at twelve miles per hours, with gusts to eighteen miles per hour. 90 and one of these agents, Robert A. Frazier, 43 has been removed, and the surrounding city walls have been traced. 66 Who will do it? 15 Acute and chronic pain are also associated with increased depression, anxiety, fear, and anger. 95 with those in which there was no separation, no proper enforcement of hard labor, no chapel, infirmary, and so forth. 117 Paramount sold H.T.N. to Madison Square Garden in nineteen seventy nine. 72 and not for the slight offense as it appeared on the record. 60 Brown took several sheets, and then was detected by Brewer, a fellow-workman of superior grade, 95 Watts's crime was discovered by the secretary of the Globe Company, who came suddenly upon the extensive falsification of the passbook. 135 Tuesday, February tenth, nineteen eighty-one. 45 When light, knead well and long; 32 The staff of the Protective Research Section has been augmented, and a Secret Service inspector has been put in charge of this operation. 137 Three years passed before any Vice President actually lived at Number One Observatory Circle. 93 Medical discount scams. 23 He was in bed with his breeches on (in the pockets of which were found a number of cartridges), the black belt he had worn at Cato Street, 138 We're not allowed to export our goods to Afghanistan, due to the embargo. 73 This horse will nose his way to the finish. 43 As Chief of State, the President always welcomed the opportunity to learn, firsthand, about the problems which concerned the American people. 141 has been augmented, and a Secret Service inspector has been put in charge of this operation. With the assistance of the President's Office of Science and Technology, 165 the surgeon should see all prisoners, whether ill or well, once a week, and take general charge of the infirmaries. 115 In a parallel action, the U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of New Jersey today announced criminal charges. 113 Tight curls get limp on rainy days. 35 Plow Anderson's field only after Asa offers you all the aid you need. 69 The "Rolling Readers" cartons, however, had not been moved by the floor layers and had apparently been taken to the window from their regular position for some particular purpose. 179 He was jailed for five years. 29 United States Department of Agriculture regulations do not permit the use of hormones on veal calves for any reason. 116 Cook's death was horrible 25 A smart detective, Forrester, after a little inquiry, 53 they with Brunt and Tidd scorned the ordinary's ministrations, 62 A woman swings on a rope overlooking a red farmhouse and gated pastures and tall trees. 87 Running diagnostics script. 27 Right now, it's partly cloudy and forty-two degrees. Today's high is forty-three, and the low is twenty. 104 For this the chaplain was a few days later summoned before the jail committee of aldermen, 90 The latter too was to be laid before the House of Commons. 58 There is no occasion to use violence. I will go with you. 57 Two people sitting beside each other at a table with food on it smiling. 72 A man with a balloon hat and people eating outdoors at picnic tables. 69 One of the conspirators, by name Edwards, 41 Edmund Angelini, to take Fauntleroy's place. 44 Hocker and the brother went to the spot, where the latter left him to meet his sister's seducer alone. 102 From the time Marguerite Oswald returned to work until December twenty-six, nineteen forty-two, when Lee too was sent to the orphans' home, 139 Is that okay? 13 A man playing a trumpet along side a woman playing a saxophone stand outside in pink hats. 90 A gentleman, belonging by birth to the inferior nobility. 57 Who will perform? 17 More cruel injuries were common enough, which did not result from honest hand-to-hand fights. 93 Congress appointed a commission to select a site and prepare plans and cost estimates for a new State Department Building. 122 No provision whatever was made for the employment of prisoners, no materials were purchased, no trade instructors appointed. 124 To understand the popularity of electric vehicles circa nineteen hundred, it is also important to understand the development of the personal vehicle and the other options available. 181 The grass curled around the fence post. 39 he also forged dividend receipts and got the dividends. He was only six-and-twenty when he was hanged. 102 gambling, indirect contravention of parliamentary rules, instruction in all nefarious processes, 96 Soap can wash most dirt away. 29 but Mary Bledsoe, a former landlady of Oswald, saw him on a bus approximately ten minutes after the assassination 113 A woman carrying a mannequin is walking down the sidewalk and talking on a mobile phone. 88 came to light in this same year, eighteen forty-one. 52 The review of related methods is simple to understand and informative. 70 they discarded this for a more completely Roman and far less beautiful letter. 78 our prisoners have all that prisoners ought to have, without gentlemen think they ought to be indulged with Turkey carpets. 123 Who will do it? 15 and stole paper on a much larger scale than Brown. 50 When Alvin was a little boy, he loved to watch Bud Spencer and Terence Hill. 76 After the dance, they went straight home. 41 The main object of this act was to compass that uniformity in discipline and treatment generally 96 He was then shown two photographs of Oswald and he advised that Oswald was, quote, unquestionably, end quote, the man he saw. 125 for some reason the record does not show, advantage was never taken of the chance afforded to Oswald. 101 A man under the black hood of a camera, standing close to vehicles and an RV. 77 Discussion of Zionism caused him to suffer from ulcers. 55 The odor of spring makes young hearts jump. 43 See you later. 14 These subdivisions are located near dorsal V three, but do not adjoin V two. 76 and deprivation, lack of affection, absence of family life and rejection by a self involved and conflicted mother. 114 But in the fourth and fifth decades of this century 51 In thus describing the saturnalia before the gallows I have been drawn on somewhat beyond the period with which I am at present dealing. 136 Painstakingly as a force we are striving to catch up with information technology. 81 Slide the catch back and open the desk. 39 He then escaped to Berlin, and gave his first name as Arnold, possibly to avoid anti-Semitic persecution. 105 Cook until heated through. Serve warm Alfredo sauce over cooked fettuccini or linguini noodles. 95 Gammell took a variety of steps to avoid detection and circumvent his victims' attack mitigation efforts. 105 The greatest causes célèbre, however, of recent times were the turf frauds by which the Comtesse de Goncourt was swindled 121 Internationally 15 more than five thousand names were referred to the Secret Service in the first four months of nineteen sixty-four. 114 But the murderers formed only a small proportion of the total number sentenced to death, and for the rest there was a long period of anxious suspense, 150 The insurance was sky high. 27 Waiting times for these services are too long. 46 That could be in place by next year. 36 environment 11 I want to talk with you very simply about the need for present action in this crisis 84 In November nineteen seventy eight, the Undertones embarked on their first tour of the U.K. 91 He was ostensibly a publican, 29 this 4 Not a word was spoken. 22 page 4 I don't know, she said. 23 the right rear tail, when she noticed that I was trying to climb on the car. 76 The autopsy examination revealed two wounds in the President's head. 68 On April twenty-three, nineteen sixty-three, 44 Of the lesser criminals, forgers, thieves, swindlers, Newgate continued to receive its full share up to the last. 113 At the first the boxes were impounded, opened, and found to contain many of O'Connor's effects. 95 Interest in Marxism 19 The difference in the rainbow depends considerably upon the size of the drops, and the width of the colored band increases as the size of the drops increases. 158 Is Peg capable of putting the bike back together? 49 I happened to be at Cambridge. 30 Early science results from the August twenty seventeen total solar eclipse; and the surprising resilience of a newborn Pacific Island. 134 Who would have? 15 prefers that description which are expressly prepared for his own class, and which abound in vulgar adventure in criminal enterprise, and in the histories of the police, 169 And he felt that leaving Washington for the President of the United States was a most necessary -- not only for the people, but for the President himself, 154 The miserable wretch during the whole of this time was struggling with the most determined violence, to the great horror of the spectators. 139 their harsh and half-cracked voices full of maudlin, besotted sympathy for those about to die. 94 A waxed floor makes us lose balance. 36 Then came the crunch. 21 In the arts the Greeks searched for some reality behind the appearances of things. 82 The committee was also to report upon the manner in which sentences were carried out, and to recommend any alterations necessary in the rules 141 Hash tables can access their elements in constant time. 55 But the one great and most crying evil remained unremedied. 59 He published his book "Study on Glaciers" in eighteen forty. 60 Ghent has an extensive network of public transport lines. 57 They might even threaten you. 29 took voluminous evidence from all classes of individuals, from the governor down to the convict in the condemned cells. 119 The temperature is minus seven degrees Celsius. 47 For example, in his letter of November nine, nineteen sixty-three, 66 The window opened outward. 26 with criminals and misdemeanants of all shades crowding perpetually into its narrow limits, the latter state of Newgate was worse than the first. 145 The Victorian era was the period of Queen Victoria's reign. 59 Marina Oswald testified that this was her first knowledge that the rifle was not in its accustomed place. 105 when it absolutely forbids drinking by any agent accompanying the President on a trip. 86 the economic embargo against that country, and the general policy of the United States with regard to Cuba. 107 Fill your pack with bright trinkets for the poor. 49 Kate Webster, who was tried at the Central Criminal Court, and passed through Newgate, although she suffered at Wandsworth, 123 It may eventually be desirable to codify the practice in an Executive order. 76 To the disgrace of the better-educated and better-bred public, executions could still command the attendance of curious aristocrats from the West End. 150 A little boy is playing in the water with a beautiful sunset and mountains in the background. 93 The ingenious physicist rubbed his nose and scratched his chin. 63 In the morning the stench and heat were so oppressive that he and every one else on waking rushed unclothed into the yard; 122 My daughter is an adult. 24 It was nearly impossible for them to exercise a very close supervision over the whole of the prisons of the country. 116 Do you have a conference announcement? 38 Consumers now have more choices than ever when it comes to buying an electric vehicle. 86 There was a tremendous amount of anger and frustration in that music. 69 She was elected Congress President in nineteen fifty nine. 58 The turnkeys left the prisoners very much to themselves, never entering the wards after locking-up time, at dusk, till unlocking next morning, 142 There was no distinct place for the female debtors, who lived in the same galleries as the men. 95 environmental 13 Robin Williams is very subdued. 31 His mother's identity is unknown. 33 Spread a thin layer of the meat mixture in the bottom of a four quart casserole dish. 85 The helpers then begin the exercise as they would normally. 59 An Arizona ammunition dealer is charged with conspiracy to manufacture and sell armor-piercing ammunition without a license. 124 Shoofly pie is a specialty of the Dutch of Pennsylvania. 56 Did you see any ghosts? 23 With small, mouse-like prey, wolves leap in a high arc and immobilize it with their forepaws. 93 The second product of the company turned out to be a great success. 67 This work protects people from hundreds of public health threats every year. 76 states 6 New pants lack cuffs and pockets. 33 In the other kiosk were some children supervised by their parents. 66 While our present and projected expenditures for work relief are wholly within the reasonable limits of our national credit resources, 134 The law makes who I am illegal, but I have done no harm to anyone. 66 The colt reared and threw the tall rider. 41 Maroger published "The Secret Formulas and Techniques of the Masters" in nineteen forty eight. 94 Exposure of the President to public view through travel among the people of this country is a great and historic tradition of American life. 140 and the last agent left the Press Club by two a.m. 50 that such a procedure would not be consistent with the nature and purpose of the motorcade to let the people see their President and to welcome him to their city. 162 Five people wearing winter jackets and helmets stand in the snow, with snowmobiles in the background. 101 Early results were leaked to the press in September, and the following January an extensive review was released. 112 Locate emergency exits both in front and behind you. Count the rows between you and the nearest exits. Locate the flotation device. 131 The planet's core is made of solid gold, but every traveller attempting to recover some didn't return. 102 The puny ape scratched his toe on the edge of his cage. 55 Now, imagine a guy walking through that door and starting to give orders with a heavy accent. 93 particularly 12 But what does it mean? 22 The prison buildings were in many places out of repair; other houses often overlooked them. 91 According to Robert's Rules of Order, a meeting is a gathering of a group of people to make decisions. 102 The probe provides a nano-scale thermometer. 44 Practice makes perfect. 23 Modern Concepts Inc., located in Compton, California, and Double R. Trading, located in City of Industry, failed to install required controls. 142 The adult black-shouldered kite has predominantly grey-white plumage and prominent black markings above its red eyes. 117 As far back as the reign of Charles the second, a law was passed declaring that sufficient provision should be made for the relief and setting on work 150 Twenty-seven hundred Broad River Road, Columbia, South Carolina. 64 But it may be mentioned that the concourse was so enormous that it drew down the well-merited and trenchant disapproval of Charles Dickens, 139 to coordinate activities and to discuss problems of mutual interest. 68 Did you see it? 15 Shake hands with this friendly child. 37 A group of people in red uniform jackets and black pants are standing in straight rows. 87 Plastic bags turned out to be a problem for the environment. 60 What do we want to do that for? 31 Others have tried to explain the phenomenon physically. 55 There were no eyewitnesses, although a fourteen-year-old boy in a neighboring house claimed that immediately after the shooting 127 and a life-interest in five thousand pounds, a fact on which Smethurst's counsel dwelt with much weight, 104 Disruption will be kept to a minimum. 37 Not that I know of. 19 Volume increased to eight. 26 The V.A. Home Loan Guaranty Program is the only provision of the original G.I. Bill that is still in force. 107 Common parasite remains the leading cause of illness from pools. 64 An older gentleman stands along the shore of an immense lake with a cityscape across the water. 95 Charles R. Baxter, Robert N. McClelland, Ronald C. Jones; the chief neurologist, Dr. William Kemp Clark; 104 That's the name of the game, though. 36 The fan whirled its round blades softly. 40 none of the cases in the PRS general files was available for systematic review on a geographic basis when the President planned a particular trip. 146 that while he did not fire Oswald because of the newspaper incident or even weigh it heavily in his decision, quote, 116 In eighteen fifty-four he owed a very large sum of money, but he was temporarily relieved by the death of his wife, 115 were meager or altogether absent. 33 This is a war over our home. 28 People must remain vigilant. 28 Don't worry. 12 and publications which in these days would have been made the subject of a criminal prosecution. 96 Photograph of Oswald With Rifle 31 results 7 Eighteen forty-eight West Beltline Highway, Madison, Wisconsin, five three seven one three. 91 Can I ask you a few questions? 30 Some of the worst and most extensive burglaries were planned there. 67 It would appear to me that the two ideas aren't mutually exclusive. 67 He is too weak to move. 23 Several Presidents have chosen to use this desk, including Presidents Taft, Wilson, Harding, Coolidge, Hoover, and Eisenhower. 126 Today, however, it is more common for the pressure to be generated by an electric pump. 87 He consulted with his supervisor and, quote, it was determined that we should not undertake to furnish employment references for him, end quote. 144 So far so good. 15 Shortly after the assassination, Euins signed an affidavit describing the man as "white," 89 The Secret Service should utilize the personnel of other Federal law enforcement offices in the locality to assure adequate manpower for this task, as it is now doing. 167 When he heard police sirens, he, quote, looked up and saw the man enter the lobby, end quote. 93 Opposition parties are allowed, and are represented in Parliament, but are widely considered to have no real chance of gaining power. 133 complete 8 To steal a hog, and give away the feet in alms to God. 54 Laura took out a cigarette and placed it in her mouth. 54 He visited some of his father's elderly relatives and the cemetery where his father was buried in an effort to develop the facts of his genealogy. 146 But this boon of toil was denied to all but a very limited number. 66 Even though he received more money and better living quarters than other Russians doing similar work, 101 Your behavior is embarrassing go learn the art of social intercourse! 69 The new jails, as Howard says, "having pompous fronts, appear like palaces to the lower class of people, and many persons are against them on this account." 156 We're at the Uber Elevate Summit talking about the safe operation of small aircraft - from delivery drones to passenger vehicles - in urban environments. 153 deep laid, and with many ramifications, by which some of the Newgate warders were to be bribed to allow the prisoners to escape from their cells at night. 154 disclaimer 10 I think it’s too overwhelming to introduce two complex tools that basically do the same things. 95 Here's the latest from the New York Times. 42 All of the agents stayed for a drink of beer, or in several cases, a mixed drink. 81 Locating Mexican Restaurants in San Francisco, California. 58 Don't worry about it. 21 Bishop confessed that he was moved to this by the example of Burke and Hare. 76 That deal will be decided under the existing rules. 51 A young guy, probably in his early twenties, shows off his culinary skills with pride. 86 He wheeled the bike past the winding road. 42 Two boys in blue and yellow uniforms play soccer with a boy in a pink printed uniform. 86 Nudge gently but wake her now. 30 functions 9 The Dallas City-County Investigation Laboratory tried to determine the type of weapon which fired the bullet. 109 The person towards the right is wearing riot uniform while people seem to be filing out. 88 As the astronaut walked into the translucent pod, it transformed into an opaque material. 89 By law, banks must make funds from deposited checks available within days, but uncovering a fake check can take weeks. 118 He acted as a spokesman for U.S. businesses only. 49 It was "a scene of infernal passions and distresses," says Buxton, "which few have imagination sufficient to picture, 117 In addition to the battery technology in nearly all of the first generation hybrids, the Department's research also helped develop the lithium-ion battery technology used in the Volt. 183 The Emergency Conservation Work Act was introduced to Congress the same day and enacted by voice vote on March thirty first. 124 The mall is open eight thirty A.M. to five thirty P.M. Please schedule a meeting between me and John at three thirty tomorrow. 126 The film had its world premiere at the Sundance Film Festival on January twenty-ninth, twenty sixteen. 102 The report was largely scathing. 32 They told wild tales to frighten him. 37 Okay, The sun is coming out, I will adjust the brightness 57 The Energy Department continues to move water heater technology forward, most recently announcing funding for two new projects developed by America's small businesses. 167 or with undue persistence. 26 Following her graduation from a transitional course, she describes her experience working in a factory setting as "slave labour." 129 She had, quote, the impression that he was just pushed, pushed, pushed, and she Marina Oswald was probably nagging, nagging, nagging, end quote. 144 One of the aldermen, moreover, informed me that the whole court of aldermen were unanimous in their opinion on this subject. 124 Salmon is one of the most popular fish and very delicious, though usually not sustainable. 90 Boy in black shorts sliding on black surface covered with water with green trees in the background. 99 Certainly, the Taliban regime is finished. 42 At the time of the assassination the names of about one hundred persons were in this index, all of whom were included in the group of four hundred 146 His job was not advertised. 27 Secret Service men accompanied the President and his family to their vacation home in Massachusetts 99 The result of the recommendation of the committee of eighteen sixty-two was the Prison Act of eighteen sixty-five, 114 During the period between election and inauguration, the President-elect and Vice-President-elect would also be covered. 120 The shifty huckster fleeced his hapless victim. 47 was the true basis of a sound system of prison discipline. 58 She said: "My Judaism is very important to me" 46 Definitions place constraints on the amount and type of coffee, the temperature and pressure of the water, and the rate of extraction. 134 Each meeting may have an agenda, which lists the business that is to come up during the meeting. 96 Pencils down, time is over. 27 Where are the keys? 19 The phone call got interrupted due to unknown reasons. 54 The second test followed immediately after the first. 53 It is divided into three parts: "Inferno", "Purgatorio", and "Paradiso". 72 Mullay protested, and then Howard, under the influence of ungovernable rage, as it seemed, jumped up, 101 in others women were very properly exempted from it, and also from all severe labor. 84 I burned the omelette. 22 There's a story, too. 21 such 4 Robert I Bouck, special agent in charge of the Protective Research Section, 75 Clark is back on top form. 26 His attempt to express himself through his Fair Play for Cuba activities, however, 82 now 3 It makes no use of the recent developments in automatic data processing which are widely used in the business world and in other Government offices. 148 He was not there. 17 Joining with twenty-one V.A. Veterans cemeteries located at hospitals and nursing homes, the National Cemetery System comprised one hundred three cemeteries after the transfer. 176 They set out, but at Leeds Wakefield found himself called suddenly to Paris; 76 The Ishtar gateway leading to the palace was encased with beautiful blue glazed bricks, 87 but its issue was precarious, and dependent on the good will of the wardsmen, who measured out the portions to each according to his eye, 137 Because of rising oil prices, there is a program to build hydro power plants. 77 for possessing an unauthorized pistol with which he had accidentally shot himself. 82 made by photographing the Oswald cards, retouching the resulting negatives, and producing prints from the retouched negatives. 126 The Greeks used to imagine that it was a sign from the gods to foretell war or heavy rain. 90 It was a fighter jet, flying between the buildings. 51 Illicit morphine is rarely produced from codeine found in over-the-counter cough and pain medicines. 100 A man in a gray uniform carefully inserts a metal rod into a glowing opening. 77 the circumstances surrounding Oswald's return to Irving, Texas, on Thursday, November twenty-one, nineteen sixty-three, 119 to assist materially in our already unmistakable march toward recovery. 71 A lady with short hair wearing a black jacket leaned against a lamp post outside a building. 92 the first-born son of Nabopolassar, King of Babylon. 52 She is just. 12 Disturbances were frequent, owing to the riotous conduct of intoxicated women. 78 These historic fixtures were equipped for both gas and electric power - with the gas globes on top and the electric lights below. 129 And I then translated this to the officers that she knew that her husband had a gun that he had stored in here. 111 The N.I.H. lifts a three-year ban on scientists experimenting with lethal viruses, saying the potential benefits of disease preparedness outweigh the risks. 156 Six hundred years after its founding, the city was at the peak of its building activity. 88 A few species contain psychotropic compounds and are consumed recreationally or in traditional spiritual ceremonies. 116 Next Sunday from seven fifteen A.M. to eight thirty-five A.M. 61 and, if he chose, pass in, all provisions, money, clothes, and letters brought for prisoners by their friends. 110 Top with remaining noodles and sauce. Sprinkle additional Parmesan cheese over the top. 87 and that their conduct the night before did not impede their actions on duty 76 their conversation was of companions and associates of former years, long ago imprisoned, transported, hanged, while they, 122 Instrumental solos are usually kept to a minimum, and blues elements are largely downplayed. 92 once we got San Antonio moved from Friday to Thursday afternoon, where that was his initial stop in Texas, 106 This will be her fifth studio album and first in thirteen years. 64 The problem is that there is no problem when there should have been one. 72 Two: Liaison with other agencies regarding intelligence. 56 Neild found at his visit to Newgate in eighteen ten, 52 Please press the button on the top of the hub so I can connect. 63 were written the words "A. Hidell, P.O. Box two nine one five Dallas, Texas." 77 This naturalism is the beginning of what further becomes the connection between Hinduism and science. 101 You have deleted one alarm. 27 There is no maximum score for difficulty, as it can keep increasing as the difficulty of the skills increase. 109 I've been in two finals, and I've got a medal. 46 Cover, and cook on Low for ten to twelve hours, or on High for four to five hours. 82 Crypto causes fifty eight percent of outbreaks where a germ was identified linked to pools, hot tubs, and water playgrounds and eighty nine percent of the illnesses. 165 This son, John William Bean, was fully identified by Dasset, and presently examined by the Privy Council. 105 To check one To pull the fell hide, skin over one's ears. 57 Deacons serve under the supervision of the elders, and are often assigned to direct specific ministries. 104 But you are joking. 19 French rules go so far as to prescribe that the deck never be shuffled between hands. 85 A gorilla had stepped into the trap and was now transported to the zoo. 71 The term ended in late june that year. 38 Immediately after the robbers left the bank, the police were informed. 70 most of them, as was proved by their subsequent acts, blackguards of the deepest dye. 85 A youth named Pearson had seen him present a pistol at the Queen's carriage, 76 Steel can be pretty rough on your fingers when you're just getting to grips with it. 84 The article would benefit from examples demonstrating the dataset weighting. 76 Valuable space was cumbered with many long and winding passages, numerous staircases, and unnecessarily thick and cumbrous inner walls. 135 A rich farm is rare in this sandy waste. 40 No compliments, pray Without ceremony, Without the organ, Without repetition. 77 The district is associated with a working class urban community where Baltimore's struggling German and Irish immigrants and freed southern blacks lived side by side. 166 Mix water, ketchup, tomato paste, brown sugar, vinegar, mustard, and salt in a slow cooker, stirring to dissolve brown sugar and salt. 134 Beck is a bounty hunter who collects debts for a man named Billy Walker. 72 A thick coat of black paint covered all. 40 Volatile organic compounds (V.O.C.s) in a groundwater plume have contaminated two of Spring Park's three municipal wells. 121 and in taking preventive steps. 31 This is a very common type of bow, one showing mainly red and yellow, with little or no green or blue. 102 John Lennon played harmonica on early Beatles hits and his solo recordings. 75 The trade balance with Argentina, Colombia, and Asia is negative. 65 international 13 Glass may also be damaged by high-voltage arcing. 49 that a strict compliance with their duties gave them no choice "but to report matters as we found them, 103 I could not trust this survey as it is being outdated. 54 I do not know. 14 The unique Eurasian ally of Ethiopia was Russia. 48 Chris Smith, the culture secretary, said he was satisfied with the decision. 76 believed that he saw Oswald coming to work, but he does not remember that Oswald had anything in his hands as he entered the door. 130 even when the woodcuts are very rude indeed, 44 You have developed a serious case of pneumonia. 47 Filial affection rose superior to all scruples, and Miss Turner, having crossed the border, was married to Wakefield 116 was a tuft of several cotton fibers of dark blue, gray-black, and orange-yellow shades. 87 The wide road shimmered in the hot sun. 39 His sudden access to means unlimited was no doubt due to the profitable role he soon adopted of Government informer and spy, 124 Disregard my last statement. 28 The next convict is clearly and unmistakably a villain. 55 So, where are we headed next? 29 provide important corroboration for her account of the incident. 64 The occasion was considered excellent by the conspirators for disposal of the whole Cabinet at one blow, 104 They next watched Buncher, and found that he paid frequent visits to Birmingham. 80 Work has been rough in the last few months because of a major project launch. 77 You can't sacrifice his life for you personal vendetta! 55 Richard M. Nixon Incident 25 He charged a weekly sum as ward dues for the use of knives, forks, and plates 77 and realized immediately that Oswald had given false biographic information. Hosty knew that he would eventually have to investigate this, and, quote, 150 Lears was rewarded by being obliged to wear cross irons on his legs, a punishment rarely inflicted in Newgate, 110 For the twenty thirteen season, the Chargers made minor tweaks to their current uniforms. 89 the sounds of hammer and saw intermingled with the broad jeers and coarse jests of the rapidly increasing mob. 110 and with them indeed this dispatch amounted to undue precipitancy. 66 They occasionally participated in the questioning. 50 Hello I am Mycroft, your new assistant. To assist you I need to be connected to the internet. You can either plug me in with a network cable, or use wifi. Follow these instructions to set up wifi: 196 In the absence of more specific instructions, other Federal agencies interpreted the Secret Service's informal requests 119 The loss of the second ship was hard to take. 45 whether representing real or fictitious shares does not appear; but they were certificates connected in some way with Robson's long practiced frauds 148 Thirteen million, one hundred twenty-one thousand, four hundred sixteen 71 and measures taken to arrest them when their plans were so far developed that no doubt could remain as to their guilt. 118 Preheat oven to four hundred twenty five degrees. Grease a nine by thirteen inch pan with cooking spray. 104 Who was she? 12 Two other men, including the taxi driver, were wounded in the attack. 69 The man cut across the yard through some bushes, passed within twelve feet of Scoggins, and ran south on Patton. 112 This occurred two months before Lee was born in New Orleans on October eighteen, nineteen thirty-nine. 102 It was one of these, Glendinning, who had allowed himself to be utilized for some time in this way, whose capture led to the breaking up of the gang. 149 basically, although I hate the USSR and socialist system I still think marxism can work under different circumstances, end quote. 129 That period was a struggle. 27 He said that he could see the man from the middle of his chest to the top of his head, and that as he was facing the window the man was in the lower right-hand portion of the window 181 published 9 It will not swell so fast as the white, so give yourself more time for making it. 81 Since two thousand, they have played in Comerica Park. 54 Who was she? 12 Rufus W. Youngblood, special agent in charge of the Vice President's detail, 76 However, Chief Rowley did not condone the action of the off-duty agents, particularly since it violated a regulation of the Secret Service, 139 Two young men and a woman carrying an infant are gathered around a stand of watermelons. 88 In the opinion of these experts, it was not possible to estimate the time which elapsed between the placing of the print on the rifle and the date of the lift. 159 Ikey left no traces, and the police could hear nothing of him. He had in fact gone out of the country, to Copenhagen, whence he passed on to New York. 150 Four Tajikistani athletes have won Olympic medals for their country since independence. 87 of 2 An Icelandic law goes into effect which requires companies with more than twenty-four full-time employees to prove they are paying men and women equally. 153 Amin turned down the proposal, shouting "You are the one who should quit!" 74 At the same station Pierce joined Agar in the guard's van, and there were now three to carry on the robbery. 108 While transporting these goods to Damascus, Saladin took the opportunity to ravage the Crusader countryside. 108 It should be peremptorily forbidden to the keeper or any officer to make a pecuniary profit out of the supplies of food, fuel, or other necessaries. 148 According to Powers, Oswald said, quote, 40 A still tongue makes a wise head. 33 Ice clouds start as tiny particles high in the atmosphere. 58 They will certainly be visible from every house in our area. 60 They wanted to see if the instrument's batteries stored enough power to run twenty four hours. 94 The chance of rain in the next fifteen minutes is eighty percent. 65 under 5 The lake sparkled in the red hot sun. 37 before it can be converted into substances fitted for absorption, 65 Fetching your email. 20 Each field office should determine those Federal agencies which are represented locally and with which liaison should be conducted. End quote. 142 even though he later referred to the latter as, quote, trusted long time fighters for progress, end quote. 106 Meanwhile the main body remained at their headquarters, a ruined stable in Cato Street, 87 The flint sputtered and lit a pine torch. 41 Some of the members of that group saw a good deal of the Oswalds through the fall of nineteen sixty-three, 106 Approximately two minutes later, Dr. Carrico saw the President on his back, being wheeled into the emergency area. 114 Light rain Wednesday, with a high of fifty-one and a low of forty-three. 72 Of course many compounds are known with both oxides and other groups. 69 It is the American people themselves who expect the third horse to pull in unison with the other two. 101 From approximately four p.m. to four:fifty p.m. on November twenty-two, 71 Seventy-nine Waterman Avenue, Providence, Rhode Island. 55 Someone claiming to be an insurance agent gets in touch to say you should "act now" to get your new insurance. 110 These and similar founts, cast by the above firm and others, have now come into general use. 92 A cramp is no small danger on a swim. 37 one man declared that the language of the condemned rooms was disgusting, that he was dying a death every day in being compelled to associate with such characters. 163 I was frightened by a presence in my house that whispered terrible things. 74 He got besides half-a-crown for every man he flogged, and an allowance to provide cats or birch rods. 101 In two thousand eight the London Metal Exchange announced that molybdenum would be traded as a commodity on the exchange. 121 A cloud of dust stung his tender eyes. 38 Any thought that the President might cancel his visit to Dallas was ended 73 email 5 Starting off Tampa Navy Week with an interview of U.S.S. Mahan's commanding officer, Commander Wilson on Fox Thirteen News's Good Day Tampa. 140 Contemporary accounts give a minute description of the demeanor of the convict upon this solemn occasion. 105 Suddenly, the rugby world had changed. 38 Most algorithms are not very sensitive to the type of normalization used. 73 His first task was to gain the top of the cistern; this he effected by keeping his back to one side of the angle, 113 this is the narrowing of the modern letters. 44 This placed them in a position of much embarrassment. To have thrown up their brief would have been to have secured Courvoisier's conviction. 141 It arose as a response to changes brought by modernization, such as the growth of large corporations, pollution and fears of corruption in politics. 148 He was knighted in nineteen seventy. 36 Edward Davis Wood, Junior was an American filmmaker, actor, writer, producer, and director. 91 under holding company domination the utility industry has long been hopelessly at war within itself and with public sentiment. 126 On November twenty-two a Secret Service agent stood at the entrance to the Trade Mart, where the President was scheduled to speak, with copies of these photographs. 164 After the disclosure of the doping scandal the winner was deprived of the gold medal. 85 The man wearing a colorful outfit is holding something in both hands and smiling for the camera. 96 which was two points above the minimum for qualifications as a "sharpshooter" in a scale of marksman, sharpshooter, expert. 123 The geyser in the desert gushed water. 38 Good now offered to go to Wandsworth and satisfy the pawnbroker. 64 Employed as a clerk in the Globe Assurance, 43 Assassination a Federal Crime 29 Starch, however, contains potential energy, since the molecule is relatively unstable 85 Tonight I continue that report, though, because of the shortness of time, I must defer a number of subjects to a later date. 124 It will take time -- and plenty of time -- to work out our remedies administratively even after legislation is passed. 118 Oswald read the letter, but refused to believe that it was sincere, even though his wife insisted to him that it was. 117 Once symptoms appear, rabies is nearly always fatal, so identifying cases and starting treatment early is critical to a patient's survival. 139 It means blood relationship. 28 She's still staying in the maternity ward, but she's feeling much better. 73 Among other excuses offered for thus manacling all almost without exception, was that it was the best and safest method 119 The freezer always thaws the food. 34 Even the one she loved. 23 with only a short interval between it and the wall, supported by a horizontal iron railing with upright points; 111 North Korea was once a signatory but withdrew in January two thousand three. 76 The seven nominees, including Ackman, were then elected. 56 The architectural work was divided between three appointees. 60 Love Field and the Trade Mart. 30 Born in rural Connecticut, Allen had a frontier upbringing but also received an education that included some philosophical teachings. 133 show that he possessed ample capability to commit the assassination. 68 Scanning a Q.R. code is trivial and requires absolutely no skill. 65 Heat olive oil in a skillet over medium-high heat. 50 Their origin it will be seen dates back much further than that. 63 The lawyer sat in the courtroom. 32 Zeta, short for Zero Energy Thermonuclear Assembly, was a major experiment in the early history of fusion power research. 121 Justin Bieber is a Canadian singer that rose to fame in two-thousand-and-eight. 79 The kitten chased the dog down the street. 42 C.D.C. helps save lives by responding to emergencies, providing expertise, developing vaccines, and detecting disease outbreaks wherever they arise. 148 They've got three-quarters of the way. 38 Parts of the walls of Nineveh are still standing to the height of one hundred and twenty-five feet, 99 An Iraqi military parade in Baghdad celebrates final victory over ISIS. 71 in formats that can be communicated to each level of local authorities. 71 The juggler managed to keep five balls in the air at once. 58 A murderous assault on a police constable, which so nearly ended fatally that the culprit was sentenced to death, although not executed, 136 More than half of outbreaks started in the summer, the peak season for swimming. 80 Many animals of even complex structure which live parasitically within others are wholly devoid of an alimentary cavity. 120 after which he commanded his servants to tell no one what had come to pass, while he himself pondered the matter. 113 There he was seated on some sort of wooden bench and securely fastened. 71 The kite flew wildly in the high wind. 38 We have to pull together, or we will hang apart. 48 One of the largest robberies of its class was that effected upon the Custom House in the winter of eighteen thirty-four. 120 Agar at once got to work on the first safe. 43 Later on he became registrar, and in this more independent position 67 Lerigo turned for assistance to take the man into custody. 58 Miss Turner subsequently married Mr. Legh of Lym Hall, Cheshire. 64 was substantially true 22 As Sattler brooded over his wrongs, his rage got the upper hand, and he resolved to wreak it upon Thain. 104 whose proper place was the asylum. 34 Do you want to play a game. 27 troops were held in readiness to act if required. Everything passed off quite quietly, however, 95 Three other officers, moving toward the scuffle, grabbed Oswald from the front, rear and side. 94 He spent several weeks touring the U.S., entertaining troops with vaudeville routines and scenes from "Yankee Doodle Dandy". 124 and also because he had not received any notice of the original discharge proceedings, since his whereabouts were not known. 124 The budget presented for fiscal year twenty sixteen included a request for one point one billion dollars. 105 There's not much money in cycling. 34 gazing down upon the great Euphrates winding along the valley beneath. 70 On Sunday, November seventeen, nineteen sixty-three, 52 From its unique gesture it was clear, that the rhino was hostile. 65 Spelunkers pose inside a rock cavern while bathed in sunlight from the surface. 79 The stray cat gave birth to kittens. 36 How should I know? 18 The concourse was very great, notwithstanding these warnings. 61 Even with night-vision googles, no target was in sight. 55 Callaway picked up the gun. 27 The Department of State did not advise either the CIA or the FBI of these facts. 80 Clothes or prison uniform would not have served the purpose, for a disguise can be rapidly and secretly put on, 111 But the walls of the old city had not yet served their full purpose. 68 Life is complicated. 20 Since the assassination, the Service has experimented with the use of agents borrowed for short periods from such agencies. 123 I shall not confuse my discussion by a multitude of figures. So many figures are quoted to prove so many things. 112 Each Soldier in an O.D.A. is specially trained and cross-trained in different disciplines. 90 it makes no use of the recent developments in automatic data processing which are widely used in the business world and in other Government offices. 148 after he thought that what he had written in his book might be proof against him, and he destroyed it (the book), end quote. 124 It is situated parallel and close to a boundary between two converging tectonic plates. 87 First, was the emergence of the island of Zanzibar, located off the east coast of Africa. 89 It's great, because it takes a lot of pressure off the players. 63 has 3 Two of the arresting officers placed their initials on the weapon and a third inscribed his name. 97 and the police were unable at first to get on the track of the thieves. 71 About the same time, Pythagoras thought that the Earth was a sphere, in accordance with observations of eclipses, but not at the center;. 137 People strolling in a mall with colorful decorations hanging from the ceiling. 78 Increasing clouds, with a low around twenty-five. 49 The palmprint was found on the closed end of the bag. 53 Bring the beer again to a boil, reduce heat to medium-low, and cook at a simmer for five minutes. 97 Costa Ricans head to the polls to elect a new President, amidst a gay rights controversy. 89 Although these objectionable practices had disappeared, 55 Checking for updates. 21 Three twelve Olive Circle, Jackson, Mississippi. 48 The other event that helped reshape electric vehicles was the announcement in two thousand six that a small Silicon Valley startup, Tesla Motors, would start producing a luxury electric sports car. 197 People born in twenty-eighteen will possibly live into the twenty-second century. 81 The team that scores the most goals by the end of the match wins. 65 president 9 In eleven eighty three, the Young King Henry tried again to force his father to hand over some of his patrimony. 112 The U.S. government is unable to provide emergency services to U.S. citizens in North Korea as it does not have diplomatic or consular relations with North Korea. 162 Sadly, it sounds as if it is. 29 the Commission of Fine Arts requested John Russell Pope to prepare sketches of the State, War, and Navy building that incorporated Classical facades. 149 particularly 12 and while the courts adhered to the letter of the law, appeals were constantly made to the royal prerogative of mercy. 118 A man wearing colorful clothing and white sunglasses is playing a large drum with his hands. 92 At the present day, writes Huxley, 34 Monsieur le Maire was appealed to, and decided to leave it to the young lady, who at once abandoned Wakefield. 110 Dr. Hartogs summarized his report by stating: 45 Sorry, I could not communicate with the lights. 47 and he was in possession, the first time to her knowledge, of a watch. 70 The plant absorbs also a small amount of kinetic energy, independently of the sunlight, in the form of heat. 108 A gentleman A gipsy. 20 That's right. 13 The moat, ten feet deep, and of a width no longer known, ran close to its base. The wall was double. 100 Driving the Presidential limousine was Special Agent William R. Greer of the Secret Service; 92 According to the laws of Shariah, Muslims found guilty of homosexual acts should repent rather than confess. 108 Considering the growth of human population, insects might be the food of the future. 84 It could have been caused by the telescopic sight of the rifle which was approximately eleven inches long. 106 Zebrafish are used to study development, toxicology, specific gene function and roles of signaling pathways. 108 We will continue to talk to find a solution for Scottish football. 66 Then she looked up. 19 Tell it like it was? 20 In symmetric cryptography the same key is used for encryption and decryption. 77 We've seen a significant increase in the number of illegal robocalls because internet-powered phone systems have made it cheap and easy for scammers to make illegal calls from anywhere in the world. 198 Over the years, refrigerators have changed dramatically - from a box cooled by an ice block to a WiFi-connected smart appliance. 128 According to the confession, death had been inflicted by drowning in a well, whereas the medical evidence all pointed to violence. 130 de 2 How can I tell? 15 because of his need for immediate employment she attempted to obtain for him any job that was available at the time. Oswald made qualifying marks 145 A gentleman in a purple scarf and hat is looking at money while holding an accordion. 85 I'm awake now. 14 But in the case holding the Railroad Retirement Act unconstitutional, for instance, 83 If left alone, many dachshunds will whine until they have companionship. 72 Are you from the rugby? 23 Do you like fruit? 18 that is reflected in definite and comprehensive operating procedures. 69 The four color problem remained unsolved for more than a century. 65 It made a clicking sound when the officer tightened the handcuffs. 66 You have no new messages. 25 Two elders of the meeting sat up with him in the press yard the whole of the night previous to execution, and a third, 118 In seventeen seventy seven, Paine became secretary of the Congressional Committee on Foreign Affairs. 101 It was a bit disappointing, but I am no stranger to rainy or foggy summers. 75 with Puerto Ricans and Negroes and everything, end quote. 57 The clan gathered on each dull night. 37 yet we may be sure that Babylon was taken by Darius only by use of stratagem. Its walls were impregnable. 105 As a beginning step to improve liaison with local law enforcement officials, the Secret Service on August twenty-six, nineteen sixty-four, 138 There was no increase in murder or manslaughter; the number of such crimes remained pretty constant proportionately to population. 130 Such an organism exhibits no left or right sides. 49 Pisa is a one-hour drive from Florence. 39 It was hidden from sight by a mass of leaves and shrubs. 56 Six: Inspection of Buildings 28 Her aphasia resulted from a seizure. 36 Shortly after the Mannlicher-Carcano rifle was found on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository Building, agents of the FBI 135 The agents moved a nurse and patient out of a nearby room, lowered the shades, and took emergency security measures to protect the Vice President. 146 Mandrake now realizes that Ripper is insane. 44 Lovelady and Shelley moved out into the street. 47 Virginia does not know how to fly the kite. 43 Three small children On a blanket on the ground surrounded by people in wheelchairs. 84 It follows that the bean has taken in only the raw materials of its fabric and has manufactured them into bean-stuffs. 118 The procession traversed Ratcliffe twice, halting for a quarter of an hour in front of the victims' dwelling, 109 Apparently he had reached for his gun; it lay beneath him outside of the holster. 81 a number of pawnbrokers' duplicates, and three small files. It was proved at the trial that Ashley had asked his landlady for brick-dust and leather, 149 The new test could help improve rabies testing in the United States and in resource-poor countries. 99 and Calcraft, who had been threatened with summary retribution if he executed Barrett, carried out the sentence without mishap. 127 Context is needed. 18 What was the matter for concern? 32 From our point of view, the player is free to leave. 52 The curtain rose and the show was on. 37 For acting as executioner of Horsemonger Lane Jail 50 who took a carving-knife from the sideboard in the dining-room, went upstairs to Lord William's bedroom, and drew the knife across his throat. 142 at times on long terms of imprisonment, and for the transports, whom the Home Office were often, as of old, slow to remove. 123 and, according to Frazier, "relatively few" types of rifles could produce the characteristics found on the bullet. 114 He at length stole a carpet-bag containing valuables, and fled to Hamburgh. 75 A small group of adult males enjoy a conversation in an architecturally sound building. 87 But the Old Bailey gradually, and in spite of all objections urged, monopolized the dread business of execution. 112 between the small producer, the small trader, the consumer, 59 I had to teach my nephew the facts of life, because his parents are prudes. 75 You had better believe it. 26 Only one third of the rubbish is being recycled in this country. 64 Her bountiful goodness inspired us all. 39 This building was a costly affair. The site was uneven, and had to be leveled; 78 The more people that can participate in the web, the better the Internet, and the world will be. 96 calendar 8 Off with their heads. 21 The girls are so lucky to be alive. 35 books 5 The new test, designed for use in animals, can more easily and precisely diagnose rabies infection, according to a study published today in P.L.O.S. One. 153 Meanwhile the captain, roused from his berth, 45 There are countless possibilities of arranging pieces on a board of chess. 74 It uses the same stitches as Chantilly lace and is similarly made in strips five inches wide and invisibly joined. 114 I can't believe how fast the oil prices are falling! 52 The affair was over. 20 The new tentative criteria are useful in making clear that the interest of the Secret Service goes beyond information on individuals or groups threatening to cause harm to the President. 186 She uttered loud imprecations, cursing judge, jury, barristers, witnesses, and all who stood around. 100 The national government now has at least sixty different agencies with the staff 80 Palm leaves are used to create rings and other ornaments. 57 Much of the Secret Service work requires the development and use of highly sophisticated equipment, some of which must be specially designed to fit unique requirements. 168 He was also founder and president of the American Academy of Jewish Research. 77 Police have launched an investigation due to a neglect of safety measures. 74 She blushed when he gave her a white orchid. 44 and that a baneful precedent will be established. 49 Last night my little sister crawled into my bed, after she'd had a nightmare. 77 What is today? 14 Use the factory pattern and an iterator to step through the array. 66 Eight months later, he was dead. 32 Silence gives consent. 22 The One cannot itself be a being. 33 but that there was madness in his family, and that he himself was of unsound mind, could not be well denied. 108 Each meeting may have an agenda, which lists the business that is to come up during the meeting. 96 locations 9 The water in this well is a source of good health. 50 Did you know that? 18 Euro-style games emphasize strategy while downplaying luck and conflict. 72 Built January nineteenth, nineteen-seventeen, the monument is now celebrating its centennial. 93 the resistance to arrest and the attempted shooting of another police officer by the man (Lee Harvey Oswald) subsequently accused of assassinating President Kennedy 164 Buddhist man with glasses sits at highly decorated desk in colorful office waving around a peacock feather. 107 If you answer the phone and hear a recorded sales pitch, hang up and report it. 79 Palmer's plan was to administer poison in quantities insufficient to cause death, but enough to produce illness which would account for death. 142 It will no doubt occur to the reader that, on the theory of evolution, 70 Lift the square stone over the fence. 37 The trade of fence, or receiver, therefore, is very nearly as old as the crimes which it so obviously fostered. 111 The next time Carlisle was besieged, in thirteen fifteen, Robert the Bruce would be leading the attack. 103 English is the official language of Belize, a former British colony. 68 Xena: Warrior Princess starred Lucy Lawless as Xena and Renee O'Connor as Gabrielle. 84 Feel the heat of the weak dying flame. 38 It's a way of life. 19 Every first child gets everything he wants. 43 If such a plan is good for the lower courts it certainly ought to be equally good for the highest court from which there is no appeal. 134 a taste for spirits. End quote. 31 assisted by Drs. William Osborne and John Parker. 49 And so it was. 14 Today the committee implicitly decided to extend the arsenal. 61 In its budget request, the Secret Service sought funds for twenty-five new positions, primarily in field offices. 113 While Oswald publicly engaged in the activities described above, his, quote, organization, end quote, was a product of his imagination. 135 But these, it was thought, might be provided by the admission of the press and the holding of a coroner's inquest. 114 was stamped on some literature that Oswald had in his possession at the time of his arrest in New Orleans, 106 The Pontiac Silverdome, former home of the N.F.L.'s Detroit Lions and the N.B.A.'s Detroit Pistons, was to be partially imploded as part of its planned demolition. 163 It may, however, be remarked that the wisdom of appointing any regular hangman is very open to question, 104 Phillippe started his fifth and final game of the series. 57 Now, therefore, if there be no failure on thy part, we shall take Babylon. 74 Abraham Lincoln, James A. Garfield, William McKinley, and John F. Kennedy. 74 So, where's the necklace? 25 While some of this can be attributed to more homes being built in warmer regions like the South, a lot of it is thanks in part to improved energy efficiency. 157 A boy wearing a red shirt is riding his bike right next to a mound of dirt. 75 The page so lay on the paper that there was more space allowed to the bottom margin than to the top. 100 The last great case of fraud upon the Bank of England will fitly close this branch of the criminal records of Newgate. 118 It is a long story. Poets have sung it. Historians have written it. Prophets have preached it. Legends have gathered about it. 126 Thin rolls of paste prepared of flour, cheese, yolks of eggs, sugar, and saffron. 81 To this fraudulent instrument he appended forged signatures, and in due course obtained probate. 96 There was a tremendous amount of anger and frustration in that music. 69 However they are fleeing their culture's police. 48 Gorillas have a patchy distribution. 36 Add salt before you fry the egg. 32 according 9 a trade almost openly countenanced when "subjects" for the anatomy schools were only to be got by rifling graves, or worse. 123 Since many items may pertain to a single case, these figures do not show the caseload. 86 The great principles of classification, cleanliness, and employment were closely observed. 90 The boy owed his pal thirty cents. 34 Thornley thought that Oswald not only wanted a place in history but also wanted to live comfortably in the present. 115 She was not sure whether she had seen his picture in a newspaper on the afternoon or evening of November twenty-two prior to the lineup. 136 Archery continues to be a popular sport; most commonly in the form of target archery. 85 I'd love to be like Peter. 26 To meet his liabilities, he raised large sums on forged bills of acceptance drawn upon his mother, a woman of some means, 121 a number of organs which never could have been of use to any kind of creature save a terrestrial quadruped. 107 From this bar hang several iron loops, in which the halters are tied. 69 he put them also to the sword. 30 each SAC should specifically designate an Agent (or Agents) to be responsible for developing 92 A little girl is looking at some plants while another is on the phone in the background. 88 Women form less than half of the group. 39 Yoga came to the attention of an educated western public in the mid-nineteenth century along with other topics of Indian philosophy. 132 Those egoistic businessmen always consider themselves important, just because they wear a cravat. 97 This swallow is twittering without Internet connection and has a swarm of followers. 84 Put it into a floured bowl, cover with a cloth and set away out of draught and undue heat, for three hours. 107 For instance, it may be desirable to write a function that only operates on numbers. 84 were deployed in and around the Trade Mart. 43 Courvoisier might have lived a century earlier. 47 The untried might see their friends three times a week, the convicted only once. 80 She has subsequently admitted the existence of the conversation and offered an explanation for her denial. 106 Subsequently, the phages evolved contractile or short tails and elongated heads. 80 But a conversation overheard between the two brothers in Newgate satisfactorily exonerated Thomas Wainwright. 109 The church at Old Abbey had no aisles in the nave or the choir. 63 They use the terraforming tool to modify the terrain. 53 Thus it must be admitted, he says again, "that plants may be contractile and locomotive; 88 He also denied that he had received the rifle through this box. 63 One turnkey had been so employed several hours daily for nearly eleven years. 77 After this great iron guards, just as are to be seen in lunatic asylums, 72 The transfer required two hours nineteen minutes and ten seconds to complete. 77 Open the window. 16 Persons committed to a metropolitan jail at that time were taken in gangs, men and women handcuffed together, or linked on to a long chain, 139 it began to appear that Oswald was having considerable difficulty doing accurate work and in getting along with the other employees. 132 And the Department's Advanced Research Projects Agency is advancing game-changing technologies that could alter how we think of electric vehicles. 146 Is this a picture of a cat? 27 Hey. 4 and used an exceedingly beautiful type, which is indeed to look at a transition between Gothic and Roman, 105 Okay. Could I have your phone number too? 41 In Sicilian style. 18 I tend to just daydream when I'm not doing anything much. 57 Sales representatives should tell you the risk of particular investments. 73 On the other hand, those plants, such as the fungi, which contain no chlorophyll and are not green, are always, so far as respiration is concerned, in the exact position of animals. 181 Fewer than one thousand votes were needed to defeat the charismatic judge. 74 Germany's trade surplus shrank for the first time since two thousand nine, reflecting strong domestic demand. 109 Wakefield's uncle took the matter more seriously, and declared that unless the marriage came off Mr. Turner must be sold up. 124 Not recently. 13 Many changes have already been made and others are contemplated, some of them in response to the Commission's questions and informal suggestions. 145 At the time of which I am writing there was great diversity of practice as regards the hours of labor. 102 As electric vehicles came onto the market, so did a new type of vehicle - the gasoline-powered car - thanks to improvements to the internal combustion engine in the eighteen hundreds. 183 but would have destroyed them utterly; for they would have made fast all the street gates which gave upon the river, 116 He apparently based his claim for a visa in transit to Russia 61 However, this is usually infeasible given the computing resources required. 75 Your anniversary is next Friday. 32 The whole of the convicts were assembled together in one ward, and made to kneel down. 86 So that I know not where we can hope to find any absolute distinction between animals and plants, unless we return to their mode of nutrition 141 He is certain to appeal, and the sentence will not be enforced until the result of the trial is confirmed at appeal. 116 Scientific Evidence Linking Rifle and Oswald to Paper Bag 57 Doves sprouted, then escaped from various oversized pockets, some trailing handkerchiefs or bunting. 100 Standing alone in the hallway, she regretted not raising her hand before speaking in class. 91 The permit requires the installation of controls and use of best management practices to prevent or minimize the discharges of pollutants in runoff from their operations. 170 Say, turn off alarm to end this alarm. 38 But the fact, important as it was, fell into oblivion and had to be rediscovered. 81 quote, I knew there was no such organization. And I know Hidell is merely an altered Fidel, and I laughed at such foolishness. 126 All known algorithms for the decision problem work in this way. 63 They have not done so this season so far. 41 Port is a strong wine with a smoky taste. 41 You're in no condition to be exerting yourself like that. 57 The three story house was built of stone. 41 Two plus seven is less than ten. 32 When Esarhaddon died, one of his sons, Samas-sum-yukin, was made King of Babylon. 81 Nothing could be more strongly marked than the contrast between the ultimate destiny of different individuals all abiding the same awful doom: 142 Please cook up a big batch of corn for Grandad. 47 Separation was injurious to health, mental or physical, said one side; men broke down when subjected to it for more than a certain period, 138 Or search for a phrase that describes your situation, like I.R.S. call. 71 At about six:thirty p.m. on the day of the assassination, McWatters viewed four men in a police lineup. 103 Another question arises as to whether in fixing minimum wages on the basis of an hourly or weekly wage 102 This is probably because the buildings were made out of stone. 62 Both Director Hoover and Belmont expressed to the Commission the great concern of the FBI, which is shared by the Secret Service, 129 Another man was hired, himself a convict, whose fees for self and wife were twelve guineas. 91 Ducks fly north but lack a compass. 35 she placed John Pic and Robert Oswald in an orphans' home. 58 He used an exceedingly beautiful type, which is indeed to look at a transition between Gothic and Roman. 104 Today's high is eighty, with a low of seventy-three. 52 Thermal measurements at the nanometer scale are of both scientific and industrial interest. 91 particularly those arising from organized groups, within their special jurisdiction. 84 How did it end? 15 By then, however, both men were already in the U.S. 51 four people sit eating together at a table with another person in the background facing away. 93 The stale smell of old beer lingers. 36 There were three possible ways to update it. 44 A later case was still more remarkable, as it was effected after the alteration of the prison and its reconstruction on the newest lines. 137 Imagine a higher animal with an attachment for turning the carbon dioxide and water excreted 92 It has received assistance also from data processing experts at the CIA 71 till the tenth day after I am entered within the town, and then place near to the gates of Semiramis a detachment of thy army, 126 How can I help you? 19 and in an impassioned address implored the jury not to send an innocent man to the gallows. 91 The empty flask stood on the tin tray. 38 that in view of the President's visit to Dallas, that if anyone had any indication of any possibility of any acts of violence or any demonstrations against the President, 170 A woman in a headscarf uses a telescope to look out over the city and bay. 74 it had no written specification of intelligence information collected by CIA abroad which was desired by the Secret Service 123 We had a wonderful dish that was seasoned with Chili Peppers. 61 Such an oscillating dipole moment can exchange energy with an electromagnetic wave of same frequency. 101 When all was ready, Bidwell first "refreshed his credit" at the Bank of England, as well as disarmed suspicion, 111 People came to stare at the supposed cold-blooded prisoner; 59 Marina Oswald testified that she, quote, had never heard anything bad about Kennedy from Lee. And he never had anything against him, end quote. 143 In any event, the Walker incident indicates that in spite of the belief among those who knew him that he was apparently not dangerous, 134 he gave in, and signed the documents thus illegally extorted. 61 The causes of this ascent are not clear, 40 He carried this character with him into penal servitude, and after enduring the full severity of his punishment for several years, 130 Generally, one uses an espresso machine to make espresso. 57 A high wall fifteen feet in height divided the females' court-yard from the men's. 82 Soon afterwards Hocker heard cries of "murder," 47 His Fair Play for Cuba Committee activities, however, made it more difficult for him to obtain other employment. 112 To speak without thinking is to shoot without taking aim. 57 Don't you like it? 18 On the basis of this time test, therefore, 42 Did you do that? 16 according to their categories or crimes. 40 The Attempt on the Life of Maj. Gen. Edwin A. Walker 52 He could make it. 17 Good wine ruins the purse, and bad wine ruins the stomach. 58 the rifle was, according to the evidence, stored in a green and brown blanket in the Paines' garage among the Oswalds' other possessions. 137 A bean may be supplied with water in which salts of ammonia and certain other mineral salts are dissolved in due proportion. 124 Classic Piccata reaches a new peak with the marvelous addition of mushrooms. 76 freedom of speech, travel outspoken opposition to unpopular policies, freedom to believe in god, end quote, while the Soviet Union did not. 139 Relations between the territories of present-day Egypt and Somalia stretch back to antiquity. 93 the wards being furnished with barrack bedsteads, upon which each prisoner had the regulation allowance of sleeping room 120 She complained that she had no justice; there was no law for her, she had found no protection either from judges, the prosecutor, or her husband. 145 Having information from Special Reconnaissance missions exponentially aided this effort. 88 There are multiple skills with this name. Please choose one. 60 The tongs lay beside the ice pail. 34 That group reported just before Christmas. 42 Only a very small minority of the people of this country believe in gambling as a substitute for the old philosophy of Benjamin Franklin 136 We cannot close these remarks, say the inspectors, "without an expression of the painful feelings with which we submit to your Lordship 135 They were penal servitude men, their names Bell, Brown, and Barry, and they were awaiting transfer to Leicester, 112 Was it the wife? 16 After several days of violent protests due to allegations of electoral fraud, Honduran police have announced that they will not enforce a government-mandated curfew. 165 The arresting officers found a forged selective service card with a picture of Oswald and the name "Alek J. Hidell" 115 Palmer speedily found imitators. 32 One half cup of Indian meal. One half cup of molasses. Two teaspoonfuls of salt. Soda, the size of a pea. 105 Please shut the door. 21 no less than four hundred and fifty-one sentences of death for capital crimes were passed at the Old Bailey; 108 He drew up several long statements, containing narratives purely fictitious, imputing crimes to his victim, and repeating his line of defense 141 In colloquial language the term Yankee is used for U.S. citizens. 65 He thought he had killed her, and in his terror began at once to consider how he might dispose of the body and escape arrest. 125 While Marina Oswald tried to obtain permission to return to the Soviet Union, she testified that she did so at her husband's insistence. 136 The hijackers had to beat only one layer of security: the security checkpoint process. 86 (six) the lies told to the police by Oswald, (seven) 52 whose desk and pulpit were just in front of the condemned pew, and within a couple of yards of it. 98 aggressive and even somewhat pugnacious, although Powers, quote, wouldn't say that this guy is a troublemaker, end quote. 121 In some places the dietary was too full, in others too meager. Its constituents were not of the most suitable character. 120 In return, we share information and publicly recognize our partners. 68 the sleepers covered the entire floor, with the exception of a passage in the middle. 85 but in servile conformity to the wishes of the Soviet Union and in anticipation of Soviet Russia's complete domination of the American continent. 145 Agriculture was a very important achievement in human history. 62 as additional persons entitled to receive mail in the box. The New Orleans postal authorities had not discarded the portion of the application 142 A woman wearing purple leg warmers sits on the floor and applies nail polish to her toenails. 93 hp 2 Voting within Congress can take many forms, including systems using lights and bells and electronic voting. 107 WWII Victory Day parade with soldier marching down street, dressed in vintage gear and holding rifles. 102 The boat was fantastic. 23 No allowance was made for the special conditions which existed on the day of the assassination 94 This vehicle, a nineteen fifty-five Cadillac eight-passenger convertible especially outfitted for the Secret Service, 117 The suggestions of Federal agencies for revision of these guidelines were solicited. 84 Today's recovery proves how right that policy was. 50 When you're at a party and somebody says "banana bread", a sniper might be near you. 84 As she cradled her mortally wounded husband, Mrs. Kennedy cried, quote, 71 They took the east elevator to the seventh floor and ran up a stairway to the roof where they searched for several minutes. 123 According to her testimony, he compelled her to write the name "Hidell" on membership cards in the space designated for the signature of the "Chapter President." 161 There are more than two hundred thirty four thousand plug-in electric vehicles and three point three million hybrids on the road in the U.S. today. 147 In eighteen ninety six, he decided to move to London to make a living as a writer. 82 In some form or other we need fun. 34 A brown and white dog jumping up to catch a Frisbee while an audience watches. 78 The lock and fastenings of the chest were forced by means of a "jack," an instrument known to housebreakers, 108 The mall is open eight thirty A.M. to five thirty P.M. Please schedule a meeting between me and John at three thirty tomorrow. 126 He asked, quote, What's the package, Lee? End quote. Oswald replied, quote, curtain rods, end quote. 100 There was no replacement for armed forces lost in the fight. 60 that she stood behind him as he stood near the open grave she herself had dug for him, 86 The enforcement of discipline depended upon the want of honor among thieves. 76 This also implies that its running time is at least proportional to its output, and so is also extremely huge. 110 One borough prison consisted of nothing more than a couple of cells, about ten yards square, and absolutely nothing more. 121 Today, seven manufacturers offer Energy Star qualified electric heat pump water heaters under more than a dozen brand names. 124 Drinking and gaming, 20 The result in the latter case was left in the first place to the king in council, 81 It gives the flute a bright sound. 34 The proposed approach provides state-of-the-art results at very low computational cost. 87 The day his father died he got the keys of his private bureau, opened it, and took out the authentic will. 106 The target at two hundred sixty-five feet was placed to the right of the two hundred forty-foot target 102 The film also used the first "reverse angle" cut in film history. 65 accommodation 13 I did not see them there. 25 They took their kids from the public school. 44 Very well, if you'd like to start your inspection of the lab area I'll go and fetch her. 88 articles 8 Maybe this battle has been. 27 Moss presently turned approver, 31 Although he was reclining in his wife's arms, he lurched forward in an effort to stand upright and get out of the car, but he collapsed again. 142 From nineteen eighty through two thousand eight, U.S. air carriers had two hundred thirty four turbulence accidents, resulting in three fatalities. 147 obtained a mortgage of seven thousand pounds. 45 Volume of bilateral trade during twenty eleven was just nineteen million dollars. 81 By the end of twenty ten, the network could exceed ten million users. 69 This free-flying Star Wars inspired robot can't train you to use a lightsaber, but it's lending a helping hand to astronauts. 125 The Commission further recommends that the Secret Service coordinate its planning as closely as possible with all of the Federal agencies from which it receives information. 173 There lie the ruins of the famous temple of Esagil, sacred to Marduk. 69 and to cure the abuses and the inequalities which had thrown that system out of joint. 86 The first affair of the kind on this spot was on the third December, seventeen eighty-three, 92 who studied it during the year following his unsuccessful attempt to enlist until, quote, He knew it by heart, end quote. 121 The man's general description was similar to the one broadcast over the police radio. 85 Dr. Clark, who most closely observed the head wound, 52 I was in hot pursuit of the scooter when I cycled down the boulevard. 69 After his father died in eighteen seventy, Smith and his family settled for a while in Liverpool. 97 The pennant waved when the wind blew. 37 The prince ordered his head chopped off. 40 In the West End he was a man of fashion, with a town house, a house at Brighton, and a cellar full of good wine at both. 120 When habited for the day in all except the outer gown, collar, etc., slip on the wrapper again and run down to put the biscuits in the oven. 140 The plan has met opposition only so far as the Supreme Court of the United States itself is concerned. 102 Even though he told his wife that he had been fired, he voluntarily left on October eight, nineteen sixty-two, and moved to Dallas. 131 Two men wearing orange safety jackets working on repairing electrical lines in the tunnel underground. 102 Since then, NASA has installed commercial plastic owl decoys and inflatable owl balloons which had to be removed prior to launch. 129 He also had demonstrated a capacity to act decisively and without regard to the consequences when such action would further his aims of the moment. 147 A penny wise and a pound foolish. 33 The legislature was beginning to overcome its disinclination to interfere actively or authoritatively 101 Preheat oven to three hundred seventy five degrees. 51 looking 7 Cinnamon Roll Bread Pudding 27 It was these great Venetian printers, together with their brethren of Rome, Milan, 82 that many of the kneeling men or boys laughed while they knelt, pinched each other, and, when they could do so without fear of being seen by any officer of the prison, 167 How can I tell you that you are fit enough to join the camp? 60 A girl wearing a blue shirt is reading music and playing a large string instrument outdoors. 92 According to Secretary Dillon, 30 He was on the right or north side of the road. Prince Albert occupied the same side of the carriage, the Queen the left. 120 that the President would arrive and depart from Dallas' Love Field; that a motorcade through the downtown area of Dallas to the luncheon site should be arranged; 161 The horse balked and threw the tall rider. 42 The right brain is the locus of the spatial, tactile, and musical. 66 The report describes mixed progress in preventing outbreaks caused by germs spread through treated recreational water. 118 The second, the Women's Building at the State Fair Grounds, 59 The numbers dropped even more in later decades. 47 Though initially averse to strikes as a method to advance their goals, the Knights aided various strikes and boycotts. 118 Girl about to kick a piece of wood in half while karate instructor holds it 75 Brian did not hear Hosty make any statement concerning Oswald's capacity to be an assassin 90 Pour egg mixture over tortillas. Cover, and refrigerate overnight. 66 At twelve:fifty-four p.m., Tippit reported that he was in the central Oak Cliff area at Lancaster and Eighth. 109 Can you sing me a lullaby? 26 All privacy was impossible under the circumstances. 51 His crime under this aspect of it was less premeditated, and less atrocious therefore, than that of Lefroy. 107 will be cause for removal from the Service, end quote. 54 The bills were sent as a matter of form to the drawer to have the date added, and the forgery was at once detected. 115 there were several Secret Service agents in it who shared the responsibility of scanning the windows of nearby buildings. 121 Three brownhaired women in brown and green skirts lean against a metal fence staring to the left. 97 This is true also of green plants in darkness and even in the light of all parts of green plants except the chlorophyll-bodies. 127 A watch was set on Burnett, who was followed to the shop of one Buncher, a butcher in Strutton Ground. 102 is the theory of descent -- i.e., that similarities are due to blood relationship and that differences come from adaptive modifications. 136 It'll be just fine. 19 It is a fact. 13 Thistles and sunflowers are both in the daisy family. 53 They created some of the first small-scale electric cars. 57 I will now retrace my steps and give some account of the more remarkable murders during that period. 100 She gave them each a half to make them work together. 53 The inspectors, however, honestly admitted that although the site of the prison was convenient, its construction was as bad as bad could be. 140 Day, on the other hand, believed that sufficient traces of the print had been left on the rifle barrel, 103 L.N. thirty four testing uses P.C.R., a testing platform that labs worldwide already use to test for flu, H.I.V., and tuberculosis. 131 The outer and inner defenses of Babylon were so strong and so high that no enemy could hope to take them, 105 Don't send money or give out personal information in response to an unexpected request - whether it comes as a text, a phone call, or an email. 143 Early science results from the August twenty seventeen total solar eclipse; and the surprising resilience of a newborn Pacific Island. 134 There were still big prizes, however, to tempt the daring, and none appealed more to the thievish instinct than the custom of transmitting gold by rail. 152 He gave me a dollar bill and didn't say anything, just got out and closed the door and walked around the front of the cab over to the other side of the street 158 It appears that he did not want to do any of the things which the authorities suggested in their efforts to bring him out of the shell 134 Occasionally, simple and witty statements, though not poetic per se, may also be considered epigrams. 101 It is true that some methods benefit from normalization of image inputs. 72 knew Lee Harvey Oswald under the alias of O. H. Lee. 52 networking 10 Guinyard said, quote, I told them that was him right there. I pointed him out right there, end quote. 101 Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it. 59 They try to convince you that you'll miss out on a big opportunity if you don't send them thousands of dollars by overnight courier or money transfer. 150 was a piece of a woman's calico apron stained with blood, which he had used to save the pressure on his shoulder by the hod. 124 The tiny girl took off her hat. 31 The Shawshank Redemption is a nineteen ninety four drama film based on a Stephen King novella. 94 I was inspired by two things. 29 Lee was always hot-tempered, and now this trait of character more and more prevented us from living together in harmony. 120 They discovered two photographs, each showing Oswald with a rifle and a pistol. 79 To facilitate his operations, Brewer obtained a false master key from Burnett, 78 with the particular purposes of the agency involved. 52 The screen is backlit in order to allow gamers to play in low-lighting situations. 82 The interment in a shell filled with quicklime in the passage-way leading to the Old Bailey is also a part of the duty of the prison officials. 143 No traces of its moat have appeared. 36 Young African children are playing in a dirt and gravel street dressed in shorts and tshirts. 93 The pearl was worn in a thin silver ring. 41 The Commission has found that Oswald's movements, as described by these witnesses, 82 We must leave now. 18 The tenement agency deems me unreliable due to my debts. 56 viz., the brain; and also usually, but not always, a number of posterior joints, 80 She called his name many times. 31 but as time passed, difficulties and delays in obtaining judgment led to the removal of causes to the great Court of King's Bench, 130 We hope they bring their solutions to the marketplace soon. 59 By connecting state and local health departments across the U.S., we can discover patterns of disease and respond when needed. 126 It will be recalled from the discussion in chapter three 56 Please don't be lazy. 21 Within a few months of launching the campaign, U.S.-led forces and Afghan opposition forces took control of the Afghan capital of Kabul, along with Kandahar, one of the country's largest cities. 194 I don't understand it. 22 In September, the White House decided to permit further visits by the President and extended the trip to run from the afternoon of November twenty-one 150 P.O. Box two seven four nine, Juneau, Alaska, nine nine eight one one. 70 The sum total thus produced was inconsiderable compared with the hundreds that had formerly filled the jail, 108 Previous to that date there had been seven hundred or eight hundred frequently, and once, in Mr. Akerman's time, one thousand. 126 In the twenty second century, they displayed advanced holotechnology and telepresence. 86 whether the ordinary or his own pills will never be known, except as may be inferred from the results, which indicate that he had taken the latter. 147 Adversity tries friends. 24 and the various discount houses would not advance sufficient sums to relieve the necessities of the bank. 105 Mrs. Paine testified, quote, 28 the position of our Society that a work of utility might be also a work of art, if we cared to make it so. 106 In effect, four Justices ruled that the right under a private contract 70 Tin cans are absent from store shelves. 39 The CubeSat spins around its axis, like a plate spinning on a pole. 67 Again, long before the stars have been scattered by the morning sun, you are on your way. 89 The model predicts that by twenty-thirty, the chances could more than double. 77 The term U.F.O. became more widespread during the nineteen fiftys, at first in technical literature, but later in popular use. 126 Do you want to eat first? 25 Ma'am, we are able to upgrade your seat for free. 49 to whom, quote, it was nothing terrible if people were to find out that he had been in Russia, end quote. 105 Russian-British relations will develop normally. 48 She had a hit in the United States in nineteen fifty eight with "I Loves You, Porgy". 85 Sweden serves as the protecting power for the United States in North Korea, providing limited emergency services. 113 I have gotten around to traveling by train which is truly my favorite mode of transportation. 93 Please ensure that the bridge is connected to the network and try again. 72 Now it should not be expected that even employed labor and capital would be completely satisfied with present conditions. 121 prior to November twenty-one, nineteen sixty-three, except on Monday, October twenty-one, when he visited his wife in the hospital 130 What assurances do I have that you'll keep my name out of your story? 69 Salmon baked in parchment paper is the best way to steam in great taste. 72 female prisoners were still exposed to the full view of the males, the netting in front of the gallery being perfectly useless as a screen. 139 advertise 9 and begged his accomplice to invest it as a settlement on a woman named Kay, by whom he had had a child. 104 The Treasury Department sanctions five Iranian entities associated with Iran's ballistic missile program. 105 The introduction of exact and easily manageable methods of conducting the chemical analysis of organic compounds. 113 Wandering years, in which a journeyman went from place to place after his Lekrjahre, to acquire further experience. 115 Keep in mind that it may be too soon for the company's victims to realize they've been defrauded or to have filed complaints. 125 Soon ripe, soon rot. 20 Last of all, the well-known bankers Overend and Gurney, whose own affairs created much excitement some years later, 115 It admitted the paramount necessity 35 The dead have no friends. 25 This, too, was a forgery. The signature of "A. J. Hideel" was in the handwriting of Lee Harvey Oswald. 102 He said this about members of the Russian-speaking group in the Dallas-Ft. Worth area, whom she said he tried to forbid her from seeing, 136 but it was probably no earlier than one:twenty-two p.m., the time when the rifle was found. 91 that he rushed to a slaughterhouse in Hampstead and purposely stained his clothes with blood. 93 On the morning of November twenty-two, President Kennedy attended a breakfast at the hotel and afterward addressed a crowd at an open parking lot. 146 items 5 had been one of these moved by the floor layers from the west wall to near the east side of the building in preparation for the laying of the floor. 148 President Eisenhower's Advisory Committee on Presidential Office Space recommended demolition of the Executive Office Building and construction of a modern office facility. 172 The route was further reviewed by Lawson and Sorrels with Assistant Chief Batchelor and members of the local host committee on November fifteen. 144 things 6 Internal defense specialists must have a close, working relationship with the host nation's economic, military, and diplomatic specialists in order to deter terroristic and other foreign threats. 195 Do you know it? 15 We have come together with a unity of purpose because our nation demands it. 76 Combined, the companies will pay more than thirty five thousand dollars in penalties. 85 onto the rear of the Presidential plane where seats had been removed to make room. 82 For fine detail, however, the absolute solidity of a wooden panel has an advantage. 83 I thought of buying the hat, but then saw that it cost eighty-four dollars. 75 This passbook, when not at the bank, was in the exclusive custody of Watts. 75 A molecular change takes place in the nerve of the tentacle, is propagated to the muscles by which the body is retracted, and causing them to contract, the act of retraction is brought about. 191 No, he had not. 15 The Board will continue to work in partnership with E.P.A. to ensure ongoing protection of the Los Angeles River and other regional waterways. 142 When PRS learns of an individual whose conduct warrants scrutiny, it requests an investigation by the closest Secret Service field office, 138 Losses of crops due to fungal diseases or food spoilage can have a large impact on human food supplies and local economies. 123 Boomerangs are generally thrown in treeless, large open spaces that are twice as large as the range of the boomerang. 117 Behind the skirting board several of his lordship's rings were discovered; 74 The new test could help improve rabies testing in the United States and in resource-poor countries. 99 The Newgate officers obtained information of this, and went to the spot, where they effected the capture, 105 and made arrangements through Secret Service headquarters in Washington to provide them with protection immediately. 116 Two tablespoons milk. Six skinless, boneless chicken breast halves. Four tablespoons butter. 92 The internal arrangements of the new model were carefully supervised by a body of distinguished men, among which were many peers, Lord John Russell, 148 These were deposited in an iron chest of great strength on the second floor. 76 These people should see a doctor right away if they develop pneumonia symptoms and let the doctor know about any possible exposures, including recent hot tub use. 162 He traveled to Afghanistan as a teenager in nineteen ninety three. 66 The Secret Service has largely been the passive recipient of threatening communications to the President. 105 The coastal batteries of the "Kriegsmarine" were stationed on the German coasts. 80 Well, what of it? 17 The U.S. government has no charges or complaints against me. 60 Report of the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy. The Warren Commission Report. By The President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy. 182 After the prince had been rescued, he showed evidence of Stockholm syndrome. 76 It was also claimed for the more ample and more orderly distribution of victuals, that the general health of the prisoners had greatly improved. 144 Counted among the British losses are two members of the Royal Australian Navy, and one member of the Royal Canadian Navy. 121 and then at a breakfast, after which the entourage would proceed to Dallas. 75 We also enjoyed a lot of support. 33 he fastened one end of the strap above mentioned to the hook, and then fell down. 81 Anyone who was familiar with that area of Dallas would have known that the motorcade would probably pass the Texas School Book Depository to get from Main Street 161 The information below covers various cabin safety topics and is intended for passengers, flight attendants, and the aviation industry. 134 Don't you dare switch away, I think rhymes are okay, since they never decay, I could do this all day. 101 Stepping out of a car that has been hit by lightning is life threatening. 73 he did not adjust well to conditions which he found in that service. 68 The October seven, nineteen sixty-three, issue of the Militant 62 that anybody entering this home had to be searched in case the parents were bringing cigarettes or narcotics or anything, end quote. 132 Control an active connection multiplexing master process. 57 it learned also that Oswald had been discharged from the Marine Corps Reserve as undesirable in August nineteen sixty. 118 Even the Caslon type when enlarged shows great shortcomings in this respect. 76 Nudge gently but wake her now. 30 As advance agent working closely with Sorrels, Lawson had responsibility for arranging the timetable for the President's visit to Dallas 136 the shots were at a slow-moving target proceeding on a downgrade in virtually a straight line 93 as there had been before; as in the year eighteen forty-nine, a year memorable for the Rush murders at Norwich, 111 She watched as he slumped down with an empty expression on his face. 68 I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that. 44 Several days later he reported what he had seen and was questioned by FBI agents. 81 Over the past year, engineers tested the satellite's limits while on orbit. 75 A couple in their wedding attire stand behind a table with a wedding cake and flowers. 86 The Commission recommends that prompt and favorable consideration be given to this request. 91 Some, calling themselves Christians, are the descendants of Babylonians, perhaps of Nebuchadnezzar himself. 107 The products of the combination of these two periods are bells, vessels, weapons and ornaments. 95 Topsy-turvy Steamboat. 22 to make it bomb-proof against the causes of nineteen twenty-nine. 65 The majority of Azerbaijan's media companies are headquartered in Baku. 71 One good turn deserves. 23 The wretched man did not fall with it, but jumped on to the platform, and seizing the rope with his hands, tried to avoid strangulation. 136 A young girl in a sundress and sandals looking at her reflection in a puddle. 77 The bank had been conducted on false principles; 48 Certain breeds are known for certain talents. 45 The ordinary of Newgate is an orthodox, unaffected, Church of England divine, 77 A firefighter sprays water onto a gigantic pile or burning ash that includes flames and dark smoke. 99 An examination of her boxes disclosed a quantity of O'Connor's property. 72 as those followed in nineteen thirty-six during a trip to Dallas by President Roosevelt, 88 Hoist the load to your left shoulder. 37 The series was given unfavorable reviews by critics, and its television ratings fell over time. 95 Mrs. Kennedy and the Attorney General, 38 The two events, less trade and no more gold mines, forced the mint to close. 76 There have been several attempts to remake the show for American audiences. 75 The shadowy figure of a young girl is moving towards the water at a beach during dusk. 86 No, he's loyal. 15 A man with glasses and dressed in jeans and darkcolored shirt is holding a small white pail. 92 Forty-three fifty Airport Road, Suite Ten, Santa Fe, New Mexico. 64 which was promptly carried, with the additional instruction to the committee to suggest any improvements. 105 The basis of Sikhism lies in the teachings of Guru Nanak and his successors. 76 The station wagon stopped to pick up the man and then drove off. 64 Organization of the Motorcade 29 After he brought the rifle home, then, he showed you the book? 62 A girl is on rollerskates talking on her cellphone standing in a parking lot. 77 The isolated U.S. garrison was overwhelmed by a reinforced and greatly superior Japanese invasion force on December twenty third. 129 The minister is the engineer. 29 How did you get in before? 26 Various acts were also passed to consolidate and amend previous jail acts. 74 Passengers are reminded not to block the emergency exits. 57 While it has long the shelf life, the items will expire in twenty-twenty-six. 77 has been productive of at least some advantage, 47 No reasonable person wants to abandon our present gains 55 There was a battle there. 25 These constitute a sort of extra mechanism, enabling green plants to make their own carbohydrate food. 102 claimed that about fifteen minutes after the assassination he saw a man, whom he later identified as Oswald, 108 Tack the strip of carpet to the worn floor. 43 The experience in the coffin was literally immersive. 53 Oswald then struck McDonald between the eyes with his left fist; with his right hand he drew a gun from his waist. 114 I'm actually planning to try and build a robotics platform around one of those phones. 86 It takes heat to bring out the odor. 36 Patience is a virtue. 21 Returning to England, 21 registration 12 For this calendar, a common year is three hundred sixty five days, and a leap year is three hundred sixty six days. 115 Until December three, nineteen sixty-three, the Walker shooting remained unsolved. 82 Two little children, one boy and one girl, laugh as they sit on the grass. 74 Latterly his ministrations to the condemned had been restricted to a visit on Sunday afternoons, and occasionally about once a fortnight on a week-day. 151 The sheaves of wheat stood as sentinels in the snowy fields. 60 Good playgrounds have much more to offer than swings and slides. 64 in this crucial area of Presidential protection. 48 he asked me what were the people gathering around on the corner for and I told him that the President was supposed to pass that morning, 136 Unconventional warfare missions allow U.S. Army Soldiers to enter a country covertly and build relationships with local militia. 128 he came in this plight before Darius. 37 In nineteen thirty three and nineteen thirty four, the city celebrated its centennial by hosting the Century of Progress International Worlds Fair. 147 It is apparent that a good deal of further consideration and experimentation will be required before adequate criteria can be framed. 133 Mid-latitude glaciation was probably underway before the end of the epoch. 74 The smell was noxious. 22 The songs are just so good. 27 produced immediate embarrassment and financial distress. 56 The next day Scoggins viewed a lineup of four persons and identified Oswald as the man whom he had seen the day before at tenth and Patton. 139 In September he began to review Spanish. 40 presently fell, and were at once trampled to death. 51 Deep down in the mound the Germans discovered the palace of Nebuchadnezzar with its hundreds of small chambers and its huge surrounding walls. 142 The kindliness of the city authorities to Fauntleroy was not limited to the assignment of a separate place of durance. 118 Wow, this is a nice table! 26 Sprinkle with parsley and serve. 32 The duke left the park in a silver coach. 41 She said that her pocketbook was searched, quote, because the children in this home were such criminals, dope fiends, and had been in criminal offenses, 152 were on the lot at the time, and they saw a white male with a revolver in his hands running south on Patton. 108 When brought to trial he hardly realized his position, 54 Inquiries set on foot also elicited the suspicion that the person who had represented Mrs. Canning's brother 108 and to have dwelt with more emphasis than good taste upon the nature of the crime, and the necessity for repentance. 116 foundation 10 and there was now evidence sufficient to establish conclusively that the woman thus collected piecemeal had been barbarously done to death. 139 The latest edition of the tournament attracted a total of one hundred sixteen visitors. 87 He hunched his back and plodded through the heavy rain. 55 On pain of death. 17 childless parents, widows and helpless orphans, broken and contrite hearts, and death tomorrow morning for the benefit of society. 130 No amendment which any powerful economic interests or the leaders of any powerful political party have had reason to oppose 123 The poor boy missed the boat again. 35 in some yards 13 Meanwhile this woman, unflinching in her cold, bloody determination, carefully laid all her plans for the consummation of the deed. 131 Often, they reopen under another name, selling another investment scam. 71 The Chief of the Service now reports to the Secretary of the Treasury 69 I cannot do that. 17 St. Jerome said: 16 But this was not sufficient to constitute lunacy, nor was his plea of "momentary uncontrollable impulse" 104 There was no longer, or at worst but rarely, and for short periods, the same overcrowding. 90 but he also displayed some sensitivity at not having reached a higher rank in the Marine Corps. 95 Yeah, one thing cats have going for them is that they don't follow you around so much. 86 In nineteen twenty four, Veterans benefits were liberalized to cover disabilities that were not service-related. 112 He might swear he was not the murderer, that he never fired a pistol in his life, 81 Frankly, it was worth the booking. 34 In addition, the Department of the Treasury has requested five additional agents for its Protective Research Section to serve as liaison officers with law enforcement and intelligence agencies. 193 Heave the line over the port side. 34 In June nineteen sixty-four, the Secret Service sent to a number of Federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies 117 the site of the present Sessions House of the Old Bailey, and the operation was witnessed by students and a number of curious spectators. 137 British soldiers murdered twenty eight unarmed civilians during a peaceful protest march against internment. 108 Dasent and Pilgrim were released in ten days, on making due submission. 71 when 4 that of Alexander Mackay, who murdered his mistress at Norton Folgate by beating her with a rolling-pin and furnace-rake, 121 Of the substances the solids (salts, etc.) must be dissolved in water before they can be taken in. 98 It was diverted from its proper uses, and, as the "place of the greatest comfort," was allotted to persons who should not have been sent to Newgate at all. 155 I hope you are right this time. 31 and that no more than one hundred ninety-seven creditors recovered debts and costs. 83 Smethurst was therefore given a free pardon for the offense of murder, 70 Both nations are also members of the Arab League. 49 Instead of the give and take of free individual contract, 57 privacy 7 Registration complete. 22 A man sits and reads a newspaper by a sculpture outside of an office building. 78 The P.R.C. adopted its current constitution on December fourth, nineteen eighty two. 84 It would lower the carbon pollution from the transportation sector by as much as twenty percent. 96 They are the only team in N.F.L. history to have more than two second half, come-from-behind, Super Bowl victories. 115 That's a good color. Look at me now. 36 Before you get too excited, keep in mind that it only applies to low-dimensional problems. 90 Talk to teens about being responsible digital citizens. 55 to be interpreted as lack of interest in or disapproval of many other important proposals that are pending. 107 to presume in favor of its validity until its violation of the Constitution is proved beyond all reasonable doubt. 114 We must provide a long-term solution to tackle this attitude. 61 is associated with an adaptive modification of locomotor structures, legs and wings, 84 The wall phone rang loud and often. 35 This wool jumper is itchy. 26 His efforts became both an inspiration and a starting point for other Russian composers to build their own individual styles. 125 But Oxford at once assumed the responsibility for his crime, saying, "It was I. I did it. I'll give myself up. 110 but also our processes of civilization. 39 Native Americans are dressed up in native clothing and are participating in an activity together. 97 in consequence of having received some information of an important nature from Hanover. 87 at others an expensive staff was maintained with little or nothing to do. 73 Paul chose the juiciest peach from the bushel. 46 People from all corners of the country come for the festival. 61 Though the famous family of Aldus restored its technical excellence, rejecting battered letters, 96 There were others less successful. 34 The next word about Oswald's location was a communication from the CIA to the FBI on October ten, 97 Truly estimated that he gave this information to Fritz about fifteen or twenty minutes after the shots, 103 is it a worthy conception of Deity that, 40 Over the next few years, other automakers began rolling out electric vehicles in the U.S. 89 after the birth of their second child. 38 Baker, not realizing that there were two elevators, thought that only one elevator was in the shaft and that it was two or three floors above the second floor. 159 Four: Protective Research participation in advance arrangements. 64 Mostly sunny, with a high of seventy-two. 41 the earliest estimates would still have permitted Oswald to leave the building by twelve:thirty-three. 102 together with four bradawls, several large iron spikes, screws, nails, and knives; 82 It has been ages since I've last seen you out in the sun! 57 the lockman of "Ben Jonson lock," in Stepney Fields, found a human head jammed into the lock gates. 99 decomposes carbonic acid and exhales oxygen while the animal absorbs oxygen and exhales carbonic acid, 102 Missis Lewis was selected as the new commissioner. 50 and never realized that the motorcade would pass the Texas School Book Depository Building. 91 He was not able to produce photographic work 44 What joy there is in living. 28 PRS attempts to eliminate serious risks by hospitalization or, where necessary, 79 The three horses are, of course, the three branches of government -- the Congress, the Executive and the courts. 112 through the improper adjustment of the rope his sufferings were prolonged for five minutes; 91 A young boy empties a bottle over the railing of a balcony unto the man below. 78 of the St. Ann's Society, and one of the supporters and managers of the Patriotic Fund. 87 Even in the daytime, when supervision was withdrawn, "the language used to be dreadful," says one of the women when under examination; 134 Welcome to the Pleasuredome was not given such a release. 57 These events were a turning point in Gandhi's life and shaped his social activism and awakened him to social injustice. 119 When doing reinforcement learning, we have to find a suitable trade-off between exploration and exploitation. 109 Together with Game of Thrones executive producer Carolyn Strauss, she is working with H.B.O. to develop a comedy series based on the novel Prep by Curtis Sittenfeld. 165 Proposals were submitted by Boeing, General Dynamics and North American Rockwell in January nineteen seventy. 109 This committee, as well as the one preceding it, also reported in terms of strong reprobation on the small prisons and jails 124 Other versions have a cumulative target score. 46 then a second wall still higher, a third and fourth and a fifth, each stronger and higher than the others, 106 Ms McNeill was killed on impact. 32 The boar is one of the favorite animals of the hunters, and also hard to tame. 78 Howard, strange to say, making no attempt to detain him; probably because Mullay promised to return a few days later, and to bring more money. 142 Michal was childless. 21 Bobby burned his elbow on the copper kettle of porridge. 56 it was more in terms of a general hostility against the government and its representatives rather than a grudge against any particular person. 142 On the Sunday Mrs. Manning roasted a goose at this same kitchen fire, and ate it with relish in the afternoon. 110 The law also stipulates that adultery is to be punished with death by stoning given there is enough evidence pointing to the action. 132 Please tell me the corresponding longitude and latitude! 56 Please let me know how I can help. 34 Anxiety disorders are a group of mental disorders characterized by feelings of anxiety and fear. 96 Two kids running on the track wearing the uniform white shirt with a blue collar and blue pants 95 It is not, he said, "that I am insensible of the lamentable and disgraceful situation in which many of them are, 112 The Senate passes the Republican tax reform bill with a fifty-one to forty-nine vote. 85 Sorry, I was unable to find the forecast for Tucson, Arizona. 61 that is, the forms may possess a mouth for the ingestion of solid food and green coloring matter, chlorophyll, 110 eluding the keenest vigilance, and carried out with reckless daring; 68 Though the famous family of Aldus restored its technical excellence, rejecting battered letters, 96 testified that Oswald seemed, quote, always to be striving for a relationship, but whenever he did 98 Looking for Thai Food near Portland, Oregon. 44 and the mitigation of the criminal code, for which Romilly had so strenuously labored, was daily more and more of an accomplished fact. 135 A toad and a frog are hard to tell apart. 41 I was born in twenty fifteen. 29 The tickets will be on sale today at the ticket office. 55 Oswald subsequently did subscribe to several Soviet journals. 61 A woman is looking at a display case with three outfits on a backdrop of bright yellow. 87 Nabonidus was taken prisoner in Babylon. On the third of Marchesvan Cyrus entered Babylon and proclaimed peace to all the city. 127 Another reason why Apple is superior to Microsoft, the troll posted and grabbed some popcorn for the subsequent flame war. 122 In the words of one official, no analytic work foresaw the lightning that could connect the thundercloud to the ground. 119 After the war, Army crews scoured the countryside to locate the remains of soldiers who had died in battle. 107 The least slip now would have been fatal to him. But he could not thrust his body in through the narrow space left by the chevaux-de-frise, 139 were fictitious documents. His next brother, who should have inherited under the authentic will, 96 Labour's Scottish general secretary Alex Rowley was delighted yesterday. 72 who had just completed advance work on the President's trip to Tampa. 69 Ten pins were set in order. 27 He stated that at the time the President was shot he was having lunch with "Junior" but he did not give Junior's last name. 123 That is a lot for such a small task. 36 The workers do not want to read about their futures in newspapers. 66 function 8 The salesman was like the rest of them, untrustworthy. 54 They launched a furniture line called Agassi Graf Collection. 61 Be right there, boss! 21 a scaffold was erected in front of that prison for the execution of several convicts named by the Recorder. 107 DIY projects can help you save money and tailor things to your needs. 69 Some might be in abeyance, but they had never been repealed, and some were quite freshly imported upon the Statute Book. 120 This is the period during which Oswald would have descended the stairs. In all likelihood 89 The sheriffs cover their faces, and one of their inquisitive friends blows his nose with his glove. 99 Under the geocentric model, the Sun, Moon, stars, and planets all orbited Earth. 80 The batteries operated all night and recharged during the day. 62 It would appear your employers aren't the stand up guys you'd taken them for. 77 It typically incorporates a combination of musical devices including strong melodies, clear vocals, economical arrangements and prominent guitar riffs. 151 A low reverse roundhouse is also known as a "Sweep Kick". 57 Anna offered to auction off the olive afghan. 45 Better to be poor and healthy rather than rich and sick. 56 For example, Ferdinand Porsche, founder of the sports car company by the same name, developed an electric car in eighteen ninety eight. 135 but gazed with complacency around the crowded court, and eagerly inquired what persons of distinction were present. 115 Light maple makes for a swell room. 35 two nights before the shooting he saw, quote, two men around the house peeking in windows, end quote. 101 I saw Cashman a few hours before his execution, smoking and drinking with the utmost unconcern and indifference, end quote. 123 The acceptor in turn emits light at its characteristic wavelength. 66 that the job of protecting the President has not been and cannot be exclusively the responsibility of the Secret Service. 121 I have been awake for five hours, nine minutes. 47 we have found from time to time more and more useful ways of promoting its purposes. 84 I couldn't ascertain the reason. 32 The artist is also familiar with how the proportions vary depending on the age of the subject, particularly when drawing a portrait. 132 The preference given to the Pentonville system destroyed all hopes of a complete reformation of Newgate. 104 Another theory is semantic pointers, which use perceptual and motor representations and these representations are like symbols. 127 He looks like an Afghan. 24 Would you like to create a troubleshooting package? This will upload logs to the termbin dot com service and email a link to you with more information. 151 In two thousand, the value of oil and gas produced was eight point two billion dollars. 87 Make a mental plan of action in case of emergency. 50 A U.S. District Judge denies a Trump administration request to enforce the ban on transgender troops while the case is under appeal. 132 The dog was wagged its tail. 28 Farmers splice sheaves for easy stacking. 41 I don't want to use it. 23 That's too bad. 15 On the basis of such a feasibility study, 41 Gone is gone. 13 Drs. Paul C. Peters and Charles R. Baxter initiated these procedures. 69 The Court claimed the power to declare it unconstitutional and did so declare it. 81 Two buildings beyond a concrete wall facing a walkway with a woman talking on a cellphone. 90 They viewed him with some suspicion, as one of whom they knew nothing. 70 Agent Keys took out his neuralizer and flashy-thinged the coroner. 66 Route twenty-two, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. 43 Marylebone; while within a few days Mr. Briggs' gold chain was traced to a jeweler's in Cheapside, 98 He went out next morning with the booty when the doors were re-opened, and attracted no attention. 98 Boards will warp unless kept dry. 33 Don't you know it? 18 Leonardo DiCaprio is staring in the new movie. 46 Jerk the rope and the bell rings weakly. 40 but if these conditions were observed, the Secretary of State could deal sharply enough with the defaulting jurisdictions. 122 no visiting of friends, no education but religious education, no freedom of diet, 81 Lee Oswald remained with his mother and Ekdahl, to whom he became quite attached. 81 for an extended tour of Western European countries, the Soviet Union, Finland, and Poland. 90 It's a nice region. 19 tore down its palaces and temples and walls, and scraped even the foundations of the city into the river. 105 You can create bookmarks in you web browser to make browsing more convenient. 77 Simmons described it as, quote, quite accurate, end quote, in fact, as accurate as current military rifles. 107 In addition, the restriction would probably eliminate a need for the requirement which has been urged as necessary for the exercise of Federal power, 149 Well, I think so. 17 it also contained eleven reception cells, six punishment cells, and a couple of cells for condemned criminals. 110 Look! 5 Twenty-three ten East Main Street, Richmond, Virginia. 54 Take that can from the shelter and spray some graffiti. 55 Certain proposals made to amend the Federal Reserve Act deserve prompt and favorable action by the Congress. 108 Okay kid, ask away. 19 Freedoms are about the same. Medical aid and the educational system in the USSR is better than in the USA, end quote. 117 and is very simple and legible, and unaffectedly designed for use; but it is by no means without beauty. 104 Come, let me embrace you! 25 Have you seen Omar? 19 The unfortunate man was compelled at length to adopt the habits of his associates; 82 Happy birthday Mina! 20 While the team planned for the mission to operate for thirty days in space, It does not cost very much to keep it going, Johnson said, 134 Just highlighting that fact in case you overlooked it. 54 The rentals of rooms and fees went to the warden, whose income was two thousand three hundred seventy-two pounds. 113 In his absence, the council adopted the change. 47 Caslon's type is clear and neat, and fairly well designed. 58 Two physicists pondered their revised quantum field theory together. 68 He continued his efforts to reverse the discharge by petitioning the Navy Discharge Review Board, 97 Such actions are rarely popular. 32 We have the right to expect that this driving power will be given patriotically and whole-heartedly to our nation. 114 No arrangements were made for police or building custodians 59 and a newspaper clipping reporting the event, suggests that his previous story of an attack by Cuban exiles was at least greatly exaggerated. 141 In its budget request, the Secret Service sought funds for twenty-five new positions, primarily in field offices. 113 War, hunting, and love bring a thousand pain for one pleasure. 62 This training can help the Army prevent larger conventional attacks. 68 Casper predicted the outcome. 29 Oswald engaged in such practice. If the assassin missed either the first or third shot, 87 and that consequently the observance of their most important provisions was habitually neglected. 97 except for the uneventful distribution of literature at the Dumaine Street wharf in June. 89 The lad was proved to be of good character and the son of respectable parents. 78 that the phases of development presented by the individual organism would follow, in their main outlines, those phases of development 133 When he moved to the United States, Desi Arnaz turned to show business to support himself. 90 Harry Potter has lost his magic. 32 The current gold-standard for rabies testing in animals is the direct fluorescent antibody test. 96 The G.D.P. per capita at nominal value was four hundred seventy five dollars in twenty eleven. 94 description 11 Mahjong is a very similar game played with tiles instead of cards. 66 Good evening. 13 People of different ages are looking at lighted machines of various bright colors in an indoor area. 100 There was not enough economic power left to rebuild the city guards. 68 Strange to say, the unfortunate man was not yet dead, and he actually survived more than four-and-twenty hours. 111 Have you the key? 17 went to the police in great fury and distress, and disclosed all she knew of the affair. 88 Amateur rocketry is split into three categories: low power, mid power, and high power. 86 other authorities as strongly condemned it as brutalizing, unequal in its operation, and altogether a "deplorable invention." 125 The place where the old city had stood for three thousand years again became a desert. 86 I, in the meantime, had been far from chilling. 47 A young man named Caspar, clerk to a steam-ship company, 56 It seems to be midday. I will adjust the brightness. 52 Not that I was listening, but I noticed that you sounded really stressed when you were explaining the situation to him. 119 A woman wearing a blue dress is holding a microphone and smiling while her friend looks on. 91 department 10 This wealth of evidence has allowed modern scholars and dancers to recreate the style, although areas of controversy still exist. 129 Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, 32 In these gains and in the policies of the administration there are assurances that hearten all forward- looking men and women 125 Let stand, uncovered, until stale, eight hours to overnight. 60 An instrument somewhat resembling a trumpet in sound. 53 The dramatic break with society in America now had to be undone. 64 The publication of this report raised a storm in the city, and the corporation was roused to make an immediate protest. 119 All of the major work and training is completed by phase six, the graduation phase, which involves a week of out-processing. 124 These wardsmen, besides thus ruling the roast, had numerous special privileges, if such they can be called. 107 Parchment Baked Salmon 22 My doctor received her medical degree from a prestigious university. 68 You have a doctor's appointment tomorrow at eight A.M. 54 More importantly, the lack of carefully prepared and carefully transmitted instructions for typical visits to cities 116 Agent Sorrels, riding in the lead car, did observe the Texas School Book Depository Building as he passed by, 109 Under his auspices several "stars" appeared on the boards of the Marylebone theatre, 84 Oswald attempted to get his wife to come back and, over Bouhe's protest, De Mohrenschildt finally told him where she was. 121 A public declaration an announcement of revolution. 51 Thus in eighteen thirteen the exaction of jail fees had been forbidden by law, 78 could not be carried out till then. It is to be feared that long after the opening of White Cross Street prison, 112 Don't give your personal or financial information to anyone who contacts you. 77 Cuvier devotes a special section to the Division of Organized Beings into Animals and Vegetables, 97 Thirteen civilians travelling from Burkina Faso are killed after their vehicle struck a landmine. 97 A field with some Scottish marching bands and many spectators sitting on the stadium behind. 92 Section ten. March nine, nineteen thirty-seven. Part two. 57 The Warren Commission Report. By The President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy. 102 testified that twenty identifiable fingerprints and eight palmprints were developed on these cartons. 101 Checking your calendar. 23 I did a presentation on silicon chip production and built a proximity sensor for activating garage lights when a car entered. 125 I assume this was your doing? 29 However, that is not the only possibility. 42 The Luftwaffe was forced to improvise and construct its defences during the war. 80 This was followed by renewed technological and political development. 69 The loss of the cruiser was a blow to the fleet. 48 I have no idea who the sheriffs will get to do the work after me, said Foxen, adding that his assistant, Tom Cheshire, 118 Adversity tries friends. 24 A new Second Temple was constructed, and old religious practices were resumed. 78 The President had spoken earlier that day at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado. 97 They will run a mile. 21 Three members of this shift separately took this opportunity to visit the Cellar Coffee House. 94 Hopefully, you'll think twice before giving me the slip in future. 66 Stop whistling and watch the boys march. 40 He has already suffered a good deal of unwanted attention. 58 How can I help you? 19 would have amounted to sixty-eight thousand, seven hundred twenty-eight pounds, and if defended, 96 Typing. 7 Brown's vocal group, The Famous Flames are included in the album's introduction. 80 then I say that I and with me the vast majority of the American people favor doing just that thing -- now. 106 (c) who express or have expressed strong or violent anti-U.S. sentiments 72 The carpenter offered me a discount of twenty percent. 54 This case was investigated by the F.B.I.'s Minneapolis Field Office. 68 Mr. Davison, sent to Newgate for embezzlement, and whose case is given in the preceding chapter, 96 It was noticed that he was most anxious to receive a pair of shoes for which he had asked, and when they arrived they were closely examined. 140 in the Mall, about half-way between Buckingham and St. James's Palaces. 71 Connecting to the bridge. 25 and promised to advise the FBI if he heard from them. 53 From the same source came the two or three strong files which the inspectors found in one ward, 95 Quote, I Lee Harvey Oswald do hereby request that my present citizenship in the United States of America, be revoked. 117 There was no need. 18 a distance of eight or nine feet. 33 Such actions are rarely popular. 32 He defends a theory known by some as Neural Darwinism. 54 Qatar is a member of OPEC and the Council of Arab Economic Unity. 65 He left his last situation in April eighteen forty, and established himself in lodgings in Lambeth, 99 He lost his job on July nineteen, nineteen sixty-three, because his work was not satisfactory 93 The murder in both cases was long a profound mystery. In this which I am now describing, 88 Later in the day each woman found an empty shell on the ground near the house. These two shells were delivered to the police. 125 The vast space stretched into the far distance. 47 Ransomware is the kind of malware that blackmails you after encrypting your files. 82 The largest occupation recorded during the census was sales assistant with ninety three thousand eight hundred forty people. 124 I was hoping you might know a thing or two about my surly shadow? 65 Fast forward again - this time to the nineteen ninetys. 55 The island is covered by a thick, billowing white fog. 54 The negative of that picture, Commission Exhibit Number one thirty-three B, was found among Oswald's possessions. 113 Yoga came to the attention of an educated western public in the mid-nineteenth century along with other topics of Indian philosophy. 132 He will need that machine. 26 It also reduces the incidence of D.D.T. resistance. 51 What I can say about the movie is that its effects are very great and awesome. 78 and during that time he must frequently have stood or sat over his own grave. 77 After the match, do you? 24 minor offenders charged with small thefts or non-payment of small sums were cheek by jowl with convicts sentenced to long terms of transportation. 146 It is so very good that it's good for nothing. 46 Better late than never. 23 The grass and bushes were wet with dew. 39 The young kid jumped the rusty gate. 36 That seems odd because Mark has never been to the house. 56 We monitor health, inform decisionmakers, and provide people with information so they can take responsibility for their own health. 131 Modern geocentrism is pseudoscientific. 39 I have the first six months of next season to prove myself. 59 A pot of tea helps to pass the evening. 39 John Calvin favoured a system of government that divided political power between democracy and aristocracy. 107 With your thirty percent discount it will cost eighty-five dollars. 67 in twenty-two county jails there were one thousand sixty-three sleeping cells in all (in eighteen twenty-three) 111 prices 6 This movement has received attention and concern from governments as well as the private sector. 96 four thousand pounds 20 which should be indications of a delicacy of material and manufacture which would of necessity increase its cost. 113 He lost his seat in nineteen seventy one. 41 from the sixth floor by the time Baker and Truly arrived, Commission counsel asked Baker and Truly to repeat their movements from the time of the shot 150 Dig deep in the earth for pirate's gold. 40 During his marriage to Valerie, he had a well-publicised affair with "Carry On" co-star Barbara Windsor lasting more than ten years. 132 and which certainly hold good for the vast majority of animals and plants, are of universal application. 104 The soot showered down the chimney of the haunted house. 56 It is played by two hundred fifty million players in over two hundred countries, making it the world's most popular sport. 122 Charles won a national competition, run by "The Guardian" newspaper, for a poem he wrote when he was twelve years old. 118 for the reception of deserving cases discharged from prison. The governor of Newgate and other metropolitan prisons had orders of admission to this refuge 154 In the final instant of the assassination, the Presidential motorcade began a race to Parkland Memorial Hospital, 113 Risking conscription in France, Audubon returned in eighteen oh five to see his father and ask permission to marry. 115 To make pure ice, you freeze water. 35 He was not their commander. 27 The gold, packed in an iron-bound box, was securely lodged in safes locked with patent Chubbs. 94 Other details described by Marina Oswald coincide with facts developed independently of her statements. 103 when speaking more particularly of the borough jails. 53 Larger or more permanent bridges required arches. 49 A battle was fought at a short distance from the city, in which the Babylonians were defeated by the Persian King, 114 quote, in all observable microscopic characteristics, end quote. 64 in distinct rooms, on pain of forfeiting his office and treble damages to the party aggrieved." 95 These were fetched away in a large tub on a truck by a turnkey. 63 made a determined effort to burn himself to death by throwing himself bodily on to the fire in the condemned ward. 114 To her amazement, she found a supermarket trolley lying on the seabed. 70 The district is associated with a working class urban community where Baltimore's struggling German and Irish immigrants and freed southern blacks lived side by side. 166 He's a regular and he's connected, but then I expect you knew that much already. 80 Grasp all, lose all. 20 There is minimal concern about contamination of fish from Lake Superior waters. 79 afterwards express a wish to murder the Recorder for having kept them so long in suspense. 90 Not too bad, I suppose. 23 detained for one shilling nine pence, with costs of five shillings. 67 with the means of earning an honest livelihood if so disposed. 62 Tom Hanks is the third highest-grossing actor in North America. 63 an architect of eminence who was very largely employed in the erection of prison buildings at the close of the last century. 124 free 4 Hopefully this will actually be a lasting fix to the issue, and not just a short term fix. 90 delivery 8 Tea served from the brown jug is tasty. 39 Use as directed. Do not use on animal bites. 44 His plan was to devote the whole labor of prisoners sentenced to any term between three months and four years to agriculture. 125 historical 10 Highs in the upper eighties. 28 Enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Programto receive Alerts and make it easier to locate you in an emergency. 114 The Pontiac Silverdome, former home of the N.F.L.'s Detroit Lions and the N.B.A.'s Detroit Pistons, was to be partially imploded as part of its planned demolition. 163 Shirley is the zaniest violinist in Ashland. 44 who examined Bishop and his fellows, and further incriminating evidence adduced, to the effect that the prisoners had bartered for a coach to carry "a stiff 'un"; 162 There's a a twenty minute delay due to a lane closure on I five. 64 Greece is the country where democracy was invented. 51 This obsession wasn't just contained within the world of the losers. 68 Two law enforcement men wear white cowboy hats while riding in a cart past a red car. 85 Place a rosebush near the porch steps. 38 they were supplied with food by keepers, and gave the king the opportunity of hunting whenever he felt inclined. 112 He had made only a few brief visits to the State since the nineteen sixty Presidential campaign and in nineteen sixty-two he began to consider a formal visit. 158 and stepped out on to the platform, to be received, as has been said, by prolonged yells. 89 A young child should not suffer fright. 39 He had a "passion for virtue". 30 Ask if the investment has a track record. 41 Our task is to complete the picture. 36 The space station rocked violently due to the intense pressure wave from the airlock failure. 93 There was a shimmering green light emanating from the statue. 61 According to Wolfram Alpha, the population of Canada is thirty-five point three million. 88 Oswald moved to Dallas on about October eight, nineteen sixty-two, without telling his mother where he was going. 113 Unless it is too hot, they will get no harm while you finish dressing in ten minutes, just in season to turn the pan. 117 The most effective means of preventing such evils in this Works Relief program will be the eternal vigilance of the American people themselves. 143 after absorption into the cells the elements of the starch (or glucose) are, by the living protoplasm, in some unknown way 122 Two adorable children who were dressed very similar by their mother are enjoying a train ride. 94 How can I help you madam? 25 Principal instrumentation for the study will be self-contained monitors placed on buoys in the ocean. 101 Chickens lay so many eggs a week, it wouldn't be possible to breed them all. 76 There is, according to legend, a boiling pot of gold at one end. 64 that the Secret Service consciously set about the task of inculcating and maintaining the highest standard of excellence and esprit, for all of its personnel. 158 Already the severity of our criminal code, and the number of capital felonies upon the statute book, had brought a reaction; 124 The agreement did not need to be individually ratified by each member state, some of which have not recognized the independence of Kosovo. 138 I was awful. 12 Get down, quick! 16 It caught its hind paw in a rusty trap. 39 Yell and clap as the curtain slides back. 41 I have been awake for five hours, nine minutes. 47 but present a close resemblance when those of animals and those of plants are compared together. 96 As indicated above, Oswald started to read Communist literature after he and his mother left New York and moved to New Orleans. 127 Patrick has terminal cancer. 28 During this brief stop, agents in the front positions on the running boards of the Presidential follow-up car came forward and stood beside the President's car, 160 Restricting the coverage in this way would avoid unnecessary controversy over the inclusion or exclusion of other officials who are in the order of succession 158 He sat up abruptly. 19 Faint heart never won fair lady. 32 Mozzarella is a creamy cheese that goes well with tomato and basil. 67 One egg is like another. 24 Adjusting the lights. 21 Fortunately its walls have suffered less from the hands of the brick hunters, and the German excavators have been able to reconstruct their plan. 145 Simone's musical style fused gospel and pop with classical music, in particular Johann Sebastian Bach, and accompanied expressive, jazz-like singing in her contralto voice. 172 Wikipedia says that Los Angeles International Airport (L.A.X.) opened in nineteen twenty-nine. 94 It is loose, with about thirty stars arranged over a wide area. 63 Scientific work is hard. 24 by swindling the Artisans' Dwellings Company; and Madame Rachel passed through Newgate on her way to Millbank 109 A morsel eaten gains no friend. 31 and evils that should have been speedily rooted out remained because they had the prescription of long usage. 109 Mr. Buxton, in the work already quoted, instances another grievous case of the horrors of indiscriminate association in Newgate. 128 Many innovators at the time took note of the electric vehicle's high demand, exploring ways to improve the technology. 118 review 6 Yet the public opinion of the whole body seems to have checked dissipation. 75 He recites another most outrageous and extraordinary case, in which one John Bird, 82 A woman is posing on a cobbled road wearing a polka dotted jacket while holding an umbrella. 92 The current gold-standard for rabies testing in animals is the direct fluorescent antibody test. 96 Medley hotch-potch. 19 There have been four different sponsors since its first event. 62 Cut two three-inch slits into the fish with a sharp knife. Stuff chopped basil leaves into the slits. 101 On the same day Hosty interviewed neighbors on Fifth Street and learned that the address was that of Mrs. Ruth Paine. 117 How do you do? 14 Perhaps, one of his colleagues can shed a little light. 55 and requests for additional personnel were not made because of the studies then being conducted. 96 Individuals cannot use a U.S. passport to travel to, in, or through North Korea without a special validation from the Department of State. 138 Two individuals, a male and a female, standing in a forested area around a tub. 79 Best was born in New York City, into a musical West Indian family originally from Barbados. 91 At one:twenty-nine p.m. the police radio reported 49 In Newgate the 'Lennie' mutineers were extremely well behaved. 62 Later on he had devoted himself to the personal investigation of the prisons of the United States. 98 It debuted at number six on The New York Times Best Seller list on August third, two thousand three. 100 Western Australia is home to around five hundred forty species of birds. 72 The insurance industry faces record claims of one hundred thirty-five billion dollars from natural catastrophes. 112 Some tall, jowley guy stole the pie with the poison in it. 58 A group of local cheerleaders in red and white kept our spirits up during the parade. 85 Weave the carpet on the right hand side. 40 He had, it was said, a good private income, and was already a widower with two children at the time of his committing the offense for which he was subsequently tried. 166 I ask you to look into this case and take the necessary steps to repair the damage done to me and my family. End quote. 119 Double R. Trading will pay a twenty three thousand three hundred twenty six dollar penalty. 91 In two hundred feet, turn left onto Front Street. 49 What did he say? 16 not 3 She retired to a big comfy couch in the corner of the hall. 59 Several cases of gigantic fraud, rivaling any already recorded, were brought to light between eighteen fifty-six and eighteen seventy-three. 140 Even NASA helped raise the profile of the electric vehicle when its electric Lunar rover became the first manned vehicle to drive on the moon in nineteen seventy one. 166 A woman wearing a kerchief on her head and long checked skirt sleeping in a flower shop. 88 Rake the rubbish up and then burn it. 37 You don't have to do anything different because of the Affordable Care Act. 75 propensity toward violent action, or some similar characteristic, coupled with some evaluation of the capability of the individual or group 139 For most owners of the car model, the issue isn't noticeable. 61 Committee of Cabinet Officers. As our Government has become more complex, 73 By eighteen seventy, the remains of nearly three hundred thousand Union dead from the Civil War had been buried in seventy-three national cemeteries. 149 The church was later relocated. 31 e.g., a bean plant with a higher animal, e.g., frog or even man. 64 testified that she first learned of Oswald's use of the fictitious name "Hidell" in connection with his pro-Castro activities in New Orleans. 141 add 3 Mr. Turner at once set off for London, where he sought the assistance of the police, 84 According to the predominant notion in the Vatican, condoms shouldn't be used in spite of H.I.V. You will get donuts as a bonus if you take a selfie with me. 157 The N.I.H. lifts a three-year ban on scientists experimenting with lethal viruses, saying the potential benefits of disease preparedness outweigh the risks. 156 The "Vedas" and other ancient literature mention the use of honey as a great medicinal and health food. 103 It stars Paul Rudd, Craig Roberts, and Selena Gomez. 52 Lower ranking members of the party and even the Vietnamese were not told of it and neither was the membership until many years later. 133 there was no infirmary, no chapel, no work, no classification. 62 Get the paint out of the truck and place it on the tray. 56 Pasta also contains Vitamin B, which includes folic acid and niacin. 68 It's important that everyone, especially little guys, can participate in the future of the Internet. 100 Even now his sufferings were not at an end, 43 Their type is on the lines of the German and French rather than of the Roman printers. 86 Let's go Hiking across France. 30 and in one corner, at some depth, a bundle of clothes were unearthed, which, with a hairy cap, 94 and when a sufficient number were completed they baked the bricks in kilns. 75 The strangely-married couple thereupon pressed on to Dover, and crossed over to Calais. 87 We went rafting in Switzerland and alpine skiing in Austria this spring. 72 We talked to him twice. 23 Bright yellow souvenir caps were distributed to walkers. 56 Well begun is half done To offer too much is to court denial. 61 When Oswald was apprehended, a bus transfer marked for the Lakewood-Marsalis route was found in his shirt pocket. 113 You don't have to do anything different because of the Affordable Care Act. 75 had been issued for the arrests of debtors in the kingdom, for sums varying from fourpence to five hundred pounds and upwards. 126 This print which had been cut out of the box was also forwarded to the FBI and Latona identified it as Oswald's right palmprint. 128 He is a scoundrel. 18 have been confronted in recent years with increasingly difficult problems, created by the greater exposure of the President during his travels 142 The parrot grieved for its mother and provided her with a proper funeral. 73 I would think about the end of January, the beginning of February. 66 Take Cloey to the show. 23 Aren't we godlike? 18 Agents are instructed that it is not their responsibility to investigate or evaluate a present danger, 102 Can you find published information about the company in which you're investing, or someone you trust who has heard of the company? 130 The White House staff informed the Secret Service 49 automotive 10 but 3 Since he was convinced that this was not the case, he believed that it would be unfair to the agents and their families to take explicit disciplinary measures. 159 Unable to see the President as he turned to the right, 54 Earnings were very differently appropriated. Here the prisoners were given the whole amount, there a half or a third. 117 Moreover, high-ranking Stasi officers continued their post G.D.R. careers in management positions. 98 I was so nervous. 17 When Oswald called the next day his wife became very angry about his use of the alias. He said that he used it because, quote, 126 Ingredients: Half cup all-purpose flour. One teaspoon salt. Half teaspoon paprika. One egg. 91 They have been used in planetary space exploration, fundamental Earth and space science. 88 Yesterday U.S.S. Theodore Roosevelt returned to San Diego after completing a seven-month deployment in support of Operations Inherent Resolve and Freedom's Sentinel. 165 What have I missed? 19 It is the clear intention of our public policy to provide for a constant flow of new and younger blood into the judiciary. 122 A little girl putting makeup on another girl 's eyelid while a boy in the background watches. 93 It called for the end of American aid to China and for the supply of oil and other resources to Japan. 102 After this, on the faith of forced bills of lading, the captain, Loose by name, 79 Subsequently, the phages evolved contractile or short tails and elongated heads. 80 His name was Hocker; he was by trade a ladies' shoemaker; and it was also ascertained that after the day of the murder he was flush of money. 141 A man in a yellow shirt and black shorts getting ready to throw a javelin. 74 The better-disposed complained bitterly of what they had to endure; 67 It revealed his letter of January thirty, nineteen sixty-two, to Secretary of the Navy Connally, 96 Hearty Chicken Vegetable Soup 29 An elaborate machinery planned for the protection of the trader, and altogether on his side, had long existed for the recovery of debts. 136 He was bisexual, I think. 25 March nine, nineteen thirty-seven. Part one. 44 Soldiers continue to work with local governments and police forces to watch and hunt down growing terror networks around the globe. 131 It looks like Lena left her jacket. 35 Everything vintage you can imagine that can fit into a small space is there. 76 Cape Town is governed by a two hundred twenty one-member city council. 70 For twenty twelve, G.E.'s brand was valued at twenty eight point eight billion dollars. 87 A woman in a gray sweater and black baseball cap is standing in line at a shop. 79 We need more soap. 18 but in neither did the sums misappropriated reach quite the same high figure. 77 Since Oswald is dead, 21 Rapid wartime expansion saw the acquisition of large surface vessels and the building of many smaller warships. 111 I should think so, too. 23 It is composed of approximately fifteen nineteenth century brick houses. 72 By nineteen hundred, electric cars were at their heyday, accounting for around a third of all vehicles on the road. 115 Historians, such as Carroll Quigley, contend that Western civilization was born around five hundred A.D. 104 These fall under a development cost cap of approximately eight hundred fifty million dollars. 93 It was necessary, for instance, to give due notice when the government grant was to be withdrawn, 97 Prisoners on reception were treated as they are now-a-days -- bathed, dressed in prison clothes, and inspected by the surgeon. 126 While manuals and memoranda are no guarantee of effective operations, 69 Crowley's theological beliefs were not clear. 45 Poisoning has still its victims. 32 should be a part of the whole scheme of the book. 49 where he presently committed a burglary at Lymington, was caught, and lodged in Winchester Jail. 96 Waste not, want not. 20 The reflex action of the snail is the result of the presence of a nervous system in the animal. 95 Let's toss a coin. 18 The album was released in April nineteen sixty four, by Smash Records. 70 The overwhelming majority of people in this country know how to sift the wheat from the chaff in what they hear and what they read. 131 He ordered peach pie with ice cream. 36 Still, the Naval Observatory has continued to operate. 54 and that many strongly held views are advanced in resistance to any suggestion that an effort be made to impose any degree of coordination. 139 The prison officials appear to be on the side of the inspectors, to the great dissatisfaction of the corporation, who claimed the full allegiance and support of its servants. 174 largely measures taken by the Secret Service, is considered. 60 This can be done by hand or by machine. 39 Every aspect of our play was first class. 41 A color Sunday version was added that November. 47 Nebuchadnezzar says that he built it of burned bricks, but only sun-dried bricks laid in mud now appear. 104 Dr. Perry noted the President's back brace as he felt for a femoral pulse, which he did not find. 97 The next year, in six oh five, Nabopolassar died, and Nebuchadnezzar succeeded him to the throne. 97 The Special Forces officer is the team leader of an operational detachment alpha, a highly trained twelve-man team that is deployed in rapid-response situations. 161 I first met him last summer. 28 Pack a bag of toys and snacks to keep your child occupied during the flight. 76 FBI, and the Secret Service. 28 An additional substance - nitrogen - enters into it as an essential element. 76 After this, until the day of execution, she recovered her spirits, and displayed reckless effrontery, 101 The prison had become more or less a place of detention only, harboring mainly those awaiting trial. 100 That is why I am here. 22 White managed to keep his wrists asunder, and continued to struggle with the officials for some time. Eventually he was pinioned with a cord in the usual manner. 161 Turn out the lantern which gives us light. 42 these alone were allowed to live, while all the rest were brought to one place and strangled. 93 People come into the Borders for the beauty of the background. 62 As he issued his instructions to Greer and to the lead car, Kellerman heard a flurry of shots within five seconds of the first noise. 133 On the whole, except in Italy, Gothic letter was most often used. 65 As they stood on the escalator, they wondered how high they were. 65 Their victim was a man named Patrick O'Connor, a Custom-House gauger, who had been a suitor of Marie de Roux before she became Mrs. Manning. 140 Linux on desktop has about 4% marketshare in Germany. 53 What will they think? 21 braces, shoe-strings, shirt torn into strips are the only instruments, and a bar or small hook 94 was given to drink, and not to be trusted. 42 During the reign of Xerxes again the city rebelled, and in four eighty-four B.C. he captured it, and completely demolished its defenses. 136 Oswald again agreed to advise the FBI if he were approached under suspicious circumstances; however, he deprecated the possibility of this happening, 149 Expert testimony confirmed that the writing on this application was that of Lee Harvey Oswald. 94 that the Oswalds were living at two one four Neely Street in Dallas. 68 Checking GMail. 15 The captain's brother, a passenger on board the 'Flowery Land,' was also stabbed to death and his body thrown overboard. 120 The science of paper analysis enabled him to distinguish between different rolls of paper even though they were produced by the same manufacturer. 146 A white silk jacket goes with any shoes. 40 more 4 In five twenty-nine Cyrus died. 31 that he might know something of special interest. Oswald's "Historic Diary" describes the event in part as follows, quote, 122 A blue crane is a tall wading bird. 35 the other part of respiration, elimination of carbon dioxide, has been treated under excretions. 96 password 8 An Arizona ammunition dealer is charged with conspiracy to manufacture and sell armor-piercing ammunition without a license. 124 Someone in a blue shirt and hat is standing on stair and leaning against a window. 82 The zones merge in the central part of town. 44 According to Chief Rowley, by mid-June nineteen sixty-four, 59 It was in this spirit thus described by Secretary Root 54 His parents, Edward and Inez Wilson, divorced when he was seven. 64 It was even possible for him to write one of his most popular operas, Serse, just one year after his stroke. 108 The wards had open fires, but the separate cells were not warmed at all. 72 Three hundred Southwest Tenth Avenue, Topeka, Kansas. 53 Their findings are published in the journal, Injury Prevention. 63 Aristotle thought that the rainbow was caused by reflection of the sun's rays by the rain. 90 to enforce minimum wages, to prevent excessive hours, 53 some prisons that had been ameliorated under the persuasive influence of his kind advice were relapsing into their former horrid state of privation, 148 He went there with a posse of officers and forced his way upstairs to the first floor, 86 In French, the common noun "concorde" means "agreement, harmony, or peace". 75 The Pawnee, which included four tribes, lived in villages along the Platte River. 81 Eleven people were killed and sixty three were injured. 55 It plans to return to this field. 33 The validity of the latter observation is borne out by some of the things Oswald wrote in connection with his defection 119 If you do not have your ticket, I cannot let you in. 52 The rush for funds reached its peak Tuesday. 44 That the semi-fluid contents (which we now term protoplasm) of the cells of certain plants, 91 The pleadings, however eloquent, of a single individual were unable to more than partially remedy the widespread and colossal evils of British prisons. 151 It's a false fact that you eat an average amount of spiders a year. 67 All three were tried at the Central Criminal Court, and sentenced to fourteen years' transportation, passing some time in Newgate en route. 139 Of course the theory of descent with adaptive modification has a simple answer to supply 88 Always close the barn door tight. 33 The Chronicles of Newgate, Volume two. By Arthur Griffiths. Section fifteen: Newgate notorieties, part three 108 and that the forged cheques which had been presented, but refused, amounted to double the sum. 94 without authorizing it to arrest anyone who harms him. The same provisions authorize the Service to arrest without warrant 122 This wealth of evidence has allowed modern scholars and dancers to recreate the style, although areas of controversy still exist. 129 A jury having been selected and duly sworn, the culprit was then arraigned. Justice, however, was not administered with absolute integrity. 139 with the part played by the same substances in starch formation (photosynthesis). 81 A little boy with a blue shirt on sitting on the ground playing with legos. 75 Failing any of these methods, seeing that straw was forbidden for fear of fire, they had to be satisfied with a couple of the rugs provided by the city 151 were all men who acted alone in their criminal acts against our leaders. None had a serious record of prior violence. 117 is set out and the reasons why this information was not furnished to the Secret Service appraised. 98 The elliptical wound in the Governor's back, located slightly to the left of the Governor's right armpit approximately five-eighths inch (a centimeter and a half) 162 As well, they need to be able to develop trust and insight within the psychoanalytic session. 93 At night the alarm roused him from a deep sleep. 48 Among other tests, the paper and tape were submitted to fiber analysis and spectrographic examination. 102 and most of the records which have come from his time speak chiefly of his deeds of piety. 90 They would now be able to look forward with confidence. 55 A blue crane is a tall wading bird. 35 The decision was already made. 30 weighed one hundred seventy pounds, had blue eyes and reddish-brown hair. 73 This is being investigated by India to take advantage of its natural thorium reserves. 86 When put together, these fragments accounted for approximately three-quarters of the missing portion of the skull. 114 Nevertheless, such a breach, in which so many agents participated, 66 generally known by the soubriquet of "General Haynau," a name execrated in England about this time. 99 One smiling person wearing a black sleeveless shirt is hammering a nail into a piece of wood. 93 That some thirty or more needy men should hope to revolutionize England is a sufficient proof of the absurdity of their attempt. 128 Winston Churchill once walked its corridors and Japanese emissaries met here with Secretary of State Cordell Hull after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. 148 Two young girls sparring in white martial arts outfits while a third person watches from the side. 98 each was provided with an iron bedstead, and a small desk at which the condemned man might read or write. 105 Meanwhile, Chief Curry ordered the police base station to notify Parkland Hospital that the wounded President was en route. 123 He was confident to the very last that it would be impossible to find him guilty; 81 he provided wives for them in the room of those whom (as I explained before) they strangled to save their stores. 113 The defendant pleaded guilty. 29 This exhibition lasts for some minutes, and then the congregation disperses, 76 but they add little to our knowledge. 37 In addition to this function, PRS is responsible for such tasks 63 What do you say to that? 24 This is especially necessary with regard to the FBI and CIA, 60 Cummings was repeatedly "run in" for the offense of coining and uttering bad money, whether coin or notes. 106 and in moral and religious duty, and which after a time sought to provide them with suitable situations, was supported entirely out of the funds of the Society. 160 Soon after, with the authority of the Congress, 47 eighty years of age, who had spent his whole life in imitating other people's signatures, and had acquired the most consummate skill in the practice. 149 The building overlooks Dealey Plaza, an attractively landscaped triangle of three acres. 88 Alternative theories abound. 28 she stated that she might have been confused about shutting him in the bathroom, but that, quote, there is no doubt that he got dressed and got a gun, end quote, 161 The airport has a people mover station, opened in June twenty sixteen. 70 What's to be done? 18 I guessed as much. 18 The video conferencing tool had been too unreliable for high-stakes meetings. 77 The Commission's review of the provisions for Presidential protection at the time of President Kennedy's trip to Dallas demonstrates the need for substantial improvements. 171 the Secret Service did not at the time of the assassination have any established procedure governing its relationships with them. 129 A suicide attack near a group of security personnel investigating illegal drugs and alcohol dealing in Kabul, Afghanistan, kills at least twenty policemen. 155 I started with ballet when I was still in elementary school. 60 The Gulag Archipelago has sold over thirty million copies in thirty-five languages. 83 Piera Pistono is an Italian pianist and composer. 49 Baby sitting on floor and holding a game controller over its head. 66 The balance due on the purchase was nineteen dollars, ninety-five cents. 72 So is that it, then? 20 Mrs. Hunt had left money in the funds which remained unclaimed, and had been transferred, as in Miss Slack's case. 114 The Christian bible has seen many changes throughout history. 61 In short, the Scottish excess is not difficult to justify. 58 Meanwhile the bill discounters who held the forged acceptances, with other promissory notes, began to clamor for payment, and talk of issuing writs. 148 What are the facts? 19 it made little effort to identify factors in the activities of an individual 76 I'm cold. 9 While the exact sequence of events is not clear because of conflicting testimony, 81 Her description and that of other eyewitnesses led to the police broadcast at one:twenty-two p.m. 97 As a result, instead of a battle ensuing, members of the church brokered a truce, to the annoyance of both Stephen and Henry. 125 Two male security officers are restraining another man by the shoulders and arms. 81 The Society proceeded to support this indictment by facts. It is much the old story. 84 Cheryl asked me about visiting the poetry slam with her tomorrow. 65 I just saw G. I. Joe. 21 A fur muff is stylish once more. 32 Sexuality is a mystery. 23 yet he could not overcome the strange fascination it had for him, and remained by the side of the corpse till the stretcher came. 129 During this time, automakers began modifying some of their popular vehicle models into electric vehicles. 105 not only ready cooked but ready digested, and the alimentary canal, become superfluous, has disappeared, and, again, 116 Depending on whom you ask, it was one of two events that sparked the interest we see today in electric vehicles. 112 Several witnesses testified that Lee Oswald was not aggressive. He was, however, involved in some fights. 105 You can expect to arrive by seven thirty. 41 Much the same plan was adopted by these forgers as by Saward to get their cheques cashed. 89 She walked across the street wearing stereo headphones and staring at her smartphone. 85 community 9 but he saw the policeman leave the car, heard three or four shots, and then saw the policeman fall. 99 The Dublin "engine of death," as the gallows are styled in the account from which the following description is taken, consisted of an iron bar 142 After playing tennis in virtual reality, he felt dizzy. 55 If you see something you like, take it and make it better. 58 An officer was placed for this purpose at New Cross, Camberwell, and Kennington gates. 86 At that time, they began to work in the public sector, like many other groups. 78 In August two thousand three, he was honored as the first inductee in The Vince Lombardi Titletown Legends. 107 Moldova's proximity to the Black Sea gives it a mild and sunny climate. 71 While turbulence is normal and happens often, it can be dangerous. 66 the scope was mounted on the rifle by a gunsmith employed by Klein's, and the rifle was shipped fully assembled in accordance with customary company procedures. 160 Latona testified that this palmprint was the right palmprint of Lee Harvey Oswald. 82 Mesh wire keeps chicks inside. 30 A little girl wearing a yellow dress moves frantically in front of a crowded baseball stadium. 94 The whole question was again dealt with in Lord John Russell's bill for the reform of the municipal corporations, and with a more liberal election of town councilors, 166 This soy sauce has no artificial ingredients or preservatives. 62 Is it possible, if you would be so kind, to lend me your brolly for today? 74 Under these codes, in the industries covered, child labor has been eliminated. 78 The attack on our root server overstrained our senior administrator. 68 A grocery store clerk is checking out groceries being bought be a woman with an injured hand. 93 Each ward was calculated to hold twenty-four, allowing each individual one foot and a half; 91 Mr. Cobbett was also a lodger of Mr. Newman's; and so were any members of the aristocracy, 90 He used the lathe to make brass objects. 40 original 8 It dribbled down the fridge. 28 Roupell was quiet and submissive while in Newgate, unassuming in manner, and ready to make the best of his position. 116 Sorry, I'm having trouble checking the traffic. Please try again later. 71 the activities at Parkland Memorial Hospital, and the return of the Presidential party to Washington. 101 Goldwater faced a surprisingly tough battle for reelection. 59 at Buckingham and Hereford for eleven years 43 Actions by the Service since the assassination indicate its awareness of the necessity for substantial improvement in its administration. 137 Eugene has a significant population of people in pursuit of alternative ideas and a large original hippie population. 117 The last switch cannot be turned off. 37 The hotel was now for sale. 27 The United States Postal Service operates the Paris Post Office. 64 There is a man with a green tshirt cooking hamburgers and hotdogs outside on a grill. 85 California becomes the latest and most populated state to legalize the recreational use of cannabis. 100 Ings was especially defiant. He sought to cheer Davidson, who seemed affected, crying out, 90 The French Second Empire style originated in Europe, where it first appeared during the rebuilding of Paris. 108 West wind around eight miles per hour becoming calm in the evening. 67 The early phase of life moves fast. 35 The three story house was built of stone. 41 he debated over radio station WDSU, New Orleans, with Carlos Bringuier, 71 Keep this and all medication out of the reach of children. 58 I was wondering if you could tell me a bit more about what it's like to live and work there. 92 The Soviet authorities denied Oswald permission 47 till the defalcations from fraudulent transfers and fraudulent issues combined amounted to twenty-seven thousand pounds. 120 A shirtless man jumping off an old stone bridge while a woman and children watch him. 85 Later on, it turned out that the walls were not impenetrable. 61 In eight hundred feet, turn left onto Fourth Avenue. 52 I remember that I held him. We actually struggled for several minutes and then he quieted down. End quote. 106 She couldn’t find the energy to comment on everything. 54 He was eventually sentenced to death, but the plea of lunacy was allowed, and he was confined for life. 103 Scanning thermal microscopy maps the local temperature and thermal conductivity of an interface. 96 The ink stain dried on the finished page. 41 framing a terrible indictment against those responsible for the condition of Newgate. Their words deserve to be quoted in full. 127 For one veteran, the memories remain vivid. 43 On warm days and when doing sports you should drink more. 57 These processes are common to high-alloy special steels, superalloys and titanium alloys. 89 This was penal servitude for life, Buncher's sentence being twenty-five, and Burnett's twenty years. 100 other than legal or peaceful, to satisfy any grievance, real or imagined. 73 every profession has its black sheep, but long experience in government has taught me 85 Motorcycles. -- Next came four to six motorcycle policemen whose main purpose was to keep the crowd back. 105 Unfortunately, success stories of other companies in the field are irrelevant for your purposes. 96 Had this been common practice? 30 At last, in the twentieth month, 32 and he said that the shots came from inside the building, end quote. 68 During the afternoon, President Kennedy dedicated the U.S. Air Force School of Aerospace Medicine at Brooks Air Force Base. 123 The pup jerked the leash as he saw a feline shape. 50 However I am dressed, I shall still be Sancho Panza. 52 one. The projects should be useful. 35 There was no elevator on the third or fourth floor. 51 I saw it at a ruck. 19 The just claim got the right verdict. 37 Curiosity killed the cat Satisfaction brought it back. 54 One key is for encryption, the other one for decryption. 56 The frozen spud failed to sprout. 33 and later experience has fully proved the advantage of a judicious system of gratuities for labor; 98 Third, the empire had shifted its military focus to the west. 61 Romeo and Juliet might be the most famous act of William Shakespeare. 69 Mrs. Oswald told another of her friends that Oswald was very cold to her, that they very seldom had sexual relations 116 Writing sentences that will be read by hundreds of people makes me feel so powerful! 84 He then entered the building and took the front passenger elevator as far as it would go -- the fourth floor. 109 Would you spell your last name for me please? 45 assisted by Macdonell and Noyes, all of them citizens of the United States, by which the bank lost upwards of one hundred thousand pounds. 138 The pot boiled but the contents failed to jell. 47 He adhered to this almost to the very last. His case had been warmly espoused by the Society for the Protection of Germans in this country, 139 specified 9 In this convulsive struggle for bare existence people fought fiercely with one another, and the weakest, of course the women, went under. 137 It will require every available resource of our Government to devise a practical system which has any reasonable possibility of revealing such malcontents. 155 thoroughly professional personnel, using the best technical equipment that can be devised. 90 I love chocolate candies. 25 See the cat glaring at the scared mouse. 40 On the return flight, Mrs. Kennedy sat with David Powers, Kenneth O'Donnell, and Lawrence O'Brien. 98 Report of the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy. 79 In mathematics, a matrix is a rectangular array of numbers or other data. 73 and the prominent part he played secured for him on conviction the heaviest sentence of the law. 96 Your reports give us the information we need to launch investigations, and put scammers out of business. 104 Charles Darwin became famous for his evolutionary theory. 57 It was during this period that he was said to have imbibed his revolutionary ideas. 83 he devoted his energies to coining and forgery, and in the latter line was a friend and associate of Saward's. 110 He is the founder of the movement, "Married Priests Now". 57 Some music theorists attempt to explain the techniques composers use by establishing rules and patterns. 104 Much of the villages' communal life centered around church services and holy days. 82 These antics may have been assumed to bear out the plea of insanity set up in his defense, 90 For example, tests of medical treatments are commonly run as double-blind tests. 80 The case rested upon the facts which have been already set forth, and was proved to the satisfaction of the jury, who brought in a verdict of guilty. 149 Third, because it will provide a series of federal courts willing to enforce the Constitution as written, 105 The music was captivating. 26 vaunting his own adventures, or listening to those of others; 61 Fortune favours the brave. 26 Seventy-nine Waterman Avenue, Providence, Rhode Island. 55 The Chinese took impressions from wood blocks engraved in relief for centuries before the woodcutters of the Netherlands. 121 were as far as possible mitigated and toned down. But there was little improvement in the ceremony itself. 106 Now, attend to me. 18 Why change it? 14 it was determined that a public exhibition should be made of the body through the neighborhood which had been the scene of the monster's crimes. 144 Shortly after Tippit was slain, policemen found a light-colored zipper jacket along the route taken by the killer as he attempted to escape. 140 There are several disciplines of mountain biking besides downhill. 66 At about this time he heard the first shot. 43 Seventeen oh four North Temple Place, Salt Lake City, Utah. 59 The long Burnham Park stretches along the waterfront of the South Side. 71 Today, we announced our commitment to clean up the Spring Park Municipal Well Field site in Spring Park, Minnesota by adding it to the Superfund program's National Priorities List. 180 establishes that they were either squatting or kneeling. 56 The other accepted, and they got into conversation. 51 He, like Saward, was an artist in penmanship. 45 A young boy wearing blue swim trunks and goggles is jumping into a swimming pool. 81 Financial analysts interpret remarks by Steven Mnuchin as an indication that the U.S. may change the strong dollar policy it has held since the nineteen nineties. 162 There are four hundred guestrooms in hotels, motels, and bed and breakfasts. 76 Behind the fence spectators are looking at the golfer with the club in his hand. 80 It works by suspending cells in a stream of fluid and passing them through an electronic detection apparatus. 109 The last watch assembly facilities, however, closed in twenty fifteen. 70 At the other side of the Channel the French railway authorities took charge. 76 I am reminded of that evening in March, four years ago, when I made my first radio report to you. 97 A woman in purple overalls and sandals is painting on a balcony with a standing wooden easel. 93 Arnold presented a chart showing how many storks he had counted in the past ten years. 86 These practices are divided among three classes of devotees: the animal, heroic, and the divine. 96 and lay disregarded beside the body of the poor dog which, while searching for its master in the crowd, 103 Other things besides rising dough get on quite as well without your standing by to watch them. 94 Lieutenant Donovan testified that Oswald thought that, quote, there were many grave injustices concerning the affairs in the international situation, end quote. 160 This cup is made of polystyrene. 32 and the day of whose execution was fixed. He had no doubt a difficult mission to discharge; 91 It is also divided into two regions: The "Occidental Region" and the "Oriental Region". 87 He took with him thirteen dollars, eighty-seven cents and the long brown package that Frazier and Mrs. Randle saw him carry 123 An accordion player wearing a heavy jacket, scarf and beanie standing by a yellow telephone pole. 97 used 4 New towns along the eastern shore of Lake Washington were established in the late nineteenth century. 101 He is allowed intercourse with prostitutes who, in nine cases out of ten, have originally conduced to his ruin; 111 Cook and stir chicken and garlic in hot oil until fragrant, about one minute. 77 she would have seen Baker or Truly on the first floor or on the stairs, unless they were already in the second-floor lunchroom talking to Oswald. 145 Officer Ray Hawkins said 24 Aside from direct damage to the coral, the construction waste creates "traps" for marine life in which they are trapped and die. 128 The agreement with Kosovo was the first signed after the entry into force of the Lisbon treaty, which conferred a legal personality to the E.U. 143 Jazz and swing fans like fast music. 36 It was on my to-do list. 24 He put some color into Scottish history. 40 President Trump responds to Kim Jong-un's claim of having North Korea's nuclear missile launch button on his desk. 114 Blackbeard siezed the English admiral's flag ship. 50 A large group of people walks beneath an arc made of balloons in a grassy clearing. 83 This job was not completed till the following day, as the hole had to be enlarged, and the only tool they had was a dust-shovel. 128 Included in the printed edition is a concordance and index. 59 The phrase "No surrender" is occasionally sung in the bridge before "Send her victorious" by England football fans at matches. 126 Dancing was her life. 21 The third distinction is based on a completely erroneous conception of the chemical differences 95 Yet it is unlikely to be either full, or final. 47 Had there been reason to believe that the assassination was the result of a conspiracy, Federal jurisdiction could have been asserted; 134 three hundred debtors and nine hundred criminals in Newgate, or twelve hundred prisoners in all. 96 In October twenty sixteen, Twain confirmed to Rolling Stone that she had new music coming. 90 Rumour even went so far as to assert that among the spectators were several women, disguised in male habiliments; 113 They returned to Ireland to live near paternal relatives. 57 Oswald's employment problems became more difficult. He left his wife and child at the home of a friend, Mrs. Ruth Paine, of Irving, Texas. 138 It was the only way to escape the horrors, the distress, penury, and rags of the common yards. 94 It will provide direct suppor to the NASA Center for Climate Simulation at the agency's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, and to other NASA centers. 166 Smile when you say nasty words. 31 where the upper ward was exclusively appropriated to their use. They also had their meals sent in, and, with the food, wine almost ad libitum. 142 to conduct the wider investigative work that is required today for the security of the President. 97 all the time I watched him, he never moved his head, he never -- he never moved anything. Just was there transfixed. 116 The organ of this cathedral is made of ebony, except the pipes of course. 73 One Sunday, while his wife was hanging diapers, Oswald asked her to take a picture of him holding a rifle, a pistol 115 in the field of preventive investigation in regard to the President's security. 79 that Delarue had suffered by the hands of imaginary outraged brothers acting as the avengers of females deeply injured by him. 126 It was the Stoics who developed the battery of creationist arguments broadly known under the label "The Argument from Design". 126 That, my friends, is what I honestly believe 44 What have you got? 18 In Brazil, flying a kite is a very popular leisure activity for children, teenagers and even young adults. 106 She danced like a swan, tall and graceful. 42 but denied that he had received a package in this box addressed to Hidell. 74 In two thousand eight Barack Obama won the state's ten electoral votes with sixty one point nine percent of the vote. 117 I'm having trouble communicating with the Mycroft servers. Please wait few minutes before trying to speak to me. 112 However, Neches and Beckley do not intersect. 45 How was the food there? 23 Stay where you are. 19 so as to corrupt those committed, "to the injury of the peace and morals of the public." 88 Please update your username. 28 In addition to the preventive measures already mentioned, they provided for controlling access to the building, closing off and policing areas around it, 153 Midge's deed led her into a web of intrigue. 44 Actually, the party for one of the Paine's children was the preceding weekend, when Marina Oswald suggested that Oswald remain in Dallas. 137 But no such amendment has been brought before the Scottish Parliament. 70 The bill for subsidized healthcare was tabled last week. 56 and wait for Mrs. Kennedy and the President's body. 51 The international space station is an awesome project. 54 technologies 12 Talk to teens about being responsible digital citizens. 55 found no police officers at the rear door and was able to enter through this door without identifying himself. 110 What did you eat for dinner? 28 To be constantly quarrelling. 29 The funny thing about the horizon is that you can't reach it. 61 through the underpass and leads into an access road, 52 Does that put pressure on us? 29 In eighteen thirty-seven Lord John Russell's acts swept away a number of capital offenses, including cutting and maiming, rick-burning, 135 It is the recovery of confidence in our democratic processes and institutions. 78 The 'Dryad' was a brig owned principally by two persons named Wallace, one a seaman, the other merchant. 104 Sorrels, who had participated in Presidential protection assignments in Dallas since a visit by President Franklin D. Roosevelt 127 This place is inaccessible by car due to the broken bridge. 59 Both names were found to be fictitious. 39 Three subspecies are identified. 32 We download data eight to ten times a week. Even if we miss a week, the CubeSat can hold a couple of weeks of data. 115 After passing through manifold but imperfectly known processes, the elements of these substances finally reappear as starch, 124 The prevailing notion among midwifes is that vaginal childbirths should be preferred to cesareans. 98 Four hours of steady work faced us. 35 In a skillet over medium heat, brown ground beef, onion and garlic for five minutes. Drain fat. 95 that, quote, he hated America and he did not want them to become Americanized, and that his plans were to go back to Russia, end quote. 135 The blow crushed the bonnet and bruised the forehead of the Queen, who was happily not otherwise injured. 105 This movable platform is raised six inches higher than the rest of the scaffold, and on it the convicts stand; 110 The first ball was at Emirates Stadium in two thousand nine, and it has since been held at Wembley Stadium. 107 My cat has a brown nose which is often wet and shiny. 53 That would be funny if he did. 30 Lawson and Sorrels met with Dallas Chief of Police Jesse E. Curry, Assistant Chief Charles Batchelor, 101 Five of the six shots hit the third target where the angle of movement of the weapon was small. 95 Lee has to be seen as an emotionally, quite disturbed youngster 63 The dock warrant was issued by the wharfinger as certificate that he held the goods. 84 a permanent army of unemployed. 31 back 4 and the next year Gunther Zeiner at Augsburg followed suit; 59 It includes a Cultural Arts classroom, an additional computer lab, permanent stage space and increased allotments for Special Education therapy and resource classrooms. 168 Based on the national average residential electricity price in twenty twelve, electric heat pump water heaters can save homeowners about three hundred dollars a year on their energy bills. 188 A man dressed as a clown and a young man wearing sunglasses pretend to ponder something seriously. 98 Treasure hunts make me vomit. 29 Also on the order form was an order, written in ink, for one box of ammunition and one holster, but a line was drawn through these items. 137 The U.S. Virgin Islands were originally inhabited by the Carib and Arawaks. 75 By twenty twelve, it consisted of hundreds of members. 54 but not before the greatest scandal had been caused by the unseemly proceedings of the crowd that flocked to see the sight. A sort of fair was held, 148 It must have been an imposing sight to one standing without to have seen the walls, one after another, 102 and Hosty asked the New Orleans FBI office to determine Oswald's address and what he was doing. 95 Ducks fly north but lack a compass. 35 There is an element of racism in Scotland. 42 And the strategy of that last stand is to suggest the time-consuming process of amendment in order to kill off by delay 119 A dark woman carrying a large bowl of pineapples, bananas and papayas on her head. 82 It was high time that the unsatisfactory state of the law as regards the treatment of criminal lunatics should be remedied 122 From this he was promoted to barman, and as such had charge of the business in various public-houses. 101 He also stated he saw a silver identification bracelet on his passenger's left wrist. 85 providing 9 The prolific developer contributed more than a thousand commits until today. 76 Performing on bass can be physically demanding, because the strings are large and thick. 88 There is no "Dr. Hideel" licensed to practice medicine in Louisiana. 68 On his release an uncle, a slop-seller in Chatham, gave him a situation as "barker," or salesman, 97 Make sure your device is approved for use on airplanes. 55 Greenacre, when tried at the Old Bailey, admitted that he had been guilty of manslaughter. 90 He had no enemies. 18 Four billion, two million, five thousand, three hundred seventy-one. 68 Pick and choose the best king crabs for dinner tonight. 55 so that "corrupt conversation obliterated from the mind of him who is doomed to suffer every serious feeling and valuable impression." 134 Agent Lawson's advance planning called for the deployment of almost six hundred members of the Dallas Police Department, 120 in couples, from the time of sentence to that of execution, which was about three or four days generally, 105 quote, near the firing end of the barrel about three inches under the woodstock when I took the woodstock loose, end quote, 123 a desire to effect changes in the structure of society or simply to go down in history as a well publicized assassin. 117 What a bummer! 14 This property is used in calibrating p.H. equipment. 52 Nothing to equal the excitement caused by the forgeries of Robert Ferdinand Pries had been known before in the city of London. 126 However, the fact must not be blinked that machine-made paper cannot in the nature of things be made of so good a texture as that made by hand. 143 In Nuremberg the subway trains are driving autonomously. 56 He did not rise above the rank of private first class, even though he had passed a qualifying examination for the rank of corporal. 131 Are you going to win? 21 Chapter eight. The Protection of the President. Part two. 57 Sorry, I was unable to find the forecast for Tucson, Arizona. 61 The fin was sharp and cut the clear water. 42 Christina Edmunds had resort to strychnia, the same lethal drug that Palmer used; 81 Warning! This route includes tolls. 35 But, fortunately for him, just at the last moment Calcraft was set free. 72 John Williams, a young fellow only twenty-three years of age, awaited execution in eighteen twenty-seven for stealing in a dwelling-house. 138 measured thirty-four point eight inches. 40 The conference is the first test. 33 His face was visible to the whole crowd, and was fearful to behold. 67 that much of our New Deal program is only an attempt to catch up with English reforms that go back ten years or more. 117 and with the circumstances surrounding the assassination, have led the Commission to believe 92 She is a very smart lady, and I think she can figure it out. 60 I know Daniel quite well. 25 That's all for now. 19 Playing Internet radio. 23 Only two of the men in the lineup with Oswald were teenagers: John T. Horn, aged eighteen, was Number one; 106 They reflect a considerable amount of impoverishment in the social and emotional areas. 87 Yeah, I like that. 18 Ethology is a rapidly growing field. 36 Pinch the dough hard to stop the mouths of these cavities, 58 A great deal has been achieved. 31 I sincerely hope that as a result 33 Now what is it? 15 but shall also tend more effectually to preserve the health 59 A small child wearing a blue and white tshirt happily holding a yellow plastic alligator. 89 So unjust and unequal was the system, that the allowance to convicted criminals was better than that of the innocent debtor, 124 His look at the sheriffs and the ordinary is full of scorn and defiance. 72 The parliament passed a unilateral resolution declaring independence. 69 The worst outcome is that the company refuses the offer. 56 The contractility which is the fundamental condition of locomotion," continues Huxley, 86 that authentic cases were known previous to the first cited act of criminals selling their own bodies to surgeons for dissection. 129 He was a notorious criminal, 28 This source should not be neglected by undue concentration on relationships with other Federal agencies. 104 Mr. Smith's account of the condemned convict, whose cell he was permitted to enter, may be inserted here. 105 He checked in Oswald's old neighborhood and throughout the Dallas-Fort Worth area but was unable to locate Oswald. 114 Hence starvation stared many in the face, unless friends from outside came to their assistance, 95 Weedon and Lecasser to twelve and six months respectively in Coldbath Fields. 77 In two thousand four, Reynoso played for both the Newark Bears and the North Shore Spirit. 90 The Battle of Apia occurred in March eighteen ninety nine. 58 We've been asked to cease and desist, so let us do neither of those things. 75 We want a Supreme Court which will do justice under the Constitution -- not over it. 84 You should be. 14 We need to chat. 16 He became First Sea Lord on one November nineteen nineteen. 59 They were initially served by steamship ferries, bringing passengers and goods to and from Seattle. 99 Chapter eight. The Protection of the President. Part four. 58 Three women of different ages in white dresses sitting in a dusty clearing in front of trees. 93 She won a blue ribbon at the county fair. 41 His captors having thus succeeded in their designs, left him, no doubt to realize the money. 92 He was buried at Mount Hope Cemetery in Bangor. 47 About six months later she also withdrew John Pic and Robert Oswald. 68 Animals, on the contrary, derive their nourishment either directly or indirectly from plants. 93 The whole strange story, the long incubation and the elaborate accomplishment of the plot, 90 Write at once or you may forget it. 35 Superscript diacritics placed before a letter, on the other hand, normally indicate a modification of the onset of the sound. 125 There is likewise pending before the Congress 45 The reflex action of the snail is the result of the presence of a nervous system in the animal. 95 In the Republic, Plato describes the cosmos as the Spindle of Necessity, attended by the Sirens and turned by the three Fates. 126 Take a sponge, some dish liquid and a towel, then get to work! 62 and he must have been at the end of his resources when he committed the crime for which he suffered. 100 His uniform good conduct gained him release from Portland on ticket-of-leave in eighteen eighty-two, just twenty years after his conviction. 140 A woman in a green skirt and white tank top singing into a microphone. 70 Booster seats and harness vests enhance safety in vehicles. 59 In two hundred feet, turn left onto Front Street. 49 Hill said, quote, Captain, we will save you a trip. There he sits, end quote. 77 and from a specialist in psychiatric prognostication at Walter Reed Hospital. 77 That guy is the writer of a few banned books. 45 They toured the U.S. together in nineteen eighteen to promote Liberty Bond sales for the World War One effort. 110 Hooves grow continuously, and are constantly worn down by use. 62 and passed the heaviest sentence of the law, transportation for life. 69 In comparison, the Leaf is an all-electric vehicle (often called a battery-electric vehicle, an electric vehicle or just an E.V. for short), meaning it is only powered by an electric motor. 189 Here is my card. 16 His shirt was clean but one button was gone. 44 Even so, on her first morning, she felt stressed. 49 Even the one she loved. 23 Also, oil and coal have hidden costs that others have to pay. 61 had invariably been visited with the death penalty, and which was of a distinctly fraudulent nature. 100 Ice clouds start as tiny particles high in the atmosphere. 58 Much of Lawson's time was taken with establishing adequate security over the motorcade route and at the two places where the President would stop, 146 Their primary responsibility is to stay with and protect the President. 71 The request was not granted, as the old custom of allowing capital convicts whatever they asked for in the way of food has not been the rule in Newgate. 152 Two female members of team USA performing a jump highfive surrounded by two other female members. 97 After condemnation, as the rules now kept capital convicts strictly apart, they could not be lodged in the two condemned cells, 127 I begin to feel uneasy inside, its true! End quote. 51 Good morning! It's six thirty A.M. 34 Eventually Holloway was decided upon as a site for the new city prison. 71 The door was barred, locked, and bolted as well. 48 Apple pie with cheddar cheese is delicious to eat. 50 Vancouver is a film and television production center. 53 Next morning he made a full confession in presence of his attorney, and the governor, Mr. Cope. 95 Begin at the beginning. 23 He dabbled in painting, drawing, and photography before finding his true passion. 81 The first post-mortem indicated death from natural causes, 58 The biggest bedroom had a small, ornate fireplace on one wall which had seen recent use judging by the ashes crumbling in the grate. 132 we must continue to protect children, 37 A little boy with a cream colored shirt holding a small piece of candy in a wrapper. 84 The bank enjoyed an excellent reputation, it had a good connection, and was supposed to be perfectly sound. 107 It was natural therefore that the forms of printed letters should follow more or less closely those of the written character, and they followed them very closely. 162 Mr. Gee had invested one thousand two hundred pounds of this, and was seeking how best to place the remaining eight hundred pounds, 131 Most of the local authorities embarked into considerable expenditure, determined to rebuild their jails de novo on the most approved pattern, 141 He gave me a dollar bill, the trip was ninety-five cents. 57 Three years ago he would have been. 35 From defection to return to Fort Worth. 39 What do we want to do that for? 31 There is a broad variety of yoga schools, practices, and goals in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. 98 which grew out of disturbed social conditions after the last French war, amidst general distress, 97 Iberia was taken over by the Visigoths. 39 as the exposure was brutal and cruel towards the principal actors. 66 He again founded a psychological testing laboratory. 52 All three discovered genes are present on chromosome six in humans. 67 General levy of the people. 27 The Confederate attack on Fort Sumter inspired the North to rally behind the Union. 83 She did not speak to him when she joined him there, although she thought that he was still awake. 97 business 8 A year or two after, when the prisoners were undergoing their life sentences of penal servitude, 96 The sky that morning was clear and bright blue. 47 The infliction of punishment more or less uniform was thus aimed at. 68 A strong bid may scare your partner stiff. 42 Are you all right? 18 Lawson also evaluated the security hazards at the Trade Mart on November thirteen. 82 Tidal forces affect the entire earth, but the movement of solid Earth occurs by mere centimeters. 97 Lincoln used the U.S. Army to protect escaped slaves and pushed through Congress the Thirteenth Amendment, which permanently outlawed slavery. 142 The project has already secured the support of Sir Sean Connery. 64 The strategy we have recommended is elaborate, even as presented here very briefly. 83 These line the one hundred block of West Montgomery Street. 59 Good morning. 13 What has changed? 17 Facilitated diffusion is different from free diffusion in several ways. 71 This Mr. Canning had left his widow a life interest in two thousand pounds so long as she remained unmarried. 109 She was very happy to start a new job at a superb private practice in North Square near the Duke Street Tower. 110 Disconcerted, Morris would not publish again for a further eight years. 71 This borrowing continued, and on such a scale that their paper was soon at a discount, 86 In spite, however, of his praiseworthy efforts, printing had still one last degradation to undergo. 99 Sine, cosine and tangent are three basic trigonometric equations you'll need to know. 85 People should spend time on improving open-source projects instead of helping market dominating companies. 106 Early pharmacologists focused on natural substances, mainly plant extracts. 75 The music, while technically a waltz, sounded more like a drunken tuba player falling into the orchestra's percussion section. 126 nor his mother were objects of his affection, quote, but only examples of workers in the U.S., end quote. 105 Too much was left to the wardsman. It was he who could issue small luxuries; 76 Jeffery really pulled a boner, but in the end everyone could laugh about it. 76 became apparent on December two, nineteen sixty-three, when an employee, Frankie Kaiser, 88 Put the dew drops on the green grape or bleed to death. 55 enough to altogether upset what small show of decorum and discipline was still preserved in the prison. 103 led to an incident in which he spilled a drink on one of his sergeants and abusively challenged him to fight. 109 and that he had again and again protested against the obstacles thrown in his way, the inspectors "cannot forbear expressing their opinion that he might have shown greater perseverance, 185 course 6 He crawled with care along the ledge. 37 New liabilities were incurred to the extent of one hundred thousand pounds by more failures, and in eighteen nineteen, 118 The grand secret of keeping house well and without worry, lies in the art of packing and fitting different kinds of work and in picking up the minutes. 151 Open the window. 16 Jeanne De Mohrenschildt said, quote, 36 This justification of the Secret Service's standing policy is not persuasive. 77 A woman is carrying a bowl full of fruit on her head near the ocean side. 73 Two days later, quote, some big guy, probably from a high school -- he looked like a tremendous football player, end quote, 123 must depend upon the utmost cooperation and understanding from the public and the President. 92 A zestful food is the hot-cross bun. 36 Walmart announces that it will increase the minimum wage for its U.S. employees to eleven dollars per hour and close fifty Sam's Club stores. 141 It's too early to say whether a public inquiry would be appropriate. 68 invariably went out in a cab, for which he always paid the same fare, 69 when Governor Connally confirmed on November eight that the President would come to Texas on November twenty-one and twenty-two, 128 Former Ku Klux Klan organizer and convicted murderer Edgar Ray Killen dies in prison at the age of ninety-two. 110 Thirteen million, one hundred twenty-one thousand, four hundred sixteen 71 Sometimes it depends upon what paper you read and what broadcast you hear. 74 Meanwhile, the Secret Service agents in charge of security at Love Field started to make arrangements for departure. 116 Papa John's Pizza founder John Schnatter announces he will step down from his position as C.E.O. on January first, twenty eighteen. 131 There is no way, however, to eliminate the possibility of the fibers having come from another identical shirt, end quote, 121 It was deployed in the Gulf War. 32 Impact printers rely on a forcible impact to transfer ink to the media. 71 travel 6 Once we stood beside the shore. 31 They are quite distinct from the eastern dialects and Imperial Aramaic. 71 looked like the jacket he was wearing but, quote, I thought it had a little more tan to it, end quote. 102 Jerry could not believe it. 27 The day appointed for the murder and rising actually arrived before the authorities interfered. 95 industrial 10 The people are quietly listening while the story of the ice cabin was explained to them. 88 New Mexico Man Sentenced to fifteen Years in Prison for Directing Computer Attacks Against Websites of Dozens of Victims. 121 He soon rose to his feet, and hearing the sorrowful exclamations of the populace, coolly said, 94 He told Aline Mosby, a reporter who interviewed him after he arrived in Moscow, quote, 86 At twelve:thirty-four p.m. Sawyer heard a call over the police radio that the shots had come from the Depository Building. 122 Smethurst was found guilty by the jury, and sentenced to death. 63 The graphic and terrible account given by Charles Dickens of the awful scene before Horsemonger Lane Jail, at the execution of the Mannings, 140 Some of the officers saw Oswald strike McDonald with his fist. Most of them heard a click which they assumed to be a click of the hammer of the revolver. 153 and had lost his desire to do so because of the bureaucracy and red tape which he had encountered. 98 My lawn-mower is broken. 24 The Caesar mission seeks to return a sample from a comet that was successfully explored by the European Space Agency's Rosetta spacecraft, to determine its origin and history. 175 Truly gave this information to Captain Fritz who was on the sixth floor at the time. 84 The pavement collapsed earlier this morning, injuring an old lady heading for the market. 89 rather, it has devoted its time and resources to those broader aspects of Presidential protection 97 In this digital age, technology and the Internet are part of everyday life. 75 These somewhat wiry letters are suitable for the machine process, which would not do justice to letters of more generous design. 128 is Huxley's famous essay, "The Border Territory Between the Animal and Vegetable Kingdoms," written in eighteen seventy-six, 124 be either included in or excluded from either. 46 Evaluating the political overtones, Kenneth O'Donnell was especially pleased 76 urological surgeon, Dr Paul C. Peters; an oral surgeon, Dr. Don T. Curtis; and a heart specialist, 98 It was restored in eighteen seventy three by William Butterfield. 65 Is it possible for you to refund the registration fee? 54 But it was World War One that brought about the establishment of the second largest system of Veterans' hospitals. 114 On the arrival of the police the house was empty. 49 bearing serial number C two seven six six. 42 He suffered from paralysis after this and was no longer able to play. 69 After several days of violent protests due to allegations of electoral fraud, Honduran police have announced that they will not enforce a government-mandated curfew. 165 How are you, sir? 17 One State House Station, Augusta, Maine. 40 hollow the heap in the center and pour in the milk, working down the flour into the liquid with a spoon or your hands until it is thoroughly melted. 148 When Luigi Buranelli was executed in eighteen fifty-five, 57 Lumps of bitumen are found in great abundance in this river. 60 Enough has been said, probably, to prove that there was room for improvement in the condition and treatment of debtors in the prisons of the city of London. 156 Clifton C. Carter, riding in the Vice President's follow-up car a short distance behind, 88 Alice, who the fuck is Bob? 27 Do you see her? 15 Oswald left the car first, picked up the brown paper bag, and proceeded toward the building ahead of Frazier. 109 Julie keeps tadpoles and guppies in a jar. 42 It was not clear who had the right of way, since the traffic lights were off. 77 Even though Oswald indicated that he liked photographic work, his employer found that he was not an efficient worker. 117 A bride and groom smile as they view their wedding cake at the reception. 73 They are men who walk the middle of the road. 45 Both he and Hines were the longest serving executives in V.A.'s history. 72 Do you know him? 16 Many of these cases were not investigated by PRS. 49 War to the knife bitter end. 28 He was charged with moving something which should not be touched, with leaving a door open, or coughing maliciously to the disturbance of his companions. 153 Kate Webster followed the same course; but these pleas of pregnancy are not common now-a-days. 94 A quart of milk is water for the most part. 43 Experience has since shown that in some respects these plans are defective, especially in the placing of the governor's residence in the center of the prison. 158 In his administration of discipline he was quite uncertain; 59 Kids are terrible. 18 he accepted the responsibility for that decision himself and signed his mother's name to all his own excuses and report cards. 126 Noyes was seized without difficulty, as it was a part of the scheme that he should act as the dupe, and remain on the spot in London till all the money was obtained. 165 The want of sleeping cells long continued a crying need. 56 Tuesday, it will be partly cloudy with a high of sixty-five. 60 no economic panacea, which could simply revive over-night the heavy industries and the trades dependent upon them. 114 reported that Youngblood was in the rear seat using his body to shield the Vice President before the second and third shots were fired. 135 for upon a barrel-shaped cylinder of clay bearing a long inscription we have Cyrus's account of his capture of Babylon. Extracts from it are as follows: 152 The car sold for twelve thousand four hundred and sixty nine dollars. 69 Entering a town, he obtained employment at once as a chimney-sweep 66 The rude laugh filled the empty room. 37 And I remember his voice cracked as he said this. He was definitely disturbed at what I had said and I didn't really think I had said that much. 144 That that could have been the man that I saw in the window in the School Book Depository Building, but that I was not sure, end quote. 134 Place arms across your chest, elbows in, and legs and feet together. 68 rather than wait for one which stopped across the street from his roominghouse. 79 Most of the news is easy for us to hear. 40 While satellites can see through many clouds and estimate the liquid precipitation they hold, they can't see the smaller ice particles that create enormous rain clouds. 168 Well, here's a story for you. 29 in the wall above the chevaux-de-frise projected a series of iron spikes sharp enough to forbid further ascent. 111 Now give me a value from zero to two fifty-five for red. 56 directions 10 These meters have linear scales. 32 Orbison's career was fully revived in nineteen eighty seven. 60 The marsh will freeze when cold enough. 39 I am doing well. 16 Here's a clue. 14 Two men are sitting on a park bench serenading people walking through the park at night. 88 Travel back in time with us as we explore the history of the electric car. 74 Researchers at London's Natural History Museum state that D.N.A. extracted from Cheddar Man reveals that early inhabitants of Great Britain had blue eyes and dark skin. 168 I forgot my ticket on the train. 32 It would certainly fulfil the requirements of my contract. 58 Local solutions should be preferred to cloud solutions in many cases. 69 Your registration code is: three five seven. 44 Two people walking down a dirt trail with backpacks on looking at items they are carrying. 90 But only a portion of Veterans were paid the maximum amount available. 70 In fifteen sixty eight, Edith had given birth to a daughter named Anne, but the child died aged about seven weeks, in November that year. 137 without them the keeper declared that he could not pay the salaries of turnkeys and servants, nor keep the prison going at all. 127 except the forgery of wills and powers of attorney. 51 Hang tinsel from both branches. 31 You'll need a written letter of invitation from a member of the faculty. 72 Behind these boxes was another carton placed on the floor on which a man sitting 80 Concerned that the local officials might try to prevent the plane's departure, O'Donnell asked that the pilot take off immediately. 131 which was the first legislative attempt to compel the classification of prisoners, or their separation into classes 115 The ramp led up to the wide highway. 36 Within moments of arriving, U.S. Soldiers discovered the P.O.W.s had been moved to another camp. 96 office 6 They might even say you've won a prize, but first you have to pay taxes or fees. 80 North Korea was once a signatory but withdrew in January two thousand three. 76 March was windy and dark. 25 The sheep-stealer smiles, and, extending his arms upwards, looks with a glad expression to the roof of the chapel. 114 personal 8 Now, the lower forms of amphibians, such as siredon, menobranchus, siren, etc., 79 The race was finished in just thirty nine minutes, beating all expectations. 76 Promoters of alternative investment and money-making opportunities sometimes make their deals seem like a sure thing. 117 While, quote, resourcefulness and patient working towards the aforesaid goals 77 I do not know. 14 Sometimes a piece is enlarged, sometimes diminished, or even becomes obsolete; sometimes several pieces are consolidated into one; 130 A New Beginning For Electric Cars 33 Acid burns holes in wool cloth. 31 For example, ship stabilizers are fins mounted beneath the waterline and emerging laterally. 92 The mule trod the treadmill day and night. 42 The sleeping accommodation in the chapel-yard wards, and indeed throughout the prison, consisted of a barrack bed, 114 This computer has the following local I.P. addresses. 53 The jewels had belonged to a Spanish countess recently deceased, who had sent them to England for greater security on the outbreak of the first Carlist war. 156 Oswald was overbearing and arrogant throughout much of the time between his arrest and his own death. 101 Rice is often served in round bowls. 36 It takes a good trap to capture a bear. 39 If you just finished speaking this sentence, click the red button below to stop recording. 90 Constantine also played an active role in the leadership of the Church. 71 When I came upon the scene at midnight, the shrillness of the cries and howls that were raised from time to time, 113 He decided to boycott games with digital restriction management in the future. 78 The wrist was badly strained and hung limp. 43 this time concerning his use of an alias. 41 I wanted to put myself on the line. 35 Just as I thought! 18 thefts of bullion, bank-notes, specie, and gold-dust, planned with consummate ingenuity, 88 Catherine had no further pregnancies after fifteen nineteen. Henry began annulment proceedings in fifteen twenty seven. 119 water, nitrites or nitrates and various mineral substances in solution in water 79 Found preserved in volcanic ash in Tanzania, they are the earliest record of bipedal gait. 90 the highest order (anoura) of this class. Thus, then, in ontogeny the fish goes no further than the fish stages. 112 handicapped as it were, by my past record and compete with anti-progressive forces, above-ground or whether in your opinion 123 Rachel Brand, Associate Attorney General, plans to step down in the next several weeks in favor of a job in the private sector. 127 Don't worry about me. 21 Oswald was next seen about nine-tenths of a mile away 53 Edwards, whom Mr. Gee easily identified with the others, at once admitted that he was the prime mover of the conspiracy. 120 or any kind of moral improvement was impossible; the prisoner's career was inevitably downward, till he struck the lowest depths. 129 Three younger males riding in city transportation passing brick buildings on their right side. 94 I next want to make it clear exactly how we shall direct the work. 66 She sang as she spilled lemonade all over the countertop. 57 The music stopped then, catching the clowns mid-step. 53 The work of the tailor is seen on each side. 44 certain shortcomings and lapses from the high standards which the Commission believes should prevail in the field of Presidential protection are evident. 153 He picked up the dice for a second roll. 40 One moment, please. 19 One of the earliest of the big operators in fraudulent finance was Edward Beaumont Smith, 89 At the George public-house to the south of the drop, Sir W. Watkin Wynn, Baronet, 81 Delete this file. 17 Either the viaduct or the underpass might have been the "bridge" mentioned in the last paragraph of the note. 109 In that night, so the story ends, "Belshazzar, the Chaldean King, was slain." 77 Some reforms had certainly been introduced, such as the abolition of irons, already referred to, and the establishment of male and female infirmaries. 150 danger may be implied from others, such as membership or activity in an organization which believes in assassination as a political weapon. 139 I wandered lonely as a cloud. 29 The role was a knockout, but really difficult. 46 Increase oven temperature to four hundred fifty degrees. 56 We trust, however, that the day is at hand when this stain will be removed from the character of the city of London, 116 In the case holding the New York Minimum Wage Law unconstitutional, Justice Stone said 86 misdemeanants have found their way into Newgate, and within the last few years one offender against the privileges of the House of Commons. 139 and that he would visit San Antonio, Houston, Fort Worth, Dallas, and Austin. 77 describing the slayer as, quote, about thirty, five foot eight inches, black hair, slender, end quote. 102 A shop in town sells all kinds of copper coins. 47 Marina Oswald expressed one aspect of her husband's attitude toward her when she testified that, quote, Lee wanted me to go to Russia. 134 to help those who have reached the age of retirement to give up their jobs and thus give to the younger generation greater opportunities for work 145 After earning his Ph.D in ninetten sixty eight, Lund rose through the ranks at Wisconsin's Department of Food Science, reaching the rank of Department Chair. 157 At a given signal, they reenacted the event. Baker's movements were timed with a stopwatch. 91 He was not the first man of loose morality and expensive tastes 63 The cannibal was looking for another victim to appease his appetite. 68 Mrs. Randle stated that on the morning of November twenty-two, while her brother was eating breakfast, 102 Fred's search for salvation sent him to Zen philosophy. 55 According to Captain Lawrence, quote, 37 even to prisoners almost in nakedness, and as a special charitable gift. Extortion was practiced right and left. 112 Frazier, surprised, asked him why he was going to Irving on Thursday night rather than Friday. 94 I wasn't able to register with the bridge. Did you push the button on the hub? 78 That was all right. 19 Cortlandt Cunningham, of the Firearms Identification Unit of the FBI Laboratory, testified 90 Lawson, also in the lead car, did not scan any buildings since an important part of his job was to look backward at the President's car. 136 A brunette in jeans is walking down the street, holding a takeout cup of coffee. 80 Hedge apples may stain your hands green. 40 Westbrook walked through the parking lot behind the service station and found a light-colored jacket lying under the rear of one of the cars. 141 Thurstone argued for a model of intelligence that included seven unrelated factors. 83 In the fall of that year John Pic and Robert Oswald went to a military academy 78 which represents a departure from its prior practice. 53 The swan dive was far short of perfect. 39 Having information from Special Reconnaissance missions exponentially aided this effort. 88 were elected to inspect the prisons frequently, to examine the prisoners, hear complaints, and check abuses. 108 For this purpose he gave, or there was the strongest presumption that he gave, 78 Is there a new way forward? 27 Two small Asian children are each holding containers of food at chest level in front of themselves. 99 Depositees were marked for destruction. 39 That value did not work, give me a value from zero to two fifty-five for blue. 78 and that Oswald's face had not been superimposed on another body. 65 Verily he by whom I have been so mutilated shall not escape unpunished. And truly all the paths of his counsels are known to me. 128 was disturbed about disrobing in front of them, taking showers with them etc., end quote. 89 Herodotus says that it was three hundred and thirty-five feet; 62 Those arguments, however, were not persuasive to Marina Oswald, 63 which his predecessors were not, and who were paid their wages over the gate to obviate the necessity for letting them enter. 125 The Secret Service has now presented its recommendations to the Bureau of the Budget. The plan proposed by the Service 118 A man in a gray tshirt and jeans standing in the doorway next to a graffiticovered garage. 90 simultaneously, of the five pirates, part of the mutinous crew of the 'Flowery Land,' was greater than on any previous occasion. 128 He also launched a new strategy for the agency. 47 The amount of Brewer's abstractions (who was eventually acquitted) was never exactly estimated. 95 omitted the fact that he might have to deal with that persistent idleness which is not an unknown characteristic of the criminal class. 135 This film will be totally awesome. 34 the Commission believes that the facts of the assassination of President Kennedy point to certain measures which, 113 This route, eventually selected for the motorcade from the airport to the Trade Mart, measured ten miles and could be driven easily within the allotted forty-five minutes. 171 Warm reserved icing in a small microwave-safe bowl, about fifteen seconds. 74 After that they fell as steadily, 33 With his troll post he provoked the hackers to do penetration testing for him. 78 He appeals to people disoriented by cyclonic change as they confront modernity and globalization. 97 He would go onto use this song in "Lost Highway", eleven years later. 69 Thanks for chatting with me. 28 According to Klein's shipping order form, one Italian carbine six point five x four x scope, 92 two witnesses, Warren Reynolds and B. M. Patterson, saw the gunman run toward the rear of a gasoline service station on Jefferson Boulevard. 140 Here's your schedule for today. 31 This river is the Euphrates, a broad, deep, swift stream, which rises in Armenia, and empties itself into the Erythraean Sea. 125 but the general revival of the old forms has made no way in those countries. 76 spoke at the Rice University Stadium, and attended a dinner in honor of U.S. Representative Albert Thomas. 106 Soccer is a sport played between two teams of eleven players with a spherical ball. 83 Our deadline is coming up rapidly and we will need help. 56 We are not bad people simply because we operate outside of the law. 67 Furthermore, the general tenor of Oswald's next letter to V. T. Lee, 68 which he did for four months in the fall of nineteen forty-eight. 65 Thirteen civilians travelling from Burkina Faso are killed after their vehicle struck a landmine. 97 because these precautions reduce the President's privacy and the access to him of the people of the country. 108 Their results were negative. 28 They also deal with diseases involving the skin, breast, soft tissue, trauma, peripheral vascular surgery and hernias. 118 They are instead dark blue with black facings. 46 William Roupell was the eldest but illegitimate son of a wealthy man who subsequently married Roupell's mother, and had further legitimate issue. 145 He went to the vending machine and bought a coffee. 51 Zahm stated further, quote, 27 The xylophone would just be a glockenspiel if it wasn't so metal. 65 After hanging the usual time they were taken down, and the machine cleared away in half-an-hour. 96 According to Kellerman, Mrs. Kennedy then cried out, quote, 59 I am not sure what other explanation we have. 45 For some, B.D.S.M. and kink provides a platform in creating identities that are fluid, ever-changing. 101 On the morning of November twenty-two, nineteen sixty-three, 60 Reduce heat and simmer until chicken falls off the bone and flavors are well blended, one to two hours. 103 When they refused, Galen performed the surgery himself and in so doing won the favor of the High Priest of Asia. 112 This building has an elevator which is necessary for wheelchairs. 65 were the leaders in this luckless change, though our own Baskerville, who was at work some years before them, went much on the same lines; 138 he envied his wife's uncle, a colonel in the MVD, because of the larger apartment in which he lived. 100 A toast to the Immortal Memory of Robert Burns then follows. 60 It will be remembered that she made a statement which led to the empaneling of a jury of matrons, who decided that there was no cause for an arrest of judgment. 160 The charity also has a project in Moscow in Russia. 51 Stombaugh explained in his testimony that in fiber analysis, as distinct from fingerprint or firearms identification, 117 The heap of fallen leaves was set on fire. 42 The jury found him guilty of the latter only, with a point of law reserved. This was fully argued before three judges, 118 Fundamentally, if in the future, America cannot trust the Congress it elects to refrain from abuse of our Constitutional usages 127 We expect this stay relevant until twenty-twenty-nine. 54 Don't you think so? 19 A young child should not suffer fright. 39 instead of handing it or the price of it back to the Caspars. 61 During inspections at the two facilities in twenty sixteen, E.P.A. found inadequate containment measures that allowed plastic materials to enter local waterways. 161 in such a way that Tester had possession of this key for a time. 64 Keep in mind that it may be too soon for the company's victims to realize they've been defrauded or to have filed complaints. 125 There is a strong chance it will happen once more. 50 Rebecca Matulka is a digital communications specialist for the Energy Department. 81 Many different classes of statistical tests have been considered in the literature. 83 Jim had a good time downtown yesterday. 39 The cup cracked and spilled its contents. 41 He played Friar Sands in "The Lost Empire", for N.B.C. 54 There are 3 people playing musical instrument and one other person looks like she is singing. 93 Be sure to set that lamp firmly in the hole. 44 was shipped on March twenty, nineteen sixty-three, to A. J. Hidell, Post Office Box two nine one five, Dallas, Texas. 117 to one hundred ninety point eight feet was, quote, very easy, end quote, and the shot which struck the President in the head 124 When blending is activated, the alpha channel is used to encode the opacity of a texture. 89 Berossus, a priest of the temple of Bel at Babylon, writing about two fifty B.C., 81 the Governor started to look back over his left shoulder, but he never completed the turn because he felt something strike him in the back. 139 A climber in an orange helmet is ascending attached to a rope whilst climbing a rock face. 90 Finally, our children will learn in a safe and modern environment. 66 Lower 5 We want to play at the worlds. 30 The man went to the woods to gather sticks. 43 Sicilian Roasted Chicken 24 Special Forces teams are generally organized into small, versatile groups, called Operational Detachment Alphas. 112 Captain Donellan, who was convicted of poisoning his brother-in-law, Sir Theodosius Broughton, and executed for it, 115 and special agents cooperating with them, or by special agents on similar assignments, while they are in a travel status, is prohibited. End quote. 147 The four hundred ninety three outbreaks reported during this period resulted in at least twenty seven thousand two hundred nineteen illnesses and eight deaths. 159 Oxygen is important for us, but some bacteria don't need it at all. 67 Rushton was treated at a local hospital for minor injuries and released. 72 Grip the tweed blazer and kiss the dumb dancing queen. 54 James read the information on the screen and could not believe it. 66 Back in those days, it went really well for the city. 53 he would have reached his destination at approximately twelve:fifty-four p.m. 77 Aldo and his grandma quickly discovered a new passion for coding. 65 The man asked, quote, May I have the cab?, end quote, and got into the front seat. 82 We are opening the a new location at ten eighty-seven Oak Street. 65 A large amount of specie was nearly always retained here in the department of the Receiver of Fines. 100 The Endangered Species Act is primarily managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 86 The Secret Service and the Department of the Treasury now recognize this critical need. 87 I prefer and I am sure you prefer that broader definition of liberty under which we are moving forward to greater freedom, 122 She was in good health on leaving home, and had with her a large sum of money. 78 Primary mission capabilities of the helicopter are tactical transport of troops, supplies and equipment. 104 Turn right onto Cambridge Street. 33 change 6 O'Donnell tried to persuade Mrs. Kennedy to leave the area, but she refused. 76 Two fifteen-year-old students are seriously wounded and three other people injured in a shooting at Sal Castro Middle School in Los Angeles, California. 152 Bob was therefore allowed to pass on. 37 They discarded this for a more completely Roman and far less beautiful letter. 78 In his later writings Percy Allen argued that Oxford led a group of writers, among whom was William Shakespeare. 112 and insert it into the paper bag. 33 But what are we to do? 22 and testified that a few days before her husband's departure from Dallas to New Orleans on April twenty-four, nineteen sixty-three, 131 The second house was in Lower Queen Street, Islington, and he used it for some time as a depot for valuables. 109 Around fifty two thousand Vietnamese civilians moved from south to north. 73 while the former was intended for the congregate labor of a number, and the latter, as its name implies, imposed continuous solitary toil. 138 The M sixteen has a five hundred millimeter sight radius. 57 Hence the teleological argument for Cuvier's first diagnostic character 71 Unusual precautions were taken upon this occasion, as some fresh outrage was apprehended. 89 They were greeted by Vice President Johnson and Governor Connally, who joined the Presidential party in a motorcade through San Antonio. 136 to infuse blood and fluids into the circulatory system. 55 oddity rather than rational beauty and meaning being apparently the thing sought for both in the letters and the illustrations. 127 Topsy-turvy Steamboat. 22 Police car and motorcycles. 27 Attendance at the project is a condition of a probation order. 62 Using the scope, rapidly working a bolt and using the scope to relocate your target quickly and at the same time when you locate that target 140 During all his reign there was little peace in his great mixed turbulent empire. 80 For this he was executed in front of Newgate in eighteen thirty-three. 70 Steam vehicles required long startup times - sometimes up to forty five minutes in the cold - and would need to be refilled with water, limiting their range. 157 Our new A.I. can dynamically adapt the balance of the gameplay. 63 offering for sale a small cameo engraved with a helmeted head of a Greek type. 78 To keep their tongues. 22 Paused. 7 The Commission recognizes that the responsibilities of members of the White House detail of the Secret Service are arduous. 123 An example of this arises with Hangul, the Korean alphabet. 59 that Mrs. Markham strongly reaffirmed her positive identification of Oswald and denied having described the killer 114 Under bare poles. 17 and their gibes and jollity counteracted the ordinary's counsels or the independent preacher's earnest prayers. 111 Palm oil is cheap, but workers on illegal plantations get exploited and huge areas of jungle get destroyed for its production. 126 whereupon they withdrew within their defenses. 46 When they arrived from the Soviet Union, Oswald and his family lived at first with his brother Robert. 102 Mr. Johnson was the then Vice President and his visit took place on April twenty-third. 87 Three cheerleaders wearing black and orange uniforms are about to be caught by the other cheerleaders. 102 Over the door, in gilt letters, were the words "Crown Office"; in the window was a pile of official envelopes, ostentatiously displayed, 136 Annoying a wild boar is insane. 31 Neat plans fail without luck. 29 In many instances, Green Berets are in and out before the enemy has time to react. 82 The time actually required for Baker and Truly to reach the second floor on November twenty-two was probably longer than in the test runs. For example, 151 Florus gives a more detailed view of the operations of nine B.C. 64 the Commission concluded that Oswald could have fired the shots and still have been present in the second-floor lunchroom when seen by Baker and Truly. 151 Some years were still to elapse before capital punishment ceased to be the penalty for forgery, and in the interval 115 As shown above, the note and the photographs of Walker's house and of the nearby railroad tracks 96 It will last about a year, when it will reenter Earth's atmosphere and burn up in. 82 Complete required fields. Provide contact information. Select a category. 73 I don't mind having a stab at it this evening if you remind me. 63 Even if it were possible with a vastly larger force of security officers to do so, many observers have felt 107 and he was only convicted of an attempt "to harass, vex, and grieve the sovereign. 82 From fifteen eighty eight, The Hague also became the seat of the government of the Dutch Republic. 98 the Secret Service has been receiving full cooperation in scientific research and technological development 107 An alibi was set up for the defense, but not well substantiated, and the jury without hesitation returned a verdict of guilty. 126 The stems of the tall glasses cracked and broke. 48 How are you? 12 It is of the first importance that the letter used should be fine in form. 74 However, the figures were disputed by the Scottish Prison Service. 66 Inside, you'll find photographs and a brief synopsis of the item's history. 75 Top speed was factory rated at two hundred miles per hour. 58 The wild huntsman. 18 After his death in the fourteen eighties, or at least by fourteen ninety, printing in Venice had declined very much. 116 Talk to them about how to prevent and handle issues such as sexting and cyberbullying with additional resources from the Department of Homeland Security's "Stop. Think. Connect." campaign. 188 In spite, however, of his praiseworthy efforts, printing had still one last degradation to undergo. 99 There seems to be no reason why ordinary paper should not be better made. 73 Spurious legal charges and impunity in violence against journalists have remained the norm. 91 about 5 I have not the time to quote to you all the language used by dissenting justices in many of these cases. 104 A symphony. 11 I would recommend doing it before you get too old. 50 When in doubt, call one eight hundred Medicare, before you give anyone your money or information. 97 The flag is red, blue, and yellow. 34 varied so considerably in the several documents he left behind, that too much reliance cannot be placed upon his confession. 124 so that the President would have been moving in an almost straight line away from the assassin's rifle. 103 but the result in both cases was unfavorable. 45 The Vice-Presidential car 25 In a parallel action, the U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of New Jersey today announced criminal charges. 113 They could not ignore the will of parliament, he claimed. 57 The vigilance of the Newgate officials, assisted by the city police, completely frustrated this plot. 101 Here and there food was not issued in kind, but a money allowance which the prisoner might expend himself. 106 The phase-in, core contract management, and core technical services have a potential value of approximately one hundred eleven point six million dollars. 153 Special Forces Soldiers use the latest technology to communicate, whether it's radio, text messages or through a satellite computer. 132 It was thought that this would guarantee constant supervision and inspection, but it did nothing of the kind, and only the presence of warders on duty 150 The evidence was corroborated by that of many of the victims who had acted as messengers, 89 to some extent after his Fair Play for Cuba Committee activities had become known, he exaggerated their concern for him. 120 The instability of their relations was probably a function of the personalities of both people. Oswald was overbearing in relations with his wife. 146 Government offices and honest companies won't require you to use these payment methods. 87 Where are the others? 21 Idleness was not so universally the rule in this part of the jail. 66 He could be liberal to impoverished Senators and equestrians and to cities and towns desolated by natural calamity. 115 Lee Harvey Oswald was hired on October fifteen, nineteen sixty-three, by the Texas School Book Depository as an "order filler." 127 Here in the U.S., the first successful electric car made its debut around eighteen ninety thanks to William Morrison, a chemist who lived in Des Moines, Iowa. 158 For a moment no one spoke. 26 From nineteen forty four through December nineteen ninety three, V.A. guaranteed thirteen point nine million home loans valued at more than four hundred thirty three billion dollars. 182 Oswald did not always distinguish between Marxism and communism. 64 That was the first object taken from Babylon to Europe; 55 she would sometimes take Lee with her, apparently leaving him alone in the car while she transacted her business. 113 and opposite the printed word "From" 36 We can deliver lifesaving medicines from the Strategic National Stockpile to anywhere in the U.S. in twelve hours or less. 122 A pink shell was found on the sandy beach. 42 In his later writings Percy Allen argued that Oxford led a group of writers, among whom was William Shakespeare. 112 Hocker, whose skill in counterfeiting handwriting was known, was asked to fabricate a letter making an assignation with Delarue 127 Cadets' uniforms are inspected before their tours begin each day. 65 No information concerning Lee Harvey Oswald appeared in PRS files before the President's trip to Dallas. 104 A boy wearing a white tshirt walks on the grass and carries a soccer ball. 74 The lure is used to catch trout and flounder. 45 Ingredients: cooking spray. One whole chicken, cut into eight pieces. One teaspoon salt. One teaspoon ground black pepper. 122 The President's Emergency Plan For AIDS Relief is a governmental initiative to address the global H.I.V. / AIDS epidemic. 121 Who would be right? 19 the Lord Steward of the Household, the steward and officers of the Marshalsea Court, and others. 96 and to emphasize that the task of Presidential protection is one of broad national concern. 91 newsletter 10 This is the approximate time he entered the roominghouse, according to Earlene Roberts, the housekeeper there. 110 If you do not buy a ticket for your child, ask if your airline will allow you to use an empty seat. 99 After leaving Mrs. Reid in the front office, Oswald could have gone down the stairs and out the front door by twelve:thirty-three p.m. 134 Modern printers understand this, but it is only practiced in the very best establishments. 90 They made such decisions in London. 35 As they packed their bags, the tsunami sirens sounded once more across the bleak shores. 88 or contriving some means of escape by climbing the fluted columns which supported the Gothic arches of the aisles, 114 There was absolutely no reason for her to announce it to the entire company. 76 The European Commission orders Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary to court over their refusal to incorporate more refugees. 127 the fresh marks of violence upon the door had evidently been made inside, and not from outside; 95 She testified that Oswald, quote, was very happy, end quote, about the birth of the child. 90 They go where the money goes. 29 No category seems to fit. 25 the personal embodiment and representative of their dignity and majesty, end quote. 83 Nearly half of our budget goes into grants to state environmental programs, non-profits, educational institutions, and others. 126 At the time, he was a living legend. 36 The slush lay deep along the street. 36 The Prime Minister has a huge regard for Mo. 44 He lived at Mile End, whence he walked often to call at three, Minver Place, Bermondsey, the residence of his old love. 119 is not only permitted still to exist in the prison, but is rendered more powerful than before. 94 The Service prefers to have two agents perform advance preparations. 68 and Austin Bidwell opened a bona fide credit in the Burlington or West End branch of the Bank of England, 105 All have sung 'the Lamentation of a Sinner,' and have seemed to pray 'especially for those now awaiting the awful execution of the law.' 136 Turn left onto Fourth Avenue. 29 His original manuscripts are collected in the family archive, including some specially bound volumes of some of his works. 122 In the center of the chapel was the condemned pew, a large dock-like erection painted black. 92 and in that same year Nabopolassar, the father of the great Nebuchadnezzar, became the King of Babylon. 103 Live and learn. 15 When? 5 The film received positive reviews but failed at the box office. 64 In turn, these Tutsis formed a militia to defend themselves against attacks. 76 If this continues to happen, you can set the I.P. address of the bridge in the Mycroft configuration file. 106 for the purpose of misappropriating funds or feloniously obtaining cash; 72 This big issue is whether it can be enforced. 45 Then one struck up the hymn of the Promised Land, and the refrain was at once taken up with a mighty chorus -- 110 Connection to mycroft dot a.i, failed, pairing code could not be fetched. Check your internet connection and try again. 119 NASA Highlights Jupiter, Search for Life at American Geophysical Union 70 Four doors lead from the landing into two bedrooms, a closet, and a small, but functional bathroom. 99 Scotland were beaten again. 27 Even then, however, irons across barred the ascent after a certain distance, and in no one case did a fugitive get clear away. 126 Watkins' knee-joint is very severely injured. 45 confirmed that Euins could neither describe the man in the window nor indicate his race. 88 All such cases of resemblance in function but not in detailed plan of structure are called "analogies," 103 We have a very vigorous screening procedure for new recruits. 61 The Prime Minister became responsible for calling meetings, presiding, taking notes, and reporting to the Sovereign. 116 It is of the first importance that the letter used should be fine in form. 74 Euins stated that he could not ascertain the man's race and that the statement in the affidavit was intended to refer only to the white spot on the man's head 158 A commemorative half dollar for the battle was produced in nineteen thirty six. 79 at the time of President Kennedy's assassination. 49 Apparently when this reserve supply is finally needed at any point in the plant, it is again changed to glucose and transported thither. 136 Its rounded, erect ears were about long and covered with short fur. 67 At that high level the air is pure. 35 ten days prior to the Walker attempt, Oswald had undoubtedly received the rifle shipped from Chicago on March twenty, 117 The State Department then moved to the D.C. Orphan Asylum Building while the War and Navy Departments continued to make do with their cramped quarters to the west of the White House. 182 A person wearing a blue shirt, rides a white horse along a dusty country road. 78 Is he a drunkard or what? 25 that the convict's clothes were still the executioner's perquisite. 67 Yell and clap as the curtain slides back. 41 Handwriting experts, Alwyn Cole of the Treasury Department and James C. Cadigan of the FBI, 91 Even with the advantage of hindsight, this letter does not appear to express or imply Oswald's, quote, 102 Marina Oswald gave as her opinion that the mail-order coupon was in Oswald's handwriting. 89 It earnestly advocated the appointment of female officers to take exclusive charge of female prisoners, 103 Our latest hi-tech submarine is powered by hydrogen. 52 It would take months and years thereafter to get a two-thirds majority in favor of that amendment in both Houses of the Congress. 129 In the simulation game, I think I will hijack this fancy Lamborghini. 69 We are in the end game. 23 A man and woman are walking in an apple orchard while swinging a little boy between them. 89 General Supervision of the Secret Service 41 We returned to the cemetery. 28 As soon therefore as he felt within himself that Babylon was fated to be taken, he went to Darius and asked him if he set a very high value on its conquest. 156 A woman is sorting white tall candles as a man in a green shirt stands behind her. 82 The R.G B. value seems to be wrong. I only accept R.G.B. values from zero to two hundred fifty-five. 100 because she thought the FBI was in possession of a great deal of information and certainly would find it very easy to learn where Oswald was living. 148 is indeed a subject which cannot but impress every considerate mind with humiliation and sorrow. 96 Others have tried to explain the phenomenon physically. 55 I'd love to be like Peter. 26 Finally, she administered ether. 32 Fishes first appeared in the Devonian and Upper Silurian in very reptilian or rather amphibian forms. 101 Here once more the almost invariable modern practice is in opposition to a natural sense of proportion. 103 I'll see about doing that tonight then since I've managed to get all my work commitments out of the way. 104 Both lost their lives in the raging storm. 42 Their first child, Xenia, died of pneumonia in May eighteen ninety less than two months after she was born. 107 Thomas Jefferson countered that Congress's powers can all be carried into execution without a national bank. 108 release 7 The auctioneer accepted the bid. 32 Noone is likely to hassle me too seriously in a bar full of people, so why don't you wait out here? 99 the officials spoke in whispers; there was but little moving to and fro. 72 This study has led the Commission to conclude that the public interest might be served by any contribution it can make to the improvement of protective arrangements. 165 Interaction data will no longer be submitted to Mycroft A.I. 60 This was carried out by putting the criminal's head through the legs of a chair, and stretching out his arms and tying them to the legs. 136 Upper and lower receivers, a pistol grip, a trigger guard, fifteen high-capacity magazines, a buttstock, and four hundred twenty rounds of full metal jacket rifle ammunition. 174 The thrush constructs her nest from feathers and pieces of fluff. 65 The U.A.P., led by Billy Hughes, disintegrated after suffering a heavy defeat in the nineteen forty three election. 115 Not less remarkable than this diverse interpretation of a manifest duty 71 Paris Zoological Park, France, is evacuated and closed after dozens of baboons escape their enclosure. 102 During October and November of nineteen sixty-three, 52 Diderot was left to finish the task as best he could. 53 but these routes would not have been in accordance with the White House staff instructions given the Secret Service for a desirable motorcade route. 148 The rules should be changed. 28 Soon after, the pregnancy was found to be a false alarm. 56 The Commission strongly encourages these efforts to improve protection along a motorcade route. 95 Confinement for twelve months in the Bristol jail was counted a punishment equivalent to seven years' transportation. 117 Is the piano easier than the violin? 36 Fortunately its not the sole driving factor of the local economy. 65 The broad use of social media by adolescents means it is an influential piece of their lives. 93 Whaley said that Oswald was the man under Number two. 53 students 8 although happily never passing beyond dastardly attempts, cropped up in these times, and was often frequently repeated within a short interval. 143 To close the deal, they cite phony statistics, exaggerate the significance of a current event, claim they will guarantee the investment, or stress how unique their offer is. 173 Minnesota rewrote its energy code to require manufacturers to label insulation based on the coldest expected winter conditions. 127 Australia also has a significant racing culture. 48 Woman in black shirt in bathroom with broom while a woman in white shirt stands outside bathroom. 97 The North Korean government routinely delays or denies Swedish officials access to detained U.S. citizens. 106 There were dormitories without light, control, or regulation at night, 70 Forewarned is forearmed. 24 Symptoms include dizziness, weakness, excessive perspiration, nausea, and vomiting. 83 the sleeping space per head was only sixteen inches, and often as many as two hundred ninety-three men had to be accommodated on barrack beds 141 The film will be shot in China in twenty seventeen with an eighty dollars million budget. 89 In half a mile, use the left two lanes to turn left onto Carroll Canyon Road. 77 in the then existing state of the law, 38 applications 12 the increased information supplied by other agencies will be wasted. 68 It was fit for royalty. 23 The Warren Commission Report. By The President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy. Chapter seven. Lee Harvey Oswald: 136 Next year John Gleeson Wilson, at Liverpool, murdered a woman, Ann Henrichson, also a maidservant and two children; 115 Clinical studies of the new vaccine are still outstanding. 58 the 3 But the vacillating policy in the matter of rudiments does not end here; for it is shown in a still more aggravated form 120 although the parts of some plants exhibit oscillating movements without any perceptible cause and the leaves of others retract when touched, 140 With fellow teammates Kirk Gibson and Lance Parrish on the coaching staff, the rebuilding process began. 104 According to Yelp, there are four sandwich shops within a mile of your current location. 88 of referring without rhyme or reason to the Constitution as a means of preventing its accomplishment, thus creating the general impression 138 A couple on the stairs are photographing a man and woman embracing in front of a building. 90 I find it ordered "that the ordinary of Newgate be restricted from making any communications to the Home Office 111 Miller was every bit as happy. 30 The house was empty, bare and stripped of all its furniture, and its former occupants had decamped. 99 Subsequent changes often reduced the number of demonstrative distinctions. 74 being the constant transpiration (evaporation) of watery vapor from the leaves, especially through the stomata. 111 Yet the law was seldom if ever enforced. 40 As they sat in the car, Frazier asked Oswald where his lunch was, and Oswald replied that he was going to buy his lunch that day. 129 Council of the empire. 22 Always use a C.R.S. when driving to and from the airport. 57 Continue aggressive law enforcement. 36 After Calcraft's resignation no successor was really appointed. 63 I heard speech-to-text software often has problems when people are whispering. 78 He had been committed for an offense for which he was acquitted. 64 which appeared to be the work of a man expecting to be killed, or imprisoned, or to disappear. 94 Colin MacLaurin Road within Edinburgh University is named in his honour. 72 Some wags in Scotland seized Calcraft and kept him in durance the night before the execution. 93 he threw open the Cissian and Belian gates, and admitted the enemy. 67 Now, I've told you all I'm going to tell you about that card in my billfolds -- you have the card yourself and you know as much about it as I do, end quote. 156 There is no special excretory organ, and, except in the case of certain reproductive bodies, there is usually no locomotion. 124 It has been the cause of many of our arguments. End quote. Oswald claimed that his wife preferred others to him. 112 quote, apparently will loop through the downtown area, probably on Main Street, en route from Dallas Love Field, end quote. 123 However, a higher rim weight, if thrown correctly, can lead to a farther throw. 79 but also to the owners and managers of industry because, 56 on the other, the governor of the jail sneered at his zeal 58 No. They're not. The government will not call you about your health insurance; and no one from the government will ask you to verify your Social Security number or bank information. 181 The clan gathered on each dull night. 37 carrying a full bottle of Coca-Cola in his hand, presumably purchased after the encounter with Baker and Truly. 111 Five people sitting in front of a body of water with the sun behind them. 73 Hosty received this information on the afternoon of November twenty-two, nineteen sixty-three. 94 that I will appoint justices who will not undertake to override the judgment of the Congress on legislative policy, 115 It was asserted, not without foundation, at these trials, that Edwards repeatedly incited the associates he was betraying 121 Last night was a key episode. 29 but ever the same form moved along in the fulfillment of his mission, in spite of all persecution. 98 The plan must explain how it will comply with the Surgeon General health warning display requirements. 102 which will bring about the final destruction of the capitalist system, and indicated that 89 but believed that a public ceremony destroyed the whole value of an execution. 78 Limitations were placed on knife vending due to terrorism and violent assaults where they were utilized. 104 after which he devoted himself to pistol practice in shooting-galleries, sometimes in Leicester Square, 103 until at last the foundations of the temples and palaces were buried fully a hundred feet beneath the surface. 110 Private executions at their first introduction were not popular with the Newgate officials, and for intelligible reasons. 121 Here, it has been suggested, were the famous hanging gardens which some ancient authors included among the Seven Wonders of the World. 134 The wise man may change his opinion, but the fool , never. 58 Two people are killed and another is injured in a mass shooting in Vancouver, Canada. 85 The discovery of the murdered man immediately followed. The neighborhood was alarmed, the police sent for, and a close inquiry forthwith commenced. 147 the desirable thing being "the breaking of the line" as in bonding masonry or brickwork 87 The store walls were lined with colored frocks. 47 Simmons testified that familiarity with the bolt could be achieved in dry practice and, as has been indicated above, 116 Cut the pie into large parts. 29 The First Minister is scheduled to be elected by the Parliament tomorrow. 73 Esoteric views current at the end of the nineteenth century provided a further basis for the reception of Yoga. 111 The model predicts that by twenty-thirty, the chances could more than double. 77 When hunting large prey, the coyote often works in pairs or small groups. 73 The streets are narrow and full of sharp turns. 47 It is suggested that an organization shorn of its power to investigate all the possibilities of danger to the President 119 It was number two among all shows that week, between fellow hits "Home Improvement" and "Seinfeld". 99 A woman and man interested in an event going on downtown on a busy walking street. 82 Part of this is because steam wasn't very practical for personal vehicles. 74 The key is to take the train in quest of better opportunity. 60 The FBI office in Dallas gave the local Secret Service representatives the name of a possibly dangerous individual in the Dallas area who was investigated. 155 It is the accusation of most distinguished justices of the present Supreme Court. 81 They emphasized the necessity that the information now being furnished be handled with judgment and care. 105 monitoring 10 very unhappy, and that he actually wept when he told her that. 62 They are featured on several of the album's tracks including "Don't Cry Baby", "Out of the Blue" and "Caldonia". 112 A young man is bathing, with only his shorts on, in a large wooden pale. 72 There's a podium discussion about the pros and cons of daylight saving time. 76 Fifty-three South Grant Avenue, Columbus, Ohio. 47 a man wearing a blue shirt, standing on the railroad is taking picture of the bridge. 85 The news struck doubt into restless minds. 42 There was a short silence. 26 I am just trying to do my job. 30 Screw the round cap on as tight as needed. 42 p 1 There are three meetings on your calendar today. 48 The whole of the evidence pointed so strongly towards insanity, that the jury brought in a verdict of acquittal on that ground, 127 F.A.A. capabilities were weak. 30 including the significant fact that Oswald was employed in a building which overlooked the motorcade route. 107 I'm afraid you can't build an igloo in the tropics. 51 the memory of which is still fresh in the minds of Londoners, although half a century has passed since it was committed. 120 they preferred to credit it to carelessness or collusion from officers of the jail. 83 And though only one bullet of Remington-Peters manufacture was recovered, two empty cartridge cases of that make were retrieved. 128 Mud was spattered on the front of his white shirt. 50 Cover, and bake one hour, until sweet potatoes are tender and pork chops have reached an internal temperature of one hundred forty five degrees. 144 Turn left onto Ellery Street. 29 A graying man in a longsleeve buttondown shirt appears three times, depicting office activity. 94 a man wearing a hat and a small boy in a bathing suit playing in the sand. 74 Down below were market-carts waiting for daylight, and among them Krapps found a refuge and friends. 100 This amendment was strongly supported outside the House, and a petition in favor of its passing was presented, 110 The cases of poisoning in the British calendars are rare, nor indeed was the guilt of the accused always clearly established. 125 She put on her slippers, scaled the stairs, and went to bed. 60 He might have saved himself at any moment by merely extending an arm; but he lay there patiently till death supervened. 119 It is thus clear that Oswald knew that Governor Connally was never directly concerned with his discharge 104 Quote. the apartments set apart for them, being built to accommodate sixty persons, now contain about one hundred twenty. End quote. 132 Nice work! 10 Even though it appears that they may have left Oswald a few days before, it seems that he resisted the move as best he could. 125 I feel good. 12 I love the Dome. 16 The committee did not deny the superior advantages offered by such prisons as Gloucester and Petworth, 102 We were then in the midst of the great banking crisis. 54 Special Forces Soldiers rely on stealth to complete their missions. 67 The film cuts to an "helicopter-eye view", contrasting painfully with the human tenderness seen earlier. 104 otherwise 9 In bold contrast to many of the somber classical revival buildings in Washington, the E.E.O.B.'s flamboyant style epitomizes the optimism and exuberance of the post-Civil War period. 182 Elizabeth Turtle from the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory in Laurel, Maryland, is the lead investigator, with A.P.L. providing project management. 166 The nag pulled the frail cart along. 36 Former G.M. automotive brands include McLaughlin, Oakland, Oldsmobile, Pontiac, Hummer, Saab, Saturn, Vauxhall, and Opel. 121 The Early Rise And Fall Of The Electric Car. 44 A person drives around a futuristic looking vehicle while a man approaches her and a crowd watches. 99 The majority always claims to be pacifist, B.U.T. ... 53 The name "Hidell" was stamped on some of the "Chapter's" printed literature and on the membership application blanks. 117 were constructed on the landings, ensconced in which warders spent the night, on duty, and alert to watch the sleepers below, 125 I don’t understand why you use the negative gradient. 53 It is hard or even impossible to define the fitness expression. 63 She sinks to the ground. 24 Throw a cloth over the bowl and set by for five or six hours to rise. 69 That is the way the system works. 33 He cannot and will not take the precautions of a dictator or a sovereign. 73 but their request, in spite of their earnest entreaties, 56 In August twenty fourteen, Jeep signed a sponsorship deal with Greek football club Athens F.C. 94 How did you get it? 19 Another time, he fought with two brothers who claimed that he had picked on the younger of them, three years Oswald's junior. 125 The implementation is not compliant with the specification. 59 What was to be done? 20 This biscuit is yummy. 22 have 4 Late in his life, in five sixty-seven, he invaded Egypt. 56 just to steady their legs a little; in other words, to add his weight to that of the hanging bodies. 100 A man and a woman are crossing over a rope bridge with greenery all over them. 78 It may also be significant that, as reported by John Pic, quote, Lee slept with my mother until I joined the service in nineteen fifty. 135 A darkhaired woman is looking at papers standing next to a darkhaired man speaking into a microphone. 101 an 2 the wide dark sea of heads is all at once in motion; 52 introduction 12 This was surprising, because normally you would only expect to see it in a dog or a goat. 89 No more time is occupied, or cost incurred, in casting, setting, or printing beautiful letters than ugly ones. 110 The disease can take months to develop following a person's contact with a rabid animal. 88 The heart beat strongly and with firm strokes. 46 I believe it will be. 21 It used four sounds to symbolize the basic scale. 49 Embedded scripts from external sources can harm the users privacy. 66 Two police officers in yellow reflective jackets are standing in a shopping zone having a conversation. 103 Truly replied, "Yes." 21 five foot eight inches, black hair, slender, wearing a white jacket, white shirt and dark slacks, end quote, 108 a subsequent bullet, which was lethal, shattered the right side of his skull. 77 United States Department of Agriculture regulations do not permit the use of hormones on veal calves for any reason. 116 It is unlikely that the motivation was that simple. 51 A few others, who could not afford a payment of more than half a guinea, were permitted to monopolize a part of the prison infirmary, 133 Weave the little duties in and under and among what seem to be the greater. 75 He proposed a solution. 23 In the latter hope he was happily disappointed. But as this case is beyond my subject, I merely mention it as one of the group already referred to. 147 An attempted terrorist attack occurs when a homemade pipe bomb worn by a man explodes near New York City's Port Authority Bus Terminal. 135 Some may view the contradiction of reductionism in conventional theory as simply an example of changing assumptions. 116 There the flood mark is ten inches. 35 coiled up on the floor of the scaffold like a serpent, the hangman's rope! 74 The departure of Mister Johnston was reported by The Herald yesterday. 70 Northrop Grumman, who built the satellite, and Space X have both refused to confirm the mission's failure due to its classified nature. 135 He eventually rose to the rank of colonel in the reserves. 58 Bearden was born in Charlotte, North Carolina. 46 Connection established. 23 Statements of Oswald during Detention. 38 In total around thirteen thousand Finns perished. 49 Other oily fish, such as tuna, also contain N three in somewhat lesser amounts. 79 lively discourse upon past criminal exploits, elaborate discussion of others to be perpetrated after release. 109 the latter raised eighteen pence among them to pay for a truss of straw for the poor woman to lie on. 101 The final witness to appear for the prosecution, forensic psychiatrist Park Dietz, began his testimony on February twelfth. 123 It is still usually regarded as the first game of college football. 67 Before that time individual self- interest and group selfishness were paramount in public thinking. 99 No cement will hold hard wood. 30 The Commission urges that the Bureau of the Budget review these recommendations with the Secret Service and authorize a request for the necessary supplemental appropriation. 173 A committee of collegians was elected to act as the executive, also a secretary or accountant to receive monies and keep books, 127 Mrs. Paine was planning a birthday party for one of her children on that weekend and her husband, Michael, was to be at the house. 130 Surveillance cameras were set to allow police to find suspicious activities. 76 The clock was slightly askew. 29 Fourteen silly looking clowns waltzed together in the park eliciting laughter as they pirouetted. 97 Responsibilities for Presidential Protection 44 Teens share a lot of their personal information. 48 Late in his life, Shockley became intensely interested in questions of race, human intelligence, and eugenics. 110 The employees raced the elevators to the first floor. Givens saw Oswald standing at the gate on the fifth floor as the elevator went by. 136 I propose next to describe the leading features of the most important of these. 79 Experts on handwriting identification from the Treasury Department and the FBI 78 Julie hooked a giant of a fish yesterday. 41 Using a bow and arrow to take fish is known as "bow fishing". 61 You must be mixed up in something pretty big if he's keeping such a close eye on you. 85 a much-needed and, according to our ideas, indispensable reform, already initiated by the Ladies' Committee at Newgate. 119 He had several narrow escapes. 30 He told his story with perfect coolness and self-possession, but in a grave and serious tone. 93 When Oswald came in she said, quote, Oh, you are in a hurry, end quote, but Oswald did not respond. 99 he received a retaining fee of five pounds, five shillings, with the usual guinea for each job; 95 If you still don't know what recursion is, read this sentence again. 68 With resistance to antibiotics becoming more common there is greater need for alternative treatments. 101 The area is host to over four million visitors a year. 54 He wrote his last novel there at the inn. 41 In the condemned cell he frequently repeated, quote, I go to my death a murdered man, end quote. 96 Shake the dust from your shoes, stranger. 41 and which could not be met by merely local action. 50 Using data from the Chandra X-Ray Observatory, scientists discover exoplanets in galaxies beyond the Milky Way for the first time. 130 should negotiate similar arrangements with such other State and local law enforcement agencies as may provide meaningful assistance. 132 The definite form of the participle is identical to the plural form. 68 In a word, the value of diet as a part of penal discipline was still insufficiently recognized. 95 Bring your problems to the wise chief. 38 The selfish Welsh wish to sell fish, which smells swell when getting squished. 78 Cervantes included some of his dramas among the works he was most satisfied with. 81 Having a quick, easy-to-run and accurate test to tell if an animal that bit someone is rabid could help doctors decide whether someone needs preventive treatment. 162 Hey look, a flying pig! 23 Before you meet the handsome prince you have to kiss a lot of toads. 68 That's what it is! 18 Three cheerleaders wearing black and orange uniforms are about to be caught by the other cheerleaders. 102 in the administration of prisons. 33 Finally, he lifted one of the boards and after setting it aside carefully, looked into the space beneath the floor. 115 In evaluating data processing techniques of the Secret Service, 63 Beneath two photographs of President Kennedy, one full- face and one profile, appeared the caption, quote, Wanted for Treason, 126 The case was one of circumstantial evidence, but, as Sir Robert Collyer the Solicitor-General pointed out, 106 In one accident, a fractured fuel line led to a spillage of diesel into the road. 81 Kettle-drums. 13 When will you check in? 23 No, I don't want to be a pilot. 31 The Commission regards this as a most useful innovation and urges that the practice be continued. 97 According to Wikipedia, the Eiffel Tower is nine hundred eighty-four feet tall. 79 It allows you to see your target clearly, and it is still of a minimum amount of power that it doesn't exaggerate your own body movements. 138 which might appear to be inconsistent with his desire to join the Marines, could have been another manifestation of Oswald's rejection of his environment. 154 but a number of rooms, fifteen more or less, were reserved for poor debtors under the name of Bartholomew Fair. 111 It's nine eleven P.M. Eastern Standard Time. 44 Please don't be concerned. 26 Many others were physically wounded, some permanently disabled. 63 Its present manual filing system is obsolete; 45 It's late in the evening, a perfect time for coffee. 52 the Oswalds lived on Neely Street in Dallas in a rented house which had a small back yard. 90 he said that he, quote, was very sorry that he had not hit him, end quote. Marina Oswald's testimony was fully supported by the note itself 139 Senators Chuck Grassley and Lindsey Graham of the Senate Judiciary Committee refer the British spy Christopher Steele to the U.S. Department of Justice. 152 It is impossible that they should be quite equal except in lines of poetry. 75 We sharpened our wits at university so we could handle this crisis. 67 Philip was standing on the levee watching the waves roll off the rocks and the splashes of spume. 97 But what is it? 15 Not bad. How about yourself? 28 We tried to replace the coin but failed. 40 The ornamentation of printed books is too wide a subject to be dealt with fully here; but one thing must be said on it. 119 As the almost inevitable consequence, while the more glaring defects in prison management disappeared, 102 A young man sitting on a rock on the shore of a body of water looking contemplative. 84 But I would point out that the extent and severity of labor disputes during this period 87 Yet it was clearly proved that the dumplings contained arsenic, that she, and she alone, had made the dough, 108 This star is one of the brightest known extreme ultraviolet sources in the sky. 79 Courvoisier wished to commit suicide in Newgate, but was prevented by the vigilant supervision to which he was subjected while in jail. 135 Deacons serve under the supervision of the elders, and are often assigned to direct specific ministries. 104 This includes standard analysis of the business cycle in macroeconomics. 72 Early pharmacologists focused on natural substances, mainly plant extracts. 75 and for reporting such events as a change in leadership or dogma which indicate that the group may present a danger to the President. 133 The four-piece kit with a floor tom remains popular, particularly for jazz bands. 81 Alarm disabled. 15 On another occasion an importunate person begged Calcraft eagerly to claim his right to the clothes, and give them to him. 122 His excuse was that he had given the girl his promise that she should not go, an assumption of prerogative which by no means rested with him; 141 The D.F.A test can be run only on fresh brain tissue samples that have been kept cold, which can be difficult in areas without reliable electricity. 148 Lush ferns grow on the lofty rocks. 35 Bring your best compass to the third class. 43 Ask a doctor before use if you have diabetes or heart disease. 62 Cunningham declared that this weapon fired the four cartridges to the exclusion of all other weapons. 101 There will be widespread support on all sides. 46 I'm sorry, I'm unable to access your account. 45 There are several aspects of truck operations that contribute to the overall sound that is emitted. 99 Given a choice between the National Naval Medical Center at Bethesda, Maryland, and the Army's Walter Reed Hospital, 116 A simple application of the virial theorem concerns galaxy clusters. 68 two. The female debtors' side. three. The chapel yard. four. The middle yard. 77 Four hundred South Monroe Street, Apartment three oh four, Tallahassee, Florida. 80 rights 6 and he wanted to be on the winning side so that ten thousand years from-now people would look in the history books and say, "Well, this man was ahead of his time." 163 diamonds refaced; all marks by which other articles might be identified, the selvages of linen, the stamps on shoes, 116 provides some evidence that they were placed on the rifle that day 66 The crooked maze failed to fool the mouse. 42 Having brought down the records of great frauds, forgeries, and thefts from about eighteen twenty-five to eighteen forty, 121 Turning the lights on. 22 should have constituted a sufficient basis to warn the Secret Service of the Oswald risk. 89 In two thousand, the Prius was released worldwide, and it became an instant success with celebrities, helping to raise the profile of the car. 142 Until April nineteen sixty, FBI activity consisted of placing in Oswald's file 78 Charles Thomas White, awaiting execution for arson, made a desperate effort to escape from Newgate in eighteen twenty-seven. 124 and again and again to protest against Newgate as it at present exists. 71 She was related to myths of a female Wild Hunt. 47 William the fourth was also the victim of a murderous outrage on Ascot race-course in eighteen thirty-two, 106 The girl at the booth sold fifty bonds. 39 Do we throw out the ointment now or later? 42 Act on these orders with great speed. 37 We are making tremendous progress accelerating sites through the entire Superfund remediation process and returning them to safe and productive reuse, said Administrator Scott Pruitt. 183 This was the well and astutely devised plot of the brothers Bidwell, 68 Hocker was found upon the scene of his crime, irresistibly attracted thither, as was Theodore Gardelle. 103 These were sectors on the disk that were intentionally unreadable by the disk drive. 84 signed by more than a thousand members of banking firms. 56 It is also very valuable. 25 Fill your pack with bright trinkets for the poor. 49 Moldova's proximity to the Black Sea gives it a mild and sunny climate. 71 In this way some of the radiant and kinetic energy of the sun comes to be stored up as potential energy in the starch. 118 Three people wearing orange jackets talk near train tracks, while other people work in the background. 102 Michael took a cigarette from his pocket and placed it in his mouth. 68 The prisoners were crowded together in the jail, contrary to the requirements of the four George the fourth 107 In March nineteen sixty-three, while attempting to locate Marina Oswald, 72 The latter had reference more especially to a proposal emanating from Mr. Charles Pearson himself. 98 Three women in gypsy skirts stand around the Parking area for the Notre Dame in France. 87 Iain Duncan Smith is a decent man. 34 and had not intended any criticism of Oswald's political views which is the way in which, Thornley thought, Oswald took his remarks. 132 by seven a.m. the whole space was so thronged that it was impossible to move one way or the other. 98 however 7 Saul was infuriating the others. 32 All vertebrates, and none other, have a number of their anterior vertebral joints enlarged and consolidated into a box to form the skull, 137 The basis of Sikhism lies in the teachings of Guru Nanak and his successors. 76 without hesitation brought in a verdict of willful murder. 58 On the outside of an airport, it is very difficult. 51 His secretary testified that she prepared such a report for him that afternoon and Chief of Police Jesse E. Curry 113 Thus appareled he ascended the stairs at the debtors' door, 59 The H.E. one seventy eight was the world's first jet plane. 59 Three: Automatic data processing 32 Ask for written proof of how much of your money is going to the actual investment and how much is going to commissions, promoters' profits, and marketing costs. 160 Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas says he will not accept any U.S. plan for peace with Israel. 96 If it never rained, we'd never grow. 36 It is not normal practice. 26 Reconnecting. 13 A space of about twenty-three feet separated it from its inner part, which was about twenty feet in width. 106 They went through the swinging door and continued at, quote, a good trot, end quote, 84 Ground station to flight one-oh-one, please correct your altitude, over! 72 both directly on the public works themselves, and indirectly in the industries supplying the materials for these public works. 126 and to have it resume its high task of building anew on the Constitution "a system of living law." 98 What do you know of our clerk? asked Mr. Denison of his lordship. "Only that he is a capital fellow, who gives the best dinners and balls in town." 147 Radially symmetric organisms resemble a pie where several cutting planes produce roughly identical pieces. 106 and who do not have a fixed place of residence. Members of the White House detail of the Secret Service have copies of this album. 130 The draw for the twenty eighteen World Cup takes place at the State Kremlin Palace in Moscow. 93 I understand you perfectly. 27 These highly insulating window designs can perform as well as - or even better than - a highly insulating wall, helping to dramatically reduce a building's energy loss. 168 On October eleven, nineteen sixty-two, the Employment Commission referred Oswald 80 The cup cracked and spilled its contents. 41 I do not have that color available, but I can set custom eye colors. 68 He was popular. 15 Electronegativity cannot be directly measured and must be calculated from other atomic or molecular properties. 111 The chaplain, who might have been expected to make these men his peculiar care, and who at one time had visited them frequently, often several times a week, 156 Special Forces operatives often use direct action to remove an enemy who is gaining power and influence in another nation. 122 A much longer account of the capture of Babylon by Cyrus appears in the writings of Herodotus. 94 No sense closing the barn door after the horse has bolted. 58 Between the fall of the Roman Empire and the Renaissance, the West experienced a period of considerable decline. 112 A formal and thorough description of the responsibilities of the advance agent is now in preparation by the Service. 116 Very well, if you'd like to start your inspection of the lab area I'll go and fetch her. 88 However, the vague requests for information which the Secret Service made 73 Tom Wolf, the Governor of Pennsylvania, issues a disaster declaration over the heroin and opioid epidemic. 106 He just gouged the jester. 26 A man with a black helmet on smokes a cigarette while he drives his motorcycle in traffic. 90 We have here the direct absorption into the body proper of food-stuffs precisely as the animal takes in water and oxygen. 121 Two fresh men! May I speak to them? Yes! I must caution you, he went on to the warders, "not to go to sleep, or I shall be off through that little hole," 153 Sorry, I ran into a problem completing your request. 52 A telegraphic message, then newly adapted to the purposes of criminal detection, 80 Redpath passed away into the outer darkness of a penal colony, where he was still living a year or two back 107 the culprit was chained down to the floor by running a chain through his irons which prevented him from climbing to the window of his cell. 139 A person plays with a mega joule contraption consisting of wire tracks and colored balls. 89 Looking to the future of building envelope technologies, the Energy Department is working to develop new more efficient insulation that can be added to existing homes and buildings. 181 are designed to provide protection while permitting large numbers of people to see the President. 97 I want -- as all Americans want -- an independent judiciary as proposed by the framers of the Constitution. 107 After this the other conspirators traveled to obtain genuine bills and master the system of the leading houses at home and abroad. 130 Conflict between Luther and leading theologians led to his gradual rejection of authority of the Church hierarchy. 114 President Donald Trump refers to Haiti, El Salvador, and African countries as shithole countries in a private meeting. 118 Only when the order of execution came down were those about to suffer placed apart in one of the rooms in the arcade of the middle ward. 136 robbery, burglary, and arson. 29 Sadly, it can't. 16 Transfer skillet to the preheated oven; bake pizza until crust is lightly browned, about eighteen minutes. 106 A woman wearing a metallic headdress and costume is swirling colorful scarves around herself. 93 It is discouraging to note that the improvement of the last fifty years is almost wholly confined to Great Britain. 115 After the end of the fifteenth century the degradation of printing, especially in Germany and Italy, 100 This was not strong enough to carry him, and he fell through. 61 Freeman plays Arthur in the two thousand five film adaptation. 62 The limousine used by President Kennedy in Dallas was a convertible with a detachable, rigid plastic "bubble" top 113 Muslims and Jews were sometimes partners in trade, with the Muslims taking days off on Fridays and Jews taking off on Saturdays. 128 If you see a headline one day, you can be sure a related scam will follow soon after. 85 Make a hole in the middle of the other batch and pour into it a tablespoonful of butter, just melted, but not hot. 114 He can be a bit messy and forgetful, but is very thoughtful and kind. 69 where it will be made available to Secret Service headquarters in Washington. 77 A darkskinned man in a straw hat playing guitar and a man in sunglasses listening and smiling. 94 Hot rolls and muffins should never be cut. 42 But it is neither easy to obtain the instruments of self-destruction nor to elude the vigilance of their guard. 111 children 8 should be strictly prohibited, "as a stimulating luxury inconsistent with any notion of strict discipline and the due pressure of just punishment." 147 Because of these uncertain forms of life, 41 In order to obtain messengers of this sort, Saward answered advertisements of persons seeking employment, 105 Two women were still missing when the firefighters arrived. 59 It has received assistance also from data processing experts at the C.I.A. and from a specialist in psychiatric prognostication at Walter Reed Hospital. 152 He had gone on board in his Quaker dress, but when captured was found in a light-green frock, 93 Rabies kills about sixty thousand people annually, mostly in Africa and Asia. 77 He said that healthy eating was high on the council agenda. 59 which followed each other at no long intervals, which had a strong family likeness, and originated all of them to make money easily, 132 Maybe he should not call people names that they don't want to be called. 72 In nineteen ninety two, Schwarzenegger and his wife opened a restaurant in Santa Monica called "Schatzi On Main". 113 On this Wakefield gave in. 26 counsel for the two M.P.'s, was also concerned. 47 The locals had the advantage of knowing the secure path through the marsh. 74 leaden hearts, and "grinding the impressions off penny-pieces, then pricking figures or words on them to give to their friends as memorials. 140 A woman wearing a whitehooded sweatshirt checks the blood pressure of a man in a yellow shirt. 94 A placement interviewer of the Louisiana Department of Labor 60 He felt that each agent recognized the seriousness of the infraction and that there was no danger of a repetition. 114 In eighteen sixty, Lincoln secured the Republican Party presidential nomination as a moderate from a swing state. 113 links 5 potential 9 The Cato Street conspiracy would have been simply ridiculous but for the recklessness of the desperadoes who planned it. 120 Looks like everyone is getting good gas mileage here with all these beautiful scooters ! 88 Okay. Could I have your phone number too? 41 black 5 No soldiers either. 19 the foundations of which had been laid by buying old ships on purpose to cast them away. 88 Palm oil is cheap, but workers on illegal plantations get exploited and huge areas of jungle get destroyed for its production. 126 A man in a sweatshirt reading Alaska at a lottery ticket and cigarette selling stand. 87 Robert allied himself with Philip the First of France. 54 Client access may be more finely tuned via the configuration file. 66 Electric Dirt followed in two thousand nine and won the inaugural Grammy Award for Best Americana Album. 104 It took me most of the day to track you down, it's not like you're listed in the phone book. 92 Mr. Wakefield goes on to remark that persons convicted of forgery "excited an extraordinary degree of interest in all who approached them." 139 A break in the dam almost caused a flood. 41 The committee does not seem to have yet understood that Newgate could be only and properly replaced 99 The chap slipped into the crowd and was lost. 45 The police was still interrogating witnesses of the rape when a mob outside began to practice lynch law. 104 A pile of soft ashes coated her body and filled her nostrils. 61 Slide the box into that empty space. 36 Doctor Stenson will speak on standard cures for goiter. 55 All charged with felony were in heavy irons, without distinction of age. 72 Later influences from the Roman Empire, Middle East, and the Byzantine Empire also had effect on Greek music. 109 Waiter, King and emperor. 25 The most commonly deployed G.P.R.S. ciphers were publicly broken in twenty eleven. 82 Tux is not smiling, he just looks nice all the time. 52 The aircraft are predictable and seem to be maintainable, which is good for the sortie production rate. 103 in an attempt to attract attention to himself and to support his exaggerated idea of his own abilities. 103 It was particularly recommended by the Committee on Jails in eighteen fourteen 78 The account was shut down. 26 Men in black and gold kilted uniforms stand in a circle with bagpipes in a grassy park. 87 My daughter is an adult. 24 Take moody black and white photos of people moping in the dark. 63 If you do not buy a ticket for your child, ask if your airline will allow you to use an empty seat. 99 and the lobes of the leaf instantly close together in virtue of an act of contraction of part of their substance, 113 The Worker replied, quote, Your kind offer is most welcomed and from time to time we shall call on you, end quote. 114 Charity begins at home. 23 You have seven unread emails. 29 Prisoners who could afford it sometimes paid for four beds, at the rate of twenty-eight shillings, and so secured the luxury of a private room. 143 Scouts participate in a wide range of outdoor activities, educational programs, and career-oriented programs in partnership with community organizations. 153 On entering Newgate he said, 28 Roast in the preheated oven until chicken is browned and the juices run clear, about one hour. 94 Stark naked. 12 The attempt was to have been made by opening a vein and allowing himself to bleed to death. 91 agents of the FBI determined that George Rose and Co. of Los Angeles was a major distributor of this type of revolver. 118 First she was moaning, then coughing and eventually her ventilation collapsed. 78 three times the amount would be expended. 41 Lastly, do not forget to submit your assignment by this week. 61 In twenty one hundred, the population of Nigeria may reach five hundred forty five million. 91 The question was whether the Government would dare to take their lives at the bidding of the House of Lords, 108 In the early days of the Republic, individual states and communities provided direct medical and hospital care to Veterans. 123 Seventeen 9 Access denied. 14 Put the brown or Graham flour unsifted into the bread-bowl. 59 That would help. 16 Later, the Continental Congress of seventeen seventy six encouraged enlistments during the Revolutionary War, providing pensions to disabled soldiers. 150 and a move would require new measures. 38 while the CIA has the primary responsibility for collecting intelligence overseas to supplement information acquired by the Department of State. 144 In view of his experiences when he visited his relatives in New Orleans in the spring of nineteen fifty, and his other solitary habits, 135 that his use of those excuses prevented him from discovering the real reasons for and attempting to overcome his difficulties. 126 With United States entering the war, they were an obvious choice. 65 The hearing officer agreed with the latter claim but found Oswald guilty of wrongfully using provoking words and sentenced him to twenty-eight days, 148 The Space Policy Directive One establishes the foundation for a crewed mission to the Moon, while maintaining a long-term NASA goal of landing a man on Mars. 157 this vehicle was occupied by three Secret Service agents and Clifton C. Garter, assistant to the Vice President. 112 and there seems to have been good reason for supposing that he was a greater villain than any of those arraigned. 113 It was that of a "Long Firm" swindler, by name Johnson, 55 In eleven eighty three, the Young King Henry tried again to force his father to hand over some of his patrimony. 112 He said that the man held his attention until the motorcade came because the man, quote, 88 But it was not. 15 One pound uncooked linguine. Two boneless chicken breast halves, cooked and cubed. One (four point five ounce) can sliced mushrooms. 132 Increasing clouds, with a low around twenty-five. 49 The motorway is not the fastest connection between Hamburg and Munich. 70 Warfare of varying size however was a distinctive feature of barbarian culture. 79 End quote. it would cover some thirty acres, and cost a great deal more than the city, with the example of Whitecross Street prison before it, 142 The first intimation of his escape was afforded by the police, who informed the prison authorities next day that a rope was hanging down from the cook-house roof. 162 Heat olive oil in a skillet over medium heat. Saute onion until lightly browned. 80 You have already paid four hundred dollars for your registration fee, haven't you? 82 By the thirty-one George the third c. forty-six, s. five, 57 She was smartly dressed in a plaid shawl, a white lace cap; 59 who did not believe that he could reach, the President's car at the speed it was then traveling. 96 Right away. 11 The Affordable Care Act doesn't say you need a new Medicare card, or another health insurance card. 99 Cheech and Chong have unusual voices. 37 Two observations supported the idea that Earth was the center of the Universe. 78 The Chinook is a medium to heavy lift helicopter capable of transporting Special Forces teams long distances. 109 Eight were arraigned at the same time: six Spaniards, Leon, Blanco, Duranno, Santos, and Marsolino; 99 She feels really under the weather at the moment and wants to call in sick. 75 We recognise the important role of golf in attracting visitors. 63 Debian is an operating system which is free as in freedom. 58 Keep away from fire and flame. 30 Both companies have corrected the violations and returned to compliance. 72 The first stone of Pentonville prison was laid on the tenth April, eighteen forty, by the Marquis of Normanby, 110 This process produces an almost syrupy beverage by extracting both solid and dissolved components. 98 Nancy Pelosi breaks the record for the longest speech in the United States House of Representatives. 100 Frazier doubted whether the bag that Oswald carried was as wide as the bag found on the sixth floor, although Mrs. Randle testified 131 It distinguishes sixteen non-syllabic consonant phonemes in Danish. 67 by defining responsibilities clearly and overseeing their execution. 68 In the first half of the twentieth century, whales were of great importance as a supplier of raw materials. 107 As Jennifer walked down the aisle, she wondered if she had made a mistake. 74 A man in a neon green and orange uniform is driving on a green tractor. 71 Sometimes a work of fiction may deliberately employ continuity errors, usually for comedy. 90 A predator drone equipped with multiple cruise missiles lifted off. 67 John Calvin favoured a system of government that divided political power between democracy and aristocracy. 107 Despite the result, it was still a great moment. 48 heard police sirens and then saw a man as he, quote, ducked into, end quote, the outer lobby space of the theatre near the ticket office. 137 Oswald had a highly exaggerated sense of his own importance, but he had failed at almost everything he had ever tried to do. 124 and the trail of evidence he left behind him on that occasion. 62 Lord John, with great fairness, admitted that the whole of this burthen could not be imposed upon the city 106 Protective Research participation in advance arrangements. 58 as the wickedness and levity of the immense crowd collected at the execution this morning could be imagined by no man, 118 and inquire whether certain differences of a more occult character than those imagined to exist by Cuvier, 106 The event has been labeled historic as it is the first time an Indian Prime Minister has visited Palestine. 107 How easy our essay ought to be again! 37 They are closely spaced and generally two to three stories high. 64 The window was approximately one hundred twenty feet away. 58 Belfast has the highest concentration of Irish speakers in Northern Ireland. 76 His first set of questions and answers indicated his belief that there were no outstanding differences between the Soviet Union and the United States, 150 its meaning would depend upon the kind of justices who would be sitting on the Supreme Court bench. 99 Herschel's visa for South Africa has yet to be approved. 56 When there's a loss of cabin pressure, oxygen masks will automatically drop down. 81 The per capita income was twenty five thousand three hundred thirty four dollars. 81 Generally, two-thirds of turbulence-related accidents occur at or above thirty thousand feet. 93 The screen before the fire kept in the sparks. 46 A smiling young child, wearing a blue and gray lined shirt, holding an electric toothbrush. 91 That Mrs. Markham described the man who killed Patrolman Tippit as, quote, short, a little on the heavy side, end quote. 120 Oswald was discovered in time to thwart his attempt at suicide. 63 Therefore, either one bullet of Remington-Peters manufacture is missing 71 What a wonderful day! 21 An Amtrak passenger train collides with a freight train in South Carolina. Two people are killed. 97 Do online searches. 19 A man and a little girl happily posing in front of their cart in a supermarket. 79 Last, but not least, the use of irons was strictly forbidden, "except in cases of urgent and absolute necessity," 113 I will be meeting my brother's daughter to take the ferry to Vashon for a few days. 83 Double 6 Charles won a national competition, run by "The Guardian" newspaper, for a poem he wrote when he was twelve years old. 118 Jim Wallace, justice minister, has refused to hold an inquiry. 62 Pearson weakly allowed Francis to go off without securing his apprehension, but later he gave full information. 111 They were laid in bitumen. 26 One hundred and fifty were lodged in a prison just capable of holding fifty-two. 80 Faster-than-light communication and travel refer to the propagation of information or matter faster than the speed of light. 124 the penultimate of such enactments, many of the provisions of which still remain in force. 90 For a long time justice did not overtake him for any criminal offense, but he was frequently in Newgate and in the King's Bench for debt. 137 These powers were not invariably put in force, and there were in consequence many unhappy lunatics in Newgate and other jails, 126 With some important modifications this principle of radiation is still the rule. 80 The little girl wanted to have a balloon, but was too shy to ask. 65 and horror at the misguided line of reasoning of the United States Government, end quote. 89 I am not sure. 14 The Bureau made arrangements to be advised by immigration authorities of his return, 84 was to the effect that the paraffin test was unreliable in determining whether or not a person has fired a rifle or revolver. 125 Ownership And Possession Of Assassination Weapon 48 Largely self-educated, he became a lawyer in Illinois, and a Whig Party leader. 79 What are you up to? 19 Are you in pain? 16 the Court has more and more often and more and more boldly 58 prevented me from going inside but seldom, and I used to communicate with him through the bars from the passage. End quote. 123 This was notably the case with the early works printed at Ulm, and in a somewhat lesser degree at Augsburg. 107 General Walker gave this information to the police before the shooting, but it did not help solve the crime. 108 It's currently sixty-three degrees and cloudy with a high of sixty-four and a low of forty-one. 95 Outside, the nights are only colder. 36 I found an online tutorial how to use Vulkan and OpenG.L. Modifying the assets would be a copyright violation. 110 The workers who turn away from these same impartial agencies and decline to use their good offices to gain their ends 117 The protection of the President must be thorough but inconspicuous to avoid even the suggestion of a garrison state. 116 They developed a successfully functioning corn picker. 54 all of which declared their approval of the commander-in-chief. 63 Players score by throwing the ball through the opponents' basket. 65 During this twenty four-week phase, candidates will fine-tune their skills in the language to which they have been assigned. 124 I do not want to think that it is the destiny of any American to remain permanently on relief rolls. 100 We used to just dismantle and hide our sofa in someone's boot. 62 Paramount sold H.T.N. to Madison Square Garden in nineteen seventy nine. 72 to a country in which he must have thought were embodied the political principles to which he had been committed for so long. 125 on the one inveigling silly enthusiasts to join in the plot, and denouncing them on the other. 94 and the traditions of the office in a democracy such as ours are so deep-seated as to preclude absolute security. 113 What does that mean? 20 As early as six a.m. the number assembled already exceeded that seen on ordinary occasions; 91 and should not be relied upon to the detriment of the imaginative application of judgment in special cases. 107 It is perhaps not strange that the conservative British press has told us with pardonable irony 95 Our policy is clear. 20 This fireplace is Victorian. 28 Contrary to reports that appeared after the assassination, the psychiatric examination did not indicate that Lee Oswald was a potential assassin, 145 On his second release, goaded by his fancied wrongs, he began to plot a dark and dreadful revenge, 98 Oswald had apparently mistaken the county jail for the city jail. 65 The second level is the High Court, presided over by a chief justice. 69 The authority of these wardsmen so improperly exalted, and so entirely unchecked, degenerated into a baneful despotism. 119 Soon afterwards a friend, Mrs. Atkinson, came to London from Westmoreland, and stayed in Mrs. Wilson's house. 109 Sorrels and Lawson drove over the selected route with Batchelor and other police officers, verifying that it could be traversed within forty-five minutes. 154 In a large skillet over medium heat, saute the ground beef for five minutes. 76 Convicted murderers were kept continuously in the cells on bread and water, 75 This is an active sonar device that receives a stimulus and immediately retransmits the received signal or a predetermined one. 127 Upon his arrival in Dallas on November twelve 45 Nobody did in those days. 25 They keep the atmosphere in mind. 33 and it was openly stated in the press and in conversation that the proceeds of these frauds had been squandered in chambering, gambling, and debauchery. 152 Even economists who consider themselves neo-Keynesians usually believe that in the long run, money is neutral. 110 Bright yellow souvenir caps were distributed to walkers. 56 The gravest crimes continued at intervals to inspire the town with horror, and concentrate public attention upon the jail of Newgate, 133 that he was a man of great ability and intelligence and that many of his superiors in the Marine Corps were not sufficiently competent to give him orders. 154 la 2 The dirt piles were lines along the road. 41 but is only an ordinary commonplace tool. 41 After one thousand days of civil war in Yemen, eight million people are at risk of starvation. 94 A young jeanclad boy is sitting on brown grass blowing bubbles out of a red container. 86 and so few people who know anything about what the people of the United States are thinking about. 98 may be determined and any later adjustments shall be made either by agreement or, in case of disagreement, 106 she wrote in her letter of July nineteen sixty-three, 53 Pries was lodged in Newgate, tried at the Old Bailey, and transported for life. 79 A man with a pitchfork stands near a bucket of branches across from an apartment complex. 89 In the annual Army–Navy Game, the Army Black Knights defeat the Navy Midshipmen fourteen to thirteen, winning back to back for the first time since nineteen ninety-five. 169 He testified that if Oswald could not have that, quote, degree of physical comfort that he expected or sought, 110 All the birds began to sing at the first light of dawn. 55 that the FBI was, quote, not now, end quote, interested in his Fair Play for Cuba Committee activities, but noted that the FBI, quote, 134 by the Commission, they had probative value in deciding the weight to be given to his denials that he assassinated President Kennedy 132 Autumn is here now, and we are seeing some nice blue skies in the morning. 74 Let me worry about that. 24 In nineteen seventy six divers found part of a seven-meter wide wooden bridge from the late Roman times. 104 I am in favor of action through legislation: 44 Within a month or two the bank of Messrs. Rogers and Co., Clement's Lane, was broken into. 90 Plead with the lawyer to drop the lost cause. 45 Nicaragua pursues an independent foreign policy. 48 He made her another bow. 24 Two of the horses are pulling in unison today; the third is not. 64 Even with the advantage of hindsight, this letter does not appear to express or imply Oswald's determination. 109 Once Sarah had managed to bathe the goose, she wiped her off with a cloth and laid her on her right side. 105 where is to be found in operation every expedient by which Ignorance may be superseded by Knowledge, Idleness by Industry, and Suffering by Benevolence; 152 He spent quite a bit of time putting away diapers and played with the children on the street. 93 It is my purpose to restore that balance. 41 and it is hinted that James himself nearly fell a victim to a nefarious attempt of the Duke of Buckingham. 106 Our group played guitars while the others randomly hit resonant objects. 72 In concluding that Oswald was carrying a rifle in the paper bag on the morning of November twenty-two, nineteen sixty-three, 124 The trial of Catherine Winsor, the baby farmer, 47 The Commission could not accept important elements of Craig's testimony. 72 Four years ago action did not come until the eleventh hour. 59 In the mid seventeen sixtys, a survey team divided the Island into sixty seven lots. 84 Tobey caught a tadpole and a toad down by the creek. 52 Testimony and other evidence before the Commission suggest that the Secret Service is trying to accomplish its job with too few people and without adequate modern equipment. 173 To complete our program of protection in time, therefore, 57 and Daniel Lujan, aged twenty-six, was Number four. 51 Don't pay upfront for a promise. 32 A vent near the edge brought in fresh air. 42 Marina Oswald confirmed the fact that her husband was experiencing psychological difficulties at the time of his return. 120 Sounds great. 13 Although it was only designed to last three months, the tiny CubeSat known as IceCube has been orbiting Earth for a full year, collecting data on a hard-to-study type of cloud. 176 Zopyrus answered, "There is not a man in the world, but thou, O King, that could reduce me to such a plight 107 The Cadillac brand was introduced in China in two thousand four, starting with exports to China. 96 Some people have contacted the Federal Trade Commission, the nation's consumer protection agency, about health care scams they've seen so far. 142 This was the consequence of the Service's lack of an adequate investigative staff. 82 Every effort is made to prevent unscheduled stops, although the President may, and in Dallas did, order stops in order to greet the public. 139 Solomons, had sold bar gold to the value of one thousand two hundred pounds to certain bullion dealers. 103 Now and then she reaches down to graze the thorny argool along the way. 71 I'm liking the sound of this ostrich egg based economy. 55 According to the testimony of Frazier, Marina Oswald, and Ruth Paine, it appears that Oswald never returned to Irving in midweek 128 In the case of free-standing columns, the decorative elements atop the shaft are known as a finial. 99 Jenson, however, had many contemporaries who used beautiful type. 65 that an individual presents a significant danger to the life of the President, his name is placed in a "trip index file" 120 A baby boy in a blue and white striped shirt is sitting on his mother 's shoulders. 83 See below for a brief job description for each O.D.A. team member. 66 Mr. Fasson, more and more ill at ease, would not accept this subterfuge, and declared they must be found. 105 But it was not to be. 21 This is a national crisis. 26 When discovered next morning, quite dead, it was found that the strap actually did not touch his throat; 104 This preference brought the costly stuff into disrepute, and its unpopularity lasted for nearly thirty years. 109 The red paper brightened the dim stage. 39 They are used in the fermentation of various food products, such as wine, beer, and soy sauce. 94 Thus did Zopyrus speak. 23 The table below shows the Thai G.D.P. per capita in comparison with other East and Southeast Asian economies. 109 It is that way with the making of a national policy. The objective of the nation has greatly changed in three years 115 Having concluded that Oswald was not a security risk or potentially dangerous or violent, 89 Suddenly, Kimberly had an idea. 31 Usage of weapons is discretionary. 34 Say, turn off alarm to end this alarm. 38 President and Mrs. Johnson were flown by helicopter to the White House, from where Mrs. Johnson was driven to her residence under Secret Service escort. 152 Earlier this year, we found a really nice place near my office, and we moved in together. 89 The track pad on this laptop needs calibrating. 47 Labour's Scottish general secretary Alex Rowley was delighted yesterday. 72 but I had no time to speculate as to its origin because Agent Youngblood turned in a flash, immediately after the first explosion, 130 Now they are making a last stand. 33 In August twenty fourteen, Jeep signed a sponsorship deal with Greek football club Athens F.C. 94 The H.E. one seventy eight was the world's first jet plane. 59 The earliest paintings were not representational but ornamental; they consisted of patterns or designs rather than pictures. 124 People on the bus began talking about it. As the bus neared Lamar Street, Oswald left the bus and disappeared into the crowd. 125 I am supposed to be here. 25 Check out social media resources from the Department of Health and Human Services and many of its offices for reliable information on adolescent health. 152 so that crowds can get a good view of President Kennedy and his wife. 69 The state of the prison, the desperation of the prisoners, broadly hinted in their conversation and plainly expressed in their conduct, 135 Ultimately more than two hundred law enforcement officers, mainly Dallas police but including eight Secret Service agents, 122 But it was not. 15 The Energy Department continues to move water heater technology forward, most recently announcing funding for two new projects developed by America's small businesses. 167 He concluded that the negative of Exhibit Number one thirty-three B was exposed in Oswald's Imperial Reflex camera to the exclusion of all other cameras. 153 This big issue is whether it can be enforced. 45 There is still extant a curious petition presented to the Treasury by Ralph Griffith, Esq., high sheriff of Flintshire, 119 Nadia had had enough complaints of all the complaints from Sofia. 65 Finally, the performance of those charged with the immediate responsibility of protecting the President on November twenty-two is reviewed. 139 may not endorse him in 'sixty-four. 35 Rabies vaccine can cost several months' salary, so knowing if an animal that bit someone is rabid is valuable information. 122 Science has been arguing about the zoological classification of the species for decades. 88 Bathe and relax in the cool green grass. 40 Ancient civilizations are most visible through their artifacts. 63 A blond woman in a white dress sits in a flowering tree while holding a white bird. 83 He was wearing a zipper jacket which he had not been wearing moments before when he had arrived home. 101 Congress passed a statute which, in eighteen oh three, the Court said violated an express provision of the Constitution. 120 For example: the wings of a bat (a mammal), a bird and a fossil flying reptile all show the same bones adaptively modified; 123 The story of the city starts a few thousand years ago. 54 or his health by forcing him at night into a damp, unventilated cell, with such crowds of companions as very speedily render the air foul and putrid; 149 he extended his empire to the Mediterranean and even to Egypt. 62 they return to the charge, and again call the corporation to task for their mismanagement of Newgate. 101 Talcum powder can keep you cool in tropical climates. 53 But there were other notorious cases of forgery. 48 said that to his knowledge the building was not sealed off at twelve:thirty-six p.m. when he called in on police radio 118 Let it burn, it gives us warmth and comfort. 44 It was still the custom to offer warm encouragement or bitter disapproval, according to the character and antecedents of the sufferer. 134 This trash-reducing regulatory program was the first of its kind and has prevented tons of trash from entering the river. 121 the Committee will include representatives of the President's Office of Science and Technology, Department of Defense, CIA, 123 Ten and sixpence a week more was charged as rent for a single bed; where two or more slept in a bed the rent was seven shillings a week each. 141 I've got something! 19 Even the Caslon type when enlarged shows great shortcomings in this respect. 76 Other measures should be taken as well to improve the overall operation of the Secret Service. 94 He had great difficulty in establishing meaningful relations with other people. Except for his family he was completely alone. 126 At the time of its greatest prosperity, its annual income from donations and subscriptions was about one thousand six hundred pounds. 133 It was more bulky toward the bottom, end quote, than toward the top. 68 The world wide web is not the same as the Internet. 51 so that it was carried straight and parallel to his body. 57 chained to the rest. As the miserable crew filed through the public streets, exposed to the scornful gaze of every passenger, 125 The address listed was for the Paine home in Irving. 52 was after eighteen oh seven, through the exertions of the keeper of the jail, spent in the purchase of necessaries. 115 Walmart announces that it will increase the minimum wage for its U.S. employees to eleven dollars per hour and close fifty Sam's Club stores. 141 The hope of reward might do much, but no system of penal discipline is complete unless it can also count upon the fear of punishment. 133 However, all information considered by the Commission which pertains to the protective function as it was carried out in Dallas has been published as part of this report. 170 In this latter it might fairly be said that a man was put to death less for his own sins than for the crimes of others. 119 The bow and arrow are known to have been invented by the end of the Upper Paleolithic. 86 Watts led two lives. 20 Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored. 53 Hush! the unceasing murmur of the mob now breaks into a loud deep roar, 71 According to Secretary Dillon, 30 Let well alone. 15 kb 2 to be able to provide effective continuing supervision 54 Well, what is it? 17 Benjamin repeated the question again, but in a commanding way. 62 Opening of the Imperial diet. 29 whither he was taken every morning in a smart brougham, they would have seen him alight from it in Cornhill, 108 So I gave her a transfer and opened the door and she was going out the gentleman I had picked up about two blocks [back] 120 The Lords' Committee on Jails were of the same opinion, and considered the prisons under corporate or peculiar jurisdiction in a very unsatisfactory condition. 159 The President's views of his responsibilities as President of the United States were that he meet the people, that he go out to their homes and see them, 153 Boards will warp unless kept dry. 33 Courvoisier's case made a great stir. There was unusual atrocity in this murder of an aged, infirm gentleman, 109 All nine-hundred fifty-five South African miners who were stuck in the Beatrix gold mine since Wednesday, have been brought to the surface. 139 evaluation 10 The opening of a new shopping mall led to an increase in road traffic nearby. 77 a new and younger judge shall be added to the court automatically. 66 Half of young people had had contact with the police. 53 something 9 and of which fewer still would believe that the original is to be found in this enlightened and happy country." 111 Looking the instrumental version of this song is really hard. 61 Search for Tomorrow taped for two weeks in Hong Kong in nineteen eighty one. 76 Chelsea was a great club. 25 this is awkward if you have to read Bradshaw's Guide in a hurry. 64 She peered through her fingers, lowered her hands, and saw the man doing something with his gun. Quote, 103 since it was unnecessary, and therefore is absent, in the more simple animals. 78 During the morning of November twenty-one, Oswald asked Frazier whether he could ride home with him that afternoon. 115 Harry Potter has lost his magic. 32 The legislature was content to let local jurisdictions experimentalize for themselves; with the strange, anomalous result, 122 that Mrs. Smethurst had no right to the name, but had a husband of her own, one Johnson, alive -- a story subsequently disproved. 129 They don't even bother to ask me questions any more. 52 Jackie Chan is a famous martial artist and actor from Hong Kong. 64 The computer was going insane, it displayed garbled nonsense and then shut down. 80 When good cheer is lacking friends will be packing. 51 Alarm enabled. 14 A muscular Africanamerican man panhandling using paint buckets as a musical instrument. 87 According to the Bureau, quote, 31 On the basis of Oswald's training and the accuracy of the weapon as established by the tests, 93 In doing so, he preserved the Union, paved the way for the abolition of slavery, strengthened the federal government, and modernized the economy. 145 also 4 with jurisdiction to hold pleas in all actions within the prescribed limits. The court was chiefly used for the recovery of small debts under ten pounds 152 After this Mrs. Manning changed her dress and went off in a cab to O'Connor's lodgings, 87 Three people wearing orange jackets talk near train tracks, while other people work in the background. 102 Thursday, April fifteenth, nineteen seventy-nine. 49 Put on stockings and slippers, such underclothing as may be needed to prevent cold, a wrapper and the kitchen apron. 116 The sun came up to light the eastern sky. 41 It has been called the largest health initiative ever initiated by one country to address a disease. 100 The board chairwoman happily announced increased revenues this quarter. 71 broke down at the supreme moment before the horror of the stillness, the awful impressiveness of the scene in which he was the principal actor. 143 House-breaking, as distinguished from burglary, was similarly exempted in the following year; 93 The boat was fantastic. 23 Principal instrumentation for the study will be self-contained monitors placed on buoys in the ocean. 101 When the three employees appeared before the Commission, Brennan identified the two whom he saw leave the building. 115 Gammell pleaded guilty on January seventeenth, to one count of conspiracy to cause intentional damage to a protected computer and two counts of being a felon-in-possession of a firearm. 185 The relation of skeleton and muscle in arthropods is exactly the reverse. 73 Even my research proposal cites about five of his papers. 57 Since these agencies are already obliged constantly to evaluate the activities of such groups, they should be responsible for advising the Secret Service. 154 received 8 It'll be just fine. 19 Opinion is divided over the importance of crossover versus mutation. 68 Various punishments were inflicted, the heaviest of which was standing in the pillory. 86 It is apparent that a good deal of further consideration and experimentation will be required before adequate criteria can be framed. 133 the legislation demanded by the mandate. 40 Well, I like that! 18 He later wrote to another official of the Worker, seeking employment, and mentioning the praise he had received for submitting his photographic work. 149 More recently, Special Forces Soldiers have trained foreign governments to deal with drug warlords and traffickers as well as the growing threat of terrorist groups within their borders. 186 together with the unrealized part of the bullion, amounting in all to some fifteen thousand pounds, 99 His method was comprehensive and deeply laid. 45 Sounds good. 12 In this case, the farmer had actually given permission. 55 They were on holiday in Egypt. 30 Hands Off Cuba, end quote, an application form for, and a membership card in, 77 The woman Gale was also found guilty, but sentence of death was only passed on Greenacre. 89 Should you cross the river to search for the western inner wall, you would find but a small fragment of it. 107 A psychological human figure-drawing test corroborated the interviewer's findings that Lee was insecure and had limited social contacts. 136 were known to be what Ferrari had worn when last seen. 54 Turn left onto Tremont Street, then turn right onto West Madison Street. 72 Go down to the train station and get Charles. 45 The Commission has not been able to find any other indication that Oswald had rented an office in New Orleans. 110 Messrs. Swindlehurst, Saffery, and Langley cleared a large profit 65 Don't give your personal or financial information to anyone who contacts you. 77 We now have a new base for shipping. 36 economic, political, or military crisis, internal or external, 62 North winds bring colds and fevers. 35 The men upon the towers, whose business it was to keep a lookout, 65 A wisp of cloud hung in the blue air. 37 setting free the oxygen and laying hold of the carbon which it contains. 72 In nineteen thirty-three you and I knew that we must never let our economic system get completely out of joint again 116 version 7 Look in the corner to find the tan shirt. 41 They had not even pulled the trigger because of concern about breaking the firing pin. 86 one of the members of the Russian community in Dallas with which the Oswalds became acquainted upon their arrival in the United States, 135 Top speed was factory rated at two hundred miles per hour. 58 Sometimes, medical discount plans illegally pretend to be insurance. 68 Significant hypoglycemia appears to increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. 80 A very curious and, in its way, amusing circumstance in connection with this case was the offer of a certain Italian, 117 Never once from that pale face passed away its benign and patient expression. 77 I think he wanted both if he could have them. If he didn't, he wanted to die with the knowledge that, or with the idea that he was somebody, end quote. 151 We're not seeing an image of the person, he said. 49 I saw that once before. 23 q 1 Many of these technologies can trace their roots back to the Energy Department. 79 for the purpose of correlating information inasmuch as he was considered a possible security risk in the event he returned to this country, end quote. 150 Within an hour and a half the attack was in motion in all four sectors. 71 Oswald opened negotiations with the U.S. Embassy in Moscow looking toward his return to the United States. 106 but in his testimony Piper did not mention either seeing or talking with Dougherty during these moments of excitement. 118 He opened the package, and tucked into a sandwich. 50 Can we please leave now? 24 The dissection of executed criminals was abolished soon after the discovery of the crime of burking, 100 There was a round table in the middle of the room. 50 Many stories in Buddhist scripture stress the superior power of the Buddha's teaching to rehabilitate murderers and other criminals. 132 with Dallas scheduled as one of the stops. 42 By The President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy. Chapter eight. The Protection of the President. Part five. 131 Although a person could handle a carton and not leave identifiable prints, 74 You're a good lad, you know? he told his son with stern eyes. 61 The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency conducts operations at ninety-eight Seven-Eleven stores, arresting twenty-one people suspected of being illegal immigrants. 175 In many respects the embezzlement of which Leopold Redpath was guilty closely resembled that of Robson, 103 A group of people, one of them with a guitar, were sitting by the campfire and singing songs. 93 Computer 8 who preferred to risk his future reputation and liberty to the present discomfort of living upon narrow means. 110 Chapter seven. Lee Harvey Oswald: Background and Possible Motives, Part one. 76 The event has been labeled historic as it is the first time an Indian Prime Minister has visited Palestine. 107 while round about were shoe-strings, boot-laces, and lasts. Marwood, strange to say, followed the same trade as Calcraft. 121 is a twin turbine engine, single rotor, semi-monocoque fuselage helicopter. 75 there may be occasional instances of inefficiency, bad management, or misuse of funds. 86 Thus in the years between May first, eighteen twenty-seven, and thirtieth April, eighteen thirty-one, 101 Nortel had a significant presence in Europe, Middle East, Africa, the Caribbean, and Latin America. 99 and I learned he had been up with the others the whole night. 61 I can't even get into the A team. 33 and it was on the entire absence of the latter that the defense was principally based when Palmer was brought to trial. 119 A comet came within miles of the Earth, it almost obliterated the moon. 71 Cook and stir chicken and garlic in hot oil until fragrant, about one minute. 77 Sorry, I couldn't find the bridge on your network. 50 an overwhelming majority of them voted a mandate that the Congress and the President begin the task of providing that protection 128 From Main Street the motorcade turned right and went north on Houston Street, passing tall buildings on the right, 114 They recognized him as being one of them and convinced him to be initiated. 75 A little girl in a pink jacket is chasing a pigeon near the steps. 66 Grease a two quart baking dish with cooking spray. 50 See you in a bit. 17 Due to the lack of a bug bounty program, Johanna decided to sell her exploit on the black market. 97 Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson was the first in a succession of Vice Presidents to the present day that have had offices in the building. 139 Hey Mycroft, play the news. 27 By ten eighteen the Byzantines had ended the First Bulgarian Empire. 68 through whose interest an appointment under Government was to be obtained for Mullay, would be present. 103 activities 10 In Europe many people are afraid of terrorism although getting killed in a car accident is much more likely. 108 Sorry, I was unable to determine the time for your alarm. 57 as requiring evidence of a plan or conspiracy to injure the President. 70 It was for some time after this a constant practice to go up the chimneys in the hopes of escaping by the flue. 111 and along the narrow winding lane which was once called the "Street Called Straight." 85 where he waited till four p.m., the time at which the Queen and Prince Consort usually took an afternoon drive. 111 Two men with shaved heads, both wearing white shirts are practicing underwater diving. 86 At least three people are killed and seventy-seven injured when an Amtrak passenger train derails on an Interstate Five overpass in Pierce County, Washington. 158 Is this accurate? 17 The machinery in use in Dublin is much the same as that employed at many jails now-a-days. 90 Political Activities 20 Scoggins stated that he thought he had seen a picture of Oswald in the newspapers prior to the lineup identification on Saturday. 129 A young man makes an astonished face as he turns to the cameraman just outside his kitchen. 91 A little girl in a flower swimsuit running across the beach with waves in the background. 89 This woman was really his servant, employed to help in cleaning, and taken on whenever there was extra work to be done. 119 cause of clearer thinking and a better understanding, are considering the whole rather than a mere part relating to one section or to one crop, 143 specific 8 Two men from the President's follow-up car were detailed to help protect the Vice President. 92 Paul M. Stombaugh, of the FBI Laboratory, 41 There is a way. 15 I can mention only a few of them tonight, but I do not want my mention of specific measures 91 they seem unduly restrictive in continuing to require some manifestation of animus against a Government official. 113 Many provide vistas of the Pittsburgh area while attracting hikers and fitness walkers. 87 There are chiselers in every walk of life; there are those in every industry who are guilty of unfair practices; 112 Dishonest promoters often are vague about the nature of the investment and focus instead on the money you'll make. 114 We have a budget in March. 26 excretions which are lost by osmosis through the roots and the accumulated but useless mineral substances which are eliminated by leaf fall. 140 The sheriff arrived, attended by his officers, to receive the prisoner from the keeper. 87 No, he's loyal. 15 I'm up to date now. 19 Thus, in the fin of a fish, the fore-paw of a reptile or a mammal, the wing of a bird, and the arm and hand of a man 116 He suffered from paralysis after this and was no longer able to play. 69 It is not strange, then, that they were included among the Seven Wonders of the World, 86 I did what I could. 19 To have is better than to wait and hope. 40 A woman on a shoreline wearing pale jeans and multicolored jacket, is squinting through a telescope. 100 The walls of the houses are built of them. 42 and Elder had to be assisted by two bank porters, who carried it for him to a carriage waiting near the Mansion House. 118 Mrs. Manning was transferred to London and lodged in the Horsemonger Lane Jail, where her husband soon afterwards joined her. 125 Possible thunderstorms after noon. 34 These calls are illegal, and often the products are bogus. 58 Every facility was promised. The sanction of the Secretary of State would not be withheld if plans and estimates were duly submitted, 133 research 8 He was inducted into the National Academy of Engineering in twenty fifteen. 75 The particular, colors chosen have varied regionally, and have had totally different meanings in different areas and time periods. 130 and the panes were filled in with oiled paper, an insufficient protection against the weather; 94 I thought we'd agreed that you wouldn't actually be meeting him? 64 She has a smart way of wearing clothes. 39 Moreover, the reference in paragraph three to paying, quote, the house rent on the second, end quote, 101 You could have picked him out without identifying him by just listening to him. 79 as short, stocky and having bushy hair. She stated that the man weighed about one hundred fifty pounds. 103 and no Senate of honorable men fit for their office would confirm, that kind of appointees to the Supreme Court. 112 This was effected by stopping the nearly indiscriminate admission of visitors, which had hitherto prevailed all over the jail. 126 Consistent with this attitude 29 A formal and thorough description of the responsibilities of the advance agent is now in preparation by the Service. 116 in eighteen fifty-six. 22 Hang up on robocalls. 21 It is very simple and legible, and unaffectedly designed for use; but it is by no means without beauty. 103 world 5 The first election for provincial Governors and municipality Mayors was in nineteen ninety four. 96 The shaky barn fell with a loud crash. 38 It has many other applications in basic research, clinical practice and clinical trials. 88 This, too, was in the depth of the winter, and during a most inclement season. 78 Modernizing the V.A. for a new generation of Veterans was crucial, and replacement of the "Old Guard" World War One leadership became a necessity. 146 The Secret Service's liaison with the agencies that supply information to it has been too casual. 97 Sometimes this money might be expended in the purchase of extra articles of food. 81 He also traveled to California to witness the filming of the book. 66 There was a shimmering green light emanating from the statue. 61 A young man wearing minimal clothing walks along the sidewalk amidst children and other people. 95 The goals were good. 20 I'm having trouble communicating with the Mycroft servers. Please give me a few minutes before trying to speak to me. 117 By the Tudor era there were some two hundred buildings on the bridge. 69 Yoga is a group of physical, mental, and spiritual practices which originated in ancient India. 95 We had two adjacent rooms, and each came with a balcony looking out to the sea. 79 Pack a bag of toys and snacks to keep your child occupied during the flight. 76 Children jumping in puddles. 28 Sever the twine with a quick snip of the knife. 47 When he was in hospital, the nurse took an x-ray photograph of his arm. 71 The pirates seized the crew of the lost ship. 45 This was the 'City of Manchester,' which was expected to arrive some days before the 'Victoria,' and did so. 108 There are many types of microscopes, and the instruments may be grouped in different ways. 90 Report of the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy. 79 A man shoveling snow in the middle of winter A man wearing jacket and gloves shoveling the sidewalk 99 Quigley testified, quote, 25 Iran blocks access to Telegram and Instagram as the largest anti-government protests since two thousand nine continue. 118 The Commission evaluated the following evidence in considering whether Lee Harvey Oswald fired the shot which almost killed General Walker: 139 We do not have any organizational ties with the Committee, and yet there is much material that we issue from time to time that is important 139 Another strategy, adopted in nineteen forty six, was to send bombs in the mail to British politicians. 102 Well, as I had previously stated, I have between twenty-five and forty cases assigned to me at any one time. I had other matters to take care of. 145 The entire width of the outer defense, not including the moat, was therefore about eighty-two feet; 99 It symbolizes the reality that the job of protecting the President has not been and cannot be exclusively the responsibility of the Secret Service. 147 Your device is not paired. 26 Botswana summoned the U.S. ambassador, asking for clarification and expressing their concerns. 94 In common justice to them, it must be admitted that immediate effect was given to all that could be easily carried out. 119 Truly pushed the button for the west elevator which operates automatically if the gate is closed. 97 The clock struck to mark the third period. 42 The shaky barn fell with a loud crash. 38 One night he was missing 24 No mercy for cop killers! 25 On October twenty-five, 23 The sink is the thing in which we pile dishes. 46 never heard him in any way, shape or form confess that he was a Communist, or that he ever thought about being a Communist, end quote. 134 The top of the wall was gained without difficulty. 50 In the first half of the twentieth century, whales were of great importance as a supplier of raw materials. 107 The reply evinced equal satisfaction, and the speaker, with a profane oath, declared that he would like to act as Jack Ketch to the whole lot. 142 Jennifer's expression changed. 30 Tamping down the coffee promotes the water's even penetration of the grounds. 77 Seventeen hundred West Washington Street, Phoenix, Arizona, eight five oh oh seven. 83 Tonight, sitting at my desk in the White House, I make my first radio report to the people in my second term of office. 119 and the powers given to the Congress to carry out those purposes can be best described by saying 96 U.S. President Donald Trump authorizes Congress to release the Nunes memo, against the wishes of the F.B.I., Department of Justice, and lawmakers from both sides. 162 Several workers in orange vests are repairing tram rails, as onlookers stand by. 80 What a bummer! 14 report 6 The most striking fact of similar structure among plants and among animals is the existence of a common general plan in any group. 130 Please update the address there, or remove it if you would like me to discover the bridge. 90 and he discussed the latter with appetite, but begged that they would never give him curry again, as he did not like it. 120 Meanwhile the others completed their preparations with the utmost care. 71 the second test, at a "fast walk" took one minute, fourteen seconds. 68 He noted that the President was blue-white or ashen in color; had slow, spasmodic, agonal respiration without any coordination; 127 Bad nerves are jangled by a door slam. 38 This does not include other instant messaging software related to or developed by A.O.L., such as I.C.Q. 104 Mr. Phillips, who led in the case, went to the other extreme, 61 The first test, run at normal walking pace, required one minute, eighteen seconds; 82 In one thousand nine hundred ninety five, the Indian government renamed "Bombay" to "Mumbai". 93 pointing to an aperture for ventilating the cell. On the morning of execution he asked how far it was to the gallows, and was told it was quite close. 150 There was a sound of dry leaves outside. 40 and having first pulled him sideways, then got upon his shoulders, so that the rope broke. 90 and working with his hands behind him, while he used his bare feet like claws upon the other side of the wall angle. 116 but his letters, though uninteresting and poor, are not nearly so gross and vulgar as those of either the Italian or the Frenchman. 131 The keeper went still further in his efforts to make money. 59 Draft a will and designate appropriate insurance beneficiaries and/or power of attorney. 88 which could be derived by the ordinary chemical evolution of protoplasm, proteid, sugar, starch or fats. 104 but a more careful investigation attributed it beyond doubt to over-doses of colchicum. 87 That area was much nearer for her and more to her liking. 57 Today, there are one hundred thirty-five national cemeteries in all, with new cemeteries in development. 104 Other jurisdictions were less prompt to recognize their responsibilities, the city of London among the number, as I shall presently show at length. 147 This concrete barrier extends far enough beyond the access road to make it impracticable for vehicles to turn right from Main directly to the access road. 154 Says the Duke of York. 22 The Sun, Moon, and planets were holes in invisible wheels surrounding Earth; through the holes, humans could see concealed fire. 128 However, the theory is not supported by controlled research studies. 68 Both sides have been hit by injury. 35 This last victory gave him the finishing stroke to his power and made him all in all with the Babylonians: 106 The innovation was slow to catch on, but new dispensaries were open in the seventeen seventies. 95 Do you know him? 16 In two thousand four, the countries were called in alphabetical order. 70 One named Hardwicke assumed the name of Ralph, and, to obtain commercial credit in Yarmouth, paid in two hundred fifty pounds to a Yarmouth bank 144 Mr. Richard E. Snyder, then Second Secretary and senior consular official at the Embassy, 89 A sign located on this barrier instructs Main Street traffic not to make any turns. 83 The first Michelin Guide for Bangkok, Thailand is unveiled. 59 They collected over night in the bright light of a November moon. 65 Make the best of a bad bargain. 31 Whenever the public attention had been specially called to a particular crime, either on account of its atrocity, 113 we cannot delay one moment in making certain that our national government has power to carry through. 101 I thought you're trying to cut down on the fizzy drinks. 56 the attendance at the execution was certain to be tumultuous, and the conduct of the mob disorderly. 100 A part of me is also trying to come to terms with the fact that I won't be able to travel as much anymore. 106 The opposing champions were not slow to find faults and flaws in the system they condemned. 91 He's smart, smart enough to keep his intellect hidden and fool people into underestimating him. 95 It is revealed that Ecuador granted citizenship to Julian Assange. 66 a theory which did not become a practical fact for forty more years. 68 He averted potential British intervention by defusing the Trent Affair. 71 And it was a matter of course that in the Middle Ages, when the craftsmen took care that beautiful form should always be a part of their productions whatever they were, 168 A court of the collegians was held every Monday to manage its affairs, at which all prisoners were required to attend. 118 As each transaction was carried out from a different address, and a different messenger always employed, 104 that he got a chance of accomplishing his crime. 48 Today, we announced our commitment to clean up the Spring Park Municipal Well Field site in Spring Park, Minnesota by adding it to the Superfund program's National Priorities List. 180 But as there was no independent corroboration of the informer's evidence, according to the custom of the British law, 117 Sites are added to the list when contamination threatens human health and the environment. 90 Down that road is the way to the grain farmer. 46 Bouck explained the failure to try to identify the individuals involved in the Stevenson incident after it occurred on the ground that 134 Thousands of Pentecostal Christians in Uganda take to the streets with songs of praise as a way of dedeicating their lives to Christ and preaching the gospel. 158 my direct services to him at that moment would have interfered with the action of the team which was in progress, end quote, 124 A new antenna actually offers better reception. 47 Over the next thirty years or so, electric vehicles entered a sort of dark ages with little advancement in the technology. 122 The receiver attempts to infer which message was sent. 54 communications 14 The city council is a major property owner in the area. 55 The hangman summoned assistance, and with help tied the cap over White's face with a handkerchief. 98 The city wall is brought down on both sides to the edge of the stream, 70 I propose to return now to the subject of Newgate executions, 61 The invoice was prepared on March thirteen, nineteen sixty-three; the revolver was actually shipped on March twenty by Railway Express. 135 Team Four will meet up at point B with team Five. 49 Standing alone in the hallway, she regretted not raising her hand before speaking in class. 91 four pounds, twelve shillings; and finally the funeral, cart, coffin, and other petty expenses, amounting to seven pounds ten 125 In nineteen eighty nine, Epic Comics published a forty eight-page graphic novel version. 88 Solfaing system of arranging the scale of music by the names do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si a voice exercise. 106 The ends of many of the letters such as the t and e are hooked up in a vulgar and meaningless way. 98 During November the Dallas papers reported frequently on the plans for protecting the President, stressing the thoroughness of the preparations. 144 According to Fritz, Oswald sneered, saying that they were fake photographs, that he had been photographed a number of times the day before by the police, 153 The current bridge stands at the western end of the Pool of London and is positioned thirty meters upstream from previous alignments. 133 the grand jury made a special presentment to the Court of Common Council, pointing out that on the debtors' side, which was intended for only one hundred, 154 Meanwhile, in a large saucepan over medium-low heat add cubed cooked chicken, mushrooms, Alfredo sauce, frozen vegetables, and milk. 132 of the trading vessel 'Adventure,' upon the high seas. 54 A craze for notoriety, to be achieved at any cost, was the one absorbing idea in young Oxford's disordered brain. 113 World War One was the first fully mechanized war, and as a result, soldiers who were exposed to mustard gas, other chemicals and fumes required specialized care after the war. 175 Just a little. 14 Young white boy on a grassy area with a sad expression on his face. 67 Caslon's type is clear and neat, and fairly well designed. 58 The tongs lay beside the ice pail. 34 Sewn in between the upper and lower leathers several spring saws were found, which would have easily cut through any bars. 122 You have missed more than two decades of rapid progress in image processing. 76 A suicide attack near a group of security personnel investigating illegal drugs and alcohol dealing in Kabul, Afghanistan, kills at least twenty policemen. 155 A State Department official says no decision has been made on the one hundred twenty-five million dollar payment to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency. 159 Milgram describes nineteen variations of his experiment, some of which had not been previously reported. 104 Will no one go? 15 When the shots were fired, Brennan was in an excellent position to observe anyone in the window. He was sitting on a concrete wall 130 It is the Holiday programme with a mortgage. 44 Widespread and improved mobile technology means teens can access social media more easily. 90 You have crossed the Arabian Desert, the first stage of the long journey to the walls of Babylon. 97 This indeed predicted a fairly large number of observed alloy compositions. 75 I shall employ all means to right this gross mistake or injustice to a bona fide U.S. citizen and ex-service man. 113 They talk about learning from one's mistakes, but they won't admit to their own mistakes. 89 You should've learned that thumbnails with women wearing plunging necklines are just click bait. 96 It seems that the circuit of the outer wall was about eleven miles. 67 These factors are similarly considered in establishing environmental policy. 76 but Mrs. Manning, speaking in a foreign accent, addressed the court with great fluency and vehemence. 101 It's a shame that soliloquies are no longer a large part of modern literature. 78 Why do you say that? 20 They placed it in a wooden box, and left it there for good. 59 to assist in its protection functions. 38 Could you please rephrase that? 31 field agents supplement those on the detail, particularly when the President is traveling. 90 The goods having no existence, Cole of course could not deliver them. 69 The police were at once employed, and after infinite pains they discovered the person, one Moss, who had acted as the messenger. 128 Legislative power is vested in both the government and the national assembly. 77 In the end, electric vehicles all but disappeared by nineteen thirty five. 74 This ethical question is referred to as the trolley problem. 60 You have a couch? 17 Hocker's conduct in Newgate while under sentence of death was most extraordinary. 81 I won't give your niece a lollipop if she gets naughty again. 61 Two women wearing what appears to be airline stewardess attire and sunglasses waving inside a building. 103 Here's your schedule for Tuesday, March fourteenth. 51 A person with brown pants is sitting around a fenced area that has sparks flying. 81 He asks no person to vouch for him. 35 Climate also varies dramatically with altitude and with location on the Pacific Ocean or on the Sea of Japan. 109 These were damnatory facts which well supported the prosecution. 64 Smith subsequently told a Commission staff member 49 She later became the second female play broker on Broadway. 59 Later in the day he was forced to explain his position. 55 The light reflected about the place, like some supernatural aura. 65 One very important matter in "setting up" for fine printing is the "spacing," that is, the lateral distance of words from one another. 134 Reminiscent of his attitude toward his superiors in the Marine Corps, 69 Gauss made the next advance. 28 He exhibits some difficulty in relationship to the maternal figure suggesting more anxiety in this area than in any other. 122 At least two of the three fatalities involved passengers who were not wearing their seat belts while the seat belt sign was illuminated. 136 He returned from court in a state of gloomy dejection, 54 When Bradley left in nineteen forty eight, there were one hundred twenty-five V.A. hospitals. 93 There has been a robbery at the burger shop in downtown. 56 Mr. Neild was compelled to admit in eighteen twelve that "the great reformation produced by Howard 98 as effectually to rebuke and abash the profane spirit of the more insolent and daring of the criminals. 103 of his concomitant hatred of the United States, which was most clearly expressed in his November twenty-six, 108 Unexpected wordplay is a characteristic feature of her style. 61 This film will be totally awesome. 34 It was clear. 13 He thought it contained tent poles, or possibly other camping equipment such as a folding shovel. 97 The Commission evaluated the physical evidence found near the window after the assassination and the testimony of eyewitnesses 126 Standing alongside him were Buell Wesley Frazier and William Shelley, who also identified Lovelady. 99 See you later! 14 but in the twenty-seventh George the second the right of presentation was bought by the Crown for ten thousand, five hundred pounds. 132 The nozzle of the fire hose was bright brass. 45 I found that the paper sack found on the sixth floor and the sample 67 within 6 This increased when the officer, accompanied by two others, a neighbor and a bailiff, entered one of the stables. 113 Upper House and Lower House Houses of Lords and Commons. 56 One moment, she said. 21 This man is practicing kickboxing, where there is at least one other guy practicing as well. 92 My view has now completely changed. 35 Otherwise you could hide yourself away in some coffee shop or other for a bit. 78 He could not test Exhibit Number one thirty-three A in the same way because the negative was never recovered. 109 Today, the breed has fewer than two hundred animals remaining, and is considered "critical" by the American Livestock Breeds Conservancy. 137 They are also used as biological pesticides to control weeds, plant diseases and insect pests. 94 Mr. Nixon advised the Commission that the only time he was in Dallas in nineteen sixty-three 92 there was no independent check upon him if he chose to tamper with it. 70 But afternoons in the rainy season can be hot and humid, a feature of tropical climates. 88 Ask her to bring these things with her from the store. 54 The Commission has considered the possibility that the cartons might have been moved in connection with the work that was being performed on the sixth floor on November twenty-two. 180 We think it so much in the public interest to maintain a vigorous judiciary 75 in nineteen fifty-three this had increased to more than seventeen thousand items; 81 Most of Jenson's letters are designed within a square, 54 During the singing of these hymns Wainwright fainted, but whether from real emotion or the desire to make a sensation was never exactly known. 142 and whom he left without scruple to join Miss Bankes. 53 In fact, Hosty participated in transmitting to the Secret Service two pieces of information pertaining to the visit. 116 They may promise to get you a special deal or help you avoid a penalty. 71 Despite years of research, the problem remained intractable. 60 The Navy also controls the Egyptian Coast Guard. 48 Mix ricotta cheese and garlic powder together in a bowl. Spread over the bottom of the crust. 93 Diabetics should always keep a syringe of insulin handy. 56 C.D.C. provides specific recommendations for operating public pools, hot tubs and water playgrounds in the Model Aquatic Health Code. 133 he was certain that both elevators, which occupy the same shaft, were on the fifth floor. 89 For the meantime, though, the signs are good. 45 What has changed? 17 Hamilton quaternions can be used to replace many matrices, but not to represent view frustums. 94 Demonstrators waiting for the policemen to hear their grievances against police oppression and brutality. 105 Is there a new way forward? 27 They asked for Lee Oswald who was not called to the telephone because he was known by the other name. 101 Agar too, in Newgate, heard how Pierce had treated him, and at once readily turned approver. 92 Today, the breed has fewer than two hundred animals remaining, and is considered "critical" by the American Livestock Breeds Conservancy. 137 The Government obtained early and full information of the nefarious scheme. 75 Approximately fifteen men worked in the warehouse and Truly noticed that Oswald was not among those being questioned. 117 He also makes the curious calculation that the costs of these actions if undefended 83 online 6 The conflicts of masculinity are also a major theme of his work, leading some critics to compare him to Ernest Hemingway. 121 Tack the strip of carpet to the worn floor. 43 Givens testified that after reaching the first floor, quote, 60 the moment too that the condemned man had passed through the debtors' door on to the scaffold the prison had done with him, 123 They were deposited with the dead in ancient Egypt. 51 Chapter two. The Assassination: Part one. 41 He wrote his name boldly at the top of the sheet. 49 were broad and flexible. All material is and was desired, accepted, and filed if it indicated or tended to indicate 115 were vended under the names of notorious murderers, highwaymen, and criminals, 78 of the alleged FPCC, quote, organization, end quote, in New Orleans. 68 Quickly knowing who needs to receive rabies treatment, and who does not, will save lives and families' livelihoods. 115 In eighteen sixty, Lincoln secured the Republican Party presidential nomination as a moderate from a swing state. 113 Catabolism is probably due to enzyme action, but the final result is chiefly carbon dioxide and water, 102 Perhaps the most outstanding conclusion of such a study is that Oswald was profoundly alienated from the world in which he lived. 129 It's a beautiful day! 21 Like the Bible, it ought to be read again and again. 52 Fungi do not photosynthesise. 29 It had all been arranged. 25 To fleece him smartly. 22 made a voluntary confession to Sir Herbert Taylor one morning at Windsor; after which Thistlewood and his accomplices were closely watched, 139 The dragon breathed a stream of fire thirty feet long. 54 It's a pity most people do not know what gearshifts are good for. 65 where the crowds would be able to be controlled for a great distance, and we figured that the largest crowds would be downtown, which they were, 144 and it was arranged that one of their number should knock at Lord Harrowby's door on the pretense of leaving a parcel, 118 he sought to rebut these charges, which indeed were never clearly made out, and it is pretty certain that his own account of the causes which led him into dishonesty 165 Previously, they were raised in the European Court of Human Rights. 67 the lights were extinguished, and a desperate conflict ensued. 62 was apparently not enough to satisfy him. He exaggerated in his letters to V. T. Lee in an apparent attempt 107 Twist the valve and release hot steam. 38 The stitch will serve but needs to be shortened. 48 (two) persons under sentence of imprisonment for a fixed period, or until they shall have paid certain fines; 109 A little old woman peaks out from behind the blue doorway and three pairs of plastic sandals. 93 In one part the most praiseworthy activity prevailed, 53 that will refuse to amend the Constitution by the arbitrary exercise of judicial power -- amended by judicial say-so. 117 In his testimony Secretary of the Treasury C. Douglas Dillon informed the Commission that an interagency committee has been established to develop more effective criteria. 171 Please take a business card. 28 publisher 9 That is not fair at all! 24 A man wearing black sits in the snow playing buckets as drums in order to collect donations. 92 We are on a four-year mission. 30 It seems I cannot connect to the Mycroft servers. Please wait few minutes before trying to speak to me. 103 a recessed area extending about fifteen feet between the sidewalk and the front door of his store. 98 The Commission believes that the facilities and procedures of the Protective Research Section of the Secret Service 115 Howard was secured, given into custody, and committed to Newgate. 65 A vent near the edge brought in fresh air. 42 When the council had decided, the news was conveyed to Newgate by the Recorder, who made his "report," as it was called. 120 The minor borough prisons were the worst blot on the still dark and imperfect system. 85 Mr. Justice Byles, in passing sentence, commented severely upon the commission of such crimes by a man in Roupell's position in life, 133 The Norsemen considered the rainbow as a bridge over which the gods passed from the earth to their home in the sky. 115 Copper and silver are also used when doing chemistry with fluorine. 67 On pain of death. 17 A number of bills were introduced immediately following the assassination of President Kennedy. 95 His parents, Edward and Inez Wilson, divorced when he was seven. 64 Ignorance is bliss. 19 The camera catches some movement as a man walks in front of the Alpha Dental Group building. 92 Trample the spark, else the flames will spread. 47 Front-page articles in newspapers around the world announced it as a scientific advance for Britain greater than Sputnik had been for the Soviet Union. 151 Starting from the bottom means that you appreciate the full spectrum of experience. 83 Who would have? 15 But if by that phrase the charge is made 40 The sum is found as follows. 28 Oh dear, oh dear! 17 The most difficult place in the world to get a clear open perspective of the country as a whole is Washington. 110 The run-off was scheduled for twenty seven June two thousand eight. 67 Underfoot and upon the walls roughly cut into the stones, are single initial letters, the brief epitaphs of those who lie below. 128 his pro-Castro tendencies, his lies when interrogated by the FBI, 65 The act prescribed that he should do both every twenty-four hours, but days passed without his entering the wards. 114 and in eighteen sixty-two he was obliged to fly the country, hopelessly and irretrievably ruined. 97 I am amused at the cowboy's style. 34 The remaining north, west, and center wings were constructed for the War Department and took an additional ten years to build. 126 Finally, he paid for the movie. 31 A man wearing a yellow tshirt is shouting into a microphone while an audience is listening. 91 in which the master evil of jail association and consequent contamination still continues to operate directly to the encouragement of crime. 140 Place spinach over pizza. Slice into eight wedges. 50 have made Oswald a subject of concern to the Secret Service. 60 testified regarding the arrest of Oswald, as did the various police officers who participated in the fight. 107 the presence in animals of an alimentary cavity, or internal pocket, in which they can carry about their nutriment 114 This is the tendency to the formation of ugly meandering white lines or "rivers" in the page. 93 I am hopeful that the proposal President Trump and I put forward to rebuild Indian schools is passed by Congress. 113 Both Callaway and Guinyard testified that they had not been shown any pictures by the police before the lineup. 111 Police officers went down at night to Nutfield, near Reigate, and arrested Sir John Paul, but allowed the prisoner to sleep there. 130 In eighteen twelve, James Claudius Rich, the British Resident at Baghdad, made the first complete examination of the ruins. 123 Burgess was eventually brought back to England, tried at the Central Criminal Court, and sentenced to transportation for life. 126 She said that if she ever spoke to her husband the way Marina Oswald spoke to her husband, quote, we would not last long, end quote. 132 What do you advise? 19 Having recently heard the sounds of rifles while on a hunting trip, Baker recognized the shots as that of a high-powered rifle; Quote, 134 Forty-three fifty Airport Road, Suite Ten, Santa Fe, New Mexico. 64 The concert was loud enough for everyone in the city to hear. 61 Try to save us. 15 The walls of Babylon were transformed into the sacred cities of Kerbela and Nejef. 82 thereby leaving a time span of four point eight to five point six seconds between the two shots which struck their mark. 120 First a lawyer's clerk, he then got an appointment in the Peninsular and Oriental Company's office; 99 The earliest book printed with movable type, the Gutenberg Bible, is printed in letters which are an exact imitation. 117 Mr. Sparks Moline, came to attend him to the scaffold. 54 some to the infirmary, many more to the governor's house. 57 Checking for updates. 21 an agent of Bringuier's attempting to learn more about the true nature 70 We ran into a few issues earlier this year, but he's been very patient and understanding. 89 During inspections at the two facilities in twenty sixteen, E.P.A. found inadequate containment measures that allowed plastic materials to enter local waterways. 161 We work with businesses, non-profit organizations, and state and local governments through dozens of partnerships. 114 that he had great difficulty in adapting himself to conditions in that city. 76 Diamondsnake released two albums on Facebook. 45 Cases well authenticated have been known of men who had all but completed their sentences, and for whom the prison gates would open within a few days, 150 Laguna Elementary School was the first twenty sixteen School to complete the planning phase. 92 They were the worst raw oysters they ever ate. 46 Yorkshire is my county. 23 Mr. (now Sir Richard) Cross, having applied himself vigorously to the task of reorganizing the whole system, became convinced 125 First she tried gently stroking the goose's lower back with her palm, then singing a tune to her. 97 Jupiter has a great red spot. 29 Money they must have, and money they raised to meet their urgent necessities upon the balances and securities deposited with them by their customers. 149 Just a moment. 14 An emergency alert warning of an inbound ballistic missile is accidentally sent out across Hawaii before being cleared as a false alarm thirty-eight minutes later. 163 Melt two tablespoons butter in a saucepan over medium heat. 59 A bride and groom are standing in front of their wedding cake at their reception. 81 one of them of considerable size. 33 Goodbye. 8 but only after Day viewed the knob on the bolt through a magnifying glass and found no prints. 94 it would have taken considerable discipline to save whatever amount was required to finance his defection out of the salary of a low ranking enlisted man. 154 It was the first time that Oswald had not walked with Frazier from the parking lot to the building entrance. 108 The causes of mental disorders are often unclear. 49 A site was purchased between Red Lion and White Cross streets, and a new prison planned, 88 His life was characterized by isolation, frustration, and failure. 66 The pennant waved when the wind blew. 37 Where is my shoe? 17 By practice the art is much improved, and there is no part of the world in which villains are hanged in so neat a manner, and with so little ceremony. 150 The youth drove with zest, but little skill. 44 In that time, it has created a global map of these ice clouds around the planet, which could someday help improve models and forecasts. 135 What are we going to do? 24 or they lodged with the gatesmen, the prisoner officers who had charge of the inner gates. 90 A thorough inspection would have involved washing and cleansing the back, and this is not practical in treating an acutely injured patient. 139 a very few years saw the birth of Roman character not only in Italy, but in Germany and France. 95 Some may view the contradiction of reductionism in conventional theory as simply an example of changing assumptions. 116 The two men on guard had gone off immediately after Mr. Gee had escaped, but they returned later in the day, and were apprehended. 130 There may be a slight decrease in numbers in eastern, northern, and western Africa. 83 After his bankruptcy he obtained a place as clerk in the Great Northern Railway office, 87 As the motorcade approached the intersection of Houston and Elm Streets, there was general gratification in the Presidential party about the enthusiastic reception. 164 O'Connor was a man of substance. He had long followed the profitable trade of a money-lender, 93 greater attention was paid to the capital convicts, and the horrors of their situation while awaiting sentence 110 Mark Twain drew quaint pictures of Colorado bluffs. 51 The home was now under new management. 38 Your request had multiple matches, please be more specific. There were too many matches to read them. 101 Great Britain in many ways has advanced further along lines of social security than the United States? 102 A group of motorcycle policemen with flags attached to their motorcycles drives down a public street. 101 The specific rifle shipped against the order had been received by Klein's from Crescent on February twenty-one, nineteen sixty-three. 133 a silver coin bearing the same relation to the Scottish pound that an English shilling does to an English pound, was made to pass current in England. 149 The Walt Disney Company announces its intent to acquire Twenty-first Century Fox for fifty-two point four billion dollars, pending regulatory approval. 151 credit 6 Leon F. Czolgosz, 17 The agent secretly entered the embassy from the roof. 53 Instead of returning to Irving on November fifteen for his customary weekend visit, he remained in Dallas at his wife's suggestion because of the birthday party. 161 They saw a man coming south on Patton with a revolver held high in his right hand. According to Callaway, the man crossed to the west side of Patton. 149 An experimental small satellite has filled this void and captured the first global picture of the small frozen particles inside clouds, normally called ice clouds. 163 That could lead to more calls. 30 The existence of dark matter would explain a number of otherwise puzzling astronomical observations. 100 A magistrate. 13 On each lobe of the bi-lobed leaf of Venus flytrap are three delicate filaments which stand out at right angles from the surface of the leaf. 141 Bishop was a carpenter, but having been suddenly thrown out of work, he joined his brother-in-law in his line of business. 122 half consumed in the ashes of a wood fire. 42 Kick the ball straight and follow through. 42 A male and female fire performer, work their craft in front of an audience. 75 Complete idleness was tolerated; there was neither penal labor nor light employment. 84 His mother exercised little control over him and thought he could decide for himself whether to go on in school. 112 Yet it took until the eighteen seventys for the technology to take hold in cars. 80 In two hundred feet, your destination will be on the right. 59 All of them are good. 21 who advised that Mr. Johnson take the Presidential oath of office before the plane left Dallas. 95 The Syrian Air Defense Force shoots down an Israeli F-sixteen over the Golan Heights after it fired on alleged Iranian targets inside Syria. 140 and with the concurrence of the other authority, and on payment. A few provisos governed these rather extensive powers. 119 The shining gem was exhilarating to behold as it sparkled. 58 Beck is a bounty hunter who collects debts for a man named Billy Walker. 72 With the last re-edification of Newgate, a work executed some seven centuries after the first stone of the old jail was laid, 125 The child almost hurt the small dog. 36 But all punishments might readily be commuted into a fine to be spent in gin for judge and jury. 96 There is no lock but a golden key will open it. 47 both having been recognized by the clergyman who had performed the ceremony, and the assault had been committed to secure the money 131 It began to be understood that prison reform could only be compassed by continuous and combined effort. 103 The F thirty five A and F thirty five B were cleared for flight training in early twenty twelve. 96 Notable interiors include an ornate cast-iron library, the Secretary's suite, and the stained glass skylight over the west wing's double staircase. 147 Radon is found in some petroleum. 33 The Supreme Court has civil and criminal departments. 53 I can't imagine paying so much, but Misses Harrison, a millionaire lawyer, thought it was a fair price for a cure. 114 An hotel. 9 In numberless cases, such as that of the fore-limbs of serpents, no vestige of a rudiment is present. 101 a fine young officer who had been summoned to take Cannon into custody when the latter was drunk and riotous in front of a public-house. 136 will nearly always be compelled to add new parts not contemplated in the original machine. 90 That is all I know. 19 I have the key on myself. 25 From February eleventh through June thirtieth, nineteen sixty-four, the Service had the advantage of nine thousand, five hundred hours of work by other enforcement agencies. 173 But among the charges on the estate he left 43 I have got a wife to feed. 26 Seven other crimes, however, were still capital by law, and so continued till the passing of the Criminal Consolidation Acts of eighteen sixty-one. 147 It was shredded, like lace after an attack from hyperactive kittens. 68 Most modern reactors use enriched uranium with ordinary water as the moderator. 79 It is located on Venice Boulevard at Venice Way. 48 Pop's cruddy boot is plugging the cool pool. 44 Shut the vat for the last time. 31 it does not appear that he ever lost his job because of its activities, although he may well not have been aware of that fact. 126 I'm from the government. 24 Born in Kentucky, Lincoln grew up on the western frontier in Kentucky and Indiana. 82 The Energy Department is helping lay the foundation for more efficient homes. 77 Sell your gift to a buyer at a good gain. 41 The Pilgrims passed a law that stated that disabled soldiers would be supported by the colony. 94 The watery solution, in which its roots are plunged, contains nitrogen but no carbon; 85 The V.A. was elevated to a cabinet-level executive department by President Ronald Reagan in October nineteen eighty-eight. 122 After his return to New Orleans Oswald was teased at school because of the northern accent which he had acquired. 113 With this change the art of printing touched bottom, so far as fine printing is concerned, though paper did not get to its worst until eighteen forty. 150 Today, the Vice President uses the office for meetings and press interviews. 76 Over sixty-fives were quickly released by the Norwegian government. 67 Ruth Paine and Marina Oswald decided to call Oswald at the place where he was living, unbeknownst to them, under the name of O. H. Lee. 135 Arms, coat of arms. 19 Cook until heated through. Serve warm Alfredo sauce over cooked fettuccini or linguini noodles. 95 The film received positive reviews but failed at the box office. 64 A chink in the wall allowed a draft to blow. 44 The evidence was invariably sufficient to convict, and the judge never hesitated to inflict the heaviest penalties. 115 The Commission suggests that consideration might be given to assigning to a Cabinet-level committee or the National Security Council 132 Had the Babylonians been apprised of what Cyrus was about, or had they noticed their danger, they would never have allowed the Persians to enter the city, 154 A game of tennis is shown with one of the female players about to hit the ball. 79 Carro reported that when questioned about his mother Lee said, quote, 69 next 4 Do I have a favorite? 21 I am afraid that I would need to charge you for that. 53 A motorcycle with number five on front is being ridden by a rider wearing a red helmet. 87 As in the liquefaction of gases, there is a "critical point" at which the substance under experiment is neither gaseous nor liquid. 131 Debra is a explorer that has been all over the world. 53 Nine men were hired to dig the ruins. 37 and paying great attention to the "press work" or actual process of printing, 77 The Chief Minister, along with the council of ministers, drives the legislative agenda and exercises most of the executive powers. 130 Alaska eliminates the posting of bail in criminal cases, replacing it with a points-based system. 97 Nothing could release him from his trouble but the arrival of the marriage certificate from Gretna Green. 105 Ron was late to the meeting. 28 Ruth and Michael Paine both noticed the rolled-up blanket in the garage during the time that Marina Oswald was living in their home. 132 It takes a lot of help to finish these. 39 A note to be sustained during its whole length. 47 Can you please check your inventory? 36 pictures 8 A view of several shops in an Asian country, complete with several bikes and people. 84 He also set the complex back on the mesa overlooking the city, and designed the approaching road to be long, winding, and indirect. 131 and the aggregate amount of debts sued for was eighty-one thousand, seven hundred ninety-one pounds. 100 Small children with dark hair, dressed in brown smocks with sandals make faces as they dance. 93 archives 8 Did it work? 12 Awards are being presented to children on Field Day in a place that speaks an Asian language. 93 At five:fifty-eight p.m. Eastern Standard Time, 47 Mix in the olives, green chile peppers, tomatoes with green chile peppers, taco sauce and refried beans. 104 B.G.E. is guided by creating "empathy and tolerance" between speakers in a global context. 90 Symmetry creates a class of patterns in nature, where the repetition of the pattern is by reflection or rotation. 113 Roads are paved with sticky tar. 32 The results are in! Congratulations to the Navy's four hundred eighty-six newest master chief petty officers. 109 Oswald's arrival at the Depository Building on November twenty-two, carrying a long and bulky brown paper package, 114 The party lasted all night. 27 Oswald told his brother, quote, on what terms I want this arrangement, end quote. He advised Robert that: one. 110 of more depraved and systematic criminals. 42 Here are some results from Allrecipes dot com. 46 The change in opacity is due to the decreasing amount of ions, which absorb visible light easily. 97 The sergeant shoved the volunteers to the front. 48 it is not a real gain, for the modern printer throws the gain away by putting inordinately wide spaces between his lines, which, probably, 138 President Donald Trump tweets that Pakistan has been a safe haven for terrorists from Afghanistan and has given America nothing but lies and deceit. 148 Please bring soap. 18 Annoying a wild boar is insane. 31 The blind man counted his old coins. 36 According to the constitution, direct elections must be held for the parliament every four years. 97 with the Office of Science and Technology and the other Federal agencies that have been so helpful to the Secret Service be placed on a permanent and formal basis. 163 prick each with a fork and let them rise near the fire for half an hour, covered with a light cloth. 100 The Commission urges that the Bureau of the Budget review these recommendations with the Secret Service and authorize a request for the necessary supplemental appropriation. 173 of those who had shown the white, and those who had died game. 62 but I do not believe any intelligent observer can accuse England of undue orthodoxy in the present emergency. 109 Try to make eye contact with a stranger on the bus, and hold it for five seconds, without speaking. 99 In the end it boils down to how much we want it to be solved. 61 I issue all passes. 19 The oldest house remaining in Greenwich Village is the Isaacs-Hendricks House, at seventy seven Bedford Street. 111 The third act was dull and tired the players. 45 I'm very lucky. 15 Education was for the few. 26 Under the terms of the settlements, both companies will take steps to prevent plastic materials they manage from washing into local waterways. 142 The actor's authentic facial expression was convincing the jury. 64 The stairway is located in the northwest corner of the Depository Building. 75 The origin of this expression dates, it is said, from the time when the Scottish mark, 86 The missions Special Forces Soldiers undertake range from counterterrorism missions to unconventional warfare. 110 People are listening to their headphones as they hold on for a ride on public transit. 86 He found them at length residing at the latter place, one as a landed proprietor, the other as a publican. 106 Northwest winds fifteen to twenty miles per hour. 49 The Commission feels the Secret Service and the FBI, as well as the State Department and the CIA when the President travels abroad, 131 Oswald told his wife that he did not know whether he had hit Walker; 68 It will now relate to all public bodies in Scotland. 52 They were still much swollen when he was led out to execution. 62 The voice, Chest voice the real voice, Head voice falsetto. 59 They might say the discount plan will save you money and that it meets the minimum coverage required under "Obamacare" so you won't have to pay a penalty or look at other plans. 177 Last, and worst of all, the arrangements for keeping the condemned prisoners between sentence and execution were more than unsatisfactory. 138 On June sixth, Sosa was suspended for eight games. 50 There is every reason to suppose that he poisoned his wife to obtain possession of this sum upon her death. 107 Sorry, I couldn't figure out what you want me to do. 52 This built on the active interest of intellectuals, in particular the New England Transcendentalists, including Ralph Waldo Emerson. 132 to those in other London prisons, for Newgate was not the only place of durance for these unfortunate people. There were also the King's Bench, 143 and the circumstances were deemed sufficiently suspicious to warrant the arrest of the gentlemen at Yarmouth on a charge of forgery and conspiracy. 147 We had a wonderful dish that was seasoned with Chili Peppers. 61 Most start by giving to the Senior Class Gift. 46 When such goods arrived they were frequently left at a wharf, paying rent until it suited the importer to remove them. 118 While it appears that he may have distributed Fair Play for Cuba Committee materials on one uneventful occasion in Dallas sometime during the period 148 An old woman getting ready to move her belongings after along day auction held at the church compound 101 She likes you. 14 It is well known, likewise comments Le Conte, 45 It is hard won. 15 that he compared the four empty cartridge cases found near the scene of the shooting with a test cartridge fired from the weapon in Oswald's possession when he was arrested. 173 Still no sentence of death was carried out for the offense, and in eighteen thirty-two 86 he did not see his brother Robert from Thanksgiving of nineteen sixty-two until November twenty-three, nineteen sixty-three. 124 asked for a transfer and got off at the same place in the middle of the block where the lady did. 97 He felt unsafe like during his first lesson in driving school. 62 I don't even bother trying to get spiders out of my boat anymore, they're just maintenance-free pets. 101 Albert Einstein was a German physicist who developed the Theory of Relativity. 78 Three people wearing colorful costumes and masks sitting between two stone statues. 83 Cold 4 We are losing no time getting the government's vast work relief program underway, 81 It was only later that the condition was diagnosed. 51 He may have felt he could never tell when the FBI was going to appear on the scene or who else was going to find out about his defection 136 When the E.E.O.B. was finished, it was the largest office building in Washington, with nearly two miles of black and white tiled corridors. 139 Jeanne De Mohrenschildt, however, thought that Marina Oswald, quote, said things that will hurt men's pride, end quote. 119 Really? 7 Each jazz singer sang ten pop tunes and then sat down. 54 Pull my finger, she said. 25 Miss Turner was a school-girl of barely fifteen, 48 Mr. Pearson and the committee of eighteen fifty have the more claim on our consideration, because, 98 After, however, two years and a lot of growing up, I decided to return to the USA. 82 Whaley was somewhat imprecise as to where he unloaded his passenger. 68 were found in the butler's pantry, used by Courvoisier. 55 Sorry, I don't have permission to access your calendar. 55 The U.S. Attorney's Offices for the District of Colorado and the District of New Mexico also provided substantial assistance in this matter. 140 To serve, cut the parchment paper open and remove lemon slices before plating fish. 83 Stopping Internet radio. 24 The change in opacity is due to the decreasing amount of ions, which absorb visible light easily. 97 The crime, long carried on without detection, was first discovered in eighteen twenty, 86 As was typical in the wars of the era, disease claimed far more lives than battle. 82 whose major wound fell within Dr. Shaw's area of specialization. 64 On his visit in Iran, the diplomat criticized the strict censorship. 68 and only after the completion of this process can all the food be absorbed into the circulation. 96 The Securities and Exchange Commission today announced fraud charges against three former Constellation Healthcare Technologies executives. 139 As the business of the Marshalsea Court declined, the numbers in its prison diminished. 87 and hence so unfamiliar that to most people the comparison made will mean little in terms of ordinary green flowering plants and common vertebrate animals. 155 Mix ricotta cheese and garlic powder together in a bowl. Spread over the bottom of the crust. 93 In all of the observations and physical tests that I made I found the bag and the paper sample were the same, end quote. 120 A new logo consisting of an orange "B" covered with black tiger stripes was introduced. 87 where they stayed, except for vacations, until the spring of nineteen forty-eight. 82 They thought they had found a home. 35 Part of the problem resulted from the fact that, as Jeanne De Mohrenschildt testified, 86 The night he bought it, Cook, who had been taking certain pills under medical advice, not Palmer's, was seized with violent convulsions. 136 This was presently superseded by a fresh catch -- 49 West Interstate Two Forty Service Road, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. 64 Special Agent Forrest V. Sorrels of the Secret Service, who had been in the motorcade, 86 Truly stood in front of the building. 37 They specified criteria for information to be furnished to the Secret Service in addition to that covered by the former standard. 129 Half cup vinegar. Two tablespoons prepared mustard. One tablespoon salt. Two pounds beef back ribs. 99 Their oversized shoes slapped the ground each time they took a step. 68 three. The chapel yard was about forty-three feet by twenty-five. 65 He had been led to suppose that twelve months' imprisonment was the utmost the law could inflict, and he broke down utterly under the unexpected blow. 150 Next Sunday from seven fifteen A.M. to eight thirty-five A.M. 61 has ever been ratified within anything like a reasonable time. 62 Form follows function. 22 Access denied. 14 who maintained that under this system prisoners were more industrious and more healthy 86 with ruined character, bad habits, and often bad health contracted in the jail. 79 Celebrities Alyssa Milano, Michael Moore and Mark Ruffalo organize a People's State of the Union concert on Monday in New York City. 132 At eleven:forty-five p.m. on November twenty-two, 49 Oswald also said that he did not want the FBI to know where he lived, quote, Because their visits were not very pleasant for him 128 Good news! Your route is clear. 31 Sorry, the lights do not seem to be responding. 47 Simone recorded more than forty albums, mostly between nineteen fifty eight, when she made her debut with Little Girl Blue, and nineteen seventy four. 150 The suspect was described as, quote, a white male about thirty, five foot eight, black hair, slender, end quote. 112 All who could scrape together the cash seem to have gladly availed themselves of the privilege of entering the master's side. 125 Stick a pin in the balloon and it will burst. 45 His performance for that company was satisfactory. 50 Nelson Delgado, one of Oswald's fellow Marines, testified that Oswald tried to, quote, cut up anybody that was high ranking, end quote, 135 It rattled menacingly. 22 listing Marina Oswald and A. J. Hidell 38 She coyly kissed her boyfriend. 31 The radio log of the Dallas Police Department shows that at twelve:thirty p.m. on November twenty-two 101 For instance, the license may be "free for private, non-commercial use". 72 and others who swore to the meetings of the conspirators and their movements. Saward was found guilty, 102 The man to be hanged belonged to Wales, and no Welshman would do the job. 73 On the third day his friends began to inquire for him, 54 which Thornley read at Oswald's suggestion. 43 Pack the records in a neat thin case. 37 That value did not work, give me a value from zero to two fifty-five for blue. 78 Chester daubed the couch with cool-colored paint. 49 Child abuse is a dreadful thing. 32 Our problem is to put to work three and one-half million employable persons now on the relief rolls. 100 Oh okay, I see. 15 There are two main variations, heat-seeking, and radar guided. 62 Midge's deed led her into a web of intrigue. 44 The pressure soon became so frightful that many would have willingly escaped from the crowd; but their attempts only increased the general confusion. 149 years 5 Strathclyde Police are expected to make an announcement next month. 67 I think the Commission has been very, very slow to react. 57 At the Italian Opera in the evening the audience, on the Queen's appearance, greeted her with loud cheers, and called for the national anthem. 142 I saw some good things. 23 A chance of rain. 17 All vertebrate animals, and none other, says Le Conte, "have an internal jointed skeleton worked by muscles on the outside. 123 This continued despite the efforts of the school authorities and, to a lesser extent, of his mother to have him return to school. 129 Fain had been assigned to see Marina Oswald at an appropriate time. 67 What would you do? 18 Two of his articles have been included in the "Best American Sportswriting" series. 83 the officers ensconced themselves in the latter, and waited for Buncher's expected visit. 89 to carry out a carefully planned killing of another human being and was willing to consummate such a purpose if he thought there was sufficient reason to do so. 160 It was as if Carl realised that he was a puppet under someone else's control. 77 okay. 5 the other he kept between his hands. 36 Celebrities Alyssa Milano, Michael Moore and Mark Ruffalo organize a People's State of the Union concert on Monday in New York City. 132 Then in the Carboniferous, fishes still continuing, there appeared the lowest -- i.e., most fish-like forms of amphibians. 122 As a result of these studies, the planning document makes several significant recommendations in this field. 108 Western Australia is home to around five hundred forty species of birds. 72 We bought commercial components and spent a lot of time testing the components making sure each part worked. 108 The Mnine Pistol is a semi-automatic, double action pistol that has a rail system to allow attachment of an Integrated Laser White Light Pointer. 145 He can do no wrong. 19 Retrograde amnesia is a loss of memory access to events that occurred before an injury or the onset of a disease. 113 Although it is not really my favorite mode of traveling, it's convenient for sure. 82 On the other hand Stombaugh pointed out that fibers might retain their freshness if the rifle had been 102 The humidity is sixty percent. 30 God bless my soul! 18 and the Secret Service enter into a formal agreement defining such arrangements. 80 Many of the people with whom the Oswalds became acquainted after their arrival in the United States thought that Marina Oswald had married her husband primarily in the hope 172 services 8 Build castles in the air. 25 We fell for it hook, line, and sinker. 38 No other theatre patron or officer has testified that Oswald was hit by a gun. 78 A before "E" except after "C". 30 She held her first solo show in twenty fifteen. 47 Prior to the Walker shooting on April ten, Oswald had been attending typing classes on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday evenings. 126 but could not positively identify it, and Ikey defied them to remove a single shoe. 83 As such he had pretty general control over his father's estates and affairs. 76 Survival of the casualties stays our top priority! 50 The nag pulled the frail cart along. 36 We ran into a few issues earlier this year, but he's been very patient and understanding. 89 Chuck shrugged as his truck squeaked to a stop. 47 might have been more alert in the Dallas motorcade if they had retired promptly in Fort Worth. 94 He told me that filing for bankruptcy is the last resort. 57 The facts don't always show who is right. 41 Shortly thereafter, Johnny Brewer, who had come from the nearby shoestore, asked Mrs. Postal whether the fellow that had ducked in had bought a ticket. 151 A soccer player holding the victory ball above his head while being held aloft by his teammates. 96 whose description, as given by his father to the police, 56 one man who had been in the condemned ward for two months, said the governor only came there four times. 104 The grass curled around the fence post. 39 These are not only common with the Javanese but also with other Indonesian ethnic groups who do not have the tradition of surnames. 131 Between the hours of eight and nine p.m. they were occupied with the children in the bedrooms located at the extreme east end of the house. 139 Darius now, still keeping to the plan agreed upon, 50 People from all corners of the country come for the festival. 61 Mind the gap. 13 I can see what happens backstage through this aperture! 55 The series was given unfavorable reviews by critics, and its television ratings fell over time. 95 Once a warrant-holder sent down a clerk to view certain goods, and the clerk found that these goods had already a "stop" upon them, or were pledged. 148 At its maximum the trading post covered a large area. 53 The police were cautioned to prevent picture taking. 52 The difference between the two types lies in how the study is actually conducted. 81 Nebuchadnezzar, or Nebuchadrezzar, as his name should be spelled, was the greatest character in Babylonian history, 115 the wildest and most cut-throat looking of the lot, which proves that he could be grateful for kindness, and was not all bad. 125 questions inevitably arise as to the scope of each agency's authority and responsibility. 89 A grayhaired man sitting in a chair playing a wind instrument among other musicians. 84 The total collapse of the Western Roman Empire left a vacuum for new ideas to flourish that were impossible in Classical societies. 131 will prove the greatest gain that you could possibly receive, while to Darius and the Persians it will be the severest loss. 124 to the entire land and complete foundations of his society, end quote. 70 Vice President Gerald Ford acceded to the Presidency before he could use the home, and his Vice President, Nelson Rockefeller, only used it for entertaining. 157 (two) the means by which the weapon was brought into the Depository Building, 77 A deathly hush fell over the square. 36 The effect of establishing the forgeries would be to restore to the Roupell family lands for which a price had already been paid 128 Turning the air conditioning on leads to an increased fuel consumption. 71 But it was eventually discovered by Mrs. Solomons, a very jealous wife, 71 I'll be back in a minute. 25 including a few of major importance. 36 Governor Connally had a large sucking wound in the front of the right chest which caused extreme pain and difficulty in breathing. 130 Progressivism in the United States is a broadly based reform movement that reached its height early in the twentieth century. 125 The Service should negotiate a memorandum of understanding with each agency that has been assisting it and from which it can expect to need help in the future. 159 Reconstructing her movements, Mrs. Reid ran the distance three times and was timed in two minutes by stopwatch. 111 We pride ourselves in completing all requests in less than twenty four hours. 77 A six billion pound deal to sell twenty-four Eurofighter Typhoons to Qatar is announced. 88 The luxury of the state side was for a long time open to all who could pay 74 There were major cutbacks in the early nineteen nineties, but they were distributed to minimize the harm to the vast majority of voters. 136 Michael opened a browser and navigated to an anonymous search engine. 69 There the hangman added his weight to that of the suspended culprit, 68 they had also been seen to leave their cottage, carrying out a sack with something heavy inside. On this they were fully committed to Newgate for trial. 152 Sprinkle with parsley and serve. 32 A fire on the oil tanker rages for the fourth day. An explosion forces rescue teams to retreat as thirty-one sailors remain missing. 132 At times the numbers congregated together were very great; as many as fifty and sixty, even more, were crowded indiscriminately into the press-yard. 148 The fight will end in just six minutes. 39 Here a couple of piemen had been selling their wares; the basket of one of them, which was raised upon a four-legged stool, was upset. 134 A woman screamed, quote, Oh, they have shot that man, they have shot that man, end quote. 89 Child in blue dress holding sandal in one hand and eating blue cotton candy with other hand. 92 Its embarrassments were greatly increased by the bankruptcy of two of its clients in the building trade, 104 Ripe pears are fit for a queen's table. 39 no law enforcement agency had any information to connect Oswald with the attempted shooting of General Walker. 110 His interest in Russia led some of his associates to call him "comrade" or "Oswaldskovitch." 92 The first step to a healthy lifestyle is to exercise often and regularly. 73 Jim tried to go lunchless before his stomach surgery. 53 A smiling woman wearing a red hard hat has a long length of rope around her shoulders. 86 were intended by the protectionists to depress the wheat market, and secure the support of the farmers at the forthcoming election; 131 Attorneys general for California, New York, Illinois, and Massachusetts sue the Department of Education for not granting loan relief to students defrauded by for-profit schools. 177 The spectacle was horrible; 27 Flax makes a fine brand of paper. 33 founded the modern science of histology or that branch of anatomy which deals with the ultimate visible structure of organisms as revealed by the microscope, 157 It was not strange that he should sometimes misuse his power, and when prisoners were not to be cajoled into securing his legal services, 137 Nickelodeon was an early movie machine before registered as a trademark. 72 Through written materials and this website, E.P.A. informs the public about our activities. 91 He was released from Broadmoor in eighteen seventy-eight, and went abroad. 74 The R.G.B. value seems to be incorrect. I only accept R.G.B. values from zero to two hundred fifty-five. 104 during 6 which was a wooden flooring on a slightly inclined plane, with a beam running across the top to serve as a pillow. 114 This assignment was given to Agent James P. Hosty, Jr. of the Dallas office upon Fain's retirement. 99 Travel back in time with us as we explore the history of the electric car. 74 His wife testified that he compared himself with great readers of history. 74 and after all was quiet the three got on to the roof through the hole, and so on to Tyler's manufactory close by, 113 And the question whether plants are provided with a nervous system or not thus acquires a new aspect and presents the histologist and physiologist 146 Suddenly, the Fir Park side were in disarray. 45 Her condition was yesterday described as critical, but stable. 62 Both couples live in New York. 30 While manuals and memoranda are no guarantee of effective operations, no sizable organization can achieve efficiency without the careful analysis. 146 Let me introduce you to Benjamin. 33 Eight: Manpower and Technical Assistance From Other Agencies 60 Also he wrote "Politics of the ego: a critique of liberalism". 62 he patronized the best tailors, and had a fashionable coiffeur from Hanover Square daily to curl his hair. 106 Break the rolls apart from one another and eat warm. They are also good cold, and if the directions be followed implicitly, very good always. 141 Volume set to seven. 20 The article references previous biometric work in a reasonable way. 67 His frequent writing partner is Eugene Levy. 44 It is discouraging to note that the improvement of the last fifty years is almost wholly confined to Great Britain. 115 What's up homies? 17 Two nine five Plymouth Street, Little Rock, Arkansas, seven two two oh one. 75 Order throughout the debtors' side was preserved 48 Based on its experience during this period, the Secret Service now recommends that additional personnel be made available to PRS 128 The bank pressed for payment of the debt. 41 According to the criteria, he is qualified for Scotland. 56 Sometimes it's not the right thing to do the right thing. 57 This PRS agent will also be responsible for establishing an informal local liaison committee to make certain that all protective intelligence activities are coordinated. 169 This is known as the Arctic plunge. 35 The extract is from Mr. E. Gibbon Wakefield's brochure, the date eighteen twenty-eight, just three years after Fauntleroy's death. 130 He absolved the Soviet Embassy in Mexico City of any blame for his difficulties there. He advised the Washington Embassy 120 Mrs. Paine pointed out that most of the Oswalds' possessions were in the garage. 80 The relations between Oswald and his wife became such that Bouhe wanted to "liberate" her from Oswald. 102 The cigar burned a hole in the desk top. 40 Ker came at once to London, and, by the help of the landlord of a public-house in Smithfield and others, disposed of the whole of the diamonds. 143 I don't have a phone. 21 Baker was riding a two-wheeled motorcycle behind the last press car of the motorcade. 85 seems to have been the first to mention Babylon, and one of his inscriptions seems to say that he built the city and gave it its name. 134 I heard the land where the hobbits live, the Shire, has actually been filmed in New Zealand. 92 There remains the question of what impelled Oswald to conceive and to carry out the assassination of the President of the United States. 136 The act for which he was taken into custody was the payment of a forged ten-pound note for half-a-dozen silver spoons. 118 Both couples live in New York. 30 whereupon he produced exchequer bills to the amount. 52 le 2 It was they who formed the chief part of the small select group of spectators; 78 because he did not release the lifted print until November twenty-six, when he received instructions to send "everything that we had" to the FBI. 145 I thought they navigated based on pheromone trails or something, but apparently not. 84 A man is killed in Stockholm after he picks up a grenade that detonates. 72 The spot on the blotter was made by green ink. 46 It is a lie! 12 The Chronicles of Newgate, Volume two. By Arthur Griffiths. Section nine: The first report of the inspector of prisons. 119 In the Marines, he evidenced a strong conviction as to the correctness of Marxist doctrine, 91 The woolly mammoth was extinct before the end of the Neolithic period. 70 White man with glasses sitting next to another man who has earphones in. 72 Bentley was considered presumptuous, and was attacked in the following year by Zachary Pearce. 94 The tiny girl dressed in a butterfly ballet costume, waves her wand near a nutcracker statue. 93 Take shelter in this tent, but keep still. 42 In recent years, some older seven forty-sevens have also found their way into museums. 86 When the frost has come it is time for turkey. 46 The raid at Son Tay during the Vietnam War typifies a Special Forces Direct Action mission. 91 Do you want me? 15 Two of these photographs were taken from the rear of Walker's house. 68 I just want to give you a big hug! 34 Nothing more was heard of the affair, although the lady declared that she had never instructed Fauntleroy to sell. 114 and when the first municipal authority of our land will be no longer subjected to the reproach of fostering an institution which outrages the rights and feelings of humanity, 174 using throughout for their cement hot bitumen, and interposing a layer of wattled reeds at every thirtieth course of the bricks. 128 One construction worker in a red shirt watching another construction worker with a hammer fix something. 104 In the late nineteen ninetys, the Department began exploring electric heat pump water heaters. 94 which obtained through the attrition of individuals before the new conditions arose. 84 to that line of conduct which his duty imposed on him 53 The parking meter attendant looked quizzically at the grinning, bespectacled teenager sitting in a cardboard box. 113 It was a cell five feet by three, within another, the intervening being filled with rammed earth to deaden the sound. 117 There's always a stiff breeze blowing at the coast. 51 In Iceland, prime time starts at nineteen thirty. 49 It is so sad. 13 could not divest his mind of serious doubt, and of which the murderer got the benefit. 86 We now have a new base for shipping. 36 He noted contusions, hematoma to the right of the larynx, which was deviated slightly to the left, 98 Great efforts have been made to save his life. 46 She added that while he helped her as he had done before, he became more of a recluse, that, quote, 99 The National Police are developing their criminal investigation and forensic capabilities. 90 The Commission regards this as a most useful innovation and urges that the practice be continued. 97 documentation 13 A man having made a steam-engine, and desiring to use it for a different purpose from that for which it was first designed and used, 132 Superfund, which Congress established in nineteen eighty, investigates and cleans up hazardous waste sites. 107 Actually she noticed no one on the back stairs. If she descended from the fourth to the first floor as fast as she claimed in her testimony, 140 Brennan described to the police the man he saw in the window and then identified Oswald as the person who most nearly resembled the man he saw. 143 Japanese culture is incredibly addictive, their buildings look amazing. 71 These prints were examined independently by Ronald G. Wittmus of the FBI, 73 The Rock was listed at seventy fourth place on this list. 57 use 3 The sandwich comes with ham, cheese, tomatoes, mayonnaise, pickles. 67 reserved 8 West northwest wind around five miles per hour. 47 Raisins are delicious. 22 President Johnson emphasized Youngblood's instantaneous reaction after the first shot: 86 Indeed, he sees a shortage of skilled workers on the horizon. 61 Add onion to the bacon grease, and cook over medium heat until browned. 71 but Hickey kept the automatic weapon ready as the car raced to the hospital. 76 But according to the opposite view no reason can be assigned why such should be the case. 89 It's not before time. 21 its height was probably more than double its width, but that may never be determined. 85 I like the avenger of the new episode, he really is a badass. 61 We must begin now to make provision for the future. 51 by offering life pensions at full pay for federal judges on all courts who are willing to retire at seventy. 108 Sir George Grey thought there was a growing feeling in favor of executions within the prison precincts. 103 A Goodyear atlas is the best type of book to help with homework. 64 he strongly put me in my place about buying things for his wife that he himself could not buy, end quote. 105 Zebrafish are used to study development, toxicology, specific gene function and roles of signaling pathways. 108 It was a suicidal stunt. 24 The instrument uses lasers on a lander to measure the mineralogy and elemental composition of rocks on the surface of Venus. 124 The S.E.C. appreciates the assistance of the U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of New Jersey and the F.B.I. 113 but the fact, important as it was, fell into oblivion and had to be rediscovered by Treviranus in eighteen oh seven. 116 The volume of references to the Secret Service has increased substantially since the new instructions went into effect. 119 After being sealed for more than eighty four years, the vault was finally opened in twenty-fourteen. 100 that under ordinary circumstances he would have taken disciplinary action against those agents who had been drinking in clear violation of the regulation. 154 Many stories were in circulation at the time of Fauntleroy's trial with regard to his forgeries. It was said that he had by means of them 137 Marguerite Oswald visited her son at Youth House, where she recalled that she waited in line, quote, 100 In twenty sixteen, through the No Child Left Behind replacement school construction process, Indian Affairs selected ten schools for replacement. 145 Aristotle thought that the rainbow was caused by reflection of the sun's rays by the rain. 90 In New Orleans he obtained work as a greaser and oiler of coffee processing machines for the William B. Reily Co., 114 It outshone the defalcations of Watts. 38 The Treasury Department sanctions five Iranian entities associated with Iran's ballistic missile program. 105 Similar to animals, fungi acquire their food by absorbing dissolved molecules, typically by secreting digestive enzymes into their environment. 143 The advance preparations in Dallas by Agent Winston G. Lawson of the White House detail have been described in chapter two. 123 Since World War Two, it has been focused on standardizing nomenclature and methods in science without interruption. 115 and a pickup from Greyhound (bus station) at twelve:thirty p.m., 64 Some of the presented conclusions are not supported by the reported results. 76 The bunch of grapes was pressed into wine. 42 There is lighter traffic than usual along your route. 53 The mule trod the treadmill day and night. 42 but Mr. Pearson overlooked some points in which a more practical mind would have foreseen difficulty, and perhaps forecasted failure. 133 (external occipital protuberance) which juts out at the center of the lower part of the back of the skull. 106 The prisoner was conveyed without delay to the Home Office, and there examined by the Privy Council, which had been hastily summoned for the purpose. 149 In England about this time, an attempt was made (notably by Caslon, who started business in London as a type-founder in seventeen twenty) 137 The rest of the crew were also permitted to embark, except the Chinamen, one of whom was thrown into the water and drowned, 123 He declined to plead, but a plea of "Not Guilty" was recorded. 62 and actually had only one thousand printed. 43 Pseudomonas and Legionella are bacteria that can survive disinfectants in slimy areas of hot tubs, pools, and water playgrounds. 128 Imperial chancellor. 20 the whole manufactured while in the condemned cell of the crumb of bread made into paste. 89 The most famous exception to this is a strong sign language law that was passed by the National Congress of Brazil. 115 That woman stole my purse! 26 through the downtown area along Main Street and then to the Trade Mart via Stemmons Freeway. 92 Try to save us. 15 For example, General Motors developed a prototype for an urban electric car that it displayed at the Environmental Protection Agency's First Symposium on Low Pollution Power Systems Development. 194 Festus vouched for the authenticity of the check. 49 One of these was Mobbs, who lived in the Minories, 50 This is a three-month average of ice clouds. 44 Can I pay in cash? 18 The United States releases a new policy on nuclear arms, calling for the introduction of low-yield nuclear submarine-launched ballistic and cruise missiles. 156 An amendment, like the rest of the Constitution, 48 he naturally sees the primary and the most important distinction between animals and plants, 92 The essential point to be remembered is that the ornament, whatever it is, should form part of the page. 104 The film played in roughly sixty six theaters in sixty four cities from April eighteenth to October thirty first. 113 In the first inter-Korean talks in two years, both parties agree on the need to ease tensions and hold military talks. 118 Governor Connally, who had lost consciousness on the ride to the hospital, regained consciousness when the limousine stopped abruptly at the emergency entrance. 160 Oswald told him that he ate lunch in the first-floor lunchroom and then went to the second floor for a Coke which he brought downstairs. 136 There is an alarm set for four forty-five P.M. 46 However, he is a coach, and he remains a coach at heart. 56 Under what circumstances might you be persuaded to provide us with passes? 74 My Pleasure. 12 He recounts how Zerco made Attila's guests laugh also by the promiscuous jumble of words, Latin mixed with Gothic. 114 Eventually the law overtook them, but almost by accident. 57 From the mobility of animals Cuvier, with his characteristic partiality for teleological reasoning, 99 An Icelandic law goes into effect which requires companies with more than twenty-four full-time employees to prove they are paying men and women equally. 153 There are no changes to apply. 30 Split the log with a quick, sharp blow. 39 The lease ran out in sixteen weeks. 35 Turn left onto Massachusetts Avenue. 36 On the afternoon of November twenty-three, Officers H. M. Moore, 64 The efforts made by Sir James Graham years before to introduce uniformity in this particular had failed of effect. 114 Here, say the inspectors, "are herded together the very worst class of prisoners; certainly a more wretched combination of human beings can hardly be imagined. 159 We frown when events take a bad turn. 37 For a Hindu, "dharma" is his duty. 34 This principle became more and more generally the rule, although it has never been punctiliously observed. Now and again 120 bride and groom walking side by side out of focus on pathway next to brick building. 84 The poor sheep-stealer is in a frenzy. 38 Mosquitoes are annoying in the summer and can even transmit illnesses. 70 A darkhaired man is speaking into a microphone while another man is sitting beside him. 87 One of the largest equity mutual funds, the Vanguard five hundred, is passively managed. 88 The ordinary observes him, looks to the sheriffs, and says aloud, 'The service for the dead!' 93 However, the groups denied the claims. 38 To make the Prius a reality, Toyota used a nickel metal hydride battery - a technology that was supported by the Energy Department's research. 142 date 4 Till mules foal ye shall not take our city, he thought, as he reflected on this speech, that Babylon might now be taken, 120 An unknown amount of Hungarian, Italian, and Romanian materiel was lost. 72 Come what come must. 20 It was Benavides, using Tippit's car radio, who first reported the killing of Patrolman Tippit at about one:sixteen p.m.: 121 This wedge prevents the trailer from rolling down the slope in case of brake failure. 85 We didn't get the necklace. 27 With the reorganisation of leading E.U. posts under the Lisbon Treaty, there was some criticism of each posts' vague responsibilities. 134 Fungi have been used for the production of antibiotics, and, more recently, various enzymes produced by fungi are used in detergents. 133 A Pegasus Airlines Boeing seven thirty-seven in northern Turkey departs the runway upon landing. 96 and tells us that in the state side, quote, such prisoners were safely associated whose manners and conduct evince a more liberal style of education, 149 On the other hand, the Secret Service had no knowledge whatever of Oswald, his background, or his employment at the Book Depository, 132 Climate also varies dramatically with altitude and with location on the Pacific Ocean or on the Sea of Japan. 109 Feel the heat of the weak dying flame. 38 relations 9 They used their own tools, and this without any dangerous consequences as regards facilitating the escape of others, 116 and surmounted with towers, and then finally a sixth wall 57 The man was Oswald. He was sitting alone in the rear of the main floor of the theatre near the right center aisle. 114 Since the Renaissance, the West evolved beyond the influence of the ancient Greeks and Romans and the Islamic world. 116 Sergeant Zahm expressed the opinion that the shot which struck President Kennedy in the neck at one hundred seventy-six point nine 130 A backdoor is a deliberate mechanism that is added to a cryptographic algorithm. 80 and with the full expectation that the money used to assist these enterprises will eventually be repaid. 104 The murdered individual was thus identified. The next step was to ascertain where and with whom she had last been seen. 119 Hey Lucy, have you remembered the lyrics for the anthem yet? 60 Sorry, I don't know what Sandy Go is. Did you mean San Diego? 61 On the other hand, the theory of special creation can only maintain that these rudiments are formed for the sake of adhering to an ideal type. 142 This adds to the conviction of the Commission that Oswald owned and handled the weapon used in the assassination. 113 What are you talking about? 27 Four hundred South Monroe Street, Apartment three oh four, Tallahassee, Florida. 80 and he had thus ample means of introducing to the prisoners the prohibited but always much-coveted and generally procurable weed. 129 and on entering it found the prisoners engaged in kicking bundles of wood from one end of the ward to the other. 112 It is not a process which can be completed overnight. 53 The causes also continued much the same. Passion, revenge, cupidity, sudden ebullitions of homicidal rage, 106 Retrograde amnesia is a loss of memory access to events that occurred before an injury or the onset of a disease. 113 Robert allied himself with Philip the First of France. 54 Come after me or one of mine, and that photograph will be everywhere by morning. 80 Do those guys standing against the bar look like trouble? 57 Hosty parked his car in the basement of police headquarters and there met an acquaintance, Lt. Jack Revill of the Dallas police force. 134 Rushton was treated at a local hospital for minor injuries and released. 72 Materials used to make bag. 27 and to experiment for a reasonable time with measures suitable to civilize our industrial civilization. 103 Using a recognized technique of determining whether a picture was taken with a particular camera, 97 problems 8 In eighteen forty-four 22 who quickly took the wax impression, handed it back to Pierce; Pierce replaced it, left the office, and the thing was done. 123 The incubation period is typically about two weeks. 51 For instance, the ground hog's separating unit pulled the grain across a screen. 80 In general, our family life began to deteriorate after we arrived in America. 77 Along a side wall of the lunchroom was a soft drink rending machine, but at that time the man had nothing in his hands. 119 It is hard to avoid the conclusion that lessons have been learned. 66 Another reason is that the city missed out on later economic developments. 74 Advances in molecular genetics have opened the way for D.N.A. analysis to be incorporated into taxonomy. 104 Get out of this! 16 A small population of the sheep exists on the mainland, and were largely placed through adoption. 97 Passing through Carlisle, she was told that Mr. Turner was in the town, but could not show himself. 99 Electric cars quickly became popular with urban residents - especially women. 77 The officers rushed out to detain him. "What have you got here? We must search the cart," they cry. 99 Four young children appear in this image wearing pants and shirts while they lounge in the room. 96 Although the Commission does not know whether the cases involved are entirely comparable, these figures suggest that the agents of the Secret Service are substantially overworked. 179 Noon 4 Within a couple of years the number of persons sentenced to death in England had fallen from four hundred and thirty-eight in eighteen thirty-seven 147 and our modern practice has prudently tried to steer between the two extremes, accepting as the best system a judicious combination of both. 140 his legs give way, he utters a faint groan, and sinks on the floor. 67 not even when he tried the means by which Cyrus had made himself master of the place. 85 Cummings, who had introduced Buncher to Griffiths, was also tried for being in possession of stolen bank paper for improper purposes. 133 following in part the comparisons of certain animals and plants by Sedgwick and Wilson and others. 98 A Dallas police car and several motorcycles at the rear kept the motorcade together and prevented unauthorized vehicles from joining the motorcade. 147 By nineteen twenty four the services covered even more areas. 61 State Route Twenty-six West, Carson City, Nevada. 49 Spoon cooled bread pudding onto serving plates. Drizzle warm sauce on top. 74 Paper is scarce, so write with much care. 41 A handsome sum was subscribed for the injured constable, who was disabled for life. 83 Electric cars quickly became popular with urban residents - especially women. 77 I'm thinking of getting a visa there but I have little to no idea how. 70 Oswald never asked Mrs. Paine about the use of curtain rods, 60 where he did as he wanted and he didn't have to live by any rules or come into contact with people, end quote. 110 For the moment, our position remains the same. 46 Nancy Pelosi breaks the record for the longest speech in the United States House of Representatives. 100 A short time later Mrs. Paine told her that someone had shot the President, quote, from the building in which Lee is working, end quote. 136 Instead it was a series of breakthroughs - from the battery to the electric motor - in the eighteen hundreds that led to the first electric vehicle on the road. 160 In this photo there is a young boy dressed as a baseball catcher kneeling behind home plate. 92 Pool operators need to maintain proper cleaning practices and disinfectant levels to prevent bacteria from growing and causing illnesses in swimmers. 149 In a cinematic rope-down maneuver, the special forces overwhelmed the criminals. 80 After the President had retired at his hotel, 45 Mrs. Ford said that Marina Oswald admitted that she provoked Oswald on occasion. 80 Let me think about that. 24 Surely when you explain the circumstances of our untimely call she'll understand. 81 Sorry, I didn't understand the date and time. 45 More than twenty one thousand four hundred acres of land are devoted to the memorialization of those who served this nation. 124 as a result of the investigation he ordered, he was satisfied that each of the agents performed his duties in an entirely satisfactory manner 141 Had they fielded a substitute team, Cal Ripken Junior's consecutive games streak would have been jeopardized. 109 But he stressed that the partnership is not a construction company. 67 notwithstanding the fact that Ambassador Stevenson had been abused by pickets in Dallas less than a month before. 113 That is a break with tradition. 31 Hello, world. 13 I told you homeboy, smuggling is being prosecuted. 50 Eleven oh one Holman Terrace, Houston, Texas. 45 Now there appeared to be no chance to get to Cuba, where he had thought he might find his communist ideal. The U.S. Government would not permit travel there 156 These intelligence-gathering activities monitor as much about the enemy's movement and operations as possible. 110 Mind is not an illusion, it just shares some descriptive qualities with illusions. 82 Its efforts appear to have been too largely directed at the "crank" threat. 75 We should celebrate our anniversary in the new karaoke bar. 59 Instead of modifying an existing vehicle, G.M. designed and developed the E.V. one from the ground up. 102 A thin stripe runs down the middle. 35 that when they were not carousing, plotting, or scheming, 57 This small house consists of three bedrooms and a bathroom. 59 professional 12 An indication of the nature of Lee's character at this time was provided in the spring of nineteen fifty, 105 So I got a blood test. 22 Please shut the door. 21 Nothing else remains over for us. 33 Many of them were otherwise and improperly occupied for hours every day in menial services for the governor, cleaning his windows or grooming his horse. 152 A young female student performing a downward kick to break a board held by her Karate instructor. 97 Try to trace the fine lines of the painting. 44 He's right. 11 Zopyrus, when they told him, not thinking that it could be true, went and saw the colt with his own eyes; 105 but when Nabonidus joined with the King of Egypt and with the wealthy Croesus of Lydia in an alliance against him, 114 Review the passenger safety card before takeoff and landing. Listen carefully to the safety briefing. 101 A crowd moves in two directions through a station, near pillars decorated with SpongeBob SquarePants. 101 I remember that I didn't look at the package very much but when I did look at it he did have his hands on the package like that, end quote, and at this point 157 Mr. Mullay went, and a second interview was agreed upon, when a third person, Mr. Owen, 87 In each case they were a goal down. 35 Some five hundred in all were arrested, but as only three of these were lodged in Newgate, I shall not recur to them in my narrative. 133 Councillors are expected to take a decision within the next few weeks. 70 That was the lesson to be learned from the European Championships. 66 commission 10 Throw algebra out or reevaluate your curriculum. 48 with the rakings of cheap singing-halls and billiard-rooms, the fast young men of London. 89 Candidates are organized into squads and inserted into a fictional country, known as Pineland, which is made up of several counties spanning North Carolina. 156 that anyone ever attacked any street demonstration in which Oswald was involved, except for the Bringuier incident mentioned above, 131 When Lee became a disciplinary problem upon his return to school in the fall of nineteen fifty-three, 101 Implicit confidence appears to have been placed in Watts, who was the son of an old and trusted employee, and, moreover, a young man of plausible address. 154 In that year, Albert Henry of the Cook Islands Party was elected as the first Premier. 86 The Thomas Fire is the fifth largest in modern Californian history. 67 One poor wretch, who had slept next the wall, said he had been literally unable to move for the pressure. 105 A white male who has everything covered but his face and hands is holding an accordion. 87 Truth eventually married an older slave named Thomas. 53 John acted as a secretary, and Edward was Milton's first biographer. 68 On another occasion the banker forged a gentleman's name while the latter was sitting with him in his private room, 115 This is unfair. 15 IT shouldn't come as a surprise, but it does. 45 In two thousand, the Prius was released worldwide, and it became an instant success with celebrities, helping to raise the profile of the car. 142 He could not help smiling. 26 Cristiano Ronaldo has won twenty four trophies in his career. 61 Asian women standing in front of a body of water and surrounded by trees with red leaves. 89 Need more space in your life? Download the NASA app on your device for the latest images, videos, news and more. 112 Cuvier himself practically gives up his second distinctive mark when he admits that it is wanting in the simpler animals. 121 Lincoln used the U.S. Army to protect escaped slaves and pushed through Congress the Thirteenth Amendment, which permanently outlawed slavery. 142 Saturday, June twentieth, eighteen forty-three. 47 reading into the Constitution words and implications which are not there, and which were never intended to be there. 116 Admiral Burkley, the President's physician, arrived at the hospital, quote, between three and five minutes following the arrival of the President, end quote. 157 Meanwhile the absconding clerk had coolly driven to a favorite dining-place in the West End, 92 Below that is a large white box. 32 the antlers of an existing deer furnish in their development a kind of "resume," or recapitulation, of the successive phases 124 As part of the eighteen fifty eight campaign, Lincoln took part in a series of highly publicized debates with his opponent and rival, Democrat Stephen A. Douglas. 162 And let it be recorded that the British bankers helped. 55 Harmonic society choral. 24 d 1 Cyrus, with the first approach of the ensuing spring, marched forward against Babylon. 86 For more information, please call the Air Transportation Division. 66 and it would have been almost impossible for Oswald to have hit the Governor without hitting the President first. 113 As a protagonist, the Brando of the early fifties had no code, only his instincts. 82 In planning its data processing techniques, the Secret Service should attempt to develop a system compatible with those of the agencies from which most of its data will come. 174 I was informed that this unnecessarily harassed his feelings, and that the object of such sermons was solely to console the prisoner, 133 He had to drink. 16 instructions 12 it had assumed enormous responsibilities -- on one side by the ownership of the Mostyn collieries, a valueless property, 120 Other Protective Measures and Aspects of Secret Service Performance 67 and who would be willing to support a reasonable amendment if they could agree on one. 86 The millennium edition of the album contains multiple remixes and the lyrics. 77 The American bison is, therefore, no longer considered an endangered species. 77 and the theft might have remained a mystery but for the subsequent bad faith of Pierce to his accomplice Agar. 110 and his death was not compassed until the executioner terminated his sufferings by hanging on to his legs. 106 The early phase of life moves fast. 35 Among them are many criminals. 30 These considerations no doubt had weight 40 The cost in each varied considerably, the general average being from one hundred twenty pounds to one hundred thirty pounds per cell. 133 It's so awful. 14 Using these formulas, the area of any polygon can be found by dividing the polygon into triangles. 98 If PRS concludes after investigation 36 Many of them consisted of one or two rooms at most. 51 In nineteen twenty, two Kurdish-inhabited areas were combined to form Kurdistan. 80 Radially symmetric organisms resemble a pie where several cutting planes produce roughly identical pieces. 106 Oswald at Window 16 Pennant speaks of Surgeons' Hall as a handsome building, ornamented with Ionic pilasters, and with a double flight of steps to the first floor. 143 According to their own statements the loss of the 'Dryad' was only one of six intentional shipwrecks with which they had been concerned. 136 I have tonight resigned as a member of the European Commission. 63 My God, I am hit, and saw both of the President's hands move up toward his neck. 80 This conspiracy was cleverly planned, but had scarcely so many ramifications as that of Saward. Its originators were a couple of men, 133 and with all the appearances of spontaneity as locomotive bodies, 65 he replied gaily that his regular work at the Crystal Palace office was useful as a sort of discipline, and kept him steady. 124 Thieves who rob friends deserve jail. 37 It's a commission, and it's for work, a year's work. 52 How aimlessly you eyed the toy engine. 38 They could be easily adjusted and were still solid enough to serve as a gun rest. 81 Yet to Clerkenwell were now committed the juveniles, and all who were inexperienced in crime. 93 A few go further, and are almost gluttonous. 44 Are you sure of that? 21 he whispered in the ear of the German pastor who attended him on the scaffold, 78 Did you see the chap over there with his arms in the air like he just doesn't care? 83 The mute muffled the high tones of the horn. 44 Season pork chops with salt and pepper to taste, and arrange in a medium oven safe skillet. 91 and as he was to some extent when he returned to the United States. 67 loans to the railroads and insurance companies and, finally, help for home owners and industry itself. 102 as it was occupied and appropriated in eighteen ten. 52 and the turnkey told Mr. Buxton that the "smell on first opening the door was enough to knock down a horse. 107 There such bills would be sent to the drawer to be initialed, and the forgery would have been at once detected. 111 He who fights and runs away, lives to fight another day. 56 md 2 drawn to this terrible exhibition by the example of his father, the more celebrated Edmund Kean, who had witnessed the execution of Thistlewood 143 It's impolite to ask a tree for its story unless you are ready to hear it in full length. 89 When shown the revolver, she stated that she recognized it as the one owned by her husband. 91 Moreover, Shaneyfelt testified that in his opinion the photographs were not composites of two different photographs 115 Code is used when secrets are sent. 35 It was not until Samuel Johnson's "A Dictionary of the English Language" that a more reliable English dictionary was produced. 126 When he saw the storm clouds in the sky, Jaka wished he would have remembered his umbrella. 91 The Middle Ages brought calligraphy to perfection. 50 I am going to. 14 Nature rarely makes new parts -- never, if she can avoid it -- but, on the contrary, adapts an old part to the new function. 124 The area is also popular for business conferences. 50 Heaven forbid! 14 advanced 8 It could also offer advantages for testing in the United States. 64 Title forty nine empowers the F.A.A. to prescribe regulations and minimum safety standards. 91 so that their field might be plowed. 36 It has obtained the services of outside consultants, such as the Rand Corporation, I.B.M., and a panel of psychiatric and psychological experts. 144 I woke up to the screech of my neighbor practicing trumpet. 59 The protective task is further complicated by the reluctance of Presidents to take security precautions which might interfere with the performance of their duties, 163 We are making tremendous progress accelerating sites through the entire Superfund remediation process and returning them to safe and productive reuse, said Administrator Scott Pruitt. 183 Doctor Stenson will speak on standard cures for goiter. 55 a warrant was issued for his apprehension, which was effected at Kennington on the twenty-fourth March. 103 Review the Traveler's Checklist. 32 foreigners, vindictive, reckless, and truculent ruffians, easily moved to murderous rage. 89 download 8 Two men who are both wearing orange reflector vests are hauling some heavy material on an escalator. 100 They met in Mesopotamia. 24 Dresden, Bordeaux, Marseilles, and Lyons. 41 Better be ignorant than obstinate. 34 Two people, one man and one women in the woods putting something in a tub. 74 but a radio reporter testified that Euins described the man to him as, quote, colored, end quote. 97 There is no maximum score for difficulty, as it can keep increasing as the difficulty of the skills increase. 109 now you try 11 Thomas Jefferson countered that Congress's powers can all be carried into execution without a national bank. 108 his presence in the School Book Depository job and its location along the route of the motorcade. 97 Britain handed the island back to the French at the Treaty of Paris in seventeen sixty three. 93 At length a man was caught in the act of passing a forged cheque at the Union Bank, 83 And what did you do then? 25 He was promptly rescued from his perilous condition, but not before his face and hands were badly scorched. 107 Show me some gratitude. 23 As Marguerite Oswald testified, quote, 38 It was not strange that subordinates should neglect their duty when superiors set the example. 94 They leased hundreds of private hospitals and hotels for the rush of returning injured war Veterans and began a program of building new hospitals. 146 If a bullet is missing, five were fired. This corresponds with the observation and memory of Ted Callaway, and possibly Warren Reynolds, 136 Now she abused the jury, now called Manning a vagabond, 55 That's the truth. 17 It is, properly speaking, the most universal mathematics of all. 64 Before the assassination the Secret Service infrequently requested other Federal law enforcement agencies to provide personnel to assist in its protection functions. 165 art 3 and the great transporting and manufacturing and distributing agencies, 71 A second will, also forged, was propounded at Doctors Commons as that of a Mrs. Hunt of Bristol. 96 In twenty fourteen, he published "A Call to Action: Women, Religion, Violence, and Power". 90 Chapter four. The Assassin: Part eight. 39 he left his wedding ring in a cup on the dresser in his room. He also left one hundred seventy dollars in a wallet in one of the dresser drawers. 145 Within the constraints of her mind, there was no going back. 60 as she leant back he put his foot against the chair, and so tilted it over. 75 There was also some confusion that internal changes were made. 62 Welles guest starred on television shows including "I Love Lucy". 65 At the forty fifth Academy Awards ceremony, Brando sent Littlefeather to read a fifteen-page speech detailing his criticisms. 125 Happening Now: Admiral John C. Aquilino assumes command of the U.S. Pacific Fleet from Admiral Scott H. Swift during a ceremony at Pearl Harbor. 144 There was a master's side for females who could pay the usual fees, but they associated with the rest in the one narrow yard common to all. 139 Do you already have a registration form? 40 But an open farm of a thousand acres would have offered abundant chances of escape, which some at least would have attempted, probably with success. 148 A great concourse of people attended on this melancholy occasion. 65 The legitimacy of the state's lands was derived from the lands being the personal possession of the monarch. 108 Den Watts returned fourteen years after he was believed to have died, a feat repeated by Kathy Beale in twenty fifteen. 119 Miss Bankes seems to have counted upon some species of whitewashing, no less than the repudiation of the other marriage, 120 She testified that she told him, quote, 39 In nineteen ninety nine, after installation of security fencing and other safety precautions, the tower observation deck reopened to the public. 144 he was a man esteemed and respected in society and the world of finance, incapable as it was thought of a dishonest deed. 121 The dune rose from the edge of the water. 41 However, this is usually infeasible given the computing resources required. 75 There is no indication that any of the agents who visited the Cellar Coffee House had any intoxicating drink at that establishment. 131 Chapter seven. Lee Harvey Oswald: Background and Possible Motives, Part six. 76 and the Vice President and Mrs. Johnson were in the receiving line to greet President and Mrs. Kennedy. 103 On entering, Lovelady saw a girl on the first floor who he believes was Victoria Adams. 87 Each penny shone like new. 26 and as Fenning, although convicted and executed, protested her innocence in the most solemn manner to the last, 111 Hocker was so overcome, feeling himself the principal cause of the tragedy, 75 So many applications for admission were made to the sheriffs, 61 The child was rushed to the hospital after swallowing a crayon. 63 These designations were created during the Renaissance and reflect the perspective on history, and the self-image, of the latter period. 136 The general similarity of the three series is complete. 55 There is no signature. 22 It is a job creation scheme. 28 The FBI was advised by the rental agent for the Oswalds' apartment in New Orleans that they had moved again. 108 Sorry, I couldn't find an answer to your question. 50 Animals further needed muscles for locomotion and nerves for sensibility. 73 Luckily, the dagger couldn't penetrate the bullet proof vest. 61 I.B.M. offers an emulator which runs on Linux on X eighty six machines. 71 Later these views were combined, so most educated Greeks from the fourth century B.C. on thought that the Earth was a sphere at the center of the universe. 155 A woman wearing a red beaded necklace sits on a wooden deck while reading. 74 A construction site with a worker in a green bandanna sitting down as he works on something. 92 In some form or other we need fun. 34 A gold ring will please most any girl. 38 Nor must it be overlooked that this, the first model prison, although obtained at a considerable cost, became actually what its name implied. 141 Proposals were submitted by Boeing, General Dynamics and North American Rockwell in January nineteen seventy. 109 On the scaffold he made a violent attempt to loosen his bonds, and succeeded in getting his hands free. 103 and a servant hurriedly alighted from it, bearing a letter for Miss Turner. 75 The role of the signaling pathway is recognized, but less well understood. 74 this Commission has necessarily examined into the functioning of the various Federal agencies concerned with the tragic trip of President Kennedy to Dallas 155 Seven: Secret Service Personnel and Facilities 46 My sisters aren’t telling me everything I need to know to get there. 68 These rooms were for the emergency treatment of acutely ill or injured patients. Although the first message mentioned an injury only to President Kennedy, 154 national 8 The period of performance begins July second with a one-year base, followed by nine one-year options. 101 However, the nineteen sixty-four to sixty-five budget request was submitted in November nineteen sixty-three. 109 To help reach these emissions savings, in twenty twelve President Obama launched the E.V. Everywhere Grand Challenge. 117 On the morning of the President's arrival, 42 However, the public outcry, and the overwhelming expenses associated with the demolition, saved the building. 109 In the context of this budding interest, N. C. Paul published his Treatise on Yoga Philosophy in eighteen fifty one. 116 The judges will give a ruling next Wednesday. 45 Seven fourteen East Capitol Avenue, Frankfort, Kentucky. 56 During his campaign for president, Vicente Fox became well known for his unique cowboy style and popular charisma. 114 taken at the time of his arrest. 32 Mr. Bates had been confidential managing clerk, and was taken into the firm not alone as a reward for long and faithful service 127 Astronaut or real-life Iron Man? In the ninetten seventies, we built this experimental space suit dubbed the A. X. Three. 121 National laws are needed to complete that program. 50 based on other evidence, to have fired the shots from the window. 65 A group of people on a riverbank some sitting on the grass some standing. 73 Volume of bilateral trade during twenty eleven was just nineteen million dollars. 81 The hungry army arrived as the beans ripened. 45 In fact, this view is still present in many outdated teaching materials. 72 It will also require a lengthy series of clinical trials. 57 When asked if Oswald requested the note back she testified that, quote, He forgot about it. But apparently 106 Frazier's view of the bag was from the rear. He continually advised that he was not paying close attention. For example, he said, quote, 136 he personally visited several English jails, and pointed his observations by drawing forcible contrasts between the good and bad. 129 PRS also maintains an album of photographs and descriptions of about twelve to fifteen individuals who are regarded as clear risks to the President 147 What must I do? 15 Me too, so I try to get plenty wherever I go. 45 Lifeguards were standing on a tower, staring at the water. 58 The loud shout of the multitude once more subsided, or only fell upon the abstracted ear like the dreamy murmur of an ocean shell. 130 If you dig this tunnel below the building it will collapse, so I urge you to not do it. 87 That was the question. 22 who in solemn tones communicated to each in turn the fate in store for him. 75 She said she was so exhausted and unhappy that she thought of leaving, and she did. 83 The flight was delayed by twenty two minutes. 45 Canada was formed from the unification of northern territories controlled by Britain and France. 96 The four color problem remained unsolved for more than a century. 65 A pound of sugar costs more than eggs. 38 The mission of E.P.A. is to protect human health and the environment. 69 The constitution of eighteen eighty nine provided for the election of no fewer than three Supreme Court justices, and one Chief Justice. 136 It's about my time as a guitarist. 34 Currently, the D.F.A. test is the only internationally approved test to confirm rabies in animals. 98 A thousand years ago the church was a powerful force in Europe. 63 Early Mockingboard models ranged from three voices in mono, while some later designs had six voices in stereo. 110 spoke severely of the gross deception practiced upon an innocent girl, and sentenced the brothers each to three years' imprisonment, 132 This will help you effectively collaborate with developers and coordinate cross-team projects throughout your career. 117 It was also greatly expanded by the Arab importation of both Ancient Greco-Roman and new technology from India and China to Europe. 131 Like his acting, it was an accident. 36 This free-flying Star Wars inspired robot can't train you to use a lightsaber, but it's lending a helping hand to astronauts. 125 What is the matter? 19 Does it matter? 15 He lent his coat to the tall gaunt stranger. 44 while in fourteen seventy at Paris Udalric Gering and his associates turned out the first books printed in France, also in Roman character. 139 Does the sensor still have the same deficits when it comes to interoperability with other vendors? 98 The first constable who entered Thistlewood ran through the body with a sword, but others quickly followed, 107 he was still untried, but would almost certainly have escaped with a minor penalty, say of three or four months' imprisonment. 126 Here's your schedule for Wednesday. 35 Besides this, although the families of debtors were no longer permitted to live with them inside the jail, 106 photography 11 If the sick could be removed, the vessel remained under his orders. 67 It's five forty-eight P.M. 26 Everyone needs time to think through responses to difficult conversations. 74 The doctor removed her gloves. 30 Did he trip? 12 Do not freeze. 14 Happy hardcore is a fast style of techno music, that was kind of popular in the nineties. 89 He made no distinct admissions even on the scaffold; but when the chaplain at the last moment exhorted him to confess, 118 I will briefly describe one or two of the more remarkable murders in the years immediately following, then pass on to another branch of crime. 142 In the plant, starch, as has been seen, is first formed in the chlorophyll-bodies. 82 They cannot distinguish a gray rain cloud from a puffy white cloud. 67 Press the "Submit Comment" button. 34 This recording is corrupted. 28 I find this ferry boring. 25 Fourteen national cemeteries are maintained by the Department of the Interior. 78 Ten dollars in cash was enclosed. 33 He now put in requisition the rope made of the sheets, and with its help lowered himself into the street. 105 The rule was rescinded in eighteen ninety seven. 48 thus disposing of the objection so long raised against the industrial employment of prisoners in Newgate. 105 Well, in order to achieve three hits, it would not be required that a man be an exceptional shot. A proficient man with this weapon, yes, end quote. 148 And Michael was just great. 27 Krapps walked at once into the yard and across to the female side, where he found some of the washing still hanging out to dry. 127 environmental 13 Enter your comment. 19 I wasn't able to register with the bridge. Did you push the button on the hub? 78 It was a funny game. 20 Fish evade the net and swim off. 32 All the buildings are small in scale and of brick construction. 63 which came when the safes were sent to Chubbs' to be repaired; and Chubbs sent them back, but only with one key, 112 How came you here? 18 The doctor cured him with these pills. 38 publishing 10 has lost touch with, and has lost the sympathy of, the communities it pretends to serve. 88 As with most technology, there are potential benefits and risks to teens' social media use. 91 In addition the tape was compared to determine whether the sample tape and the tape on the bag had been taken from the tape dispensing machine at the Depository. 161 Regardless of the set up, their goal is to get your bank account or credit card number. 87 It could be at the user interface, code, design, or even architectural level. 77 Sooner or later, they'll find out how to read these hieroglyphics. 66 Oswald posed for two pictures 29 I was inspired by two things. 29 The recommendations we have here suggested would greatly advance the security of the office without any impairment of our fundamental liberties. 144 N.A.S.A. plans to launch the rocket tomorrow. 45 Drop the two when you add the figures. 38 Finding Gas Stations in Palo Alto. 34 Carlo Ferrari, who made a living by exhibiting white mice about the streets, 76 who deserted, and was pursued, but without success. 51 The movie fared poorly in theaters. 35 Our NASA Interns aim to do extraordinary things! 48 On each lobe of the bi-lobed leaf of Venus flytrap are three delicate filaments which stand out at right angles from the surface of the leaf. 141 Livingstone later died in Zambia in eighteen seventy three. 59 Some idea of what he thought was sufficient reason for such an act may be found in the nature of the motive that he stated for his attack on General Walker. 156 all the avenues to the prison gates were blocked by ticket-holders. 67 and had he but been able to remove its iron bars, he might have descended into Newgate Street by means of a rope ladder. 120 or Thomas Jefferson from Washington to Monticello. 50 Fish evade the net and swim off. 32 In addition, certain areas are closed at certain times. 55 He unfortunately got pick-pocketed and lost his wallet and passport. 68 they each contained four small rooms or "cabins" seven feet square, 67 Sicilian Roasted Chicken 24 Locating Mexican Restaurants in San Francisco, California. 58 When the trip was planned for only one day, Governor Connally had opposed the motorcade because there was not enough time. The Governor stated, however, that, quote, 165 Moreover, although it remains true that there is an inverse relation between the green plant in sunshine and the animal, 120 and that after hanging for the regulated time he was taken down and easily restored to consciousness. 101 Again the following year the inspectors repeat their charge. 60 In fourteen sixty-five Sweynheim began printing in the monastery of Subiaco near Rome. 86 A young man in a gray jacket stands behind the counter of a jewelery store and smiles. 86 may be gathered from the statement that as many as three hundred were often admitted on the same day 100 The Chief Minister, along with the council of ministers, drives the legislative agenda and exercises most of the executive powers. 130 The car sold for six thousand three hundred and sixty nine pounds. 66 The Warren Commission Report. By The President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy. Chapter seven. 117 In nineteen eighty three, the first autonomous elections were held. 67 A stiff cord will do to fasten your shoe. 41 et 2 I called him into the bathroom and I closed the door and I wanted to prevent him and then I started to cry. 107 So that I know not where we can hope to find any absolute distinction between animals and plants, unless we return to their mode of nutrition. 142 promptly closed three days later for some obscure reasons by the renters, 73 Checking Outlook. 17 All of the major work and training is completed by phase six, the graduation phase, which involves a week of out-processing. 124 A man in a white longsleeve shirt and black cap holding a bottled drink under his arm. 86 The doorknob was made of bright clean brass. 44 The vendors on the waterfront also have a great view of the East River. 71 Potter wrote about thirty books; the best known being her twenty four children's tales. 87 and often it is advisable for some people to remain in the background, not underground, end quote. 98 Many reasons were cited for its failure at the time, including competition from films such as Pulp Fiction and Forrest Gump. 124 while in Ireland a wife dashed out her husband's brains with a hammer. 70 But on out-of-town trips where the route is decided on and made public only a few days in advance, 98 His father sold the vase before they realized its value. 56 serving only coffee, fruit juices and no hard liquors or beer, end quote. 73 Marina Oswald's inability to speak English also made it more difficult for her to have an independent existence in this country. 128 Six: Inspection of Buildings 28 It shall be done! 17 He presented Arnold Johnson, Gus Hall, 38 During the next two years the FBI continued to accumulate information, 70 now seldom contained more than ten or a dozen each. Some sort of decorum was maintained among the occupants in the day-time. 124 and thus bring the history of prison discipline down to our own times. 70 I was the sheep. 16 Domestic agencies were not effectively mobilized. 49 We first met each other under the Eiffel tower, it was magical. 63 observing him, hastened down, and setting one of the gates slightly ajar, questioned him who he was, and on what errand he had come. 132 He also expressed considerable resentment at the help given to his wife by her Russian-American friends. 104 The consequences were plainly proved to the inspectors. 55 incident to its responsibilities. 33 If this continues to happen, you can set the I.P. address of the bridge in the Mycroft configuration file. 106 On the dirty bedstead lay a wretched being in the throes of severe illness. 75 Slide the tray across the glass top. 36 President Kennedy rode on the right-hand side of the rear seat with Mrs. Kennedy on his left. 93 But discipline was to be maintained if necessary by punishment, 63 I thought I was being clever. 29 A State Department official says no decision has been made on the one hundred twenty-five million dollar payment to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency. 159 to do them mere justice, there was at least till then a half-drunken ribald gaiety among the crowd that made them all akin." 124 Hopefully, we can learn from our mistakes. 42 Historic mills were usually powered by water, wind or horse power. 66 Two men in white shirts with matching logos inspect the engine of a vintage red convertible. 92 Both ran to the sidewalk on the east side of Patton at a point about a half a block south of tenth. 99 I did not know. 15 learning 8 The V.A. Home Loan Guaranty Program is the only provision of the original G.I. Bill that is still in force. 107 Let me introduce you to Antonio. 32 The prison officers were called, but Watts was quite cold and stiff when he was cut down. 89 To date, the F.T.C. has brought more than a hundred lawsuits against over six hundred companies and individuals responsible for billions of illegal robocalls and other Do Not Call violations. 191 The two brothers started at once for Liverpool, where Miss Turner was at school with a Mrs. Daulby. 99 You can even search for phone numbers to see if other people have reported them as scams. 89 he instinctively turned to his right because the shot appeared to come from over his right shoulder. 100 The ship appeared to be constructed with some form of chromium exoskeleton. 75 The beam dropped down on the workman's head. 44 is three to four short blocks south of Lamar and Elm. If Oswald left the bus at twelve:forty-four p.m. 102 For this purpose Jordan waited on the receiver to make a small payment, for which he tendered a fifty-pound note. 113 discussed in chapter six of this report. 40 A mother and young son hold hands while entering a community center that is under construction. 95 In puris naturalibus. 21 Aviation is still one of the safest ways to travel. 51 then her estimate of the time when she descended from the fourth floor is incorrect, 84 individual 10 and was in fact the kind of letter used in the many splendid missals, psalters, etc., produced by printing in the fifteenth century. 132 and none are more commendable than that which deprecates the excessive ornamentation of the external parts of the edifice. 122 called on the people of Dallas to be "congenial hosts" even though "Dallas didn't vote for Mr. Kennedy in nineteen sixty, 121 who was presently attacked in the same way as the others, but, but, thanks to the prompt administration of remedies, he recovered. 130 Mrs. Atkinson's symptoms had been the same as Dixon's. Then Mrs. Wilson went to live with a man named Taylor, 109 The smell at one o'clock of the day "was something more than can be expressed by the term disgusting." 102 The Board will continue to work in partnership with E.P.A. to ensure ongoing protection of the Los Angeles River and other regional waterways. 142 Bubbles surrounded the two little girls with redhair as they stood in front of the red wagon. 93 World leaders gathered for the U.N. meeting. 44 While there is no proof that he saved fifteen hundred dollars, as he claimed, 77 The Tree of Life is a Terrence Malick film released in May twenty eleven, starring Brad Pitt, Sean Penn and Jessica Chastain. 125 picked up a coat-button, which afterwards played an important part in the identification of the murderer. 105 Follow floor lighting to exit. 30 If you're shopping in the Health Insurance Marketplace, do it at healthcare dot gov. 84 had the same observable characteristics both under the microscope and all the visual tests that I could conduct. 112 I'm doing well 14 A clergyman nearly a century later followed in the steps of Dr. Dodd, but did not under more humane laws lose his life. 119 Someone who cares 17 How about Egypt? 16 When Pic returned home, Mrs. Oswald tried to play down the event but Mrs. Pic took a different view and asked the Oswalds to leave. 131 They seem to get away with it. 30 I was in the train station overnight. 37 Nichols and Shepard realized the apron style separator was not a promising technology. 86 Nor did the methods by which they were perpetrated greatly vary from those in times past. 89 the man guilty of a common assault found himself side by side with the fraudulent, or others who had attempted abominable crimes. 129 These are problems that would need to be managed in addition to the existing set of issues present at any large incident. 121 and the abolition of the practice of burning females for petty treason, more than one woman suffered this penalty at the Old Bailey. 132 NASA has selected two finalist concepts for a robotic mission planned to launch in the mid twenty twenties. 107 medical 7 Congress took note and passed the Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Research, Development, and Demonstration Act of nineteen seventy six. 131 It takes a lot of help to finish these. 39 The order was, however, at length obeyed, and the whole of the prisoner's clothes were minutely searched. 105 Lee told Carro, his probation officer, that he liked to be by himself because he had too much difficulty in making friends. 123 The pods of peas ferment in bare fields. 40 uncontrolled conversation with visitors of the very worst description -- prostitutes, thieves, receivers of stolen goods 120 Weakness of the muscles that move the jaw may cause difficulty chewing. 71 The time is now eight oh seven A.M. 35 and that the wide streets that we would use downtown would be of sufficient width to keep the public out of our way. 116 the principle of classification was freshly enunciated; prison regulations were framed for general observance. 110 Old man with black shirt throws hands up while sitting next to white woman and white man. 89 V.H.A. evolved from the first federal soldiers' facility established for Civil War Veterans of the Union Army. 110 Dunk the stale biscuits into strong drink. 42 of vice and misery, debasing all who are confined within their walls, and disseminating through their respective communities 124 Growth is their means of mobility. 34 The task imposed upon them, tending as it did to the imposition of a fine upon the local authorities, was not a pleasant one, 125 long enough before his departure to apprise him of any particular problems encountered and the responsive action taken. 119 before 6 Do you speak German? 20 Benefits of the Industrial Recovery Program have come, 54 In soccer, Cristiano Ronaldo becomes the shared all-time top scorer in the Champions League group stage. 104 Leanne joined a choir so everyone could hear her sublime singing voice. 71 After that time, the market itself will set the prices. 55 Once symptoms appear, rabies is nearly always fatal, so identifying cases and starting treatment early is critical to a patient's survival. 139 Misses Thatcher was in the right place, at the right time. 58 H.P.V. vaccines do not currently protect against the virus strains responsible for plantar warts. 97 One of the six major orthodox schools of Hinduism is also called Yoga. 70 A sash of gold silk will trim her dress. 40 Our efforts here should be as strong as they were in combating closed societies during the Cold War. 100 John looked out the window of the show-house, happy he had mortgage approval, but worried about the repayments. 111 developing 10 The felons' side has a similar accommodation, and this mode of introducing the beverage is adopted because no publican as such 126 How big can elephants be? 25 A man wearing glasses is reading his cellphone and holding a drink in the other hand. 85 nearly indefinitely deferred. 29 By October, Ukrainian grain exports reached eleven million metric tons. 71 The indigenous people have resorted to legal means to reinstate their N.C.R. 76 that women should be frequently kept from chapel in order that they might attend the ladies' lectures and exhortations. 119 Firearms identification. 24 Elena will be late. 19 it was natural that the workers should seek and obtain a statutory declaration of their constitutional right 108 After searching their records from ten p.m. to four a.m. 56 In a medium bowl combine the broth, wine, lemon juice and cornstarch. Mix together and pour mixture over chicken and mushrooms. 127 Now this is the permanent, mature condition of many amphibians, 63 the burglar muttering curses and savage expressions of defiance; whilst the poor sheep-stealer shakes hands with the turnkeys, 126 As a result of these studies, the planning document submitted by the Secretary of the Treasury to the Bureau of the Budget on August thirty-one, 144 which first appeared in the appropriation of the Department of Justice in nineteen ten under the heading, quote, Miscellaneous Objects, end quote. 146 S.E.C. Charges Three Former Healthcare Executives With Fraud 60 The Secret Service will be better able to plan its own long-range personnel requirements if it knows with reasonable certainty 126 Read the Safety and Security section on the country information page. 69 The Drive through Dallas 24 Constructing a cipher or hash to exhibit a substantial avalanche effect is one of its primary design objectives. 112 with the particular purposes of the agency involved. 52 There was an e-mail. 20 This is but one action among many we can take to minimize the scourge of marine debris. 87 Howard replied, desiring Mr. Mullay to call upon him in a house in Red Lion Square. 83 The actual execution made some impression. 42 He had led a wild life; had left his native land and enlisted first in the French army in Algeria, 98 beneath them was a layer of fresh mortar, beneath that a lot of loose earth, amongst which a stocking was turned up, and presently a human toe. 143 Next time. 10 He left Newgate utterly corrupted, and after lapsing into crime, soon returned with a very different character. 111 It's hard to pinpoint the invention of the electric car to one inventor or country. 83 the Commission does believe that there are aspects of the protective measures employed in the motorcade at Dallas which deserve special comment. 144 Pedestrians were standing on a sidewalk paved with cobblestone. 63 beginning on September thirteen, when the Times-Herald announced in a front page article that President Kennedy was planning a brief one-day tour of four Texas cities 166 The decision was announced at its annual conference in Dunfermline. 67 They are men who walk the middle of the road. 45 I do not think that Mister Diaz can be trusted. 47 features 8 Breakfast buns are fine with a hot drink. 41 Please, call me James. 22 Stevenson was jeered, jostled, and spat upon by hostile demonstrators outside the Dallas Memorial Auditorium Theater. 117 A elderly father and his grown son are preparing for a camping trip in the wild. 80 while the eyes of the latter are wandering round the chapel, and one of them is occasionally winked impudently at some acquaintance amongst the prisoners for trial. 164 The guidelines are expected to be finalized before next spring. 63 William McPherson, a well-known Boston decorator and painter, designed the room. 80 from Peru bound to Bordeaux, which had foundered at sea; 56 Both he and Hines were the longest serving executives in V.A.'s history. 72 In his independent investigation, Arthur Mandella of the New York City Police Department 88 I walled up its side with mortar and burned bricks, and I united it securely with the moat-walls of my father. 110 one hundred seventy dollars in a wallet in his wife's room in Irving. 69 The Cabinet is split over the issue. 36 She was very happy to start a new job at a superb private practice in North Square near the Duke Street Tower. 110 Teens share a lot of their personal information. 48 little 6 Paramount was initially opposed to his decision to name the movie "The Godfather Part Two". 91 Come in, come in! 17 threw the constable on his back, and violently assaulted him by jumping on his chest and stomach, 97 they stand up and piously pronounce themselves patriots, displaying their war medals that they gained in conflicts long past between themselves. 144 Some ninety three percent of tourists are from other areas of the U.S. 70 A woman playing beach volleyball is diving for the ball as it falls towards the sand. 85 We have an election in eight days. 34 Christian Reconstructionism is a fundamentalist Calvinist theonomic movement that has remained rather obscure. 110 Setting the brightness to seventy-five percent. 47 Attacking these virtual villains will increase your notoriety online. 69 No compliments, pray Without ceremony, Without the organ, Without repetition. 77 We should all go back to living in the trees, much simpler. 59 The assassination suggests that it would have been of prime importance 70 The paper box is full of thumb tacks. 37 The danger from a concealed sniper on the Dallas trip was of concern to those who had considered the problem. 109 Wait a minute! 14 It was sent in an envelope bearing the same name and return address in handwriting. 83 Least talk most work. 21 (if man may speak so confidently of His great impenetrable counsels), for an eternal Testimony of His great work in the confusion of Man's pride, 145 The frequency and extent of processes against debtors seventy or eighty years ago will appear almost incredible 111 A bus-shaped giant cat halts at the stop, and Totoro boards it, taking the umbrella. 84 He concluded, quote, There is no doubt in my mind that these fibers could have come from this shirt. 100 The exchange of letters dated August thirty-one, nineteen sixty-four, 69 I think, therefore I am? 24 That fact led some early cable channels to call themselves superstations. 73 differed little from that kept in view in the construction of the latest and best modern jails. 95 In order to give greater value to the pamphlet, 47 A group of young people dressed in mostly black are around a table getting ready to eat. 88 He was inducted into the National Academy of Engineering in twenty fifteen. 75 The rope will bind the seven books at once. 43 He is in the queue. 19 It is satisfactory to be able to record that some consideration was shown the capital convict actually awaiting execution. 122 Two people with a bit of equipment sitting on some rocks with snow in the background. 85 Dumbfounded, she told him calmly that a pound of feathers weighs the same as a pound of steel. 94 It wasn't a penalty, it was outside the area. 45 The brutal callousness of the bulk of the inmates of the press-yard may be gathered from the prison punishment-book, which frequently recorded such entries as the following: 173 the security processing of gifts sent to the President, and technical inspections against covert listening devices. 115 This office, called the Vice President's Ceremonial Office, served as the Navy Secretary's Office when the E.E.O.B. housed the State, Navy and War Departments. 159 Let us sit down. 16 the lateral compression of his letters renders necessary. 57 there 5 he drew together all his power and began the war by marching straight upon Babylon and laying siege to the place. 113 On the other hand, Lords Cranworth and Wensleydale recommended private executions; so did Mr. Spencer Walpole, M.P. 115 Hammond-Suzuki continues to manufacture a variety of organs for both professional players and churches. 103 The month of February was added to the Roman calendar. 54 Mr Lincoln is my mentor. 24 Twenty years of experience with this system have justified the efforts made to create it, 89 I took her for a rose, but she turned out a thorn. 50 From seventeen forty eight to seventeen sixty, Lessing lived in Berlin. 71 C.D.C. provides specific recommendations for operating public pools, hot tubs and water playgrounds in the Model Aquatic Health Code. 133 At about the time he reached the President's automobile, 56 Had such a review been undertaken by the FBI, 45 and in the face of the overwhelming evidence against him 56 The moral welfare of the inmates was as closely looked after as the physical. 77 In May of nineteen fifty-nine, on another range, Oswald scored one hundred ninety-one, which was one point over the minimum for ranking as a "marksman." 152 The Presidential limousine. 27 Assistant Chief Batchelor of the Dallas police noted the absence of any formal statement by the Secret Service of specific work assigned to the police 150 in all good faith to another, but a criminal member of the family. 66 Many negotiation tactics exist. 31 He himself prepared it on a blank form which he had brought with him on purpose. 80 both in controlling his subordinates and in protecting the prisoners from petty tyranny and oppression, every one of whom he was to see once every twenty-four hours. 165 In the country of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. 54 The old hound was unenthused at the sight of the cat. 53 Thank God for that! 19 Nobody wanted to discuss how we all ended up trapped in a giant lunchbox. 73 protection 10 Why are gully covers round? 27 he worked along to the roofs in Warwick Lane. 45 The new sonic screwdriver is meant to represent the Tardis. 59 They ingest solid proteinaceous food, 37 The law comprises forty two articles and eight chapters. 56 and by the passengers in the jump seats. 40 Elevated approximately fifteen inches above the back of the front seat 70 Advise the Bureau at the same time by teletype of the information so furnished to the Secret Service and the fact that it has been so disseminated. 147 The files are manually maintained, without use of any automatic data-processing techniques. 91 Beat the dust from the rug onto the lawn. 41 It was later discovered that prokaryotic cells, which do not have a nucleus, also contain nucleic acids. 104 Only a few glaring evils still demanded a remedy. 49 with what he wrote while on the way back to the United States and after his return. 83 Like a set, it contains members. 32 This beer has been brewed in Germany, more specifically in Bavaria. 67 Just a second. 14 Waves broke across the sand in an endless susurration. 54 and they would never accept a new order complete beyond their understanding, end quote. 87 Tobey caught a tadpole and a toad down by the creek. 52 The forms of printed letters should be beautiful, and their arrangement on the page should be a help to the shapeliness of the letters themselves. 146 tv 2 admissions and other statements made to Marina Oswald by Oswald concerning the shooting. Note left by Oswald. 109 The plan adopted for ventilating the dining-room on the 'master's side' and that of the middle yard is very inefficient; 120 While it has long the shelf life, the items will expire in twenty-twenty-six. 77 The post office box to which the rifle was shipped was rented to "Lee H. Oswald" from October nine, nineteen sixty-two, 119 which, having possessed herself of the murdered man's keys, she rifled from end to end. 87 A little kid holds up a remote control in front of the television. 66 four Presidents of the United States have been assassinated 59 Hence it is conceivable that even the simplest living being may possess a nervous system. 89 as well as useless muscles to move the ears and the skin, and also a very much reduced hairy covering over the surface of the body. 131 They were an abject, miserable crew, cowards at heart; but some, especially Lopez, continued bloodthirsty to the last. 118 in an adjoining house, that of an undertaker, was Lord Alfred Paget, also with several friends. 95 Who can predict? 16 His commitment to Marxism and communism appears to have been another important factor in his motivation. 104 A man of birth and education, a member of the bar, and of acknowledged legal attainments, his proclivities were all downward. 125 There were nine wards in all on the female side, one of them in the attic, 74 Honda has sold more than one point three million hybrids worldwide. 67 Everything happened so quickly, that we were taken by surprise. 63 The first true crocodiles evolved, pushing the large amphibians to near extinction. 83 We encourage the aquatics sector to follow recommendations for the design, construction, operation, and management of recreational water facilities. 148 Arriving almost simultaneously were the President's follow-up car, the Vice President's automobile, and the Vice President's follow-up car. 139 Dwyer managed to overpower his assailant, and got to his feet; but Cannon butted at him with his head, and again threw him to the ground, 137 A yellow gloved diver with a snorkel and mask swims underwater carrying a box with a handle. 92 However, the theory is not supported by controlled research studies. 68 It may be added that prison life did not agree with "Money Moses"; a striking change came over his appearance while in Newgate. 127 said that she may have seen the gray zipper jacket but she was not certain. 75 It has also used other Federal law enforcement agents during Presidential visits to cities in which such agents are stationed. 126 I'm sure you'll soon be able to enlighten us all as to the real state of affairs. 81 where they inevitably meet with further contamination from the society of the most abandoned and incorrigible inmates of the jail." 131 A man in a baseball cap works to spread cement behind a line of yellow caution tape. 84 However, there is an issue, isn't there? 40 On each lobe of the bi-lobed leaf of Venus flytrap are three delicate filaments which stand out at right angles from the surface of the leaf. 141 A man wearing a yellow tshirt is shouting into a microphone while an audience is listening. 91 Mescaline has hallucinogenic effect. 36 november 8 The goose appears to be listening to the banjo player that is sitting on the park bench. 88 It will last about a year, when it will reenter Earth's atmosphere and burn up in. 82 One tablespoon chopped fresh parsley, for garnish. 50 A middleaged couple is at the foreground of a scene of people walking in a theme park. 86 A boy improvises bowling, using a basketball released toward aerosol cans set up as bowling pins. 97 Scotland had great assets. 26 Some time in eighteen sixty-two, a large deficiency in stock of bank paper unglazed was discovered at the mills. 112 The bills were mailed promptly on the tenth of the month. 57 There was little conversation between them on the way home. 59 Bacteria cause respiratory illness and skin rashes. 51 According to his testimony, Smith told the FBI, quote, It looked more like him than it did on television, end quote, 116 The Chronicles of Newgate, Volume two. By Arthur Griffiths. Section sixteen: Newgate notorieties continued, part one. 117 Above the murmur and tumult of that noisy assembly, the lowing and bleating of cattle as they were driven into the stalls and pens of Smithfield 144 They had tried, moreover, 25 No. 3 And what is that? 17 as to the fact that he was an outstanding man, end quote. 57 would not agree with that particular wording, end quote. 56 judges who will retain in the courts the judicial functions of a court, 71 An astute politician deeply involved with power issues in each state, Lincoln reached out to the War Democrats and managed his own re-election campaign. 152 Through their action the solid portions are liquefied and the food is rendered capable of absorption into the body proper. 122 Oswald was first interviewed by FBI Agents John W. Fain and B. Tom Carter on June twenty-six, nineteen sixty-two, 113 That deal will be decided under the existing rules. 51 A young woman draped in a wool shawl intently spinning wool outdoors in early Spring. 85 Tuberculosis and neuro-psychiatric hospitals opened to accommodate Veterans with respiratory or mental health problems. 119 In good printing the spaces between the words should be as near as possible equal. 82 where are Messrs. Portal's mills for the manufacture of bank-note paper. 72 After locking-up time, which varied, as on the male side, according to the daylight, the scenes were often riotous and disgraceful. 131 I got on the seventy-three bus at one thirty-five and arrived at two thirteen. 78 After the twenty days are over, bid thy whole army attack the city on every side, and put me two bodies of Persians, 116 There was a prison laundry too, where all the prisoners' linen was regularly washed. 84 Many of the reviews in this app-store are faked by bots to manipulate the ranking. 82 The two masses of prisoners for trial undulate and slightly murmur, 67 These agencies, therefore, will simply be doing on a somewhat enlarged scale the same sort of things that they have been doing. 127 While they were in a state of insensibility the murder was committed. 69 In one room Mr. Neild found a woman ill of a flux shut up with three men; 73 they should not be confused with slowness, indecision or fear. Only the intellectually fearless could even be remotely attracted to our doctrine, 145 When he first testified before the Commission, 46 Just a moment while I update myself. 36 The result as measured by the eye being that the lower margin is less than the top one, and that the whole opening has an upside-down look vertically. 150 To assist the Veteran between discharge and reemployment, the nineteen forty four G.I. Bill also provided unemployment benefits of twenty dollars per week, for a maximum of fifty two weeks. 189 Some pawnshop companies operate a chain of stores in a state or province. 73 There is a counter on the top left of the web page. 51 the personal superintendence of night officers, as already described, became possible. 86 the rifle was kept among Oswald's possessions from the time of its purchase until the day of the assassination, 111 In twenty sixteen, through the No Child Left Behind replacement school construction process, Indian Affairs selected ten schools for replacement. 145 Martin Luther King Junior was an an American civil rights leader. 65 Foreign witnesses, too, were in favor of publicity. 51 Sounds like The Sixth Sense? 28 Oh, I think you are right. 26 and surgical opinion stated that the stoppage of circulation was the cause of death. 84 She's low down on our list of concerns at the moment. 53 A group of African American people dressed up have their hands together as if in prayer. 88 In half a mile, use the left two lanes to turn left onto Carroll Canyon Road. 77 This year, it will amount to a few hundred thousand pounds. 59 Four years later, it barred participation by African Americans. 63 Forrester next traced the fugitives to Liverpool, 49 the Duchess of Kent. 20 addressed him, insisting that he should forthwith sign a cheque for the eight hundred pounds of the Canning inheritance still uninvested, 137 Does that suit you? 19 They heard the sound of shots to the north of their lot. Callaway heard five shots, and Guinyard three. 103 they were followed by a crowd of reckless boys, who jeered at and insulted them. 80 that too much emphasis is placed by both on the investigation of specific threats by individuals and not enough on dangers from other sources. 142 Recording. 10 Hey, don't go there! 20 gaming-tables were set up, cards were played under the gibbet, to the disturbance of the public peace and the annoyance of all decent people. 141 conditions 10 Commercialism again compels the use of type too small in size to be comfortable reading. 88 A new rabies test could mean people exposed to potentially rabid animals could forego the weeks-long regimen of shots to prevent the deadly disease. 148 A group of men of various ages wearing glasses while holding instruments and looking at sheet music. 100 The per capita income was twenty five thousand three hundred thirty four dollars. 81 The examination and testimony of the experts enabled the Commission to conclude that five shots may have been fired, 116 One even tablespoonful of white sugar. 38 We must find out how long to run the experiment. 48 and thence to Halifax, whither he followed them, accompanied by a confidential clerk from the bank. 99 We rejoiced at the citadel. 27 More precise clues to the murderer were not long wanting; indeed the readiness with which they were produced and followed up 124 There was a rough patch of skin. 32 Bake in the preheated oven until almost set, about forty five minutes. 70 Wind chill values as low as minus ten degrees. 46 He could not plead insanity like his predecessor, and no attempt was made at his trial to prove him of unsound mind. 116 temperature 11 Authors maintain and improve their own modules. 47 asked the police to station guards at each overpass to keep, quote, unauthorized personnel, end quote, off, this term was not defined. 134 There are multiple skills with this name. Please choose one. 60 V.H.A. operates one of the largest health care systems in the world and provides training for a majority of America's medical, nursing and allied health professionals. 167 How does slow cooling of the hot gaseous state result in pure crystals? 71 After he had begun his Cuban activity in New Orleans, quote, 60 They replaced it with bonus inclusions related to Apple Music. 62 contracted with sheriffs and conveners to work by the job. 58 Be right back. 14 Pour mixture into the prepared baking dish. Cover with aluminum foil. 69 testified before the Commission that the writing on the coupon was Oswald's. 76 and Robert I. Bouck, who was in charge of the Protective Research Section of the Secret Service, believed that the accumulation of the facts known to the FBI 157 This law states that, for any proposition, either that proposition is true or its negation is. 94 provides 8 One of the trade-offs of using cloud architecture and thin clients is that the host becomes a single point of failure. 118 The youth alone is able to read, but from long want of practice he is at a loss to find the place in his prayer-book. 117 america 7 was considered of probative value in this investigation, although the Commission's conclusion concerning the identity of the assassin 133 These comparisons will, however, be translated into terms applicable to any species of higher plants or animals. 112 In the Dark Ages, the island was used a seat of early Christian settlement. 75 Consequently, there was no basis for Hosty to go to Secret Service and advise them of Oswald's presence. End quote 114 The prisoner was forthwith extradited and sent back to England, which he reached with his escort on the seventeenth September the same year. 140 Therefore, the more irradiation-tolerant members of the target species are not given any evolutionary advantage. 112 The earl is walking on the parquet floor in his plush mansion. 62 a sparselypopulated arcade with many brightly lit games and a few people sprinkled around. 90 This star is one of the brightest known extreme ultraviolet sources in the sky. 79 A trial where the Segway would be classified as a bicycle has been announced running from June first, twenty ten to April first, twenty eleven. 143 Sergeant Ballantine, who prosecuted, 36 The baby was a chubby, pudgy little butterball. 47 If the score is tied at the end of the game, the game goes into extra time or a penalty shootout. 97 The interview with him in jail is not significant from the standpoint of whether he had a propensity for violence. 114 The boy is no longer with us. 29 The new test, designed for use in animals, can more easily and precisely diagnose rabies infection, according to a study published today in P.L.O.S. One. 153 A lathe cuts and trims any wood. 32 It is not satisfied with the standard of fire safety provisions. 64 The square peg will settle in the round hole. 45 They chose, unhappily for themselves, the latter alternative. 61 Detective Bob K. Carroll, who was standing beside McDonald, seized the gun from him. 84 as regards the private teaching of prisoners; and they went on to say that "a resolved adherence, in spite of discouragements the most disheartening, 149 As we were crossing the press yard, 35 Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson was in Dallas for a visit which had been publicized in the Dallas newspapers 109 It's all about money, money, money. 35 who supped royally on the supplies provided from outside, and kept it up till ten or eleven o'clock. 100 London Bridge has been depicted in its several forms, in art, literature, and songs, including the nursery rhyme "London Bridge Is Falling Down". 145 Ten Things You Can Do to Avoid Fraud 36 paid him the compliment of describing him as "a young man of great intelligence, considerable powers of mind, 109 This gave the city a population density of five hundred persons per acre. 73 he was reported to have fallen away to a shadow. 48 and was brought from Newgate, at his own request, to oppose the second reading of the bill. 91 As McDonald started to search Oswald's waist for a gun, he heard him say, quote, Well, it's all over now, end quote. 116 Eleven Beacon Street, Boston, Massachusetts. 44 You will arrive at your destination in twenty-four minutes at eleven seventeen A.M. 83 She wasn't her type. 20 Born in Seattle, Washington, Hendrix began playing guitar at the age of fifteen. 80 Seven seals were stamped on great sheets. 41 Four male cheerleaders are preparing the catch the female cheerleaders they just threw in the air. 98 After the marriage a close intimacy was still maintained between O'Connor and the Mannings. 91 The prison was always in "the most filthy state imaginable." 60 Canned pears lack full flavor. 30 and returned to New Orleans where Lee finished the ninth grade before he left school to work for a year. 104 This room has been the scene of many Presidential news conferences and continues to be used for conferences and receptions attended by the President. 149 It's too early to say whether a public inquiry would be appropriate. 68 The robotics group was talking about trying to snag some geography types to do some sort of collaboration. 106 Following the war, the state remained chiefly agricultural, with an economy tied to cotton. 91 The discipline of biology devoted to the study of fungi is known as mycology. 77 Skills Updated. I'm ready to help you. 38 It is generally supposed that he committed the murder under a sudden access of covetousness and greed. 102 It is a quiet crisis. There are no lines of depositors outside closed banks. 76 Those women are all card sharks, don't be fooled. 49 Our plans right now are hazy. 29 although millions of hitherto underprivileged workers are today far better paid than ever before. 97 since the original bag had been discolored during various laboratory examinations and could not be used for valid identification by witnesses. 142 Prominences are seen as the moon begins to move off the sun during the total solar eclipse on August twenty-first, twenty seventeen above Madras, Oregon. 153 Since two thousand, U.S. homes have ballooned in size, on average becoming thirty percent larger. 97 This Teacher Appreciation Week, we want to thank all educators that are helping to create a brighter future on our planet. 122 the jail consisted of six cells, frequently so damp that the moisture trickled down the walls; there was not space for air or exercise, 135 A steel framed table separated one half of the room from the other. 67 notably as when numbers filled Newgate in anticipation of Lord Redesdale's bill for insolvent debtors, 102 That does not mean he is guilty. 32 according to the discretion of the court before whom the prisoners might be tried. 82 The admission of a crowd of visitors to assist in these lay services has already been remarked upon; as the inspectors pointed out, 131 Most people using the term "exponentially" don't know what it actually means. 77 There are various justifications for the exemption of the insane from criminal responsibility. 94 The girl put grape jelly on her piece of pumpernickel rye. 58 interesting 11 Joyce didn't want Boyd to know about her worst foibles. 55 Right there. 12 Volunteers linked several key sites to pass text traffic via packet radio which kept voice frequencies clear. 109 Flight four B nine one was delayed due to poor weather. 55 Like his great predecessor Old Patch, he never went to a bank himself, nor did any of his accomplices. 102 Mix cream cheese, sugar, eggs, and vanilla together in a bowl until smooth and well blended. 92 They included certain insurance policies, and his share of the house. 69 In England about this time, an attempt was made to improve the letter in form. 78 The phosphates which the process of "bolting" removes to a large extent from white flour, go directly to the manufacture of bone, 129 The sand drifts over the sills of the old house. 48 he may not have intended to go to the Soviet Union directly, if at all. It appears that he really wanted to go to Cuba. 119 Why are we here? 16 sorry, that color is not an option. Try asking me to set a custom eye color. 76 Artificial neural networks can do something very similar. 57 Don’t ever leave your hammer on the top of the ladder, I said. 62 An island arc is a type of archipelago, often composed of a chain of volcanoes, with arc-shaped alignment. 106 A tornado watch is in effect. 29 Sparse connectivity allows us to widen the network without increasing the number of parameters. 95 The modern printer, in the teeth of the evidence given by his own eyes, considers the single page as the unit, and prints the page in the middle of his paper 157 parish officers, peace officers, the high constable of the county of Middlesex on horseback, and then the body of Williams, 123 A gigantic conspiracy to defraud was discovered in the following year, when a solicitor named William Henry Barber, 115 A worker in a checkered shirt weighs out produce behind a stand that offers exotic foods. 89 Another striking class of the facts of morphology which admit of scientific explanation only along the line of homology 119 A toast to the Immortal Memory of Robert Burns then follows. 60 and by these payments a wardsman had been known to amass as much as forty pounds. 81 It authorized the Energy Department to support research and development in electric and hybrid vehicles. 104 He throws his hands far from him, and shouts aloud, 'Mercy, good Lord! mercy is all I ask. The Lord in His mercy come! 118 He smiled continually, and when the indictment was read, burst into loud and discordant fits of laughter. 105 No curtain rods were known to have been discovered in the Depository Building after the assassination. 102 Finally, these agreements with Federal and local authorities will be of little value unless a system is established for the frequent formal review of activities thereunder. 172 The drip of the rain made a pleasant sound. 43 Punning rhymes, such as "bare" and "bear" are also identical rhymes. 68 No one who fell ever rose again. 32 A large size in stockings is hard to sell. 42 The highest elected office held by a member of the Anti-Masonic Party was Governor. 83 went at once to his customers, who bought their paper and paid for it themselves. 81 Lawrence Jones, a burglar, was in seventeen ninety-three ordered for execution in Hatton Garden, near the house he had robbed; 126 It was stated in evidence before the Commission on Capital Punishment in eighteen sixty-four, 93 For nearly twenty years there was no conflict between the Congress and the Court. 81 The week has its own momentum, like nothing we'd been in before. 64 Well, I think so. 17 On the fourteenth June, eighteen hundred, there were one hundred ninety-nine debtors and two hundred eighty-nine felons in the prison. 134 Groom wearing black and gray tux and bride wearing a white dress are being sprinkled with flowers. 98 This illustration depicts NASA's Juno spacecraft soaring over Jupiter's south pole. 83 Black and white bird standing on hand of someone holding sunflower seeds 72 The reconstruction was the minimum time. Accordingly, she probably met Oswald at about twelve:thirty-two, 105 as it was current among contemporary chemists. 46 approximately four miles from the Texas School Book Depository Building. 72 Governor and Mrs. Connally and Senator Ralph W. Yarborough had come with the President from Fort Worth. 103 Alternatively, by making oil companies pay for externalities. 61 to call in one hundred extra off-duty officers to help protect President Kennedy. 81 definition 10 that the fibers were caught in the crevice of the rifle's butt plate, quote, in the recent past, end quote, 107 People milling around acting as if they are waiting for an answer from someone or something. 92 This is a giant leap forward in developing our next bold mission of science discovery, said Thomas Zurbuchen, associate administrator for NASA's Science Mission Directorate in Washington. 187 The two bodies were resident at the Tower from at least fourteen fifty four, and by the sixteenth century they had moved to a position in the inner ward. 153 He felt unsafe like during his first lesson in driving school. 62 Seconds after the shooting, Roy Kellerman, riding in the front seat of the Presidential limousine, 98 For example, large parts of the Andes mountain chain may be known as a volcanic arc. 84 Sickness kept him home the third week. 38 Students in the university's visual arts department also create temporary public art installations as part of their coursework. 127 Mostly cloudy, then gradually becoming mostly clear, with a low of minus eight degrees. 87 It had been for some time devoted principally to felons of the worst types, 75 with the idea of subjecting her to the irritant poison slowly but surely until the desired effect, death, was achieved. 119 Would you like to hear more stories? 36 You might hear "font families" more than "typefaces", even though they could mean the same thing. 97 Part heat pump, part conventional storage water heater, the GeoSpring water heater uses sixty two percent less energy than a standard fifty-gallon electric water heater. 169 Slow Cooker Barbequed Beef Ribs 31 The onus of improvement lay upon the magistracy, the local authorities administering local funds, 97 A run upon the bank immediately followed, which was only met by a suspension of payment and the closing of its doors. 117 Vice President Johnson, and Governor Connally on June fifth, nineteen sixty-three, at the Cortez Hotel in El Paso, Texas. 121 Blond women in a white dress sitting on a wooden blanked walkway with a green lined background. 95 perhaps upon recommendations based on further studies by the Cabinet-level committee recommended above or the National Security Council. 136 Garnish continued to be demanded long after it had disappeared in other and better-regulated prisons. 101 It charges its batteries when the Sun shines on its solar arrays. 65 In the United States, we use paper bags for shopping. 53 Add the sum to the product of these three. 42 by the introduction of exact and easily manageable methods of conducting the chemical analysis of organic compounds and finally 127 He was never satisfied with anything. 37 A couple of people in white sit in a subway car going through a bright orange station. 86 The club rented the rink for the fifth night. 45 We like to see clear weather. 29 It is discouraging to note that the improvement of the last fifty years is almost wholly confined to Great Britain. 115 options 7 The oil companies would be asked to contribute. 47 In response to the controversy, they published an article. 58 First she tried gently stroking the goose's lower back with her palm, then singing a tune to her. 97 On November five, Hosty was traveling near Mrs. Paine's home and took the occasion to stop by to ask whether she had any further information. 141 This illustration depicts NASA's Juno spacecraft soaring over Jupiter's south pole. 83 This picture is taken outside a bus with people of Asian descent riding along with open windows. 96 Northrop Grumman, who built the satellite, and Space X have both refused to confirm the mission's failure due to its classified nature. 135 Dip chicken pieces in egg mixture, then in seasoned flour. 58 He initiated support of distance learning and involvement in genomics. 70 What did he look like? 22 What is the matter? 19 Earlier this year, we found a really nice place near my office, and we moved in together. 89 Whether this return was too soon. 33 Having a quick, easy-to-run and accurate test to tell if an animal that bit someone is rabid could help doctors decide whether someone needs preventive treatment. 162 North Korea accepts South Korea's proposal for official talks, and will meet on January ninth to discuss North Korea's involvement with the Winter Olympics. 156 Heinlein found another publisher, feeling himself released from the constraints of writing novels for children. 111 a beautiful photograph of a church at sunset with birds flying overhead and orangered sky 89 A six billion pound deal to sell twenty-four Eurofighter Typhoons to Qatar is announced. 88 Both men picked Oswald as the man who had run south on Patton with a gun in his hand. 85 Rising up late in the morning she gave a big stretch to start the day. 70 such as Messrs. Birch of Cornhill and Messrs. Leach and Dollimore of Ludgate Hill. 82 It's a positive black self-confidence thing involving no hatred of anyone. 74 Oswald's Palmprint on Rifle Barrel 34 The username supplied in the Mycroft configuration file is not registered with the bridge. 90 She forgot her pajamas at home. 31 What did he want? 17 Some member of the Ladies' Association observed and commented upon the fact that a "young rosy-cheeked girl" had been kept by the governor from transportation, 159 the great Chief Justice White said: 35 PRS received items in eight thousand, seven hundred nine cases. 63 entering the US Marine corp at seventeen, this streak of independence was strengthened by exotic journeys to Japan, 115 and the chlorophyll is the apparatus by which the carbon is extracted from the atmospheric carbonic acid, the leaves being the chief laboratories 145 The lad in question was found in Coldbath Fields prison, to which he had been sent for a month in default of paying a fine of forty shillings. 142 and this plant will, in due time, flower and produce its crop of beans just as if it were grown in the garden or in the field. 126 The second bridge had been funded by public resources to raise taxes. 69 but no steps had been taken in Parliament to enforce a better system of discipline, 83 Men like Mobbs, the miscreant known as "General Haynau" on account of his blood-thirstiness, still murdered their wives; 120 Almighty God, Father of all mercies, we thine unworthy servants do give thee most humble and hearty thanks 106 Instead of seclusion and meditation, his time is passed in the midst of a body of criminals of every class and degree, in riot, debauchery, and gaming, 151 he seems to have taken the letter of the Elzevirs of the seventeenth century for his model: 91 He was very much interested in autobiographical works of outstanding statesmen of the United States, to whom his wife thought he compared himself. 146 The brightest peak areas represent the largest concentration of ice clouds. 75 By replacing the air with an insulating gas between two window panes, researchers were able to further decrease heat loss through windows in cold climates. 155 She shook her head. 19 The baby was a chubby, pudgy little butterball. 47 They developed a successfully functioning corn picker. 54 was more appropriate for serious reflection and profitable ministration than this exciting occasion before a large and public assembly. 135 San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee dies of an apparent heart attack. 60 Plumer never mentioned Washington in his speech explaining his vote to the other New Hampshire electors. 104 In the midst of the noisy and blasphemous talk no one could pursue his meditations; any who tried to pray became the sport and ridicule of his brutal fellows. 158 Since cartons absorb perspiration, powder can successfully develop a print on such material only within a limited time. 119 Inquiry into the character of Good exposed him as a loose liver, who "kept company" with several women. 103 The terror was palpable. 24 heard noises that sounded like firecrackers and ran toward the President's limousine. 85 In this case, the airstream mechanism is omitted. 49 Where it had lain was a yawning gulf or trap sufficient to do for the whole body of police engaged in the capture. 114 I don't believe in voodoo. 26 profile 7 generally sided with his opponents. Nevertheless the inspectors summed up against him. 86 Would you mind telling me your name and address? 48 The first observation of gravitational waves was announced on eleven February twenty sixteen. 93 Based on these films, the speed of the President's automobile is computed at an average speed of eleven point two miles per hour. 129 During the first week of an intensive eight-week training period he received instruction in sighting, aiming, and manipulation of the trigger. 142 No serious importance could be attached to these, the manifest inventions of a disordered intellect. 100 She had been to brokers to negotiate the sale of certain foreign railway stock, with which they had been warned from London not to deal, 136 Under these criteria, whether the case should be referred to the Secret Service depends on the existence of a previous history of mental instability, 149 curse, or shout, as in this heaving and struggling forward they gained or lost in their strong efforts to get nearer where Müller was to die. 141 The captain and crew, however, got safely to Jamaica, and so to England; the captain dying on the voyage home. 110 It was a hit. 13 with Ostend tickets previously procured, returned to London without mishap, and by degrees disposed of much of the stolen gold. 127 Harold Norman, and Bonnie Ray Williams -- were watching the parade from the fifth floor, directly below the window from which the shots were fired. 147 The goals were good. 20 and a master of the ale-room, who kept this the scene of their revels clean, and saw that boiling water was provided for grog. 126 The Secret Service will be better able to plan its own long-range personnel requirements if it knows with reasonable certainty the amount of assistance that it can expect from other agencies. 191 The baby puts his right foot in his mouth. 42 It’s important to keep an open mind, and she has urged me to do the same. 73 that it can ascribe to him any one motive or group of motives. 62 I'd rather just wait a few extra weeks than spend forty quid. 61 The Secretary of State's suggested scale of diet had seldom been closely followed. 82 which one associate described as, quote, irrevocable, end quote, but also as, quote, theoretical, end quote, 108 We have passed through the formative period of code making in the National Recovery Administration 98 Have you seen her? 18 Wear your seat belt at all times. 33 These packages were consigned to Messrs. Shroeder of London; and as it was known that they were to arrive in Ker's ship, 120 There is a lag between thought and act. 39 on the one hand, the Ladies' Association, supported and encouraged by public approval, trenched upon his peculiar province; 123 In September nineteen sixty-three, 34 Emmanuel Barthelemy again, 26 Next door to the White House, the Eisenhower Executive Office Building commands a unique position in both our national history and architectural heritage. 154 brought out the history of his defection to the Soviet Union. 61 and that one would not have to be an expert marksman to have accomplished the assassination with the weapon which was used. 123 The two met while playing on the sand. 38 Interferon can also be produced by recombinant mammalian cells. 63 I did this to prevent cycling and encourage greater movement through the solution space. 88 Wipe the grease off his dirty face. 35 I am going to. 14 Burgess and Elder proceeded in company to cash this, but as they wanted all gold, 81 of the Texas School Book Depository Building or those employed there prior to the time the President was shot. End quote. 121 and had certain unattractive features, including a low ceiling with exposed conduits and beams. 95 The small portions of it which have been excavated suffice to show its construction. 84 It was fully proved in evidence that when the Dryad sailed she carried nothing but the cargo belonging to Zulueta and Co. 121 The road is blocked. 20 All vertebrates, and none other, have two cavities, 51 and enlivened by flash songs and thrilling long-winded descriptions of robberies and other "plants." 100 Cheap, abundant gasoline and continued improvement in the internal combustion engine hampered demand for alternative fuel vehicles. 131 This is considered the first proper phase of Special Forces training. 69 Surely it can be considered one of the greatest editions in the history of the festival. 88 The man was dressed in a light-colored, open-neck shirt which could have been either a sports shirt or a T-shirt, 113 This time we know it is correct. 32 Some attempt at supervision was exercised by the night watchman stationed on the leads, who might hear what went on inside. 123 Our secondary goal is to reconstruct what happened. 51 They often combine new technology with old tricks to get people to send money or give out personal information. 111 A black dog and a tricolored dog playing with each other on the road. 69 In just a few hours, DeepMind's A.I. AlphaZero learns to master chess, beating top chess software Stockfish and Elmo without domain knowledge. 142 with such further separation as the justices should deem conducive to good order and discipline. 96 Early composers such as Claudio Monteverdi often specified the octave by the use of compound intervals such as ten, eleven, and fifteen. 136 The activities of the victim at the time an assassination occurs and the motive for the assassination 101 It was a low rampart, enclosing a wide space planted with trees of every sort, in which all kinds of beasts were shut up; 121 Any effort to prepare detailed contingency plans might well have the undesirable effect of inhibiting quick and imaginative responses. 134 About this time also suspicion fell upon Huey, one of the clerks, who was arrested soon afterwards, and made a clean breast of the whole affair. 144 Cole's plan was to have a wharf of his own, nominally occupied by a creature trading as Maltby and Co. 102 Marina Oswald said that she knew her husband did not like Michael Paine and so she asked him not to come out that weekend, even though he wanted to do so. 154 Any reputed, and indeed any real, wife might spend the night in Newgate if she would pay the shilling fee, commonly known as the "bad money," 141 and then a balance must be struck and the doubtful form placed in the kingdom with which it has, on the whole, most points in common. 133 and was accompanied throughout by "an immense concourse of persons, eager to get a sight of the murderer's remains. 115 However, it is understood that offers of further payments are unlikely. 71 to safeguard business against unfair competition, 49 The Commission confirmed, by comparison with other photographs, that these were, indeed, photographs of the rear of Walker's house. 131 This was the reprehensible claim for "garnish," which had already been abolished in all well-conducted prisons, but which still was demanded in Newgate. 152 Of Jenson it must be said that he carried the development of Roman type as far as it can go. 92 Our inspectors observed spilled plastic pellets on paved surfaces throughout the facility, which is located near Compton Creek, a tributary of the Los Angeles River. 165 So is that it, then? 20 At the same time he professed his love for her and said that he could not get along without her. 96 Paint the sockets in the wall dull green. 41 collection 10 Every Jack has his Jill. 24 The wreck occurred by the bank on Main Street. 46 Its predecessors are the New Horizons mission to Pluto and a Kuiper Belt object known as twenty fourteen M.U. sixty nine. 121 Please verify that the I.P. address in the mycroft configuration file is correct. 81 It was said that strangulation had been prevented by the insertion of a silver tube in his wind-pipe, 101 Euins, who was on the southwest corner of Elm and Houston Streets testified that he could not describe the man he saw in the window. 132 characters 10 On that issue George De Mohrenschildt, who was probably as close to the Oswalds as anyone else during their first stay in Dallas, 129 Great is the victory that is won without bloodshed. 51 A lie has a short life legs. 28 In that connection, it does not appear that Oswald ever expressed any dissatisfaction of any kind with either the President or Governor Connally. 145 They developed the first vibrator separating unit for the small grain thresher. 79 Though Herodotus wrote nearly a hundred years after Babylon fell, his story seems to bear the stamp of truth. 109 The infirmary was enlarged, the admission of visitors limited, and the passing of articles prevented by a wire screen. 118 One was occupied by the Portuguese ambassador, who lost a quantity of jewelery from an escritoire, and his neighbors lost plate and cash. 137 The irons, which nearly every one wore, were remarkably heavy; those double ironed could not take off their small clothes. 122 I love the Dome. 16 Scam artists often use news stories about the success of legitimate companies as bait by claiming that their "opportunity" is similar to that of a "hot" money-maker. 165 Spirit animation Spirited. 26 Did the supply package to Zimbabwe include scalpels? 52 She knows everything. 21 According to Chief Rowley, by mid-June nineteen sixty-four, the Secret Service had received from the F.B.I. some nine thousand reports on members of the Communist Party. 169 Have you met Catherine? 23 It would be incorrect, however, to believe that those aspects of Lee's personality which were observed in New York 114 Thither, he was pursued by a detective officer, 47 and was told by Mr. Fauntleroy that the lady had desired him to sell out, "which I have done," added the fraudulent banker, "and here are the proceeds," 152 It is questionable whether such criteria would have resulted in the referral of Oswald to the Secret Service. 109 with 4 Under these circumstances, unnatural as they are, with proper management, the bean will thrust forth its radicle and its plumule; 129 March the soldiers past the next hill. 38 But about the same year Mentelin at Strasburg began to print in a type which is distinctly Roman; 97 The sofa cushion is red and of light weight. 44 Various possible motives will be treated in the appropriate context of the discussion outlined above. 101 by the officials of both Cuba and the Soviet Union in Mexico City. 66 which caused her to look to her right. 38 In the old city of Damascus you climb to the hump of a tall fleet dromedary. 76 The walls of the second bedroom were covered in a wallpaper with a livid design that seemed to swirl and pulsate unnervingly. 125 Energy enters the plant, to a small extent, 43 An ice hockey goalie is trying to protect the net from players scoring a goal. 78 And there may be only nine. 27 In order to keep up the credit of our house, I have forged powers of attorney for the above sums and parties, 109 She has chipped a fingernail. 29 of the man who shot Patrolman J. D. Tippit. 43 The varieties in construction were still very marked. 53 Whether his stance is shared by the incoming manager is another matter. 71 The foregoing evidence establishes that (one) two eyewitnesses who heard the shots and saw the shooting of Dallas Police Patrolman J. D. Tippit 143 In nineteen forty, the Lake Washington Floating Bridge was opened between Seattle and Mercer Island. 100 Gaming of all kinds, although forbidden by the Jail Acts, was habitually practiced. 83 Mr. Crawford was thoroughly versed in the still imperfectly understood science of prison management, and fully qualified for his new duties. 140 The third convict is a sheep-stealer, a poor ignorant fellow in whose crime are mitigating circumstances, 105 No prisoner should be allowed to obtain superior accommodation on the payment of any fees. Fees indeed should be generally abolished, garnish also. 147 Leading social and artistic personages were to be met with at his house, and his hospitality was far famed. 107 Report of the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy. 79 Five ballet dancers caught mid jump in a dancing studio with sunlight coming through a window. 94 There is a Hebrew tradition that it was the oldest of all cities, but now we know that great empires flourished and passed away before Babylon was built. 153 I am totally cool with you two having a boys' night because I really need to finish my book. 92 Cunningham compared four lead bullets recovered from the body of Patrolman Tippit with test bullets fired from Oswald's revolver. 129 He first distributed his handbills and other material uneventfully in the vicinity of the U.S.S. Wasp, 102 Oprah Winfrey held a talk show for many years. 46 Alarm enabled. 14 New Rabies Test May Become Part of International Standard. 58 Continue straight to stay on Massachusetts Avenue. 50 During the period November nineteen sixty-one to November nineteen sixty-three, 79 A young boy in shorts and a green shirt making a face while airborne on a trampoline. 85 Here, let me show you, said Ann. 32 Is this accurate? 17 N.S.A. director Mike Rogers plans to retire this spring. 56 They walked in from the rain, all dishevelled and steaming. 59 This report has already pointed out several respects 52 They might be broken, but they are not defeated. 48 The history of the E.E.O.B. began long before its foundations were laid. 72 Did you know that GeneLab collects genetic data from fruit flies, plants and animals on the Space Station to better understand the combined effects of microgravity and space radiation on astronauts? 198 The excess undergoes oxidation and forms nitrogen excretions. 61 Altair is the name of three United States Navy ships. 53 awesome. 8 more particularly as regarded the classification of prisoners, and which were dependent on the space to be gained by the removal of the debtors, 144 Howse, the steward, accused the other servants, but they retorted, declaring that he had been visited by the thief the day previous, 132 people will be discouraged in unhappy efforts to get rich quick by speculating in securities. 93 The shameful malpractices of Bambridge, 39 and beyond it was a room called the "wine room," because formerly used for the sale of wine, but 96 We talked of the side show in the circus. 41 Mind the gap. 13 Turn left onto Adams Avenue South. 34 The latter seems to have succumbed only too willingly to his fascinations, and to have as readily agreed to marry him, 118 in an apparent effort to determine, by means of a scientific test, whether Oswald had recently fired a weapon. 110 They enjoyed the hot clam chowder. 34 Jeans are the only kind of trousers I have in my wardrobe. 58 He made no answer. 18 but still he found friends, and a liberal subscription was raised among the foreign servants in London to provide funds for his defense. 136 Didn't you know that she took out a mortgage for her second apartment? 70 The nation was unprepared. Some of the vulnerabilities of the plotters became clear in retrospect. 98 Turning up the lights. 22 Excuse me, where may I find some Accounting books to borrow? 60 techniques 10 No hardship seemed to make him sad. 35 Referees are easy targets. 26 He did not complete his B.A. 28 Get the paint out of the truck and place it on the tray. 56 Today I couldn't run on it. 27 I haven't had time to get down to the lab and try it since I got it working. 76 The depiction of the goddess is similar to later images. 56 E.P.A. coordinated the inspections with the Regional Water Quality Control Board in support of their efforts to reduce plastic pollution in the Los Angeles area. 161 In eighteen twenty-seven the Society was compelled to report that "no material change had taken place in Newgate since the passing of the prison laws, 150 Oswald, quote, was probably making a self-serving statement in attempting to explain to me why he was distributing this literature, and for no other reason, 156 There are many ways to do these things. 39 Good was committed to Newgate, and tried at the Central Criminal Court before a crowded court. 94 Dietaries were drawn up for adoption on the recommendation of a committee of experts. 85 The theft of the pearl pin was kept secret. 43 Marina Oswald testified that the photographs were taken on a Sunday about two weeks before the attempted shooting of Maj. Gen. Edwin A. Walker 142 posted 6 The bread was issued every alternate day; and while some prisoners often ate their whole allowance at once, 107 The stars come out one by one and shine brighter than elsewhere as if to light you on your way. 95 Slide the tray across the glass top. 36 That year, Iowa suffered an unusually high number of devastating cyclones. 74 The inflation rate is usually measured in percent per year. 59 Bathe and relax in the cool green grass. 40 Don't worry about me. 21 Two blue fish swam in the tank. 31 The Tuesday and Wednesday after Thanksgiving. 45 proceeded approximately two to three car lengths behind the President's follow-up car. 86 Oswald's diary reports that he married his wife shortly after his proposal of marriage to another girl had been rejected. 121 Remove from heat. 17 Twenty-twenty-eight is going to be the first year in over eight decades we must cancel the event. 97 Two men spoke in Arabic while having a drink at the bar. 56 The print, therefore, could have been placed on the carton at any time within this period. 90 where Ashley produced four silver spoons, and begged that his initials might be engraved upon them. 99 On turning she saw a quizzical look on her husband's face as he raised his left hand to his throat. 99 John Lennon played harmonica on early Beatles hits and his solo recordings. 75 A Tusk is used to make costly gifts. 36 Although Chief Rowley does not complain about the pay scale for Secret Service agents, salaries are below those of the F.B.I. and leading municipal police forces. 162 To be a mighty grandee. 23 fairly electrified the court by declaring it his opinion that many deaths, supposed to be from cholera, were really due to poison. 130 Five days after the surrender of Confederate general Robert E. Lee, Lincoln was shot by Confederate sympathizer John Wilkes Booth. 130 McDonald struck back with his right hand and grabbed the gun with his left hand. They both fell into the seats. 111 Lee Harvey Oswald. 18 The ramp led up to the wide highway. 36 As the years passed, great want of uniformity continued to prevail throughout the prisons of the United Kingdom. 112 There are numerous references to quilts in literature and inventories of estates. 81 combined with nitrogen and sulphur (probably also with salts, water, etc.) to form proteid matter. 98 Moreover, the condition of the sample did not affect the test's accuracy. 73 A woman in a blue helmet and brown shorts rides her bike on a busy street. 74 Malta arrests ten people over an investigative journalist's murder on October sixteenth. 88 Her owners insured her for a full sum of two thousand pounds, after which the Wallaces insured her privily 106 Rise, wash face and hands, rinse the mouth out and brush back the hair. 71 The business is operated by its founder, Gardner Stone, and his son and daughter, Todd and Darcy. 97 Upstairs in the bedroom a rouleaux box for sovereigns had been broken open, 75 Some tin and a soldering iron are laying on the workbench. 58 You have tied me very tight, upon which Dr. Forde ordered him to slacken the cord, which he did, but not without muttering. 123 Fortunately in several of his long inscriptions, recently discovered in the Babylonian mounds, Nebuchadnezzar speaks of the building of the walls. 146 In all of these roles the President must go to the people. 58 We also found the facility lacked pollution prevention equipment and used inadequate cardboard storage boxes, which exposed the pellets to rain and wind. 153 Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson was the first in a succession of Vice Presidents to the present day that have had offices in the building. 139 What are they like? 19 Protect yourself and your family from germs spread through the water we swim in and share. 90 Thus while Oswald's real intentions, assuming that they were known to himself, are not clear, 93 Moses, it may be added, was a direct descendant of Ikey Solomons. 65 Have you seen it? 17 The Commission recognizes that no set of meaningful criteria will yield the names of all potential assassins. 109 both offenses and punishments affording a sufficient index to the practices going forward; and they wind up by declaring 120 It is a large number. 21 testified that Oswald was extremely sure of himself and seemed, quote, to know what his mission was. 100 Elvis Presley is often called the "King of Rock and Roll". 58 They floated on the raft to sun their white backs. 50 If someone calls asking for money or personal information, hang up. 67 She awoke from the nightmare. 29 The selected mission will be the fourth in NASA's New Frontiers portfolio, a series of principal investigator-led planetary science investigations. 147 It was frequently stated in evidence that the jail of the borough was in so unfit a state for the reception of prisoners, 121 he would be in some way provided for, he having been for some time previously in abject circumstances. 102 The wharf could be seen at the farther shore. 45 The peace accord successfully completed the peace process begun on February seventh, two thousand in Paris. 107 available 9 Quit whining! 13 Instead, they established various colonies to control trade routes. 67 The three component agencies became bureaus within the Veterans Administration. 79 I'm definitely out of practice actually writing stuff, too. 59 We want to play at the worlds. 30 The South Korean Ministry of Justice announces that it is a preparing a bill to ban cryptocurrency trading through exchanges. 125 A person wearing a construction uniform is leaning against a traffic light pole on the sidewalk. 96 The purple socket is for connecting the antenna to the receiver. 64 That move means the game is over. 33 Don't be a fool! 16 The golden land. 16 Under the limes. 16 The keeper tries to appear unmoved, but his eye wanders anxiously over the combustible assembly. 96 Security was provided for in these condemned cells by lining the substantial stone walls with planks studded with broad-headed nails; 133 Immediately after President Kennedy's stretcher was wheeled into trauma room one, Secret Service agents took positions at the door of the small emergency room. 159 Care's no cure. 15 No man, having known, having lived, under the Russian Communist and American capitalist system, 95 He jumped up and turned quickly to face the imagined terror screaming "Get back!" There was nothing behind him except for his bookcase which seemed to be missing a single, important book. 187 That area was much nearer for her and more to her liking. 57 have now come into general use and are obviously a great improvement on the ordinary "modern style" in use in England, which is in fact the Bodoni type 151 While working there, he met guitarist James Iha. 48 But has the advance of biology simply tended to break down old distinctions without establishing new ones? 106 But the first Bible actually dated (which also was printed at Maintz by Peter Schoeffer in the year fourteen sixty-two) 119 These materials are used by the animal in the manufacture of new protoplasm to take the place of that which has been used up. 125 and implicated "Money Moses," another Jew, for the whole affair had been planned and executed by members of the Hebrew persuasion. 130 to reach the northbound lanes of the Stemmons Freeway is via Elm Street, which Route Number seventy-seven traffic is instructed to follow in this part of the city. 163 They're building a new amusement park down the street. 54 A cone costs five cents on Mondays. 35 The statement of St. Jerome is confirmed by the following passage from Zosimus, a Greek writer of the fifth century A.D.: 121 He appeared to die instantly, said the murderer, in conclusion. 63 The Secret Service has now presented its recommendations to the Bureau of the Budget. 85 In planning its data processing techniques, the Secret Service should attempt to develop a system compatible with those of the agencies from which most of its data will come. 174 it just takes a minor move in aiming to bring the crosshairs to bear, and then it is a quick squeeze. 101 The freezer always thaws the food. 34 Kidneys are transplanted often, because every healthy person has two of them. 77 One well-dressed woman fell out of a first-floor window on to the shoulders of the crowd below, but neither she nor any one else was greatly hurt. 146 Recording audio for twenty seconds. 35 led the Commission to attach some probative value to the fingerprint and palmprint identifications in reaching the conclusion 125 This was thought to be caused by water molecules knocking the grains about. 75 This kettle is quicker at boiling water than the old one. 57 Mrs. A. C. Johnson, his landlady, testified that Oswald's room at ten twenty-six North Beckley Avenue 101 Judge Clark found this disagreement difficult to resolve. 57 Be skeptical. 13 When I began asking him specific details with respect to his activities in the Fair Play for Cuba Committee in New Orleans as to where meetings were held, 154 Why do it otherwise? 20 It could be computed in many ways which would give more or less equivalent results. 83 they must be considered to have ended the age of fine printing in Italy. 72 Twenty-twenty-eight is going to be the first year in over eight decades we must cancel the event. 97 How many alcoholic beverages do you consume each week? 54 A yellow gloved diver with a snorkel and mask swims underwater carrying a box with a handle. 92 but there was a further appeal then, as now, to the king himself, or practically to the Home Secretary. 103 of some of the most heinous offenses of modern times. 53 I don't know that. 18 Oh no, that is terrible! 24 In the year six eighty-nine B.C., Sinacherib, King of Nineveh, captured Babylon, 80 They have fundamental roles in nutrient cycling and exchange in the environment. 80 A woman is crossing a rope bridge in the trees with other people waiting at one end. 84 was in several places merely temporary: 39 Just as a rule of thumb. 24 sometimes it embraced the tread-wheel or the newly-invented instruments known as cranks, which ground air. 106 For where these are boldly and carefully designed, and each letter is thoroughly individual in form, the words may be set much closer together, without loss of clearness. 170 It has become a way of life. 28 The sandwich comes with ham, cheese, tomatoes, mayonnaise, pickles. 67 The cake is a lie. 18 Because the relative freshness of these fibers might be explained by the continuous storage of the rifle in the blanket, 120 When Captain Fritz asked him why he carried the revolver, he answered, quote, Well, you know about a pistol. I just carried it, end quote. 138 What could it mean? 19 He was in Paris attending his father's funeral. 47 He met Mister Davies to establish the scale of the scandal. 59 Sarawak was the host of the Malaysian Games in nineteen ninety and twenty sixteen. 82 I think the party was an amusement for most of the guests, but Mirco felt really out of place. 94 Jack admitted that the lizards added a whole new dimension to his sauna experience. 83 If someone calls, emails, or texts and says they're from the government, it's a scam. 85 he tramped across London Bridge to Wandsworth, where he refreshed himself with a pint of strong ale, the first sustenance he had taken since his escape, 152 We then sent the old woman to open the door, and it proved to be some little boys who had knocked and ran away. 111 I take this means of saying "thank you." 40 (five) resisted arrest by drawing a fully loaded pistol and attempting to shoot another police officer, 103 Teens' Social Media Use: How They Connect and What It Means for Health 70 I have tried to read that book several times, but I just can't get into it. 75 These are examples of Sha one message digests in hexadecimal and in Base sixty-four binary to Ascii text encoding. 114 It could be at the user interface, code, design, or even architectural level. 77 The first Michelin Guide for Bangkok, Thailand is unveiled. 59 The volume is already at the maximum. 37 Person sitting in snow on a sidewalk holding small black dog and a husky laying beside him. 91 The E.U. typically concludes Association Agreements in exchange for commitments to political, economic, trade, or human rights reform in the country. 149 How are you? 12 Another brutal practice had nearly disappeared about the time of the abolition of dissection. This was the public exhibition of the body, 137 Newgate continued to be a reproach to those responsible for its management. 75 She is a figure of imaginary power within the poem who can inspire within the narrator his own ability to craft poetry. 119 A burnt child dreads the fire. 30 The cop gave Joe a ticket for jay-walking. 42 With his troll post he provoked the hackers to do penetration testing for him. 78 Your state insurance commissioner's office can tell you if a health plan is insurance. 86 Yet this principle, as the committee pointed out, "must now be accepted as the foundation of prison discipline," 112 The suggestions of Federal agencies for revision of these guidelines were solicited. 84 All four bullets were fired from a weapon 41 At about four:thirty p.m., Mrs. Markham, 40 In plants, nitrogen is only accidentally joined with the three other fundamental constituents of organic beings carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. 140 The bad boy tipped over the cookie jar in the kitchen. 54 Both of those promises have already been honoured. 50 which numbers of well-meaning but inquisitive people were anxious to witness. 77 Bring to a boil, reduce heat, and simmer for twenty to twenty five minutes. 75 On August nine, nineteen sixty-three, 37 Parkland Memorial Hospital. The Race to the Hospital 52 submitted 9 the master's side, the cabin side, and the common side. Payment of a fee of three shillings gained the debtor admission to the two first named; 143 the rest of the available space was allotted by ticket, to secure which the greatest influence was necessary. 109 Every word he uttered was said with consideration, and sometimes with a long pause, 83 Do not travel to North Korea due to the serious risk of arrest and long-term detention of U.S. nationals. 105 As a result Oswald was not hired. 33 He had been in a state of abject misery, and when he first joined "the reformers," as the Cato Street conspirators called themselves, 133 he stated that he was then alone in his efforts on behalf of FPCC, but he attributed his lack of support 104 But probably the lump sum was the bait, or perhaps Smethurst wished to return to his temporarily deserted first wife. 117 I sped to work. 15 Brave New World was Huxley's fifth novel and first dystopian work. 66 Space X successfully launches its Falcon Heavy rocket, a feat the company hopes will lead to increased commercial and national security missions. 145 Why do you think awkward silences make us so uncomfortable? 59 now more strictly meager, thanks to the inspectors and the more stringent discipline, and before he embarked for Australia to undergo his fourteen years, 153 some, who had the semblance of covering on the upper part of their feet, had no soles to the shoes, and their bare feet were on the ground. 139 one of his accomplices, who took the police to the pond, where the remains of the unfortunate Mr. Weare were discovered, sunk in a sack weighted by stones. 155 The Portland Business Journal, a weekly, covers business-related news, as does "The Daily Journal of Commerce". 111 Life was like a timetable. 26 Newgate naturally shared in any advantages due to these reforms. I propose, therefore, to refer to them in the concluding pages of this work, 141 Briefing topics include: the latest findings from the Juno mission at Jupiter; the search for life across the universe; 119 was located about an inch (two point five centimeters) to the right and slightly above the large bony protrusion 112 Women form less than half of the group. 39 The service from the other players was super. 45 Double R. Trading operates a recycling plant that grinds plastic material into flakes that are ultimately exported to China. 124 The judge of the Admiralty Court, the Right Hon. Stephen Lushington, the Right Hon. James Moncrieff, 100 It is estimated that more than a thousand cultural groups exist in Papua New Guinea. 84 He now married, although his salary was only a pound a week; but he soon got on. 80 Pushing the shop-door open, he saw Marley finishing his murderous assault. 74 Three men work quickly preparing food in the kitchen of an upperclass Chinese restaurant. 89 F.A.A. capabilities were weak. 30 Okay. 5 He denied that he had ever told Frazier that he wanted a ride to Irving to get curtain rods for an apartment. 109 In addition, cyclists are allowed to ride many cramped one-way streets in both directions. 90 by Vice President Johnson during the nineteen sixty campaign. 61 I have lingered too long perhaps over Mr. Pearson's proposal, but some reference was indispensable to a scheme 110 We have to move forward. 24 The bell section was more resonant. 35 Bismarck's post eighteen seventy one foreign policy was conservative and sought to preserve the balance of power in Europe. 123 It is also the best-selling first album by any artist ever. 59 Enabling responsible redevelopment of sites can transform underutilized sites that have long been considered eyesores or wastelands to become engines of revitalization. 168 the rifle was released to the FBI and forwarded to Washington where it was examined on the morning of November twenty-three 123 Hardly any one. 15 as indicating a motive for keeping her alive rather than killing her. 69 Seven fourteen East Capitol Avenue, Frankfort, Kentucky. 56 Our destiny is in our own hands. 32 The flower had berries also of bread fixed on stems made from the fiber drawn from the stuffing of his mattress, 112 This was in May eighteen forty-two. 35 police sirens sounded along Jefferson Boulevard. 48 Oddly, the Patriots script logo during this time consisted of a western-style font. 83 Five: Liaison With Local Law Enforcement Agencies. 50 The referee decided on a free kick instead of a penalty kick. 61 On the other occasion, the President halted the motorcade to speak to a Catholic nun and a group of small children. 115 Those words were the cue for the actor to leave. 48 Although the Commission recognizes that neither expert was able to state 72 and also ragged tissue which indicated a tracheal injury. 57 Titles that have been enacted into positive law are indicated by blue shading below. 84 The most ghastly part of the story is that which deals with his getting rid of the head. 88 We meet every other Monday. 27 He concluded, however, that he could not say whether the four bullets were fired from the revolver in Oswald's possession. 122 Lawson conferred with the local police and the local office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation about potential dangers to the President. 140 The unity in life, then, is not less a fact than is life's great diversity. 75 After experiencing a mind-blowing sensual orgy, Mike was sure he had taken an overdose. 87 His copies were generally pronounced indistinguishable from and as good as the originals. 89 Every door had been closed against him, every hope of future support blasted. 77 Asian woman in black skirt and jacket leaning against a light pole near a phone booth. 86 In addition, it produced definitive findings for eighty samples that were inconclusive or untestable by the D.F.A. test 119 The agreement entered into force in January nineteen ninety five. 65 and after some haggling they agreed on a price, and in the afternoon the snatchers brought a hamper which contained a body in a sack. 133 Today, I am going to explain about Sundry Expenses. 51 This is the lab in which the necklace was being stored. 55 Fungi do not photosynthesise. 29 Just before snapping the picture Altgens heard a noise which sounded like the popping of a firecracker. 103 or like Cannon the chimney-sweeper, who savagely killed the policeman. 70 Half the jails had no code of rules properly prepared and sanctioned by the judges, according to law. 101 Farmers came in to thresh the oat crop. 39 To understand recursion, one must first learn about recursion. 62 that Oswald may have sat on the screened-in porch at night practicing with the rifle by looking through the telescopic sight and operating the bolt. 148 The entire width of this inner defense was about fifty-five feet; its height is uncertain. 90 The correctness of that conclusion is supported by the fact that he does not seem to have been publicly identified with that organization until August nine, 156 Every time I read through it, I seem to end up rephrasing things and making them shorter. 89 Please pair your device. 24 From November through May, the Orchestra performs a five-concert Saturday Evening Symphonic Series featuring internationally acclaimed guest artists. 149 In evaluating the evidence that Oswald was at the southeast corner window of the sixth floor at the time of the shooting, 121 He sees a difference in the style of the two teams. 51 He made collections when it suited him for ward purposes, to be spent as he chose, in candles and so forth. 107 Transliteration tables are based on languages, so there is a table for Hindi. 77 Cyrus had permitted them to stand, and as long as he made Babylon his home, the city was as strongly protected as ever. 119 They therefore recommended that the prisoners should be removed 63 The volcano eruption itself was a catastrophe, but the ash is an excellent fertilizer. 86 Shakers today are most known for their cultural contributions. 62 Montenegro was admitted to the U.N. on twenty eight June two thousand six. 74 Jarman testified that he ate his lunch on the first floor around five minutes to twelve, and that he neither ate lunch with nor saw Oswald. 139 As a special favor 18 What should I do? 17 Ultimately, social media becomes a tool or risk for teen's health based on how they use it, which is in turn shaped by the guidance they get from caring adults. 160 Denied admission everywhere as a ragged, half-naked beggar, 59 reveals that Hill first placed his hand on the Presidential car at frame three forty-three, thirty frames 105 Captain Fritz stated that a deputy sheriff whom he could not identify did ask to see him that afternoon 103 and the inspectors expressed themselves still more strongly in reprehension of the practice. 92 It snowed, rained, and hailed the same morning. 47 Nobody is born as a hero but everyone can become a hero. 56 a second conspirator exchanged the gold for notes. But just as all promised well, the frauds were detected through the carelessness of the forgers. 147 shortly after Oswald rented the room on October fourteen. 57 This was a low-cost method of achieving a convincing location effect. 69 A market with a wooden lattice fence and a brown canopy sits amongst trees with golden leaves. 94 This mysterious medicine Wilson kept carefully locked up, and allowed no one to see it, 87 His awareness is shown by a letter that he wrote to Arnold Johnson of the Communist Party U.S.A., 97 Tourism is a vital industry for Scotland. 41 Jack Morris and Alan Trammell are elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame. 71 Dots and globs trot by in dreams of gooey pizzas. 49 Discuss a plan with loved ones regarding care/custody of children, pets, property, belongings, non-liquid assets, funeral wishes, etc. 134 and informed that the public would not in future be admitted to hear the condemned sermon. "I was also informed," writes Mr. Cotton, 132 Here are the top stories from N.P.R. 36 Thus, in the four months following the assassination, 53 Web developers shouldn't embed scripts directly from since it enables a third party to track all users. 114 Surgeons' Hall being let to the lieutenancy of the county for the accommodation of the militia. 95 Two-wave sources are perfectly coherent if they have a constant phase difference and the same frequency. 104 Buddhism is the official religion of Thailand. 46 I ask you to look into this case and take the necessary steps to repair the damage done to me and my family. 108 The poor creature was never seen again alive. 45 Other well-known examples among vertebrates are: Vestiges of hind limbs in certain snakes, reduced wings in the Apteryx and ostriches, 134 and so numerous were his opportunities of showing favoritism, that all the prisoners may be said to be in his power. 116 which was eventually to replace the attempted arrangement of prisoners by classes according to antecedents and crimes, 118 which carry the major responsibility for supplying information about potential threats, 87 The first "glass house," or room in which prisoners could talk in private with their attorneys, but yet be seen by the warder on the watch, had been constructed 160 have had to do with industry and labor and with respect to these, certain developments have taken place which I consider of importance. 135 I've brought you some cheese, because I know you love cheese. 61 adequately to regulate commerce, protect public health and safety, and safeguard economic security. 99 In time, the First Minister will grow in stature. 49 a great change must have occurred in Oswald's thinking to induce him to return to the United States. 100 and the costliness of enlarging it, forbade all idea of entirely reconstructing the jail so as to constitute it a model prison. 127 Neild gives, on the authority of Mr. Burchell, the under sheriff of Middlesex, 78 She really suffered for her art. 32 How long have I been here? 26 traditional 11 Tyler, do you remember when I gave you that note? 49 but Vartos, or Watto, the Turk, would not allow any but the eight mutineers to have anything. 93 Santa Cruz sheep are a rare breed of domestic sheep that once existed as a feral population on Santa Cruz Island. 113 The detection of these frauds came while he was still prominently before the world as the lessee of the Olympic. 112 and it stated that Mrs. Turner had been stricken with paralysis. 64 Coming down the block is the biggest steamroller I have ever seen. 66 At ten oh three, a fourth airliner crashed in a field in southern Pennsylvania. 79 Outside the United States and Canada, "Scrabble" is a trademark of Mattel. 74 Some time elapsed before Robson succumbed to temptation. 56 Smethurst's victim was a Miss Bankes, with whom he had contracted a bigamous marriage. 86 The ballpark also featured more intimate surroundings than the Astrodome. 73 The Commission urges that the Service continue this effort to overhaul and define its procedures. 97 the transcript establishes that she was referring to the uncombed state of his hair, a description fully supported by a photograph of Oswald 140 Do you speak German? 20 I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that. 44 A quantity of quicklime was thrown in with the body to destroy all identification. 82 She is a great-granddaughter of Nashville philanthropist A. M. Burton. 70 The goose was brought straight from the old market. 51 Typing your request. 20 Wise public policy, however, requires not only that banking be safe 67 The C.D.C. Leads National Health Security. 42 A force equal to that would move the earth. 43 Among them are many criminals. 30 In tests with the Mannlicher-Carano C twenty-seven sixty-six rifle, over one hundred rounds of this ammunition were fired by the FBI 132 A woman with a blue purse and short white boots is walking outdoors near some columns. 86 Oswald apparently wished to continue practicing his own Russian with her. Lieutenant Martello of the New Orleans police testified 129 kept open house, so to speak, and entertained daily within the walls a select party of the most noted thieves in London. 120 Let me know by the thirteenth. 30 the sane and the insane, the young and the old, the trivial offender and the man about to suffer the extreme penalty of the law, 128 He embarked forthwith in a career of the wildest extravagance, and ere long he had parted in his mother's name with most of the landed estates. 143 He estimated that the motorcade had slowed down to approximately nine or ten miles per hour 91 to make those sanctions an object of contemptuous mockery. 58 sometimes 9 In addition, the Orchestra performs two annual Pops Concerts in December and February. 86 In each the life is the sum total of a series of definite processes -- nutrition or food supply, 96 I don't have a platform build. 30 By checking certain importers and dealers after the assassination of President Kennedy and slaying of Officer Tippit, 117 while in plants nitrogen is only accidentally joined with the three other fundamental constituents of organic beings 116 This was your plan? 19 These acts can be any form of entertainment. 44 Let cool before serving, about thirty minutes. 46 A. Hidell, P.O. Box two nine one five, Dallas, Texas, on March twenty, nineteen sixty-three. 92 In the planning document currently under review by the Bureau of the Budget, the Department recommends that it be permitted to hire five qualified persons, quote, 162 The series features the shop's daily interaction with its customers. 68 The exact shape of the cavity is often dependent on how many lamps are used. 76 From time to time the M.B.T.A. has made various agreements with companies that contribute to commuting options. 111 Rabbis and scholars argued to what degree, if at all, its findings could be used to determine present conduct. 110 As a result of salt water coming into contact with the low-lying land, many salt pans have formed near the coast. 113 Marek is so shortsighted, he can't identify faces from a distance of ten meters. 80 The alternative between labor or idleness, or the selection of the form of labor, 81 The helpers might be called navigators, assistors, counselors, connectors, or something similar. 96 His Gettysburg Address became an iconic endorsement of nationalism, republicanism, equal rights, liberty, and democracy. 120 Who could it be? 16 A sullen smile gets few friends. 32 Drain on paper towels. Crumble into small pieces. 49 Now and again there seemed to be a recurrence of a murder epidemic, 67 and to have succeeded in other speculations. 44 In fact, he had quit school in an attempt to obtain his mother's assistance to join the Marines. 96 Of these wards, three were appropriated to the "cabin side," so called because 78 In two thousand seven, nine people were killed at the Crandall Canyon Mine collapse. 84 response 8 On June first, nineteen twenty five, he married Ella Botts Rice, daughter of David Rice and Martha Lawson Botts of Houston. 123 and by a Secret Service investigation. 38 materially improve upon the procedures in effect at the time of President Kennedy's assassination and result in a substantial lessening of the danger. 150 He looks like an Afghan. 24 Mullay defended himself, and managed to break the knife, but not before he had cut himself severely. 100 The cabinet is responsible to the bicameral parliament, the States General, which also has legislative powers. 110 A female cheerleader in a shiney blue cheerleaders outfit leaps across stage while performing. 94 My brother is a professional football player. 45 He hurried to his room and stayed no longer than three or four minutes. 71 I found it to be the same general configuration. All appearances were the same, end quote, 90 it is obvious that legibility is the first thing to be aimed at in the forms of the letters; 92 It has been suggested that one of the motivating influences operating on Lee Oswald was the atmosphere in the city of Dallas, 125 A domestic passenger flight with seventy-one people on board crashes shortly after takeoff from Moscow, Russia. 111 His disciplinary powers were defined by the act, and his duties, 64 Warner's stock price slid from sixty dollars to twenty dollars, and the company began searching for a buyer for its troubled division. 134 It was necessary that the chemical composition of the animal body should be more complicated than that of the plant. 116 The beach is dry and shallow at low tide. 41 There were no beds or bedding, no straw even. 45 id 2 and of his need to present himself to others as well as to himself in a light more favorable than was justified by reality. 123 One. Beyond Double Pane Windows 31 We have a budget in March. 26 What shall I do? 16 Based on that training, his basic knowledge in sight manipulation and trigger squeeze and what not, I would say that he would be capable of sighting that rifle in well, 168 At first, paying little heed to you, she hesitates and glances anxiously about the desert as if in search of an enemy. 118 His anxiety exploded. 21 She complains that her forays into "special education" were also unsatisfactory, with educators making no effort to teach her literacy. 135 accommodation 13 Graham Rolls are made by treating the dough mixed for Graham bread as above and following the foregoing receipt in every section, but allowing more time for rising and baking. 175 Potter wrote about thirty books; the best known being her twenty four children's tales. 87 When a man looks for something beyond his reach, his friends say he is looking for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. 125 We used to just dismantle and hide our sofa in someone's boot. 62 An elderly man with glasses pages through a book on a laptop with three other men 81 The role of the signaling pathway is recognized, but less well understood. 74 The F.B.I. has indicated that it is willing to continue to make such assistance available. 90 The world's first G.P.R.S. cell phone was also developed by Motorola. 69 You're welcome. 15 because he was bawling out the policeman, telling them it wasn't right to put him in line with these teenagers and all of that 126 through the instrumentality of the democratic form of government. 65 the assistance of trained Federal law enforcement officers. 59 The train brought our hero to the big town. 43 The administration of good government was to be watched over by the local magistracy, certain of whom, styled visiting justices, 128 But, in fact, the reverse is true. 34 Many airlines have policies that require a C.R.S. to be placed in a window seat. Do not place a C.R.S. in an exit row. 118 procedures 10 Three weeks later, he resigned. 31 The hinge on the door creaked with old age. 43 I have not decided yet. 23 That's not exactly a widely used piece of software. 51 A man is crossing the street and in the distance you can see a building under construction. 91 The officers of the society were to be known only by "factitious names." 72 Boys report going on Facebook most often while girls are more likely than boys to use visually-oriented platforms such as Tumblr, Pinterest, and Instagram. 155 We know the names of its kings, and the records speak of long wars with the Assyrians. 86 The earliest paintings were not representational but ornamental; they consisted of patterns or designs rather than pictures. 124 it has been occupied by every Vice President except for Hubert Humphrey, who used a room on the floor below. 108 Here and there a book is printed in France or Germany with some pretension to good taste, but the general revival of the old forms has made no way in those countries. 166 Stir chili paste into chicken mixture; cook and stir until chicken is completely browned, three to four minutes. 112 Family liaison officers are now working to support the family. 62 He recalled that Oswald had a specific interest in Latin America, particularly Cuba, 84 The servers of the common voice project couldn't handle the heavy load. 71 it has obtained the services of outside consultants, such as the Rand Corporation, 82 he might keep him from the fire, or give him his soup or gruel in a pail instead of a basin. 92 Draw the chart with heavy black lines. 38 Below, we look at their habits, the risks and benefits of social media use, and resources to keep youth safe online. 116 December twenty-fifth, sixteen oh nine, at nine A.M. 52 has not only been discovered to exist far more widely among plants than was formerly imagined, 94 Contaminated lands and toxic sites are cleaned up by potentially responsible parties and revitalized. 101 Charlie Gordon, leader of the council, dismissed the suggestion. 64 This wedge prevents the trailer from rolling down the slope in case of brake failure. 85 either arsenic or antimony, or both, in small quantities, 57 Bringing the lights up. 23 Mr. Buxton's small work on prison discipline gave a new aspect to the question he had so much at heart. 103 In two thousand three, the foreign ministry also hosted an exhibit called "Estonia: Nordic with a Twist". 105 This part of the town was half residential, half industrial. 60 Jumbo burgers with lettuce and tomatoes are quite popular these days. 69 father of the clerk to the steam-ship company, and these facts were deemed sufficient to justify the arrest of all three. 121 The word is not to be mistaken for the thing. 45 With Ruth Paine acting as an interpreter, Detective Rose asked Marina whether her husband had a rifle. 102 that President Kennedy would receive a "good welcome" and would not face demonstrations like those encountered 110 Science has been arguing about the zoological classification of the species for decades. 88 Abraham Lincoln was the sixteenth President of the United States. 65 Marwood, whose name is so familiar with the present generation, 63 What did I tell you? 20 Four boys are surrounding a person sitting in a chair and splashing their head with pink paint. 95 De Mohrenschildt was a peripheral member of the so-called Russian community, with which Oswald made contact through Mr. Peter Gregory, 134 Heavy neutron irradiation of plutonium results in four major isotopes of einsteinium. 85 As he told the driver, quote, Let's get out of here; we are hit, end quote, 75 It has long been used in Chinese traditional medicine. 54 In the words of one official, no analytic work foresaw the lightning that could connect the thundercloud to the ground. 119 The table below shows the Thai G.D.P. per capita in comparison with other East and Southeast Asian economies. 109 It was later discovered that prokaryotic cells, which do not have a nucleus, also contain nucleic acids. 104 It would have been necessary for the Commission to take considerable testimony, much of it extraneous to the facts of the assassination of President Kennedy, 157 and in the seeds which it produces are exactly equivalent to the weights of the same elements which have disappeared from the materials supplied to the bean during its growth. 175 and so got the money for which he was prepared to barter his soul. 66 character 9 They are photographs of the same scene. 39 testified that Commission Exhibit Number one sixty-two was the jacket worn by the man they saw on November twenty-two. 118 that the interruption shall not take place for an hour, end quote. 66 Their type is artistically on a much lower level than Jenson's. 63 Scatter bacon, onion, mozzarella cheese, and black pepper on top. 65 They can also hide from law enforcement by displaying fake caller I.D. information. 83 In a great number of prisons no provision was made for the education of prisoners, in some others there was a sufficient staff of schoolmasters and instructors. 160 Down below between the galleries was the mass of the prison population; 71 Idleness was still the general rule for all prisoners in Newgate, in defiance of the law. 89 After this the step-father insisted upon a post-mortem, which was conducted somewhat carelessly. 96 The volume of references to the Secret Service has increased substantially since the new instructions went into effect. 119 The ambulance drove down the street sirens blaring. 51 Put your trust in God. 22 Shearer is also known for his prolific work as a voice actor on "The Simpsons". 79 Wee Willey is way over there. 29 Can you do your babysitting from outside my office? 51 In his testimony before the Commission, 39 The formal FBI instructions to its agents outlining the information to be referred to the Secret Service were too narrow at the time of the assassination. 154 When the time comes for action, 31 The ancients never tired of describing them. 44 Waste not, want not. 20 FBI-agency community of interests, location of agency head quarters, and the responsiveness of agency representatives. 118 Down on his luck. 17 to the exclusion of all other rifles of the same general configuration, end quote. 82 but finding he could not escape, he said he would resign his post, and leaving the boardroom, disappeared. 106 Marion Harland's Cookery for Beginners. Bread Sponge and Breakfast Breads. 74 A young man holds up a hand written sign next to a woman with a multicolored umbrella. 86 This horse will nose his way to the finish. 43 The mix of these groups is described as mestizo or cholo. 57 Sports, music, cooking and other topics are covered. 52 The existence of such one-way functions is still an open conjecture. 68 forums 6 Cats and Dogs each hate the other. 34 To supplement the PRS files, the Secret Service depends largely on local police departments and local offices of other Federal agencies 135 The occasional use of personnel from other Federal agencies to assist in protecting the President has a further advantage. 122 a third with the captain of the Folkestone and Boulogne boat. 61 Each member state has four representatives at the conference: two government delegates, an employer delegate and a worker delegate. 131 A four-volume paperback version was released November thirteenth, twenty twelve. 80 I can't believe they charge ten quid for using the toilets! 59 Different types of derivatives have different levels of counter party risk. 75 Only Hawaii and Utah continue to prohibit all types of gaming. 62 a girl in a white tshirt and red shorts is looking out of an underground passage. 81 A very valuable volume published by the Society 47 While some of this can be attributed to more homes being built in warmer regions like the South, a lot of it is thanks in part to improved energy efficiency. 157 Joseph usually avoids the pistachio fudge. 42 There are eight one-act plays written by Alan Ayckbourn. 56 The Commission also recommends that the Secret Service consciously set about the task of inculcating and maintaining the highest standard of excellence, for all of its personnel. 178 He could face a jail sentence. 30 The test could decrease the number of inconclusive and false positive tests, thus eliminating unnecessary vaccine use. 118 Inside the carriage was a hat, a walking-stick, and a small black leather bag. 78 Federal Judge Sarah T. Hughes hastened to the plane to administer the oath. 75 they don't seem to be especially enthusiastic about any of the "collective" duties, a natural feeling. 102 The adequacy of the intelligence system maintained by the Secret Service at the time of the assassination, 106 There was another silence. 26 Almost in the same moment in which he hit or pushed me, he vaulted over the back seat and sat on me. 100 and each agency given clear understanding of the assistance which the Secret Service expects. 93 similar 7 vomiting, violent retching, purging, such as are visible in cholera, and all dated from the time when she knew a young man named Dixon, 135 With bow and arrow the veterinarian shot a needle that deafened the cheetah. 76 Attendance at the project is a condition of a probation order. 62 but his sporting operations did not prosper, and he became a needy man, always driven to desperate straits for cash. 116 The equivalent numbers for Belgium were six hundred eighty three and thirteen hundred. 86 Senior military and F.A.A. leaders had no effective communication with each other. 82 In the nineteen eightys, yoga became popular as a system of physical exercise across the Western world. 103 William Roupell himself was brought as a principal witness to clench the case by a confession altogether against himself. 121 During the epoch, a majority of the city's buildings were erected. 66 His hands were clasped, and he was truly penitent. 50 The days were passed in idleness, debauchery, riotous quarreling, immoral conversation, 87 He paused, looked back at the house, but then pocketed the keys, opened the gate and strode down the path quickly. 114 She always managed to make everybody around him smile. 54 Even after Williams had got out, persons were disposed to disbelieve that the escape had been accomplished in the manner indicated; 131 A chain fastened by nails to the stake was then put round her body by the executioner with his assistants. 106 The strange competition amongst hundreds to succeed Marwood is a strange fact too recently before the public to need mention here. 130 Cronin's return came after Greg Volz turned down the position for lead vocalist after becoming a born-again Christian. 118 with the headquarters of the Federal intelligence agencies, particularly the FBI, 81 we have avoided on the one hand the theory that business should and must be taken over into an all-embracing government. 120 Although sentence of death was passed on Edmunds, it was commuted to penal servitude for life; 94 A woman dressed in mostly black standing on the street leaning against a street lamp. 85 but expand both the scope and the operations of the existing agencies, particularly those of the Secret Service and the FBI. 124 No problem. 11 Political pressure favored stimulus resulting in an expansion of the money supply. 82 In the first series the firers required time spans of four point six, six point seven five, 91 and possessed of an education very much beyond the rank of life to which he originally belonged." 97 On the next day, he asked the New Orleans police to arrange for him to be interviewed by the FBI. 97 There! there! I see the Lamb of God! Oh! how happy! Oh! this is happy! 70 Chapter two. The Assassination: Part two. 41 But the condition of the great city jail was evidently considered a reproach by the city authorities, and a year after the opening of the new "model" at Pentonville, 165 The car sold for twelve thousand three hundred and sixty nine euros. 68 He injured his foot when he slid home. 38 He admitted to fantasies about being powerful and sometimes hurting and killing people, but refused to elaborate on them. 121 After a friend had called and told her, "President Kennedy has been shot," she turned on the television. 104 Morris was nominated for an Emmy for this short film. 53 His features have no felonious cast; 36 The reports prepared by those present at these interviews are set forth in appendix eleven. 91 Voters in Alabama go to the polls to fill the Senate seat vacated by Attorney General Jeff Sessions. 100 during short sentences, or the earlier stages of a long confinement, 68 and check by remonstrance or threat of punishment all who broke the peace of the prison. 88 Clause ninety-two, Schedule one of that act authorized the use of plank beds, which were adopted in many prisons. 113 The eleven remaining countries aiming to create the Trans-Pacific Partnership announce they will sign an agreement in Chile this March. 135 The products of the combination of these two periods are bells, vessels, weapons and ornaments. 95 There are several disciplines of mountain biking besides downhill. 66 A new school will be built. 27 Will come out in the flesh. 27 There was no convincing proof that the accused had administered the poison, although beyond question that poison had occasioned the death. 138 The nucleus of the ancient city was a small island. 51 He is a scoundrel. 18 These words were also in the handwriting of Lee Harvey Oswald. 62 Meetings vary in their frequency, with certain actions being affected depending on whether the meetings are held more than a quarterly time interval apart. 155 Hocker's murder is in its way interesting, as affording another proof of the extraordinary way in which the culprit returned to the scene of his guilt. 151 Give me precise instructions how to decontaminate the trooper. 62 Defection to the Soviet Union 29 but through the window in the door he caught a fleeting glimpse of a man walking in the vestibule toward the lunchroom. 119 They undergo post-translational modifications that alter their interaction with D.N.A. and nuclear proteins. 108 will no longer be herded indiscriminately together. 51 This experiment was so far successful that about eighteen fifty Richard of Edinburgh was induced to cut punches for a series of "old style" letters. 148 The priests' deception was unavailing, and in two seventy-five B.C., the inhabitants of Babylon were transported to Seleucia. 125 A cone costs five cents on Mondays. 35 Citizens in areas affected by the typhoon are advised to leave their homes immediately. 87 While still hot, mix in the sugar and butter, beating all to a lumpless cream. 78 those for trial, and those sentenced for short terms or long 60 It is perfectly evident that the time for an inquiry will come. 63 The final witness to appear for the prosecution, forensic psychiatrist Park Dietz, began his testimony on February twelfth. 123 to utter imprecations against the Recorder, the Secretary of State, the Council, and the King; 94 The same evils of overcrowding, uncleanliness, want of medical attendance, 74 student 7 He could in the first place withhold the government grant in aid of prison funds by refusing the certificate to the Treasury upon which the allowance was paid. 159 The soft cushion broke the man's fall. 38 Recognition that the responsibility must be shared increases the likelihood that it will be met. 96 The famous Mona Lisa painting was painted by Leonardo Da Vinci. 63 The last King of Romania dies at the age of ninety-six. 55 but found none by which he could hope to prevail, unless he maimed himself and then went over to the enemy. 107 There is heavier than normal traffic on your route. 51 could have led anyone to predict the outburst of violence which finally occurred. 81 You have seven appointments today. 34 Check the person and or company who owns this website. 54 Simone employed a broad range of musical styles including classical, jazz, blues, folk, gospel, and pop. 104 Take the following steps to protect yourself and loved ones from germs when swimming in pools, soaking in hot tubs, or visiting water playgrounds: 146 A waxed floor makes us lose balance. 36 This vibrator-style separator soon became universally adopted by all other manufacturers. 89 The Texas Theatre is on the north side of Jefferson Boulevard, approximately eight blocks from the scene of the Tippit shooting and six blocks 142 the same and happily often futile precautions taken to conceal the crime. 73 Without Los Altos, conservatives lost much of the resources that had given Guatemala hegemony in Central America. 113 A male and a female are leaning against railing looking off with the ocean in the background 92 With a contented sigh, the cat settled down to sleep. 53 He had steadfastly refused to eat meat on some religions scruples, and for the same reason would not touch soup. 112 N.S.A. director Mike Rogers plans to retire this spring. 56 This activity in enhanced by the porous structure of the subsoil. 65 Turning on the lights. 22 ten. I left you as much money as I could, 41 In recent years, some older seven forty-sevens have also found their way into museums. 86 It is headed by the High Council of the Judiciary. 50 The surgeon's journal produced to the inspectors contained numerous entries of terrible wounds inflicted in a cowardly way. 123 Section Seven lays out the process for creating laws, and Section Eight enumerates numerous powers. 99 Various billionaires, world leaders, and investors gather in Davos, Switzerland to discuss economic issues. 107 The Nature of the Shots 23 He worked with Ben Webster, and subsequently with Coleman Hawkins and Chubby Jackson. 85 Much of the villages' communal life centered around church services and holy days. 82 laughing and uproarious, utterly unmindful of the companionship of men upon whom lay the shadow of an impending shameful death. 127 that the functions or workings of the organs of plants, animals or man are quite distinct, 90 You have arrived at your destination. 37 Parallel to it is the South Aegean Volcanic Arc, which is the volcanic island arc of the same tectonic system. 110 One twenty Greeley Highway, Cheyenne, Wyoming. 46 At the bottom was a circular space, through which ran a narrow passage, and the sides of which were fitted with barrack bedsteads. 130 and, further, on this basis the bullet could have been fired from the rifle on the basis of its land and groove impressions, end quote. 135 The modern printer, in the teeth of the evidence given by his own eyes, considers the single page as the unit. 110 when it was found that a sum of ten thousand pounds, standing in the name of three trustees, of whom Fauntleroy was one, 120 While with Mrs. Wilson she became suddenly and alarmingly ill, and died in great agony. 87 Scouts participate in a wide range of outdoor activities, educational programs, and career-oriented programs in partnership with community organizations. 153 An asteroid was named after him shortly after his death. 56 They are lit on Christmas Eve. 30 A woman dressed in black and holding flowers holds hands with a blond woman dressed in white. 93 Tourism forms a large part of the economy, with over fifteen million tourists visiting the city-state in twenty fourteen. 121 Sixteen thirty-one Elm Hill Pike, Apartment seven, Nashville, Tennessee. 72 Answer: Yes. It was a self-serving interview. The visits with the Soviet Embassy were evidently for the purpose of securing a visa, 131 with advantage step in, and by the collection and diffusion of information, and the reiteration of sound advice, greatly assist the good work. 142 It is not just about pay. 25 I couldn't find a custom script in the Mycroft configuration. 61 Do an internet search with the name of the company and words like review, scam, or complaint. 93 Men at the Trade Mart were driven to Parkland Hospital in Dallas police cars. 77 Special Agent Winston G. Lawson, a member of the White House detail who acted as the advance agent, and Forrest V. Sorrels, 123 A small child wearing the colors of the American flag is shoveling snow from the front steps. 93 The regulations provide further that, quote, violation or slight disregard, end quote, of these provisions, quote, 114 Turbulence can even occur when the sky appears to be clear. 59 Kalua and cream made Lisa and Maria awfully awkward. 52 would probably have had the benefit in these days of the doubts raised at his trial. 84 Frazier estimated that the bag was two feet long, quote, give and take a few inches, end quote, and about five or six inches wide. 130 Palmer too showed an indecent haste in preparing the body for interment, and in obtaining the usual certificate. 112 and when the inspectors visited Newgate they found the three certain to die in a day-room by themselves; 104 The new L.N. thirty four test is simpler and easier to use than current tests. 78 Apart from his relatives, Oswald had no friends or close associates in Texas when he returned there in June of nineteen sixty-two, 130 Since two thousand, they have played in Comerica Park. 54 The pipe began to rust while new. 33 A quart of milk is water for the most part. 43 A musical composition of several movements for a single instrument usually the pianoforte. 90 Does this wretched state persist forever, and if so, is it all meaningless? 75 much uneasiness was caused at one of the convict prisons by information that bribery on a large scale was again at work amongst the officials. 142 She placed the glass carefully on the edge of the table. 56 He injured his foot when he slid home. 38 In all cases projects must be of a character to give employment to those on the relief rolls. 93 he handed over to Pierce a sum of three thousand pounds, his own, whether rightly or wrongly acquired never came out, 117 The meeting produced a nonbinding statement in favor of consensus-based decision-making. 88 After the accident, his bicycle had to be repaired. 51 Less 4 We do not believe leaders understood the gravity of the threat. 63 was impressed with the necessity for authoritative interference. 64 who came from his room ready dressed, a suspicious circumstance, as he was always late in the morning. 102 I'm married. 12 A thing of small note can cause despair. 40 Special Agent in Charge Sorrels testified that the advance preparations followed on this occasion were, quote, pretty much the same, end quote, 143 Hussein came to symbolize resistance to tyranny. 48 raised the alarm, and suspicion fell upon the three murderers, who were arrested. 81 One smug alderman, a member of the House of Commons, sneered at the ultra philanthropy of the champions of prison improvement. 126 Late in the afternoon he flew to Houston where he rode through the city in a motorcade, 87 which marked the growth of public interest in prison affairs, and which was the germ of the new system 102 The ladies and gentlemen I work for would be interested in acquiring your service on a temporary basis. 103 in short, it happens to this craft, as to others, that the utilitarian practice, though it professes to avoid ornament, 119 It wasn't anything extreme. I wouldn't go as far as to call it, call him a paranoid, but a definite tendency there was in that direction, I think, end quote. 157 Everyone in the Mycroft A.I. community and team. 48 After he returned from his trip to Mexico where his application to go to Cuba had been sharply rejected, 104 The School of Athens depicts a fictional gathering of the most prominent thinkers of classical antiquity. 105 The course of the swindlers was by no means smooth, but it was not till eighteen fifty-four that suspicion arose that anything was wrong. 137 He was a little dismayed at this, and he said that he couldn't find any that would show any interest in him as a Communist, 123 Do you think we are a top nation? 33 in the other was the sacred precinct of Jupiter Belus, 54 Call a spade a spade. 21 Constitution of the empire. 27 Northwest winds fifteen to twenty miles per hour. 49 The basics include reducing how much energy and materials you use, reusing what you can and recycling the rest. There's a lot more about that to learn! 151 but then Kellerman, Greer, and Lawson lifted the President onto a stretcher and pushed it into trauma room one. 111 The klutz grew bored of breaking clay bricks on the ground. 59 What is today? 14 manager of a used-car lot on the northeast corner of Patton Avenue and Jefferson Boulevard, and Sam Guinyard, a porter at the lot. 130 The Commission endorses these efforts to supplement the Service's own personnel by obtaining, for short periods of time, the assistance of trained Federal law enforcement officers. 180 Darius having become master of the place, destroyed the wall, and tore down all the gates; 90 The police lost all trace of them for some days, but at length Sullivan's brother was followed from the house in Kennington to the above-mentioned tavern. 154 water which is lost by evaporation, especially from the leaf surface through the stomata; 89 Wednesday, March thirty-first, nineteen forty-five. 51 Agent Lawson's interim report was received by Agent Kellerman on November twenty, the day before departure on the Texas trip. 125 Don't touch the china in that case. 35 On the latest podcast, we talk about disaster training with Robin A. Warren. 76 it was subsequently amplified, and the rates of salaries fixed. 63 Add onion. Cook and stir until translucent and starting to brown, seven to eight minutes. 89 In the Book of Samuel, Abner was cousin to Saul and commander-in-chief of his army. 83 Nor did Oswald ever complain that he was hit with a gun, or injured in the back. 80 President Herbert Hoover occupied the Secretary of Navy's office for a few months following a fire in the Oval Office on Christmas Eve. 135 the difficulty of access, and the admitted necessity of giving architectural importance to this the national model prison. 122 In our courts we want a government of laws and not of men. 58 assistance 10 You can do this. 16 Press the pants and sew a button on the vest. 45 Gandhi considered the north-eastern regions important, because of its strategic situation. 90 this is the tendency to the formation of ugly meandering white lines or "rivers" in the page 92 He indicated that he wanted more people in the vicinity at the time of the attempt so that his arrival and departure would not attract great attention. 151 Once more, however, he waited till the interval appointed had gone by, and then leading the troops to the place where the four thousand were, 141 World War One was the first fully mechanized war, and as a result, soldiers who were exposed to mustard gas, other chemicals and fumes required specialized care after the war. 175 which Americans have demanded since the white man first came to these shores. 77 Jennifer is very creative. 26 No sectional, no political distinctions can be permitted. 57 there were no means by which the motion of its fluids could be produced by internal causes. 91 Gammell purchased subscriptions to multiple D.D.o.S.-for-hire companies. 72 To Cannon's infinite surprise, he was indicted for attempt to murder, and not for a simple assault, and found guilty. 117 Before the assassination of President Kennedy, 46 Consequently the suggestion has been made, on the one hand, that all preventive investigative functions relating to the security of the President 145 A fungus is any member of the group of organisms that includes yeasts and molds, as well as the more familiar mushrooms. 120 The plan proposed by the Service would take approximately twenty months to implement and require expenditures of approximately three million dollars during that period. 168 I think it’s too overwhelming to introduce two complex tools that basically do the same things. 95 The next morning, Malcolm X. learned that Prince Faisal had designated him as a state guest. 92 I would be happy to sing for you. 33 Adding fast leads to wrong sums. 32 When President and Mrs. Kennedy shook hands with members of the public along the fences surrounding the reception area, they were closely guarded by Secret Service agents 170 What became of him? 19 Fischer explained that he did not mean by the earlier statement that the man was blond, but rather that his hair was not black. 127 We have already met, but it would be nice to see him again. 59 The third well draws water from a deep aquifer but will be unable to supply Spring Park with enough water on a long-term basis. 127 Other developments also contributed to the decline of the electric vehicle. 75 They believe that the tribulation is not a future event. 56 The canceled money order was obtained from the Post Office Department. 70 Peace was won. 14 Dee bought a pound of cheese for the kids' lunches. 51 A palmprint could not be placed on this portion of the rifle, when assembled, because the wooden foregrip covers the barrel at this point. 138 For some reason, we were blocked from entering. 47 Oswald's Arrest 15 When lying under sentence of death in Newgate, he was visited by a lady, a gentlewoman in every sense of the word, who was said to be his sister. 145 He seemed to lose his focus. 28 But it is not a class that was requested by our alumni or prospective students. 79 This is required in order for the security proof to work. 57 This arrangement was, however, modified after eighteen eleven, and the chapel yard was allotted to misdemeanants and prisoners awaiting trial. 142 Colin MacLaurin Road within Edinburgh University is named in his honour. 72 and had been seen reading a foreign newspaper, end quote. 57 Had I heard? 12 This was followed by renewed technological and political development. 69 A human embryonic stem cell is also defined by the expression of several transcription factors and cell surface proteins. 121 is consistent with the movements of the two elevators, which would have provided the other possible means of descent. 117 Monday, January twenty-third, twenty eleven. 44 He was assassinated soon afterwards, triggering the Cedar Revolution. 69 The program is managed by the Planetary Missions Program Office at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, for the agency's Planetary Science Division in Washington. 185 To measure the performance accurately we need a benchmark. 58 In Dallas the rain had stopped, and by midmorning a gloomy overcast sky had given way to the bright sunshine that greeted the Presidential party 144 They might say the discount plan will save you money and that it meets the minimum coverage required under "Obamacare" so you won't have to pay a penalty or look at other plans. 177 Chapter seven. Lee Harvey Oswald: Background and Possible Motives, Part two. 76 Festus vouched for the authenticity of the check. 49 that we approached our task of reviving private enterprise in March, nineteen thirty-three. 91 To support teens' healthy social media use, parents and youth-serving professionals can use these resources: 108 Of the three thousand samples tested, it identified one false negative and eleven false positive D.F.A. test results. 117 Oh, I know it! 14 Several men were playing basketball in a public park when a fight erupted between two players. 94 The Dutchman was in time to see the breakthrough. 49 A brown leather bag hung from its strap. 40 It takes two to tango. 22 If the cap fit, wear it. 24 But as for this country, I stand or fall by my refusal to accept as a necessary condition of our future 103 None of these movements justify the ascription to plants of perception of will. 79 And so it proved. 17 Hosty assured her, through Mrs. Paine as interpreter, that the FBI would not harm or harass her. 96 She was kind to sick old people. 32 his feet were bound with cords and made fast to rings in the floor. Thus manacled, one of the party, who pretended to be Mrs. Canning's brother, 144 A woman is taking a photo of a bridge while standing on the train tracks. 73 I love chocolate candies. 25 Uh. 3 When asked later whether it might have been Mr. Johnson, she said, quote, Yes, no. 82 Rugby union has been professionalized since nineteen ninety five. 65 that Oswald was at the window from which the shots were fired, although the prints do not establish the exact time he was there. 128 In eighteen seventy one Grenada was connected to the telegraph. 63 This was the first enunciation of the system of separate confinement, 69 The name still survived in the new press yard, which was the receptacle of the male condemned prisoners. It was generally crowded, like the rest of the prison. 159 Four guys three wearing hats one not are jumping at the top of a staircase. 75 I was pretty sure it was the same man I saw. When they made him turn sideways, I was positive that was the one I seen, end quote. 129 A golfer wearing a striped red polo shirt and white pants watches his drive after swinging. 91 Drop the two when you add the figures. 38 There was no mystery about his departure; he had gone to Canada, by the 'Victoria' sailing ship, starting from the London docks, and bound to New York. 151 The condign punishment meted out to these Custom House robbers had no deterrent effect seemingly. 97 I did this to prevent cycling and encourage greater movement through the solution space. 88 In the Low Countries and Cologne, which were very fertile of printed books, Gothic was the favorite. 100 Carro was the only one of Oswald's three principal observers who recommended that he be placed in a boy's home or similar institution. 134 to taking the descriptions of newly-arrived prisoners. 54 I was coming out this one on the second floor, and I don't know, I was kind of sweeping this area as I come up, I was looking from right to left 144 For more information, please call the Air Transportation Division. 66 They are quite distinct from the eastern dialects and Imperial Aramaic. 71 One woman gives another woman a pedicure in a small apartment, as yet another woman watches. 92 The case was puzzling to the old and wise. 42 It is clear that the note was written while the Oswalds were living in Dallas before they moved to New Orleans in the spring of nineteen sixty-three. 149 Subsequently Bailey was arrested on a charge of forgery, and after a long trial found guilty. His sentence was transportation for life. 135 V.A.'s Department of Medicine and Surgery, established in nineteen forty six, was re-designated as the Veterans Health Services and Research Administration at that time. 169 I've got indigestion. 21 He worked with Ben Webster, and subsequently with Coleman Hawkins and Chubby Jackson. 85 According to Mrs. Paine, Oswald had gone to bed by nine p.m.; 61 end quote. Hidell was a fictitious president of an organization of which Oswald was the only member. 100 The occasional use of personnel from other Federal agencies to assist in protecting the President has a further advantage. 122 We can deliver lifesaving medicines from the Strategic National Stockpile to anywhere in the U.S. in twelve hours or less. 122 Would you mind telling me your name and address? 48 It was the day on which Lord Harrowby was to entertain his colleagues at dinner in Grosvenor Square. 100 Jump the fence and hurry up the bank. 37 Multiple ejector and open-ended exhaust stubs helped solve the problem. 71 Symptoms include dizziness, weakness, excessive perspiration, nausea, and vomiting. 83 And here I may not omit to tell the use to which the mould dug out of the great moat was turned, nor the manner wherein the wall was wrought. 141 The whole case was referred to the king, and the poor wretch, whose crime had been a military one, was eventually pardoned. 123 Mr. Sturges Bourne, Sir James Mackintosh, Sir James Scarlett, and William Wilberforce. 86 Birds feed their offspring with spiders, worms, slugs and bugs. 63 Special Agent George W. Hickey, Jr., in the rear seat of the Presidential follow-up car, 88 The police were of opinion that these robberies were both the work of the same hand. 84 It took seventeen years for Mullett's masterpiece to finally be completed. 74 By nineteen hundred, electric cars were at their heyday, accounting for around a third of all vehicles on the road. 115 This means saving is spending. 30 I know this might sound really bad, but listening to this music just makes me want to go hide in the mountains. 111 When the jury found a verdict of guilty he remained unmoved. He listened without emotion to the judge's well-merited censures, 126 was everything done to save people? 35 i 1 This area includes most of what is now Clark County and the Las Vegas metropolitan area. 88 I now propose that we establish by law an assurance against any such ill-balanced court in the future. 102 I just worked the tills for a couple of months then got too bored and left. 75 In deciding whether Oswald killed Patrolman Tippit the Commission considered the following: 91 The scale model of the architects plans sat at the center of the conference room. 81 Other developments also contributed to the decline of the electric vehicle. 75 Diverse locations, from rural cemeteries to Disneyland, have been locked down as a result of such scares. 105 Take that chest back upstairs. 30 At about twelve:forty-four p.m. on November twenty-two, 55 Everyone is in favour of the need for welfare reform in general. 64 or hesitated to embark upon any considerable expenditure to alter or rebuild, 77 The stick and bag were his, but not the hat. 44 The inspection found that the facility did not have necessary containment systems to trap plastic material and prevent releases to a waterway that flows into the Port of Los Angeles. 182 A scheme for heating the whole prison with hot-water pipes, after the system now generally adopted elsewhere, was considered, 125 independent 11 The letter fell into Oswald's hands when it was returned to his post office box 79 The volume is already at the maximum. 37 occupying barely three hundred ninety feet lineal 49 and limited it to Newgate alone. Newgate indeed became the sole theme of their first report. 92 John of Spires, followed by Nicholas Jenson, began to print in that city. 73 It caught its hind paw in a rusty trap. 39 It points at Earth to take a measurement then looks at the cold space to calibrate. 83 He must be opposed to their basic foundations and representatives, end quote. 77 I've been there. 16 Punning rhymes, such as "bare" and "bear" are also identical rhymes. 68 Your device is not currently registered. 40 At the first interrogation, Oswald claimed that his only crime was carrying a gun and resisting arrest. 103 A man and a woman are sitting down overlooking the water and the women is bending over. 87 I expect a rapid response. 26 You are going to escape. 24 Shall I head up now then? 25 The first plane Kaye owned was a Piper Aztec. 45 Nothing more was heard of Krapps. The curious thing in his case was that his offense was a trifling one; 104 Knack was aware of the facts known to the FBI and recognized Oswald's false statements. 87 The convicted delinquent has his rights, said Mr. Buxton authoritatively. 73 A young man in a jean jacket smiles for the camera inside a store. 66 This requires careful sample preparation, since electrons are scattered strongly by most materials. 99 The selected mission will be the fourth in NASA's New Frontiers portfolio, a series of principal investigator-led planetary science investigations. 147 Between the fall of the Roman Empire and the Renaissance, the West experienced a period of considerable decline. 112 Oh. 3 the number and names on watches, were carefully removed or obliterated after the goods passed out of his hands. 111 Howard swore he would finish him, but proved the weaker of the two, and Mullay got him down on the floor. 105 Griffiths afterwards admitted that he had been employed in defrauding the bank since eighteen forty-six, 104 Pooh Bear chatted with Tootsie about books and other such inconsequential things. 81 His last statement contains the words, "The public now think I am a liar, and they will not believe me when I say the truth." 125 Impact printers rely on a forcible impact to transfer ink to the media. 71 Menzies and Page attacked each other publicly. 46 Angelini wrote to the Lord Mayor to this effect, 48 But the worst part of the business was to jump from this irksome foothold of the iron grating on to the top of the building just mentioned, 139 which specifically required the referral of such a case as Oswald's to the Secret Service, 90 The crusaders consolidated their conquests into crusader states. 64 From George Washington to John F. Kennedy, such journeys have been a normal part of the President's activities. 111 Place the potatoes into a pot, and fill with enough water to cover. 67 Mr. William Wakefield was arrested at Dover, conveyed to Chester, and committed to Lancaster Jail for trial at the next assizes, 128 Five tablespoonfuls of yeast. One tablespoonful of white sugar. 63 I'm addicted to recycling. 26 All the allowances of food passed through his hands; he had the control of the poor-box for chance charities, 109 A further development of the Roman letter took place at Venice. 63 Macedonia is a landlocked country but has three major natural lakes. 68 I would prefer to pay with cash rather than contactless prepaid cards. 70 association at one time forbidden by custom, but which greed and rapacity long made the rule. 93 All I did was catch a glance at him, and evidently he was -- this door might have been, you know, closing and almost shut at that time, end quote. 146 It's like a plague. 19 Thoughts of his personal difficulties must have been at least partly on his mind when he went to Irving on Thursday night and told his wife that he was lonely, 159 First came the sheriffs, the under-sheriffs, and several aldermen and city officials, then Lord Powerscourt and several other peers of the realm. 145 with this, placed against the wall near the chevaux-de-frise, he made an escalade. 82 Gammell, who is a convicted felon, also admitted that he possessed parts for use in the building of A.R. fifteen assault rifles. 128 Yes. 4 which had led to the disclosure of his defection in New Orleans. 64 Miss Turner was shown into a private room, where Mr. Wakefield soon presented himself. 86 Bake from twenty to twenty-five minutes in a quick oven, turning the pan around once, quickly and lightly. 106 Good morning. 13 A woman looks down in a steeplyangled asphalt parking lot next to a blueroofed building. 88 It was exactly four months away. 32 I understand that you're going to want to bring the cops in on this, but I can't be here when you do. 101 interested 10 Oswald's search for what he conceived to be the perfect society was doomed from the start. 90 and they had given information to the police. 45 The F.B.I. now transmits information on all defectors, a category which would, of course, have included Oswald. 111 They were used in navigation. 29 which it was asserted he had been in the habit of carrying about his person ever since he had taken to passing forged notes, as an antidote against disgrace. 157 Since the assassination, the Service has experimented with the use of agents borrowed for short periods from such agencies. 123 Four women in a living room, three of which are clearly playing a musical instrument. 85 Paste can cleanse the most dirty brass. 39 The stray cat gave birth to kittens. 36 Moreover, the bus transfer which he obtained as he left the bus was still in the pocket when he was arrested. 109 There was fear as to the unrestricted use of tools, 51 The flight attendant winked at the obnoxious passenger seated next to me. 73 Lincoln led the United States through its Civil War, perhaps its greatest moral, constitutional, and political crisis. 118 Thus, since twenty twelve the Democratic Party has been in power holding both presidency and government. 104 Now he launched out into great expenditure, took a house in Chester Terrace, and became known as a Maecenas and patron of the arts. 131 The Minnesota Department of Health first identified VOCs, primarily trichloroethylene from the Spring Park Treatment Plant in two thousand four. 144 The Minnesota Department of Health first identified VOCs, primarily trichloroethylene from the Spring Park Treatment Plant in two thousand four. 144 In October twenty sixteen, Twain confirmed to Rolling Stone that she had new music coming. 90 He saw him empty the gun and throw the shells into some bushes on the southeast corner lot. 91 He consulted his watch. 23 Avoid the busiest days and times to increase the likelihood of finding an empty seat next to you. 97 The actual method of the murder was never exactly ascertained. 62 canceling the suspension of a twenty-day sentence that Oswald had received in an earlier court-martial 102 Denial of Rifle Ownership 25 The boy owed his pal thirty cents. 34 You must be physically capable and willing to perform emergency actions when seated in emergency or exit rows. If you are not, ask for another seat. 148 Fear is vanishing and confidence is growing on every side, 58 The green light in the brown box flickered. 43 Soak fist in cold water to numb the pain. Then slash my left wrist. Than plunge wrist into bathtub of hot water. 112 Its walls and ceiling were decorated with ornamental stenciling and allegorical symbols of the Navy Department, hand painted in typical Victorian colors. 153 Governor Connally testified that he recognized the first noise as a rifle shot 78 Only sites added to the N.P.L. are eligible to receive federal funding for long-term cleanup. 93 It was worth a photograph. 26 Enemy spotted! 14 Twin toddlers dressed alike being pushed in plastic car strollers in a parade 77 She heard a passing motorist tell the driver that the President had been shot. 78 Thank you for your understanding. 33 That was a bonus, but it was not the main objective. 52 The Thomas Fire is the fifth largest in modern Californian history. 67 But his chief extravagance, his favorite folly, was the exercise of an ostentatious benevolence. 96 Scientists observe the sun, moon, planets and selected stars, determine and precisely measure the time, and publish astronomical data needed for accurate navigation. 165 A happy construction worker stands, gazing at something, with his noisereducing headphones on his helmet. 105 In the master's side yard, which had only one washing place, as many as seventy-eight prisoners, frequently more, 113 Unless the guilty prisoner was given up, the whole ward was punished, either by the exclusion of visitors or the deprivation of fire, 133 the most popular being the "Times," "Morning Herald," and "Morning Chronicle"; on Sunday the "Weekly Dispatch," "Bell's Life," and the "Weekly Messenger." 154 Moreover, Mrs. Bledsoe saw Oswald in the bus without a jacket and wearing a shirt with a hole at the elbow. 107 Yeah, I'm talking to you. 25 Egypt is a country that is often mentioned in the Bible. 56 I am excited to put it back up again once things are more settled in. 69 six hundred thirty-six thousand, three hundred seventy-one investigative matters during fiscal year nineteen sixty-three 120 which sets forth that the petitioner had been at great expense by sending clerks and agents to Liverpool and Shrewsbury to hire an executioner. 143 We expect more than thirty thousand people to attend. 53 The fraud was rendered possible by the absence of a check usual in the United States. 85 The chap slipped into the crowd and was lost. 45 After I had finished the first batch of papers, I was getting into the workflow. 80 and that, as he was starving, he had resolved on this desperate deed, 69 The day room was fitted with benches and settles after the manner of the tap in a public-house. 95 Eighteen forty-eight West Beltline Highway, Madison, Wisconsin, five three seven one three. 91 I should say not! 17 The Republic F.C. won the U.S.L. championship in their first season. 68 During the period the Commission was giving thought to this situation, 70 The print arrived in the FBI Laboratory in Washington on November twenty-nine, mounted on a card on which Lieutenant Day had written the words 142 But another point which they should attend to they almost always disregard; 75 Gus Grissom and Roger Chaffee were buried at Arlington National Cemetery. 73 The crowding was in consequence of the delay in removing transports. 68 Take kids on bathroom breaks hourly, and change diapers in a diaper-changing area and away from the water. 106 Class was dismissed due to a freak incident caused by a chemical spill. 71 The highest peak is Mount Rainier. 34 England was represented by Mr. Crawford, and the result of his inquiry was given to the public as an appendix to the House of Commons' Report on Secondary Punishments. 167 Take a chance and win a china doll. 35 For where these are boldly and carefully designed, and each letter is thoroughly individual in form, 100 Construction workers working on a highway at night as people look to see what they are doing. 93 Wee Willey is way over there. 29 whom the horrid scene, with the additional effect of some noted criminals hanging on the walls, drove out again sick and faint, 127 Once ordered to the cells, friends of all classes suddenly rise up; his fellow-prisoners, the turnkeys, the chaplain, 117 With Johnson as head coach and Jones as his own general manager, people in the league thought they could take advantage of them. 128 Head south on Roberts Avenue toward Cambridge Street. 53 Love is blind. 14 Wiedersheim has recorded more than one hundred and eighty such structural reminiscences in man. 95 that the hostile act occur while the victim is engaged in or because of the performance of official duties. 107 Walter Mondale was the first Vice President to move into the home. 66 It is questionable whether such criteria would have resulted in the referral of Oswald to the Secret Service. 109 To do this seeming to him a light matter, he mutilated himself in a way that was utterly without remedy. 104 Courvoisier, when put on his trial, pleaded not guilty; 55 The trick is to twist the tip till it comes off cleanly. 56 it sounded high and I immediately kind of looked up, 52 No, that is not a good solution. 32 Your journey is at an end. Before you is Babylon, the "Gate of God," as the old name means. 91 The chlorophyll is the apparatus by which the carbon is extracted from the atmospheric carbonic acid, the leaves being the chief laboratories. 142 The first step to a healthy lifestyle is to exercise often and regularly. 73 is the specially animal function of animals and constitutes their fourth distinctive character. 95 The Centers for Disease Control reports life expectancy in twenty sixteen declined for the second year in a row because of the opioid crisis. 141 He left them with a reason to believe in themselves. 52 especially as regards the lower-case letters; and type very similar was used during the next fifteen or twenty years not only by Schoeffer, 139 There are more than two factors here. 37 He has, however, doubly earned his sentence, and is actually condemned for burglary committed since his arrival in England. 123 The Commission sought to determine whether these photographs were touched prior to publication. 95 At Guildford prison, which Mr. Buxton also visited in eighteen eighteen, 72 A Beckley bus which also served the Oak Cliff area, 51 A black scientist looks through a scope examining a biological specimen 's blood cells. 87 deeming him the last person capable of a dishonorable action. 61 and coordinating local activities with the White House staff, the organizations directly concerned with the visit, and local law enforcement officials. 151 A cold dip restores health and zest. 36 Help the woman get back to her feet. 36 when his temporary residence, Blair House, was attacked by Puerto Rican Nationalists. 85 The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. 59 or make independent on upon the desire or prejudice of any individual justice? 78 I don't want to. 16 We all hope I am right. 23 By extensive comparison in the taxonomic and ontogenic series, the whole vertebrate structure in all its details in different animals 133 In one corner was a printing-press actually in use, and on it were twenty-one forged Bank of England notes, without date or signature. 134 Building an underground, for example, has proved a nightmare. 61 She had a little fortune of her own, some one thousand seven hundred pounds or one thousand eight hundred pounds, 113 When a teenage boy ran toward the rear of the President's car, Ready left the running board to chase the boy back into the crowd. 129 An ice cream truck with an open door is driving through a residential neighborhood. 83 He had access to the airing yard, and there was for hours no kind of supervision. 81 We want to keep the pound. 26 With distinctly separated sounds. 33 but as yet no suggestion was made to provide prison uniform. 60 The portion of the palm which was identified was the heel of the right palm, i.e., the area near the wrist, on the little finger side. 134 Occasionally the transports made themselves so useful in the jail that they were passed over. 93 He confessed himself a perjurer in having sworn to the false will, and a wholesale forger, having manufactured no less than ten false signatures 144 good. 5 The New Orleans police records of his arrest in August of nineteen sixty-three show a weight of one hundred thirty-six pounds. 126 No hypothesis offered to date satisfactorily explains all of the existing evidence. 83 Nearly seven thousand people had begun to realise just what a catastrophic mistake they had made. 97 This was surprising, because normally you would only expect to see it in a dog or a goat. 89 What do we do? 14 describes as "a most diabolical-looking little wretch -- Jack Ketch's head man. 79 Make a virtue of necessity. 27 The economic situation started improving by twenty thirteen. 60 U.C.L.A. researchers report that microscopic fossils discovered in a three point five billion year old rock in Australia are the earliest direct evidence of life on Earth. 171 As more people gained access to electricity in the nineteen tens, it became easier to charge electric cars, adding to their popularity with all walks of life. 158 competition 11 The poor soul then joined the doctor in prayer, and never did I witness more contrition at any condemned sermon than he then evinced. 133 By nineteen eighty eight, low E windows accounted for twenty percent of window sales. 85 Three seated people eating and drinking near trees, with three people standing in the background. 97 For emergency use only. 23 Do you think so? 16 A decision not to aid us in an agreeable manner could lead to some seriously disagreeable behaviour on our part. 112 A man wearing glasses and a black shirt is seen behind a series of gray meshlike panels. 88 From time to time, we also have fun outings that generally do not involve drinking. 83 Two sweet potatoes, sliced. Two apples, peeled, cored, and sliced into rings. 77 This is the window. 19 A famous company from Sweden sells furniture in many countries of the world. 76 It was there that Cook was first taken ill with violent retchings and vomitings, all dating from visits of Palmer, who brought him medicines and food. 150 A child is performing a skateboard trick while another child with a skateboard leans on a wall. 95 It was always so. 17 From Newgate the Mannings were taken in separate cabs to Horsemonger Lane Jail. 79 Stringent rules were prescribed for the prison surgeons; 56 Add the onion and garlic, and saute for five more minutes. Drain any excess fat, if desired. 92 The whole system, or more correctly the want of system, was baneful and pernicious to the last degree. 102 When the Soviet Union launched the first man into space, Yuri Gagarin, they chose a term which anglicizes to cosmonaut. 119 The tried and the untried, young and old, were herded together 62 to protect our national resources, and in many other ways, to serve our clearly national needs, 95 But it was so. 14 Oswald left for Mexico City on September twenty-five, nineteen sixty-three, and arrived on September twenty-seven, nineteen sixty-three. 136 Most of Jenson's letters are designed within a square. 54 Deferred is not denied. 23 A deadline is still essential. 30 Volume decreased to six. 24 However, even in the absence of Mrs. Markham's testimony, there is ample evidence to identify Oswald as the killer of Tippit. 125 the Babylonians will entrust everything, even the keys of their gates, to me. Then it will be for me and my Persians to do the rest. 132 we would handle it in due course, in accord with the whole context of the investigation. End quote. 99 This was the chapel yard, with its five wards, which were calculated to hold seventy prisoners, but often held many more. 121 Unfortunately I broke my leg in an accident and could not continue. 67 People who try to sign you up elsewhere just might be scamming you. 67 Half of young people had had contact with the police. 53 The Canadian Senate agrees with the House of Commons to make the Canadian national anthem, O Canada, gender neutral. 116 Toss in cinnamon roll cubes until evenly coated. 48 Katherine Ford, with whom Marina Oswald stayed during her separation from her husband in November of nineteen sixty-two, 120 Jack Morris and Alan Trammell are elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame. 71 and public opinion at the termination of the trial coincided with the verdict of the jury. 90 Once fully cured, the vanilla fruits are sorted by quality and graded. 70 Cervantes included some of his dramas among the works he was most satisfied with. 81 Based on the above evidence, the Commission concluded that Oswald purchased the rifle found on the sixth floor of the Depository Building. 138 Marina Oswald was looking in the garage for parts to the baby's crib and thought that the parts might be in the blanket. 120 A great deal has been achieved. 31 As the leader of the moderate faction of the Republican Party, Lincoln confronted Radical Republicans, who demanded harsher treatment of the South. 147 the condemned returning to the cells: the forger carried by turnkeys; the youth sobbing aloud convulsively, as a passionate child; 130 the greater part of these Italian printers, it should be mentioned, were Germans or Frenchmen, working under the influence of Italian opinion and aims. 151 She was a member of one wolfpack. 33 The bench was long and strong. 30 This contradiction proves G cannot exist. 41 The U.A.P., led by Billy Hughes, disintegrated after suffering a heavy defeat in the nineteen forty three election. 115 This legislation will serve the investor by ending the conditions which have caused that lack of confidence and goodwill. 121 The M sixteen has a five hundred millimeter sight radius. 57 In his testimony before the Commission, Latona stated that when he received the rifle, the area where prints were visible was protected by cellophane. 150 The bestselling novel was read four million times. 50 Shortly before, the Dallas police had reported to the Secret Service that the handbill had appeared on the streets of Dallas. 125 Speedbird niner, turn left heading two seven zero, climb and maintain flight level three five. 94 But the weights of the carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur and other elementary bodies contained in the bean-plant 133 Some have accepted it as a miracle without physical explanation. 64 A list of names is carved around the base. 42 So was the employment of prisoners in any position of trust or authority; 73 The "puja" of the "murti" is a way to communicate with the abstract one god which creates, sustains and dissolves creation. 123 Always wear a helmet. 21 Cheers mate, he said to the driver as he left the taxi. 55 and religion and education are used as a tool to suppress what would otherwise be a population questioning their government's unfair 132 and Oxford was ordered to be detained during Her Majesty's pleasure. 68 the rest who did not see it kept at their posts, till at last they too learned that they were betrayed. 103 Even Mr. Cope admitted that the committal of this class of prisoners to Newgate was most inconvenient, 102 the first of whom has added to the British language a synonym for illegal suppression. 86 Demonstrators waiting for the policemen to hear their grievances against police oppression and brutality. 105 However, to say that because one does not find sufficient marks for identification that it is a negative, 105 distribution 12 I'll be travelling home on Saturday, so probably I won't get anything done then. 80 A man in jeans and a yellow safety jacket is working on bricks in the ground. 77 Leave by three thirty seven to arrive at your destination by four. 66 Given only the public key, it is very hard to compute the private one. 70 I have shown in a previous chapter what Newgate was at this period, despite a vast expenditure and boasted efforts to introduce reforms. 136 Turning the lights on. 22 verified the murderers, and then shut himself up in his cabin. 62 Advances in molecular genetics have opened the way for D.N.A. analysis to be incorporated into taxonomy. 104 No hearsay evidence was accepted. 33 There was an attentive chaplain, a schoolmaster, and regular religious and other instruction. 93 thou coverest the foulest deeds with the fairest possible name, when thou sayest thy maiming is to help our siege forward. 122 Oswald submitted to the inevitable, presumably because he was, quote, small, you know, and he was rather a puny individual, end quote, 134 It was these great Venetian printers, together with their brethren of Rome, Milan, Parma, and one or two other cities. 118 video 5 Holland won by five wickets. 28 which requires a checkup at least, every six months. 52 Our interest in this man at this point was to determine whether his activities constituted a threat to the internal security of the country. 140 and the judge, in passing sentence on him of transportation for life, expressed deep regret that "the ingenuity, skill, and talent, 131 in the course of a routine FBI investigation of transfers of small sums of money from Mrs. Oswald to her son in Russia. 119 Thurtell and Hunt followed in the footsteps of Billings, Wood, and Catherine Hayes. 83 The yellow rose is the most beautiful of all flowers. 53 A construction worker in a neon vest is working with electrical equipment while sparks fly. 91 He received a full pardon from Governor John A. Dix six years later. 68 A chance of snow showers between midnight and three A.M. 56 Although the record indicates that Brennan was an accurate observer, he declined to make a positive identification of Oswald when he first saw him in the police lineup. 168 Dmitry helped me with my homework. 34 But recently, the view has been replaced by a more nuanced explanation. 71 Oswald's Mannlicher-Carcano rifle, serial Number C two seven six six, which was also found on the sixth floor. 110 Currently more than three percent of new vehicle sales, electric vehicles sales could to grow to nearly seven percent - or six point six million per year - worldwide by twenty twenty. 183 in the other opposite were the convicts capitally convicted who had been respited. 82 The second level is the High Court, presided over by a chief justice. 69 to a level of sustained profits within one year from the inauguration of N.R.A. 79 The salt breeze came across from the sea. 41 This originates from lever espresso machines, which require pulling down a handle attached to a spring-loaded piston. 117 One of these, published by Stockdale, the inspectors styled "a book of the most disgusting nature." 99 In this way the powdered impression is actually removed from the object. 72 a severe winter set in, the new stock had not been supplied by the contractors, and the poor debtors perished of cold. 118 e.g. the cheap paper should not sacrifice toughness and durability to a smooth and white surface, 97 This worker told Barnett that the shots had been fired from a window in the Depository Building, 96 It is a simple equation. 24 A young child is swung by his or her hands while another child sits on grass watching. 86 According to a Pew survey conducted during twenty fourteen and twenty fifteen, ninety four percent of teens who go online using a mobile device do so daily. 156 and digging from the wall an inscribed square brick bearing the name of Nebuchadnezzar, he took it to Rome where it may still be seen. 134 She was told in the nightclub that she would have to sing to her own accompaniment, and this effectively launched her career as a jazz vocalist. 144 and we have every reason to believe that it should be in full swing by autumn. 78 The article should contain URL where the dataset can be downloaded. 67 In no characters is the contrast between the ugly and vulgar illegibility of the modern type and the elegance of the ancient more striking than in the Arabic numerals. 167 Not only did their presence tend greatly to interfere with the discipline of the prison, but their condition was deplorable in the extreme. 139 manufacturing 13 Technology makes it easy for scammers to fake caller I.D. information, so the name and number you see aren't always real. 121 Edwards was sentenced to two years' imprisonment in Newgate, 60 Along its edge I built a great wall of mortar and burned bricks mountain high. 78 Three invoices on this clipboard, each dated November twenty-two, were for Scott-Foresman books, located on the first and sixth floors. 135 but finds that the Secret Service agents did all that could have been done to take protective measures. 103 These he felt were completely unverifiable through empirical demonstration and logical analysis. 96 disclosed by the Commission's investigation. Other measures should be taken as well to improve the overall operation of the Secret Service. 139 Freeman plays Arthur in the two thousand five film adaptation. 62 We dress to suit the weather of most days. 42 name 4 A smooth layer of blubber lies underneath the skin. 51 Special Forces training is rigorous and highly selective, but the courage and strength you will gain as a candidate will stay with you your entire life. 152 People these days seem to take good software for granted. 57 It appears that his discharge was hastened by the fact that he brought a Russian language newspaper to work. 108 The C.I.A. handed one hundred thousand dollars to an unnamed Russian intelligence source in a Berlin hotel room. 112 the old traitor's doom, but was spared, and subsequently transported for life. 78 in a second room were fourteen more who had every hope of a reprieve. 69 end quote, followed by a scurrilous bill of particulars that constituted a vilification of the President. 105 A young man wearing a black shirt takes a folding chair from a large stack. 75 He is reported to have expressed the conclusion that they had, quote, fat stinking politicians over there just like we have over here, end quote. 145 But what are the feelings of those who take part in it? 55 the only revolver made by Smith and Wesson with this serial number. When first manufactured, it had a five-inch barrel. 119 Despite display rules and guidances, accidents have continued to happen. 72 He married again and came to London, where he soon became notorious as a reckless gambler and a politician holding the most extreme views. 138 those against the person became more and more limited to the most heinous, or those which menaced or destroyed life. 116 Fighting ensued and there were a number of casualties on both sides. 68 However, Dundee deserved to win this game. 42 Returning to her own home, where Manning meantime had been calmly smoking and talking to the neighbors over the basement wall, 126 Federal laws protecting human health and the environment are administered and enforced fairly, effectively and as Congress intended. 132 which would indicate that the bullet was not fired from the Mannlicher-Carcano rifle owned by Lee Harvey Oswald. 112 The new L.N. thirty four test is simpler and easier to use than current tests. 78 McWatters was sure that he left the checkpoint on time 54 Last Thursday I described in detail certain economic problems which everyone admits now face the nation. 104 I love caramel candies. 23 Frazier testified, however, that he found no microscopic characteristics or other evidence 90 That’s because I want to remove the old grout from the bathroom tile. 69 Those, fortunately few in number, who are frightened by boldness and cowed by the necessity for making decisions, 113 The committee might well suggest the abolition of these jails, or their amalgamation with the larger county establishments in their immediate neighborhood. 155 A girl in a floral bathing suit jumping on the beach in front of the waves. 75 Draft a will and designate appropriate insurance beneficiaries and/or power of attorney. 88 Its outer part was about twenty-four feet in thickness, and its foundations, as Nebuchadnezzar said, were carried down to the water level. 138 Sausages, croquettes and broccoli are our meal in the canteen today. 68 A lunar eclipse is seen in Asia and North America, coinciding with a supermoon and blue moon. 93 When the news came to the Hebrews, who were held there in exile, they excitedly rushed about the streets, crying: "Babylon is fallen," 134 An examination of the roominghouse register revealed that Oswald actually signed the name O. H. Lee. 100 While these statistics relate to the activities of Secret Service agents stationed in field offices and not the White House detail, 131 As has been pointed out, the Commission has not resolved all the proposals which could be made. 95 German chocolate and spun sugar are Steve's favorites. 54 We've made a couple of albums. 30 Sorrels and Lawson reviewed the route in cooperation with Assistant Chief Bachelor and other Dallas police officials who took notes on the requirements 151 They reach up to the top of the troposphere from deep convection, which is normally strongest in the tropics. 109 How much do you want? 21 We have world-class expertise to find out what is making people sick or die and what to do about it. 100 Simmer for thirty to forty five minutes, stirring occasionally. 63 The rations of food were notoriously inadequate, and so carelessly distributed, that many were left to starve. 110 A survey of over six hundred teens from twenty twelve found that nearly all shared their real name and photos of themselves. 124 faded in my mind before the atrocious bearing, looks, and language of the assembled spectators. 95 He had quit these classes at least a week before the shooting, which occurred on a Wednesday night. 99 The club spoons and other articles of plate were long a source of profitable income to a gentleman named Ashley, 112 At this stage it breathes equally by lungs and by gills -- i.e., both air and water. 84 and had also scheduled visits to other parts of the country immediately before the Texas trip, 94 near it a grating through which the debtors receive their beer from the neighboring public-houses. 98 but he came as a lad to London, and took service as a pot-boy to a publican. 76 based on his experience of them in Western Australia. He not only thought them likely to be more deterrent, 107 The money went after her to her children. 41 I am having a hard time sleeping so I thought I would start planning our trip. 78 I've sent an email to your registered account with a link to Wolfram Alpha for further details and sources. 107 The elder brother, 18 Such ideas of grandeur were apparently accompanied by notions of oppression. 76 The old buildings were entirely disused, and the whole of the inmates of Newgate were kept constantly in separate confinement. 126 successful 10 Nor was there any indication that the lift had been performed. 62 Necessity is a hard nurse, but she raises strong children. 58 Despite display rules and guidances, accidents have continued to happen. 72 subsistence, and health of large numbers in the community, then 63 The slab was hewn from heavy blocks of slate. 45 The case was clearly proved against them, and both were sentenced to transportation for life. 93 I'm making a robotic guide dog for my dissertation. 51 A tan man with a backwards hat looks at the camera while walking through a factory. 83 The inspectors very properly desired to call attention to the inevitable tendency in this mode of dealing with "the most awful sanctions of the law," 149 Five years he lived with a shaggy dog. 38 position 8 Its function was to alert police along the route that the motorcade was approaching and to check for signs of trouble. 118 The nineteen fifty seven design continues to be used under trademark. 69 Dip chicken pieces in egg mixture, then in seasoned flour. 58 The same language was used by the commissioners appointed to inquire into the municipal corporations in eighteen thirty-five, 125 This permits the definition of a standard by which light sources are compared. 78 Get out before it's too late. 29 but that his cough was getting so much the master of him that he feared he would not be able to carry on his duties much longer. 128 His study of Communist literature, 34 They were also noisy, and their exhaust was unpleasant. 55 The blind man counted his old coins. 36 These sprawling campuses became the template for succeeding generations of federal Veterans' hospitals. 103 The first physician to see the President at Parkland Hospital was Dr. Charles J. Carrico, a resident in general surgery. 120 Rumsfeld served in the United States Navy from nineteen fifty four to nineteen fifty seven, as a naval aviator and flight instructor. 133 The highest court in the judicial structure is the Supreme Court, whose judges are appointed by the King. 105 Many concerned people decided to uninstall some social media apps. 66 However, once the name was given, the commentators sought to find intrinsic reasons for its appropriateness. 108 Nothing venture, nothing gain. 30 The point of the steel pen was bent and twisted. 48 The allowance of food daily to felons was a fourpenny loaf, 59 he received a letter from somebody in New York, some Communist -- probably from New York -- I am not sure from where -- from some Communist leader and he was very happy, 169 If Craig saw Oswald that afternoon, he saw him through the glass windows of the office. 87 (two) Oswald's palmprint was on the rifle in a position which shows that he had handled it while it was disassembled, 117 At the Old Bailey almost every one capitally convicted by a jury was sentenced to be hanged. 92 They advertised for clerks, and employed the most likely of the applicants by sending them to the bank. 103 Mow the lawn. 13 By this time the neighbors were aroused, and several people came to the scene of the affray. 92 There was a smile on his face when it was last seen, and just as the terrible white cap was drawn over it. 106 The F.A.A. is giving you the information you need to make informed decisions about your family's travel plans. 110 The Commission has evaluated the evidence tending to show how Lee Harvey Oswald's Mannlicher-Carcano rifle, serial number C two seven six six, 142 On Rotten Tomatoes, the film has a rating of seventy one, based on one hundred forty eight reviews, with a rating average of six point one four. 144 Normally, it would be a good type of literature; and the one that I recall was "Leaves of Grass," by Walt Whitman, end quote. 125 The processed natural gas may then be used for residential, commercial and industrial uses. 91 The half-open window, the arrangement of the boxes, and the angle of the shots virtually preclude a standing position. 118 As he still urged his rights over his wife, Miss Turner cried out in protest, "No, no, I am not his wife; 105 they will be sent to an Allotment Division composed of representatives of the more important governmental agencies 114 Vice-Presidential follow-up car. 32 Mrs. Reid had watched the parade from the sidewalk in front of the building with Truly and Mr. O. V. Campbell, vice president of the Depository. 144 A shorthaired woman speaks passionately to a group of younger women wearing traditional Indian dress. 101 Zanzibar is a lovely island off the coast of Africa. 52 On the fourteenth day Sippar was taken without a battle. 56 I am happy to report that after years of uncertainty, culminating in the collapse of the spring of nineteen thirty-three, 121 Its rounded, erect ears were about long and covered with short fur. 67 and had told Mrs. Paine that when he got the money he was going to take an apartment, when the baby was old enough, he was going to take an apartment, and the family would live together. 186 At the White House, Kenneth O'Donnell, special assistant to the President, acted as coordinator for the trip. 109 Still a better love story than Twilight, he commented on the porn movie. 72 The group from Belgium plans to go hiking on Wednesday. 55 While Oswald's untrue statements during interrogation were not considered items of positive proof 97 As discussed in chapter six, she failed to report this to Agent Hosty 69 the man in the lobby, quote, looked over his shoulder and turned around and walked up West Jefferson towards the theatre, end quote. 132 pale as death, very ill, and in a dreadfully dirty state, the wretches making game of him, and enjoying my distress; 116 A building that portrays beautiful architecture stands in the sunlight as somebody on a bike passes by. 103 The spotlight was on the display of spring fashions. 52 It attracts many locals as well as foreigners. 46 One of the current goals of the counter terrorism effort is to prevent the formation of terrorist cells. 104 The Philadelphia Eagles win their first Super Bowl, defeating the New England Patriots forty-one to thirty-three. 113 Where were they when the noise started. 39 The most common of these is the ladder match. 45 Stamps and moulds were used by most ancient civilizations, from ancient Rome and Mesopotamia to China. 102 Adams was also an "Apple Master", one of several celebrities whom Apple made into spokespeople for its products. 112 Traveling expenses of these agents cost fifteen pounds, and another ten pounds were spent in the hire of a Shropshire man, 122 The central branch contains one point five million volumes. 59 The officers were obliged to go in among the prisoners to restore order with drawn cutlasses, 93 Fake stones shine but cost little. 34 Although the strain lasted fourteen days, he showed no signs of exhaustion, either physical or mental. 102 Sue is short and pregnant, the father-to-be stated, thinking of a name for his future daughter. 95 Henry Wainwright's attempt to get rid of the body was ingenious, but not original, 82 Visiting a university offers great chances for your career. 59 Oswald responded that the landlady simply made a mistake, because he told her that his name was Lee, meaning his first name. 124 And for purposes of probative value, for whatever it might be worth, 68 Testimony and other evidence before the Commission 50 He was dressed with particular care, as he was to dine at the Mannings and meet friends, one a young lady. 106 The time allotted for speaking doesn't leave a margin for questions. 68 Rumors were abroad that serious defalcations had been discovered in one of the insurance offices, 97 I finally went by myself and came back this morning feeling happy and refreshed. 80 He must crack the nut who would the kernel eat. 47 She was a teacher and a member of the Young Conservatives. 58 A man wearing black is riding a white horse with numerous rocks around him. 75 We lost our composure towards the interval, he said. 52 It proposes, by means of old age pensions, 42 The Science: History of the Universe, Volume five. Edited by Francis Rolt-Wheeler. Biology. Chapter eight. 106 According to Lawson, the chosen route seemed to be the best. 60 With this capital he returned to London and set up as a fence. 62 The house at this time was full of men and visitors; waiters came in from the taverns with meals. 97 As a workaround, we could use application specific profiles. 60 Stay tuned. 11 The fruit of a fig tree is apple shaped. 40 Small, sharp-bowed British vessels were the result. 51 Did you see him? 16 In addition, the three degree downward slope of Elm Street was of assistance in eliminating at least some of the adjustment 123 microscopic and UV (ultra violet) characteristics, end quote. 61 Rainbows are a phenomenon based on chromatic dispersion. 56 Fungi perform an essential role in the decomposition of organic matter. 71 The incumbent has no technical qualifications in the area of Presidential protection. 85 A life and death struggle ensued. Mullay cried "Murder!" 56 One quart of Graham flour, one cup of white flour. 50 Turkey for Thanksgiving. 24 while the latter, which included various forms of industrial employment, 72 Neither Hosty nor any other agent of the FBI spoke to Oswald on any subject from August ten, nineteen sixty-three, 114 I like apples, pears, and pomegranate, but I do like strawberries or grapes. 76 The sofa cushion is red and of light weight. 44 Care also was to be taken that the prisoners shall not be kept in any apartment underground. 92 Arrival at Love Field 21 his letter is admirably clear and regular, but at least as beautiful as any other Roman type. 93 Elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in eighteen forty six, Lincoln promoted rapid modernization of the economy and opposed the Mexican-American War. 157 sometimes he looked at his bolts and bars, but he never examined the cupboards, coal-boxes, or other possible hiding-places for cards 133 All three later won separate Academy Awards. 44 Brian reportedly disliked Charlie, and so a deal was never made. 64 He said that nothing kept him in the United States, that he would not lose anything if he returned to the Soviet Union, that he wanted to be with her 149 He sat on a bench before the pulpit, -- the hideous condemned pew had been swept away, -- and never once raised his eyes during the service. 140 But what is it? 15 Then he ran along the coping of the wall towards its angle with Tyler's manufactory, and dropped down on to the gridiron below. 127 Touch one of them with the end of a fine human hair and the lobes of the leaf instantly close together. 103 that Calcraft's method of hanging was very rough, much the same as if he had been hanging a dog. 96 There was a substantial explosion. 34 She wasn't home, a neighbour said that he didn't think she came in last night. 78 Modern flamenco is a highly technical dance style requiring years of study. 75 Report of the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy. 79 Two observations supported the idea that Earth was the center of the Universe. 78 Always look before you leap. 28 that Oswald stated that he did not speak English in his family because he did not want them to become Americanized. 115 To forget his fear of flying, he imagined how the stewardess would look like in a bikini. 89 Maj. Eugene D. Anderson, assistant head of the Marksmanship Branch of U.S. Marine Corps 87 it had the bad effect of distracting attention, 47 As a rule, visitors, many of them persons of good position, came and went all day long, and as late as nine at night; 117 The sauerkraut boiled till it burned. 37 His extensive business had been carried on by fraud. 52 Cut the pie into large parts. 29 whence he passed to a better position under the Crystal Palace Company. 71 his morals by compelling him to mix with a promiscuous assemblage of hardened and convicted criminals, 102 A man is sitting at a table adorned with religious items with a brightly colored tablecloth. 92 It was a hit. 13 The exact cause of cardiac syndrome X is unknown. 49 Every image processing software contains automatic contrast and color enhancement. 82 An inquest was held on the body, which was identified as that of an Italian boy, 80 comparable to that which was found by Du Bois Reymond to be a concomitant of the activity of ordinary muscle in animals. Again, 127 next, the offenses of returning from transportation, stealing post-office letters, and sacrilege were no longer punishable with death. 134 There is, of course, no way to determine the degree to which he was committed to his plan at that time. 103 that over the weekend he did think about his wife's request that he not come to Irving, which was prompted by the birthday party being held at the Paine home. 158 to move into the passenger section without hindrance or delay. Had the vehicle been so designed it is possible that an agent riding in the front seat 149 Rachel Brand, Associate Attorney General, plans to step down in the next several weeks in favor of a job in the private sector. 127 who first took to the work from predilection, and the idea of being useful in his generation, as he himself assured the writer of these pages. 142 though pulled right and left, or sent headlong into the crowd by the swing of some brutal and muscular arm, 107 This time, it will have opened up the field a little bit. 57 The police arrived at the scene thirty minutes later. 53 It was lost on May tenth, twenty fourteen. 42 complain that all we have done is unnecessary and subject to great risks. 73 A performer dressed in a blue outfit is juggling the balls as many onlookers watch intently. 92 During the tumult a prisoner, who was one of the worst of the rioters, was bruised about the head and body. 107 Yeah, better if people are already familiar with one and are thinking of switching to the other. 96 Ron was late to the meeting. 28 during the hours they are officially employed at their post of duty, or when they may reasonably expect that they may be called upon to perform an official duty. 161 and the paper and tape found in the shipping room of the Depository on November twenty-two 90 No fortune could stand the inroads he made into his mother's money, 67 The vane on top of the pole revolved in the wind. 49 Previously, Rebecca worked at an environmental nonprofit, where she built the organization's digital presence and spearheaded its rebranding efforts. 149 I'm not sure. 13 Lund was named one of twenty six innovators in Food Engineering Magazine's seventy fifth anniversary edition in September two thousand three. 141 The primary use of metallic arsenic is in alloys of lead. 57 The latter had the watch on deck. 33 Neild takes it for granted that the former rather than the latter prevailed in the selection, 93 Janis caught a forty one-yard touchdown from Rodgers which sent the game into overtime. 87 The leg twitched. 17 Football took a giant step forward in eighteen seventy seven, with the formation of Victoria's first colonial football league. 126 Social media also provide a wealth of information and resources that teens can use to maintain their own health and relationships. 130 Women's membership numbers continue to grow throughout the association. 71 Turn right onto Gold Coast Drive. 33 and impressed upon the lead of the bullets inconsistent individual characteristics which made identification impossible. 120 And they were being paid? 25 The "Rolling Readers" boxes contained, instead of books, light blocks used as reading aids. 91 This was typically done in the form of nighttime raids from the two towns. 74 A not entirely novel kind of fraud, but one carried out on a larger scale than heretofore, 90 Affirmative. 12 So I got a blood test. 22 The film played in roughly sixty six theaters in sixty four cities from April eighteenth to October thirty first. 113 or to the Vice President, end quote. 36 No sooner was the "job" finished than half-a-dozen competitors appeared, each offering the identical rope for sale at a shilling an inch. 137 Based on the general Marine Corps ratings, Lt. Col. A. G. Folsom, Jr. 69 As she waited on the northwest corner of the intersection for traffic to pass, she noticed a young man as he was, quote, almost ready to get up on the curb, end quote. 167 One large item of his expenditure was a contested election at Lambeth, which he gained at a cost of ten thousand pounds. 120 This arrest may have disrupted another of Marlowe's spying missions, perhaps by giving the resulting coinage to the Catholic cause. 131 However, we have not come to any conclusions. 45 I kept up the payments of the dividends, but made no entries of such payments in my books. 90 Green ice frosted the punch bowl. 33 Moses, in order to escape the Pharaoh's death penalty, fled. 60 The paralyzed insect is coated in a thick layer of pollen. 58 The single brown viscose fiber found in the bag matched some of the brown viscose fibers from the blanket in all observable characteristics. 140 He passed through and out at the back, and was soon beyond pursuit. 67 I come now to the debtors in Newgate. The quarters they occupied were divided, as I have said, into three principal divisions 125 reference 9 when the first shock of the verdict and the solemn notification of the impending blow keeps nearly all awake, or at least disturbs their night's rest. 150 The city leaders recognized a military threat from the east. 60 In eighteen seventy-one they crossed the Atlantic, 50 Money Moses and Mrs. Abrahams imposed upon Moss as to the price paid by Solomons; 81 He testified that he had felt the sergeant had a grudge against him and that he had unsuccessfully sought a transfer from the sergeant's unit. 142 It tends to negatively affect episodic, autobiographical, and declarative memory while usually keeping procedural memory intact. 128 The Chronicles of Newgate, Volume two. By Arthur Griffiths. Section thirteen: Newgate notorieties, part one. 108 Biologists regard them as representative expressions of the most extensive, if not the profoundest, knowledge of his time. 122 taken from Oswald. 18 The school is slated to be built on a forty eight thousand square foot campus. 78 while the capital convicts who were lately in that black pew appear faint with emotion. 87 I was at the British Olympic Medical Center, on Friday. 55 He carved a head from the round block of marble. 48 In the event of war I would kill any American who put a uniform on in defense of the American government -- any American. 121 If you tackled these outliers that would reduce the artifacts. 62 At that point, direction of the President's treatment was undertaken by Dr. Malcolm O. Perry, who arrived at trauma room one a few moments after the President. 159 He was found guilty of an assault with intent, and sentenced to transportation for fourteen years. 98 While there have been no proposals to restore Amtrak service to Nashville, there have been repeated calls from residents. 121 Sokolow said that although Lee was, quote, presumably disinterested in school subjects he operates on a much higher than average level, end quote. 146 In the many weeks since that time the Congress has devoted itself to the arduous task of formulating legislation necessary to the country's welfare. 148 and who are therefore lodged apart from all other districts of the jail. End quote. 83 The plan proposed by the Service would take approximately twenty months to implement and require expenditures of approximately three million dollars during that period. 168 Work as if everything depends on me, but pray as if everything depends on God. 78 Oswald was carrying only thirteen dollars, eighty-seven cents at the time of his arrest, although he had left, apparently by design, 132 This was no earlier than twelve:thirty-seven p.m. and may have been later. 74 June decided to retire. 23 Garnish on the cabin side was a guinea at entrance for coals, candles, brooms, etc., and a gallon of beer on discharge; 119 The exceptions are of two kinds, viz.: (a) some lowest fishes, amphioxus and lampreys, 86 Many of the areas hardest hit by rabies are also the areas least prepared to run current tests to diagnose it, said Crystal Gigante, a microbiologist. 150 modifying it where it needs modification and finally making recommendations to the Congress, 92 Give me a brightness value from zero to thirty. 47 There is a social facility on the other side of the road. 57 as it lay, white and ghastly, upon the black boards, and then again was as suddenly withdrawn, as if ashamed of the deed it had done. 133 through an Assistant Secretary whose duties also include the direct supervision of the Bureau of the Mint 105 The President's trip to Dallas called into play many standard operating procedures of the Secret Service in addition to its preventive intelligence operations. 159 Last week, he was taken into hospital. 38 is the habit that publishers have of eking out a thin volume by printing it on thick paper almost of the substance of cardboard, 128 The weather forecast for this week didn't look good at all. 59 a heavy brutish fellow, was yet aghast at his wife's resolve, and tried hard to dissuade her from bad purpose. 110 A woman and two children walking through the upper levels of a carnival attraction. 83 We are now prepared to move into this second phase, on the basis of our experience in the first phase 101 The desk was firm on the shaky floor. 37 There is no universal standard defining the process of extracting espresso. 75 the others to twenty and ten years. 35 With guides and guards about you, you ride through the covered bazaars crowded with dark-faced Arabs in strange costumes, 121 His wife visited him in Newgate, and wrote a pitiable account of the state in which she found her husband. 106 Oswald apparently resented the exercise of authority over him and the better treatment afforded to Communist Party officials. 125 The particular, colors chosen have varied regionally, and have had totally different meanings in different areas and time periods. 130 over 4 But it was World War One that brought about the establishment of the second largest system of Veterans' hospitals. 114 The plant withdraws water and carbonic acid from the atmosphere, the animal contributes both to it. 99 A comprehensive budget deal is later passed by Congress in the early hours of the morning, and is signed into law by President Trump. 133 The headline-making mission resulted in the first award of the prestigious MacKay Trophy. 89 The service proceeds. At last the burial service is reached. 60 go 2 It has come to our attention that you are a man of adequate talents and little notoriety. 89 Many complicated ideas about the rainbow have been formed. 58 The man who had made a pious life a cloak for his misdeeds, the once exemplary young man and indefatigable Sunday School teacher, 129 According to Special Agent in Charge Bouck, 43 So I turned around and hit the Vice President on the shoulder and hollered, get down, 85 examined the blanket and discovered a bulge approximately ten inches long midway in the blanket. 96 Wood is best for making toys and blocks. 40 responsible 11 Roupell made a long statement more in exculpation than in his defense. 70 we asked the nation to turn over all of its privately held gold, dollar for dollar, to the government of the United States. 123 Medications are more effective if used earlier in an attack. 60 She indicated that she had no advance knowledge of Oswald's plans, 66 lined the shores of the rivers with embankments, and spanned the rivers with bridges. 85 Her reaction when she saw Oswald in the lineup was that, quote, 63 Tiny Satellite's First Global Map of Ice Clouds 47 they cannot ingest solid food, but are nourished by a watery solution of nutrient materials. 92 He never saw or communicated with her in any way again until she came to see him after the assassination. 105 I can reassure you, that we won't retreat until the oil until the peace is secured. 83 On the whole, except in Italy, Gothic letter was most often used. 65 Don't let appearances fool you. 31 They were ready, therefore, to grant him anything he asked; 59 The sound of the horses' hooves thundered through the evening silence. 70 Social Media: Health Resource or Health Risk? 45 and went on to say, "I do assure you, madam, that it shall be the anxious endeavor of my life to promote her happiness by every means in my power." 147 The ink was barely dry upon their letters of appointment before they appeared at Newgate, and commenced a searching investigation. 130 Diesel is the cheapest one, because of lower taxes. 51 two hundred eighty-five thousand, nine hundred fifty pounds; in other words, that to recover eighty odd thousand pounds, 120 These designations were created during the Renaissance and reflect the perspective on history, and the self-image, of the latter period. 136 communicating his own skill and aptitude in crime, or acquiring the lessons of greater adepts. He has access to newspapers, and of course 137 It was from Oswald's right hand, in which he carried the long package as he walked from Frazier's car to the building. 118 His body was found lying in a pool of blood in a night-dress, stabbed over and over again in the left side. 107 The volume is already at the minimum. 37 Report any scams you see. 25 which will deal with Mrs. Fry's philanthropic exertions at this period in this particular part of the prison. 109 It was the intersection near Lamar Street, it was near Poydras and Lamar Street. 80 The Collective contrasts sharply with material which Oswald seems to have written after he left the Soviet Union. 113 We need an end of all such matter. 34 King's evidences were also to be lodged apart. 46 Turn right onto Windsor Street. 31 the benefits that all derive from the continuous, peaceful operation of our essential enterprises. 98 which was contemporaneous with Howard's first journeys, laid down precise rules as regards cleanliness, and the proper supply of space and air. 143 in order to insure uniformity of discipline. It met on the thirty-first March, eighteen thirty-five, and continued its sittings well into July 142 In addition to the Vice President's Office in the West Wing, the Vice President and his staff maintain a set of offices in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building. 164 A small child in green clothing walks past a store opening and a woman in pink pants. 85 A Federal District Judge temporarily enjoins the Trump administration from implementing new rules that change the Obamacare contraceptive mandate. 146 In many places too where the prisoners earned money by their work, they were granted a portion of it for their own use after proper deduction for maintenance. 158 Get out before it's too late. 29 the women set up a yell, which is mixed with a rustling noise, occasioned by the removal of those whose hysterics have ended in fainting. 137 A siege will crack the strong defense. 38 They took their kids from the public school. 44 was begun by the Deutsche Orientgesellschaft, in eighteen eighty-nine, and continued till the summer of nineteen fifteen. 121 In all cases the symptoms were much the same, 45 Move the vat over the hot fire. 31 It became a book by itself. 27 No less close was the care as regards preservation of health. 61 Who can predict? 16 whether the methods and policies adopted in the emergency 57 in view of speaking to it at the trial, and he could easily do them a good turn -- or a very bad one. 101 However, the Commission does not believe that agents stationed in a car behind the Presidential car, 100 The captain was kindly but somewhat intemperate, the first mate a man of some determination, 92 For instance, the ground hog's separating unit pulled the grain across a screen. 80 However, the complete identity of characteristics between the paper and tape in the bag found on the sixth floor 112 You must always attempt to raise the bar. 41 A person with a variety of different wares standing amongst several others on a dirt road. 90 This behavior of neural networks is sometimes called dreaming. 62 The increase of bank forgeries, and its cause, I referred to in a previous chapter. 83 His health improved, but was still indifferent when he was brought up for sentence, and he was an occupant of the Newgate infirmary. 132 That might be a punishment but it would also punish the patients. 65 Jerk that dart from the cork target. 36 It was served by sheriff officers, not by the council. 54 A bean may be supplied with water in which salts of ammonia and certain other mineral salts are dissolved in due proportion, 124 Is that Titanic? 16 Neither you nor I want criticism conceived in a purely fault-finding or partisan spirit, 88 The New Orleans office investigated and located Oswald, learning his address and former place of employment on August five, nineteen sixty-three. 145 Our policy is clear. 20 A nervous looking woman with redhair is working with possibly dangerous materials in a lab. 91 One turnkey was stupidly drunk, and Ikey persuaded the other, who was not much better, 86 This is the power box we always have problems with, if you could take a look. 77 She turned toward me and I grabbed her and put her back in the back seat, crawled up on top of the back seat and lay there. 123 It was served by sheriff officers, not by the council. 54 did 3 which would bring to bear the judgment and experience of members of the White House detail other than the advance agent. 120 He did not complete his B.A. 28 An inquiry was at once set on foot, and the frauds were traced to Watts. 72 This whole period of roughly a millennium is known as the Middle Ages, its early part forming the Dark Ages. 108 Cabin safety plays an important role in maintaining safe aircraft operations, and we continually seek ways to improve cabin safety. 131 told the prospective employer that Oswald was, quote, kinda peculiar sometimes and that he had some knowledge of the Russian language, end quote. 145 The relations between the employer and the employed, between the owners of aggregated capital and the units of organized labor, 127 The ripe taste of cheese improves with age. 43 and becoming merely the recipient of information gathered by others would become limited solely to acts of physical alertness and personal courage 146 Someone might ask you to pay in advance for things like debt relief, credit and loan offers, mortgage assistance, or a job. 123 He was a co-founder and angel investor in Keyhole Inc, a geospatial data visualization company that was purchased by Google in two thousand four. 145 Well, I don't know. 19 It certainly could not be made by this Commission which, as has been pointed out above, 87 Where is it, then? 18 Yeah, it’s definitely worth checking out, especially if the pay is reasonable and the work is good for your career. 115 The order was signed in ink by, quote, 38 He early saw the profits to be made out of purchasing stolen goods, but could not embark in it at first for want of capital. 124 We wanted it left for a wee while. 34 To create this traffic pattern, a concrete barrier between Main and Elm Streets presents an obstacle to a right turn 116 in this same prison capital convicts were chained to the floor until execution. 79 Philip Augustus had then launched an appeal to the municipalities in northern France, in order to obtain their support. 119 The Torah is the central reference of Judaism. 46 Leaving the note and picture as he did would seem to indicate that he had considered the possibility of capture. 112 It's worthwhile to at least try to minimize the delta. 54 Had they been accepted in their entirety, little fault could in future have been found with the managers of Newgate. 116 The term "Zionism" is derived from the word Zion, referring to Jerusalem. 73 There is no doubt, however, that Oswald was seen leaving his roominghouse at about one p.m. wearing a zipper jacket, 116 Next year we find the inspectors expressing their satisfaction that "the full and faithful exposure which we felt it our duty to make of Newgate 144 And in this connection the fact that some bacteria -- the simplest organisms known and devoid of chlorophyll 108 The Passport Office of the Department of State in Washington had no listing for Oswald requiring special treatment, 115 left a far mean streak of independence brought on by neglect. 61 When will you check in? 23 Little boy wearing a dark blue shirt and yellow shorts playing with a soccer ball in grass. 91 Don't deposit a check and wire money back. 42 Frazier told the Commission, quote, 35 but in either event he would have been in the roominghouse at about one p.m. 76 The device should work indefinitely, without ever needing a reboot. 67 Visited Mr. Fauntleroy. The sheriffs have very kindly permitted him to remain in the turnkey's room where he was originally placed; nor can I omit expressing a hope 164 Using the debugger, he found out that there was a buffer overflow. 66 He had a deep gouge over his left eye. 38 Cope, a small man, crippled, and of weakly constitution, was alone in the shop about nine:thirty. 97 Leave in ten minutes to arrive by seven forty-five. 51 The streaming portal uses the M.P.E.G.-Four video codec. 56 the Secret Service had received from the FBI some nine thousand reports on members of the Communist Party. 106 At a short distance stood another prison of detention, that of Clerkenwell, 75 China announces the country's ivory trade is now illegal. 57 from the shipping room of the Depository and forwarded it to the FBI Laboratory in Washington. 94 Chief Rowley believed that they would, because of Oswald's demonstrated hostility toward the Secretary of the Navy in his letter. 129 My request for citizenship is now pending before the Supreme Soviet of the U.S.S.R. I take these steps for political reasons. 125 He was taken to a hospital in Moscow where he was kept until October twenty-eight, nineteen fifty-nine. 103 Sir Jeremy, from Glasgow, said they had been delighted. 55 Hey Mycroft, play the news. 27 He looked at me. 16 They emphasized the necessity that the information now being furnished be handled with judgment and care. 105 and when once appointed continued to serve sine die; they were generally near in rank to the parties whose causes they decided. 127 the parliamentary agents of the members whose election was impugned, were implicated in aiding and abetting the others to abscond, and a Mr. O'Mally, 149 Seventeen oh nine Lake Wheeler Circle, Raleigh, North Carolina. 63 The Navy attacked the big task force. 37 To say a few words on the principles of design in typography: 61 All I would say here is that it is possible that these fibers could have come from this blanket. 96 by paying in a genuine bill of Messrs. Rothschilds' for forty-five hundred pounds, which was duly discounted. 109 One was a lawyer. 17 I've got indigestion. 21 Liaison with local law enforcement authorities. 47 Shearer is also known for his prolific work as a voice actor on "The Simpsons". 79 Old King Sargon I., who may have lived as early as three thousand eight hundred B.C., 85 Love me, love my dog. 21 Naturally enough, the letter in question was an E. 50 As he couldn't prove his innocence, he was brought to the detention zone, as if guilty. 87 That's alright. 15 an ice climber in a blue jacket and black pants is scaling a frozen ice wall. 77 Suicides and executions were, however, always the most effectual methods of making exit from durance. 101 He was arrested, examined before a police magistrate, and committed to Newgate. 79 dvd 3 Benson, the two Kurrs, Bale, and Murray, led to strange revelations of dishonest practices amongst the detective police, 120 Then he went in. 16 There was a substantial explosion. 34 important 9 Moreover, the condition of the sample did not affect the test's accuracy. 73 Life was like a timetable. 26 The circular patch shows a drawing of a Saturn Five rocket with the letters U.S.A. on it. 89 a tall, gaunt, repulsive-looking woman, who no more shrank from cowardly, secret crimes than from the penalty they entailed. 124 The membership was not anti-modern, rural or rustic. 52 Another jail, that of Ilchester, was also worthy of all commendation. It exhibited all the good points of that at Bury. 119 To these were still added an average of about fifty expecting the last penalty of the law; a certain number of transports awaiting removal to the colonies; 155 Ask specific questions and don't pay until you read the terms. 62 A priest performs religious ceremonies against a colorful backdrop that includes a statue and various religious objects. 120 that he wanted to make peace with her and bring his family to Dallas where they could live with him again. 106 Report of the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy. The Warren Commission Report. By The President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy. 182 reported that Lee, quote, confided that the worse thing about Youth House was the fact that he had to be with other boys all the time, 134 All roads go to Jericho. 24 but he escaped through a back door on to the river, and rowed off in a boat to a hiding-place in the woods. 107 On the other hand, the definition thus amended will exclude all ordinary vegetable organisms. 93 Advance preparations. 21 It was added to the National Register of Historic Places in nineteen eighty two. 80 One. Beyond Double Pane Windows 31 After this a law was passed which prescribed that the bodies of all executed murderers should be buried within the walls of the jail. 133 Rebecca Matulka is a digital communications specialist for the Energy Department. 81 The game combines the digital world with the real world by enabling the unlocking of airports by G.P.S. check-ins. 114 it is the President's right and duty to be the active leader of his party, as when he seeks to be reelected or to maintain his party in power. 142 Legitimate companies account for investors' money at all times. 63 Following out his teleological argument, Cuvier remarks that the organization of this cavity 92 On November twenty-two, Fischer had apparently described the man as, quote, light-headed, end quote. 100 Four cheerleaders in a row are being thrown into the air simultaneously by four separate men. 93 The development of the nation's road network is a major boost for the economy due to trade with neighboring countries. 118 The impact severely damaged an area of the Pentagon and caused a large fire. 76 It's hard enough for a father, anyway, and I was forever grateful. 66 Add the store's account to the last cent. 41 The room's chandeliers are replicas of the turn-of-the-century gasoliers that formerly adorned the room. 104 In one quick move, she activated the aft cannons and fired on the enemy ship. 77 It is a delight on every level. 31 It is generally hilly, with thin, stony clay soils, and contains few areas suitable for farming. 96 So why would they want to drop the gold standard if not for the reasons they claim? 83 I stared at him. 16 On the west end of the house is the attached garage, which can be reached from the kitchen or from the outside. 111 was the prime mover, 20 It should be equal. 19 An Amtrak passenger train collides with a freight train in South Carolina. Two people are killed. 97 He affirms that living beings have been subdivided from the earliest times into animated beings, which possess sense and motion, 128 This clock used an anchor escapement mechanism with a seconds pendulum to display seconds in a small subdial. 109 The President's automobile was specially designed nineteen sixty-one Lincoln convertible 88 Don't spank your kids! 22 He took walks and visited museums, and sometimes rode a rented bicycle in the park on Saturday mornings. 104 after several remands; but the case contained elements of doubt, and the evidence at the trial was entirely circumstantial. 123 By the evening of November twenty-two, five of them had identified Lee Harvey Oswald in police lineups as the man they saw. 123 Babylon, even in the days of Nebuchadnezzar, was an old, old city. 66 as to whether or not the bullet recovered from Walker's house had been fired from the rifle found on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository Building. 162 After completing her studies, she took a teaching position at the Conservatory of Santa Cecilia. 96 If you do, they will probably take the money and disappear. 59 to notify the Secret Service of the substantial information about Lee Harvey Oswald which the FBI had accumulated 113 Vice President Johnson sat on the right-hand side of the rear seat, Mrs. Johnson in the center, and Senator Yarborough on the left. 131 The FBI Manual of Instructions provided, quote, Liaison With Other Government Agencies 86 I tend to avoid speaking to customers much, mostly because of my limited German. 80 Can you tell me? 16 j 1 and even in that case should have maintained his ideal very inefficiently, inasmuch as only two limbs, instead of four, are represented? 136 Lord Advocate, Mr. Charles Neate, Mr. William Ewart, and last, but not least, Mr. John Bright 93 was that of Eliza Fenning, who was convicted of an attempt to poison a whole family 83 A woman sitting down on steps, writing something down with a door behind her. 77 Strangers were now excluded, but the sheriffs attended in state, wearing their gold chains, 91 The remaining four had key responsibilities as members of the complement of the follow-up car in the motorcade. 111 The northeastern section may now be traced for a distance of less than three miles, and the southwestern "for more than a mile, 127 They talked of the days when the convicts were hung up a dozen or more in a row; 80 Special Forces training is rigorous and highly selective, but the courage and strength you will gain as a candidate will stay with you your entire life. 152 in one or another Government agency, to clarify the division of authority between the agencies involved, and to retain the existing system 138 Soon afterward, at about three p.m., police officers arrived and searched the house. 84 I'll be back in a few seconds. 30 It gains its name from the black patches on its wings. 54 The project cost is estimated as seventy three million dollars. 63 It's kinda weird. 17 I cannot find that Calcraft was sworn in when appointed, or any exact information when the old forbidding ceremony ceased to be practiced. 138 Coordinate with law enforcement, industry, and other stakeholders. 66 The electric car has a long and storied history. 48 Fluorescent lighting is more energy-efficient than incandescent lighting elements. 82 I have set up a Division of Applications and Information 56 is thus a condensed resume of the life history of its ancestral species. 72 when he was asked to meet a Mr. Heath in London with regard to the sale of certain lands at Bishop Stortford. 109 In one hundred feet, turn left onto Massachusetts Avenue. 57 Many of the migrants came from the rural parts of west Wales which had been affected by an agricultural depression. 115 How do you take them away? 26 I am pleased with the result, as it was a possible upset. 57 In the animal carbon dioxide, water and nitrogen compounds are the chief excretions. 84 They drove there, and Robson on arrival did the honors of his house, rang for lunch to gain time, 97 Experts of geology agree: Yesterday's tsunami was just a herald of the imminent apocalypse. 91 Obviously, we were pretty close in a couple of games. 53 In addition to Basic Combat Training, Soldiers must have completed Advanced Individualized Training and U.S. Airborne School to be eligible for Special Forces training. 168 Today we are only part-way through that program 47 They both stormed out, neither thinking to fill me in on where they were going. 79 Truly said of Oswald: quote, He didn't seem to be excited or overly afraid or anything. He might have been a bit startled, like I might have been if somebody confronted me. 172 Four policemen were wounded. 28 who had real difficulty in accepting and relating to people, end quote, and who had, quote, little understanding, end quote, of Lee's behavior 142 The Rocky Mountain Division consists of Colorado, Eastern Montana, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming. 97 She died at her home. 21 The first World Down Syndrome Day was held on March twenty-first, two thousand six. 83 and was investigating him at the time of the assassination. The Commission has taken the testimony of Bureau agents 115 The trial of the conspirators came on some six weeks later, at the Old Bailey. 78 and died in a manner strongly contrasting with that of his fellows. 67 Later in the day he was forced to explain his position. 55 were imposed in case of misconduct; and when there had been an attempt at escape, 81 I've sent an email to your registered account with debugging information and instructions for contacting support. 113 Nicol differed with the FBI experts on one bullet taken from Tippit's body. 75 Paramesia oozed by our microscope lens. 39 he asked Frazier for a ride to Irving that night, stating falsely that he wanted to pick up some curtain rods to put in an apartment. 133 A young man in yellow pants is engaging in physical activity with a large audience watching. 92 Your arms aren't capable of holding your child securely, especially during unexpected turbulence. 97 A round hole was drilled through the thin board. 48 As the animal body required to be independent of heat and of the atmosphere, 76 by inserting say one before five hundred, and thus making it 60 The latter was rendered nearly impossible by the penalties imposed on persons bringing spirituous liquors into the jail. 120 The destruction of protoplasm, excess proteids or the fat and carbohydrate foods is catabolism, destructive metabolism. 119 A new hat was partly flattened on his head, for, owing to its being too small in the crown, it stood many inches too high behind. 129 Looks like this is the first time I've controlled your lights. 62 It will include the Black Watch, the Royal Highland regiment. 61 and took the instrument out to a clerk with the ink not dry. 60 The modern letters are narrowed by a third or thereabout. 57 On several occasions, Michael Paine moved the blanket in the garage. 68 In five hundred feet, turn right onto Windsor Street. 53 private 7 The most famous exception to this is a strong sign language law that was passed by the National Congress of Brazil. 115 Tuck the sheet under the edge of the mat. 41 Early composers such as Claudio Monteverdi often specified the octave by the use of compound intervals such as ten, eleven, and fifteen. 136 who had plausibly explained that he had only recently been engaged at Shrigley. 79 Opinions differed greatly with regard to the tread-wheel; some authorities advocated it as a very severe and irksome punishment, 128 At the end of the interview, Marina Oswald came into the room. When he observed that she seemed, quote, quite alarmed, end quote, about the visit, 146 When Frazier entered the building, he did not see Oswald. 57 For more information U.S. citizens should consult the Federal Aviation Administration's Prohibitions, Restrictions and Notices. 127 If you have an issue in the workplace, you are encouraged to contact the H.R. department. 89 Three men, two wearing white shirts, are beneath a red umbrella and watching the surroundings. 94 By then, he was walking on water. 33 For example, tests of medical treatments are commonly run as double-blind tests. 80 When he had taken the oath he was dismissed with the words, "Get thee hence, wretch!" 85 Here's your schedule for today. 31 Friday, May fifth, two thousand. 32 Mince pie is a dish served to children. 39 An Asian man wearing thick white gloves, talking on a cellphone, and working on something. 90 Two people are killed and another is injured in a mass shooting in Vancouver, Canada. 85 See, said Sarah, "that is my brother." Paul apologized to Linda and unlocked the door. 86 being 5 between the fin of a fish and the paddle of a whale 51 Mackay's fortitude, which had been great, 41 Both lighthouses are painted white and are run and maintained by Trinity House. 79 Possible Influence of Anti-Kennedy Sentiment in Dallas 54 but all mingled freely during the day in the yard. 50 The fin was sharp and cut the clear water. 42 with an equerry riding close on each side of her carriage, a man who had been leaning against the palace garden wall suddenly advanced, 135 and had been repeatedly sentenced to imprisonment for most desperate and ferocious attacks upon various constables. His last victim was Dwyer, 142 Shut the vat for the last time. 31 When his trade was busiest he set up a second establishment, at the head of which, although he was married, 107 Since the assassination, both the Secret Service and the FBI have recognized 76 Many reasons were cited for its failure at the time, including competition from films such as Pulp Fiction and Forrest Gump. 124 Yeah, one thing cats have going for them is that they don't follow you around so much. 86 top 3 Go now and come here later. 27 I wish I had put on a brighter tie. 35 which Mrs. Canning had lost by remarriage. 42 association 11 The library have the unabridged edition, or at least they did a couple of years ago. 84 However, almost every culture has examples of its own unique proverbs. 70 The LIONS acronym also stands for Liberty, Intelligence, Our Nations' Safety. 77 The beauty of the view stunned the young boy. 45 Leaves turn brown and yellow in the fall. 41 As a result, they did not take him to the police station. 57 These indeed were out to the value of three hundred sixty-seven thousand, eight hundred pounds. 95 Man talks on phone while sharing food with a blond woman while another drinks Dasani Water. 91 Sometimes I wonder how there can be so many stars in the sky. 61 Consequently, although there never can be more than fifteen, there may be only fourteen, or thirteen, or twelve. 112 That's why you collapsed? 25 Roger D. Craig, a deputy sheriff of Dallas County, 50 Remove pot from heat and leave shrimp steeping in the beer another two to three minutes; drain. Serve immediately. 114 Young individuals in uniforms are gathering under the flags of several different countries. 91 One young man with short orange hair is fiddling his thumbs and sitting down looking very bored. 96 Last year, about one hundred thousand flights took off around the world every single day. 89 modern printers understand this, but it is only practiced in the very best establishments. 90 The carpet was exquisite. 25 But the medical evidence was clear that the decapitation had been effected during life, and the jury, after a short deliberation, 129 I Ninety-five South, Concord, New Hampshire. 44 It was made incumbent upon the justices to provide distinct places of confinement for five classes of prisoners, viz. 117 All three of the firers in these tests 38 He seems to have felt no responsibility as to the welfare or comfort of those in charge, and out of whom he made all his money. 127 It looks like there is an I.P. address specified in your Mycroft configuration file. 84 Witnesses report a Caucasian rampage murderer equipped with Molotov cocktails. 78 The S.E.C. is seeking permanent injunctions, return of allegedly ill-gotten gains plus interest, civil penalties, and officer-and-director bars against the defendants. 167 The light danced across the lake. 33 He made the official determination because the ultimate cause of death, the severe head injury, was within his sphere of specialization. 136 with the confidence that we are definitely rebuilding our political and economic system on the lines laid down by the New Deal 126 You have a board meeting at noon. 33 A mottled black and gray dog in a blue collar jumping over a fallen tree. 73 The quick fox jumped on the sleeping cat. 41 It is headed by the High Council of the Judiciary. 50 As this was accomplished beyond the limits of the metropolis, and its perpetrators arraigned at Hertford, 105 A watch was set on him at her house, where he was soon afterwards arrested. 75 Refusing to admit that he could only get work as a greaser, 59 She reminded him that after the Walker shooting he had promised never to repeat such an act. 92 Persons were still living in eighteen fifty-five who had witnessed dissections at Hicks' Hall, and 98 These particles are too opaque for infrared and visible sensors to penetrate. 77 They were financed through a special celebration tax. 53 The nucleus of the ancient city was a small island. 51 was at length advanced to the comparative ease of a post much coveted by convicts, that of hospital nurse. 106 Higher 6 after he had assassinated the American President, it does not appear that he had any plans to go there. 103 A man in black with long hair playing a guitar with stickers on it. 67 Meanwhile, a search had been made at Nova Scotia Gardens, Bethnal Green, where Bishop and Williams lived. 105 This is a grand season for hikes on the road. 45 Twenty-seven seventeen Rock Island Place, Bismark, North Dakota. 64 A redheaded woman wearing a beret and glasses waits for her laundry to dry at the laundromat. 93 being thin, tough, and opaque. 30 A pod is what peas always grow in. 34 The reckless demeanor of all the convicts except Davidson was most marked. Thistlewood and Ings sucked oranges on the scaffold; 127 Below, stress is marked by placing the stress mark before the stressed syllable. 80 In spite of recent advances, the language is still under threat. 64 First, was the emergence of the island of Zanzibar, located off the east coast of Africa. 89 intended to accommodate a couple of prisoners apiece, but often much more crowded. 82 The State Department issues an internal travel warning to Israel, Jerusalem and the West Bank until December twentieth. 119 Toss the lump dough upon it and knead thoroughly for five minutes. 66 Airlines have policies which may or may not allow the use of those devices. Check with your airline. 100 The Intercontinental Exchange has European and South African coal futures available for trading. 96 The old woman rocked away the hours. 36 Many stars are still known by their Arabic names. 49 If they fail to meet the national standards, we can help them. We also enforce our regulations, and help companies understand the requirements. 143 and as compared to the average male of his age throughout the civilian, throughout the United States, that he is an excellent shot, end quote. 142 For a second or two the body hung motionless, then, with a strength that astonished the attendant officials, 108 An elderly firefighter in an orange suit is holding a fire hose with water coming out. 86 which was in turn placed to the right of the closest silhouette. 64 It is great to see you! 23 she realizes that she is bound on the long journey across the desert. Hour after hour she bears you over the hard monotonous plain. 131 However, oil refineries are large, immobile, and probable targets. 66 Thurstone argued for a model of intelligence that included seven unrelated factors. 83 They were made to wash and swab the ward, or they were shut out from the ward fireplace, and forbidden to pass a chalked line drawn on the floor, 145 but in the beginning of eighteen oh seven one of them, at that time just sentenced to transportation, 101 february 8 On this female side, where the Ladies' Association still reigned supreme, more system and a greater semblance of decorum was maintained. 136 He ran half way to the hardware store. 38 within minutes of the shooting and before the lineup, Mrs. Markham described the man to the police as five foot eight inches tall. 130 That my mother and you are (in spite of what the newspaper said) not objects of affection, but only examples of workers in the U.S. 131 The existence of a U.S. government program that investigated reports of U.F.O.s is revealed. 92 What did they say? 18 long after the outer portions of the town were taken, knew nothing of what had chanced, but as they were engaged in a festival, 127 A drawing is held to resolve a tied election between Democrat Shelly Simonds and Republican David Yancey, with Yancey being randomly chosen as the winner. 154 I'd hoped they'd be back soon, but now I'm really starting to worry. 68 and with all this "the most dreadful oaths, the worst language, too bad to be repeated," were made use of every night. 118 May I see it? 13 Brown is an interesting man, but he is not desperate. 53 carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. 28 That's the end of the news. 27 He crept along the coast close in shore, looking for a quiet spot to cast away the ship, 88 Before this was accomplished the President's cardiac activity had ceased and closed cardiac massage was instituted, which made it impossible to inspect his back. 161 were to be kept in every jail, and the prisoners directed to wash in them before release. These provisions were almost a dead letter. 133 by their presence and their pious, disinterested efforts, to restrain the dissolute manners and vicious language of the unhappy and depraved inmates. 149 Emma Goldman was born on June twenty seventh, eighteen sixty nine. 66 I beg your pardon! 18 The Israeli Army says that it shot down a Syrian drone manufactured in Iran. 76 Transistors have replaced relays in many scopes of application since their invention. 85 The Victorian era was the period of Queen Victoria's reign. 59 Oswald got on. He looks like a maniac. His sleeve was out here. His shirt was undone. 85 The condition of their adoption was that they should be kept together. 70 Professional tennis players enjoy the same relative perks as most top sports personalities: clothing, equipment and endorsements. 129 The epileptic seizure could have been cause by the strobe lights. 65 If Oswald left his roominghouse shortly after one p.m. and walked at a brisk pace, 82 While there have been no proposals to restore Amtrak service to Nashville, there have been repeated calls from residents. 121 If that's the case, he will struggle. 37 One thirty Chantilly Parkway, Springfield, Illinois. 52 with a problem of extreme difficulty, which must be attacked from a new point of view and by the aid of methods which have yet to be invented. 142 It takes heat to bring out the odor. 36 Printing, in the only sense with which we are at present concerned, differs from most if not from all the arts and crafts represented in the Exhibition 151 One of the worst evils was the terrible and long-protracted uncertainty as to the result. 89 What have I missed? 19 The Chronicles of Newgate, Volume two. By Arthur Griffiths. Section twenty-one: Newgate Notorieties, part two. 110 Bake in the preheated oven thirty minutes. Let stand ten minutes before serving. 80 Chancellor of the Exchequer Missis wife lady Miss Young lady Cheer up! 70 On August seventeen, nineteen sixty-three, he appeared briefly on a radio program and on August twenty-one, nineteen sixty-three, 129 He was very irritable, sometimes for a trifle, end quote, and that, quote, Lee was very unrestrained and very explosive, end quote. 131 This record is now in the Public Record Office. 47 Apple pie with cheddar cheese is delicious to eat. 50 Cars and busses stalled in snow drifts. 39 Question: And why was no effort made at that time to inspect his back? Answer: 78 Put that back exactly where you found it this instant. 54 If somebody did that to me, a lousy trick like that, to take my wife away, and all the furniture, I would be mad as hell, too. 126 Hence, says Cuvier, it was necessary that the chemical composition of the animal body should be more complicated than that of the plant; 136 This duty of seeing the country in a long-range perspective 59 But it might have done. 23 was still practiced, that of loading newly-arrived prisoners until they paid certain fees. 90 It is better to stay silent and be thought a fool, than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt. 97 It was a moment of madness. 27 Among the rest was a woman with an infant at the breast. 56 It was said in last year's Democratic platform, 47 The idea is to sew both edges straight. 39 with few readily available alternatives at hand. He was shocked to find that the Soviet Union did not accept him with open arms. 128 and many reforms instituted. But the condition of the prison and its inmates remained unsatisfactory to the last. 113 They toiled in the fields all day long. 39 in which the question is treated with that comprehensiveness of knowledge and clear critical judgment which characterize his writings 133 John Pic testified that he thought Lee found in Ekdahl the father that he never had. 84 Stop and stare at the hard working man. 39 He broke a new shoelace that day. 33 Seoul has two main airports: one at Incheon and another one at Gimpo. 69 but its nature was betrayed when this last victim also died. 60 We don't get much money but we have fun. 40 A Decision Coordinating Paper for the U.L.M.S. was approved on fourteen September nineteen seventy one. 103 Chief Justice Hughes said in a dissenting opinion that the majority opinion was "a departure from sound principles," 116 as a result of which he was, quote, flooded with callers and invitations to debates, etc. as well as people interested in joining the F.P.C.C. 142 While the film received positive reviews on its release, particularly for its story and the performances of Robbins and Freeman, it was a box office disappointment. 164 He drew on the back of his jacket with a blue fountain pen. 59 and was rendered insensible by chloroform, after which he was bound and the precious stones stolen. 99 Please briefly describe the problem you are experiencing. 57 Try to remember the joyous occasions. 37 Marina Oswald 13 A few minutes after the rifle was discovered on the sixth floor of the Depository Building 90 The vane on top of the pole revolved in the wind. 49 As discussed above, the Bureau has attempted to meet its responsibilities in this field by spelling out in its Handbook 119 Many outgoing presidents since James Buchanan traditionally give advice to their successor during the presidential transition. 126 John of Spires and his brother Vindelin, followed by Nicholas Jenson, began to print in that city, 98 Now, as all books not primarily intended as picture-books consist principally of types composed to form letterpress, 116 A musical note sustained to its full length, with no break between it and the next note. 88 In eighteen fifty Sir George Grey brought forward a new motion to the same effect, 82 To reach the end he needs much courage. 39 Take two shares as a fair profit. 33 Jeffrey, who murdered his own child, an infant of six, by hanging him in a cellar in Seven Dials, 97 If the Lords have a distinct and elected composition, this would probably come about through fixed term proportional representation. 132 He was summoned to the Mansion House, where he repeated his request, crying, "Accordez moi cette grâce," with much urgency. 123 Get details. 12 No. 3 Many of the jails were in the most deplorable condition: 56 Many people cross a very tall footbridge with a treecovered hill in the background. 83 That homicide case is giving me headaches, the police officer said. 67 He outlined his plans in a notebook and studied them at considerable length before his attack. 94 Federal law enforcement officers is a Federal crime. 52 The eggs need to be organic to not spoil the royal pastries. 60 Radians can be converted to turns by dividing the number of radians by two. 75 That is not his mailbox. 24 The incident is very far from where I work and live, but I appreciate your concern. 83 Hello, Benjamin. 16 He displayed more interest in agriculture than in statecraft. 61 If any disturbance reached his ears, he reported the case to the governor, who next morning visited the ward in fault, and asked for the culprit. 145 Leave by three thirty seven to arrive at your destination by four. 66 You can either plug me in with a network cable, or use WiFi. 60 This is a club on the rise. 27 (two) the disappearance of the rifle from its normal place of storage, (three) 78 Albert Einstein's famous equation E equals M.C. squared is one of the best known equations in physics. 102 one dog standing in some grass with his tongue hanging out and a tan dog in the background 90 Special forces communications sergeants can operate every kind of communications gear, from encrypted satellite communications systems to old-style high-frequency Morse key systems. 181 This procrastination bred certain callousness. 46 effective 9 Marina Oswald testified that in New Orleans in May of nineteen sixty-three, she observed Oswald sitting with the rifle on their screened porch at night, 152 Is there a waiting list? 24 People living in the so-called bible belt have more conservative opinions than inhabitants of California. 105 People in black coats walk slowly through deep snow to approach a bridge in winter. 83 Peep under the tent and see the clowns. 39 Progressivism in the United States is a broadly based reform movement that reached its height early in the twentieth century. 125 During this course, candidates are also expected to demonstrate a proficiency in land navigation, one of the most important skills a Special Forces Soldier can possess. 168 the misdemeanant tried or untried, the debtor who wished to avoid the discomfort of the crowded debtors' side, the outspoken newspaper editor, 142 The unfortunate man survived till he landed, but died in Guy's Hospital. 72 I have never even know a communist, outside of the ones in the USSR but you can't help that, end quote. 103 gallery 7 to institute strict security measures for the Presidential aircraft, the airport terminal, and the surrounding area. 116 I always use dancing hamsters to help me visualise data. 56 Horses cannot vomit, so digestion problems can quickly cause colic, a leading cause of death. 93 At that time the mild and intelligent prison discipline in force in Pennsylvania, the legacy of the old Quaker immigrants, 122 the changes necessary to bring the prisons into conformity with the recent acts were attempted, if not actually introduced into the county prisons, to which, 157 No cement will hold hard wood. 30 The problems began a long time ago. 35 I would not minimize the inevitable losses to employers and employees and to the general public through such conflicts. 119 and of making certain that people who are employed will be taken from the relief rolls. 87 A sash of gold silk will trim her dress. 40 Offered the gold medal, he declined. 36 Beginning with the independence of India and Pakistan in nineteen forty seven, the remainder of the British Empire was almost completely dismantled. 148 The series features the shop's daily interaction with its customers. 68 Because of rising oil prices, there is a program to build hydro power plants. 77 A little boy sticks his tongue out for the camera. Another boy looks on. 72 and by getting his hand inside Dwyer's stock, with the idea of strangling him. 78 the presence of a long handmade brown paper bag near the point from which the shots were fired, and (five) the palmprint, 121 Gotcha, I was only joking! 26 On the other hand, it was adduced in evidence that Mrs. Gale had been at his lodgings the very day after the murder, 116 Probably their metal was far too valuable for the enemy to leave behind. 72 And always review your monthly statements for charges you don't recognize. 74 A man is speaking into a microphone, while another man ponders the situation at hand. 85 Place ham in food processor, and pulse until finely ground. 59 Hocker made several pretended confessions and revelations, all of which were proved to be absolutely false by the police on inquiry. 132 In the six to eight minute period before the motorcade arrived, Brennan saw a man leave and return to the window, quote, a couple of times, end quote, 150 The lime had done its work so rapidly that the features would have been indistinguishable but for the prominent chin and a set of false teeth. 142 as in a mountainous country, it is impossible to say where mountain ends and valley begins; as in the development of an animal, 127 As the Queen was driving from Buckingham Palace to the Chapel Royal, 68 He was a prominent bebop drummer in the nineteen fifties and early nineteen sixties. 84 Okay, the sun is out, setting the brightness level 50 k 1 It was followed by the deep and solemn booming of the death-bell from the church of St. Sepulchre 97 Here are some practical tips to help you stay a step ahead. 59 and received his sentence of transportation for life without much surprise. 75 Miss Turner consented to go on, and they traveled night and day towards the north. 82 having first set apart their mothers, each man chose besides out of his whole household one woman whomsoever he pleased; 120 only out of a satisfaction of all his former debts, end quote. The fees were not always extorted, it is true; 109 In January, sixteen twenty two, James dissolved Parliament, angry at what he perceived as the members' impudence and intransigence. 131 But the fall apart and inwards of two leaves is considered superior. 68 When Oswald was arrested in the Texas Theatre, he was wearing a brown sport shirt with a hole in the right sleeve at the elbow. 127 Thirteen eighty-one Sunset Boulevard, Los Angeles, California, nine oh oh two six. 82 The rifle was shipped from Klein's in Chicago on March twenty, nineteen sixty-three, at a time when the Oswalds were living on Neely Street. 140 Verbs are conjugated to show tenses, of which there are two: past and present which is used for the present and the future. 123 It is not a process which can be completed overnight. 53 I seem to remember just wearing a t-shirt and jeans. 52 It's eight in the morning. 26 The question of ownership would seem to be a more complicated one. 66 Most transportation modes are impeded by snow on the travel surface. 68 For ten days you follow down the river, through little villages and black tent encampments, among scenes of strange Arab life which never lose their charm. 155 She'll choose whomever the association approves. 48 P.O. Box two seven four nine, Juneau, Alaska, nine nine eight one one. 70 Oswald could have shot the Governor as the car approached the Depository or as it was making the turn onto Elm Street. 118 Only a handful of foods have Vitamin D. Examples are cod liver oil and oily fish. 81 Charles Kennedy had an effective outing. 40 Oxfam's failure to pass on information regarding sexual misconduct allegations of its workers in Haiti and Chad shows a failure of moral leadership. 148 In late twenty ten, the Chevy Volt and the Nissan Leaf were released in the U.S. market. 88 Janis caught a forty one-yard touchdown from Rodgers which sent the game into overtime. 87 At the same time he was seen to steal and secrete a pair of trousers. The shop-boy gave information. 100 This is a favorite in our family. Serve with rice and a green salad if desired. 79 You have arrived at your destination. 37 For a moment, Mrs. Kennedy refused to release the President, whom she held in her lap, 86 The recommendations we have here suggested would greatly advance the security of the office without any impairment of our fundamental liberties. 144 Here he came upon a woman on the leads hanging out clothes to dry. 66 The oldest house remaining in Greenwich Village is the Isaacs-Hendricks House, at seventy seven Bedford Street. 111 If the red of the second bow falls upon the green of the first, the result is to give a bow with an abnormally wide yellow band, since red and green light when mixed form yellow. 178 Where robbery with violence was intended, the perpetrators had now to adopt various shifts and contrivances to secure their victim. 131 Guess the result from the first scores. 39 Unmarked police cars took the Vice President and Mrs. Johnson from Parkland Hospital to Love Field. 99 In the higher plants the excretions are carbon dioxide, which escapes through the epidermis of root, stem and leaf and through the stomata; 139 Mr. Gurney, Mr. Fry, Messrs. Forster, and Mr. T. F. Buxton, the coadjutor of Wilberforce in the great anti-slavery struggle. 124 Overhead projectors were popular in the twentieth century. 58 Report of the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy. 79 The floors and walls are of milk-white marble veined with blue. 63 You have no right, he says, addressing the authorities, "to subject a prisoner to suffering from cold, 102 The Secret Service and the FBI differ 37 the air, to which the leaves are exposed, contains carbon, 58 A note which Oswald left for his wife on the evening of the shooting, 69 Constructing a cipher or hash to exhibit a substantial avalanche effect is one of its primary design objectives. 112 Even more significantly it has given the country as a whole an uneasy apprehension of overconcentrated economic power. 118 and into his possible motivation for the assassination. 55 Don't go into the water, and don't let your kids go into the water, if sick with diarrhea. 90 They are very selective feeders and feed on the leaves of one species and disregard other species surrounding it. 113 Hemp is a weed found in parts of the tropics. 45 Is that enough? 15 he admitted that he had been justly convicted, and expressed great anxiety that his fellow-servants should be relieved from all suspicion. 138 Chuck shrugged as his truck squeaked to a stop. 47 According to Secretary Dillon, the studies indicate that there is some utility in attempting to designate certain buildings as involving a higher risk than others. 163 I wonder whether we will be able to harvest energy from fusion reactors. 72 stated that he scanned the Depository Building, but not sufficiently to be alerted by anything in the windows or on the roof. 125 than in the same operations with ugly ones. 43 and the prison, although wives and children resided within the walls, was not overcrowded. 90 after June of nineteen sixty-two. 33 He lent it to Agar for a brief space, who promptly took an impression on wax. But the safes had a double lock; 110 The last act now approached, and in order to avoid the detection of this last fraud, Palmer laid his plans for disposing of Cook. 129 who had borne the Queen's commission, first as cornet, and then lieutenant, in the tenth Hussars. 97 how 3 The base station replied, quote, They have been notified, end quote, 68 James C. Cadigan, a questioned-documents expert with the Bureau, compared the samples with the paper and tape in the actual bag. 128 Top with remaining noodles and sauce. Sprinkle additional Parmesan cheese over the top. 87 opportunities 13 Right, it shouldn't be too difficult to rework then. 52 The lower plants and animals referred to above are so far from everyday observation 83 Aside from direct damage to the coral, the construction waste creates "traps" for marine life in which they are trapped and die. 128 The terms animal physiology, plant physiology and human physiology are in common use. 85 A young girl sitting on a small chair surrounded by what looks like handmade fabrics and bags. 94 intense anxiety, shyness, feelings of awkwardness and insecurity, end quote. 76 A third case, more especially interesting to us as having passed through Newgate, 81 The foul ball sailed over the stadium roof. 43 But it keeps fresh longer, is softer and more nutritious, and a second-rate brand of flour thus treated produces a better loaf 126 These processes are common to high-alloy special steels, superalloys and titanium alloys. 89 Do you see that? 16 When she worked for a time as an insurance saleslady, 53 Seven were found guilty of murder on the high seas, and one, Carlos, acquitted. 79 the width of the tape, the knurled markings on the surface of the fiber, the texture of the fiber, the letting pattern 118 Very well, thanks. 18 Brewer said, quote, He just looked funny to me. His hair was sort of messed up and looked like he had been running, and he looked scared, and he looked funny, end quote. 169 Please, be humble. 18 and killing Patrolman Tippit, 29 My daughter is happy that she found a feather on the street. 60 Part of this is because steam wasn't very practical for personal vehicles. 74 Hunton's execution no doubt aroused public attention to the cruelty and futility of the capital law against forgery. 116 More and more people, 21 Remove from heat. 17 be 2 Jack admitted that the lizards added a whole new dimension to his sauna experience. 83 Each region is administered by a Governor. 42 By the end of twenty ten, the network could exceed ten million users. 69 Juggling her shopping bags and Betty Boop backpack and young woman crosses a city street. 89 The change added greatly to the responsibilities of the governor and his subordinates. Hitherto the public had seemed to assist at the ceremony; 144 Thomas took a trip to Canada. 29 The good news is we found a lovely place with a huge south-facing balcony. 74 Pepperoni 9 He had ready access to the sixth floor, from the southeast corner window of which the shots were fired. 103 Take the winding path to reach the lake. 40 The official record shows only that Marie-Louise requested divorce after Judith's birth and that Lacan married Sylvia in nineteen fifty three. 142 Three weeks later, he resigned. 31 Every child knows the story of "the writing of the hand on the wall." It was the night that Babylon fell. 105 The route impressed the agents as a natural and desirable one. 62 Come to my ranch, and I'm gonna show you what damage the tornado has caused. 76 forgeries committed systematically, and for long periods, as in the case of Fauntleroy, 87 you ascend the hill to the plateau, and before you, as far as the eye can reach, stretches the great Arabian Desert. 116 But Probert, who turned king's evidence, and materially assisted conviction, 76 The cheese was delicious, especially when accompanied by the delicious, crusty bread. 85 Cheese is made from milk, as well as many other dairy products. 63 The prison population of Newgate was still subject to great fluctuations, but it seldom rose above two hundred and fifty or three hundred 137 It is still too early for any likely contenders to have emerged. 64 Immediately after the assassination, however, 45 President Taft appointed five members and named a Chief Justice; 64 When the wardsman was a man of some education, with some knowledge of legal chicanery gained by personal experience, he might add considerably to his emoluments 160 He also drummed on the song "Bad Boyfriend" on Garbage's two thousand five album "Bleed Like Me". 97 What does she say? 18 Wading birds have long legs and long beaks to keep their feathers out of the water. 83 instead of ending in the sharp and clear stroke of Jenson's letters; 68 Columbia then undertook three further research missions to test its technical characteristics and performance. 110 Such an organism exhibits no left or right sides. 49 If you see a headline one day, you can be sure a related scam will follow soon after. 85 The penny was minted as a silver coin until the seventeenth century. 68 She expects that her birthday cake should be pink, not purple. 62 He was also founder and president of the American Academy of Jewish Research. 77 The culprit was then compelled to carry the chair about with him. 65 Edwin and Maud Cowper are identical twins. 42 but it was also, at least in part, because his wife did not want to live there with him. 88 For example, large parts of the Andes mountain chain may be known as a volcanic arc. 84 who must concentrate primarily on the possibility of threats from crowds along the route, provide a significant safeguard against dangers in nearby buildings. 158 Simple as this proposition is, it is necessary to be stated. 60 It is great to have this beautiful new site in wonderful countryside. 69 Two young girls are sitting in the living room playing video games and drinking canned soft drinks. 99 He also said that he and his family got along well with Marina Oswald and enjoyed showing her American things. 110 The complimentary refreshments were satisfactory. 49 Cool. Check out my eyes. 24 Live and let live. 18 A deadline is still essential. 30 To support teens' healthy social media use, parents and youth-serving professionals can use these resources: 108 A person is walking along the beach, making footprints while holding their shoes. 81 I can help you. Really. 23 In the mid-nineteenth century, sheep that were most likely of the Merino breed were brought to the island. 106 The discussion below will describe the events known to the Commission which most clearly reveals the formation and nature of Oswald's character. 144 He claimed to be admitted to bail, and was taken from Newgate on a writ of habeas before one of the judges sitting at Westminster. 130 the gatesman who prepared the briefs had interviews with female prisoners alone while taking their instructions; a female came alone and unaccompanied by a matron 162 no stranger's hands have wrought this work on me, but my own only. 66 One out of every five Presidents since eighteen sixty-five has been assassinated; 81 Pluck the bright rose without leaves. 37 Palmer, alive to the danger he ran of a prosecution for forgery, should the fraud he had committed be brought to light, 119 One of his slaves gave him a piece of ivory into which had been carved four scenes. 83 Jenson, however, had many contemporaries who used beautiful type. 65 The borough jails, those in fact under corporate management, were not included in the new measures; 99 However, other Protestant writers, such as David Blondel and Gottfried Leibniz, rejected the story. 99 Bishop, whose real name was Head, married a half-sister of Williams'. Williams was a professional resurrectionist, or body-snatcher, 132 Muted. 6 It will include the Black Watch, the Royal Highland regiment. 61 Once it had started down Elm Street toward the Triple Underpass, however, 73 This plan was on the principle of cellular separation, a system, according to Lord John Russell, desirable in all prisons, 122 any foreign government or instrumentality thereof. End quote. 61 A chink in the wall allowed a draft to blow. 44 The period between eight and nine p.m., however, provided ample opportunity for Oswald to prepare the rifle for his departure the next morning. 143 Make hay while the sun. 23 It may be most appropriate for you to contact your city, county, or state environmental or health agency, or another federal agency. 132 buries his head under his body. 31 Taran was so bored that he took his biro and drew some glyphs on the table. 75 A young girl with braids is painting with water colors on a white paper on the wall. 84 Secondary missions include training, mobilization and deployment of new and improved concepts and support of disaster relief. 125 There are no daily news publications on Nauru, although there is one fortnightly publication. 93 He could not reach his roominghouse on the Marsalis bus, but the Beckley bus stopped across the street. 103 Some attempt was made to reduce the overcrowding, on the recommendation of the House of Commons Committee of eighteen eighteen, but this applied only a partial remedy. 167 Ah. 3 Researchers note that Strava, which processes data from apps and devices such as Fitbit, accidentally revealed the locations of U.S. military bases overseas. 157 Heavy downpours originate from ice clouds, said Dong Wu, principal investigator at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. 141 For more information, or to volunteer, please visit librivox dot org. 69 He picked Oswald from the lineup as the man who had boarded the bus at the, quote, lower end of town on Elm around Houston, end quote, 134 They were instructed to watch particularly for thrown objects, sudden actions in the crowd, and any movements toward the Presidential car. 138 Neither elevator could have been used by Oswald as a means of descent. 70 Industrial labor had also been introduced with satisfactory results. 68 Waiter, King and emperor. 25 The new jail fell as far short of the demands made on it as did the old. 72 The U.S., for example, has much higher C.E.O. salaries than do Japan or Germany, where insider trading is less effectively restrained. 134 See, then, the difference between man's mode of working and Nature's. 69 An L.E.D. was indicating the proximity detector was working properly. 69 On the islands the sea breeze is soft and mild. 47 The roots of plants direct themselves toward moisture and their leaves toward air and light. 92 The vast space stretched into the far distance. 47 Mrs. Connally heard a second shot fired and pulled her husband down into her lap. 81 It's shooting branches from the trunk, which means it can't properly get its sap to the top. 92 Under the steward there were captains of wards, chosen in the same way, and performing analogous duties. 104 Muslims and Jews were sometimes partners in trade, with the Muslims taking days off on Fridays and Jews taking off on Saturdays. 128 Give me a brightness value from zero to thirty. 47 would have added up to pointing out a pretty bad individual, and I think that, together, had we known that he had a vantage point 129 Robbing Peter to pay Paul. 26 The toilet needed cleaning. 27 He nodded his head. 19 President Wilson, three; President Harding, four, including a Chief Justice; President Coolidge, one; 101 Not just that, I have a feeling I'll be helping you track down your wayward researcher as well. 95 He accepted, having at first Tom Cheshire as his assistant, then for a time, when Cheshire was dismissed for drunkenness, a man named Osborne. 142 The matron deposed to having seen the gates-woman "exceedingly drunk," and having been insulted by her. 103 A young man holding a beer bottle and a cigarette splashes fluid on charcoal in a grill. 88 Not content with giving where assistance was solicited, he himself sought out deserving cases and personally afforded relief. 125 This was admitted in evidence by the turnkeys, and was proved by the appearance of the prison tables, which bore the marks of gaming-boards deeply cut into them. 161 Like a great ball of fire the sun sinks in the west. 52 The plant withdraws water and carbonic acid from the atmosphere, the animal contributes both to it. 99 jewel-boxes cleverly stolen under the very noses of owners or care-takers. 74 The difference in the rainbow depends considerably upon the size of the drops, and the width of the colored band increases as the size of the drops increases. 158 A shirtless man in a blue hat and sunglasses runs waistdeep through a large body of water. 90 Please bring soap. 18 and under the scanty covering of a couple of dirty stable-rugs apiece. 70 to devise a practical system which has any reasonable possibility of revealing such malcontents. 96 Immediately after the murder cases of champagne, which formed part of the cargo, were brought on deck and broached; 115 He was convicted of eleven federal offences and sentenced to death. 67 Five young women sitting on a green bench wearing headbands with feathers in them. 82 For some months Smethurst and Miss Bankes lived together as man and wife, first in London, and then at Richmond. 112 When I visited everyone had individual interviews. 50 stated the President's views of his responsibilities with simplicity and clarity, quote, 88 The gene also affects the sleep patterns of mice, and likely does so for all mammals. 85 The Commission recommends to the Congress that it adopt legislation which would: 80 The command was given to erect an outpost to defend strikes from the east. 74 This photograph has never been made public. 43 Wood is best for making toys and blocks. 40 It was a factor which contributed to his character and thereby might have influenced his decision to assassinate President Kennedy. 131 Neil Armstrong was the first man to step foot on the moon. 58 Even an ordinary man has more than one horse power, but gets tired quickly. 75 within this the greatest nursery of crime in London, should exercise even the commonest care for the personal decency or comfort of the prisoners. 146 since a disclosure of such detailed information relating to protective measures might undermine present methods of protecting the President. 140 Sadly, it sounds as if it is. 29 Many campus workers still earn the minimum wage. 48 The craving for tobacco which so dominates the habitual smoker often leads the convicted to plead hard for a last smoke. 120 But I don't understand. 23 Cotton processing and trading continued to fall in peacetime, and the exchange closed in nineteen sixty eight. 110 Three people are sitting sipping drinks in a lobby, while other people are behind them talking. 95 Well, what of that? 19 The cloth above referred to belonged to the inner seam of his trousers, which he had managed to tear out. 105 All of the ancient writers agree in saying that Babylon was surrounded with both inner and outer walls, and the ruins confirm their statements. 143 He dealt too in the precious metals, when they had been improperly acquired, 76 as one entitled to receive mail. 32 several bishops, and a number of members of the House of Commons, including Mr. Manners Sutton, 95 The employment of Edwards, and the manner in which the conspirators were allowed to commit themselves further and further before the law was set in motion against them, 168 after which he kicked his prostrate foe in the most brutal and cowardly manner, and until he was almost senseless, and bruised from head to foot. 145 A part of me is also trying to come to terms with the fact that I won't be able to travel as much anymore. 106 whom he persuaded to go and stay at Rugeley in an hotel just opposite his own house. 84 He was an inmate of the same ward with others of the most dreadful sort, quote, 79 Quite a nice view of the town from up there, and it's easy to find. 67 Using script blockers is generally a good idea, but it requires the user to learn a bit. 88 No responsibility rests upon those agents near the President for the identification or arrest of any assassin or an attacker. 125 to commit outrage, to set fire to houses, throw hand-grenades into the carriages of ministers; 94 Secret Service procedure requires that each agent stay with the person being protected 86 Patrol cars bearing at least fifteen officers converged on the Texas Theatre. 77 The ends of many of the letters such as the t and e are hooked up in a vulgar and meaningless way. 98 Quit whining! 13 Swallowing just a mouthful of water with Crypto in it can make otherwise healthy kids and adults sick for weeks with watery diarrhea, stomach cramps, nausea, and vomiting. 171 His past relationships with his wife had been stormy, however, and it did not seem that she respected him very much. 116 brutal creature who showed no remorse, but was subject to fits of ungovernable passion, when she broke out into language the most appalling. 140 The next morning, Malcolm X. learned that Prince Faisal had designated him as a state guest. 92 But Calcraft regularly succeeded Foxen, who followed Botting, and Dennis, the actor in the seventeen eighty riots. 114 Follow floor lighting to exit. 30 Burning fridges, televisions and washing machines are not as unusual as one might think. 88 There are two kinds of attacks. 31 The murders were perpetrated on the tenth September, and the ship continued her voyage for nearly three weeks, meeting and speaking one ship only. 146 then we had the time, and I withdrew my objections to a motorcade. End quote. 77 In the case of free-standing columns, the decorative elements atop the shaft are known as a finial. 99 and through all ate heartily at every meal, slept soundly at nights, and talked with cheerfulness on almost any subject. 120 Later influences from the Roman Empire, Middle East, and the Byzantine Empire also had effect on Greek music. 109 His offer was not, however, accepted. 37 They might even say you've won a prize, but first you have to pay taxes or fees. 80 ever since a similar proposal passed the House of Representatives in eighteen sixty-nine. 89 Tokyo's subway and commuter rail network became one of the busiest in the world as more and more people moved to the area. 122 or that the Babylonian soldier stood confidently upon their summit, and jeering at the Persian army encamped below, shouted: 124 A man is playing blowing into bagpipes whilst another man tests the tone with an electronic tuner. 98 Embedded operating systems are designed to be used in embedded computer systems. 80 This log cabin is so quaint. 28 A lunar eclipse is seen in Asia and North America, coinciding with a supermoon and blue moon. 93 Laguna Elementary School was the first twenty sixteen School to complete the planning phase. 92 How far is it? 14 Adverse effects, if any, are generally mild. 44 The sun came up to light the eastern sky. 41 Two: Liaison with other agencies regarding intelligence. 56 Many species produce bioactive compounds that are toxic to animals including humans. 84 Thankfully, no-one on the bus is too badly hurt. 48 These courts were open to many and grave objections. 52 I have been a pro-communist for years and yet I have never met a communist, instead I kept silent and observed, 111 Your destination is on the left. 32 The Borough Compter was in a disgraceful state to the last. The men's ward had an earth, or rather a mud, floor, 112 The mission of E.P.A. is to protect human health and the environment. 69 Apparently, it's the dumplings that make this stew taste so good. 65 and the average daily number committed that year amounted to three thousand, nine hundred eighty-five. 102 but it was actually tried in two provincial towns, Leicester and Durham. 72 While the police radio had noted the similarity in description of the two suspects, the arresting officers were pursuing Oswald for the murder of Tippit. 153 Because the stairway itself is enclosed, neither Baker nor Truly could see anything on the second-floor hallway until they reached the landing at the top of the stairs. 168 New settlers, primarily from the Philippines and the Caroline Islands, were brought to repopulate the islands. 110 The economy of Ethiopia is a mixed economy with a large public sector. 70 In some cases, native corporations received outside aid in surveying the land. 78 The march is supposed to take place in March. 45 Investigation has established that Altgens' picture was taken approximately two seconds after the firing of the shot 116 but soon the phantom lake vanishes, while others, still farther beyond, appear and vanish in rapid succession. 110 PRS instructed the White House mailroom, a source of much PRS data, 67 Did you know that the safest place for your child on an airplane is in a government-approved child safety restraint system, not on your lap? 140 It must be understood that through the century, the Roman letter was used side by side with the Gothic. 103 The Commission recognizes that this is a controversial area and that many strongly held views are advanced in resistance to any suggestion that an effort be made to impose any degree of coordination. 199 Agent Hosty testified 21 In the early part of the century, innovators in Hungary, the Netherlands and the United States - including a blacksmith from Vermont - began toying with the concept of a battery-powered vehicle. 194 so that the various classes might be seated separately, and so as not to see each other. 88 Removal of the President's Body 31 A dash of pepper spoils beef stew. 34 In July eighteen sixty-four occurred the murder of Mr. Briggs, a gentleman advanced in years and chief clerk in Robarts' bank. 126 High voltage! 13 In our late visits, they say, "we have seen manifest indications of a retrograde movement in this respect, 106 Quote, a common-sized man, says the keeper, Mr. Newman, can turn in nineteen inches, end quote. 95 Screw the round cap on as tight as needed. 42 The proprietary software uses multi-threading for some intermediate steps. 74 While they went on holiday, we got the contract. 48 and "the greatest contempt shown for the law." 46 Professor Phillips is credited with discovering a new way to make batteries. 76 making an average of nineteen persons occupying each room. 58 The football game ended with neither team scoring a single point. 65 One picture in the gallery shows how diligent slaves erect the statue of admiral Thompson. 90 Clementine is longsighted. 26 Today's high is eighty, with a low of seventy-three. 52 The B.S.A's goal is to train youth in responsible citizenship, character development, and self-reliance. 104 Mid-latitude glaciation was probably underway before the end of the epoch. 74 This is especially necessary with regard to the F.B.I. and C.I.A. 65 A bus-shaped giant cat halts at the stop, and Totoro boards it, taking the umbrella. 84 her 3 Thank you for listening. 24 The latter material expresses great hostility to both communism and capitalism. He wrote, that to a person knowing both of those systems, quote, 144 My teacher always throws chalk at his pupils, that's why I'm wearing a helmet. 78 but on arrival he was met by a young sailor with a letter which begged Mr. Gee to go to Heath's house, as the latter was not well. 130 other 5 In translation, the note read as follows: one. 46 It shouldn't be displayed on any book pages, or should it? 58 Marwood being, on the other hand, in favor of giving a man as much rope as possible. 84 Pink clouds floated with the breeze. 36 Knowledge is power. 19 and punishment such as rope's-ending and tying to the bulwarks had to be applied to get the work properly done. 111 Sometime during this period, and under circumstances to be discussed more fully below, 86 Please don't beat the child for kicking the cat. 48 A tremendous crowd assembled when Bellingham was executed in eighteen twelve for the murder of Spencer Percival, at that time prime minister; 141 until after they saw Patrolman Baker's white helmet on the fifth floor moving toward the elevator. 98 Don't believe the lies they are telling you, invent your own instead. 69 He was such a jolly old bloke. 30 and a Dallas police officer after the cartons had been processed with powder by the Dallas Police. 98 We felt that something was following us through the woods. 58 The latter is the method still followed at Newgate. 51 In that case, I guess we'll just have to find a way to draw him out. 68 Fauntleroy was scouted as a licentious libertine, a deep and determined gamester, a spendthrift whose extravagance knew no bounds. 130 A mammalian cell typically contains forty to one hundred stacks. 64 and the respective responsibilities for any further investigation that may be required. 87 I will include in this part of the present chapter almost one of the last instances of a crime which in time past 113 mi 2 Other agencies occasionally provided information to the Secret Service concerning potentially dangerous political groups. 121 But next morning he was found dead in his cell. 47 Two women in summer wear ride beach cruiser tricycles on the concrete near the beach. 85 It also appears that Lee tried to tag along with his older brothers 67 Finally amid the lowest forms of animal life the speck of gelatinous protoplasm, which constitutes the whole body, has no permanent digestive cavity or mouth. 158 At another time there were fifty, one of whom had been under sentence a couple of years. 88 The state supported Bill Clinton in nineteen ninety two, John Kerry in two thousand four, and Barack Obama in two thousand eight. 129 Three cups of lukewarm water in which the potatoes were boiled, strained through a coarse cloth. 96 Avery Brundage, President of the International Olympic Committee, praised the film. 83 Heat pump water heater sales have skyrocketed from about two thousand units sold in two thousand six to more than thirty four thousand in twenty twelve. 152 or sought relief in the constant application of intoxicating stimulants. 72 A man jumps off of a small stone bridge while three children and a woman watch him. 83 And he honored Zopyrus greatly; year by year he presented him with all the gifts which are held in most esteem among the Persians; 130 What can it mean? 17 the situation having been proved by long experience to be salubrious. 69 Theodore explained to us what a convolution filter is. 54 that the forms of printed letters should follow more or less closely those of the written character, and they followed them very closely. 137 in early October of nineteen sixty-three. 41 But, indeed, his whole rule was far too mild, and under this mistaken leniency 78 Roupell received the announcement with a cheerful countenance, 62 Other cases are recorded elsewhere, as at the Giltspur Street Compter, where in eighteen oh five Mr. Neild found a man named William Grant 138 If the sole goal were to protect the life of the President, it could be accomplished with reasonable assurance despite the multiple roles he must play. 151 After entering the car, Frazier glanced over his shoulder and noticed a brown paper package on the back seat. 109 Turning the lights off. 23 and Müller at the time of his capture was actually wearing Mr. Briggs' hat, cut down and somewhat altered. 106 Oswald apparently started reading about communism when he was about fifteen. 76 High seats are best for football fans. 38 A committee of the House of Commons investigated the charges against Bambridge, who was proved to have connived at the escape of some debtors, 142 convicted of obtaining jewelery under the false pretense of making silly women "beautiful for ever." 100 had to leave the left front running board of the President's follow-up car four times to ride on the rear of the President's limousine. 135 So we extended the mission due to the outstanding science that it is performing. 80 During the eighteen seventys and eightys, Chicago attained national stature as the leader in the movement to improve public health. 131 Doctor Clark arrived last week. 31 The early thresher, called the ground hog, was unlike modern threshers. 71 Help teens protect their information online with onguard online dot gov, a federal resource sponsored by the Department of Homeland Security. 141 Awhile ago, we knew very little. 32 It is so sad. 13 On the fatal morning he came gaily out of his cell, 51 exactly tallied with that of the deformed person "wanted" for the assault on the Queen. 87 both she and Mrs. Paine thought he had come home to make up after the fight on Monday. 86 Nine men were hired to dig the ruins. 37 But chance and the disinclination of individuals to leave the Supreme bench 75 It could allow doctors and patients to make better informed decisions about who needs treatment for rabies, which is nearly always fatal once symptoms start. 157 Technology makes it easy for scammers to fake caller I.D. information, so the name and number you see aren't always real. 121 At that time, Inspector Herbert V. Sawyer's car was parked in front of the building. 84 The handle snagged my coat. 27 A short sonata. 15 gives a total of thirty-nine lunatics confined in various jails, many of them guilty of murder and other serious crimes. 120 The Secret Service has embarked upon a complete overhaul of its research activities. 84 He really did not know what passed in his jail 46 A monopoly has the power to set prices or quantities although not both. 71 It was natural therefore that the forms of printed letters should follow more or less closely those of the written character, and they followed them very closely. 162 of course with the added improvements following longer experience, of the pattern originated by the architectural genius of Sir Joshua Jebb. 140 The clothing was still meager and ragged: the washing places insufficient, and wanting in decency; 98 he collected the garnish money, and distributed the weekly grant from the prison charitable fund. 97 The priests of the temple of Bel, so a story tells us, 54 Tigers have muscular bodies with powerful forelimbs, large heads and long tails. 80 approximately twenty or twenty-five minutes after the shots were fired. 71 NASA also announced the selection of two mission concepts that will receive technology development funds to prepare them for future mission competitions. 153 The Chinese took impressions from wood blocks engraved in relief for centuries before the woodcutters of the Netherlands. 121 U.S. citizens who travel abroad should always have a contingency plan for emergency situations. 95 The kite flew wildly in the high wind. 38 The others would have been able to reduce their times if they had been given the opportunity to become familiar with the movement of the bolt and the trigger pull. 163 Come on Betty, let's go for a drink and sink a few. 51 That plan has two chief purposes. 33 Not very Quick. 15 It is not known how far Marcus' writings were circulated after his death. 73 Manned by officers of the Dallas Police Department, this automobile preceded the main party by approximately quarter of a mile. 127 According to O'Donnell, quote, we had a motorcade wherever we went, end quote. 78 Give me some carrots and other vegetables, I'm going to feed the rabbits. 73 Philip Augustus had then launched an appeal to the municipalities in northern France, in order to obtain their support. 119 because of Oswald's demonstrated hostility toward the Secretary of the Navy in his letter of January thirty, nineteen sixty-two. Quote, 135 If chlorophyll is present, the carbon dioxide of the air serves as a source of carbon, 86 The hotel gives some complimentary water bottles to drink. 58 While an undergraduate, Lund was a roommate with Tommy Thompson, who later became Governor of Wisconsin. 104 Remember to take your full course of antibiotics, stopping early is dangerous for your health. 94 we are bringing order out of the old chaos 42 Can you imagine something more beautiful than a plastic bag swooping and floating in a breeze? 94 Can I ask you a few questions? 30 The Eisenhower Executive Office Building is located next to the West Wing, and houses a majority of offices for White House staff. 130 A tame squirrel makes a nice pet. 33 I'm sure this gate was locked the last time I checked. 54 Sue is short and pregnant, the father-to-be stated, thinking of a name for his future daughter. 95 Probably this freed oxygen is used for the purpose of oxygenation, but more is freed in the photosynthetic process than is needed for oxygenation 145 A basic element of Presidential protection 42 The tin box held priceless stones. 34 In the same town Airbus produces satellites. 44 He immediately looked to his right, quote, and, in so doing, my eyes had to cross the Presidential limousine 108 In particular, the Commission believes that the motorcade route selected by Agent Lawson, upon the advice of Agent in Charge Sorrels 132 A maser is a microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation. 73 Neither version was ever released outside Japan. 48 I'm going with Clara to buy some pillows and bolsters. 54 or a dungeon above or below the gate of a town, to the first attempts at systematic reconstruction carried out under the advice and supervision of Howard. 154 Nazi Germany intended to exterminate the Jews completely, in actions that have come to be described collectively as the Holocaust. 130 You should be. 14 Information is requested also concerning individuals or groups who have demonstrated an interest in the President 113 This is the negative triad. 27 The flag sleeve is white and six point five centimeters in width. 65 I'm married. 12 None of these movements justify the ascription to plants of perception of will. 79 He then killed Patrolman Tippit when that police officer apparently tried to question him after he had left his roominghouse and he vigorously resisted arrest 158 excellent 9 I looked at her. 16 While gasoline cars had promise, they weren't without their faults. 67 On this journey her manner changed completely. She became flippant, joked with the officers, asked how they liked her "resolution" in the dock, 143 Sorry, I don't quite understand. 32 Ingredients: four pork chops. Salt and pepper to taste. Two onions, sliced into rings. 86 The due relation of letter to pictures and other ornament was thoroughly understood by the old printers. 104 I think I might have gotten a bit bored on that project. 56 They underlie the extensive moist woodlands found in these provinces. 69 and requests to other agencies, Federal and local, for useful information. 74 his attention was drawn early one morning to a man who leant against a lamp-post in Finsbury Square, coughing violently. 120 Sorry, I couldn't find the bridge on your network. 50 He marked what, he thought was the intersection of Neches and Beckley on a map of Dallas with a large "X." 106 Shanti borrowed it. 19 In the twenty second century, they displayed advanced holotechnology and telepresence. 86 Other energy sources receive subsidies as well, often much higher. 66 Pic thought that his mother overstated her financial problems and was unduly concerned about money. 99 I see now that it was just some perverse form of egotism. 57 A man is wearing a ball cap and holding a coffee cup between to urinals. 72 He stated, however, that while he, quote, found no differences, end quote, between the rifles in the two photographs, he could not make a, quote, positive identification 169 Quote, yet they had been long enough, he goes on to say, in the prison associated with the lowest and vilest criminals, 119 An inferno destroyed half of Lisbon during the Portuguese inquisition. 70 When he was in the Soviet Union, he apparently resented the Communist Party members, 84 Several other pupils and staff were seriously injured in the accident. 70 running at a dog-trot into London, and others swore that they plainly recognized him as the man seen soon afterwards in the lane. 129 house 5 Return to New Orleans and Joining the Marine Corps 50 Okay, I'll record for ten seconds, starting now. 48 I paid for the box last month so don't worry about it. 54 The customs and food products vary greatly according to the physically distinct regions. 88 We have always maintained that we would never abandon Scottish football. 72 In doing so, he preserved the Union, paved the way for the abolition of slavery, strengthened the federal government, and modernized the economy. 145 An example of a highly publicized interventive conservation effort would be the conservation work conducted on the Sistine Chapel. 130 I am supposed to be here. 25 We talked of the side show in the circus. 41 I hope to finish a month or two before the term starts and travel around Europe a bit. 86 It is perfectly evident that the time for an inquiry will come. 63 Most modern reactors use enriched uranium with ordinary water as the moderator. 79 for the murder of his cabin-boy, whom he stabbed after much ill-usage on board the ship as it lay in the Tagus. 111 It refers to the death of the King's son, possibly to Belshazzar of the Bible story. 84 but who is left to die on the supposition that this is not his first conviction, and still more because a good many sheep have of late been stolen by other people. 163 Last year, about one hundred thousand flights took off around the world every single day. 89 Ecuador is set to hold a referendum consisting of seven questions for voters to approve or reject. 98 In its Preamble, the Constitution states that it was intended to form a more perfect Union and promote the general welfare; 123 In the end, only time will tell what road electric vehicles will take in the future. 84 This arrest may have disrupted another of Marlowe's spying missions, perhaps by giving the resulting coinage to the Catholic cause. 131 Our difficulty with the Court today rises not from the Court as an institution but from human beings within it. 111 He stood up, and by the time he went back to his seat everybody in the room was questioning the meaning of life. 112 was a metallic frame with four handholds that riders in the car could grip while standing in the rear seat during parades. 122 Within a few weeks occurred the Leeds poisoning case, in which the murderer undoubtedly was inspired by the facts made public at Palmer's trial. 144 The merchant Wallace said he had been led into the crime by the advice and example of a city friend who had gone largely into this nefarious business; 150 None stayed at the scene of the shooting, and none entered the Texas School Book Depository Building at or immediately after the shooting. 138 Please don't be concerned. 26 One man in the crowd hoped to assassinate McKinley. 51 There was unrestrained association of untried and convicted, juvenile with adult prisoners, vagrants, misdemeanants, felons. 124 described a large, gaping wound in the right rear part of the head, with substantial damage and exposure of brain tissue, and a considerable loss of blood. 155 Born in North Carolina, the sixth child of a preacher, Simone aspired to be a concert pianist. 94 to which the signature of one Wilkins of Abingdon was found to be forged. 73 They can give you an idea of how the different guitars compare and what they'll sound like when played properly. 112 Some bone cancers can also be felt. 35 A career as a doctor is on hold. 32 Often, we set national standards that states and tribes enforce through their own regulations. 94 from the standpoint of the good of the industries themselves, as well as the general public interest, 101 Oswald did not lack the determination and other traits required 63 Those who could not pay were thrown into the wards with the night charges, 74 Without letting up, Bogart starred in "Knock on Any Door", "Tokyo Joe", "In a Lonely Place" and "Beat the Devil". 113 because great masses of masonry used to project from its surface. 65 sex 3 One of the police officers assigned to the corner of Elm and Houston Streets for the Presidential motorcade, W. E. Barnett, 123 How often has the train been late? 34 Add the store's account to the last cent. 41 Manning's demeanor was more in harmony with his situation, and the full confession he made 90 He wrote in another letter that he would, quote, never return to the United States which is a country I hate, end quote. 120 and thus the conspiracy in which he was the prime mover took shape, and came to a head. 87 the worst, which perhaps was the English, was a terrible falling-off from the work of the earlier presses; 106 Mrs. Kennedy chose the hospital in Bethesda for the autopsy because the President had served in the Navy. 105 Lee Harvey Oswald: Background and Possible Motives, Part five. 62 They were the worst raw oysters they ever ate. 46 Talk of truth and prove the clue is but a glib gift. 52 This technique was introduced originally as a way to avoid patent infringement. 79 The heart beat strongly and with firm strokes. 46 She later gave the following testimony. Question: 49 They were taken back to jail, and were again brought out in the afternoon, by which time fresh and stronger ropes had been procured, 132 However, pursuant to a regular Bureau practice of interviewing certain immigrants from Iron Curtain countries, 110 Years later, nine days before her death, the Curtis Institute of Music bestowed on her an honorary degree. 106 the Morning News noted that the motorcade would travel through downtown Dallas onto the Stemmons Freeway, and reported that, quote, the motorcade will move slowly 162 One is owned by the museum. 27 The most popular sport in Brazil is football. 45 She can scoop these things into three red bags, and we will go meet her Wednesday at the train station. 103 that all prisoners should always be in separate cells by night, and those of short sentences by day. 100 Repeated military failures and bureaucratic ineptitude soon turned large segments of the population against the government. 123 which is ordinarily required when a marksman must raise his rifle as a target moves farther away. 97 The great rulers found the squeaky grate was grating on their nerves. 69 She boarded the Marsalis bus at St. Paul and Elm Streets to return home. She testified further, quote, 102 They may become noticeable when fruiting, either as mushrooms or as molds. 74 As Dwyer survived, Cannon escaped the death sentence, which was commuted to penal servitude for life. 101 We ate spicy rice with chicken legs and white mushrooms. 56 The official Bureau files confirm Hosty's statement that from November five until the assassination, no active investigation was conducted. 139 At that station the safes were given out, heavy with shot, not gold; the thieves went on to Dover, and by-and-by, 113 program 7 Angry, he confronts Walker and tells him that he wants out of the business. 75 His proclivities were theatrical, and he was the author of several plays, 73 Some ninety three percent of tourists are from other areas of the U.S. 70 Can it be changed? 18 Explore the top four Energy Department inventions that are helping homeowners save energy and money. 100 Hardwicke, or "Ralph," appealed to Saward in his difficulty 59 Knowledge is power. 19 Or they might say they can help you avoid losing access to your current doctors under Medicare, unless you sign up for a Medicare Advantage Plan. 145 and into downtown Dallas through the Triple Underpass. 54 The Itanium architecture originated at Hewlett-Packard, and was later jointly developed by H.P. and Intel. 106 If you mumble your speech will be lost. 39 Diarrheal disease outbreaks caused by Cryptosporidium leveled off during two thousand eight through twenty fourteen. 116 He had no enemies. 18 he would be asked at a press conference when he returned. 57 An ugly pear-shaped swelling defacing the form of the letter. 61 Simple as this proposition is, it is necessary to be stated, 60 but I had to change my character a great deal in order to maintain a more or less peaceful family life. End quote. 114 A number of steps are taken, however, to permit appropriate steps to be taken in an emergency. 94 A woman is holding a cleaning brush while someone is holding her up over a door frame. 86 To understand the popularity of electric vehicles circa nineteen hundred, it is also important to understand the development of the personal vehicle and the other options available. 181 some limited information was made available to the Secret Service. But there was no fully adequate liaison between the two agencies. Indeed, 140 Three cartons had been placed at the window apparently to act as a gun rest and a fourth carton was placed behind those at the window. 134 In twenty fourteen, he published "A Call to Action: Women, Religion, Violence, and Power". 90 Two patrons of the theatre and John Brewer 42 Last Thursday I described the American form of government as a three horse team provided by the Constitution to the American people 131 were a Selective Service notice of classification and a Marine certificate of service in the name of Alek James Hidell. 119 Griffiths was an unusually clever and skilful workman, 54 The probability of hitting the President a second time would have been markedly increased if, in fact, he had missed either the first or third shots 148 Kenneth reacted badly to the steroids, he's under observation for the next hour. 80 he sold tea, coffee, sugar, tobacco, although prohibited, and extra beer. 73 The Battle of the Coral Sea was the first time since the attack on Pearl Harbor that Japan's seemingly relentless advance into the Pacific was checked. 151 but it will protect the actual value and earning power of properties now owned by thousands of investors 104 Suspicion fell at length upon Ashley, who was seen to handle the forks and spoons at table in a strange manner. 111 The hostages were released on April second, twenty twelve. 58 The Summertime Ball is a mini-festival in London, held the first Saturday of June by Global Radio. 98 It was large and comparatively commodious, being maintained on a better footing than any other part of the prison. 114 Central College began in nineteen fourteen, a continuation of Orleans Seminary. 79 Fibers on Rifle 15 was capable or potentially an assassin of the President of the United States, end quote. 88 Was that question rhetorical? 29 yelled out three cheers to the populace whom he faced. 54 In two thousand eight the London Metal Exchange announced that molybdenum would be traded as a commodity on the exchange. 121 Volleyball is almost equally popular in both genders. 53 Section Seven lays out the process for creating laws, and Section Eight enumerates numerous powers. 99 Your device has been configured. 32 subscribe 9 You know the sort of thing. 27 Who is the enemy? 17 This early research - plus the growing demand for more efficient water heaters spurred by the Energy Star program - laid the groundwork for the electric heat pump water heater market. 183 One of the forty eight constellations listed by the second-century astronomer Ptolemy, it remains one of the eighty eight modern constellations. 144 Each field has a name and a value. 34 questions 9 According to their affidavits, the drinking in no case amounted to more than three glasses of beer or one and a half mixed drinks, 130 fearful paroxysms and cramps, ending in suffocation by the tetanic rigor which caught the muscles of the chest. 111 The Secret Service and the Department of the Treasury now recognize this critical need. 87 the cashier gave them eight Bank of England notes for one thousand pounds each, saying that they could get so much specie nowhere else. 135 select 6 In particular, many video games were released by various computer game publishers. 82 Under the entry for August to September of that year he wrote, quote, 69 One economic mechanism of exposing these costs is internalizing them. 69 Young individuals in uniforms are gathering under the flags of several different countries. 91 George Jefferson Applin, Jr., confirmed that Oswald fought with four or five officers before he was handcuffed. 111 in 2 Obviously, we were pretty close in a couple of games. 53 Actions by the Service since the assassination indicate its awareness of the necessity for substantial improvement in its administration. 137 The last King of Romania dies at the age of ninety-six. 55 China announces the country's ivory trade is now illegal. 57 He acknowledged the encounter with the police officer on the second floor. 74 On the contrary, the prevailing sentiment was one of satisfaction at the success of the spectacle. 98 Have you been to Japan? 23 Fill the ink jar with sticky glue. 34 and direction of the activities of all existing agencies of Government which are in a position to and do, furnish information 125 stated that Mrs. Oswald told her everybody in Russia, quote, hated him, end quote. 82 Millions of years ago, our seven continents were one super-continent called Pangaea. 84 Even in Italy most of the theological and law books were printed in Gothic letter. 82 A man in blue overalls and a yellow hard hat is watching a huge machine work. 77 The creature moved with peristaltic waves of its strange and muscular body. 75 A group of different people are walking in all different directions in a city. 78 Running diagnostics script. 27 In this regard, the Commission notes with approval several recent measures taken and proposed by the Secret Service to improve its liaison arrangements. 152 It was an Earth-grazing meteoroid that passed within fifty seven kilometers of the Earth's surface. 99 The U.S.A. and many other countries of the world have their independence day in July. 85 Small children came to see him. 31 The cat sat on the fence. 25 Critics dubbed the benefit the "fifty two-twenty Club" and predicted most Veterans would avoid jobs for the fifty two weeks that the checks were available. 155 It wasn't a penalty, it was outside the area. 45 A mountaineer sits in the snow in front of a yellow tent under clear blue sky. 78 Mr. Pearson seems to have taken for granted that all prisoners would behave well in his district prisons. 105 The Dutch founded six towns in present-day Brooklyn beginning in sixteen forty five. 84 to which a total of upwards of one hundred thousand prisoners had been committed in the year, only twenty-three prisons were divided according to law; 150 In another jail not far off male and female felons still occupied the same room -- underground, and reached by a ladder of ten steps. 133 The reasons for this change were fully set forth in a previous chapter. 71 Isolated showers. Partly cloudy, with a low of sixty-three. 59 Our investigation of Oswald had disclosed no evidence that Oswald was acting under the instructions or on behalf of 115 I don't think so. 17 The Secret Service established a communication system with the White House and screened all telephone calls and visitors. 121 It was possible to ascertain that his age at death was around the mid-twenties. 79 She told the manager what happened before they had a chance to leave. 69 Is there anything else I can help you with? 43 We're also encouraging industry efforts to combat caller ID spoofing. 69 That same year, when Darius Hystaspes came to the Persian throne, the Babylonians openly rebelled. 98 Many people are not able to use their first language correctly. 63 A woman in a pink jacket is swinging on a swingset with some trees in the background. 85 Tremulous vibration of a note. 30 On the second October they sighted land, ten miles distant; 59 Upon moving to New Orleans on April twenty-four, nineteen sixty-three, 70 The play seems dull and quite stupid. 37 Edgeware Road, completing their dispositions for assuming supreme power after the blow had been struck. 103 Nothing of the kind. 20 Whatever the exact cause which impelled him to crime, it seems certain that he began to give her some poison, 109 The underlying necessity for such activity 42 In the old days, it was easy. 29 A gem in the rough needs work to polish. 40 Alarm deleted. 14 Spot imposters. 15 A boat capsizes in the north of Indonesian Borneo, leaving at least eight people dead. 86 In recent years, Presidential journeys have been frequent and extensive, 72 The report will go before the Scottish Parliament, probably in early autumn. 76 that the bold printing on the face of the mail-order coupon was in the handprinting of Lee Harvey Oswald and that the writing on the envelope was also his. 155 She was kind to sick old people. 32 Fold the edges of the dough under and crimp like a pie. 55 It seemed to her that the jacket Oswald wore was darker than Commission Exhibit Number one sixty-two. 101 and the few and exceptional cases of non-parasitic animals which do not feed at all. 84 The zones merge in the central part of town. 44 Mother fixed the thatch roof before the thunder and hail struck. 64 This in turn has helped lower the costs of electric vehicles, making them more affordable for consumers. 104 During the M.O.S. Qualification Phase, you will receive training for your newly-assigned Special Forces Military Occupational Specialty. 136 all classes of the condemned, those certain to suffer, and the larger number who were nearly certain of a reprieve, 115 Voyager One successfully fires backup maneuvering thrusters that had previously been inactive for thirty-seven years. 117 that he was not yet twenty years old when he went to the Soviet Union with such high hopes and not quite twenty-three when he returned bitterly disappointed. 157 It points at Earth to take a measurement then looks at the cold space to calibrate. 83 The fly made its way along the wall. 36 guidelines for an experimental program to develop more detailed criteria. 73 Pink foam floated gently through the air, landing on the parked vehicles. 73 He issued a number of edicts designed to carry out this agenda. 63 Two Bow Street runners were dispatched to the house in York Street, which had evidently been taken on purpose for the outrage. 126 President Hoover, three, including a Chief Justice. 51 Children should be given the same amount of rights as adults. 61 through the most comprehensive work plan in the history of the nation. 70 Within the Alps there are forty eight mountains that are two thousand meters or higher. 87 The concepts selected for technology development are: 53 The blow fell suddenly, and when least expected. One morning Mr. Fasson asked casually for certain certificates, 112 he subdued the people, and wherever they collected, he slew them. 65 it was the principal incentive with Kate Webster, that fierce and brutal female savage who took the life of her mistress at Richmond. 133 two 3 Friends, even utter strangers, have interceded for him, and to the last he has buoyed himself up by hope of reprieve. 117 Three police officers 2 male 1 female standing around a girl holding something in her hands. 92 Of this I have treated at length in the last chapter. 53 The primary call is a clear whistle, uttered in flight and while hovering. 74 The line where the edges join was clean. 40 Different models of the A.G.M. sixty five have used electro-optical, laser, and infra-red guidance systems. 107 and on her return had administered a dose of something which burnt the mouth badly, but did not prove fatal. 108 I expect a rapid response. 26 The pavement collapsed earlier this morning, injuring an old lady heading for the market. 89 In spite of these difficulties, however, and in the face of the economic problems that were always with them, 109 Housman's brother Laurence Housman and their sister Clemence Housman also became writers. 89 The gold-dust robbery of eighteen thirty-nine, the first of its kind, was cleverly and carefully planned with the assistance of a dishonest employee. 149 He ate constantly and voraciously after sentence, as though eager to cram as many meals as possible into the few hours still left him to live. 142 Let's all join as we sing the last chorus. 42 Turn left onto Broadway. 24 They allow only aliens to enter on occasion. 44 I thought you knew. 19 The crime was brought home to Thurtell by the confession of Hunt, 65 A woman dressed in black attire and orange scarf standing against the wall next to the map. 91 On November four, Gerald A. Behn, agent in charge of the White House detail, asked Sorrels to examine three potential sites for the luncheon. 141 Tigers have muscular bodies with powerful forelimbs, large heads and long tails. 80 These are not only common with the Javanese but also with other Indonesian ethnic groups who do not have the tradition of surnames. 131 That industry might thus be stimulated and encouraged was probable enough, 74 It's funny to observe the rhetoric tricks politicians use when speaking. 72 as indicating some potential danger to the President -- no matter how small -- it was indexed in the general PRS files 118 Christopher was confused. 25 Instead it was a series of breakthroughs - from the battery to the electric motor - in the eighteen hundreds that led to the first electric vehicle on the road. 160 It is an easy document to understand when you remember that it was called into being 84 It will also require a lengthy series of clinical trials. 57 A laudable desire to invest executions with more and more solemnity and decorum gained ground as they became more rare. 119 have properly taken the initiative in reexamining major aspects of Presidential protection. 91 Classics Illustrated was the first to adapt "The Time Machine" into a comic book format, issuing an American edition in July nineteen fifty six. 144 he made no attempt to help her and there are other indications that he did not want her to learn that language. 111 While outside, two men are reading instructions on how to put a cooking grill together. 87 Finally, these agreements with Federal and local authorities will be of little value unless a system is established for the frequent formal review of activities thereunder. 172 The two mountains were used to symbolize the significance of the commandments and serve as a warning to whoever disobeyed them. 127 I thought it was my only chance. 32 It receded into the hole. 25 A ripe plum is fit for a king's palate. 39 stated that Mrs. Kennedy would probably have fallen off the rear end of the car and been killed if Hill had not pushed her back into the Presidential automobile. 161 The Tree of Life is a Terrence Malick film released in May twenty eleven, starring Brad Pitt, Sean Penn and Jessica Chastain. 125 using 5 Therefore, more experience is required to catch low angle waves. 64 who had fraudulent warrants out of their own to the extent of one hundred fifty thousand pounds, suspended payment and absconded. 129 and the idea will be strengthened by the following account of the Sunday service in the prison chapel on the occasion when the condemned sermon was preached. 157 I'm sorry, I'm unable to communicate with the bridge. 53 He was offensive with the people. And I can understand why, because that hurt him. 82 Sorry, there isn't enough free disk space to record audio. 58 Let what must be, happen. 25 At the former the "Provisional Government" was to be established, 65 sixty dollars on the second of the month. You and the baby can live for another two months using ten dollars per week. 118 three. Prisoners guilty of misdemeanors. four. Prisoners charged with misdemeanors. five. Debtors. 98 Actions by the Service since the assassination indicate its awareness of the necessity for substantial improvement in its administration. 137 The Dutchman was in time to see the breakthrough. 49 In addition, Secret Service agents riding in the motorcade were trained to scan buildings as part of their general observation of the crowd of spectators. 154 The crying boy ought to allow all the plowing to be done by Roy Amos. 69 The Boeing seven oh seven airliner was developed from the Boeing three sixty seven prototype. 93 Other conditions may apply. 27 In all vertebrates, and in none other, the axis of this skeleton is a jointed backbone (vertebral column) 105 The valet's strange demeanor had attracted attention from the first. 68 it was not surprising that the replica sack made on December one, nineteen sixty-three, 87 The pipe ran almost the length of the ditch. 44 Question: Did your husband give any reason for coming home on Thursday? 71 Get out of this! 16 No more curious instance of this ever occurred than the assault made by one Howard upon a Mr. Mullay, with intent to rob him. 125 No wine or beer should be in future admitted into or sold in the jail, 70 Fifteen people are injured and an infant is killed after a car hits a group of pedestrians near Copacabana Beach in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 139 the Attorney-General introduced a bill to abolish capital punishment entirely for forgery. 90 Answer: He tried to talk to me but I would not answer him, and he was very upset. Question: Were you upset with him? 116 On November thirty, nineteen sixty-three, the FBI requested the bullet for ballistics examination; 98 He said that healthy eating was high on the council agenda. 59 The night previous to that fixed for his execution he wrote several letters, one of them being to Edward Gibbon Wakefield, a fellow-prisoner, 141 The top candidate was Bill Taylor. 34 Developer Tools are way more important than you think. 54 The position of the page on the paper should be considered if the book is to have a satisfactory look. 102 and it was to him that Agar, Pierce, and the rest applied when seeking to dispose of their stolen bullion. 106 This activity likely led to the extinction of the Atlantic population of the once common gray whale. 100 The klutz grew bored of breaking clay bricks on the ground. 59 What joy there is in living. 28 Happy birthday Mina! 20 There were at the moment in Newgate six convicts sentenced to death for forging wills. 86 Historians, such as Carroll Quigley, contend that Western civilization was born around five hundred A.D. 104 or the sixpenny allowance was claimed for the creditors, which seldom happened, owing to the expense the process entailed. 122 This is almost universal among mammalian predators. 51 As a winner, Carlos gives his acceptance speech in front of the stage. 70 This, wrapped up in a silk handkerchief, 40 Construction workers wearing white hats and orange vests gathered together working on a project. 96 After further questioning 25 to which he was introduced by a well-known tailor in Saville Row. 65 There was still worse to come. Having explored the yards and adjacent day rooms, and sleeping cells, a door was unlocked, 121 The inspectors in the following year, on examining the facts, found that some of these poor creatures had been in confinement for long periods: 143 and knead for ten minutes, carefully at first, lest the liquids should be wasted, and more boldly when they are absorbed by the paste. 134 Ask a doctor before use if you have diabetes or heart disease. 62 who was standing on the south side of Elm Street between the Triple Underpass and the Depository Building. 106 According to Barnett, quote, there were people going in and out, end quote, during this period. 95 A round hole was drilled through the thin board. 48 Notified of Whaley's statement, the police brought him to the police station that afternoon. 92 Someone is standing on a long bridge with a cloudy blue sky in the background. 78 In Newgate Redpath is remembered by the prison officer as a difficult man to deal with. 87 They toured the U.S. together in nineteen eighteen to promote Liberty Bond sales for the World War One effort. 110 must have had a tendency to turn them into the world hardened and accomplished in the ways of vice and crime. End quote. 120 Lake County, one of the original nine counties formed in eighteen sixty one, was renamed Roop County. 101 is not consistent with the standards which the responsibilities of the Secret Service require it to meet. 105 At the sound of the second shot 31 movement, irritability (nervous activity) and reproduction. 59 Great personages occupied seats upon the bench; 47 from the southeast corner of the sixth floor down the stairway to the lunchroom. 80 This distance was maintained so that spectators would normally turn their gaze from the President's automobile by the time the Vice President came into view. 157 Geisel was raised a Lutheran. 29 Interstate Eighty, Lincoln, Nebraska. 37 Could be better 15 After the end of the fifteenth century the degradation of printing, especially in Germany and Italy, went on apace. 115 This proposal of mine will not infringe in the slightest upon the civil or religious liberties so dear to every American. 121 While thus incarcerated he managed to escape from custody, but not actually from jail, by an ingenious contrivance which is worth mentioning. 141 In two thousand three, the foreign ministry also hosted an exhibit called "Estonia: Nordic with a Twist". 105 that Lee's withdrawal was a form of, quote, violent but silent protest against his neglect by her 97 dressing the same, eating the same food as did their ancestors when Nebuchadnezzar built the walls of Babylon. 110 is found to be owing to want of cleanliness and fresh air in the several jails, 79 A yacht slid around the point into the bay. 43 Nobody said it would be easy. 29 The digital cryptocurrency Bitcoin loses a third of its value within twenty-four hours. 87 Fain determined that nothing further remained to be done at that time and recommended that the case be placed in a closed status. 129 Tomorrow is Laura's birthday. 29 but draw it back again, exclaiming presently, "I wish I had done it." 69 except the clergyman and the burglar, the former of whom is still rolled up at the bottom of the condemned pew, 111 with the mass extermination so typical of Stalin, and the individual suppression and regimentation under Khrushchev. 116 Sound as a bell. 16 although at Mr. Buxton's visit a new jail was in process of erection, the first step towards reform since Howard's visitation in seventeen seventy-four. 152 Contrary to common belief, children won't gain computer literacy, if you just hand them tablet computers and smartphones. 121 They stashed the loot in the pumpkin patch. 43 and the question was once more taken up in the House of Commons. In eighteen forty-nine Mr. Charles Pearson, M.P., 114 The Indian Space Research Organisation successfully launches India's one hundredth satellite and thirty other satellites. 121 Mr. Charles Kean the tragedian was also present, 48 Alabama defeats Georgia twenty-six to twenty-three, in overtime. It is the second national title for Alabama in three years. 124 The Department's Employment Policy Program, and who also represents the Secretary of the Treasury on various committees and groups. 131 The primary call is a clear whistle, uttered in flight and while hovering. 74 France's Constitutional Court rejects a bill to make visiting terrorist websites a criminal offence. 100 An article in the "Middle East Quarterly" in nineteen ninety nine reported that slavery is endemic in Sudan. 108 Later her mood changed to abject despair. 41 Liaison With Local Law Enforcement Agencies 43 Mrs. Randle said, when shown the paper bag, 43 by the inner gatesman, himself a convicted prisoner, and a "wardsman" or responsible head of a room. 100 Such structures or organs are most often found internally. 58 Rome was not built in a day. 28 and placed decently in a shell by the workmen who removed the gallows. 70 Very soon women began to scream with terror; 44 Farmers came in to thresh the oat crop. 39 These calls are illegal, and often the products are bogus. 58 and every day that passes offers more chances to work for those who want to work. 81 Major's premiership saw the ongoing war in Bosnia. 50 One adult and three children gathered on the floor looking at a picture on a digital camera. 92 that it was twelve:thirty p.m., the time they were due at the Trade Mart. 73 using a twenty-two caliber bolt-action rifle belonging either to Robert or Robert's in-laws. 92 In any event, Oswald was discharged on April six, nineteen sixty-three, ostensibly because of his inefficiency and difficult personality. 137 Tailoring and shoemaking was permitted, but it was deemed unsafe to allow a carpenter or blacksmith to have his tools. 118 visiting every corner of the pan, but not leaving thick layers and streaks of grease after it. 94 The more peaceably disposed found some occupation in making Newgate tokens, 75 Early tubes used the filament as the cathode. This is called a directly heated tube. 84 The sale of spirits was forbidden, but gin could always be had at the whistling shops, where it was known as Moonshine, Sky Blue, 129 while twenty-seven received less than six prisoners, and were in some instances absolutely tenantless. 102 Brennan saw a man in the window who closely resembled Lee Harvey Oswald, and that Brennan believes the man he saw was in fact 125 Do you like her? 16 we shall find but few which have not in one or other of these ways removed the grievance of which such just complaint is made. 126 but both sections originally reached the river. 47 The children learned how knit. 30 Some of the county jails, and one or two borough jails, had been rebuilt, 73 When arrested, he gave his weight as one hundred forty pounds. On other occasions he gave weights of both one hundred forty and one hundred fifty pounds. 153 The L.N. thirty four test has the potential to really change the playing field. 79 By-and-by the turnkeys, sobered by their loss, returned to Newgate alone, and pleaded in excuse that they had been drugged. 123 and as the window-frames would not shut tight, the prisoners complained much of the cold, especially at night. 110 So why would they want to drop the gold standard if not for the reasons they claim? 83 I've sent an email to your registered account with debugging information and instructions for contacting support. 113 He was out of sight while so employed, and remained so long absent that the warder, becoming uneasy, went in search of him. 123 Her testimony was fully supported by a photography expert who testified that in his opinion the pictures were not composites. 125 Scammers often pretend to be someone you trust, like a government official, a family member, a charity, or a company you do business with. 138 and the incentive of fair private profit, 41 at the point where the city of the same name stands, eight days' journey from Babylon. 86 but they came one and all to Newgate for trial at the Old Bailey, and remained there after conviction till they were hanged. 124 The missions Special Forces Soldiers undertake range from counterterrorism missions to unconventional warfare. 110 The jury is expected to return a verdict in the case today. 59 Four men with excited faces are jumping down from the top of stairs. 68 From the five hundred block of North Beckley, the walk would be a few minutes longer, 85 She looked so young. 20 but he would not take their advice, and developing his transactions, ended as we have seen. 91 People must remain vigilant. 28 Rich here, poor hereafter. 26 Some music theorists attempt to explain the techniques composers use by establishing rules and patterns. 104 Male musician playing an accordion wearing a leather jacket and hat on a boardwalk or pier. 91 Five individuals are standing on a lawn, talking and preparing to play their varied stringed instruments. 105 The young girl gave no clear response. 38 There are numerous advantages of using optical devices for computing. 69 The governor was also personally responsible for gross contravention of this rule of separation, 96 In the case of convicted murderers only was prompt punishment inflicted, 72 Such agreements should describe in detail the information which is sought, the manner in which it will be provided to the Secret Service. 137 The general conflict of views between the United States and Cuba was, of course, reflected in other media to such an extent 123 Wiring money through services like Western Union or MoneyGram is risky because it's nearly impossible to get your money back. 125 The Depository shipping department was on the first floor to which Oswald had access in the normal performance of his duties filling orders. 140 Whether Ikey was "assigned" to his own family is not recorded, but no doubt he succeeded to his own property when the term of servitude had expired. 148 A Schick shaver is best for removing facial hair. 49 He sets the nature of his Parliament in a simple, realistic context. 68 It may seem confused to some, but out of the multitude of detailed parts that go into the making of the structure 113 Three children in jackets looking at water 's edge looking at their reflections in a lake 89 You can even search for phone numbers to see if other people have reported them as scams. 89 but these twenty years have shown by experience definite possibilities for improvement. 87 Inflation can lead to increased uncertainty and other negative consequences. 76 How was the food there? 23 have given greater and greater breadth and firmness to Schwann's great generalization 85 to the chlorophyll bodies or chromatophores, for plants which, like fungi, etc., are devoid of chlorophyll, are unable thus to acquire energy. 142 This gave the city a population density of five hundred persons per acre. 73 The computational complexities of these methods are only proportional to the number of non-zero blocks. 103 you identify it and the crosshairs are in close relationship to the point you want to shoot at, 95 They tell you that you'll lose Medicare coverage if you don't pay a fee for a new card or give them your Social Security number and bank account or credit card number. 167 and at the time of the robbery there were still six thousand pounds worth in the warehouse. 91 Perpendicular recording has increased the data density of hard disks for sure. 78 It should be an enjoyable and challenging period of their lives. 64 I am increasingly aware of the presence, in all thing, of Lebizen, shop party secretary, fat, fortyish, and jovial on the outside. 130 It was to accommodate only the convicted prisoners sentenced to terms short of penal servitude, and after its completion 120 To walk out into the street was an easy affair, and he was now free, with one and fourpence in his pocket and a shirt and trousers for all his clothing. 152 Some stood up to seven stories high. 36 Is that correct? 16 The smell of burned rags itches my nose. 40 who handed a shilling to the escort warder to provide her with a hackney coach; but this functionary pocketed the cash, and obliged the woman to walk 149 This assistance avoided a repetition of the World War One demobilization, when unemployed Veterans were reduced to relying on charities for food and shelter. 157 It was not a standard type bag which could be obtained in a store and it was presumably made for a particular purpose. 118 I knew it was in the works, but had no idea that it was going to happen so fast. 80 and the partners had to decide between suspending payment or continuing to hold its head above water by flagitious processes. 125 and therefore you are bound to furnish him with moderate indeed but suitable accommodation." 92 clergymen, proctors, attorneys, and persons specially selected by the Corporation. 82 The American Motor Company produced electric delivery jeeps that the United States Postal Service used in a nineteen seventy five test program. 143 The evidence is thin: simply not there for some cases, more worrisome in others. 80 Despite the protests of these officials, the casket was wheeled out of the hospital, placed in an ambulance, and transported to the airport shortly after two p.m. 162 Neither elevator was there. 27 There were only two of them, and they could not visit each prison more than once in each year, sometimes not oftener than once in eighteen months. 146 In the mid-nineteenth century, sheep that were most likely of the Merino breed were brought to the island. 106 The hole must have been excavated and the quicklime purchased quite three weeks before O'Connor met his death, 110 t 1 In bold contrast to many of the somber classical revival buildings in Washington, the E.E.O.B.'s flamboyant style epitomizes the optimism and exuberance of the post-Civil War period. 182 programme 9 It resembles similar species found in Africa, Eurasia and North America, including the black-winged kite. 105 All of the organs are exposed in our exhibition hall. 53 He never reached the cistern, but fell back into the yard, injuring his legs severely. 86 place 5 Whether it's a hybrid, plug-in hybrid or all-electric, the demand for electric drive vehicles will continue to climb as prices drop and consumers look for ways to save money at the pump. 186 There's just one last bug I'd like to fix before I head home. 61 Although, as indicated above, the Commission has been unable to find any credible evidence 90 In comparing a higher animal and a green plant confusion must be avoided regarding the part played by oxygen and carbon dioxide in true respiration 147 In the Low Countries and Cologne, which were very fertile of printed books, Gothic was the favorite. 100 after they had been cashed by the bank. 39 built the moat-walls of Arachtu with mortar and bricks, and, joining them together with those of my father, made them very solid. 129 The Rice Rule is presented as a simple alternative. 51 This contrivance appears to have been copied with improvements from that which had been used in Dublin at a still earlier date, 127 One moment while I run the diagnostics script. 46 for not less a period than twenty-four years. 45 He likewise indicated he was disenchanted with Russia. 54 When he found that Darius did indeed value it highly, he considered further with himself how he might make the deed his own, and be the man to take Babylon. 156 Mark Twain drew quaint pictures of Colorado bluffs. 51 He delivered the second and third orations before the people, and the last one again before the Senate. 103 The agency announced the concepts Wednesday, following an extensive and competitive peer review process. 104 The team built the spacecraft using funding from the Earth Science Technology Office's In-Space Validation of Earth Science Technologies program. 145 The "function" is the solution of a problem and the "arguments" are the data in the problem. 92 The looms were constantly busy. Tailors were always at work, and every article of clothing and bedding was made up within the walls. 132 Oswald's commitment to Marxism contributed to the decisions which led him to defect to the Soviet Union in nineteen fifty-nine, and later 137 demonstrating once again his propensity to act dramatically and, in this instance violently, in furtherance of his beliefs. 123 Officials of the government toasted the fiscal sovereignty last night. 70 Ukrainian embroidery, weaving and lace-making are used in traditional folk dress and in traditional celebrations. 113 In this chapter the Commission evaluates the evidence upon which it has based its conclusion concerning the identity of the assassin. 133 Each gram of fat when burned or metabolized releases about nine food calories. 78 One was a lawyer. 17 John Pic, however, did not think her position was worse than that of many other people. 87 He also wrote and published a pamphlet from the jail to show that Miss Turner had been a consenting party to the marriage, and was really his wife. 147 The Birth Of The Electric Vehicle. 34 and less narrow interpretation of their responsibilities. 57 make 4 Yet another act passed in seventeen ninety-one, if properly observed, should have insured proper attention to them. 115 The lifting had been so complete in this case that there was no trace of the print on the rifle itself when it was examined by Latona. 134 Did you know that Mohammad was so good at tennis? 49 According to Wikipedia, the Eiffel Tower is nine hundred eighty-four feet tall. 79 I'm not sure what situations they'd be useful for. 50 The Middle Ages brought calligraphy to perfection. 50 Houston-based Constellation filed for bankruptcy in March, a little more than a year after the January twenty seventeen acquisition. 132 Volume muted. 13 The Killing of Patrolman J. D. Tippit 37 Oswald read a good deal, said Powers, but, quote, he would never be reading any of the shoot-em-up westerns or anything like that. 130 In these the commissioners found "additional proof of the evils of continuing the present constitution of the local tribunals. 126 The most affecting and distressing scene was at Green Arbor Lane, just opposite the debtors' door of the prison. 112 Using the assassination rifle mounted with the telescopic sight, three marksmen, rated as master by the National Rifle Association, 131 The girl is wearing a brown coat and helmet as she rides her bike. 66 Drain on paper towels. Crumble into small pieces. 49 Kim condemned China's Cultural Revolution as "unbelievable idiocy". 67 Teenagers are partying on a boat while a blond teenager is kicking a man. 73 Jackson was glad that he'd wore Kevlar that morning. 52 I just worked the tills for a couple of months then got too bored and left. 75 Brennan stated, quote, I could at that time -- I could, with all sincerity, identify him as being the same man, end quote. 122 Capital town. 13 One very important matter in "setting up" for fine printing is the "spacing," that is, the lateral distance of words from one another. 134 Venus In situ Composition Investigations 40 It was recommended that the dietaries should be submitted and approved like the rules; that convicted prisoners should not receive any food but the jail allowance; 163 Castalia was a nymph whom Apollo loved. 39 After his death Musil's work was almost forgotten. 50 I didn't find the blow-dryer, so I just used the vacuum-cleaner. 64 He soon, however, became deeply involved in Stock Exchange speculations, 72 These wards were always full to overflowing; sometimes double the number the rooms could accommodate were crowded into them. 124 The scandal involved Montesinos, who was shown in a video broadcast on T.V. bribing a politician to change sides. 113 We have to look at everything before we make any final decision. 64 Protect yourself and your family from germs spread through the water we swim in and share. 90 Mother fixed the thatch roof before the thunder and hail struck. 64 The payment of reparations was also reorganized. 48 The finding that Lee Harvey Oswald attempted to murder a public figure in April nineteen sixty-three 100 were a low lot, the lowest among criminals except, perhaps, the 'smashers,' or those who passed the counterfeit money. 118 Here were also lodged the gatesmen, the prisoners who had charge of the inner gates, and who were entrusted with the duty of escorting visitors from the gates 158 Even if an amendment were passed, and even if in the years to come it were to be ratified, 90 The Roman type of all these printers is similar in character. 61 Nice, genial, jolly. 20 Many, like Wainwright, were calm and imperturbable throughout their trying ordeal. 82 When expressing power quantities, the number of decibels is ten times the logarithm to base ten of the ratio of two power quantities. 133 Detailed formal agreements embodying these arrangements should be worked out between the Secret Service and both of these agencies. 131 it didn't do his case any good, end quote. 42 Sometimes the condemned man made a hard fight for life. 55 It was how I managed to get us invites to poke around. 54 It was now near midnight. 25 message 7 It would be useless. 20 Bousfield slowly drew himself up, and rested with his feet on the right side of the drop. 89 His shirt was clean but one button was gone. 44 If you can run a computer, you can talk to the world. 53 The process of encrypting the hash value of a message is called digital signature. 82 Frazier could easily have been mistaken when he stated that Oswald held the bottom of the bag cupped in his hand with the upper end tucked into his armpit. 155 The area is host to over four million visitors a year. 54 There is evidence for one to three distinct pulses, or phases, of extinction. 77 Mostly cloudy, then gradually becoming mostly clear, with a low of minus eight degrees. 87 Wakefield, in reply to her inquiries, satisfied her that her mother was well, and that the real reason for summoning her from school 132 its 3 the method by which they were worked, and the dietaries of the prisoners employed upon them. 92 Yeah, I'll look in to it. 25 When in doubt, call one eight hundred Medicare, before you give anyone your money or information. 97 These figures are truly awful. 30 Secretary of State Rex Tillerson says that the U.S. and Poland oppose the Nord Stream pipeline. 95 Nabopolassar, the father, my begetter, built Imgur-Bel, the great wall of Babylon, 82 Electronegativity cannot be directly measured and must be calculated from other atomic or molecular properties. 111 And this is true. 17 he attempted for the first time to learn something about his family background when he went to New Orleans in April of nineteen sixty-three. 140 U.S. citizens who travel abroad should always have a contingency plan for emergency situations. 95 Special Forces Soldiers may also be deployed to foreign regions to take part in humanitarian efforts. 101 I myself heard more than one of those whose lives were spared by that decision of the council, 94 Be particularly suspicious of sales pitches that play down risk or portray written risk disclosures as routine formalities required by the government. 150 but only to be taken soon afterwards for a fresh offense, and again pass through Newgate with sentences of penal servitude. 123 When in Belgium he had examined with great satisfaction the admirable management of the great "Maison de Force" at Ghent, 121 Mr. Justice Bayley, in summing up, 34 On a technical level, they were not afraid to play good football. 65 says, "The scaffold on which these miserable people suffered is a temporary machine which was drawn out of the yard of the sessions house by horses; 148 Not very Quick. 15 Kenneth O'Donnell made the final decision to hold the luncheon at the Trade Mart; Behn so notified Lawson on November fourteen. 127 On the latest podcast, we talk about how her leadership and STEM activities are inspiring a new generation of explorers to reach for the stars. 143 Her body was found about four miles from the car. 49 I applaud the Laguna Department Of Education's commitment to providing a first class education to its students​ and for developing a successful plan​. 150