function data = plot_wind_vectors( fname, platform, CopyString, QCString, varargin ) %% plot_wind_vectors creates maps with wind vector images overlain. % % The required arguments are: % fname ... the output netCDF file from obs_seq_to_netcdf % platform ... a string to represent the observation platform. % usually 'RADIOSONDE', 'SAT', 'METAR', ... get hints from: % ncdump -v ObsTypesMetaData | grep _U_ % CopyString ... which observation copy is of interest? % ncdump -v CopyMetaData % QCString ... which QC copy is of interest? % ncdump -v QCMetaData % % The optional arguments are: % region ... specifies that horizontal & vertical area of interest. If not present, % all available observations are used. % scalefactor ... provides control over the plotted size of the % wind vectors. A smaller number results in a % bigger wind vector. If not present, a value of 10.0 is % used. % % EXAMPLE 1: % fname = ''; % platform = 'SAT'; % usually 'RADIOSONDE', 'SAT', 'METAR', ... % CopyString = 'NCEP BUFR observation'; % QCString = 'DART quality control'; % region = [0 360 0 90 1020 500]; % % scalefactor = 5; % reference arrow magnitude % % obs = plot_wind_vectors(fname, platform, CopyString, QCString, ... % 'region', region, 'scalefactor', scalefactor); % % % EXAMPLE 2 (CONUS domain): % % region = [210 310 12 65 -Inf Inf]; % obs = plot_wind_vectors('', 'SAT', ... % 'NCEP BUFR observation', 'DART quality control','region',region); %% DART software - Copyright UCAR. This open source software is provided % by UCAR, "as is", without charge, subject to all terms of use at % % % DART $Id$ % Set sensible defaults region = [0 360 -90 90 -Inf Inf]; scalefactor = 10; % Harvest input if nargin ~= 4 [region, scalefactor] = parseinput(varargin{:}); end %% Start the ball rolling if (exist(fname,'file') ~= 2) error('%s does not exist',fname) end data.filename = fname; data.platform = platform; data.copystring = CopyString; data.qcstring = QCString; data.region = region; data.scalefactor = scalefactor; %% Read the observation sequence [UtypeString, VtypeString] = FindObsType( fname, platform ); verbose = 0; Uobs = read_obs_netcdf(fname, UtypeString, region, CopyString, QCString, verbose); Vobs = read_obs_netcdf(fname, VtypeString, region, CopyString, QCString, verbose); if (length(Uobs.obs) ~= length(Vobs.obs)) error('Houston, we have a problem.') end lonmismatch = Uobs.lons ~= Vobs.lons; latmismatch = Uobs.lats ~= Vobs.lats; zmismatch = Uobs.z ~= Vobs.z; if ( sum(lonmismatch) ~= 0), warning('DART:UVcollocaton','There are %d mismatched (in longitude) observations',sum(lonmismatch)) end if ( sum(latmismatch) ~= 0), warning('DART:UVcollocaton','There are %d mismatched (in latitude) observations',sum(latmismatch)) end if ( sum(zmismatch) ~= 0), warning('DART:UVcollocaton','There are %d mismatched (in vertical) observations',sum(zmismatch)) end if (sum(lonmismatch) == length(lonmismatch)) clf; axis([0 1 0 1]); axis image h = text(0.5,0.5,sprintf('%s has no %s data',data.filename,data.platform)); set(h,'Interpreter','none') return end %% must only use the observations that are co-located to % set up the plotting structure. inds = ((Uobs.lons == Vobs.lons) & ... (Uobs.lats == Vobs.lats) & ... (Uobs.z == Vobs.z)); data.time = Uobs.time(inds); data.lon = Uobs.lons(inds); = Uobs.lats(inds); data.z = Uobs.z(inds); data.Uqc = Uobs.qc(inds); data.Vqc = Vobs.qc(inds); data.U = Uobs.obs(inds); data.V = Vobs.obs(inds); data.level1 = min(Uobs.z); data.levelN = max(Uobs.z); data.levstring = sprintf('%.2f to %.2f',data.level1,data.levelN); %% Start the Plotting clf; axish = gca; axlims = DrawBackground( data ); set(axish,'Layer','top') if ( isfinite(strfind(lower(QCString),'dart')) ) % We know how to interpret QC codes goodUV = find( (data.Uqc < 2) & (data.Vqc < 2)); baadUV = find( (data.Uqc > 1) & (data.Vqc > 1)); goodU = find( (data.Uqc < 2) & (data.Vqc > 1)); goodV = find( (data.Uqc > 1) & (data.Vqc < 2)); else % We do not know how to interpret QC codes, so they % are all 'good' baadUV = []; goodU = []; goodV = []; end legh = []; legstr = {}; if ~ isempty(goodUV) hgood = obs2plot(data, goodUV, [0 0 0] ); legh = [legh; hgood]; legstr{length(legstr)+1} = sprintf('%d ''good''',length(goodUV)); end if ~ isempty(baadUV) hbaadUV = obs2plot(data, baadUV, [1 0 0] ); legh = [legh; hbaadUV]; legstr{length(legstr)+1} = sprintf('%d ''badU badV''',length(baadUV)); end if ~ isempty(goodU) hgoodU = obs2plot(data, goodU, [0 1 0] ); legh = [legh; hgoodU]; legstr{length(legstr)+1} = sprintf('%d ''goodU badV''',length(goodU)); end if ~ isempty(goodV) hgoodV = obs2plot(data, goodV, [0 0 1] ); legh = [legh; hgoodV]; legstr{length(legstr)+1} = sprintf('%d ''badU goodV''',length(goodV)); end t1 = datestr(min(data.time),'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS'); t2 = datestr(max(data.time),'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS'); h = title({sprintf('%s %s %s',t1,platform,t2), ... sprintf('levels %s ',data.levstring)}); set(h,'FontSize',18) h = xlabel(data.filename); set(h,'Interpreter','none'); legend(legh,legstr,'Location','Best','FontSize',18) hold off; function axlims = DrawBackground( obs ) %====================================================================== if isempty(obs.region) % Figure out bounds of the data axlims = [ min(obs.lon) max(obs.lon) min( max( ] ; else axlims = obs.region(1:4); end % It is nice to have a little padding around the perimeter dx = 0.05 * (axlims(2) - axlims(1)); dy = 0.05 * (axlims(4) - axlims(3)); axlims(1:4) = axlims(1:4) + [-dx dx -dy dy]; axis(axlims) % It is nice to know where the land is worldmap('light'); hold on; % Plot a wind vector pair of known length for reference tx = axlims(1)+dx; ty = axlims(4)-dy; U = 10/obs.scalefactor; V = 0/obs.scalefactor; h = quiver(tx, ty, U, V, 0.0 ,'LineWidth',4.0,'Color','k'); set(h,'LineWidth',3.0) U = 0/obs.scalefactor; V = 10/obs.scalefactor; h = quiver(tx, ty, U, V, 0.0 ,'LineWidth',4.0,'Color','k'); set(h,'LineWidth',3.0) h = text(tx, ty-0.1*dy,'10 m/s','VerticalAlignment','top'); function h1 = obs2plot(obs, mask, colspec ) %====================================================================== % Actually plots the wind vectors. to defeat Matlab's automatic % scaling, we use a scalefactor of 0.0 and manually scale the % data from the user input (or default). lon = obs.lon(mask); lat =; U = obs.U(mask)/obs.scalefactor; V = obs.V(mask)/obs.scalefactor; h1 = quiver(lon, lat, U, V, 0.0); h2 = plot(lon, lat, '.','MarkerSize',4); set(h1,'Color',colspec) set(h2,'Color',colspec) function [ustring, vstring] = FindObsType( ncname, platform ) %====================================================================== % Makes no attempt to find/replace/identify MISSING values % % data.filename incoming filename with the data % data.ncname incoming filename with the metadata % data.platform the observation platform of interest % data.region the region of interest [xmin xmax ymin ymax] % data.scalefactor the reference wind vector magnitude % data.platforms the observation platforms in the incoming file % data.timeunits the units string e.g. 'days since yyyy-mm-dd' % data.timeorigin ObsTypeStrings = ncread(ncname,'ObsTypesMetaData')'; % Find the types of data in the obs_sequence file for this epoch. % Turns out all the winds are either xxxx_U_WIND_COMPONENT or xxxx_U_10_METER_WIND % so either way, they start out xxxx_U_ utarget = sprintf('%s_U_',strtrim(platform)); vtarget = sprintf('%s_V_',strtrim(platform)); n = length(utarget); ustring = []; vstring = []; for i = 1:size(ObsTypeStrings,1) utf = strncmpi(ObsTypeStrings(i,:),utarget,n); vtf = strncmpi(ObsTypeStrings(i,:),vtarget,n); if ( utf ) ustring = deblank(ObsTypeStrings(i,:)); uindex = i; end if ( vtf ) vstring = deblank(ObsTypeStrings(i,:)); vindex = i; end end if ( isempty(ustring) || isempty(vstring) ) error('no %s winds in %s',platform,ncname) end % echo a little informational statement about the number of obs obs_type = ncread(ncname,'obs_type'); numU = sum(obs_type == uindex); numV = sum(obs_type == vindex); fprintf('%8d %s observations in %s\n', numU, ustring, ncname) fprintf('%8d %s observations in %s\n', numV, vstring, ncname) if (numU ~= numV) error('Different number of U,V observations. Dying ...') end function [region, scalefactor] = parseinput(varargin) %====================================================================== % try to parse the input pairs ... which must be pairs if (mod(length(varargin),2) ~= 0) error('Wrong number (%d) of optional arguments. Must be parameter/value pairs: ''region'',[0 360 -90 90 1020 500]',length(varargin)) end npairs = length(varargin)/2; region = []; scalefactor = 10.0; for i = 1:2:length(varargin) switch lower(varargin{i}) case 'levels' levels = varargin{i+1}; case 'region' region = varargin{i+1}; case 'scalefactor' scalefactor = varargin{i+1}; otherwise error('Unknown parameter %s',varargin{i}) end end if (length(region) < 4) region = [0 360 -90 90 -Inf Inf]; elseif (length(region) == 4) region = [region -Inf Inf]; elseif (length(region) ~= 6) warning('DART:region input','region must be length 4 or 6') error('Unable to interpret region - %s',num2str(region)) end % % $URL$ % $Revision$ % $Date$