function obsstruct = plot_obs_netcdf_diffs(fname, ObsTypeString, region, ... CopyString1, CopyString2, QCString, maxQC, verbose, twoup) %% plot_obs_netcdf_diffs will plot the difference between any two 'copies' of an observation-style netcdf file. % % bob = plot_obs_netcdf_diffs(fname, ObsTypeString, region, CopyString1, CopyString2, ... % QCString, maxQC, verbose, twoup); % % fname the name of the netCDF file (from obs_seq_to_netcdf) % % ObsTypeString the variable of interest (from ObsTypesMetaData variable) % % region region of interest [lonmin lonmax latmin latmax zmin zmax] % % CopyString1 the difference is taken 'CopyString2 - CopyString1' % CopyString2 % % QCString There are multiple QC copies % maxQC The highest QC value of interest. Anything more than this % will not be differenced. The locations will be plotted on % a separate axis. % verbose logical flag ... if 'true', a table listing the possible % observation types and observation counts is displayed. % % twoup logical flag indicating that both the plot of the rejected % observations and the plot of the differences is % created on the same figure window. % % The 'copies' are recorded in the netCDF 'CopyMetaData' variable - % the observation types are recorded in the 'ObsTypesMetaData' variable, % and the QC strings of interest are recorded in QCMetaData - so % ncdump -v CopyMetaData,ObsTypesMetaData,QCMetaData % is a useful endeavor. % %-------------------------------------------------- % EXAMPLE : plot the difference between the ensemble mean of the prior % and the actual observation value - while rejecting any obs that had % a DART QC greater than 3 ( prior forward operator failed ... or worse) %-------------------------------------------------- % fname = ''; % ObsTypeString = 'RADIOSONDE_U_WIND_COMPONENT'; % region = [0 360 -90 90 -Inf Inf]; % CopyString1 = 'NCEP BUFR observation'; % CopyString2 = 'prior ensemble mean'; % QCString = 'DART quality control'; % maxQC = 1; % max QC to consider when taking differences. % verbose = 1; % anything > 0 == 'true' % twoup = 1; % anything > 0 == 'true' % % bob = plot_obs_netcdf_diffs(fname, ObsTypeString, region, CopyString1, CopyString2, ... % QCString, maxQC, verbose, twoup); %% DART software - Copyright UCAR. This open source software is provided % by UCAR, "as is", without charge, subject to all terms of use at % % % DART $Id$ if (exist(fname,'file') ~= 2) error('%s does not exist.',fname) end if ( twoup > 0 ) clf; orient tall positions = [0.1, 0.55, 0.8, 0.35 ; ... 0.1, 0.10, 0.8, 0.35 ; ... 0.1, 0.02, 0.8, 0.08]; else clf; orient landscape positions = [0.1, 0.20, 0.8, 0.65 ; ... 0.1, 0.20, 0.8, 0.65 ; ... 0.1, 0.05, 0.8, 0.10]; end %% Read the observation sequence obsstruct = read_obs_netcdf(fname, ObsTypeString, region, ... CopyString1, QCString, verbose); obsstruct2 = read_obs_netcdf(fname, ObsTypeString, region, ... CopyString2, QCString, verbose); xdat = obsstruct2.obs - obsstruct.obs; obsstruct.obs = xdat; clear obsstruct2 xdat % subset based on qc value if ( (~ isempty(obsstruct.qc)) && (~ isempty(maxQC)) ) inds = find(obsstruct.qc > maxQC); obsstruct.numflagged = length(inds); fprintf('%d obs have a %s value greater than %f (i.e. "bad")\n', ... obsstruct.numflagged, QCString, maxQC) if (~isempty(inds)) flaggedobs.lons = obsstruct.lons(inds); flaggedobs.lats = obsstruct.lats(inds); flaggedobs.Ztyp = obsstruct.Ztyp(inds); flaggedobs.z = obsstruct.z( inds); flaggedobs.obs = obsstruct.obs( inds); flaggedobs.qc = obsstruct.qc( inds); end inds = find(obsstruct.qc <= maxQC); obsstruct.numgood = length(inds); fprintf('%d obs have a %s value less than or equal to %f (i.e. "good")\n', ... obsstruct.numgood, QCString, maxQC) bob = obsstruct.lons(inds); obsstruct.lons = bob; bob = obsstruct.lats(inds); obsstruct.lats = bob; bob = obsstruct.Ztyp(inds); obsstruct.Ztyp = bob; bob = obsstruct.z( inds); obsstruct.z = bob; bob = obsstruct.obs( inds); obsstruct.obs = bob; bob = obsstruct.qc( inds); obsstruct.qc = bob; end %% Separate out all the NaN values % If there are NaN's that make it through to the plotting phase, % the entire plot gets wiped out when the continents get plotted. % The locations with NaN values will be plotted with separate symbols. numobs = length(obsstruct.obs); ngood = sum(isfinite(obsstruct.obs)); if numobs == ngood nanobs.numflagged = 0; nanobs.string = 'No "good" observations with "NaN" values.'; else % Creating a structure with the unplottable values. inds = find(isfinite(obsstruct.obs) == 0); nanobs.numflagged = length(inds); nanobs.string = sprintf('%d obs have unplottable values.\n', nanobs.numflagged); if (~isempty(inds)) nanobs.lons = obsstruct.lons(inds); nanobs.lats = obsstruct.lats(inds); nanobs.Ztyp = obsstruct.Ztyp(inds); nanobs.z = obsstruct.z( inds); nanobs.obs = 1; nanobs.qc = obsstruct.qc( inds); end % Removing the unplottable values from the plottable ones. fprintf('%d obs have unplottable values.\n', nanobs.numflagged) inds = isfinite(obsstruct.obs); bob = obsstruct.lons(inds); obsstruct.lons = bob; bob = obsstruct.lats(inds); obsstruct.lats = bob; bob = obsstruct.Ztyp(inds); obsstruct.Ztyp = bob; bob = obsstruct.z( inds); obsstruct.z = bob; bob = obsstruct.obs( inds); obsstruct.obs = bob; bob = obsstruct.qc( inds); obsstruct.qc = bob; end %% Create graphic with area-weighted symbols for the good observations. % It has happened that there have been zero good observations in a file. xmin = min(region(1:2)); xmax = max(region(1:2)); ymin = min(region(3:4)); ymax = max(region(3:4)); zmin = min(obsstruct.z); zmax = max(obsstruct.z); pstruct.colorbarstring = sprintf('%s - %s',CopyString2,CopyString1); pstruct.region = region; pstruct.str1 = sprintf('%s',obsstruct.ObsTypeString); pstruct.str3 = sprintf('%s - %s',obsstruct.timestring(1,:),obsstruct.timestring(2,:)); subplot('position',positions(1,:)) if ( length(obsstruct.obs) < 1 ) fprintf('There are no ''good'' observations to plot.\n') % may still want to plot the obs with bad qc values. str1 = sprintf('There are no ''good'' observations to plot.\n'); text(0.5,0.67,str1,'HorizontalAlignment','center') text(0.5,0.33,nanobs.string,'HorizontalAlignment','center') title( {pstruct.str1, pstruct.colorbarstring, pstruct.str3}, 'Interpreter','none','FontSize',14); else pstruct.Ztype = obsstruct.Ztyp(1); % choose a symbol size based on the number of obs to plot. if (length(obsstruct.obs) < 1000) pstruct.scalearray = scaleme(obsstruct.obs, 30); else pstruct.scalearray = 30.0 * ones(size(obsstruct.obs)); end pstruct.clim = [min(obsstruct.obs)-0.5 max(obsstruct.obs)+0.5]; pstruct.str2 = sprintf('%s (%d locations)',obsstruct.CopyString,length(obsstruct.obs)); % If all the observations live on the same level ... make a 2D plot. if ( zmin == zmax ) pstruct.axis = [xmin xmax ymin ymax zmin-0.5 zmax+0.5]; plot_2D(obsstruct, pstruct); else pstruct.axis = [xmin xmax ymin ymax zmin zmax]; pstruct.str1 = sprintf('%s level (%.2f - %.2f)',obsstruct.ObsTypeString,zmin,zmax); plot_3D(obsstruct, pstruct); end % If there are unplottable values ... report that. if nanobs.numflagged > 0 subplot('position',positions(3,:)) axis off text(0.5,0.5,nanobs.string,'HorizontalAlignment','center') end end %% Create graphic of spatial distribution of 'flagged' observations & their QC value. % % 0 observation assimilated % 1 observation evaluated only % --- everything above this means the prior and posterior are OK % 2 assimilated, but the posterior forward operator failed % 3 Evaluated only, but the posterior forward operator failed % --- everything above this means only the prior is OK % 4 prior forward operator failed % 5 not used % 6 prior QC rejected % 7 outlier rejected dartqc_strings = { ... '''observation evaluated only''', ... '''assimilated, but the posterior forward operator failed''', ... '''evaluated only, but the posterior forward operator failed''',... '''prior forward operator failed''',... '''not used''',... '''prior QC rejected''',... '''outlier rejected''',... '''vertical conversion failed''', ... '''reserved for future use'''}; if (obsstruct.numflagged > 0 ) % if there are flagged observation to plot ... carry on. pstruct.Ztype = flaggedobs.Ztyp(1); if (twoup <= 0) figure; clf end subplot('position',positions(2,:)) zmin = min(flaggedobs.z); zmax = max(flaggedobs.z); prej = 100.0 * length(flaggedobs.obs) / ... (length(flaggedobs.obs) + length(obsstruct.obs)); % choose a symbol size based on the number of obs to plot. if (length(flaggedobs.obs) < 1000) pstruct.scalearray = scaleme(flaggedobs.obs, 30); else pstruct.scalearray = 30.0 * ones(size(flaggedobs.obs)); end pstruct.colorbarstring = QCString; pstruct.clim = [min(flaggedobs.qc)-1.0 max(flaggedobs.qc)+1.0]; pstruct.str1 = sprintf('%s level (%.2f - %.2f)',obsstruct.ObsTypeString,zmin,zmax); pstruct.str2 = sprintf('%s (%d ''good'', %d ''flagged'' -- %.2f %%)', obsstruct.CopyString, ... length(obsstruct.obs), length(flaggedobs.obs), prej); flaggedobs.obs = flaggedobs.qc; % plot QC values, not obs values if ( zmin ~= zmax ) pstruct.axis = [xmin xmax ymin ymax zmin zmax]; plot_3D(flaggedobs, pstruct); else pstruct.axis = [xmin xmax ymin ymax zmin-0.5 zmin+0.5]; plot_2D(flaggedobs, pstruct); end subplot('position',positions(3,:)) axis off %% If the QC is a DART QC, we know how to interpret them. switch lower(strtrim(QCString)) case 'dart quality control', qcvals = unique(flaggedobs.qc); qccount = zeros(size(qcvals)); s = cell(length(qcvals)); for i = 1:length(qcvals) qccount(i) = sum(flaggedobs.qc == qcvals(i)); s{i} = sprintf('%d obs with qc == %d %s',qccount(i),qcvals(i), ... dartqc_strings{qcvals(i)}); end dy = 0.8*1.0/length(s); for i = 1:length(s) text(0.0, (i-1)*dy ,s{i}) end otherwise, str = sprintf('no way to interpret values of %s',strtrim(QCString)); text(0.0, 0.0, str) end end function s = scaleme(x,minsize) % scaleme returns a uniformly scaled array the same size as the input % array where the maximum is 10 times the minimum maxsize = 10*minsize; minx = min(x); maxx = max(x); slope = (maxsize-minsize)/(maxx-minx); b = minsize - slope*minx; s = x*slope + b; function h1 = plot_3D(obsstruct, pstruct) scatter3(obsstruct.lons, obsstruct.lats, obsstruct.z, ... pstruct.scalearray, obsstruct.obs, 'd', 'filled'); h1 = gca; axis(pstruct.axis) title( {pstruct.str1, pstruct.str3, pstruct.colorbarstring}, 'Interpreter','none','FontSize',14); xlabel('longitude') ylabel('latitude') if (obsstruct.Ztyp(1) == -2) % VERTISUNDEF = -2 zlabel('unspecified') elseif (obsstruct.Ztyp(1) == -1) % VERTISSURFACE = -1 zlabel('surface') elseif (obsstruct.Ztyp(1) == 1) % VERTISLEVEL = 1 zlabel('level') elseif (obsstruct.Ztyp(1) == 2) % VERTISPRESSURE = 2 set(gca,'ZDir','reverse') zlabel('pressure') elseif (obsstruct.Ztyp(1) == 3) % VERTISHEIGHT = 3 zlabel('height') end FlatEarth(pstruct); hb = colorbar; set(get(hb,'YLabel'),'String',pstruct.colorbarstring,'Interpreter','none') function h1 = plot_2D(obsstruct, pstruct) if (isfield(obsstruct,'z')) scatter3(obsstruct.lons, obsstruct.lats, obsstruct.z, ... pstruct.scalearray, obsstruct.obs, 'd', 'filled'); else scatter3(obsstruct.lons, obsstruct.lats, zeros(size(obsstruct.lons)), ... pstruct.scalearray, obsstruct.obs, 'd', 'filled'); end h1 = gca; axis(pstruct.axis); title( {pstruct.str1, pstruct.str3, pstruct.str2}, 'Interpreter','none','FontSize',14); xlabel('longitude') ylabel('latitude') FlatEarth(pstruct); hb = colorbar; set(get(hb,'YLabel'),'String',pstruct.colorbarstring,'Interpreter','none') view(0,90) % % $URL$ % $Revision$ % $Date$